Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 1
The students know the letter (A a), it sounds and how they write it between the lines.
They know number 1.
In this lesson, they will have three activities for the letter part and the number part.
Lesson Objectives: These must be SMART objectives specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound
By the end of the lesson, students will be (better) able to:
The students will be able to read and write the letter (B b), and give examples, B for ball.
The students will be able to count and write number 2, and give examples, two apples.
The students will be able to add s to the word if its more than once. For example, two balls.
Evaluation / Assessment: (How will you know your students have achieved the goal?)
(How will you evaluate the objectives that were identified? Have students practiced what you are asking them to do for
I will be observing the students while they are working on the activities, and by using the checklist, I will be noting if any
students have difficulties at any area.
While the students are working, I will be asking questions to show me how the students do and what they need to support
their learning.
Circle Time One (40mins)
Activity Name Activity objective/ Time Teachers words & actions Childrens words and Resources
purpose actions
The song is jolly phonic; 7 The teacher will ask the students to stand Children will stand on the Video.
Sing a song it will help the students on the mat, and engage them to sing with mat and they will start
to pronose the letters the song. She will be observing the acting and singing the https://www.youtub
correctly. Learning in students while they are singing and try to song, moving around and e.com/watch?v=ei0i
fun way. The students find who have difficulties on pronaosing feeling motivated and Fs5uF6w
love this part a lot. the letters. engage.
The activity is to cut the 5 The teacher will introduce the letter B, and Students will be giving Worksheets, Glue,
pictures that they have she will let the students to give example of examples for the letter B, seiseor.
Letter B b and glue it on the Big B, word that start with letter B. Then she and then they will start the
and small b, pictures gives the students a clear instruction for activity.
which began with letter the activity. While the students are
B. this activity will help working on the activity the teacher will be
the students to read observing the students.
and write letter B.
In this activity, the 5 The teacher will present for the students The students will count and PowerPoint.
Number 2 students should count pictures that mixed with number 1 and 2, build a sentence to
and build a sentence. and they should count and give a full demonstrate their learning.
This will help the sentence of the picture. The teacher will
students to find the observe the students if they can add and
difference between remove the s while they are building the
number 1 and 2, when sentence.
they will build the
In this activity, the 7 The teacher will give the students a clear The students will read the Flashcards, color
students should read instruction for the activity, with an sentence and find the
Read, find, color the sentence and then example of the activity. To help the picture and then color it.
find the picture that students know how to work on it. The
match it and color it. teacher will be observing the students on
This activity will help their pronaosing the words, and try to help
the students to develop who need support.
their reading skill.
In this lesson, the time management was very bad, I feel that happen because the students become motivated when I bring the glue and the
scissor and let them cut by them self, they take on this activity more than 7 mins. Which made me cancel the last activity. My MST told me that I
should prepare the picture at home and let the students glue it.