Project Final

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We Five students of Mechanical Engineering of 3rd year 5th semester in Chandigarh

University are preparing a project HYDRAULIC ARM. We whole heartedly express
our sincere gratitude to our project incharge Mr. Vishal Dhiwan who guided us for the
completion of the project. We are also thankful to all our teachers helped us by
explaining on critical aspect of topics related to the project. We are also grateful to the
assistances of Workshop for permitting us to have some help from them. We would like
thank all of the faculty member of all other respective departments for their intimate
cooperation throughout the period of project completion.


Hydraulic Arm is a system which coupled by machines and hydraulic. It is widely

applicable in all kinds of large engineering equipments. Such as arm frame of crane.
The arm system of the redundant freedom, strong, nonlinear, coupled with rigid and
flexible characters. In hydraulic robotic arm the dynamic differential equation is built
with the driving force of the hydraulic cylinder as the main force.

By using the PD controlled theory without de coupling and rank decreasing

only with feedback from control of the arm and position pose and movement the
relationship between the hydraulic system and the end positions & pose is studied. The
simultaneous result prove the movement equation built by this way can clearly describe
each dynamic character of the mechanical arms.

A hydraulic drive system is a drive or transmission system that uses

pressurized hydraulic fluid to power hydraulic machinery. The term hydrostatic refers
to the transfer of energy from flow and pressure, not from the kinetic energy of the

A hydraulic drive system consists of three parts: The generator (e.g. a

hydraulic pump), driven by an electric motor, a combustion engine; valves, filters,
piping etc. (to guide and control the system); and the actuator (e.g. a hydraulic motor or
hydraulic cylinder) to drive the machinery.


A robotic arm which is hydraulically operated and controlled by syringes filled with
some fluid. It consists of various parts connected to each other in a pre-designed
manner which are guided in a constrained way to obtain required output.

1.1 Application

These arms are used in assembly lines of mega factories to assemble various
parts of a product and also to paint vehicles. They are also used in earth movers to
pick up heavy weight and keep them where required. Same principle is being used in
JCBs, automobile lifters, etc.

1.2 Parts

In the mechanism, each part has been provided with certain degree of
freedom to move in a constrained way to guide other parts and also to pick up small
weight items and to place them wherever required. The complete mechanism consists
of a fixed vertical link. To its free end is connected or better to say hinged, another
horizontal link which is free to oscillate about that hinge in an up-down way of
motion. Tothis link is connected a slotted type mechanism which consists of a slotted
box which itself can oscillate about its hinge and in it is a sliding link which can come
out of the slot to have the slider like motion. To this slider is connected a surface,
underneath which are attached 4 spoons acting as arm to pick up the items. The entire
mechanism is fixed on a rack and pinion type mechanism to allow degree of freedom
of the mechanism as a whole to rotate by 130degrees.

1.3 Hydraulic actuation

All the movements above are controlled hydraulically by syringes attached to each
one. The hydraulic supply acts like the arms heart and muscles. It provides the

energy for pushing, pulling, turning and lifting.

Fig-Hydraulic action by syring

Principle of a Hydraulic Arm

Pascal's law is the basis of hydraulic drive systems. As the pressure in the system is
the same, the force that the fluid gives to the surroundings is therefore equal to
pressure area. In such a way, a small piston feels a small force and a large piston
feels a large force. The same principle applies for a hydraulic pump with a small
swept volume that asks for a small torque, combined with a hydraulic motor with a
large swept volume that gives a large torque. In such a way a transmission with a
certain ratio can be built. Most hydraulic drive systems make use of hydraulic
cylinders. Here the same principle is used a small torque can be transmitted into a
large force. By throttling the fluid between the generator part and the motor part, or
by using hydraulic pumps and/or motors with adjustable swept volume, the ratio of
the transmission can be changed easily. In case throttling is used, the efficiency of the
transmission is limited. In case adjustable pumps and motors are used, the efficiency,
however, is very large. In fact, up to around 1980, a hydraulic drive system had hardly
any competition from other adjustable drive systems.

Nowadays, electric drive systems using electric servo-motors can be

controlled in an excellent way and can easily compete with rotating hydraulic drive
systems. Hydraulic cylinders are, in fact, without competition for linear forces. For
these cylinders, hydraulic systems will remain of interest and if such a system is
available, it is easy and logical to use this system for the rotating drives of the cooling
systems, also. An important advantage of a hydraulic drive is its high power density:
the mass of a hydraulic drive is several times smaller than the mass of an electric
drive of the same power.

Pascals Law

Earlier, weights were lifted using pulleys, levers, block and tackles, etc. Movements
for a ships rudder or steering a vehicle where achieved by mechanical linkages like
cams, levers, couplings, and gears which made the system complicated. These manual
or mechanical methods of operation had several limitations. They also involved huge
man power and long working hours for a particular job. As the population and
technology increased exponentially, the demand for quicker and easier to operate
equipment increased. To cater to this need, hydraulic machines were introduced.

Fig- Man lifting a stone with a lever

Pascal's Principle And Hydraulics

Pascal's Principle
Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician, physicist and religious philosopher who
lived in the mid-seventeenth century. He made some significant observations about
fluid and pressure. He noticed that the shape of a container had no effect on pressure.
He also noticed that pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished
to every part of the fluid, as well as to the walls of the container. When it says
"enclosed fluid," that means that in order for Pascal's Law to be true, you have to be
looking at a liquid in a closed container.

Pascal's Principle and Hydraulics

Hydraulic systems use incompressible fluids, such as oil or water, to transmit forces
from one location to another within the fluid. Hydraulics are used in most breaking
systems. Pascal's law states that when there is an increase in pressure at any point in a
confined fluid, there is an equal increase at every other point in the container.
Therefore Pascal's law can be interpreted as saying that any change in pressure
applied at any given point of the fluid is transmitted undiminished throughout the

How do Hydraulics Work?

Imaging if you have a U-tube filled with water and pistons are placed at each end,
pressure exerted against the left piston will be transmitted throughout the liquid and

against the bottom of the right piston. The pressure that the left piston exerts against
the water will be exactly equal to the pressure the water exerts against the right piston.

Now suppose the tube on the right side is made wider and a piston of a larger area
is used; for example, the piston on the right has 10 times the area of the piston on the
left. If a 1 N load is placed on the left piston, an additional pressure due to the weight
of the load is transmitted throughout the liquid and up against the larger piston. The
additional pressure is exerted against the entire area of the larger piston. While the
pressure exerted is the same, since there is 10 times the area, 10 times as much force
is exerted on the larger piston. Thus, the larger piston will support a 10 N load - ten
times the load on the smaller piston.

Pascal's Law and Mechanical Advantage--Pascal's

law allows forces to be multiplied.

Generally, the mechanical advantage is calculated as:

MA = (the distance over which force is applied) (the distance over which the load is

Applied to the system shown below, such as a hydraulic car lift, Pascal's law allows
forces to be multiplied. The cylinder on the left shows a cross-section area of 1 square
inch, while the cylinder on the right shows a cross-section area of 10 square inches.
The cylinder on the left has a weight (force) on 1 pound acting downward on the
piston, which lowers the fluid 10 inches. As a result of this force, the piston on the
right lifts a 10 pound weight a distance of 1 inch.

Fig-Pascals Law

The 100 pound load on the 1 square inch area causes an increase in pressure on the
fluid in the system. This pressure is distributed equally throughout and acts on every
square inch of the 10 square inch area of the large piston. As a result, the larger piston
lifts up a 1000 pound weight. The larger the cross-section area of the second piston,
the larger the mechanical advantage, and the more weight it lifts.

The formulas that relate to this are

Area1/Area2= Distance moved 2/Distance moved 1

This system can be thought of as a simple machine (lever), since force is

multiplied.The mechanical advantage can be found by rearranging terms in the above
equation to:

Mechanical Advantage(MA) = D1/D2 = A2/A1

Applications of Pascals Law

Gases are easy to squash: everyone knows how easy it is to squeeze a balloon. Solids
are just the opposite. If you've ever tried squeezing a block of metal or a lump of
wood, with nothing but your fingers, you'll know it's pretty much impossible. But
what about liquids? Where do they fit in? You probably know that liquids are an

in-between state, a bit like solids in some ways and a bit like gases in others. Now,
since liquids easily flow from place to place, you might think they'd behave like gases
when you tired to squeeze them. In fact, liquids are virtually incompressiblemuch
like solids. This is the reason a belly flop hurts if you mess up your dive into a
swimming pool. When your body smacks into the pool, it's because the water can't
squeeze downwards (like a mattress or a trampoline would) or move out of the way
quickly enough. That's also why jumping off bridges into rivers can be very
dangerous. Unless you dive correctly, jumping off a bridge into water is almost like
jumping onto concrete.

Hydraulics in practice

You can see hydraulics at work in this digger. When the driver pulls a handle, the
digger's engine pumps fluid into the narrow pipes and cables (shown in blue), forcing
the hydraulic rams (shown in red) to extend. The rams look a bit like bicycle pumps
working in reverse. If you put several rams together, you can make a digger's arm
extend and move much like a person'sonly with far greater force. The hydraulic
rams are effectively the digger's muscles.

Fig-Hydraulic ARM Application

Development of Model

Material used:

1. Cardboard 90*110 sq. cm

2. Hard cardboard for arms (links) 3*50 sq. cm

3. Syringes (10 ml) 8 Pcs.

4. Wires (Aluminium) 50 cm long

5. Wood sticks for joints and connections 10 sticks

6. Tie 16

7. Vinyl tubes 100 cm

8. Paper tape
9. Glue gun with refills
10. Fevi-quick
11. 3-wayswitch
12. Old Battery

a.Hydraulic Cylinder

A Hydraulic cylinder (also called a linear hydraulic motor) is a mechanical actuator

that issued to give a unidirectional force through a unidirectional stroke. It has many
applications, notably in engineering vehicles. Hydraulic Fluids Petroleum Based
Synthetic fire resistant water based fire-resistant. Hydraulic cylinder as shown in fig.

Fig- Hydraulic/Pneumatic cylinder

By here in this project we used the syringe for substitute of the cylinder because of the
cost of the project and its a model and in future its elaborate and use for industrial
purpose or reality then in this model the hydraulic cylinder are used. Syringe as
shown in fig.


b. Fluid Lines And Fitting

The control and application of fluid power would be impossible without suitable
means of transferring the fluid between the reservoir, the power source, and the
points of application. Fluid lines are used to transfer the fluid, and fittings are used
to connect the lines to the power source and the points of application.

Fig- Pipes


Arms is the vital part of this vehicle one is base arm in which the whole structure of
the arms are steady and second is the vertical arm in which the gripper and all small
arms are fixed.


Firstly we take the some hard cardboard links and cut it for the arms.

Then take a cardboard base and the first arm fixed on the base for screw.

After that make holes on the arm for fixed the arms. Then the arms are fixed by
hard wooden sticks and also used washer for free movement of arms.

There after take hard cardboard sheet for the small arms of the vehicle and cut
the arms by measurement of and hole of this arm for both poles to fixed of the
arms in the base structure. The holes are measured by the screw measurement.

After that take two syringes and joint the syringes by a pipe and the pipe is fixed
by the glue in the syringe nozzle. And leave it for one hour to permanently fix
the glue.

After that in this joint syringes feel up by the water to follow the Pascals law.
And its essential that the water in the syringe without any vacuum or without
any bubbles.

Last the water fell up syringes are fixed in the arms to move the arms by the
pressure of the water or hydraulic.

At last to check the all joints and check the all movements of the robotic hydraulic
arm and ready the robotic hydraulic arm is ready to use. In this way the robotic
hydraulic arm is made.


Our design uses extremely simple ideas and mechanisms to achieve a complex set of
actions and is intended to imitate the action of the operators. However, these
hydraulic arms are expensive for small scale industries. If the major problem of high
initial cost is addressed, a robotic arm can be introducing in any industry to bring in
automation. The mechanical links and parts that have been fabricated are extremely
The prepared mechanism has been successfully constrained and executed to carry out
the required work of picking up the weight of the object like table tennis ball and to
put them in to the placed at different location.

The Hydraulic Arm Will-
Reach the greatest distance to deliver a given object.
Pick up the heaviest possible object.
Deliver the most objects in a given amount of time.
Function in an assembly line.
Have a system to weight the object it picks up. Battle against another arm of an
Rotate as well as reach and grab.
Dig and recover objects.

So, we are confident that the people will understand and join us on the quest to make
our planet a pollution free place to live in.


A text book of Fluid Mechanics by R.K. Bansal


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