Year 1 Transition

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Transition Programme

(Year 1)

Day / Date Time Activities Sub-Activities Notes Teaching Aids Teacher in-charge

Tuesday 30 Ice Breaking 4 balls

2nd January minutes I am Me 1. Introduce ones name *the students
2017 through a game (throw ball can be divided into two
randomly) groups
2. The person captures the ball according to their class.
need to say out loud his/her
3. The pupils need to colour the I am Me worksheet
alphabets according to their
name . colour pencils



Draw Yourself worksheet

Draw Yourself. 4. The pupils need to draw colour pencils

him/her self on the Yourself
worksheet pencils


30 Greeting Meet and Greet Sing a good morning song. -Video

Go around the school and greet
everyone you meet.

Wednesday 60 School My School Name places in the school.

3rd January minutes familiarisation
2017 School tour
School School Scavenger
Scavenger The students is given 10 minutes Our school worksheet.
to find the places and get stamp
from the person in-charge ( 14 pupils of Year 5 to
( the students works in group -stamps will be provided.
but get the worksheet

Thursday 60 Alphabets ABC video The pupils watch the ABC video ABC Video
4th January minutes and sing together.

puzzle Alphabet Puzzle -Alphabet paper plate
-Give one piece of paper plate to (provided)
each child at random.
-Students have to go around the
class looking for the correct match
of the alphabet puzzle he/she is
-Cut up each alphabet into two,
jumble it up and put it in the poison
box. Play the game.

Poison box Poison box

(name / guess -The students will sit in a circle,
the alphabet with the music on, pass the box to
based on the the person on the left or right, and
incomplete it goes on that way until the music
shapes you get. stops.
quiz (what
letters comes - the student holding the items
before and after when the music has instantly stop
the letter C?etc) has to pick random incomplete
alphabet in the box, guess it, and
then the person is outt of the

-The music restarts and this goes

on until the last person,the winner ,

Friday 60 Phonics Video -The students watch video and -Phonics video (S,A,T,P)
5th January minutes S,A,T,P sing together - Picture Flash Cards
Matching - the teacher shows the picture *or using PP
games flash cards, pronounces the words
and repeated by students.

Matching Games -Pictures and initial sounds

- The students divided into
small groups.
- The students match the
picture and the correct initial

Exercise The students complete the - Transition Module

exercise S,A,T,P, in
Transition module ( Listen and
Write ) & (Read and Colour)


Day / Date Time Activities Sub-Activities Notes Teaching Aids Teacher -in charge

Monday Phonics Video -The students watch video and -Phonics video (I,M,N,D)
8th January 60 I,M,N,D sing together. - Picture Flash Cards
2017 minutes - the teacher shows the picture *using pp
flash cards, pronounces the
words and repeated by

Poison Box Poison box

-The students will sit in a circle, -Poison Box
with the music on, pass the box - picture cards
to the person on the left or
right, and it goes on that way
until the music stops.

- the student holding the items

when the music has instantly
stop has to pick random
pictures, pronounce it , and
then the person is out of the

-The music restarts and this

goes on until the last
person,the winner , remains.

The students complete the

exercise I,M,N,D in
Exercise Transition module (Listen and Transition Module
Colour ) & (Paste and Write )

Tuesday 60 Phonics Video -The students watch video and -Phonics video (G,O,C,K)
minutes G,O,C,K sing together. - Picture Flash Cards
-- the teacher shows the *using PP
picture flash cards, pronounces
the words and repeated by

Telephone Telephone Game -list of words

Game - Players must sit in a
straight line. They need to -goat
be close enough that -orange
whispering is possible, but -cat
not so close that players -frog
can hear each other -key
whisper. -good
- Begin the Game. The first -girl
person in the line -kite
whispers a word into the -car
ear of the person sitting or -box
standing to their right. -cap
- The Game Continues. -kid
Players whisper the
phrase to their neighbours
until it reaches the last
player in line.
- The Conclusion. The last
player says the word or
phrase out loud so
everyone can hear how
much it has changed from
the first whisper at the
beginning of the circle or

The students complete the Transition Module

Exercise exercise G,O,C,K in
Transition module.

Wednesday 60 Phonics Video -The students watch video and Video

minutes CK,E,U,R sing together. Picture flash cards
-- the teacher shows the
picture flash cards, pronounces
the words and repeated by

Exercise The students complete the Transition module

exercise CK, E,U,R in
Transition module.

Thursday 60 Phonics Video -The students watch video and -Phonics video (H, B, F,L,SS)
minutes H,B,F,L,SS sing together. - Picture Flash Cards
-- the teacher shows the *using PP
picture flash cards, pronounces
the words and repeated by

Telephone game Telephone Game

- Players must sit in a -list of words
straight line. They need to
be close enough that -bag
whispering is possible, but -frog
not so close that players -bug
can hear each other -bell
whisper. -pencil
- Begin the Game. The first -ball
person in the line -house
whispers a word into the -dress
ear of the person sitting or
standing to their right.
- The Game Continues.
Players whisper the
phrase to their neighbours
until it reaches the last
player in line.
- The Conclusion. The last
player says the word or
phrase out loud so
everyone can hear how
much it has changed from
the first whisper at the
beginning of the circle or

The students complete the Transition Module

exercise H,B,F,L,SS in
Transition module.

Friday 60 Phonics Video -The students watch video and flash cards
minutes J,V,W,X sing together. video
-- the teacher shows the
picture flash cards, pronounces
the words and repeated by

Exercise The students complete the Transition module

exercise J,V,W,X in
Transition module.
2nd January 2017 (Tuesday)
Draw Yourself
2nd January 2017 (Tuesday)
I am me
3rd January 2017 (Wednesday)
School Scavenger

OUR SCHOOL! Lets find these places! And get a stamp from the person in charge.

Hall ( ) Playground ( )
Classroom ( ) Toilet ( ) Office ( )

Surau ( ) Swimming Canteen ( ) Computer lab ( ) Field ( )

pool ( )

Assembly area ( ) Book shop( )

Library ( ) Teachers room ( ) Guard house ( )

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