Cyber Security Brochure

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In today's world where everything is being used, controlled and driven digitally makes
our life simple and efficient which is a boon but also a vulnerable area that leads to many
loopholes which can be exploited " detecting and preventing cyber attacks are vital to
government agencies, private organizations and citizens.


Todays headlines frequently include the word
cyber, reporting incidents and attacks from the
digital world such as: Cyber bullying, digital
identity theft, malware, botnets, denial-of-
service attacks on corporate and government
entities, cyber-espionage, and cyber attacks on
critical infrastructure facilities. This seminar
will examine a host of security challenges and
mechanisms intended to thwart attacks. It will
also cover key security principles and initiatives
related to cyber security, including cyber crime,
Internet safety, infrastructure protection, cyber
warfare and cyber terrorism.
Fake emails, phishing, and spear phishing
are some of the most popular attack
vectors that have brought even big well-
protected corporations and government
In todays highly interconnected digital environment,
agencies such as Sony, Target, and
attackers are daily wreaking havoc in all corners of
Ukraine Power Company to their knees.
the world on software, network infrastructure and
This seminar/workshop will focus on the
hardware that were designed without security as a
fundamental characteristics of these
primary concern. Email has become a popular medium
attacks, the obfuscation and deception
of attack with spamming, phishing, spear-phishing
mechanisms used by the attackers,
and malicious attachments. Intrusions into networks
essential features that all training
and computers are commonplace and malware
regimes need to be eective, and on
widespread. Data science includes data mining,
comprehensive detection technologies
machine learning, natural language processing and
for these scams. We will also examine
statistics. Security analytics is the adaptation of
how eective are current technologies at
techniques from data science for security challenges
detecting these attacks and at training
such as phishing/spear phishing, intrusion and
malware prevention and detection. Techniques from
data science cannot be used directly since the
security domain has some unique challenges: the
active attacker who is constantly trying to defeat
defense mechanisms, the time scale of attacks in
which an attack can happen in a very short time and
real-time detection is needed, the base-rate fallacy,
and others. In this seminar, I will review essential
security knowledge, the unique needs of security
challenges and emphasize key data science
techniques that are well-suited for them.

Part II
Part I
Computer Security from the Data
Cyber Crime, Frauds and Risks (2.5 hours Science Perspective (2 hours)
1. Unique Challenges of security
1. Security goals domain
a. Confidentiality
b. Integrity 2. Data Mining techniques
c. Authentication (association rule mining, clustering,
d. Authorization anomaly
e. Accountability detection) with applications to
f. Non repudiation malware detection
g. Availability
3. Machine Learning techniques
2. Security Mechanisms (Decision Trees, Support Vector
a. Cryptography Machines,
b. Message Authentication Codes and Neural Networks, one class learning,
Cryptographic Hash Functions semi-supervised learning) with
applications to
c. Passwords, Bio metrics and Authentication intrusion detection and malware
Protocols detection
d. Access control (MAC, DAC, RBAC, ABAC)
e. Captchas and resource control Part III
f. Auditing/logging
g. Non-repudiation protocols Email Masquerade and Social
Engineering Attacks (1.5 hours
3. Attacks (Buffer Overflow, SQL and Command approximately)
Injection, DNS cache poisoning, X\
SS, XSRF, DoS/DDoS, Malware, etc.) and Threat 1. Fake emails, phishing and spear-
Modeling phishing - fundamental
4. Laws of Security
2. Natural language
5. Secure coding principles processing/Natural language
6. Cyber crime, cyber bullying and cyber 3. Comprehensive detection methods
terrorism for social engineering attacks
7. Internet Safety and data security 4. Education and training regimes
Dr. Rakesh Verma is a Professor of Computer Science at the
University of Houston (UH). He received his PhD and MS in Computer
Science from the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1989,
where he was a Catacosinos Fellow, and his BTech in Electronics
Engineering from IIT Varanasi with highest honors and a Gold Medal .
He has held visiting professor positions at INRIA Lorraine and CRIN in
Nancy, France. He won the 2013 Life-time Mentoring Award for
Undergraduate Research, a career award given to only one faculty
member per year at UH. Dr. Verma is a distinguished speaker of the
Association for Computing Machinery since 2011. He has
authored/co-authored over 100 articles, with many in leading
Computer Science conferences such as EATCS ICALP, IEEE FOCS,
STACS, ESORICS, ACM CODASPY, ACM ASIACCS, and in journals such as
SIAM Journal on Computing, Journal of the ACM, IEEE Security and
Privacy, and Information and Computation. He has given over 75
invited talks in the US, UK, France, Germany, Japan, India and the
Netherlands. He served as a member of several United States
National Science Foundation Panels. He has also reviewed proposals
for US Department of Education, Israel Research Foundation and
other agencies. He has made fundamental contributions to
equational logic programming, temporal databases, parallel I/O,
natural language processing, and cyber security. His paper on
Collocation Extraction won the Best Paper
Award - First Place at the 17th International Conference on
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing. He has
been a Technical Program Committee Chair or Co-Chair of six
workshops including one IEEE and three ACM workshops, and a
member of the Technical Program Committee for several
international conferences including International Conference on
Information Systems Security (2010), Foundations and Practice of
Security (2017), International Conference on Information Systems
Security and Privacy (2016-2018) and Rewriting Techniques and
Applications (2005). He is the editor of the proceedings of three ACM
International Workshops on Security and Privacy Analytics. He was
the Co-Lead in 2009 on the University of Houston Proposal for United
States National Security Agency/Dept. of Homeland Security Center
of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education
Certication to UH. His research is funded by several competitive
grants from the US National Science Foundation, National Security
Agency and Department of Defense.

PROGRAM: Delhi 3rd JANUARY 2018 Time:

Mumbai 5 9.30 am to 5.30 pm

Program Fee : 15,000/- plus GST at 18%

Early Bird Price : 10,000/- plus GST register before 10th of December
Payment should be made in favour of 'Ashis Sen Consulting and Coaching'

'ICIC Bank Account No. 195605000190 & RTGS/ NEFT IFSC Code ICIC0001956

CONTACT : [email protected]/ +91-9916382525

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