Austria Cyber Security Strategy
Austria Cyber Security Strategy
Austria Cyber Security Strategy
Space for
political Control space
Vulnerability of IT-infrastructure
"The better something works, the more serious the
consequences are if there is a disruption."
Lack of security awareness
Lack of experts
Flawed and incompatible software
Incomplete Cyber Governance
Governmental Section
1. Incomplete Cyber Governance
Lack of experts
Lack of incentives for security investment
Flawed & incompatible codes/software
Missing focus on regulations for IT Security
Unclear responsibility across governmental institutions
As listed in ICT
Universal Security for a
Digital Austria.
Especially for
Fundamental cyber security.
The universal Principles of ICT Security for
a Digital Austria
Data protection
Mandatory Application
Fundamental Principles
The Rule of
Self- Proportio-
regulation nality
1. Availability, Reliability and confidentialy of data exchange as well as the integrity of data themselves are
Guaranteed only in a secure, resilent and reliable cyber space.
2. Austria will ensure that its ICT infrastructure are secure and resilient to threats. The governmental bodies
will cooperate closely and as partners with the private sector
3. The legal asset cyber security is protected by the Austrian authorities in cooperation non-governmental
4. By taking number of awareness measures, Austria is builiding a culture of cyber security
5. Austria acting as a pioneer in implementing measures to secure the digital society.
6. Austria will play an active role in international cooperation at European and Global level
7. The Austrian administrations e-government is secure and continuously furthur developed
8. All Austrian enterprises will protect the integrity of their own applications as well as the identitiy and
privacy of their customers
9. The Austrian population should be aware of the individuals personal responsibility in cyber space.
Fields of Action and Measures
Almost all infrastructure depend on ICT systems as a a top priority to improve the
resilience of these information systems against threats.
Under the Austrian Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (Programm zum
Schutz kritischer Infrastrukturen / APCIP), enterprises operating critical
infrastructures are encouraged to implement comprehensive security architectures.
Improving the resilience of critical infrastructures
- These strategic enterprises should set up a comprehensive
security architecture risk and crisis management), update it according to
the threats arising and appoint a security officer.
- Duty to report severe cyber incidents by the operators of critical
- Existing arrangements for The Protection of Critical
Infrastructures (APCIP) and the Governmental Crisis and Civil Protection
Management should be reviewed.
Field of action Awareness raising and training
Dalam rangka penelitian terhadap keamanan nasional, keamanan dunia siber sendiri HARUS menjadi
prioritas utama
Austria harus menjadi pemimpin utama yang aktif dalam Uni Eropa terkatik program penelitian
keamanan dunia siber
International Coorporation
Kementerian akan melakukan langkah maksimal untuk memanfaatkan dan
menerapkan sepenuhnya Convention on Cybercrime of the Council Europe
Austria akan memberikan implementasi dan kontribusi yang besar terhadap Strategi
Keamanan Siber di Uni Eropa
Austria menganjurkan penggunaan internet gratis secara global
Austria memulai lagi kerjasama yang diinisiasi oleh NATO
Partisipasi aktif Austria dalam pelatihan dan perencanaan cyber security
Cyber Security Report
Steering Group &
ACSS Review
of Measures
Cyber Security Steering Group
Coordinating measures relating to cyber security at a political-strategic level
Monitoring and supporting the implementation of the ACSS
Preparing an annual Cyber Security Report
Advising the federal government in all matters relating to cyber security
Liaison officers for the National Security Council
Cyber security experts of the ministries represented in the National Security Council
Chief Information Officer of the Federal Republic of Austria
Representatives of other ministries and of the Austrian federal provinces (Conditional)
Representatives of relevant enterprises (Conditional)
Implementation Plan &
Implementation of Measures
The Steering Group develops an Implementation Plan and carry it out the horizontal measures
within three months after adoption of the ACSS by the federal government
Implementation Plan adopted in June 2013
The competent bodies are responsible for implementing these measures within their respective
Competent ministries will develop sub-strategies for their sphere of responsibilities
Ministries represented in the Cyber Security Steering Group will submit an Implementation Report
to the federal government every two years
In the process of adopting this plan, agreement was reached on four prioritized projects:
Development of permanent coordination procedures and structures at the operational Level
Cyber security experts of the ministries represented in the National Security Council
Report on the regulatory framework
Development of a concept and rules of procedure for a Cyber Security Platform
Cyber Security Communication Strategy
Implementation Report &
ACSS Review
Cyber Security Report 2014
The most important development observed in 2013 was the significant increase in cyber
espionage and cyber-criminal activities.
As cyber attacks will be geared to specific types of data processing and storage, they will
concentrate mainly on cloud services and social networks in the next years
Adequate protection and cooperation on information and communication technology as
well as the data processed with ICT systems is of growing importance
Comprehensive approaches involving state and non-state actors are becoming Indispensable
Coordinated, large-scale technical as well as organisational measures play a vital role in detecting
processing anomalies and developing appropriate countermeasures
Governments are expected to show a growing interest in cyber security issues, which will be
reflected in the publication of new national strategy documents as well as the establishment of
relevant control and coordination structures
Cyber Security Report 2017 (2016)
In 2016, the trend observed in the previous years towards a significant increase in
security-related activities / incidents in the cyber sector continued.
DoS and DDoS attacks, are currently among the most common and effective cyberattacks.
Ransomware, CEO fraud and phishing attacks are responsible for a significant number of
Crime as a Service business models are increasing
Security budget remain the same with 2015