WellBeing Astrology 2018

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The key takeaways are that 2018 will be a year of introspection, healing at the soul level, and growth and evolution beginning deep within one's soul.

The editor highlights that 2018 will be a year of profound introspection, new understandings of power, healing especially at the soul level, and a chance to slow down and reflect.

According to the editor, Jupiter in Scorpio promises profound introspection, new understandings of power, a chance for stillness and looking inward, and being reflective, transformative and cathartic.



YOUR 30S & 40S

the year of
radical change
A house of good fortune
You & the yang earth dog
Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra
& Elisabeth Kbler-Ross
When heaven & earth collide
Its time to journey within


Be patient toward
all that is unsolved in
your heart and try to love
the questions themselves.
~ Rainer Maria Rilke

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Editor Kelly Surtees
Managing Editor Danielle Kirk
Sub-editor Michelle Segal
Art Director Kate Podger
Publisher Janice Williams
Illustrations Kate Podger,
Getty Images & Bigstock
Cover Bigstock

Prema Perera
Janice Williams
Chief Financial Officer
Vicky Mahadeva
From the editor

Associate Publisher aking our cues from Jupiter, who tours deep and insightful Scorpio
Emma Perera from October 2017 to November 2018, the year ahead promises
Finance & Administration Manager profound introspection and new understandings of power.
James Perera I like the Jupiter in Scorpio pairing: it provides a chance for stillness
Circulation Director and encourages looking inwards. It can be reflective, transformative and
Mark Darton cathartic. In addition, the major aspects of 2018 a sextile to Pluto and a trine
Creative Director to Neptune are flowing, supportive ones rather than the clashing types we
Kate Podger had from 20152017. Find out what Jupiter in Scorpio promises in our special
Editorial & Production Manager feature on p102.
Anastasia Casey Healing, especially at the soul level, is highlighted and I personally am
Marketing & Acquisitions Manager looking forward to the chance to slow down and make time for meditation and
Chelsea Peters reflection. Ill be taking my cues from some of the inspirational healers of our
time, like Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra and Elisabeth Kbler Ross, whose charts
are explored in a feature on great healers on p58. If you want to nourish your
Subscription enquiries 1300 303 414
Circulation enquiries to our Sydney head office:
body, dont miss our special lunar medicine feature on p96.
+61 2 9805 0399 2018 also brings a taste of the future, as dynamic Uranus begins to break
WellBeing Astrology 2018 is published by Universal WellBeing Pty Ltd, Unit new ground in lush Taurus. This once-in-a-lifetime cycle sets the tone for
5, 68 Byfield Street, North Ryde NSW 2113, Australia. Phone: +61 2 9805 the next eight years. Find out whats in store for you as Lynn Bell explores the
0399, Fax: +61 2 9805 0714. Printed by C&C Offset Printing Co. Distributed by
Gordon and Gotch. Editorial advice is non-specific and readers are advised to mythology and meaning of Uranus in Taurus on p78.
seek professional advice for personal problems. Individual replies to readers If youre like many lovers of astrology I know, you might at times get stuck
letters by consulting editors are not possible. The opinions expressed by
individual writers in WellBeing Astrology 2018 are not necessarily those of trying to figure out how to interpret a chart. To help simplify the process, pop
the publishers. This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the over to our features on natal astrology (p84) and planets and personality (p88).
purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under
the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without Weve also included a feature on the unique dynamics of working with children
written permission. Enquiries should be addressed to the publishers. on p92 and an in-depth look at the lucky 11th House on p108.
The publishers believe all the information supplied in this book to be
correct at the time of printing. They are not, however, in a position to The year ahead will be a transitional one, where the invitation for growth
make a guarantee to this effect and accept no liability in the event of any and evolution begins as a stirring deep in your soul. The words of the poet
information proving inaccurate. Prices, addresses and phone numbers
were, after investigation and to the best of our knowledge and belief, Rilke have always struck me as oh-so Scorpio, and they will be my motivation
up to date at the time of printing, but the shifting sands of time may this year. These words are strong but evocative of the intense discovery and
change them in some cases. It is not possible for the publishers to ensure
that advertisements which appear in this publication comply with the transformation that 2018, with Jupiter in Scorpio, offers:
Trade Practices Act, 1974. The responsibility must therefore be on the You are not dead yet, its not too late
person, company or advertising agency submitting the advertisements for
publication. While every endeavour has been made to ensure complete to open your depths by plunging into them
accuracy, the publishers cannot be held responsible for any errors or and drink in the life
omissions. This magazine is printed on paper that comes from a mill that
satisfies the requirements of ISO 14001. that reveals itself quietly there.
*Recommended retail price I hope that, like me, you too take time to look inwards and reconnect with
ISSN 1832 813X
Copyright Universal Magazines MMXVII your truest passions and most inspiring goals. Knowing your deepest truth can
ACN 003 026 944 guide you to live a more meaningful life in 2018.

We are a member of:

Kelly Surtees



34 30

6 Book reviews 14 Taurus 42 Sagittarius
A hand-picked selection of classic Uranus begins a longer tour through Youll have the support of Saturn in
books and latest releases to help you Taurus, bringing change and freedom. Capricorn to help you get serious about
expand your knowledge of astrology. This year, personal growth also money and financial security in 2018.
7 Whats on becomes your top priority, and luck and Eclipses in Leo and Aquarius may also
Connect with astrologers, enhance your growth in love is possible. bring life-changing travel or study
skills and discover the latest trends in 18 Gemini experiences your way.
astrology and spiritual fields at these With Saturn in Capricorn this year, 46 Capricorn
upcoming events. you have the support to create lasting Saturn in Capricorn marks the start of
8 Sun sign predictions financial security. Meanwhile, Mars a new 30-year life cycle: youre ready
Uncover the special features of your retrograde in Aquarius may bring with to evolve to a new level. With the left-
Sun sign and learn how to work with it new perspectives on life, purpose hand side of your solar chart heavily
them to reach your full potential. and meaning. activated, youre also ready to make life
10 Aries 22 Cancer more about what you want.
Mars retrograde helps you prioritise Happiness, relationships and personal 50 Aquarius
one or two key personal goals this year, growth feature in 2018. Saturn in Jupiter in Scorpio promises
while Saturn in Capricorn may bring Capricorn brings new stability to your growth, expansion and exciting
a powerful achievement at work or closest partnerships and Jupiter new professional opportunities,
inspire you to work towards a much- in Scorpio activating a year-long while eclipses bring personal
desired career transition. happiness cycle. transformation and breakthroughs in
26 Leo a close relationship.
The North Node in Leo brings profound 54 Pisces
Insert: Moon Calendar personal growth this year, while serious Jupiter and Uranus inspire new
Saturn in Capricorn into 2020 can help adventures with travel in 2018 and
you create structured routines and can bring a breakthrough regarding
schedules and keep you grounded. a teaching or study dream. Saturn in
30 Virgo Capricorn, meanwhile, brings stability
Mars retrograde in Aquarius can help with friends.
you reorganise your health, work and 58 Astrology and the healing path
wellness rituals and, thanks to the We examine the charts and lives of
longer trend of Jupiter in Scorpio, youll three remarkable healers whose skill,
also learn a lot about communication compassion and pioneering ideas have
and self-expression. left an indelible mark on the world of
34 Libra holistic health.
2018 will help you to figure out your 64 Embrace your call to adventure
foundations and better understand your By revealing much about your
past. As you gain a fresh perspective character, talents, key needs and life
on the influences that have shaped you, journey, astrology can give great insight
youll find it easier to focus on what you into your lifes purpose. Discover what
want moving forward. the stars can teach about what will
38 Scorpio make your heart sing.
With abundant Jupiter in Scorpio 68 Eastern inuences
until November 8, your soul opens Its the yang earth dog year in
and expands this year. Plus, thanks to Chinese astrology, which indicates an
Uranus in Taurus, a new era begins in interesting mixture of firm and steady
your relationships. along with happygo-lucky. Explore


feng shui and compass directions
for 2018.
72 Global trends for 2018
Changes with Saturn and Uranus,
plus a dramatic eclipse, indicate
radical change around the globe. Find
out what astrology shows about the 108
shifts in store for the year ahead.
78 Balancing heaven and earth
Uranus will enter Taurus for the first
time in 84 years this May. What will
happen when the electricity of the
heavens shocks an Earth element?
84 Use the houses to interpret
your chart
Natal astrology is one of the more
advanced divisions of astrology yet
a budding astrologer with focus and
drive can craft beautiful natal work.
We show you how. 78 58
88 Rock your sparkle
By learning how the 10 planets that
form the backbone of astrology today
impact your chart and life, youll know
just what makes you shine.
92 Its all about the kids
Discover what your childs chart
reveals about their needs, talents
and personality, and help them better
express their individual nature.
96 Lunar medicine
The Moon shows what you need to feed
and nourish your soul; it describes
where you get your soul food. Explore
how to support your Moon so that she
can nurture you back.
102 Mining the depths
Lucky Jupiter travels through Scorpio
until November 2018. We reveal what
to expect, as well as your personal
Jupiter-in-Scorpio horoscope.
108 Faith, fortune, friends
and favour
Discover the origins, meaning and
expressions of the 11th House, which
has historically been considered one
of the most favourable of houses.
112 The astrology of your 30s
and 40s
Do you want to make your midlife
magical? We explore the four major
transits that occur in your 30s and 40s,
and share how you can use them to
grow and change in positive ways.
118 Connecting to the universal ow
Your chakras influence your physical,
emotional, psychological and spiritual
wellbeing. But did you know theyre
also connected to corresponding signs
and planets?
122 Contributors
Meet the expert minds behind all of
our stories. 42

Further reading
Want to dive deeper into astrology? Here is a selection
of books to help you learn more about this magical tool
Words / Wade Caves, Kelly Surtees & Andrea Gehrz
JUDITH HILL, STELLIUM PRESS Medical or health astrology is ancient, but
Do you want to see astrology right before in this thoroughly modern book, Robert
your eyes? Are you looking to believe in Carl Jansky explores the history of medical
astrology? If so, pick up a copy of Astrological astrology and provides an introduction
Body Types: Face, Form and Expression. This to how astrological signs, planets and
highly useful book by Judith Hill covers houses connect to the body and health.
everything there is to know about how Youll learn astro-nutritional theory and see
people physically look according to their how to interpret your chart from a health
astrological chart. Not only is it full of perspective. Great detail on the role of food
beautiful illustrations, drawn by Hill herself, and nutrition in health is provided, and youll
this text also outlines a simple step-by-step discover how to eat and live right for your
approach to uncovering physical expressions chart. The links between planet pairs and
in any chart. Whether youre a professional balance/imbalance in health is discussed,
or a newbie, this book will advance your skill and the chapter on elective surgery and
set to the next level. AG transits can help you align and time health
procedures with your chart. KS
Dennis Elwell does masterful work defending MARY QUINLAN-MCGRATH,
the core tenets of astrology against the THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS
attacks and uninformed assumptions If youre interested in astrology from a
made by the scientific community. Through practical or magical perspective, this book
a stunning blend of theory and practical is a must read. It explores the philosophy
demonstrations of astrology at work, Elwell behind astrological images and talismans
shows how astrology is no threat to the and touches on the mystical ideas that
physical sciences, but rather a possible underpin astrology. The power of art to convey
support for them as Western society moves specific astrological motifs is discussed, with
towards a new framework for understanding reference to examples of some of the great
natural and cosmic phenomena. First paintings and sculptures from the Italian
published in 1999, Cosmic Loom speaks to us renaissance. Links between architectural
today as we prepare to lunge headlong into theory and astrological foundations are
the age of science and rationalism, marked discussed, and the most magical works from
by the upcoming triplicity shift of Saturn/ the Italian Renaissance are highlighted in
Jupiter conjunctions from earth signs into air chapter eight, where you learn how to use
in 2020. WC certain images for magical purposes. KS


Few reliable texts on electional astrology This long-awaited first book by one of the
are available today and recent publications rising stars in astrology delivers on every
tend to focus on methods that miss the level. Its detailed and well researched, yet
cornerstone of electing: the subject of accessible to those newer to astrology. Chris
rooting, or radicalising, an election. In Brennan blends history, philosophy and
Choices & Inceptions, Dr Benjamin Dykes astrology into one cohesive tome. This hefty
translates the work of five Medieval book more than 600 oversized pages will
astrologers, organising their material into quickly become an essential reference for
a comprehensive tour of traditional election lovers of astrology. If youve ever wondered
techniques. Where this text really shines is why something in astrology means what it
in its introduction, which guides the reader does, or where a certain concept came from,
through the philosophical minefield of what this book is for you. Detailed footnotes ensure
it means to attempt to subvert a birth chart you can research specific topics further but,
by means of an election. This book is perfect on its own, this book is a comprehensive
for inquiring minds who relish in scouring course in the theory and application of
primary sources. WC astrological practice. KS



Many astrology organisations
host monthly meetings for
members and guests. Contact
the following organisations to
see whats on in your area:

Federation of Australian
Astrologers, FAA

Tarot Guild of Australia


Canadian Association for
Astrological Education

Faculty of Astrological

Whats on astrology.org.uk

Astrological Lodge of London

in 2017 and 2018 astrolodge.co.uk

Discover the global astrology community and connect US

with astrology lovers around the world Association for
Astrological Networking
2017 January 1921, Melbourne Vic
October 1922, Zion, Utah US FAA Astrology Conference American Federation
The Art of Living and Dying, OPA Conference faainc.org.au/faa-conference-2018 of Astrologers
opaastrology.org astrologers.com
March 2226, Seattle, Washington US
October 1923, Cheektowaga, New York US North West Astrology Conference International Society
State of the Art Astrology Conference norwac.net for Astrological Research
donnavantoen.com isarastrology.com
May 2429, Chicago, Illinois US
Images Bigstock

2018 United Astrology Conference (UAC) National Council for

January 1426, India uacastrology.com Geocosmic Research
Heaven and Earth retreat with Caroline Casey geocosmic.org



Sun sign predictions

Discover the special features of your sign, like your element,
modality and ruling planet
Words / Kelly Surtees

our Sun sign, also known as your star sign, represents Today, Sun sign astrology typically takes one of two forms.
the sign of the zodiac that the Sun was moving through You can either read a personality profile based on your Sun sign
at your birth. As the main light source, the Sun provides or read about your day, week, month or year ahead based on the
heat, warmth and inspiration. The Sun is one of your influence of current planetary movements on your birth sign or
most important planets and describes significant features of solar chart. The Sun sign horoscopes in this magazine take the
your personality. latter form.
Your Sun sign shows how you light up life. It also defines the Your Ascendant (your public mask) and Moon sign (your
archetypal ways in which others see you. Via links to elements and emotional, instinctive self) are as important as your Sun sign,
modalities, your Sun sign provides insight to the inner workings of along with the Moon phase at the time you were born. Together,
your personality. As its the most powerful of all stellar bodies, your the Sun, Moon and Ascendant signs make up your basic
Sun sign symbolises the underlying energy that fuels all you do. astrological profile. If you know your Moon and Ascendant sign,
it is worth reading the horoscopes for those signs, too.
Sun signs: ancient wisdom for modern life
Even though the modern use of Sun sign astrology is often Elements and modalities
attributed to RH Naylor, whose horoscope profile of Princess The 12 zodiac signs are divided and divided again to create a
Margaret appeared in the Sunday Express shortly after her birth unique mix of energy. The first division is by element. There are
Images Getty & Bigstock

in 1930, its origins are as old as astrology itself. In her book four elements: fire, earth, air and water. There are three zodiac
Flirting With the Zodiac, astrologer Kim Farnell discusses how, signs to each element.
in the 13th century BCE, the Hittites, who invaded Babylon, The second division is by modality. There are three modalities:
determined a childs fate by the month of its birth, showing the cardinal, fixed and mutable. There are four zodiac signs to each
origins of our modern monthly horoscope forecasts to be around modality. This means each zodiac sign is a unique combination
3300 years old. of element and modality.



The modality of your Sun sign reflects your preferred mode
of operation.

Your sign represents the start of a

Aries, new season and, similarly, you like
Cancer, to initiate new plans and projects.
Libra, You may find it easy to respond to
Elements Capricorn changing circumstances and love
The element of your Sun sign shows your primary motivating the thrill of a deadline or challenge.
force. Using the chart below, see whether you need action or
Your gift is follow-through and
feelings, or whether you want to discuss new ideas or prefer to
Taurus, completion, as fixed signs always
create security.
Leo, stay the course. You can be slow to
Scorpio, change and sometimes stubborn
As a fire sign, you love action and thrive on Aquarius but, when you make a commitment,
Aries, Leo, a challenge. You may have a competitive you see it through.
Sagittarius edge but youre also great at motivating and
Variety, change and new
inspiring others.
experiences feed your soul. Youre
adaptable, flexible and easily
Mutable distracted. You may love learning,
Security and stability may be important to Sagittarius,
Taurus, knowledge and adventure. You may
you. Earth evokes a solid, enduring quality Pisces
Earth Virgo, have trouble staying put or seeing
that makes you reliable and always there for
Capricorn things through.
loved ones.

Curiosity, conversation and sharing ideas Ruling planets

Gemini, are high on your priority list. Youre drawn There are 10 planets in the astrological pantheon: seven that
Air Libra, to information and innovation and may are visible to the naked eye and have been used since antiquity,
Aquarius enjoy socialising, networking or any chance plus three modern inclusions. The Sun and Moon are included
to brainstorm. as planets by astrologers.
Knowing your ruling planet provides you with extra
Youll lead with your heart and prefer to information about both your personality and your own cycles.
Cancer, follow your feelings. You can be intuitive, If your patron planet is under pressure, you too will feel the
Water Scorpio, emotional, sensitive and psychic, so
pinch. On the flip side, when your ruling planet is receiving
Pisces developing an outlet for your mystical or
blessings, this also has a flow-on effect.
creative side will be important.
The ruling planet for each sign is listed below.

Aries Mars Action, leadership, energising

Fire Earth Air Water Taurus Venus Pampering, sensual, tactile

Gemini Mercury Curious, informative, ideas

Nurturing, protective,
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Cancer Moon

Leo Sun Bold, confident, charming

Analytical, strategic,
Virgo Mercury
Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio
Libra Venus Artistic, diplomatic, equality

Mars (ancient) Determined, driven,

Pluto (modern) quiet achiever
Optimistic, inspirational,
Sagittarius Jupiter
Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces open-minded
Responsible, mature,
Capricorn Saturn
Your element and modality show Aquarius
Saturn (ancient)
Logical, visionary, free thinker
Uranus (modern)
what motivates you, and how you Jupiter (ancient) Compassionate, generous,
go about getting things done. Neptune (modern) kindness



Aries 2018
Mars retrograde helps you prioritise one or two key personal goals,
while Saturn in Capricorn promises progress in your career
Words / Kelly Surtees

Overview side business or further develop an online You may also be more emotional during
Your ruling star, Mars, covers just one third work opportunity. this eclipse, especially if you have unresolved
of the zodiac in 2018, much less ground 2018 is a transition year with money events from your childhood. Working with
than usual. In turn, this can help you narrow and you consider an alternative approach your feelings and dealing with the past can be
your focus or even specialise in one or two to cashflow. An unusual or unconventional cathartic and healing during this time.
important life areas. Rather than try to do money strategy may be a perfect fit. Dont let A welcome breakthrough will be possible
or have it all this year, set yourself a limited fear around how things should be stop you or you may experience fast-paced progress
number of goals, and then devote your best seeing an exciting but quirky opportunity. at home during July. Trust your instincts and
efforts to achieving them. Jupiter in Scorpio until November 8 can work to create the home and family dynamics
Youll also get an in-depth period of help you better invest for the future, like of your dreams.
review and reflection plus the chance to topping up your retirement savings, buying
refocus when Mars goes retrograde, or an investment of some kind or renegotiating Relationships
moves backwards, from June 25 to August a debt or loan on more favourable terms. Sweet Venus enhances romance, love and
26. You may notice you want to do less or You may also partner with a well-established relationships from June 13 to July 10 and
move at a slower pace then. business associate, or organise the funding August 6 to September 9. Your powers of
While retrograde, Mars will pass over the you need to take a professional opportunity to attraction will be strong, so use the magnetic
karmic South Node three times, highlighting new levels. qualities of Venus to help you either meet
the importance of letting go. This can Jupiter in Scorpio may bring you luck with someone new or reconnect with your partner.
manifest as an intense desire to declutter, money and can support financial growth in Nourishing compromises are also possible.
especially if you have accumulated a lot of a marriage or romantic relationship. Your You also have the Libra New Moon, on
stuff. You might also want to release pain or partner may also receive a windfall or bonus. October 9, to mark a fresh start in your
fear from the past or let go of old baggage. You also have Mars in Scorpio, until closest partnerships. Try to look to the future
Mars retrograde on the South Node can bring January 26, to help you tackle a financial rather than get hung up on the past then.
a rare chance to dig deep into your history, challenge. The combined influence of Mars Fresh cosmic energy can bring a new partner
reconnect with any forgotten talents or and Jupiter in Scorpio is rare and may or make it easier to agree on a plan for the
dreams, and to reclaim the qualities, friends bring financial results for an investment or future with your significant other.
and support that can help you achieve your business strategy. January 2018 is a great Love goddess Venus does have a
true potential. Mars will conjunct the South time to set your money goals for the next retrograde, or backwards, cycle in 2018. If
Node on June 8, July 22 and September 26. 12 years. you experience any delays, crossed wires or
disappointments in love in the first 10 days of
Wealth Home life September, you will get a second chance or
A new era with money begins on May 15 as Your home life and family relationships come better offer during November. Venus returns
Uranus enters Taurus and your 2nd House into focus mid-year. Venus tours Cancer from to Libra in November and this can bring a
of Cashflow and Income. The next seven May 19 to June 13, highlighting fun, affection resolution to a long-running relationship
years, as this longer trend unfolds, can bring and support with family. You might host a matter. Relationship plans that are put on
new financial freedom, especially if youre family get-together, redecorate your home, hold earlier in the year may be rescheduled
prepared to find innovative ways to earn and or simply spend more time developing and or finalised during November.
invest your cash. deepening family relationships.
With Uranus in Taurus you may If you hope to move, undergo a major Career and life direction
Illustrations Kate Podger

contemplate major changes to your work renovation or want to refresh your home life Your career is top priority for 20182020,
or want to negotiate contracts that give you so that it feels more nurturing, look to the as Saturn joins Pluto in Capricorn. The
extra flexibility and autonomy. You will want New Moon solar eclipse in Cancer on July 13. next three years can bring a powerful
more time and space to earn or spend You might move to a home that better fits the achievement at work or inspire you to
in a way that feels authentic. You may also needs of this stage of life, or finally be honest work towards a career transition you have
become more entrepreneurial, start up a with a family member. dreamed about for some time.





discover an even better opportunity in late Sagittarius from January 26 to March 18.
August or early September. New confidence can help you book a trip to
Itll be important to be firm about your a new or exotic destination. If you want to
focus and not let others railroad you with take a course, teach or generally expand your
their plans for your career. With the combined knowledge in some way, let the courage of
might of Mars, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, Mars inspire you to get started.
you have great power and influence. A A new 12-year cycle of adventure and
thoughtful plan that you execute step by discovery begins on November 8 when
step can help you radically and permanently Jupiter starts a year-long tour of Sagittarius.
reshape your career. Professionally, international opportunities
Professional power dates in 2018 include may arise or work-related travel and study
January 8, 9 and 24, April 2 and 26 and may be highlighted. Personally, your thirst for
December 17. adventure may reach new heights. A dream
to live life to the full, or experience more of
Happiness and children the richness life has to offer, may prompt you
Your 5th House, to do with happiness, to consider wild ideas like taking an extended
children and enjoying life, is one of your most holiday, travelling around the country or
Your career is top active chart sectors in 2018. relocating. With Jupiter in Sagittarius, there
A Full Moon lunar eclipse in Leo on are no limits to where you can go or what you
priority for 20182020, January 31 can help you reconnect with your can learn.
as Saturn joins Pluto heart and remember what really makes you
feel loved and happy. This might prompt you
Logistics for travel, study, teaching
or a writing project may need reworking
in Capricorn. to resurrect a forgotten hobby or adjust your when Mercury moves backwards through
schedule to make more time for the people Sagittarius and your 9th House from
and experiences that truly bring you joy. Note November 16 to December 1. This will be a
Saturn visits Capricorn and your 10th what you spend time doing near this eclipse great time to change your regular routine
House of Honours, Career and Success these events are clues to your happiness. and see more of the world around you, even if
just once in a 30-year cycle. You may be Youll want to make extra time for fun or time or budget only permits a day trip here or
singled out for a professional achievement, to spend with children mid-year. You have the there. If there are delays with travel or study
as others want to acknowledge your Sun in Leo, July 22 to August 23, including during this period, second chances will be
wisdom and experience. Internally, you a Leo eclipse on August 11, to help you step possible from December 13, when Mercury
may be drawn out of your comfort zone away from responsibilities and enjoy the good rights himself in Sagittarius. The second half
into roles that ask you to be the expert or life. This would be an ideal time for a family of December will be a great time to head off
share the knowledge you have accumulated holiday, to plan extra activities with your on an end-of-year break, with travel dreams
throughout your working life. children or grandchildren or to splurge on a positively highlighted as Mercury and Jupiter
Saturn can bring the right opportunity fun personal experience. join in Sagittarius on December 21.
for a promotion or major new responsibility The Leo solar eclipse on August 11 can
at work. Or, Saturns connection to time can also bring welcome progress regarding plans Friends, networks and groups
help you be honest about a career you have around children. You may hear happy news Your social networks may be in flux thanks
outgrown or no longer feel inspired by. then, or realise you have a lot to celebrate. An to a Mars retrograde in Aquarius, from June
Saturn in Capricorn can help you opportunity a child in your life receives then 25 to August 13. You might take a break from
restructure your professional life in terms may lead to whole new world for them. certain friends then or start to see an old
of long-term goals as well as day-to-day Curious Mercury also has an extended friendship in a new light. Social plans may be
time management. Take time to think tour of Leo and your 5th House of Happiness delayed or crossed wires may lead to a last-
deeply about major life and work goals, and and Children, activating this area of your life minute change of plans.
then organise your schedule to help you from June 29 to September 6. Plans are likely A Mars retrograde in your social sector
meet them. to be in flux during this time, especially while is a rare thing. Expect friendships to be a
Your professional dreams get a boost Mercury moves backwards (goes retrograde) big theme with Mars on an extended tour
during a helpful sextile that forms between from July 25 to August 18. Double-check of Aquarius, from May 16 to August 13 and
lucky Jupiter and powerful Pluto, on January details to avoid crossed wires then, with September 11 to November 15. This unusual
16, April 14 and September 12. The right children and in a dating or romantic emphasis can help you gain a deeper
business partner, funding partner or investor situation. You may need extra information understanding of who your most loyal friends
Illustrations Kate Podger & Bigstock

can help you take your business or career to help finalise decisions during Mercurys are. You may be ready to cut ties with people
goals to new heights then. An alliance built retrograde. If so, dont be shy about asking or social networks you have outgrown, both in
on integrity and a shared vison can help you for more detail. real life and online.
unlock great success this year. By early September, Mercury will have Others may look to you to take a
In 2018, Mars will also tour Capricorn and helped you examine your desires and leadership role in social settings or within a
you may be most productive at work, or find reacquaint yourself with rituals for happiness. professional organisation. Take a moment
youre impatient for professional progress, to think before you leap, though the
from March 18 to May 16 and August 13 to Adventure and discovery people you associate with in 2018 can help
September 11. If you hit any delays at work You may be restless for a change of scenery motivate you or zap your energy, so making a
during May, you will get a second chance or or an exciting adventure with Mars in thoughtful choice will be best. If you dont get



things right the first time, especially around

the kind of groups or associations you want to
be connected to, dont be shy about making a
new or different choice.
A friend may surprise you with an
unexpected request or offer when Mars links
to Uranus in Taurus on May 16, August 2 and
September 18. If so, keep plans and promises
flexible. Freedom and independence may be
more important than following the crowd, so
confidently let your individuality shine. You
may be ready to break away from a group,
association or friendship that has become
restrictive, or want to spend time with people
who share your quirky but authentic interests.

Personal growth
and self-development
The longer trend of Uranus in Aries is coming
to an end. This extended cycle, which started
back in 2010, has brought an increased
period of change, evolution, chaos and
breakthroughs. Its likely been exciting and
uncomfortable at the same time. Uranus
leaves your sign from May 15 to November 6,
2017, giving you a preview of the future, which
looks much calmer.
There are still a few opportunities to
challenge or change the status quo. If you
feel bored or frustrated, use the power of
A new 12-year cycle of adventure
Uranus in Aries for authentic change on and discovery begins on November 8, when
March 29, April 18 and December 1.
You may update your communication style Jupiter starts a year-long tour of Sagittarius.
or adopt a new attitude when thinking planet
Mercury visits Aries for an extra-long time,
from March 6 to May 13. You may need extra or interested in career opportunities and you what you can and cant do, especially
time to express yourself then or find you instead want to make sure life is meaningful at work or around balancing career goals
revisit old topics and conversations. Extra or that you are on a path to fulfil your with personal projects. New responsibilities
curiosity towards new perspectives and ideas dreams. This is a great cycle for letting go, in your professional life are possible,
can lead to a heightened period of personal especially if you are holding on to any fear or especially as others honour your wisdom
progress then. baggage from the past. and experience.
Mercurys extended cycle in Aries in 2017 Your intuition or sixth sense may be If you were born between April 8 and 11,
includes a retrograde, or backwards, chapter strong, so trust the insights you get through powerful Pluto makes an intense square
from March 22 to April 14. During this time, dreams, synchronicity and random events. to your Sun. Profound transformation is
you may notice you get your wires crossed or February 21 and 25, March 4 and December necessary as you see the ways in which life
miss an important detail. If you experience 7 are all special dates where your awareness both disempowers and strengthens you. An
delays, especially about a pet project, take it of the energetic realm is likely to be stronger intimate confrontation with your true nature
as a sign theres a better option you havent than usual. You may experience a strange helps you take control of life and where youre
yet discovered. Mercury retrograde in Aries but fortunate encounter, or find trusting your headed. Like a caterpillar, you may spend
provides a special chance to get to know intuition or instincts works out well. time in a cocoon this year, but ultimately you
yourself better. emerge like a transformed butterfly into a
Birthdays and planets whole new you. Purge your life and soul of
Time out and spirituality If your birthdate is listed below, and not the old.
Mars in Pisces from November 15, 2018, to all will be, you have a special planet If you were born between April 15 and
January 1, 2019, is a great time to consider influencing you in 2018. Heres what lies 20, unconventional Uranus passes over your
a sabbatical or take an extended break. If ahead and how to harness the planets Sun. Freedom, rebellion and independence
you do have a lot going on then, you can be power for your own growth. become strong motivating factors. Youll
especially productive when working alone If you were born between March 22 and realise where you need to break away to
or in private. Energy levels may be low, as April 1, Saturn in Capricorn will square your break through. Like breaking out of jail, your
can motivation for worldly goals, like those Sun. Saturn brings responsibility, a new spirit seeks release. Youre drawn to unusual
to do with money and success. If so, move appreciation for time and the importance of experiences as you seek an increasingly
at a slower pace. You may be less social boundaries. Make it clear to those around authentic way of life. Let your inner rebel out.



Taurus 2018
Uranus begins a longer tour through Taurus, bringing change
and freedom. Personal growth becomes top priority, too, and luck
and growth in love is possible with Jupiter in Scorpio
Words / Kelly Surtees

Overview for extra income, or streamline your money your family rituals and routines. Mercury
A preview visit of Uranus in Taurus will arrive management processes. settles into Leo on June 29 for an extra-
with 2018. This longer trend begins properly In addition, wealth through property or long two-plus-months stay, giving you until
in 2019, but you get a taste of whats to come a partnership may be under discussion, September 6 to revise and reorganise at
from May 15 to November 6, 2018. Uranus in especially when Mercury retrogrades in home. You may undertake essential repairs
Taurus can help you radically reshape your Leo, July 25 to August 18, and Sagittarius, and maintenance to your home, or dive into
life. New talents will emerge and youll get November 16 to December 5. If you an in-depth discussion about children and
in touch with a deeper, more authentic sense have questions or concerns about your how you want to better arrange your home
of self. 2018 is a transition year, where you investments or how money is managed to accommodate your family.
get a taste of the future but may still need to in a close relationship, these will be Conversations, decisions and logistics
deal with unfinished business from the past. great periods in which to have an honest relating to your home life and family
You may be especially creative while conversation with a partner about money. relationships will be top priority when
Uranus tours Taurus from mid-May to You start a rare financial growth Mercury retrogrades, or moves in reverse,
early November. Experiment with new cycle when Jupiter enters Sagittarius on from July 25 to August 18. Rather than make
habits, attitudes and hobbies. You may November 8. Getting things in order earlier new decisions in this timeframe, use this
discover a bold quality that helps you put in the year will help you focus on new period to research and explore your options.
your priorities first. While it may seem opportunities that can emerge during this A New Moon or solar eclipse in Leo on
unsettling to think change is on its way, cycle, which highlights abundance as a big August 11 can prompt a breakthrough or
especially since Taurus is one of the signs theme for 2019. new opportunity. If you have been struggling
most interested in security and stability, it to find a solution to a family situation, mid to
can be liberating, too. Home life late August may reveal the information you
Uranus is all about freedom and Your home and family life are highlighted need to make the best choice.
independence. Think about the ways in topics as two eclipses and an extended cycle You may finalise plans regarding a
which you might feel limited or restricted of Mercury activate Leo and your 4th House renovation, decorating project or move from
those roles or responsibilities are the ones of Domesticity. August 11 to September 6, after the New
youll have the chance to change. You have The Leo lunar or Full Moon eclipse Moon eclipse and once any delays from
the next seven years to make a new plan for on January 31 can bring clarity to help Mercury retrograde have been resolved.
your life and what you want out of it. Uranus you understand what you really need in
is not bound by fear, convention or worries your home life. Insights that emerge then Relationships
about doing the right thing. If rules dont may inspire you to move forward in your New experiences and growth in your closest
matter and you can choose for yourself, what personal life or around family plans. You relationships, at work and in your personal
might you do? Uranus is also energising, may refocus on a family matter or simply life, will be possible thanks to Jupiter in
so you may notice you feel more excited want to spoil your loved ones with the best Scorpio. This rare cycle continues until
and interested in life and that your physical care and attention possible. You may make November 8, 2018, so you have plenty of
energy levels improve. a wonderful host or feel generous towards time to take advantage of Jupiters lucky
family. If you have been thinking about an qualities in your relationship life.
Wealth upgrade or move, it may become clear just Attached? This will be a great year
Illustrations Kate Podger

Regular annual cycles from Mercury, the how necessary a luxury improvement at to focus on growing and deepening your
Sun and Venus highlight cashflow and home is. relationship. You may take the next step
income from April 24 to June 21. This will By midyear, youll be ready to dive together as a couple or realise you have a
be your best time in 2018 to discuss money, into your living space and make it as lot to celebrate. A luxury experience can be
your salary, or update your rates in your own comfortable and organised as possible. worth the cost, as the memories will linger
business. You might review your budget, look You may also want to update or change and warm your hearts for years.





Single? With Jupiter onside you have colleague, or find yourself working on a On July 28, a lunar or Full Moon eclipse
wonderful celestial support to meet project that reminds you of the past. in Aquarius may put you in the spotlight for
someone new. Step out of your comfort zone Internally, retrograde Mars in Aquarius a recent achievement. The South Node is
and interact with interesting people from all can prompt deep questions about passion strongly active under this eclipse, which can
walks of life. and purpose. You may get clear on how trigger a decluttering energy around your
Whatever your relationship status and what youre doing fulfils your purpose and office and work space as well as inspire you
situation, it can improve and become more acknowledge the ways in which it doesnt. to move away from work or a professional
fulfilling under Jupiters touch in 2018. This clarity will help you make more associate that drains you. Instead, focus on a
Generosity, adventure and learning are love inspiring choices for the future. fresh start for the future.
buzzwords for you this year. Kindness counts Decision-making time arrives when Mars
and showing your support without limits for returns to Aquarius, now moving forward, Happiness and children
those around you can pay off. from September 11 to November 15. This You may be more affectionate with children
Positive progress and welcome will be a great time to put new plans in or discover your own inner child when
improvements in love are most likely when motion, especially about a job, career or life Venus visits Virgo from July 10 to August 6.
Jupiter and Pluto join forces around January change. Frustrations from the past wont Happy news about children may arrive or
16, April 14 and September 12. These will be matter as much as you set your sights firmly you may find new ways to enjoy the good
great times for a relationship celebration, on the future and where you want to go. This life. Venus in Virgo can help you relax, have
happy news in love or for a partner, and to can be an especially productive time, where fun and explore your creative side. Venus
travel with your mate. Splurge on a special, you power forward and create welcome in Virgo can bring a sweet energy into your
rare or once-in-a-lifetime relationship progress around goals and professional romantic life, too.
adventure then. opportunities that feel most inspiring to Curious Mercury also visits Virgo, from
Venus will make one of her rare, once- you. A leadership opportunity is likely and September 6 to September 22. This can be
in-eight-years retrograde or backwards others may be impressed by your courage in a fun period in which to try new hobbies,
cycles through Scorpio and your 7th making a bold choice. routines and outings with children. Your
House from October 4 to November 1. Unexpected developments may remind curiosity for living life to the full will be
The weeks before and during this period you of the importance of being flexible or strong then, so if theres a show, exhibition
may prompt deep questions about love, inspire you to make a spontaneous choice or gallery you want to check out, go
relationships and what you really need when Mars squares off with Uranus on exploring. New input can help trigger new
to feel fulfilled. You may rethink your May 16, August 2 and September 18. You ideas and insights.
commitments or discuss with a partner may have to choose between personal and
how to adjust things between the two of professional plans then. If so, let your true Adventure and discovery
you so you feel more nurtured. Even if passions dictate your decisions. Your 9th House of Adventure, Learning and
you have to explore some confronting In addition, two eclipses also spotlight Wisdom is one of your most active in 2018.
relationship questions then, youll find new your most public sector. On February 16, A new three-year cycle of growth begins as
ways to show love and receive affection. a solar or New Moon eclipse in Aquarius Saturn enters Capricorn. You may decide to
Any delays or misunderstandings that can bring fresh energy for a new goal or revisit a subject you once wanted to know
emerge in an important partnership project at work. The two weeks following this more about. Opportunities to study, teach,
during Venus retrograde can be resolved eclipse will be a great time to start a new job write or publish may arrive, especially on
once Venus rights herself in Scorpio from or strike out in a new direction. January 16, April 14, May 16, August 2 and
December 2, 2018. September 2 and 12. In business, these
dates may bring an international offer or the
Career and life direction chance to travel for work.
Adjustments are likely at work and around So much of your astrology in 2018 is
life direction. You have an extended tour designed to pull you into new territory and
of Mars through Aquarius and your 10th help you step outside your comfort zone.
House, which can help you remember and Adventures of all kinds from overseas
reflect on your goals. Mars will spend part of trips to exploring new parts of your local
this cycle retrograde, or moving in reverse, neighbourhoods will be essential. You
which will give you a chance to question may wonder more about life, what it means
your obligations and path and resurrect any and how to get the most out of it. Inspiration
forgotten passions. comes as you shake up your routines and
From May 16 to June 25, you may be place yourself in new or unfamiliar territory.
Illustrations Kate Podger & Bigstock

focused on the future but thoughtful about Make the most of this with Mars in Capricorn
whether you want to keep doing what you from March 18 to May 16 and August 13 to
have been doing. During this time, there may September 11.
be delays at work or with life in general. If A supportive angle between Saturn in
so, embrace the slower pace as a cue that Retrograde Mars in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus, from mid-
you dont have to be rushing forward. August to mid-September, may inspire you
Time to catch up on unfinished business
Aquarius can prompt to sign up for an inspirational course or
will be important once Mars starts to deep questions about workshop, head off on retreat somewhere
retrograde from June 25 to August 13. You exotic or surround yourself with inspirational
might reconnect with an old employer or passion and purpose. people. You may surprise yourself by being



interested in doing something you never

thought youd want to. Dont let fear or
past beliefs hold you back. Your mind is
expanding to consider a wider range of
possibilities and life is set to become more
exciting and meaningful as a result.

Friends, networks and groups

Soulful Neptune continues his extended
cycle through Pisces and your 11th House
of Friendship. Close friendships deepen
and become increasingly intuitive. You
may also drift apart from friends youve
outgrown or find you have less energy to
keep up with superficial acquaintances.
An uplifting and hopeful angle between
Jupiter and Neptune on December 3, 2017,
May 25 and August 19 highlights some of
your happiest times with friends. You might
benefit from the support of others then or
find that you can be helpful to a dear friend in
their time of need. If you feel drawn towards
a charitable or social cause, these will be
wonderful times to make a contribution.
Consider planning a night out or weekend
away with friends when Neptune is activated
on February 21 and 25, March 4, April 14 and With electric Uranus in Taurus
December 7.
from May 16 to November 6, youre ready
Personal growth
and self-development for anything new, fresh and different.
Your soul is evolving and you may surprise
yourself with the kinds of experiences Time out and spirituality If you were born between May 4 and 21,
youre drawn to this year. With electric The month before your birthday is always a expansive Jupiter in Scorpio opposes your
Uranus in Taurus from May 16 to good time to take a break, slow down and Sun. Opportunities to grow or try something
November 6, youre ready for anything new, generally recharge. An extended tour of new are abundant, especially regarding
fresh and different. You may be bored with Mercury through Aries, from March 6 to May relationships. Other people are highlighted
your routines or feel like you have gotten 13, helps highlight how important this pre- and you may enjoy welcome progress in
stuck. An interesting class, hobby or birthday break is in 2018. your most important business or personal
lifestyle ritual may capture your attention. You might have a lot on your mind while relationships. Allow yourself to enjoy all that
Let your curiosity run the show youre Mercury is in Aries. If so, time to journal, youve worked for.
ready to experiment with a wide variety of meditate or escape your regular routine If you were born between May 1 and
new possibilities. can help you sift through your many ideas 7, soulful Neptune in Pisces will sextile
In addition, Saturn in Capricorn will and worries. Talk-based therapies, like your Sun. This aspect nudges your
work with Uranus in Taurus from mid- counselling or any type of healing and consciousness, making you curious about
August to mid-September. This can help consulting, may also be especially helpful. all things spiritual and creative. Exploring
you remember your big dreams and come Questions about life, the universe and your softer side is hard to ignore as music
up with the best plan to make them a your place in the cosmos may emerge. and the esoteric grab your interest. You
reality. You might explore a new philosophy, Explore your spiritual side by diving into any may need to let go or surrender old parts
belief system or spiritual perspective then. esoteric or alternative practice that captures of your personality or life to allow you
Youll be especially interested in ideas that your interest. You can learn a lot about your to fully experience your imaginative and
emerge from other cultures. own intuition during this period. Quiet time artistic qualities.
Travel may play a special role in your and time alone can be especially nourishing, If you were born between May 9 and
personal evolution this year, so if you get so opt for a slower schedule during this 12, transformative Pluto trines your Sun.
the chance to take a once-in-a-lifetime extended Mercury in Aries where you can. 2018 is ripe with opportunities for you
trip, go for it. to transform from the caterpillar to the
Venus will visit Taurus from April 124, Birthdays and planets butterfly, via a cocoon-like experience.
so plan a special indulgence then. You If your birthdate is listed below, and not Youll willingly enter into a period of
might shop to update your wardrobe, plan all will be, you have a special planet simplicity as you seek to transform bad
a five-star spa experience or pamper influencing you in 2018. Heres whats habits into great ones. Harnessing your
yourself more than usual. Treat yourself to ahead and how to harness the planets own creative power will be essential to your
the very best. power for your own growth. personal evolution this year.



Gemini 2018
Saturn in Capricorn can help you create lasting financial
security, while Mars retrograde in Aquarius may bring
with it new perspectives on life, purpose and meaning
Words / Kelly Surtees

Overview owe. An accurate understanding of your addition to your house, especially if it will
A big year of transition awaits in 2018 as we current situation will help you make the make you more comfortable.
all prepare to welcome Uranus into Taurus. best plan for the future. Itll be a great year Mercury in Virgo, September 622,
Youll want to break new ground, too, to consolidate debt or pay down extra on a is an ideal time to organise repairs and
especially around financial matters and loan. You may think about the long term, maintenance in your home, especially if
how you balance obligations with freedom. like retirement or wanting to work part you need to connect with a tradesperson.
You might contemplate a new approach to time, which can inspire you to make better You might also want to manage your stuff
your schedule or consider how to be more choices in the present. better, so consider a new storage system
mobile and less location-dependent. An unconventional but totally right but only after you streamline with a
An emphasis on planets on the western for you plan may take shape from mid- declutter first. Itll also be a great time to
side of your solar chart highlights the August to mid-September, when Saturn sort out logistics and family schedules, too.
power of partnership and the important and Uranus get close. A desire for more The Sun in Virgo, August 23 to
role significant people will play in your stability may help you adjust your lifestyle September 23, adds a luxury and
evolution this year. Rather than isolate or make purchasing decisions that better leadership quality. You might upgrade
yourself, seek out others and look for fit your budget. a major piece of furniture or everyday
opportunities to create, or become part of, You may consider a lucrative work appliance to a five-star model. With family,
a team of likeminded individuals. opportunity or prestigious posting as you may take the lead or be proactive about
Health and wellness rituals may be a Jupiter works with Pluto, especially in managing any drama.
bigger priority than usual, thanks to the January, April and September. Choices
rare transit of Jupiter through Scorpio. you make at work then can have a positive Relationships
This once-in-12-years cycle can bring new impact on your bottom line. You may be impatient for progress in
understanding about the importance of You also have a solar or New Moon love, thanks to Mars in Sagittarius from
wellbeing and inspire you to do more to eclipse in Cancer, on July 13, to bring fresh January 26 to March 18. This once-in-
nurture and nourish your health. Whether energy around finances. You might find a two-years cycle can bring excitement to
its your diet, routine or exercise schedule new source of income then, discuss a raise your love life and give you the courage
that needs improving, the influence of with your boss or clients, or implement a to ask for what you want in a dating or
Jupiter in Scorpio especially strong on new budget that feels like a better fit for relationship setting.
January 7 and 16, April 14 and 24, May 25, this stage of life. You may be especially bold in love or
August 19, September 12 and October 29 want to take charge to keep a special
can help. Home life relationship moving forward. Mars can
Your domestic sector, the 4th House, is inspire you to take action, so make a plan
Wealth one of your least active in 2018. You have for what you want out of romance and in
You start a three-year chapter in which regular cycles of Venus, Mercury and relationships now and then follow it. Itll
you can create new financial stability, the Sun to inspire you to make smaller be a great time to meet someone new or
thanks to the longer trend of Saturn in improvements at home, and to highlight reconnect with your partner, especially
Capricorn. Saturn joins Pluto in Capricorn, some of the best periods for quality time around March 11, when Mars joins forces
Illustrations Kate Podger

intensifying your focus on money and with family. with Uranus. Your honesty can help you
wealth and helping you to figure out the Venus in Virgo, July 10 to August make the best choices for you in love then.
best ways in which you can improve your 6, might inspire you to host a family You might also consider a spontaneous
own financial situation. gathering or a casual meal with friends. invitation or meet someone when you
You may get a reality check about your Beauty and togetherness are highlighted least expect it.
true financial position. If so, be honest with so you may refresh your decor at home Once Jupiter enters Sagittarius on
yourself about what you own and what you then, too. Consider an extravagant November 8, a major growth cycle in



loved ones. Joy, happiness and fulfilment

are highlighted and events during Venus
in Libra can bring a new lightness into
your heart.
Plans connected to children may move
forward or you may hear happy news
about a child one you have or hope to
have or a child thats dear to you.
A small part of Venus 2018 retrograde
influences Libra, and you may find
November brings second chances for
a missed dating, social or other leisure
event. Itll also be a fun time to reconnect
with a forgotten hobby or rekindle the
spark with someone special.

Adventure and discovery

You may be restless when your 9th
House of Adventure is activated by Mars
retrograde and two potent eclipses in 2018.
Mars in Sagittarius can bring excitement A rare backwards tour of Mars through
Aquarius may prompt you to review your
to your love life. plans and long-range schedule and
may also remind you of a trip or a study,
relationships will start. This begins a at work. You may be ready to develop teaching and writing opportunity you had
12-month period in which you may make new skills or find you are in an wanted to organise.
a special relationship dream come true. apprenticeship period where you have Mars is in Aquarius for an extra-long
After taking action and being upfront newer skills and talents you need to time: from May 16 to August 13 and again
about your dreams earlier in the year practise and improve. If thats the case, from September 11 to November 15.
(when Mars is in Sagittarius), youll you may not earn your top income just yet, Thats a total of five months! This extreme
now reap the rewards of your efforts to but the experience you gain while Jupiter emphasis can help you dive deeper into
make relationships more meaningful is in Scorpio will set you up for a peak your big life dreams. You may ditch some
and fulfilling. earning period after November. dreams as you realise you have outgrown
Jupiter will spend November and Jupiter will work directly with Neptune them, or focus on other plans that have
December 2018 in your relationship sector, on May 25 and August 19, which can bring become bigger priorities in the present.
and will continue this influence for most helpful support in your career. You might Your passion for writing, teaching
of 2019. This once-in-a-decade cycle can join an inspirational project then, or realise and learning may intensify. If so, youll
bring new happiness into your love life. how your skills can make a big difference want to plan extra workshops, training
You may find it easier to attract the love for others. Compassion, generosity and or courses to help feed your enthusiasm
and support you want or become more making a big impact are highlighted. for knowledge. You may discover a new
generous with affection towards a partner. A professional alliance formed when teacher or mentor who can share more
You may plan a luxury celebration with or Jupiter works with Pluto on January layers of wisdom with you.
for a significant other. 16, April 14 and September 12 can help The period where Mars is retrograde
ensure your work has a positive and or moving backwards through Aquarius,
Career and life direction transformative effect on others. You might from June 25 to August 13, is ideal for
Your professional mission, should you also hear welcome news about funding for an inspired getaway. You may need to be
choose to accept it, is to find the best way a professional project. flexible about your schedule or itinerary,
to make a career dream a reality. The however, as plans may change or be
extended tour of Neptune through Pisces Happiness and children delayed. If you do miss out on any special
continues, and you may be increasingly You are most likely to be in the mood to experience then, you will have a second
drawn to work that helps and heals or has play when Venus tours Libra. In 2018, this chance when Mars returns to Aquarius
a spiritual, intuitive or esoteric component. includes two separate periods: one from from mid-September to mid-November.
Illustrations Kate Podger & Bigstock

Neptune is all about going with the flow, August 6 to September 9 and then again This later Mars in Aquarius cycle can bring
so you may crave work that has a fluid from November 1 to December 2. clarity and resolution, especially about
or flexible schedule or where you can set Venus in Libra can enhance your decisions you have grappled with. You may
your own routine. Music can be a helpful creative powers and remind you of the get a better sense of your future direction
motivating tool in your career, as can joys in life. This can be about discovering then, too.
connection to the water. lifes little pleasures or giving yourself February 16 and July 28, when eclipses
Jupiters tour of Scorpio, a special permission to do more of what you love. in Aquarius trigger your adventure
influence for 2018, continues until Youll be less interested in work and sector, will provide you with wonderful
November 8. It provides you with large- worldly ambitions then and more focused times to open yourself to the world at
scale support and encourages growth on nourishing your relationships with large. An international opportunity may



arrive during one of these eclipses or With your ruling star Mercury touring If you have never dabbled in meditation,
you may consider a global business offer. Gemini from May 29 to June 12, youll be gone on retreat or taken a restful
Travel and generally stepping outside full of ideas and insights, especially about sabbatical, you may be inspired to do so
your comfort zone will be the keys to future plans. Books, podcasts, courses and in 2018. Mid-August to mid-September,
discovering inspiration and maintaining interesting people will be worth your time when Saturn and Uranus get close,
your focus then. then, especially if you want to improve your can bring a shift in thinking that opens
thoughts and attitudes. up a whole new world view. You may
Friends, networks and groups The golden Sun blesses you with his temporarily feel a little unstable as
Your social sector is alive with planetary bright and uplifting light from May 21 to you start to question things you always
activity early in the year. An extended cycle June 21. Luxury of all kinds may appeal, believed to be true. Along the way, you
of Mercury through Aries, from March 6 to but youll also gain confidence to show your may find the healing you need through
May 13, can make you even more curious authentic self more often. The time around a variety of alternative forms for an old
than usual about spending time with your birthday is always special and can be wound or pain from the past.
friends and meeting new people. heartwarming. Dare to follow your curiosity April 1 to May 21 is another wonderful
Crossed wires or a mix-up with a friend and let yourself do more of what you truly time to lay low, take a break or generally
might occur while Mercury is retrograde, or love then. reduce your schedule. Venus, the Sun and
moving backwards, from March 22 to April Mercury all tour Taurus then, helping you
14. You may need to be more flexible than Time out and spirituality step back from life and explore your inner
usual then and it will pay to double-check Your perspective on time out, and the landscape. The weeks before your birthday
details to avoid any misunderstanding. value of consciously choosing to retreat, are an especially potent time to listen to
Mercury retrograde in Aries can also is changing. The longer trend of Uranus your instincts and lay to rest any unfinished
inspire you to review your friendships. in Taurus begins with a preview from from the past year.
Are there friends youve outgrown who May 15 to November 6. This period may
you can let go of? Are there people youve shake up your point of view as well as Birthdays and planets
neglected who you want to reconnect dare you to explore new spiritual and If your birthdate is listed below, and not
with? Theres a lot of shifting in your heart philosophical ideas. all will be, you have a special planet
now about friends, group connections and Freedom in all its forms will be influencing you in 2018. Heres whats
social networks (in real life and online), so important. You may redefine what freedom ahead and how to harness the planets
consider your many options. Ask questions means for you and come to understand the power for your own growth.
about friendships that you might otherwise power of having an unfettered heart, even If you were born between May 21
ignore. Spend more time with people who amid a life full of expectations. and June 2, lucky Jupiter in Sagittarius
interest you, who make you think and who will oppose your Sun. A little effort can
are easy to talk to. lead to exciting growth, expansion and
You also have Venus and the Sun onside opportunity. Take action to help manifest
from March 6 to April 20, adding warmth your big-picture life visions. Adventure,
and affection into your friendships. You learning and travel are essential to your
might take the lead on a group project or growth in 2018, and a significant other
get involved with a cause close to your may help you evolve.
heart. Friends may show their appreciation If you were born between June 2 and 7,
for you, or you may plan a five-star social dreamy Neptune in Pisces squares your
event just for fun. Sun. Neptune offers inspiration and the
ability to connect with your spiritual and
Personal growth creative side. First, he asks that you make
and self-development sacrifices and let go of anything which
With so much focus on the western or doesnt support your emerging intuitive or
right-hand side of your chart, this year is creative interests. The balance between
more about growth through relationships. reality and fantasy can seem skewed as
Your biggest breakthroughs and most the lines between what is and what you
exciting experiences are likely to come imagine blur. Seek answers within rather
when you are connected to or learning than from external sources.
from others.
While it looks a little quieter on the
Your biggest If you were born between June 15 and
21, unconventional Uranus will sextile your
personal growth front, you do have the breakthroughs Sun. This offers you a taste of freedom
regular annual cycles of Venus, Mercury and the desire for more independence.
and the Sun to help you refocus on yourself and most exciting Emerging philosophies about individuality
at different points. help you explore authenticity in life rather
Pampering, indulgence and generally experiences are likely than sticking with the conventional
spoiling yourself may be on the cards with
Venus in Gemini from April 24 to May 19.
to come when you path. Communication and honest self-
expression are keys to liberation. Fresh
This sweet influence can help you attract are connected to or thoughts, insights and new information
supportive people and little luxuries. Treat can prompt a radical but totally right for
yourself to an indulgent experience then. learning from others. you decision.



Cancer 2018
New stability in relationships is possible thanks to Saturn in Capricorn,
and Jupiter in Scorpio activates a year-long happiness cycle
Words / Kelly Surtees

Overview those 8th House money topics mentioned to create a necessary compromise. Decisions
Happiness, relationships and personal above will be sky high when Mars first you make about family or your home during
growth feature in 2018. You have the longer enters Aquarius, from May 16 to June 25. August are likely to last.
trend of Jupiter in Scorpio to help you focus Take notes of what you feel motivated to do Venus returns to Libra and your domestic
on the fun side of life, whether thats with and what most frustrates you around sector from November 1 to December 2.
children, a loved one or simply enjoying more money then. These will be important topics to Shes moving slowly and will help you focus
of what you love. Saturn begins a three-year address, but not right away. on one or two key home topics. If theres a
tour of Capricorn and your 7th House of While Mars retrogrades, or moves domestic matter thats not working to your
Relationships, which can help you realise a backwards, in Aquarius from June 25 to satisfaction, this will be the time to dive into
long-held relationship dream. Other people August 13, youll be in the research and it more deeply. Something youve overlooked
play a significant role in your progress this discovery phase. Chat to friends, family and may become clear and you may discover
year, both at work and in your personal life. a partner (at work or in your love life) about support where you least expect it. A home
different options. Discuss how to manage or family matter from the first week in
Wealth money with others, the best ways to plan for September may be in the spotlight again
You might restructure your finances or the future and what you might do about any if so, youll have the chance to improve it.
give your banking habits an overhaul. Two debt, a possible inheritance or a tax matter.
retrogrades may inspire you to review and In mid-September, Mars returns to Relationships
update your money habits, from budgeting Aquarius and is ready to help you put a new Depth, intensity and loyalty are all possible
to how you save and what you spend your strategy in place. Take action, make decisions in love and your closest partnerships, thanks
cash on. and sign off on changes from September 11 to a rare combination of Jupiter and Pluto,
Mercury will retrograde in Leo from July to November 15. This can be a productive as well as a once-in-30-years tour of Saturn
25 to August 18, which can highlight contracts period, where you set your direction with through Capricorn.
and financial paperwork of all kinds. While money for the long term. Plutos extended cycle through Capricorn
its not an ideal influence to finalise a new To add extra intensity and further highlight also your 7th House of Relationships is
agreement, it is a great time to review your the importance of money, you have four given a boost by supportive Jupiter. This can
accounts or financial papers to make sure you eclipses that will trigger your money axis in bring feelings of hopefulness into your love
are getting what you pay for. You may be able 2018. Be sure to ask for what you want and life as well as many exciting opportunities to
to negotiate an unusual deal or restructure deserve and invest with the long term grow a relationship and share love with your
your salary. If any payments are delayed, in mind during the eclipses on January 31, special people.
follow up promptly. Missing paperwork may February 16, July 28 and August 11. Jupiter will form an easy sextile to Pluto
cause hold-ups with money, so double check on January 16, April 14 and September
that any documents you submit are received Home life 12, which can bring some of your happiest
and completed as expected. Your home life is touched by a double dose times in love with dating and relationships. If
More important than Mercury, though, of Venus in 2018, thanks to her retrograde, youre single, be open to meeting someone
is a retrograde by Mars in Aquarius. Mars which will cross the signs of Scorpio and new. Attached? Take time to nurture your
will spend a total of five months this year Libra. This highlights two separate periods relationship and spoil your partner then. New
in Aquarius, which is your 8th House where your home and family life will be in love truths become clear, which can help
and represents debt, taxes, couple and focus, but with different priorities. you better understand what you need from a
family finances along with inheritances, The first period is from August 6 to partner and the best ways to express it.
Illustrations Kate Podger

investments and retirement planning. September 9, which is when you may Stabilising Saturn begins a three-year tour
With all these major money topics in the want to redecorate or make your home of Capricorn. This highlights the period from
spotlight, you can imagine that you might more comfortable. You might update soft December 2017 to December 2020 as one
have decisions to make. furnishings, splurge on new bed sheets, in which you can create new security in your
Your enthusiasm to shake things up or towels or linens, or treat yourself to a fancy closest relationships.
take charge to create the positive changes appliance. Quality time with family can lead Saturn may highlight a test or challenge
you want with money especially around to renewed affections then or make it easier in a long-term partnership. If so, itll be





business plans into action. Embrace Mars can help you take action to put living
technology and innovation in your career well first, and you may be less ambitious
as much as possible. during this time. Quality time with your inner
You also have an extended cycle of circle will be ideal. Trust and loyalty is hugely
Mercury through Aries to help you reorganise important to you and you may want to nourish
a catch up on career details. Mercury some of your most important relationships
planet of business deals, discussion, then. If you have a romantic partner, take time
ne networking and paperwork is to bond, rekindle the spark and generally
in your
y career sector and the sign of Aries enjoy each others company.
from March 6 to May 13. This gives you about Plans regarding children, to do with
two mmonths to deal with details and finalise a romantic relationship or a creative
any work-related
w decisions. undertaking, may be in flux when Venus
Dur Mercurys retrograde or retrogrades or reverses in Scorpio from
backwa cycle from March 22 to April October 4 to November 1. If so, dont force
14, you may experience delays at work. events. Instead, step back, tune in and feel
Crossed wires are also likely, so take the your way forward. Second chances with any
time to double-check details and confirm missed opportunities from September and
expectations. Rather than source new October are likely in December, when Venus
business, clients or contracts, Mercury revisits Scorpio.
Youll open your heart retrograde is a great time to deal with any
loose ends at work or follow up on leads that Adventure and discovery
and rediscover joy with havent yet grown into sales or income. The longer trend of Neptune in Pisces
All the re words review, redo, revise continues and you may intensify your search
Jupiter in Scorpio. apply when Mercury is retrograde, so you for the ultimate beach destination or relaxing
can also use this time to reflect on your long- holiday. The search for purpose and meaning
term career goals. If you need to tweak the is also a huge part of your process in 2018
up to you to find new ways to show your way youre working to achieve your ultimate and you may devote extra time to study and
commitment to a significant other. Saturn is professional dreams, now is a great time to training, especially of the spiritual or intuitive
real and asks you to be totally honest about do so. kind. Or, you might head off on retreat or
what is or isnt working in your closest schedule a once-in-a-lifetime holiday.
relationships. If youre in a partnership at Happiness and children Jupiter supports Neptune in December
work or in your personal life that has With abundant Jupiter in Scorpio lighting up 2017 and again in May and August 2018,
been struggling for some time, you may one of your happiest chart sectors the 5th giving you three special months to dive into
have an honest discussion about the future. House you have cosmic support to focus on lifes mysteries. You may find it easier to let
Dates where extra effort or honesty fun and living life to the full. This once-in-12- go of fear or conditioning then. If so, dare to
might be required in love include January years cycle can help you open your heart and go with the flow and feel the magic in life.
13, March 13, April 2, May 26 and August rediscover joy. You might meet new people Adventure and new experiences of all kinds
10. Commitments can be reinforced then, or even someone special who make you then can help your soul grow and evolve.
or you may make a brave decision about a feel good. Happy news about children may You also have a dose of courage, thanks to
relationship you have outgrown. arrive or a child in your life may hear news Mars in Pisces, to further inspire you to take
During Saturns tour of Capricorn, youll about an exciting opportunity. If you have a leap of faith. From November 15 to January
get to know a significant other more deeply children, itll be a great year to encourage 1, 2019, you may be restless for adventure or
and have the chance to strengthen the them to pursue their own dreams or to keen for a change of scenery. Shake up your
foundations in your relationship. support their adventures. regular routines so that you can benefit from
Creative outlets of all kinds can play a the inspiration that emerges when you expose
Career and life direction helpful role in your evolution in 2018. Splurge your soul to new locations. International
A longer career chapter will begin to wind on tickets to a show, concert or even a series opportunities may arrive, too, so be ready to
down as Uranus starts to transition out of events. Spend time taking in the artistic say yes to a heartfelt adventure.
of Aries. The past seven years have seen expression of others it may be surprisingly
radical growth and possibly a few unstable motivating and uplifting. Friends, networks and groups
periods at work. Hopefully youve been Jupiter works with Neptune in Pisces on Your social life may get an exciting shakeup
able to embrace change and a shifting May 25 and August 19, creating a flowing thanks to the tour of Uranus through Taurus.
Illustrations Kate Podger & Bigstock

marketplace to create more freedom and angle that can help you take a dream holiday This begins properly in 2019 but you will get a
autonomy in your career. or splurge on a once-in-a-lifetime travel, feel for this energy from May 15 to November
If you still have dreams of being less study or retreat experience. You may get the 6, 2018, when Uranus begins to break new
location dependent, or want to work chance to make a special dream come true ground in Taurus.
for yourself in some capacity, make then. If so, take it with lucky Jupiter on side Your established social networks may
that a priority for 2018. Uranus in Aries you may find plans come together more easily change and you may become increasingly
encourages the spirit of the entrepreneur than you expect. interested in meeting new people. Uranus
and the periods before May 15, 2018, as You also have Mars in Scorpio (December is all about doing things differently, so
well as from November 6 to March 6, 10, 2017, to January 26, 2018) to ensure you consider fresh strategies for maintaining
2019, are perfect to put any unfinished start the year off in a relaxed state of mind. your closest friendships rather than trying



to keep up with the same social rituals you

have had for years.
Technology may play a larger role,
which might make it easier to stay in touch
with friends who dont live near you. You
may grow a network online or find new
ways to enjoy social media. You may meet
people who share your quirky interests or
genuinely encourage you to be yourself, no
matter how unconventional.
Uranus is sure to add excitement to your
friendships. This can also be a wonderful
year to expand your involvement with groups
of all kinds, including professional or
charitable organisations.
Be especially flexible regarding plans with
friends when Saturn and Uranus get close
from mid-August to mid-September. A last-
minute invitation or social plan will be worth
exploring then.

Personal growth
and self-development
A breakthrough around a personal project
might arrive near the New Moon or solar
eclipse in Cancer on July 13. This eclipse is
the precursor to a longer 18-month personal
growth cycle, which starts on November 7,
2018. The North Node enters Cancer then
and youll be ready to evolve, embrace the
future and leave the past behind. During Saturns tour of Capricorn,
During the Cancer eclipse in July, you
might spend more time doing things you love youll get to know a signicant other more
or trying out new hobbies and experiences
to see what you do like. The focus will be
deeply and have the chance to strengthen
firmly on you and what makes you feel good. the foundations in your relationship.
Tune into your hearts desires then as you
have a special chance to learn about whats
important to you at this age and stage of life. Quiet time to write, meditate, reflect or your Sun. This indicates that 2018 is a
simply consider an existential question will year of deep transformation, as you purge
Time out and spirituality be important while Mercury is in Gemini, your spirit of the influences of the past
Your 12th House of Retreat and Rest is super from May 29 to June 12. Feed your spirit then and create a clean slate for the future.
quiet in 2018. This means youll want to take with inspirational books, podcasts or even a Power, control and intimacy themes
advantage of the chance to keep a low profile, soulful workshop. (especially relating to sex and money)
or turn your attention inwards. Most of this dominate, as you realise that you need
year will involve you being productive in the Birthdays and planets to get to the bottom of usually hidden or
world and engaged with other people. If your birthdate is listed below, and not secret aspects of life. Like the caterpillar,
With Venus in Gemini from April 24 to May all will be, you have a special planet you may find yourself in a cocoon as you
19, you may embrace the idea of slowing influencing you in 2018. Heres whats undergo profound experiences on your
down or want to go on a luxury retreat. Time ahead and how to harness the planets journey to becoming the symbolic butterfly.
away with a close friend or loved one may power for your own growth. Harnessing creative power is essential to
also appeal. You may want to work on a If you were born between July 3 and 9, your evolution this year.
creative or craft project in private or away soulful Neptune in Pisces will trine your Sun. If you were born between July 17 and
from prying eyes. Create a sacred sanctuary This aspect arouses your curiosity about 22, freedom-loving Uranus in Aries will
that you can spend time in to recharge. all things spiritual and creative. Exploring square your Sun. Life breaks open as you
Time out to recharge will also be your softer side is hard to ignore as music realise anything really is possible. You
important while the Sun tours Gemini, from and the esoteric grab your interest. You may want more personal space to explore your
May 21 to June 21. The weeks before your need to let go or surrender old parts of your emerging individuality. Uranuss calling card
birthday are a special time to deal with personality or life to fully experience your is expect the unexpected; this may be a
unfinished business from the past 12 months, imaginative and artistic qualities. chaotic, change-filled year. You may love
and to recharge and set intentions for the If you were born between July 11 and where it takes you as a sense of electricity
year ahead. 14, intense Pluto in Capricorn will oppose fills your life.



Leo 2018
The North Node in Leo brings profound personal growth,
while Jupiter in Scorpio brings welcome progress with family
and can help you upgrade or improve your home
Words / Kelly Surtees

Overview Mars will join Neptune in Pisces from relation to your home, can lead to satisfying
You may embrace new opportunities or November 15, 2018, to January 1, 2019, giving results and long-lasting improvements.
pursue a whole new way of living in 2018. you courage to take action about a financial You may also consider plans that will
With the karmic North Node in Leo until matter. Use the proactive style of Mars to involve investing more in property, such as
November 7, you may be ready to break with help you move forward with a new money upgrading your home, purchasing a second
the past and more fully trust your talents, plan or pay down debt and invest for the or investment property or undertaking a
desires and big life dreams. future. The progress you create during this larger-scale renovation. If so, carefully check
You have serious Saturn in Capricorn period can set you up for the next two years. the financial arrangements around December
to help you create structured routines Mars can inspire acts of financial bravery, 3, 2017, May 25 and August 19. Jupiter and
and schedules and to generally keep you where you honestly discuss what you own and Neptune will be in cahoots then and facts
grounded. This longer trend, which lasts for what you owe. You might also take a more may be foggy. You may need to spend more
2018, 2019 and 2020, can help you improve direct approach when dealing with money in than you planned or let go of your original
your time management skills. If you feel relationships, too. strategy and choose a path that better fits
overwhelmed at any point this year, consider reality then.
doing less rather than more. Focusing on Home life Finally, a rare retrograde of Venus in
quality over quantity can help you achieve Your home life is one of your highlighted Scorpio occurs later in October. The period
your most important priorities. areas of growth and progress, thanks to the from early September 2018 to early January
longer trend of Jupiter in Scorpio. This once- 2019 marks the end of a longer eight-year
Wealth in-12-years cycle is active until November trend around your living situation and family
With your 8th House the most active 8, 2018, and will give you many chances to life. One chapter ends as you prepare for
money sector in 2018, youll be most improve or upgrade your living situation and the next stage of life, with new experiences
focused on how you share money with to expand your family life. This can cover a around family. This may correspond with the
a partner, at work or in your personal few scenarios, from spending more regular start of your family or older children moving
life, as well as taxes, inheritances, wills, time with family to adopting a new pet or out. You might splurge on your first home or a
investments and retirement planning. welcome growth and progress with children. larger family home, or be ready to downsize.
Reflect on why you work and what you Jupiter in Scorpio can bring new Whatever your personal situation, think of the
hope money will be able to provide for you understanding about what you really want past eight years as a whole and acknowledge
in the future. Consider if the way money at home. If your home experiences havent your experiences during this time. Then, set
is shared in your closest partnerships is been fulfilling, Jupiter in Scorpio can help your sights on the next eight years and plan
meaningful and fair, or lopsided. you figure out why and inspire you to take your home and family life accordingly.
The longer trend of Neptune in Pisces meaningful action to get things back on track.
continues and you may find that absolute Mars will join Jupiter in Scorpio from Relationships
resistance to the merging of assets, goals December 9, 2017, to January 26, 2018. Bold Transitions and turning points are likely
or finances could be futile. Neptune likes steps you take to improve or change your inyour closest relationships, thanks to
to let go of boundaries and makes things home and family relationships can create a rare Mars retrograde as well as two
a little blurred. While this can encourage fast-paced or exciting progress. Take charge eclipses in Aquarius.
compassion and a desire to help others, to move plans or family events forward. Mars represents passion, assertiveness
Illustrations Kate Podger

when it comes to money this approach can Support may arrive for home and movement. During Mars extended tour
be tricky. Trusting your instincts may be a key improvement or expansion plans when of Aquarius these topics will be highlighted
money management step this year, especially Jupiter works with Pluto on January 16, in love. Mars is in Aquarius from May 16
if you feel uncomfortable about any aspect of April 14 and September 12. You may make to August 13 and again from September 11
your financial situation. Listen to that urge amazing headway around domestic and to November 15. Mars can help you discover
or inkling as its trying to show you the way family dreams then. Your willingness to the courage you need to take inspired action
towards a more fulfilling, safe money path. work, or to organise the work of others in around a dating or relationship matter.



These themes are all likely to be highlighted

in your career in 2018.
Your Uranus in Taurus mindset will
involve being flexible and spontaneous. Say
yes to opportunities that might lie outside
your professional comfort zone or your
past career experience. New, different
and exotic experiences are all part of the
Uranus pattern. You may daydream about a
wonderfully different life for yourself. If so,
give yourself permission to fully explore the
kinds of changes and freedoms that seem
most important to you.
Triggers and aspects to Uranus in
Taurus can bring change, progress and a
welcome shakeup at work. In 2018, these
include: May 16, August 2, September 12
and 18, October 31 and the period from
mid-August to mid-September.

Happiness and children

A magical 12-month cycle that will expand
your heart and bring new joy into your
world begins with the entry of Jupiter into
Sagittarius on November 8, 2018. This rare
transit highlights fulfilment and fun. Happy
Mars in Sagittarius will gift you with courage, news around children will be possible or you
may expand your family. Romance and new
which make you more bold or assertive happiness in dating and relationships will
also be possible. Most of the good things that
in a dating or relationship setting. Jupiter in Sagittarius will offer will manifest
in 2019, but you get a taste of whats ahead
You might be more forward or direct in Moon eclipse on February 16 may bring fresh towards the end of 2018, once Jupiter moves
expressing your desires, or take a chance starts and new beginnings in love and your into Sagittarius.
and ask for what you want. Restlessness for closest relationships. Focus on the future Earlier in 2018, you have an energising
change and progress in a close relationship rather than the past then. The Aquarius period that can help you act on dreams
might help you to push forward or take a lunar or Full Moon eclipse on July 28 can be for happiness, when Mars moves through
more decisive stance. a wonderful time for healing, release and Sagittarius from January 26 to March 18.
When Mars retrogrades, or moves letting go. You might heal from the pain of You might boldly pursue a creative or artistic
backwards, in Aquarius from June 25 relationships past or find forgiveness around undertaking or give yourself permission to
to August 13, some delays in love are a current relationship matter. take time for fun, pleasure and enjoyment.
likely. There might be crossed wires or a Mars in Sagittarius will gift you with
misunderstanding. Any frustrations you Career and life direction courage, which makes you more bold or
have about a significant other or around 2018 can bring an exciting breakthrough assertive in a dating or relationship setting.
your dating and love life then are clues or invite you to instigate a radical shakeup You might take the first step with someone
to some of your deepest desires. While of your career and life path. Unpredictable special or ask for what it is you really want
Mars is retrograde, you might reflect on Uranus, who is always full of surprises, in love.
old relationship events or even temporarily begins to tour Taurus, visiting your career Your willingness to go after what you
reconnect with an ex. sector from May 15 to November 6. As a most deeply desire can help you find more
Major developments, fast-paced result, you may be restless at work or notice happiness. Rather than wonder whether you
progress and exciting encounters in a desire for more freedom in your career. should or if its the right time or what else
relationships are most likely through Uranus in Taurus helps you break new you might be doing thats productive, Mars
the final stage of Mars in Aquarius, from ground at work. in Sagittarius encourages you to take action.
Illustrations Kate Podger & Bigstock

September 11 to November 15. Resolutions Uranus in Taurus will shape the next seven You might put play above ambition and make
to relationship dramas or issues from years, so theres no immediate pressure spending time with people who truly make
earlier in the year are likely then. This will to make a radical change right away. But you happy your priority. March 11, when Mars
also be a great time to finalise exciting it will serve you to explore new initiatives works with Uranus, may bring a spur-of-the-
plans for the future with someone special. at work. Uranus is especially associated moment invitation or opportunity. If so, take
If you want to meet someone new, use the with self-employment, or working contract the leap of faith.
energy and determination of Mars to help and freelance rather than full-time or on
you take action around dating. salary. Uranus is about independence and Adventure and discovery
Two eclipses in Aquarius will also activate encourages innovation, change and the use An extended tour of Mercury through Aries
relationships. The Aquarius solar or New of as much modern technology as possible. can make you curious about meaning and



purpose from March 6 to May 13. During or dissatisfied, thats a clue that you have yourself the gift of unscheduled downtime
this time, you might be more open to new outgrown a role or obligation or that you are in which you can follow your heart or do as
experiences than usual, especially those ready to update your personal habits. little as you like.
to do with travel, adventure, learning, The cosmic spotlight shines your way A solar or New Moon eclipse in
teaching, writing or studying. International under the Leo lunar or Full Moon eclipse Cancer on July 13 may bring events that
business opportunities are also highlighted on January 31. The days before and after remind you of the importance of rest and
and you may consider offers relating to a this eclipse can bring profound insight, downtime. If you feel emotional or have
global company. a breakthrough or even help you end been working long hours in the first half
As part of this longer cycle, Mercury will something thats no longer serving you. of the year, the days before and after this
be retrograde, or moving backwards, from Pay attention to the ideas and visions that eclipse may remind you to slow down and
March 22 to April 14. This will be a lovely emerge; they will be clues as to what you to take care of your health. Emotional
time to break with routine and change your need more of. and mental health will be important, so
schedule, in small or large ways. This could On August 11, a powerful New Moon consider healing therapies, especially if you
include a holiday or an overseas getaway. solar eclipse forms in Leo, which can be have had more than usual to cope with.
The dates around the start and end of the a wonderful time to break with the past or
retrograde may bring some delays or crossed make a decision thats firmly focused on the Birthdays and planets
wires. If you plan to travel then, double- future. You may be ready to start a new cycle If your birthdate is listed below, and not
check details and build extra time into your or resolve to take time and energy for a pet all will be, you have a special planet
schedule so you have some flexibility if there project. Your personal interests and goals influencing you in 2018. Heres whats
are any hiccups. should be top priority. ahead and how to harness the planets
It can also pay to be especially flexible New information can be the catalyst for power for your own growth.
with all kinds of plans when Mercury is your evolution this year. With curious Mercury If you were born between July 22 and 25,
retrograde, but especially with dates and spending an extra-long time in Leo, the eccentric Uranus in Taurus will square your
expectations regarding any teaching, period from June 29 to September 6 can be Sun. While Uranus is known to create chaos,
presenting or training work you might be full of insights and bring new self-awareness. he also enlivens and electrifies life. Youll
involved with around that time. Question what you dont understand or seek have blasts of unexpected development and
Dates to stretch outside your comfort answers from a trusted mentor or guide. flashes of brilliant insight. Forget tradition
zone, embrace a new adventure or be open to Explore what nourishes you and makes you and start exploring the best path forward for
the wisdom and knowledge of others include feel good. you. Independence, freedom and individuality
March 11, April 18 and May 13. While Mercury is retrograde, or moving will be important.
backwards, in Leo from July 25 to August If you were born between August 5 and
Friends, networks and groups 18, you may be reflective or want time away 24, lucky Jupiter in Scorpio will square your
Your social sector is one of your least active in from your usual commitments. During this Sun. Growth, expansion and opportunities
2018, suggesting other areas of life may take cycle there is a lot thats shifting inside of are within reach. A little effort will take you
precedence. That said, you have the regular you. Youll explore new ideas and may realise a long way, so take action to manifest your
cycles of Venus, the Sun and Mercury through youre no longer as interested in things from big-picture life dreams, especially about your
Gemini, your social sector, to add sparkle to the past. Give yourself permission to replace home and family.
your friendships and social life. the old with something new. While you may If you were born between August 17 and
Aim to see your friends or make charity, contemplate a variety of options or decisions, 24, unconventional Uranus in Aries will
community and professional events a priority Mercury retrograde isnt ideal for making trine your Sun. This offers you a taste of
from April 24 to June 21. Time with your decisions. Instead, use this period to research freedom and can arouse a strong desire for
closest friends can inspire and uplift you, or and discuss plans for the future. more independence. New thoughts around
you may meet a variety of interesting new being true to yourself may inspire you to
people during this period. This will be a great Time out and spirituality make increasingly authentic, if unusual,
time to expand your online networks, too. A slower schedule mid-year can help you choices. Rather than sticking with the
You may be more interested in sharing and recharge or give you the time you need to conventional path, dare to go your own way.
connecting with others in general, or find integrate past events. Its always a great idea
your curiosity helps you overcome any fear to take a break, especially a restful one, in the
you have about meeting new people. weeks before your birthday, as your energy
levels physically and emotionally can be
Personal growth lower then. A hermit-like energy influences
and self-development most of us in the two to four weeks before
2018 can be a huge year of personal growth. our birthday, so doing less, resting and taking
The combination of the karmic North Node, time out can be beneficial.
two eclipses and an extended tour of Mercury You also have Venus in Cancer, from
all in Leo combine to help you get to know May 19 to June 13, to help you pamper
your true self more deeply. yourself and unwind. You might splurge on
As you tune into your most authentic self, a getaway with a friend or loved one. Time
you may realise that some of your current out from your usual schedule can help you Uranus in Taurus helps
circumstances arent as right for you as youd recharge, so take a break from your regular
thought. One necessary consequence of responsibilities if you can. Put your feet you break new ground
living a more truthful life is that it is harder
to go along to get along. If you feel restless
up and explore a rarely indulged creative
outlet, hobby or personal interest. Give
at work.

Virgo 2018
Mars retrograde in Aquarius can help you reorganise health,
work and wellness rituals. Meanwhile, Jupiter in Scorpio can bring
new mastery with language, communication and self-expression
Words / Kelly Surtees

Overview to know that financially things will become you have the freedom you need to pursue
Its your inner landscape thats most increasingly calm. You get a taste of this grand adventures.
influenced by the planets in 2018. You more manageable vibe from May 15 to Avoid decisions about your home around
may notice more shifts within your being November 6, when Uranus steps out of February 17, as Mars is in touch with
rather than in the world at large, as the Aries and your 8th House. By March 5, Neptune in Pisces then and details may
planets emphasise the lower half of 2019, this more stable money energy will be foggy. March 11 looks more positive,
your horoscope. Your world view is being be permanent. as Mars joins forces with Uranus and an
reshaped and you may question things A small part of Venus retrograde exciting breakthrough with family will
youve long held to be true. Let your mind in Libra will also affect finances, from be possible. You may make an impulsive
wander over new terrain changing November 115. You might experience addition to your home, too.
circumstances may mean its time to let go some delays with cashflow or in discussion Taking care of necessary domestic
of old beliefs. around increasing your income then. If so, duties while Mars is in Sagittarius will
Health, wellness and work routines, the second half of November can bring a set you up for exciting opportunities that
including your regular or everyday resolution or second chances, both from are sure to arrive when Jupiter begins
schedule, may be in flux with Mars earlier in the month and from as far back a more rare tour through Sagittarius on
retrograde (moving backwards) in Aquarius as the first 10 days of September. The November 8. This is the start of a 12-year
from June 25 to August 13. Instead of Venus retrograde in Libra will be a good cycle of improvement and expansion, both
sticking diligently to your plans, it may time to rethink your budget and reflect in your living situation and within family
make better sense to adapt your schedule on whether your savings and income relationships. You might explore an exciting
to new developments or to explore how strategies are working as well as you want. relocation or want to upgrade your home
technology can make it easier to manage If not, use the review and redo energy of substantially, either through a renovation
your regular obligations. this cycle to research your options and or move. Jupiter in Sagittarius will continue
Your ruling star Mercury spends most of make lasting changes. to bless your home life throughout 2019.
his 2018 retrogrades in fire signs, which is Contracts, paperwork and documents
a sure sign youll be looking for inspiration. relating to money such as a rental
Time with mentors, on retreat or travelling agreement, mortgage documents, your Relationships
can be especially uplifting for you this year. salary or work contract and papers A compassionate and generous angle
Youll also learn a lot about communication relating to investments and bills may between Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune
and self-expression, thanks to the longer need to be better organised. If you know in Pisces provides the opportunity for
trend of Jupiter in Scorpio. This might that you have paperwork to submit about heartfelt growth in relationships. This
inspire you to dive into a detailed study, a money matter, try to finalise your influence sparks your heart and can bring
writing or research project. requirements in the months of October progress in love on December 3, 2017,
or December. May 25 and August 19. You might be more
Wealth generous with your affection and support,
The longer trend of Uranus in Aries is Home life or generally just want to encourage your
winding down and you may find that Mars in Sagittarius, from January 26 special someone more. Single? The
Illustrations Kate Podger

finances start to stabilise. It may be easier to March 18, can help you take action combined might of Jupiter and Neptune
to build wealth or focus on plans to create about a home project, DIY job or general can bring a soulful new love into your life.
long-term security, like for retirement. This maintenance matters. You might also Creativity, music and being on, in or
might sound boring but, given youve had be ready to finalise your plans for a near water are like lucky charms in love for
unpredictable Uranus shaking things up renovation or decorating project. Youll you this year. Plan a date at a waterfront
with taxes, family money and inheritances want to make your home life and family venue or a beachside holiday with your
in the past seven years, it may be a relief responsibilities more manageable so that love. Jupiter in Scorpio highlights the



a standing date to visit a museum or

gallery once a month. Regularity is the key,
whether you sign up to an art or creative
class or simply allow the joy of making
things to become a part of your week.
Your 5th House, which is all about
happiness and children, is also one of the
romance sectors. With Saturn here, you
may become more realistic about your love
life or realise you want to take the next
step with someone special. If youve been
dating someone for a while and arent
sure if theres enough between the two of
you for something more substantial, you
may make a mature decision to go your
separate ways. Youll be looking for stability
and long-term commitments and wont
want to waste time with someone who isnt
fully showing up for you.
You also have a supportive angle
between Jupiter and Pluto, active on
January 16, April 14 and September 12,
to help enhance the joy and feelings of
fulfilment in life. This unusual pattern can
help you speak more openly to loved ones
and may bring a breakthrough around
a happiness habit you can embrace.
Saturn in your happiness sector encourages Romance and relationships with children
can deepen, especially through honest and
you to make a regular commitment to do more intense conversations.

of what you love. Adventure and discovery

Your major theme for 2018 could be
power of genuine conversation, which You might polish or improve your adventure and discovery as you have
acts to support and help you deepen your professional image when Venus tours important triggers to both your 3rd and
closest partnerships, at work and in your Gemini from April 24 to May 19. This could 9th Houses.
personal life. include shopping for new clothes for work, Jupiters once-in-12-years cycle
Later in 2018, you also have fired-up and updating your online profiles, or redoing through Scorpio can help you explore
passionate Mars in Pisces, November 15 to your business cards and website (if you new experiences in your local area. You
January 1, 2019, to give you confidence and have your own business). Venus can help might discover a fab new coffee shop or
courage to go after what you want in love. you make supportive connections and find a hidden gem of a park or outdoor
Mars can help you be more outspoken and will highlight the importance of beauty, area you had no idea was just around the
assertive, which may have a more positive diplomacy and tact in the way you conduct corner. Youll also be primed to take in
impact in your relationships than you yourself in the world of business. A show of an abundance of new information, so this
expect. Your enthusiasm for progress in gratitude can go a long way to deepening a will be a great influence if you hope to
love then can help you overcome fear and professional partnership then, too. study, teach or have always dreamed about
be more upfront about how you feel. Action writing. Youll also find that you get better
you take while Mars is in Pisces can help Happiness and children at expressing your point of view.
energise your love life. You might finally get serious about Trips that are about luxury or learning
children, or simply about living life to the are highlighted when Venus is retrograde
Career and life direction full, thanks to Saturn in Capricorn. This in Scorpio, your 3rd House, from October
Your efforts to refocus or get organised three-year cycle begins in December 4 to November 1. There may be some
Illustrations Kate Podger & Bigstock

at work can have maximum impact when 2017 and will help you take on extra delays with travel then, but it will be a
Mercury is in Gemini, from May 29 to responsibility where children are good time to be away from your usual
June 12. Youll be curious about new or concerned. This could be with your own routines to recharge.
different ways to manage your career, and children or even grandchildren, or with The biggest adventure cycle will be the
a session with a coach or mentor may younger people in general. transition of Uranus into Taurus, from
prove fruitful then. Mercury loves to make Saturn in your happiness sector might May 15 to November 6. This provides a
a deal, network and interact with people sound like a bust, but it is a great chance preview of whats to come when Uranus
so this can also be a helpful time for to set up a regular practice of doing things settles into Taurus for a seven-year stay
negotiation, and to mingle and meet new you love. You might invest in season tickets on May 6, 2019. You may be restless
people in your field. to the theatre, opera or ballet, or make in unusual ways or drawn to an exotic



adventure. Youll likely question the world to see your point of view
and your place in it, and may find yourself or inspire you to splurge
wondering if theres a more authentic or on a special indulgence.
meaningful way to live. Your curiosity about
Uranus in Taurus can help you self-awareness may
challenge your beliefs and figure out be sky high when
what really matters. Holidays that are Mercury visits Virgo from
innovative, different or simply a change September 622. You
from your usual getaway are perfect, as might enjoy extra healing
new experiences, places and even different then, or want to take time
cultures can help spark new insights and to pursue a pet project. A
inspire radical growth and progress. health or personal-growth
The dates May 16, August 2 and dream may be top priority.
September 18, when Mars and Uranus While there are no
square off, may bring a last-minute major planet triggers
travel or teaching offer. You may make an to Virgo in 2018, these
impulsive choice around travel plans or find regular cycles can help
you cant resist an international business ensure you keep evolving.
opportunity. Give yourself the freedom to
stretch outside your comfort zone then. Time out
and spirituality
Friends, networks and groups It will be important to take
Your social sector is triggered by a tender a little extra downtime as
eclipse in Cancer on July 13, highlighting the Nodes move through
friendships through the middle of the year. your 6th and 12th Houses
This eclipse is about nurturing and about (until November 7, 2018). The Energise your love life while
connecting with your tribe. Even if you have Nodal Cycle is punctuated
a small group of friends, showing a little by the eclipses, so mark Mars is in Pisces.
TLC to your inner circle can pay off then. these dates in your diary for
If you have been thinking about a group rest, reflection and retreat: January 31, influencing you in 2018. Heres whats
or organisation youd like to become February 16, July 28 and August 11. ahead and how to harness the planets
involved with, this can be a great time to Theres always lots of buzz about power for your own growth.
reach out and make a connection. The eclipses, but remember that for you and If you were born between September
Cancer eclipse is a New Moon eclipse so eclipses in 2018 its mostly about laying 5 and 23, lucky Jupiter in Scorpio will
it brings fresh energy and new beginnings low, turning your attention inwards and sextile your Sun. Growth, expansion
into all your social and group connections. communing with your spirit. This might and opportunities are relatively easy to
Mingle and meet new people or host a get- involve meditation, time at the spa, create. A little effort will take you a long
together with like-minded people. escaping your routines at a quiet country way, so take action to manifest your
You may realise youre ready to step or beach getaway, or learning to say no big-picture life dreams. Adventure and
away from a friend or group that youve to things you have always said yes to in learning are important to growth in 2018.
outgrown. If you need to cut ties with the past. If you were born between September
someone from the past, use the powerful In addition, an extended cycle of 4 and 9, soulful Neptune in Pisces will
energy of the Cancer eclipse to help you Mercury through Leo, from June 29 to oppose your Sun. Your personal journey
do so. September 6, can encourage you to be this year centres on letting go and
Friendships may get sweeter with curious about all things esoteric and surrendering. Life may feel insubstantial
Venus in Cancer, from May 19 to June 13. spiritual. You might spend time reading as the dreamlike qualities of Neptune
You might splurge on a luxury experience tarot or angel cards, or simply dare to override rational clarity. Take time out
for you and a friend, or simply want more trust your intuition. from professional and family plans to
quality time with your closest friends then. Plans around downtime and relaxation explore your spiritual and creative side.
Your support of others can make a big may be in flux, especially when Mercury If you were born between September
difference. Venus generally positive energy is retrograde or moving backwards from 11 and 14, intense Pluto in Capricorn
also means you can benefit from the July 25 to August 18. If so, a flexible will trine your Sun. Its time to turn your
support, referrals or connections of your attitude is a must. Say no more than you attention inwards and explore the depths
friends and associates. say yes. Be thoughtful about who you of your being. A purge and purify process
give time and energy to when you say helps you release the past and create
Personal growth yes to someone else, you are also saying space, physically and energetically, for
and self-development no to yourself. If youve never meditated, the future. Power and control themes
You may be in the mood for pampering, this is a great time to try. may feature, but youll manage them
sweet treats or little luxuries when Venus easily as you start to express your most
tours Virgo, from July 10 to August 6. Birthdays and planets empowered self. Harnessing your own
Venus brings support and a little magnetic If your birthdate is listed below, and not creative power is essential to your
quality that can help you persuade others all will be, you have a special planet personal evolution this year.



Libra 2018
Jupiter in Scorpio offers new abundance, while Saturn
in Capricorn brings stability to your home life
Words / Kelly Surtees

Overview how to make money from your home or a if you havent already done that, or planning
Your 2018 will pull your attention inwards home-based business. Family may provide to downsize if your current place is no longer
to help you figure out your foundations and welcome or generous support to help you what you need for the next stage of life.
better understand your past. With the lower achieve a dream of your own. Ask for insight Saturn is about consolidation and,
half of your solar horoscope most active, you or help then, as others may be more willing with Saturn in Capricorn, you may want to
can expect internal shifts and changes in to share. The combined might of Jupiter restructure or better organise your home.
personal priorities. You might reflect on your and Pluto can help you create a positive This might call for a declutter, where you
history or upbringing or find that reminiscing transformation to your financial position, and prioritise your stuff. Ditch whats broken, no
helps you make sense of where you are. As family or property may play an integral role. longer useful or excessive; then youll be able
you gain a fresh perspective on the big events Cashflow may be slower than expected to properly look after and store whats left.
that have shaped you, youll find it easier to when Venus undertakes a rare retrograde Simplicity at home is highlighted by Saturn
focus on what you want moving forward. or backwards cycle through Scorpio from in Capricorn, from how you host friends and
October 4 to November 1. You can prepare family to what you do in your house. Saturn
Wealth for this by saving a little extra in the months can help you get back to basics and focus
Money why you make it and what you really leading up to the Venus retrograde and by on things like quality time with loved ones or
want to do with it is a huge focus this reducing your financial obligations where you addressing any unfinished business.
year. You have expansive Jupiter in Scorpio can during the retrograde itself. Separate An exciting development or unexpected
until November 8 to help you gain a deeper from any external delays to do with cashflow, desire for freedom and independence may
understanding about wealth and what it really like a held-up payment or missing bonus. prompt you to reconsider your living situation,
means to you. Its been 12 years since you last Youll also be called to do inner work around a move or renovation when Saturn and
had the benefit of Jupiters abundant touch money, values and why you work so hard. Uranus get close from mid-August to mid-
and 2018 may bring opportunities to improve Venus retrograde in Scorpio can help you September. You might be restless or want to
your income or adjust your life to better question your money motivations and uncover radically change your home life then. Itll be
reflect your personal financial priorities. All some of your unconscious drivers around a great time to make an unusual but totally
kinds of earning opportunities are available to wealth and abundance. You may gain clarity right decision for you about home or family.
you now, so stretch yourself to accept or at on a financial fear thats holding you back. You also have Mars in Capricorn to help
least explore the different ways you can tap If so, healing and release work around any you take action about a DIY project or adopt
into the flow of money. emotional blockage can help create a more a more assertive style with family. Mars will
Jupiter in Scorpio can inspire you to live abundant flow for the future. visit Capricorn twice, from March 18 to May
your (money) truth. If travel and experiences Any missed earning or money 16 and again from August 13 to September
matter most to you, adjust your lifestyle to opportunities from October may reappear 11. Mars only blesses your home sector with
make funding your next trip easier. If security during December. With Venus back in Scorpio his bold, courageous influence every two
is an important goal, then sacrifice in other but now moving forward, second chances and years, so push forward with a home project or
areas so you can create the nest egg that lets resolutions to any money delays from earlier finalise a decision about your living situation
you sleep comfortably at night. The important in the year will be possible. then. Youll be ready to take charge and
thing is to honour your own financial dreams, refresh your domestic life.
not those of others. This is a key difference Home life
for you as Libra is known as one of the most Itll be increasingly important to create Relationships
Illustrations Kate Podger

accommodating and compromising signs. stability in your living situation or at home, New stability will be possible in your closest
Dont lose sight of your goals as you try to and to be honest and reliable with family. A relationships as chaotic Uranus begins to
support others. three-year tour of Saturn in Capricorn has move out of Aries.
January 16, April 14 and September 12 just started, showing that youre ready to Youll get a taste of your love future from
may bring a breakthrough around money as take on added responsibility in your home May 15 to November 6, when Uranus steps
Jupiter and Pluto work together. You might life and that youll want to plan for the long out of Aries. This is a preview of a more
uncover a lucrative opportunity or figure out term. This might include purchasing a home, permanent change that is finalised in early



2019. For now, a significant other may enter a on November 7, when the North Node During the Mars retrograde you may
more stable period, or you may find it easier to enters Cancer. The North Node in Cancer, rediscover your zest for life or remember a
settle into a comforting relationship routine. in November and December 2018 plus all of hobby or experience you used to love but have
The past seven years represent a unique, 2019, activates a dynamic time in your career neglected lately. Slowing down will give you a
once-in-a-lifetime period in your relationship where you can make a professional choice chance to uncover any clues to happiness you
life. Uranus can make situations unstable or that seems fated or meant to be. Dreams or lost along the way.
unpredictable, so it may have been a topsy- opportunities that emerge in July near the From September 11 to November 15, youll
turvy period in relationships. Hopefully youve Cancer eclipse provide clues as to how you be blessed with second chances for missed
been able to develop your own identity while can best adjust your career focus for the next opportunities for happiness or around plans
supporting those around you. two years. relating to children (or grandchildren!). This
Your relationships with others are in flux Youre ready to take things to a new level, will also be a time where you discover the
this year as you experiment with new ways to and will want to make sure your life is moving best ways to balance work and play so that
create the most meaningful type of security forward in ways that honour your passions you get to enjoy the good things about the life
in close relationships. You may notice you and sense of purpose. A meaningful career youve worked so hard to create. Make having
want different things from those around you, transition may be part of this process. fun and living life to the full top priority then.
at work and in your personal life. Rather than Insights around hobbies or fun leisure
force yourself to keep going with rituals that Happiness and children activities to explore are also likely near the
no longer serve you, vocalise your changing You may question what really makes you solar or New Moon eclipse in Aquarius on
needs. Others may be more interested in happy as Mars spends an extra-long time in February 16 and the lunar or Full Moon
making adjustments than you expect. Aquarius this year a total of five months! eclipse on July 28. Exciting news around
Exciting and unexpected but welcome This includes a backwards, or retrograde, children may arrive then, or you may splurge
events in a close relationship are likely on period of Mars in Aquarius from June 25 to on a unique but totally right-for-you night out.
March 11, April 18 and May 13, when Uranus, August 13. This rare backwards cycle of Mars
still in Aries, is triggered. You also have an can help you challenge yourself to examine Adventure and discovery
extended cycle of Mercury through Aries, what you really love. You may find you have Across your travel axis, the 3rd and 9th
from March 6 to May 13, to help you improve outgrown or are no longer as interested in Houses, your 9th House of Adventure and
your communication skills in relationships. some of the things you always enjoyed. Global Events is less active this year. You
You might try being more direct to see how Plans regarding children may also be might find theres more happening closer to
that changes things. You may go through delayed or up in the air during this time. If home or that youre so focused on people,
a trial-and-error period, where you break so, dont rush or force things before they personal growth and releasing the past that
with your instinctive habits and instead push are ready. A little extra time can help you you dont travel as much as you might. Think
yourself to be more upfront and bold, or even and the younger people in your life reflect of 2018 as a year of inner travel rather than
take charge more often. on the best way forward. A delay may be a grand adventures.
You can learn a lot about yourself, blessing in disguise in that it gives you extra Given its your 3rd House that is most
others and how the flow of information time to research your options and ask more triggered, think local rather than global.
through a relationship can energise the thoughtful questions. Mars in Sagittarius from January 26 to March
partnership. New lessons and insights will 18 suggests an adventure early in the year.
be especially profound while Mercury is Take a day trip or two to explore more of
retrograde in Aries, from March 22 to April whats to see within a few hours drive of your
14. You may experience some crossed wires home, or plan a weekend away somewhere
or a misunderstanding with a significant interesting. Rather than revisit places youve
other then. If so, use the mix-up as the already gone, stretch yourself to get out
starting point for a more honest approach to of your comfort zone and try somewhere
conversation and around future planning. different. A change in location then can help
Relationship decisions you make between stimulate fresh perspectives and new ideas.
April 14 and May 13 have lasting potential. You may undertake a major study,
This will also be a great time to start a new teaching, writing or research project once
relationship or clarify goals for the next Jupiter enters Sagittarius on November 8.
chapter with a significant other. This begins a 12-month-long cycle that will
You may strike out in expand your mind and help you develop new
Career and life direction a new professional skills with language. You may publish or
You may strike out in a new professional teach, or undertake training around a topic
Illustrations Kate Podger & Bigstock

direction or take steps to fulfil an direction or take close to your heart. More regular weekend
inspirational career goal near the solar trips away are also likely. Youll get braver
or New Moon eclipse in Cancer on July steps to fulfil an about speaking your truth, too.
13. This eclipse can bring fresh energy
and new confidence into your professional inspirational career Friends, networks and groups
life, making it a great time to push for a
promotion or explore your options if you
goal near the solar or Expect your social calendar to be full of fancy
invitations and five-star events under two
want a new challenge. New Moon eclipse in eclipses in Leo, on January 31 and August 11.
Mid 2018 also brings a preview of the The lunar or Full Moon eclipse in Leo
longer 18-month nodal cycle that begins Cancer on July 13. on January 31 puts your friendships and



associations in the spotlight and will be a

wonderful time for you to team up with others
to make a difference. You might get involved
in a community or grassroots movement
close to your heart, or simply put your friends
first. This Full Moon can also be very lucky for
you. If you need support or an introduction,
ask around for leads now. You may receive
support from a helpful benefactor.
If you want to mingle and meet new
people, aim to do so around the New Moon
eclipse in Leo on August 11. Fresh energy
and new possibilities blow into your social
life then. You might realise youve outgrown
a friendship and, at the same time, connect
with people who share your perspective and
dreams in the present.
You also have an extra-long tour of
Mercury through Leo, from June 29 to
September 6. Expect to be more curious than
usual about meeting new people. You might All kinds of earning opportunities are available
attend a networking event for work or head
out to a meeting or conference around an to you now, so stretch yourself to accept or at
area of personal interest.
Double-check details, especially if youre
least explore the different ways you can tap
involved in organising an event, while Mercury into the flow of money.
is retrograde from July 25 to August 18. If you
experience a misunderstanding with a friend
then, you might need to revisit an old topic new ideas into practice or start making influencing you in 2018. Heres whats
or go over recent events to clarify things. adjustments so that you dont run yourself ahead and how to harness the planets
You may be more reflective while Mercury is down looking after others and, instead, make power for your own growth.
retrograde, or even want to contact a friend more time for yourself on a regular basis. If you were born between September 23
from the past. Quieter social plans may be Venus in Libra brings you a double reminder and October 5, mature Saturn in Capricorn
the best option then, too. of the importance of self-care this year, so will square your Sun. Under Saturns
take the chance to nurture your body, mind influence, you can apply yourself diligently
Personal growth and spirit. towards long-term goals. Youll express a
and self-development more mature, focused and determined side.
New insights about who you are and where Time out and spirituality Saturns touch in 2018 helps you reap the
your purpose comes from may emerge during Regular annual visits from Venus, the Sun rewards of what youve been working towards
an unusual pattern traced by Venus as she and Mercury through Virgo and your 12th since Saturn was in Libra in 2010 and 2011.
moves into, out of and back through Libra this House give you a chance to rest, lay low and If you were born between October 12 and
year. This special cycle has to do with Venus catch up with yourself. You may prefer to 15, intense Pluto squares your Sun. Pluto
retrograde, which happens partly in Scorpio spend quality time alone or find you are less represents transformation, so this is a great
and partly in Libra. interested in large social or family events. year in which to make like a snake and shed
If youve lost track of who you are or what Between Venus in Virgo from July 10 to your old skin to reveal a new you. Power
nourishes you, you may get a few reminders August 6, the Sun in Virgo from August 23 and control themes are highlighted, so take
when Venus first visits Libra, from August 6 to September 23 and Mercury in Virgo from particular note of situations in which you feel
to September 9. If youve been pushing your September 622, youll have lots of chances controlled or empowered. 2018 asks that you
body beyond her limit, plan some TLC and to take healing time for yourself. Having a spend time, like a caterpillar, in a cocoon, so
pampering then. You might find friends and quiet break doesnt have to cost money it that you can ultimately emerge transformed
family happy to encourage you to pursue might simply mean staying in rather than like the butterfly. Harnessing your own
a pet project, or find that you simply must going out, or seeing a friend one-on-one creative power is essential to your personal
make time for a fun undertaking just for you. rather than going to a large event. evolution now.
Deeper realisations are also likely, though you You may be especially curious about If you were born between October 18
may not be able to put all your new insights spirituality, intuition and other esoteric and 23, unconventional Uranus in Aries will
into practice right away. rituals during these periods, too. Indulge any oppose your Sun. While Uranus is known to
Thats what the second stage of Venus desire you have to learn more about mystical create chaos, he also enlivens and electrifies
tour through Libra is for, from November 1 matters or how to trust your intuition then. life. Youll have blasts of unexpected
to December 2. This period can bring second development and flashes of brilliant insight.
chances with missed projects or relaxation Birthdays and planets Forget tradition and start exploring the
opportunities from August and September. If your birthdate is listed below, and not best path forward for you. Changes within
Itll also be the time when you can put all will be, you have a special planet relationships will bring new freedom.



Scorpio 2018
Your soul opens and expands under the touch
of Jupiter in Scorpio, which highlights personal growth.
A new era begins in relationships thanks to Uranus in Taurus
Words / Kelly Surtees

Overview cycle starts on November 8, 2018, that will mid-November, when Mars has finished
Your 2018 may be groundbreaking, a year in last until the end of 2019. This is your most his retrograde and is ready to help you
which you blossom in exciting but almost too- lucrative influence in more than a decade, move forward. Fast-paced progress in your
good-to-be-true ways. With abundant Jupiter making this a special time to push for a domestic life will be possible then.
in Scorpio until November 8, youll have prestigious promotion or raise. You might Family relationships are highlighted
plenty of chances to pursue your dreams. In discover assets you own have grown in value, by two eclipses in Aquarius, on February
addition, your relationships with other people or finally pay off a longstanding debt and 16 and July 28. Emotions may run high,
are undergoing a process of renewal and regain more of your money for yourself. You especially under the lunar or Full Moon
change, thanks to the new cycle of Uranus may feel flush with cash or confident about eclipse in Aquarius on July 28. Letting go of
through Taurus. Add to that the dynamic your financial position. Jupiter can bring the past will be important as that Full Moon
impact of eclipses in Leo and Aquarius and support or opportunities to help you attract, activates the karmic South Node. Release
we see the four corners or pivot points of earn, invest and grow your money. Note any emotion youre holding onto. The July
your solar chart and thus your life being November 30 as a lucky or lucrative day with eclipse is especially good for decluttering
activated. Fast-paced progress is possible, so money, as the Sun and Jupiter work together and getting rid of stuff that may be clogging
have a clear vision of how you want things to in Sagittarius then. your space and your life. This will help you
be; that way, when opportunities arise, youll clear blockages of all kinds, making it easier
know whether theyre a good fit for you or not. Home life to make your home a sanctuary and create
Your home life may feel in flux, or you family relationships that nurture you.
Wealth may deal with baggage from the past,
One of your greatest assets this year will during the retrograde (backwards cycle) Relationships
be your self-confidence. If you have self- of Mars through Aquarius. This rare A new era begins in your closest relationships
confidence, it will help you improve your influence can prompt release and healing, as Uranus begins to activate Taurus and your
financial position. If you dont have as much especially if youre still processing pain or 7th House. You get a preview of this energy
self-confidence as youd like, developing it disappointment from your childhood. from May 15 to November 6, when Uranus is
can have a positive impact on your bottom Mars spends five months in Aquarius in Taurus. You may be restless for change in a
line. When you know your worth, you wont and your home sector this year, from longstanding relationship or realise that you
be shy about making sure you get paid what May 16 to August 13 and September 11 to need to break an old habit to keep your love
you deserve or looking for opportunities to November 15. This unusually long time will life exciting.
develop your talents. give you the chance to update and refresh A significant other at work or in your
The confidence to start a discussion with your home, your living situation and even personal life may go through a period
your boss or a client about money may be your family relationships. of change or even chaos. If so, your steady
easier to find with Mars in Sagittarius from You might feel fired up and ready to take energy may be what they draw on for support.
January 26 to March 18. This once-in-two- action, so make this the period when you Uranus asks for new experiences and youll
years cycle can help you take action about address any matters on your mind about want to break with tradition or find a new
all kinds of money matters, from negotiating your home, such as how its organised and way to develop and nurture your closest
your salary or fees to finalising details about run. You might consider big plans, like a relationships. Independence and freedom
Illustrations Kate Podger

an investment, large purchase or your move, renovation or major decorating project. may become important, which may mean you
budget. Being proactive about managing your The key with Mars is to take action, not just need extra personal time outside of a close
money now can help you create welcome plan and think. Use the first part of Mars partnership so that you can more fully explore
progress on a financial matter. in Aquarius, from mid-May to mid-August, some of your own needs.
Later in the year you have the planet of to plan, research and explore your options. Relationships will be exciting and at
wealth, Jupiter, visit Sagittarius and your Then take action and put your well-formed times even unpredictable. Keep a flexible
money sector. A growth and abundance plan into motion from mid-September to mindset as what you want from someone



November 15 to January 1, 2019. This might

bring happy news about having a child or
you might hear that a child already in your
life (your own child or grandchild) may
take positive steps to move forward in their
own life. Either way, youll be ready to take
action around children. You might be called
on to motivate or encourage the children in
your life.
Mars in Pisces can also encourage
bold and brave acts of creativity. You might
dabble in a hobby youve always dreamed
about or sign up for a class around a topic
or skill youve always wanted to learn.
Music or the spiritual and healing arts will
be great places to start if youre not sure
where to focus.
Your 5th House is also the happiness
and joy sector, so when Venus visits Pisces
and your 5th House from February 10 to
March 6, your mood may lift. You might
adopt a more optimistic outlook or enjoy
Family relationships are highlighted by two a wonderful event that warms your heart.
Use the positive vibration of Venus in Pisces
eclipses in Aquarius, on February 16 and July 28. to focus on pleasure and having more fun.
This light-hearted influence can remind
special is evolving. Rather than stick with on January 31. Your reputation may grow you of the importance of relaxation and
tried-and-true routines or rituals, stretch then or you may receive an award for your enjoyment. Work less and instead enhance
yourself to experiment. You might take the achievements. A project you work on may be your leisure activities.
initiative around a relationship topic you in the spotlight or positive press around your The longer trend of Neptune in Pisces
usually follow anothers lead on, or you might career may arrive. continues, further emphasising the
wait for someone else to take action where If you want to strike out in a new importance of trusting your instincts,
you normally would. The idea is to operate professional direction, or are ready for a more especially with children. This year, you
differently than how you would have done in challenging role, explore your options under also benefit from a soulful angle between
the past. the Leo New Moon/solar eclipse on August Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces, on
Your love life may be especially exciting or 11. A bold, exciting or tech-based opportunity December 3, 2017, and May 25 and August 19.
undergoing fast-paced changes when Mars will be worth looking into, as the solar eclipse Your generosity to others is highlighted and
and Uranus square off, on May 16, August 2 promises a new beginning to your work life. you may be especially giving towards children
and September 18. Your charm and skills at networking can or a loved one. Togetherness or welcome
Affection and support may be plentiful, or help you make a positive impression at work news that leads to happiness is also possible.
you may feel that your powers of attraction when Mercury tours Leo from June 29 to In addition, the 5th House also supports
are especially potent when Venus tours September 6. Professional development or relationships and dating. With Neptune in
Taurus from April 124. New sweetness and training relevant to your career will be a great Pisces, romance may have a fairytale-like feel
romance will be possible then, either in an way to use the curious qualities of Mercury, or you may find it easier to trust someone
existing relationship or with someone new. as will undertaking a writing, research or close. In turn, this might help you let go and
teaching project relating to your career. show your true feelings, especially when
Career and life direction Mercury will spend part of this extra- Neptune is activated on February 21 and 25,
Your professional life is lit up by two long tour through Leo retrograde, or moving March 4, April 14 and December 7.
eclipses and an extended cycle of Mercury backwards. Be patient with any delays and
in Leo in 2018. take the time to double-check details and Adventure and discovery
Eclipses promise karmic or fated change expectations from July 25 to August 18. During Wise Saturns tour through Capricorn may
that feels destined or meant to be. You this period, you may catch up on unfinished shift your focus off global adventures and
Illustrations Kate Podger & Bigstock

have the powerful North Node, a point that business or deal with a matter from the past. onto local trips. Of your two travel and
encourages progress and can help you live Tie off loose ends where you can this will learning sectors, the 3rd and 9th Houses,
your dreams, on side in Leo until November ensure you have a clean slate and the time its the 3rd House thats most active in
7, 2018. June 19 and July 3 and 29 may be and energy to deal with new ideas through 2018. From a travel perspective, this
especially lucky at work. You may receive the final and forward stage of Mercury in Leo, highlights weekends away or places you
happy news about your career or achieve a from August 18 to September 6. can drive to rather than flying holidays or
professional milestone. international trips.
Earlier in the year, you may be in the Happiness and children Saturn in Capricorn may also be about
spotlight for a success at work, especially Welcome progress may arrive around mental mastery for you, where you want to
near the Leo lunar or Full Moon eclipse children when Mars tours Pisces from commit to formal study or training or make



time to research, write or teach. Pursuits of Your curiosity about other people, tomove forward, refreshed and refocused
the mind, as well as gaining new competency from friends to groups and community or onthe future.
with all kinds of communication strategies, professional organisations, is highest with
are highlighted by the longer Saturn in Mercury in Virgo from September 622. Use Time out and spirituality
Capricorn cycle. this time to plan your social commitments for Your 12th House of Rest and Retreat is less
Your 9th House of Global Events and Major the months ahead. A heartfelt conversation active in 2018 than it was in 2017 now that
Adventures is activated by the solar or New with a dear friend may strengthen your bond. Jupiter is no longer in Libra. In general, this
Moon eclipse in Cancer on July 13. You might You may be an organisational dynamo then means youll be more active in the world and
be restless for adventure or keen to get out and others may appreciate your input. involved in events.
of your comfort zone then. A trip or adventure With the Sun in Virgo from August 23 to You may still want a few quiet moments
that takes you somewhere new, different or September 23, your leadership skills may though. If so, take them when you have the
exotic even just for the day is a great come to the fore. Others may look to you for regular annual cycles of the Sun, Mercury
idea. You might also receive an invitation direction or you may be asked to step into a and Venus in Libra. In 2018, these dates
to travel or teach relating to your work, respected role as part of an organisation or include: August 6 to September 9, September
especially if a global market is important in committee youre a part of. Your loyalty will 22 to October 10, September 23 to October
your field. mean a lot to a friend then, so show you care 23, and November 1 to December 2. Time
On November 7, the karmic North Node by being there when it counts. alone then, spent on retreat or away, can be
moves into Cancer, which marks the start healing or help you tap into your spiritual
of an 18-month cycle where potentially life- Personal growth side. You may learn more about the mystical
changing travel, adventure and inspirational and self-development realms or find your intuition is stronger than
experiences (like learning, teaching, writing It is a huge year for you personally, thanks usual. Time to rest and recharge is ideal, too.
or studying) will be possible. This will to the rare tour of Jupiter through Scorpio.
mostly impact you in 2019, so until then, This happens just once every 12 years and Birthdays and planets
enjoy the best of what your local area has makes this year as one in which you can If your birthdate is listed below, and not
to offer. blossom into a more authentic version of all will be, you have a special planet
yourself. You may gain confidence or find influencing you in 2018. Heres whats
Friends, networks and groups it easier to trust in your own dreams and ahead and how to harness the planets
Your social sector is one of your less-active desires. A pet project may become top power for your own growth.
houses in 2018, suggesting that other topics priority or you may find others more willing If you were born between November 4
and areas of life take precedence. That said, and able to support you. and 9, soulful Neptune trines your Sun.
youll still have regular annual cycles of You may also find you have a lucky touch This aspect arouses your curiosity about
Mercury, Venus and the Sun through Virgo to or are in the right place at the right time to all things spiritual and creative. Exploring
energise friendships. enjoy a special experience. You may learn your softer side is hard to ignore as music
With Venus in Virgo from July 10 to new information or gain deep insights to the and the esoteric grab your interest. You may
August 6, you may prioritise friends or true workings of your soul, especially when need to let go or surrender old parts of your
splurge on a group night out. A sweet and Jupiter and Pluto work together on January personality or life so you can fully experience
supportive energy can help you deepen a 16, April 14 and September 12. You might your emerging imaginative and artistic
close friendship or make it easier to find undergo a mini transformation then or find qualities. Get creative, show your feelings and
common ground with people youve just met. the strength you need to replace a bad habit spend time with any children in your life.
Networking for personal or professional with something more nourishing. You may If you were born between November 6
reasons can be especially effective, too. gain control of an indulgence or finally take and 22, lucky Jupiter will pass over your
charge to get your health back on track. Sun. Jupiter helps you stretch beyond your
Friends may be especially supportive. comfort zone and try new things. Travel and
Your 2018 also brings a retrograde, or study are Jupiters realms, so take advantage
backwards cycle of Venus through Scorpio of any and all opportunities to expand and to
from October 4 to November 1. In total, explore new life experiences. This can be an
Venus spends three months in Scorpio, especially lucky year for you, when even the
including most of September and December. smallest of efforts can lead to big results.
This gives you lots of time to reflect on your Personal growth and self-development may
values and dreams and to update any habits be top priority.
and attitudes that youve outgrown. You If you were born between November 11
might go through a bit of an overhaul, where and 14, intense Pluto sextiles your Sun. This
you embrace positive changes to make transit of transformation highlights 2018 as
life more meaningful and balanced or to a year of mostly positive or profound change.
improve your wellbeing. Lifes situations encourage you to draw on
While Venus is retrograde in Scorpio your plentiful strength and to initiate those
during October, you may be reflective, quiet transformations for which you know youre
With Neptune in Pisces, or want time to yourself. A longer eight-year ready. You are more powerful than you realise
cycle is closing and you may want to release and, by the end of 2018, will have seen the
romance may have a or heal from any pain from events during results your focused determination can bring.
this time. By December 2, when Venus is Purify yourself of past attachments your
fairytale-like feel. back on track in Scorpio, you will be ready future awaits.



Sagittarius 2018
Saturn in Capricorn can help you get serious about money
and financial security. Eclipses in Leo and Aquarius may bring
life-changing travel or study experiences
Words / Kelly Surtees

Overview already in a good position, how much date or weekend away then. If you are
Most of 2018 has a fairly introspective tone better could you make it? single, take advantage of your enhanced
for you, so you may keep a lower profile or Your 2018 will be a year in which, with powers of attraction and focus on meeting
find you want to spend more time in quiet a little planning and self-control, you will new people.
and secluded settings. Until Jupiter enters be able to make positive changes to your You also have the New Moon in Gemini
Sagittarius on November 8, rest and time financial habits. on June 14 to help jumpstart your love
to recharge will be important. life or bring a fresh energy to a close
Home life partnership. You might make plans for the
Wealth Later in the year, from November 15 to future with someone special or get to know
New responsibilities with money are likely, January 1, 2019, Mars tours Pisces and a recent acquaintance better.
thanks to the longer trend of Saturn in can help you take action about plans at Conversation can help enhance
Capricorn. This three-year cycle, which is home. You may be motivated to organise relationships, at work and in your personal
active in 2018, 2019 and 2020, may bring your space, or finally deal with a repair, life, when Mercury tours Gemini from May
you a reality check around your financial maintenance or renovation youve had in 29 to June 12. Others may appreciate your
position. You may need to be honest mind. You might also adopt a take charge ideas, input and insights then. A bold move
mostly with yourself about what you own attitude with family or realise you need to or honest expression of feeling can lead to
and what you owe. Saturn can help you see prompt others to address an issue thats on excitement or an unexpected but welcome
things as they are. This can help you make your mind. Your bold and forward-thinking development on June 1, when Mercury and
a realistic plan to help you get where you attitude now can inspire others to speak Mars work together.
want to be. up, too.
Cashflow will be a huge topic as you Making your home a restful sanctuary Career and life direction
start to question why you spend what you orsimply taking time to relax at home may It may be business as usual in your career
do and whether it really fulfils you. You be important when Mars and Neptune this year, as you have no major planet
may review your budget or start thinking worktogether on April 14 and December 7. cycles in your 10th House. With money
about long-term investments and savings. You might update your bathroom, pool or such a big focus, you might be most
Its common to consider spending less outdoor area or deal with a plumbing motivated by the lure of increasing your
so you can save more, or accelerate a matter. A compassionate attitude to a pay, or earning extra cash.
debt repayment plan, with Saturn in your family member can go a long way to help You will have the regular annual cycles
money sector. solve a concern of theirs as well. of the Sun, Mercury and Venus to highlight
You might also reflect on whether youre Mars visits your domestic sector just the best times to polish your professional
earning as much as you could. This might once every two years, so taking action image and make plans in your career.
prompt you to chat to your boss about a about a domestic dream later in 2018 can Your powers of persuasion are
raise or negotiate better perks at work. You help set you up for the future. If youve enhanced with Venus in Virgo from July
might get serious about a side business or been thinking about a move or major 10 to August 6. Others may be more
finally make saving for the future a priority. change at home, expect to put plans into willing to accommodate your requests
Saturn in Capricorn and your 2nd House place by the end of the year. then, and this will be a great time to
can bring a short-term pain for long-term nurture a professional partnership.
gain feeling to finances. Your efforts now Relationships Since Venus likes beautiful things, use
Illustrations Kate Podger

directly contribute to your financial future. Romance has a sweet quality and you may this influence to refresh marketing and
For the next three years, you have find it easier to attract affection when promotional materials or to update your
Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn to help you Venus tours Gemini from April 24 to May online profiles, business cards and other
totally reshape your financial habits and 19. This gentle cycle may not change your professional images.
beliefs. In turn, this can radically improve love life, however it can enhance it. It may Curious Mercury can help you develop a
your financial position and help you get also mark your most romantic period this new professional skill while he tours Virgo
back on top of your money goals. If youre year. If you have a partner, plan a special from September 622. Training or travel



for work will be possible then and you may an unusual emphasis of triggers across connected benefactor may show up at just
be especially interested in networking with your travel and learning sectors (the 3rd the right time. Ask for any help, support
others in your field. This is a great time to and 9th Houses), including four eclipses, or introductions you need then as youll be
organise schedules for the rest of the year and extended cycles of Mars in Aquarius surrounded by helpful forces.
and have thought-provoking discussions (May 16 to August 13 and September 11 These Venus-in-Libra periods are
with your boss or a colleague. to November 15) and Mercury through Leo perfect for prioritising time with friends
Itll be easier to attract positive attention (June 29 to September 6). or simply making a greater effort to stay
at work with the Sun in Virgo from August Travel plans may come together at the in touch. You might discuss loyalty and
23 to September 23. With the Sun onside last minute or you may take an impulsive what it means to be a true friend when
then, you might step into a leadership role trip. Whether you go overseas or stay Venus squares off with Pluto on August
or hear positive news about a project you closer to home, changing location and 26. Keeping a confidence or respecting
worked on. Success, fame and even a little visiting new (to you) places will help trigger anothers need for privacy will be
publicity will be likely. Its a great time to evolution deep inside your spirit. If youre a important then.
promote your achievements. typical Sagittarius, you have a strong gypsy
energy and this is enhanced in 2018. Personal growth
Happiness and children The eclipse dates will be wonderful and self-development
You have Uranus in Aries to add times for out-of-this-world travel You enter a more focused period of
excitement and spark in your interactions experiences, so forget your regular annual personal growth towards the end of 2018.
with children, or to bring happy news, traditions and instead opt for something You have an extra-long tour of Mercury
before May 15 and after November 6. new, different or exotic if youre travelling through Sagittarius, from November 1 to
Plans with children or grandchildren around January 31, February 16, July 28 December 2 and December 12 to January
may move forward quickly at the start or August 11. You might get access to 5, 2019, to enhance your curiosity and
or end of the year. an otherwise restricted area then or find help you get to know your authentic self.
During these periods, you might also youre drawn to a totally different style of Insights you gain during this period can
be more open to experimenting with a new travel to what you have done before. help you ditch a bad habit, or start taking
creative outlet or find youre interested A trip you missed out on in the past better care of yourself, especially if you
in something that surprises but delights may be back on the schedule while hope to get a better handle on managing
you. Uranus has been in Aries for seven Mars is retrograde in Aquarius, from stress and anxiety.
years but will be moving on in 2019, so take June 25 to August 13, or with Mercury If you get curious about a healing
advantage of this quirky energy to help add retrograde from July 25 to August 18. You technique or body of knowledge, splurge
fun and unexpected pleasures to life. may experience some delays with travel and explore it. Its especially important to
In addition, an extended cycle of schedules then, so build extra time into prioritise a pet project or personal dream,
Mercury through Aries, from March 6 to your plans where you can.
May 13, may bring new information to light The axis of the 3rd and 9th Houses
about a child or plans for children. You may also highlights learning, knowledge and
question how happy you are and explore wisdom. With so much activity in these
whether or not youre taking the time to parts of your chart in 2018, you might dive
enjoy life. into a study, teaching, training, writing or
Your curiosity may be especially high research project, or find youre travelling
then and you may purchase tickets to a more for work. Opportunities to develop
show or exhibition, or sign up for a class. your knowledge, share what you know with
Your 5th House of Happiness and Children others and to generally explore all kinds
is one of the fun sectors, so use the extra of curiosities will be well worth exploring.
emphasis provided by Mercury to find new Your experiences in 2018 can help you
ways to relax and unwind and to spend develop new wisdom and knowledge.
quality time with loved ones.
Mercury will spend part of this Friends, networks and groups
extended cycle retrograde. Take care that Youll have double the chances to enhance
crossed wires or a communication snafu your friendships and networks thanks to
dont derail your plans when Mercury Venus, who visits Libra twice in 2018, first
moves backwards from March 22 to April from August 6 to September 9 and then
14. A mix-up regarding children or plans again from November 1 to December 2.
For the next three
Illustrations Kate Podger & Bigstock

relating to children then may require a You may be ready to expand your reach
last-minute change of plans. A flexible and connect with a wider group of people
attitude can help you make the most of an or to join a professional organisation. This years you have Saturn
unexpected opportunity. is also a great time to develop your online
and social networks, and to connect with and Pluto in Capricorn
Adventure and discovery groups or communities of people who
to help you totally
A special or once-in-a-lifetime adventure share your personal interests.
may prompt you to reconsider your life, Venus brings a supportive, lucky reshape your financial
direction and what gives you meaning. quality and you may benefit more from
Thats a bold statement but you do have the support of others. A helpful or well- habits and beliefs.

too, as with such a strong 1st House

emphasis its all about you and what you
want to do. A course, class, podcast or
book you connect with now may provide
access to just the right insights and
information to prompt a mini rebirth.
These themes are highlighted further
in November and December thanks to the
once-in-a-decade cycle of Jupiter through
Sagittarius. This starts on November 8
and will last for most of 2019. Personal
breakthroughs will be likely, and travel
and study for fun and enjoyment will
be integral to understanding your true
needs and desires. If you can, plan an
adventurous experience in the later part of
2018. Youre ready to more fully enjoy all of
what life has to offer.
Jupiter in Sagittarius highlights a period
of personal evolution, where you grow and
evolve into the most functional and positive
version of yourself. Luck is enhanced and
you may discover a more confident or
daring energy that encourages you to go
after your dreams.

Time out and spirituality

Your 12th House, the rest and retreat
sector, is one of your most active this year.
This might mean you crave extra time alone
Jupiter in Sagittarius highlights a period of personal
or want to take a well-deserved sabbatical.
Or, if you have a pressing project, you may
evolution, where you grow and evolve into the most
be most productive when working alone functional and positive version of yourself.
or in a quiet setting. Theres something
inspirational about taking time out or time need around a matter to do with your new things. Travel and study are Jupiters
to yourself while Jupiter is in Scorpio, so family then. Time spent with a spiritual realms, so take advantage of any and all
dont say yes to every invitation or offer that mentor or on sabbatical can expand your opportunities to expand and explore new
comes your way. You have a huge new 12- understanding of the universe and your life experiences. This can be an especially
year cycle of growth starting when Jupiter place in it. lucky year for you, when even the smallest
enters Sagittarius on November 8, and You also have a rare cycle of Venus of efforts can lead to big results. Personal
taking a chance to catch up with yourself retrograde (moving backwards) in Scorpio growth and self-development may be your
before then will be important. from October 4 to November 1. This may top priority.
You might also find healing for your raise deep and profound questions about If you were born between December 3
body, mind and spirit helpful this year, truth, purpose and meaning. You might and 8, dreamy Neptune in Pisces squares
as you may want to process past events or let go of spiritual concepts you have your Sun. Neptune offers inspiration and
deal with any baggage thats weighing you outgrown or connect with a mentor to help the ability to connect with your spiritual
down. Breakthroughs and progress will be you develop a more authentic take on a and creative side. First, he asks that you
likely when Jupiter and Pluto work together spiritual life. Time away from your usual make sacrifices and let go of anything that
on January 16, April 14 and September 12. obligations and routines will be important doesnt support your emerging intuitive
These will also be great dates to keep a low at a few points in 2018, but especially side. The balance between reality and
profile or take time to meditate, reflect and during this Venus retrograde. fantasy can seem skewed, as the lines
sit in stillness. between what is and what you imagine
Your beliefs around faith, spirituality, Birthdays and planets blur. Seek answers within rather than from
intuition and all things mystical are also If your birthdate is listed below, and not external sources.
shifting. As Jupiter and Neptune join forces all will be, you have a special planet If you were born between December 16
on December 2, 2017, and May 25 and influencing you in 2018. Heres whats and 21, innovative Uranus in Aries trines
August 19, you may develop a better sense ahead and how to harness the planets your Sun. This offers you a taste of freedom
of your own energetic and intuitive powers. power for your own growth. and the desire for more independence.
Divine messages may arrive through If you were born between November Emerging philosophies about individuality
cosmic means or inspired coincidences 22 and December 4, lucky Jupiter will help you explore authenticity in life rather
then. Time at home can be especially pass over your Sun. Jupiter helps you than sticking with the conventional path
sacred or you may find the release you stretch beyond your comfort zone and try others follow.



Capricorn 2018
Saturn in Capricorn marks the start of a new 30-year life cycle.
Meanwhile, Uranus entry into Taurus brings new possibilities
with children, in love and around happiness
Words / Kelly Surtees

Overview the facts and that there may be a better refresh your home or living situation.
A new reality dawns as Saturn settles deal or contract waiting around the corner Mercury will be in Aries from March
into a three-year tour of Capricorn. Youre for you. 6 to May 13, giving you lots of time to
ready to take on a new responsibility and Welcome improvements with cashflow reorganise your home and develop new
may want to restructure your life to better and finances in general are likely when skills to communicate more honestly with
reflect new priorities. This important, once- Mars revisits Aquarius, from September 11 family. You might also be busy organising
in-30-years cycle indicates youre ready to November 15. Any business or financial tradespeople for essential repairs or
to evolve to a new level. You may find the decisions that were delayed earlier in the maintenance on your home.
strength you need to say no to people or year can be resolved during this period. Mercury will spend part of this period
obligations youve outgrown. As you adjust And those better opportunities you were retrograde, or moving in reverse, from
how you allocate your time, youll find that waiting for? Theyre likely to show up March 22 to April 14. Juggling logistics
the dreams and goals that matter grow as during this period. Set a new financial relating to your home then might be tricky,
they get more and more of your best energy challenge as Mars in Aquarius can help you as details change and schedules may be
and effort. create fast-paced progress around your in flux. Be flexible with plans relating to
With the left-hand side of your solar money and income goals. You might chat to your home or involving family. Any delays
chart heavily activated, 2018 is a year to your boss or a client about improving your can actually be a sign from the cosmos
focus on yourself and pursue personal salary and rates. that your perfect plan could actually be
projects. Youre ready to make life more You also have four potent eclipses improved and a delay may be a blessing
about what you want. The longer trend of activating your money axis, the 2nd and in disguise. Instead of trying to get new
Pluto in Capricorn continues, showing that 8th Houses. Note these dates for your projects underway, deal with unfinished
youre open to a total transformation in at diary: January 31, February 16, July 28 business or DIY jobs.
least one area of life. and August 11. Each eclipse has its own Independence, and the freedom to live
energy but, collectively, these dates are on your own terms, may be increasingly
Wealth about breakthroughs and radical but important. If so, put plans into motion
Finances are highlighted as an important totally right-for-you changes around sooner rather than later, especially if they
focus area for 2018, even though they might earning, spending and saving money. are quite unconventional or represent a
be in flux during a rare Mars retrograde in Youll focus on your own personal money radical break with tradition. The longer
Aquarius. Youll get the chance to reflect habits during the eclipses on February trend of Uranus in Aries and your domestic
on how and why you earn money and what 16 and July 28. These eclipse dates are sector is slowly winding down. If you still
your ultimate wealth goals are. Mars ideal for starting a new budget or savings have any wild dreams about changing your
spends five months in your cashflow sector plan. The eclipses on January 31 and home life, try to organise changes before
in 2018, which is nearly three times as long August 11 highlight how you manage May 15, 2018, or from November 6, 2018,
as normal. financial obligations involving others, to March 7, 2019.
Mars first visit to Aquarius, from May like in your relationship with a business
16 to August 13, may bring enthusiasm partner or family. New truths around Relationships
for a financial goal but also delays. The finances may emerge or you may figure Sweet Venus tours Cancer and your
Illustrations Kate Podger

retrograde, or backwards, part of Mars in out what financial security really means relationship sector from May 19 to June 13.
Aquarius occurs from June 25 to August to your partner. This will be a lovely time to meet someone
13, which may be a frustrating time with special or spend quality time with your
money. Cashflow may be delayed or Home life partner. A generous or helpful attitude
interrupted or a deal you hope to finalise An extended tour of Mercury through towards others can also go a long way
may take longer than planned. If so, take Aries highlights communication with to helping nourish your most important
this as a cue that you dont yet have all family and may make you restless to relationships now.



You may need to navigate a difference During Venus first tour of Libra, Adventure and discovery
of opinions on May 26 and June 6. If from August 6 to September 9, Your 3rd and 9th Houses make up the
so, be considerate towards anothers youll curate powerful professional travel and learning axis. In 2018, its the
point of view. Negotiation and partnerships and be in an ideal place 3rd House, to do with local or regular
compromise will be your secrets to to discuss long-term career plans. travel, and projects such as writing,
relationship happiness then. Negotiations may go in your favour or studying, research and teaching, that is
An energising New Moon or solar eclipse you may be able to find a welcome most active.
in Cancer on July 13 may bring a fresh compromise with someone at work. The longer trend of Neptune in Pisces,
start or exciting new beginning in your love Venus returns to Libra from November your 3rd House, may inspire you to learn
life. A breakthrough in a close partnership, 1 to December 2 and, for part of this more about the mystical realms and
at work or in your personal life, will be period, shell be retrograde or moving intuitive arts. Creative energy can be high
possible. Focus on the future and where you backwards. This is when that longer or you may find you best express your
want to head, rather than dwell on the past. eight-year career cycle transitions, from thoughts and feelings through songs,
When the North Node moves into Cancer on old to new. You might end a long-term job poetry or gestures rather than in words.
November 7, 2018, you start an 18-month or start a new project. A personal priority Mars joins Neptune in Pisces from
karmic love cycle. In this cycle, youll move may take precedence over professional November 15 to January 1, 2019. During
forward in leaps and bounds in all your most ambition. Life beckons you forward in new this period, you may plan a number of
important relationships. directions and youll need to be clear on short trips or revisit your favourite cities
what your priorities are going forward. around your home country. Extra travel
Career and life direction The lovely thing is, once youre clear, or commuting for work is also possible.
In an unusual turn of events, Venus makes youll get the support you need to make Your passion for learning, writing or
two tours of Libra and your 10th House of adjustments. Think refresh and refocus sharing your ideas reaches a peak,
Fame, Career and Reputation in 2018. This with work this year. making this a wonderful time to study,
gives you double the chances to polish your get active on social media or speak up
professional image and form supportive Happiness and children more about whats on your mind. A direct
partnerships at work. Exciting and potentially life-changing or assertive approach to communication
This Venus double-up is due to one developments are likely as Uranus settles can help you get what you want and enjoy
of her rare retrogrades, which indicates into Taurus. Youll notice this most as you more of the adventures that really mean
youre also at the end of one longer eight- update your thoughts around happiness something to you.
year career cycle and the start of another. and redefine what brings you joy. A curious Travel or fun adventures with friends
Transitions around life direction and attitude and a willingness to try new things are highlighted when Jupiter works with
professional passions are likely as you will be a great asset, especially from May 15 Neptune on December 3, 2017, as well
strive to create a more holistic approach to to November 6. What you used to love may as May 25 and August 19. A friends
work-life balance.
ce. not interest you as much anymore, and you encouragement on those dates can also
may find youre open to simple pleasures help you move forward with a study or
youd never considered before. Be flexible training dream.
about having fun and relaxation, as your old
rituals may not fit you like they used to. Friends, networks and groups
The electricity of Uranus can bring You have a double luck combination thanks
sparks and, since your 5th House is also to Jupiter in Scorpio, which is your solar
about romance, your love life may sparkle. 11th House. This places the lucky planet,
An unexpected development may surprise Jupiter, in the luckiest house: the 11th.
and delight you or you may meet someone Benefits and blessings will come your way.
when you least expect it. Keep romance Jupiter is in Scorpio until November 8.
fresh and interesting by breaking with Youll discover the support and love thats
routines and trying new things, especially always been around you and receive help
ifyoure in a long-term relationship. just when you need it. Friends are like a gift
Plans with children, whether you want from the gods now, so stay connected to
to have a child, already have children or those who truly treasure your dreams.
are in the grandparenting stage of life, Jupiter makes a supportive angle
may be unpredictable or change at the to Pluto in Capricorn on January 16,
last minute. Uranus in Taurus can shake April 14 and September 12. These are
Illustrations Kate Podger & Bigstock

up your routines around children and you particularly auspicious dates when
may need to be flexible rather than rigid. blessings, abundance and opportunity
The New Moon or solar An innovative opportunity for a child in your may fall into your life. A little bit of effort
life will be worth pursuing. Children can goes a long way with Jupiter so dont be
eclipse in Cancer on be wonderful teachers and what they show passive get involved with making time
July 13 may bring an you this year can open you up to a whole for people and passions you love. Your
new way of being. The skys the limit, so if actions lead to uplifting rewards. Loyalty
exciting new beginning you have children in your life, encourage with friends will be important. You may
them to pursue their most authentic and show your support by being there when
in your love life. unconventional dreams. it counts and youre likely to notice those



who arent there for you when you need

them. Subtle adjustments in your social
networks are likely as you focus on
deepening the connections with people
you trust.
With Jupiter onside, its also easier
to mingle and meet new people. Your
social calendar may fill up or you may feel
popular and special again. Jupiter brings
so many good things so make the most of
this vibrant vibe while its around. Doors
open and you may find it a smooth and easy
process to access new groups, especially of
like-minded people.

Personal growth
and self-development
The longer trend of Saturn in Capricorn,
which begins on December 20, 2017, and
lasts for three years, can be an intense
period of personal growth. You may be
ready to adopt a more mature mindset as
you set new goals for your future. You may
go through a culling period, where you let
go of people youve outgrown, and instead
forge new friendships with people who
are experiencing the same life events and The longer trend of Neptune in Pisces, your
stages you are.
Saturn only visits Capricorn once every 3rd House, may inspire you to learn more about
30 years, so this current period can be
transformative. You may become more the mystical realms and intuitive arts.
honest with yourself and get back on track
with healthy habits. or healing figure you admire or take consciousness, making you curious about
You also have an angle of transformation, yourself away on retreat, to rest or explore all things spiritual and creative. Exploring
between Jupiter and Pluto, active in a mystical tradition youve long been your softer side is hard to ignore as music
January, April and September, to help you interested in. These periods are ideal for and the esoteric grab your interest. You
reset your thought processes and embrace focusing on your health, especially if youre may need to let go of or surrender old
new ways of self-expression. You might interested in the emotional or mental links parts of your personality or life to allow you
finally prioritise a pet project or carve to physical ailments. to fully experience your imaginative and
out time for more of the adventures and Dreams for a quieter life may intensify artistic qualities.
experiences that matter to you. from November 8, when expansive Jupiter If you were born between January 8
enters Sagittarius and begins a 12-month- and 12, power planet Pluto in Capricorn
Downtime and spirituality long cycle through your spiritual sector. will pass over your Sun. This intense
Sagittarius is your solar 12th House sign You may prefer a less-busy life or crave energy helps you dig deeply into your
and, when planets visit Sagittarius, its an time to yourself. Opt for a slower holiday being to discover hidden fears and
ideal time to rest, take a break and scale schedule this year and instead take the talents. Confrontations with power or
back your commitments. Youll also be time or space you need to recharge. Its with powerful people are possible as you
more inclined to explore the world of spirit more than your body that needs to heal and gain new insights into who or what is
and all things mystical. rejuvenate now your spirit is aching for really controlling your life. Your journey
A low-key start to 2018 would be ideal, nourishment. Time away from your usual from controlled to empowered starts now.
as you have Mars in Sagittarius highlighting obligations can help you reconnect with Harnessing your creative power is essential
the need for rest and rejuvenation from yourself and tap into your inner wisdom. to your evolution this year.
January 26 to March 18. You might be If you were born between January
busy behind the scenes, making plans for Birthdays and planets 14 and 20, eccentric Uranus in Aries
the future. Or, you may prefer a quieter If your birthdate is listed below, and not will square your Sun. While Uranus is
schedule and more downtime. Take the all will be, you have a special planet known to create chaos, he also enlivens
chance to recharge where you can. influencing you in 2018. Heres whats and electrifies life. Youll have blasts of
Curious Mercury spends an extra- ahead and how to harness the planets unexpected development and flashes of
long time in Sagittarius and your retreat power for your own growth. brilliant insight. Forget tradition and start
sector, from November 1 to December 1 If you were born between January exploring the best path forward for you.
and December 12 to January 5, 2019. You 2 and 7, soulful Neptune in Pisces will Independence, freedom and individuality
might download podcasts about a spiritual sextile your Sun. This aspect nudges your will be important.



Aquarius 2018
Jupiter in Scorpio promises growth, expansion and exciting new
opportunities in your career. Eclipses, meanwhile, bring personal
transformation and breakthroughs in a close relationship
Words / Kelly Surtees

Overview Once Mars is finally finished with his taking six months off to travel. All kinds
Adjustment, transition and new freedoms rare retrograde through Aquarius, hell of unconventional developments are likely
are likely thanks to a dynamic combination enter Pisces and your 2nd House of at home this year. Avoid sticking rigidly to
of Mars retrograde in Aquarius and Uranus Cashflow, Income and Money. This period, routine or old habits and instead let your
moving into Taurus. You also have two from November 15 to January 1, 2019, is true and authentic domestic dreams set
eclipses in Aquarius to inspire you to make all about improving your financial position. the schedule.
life more meaningful. In 2018, its the more Mars in Pisces gives you confidence to be Some of your best dates for change or
personal corners of your world that get a assertive with cash. You might chat to your a refresh at home include when the other
shakeup, and you may be ready to make boss about a raise or discuss a new service planets activate Uranus in Taurus. Note
a substantial change or two that give you and prices with clients. these dates for your diary: May 16, August
new freedom. Mars will spend five months Mars only visits your money sector 2, and September 12 and 18.
in Aquarius, which is an unusually long once every two years. You might organise
time. This will provide you with plenty of some financial housekeeping, like catching Relationships
chances to clarify your passions or to take up on bills or setting a new budget. You Two eclipses promise a breakthrough or
action about a personal dream or project. might trial a money or budget app or potent shifts in your love life this year.
decide to keep a spending journal to bring The Full Moon or lunar eclipse in Leo on
Wealth awareness to your financial habits. Action January 31 can bring new clarity around
A special pattern, formed by Jupiter in you take around money with Mars in Pisces a significant other. You might finally see
Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces, can bring can set your financial direction for the next what really matters to a loved one or
more meaningful work or indicate times two years. Welcome progress on a financial discover what a client or partner really
when you may consider a lucrative job dream is also possible, especially when needs in a business relationship. New
offer. Jupiter and Neptune work together Mars works with Pluto on December 17. insights and information that emerge then
on December 3, 2017, as well as May can help you better understand the people
25 and August 19, 2018. This special Home life around you.
alignment may bring an inspirational job Exciting transitions are likely in your home This eclipse is about forgiveness and
or project your way or you might turn a life as Uranus begins what will be an release, so if you have been holding onto
healing, creative or spiritual interest into a almost eight-year tour of Taurus. You get baggage from the past, let it go and refocus
side hustle or business. a preview of this longer cycle from May 15 on the future. Balance between personal
With two major planets working together, to November 6, when Uranus visits Taurus dreams and partnership promises will be
you can develop new sources of income temporarily. Get ready to shake things up at necessary. If you think things are out of
or explore a fresh way to manage your home and in your family relationships. balance, lasting adjustments can be made
money. Dig deep within to discover your Life at home may be more chaotic or now. Think negotiation and compromise as
true motivations around wealth. Knowing full of exciting and dramatic changes. you work together with a significant other
why you work and what you ultimately want Uranus can help you break free from past to improve things for both of you.
to do with your cash can help put current patterns, or let go of any fear that may be The New Moon or solar eclipse in Leo
choices into a more meaningful context. preventing you creating the most authentic on August 11 promises fresh starts and
Illustrations Kate Podger

This alignment may also bring a simple and supportive home environment. You new beginnings in your love life and closest
reminder that money comes to you through might be ready to step out of long-running relationships, at work and in your personal
your work or via a primary partnership; family dramas or rituals and, instead, want life. You may get a vision about how youd
knowing that, you can focus on how to to create celebrations that better reflect like things to be, or start to see your future
enhance that flow. As Jupiter and Neptune whats important to you. with someone special more clearly. With
work together, you have easy access to the Changes in your living situation might the North Node activated at this eclipse,
cosmic river of abundance. involve a major renovation, move, or even youll be ready to push forward and break



away from the past, including banishing career as Jupiter in Scorpio helps lead you intensive. Mercury will spend part of
any bad relationship habits. towards work that is inspiring, meaningful his time in Aries retrograde, or moving
An extended cycle of Mercury through and fulfilling. backwards, from March 22 to April 14.
Leo, from June 29 to September 6, adds to During this time, schedules may change
the significance of the mid-year period for Happiness and children or you might suffer from foot-in-mouth
relationships. Mercury in Leo can help you As Venus, the Sun and Mercury move disease. Double-check details, decisions
find new ways to communicate within your through Gemini, theyll activate 5th House and logistics then as facts may be foggy
most important relationships so that you topics like children, fun, happiness and and misunderstandings more likely. Its a
feel understood and loved ones feel heard. relaxation for you. great time to be away or take time out, but
Conversation may be the key to unlocking With Venus in Gemini from April the start and end dates of the retrograde
togetherness now. Talk things through 29 to May 19, youll want to enjoy the may bring some travel delays.
and discuss logistics and schedules for sweetness in life. Spend time with people Venus visits your 9th House of Adventure
the future. who lift your spirits, and indulge in your twice, from August 6 to September 9 and
Mercury will spend part of this period favourite relaxation rituals. Romance has November 1 to December 2. This is when
retrograde, or moving backwards. With a lighthearted quality, making it easier travel and discovery are highlighted.
Mercury retrograde from July 25 to August to enjoy being with someone special. During these periods, an exotic or exciting
18, you may notice more crossed wires Single? This will be a lovely time to meet adventure may be planned or you may want
or misunderstandings in your closest someone new. to visit a special or overseas destination.
relationships. Mercury retrograde will show Mercury in Gemini, from May 29 to June Training, teaching and publishing
you where the communication connections 12, is ideal for organising events relating opportunities may also arise. If you
are weak, which will help you to figure out to children, especially if there are lots of experience delays in these areas in early
what topics need more attention. You might logistics involved. Talking helps create September, look to November for second
revisit or review major couple choices, or connections with children, friends and chances or as a good time to reschedule.
reminisce about some of your favourite loved ones now, so make time to engage
experiences together. rather than rush around. Friends, networks and groups
Other special dates for karmic meetings With the Sun in Gemini from May 21 to You might take charge to organise a group
and romance that feels like destiny include June 21, youll want to relax and enjoy the night out or finally connect with that
when planets conjunct the North Node in life youve worked hard to create. Indulge organisation thats been on your mind
Leo. This happens on June 19, July 3 and your desires to get creative or unwind. You when Mars tours Sagittarius from January
July 29. might splurge on a five-star luxury or treat 26 to March 18. Your confidence to mingle
yourself to tickets to a special event. and meet new people, both in person and
Career and life direction online, is high and youll be more proactive
Lucky Jupiter in Scorpio, from October Adventure and discovery about developing and nurturing your
10, 2017, to November 8, 2018, promises You may be especially curious thanks to friendships. Your efforts to improve and
growth, expansion and exciting new an extended tour of Mercury through Aries energise your social life can lead to lasting
opportunities in your career. This once-in- from March 6 to May 13. You might dive results, so be proactive about catching up
12-years cycle brings you a lift at work. You into a study, training or research project, with friends or meeting new people then.
may be ready to spread your wings and try or discover new skills to help you express You also have an extra-long tour of
new things, or work may lead to study and your thoughts and ideas more clearly. Mercury through Sagittarius to help you
travel opportunities. Communication and self-expression are reflect on friendships and the people
Progress in your profession will be highlighted then, as is learning and training you really enjoy being around. Mercury
possible, especially when Jupiter works of all kinds. will visit Sagittarius from November 1 to
with Pluto on January 16, April 14 and Travel-wise, Mercury in Aries highlights December 2 and again from December
September 12. You may be especially short or local trips, and you might plan a 12 to January 5, 2019, and can inspire you
persuasive around these dates or find weekend getaway or sign up for a study to network and get to know the people
others more willing to listen to your in your social and professional circles
suggestions. A prestigious, powerful or better. This is equally good for business
high-profile offer may come your way, or networking as it is for your social life. You
you may embrace the chance to make may juggle multiple events on the same
a positive transformation in your field. weekends or get involved with an end-of-
Jupiter and Pluto highlight extreme year charity fundraiser.
wealth and power, and you may consider a Your only caution is during the
Illustrations Kate Podger & Bigstock

lucrative work opportunity or collaborate period Mercury is retrograde, or moving

with the elite in your field. backwards, from November 16 to
Jupiters longer tour of Scorpio is an As Jupiter and December 2. Crossed wires can lead to
excellent time to consider expansion, cross words then so double-check details
growth and next steps in your career. Neptune work together, to avoid any mix-ups, especially if you have
Success is possible, and you may receive a special event happening in that time.
praise or positive press for an achievement.
you have easy access Generous Jupiter moves into Sagittarius
Your efforts to organise, motivate and to the cosmic river and your lucky 11th House on November
inspire others can lead to shared success. 8, 2018. This starts a 12-month-long
You may discover new enthusiasm for your of abundance. double-luck cycle, where your friendships



and networks can expand at a rapid rate.

Helpful people may appear out of the
blue and you may receive timely support
from a variety of sources. With Jupiter in
Sagittarius, youll be able to solidify special
friendships and create a more meaningful
social life.

Personal growth
and self-development
Your personal evolution will be top priority
as Mars takes an unusual tour through
Aquarius. Mars will be in Aquarius from
May 16 to August 13 and September 11
to November 15, spending an unusually
long five months in your sign. Mars gifts
you with confidence, energy, drive and
determination. Youll be more comfortable
putting yourself first, and might finally
move forward with plans around improving
your health and fitness.
Mars is also assertive and helps you
move your needs to the top of the list. Youll
develop strength and focus, and connect
with the courage you need to take action
about your most important life goals.
Mars will spend part of this period
retrograde, or moving backwards, from
June 25 to August 13. Take a break from Two eclipses promise
your renewed plans and instead reflect,
review and rethink. This period is like
a breakthrough or potent shifts
a cosmic pause where delays have a in your love life this year.
purpose: to give you extra time to clarify
your motivation and dreams for the future. in Capricorn highlights an introspective Birthdays and planets
When Mars returns to Aquarius from period, where youre ready to turn If your birthdate is listed below, and not
mid-September to mid-November, youll be your attention inwards. Its a bit of all will be, you have a special planet
refreshed and ready to power forward. This a hermit-type cycle, where you may influencing you in 2018. Heres whats
period can bring exciting and fast-paced prefer the company of smaller groups ahead and how to harness the planets
progress, especially in your personal life. of people to large events. You can be power for your own growth.
Youll evolve in meaningful and important productive in private or when working If you were born between January 21
ways and want to show the world the new away from distractions, especially if you and 31, lucky Jupiter in Sagittarius will
you. Steps you take and plans you put into have a large-scale professional project sextile your Sun. Growth, expansion and
motion then can carry you forward for in mind. opportunities are relatively easy to create.
the next two years. Youll be a force to be Your commitment to your spiritual A little effort will take you a long way, so
reckoned with as you take charge to live path maybe highlighted and you may take action to manifest your big-picture
lifeon your terms. question your faith. These questions life dreams. Adventure and learning are
take you deeper into your spiritual important to growth in 2018.
Time out and spirituality journey, so explore the restlessness in If you were born between February 12
Regular time to rest and recharge will be your soul. A retreat or sabbatical can and 18, unconventional Uranus in Aries
increasingly important for the next three help you reconnect with your heart and will sextile your Sun. This offers you a
years, thanks to Saturn in Capricorn. your innermost desires. If you have any taste of freedom and the desire for more
This special cycle, which only occurs spiritual, intuitive or mystical interests, independence. Emerging philosophies
once every 30 years, helps you pause and you may commit to developing your skills about individuality help you explore
reflect on the last 2829 years of life. in these areas. authenticity in life rather than sticking with
Youve come a long way and deserve to Take extra breaks, plan a long holiday the conventional path.
acknowledge your efforts. In preparation or generally reduce your schedule and If you were born between February 2 and
for the next 28- to 29-year cycle, you obligations from March 18 to May 16 18, lucky Jupiter in Scorpio will square your
likely have obligations, people and duties and August 13 to September 11, when Sun. Growth, expansion and opportunities
youre ready to relinquish. Mars joins Saturn in Capricorn. These are within reach. A little effort will take you
You might be less social and may be the quietest periods for you this a long way, so take action to manifest your
more interested in quiet alone time year, when rest and time to rejuvenate big-picture life dreams, especially about
this year. If so, honour that need. Saturn are important. life direction and in your career.



Pisces 2018
Jupiter and Uranus inspire new adventures with travel
and can bring a breakthrough regarding a teaching or study
dream, while Saturn in Capricorn brings stability with friends
Words / Kelly Surtees

Overview saving are concerned. You might explore a touch, making this a lovely time to entertain
Theres an uplifting feeling to life this year as budget or spending app or realise your past family or see your relatives.
Jupiter and Saturn hold elevated positions money rituals no longer suit your current
in your solar chart. You may be active in the existence. If so, get creative about how to Relationships
world at large, chase a big dream or achieve organise the flow of money into and out Venus highlights tenderness and
a longstanding professional goal. Time of your life. Mercury retrograde is perfect togetherness when she tours Virgo from
for rest and to recharge will be essential, for trying a new strategy. If you dont get it July 10 to August 6. This can be a romantic
though, thanks to an extended tour of Mars right the first time, tweak your approach time, where you find new ways to cherish
through Aquarius. and try again. Your efforts will pay off. Some your partner. Youll be magnetic then and,
delays with payments may occur during this if single, may find it easier to attract new
Wealth Mercury retrograde. If so, double-check friendships. New togetherness or exciting
The long-running tour of Uranus through details or documents, especially relating to progress in a special relationship will be
Aries is winding down. You get a taste of any financial contracts or agreements, and possible on July 12, 14 and 28, when Venus
a more calm financial influence from May dont be shy about following up. speaks with first Uranus, then Saturn and
15 to November 6, when Uranus leaves finally Pluto. A business partner may be more
Aries briefly. Use this period to create new Home life supportive, too, or you may finalise details
stability with cashflow and income, and to With no major planetary triggers in your about a professional partnership.
begin planning for the future. If you want solar 4th House of Domesticity, it looks like Curious Mercury highlights the power of
to set up an online business or create business as usual on the home and family conversation in keeping your connection alive
more independence around money, use the front. You will have regular annual visits from when he visits Virgo from September 622.
freedom-loving vibe of Uranus in Aries for Mercury and Venus to help energise your This quick visit can help you reconnect with a
that, either before May 15 or from November home life. significant other, at work or in your personal
6, 2018 to March 6, 2019. Youve had Uranus While Mercury tours Gemini from May life. A fun, flirty or light-hearted approach to
in Aries since 2010 to help energise and 29 to June 12, you may organise repairs dating can pay off then. Your curiosity about
motivate you around money. You may realise and maintenance or catch up on a pressing someone special can help you overcome any
a long-held financial goal this year or finally DIY project around the house. Mercury fears that may hold you back. Ask questions
move forward with a money dream you have highlights logistics, making this a great and show your interest someone special
had for some time. time to organise your space as well as your will be flattered by the attention.
Your 2018 also brings an extended cycle family schedule and commitments. You
of Mercury through Aries, your 2nd House might declutter and donate, chat with your Career and life direction
of Cashflow and Income. This period, family or flatmates about updating whos You may have the confidence to take on a
from March 6 to May 13, is like a financial responsible for what domestic duties, or new challenge at work when Mars tours
housekeeping time, where you can catch even plan out your hosting schedule for the Sagittarius from January 26 to March 18.
up on life admin and organise papers or next few months. Mars gifts you with confidence, drive, energy
documents relating to investments and your If you want to redecorate or make your and an assertive streak to help you get
wealth. You might discuss a new deal at work home more beautiful and comfortable, plan ahead in your career. You may start a new
Illustrations Kate Podger

or change the way you work with clients if you to do so while Venus is in Gemini from April job or project, or take action about plans
have your own business. Negotiations around 24 to May 19. Venus inspires pretty displays regarding a business. Your leadership skills
money are highlighted. of colour and can motivate you to update the help set you apart now, so rather than
Mercury spends part of this period soft furnishings at home. You might splurge follow the crowd, strike out in a new or more
retrograde, or moving backwards, from on flowers, art or home decor or invest in a meaningful direction, especially when Mars
March 22 to April 14, which is ideal to review, new statement piece. Family relationships works with Uranus around March 11. Fast-
revise and rethink where cash, spending and can be sweet and supportive under Venus paced progress and exciting offers are likely





logistics but keep moving forward. The strong how willing you are to embrace the call to
Jupiter in Sagittarius energy overrides the adventure. This will be especially important
Mercury retrograde influence so you can keep and meaningful when Jupiter works with
reaching for your dreams. Neptune in Pisces on December 3, 2017, May
25 and August 19. These dates can be life-
Happiness and children changing as events or insights that occur,
A special solar eclipse in Cancer on July then strengthen your faith in life, and may
13 highlights your 5th House, to do with bring an amazing opportunity your way.
happiness, children and fun. A personal Venus will spend time moving backwards
breakthrough will be possible then and you in Scorpio, due to her retrograde, from
may learn to let go of fear or worry and more October 4 to November 1. You might question
easily enjoy the present. Take time near this your faith or take your understanding of
eclipse to rest, relax and unwind, and spend your personal beliefs to new depths then.
time with people who make your heart sing. Questions about meaning, purpose and your
New happiness is within reach but it might place in the world are likely. Allow yourself
not look like you expect. Your curiosity to step to explore the yearnings within then; youre
outside your familiar routines or comfort zone updating your perspective for the next eight-
can help you discover new rituals for joy. year cycle and may need to leave behind
Uranus begins
begiins to Time with loved ones, like children, pets beliefs youve outgrown. Venus returns to
or family, can be especially important. This Scorpio in December when you can clarify
activate Taurus this is highlighted in the week before and after plans for your future, especially around travel,
year, helping you the eclipse and while Venus tours Cancer, learning and teaching.
from May 19 to June 13. Nourish your body Uranus begins to activate Taurus this
embrace new ways and your heart through quality moments year, helping you embrace new ways to
that feed you from the inside out. An inner express yourself. Taurus rules your solar
to express yourself. perspective, where you focus on what 3rd House, which highlights your local
soothes your heart rather than looks good, environment and neighbourhood. As a
at work early in 2018, so take advantage of can lead to new understandings about what result, you may be especially interested
the chance to challenge yourself in new ways. truly makes you happy. in becoming more familiar with your local
Your efforts to improve or move forward Welcome news regarding children may space and the people in it. Ideas that emerge
in your career early in 2018 set the scene for arrive in the periods described above or when from May 15 to November 6 have the power
larger work opportunities that are likely once Mercury visits Cancer from June 1229. Your to shift your focus for the next eight years.
Jupiter enters Sagittarius on November 8, curiosity to know more about the children This is a preview period for whats to come
2018. This starts a 12-month-long growth in your life can lead to thought-provoking in2019 and beyond.
and abundance cycle in your career, the conversations. Deepen your connection by
likes of which you havent seen for more making time to talk, especially about whats Friends, networks and groups
than a decade. The end of 2018 brings a most important to those you love. The people you connect with, through your
golden influence that can help you reach for work and your social circles, help ground you
the stars, in life and at work. Youll find the Adventure and discovery and give you purpose. With Saturn now in
support you need at the right time and finally New sparks of insight and curiosity flood Capricorn and energising your 11th House,
feel ready to take a major professional leap your consciousness this year as two powerful youll set the results of your efforts to create
of faith. cycles activate your adventure and discovery supportive communities and nourishing
The Sun works with Jupiter in Sagittarius axis. Expansive Jupiter tours Scorpio and your networks. You have a bigger role to play in a
on November 30 and you may be in the 9th House until November 8, while Uranus group that you anticipate dont let shyness
spotlight for a success or achievement at temporarily electrifies Taurus, your 3rd or deference hold you back from accepting
work then. Promotion and marketing near House, from May 15 to November 6. your rightful place in the centre.
this time can reach a wide or new audience. If Say yes to all kinds of adventures, whether You are ready for more responsibility in a
you want a new role or raise, take action then. they involve travel, learning or embracing group or organisation that means something
Communication planet Mercury will also a fresh perspective. Since we evolve first to you and, with Saturn onside, you may
spend an extra-long time in Sagittarius and through our willingness to open our minds, get the chance to make a more substantial
your 10th House of Fame, Honours and stretching yourself to consider insights, contribution. Your friends may notice new
Success from November 1 to December 2 truths and philosophies outside your comfort strength in you or welcome that you are more
Illustrations Kate Podger & Bigstock

and December 12 to January 5, 2019. Mercury zone paves the way for your evolution now. organised and, in turn, more reliable.
supports networking, study and training, Jupiter in Scorpio highlights grand Long-term friendships deepen as you
so if you need to update your skills, do so adventures and once-in-a lifetime trips. You nourish the social connections that have
then. This will also be a great time to attend may visit a special or meaningful place this helped you on your journey. If there are
a professional event or focus on sharing year, either locally or overseas. All kinds of people in your social circles in real life or
your ideas in your field. Mercury will spend study, teaching and writing goals also receive online that you have outgrown, Saturn in
part of this cycle retrograde, or moving a boost, as Jupiter helps you find the best Capricorn can help you adjust your priorities
backwards, from November 16 to December ways to share your messages with the world. or even distance yourself from superficial
2. Some crossed wires or delays at work Youre on a personal search for meaning acquaintances. You may have less time for
may occur then. If so, deal with details and in 2018 and may surprise yourself with socialising due to your new and exciting



responsibilities; if so, this will help accelerate

your understanding of who your true friends
are and inspire you to spend more with them
and less time with people you arent that in
tune with.
Honesty and loyalty with friends will be
especially important on January 8, 9 and 24,
March 23, April 26, June 6, August 26 and
December 17, when Pluto in Capricorn is
activated. Show you care by being there when
it counts. If you suspect someone has ulterior
motives, be cautious and keep your distance if
you feel it necessary.

Personal growth
and self-development
Youll round out 2018 with renewed focus on a
personal project or a resolution to take better
care of your body and soul. You have Mars in
Pisces to help you prioritise your needs from
November 15 to January 1, 2019. Mars can
help you assert yourself and take action about
a dream thats important to you. You might
feel selfish now, but that will only mean you
are serving the needs of your soul. If youre
temporarily less available to others, then so
be it. What matters now is that you energise
your own passions and devote time, energy
and even money to pursuing the dreams that
make you feel alive. You may crave time alone or in a quiet setting
When Mars works with Neptune in Pisces
on December 7, you might splurge on a when Mars tours Aquarius.
transcendental experience or develop new
trust in your own creative and intuitive skills. express and use your spiritual and intuitive influencing you in 2018. Heres whats
With Mars in Pisces, youre placed in the gifts; youre ready to do so and the people ahead and how to harness the planets
driving seat and given the power to set your around you are ready to experience more of power for your own growth.
own course. Choose the direction that most what you have to offer. If you were born between February 18 and
interests you, as actions you take during this The 12th House is also about retreat, rest March 1, mature Saturn in Capricorn will
period indicate your progress for the next and seclusion so you may crave time alone or sextile your Sun. Saturn brings responsibility,
two years. in a quiet setting when Mars tours Aquarius. a new appreciation for time and new
Stillness helps you explore some of the understandings about the importance of
Time out and spirituality biggest and most existential questions, and boundaries. You are called to draw those
Your relationship to spirituality moves to can help you release any anger or rage you proverbial lines in the sand, making it clear
a new level, thanks to an extended tour of may be holding onto from the past. to those around you especially friends and
Mars through Aquarius. Mars spends five Such a long cycle of Mars through associates what you can and cant do.
months compared to his usual six weeks Aquarius and your 12th House is like a special If you were born between March 2 and 7,
in Aquarius throughout 2018, helping chance to clear clutter, both inside and out, to soulful Neptune in Pisces will pass over your
you reconnect with your passion for all help you rejuvenate and focus on the future. Sun. Your journey now centres on letting go
things mystical and esoteric. Mars will be Two eclipses in Aquarius also activate and surrendering. Life may feel insubstantial
in Aquarius from May 16 to August 13 and your 12th House of Retreat and Spirituality, or surreal as the dreamlike qualities of
September 11 to November 15. on February 16 and July 28. Extra downtime Neptune override rational clarity. Take time
On a practical level, you may be productive near those dates can help you recharge, out from professional and family plans to
in private or when working alone. Your especially if you have pushed yourself hard explore your spiritual and creative side.
efforts during these periods can support in the lead-up. You might also experience If you were born between March 9 and 12,
your career. If youre working in a role that a breakthrough around something that has transformative Pluto in Capricorn will sextile
isnt aligned with your soul, illness or stress been blocking your progress then. Meditation, your Sun. This year is ripe with opportunities
could manifest. This is a call to action around time alone and quiet reflection can be healing to transform from the caterpillar to the
walking your talk and living your truth. If and cathartic near these eclipses. butterfly via a cocoon-like experience. Youll
youre already doing that, then you may see willingly enter into a period of simplicity
results now or you may be motivated to take Birthdays and planets as you seek to become who you have the
on a new challenge that more fully honours If your birthdate is listed below, and not potential to be. Harnessing your creative
your beliefs. Look for any opportunity to all will be, you have a special planet power is the key to your personal evolution.



Astrology and
the healing path
We explore the astrology charts and lives
of famous healers Elisabeth Kbler-Ross,
Deepak Chopra and Louise Hay
Words / Damian Rocks

our horoscope is less likely to show what almost always be found in Houses 811. Together
you will do in life, and more likely to show with the Asc/Dsc axis, which shows the horizon line
what you wont. There are no definitive in the place you were born, the MC/IC axis shows
astrological signatures to show the path the point in local space where the Ecliptic and
you will take. Instead, as Robert Hand notes in Prime Meridian meet.2
Horoscope Symbols, what you choose to do with your The MC describes your public self and reveals
life is usually based on an interplay of chart themes, those qualities you willingly show others. It also
environmental and circumstantial opportunities and describes the person you want to become. Frank
plain old free will. Career choice cannot be linked to Clifford, author of The Midheaven: Spotlight on
any one planet, point or placement. This said, there Success, explains how the sign (and any planets)
are certain areas of the astrology chart that can give on the Midheaven describe your reputation, public
a clear indication. image, personal definition of success and deep-
Studying the horoscopes of three well-known seated drives to make a professional contribution
healers reinforces this idea. While no specific to your world.
signature says a person is likely to pursue a career
in health or therapy, there are certain sign and The 10th House and the Midheaven
planet combinations that have a greater propensity Some astrologers equate the Midheaven with the
for this kind of expression. To showcase this, we cusp of the 10th House. Depending on the house
will explore the charts, lives and professional system used, the MC and 10th House cusp may
careers of Elisabeth Kbler-Ross, Deepak Chopra be the same. This means there is no need to
and Louise Hay. distinguish between the qualities of the MC and the
Before going further, lets look at how career sign on the cusp of the 10th House.
or vocation is described in a birth chart. Through Other astrologers, using equal and whole sign
blending dominant themes, like your Sun, Moon and house systems, project the 10th House cusp
Ascendant sign plus the qualities of the Midheaven (describing work/profession) from the Ascendant.3
and the 10th House, an astrologer can understand Therefore, the Midheaven may or may not fall into
what you are most likely to feel comfortable with. the same sign as the 10th sign from the Ascendant.
Planets found in the 10th House, especially those From an interpretive point of view, this allows
close to the angles (MC or IC), also come into play.1 for an important distinction. The sign on your 10th
House cusp often accurately describes the kind
Your public self of work you do, whereas the Midheaven reveals a
Image Getty

The Midheaven is that part of your chart (usually much more sensitive point that describes not only
found near the top) which forms one of the main what you might aspire to become, but also when
angles. It is displayed by the letters MC, and will major life transitions are likely to occur.



When you express

11 27'
27' 11 what comes naturally,

27' success is often
the outcome.
27' 36' 11
S 10 9 care in the West, arguing that death
11 27' should be considered a normal stage of
11 8 life and openly discussed. She offered
strategies for helping patients and
26 Elisabeth Kubler Ross
Natal Chart their families as they negotiated these
22' 8 Jul 1926, Thu
12 7 transitions. In turn, her five stages of
11 10:45 pm CET -1:00 11
Zurich, Switzerland grief have been recognised as useful
47N23' 008E32'
benchmarks to understand the process
27' Tropical 27' of going through any period of profound
30' 1 Equal 6
26' True Node 06' life transformation.
29 23 Kbler-Ross brought to the surface

important issues that had, up until that
2 5 12
11 15
27' time, been avoided by the mainstream.
3 4 The topic of death was typically avoided

49' 56'
18' 16 by many physicians, and the initial
27' 01 53' 15 11
46' 36' 14 reception of her work among peers
03 ranged from welcome acceptance to
11 21 shock and dismissal. Yet in time Kbler-
11 27' Rosss book became a standard text for
27' 11
professionals working with terminally ill
11 27' patients. She pioneered new approaches
to death that brought an emphasis on
counselling for the families of dying
Elisabeth Kbler-Ross patients, bringing comfort to millions
Natal Chart of individuals through her widely read
Thursday, July 8, 1926
10:45pm CET -1:00 publications which explored death, the
Zurich, Switzerland process of grief and studies into near-
47N23 008E32
Geocentric death experiences.
Tropical Born under a Cancer New Moon and
Whole Signs
True Node with Pisces rising, Kbler-Ross had
an innate need to nurture and support
You will see this in the charts in this Chiron features strongly for both others. On the day she was born, the Sun
article, where major dynamic influences Deepak Chopra and Louise Hay, and it is was closely conjunct Pluto and the North
to the Midheaven coincide with periods easy to see how this influence manifests Node, implying a fated life story that
of professional change. In the case of in their lives. But first lets look at would involve close personal encounters
Louise Hay, you will also see how the Elisabeth Kbler-Ross. with the painful truth of birth and death,
sign on the cusp of the 10th House points as well as the urge to bring these truths
to activities which have earned her an Dying is something we human to the surface.
income but do not describe the core beings do continuously, not just at the With such a strong emphasis on
essence of who she has become in the end of our physical lives on this earth. water signs, there is little wonder that
same way as the sign ruling her MC. ~ Elisabeth Kbler-Ross Kbler-Ross would want to alleviate the
suffering of others. At the age of five she
Chiron, wounds and healing Elisabeth Kbler-Ross was hospitalised for pneumonia and,
Well also explore the relevance of Elisabeth Kbler-Ross was a Swiss- while there, she watched the death of a
Chiron. Since its discovery in 1977, born American psychiatrist instrumental roommate. This was her first encounter
Chiron has been associated with in pioneering the concept of providing with the process of dying. Later in
themes of woundedness and healing. counselling to the dying. She is best life, she watched a neighbour calmly
Its common to find this celestial body known for her work on death, and had a reassure his family as he lay dying from
prominent in the charts of individuals huge impact on how health professions the impact of a broken neck. She learned
who choose to work as therapists, as treat the experience of death and dying. early not to fear death, a natural process.
well as those who undergo painful life Kbler-Rosss first book, On Death and At 19, Kbler-Ross visited Majdanek,
experiences that lead them to heal or Dying, famously described five stages a Nazi death camp, where she met a girl
serve. Often outsiders in some way, those of grief that have become cornerstones who narrowly escaped the gas chambers
with Chiron prominent tend to challenge of Western psychotherapeutic practice. because they could not hold another
the status quo. She had a profound impact on palliative person. Instead of bitterness, Kbler-



Ross recalled that this girl had chosen 17 29'

to forgive, saying, If I can change one 29' 17
persons life from hatred and revenge
to love and compassion, then I deserved
21 12 01


to survive. This experience changed 2019

54' 37' 51'

her life forever and she decided to
29' 05
dedicate herself to healing others. 29' 05' 28 17
She went on to study medicine in 10 9
Switzerland and then psychiatry in 17 29'
17 11 8
the US. Kbler-Rosss first choice was

unsurprisingly paediatrics (Cancer Sun 50'
Deepak Chopra 06'
and Moon in 5th), but she was denied Natal Chart
access to this residency program 12 22 Oct 1946, Tue 7 45' 28

17 3:45 pm IST -5:30 17
because at the time she was pregnant. New Delhi, India
Sagittarius rules Kbler-Rosss 28N36' 077E12'

Midheaven, as well as the 10th House. 29' Tropical 29'
1 Equal 6
This placement suggests an individual True Node
who will seek to educate and inspire
others. Jupiter, the ruler of her 2 5 14'
Midheaven, is in Aquarius and the 12th
17 06' 13 29'
House, implying a person who will

3 4
seek to distinguish themselves through 17
knowledge that is progressive (Aquarius), 37' 32'54'
transcendental (12th House) or geared
to alleviate the suffering of others (12th 12 2121
House). Drawn to face the challenging 17 29'
issues of life, death and family, Kbler-
29' 17

Ross made a profound impact on the 17 29'
world simply by doing what was most
natural for her to do, with the timing for
all this to unfold perfectly described by Deepak Chopra
her chart. Natal Chart
Tuesday, October 22, 1946
Kbler-Ross began her most 3:45pm IST -5:30
influential work in the mid-1960s, New Delhi, India
28N36 077E12
providing an opportunity for a group of Geocentric
medical and theological students, nurses Tropical
Whole Signs
and social workers to gather and learn True Node
about dying from terminal patients who
were willing to share their experiences or were ideal for Kbler-Ross to gain has devoted his life to the exploration
fears. The group work grew and, in 1969, greater recognition for her work. She of mind-body medicine as well as the
she was featured in Time magazine. Her went on to teach and inspire countless benefits that can be derived from ancient
groundbreaking book On Death and Dying individuals, opening a healing centre therapeutic practices such as meditation,
was published that same year. of her own in 1977 as well as doing yoga and Ayurveda.
Between 1963 and 1969, Kbler- groundbreaking work with infant Chopra has a Libran Sun conjunct
Rosss natal triple conjunction of Sun/ mortality and AIDS. She died in 2004, Chiron in the 8th House, as well as a 7th
Pluto/North Node moved by solar arc having lived a life of service and healing, House Virgo Moon. He displayed a keen
to conjoin natal Neptune and oppose teaching others to find peace by mental aptitude and desire for practical
Jupiter ruler of the Midheaven. At the acknowledging the process of death. service (Virgo Moon), which made him
same time, progressed Sun/Pluto formed well suited to the study of medicine.
powerful trines to the Midheaven itself. The highest levels of performance come The ruler of his Midheaven (Jupiter in
Major professional changes often to people who are centred, intuitive, Scorpio) joins the Sun and Chiron in the
occur when the MC or its ruler are creative and reflective people who 8th House of his chart, suggesting an
triggered by dynamic planetary know to see a problem as an opportunity. inclination to explore the psychological
influences. These astrological conditions ~ Deepak Chopra foundations of disease and how mental
patterns manifest as hormonal triggers
Deepak Chopra through the endocrine system, affecting
The 3rd House A similar story comes to the fore when systemic health.
we examine the chart of Deepak Chopra. Chopra initially decided to follow in
is associated Like Kbler-Ross, Chopra was born the footsteps of his cardiologist father
with all forms of with Pisces rising and Sagittarius on the and forged a successful career as a
Midheaven of his chart. Also suited to licensed physician and endocrinologist
communication. a path of teaching and service, Chopra in the US. However, with a close Sun



06 19'
Major professional


changes often occur
06 19'
18 0027 when the MC or its

49' 33' 26' ruler are triggered by
19' 26 06

10 9 46' dynamic planetary

06 19'
11 11 8
15 19' Louise Hay publishing business and a reputation as
20 21'
55' Natal Chart
8 Oct 1926, Fri 17 a healer since penning her first pamphlet
0:30 am PST +8:00
22' 06 on the power of thought to influence
Los Angeles, CA
34N03'08'' 118W14'34'' wellbeing. Eight years after Hay wrote
Geocentric the pamphlet in 1976, it developed into
19' Tropical 19'
1 Equal 6 the book You Can Heal Your Life, which
True Node reached the New York Times bestseller
26 19'
list in 1988 and has sold more than 50
2 5

11 million copies worldwide.
19' Like Chopra, Hay was born with
3 4
05' the Sun in Libra, but this time in
19' 18' 26' 06 the 3rd House of her chart. The 3rd
34' 16' 39'
03 House is associated with all forms of

14 23 communication. Whats more, instead
of Uranus, Mercury was found on the IC,
06 19'
19' 06
suggesting a career as speaker or writer.
Hay has built her success on her easy-
06 19' to-read self-help books as well as the
group events she has convened.
In the 1980s, Hay organised large
Louise Hay
meetings (called HayRides) for people
Natal Chart
Friday, October 8, 1926 suffering from the impact of AIDS; she
00:30am PST +8:00 was one of the few individuals prepared
Los Angeles, CA
34N0308 118W1434 to work with AIDS patients at the time.
Geocentric She demonstrated a willingness to
Whole Signs challenge the status quo, describing pain
True Node and suffering as a mental experience,
conjunct Chiron aspect, coupled with opposed its natal position and passed while offering a new message of balance
Uranus exactly conjunct his IC (so over the Midheaven, and Chopras first and hope. Now her publishing company
opposing his Midheaven), he carries book, Creating Health, was released. Hay House connects authors with their
the signatures of a maverick who will Most spectacularly, in 1993, as solar arc audience in innovative ways.
innately seek change. Jupiter crossed his Midheaven, Chopra Chiron is powerfully placed on Hays
In the early 1980s, Chopra went appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show Midheaven and exactly opposite her
through a series of major life and his best-known work, Ageless Body, Moon in Scorpio. This astrological
transformations. First, he rediscovered Timeless Mind, reached the top of the signature demonstrates her credentials
Ayurvedic medicine in his native India, New York Times bestseller list. Chopra for this kind of journey. Hays life story is
then he met the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was catapulted to national attention well known and embodies the experience
in 1985, founder of the Transcendental and went on to develop a suite of of the wounded healer. She was born
Meditation movement. Between 1981 entrepreneurial New-Age ventures for into an abusive family, was raped at
and 1985, Uranus by solar arc squared which he is so well known today. the age of five, gave birth at age 16 to a
Chopras Sun/Chiron conjunction daughter she then gave away, dropped
and transiting Neptune crossed his You have the power to heal your life out of high school and had to find her
Midheaven. Chopra credits the events and you need to know that. We think so own way in life. She was later betrayed by
of this time as the pivotal triggers for often that we are helpless, but were not. her husband of 14 years and developed
changing his life, laying the foundations We always have the power of our minds incurable cervical cancer around the
for his future success as a global leader ... claim and consciously use your power. age of 50 (between the ages of 49 and 50,
in mind-body medicine. ~ Louise Hay Chiron returns to the same degree of the
Further dynamic influences impacting zodiac it was at birth).
the Midheaven of his chart continued Louise Hay Typical of those with a prominent
to coincide with major milestones in Dubbed The Queen of the New Age, Chiron, Hay was able to eliminate
his career/public life. In 1987, Uranus Louise Hay has built a successful her own cancer through a regimen


of forgiveness, therapy, nutrition, certain degree. Yet Hay was born with dynamics that motivated them. Each
reflexology and occasional enemas, as the Midheaven in Aries (denoting an of these renowned healers has made
she told New York Times journalist Mark individual who would be known for the most of their innate potential by
Oppenheimer in 2008. She taught others carving out her own path in life), and the simply being themself.
to do the same. cusp of her 10th House is Taurus (equal
Hay went on to become a leading house system). Endnotes
light of the New Age movement an Taurus is associated with finery, 1. A traditional principle states that
achievement that she herself credits aesthetics and beauty. Hay says that planets express themselves most strongly
to the rise of AIDS in the 1980s. The another turning point in her life was when found within five degrees of an angle.
epidemic brought Hay to national moving to New York in her early 20s and Accordingly, planets found close to the
attention through her work with becoming a high-fashion model. She Midheaven or its opposite point (IC) are
thousands of gay men, leading to married a wealthy businessman and for generally expressed through someones
appearances on both Oprah and The a while lived a life of relative luxury, able professional life.
Phil Donahue Show. Her message to travel the world, meet royalty and 2. For a detailed explanation on how
about healing and the power of thought even have dinner at the White House. the Midheaven is calculated, visit
changed the lives of millions. As New She is still well known for her radiant exeterastrologygroup.org.uk/2015/01/
York Times journalist Oppenheimer puts beauty. This is a good example of where the-definition-of-midheaven_18.html
it, Though you may not know it, you live the occupation you become associated 3. These charts project the 12 houses of the
in Louise Hays world. Her impact on with (10th House) may not be the same chart from the sign or degree rising
popular culture in the West has been thing as that which you are ultimately on the Ascendant. So each house of the
immense, and Hay has probably done called to do (Midheaven). chart will be calculated either from the
more than any other individual to bring degree rising (equal house) or the sign
new paradigms of spirituality, health and Your path to success which is rising (whole house). There is
positive living into the mainstream. Success in life comes from doing what no real consensus on which method is
For astrologers, it is interesting to you feel most qualified to do. In this preferable. Historically, astrologers inclined
compare Hays chart to that of Chopra sense, you can find success by following more to the equal/whole house methods
and Kbler-Ross. These two healers both your calling and by being the person you with alternatives introduced from the Middle
have the same sign on the Midheaven as were born to be. Through looking at the Ages. Many astrologers today find that the
Image Getty

on the 10th House cusp of their charts charts of Elisabeth Kbler-Ross, Deepak traditional equal/whole system offers more
(Sagittarius). Their public/professional Chopra and Louise Hay, you can learn precise information, although this view is by
lives have been quite singular to a about them as individuals as well as the no means conclusive.



Embrace your
call to adventure
Do you know that a specific archetype and journey is associated
with each Sun sign? Choosing to follow that journey can give great
insight into your lifes purpose
Words / Frank Clifford

Aries: the ardent pioneer

our whole birth chart, based upon you were born to be for despair comes
the exact time, date and place you from choosing to be someone other than The early opportunity
were born, can reveal much about your true self. Encountering conflict, unfairness, being put
your personal and professional Nowadays, more than ever, theres a second or feeling left out has prompted you
motivations, the kind of talents you possess broad range of professional possibilities to stand up and be counted, to recognise your
and the various life experiences youre available, and more people are pursuing own needs, fight for whats right and face
likely to have. Astrology can bring to light work (whether its a paid job or a hobby) fears of disapproval.
what lies at the heart of you what your thats a reflection of who they are. No The life work
lifes work is really about, not simply how longer are we content with working to You are born to inspire people with your
you choose to earn a living. It can help you payfor things. boundless energy, unbridled enthusiasm and
select a job or hobby that reflects your Theres no such thing as the ideal job hope. Yours is a spontaneous, dynamic and
innate character and key needs. based on your Sun sign alone. You and adventurous spirit. You have an independent
Your Sun (or star) sign tells us about your chart are too complex for a simple nature and you lack the patience to wait for
your vocation in the deeper sense: what mix-and-match equation like that. Youll group decisions or work in a team, so its
you are called to do during your time on find every Sun sign doing every type of job; important that you find a position of autonomy
this planet. Your Sun sign describes a life however, each of you will be doing it your and learn to motivate yourself. Avoid waiting
journey and a way of living. Its message own way and with your own skill set. What for others to approve of you and dont expect
is not a list of adjectives and keywords, your birth chart, and particularly your Sun them to provide maintenance. Instead, sprint
such as the traits associated with Cancer: sign, does describe are the energies the ahead of the pack, show courage, fight for the
protective, sensitive, moody. Rather, motivations, challenges, passions that underdog, dare to break new ground and put
your Sun sign describes your life purpose inspire your lifes work. yourself first without apology.
and what makes your heart sing. The following descriptions highlight core
There are more than a dozen types of principles of each Sun sign. If you know Taurus: the principled rock
people in the world, of course, but each the sign of your North Node (which reveals The early opportunity
of the 12 Sun signs describes a particular an aspect of your spiritual journey) or Being pushed around or having people want
archetype with a specific journey attached your Midheaven (which shows how best to what you own has helped you learn to say
to it. You are asked or called to embark blossom in the world around you), you can no, to attach yourself to strong principles
on this journey, along with lots of other read those signs too. and develop a stubborn resistance to the
life lessons or situations, as shown in the Each zodiac sign also has an opposite. influence of others.
rest of the chart. In doing so, you have The six pairs of polar opposites are Aries The life work
an opportunity to connect with your core Libra, TaurusScorpio, GeminiSagittarius, Yours is a powerfully determined energy,
essence, your life force, your vocation. CancerCapricorn, LeoAquarius and and its important for you to have a strong
It is essential to embrace this calling, VirgoPisces. Theres much you can idea of what you stand for. Your sign is the
to say yes to life and follow your bliss, as learn from this other sign but you need rock, the constant upon which others can
the famous mythologist Joseph Campbell to follow the journey of your own sign rely. Productive and sincere, you do your
Photography Bigstock

wrote. This is the key to healthy self- rather than wallow in the worst traits of best work in a steady environment of loyalty
esteem and following a path of integrity. your opposite. Some of these traits have and integrity, where change is rare and
Its no crime to embark upon your been mentioned in the text for each sign. ideally on your own terms. Helping others to
vocation as a hobby rather than a full-time What follows is an introduction to the key build strong foundations and sustain their
job; the crime is to ignore your vocation challenges, opportunities and life paths for enterprises are two of your talents, but dont
completely and not become the person each of the signs. forget to ensure your own security and safety,


Astrology can bring to light what
lies at the heart of you what
your lifes work is really about, not
simply how you choose to earn a

Virgo: the skilful discriminator

The early opportunity
Dealing with chaos, inequalities or a lack of
discipline in those around you has sharpened
your ability to discriminate, to discover what
is healthy for you, to leave the safety zone of
the mind and to develop a relationship with
your own pleasure.
The life work
Your journey involves learning your trade
and perfecting a skill that will enable you to
play an essential role in any work situation.
Your sign is the industrious craftsperson of
the zodiac your job is to get to the heart
of the matter, avoid chaos and ensure the
overall machine runs efficiently. Yours is
a service-orientated spirit that has a plan
to make the world a better place. But its
important not to downplay your vital role
otherwise others may do so, too, leaving
you feeling undervalued or victimised.

Libra: the impartial tactician

Fire signs want to The life work The early opportunity
Your protective, sensitive spirit and Finding yourself surrounded by conflict
inspire others. almost psychic empathy are ideal in work early on in your life or being obliged
situations that need strong emotional to make life-changing decisions from
too, and enjoy the sensual pleasures in life kinship and lessons of tough love. It is seemingly impossible choices has
without being ruled by them. essential for you to be part of a family developed your diplomatic, mediation and
at work a tribe of like-minded people decision-making skills.
Gemini: the quick-witted who offer each other nourishment The life work
communicator rather than you ending up being bitter You were born to become a strategist and
The early opportunity about playing carer or counsellor to all an expert at negotiation, and you may have
Facing misunderstandings or people who and sundry. Your past will always be an the ability to charm others into submission.
cant or wont relate to you has encouraged important part of your present. Your talent Youre most effective when bringing
you to clarify information, to untangle mixed is helping yourself (and others) reconnect objectivity to situations and building bridges
messages and become the communicator to your heritage and treasure your history, between opposing factions rather than
and interpreter you were born to be. without it hardening your nature or ruling provoking opposition or being manipulative.
The life work your actions. Always good at teamwork, you shine when
Eternally curious and restless, your ideal addressing imbalances of power or when
work environment is one that keeps you Leo: the divine child youre in environments where a rational,
interested and able to move freely. You need The early opportunity fair and civilised approach is needed to
stimulating work that doesnt bog you down Feeling early pressure to be someone, solve complex solutions or resolve conflict.
with too much routine or responsibility, and living up to others expectations or dealing Two running themes in your journey are to
one that offers options to indulge your many with a domineering bully has given you a fight for justice and to abandon the disease
eclectic interests. A natural salesperson, chance to separate your needs from those to please.
trader or agent, your talent is to simplify of others, to emerge from their shadow and
complex ideas and convey these with clever assume control over your own destiny to Scorpio: the powerful alchemist
clarity. An agile wit, you always offer people be your own boss. The early opportunity
the other viewpoint and introduce ideas The life work An exposure to the sordid, traumatic side
they hadnt considered. But stay with the Your work must reflect your individuality of life or the power games that others play
facts and dont get attached to one right way and need for self-expression. You were has given you a knowingness and rare
of doing something. born to shine and to stand apart from psychological insight that can enable you
the crowd. Even if you choose to do this to exhibit strength in the face of crisis and
Cancer: the tender caregiver in a quiet way, your journey is to discover to reinvent yourself.
The early opportunity your creative potency and express the The life work
Living through emotionally bleak or isolating forceful energy that lies inside you. But, Your journey is a deep exploration of the
Photography Getty

times has helped you to seek the right kind rather than it being all about you, the darker sides of human nature. You may have
of support system, to create your family challenge is to allow others their time in remarkable courage and willpower to face
of choice, move away from co-dependent the spotlight and encourage them to find aspects of yourself and the world around
situations and release emotions buried by their own vision. In short, you were born you that would scare most other signs. An
your family. to be the mentor. unflinching investigator of lifes mysteries,



your path is to psychologically examine power,

taboos and the forbidden all in a search for
intimacy, trust and a deep union with a few Taurus is the
chosen people. Staying in your comfort zone
or focusing only on the sexual or financial will
rock, the
never truly satisfy your most complex nature. constant upon
Sagittarius: which others
the eternal studentteacher
The early opportunity can rely.
An early injustice in which youve spoken up
and not been believed may have prompted
a lifelong desire to tell your truth, to shoot
down pretence, highlight hypocrisy or to blow
apart corruption. Narrowness or bigotry
around you prompts you to reach for a
grander vision of life.
The life work
Your sign is born to aim high and explore
the possibilities beyond the simple facts.
You know that the journey is much more
interesting than the arrival, and your
voracious appetite for knowledge can turn
into a quest for the meaning of life and feelings of alienation to embark upon the
purpose of your existence. You need work road less travelled, define your own rules and Are you in your element?
where you can ignite others with your become your own role model of leadership. The element associated with your Sun
vision and optimism and, by separating The life work signs can say a great deal about what
yourself from results or expectations, you You were born to tear up the rulebook and motivates you:
will avoid feeling disappointed when others topple traditions, stereotypes and hierarchies. Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
cant or wont match your enthusiasm You have an innovative spirit and are able work well in fields offering
and generosity. to provide a clear, original perspective in challenge, competition, excitement
your work. You do your best in areas where and risk. They seek glory and
Capricorn: differentness and originality are valued recognition over money or security.
the master of distinction strengths. Youre a catalyst who should dare Fire signs want to inspire others and
The early opportunity to take the road less travelled, help the group spread the word, and excel in areas
Adversity, a lack of support or a tyrannical understand that everyone is both equal and requiring promotion or coaching.
figure in your life may have delayed initial special, and avoid letting your own ego needs Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo,
Capricorn) look for purposeful
progress, but it has spurred you on to aim dominate your actions.
work that offers tangible results
to achieve great things on your own and to
and security. They wish to leave
believe that patience and application will Pisces:
the world a better place than
result in a satisfying type of success later on. the spiritual samaritan they found it. Earth signs are the
The life work The early opportunity
craftspeople and builders who gain
Your sign is born to rise above initial hardship Resisting the control and undue influence pleasure working in the physical or
or delays, to endure a long apprenticeship, of others has led to you trusting your own sensual realms.
take on responsibilities and attain a position intuition more, acknowledging your survival Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
of respect and authority. Your journey is a instinct, forming a stronger sense of self and excel in areas that offer variety
monument to hard work, backbone and recognising your talent for acceptance and and travel. They are keen to work
individual achievement. Like fine wine, you forgiveness. with ideas, formulas and patterns
mature well, often making your greatest The life work and love to analyse, deduce and
contribution in the second or third chapters of Your signs key aptitudes are compassion, reason. Interested in people,
your life. But always attend to your reputation, intuition, sensitivity to suffering and altruism. Air signs make good advocates,
avoid becoming the type of tyrant you fought You do your best work when dedicating communicators and salespeople.
against and retain a moral code that is time to healing those in need or improving Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio,
beyond reproach. conditions for others rather than plotting Pisces) work well in any job that
an ambitious path for yourself or trying offers an emotional connection.
Aquarius: obsessively to control the small stuff. Focused on human values, they
the iconoclastic individualist Your artistic, spiritual or poetic energy wish to be of service to others,
The early opportunity allows the people around you to see the offering empathy, care and
If early events or a lack of role models interconnectedness of all life. You can provide support. Water signs have spot-
confirmed the inner feeling that you didnt fit others with a glimpse into the world of spirit, on instincts that make them good
carers and intuitives.
in, dont adopt the role of people-pleaser and and remind them that we are all in need of
deny your own needs. Instead, use any past empathy, kindness and support.



Eastern influences
In Chinese astrology, 2018 is the year of the yang earth dog.
Discover what the dog will bring for your sign as well as which
compass directions are highlighted for the year ahead
Words / Dean French

he wu-xu, or yang earth dog year, starts on or that there is a system of Chinese astrology called four
February 4, 2018, using the Chinese solar pillars, which is based on your birth date and time using
calendar. The lunar calendar used for celebrations the stems and branches. The most vital part of this system
gives the New Year on February 16. As the lunar is the stem of the day you were born, the day master.
New Year is well after the solar change, a less smoothly Wu yang earth combines with gui yin water. For women
flowing year is indicated. with a gui day master, this is a good year for marriage. For
gui men it is a good year to focus on career. Wu controls
Strength and endurance ren yang water, indicating a tough time if your day master
The stem wu yang earth is hard earth, like a rock or is ren. Jia yang wood controls wu, indicating a lucky or
stone. Wu is also seen as a mountain: strong, enduring and unexpected income.
immovable. Wu earth people are slow and steady, but they The dog and rabbit together can form a six harmony
always see things through to the end. combination. This brings rabbits good luck during 2018,
The dogs energy is dry and strong. In addition to especially if you have two rabbits on your chart.
yang earth, the dog has the hidden stems of yang fire The dog can combine with the tiger or horse to form fire.
and yin metal. The yin metal element, xin, gives hidden In one sense, having this combination is good if you are a
intelligence and creativity. Characteristics of this animal tiger, because it gives the dogs hidden yang fire an outlet,
sign include loyalty, honesty, humour, lifelong friends and however it makes wu yang earth much stronger so there
being a steady worker. could be issues stemming from inaction.
The combination of yang earth and the dog indicates a The strongest combination will occur if you have both
year of seriousness and staying in control since wu-xu is a the rooster and monkey on your chart. These combine
commanding pillar. The hidden yang fire contained under to form seasonal metal strengthened by wu yang earth
the earth represents a volcano, seething with emotion but the mountain generates rich metals. If you have this
unable to release it unless theres an explosion. combination and your chart likes metal, then 2018 will be
Keep a watch on dragon days during 2018. The dog an outstanding year for you.
and dragon clash with each other, and these days have the From a basic check of your year branch, lets look at
potential to create explosive situations. April 16 to May14 how the dog will affect you:
is the dragon month and is a time to be careful in all
things, especially on April 18 and 30 and May 12. Rat (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008): Travel is
highlighted, so keep your body moving, whether it be for
Growth and stability business or pleasure. The lifecycle mao suits you this
There are two lifecycles for 2018: mao and yung. Lifecycles year, so surround yourself with nice things. You may rub
show where the stem (wu) is in relation to the cycle of the some people the wrong way, so try to be clear and concise
branches (xu), from birth to death. The dog is storage for in your communications.
wus earth, and mao is the vault of all lifecycles.
Anything started in private this year will remain secret. Ox (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009): Justice and fair
2018 is a good year for saving, storing and increasing play may be on your mind this year and you may deal with
collections. Yung takes life less seriously than mao, the desire to become a Robin Hood for those around you,
which means gestation or nurture. Honest and sociable, especially when it comes to children and young people.
no big aspirations are the hallmarks of yung. From this The romantic feelings felt so strongly in 2017 may begin
perspective, 2018 is an interesting mixture of firm and to wane. Itll be a good time to step back and analyse your
steady along with happy-go-lucky. close relationships to determine whether they are still
serving you well.
Image Getty

2018 sign combinations

If youre new to Chinese astrology, you may not know that Tiger (1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010): The dog and
you are more than just the animal sign of your birth year, tiger form a fiery combination in 2018 with love, romance and


Anything started
in private this year
will remain secret.



180 make sure to be frugal with your spending

when you do.

Good Virtue
Rooster (1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005): You



en e
may find 2018 much easier to deal with than

ok bl


Br No
last year. Hopefully some of the decisions

lt h
youve made in the past 12 months will


pay dividends rather than bring you more

Su 4 Wood or

iP problems. Socialise, network with others and

o th lH

make the most of your relationships this year.
South Tra

d 7 Metal 8 E




Dog (1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006): Its your

t East Sout



2 Earth 1
year, dog, and financial stresses will lessen.



Good Virtue You may even have leftover money for that
Peach Blossoms
Yang Earth Dog amazing getaway youve been dreaming
9 Fire about. There are two sorts of dogs: daytime

Centre Star

and night-time. If you were born during the




day, try not to burn the candle at both ends as





your health might suffer. If you were born at

i Su

night, putting some extra effort into your work


5 Earth i
will bring great financial results.

ha le

n S ob

Death Gate
San Sha 2


Pig (1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007): The pig

Sa g N




isnt generally known as the sexiest sign of



the Chinese zodiac, but your pheromones

will get hearts racing in 2018. In fact,
many people will find themselves attracted
0 to you, if only because of the great
conversation. Take care, though, as your
health is at its lowest point this year, so
all the things that make life great on the up while it may not pay immediate benefits, the you may not bounce back from even minor
and up. If youve had a tough time over the groundwork you lay will set you up for great health issues like you used to.
past couple of years, or have gotten into fights financial gains in the future. It isnt the best
over small and big things, you are now in the time to put all your money into property just Feng shui for 2018
beginning of the end of this phase. It is time yet, as that is at its lowest for the snake The following interpretations and
to focus on career and wealth building, and to during the dog year. Instead, work hard, save recommendations are based on two
let your love life grow naturally. as much as you can and wait for the perfect schools of feng shui: San Yuan Flying Stars
moment to invest. and San He.
Rabbit (1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011): San He is based around calculations
The dog and the rabbit are great friends, so Horse (1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002): The between stems and branches (similar
2018 promises to be outstanding, especially horse and dog combine to form fire, which to Four Pillars astrology). The main way
when it comes to sex. If youre a male in a gives you a great boost around your outlook to use San He is to reduce the impact of
long-term relationship, be wary of chasing and energy levels. Wealth (with less work!) is any negative formations (in red), then to
greener pastures as you could lose out big highlighted for you in 2018. Just be aware of activate any positive formations that are
time on property settlements if you cant rubbing people the wrong way or coming on available (in blue).
keep your hands to yourself. If youre a too strong. The positive Flying Stars are 1 Water,
female bunny, have some fun, as long as it 4 Wood, 6 Metal, 8 Earth and 9 Fire. The
doesnt interfere with work plans. You may Sheep/Goat (1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, negative stars are 2 Earth, 3 Wood, 5 Earth
travel and see the world this year. 2003): The goat has a much nicer social and 7 Metal.
life this year, especially with siblings and Even though you will have good results
Dragon (1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000): In family members. You should find yourself from following this advice, it is not a
2018, the dragon clashes with the dog and vindicated for any false accusations or substitute for having a trained feng shui
you may have some troubles at home, or gossip in past years. If you have children, practitioner assess the energy of your
have to relocate due to work commitments. spend more time with them to offer extra- house. At a minimum, your practitioner
Despite the clashing, married dragons will special love and guidance. should know Four Pillars astrology and the
enjoy their home life and, regardless of your Flying Star system.
relationship status, you will have a better Monkey (1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004): The luo pan, pictured above left, has the
time financially. Catching the travel bug is a Health for monkeys is getting better and annual formations from the Flying Star and
strong possibility as well. better and, like the goat, you may enjoy San He schools of feng shui arranged for
happy times with family members. There 2018 around the degrees of a compass. The
Snake (1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001): will be more opportunity for you to travel Chinese representation of the compass is
Snakes may work hard this year and, and see the world from this year on, but opposite to the Western; south is always


opposite to the Western; south is always
shown at the top and the north at the bottom.
The centre is the 5 Earth star in the ba
gua, and has the 9 Fire star visiting for 2018.
This provides a mix of positive and negative
effects, since the 9 Fire represents future
prosperity but it reinforces the 5Earth.
This can have the effect of making poor or
irrational decisions that affect your future.
Use the metal element in the form of six
Chinese coins to smooth the flow of qi
towards success.
The south is 9 Fire in the ba gua, and is
boosted by the annual 4 Wood star. Both
of these stars are yin in nature, and the
4represents romance as well as studies.
In addition, 4 and 9 together are a he tu
combination, meaning they have a strong
affinity. The manifestation for the south is
inappropriate love affairs and either great
success or failure in examinations. With the
San He formations Oppression and Good
Virtue, there may be a push-pull situation
in these two areas of life. You can solve this
by using a combination of earth, metal and
water colours, either in the dcor or more
simply by placing crystals and coins in a jar
of water within the south sector. 2018 is a good year for
The southwest (SW) has 6 Metal, a star
that has waned but is still usable for career
saving, storing and
purposes. In the ba gua, the SW is 2 Earth increasing collections.
qi, which boosts the metal, so if your house
faces this direction or you have a door here,
boost the metal element. This mix of qi will (three thieves) in the last 15 NW can create indication of accidents, worry and stress.
work especially well for women, whether problems here if there is construction or There can be implications of thieves and
in their own career or for those supporting building work carried out. backstabbing. Normally the fire element
their husbands. The north has the opposite energy to is helpful, though using the colour red
The southwest is a great area for spiritual 2017, and can be very unlucky in 2018. The may create more problems than it solves.
development in 2018, as it sees the blending negative 5 Earth dampens the ba guas Burn a candle here every other day if your
of heaven and earth energies. The San He water, and contains the second San Sha as entry is in the east. The good San He star
school shows three positive formations and well as Death Gate. If your door is located in Peach Blossoms is adversely affected by
one negative. Broken Luck is mixed with the the north, then try to use a secondary door the Flying Stars. Good Virtue means that
Yin Nobleman, so even if there are problems, to enter the home. Avoid all construction good deeds are rewarded, so if your office
there will be someone there to help. Publicity work here as well. or bedroom is in the east area, make sure
and Travel Horse will be very good for those The northeast has the 3 Wood star as that you can hold your head high and good
working in the spiritual realm. well as the third San Sha, Yang Nobleman luck will follow.
The west has metal in the ba gua being and Scholar formations. The northeast is The southeast has the annual 8 Earth
strengthened by 2 Earth, the mother 8Yang Earth in the ba gua and 3 Yang Wood visiting the 4 Yin Wood palace. When these
nurturing the daughter. It is very yin qi, so controls it. It can bring problems for young two stars meet, it can mean problems
there is the possibility of ghost activity if males, particularly with anger issues, or with the joints and small bones; however,
your home or door faces towards the west. it can manifest as health problems. The it bodes well for young women. If your
If so, try to increase yang by using bright negative effects are weakened because kitchen happens to be in the southeast,
colours where possible. This combination 3 and 8 are another He Tu combination, it indicates success. The trick is the fire
doesnt like sharp corners or large so any disharmony leads to change and element, adding just enough to brighten
electrical installations. growth, especially thanks to the Scholar and 4 Wood and strengthen 8 Earth without it
The northwest (NW) has the annual 1 Nobleman stars. You can help the earth of the becoming a drain on the homes resources.
Water star boosted by 6 Metal in the ba gua: northeast by using fire element here, whether Sui Po, the Year Breaker, is resident in
the father nurtures the son. This is also a He by using candles, burning incense or adding the first 15 so avoid construction work
Tu combination indicating that the occupants red to the dcor. here, but the San He Wealth star is in the
Image Getty

of the home will always have enough to The east has the annual 7 Metal star last 15, boosting the lucky 8 and creating
get by. The Year God Tai Sui occupies the and is the home to the ba gua 3 Wood success. People with southeast-facing
first 15 of the northwest. The first San Sha star. When metal and wood clash, it is an homes will have a good time in 2018.



Global trends
for 2018
Changes with Saturn and Uranus, plus a dramatic eclipse,
show radical change around the globe for the year ahead
Words / Ed Tamplin

he doctrine of eternal recurrence is a concept that England was given royal sanction on April 25, 1694 and
was prevalent in the philosophy of Pythagoras along began receiving subscriptions on June 15 appropriately
with thinkers in the ancient Egyptian, Indian and with Saturn in Capricorn. Ninety years later, on June 9,
Aztec civilisations. Time is viewed not as linear, but 1784, under the same alignment, the Bank of New York
cyclical. As the universal wheel of life revolves, so historical opened in Lower Manhattan.
themes repeat. And, as Confucius advised, to understand the British interest in the Americas began as a financial
future you must examine the past. venture. The original settlement of Jamestown was a project
Two important planetary movements provide the key of the Virginia Company, financed by wealthy Londoners.
for that. One is the re-entry of Saturn into its home sign Therefore, it is logical to connect all of this together and
of Capricorn and realigning the status quo. Saturn enters conclude that Saturn in Capricorn will have a major effect
Capricorn on December 20, 2017, and the ringed gas giant oninternational banking, investment and the financial future
will remain here throughout 2018 and 2019. The other of the US.
key movement is radical Uranus, shaking up the normally Saturn last moved through Capricorn from February 14,
stable sign of Taurus from May 15 until November 6. These 1988, until February 7, 1991. During this time, property prices
significant sign changes, combined with repetitive eclipse in Western capitals suffered severe slumps and economies
patterns, lay the platform for tomorrows world. headed downstream. Real estate tycoons, like Donald Trump,
were filing for bankruptcies. In Australia, it was referred to as
Saturn in Capricorn: the recession we had to have.
ambition and achievement
To better understand a Capricorn Saturn, picture the Empire Wall Street shuffle
State Building. Constructed during the austere years of the It wasnt the first economic slump. When Saturn entered
Great Depression, this majestic building pierces the clouds of Capricorn in November of 1930, the New York Stock Market
the New York skyline a towering symbol of the corporate collapsed, leading into the Great Depression. It did the same
capital of the financial world. Along with the equally iconic on September 18, 1873, triggering the ongoing financial
Chrysler Building, built under the same auspices, they are crisis dubbed The Long Recession. Between came the panic
landmark icons of New York money and power. of 1901 as the New York Stock Market fell abruptly on May
Far from the Empire State, spanning the worlds most 17, all with Saturn, planet of austerity, in Capricorn.
picturesque waterway, is the Australian equivalent: the But the fall didnt happen until after the wealthy
Sydney Harbour Bridge. Such grand structures have industrialist JP Morgan put together US Steel on March 2,
weathered the Saturn test of time, captivating tourists. And, 1901, which was the first billion-dollar corporation.
true to the Capricorn symbol of the mountain goat scaling Centralised power is always an issue when controlling
perilous peaks, the view from the top is breathtaking. Saturn enters ambitious Capricorn. Its last transit
Saturn in Capricorn represents society from the top throughCapricorn, from the late 80s to the early 90s, timed
down. It encompasses the principle of ambition and lasting thebreakupof the Soviet Union.
achievement. It identifies with corporate power, government, One thing you can take out of this is that there will be
finance and banking. Saturn is the planet of form and plenty of high-flyers coming down to earth with a thud during
structure, outlining the rules and regulations. It represents this transit. Australian entrepreneur Alan Bond was one
the establishment. When Saturn transits its home sign, who felt the tightening credit crunch that accompanied the
status-quo-loving Capricorn, life at the top is transformed. previous transit. On an individual level, it is time to tighten
your belt rather than chance risky speculation.
Image Getty

Money and power The US will probably lead the way with this squeeze, and
For the past 300 years, the hubs of the financial world thats because the US celebrates its birthday on July 4, 1776.
have been London and, now, New York. The Bank of That places its leadership planet the Sun, value planet Venus


Australia experiences
Saturn in Capricorn
as a Saturn return.
Its a time of growing
up as a nation.



Uranus in Taurus
Taurus is the first fixed sign, firmly rooted
in the earth element. It exudes endurance
and stability until groundbreaking
Uranus arrives and the mountain begins
to rumble. Uranus in Taurus describes an
irresistible force now shifting a previously
immovable object.
History shows a prevailing theme to this
seven-year transit. Practical and physical
Taurus represents security and material
possessions. Uranus is the revolutionary
reformer and changes the owner. It
almost always involves land and resources.
Usually the more technologically advanced
group (Uranus) overcomes and displaces
traditional culture.
The Holy Roman Empire may have begun
with Constantines Christian epiphany, with
Saturn in Capricorn. But the churchs power
was halved after a little-known German
priest, Martin Luther, nailed 95 theses on a
Wittenberg church door. That happened as
Uranus entered Taurus. Luthers complaints
against systemic corruption led irresistibly
toward the Reformation.

New World
If it seems improbable that one mans actions
could divide an empire, consider also the
story of Hernan Cortes. When Cortes landed
on the shores of ancient Mexico with several
hundred Spanish conquistadors, it was hardly
imagined he would topple the mighty Aztec
kingdom. The Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan,
was a city to rival and surpass the wealth and
and entrepreneurial Jupiter all in Cancer. the wishes of King George V. The nation also splendour of Europes finest.
When restrictive Saturn enters the opposing experienced its first constitutional crisis: the The conquest and colonisation of the New
sign of Capricorn and simultaneously transits NSW governor Philip Game dismissed the World, the Reformation and even Ferdinand
Americas 2nd House of Wealth and Earning NSW Premier, Jack Lang, over the latters Magellans first circumnavigation of the
Capacity, the US economy gets a chill. And, handling of the economy. globe, all began during the same transit of
as the clich goes, when the US sneezes, the Saturns next return to Capricorn saw the Uranus through Taurus, from July 11, 1515,
whole world catches a cold. creation of the Australian Reserve Bank to to March 3, 1524 (according to the Old Style
oversee national monetary policy. Rumblings calendar). This was also when Italian explorer
The Australian republic? of republicanism began as Saturn was last Giuseppe Verrazzano first encountered the
Australia is one of those countries affected. exiting Capricorn, however the movement east coast of the US.
The first Federal government of Australia did not become official until July 1991, when Each movement of Uranus through Taurus
formed on January 1, 1901, with the Saturn was in the early degrees of the more has proved historically significant for the US.
Sun close to Saturn in Capricorn. This progressive sign of Aquarius. This makes During the next return of Uranus to Taurus,
conservative placement explains why, for 2020 the real period to watch with regard to from 16001607, the Virginia Company was
most of its relatively short history, Australia any significant constitutional changes. formed and granted a charter for the first
has elected conservative governments. Its Returning to real estate, Saturn is the British colony of Jamestown. The following
also why Australia experiences Saturn in planet that represents the land and building Uranus transit of Taurus, 16831691, saw the
Capricorn as a Saturn Return. Its a time of industry, and it is connected to banking and charter given for the city of New York.
growing up as a nation. interest rates. Saturn is also the planet The next transit, from May 1768 to
In the month of Federation, the head of of responsibility. When prices are getting April 1775, laid the groundwork for US
the Commonwealth, Queen Victoria, died. irresponsibly out of control, it is a Saturn role independence with the Boston Tea Party.
It spelt the end of the Victorian age, golden to rein them in. Australian property prices By April 1775, as Uranus was just entering
Image Bigstock

years for the Mother Country. When Saturn have been skyrocketing, especially in Sydney Gemini, the first shots of the Revolutionary
next returned to Capricorn, in the early 1930s, and Melbourne, and Saturn in Capricorn War were fired. Uranus was changing the
Australia appointed its first home-born should put a handbrake on this, just as it did ownership of the richest colony in the
Governor General, Sir Isaac Isaacs against in the early 60s and early 90s. British Empire.


Each movement of
Uranus through Taurus
has proved historically
significant for the US.
Image Getty

What does this all mean? Those whore Time. This eclipse occurs directly above This movement, named Solidarity,
hoping for a shakeup of the system in 2018 St Petersburg, the old Tsarist capital of became the first signs of a crack in the
may finally see some action. Russia. It will simultaneously rise above previously impregnable Soviet bloc. Clearly,
New York and set over Tokyo. This brings a this eclipse appears to be producing
Populate or perish focus on the diplomatic connection between another major shift for modern-day Russia
As revolution consumed North America, the US and Russia for starters, with and its international relations, in particular
Captain James Cook was claiming the implications for Japan. with Europe.
Great South Land as British territory. As The last time a solar eclipse appeared
a result of his discoveries and the US in the 19th degree of Leo was on August East vs West
rebellion, the British colonised Australia. 11, 1999. This much-anticipated event was The eclipse theme has been one of division
So it is not only Saturn in Capricorn but watched by millions, from the southern coast between East and West. The February 15,
also Uranus in Taurus that point to major of the UK, throughout Europe, Turkey and 2018 solar eclipse at 9.05pm UT will fall
shifts Down Under. For Australia, the path the Middle East. It was believed to be the almost in the same place as the one of
will be one of an evolving cultural identity. one described by Nostradamus as delivering February, 16 1980. A month after the 1980
Just as Cooks discoveries led to terror from the skies. February eclipse, the US boycotted the
changing the demographics of the Great Indeed, that had already happened during Moscow Olympics. This was also the year
South Land, so did the most recent visit 1999, as NATO fighter jets over Kosovo that Iran held Americans hostage in the
of Uranus into Taurus, from June 7, 1934 brought war to Europe for the first time in US Embassy in Tehran. It led to the US
to May 15, 1942. Australia found she 60 years. But it was in Russia that a new backing Saddam Hussein and Iraq in a civil
could nolonger cling to the apron strings identity emerged who would ultimately wield war against their Persian neighbour. Is
of Britain with the fall of Singapore and enormous geopolitical influence. Vladimir this looming February eclipse mirroring a
invasion by Japan. Putin, a relatively unknown KGB operative, similar scenario?
New military and economic alliances was appointed Prime Minister two days When this Aquarius eclipse repeated in
were formed with the US. The war years before the eclipse. 1999, the Shiite majority in southern Iraq
would lead to a nation-building populate Solar eclipses on this zodiacal degree began a rebellion. It was brutally crushed by
or perish program that welcomed have timed some of the most important Hussein, then a poster boy for the west. A
immigrants from a divided Europe. Today, events of the 20th century. The solar eclipse leading Shia figure in the revolt, Mohammad
as we witness similar destabilisation, we of August 11, 1942 occurred four days prior Sadeq al-Sadr, was assassinated. Today,
may again be looking at a similar scenario. to the Battle for Guadalcanal. This decisive his son Muqtada al-Sadr leads a reformist
Perhaps the greatest evidence for this confrontation was considered the turning movement against foreign occupation in
extends back to the Gold Rush days of the point for the Allies in the Pacific War against Iraq. Are we about to see a determined Iraqi
1850s, when people came from all across the Japanese Empire. independence movement akin to that of
the globe to seek their fortune in the wide Less than a fortnight after the eclipse, Ghandi and India?
open land. Not only did this revolutionise one the greatest offensives in the history One of the fears of the West is that the
our industries, it also increased the of warfare began. The Battle of Stalingrad majority Shia population of Iraq could lead
population of Victoria tenfold in a decade. tested the limits of the Russian Red Army to the country splintering along religious
And it all happened with Uranus in Taurus. against the might of Nazi Germany. The five- affiliations and becoming part of a larger Iran.
month conflict became the first major defeat The geopolitical ramifications of these two
The nal frontier for Hitler on the eastern front and changed oil powers uniting would be enormous. Iran
Uranus, the genius of innovation, excels the course of World War II. aligns more with Russia and China, while Iraq
in the artificial world of ideas and is currently under the security supervision of
applications. The sky god has a particular Independence movements the US.
relevance to flight, and space exploration is Two days after the same eclipse, civil As the battle for finite energy resources
the final frontier. The same spirit that drove disobedience rocked India, demanding an of oil and gas becomes more intense, 2018
Magellan to circumnavigate the globe is end to British occupation. Inspirational has the potential to bring such economic
compelling humankind to look afar, at leader Mahatma Ghandi was incarcerated superpowers into conflict. With this in mind,
creating interplanetary colonies. but it did little to quell the rising tide of the August 11, 2018 eclipse will highlight a
While this development is years away, nationalism. The pivotal events of August, conjunction between Mars and Pluto in the
the likelihood of space travel becoming 1942 led to Indias self-rule and the chart of the Peoples Republic of China, in
available to those who can afford it is now subsequent creation of Pakistan by mid- an area of the chart associated with allies
a looming reality. It also suggests that the August, 1947. and enemies.
more inaccessible and pristine regions of This eclipse returned to the same
our natural world are open to exploration, degree on August 11, 1961. The day 2018 and beyond
yet prone to exploitation. We must learn before the eclipse, the UK first applied for Remember, as you look to the future, to
from past human excesses. Each time a membership of the European Economic reflect on the past and let these recurrence
planet enters a recurrence cycle it also Community, suggesting major ramifications cycles act as your symbolic guide. Once you
brings the opportunity to do things better regarding Brexit for 2018. Two days after witness such signs returning, youre in a
this time around. the eclipse, the construction of the Berlin much better position to judge their outcome.
Wall began. Every advancing cycle always affords the
Image Getty

Eclipses and decisive battles When the eclipse returned in 1980, opportunity to do it better and get it right.
The dominant solar eclipse of 2018 Polish political activist Lech Walesa led a May the revolution be evolution for the
occurs on August 11 at 9.58am Universal rolling strike in the shipyards of Gdansk. planets sake!


The August 11, 2018, eclipse
will highlight a conjunction
between Mars and Pluto
in the chart of the Peoples
Republic of China, in an
area of the chart associated
with allies and enemies.

Balancing heaven
and earth
Two different energies combine to create a force of nature
when Uranus enters Taurus in 2018. Will it be a force for good
or lead to radical upheaval and invention?
Words / Lynn Bell

n May 2018, Uranus will enter Taurus for each sign. During a previous cycle of Uranus on tea, and break out into a fully fledged
the first time in 84 years. Uranus is linked in Taurus, from 1683 to 1690, the British revolution once Uranus entered Gemini.
to the sky while Taurus is a fixed Earth Crown tried to impose control over its new Taurus defends its right to property,
sign, so as Uranus enters Taurus, the North American colonies to shape them to happiness and self-determination. Just as
electricity of the heavens reaches deeply into itsown vision and will. in the story of Gaia and Uranus, too much
the Earth element. Earth resists; Uranus King James II replaced the original control led to a permanent cut with the
shocks. The pulse of the unfamiliar sets charters with acts of dominion, rescinding powers above. As Benjamin Franklin wrote in
stones dancing it can bring the inert back liberties, taking away common lands a Bill of Rights for colonists prior to the war,
to life or send cracks jolting through your and imposing taxes on all imports. Local The supreme power cannot justly take from
foundations. Taurus is a sign of rooting and legislators were disbanded and all law any man any part of his property, without his
grounding; it helps you feel at home in your came from the king or his governor. The consent in person or by his representative.
body and in your life. With Uranus in this sign, colonists responded with resentment,
wellbeing may come to mean something refusal and rebellion. Land titles were Uranus in Taurus 18501858:
different than it did in the past. rebuked and returned to the Crown to be the fruitful marriage
redistributed to allies and cronies. The There is fascination, attraction, resistance
The mythology of Gaia governor went so far as to demand the keys and upheaval when Uranus comes to Taurus.
Uranus brings the energy of the new and to the Puritan church and hold Church of When this cycle works well, something of
the unexpected. Earth is steady, reliable, England services there. When the Glorious wonder emerges from the earth; it brings a
sensible and practical. Its like there is an Revolution occurred in Britain in 1688, the quickening in the material world.
inherent misfit between the sign of Taurus colonists seized the moment and chased In the Victorian period, Uranus in Taurus
and the planet Uranus. In mythology, the governor from their territories. harnessed matter and productivity through
Uranus, god of the sky, was filled with Taurus is the most territorial of signs the power of the machine. It helped bring the
overwhelming desire for Gaia, the Earth. and highlights issues of ownership, land modern world into being. Population flowed
He came to her over and over; their love and self-governance. Interestingly, the end from the land to the cities and the cities rose
stretched for eons. And yet they did not of this Uranus in Taurus cycle brought the and grew powerful.
understand each other. What came from drafting of the Bill of Rights in England, In this cycle, Uranus in Taurus found
their lovemaking were cyclops, hundred- limiting the power of the monarch and expression through architecture and
handed giants, and the race of Titans. guaranteeing certain individual liberties. engineering to shape and master the earth
Uranus found them unworthy and refused These rights were not granted to the element. A rare triple conjunction of Uranus,
to let them emerge from Gaias womb. This colonies, however, and this was to become Saturn and Pluto in Taurus points to this
became unbearable for her. Eventually her paramount in the next cycle. era as a foundational time. The conjunction
desire turned to resentment and Gaia asked in Taurus came with a mythic sense of
one of her children to act and rise up against Uranus in Taurus 17671775: progress and accomplishment. It was a time
tyranny. Saturn (Chronus) did, castrating his rising up against tyranny of building, of laying foundations, particularly
father as he came to mate with her. This cycle After a long period of benign neglect, in the UK.
creates stand-offs between opposing desires England again tried to raise heavy taxes on The genius of Uranus flowered, the
and often enough brings clashes on the the colonies. Colonists were not granted marriage between heaven and earth was
larger world stage. the right to representation while the Crown fruitful, and large swathes of population left
insisted they pay for numerous troops the land to move to the cities. This was a
Uranus in Taurus 16831690: stationed on their soil. The British military rare triple conjunction of three slow-moving
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whats yours is mine was often forceful and unjust. While some planets Saturn, Pluto and Uranus with
Uranus takes 84 years to move through the 12 duties were withdrawn, tensions would all three arriving in Taurus between April and
signs of the zodiac, spending seven years in continue to build over taxes, particularly June of 1851.



dominance in individual relationships as well

as in the world at large. This may also be
true in your personal life. Although it is rare,
the original myth shows that Uranus can be
the signature of a tyrant, often in the form of
a principle or ideology that lacks sensitivity
to others. During this time, Uranus can
increase the tyrannical impulse where one
person imposes their desires on another.
This can lead to resistance and overthrow.

Uranus in Taurus 19341942:

heaven at war with earth
Uranus was last in Taurus from 1934 to 1942,
a period which covers the rise of Hitler and
the first half of World War II. Hitlers Taurus
Sun was energised by Uranus soon after he
came to power in Germany.
In the original Gaia myth, Uranus finds
the children of the earth abhorrent, and we
can see the Reichs rejection of otherness
in light of this myth. In this extreme version,
Taurus is the most territorial of signs Nazi Germany held the view that Jews and
Slavs, homosexuals and the handicapped
and highlights issues of ownership, land and other aberrations of nature needed to
be eliminated in order to bring back racial
and self-governance. purity. The same was true for deviant art and
That year, 1851, was when the gold diggers from Mad Max to On the Beach. We will be ideas. An inhuman vision seized the world,
came to Australia, attracted by the lure of called to find solutions to the environmental and the result was massive loss of life,
wealth. They were seized with a feverish instability that is sure to increase during this destruction and war.
desire for the treasures of the earth, the next Uranus in Taurus cycle. Many countries in Europe were occupied,
desire to find their fortune. Australia and its The new American government has controlled by the enemy who seized their food
land became valuable, desirable. In Taurus, opened federal lands to corporate exploitation and essential goods. In occupied France, men
one persons value comes up against those and hobbled environmental protections. The were sent to labour camps, separated from
of another and the hunger for gold must have resulting upheaval could fragment people their families for many years.
had less happy consequences for the original even more, and battle lines are being drawn Jewish people in Europe were first
inhabitants of the land. long before Uranus even enters Taurus. confined to ghettoes, forbidden to practice
Uranus is often indifferent to the concerns Australia will be affected by similar their professions, then had their belongings
of others, caught up in its own truth, and issues. It will have its moment of heightened confiscated by the state. They were
neither the planet nor the sign finds it easy to awareness as Uranus returns to the same decimated in the camps and even the gold
be nuanced. It can lead to unyielding conflict zodiac position it held at the time of the in their teeth was extracted for Hitlers
over what it means to be human. When it countrys greatest expansion. The same war machine, in a macabre echo of the
does, conflict tends to build, with neither side threeplanets that were together in 1851 will gold rush in the preceding cycle. At its
backing down. Themes of ownership, mineral form a tense, problematic relationship in worst, Taurus takes what it wants with no
wealth and territory are all central to Taurus. 2020. Crises around population, construction consideration of others.
and land use will need to be met with As the war went on, the action of Uranus
Uranus in Taurus 20182026: enlightened creativity. in Taurus was increasingly against nature,
earth cries out Taurus is a sensual sign connected to against Gaia. Food was rationed throughout
Taurus is about connection to place. During the body and it takes great delight in the war-torn countries, with massive starvation
the seven years Uranus spends in Taurus, natural world. It likes to own what it loves, in the Soviet Union, in Poland and in China.
familiar places begin to look and feel to make the connection permanent. The There was great deprivation in occupied
different. You may review how you accept love of the world, linked to the pleasures of Poland, where the Nazis were slowly
change and consider how quickly you can taste, touch and smell, can turn to greed, to starving the population to death. While
accommodate the new in areas that had money, to dominance, to a longing for things German settlers were given rations of 2613
seemed permanent. and a need for acquisition. People can also calories per day, Poles received 699 and
Uranus in Taurus calls for creative and be treated as if they are possessions, as if Jews in the ghetto 184. The Jewish ration
new solutions to our relationship with the they exist only for personal pleasure and fulfilled just 7.5 per cent of their daily needs;
earth. Its easy to imagine the instability of gratification. Children and lovers, employers Polish rations only 26 per cent.
the earth itself under mounting pressure and customers can lose their independent This attack on sustenance, on the ability
Image Getty

from climate change. existence in a Taurean world. to sustain life, was an extreme, intentionally
Our collective imagination has been Uranus encourages individual freedom engineered policy that led to the deaths of
creating disaster scenarios for a long time, and will try to break any pattern of millions. All over the war-torn or occupied


Image Bigstock

territories, individuals lacked gas, heat, increased their power over individuals. If But there are different visions for the
water and light, as well as food. these forces prevail in the coming cycle, we future, too. Others imagine an age of
The war also drove people to seek refuge may be looking at a new serfdom. robotics, a time when most work is done
under the earth. In England, they sheltered China is one nation confronted with a shift by machines, accompanied by an ascent of
in underground stations during the Blitz, in values. After sacrificing the land to fuel humanity into electronic, Uranian conscious.
and Churchill built a secret War Room to economic consumption, it is dealing with The development of virtual reality, the
shelter the government from Hitlers bombs. poisoned air and immense, polluted cities. weaving in of biology and the electronic
The French resistance used an elaborate Can China develop a new model in harmony world, reflect a Uranian vision of the future
underground system of catacombs, and with the land? For China, the previous two in which machine and nature are wedded
Hitler sheltered in bunkers. Uranus symbols passages of Uranus in Taurus were wildly out of the gross embodiment of the earth.
manifested when it appeared that the sky disruptive, a time of tearing asunder. In 1850, Some say that money will disappear,
had turned against the earth, with bombing a major 14-year rebellion arose, cities were that everything will become virtual. The
destroying centuries-old churches, buildings, seized and wide swathes of territory affected. administration in France now requires
entire cities and ports. Human ingenuity Wars disrupted the lives of millions and led to electronic payment for taxes. The word for it
turned destructive, as it always does in war. waves of displacement and death. is dcorporalis disembodied.
In the next cycle, leading up to World These are wildly different visions of the
Uranus in Taurus World War II: War II, Japan invaded China and stayed future. Is it Gaia or Uranus who will prevail?
the mother of invention until the end of the war. The occupation was Uranus can work through reversals,
Many lives were saved during the war particularly harsh, with Japanese forces especially if there is resistance to change.
especially for troops fighting in the Pacific deploying chemical and bacteriological Cities have become sprawls thronged with
by the discovery of the synthetic insecticide weapons. Women were taken from Korea people and the planet carries triple the
DDT, which defended against insect-borne to Japan to be kept as comfort women, numbers of humanity than at any other time
diseases such as typhus and malaria. Its the euphemism for sex slaves, during the in history. We are half waiting for the earth to
discovery ushered in a golden age of war. These comfort women bring us to the change, to heat, to buckle and roar, for cities
chemical invention and control of nature. question of Aphrodite, a part of the original to be swallowed or abandoned.
Chemical fertilisers and herbicides all came myth we havent encountered yet.
into being during the last passage of Uranus Uranus in Taurus:
through Taurus. Uranus in Taurus: singing the body electric
The ingenuity of war was also channelled whats love got to do with it? Remember, the earth is more than what you
into new ways of preserving food. Nescaf When Saturn castrated Uranus, his severed see; matter is alive. When earth receives,
was first produced in 1938. Frozen orange genitals fell down into the ocean. His Uranus awakens. Where are the resistances
juice and vegetables were developed by the daughter Aphrodite (Venus) rose up from the and awakenings that will come to you in
US military. For a time, these were seen as drops of semen and emerged naked from these next seven years? One place to look is
improvements on nature until we began to the sea. The entire world fell deeply in love in the rhythms of the earth and the sound of
realise the consequences. with her presence. Venus has an irresistible matter. Listen for the vibrant hum of Gaias
power over all living things, including the voice remembered in the millions of aums
Uranus in Taurus: power of sex, desire and her transcendent chanted in yoga classes all over the world.
rethinking the material world beauty. Can Uranus in Taurus reawaken our There may be discoveries around sound,
Uranus in Taurus doesnt always work in love for the earth? about the almost invisible motion of matter
the same way. Remember, the essence of Uranus in Taurus has also liberated or the force of gravity and its transformation
Uranus is opening, change and reversal. women from repetitive tasks. For millennia, to energy.
The presence of both Saturn and Pluto with women spun fibre into yarn then wove yarn Uranus brings changes in rhythm and
Uranus helped to materialise the conjunction into cloth, marking the rhythm of days and habit, reverses established practice and
in the 19th century. nights. All this changed with the invention sends shivers through the typical Taurus
What will happen in this cycle? We can of a new spinning machine in 1767, the year desires for stability. Uranus also brings the
see elements of many of the preceding cycles Uranus entered Taurus. Inventions during this genius of invention to the world of matter and
as we prepare to enter the next. Tyrannical period freed time, uprooted habits and led to what has seemed stuck can be released or
rulership has risen in a number of countries profound changes in society as they marked revealed during this time. It may be revealed
and the distribution of wealth and resources the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. through innovation, through finding new life in
has become increasingly uneven, with the Yet now, there is a movement to change the soil or through a heightened relationship
wealth of one per cent of the population equal our relationship to the earth. Philosophers to your body. It can also shatter what you have
to that of the other 99 per cent. and alternative thinkers are trying to imagine built. In past cycles, Uranus in Taurus has
Taurus can be about taking, about making this transition time for humanity, inspiring been both constructive and disruptive.
sure we have what serves our pleasure hundreds of small urban projects across the Taurus represents the earth bringing
without regard for others. The raw materials planet, from those reclaiming the wastelands life in abundance from dark matter.
and resources taken from faraway lands, the of Detroit for urban farming to the marginal Uranus is the energy of the heavens filled
sovereignty seized and lives used up on cheap gardens grown in unused strips of land in UK with desire, come down to fecundate our
labour or servitude, stoked the British Empire cities. There is a movement to preserve seed, mother, our home. May this cycle bring new
Image Bigstock

in the 19th century. to pass it on as has been done for thousands understanding between heaven and earth,
The economic model of taking for profit, of years, to protect it from the ownership of and may we embrace the incoming genius
of using and discarding, is still dominant corporations. For these visionaries, the future ofa new world to come. May this new world
in much of the world. Corporations have is a neotribal, ecotopian, animist world. be a good place to live.


The essence of
Uranus is opening,
change and reversal.

Use the houses to

interpret your chart
Learn how to dive deeper into your chart through the use
of the houses and ruling planets
Words / Wade Caves

The power of the Ascendant

strology is best approached from the You can do this by exploring the condition
ground up. For much of astrologys I know its common to start interpreting and placement of Mars in the birth chart.
history, by the time an astrologer a chart with the Sun and then move on As the planetary ruler of Aries, Mars will be
used natal or birth chart techniques to the Moon. I think this can set you up the principal significator a planetary body
they were already skilled in event chart for disappointment. The real power of a that signifies something else, describing it in
interpretation and prediction. They could horoscope comes through the Ascendant. physical and psychological ways for anyone
successfully divine answers from horary Its through the rising sign that you take with Aries (or Scorpio) rising. This principal
charts and select helpful moments to begin shape and form on all levels: physically, significator shows you in your own chart.
new undertakings. Most astrologers also emotionally, mentally. If Aries rises and Mars is placed in a fiery
knew about natural medicine and humoral In this article, Ill use an example of sign at birth, that enhances the fire-like
theory. An apprentice astrologer would someone born under an Aries rising sign, flavour of the birth chart. If Mars is in an air
develop and master these skills before or Aries Ascendant, to show this approach sign, the focus of all that fiery energy may
broaching natal astrology, ensuring they in action. manifest in the realm of ideas and active
were capable of diving into the depths that Aries is a cardinal fire sign. Cardinal thought, like through lively discussion with
birth chart analysis deserves. signs are the initiators of the zodiac as the peers and superiors. The placement of Mars
Nowadays, the overwhelming majority seasons begin with them and bring quick further shapes your understanding of how
of those of us who use astrology begin with action and change. Fire brings inspiration, this person expresses Aries energy.
nativities (that is, studying birth charts). heat, passion. The combination of cardinal
Today, birth chart astrology is often seen as plus fire gives Aries its qualities of boldness Natural vs accidental
the most accessible branch of astrology. That and a yearning to lead or occupy frontlines. signication
isnt to imply its the easiest. The truth is that Aries has a quick temper and a penchant for In modern practice, its common to look at a
natal astrology is one of the more advanced rash decision-making, with a nave, child-like chart as a blueprint to the whole person, such
divisions of astrology, which could easily take approach to problem-solving. Mars is the that every planet has equal strength to say
you a lifetime to master. ruler of Aries and they share similar qualities. something about the individual. For instance,
Natal astrology might feel so accessible With Aries rising, this person will likely Mars describes initiative, passion, sex drive;
because you have a personal entry point. demonstrate and reflect these qualities Venus, ones sensual nature; Saturn, the
Your moment of birth, and its corresponding on every level. Aries rising can give sharp attitude toward responsibility and structure.
birth chart, maps out the dominant celestial features in the face, beady but burning eyes, a To a certain extent, this is true. Each person
themes that you will experience throughout lean and sturdy build, hair that glints slightly reflects the predominating natural causes
your life. red, perhaps even a name that is connected that were actively stirring at the time of birth,
From where I sit, the ideal way to start to Aries symbolism like Mark (meaning and astrology is one tool that measures that.
studying astrology is the same way it consecrated to the god Mars or to be But this approach means you run into the
was done centuries ago: by starting with warlike) or Erica (meaning powerful ruler). issue of a natural or universal significator
the simpler techniques, like horary and There is often a scar or burn on the forehead, versus accidental signification. Mars
elections, before advancing to the more possibly from youth, since Aries is connected universally governs those things under his
complex divisions of astrology, like natal to the youthful season of spring. purview, such as initiative, passion and sex
andmundane. Its like studying mathematics Behaviourally, Aries rising can be quite drive. Venus universally governs sensuality.
algebra before calculus. daring and aggressive, always ready for Saturn universally governs responsibility.
But everyones path is different and, if whats next but struggling to preserve what When you rely on natural or universal
youre a budding astrologer who has focus has already been started. Aries isnt the significators, all you can derive from
and drive, beautiful natal work can be crafted greatest at negotiation and certainly doesnt charts are vague generalities and woolly
without experience in the more elementary shy away from conflict. abstractions that leave everyone at the table
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branches. Sometimes you just need a few This combination of Aries on the feeling a little disappointed.
ideas for how to dive in. My advice? Start with ascendant can give you a lot of information, To get to the particulars that will really
the Ascendant and rely on the houses. but you must develop your profile further. wow, you need to operate through



The real power of a horoscope comes through the Ascendant.

Its through the rising sign that you take shape and form on all levels:
physically, emotionally, mentally.

accidental significators. To do this, use the The planet who rules indicates tense relationships with authority
houses to locate where certain energies are figures. If they are in a relaxed aspect,
being expressed. This is what makes a chart the sign on the cusp some degree of camaraderie, trust and
for someone born at noon very different cooperation is more likely.
from someone born even an hour later of a given house is the
The ruling planet
the degrees on house cusps have changed,
often the signs on the house cusps
accidental significator of the Ascendant
themselves have changed and planets will of the affairs of Youd then modify your observations based
have shifted houses. on the sign and house the planets are in.
that house. Youll notice an inherent magnetism to and
Getting specic: from things related to whatever house the
4th and 5th houses any area of their life, you can look at the Ascendant ruler is in.
In our example, with Aries rising, its likely relationship between the significators the If, in our example, Mars, ruling the 1st
that Cancer will be on the 4th House cusp. ruling planets of the houses involved. House, is placed in the 2nd, the individual
The ruler of Cancer is the Moon. In this case, may focus a lot on money and acquiring
the Moon will signify 4th House things. She 2nd House and money wealth. If Mars is instead in the 5th House,
will certainly have something general to say Following our example, Mars rules the Mars/this person may enjoy more carnal
about the individual but, more importantly, Ascendant and is the persons primary pursuits: sex, gambling and speculation,
she will say something very specific about the significator. Lets assume that Venus rules eating and drinking and so on. If Mars is in
natives father because fathers belong to the the 2nd House of Finances, as Taurus is on the 9th House, Mars/this person may find
4th House.1 its cusp. comfort in the heat that is generated by
Continuing on, our Aries rising individual If you find Venus and Mars to be in some passionate study and learning, specialising
will likely have Leo on the 5th House cusp, a happy aspect, like a sextile or trine, you can in a field and aiming to be a pioneer in both
sign ruled by the Sun. The Sun has universal reasonably presume that this individual thought and action.
rulership over your heroic drive and will give experiences easy cashflow. This is enhanced
a general sense of the mind and motives of if Venus applies to Mars because then the Planet and sign pairings
the individual. second ruler of personal assets, Venus, is How the planet the one ruling the house in
In a more tangible sense, the Sun also moving toward your clients significator, Mars. question does these things will be shown
provides specific insights regarding this Its as if money comes to them! by the sign that planet is placed in. If our
persons children (or child, more likely, But, if Venus and Mars are in a tense Aries rising client has Mars in the 3rd House,
because Leo is a sign that tends to give aspect and both retrograde, as with Mars they may be argumentative or seek debates
one or no children), what is done for chasing after Venus backwards through for pleasure.
leisure and entertainment and, in relevant the zodiac, then you have an indication of Lets get more specific with the how. This
cases, may even indicate a penchant for excessive delays in the acquisition of wealth person could have Mars in the 3rd House in
ambassadorships or diplomacy, as these are and possibly even squandering of money. either Taurus or Cancer. These are not signs
all 5th House topics. well suited to Mars and, as a result, Mars
People in positions the individual will have difficulty expressing
Planets and people of power: 10th House his virtue, or the unadulterated expression
Now, if you had approached this birth chart If I wanted to understand how this person of his quality, efficiently or effectively. There
the way modern textbooks suggest you handled authority figures, I might look may not be a strong grasp on how to control
should, you wouldve jumped straight to the to how Mars is positioned in relation to his anger or frustration, and so debates that
Sun and Moon to describe your client. In the Sun or Saturn (planets that generally could have been engaging and illuminating
doing so, you would have entirely missed that signify authority). become overwrought and temper-raising.
the luminaries in this persons birth chart Truthfully, I would be more interested If, however, Mars was placed in Gemini
have more concrete things to say about in how Mars (the ruler of the person and in the 3rd House, some of that destructive
other people in the natives life. 1st House in this example) interacts with tendency would fade away because Mars is
Remember, the planet who rules the sign the 10th ruler, because the 10th House (for lack of a better term) neutrally placed
on the cusp of a given house is the accidental has associations with power and authority. in Gemini. This individual may be cross with
significator of the affairs of that house. Lets say that Saturn rules the midheaven. their words from time to time, but may also
Todetermine this persons relationship to If Mars and Saturn are in a tense aspect, it pose questions and ideas that stimulate
the mind and lead to creative, previously
Your principal signicator unexplored solutions.
If your Ascendant or rising sign is ... Your principal significator is ...
The expression of aspects
Leo The Sun
The same exercise is employed when
Cancer The Moon examining how an aspect functions. Lets
Gemini or Virgo Mercury return to the part where we assumed Mars
Taurus or Libra Venus was the principal significator and Saturn
(as ruler of the 10th House) the significator
Image Getty

Aries or Scorpio Mars

of authority figures. Lets also assume that
Sagittarius or Pisces Jupiter
Mars is in trine to this Saturn, an aspect
Capricorn or Aquarius Saturn which indicates an easy flow of energy



between the two planets. How do you

determine whether this association with
Saturn benefits Mars (your client) or brings
trouble and disappointment?
Remember that a trine aspect alone does
not indicate a healthy connection. The Titanic
sank on a trine of the Moon to Mars, and
the ill-fated ship slipped to the bottom of
the sea without much hesitation. The power
of a trine is in its ease and slack it will
only promise good and helpful things if the
condition of the planet involved is healthy.
That is determined by several factors, like
the planets phase and by aspects it makes
to other planets. First, though, you must
determine condition by the sign and house
placements of the planets involved.
Say that Saturn, who would rule and
represent authorities in life when its the 10th
House ruler, is placed in the 7th House of
Partnerships and Relationships. Its possible
that your client will experience both romantic Start with the
and business partners as quite authoritative.
In such a case, its possible that Saturn Ascendant,
will be in Libra (since Aries is rising).
Saturn is exalted in Libra and so shows and rely on the
solemn people who have earned their
wisdom, people with high standards and
a tendency to tackle problems with justice
and fairness as the barometers. Mars in What phase is that planet in? requires Mars to trade and engage in an
trine to this Saturn, for the most part, What aspects does it form? element (namely, the sign Libra) that is foreign
benefits by the association.2 Are the planets it aspects rulers of helpful to him. This can be awkward and disenchanting
In an alternate version of this example, or difficult houses? at times but, on the whole, this aspect should
Saturn might still rule the 10th but this How do these considerations, when taken beget some gratifying circumstances.
time be placed in Leo, in the 5th House together as a whole, create a dynamic
of Children. Saturn has no significant story describing the natives experience
relationship to Leo and even regards Leo of that topic?
as enemy territory. Saturn in Leo in the 5th With the above approach, you now have The houses and their topics
House is liable to produce children who are the ability to access great detail about a
1st You, your life and vitality
untoward, as some of the older texts say. persons relationship to their children or
This could mean difficult, obstinate, masters their attitude toward death, or even explore Moveable possessions,
of disobedience, or children who have a long- their siblings relationships with the parents. financial resources
term relationship with the word no. Generalities take a back seat to the unique Short journeys, communication,
As Saturn rules the 10th House of situation of an individuals birth chart. local community
Authority, an appropriate interpretation could In many ways, astrology is that simple. Hidden matters, ancestral lineage,
be that this individual either exacerbates As the great 17th-century English astrologer the father
defiance or tries to neutralise it using force William Lilly once said about this exact Children and procreation,
that establishes dominance. This type of a approach, The whole natural key to all recreation, sport
trine from Mars to Saturn would be far less astrology rests in the words preceding [being] Illness and servitude, employees
beneficial, and may magnify issues of control rightly understood. and tenants
across generations. Those to whom you are engaged,
Endnotes whether in love or war
Chart interpretation questions 1. In modern texts, the 4th House is often given Death, anxiety, loss, legacies
You might find these questions helpful to get to the mother. This is an invention of the past of the deceased
you thinking about how to interpret a chart: few centuries and has no basis in any part of Philosophy and religion,
What topic am I curious about? our astrological history. The 4th House speaks mysticism, long journeys
What house does it belong to? to parents generally, and the father specifically. Success and glory, fulfilment
What planet rules the sign on the cusp of 2. I say for the most part because Saturn is of purpose, vocation
that house? in Libra, a sign in which Mars stumbles and Benefactors and friends, hopes,
What sign and house is that planet in? struggles. Though Saturn is well placed in places of mending
How well can that planet express its Libra and represents a very dignified expression 12th
Loss, depression, slavery,
own virtue? of Saturn energy, Mars trine to Saturn still hidden enemies



Rock your sparkle

The 10 planets in astrology can influence your personality
and, by learning how they impact your chart and life,
youll know what makes you shine
Words / Rozanna B/Astrosparkles

he planets play an integral role were born. This can be a time when you truly communication and rules how you think
in astrology. Understanding their feel like you own the world. and learn, what you say, how you say it and
characteristics and influence is Key words: identity, ego, personality, vitality, self communication themes in general.
essential to understanding their Your Mercury placement by sign and
impact within your chart and in your life. The Moon house shows your individual style towards
Ill introduce you to the 10 planets which The Moon in your chart shows the emotional taking on information, as well as how you
form the backbone of astrology today: the you. She shows where, why and how you feel intellectualise or vocalise a particular topic.
five personal planets the Sun, the Moon, things as well as how you make other people For instance, Mercury in Aries is likely to
Mercury, Venus and Mars as well as the feel. Your Moons placement by sign and speak and think quickly sometimes a little
five outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, house add personal flavour. A Moon in Taurus too quickly and is possibly the zodiacs
Neptune and Pluto. individual is likely to be grounded, nurturing best skim-reader, while a Mercury in Libra
yet practical and adept at making others feel is one of the zodiacs most considerate
The Sun safe and secure. Someone with a Moon in placements, particularly when a balanced
The Sun is the centre of our universe Scorpio can feel things deeply and personally, and contemplative approach is required.
so it stands to reason that, in astrology, with an overwhelming need for privacy; this Ruling Gemini and Virgo and known as
the Sun represents you within your can feel like shut out to others. the zodiacs little trickster, Mercury is
universe. It shows the main event and your Ruling the sign of Cancer, the Moon also the fastest of the true planets. Mercury is
fundamental essence. The Sun is all about represents nourishment and nurture both associated with intellect, awareness and
your core energy, identity and ego. The how you nurture as well as how you need to perspective, and rules logic, reason, all
Suns place in your natal chart is an area of be nurtured. The Moon can show the mother kinds of expression and the ability to analyse
your life where you have natural gifts and figure in the chart, reflecting not just you as and rationalise.
where you can shine. the mother figure, but also describing your And, of course, hes famous or infamous
Technically a luminary, or light, rather own mother and feminine energy in general. due to the notoriety around Mercury
than a planet, the Sun represents self, The Moon is the other of the two retrograde, a period of time when the planet
personality and individuality and is the luminaries and takes around 28 days to travel of communication moves backwards, or at
driving life-force to your chart. As you learn the zodiac, spending around two-and-a-half least appears to from our perspective on
to work with your Sun placement, or Sun days in each sign. On average, there is a New Earth. Mercury retrograde can be a time of
sign, you can learn to stand out and even Moon (when the Sun and the Moon join at miscommunication and hospitalisation for
show off your particular talents. Generally the same degree of the same sign) and a Full your communication devices. On the other
speaking, someone with a Sun placement in Moon (when the Sun and the Moon are exactly hand, Mercury retrograde can resurrect lost
Gemini may have a real and natural talent opposite each other) once per month. conversations or even bring lost people back
for writing, interacting or communicating, The Moon works through your soul, and into your life. It can also provide space to
while a Sun placement in Sagittarius may its through feeling and understanding things re-evaluate or rethink. And, while being born
be seen as a bright, optimistic individual instinctively where youll work best with with this placement can sometimes manifest
with a penchant for travel and the meaning Mother Moon energy because, instinctively, as a type of learning issue, having Mercury
of life. the Moon knows. retrograde can also provide you with deep
Ruling the sign of Leo, the Sun takes a Key words: emotion, fertility, instinct, insight and superior ability for reflection.
year to travel around the zodiac, spending a nurture, soul Key words: communication, information,
month in each sign. Each month you get a learning, thinking, reason, perspective
taste of celestial energy as the Sun moves Mercury
Image Getty

through each sign. Once a year, you get a Mercury in your chart represents the Venus
double dose of your own Sun sign when the communicative you. Known as the Messenger Venus is all about your hearts desires
Sun returns to the sign it was in when you of the Gods, Mercury is the master of but those desires arent limited to the love,


Venus shows how
you like to give and
receive pleasure.

romance and relationship fields. Venus Mars in Taurus placement is likely to linger to be respectful with this energy; if not,
gaze looks much further afield, taking in the and lounge and end up running late, while the word over as in over-indulgence,
themes of values, beauty, style and money. a Mars in Gemini placement will be avidly over-confidence over-the-top can be an
Venus represents the relationship you, as scouring news and stock prices before the unwanted by-product.
well as the ethical you and the beautiful you. real day begins. Mars describes movement Still, big, bright and full of silver linings,
Ruling the signs of Taurus and Libra, and drive. Jupiter is the Mr Generous of the zodiac and
Venus shows how you like to give and Ruler of Aries and also the traditional where he features is often a blessing, in a
receive pleasure, and describes your ruler of Scorpio, Mars represents who and thank your lucky stars kind of way.
preferred relationship style: how you what you are passionate about, and where Key words: luck, growth, opportunity,
approach relationships, the type of you will put your time and energy. Mars also expansion, optimism
relationship you seek and how you go about describes your competitive spirit and how
getting your hearts desires. For example, well, or not, you deal with winning and losing. Saturn
Venus in Cancer is a more emotional Used productively, Mars is direct, Saturn represents boundaries and lessons
placement, indicating someone who may be assertive and willing to try virtually anything, and is best viewed as the Great Teacher
protective of loved ones or who sees food but a sullen Mars can be aggressive, or Drill Sergeant of the skies. If youre
and nurturing as expressions of love. On the impatient and unreasonable. Left looking for a stone-cold dose of reality,
other hand, Venus in Capricorn may be less unharnessed, Mars can reflect temper and Saturns your planet.
emotional and more grounded, and prefer outbursts but, when harnessed, will deliver The ruler of Capricorn and the traditional
fewer frills to a more practical and realistic drive and motivation by the bucket load. The ruler of Aquarius, your Saturn placement
approach to love and money. sign of Mars in your chart will dictate how indicates an area of life that requires
Integrity, possessions and sensuality you approach life and whether short haul structure, foundation and, just like the body
are all vital to the world of Venus and she or long haul is the name of your game. part he rules, backbone. It will also be an
has more than a word or two to say when Key words: action, motivation, passion, area of life that either needs grounding
it comes to your style and fashion sense, energy, drive or gets it for free. Saturn can be a hard
too. Someone with Venus in Leo may be task-master in one or more parts of life
regal, naturally attractive or attention- Jupiter but hes not without rewards its just
grabbing and can be quite the clothes horse Jupiter represents growth and expansion, and that his rewards are well and truly earned,
(tip: make sure you notice them), while shows the parts of your life that can blossom sometimes the hard way.
someone with Venus in Aquarius will have with the least amount of effort. Jupiter shows At its best, Saturn provides discipline
a more carefree attitude and bohemian how you reap the rewards of your actions and and support; on a bad day, Saturn highlights
style. Theyre more likely to wear spots can give you luck with timing, helping you be limitations and fear. He is equal parts
and stripes as a combination, without a in the right place at the right time. constriction and resilience, reservation
backward glance in the mirror. Yes, Jupiter is that planet luck and and resolve and he is without doubt the
Key words: love, relationship, beauty, desire, opportunity are part of his domain and anchor in your particular sea. How you view
values, money where he falls in your chart is likely to show and work that anchor often dictates your
where youll land on your feet or attain personal lessons and relationship with the
Mars things without too much effort. You know zodiacs headmaster.
Known as the God of War, Mars rules those people who always seem to have So, no, Saturn is neither the easiest nor
energy, action, courage and sexuality as things fall in their laps? Thats Jupiters cheeriest of companions pessimism
well as anger, aggression, war and your trademark, as is abundance and generosity. and depression also fall in his territory.
temper. How often you go on the warpath Depending on other planets, a Jupiter in When it comes to the hard yards of life,
can be tracked back to how Mars is placed Taurus placement is often lucky or abundant though, like him or lump him, Saturn and
in your chart, and what might or might with money and finance (though think more his repertoire of structure, responsibility
not be ticking him off. Mars in Aries will bank balance than lottery tickets); a Jupiter and commitment while perhaps limiting
lead from the front foot, Mars in Virgo will in Sagittarius placement can have a the are very much required.
strategise an attack, Mars in Capricorn will worlds my oyster attitude with a generous Key words: boundaries, lessons, restriction,
command it and Mars in Pisces is more heart to match. structure, difficulty
likely to be the spiritual warrior, hoping for The ruling planet of Sagittarius and the
a peaceful outcome. traditional ruler of Pisces, Jupiter can be Uranus
For the less confrontational but equally accused of having a Pollyanna complex The planet Uranus symbolises change and
applicable approach, look at how Mars gets as a result of its displays of optimism and will show both where you are different and
you out of (and not into!) bed. Where a Mars generosity. While a Jupiter transit will where you can make a difference, often in a
in Aries placement is likely to leap out of often open up opportunities and arm you ready-or-not-here-I-come manner.
bed for a run or gym session first thing, a with a winners outlook, its also important Electrifying and erratic, Uranus
makes his mark by championing the
unconventional, unusual and unpredictable.
Big, bright and full of silver linings, Jupiter His presence in your life is often found
is the Mr Generous of the zodiac and where he where youll be doing something differently
to the norm.
Image Getty

features is often a blessing, in a thank your Uranus shows where you need room
or freedom to be your authentic self. Also
lucky stars kind of way. known as the great awakener, the rules


Embracing Uranus
means embracing your
individuality. Plutos
transformational qualities
are second to none.

tend not to apply wherever Uranus is in your surprising that Neptune, King of the Sea, potency but, as you might expect
chart. Your Uranian flavour is enhanced by has a strong association with the arts, from the ruler of Scorpio and anything
aspects Uranus makes within your chart. particularly with actors, poets and muses. associated with the underworld, Plutos
For example, if you had Uranus in Neptune also stimulates dreams and work does not necessarily make for easy,
aspect to your Sun, youll be unique and fantasy like no other planet. or comfortable, discussion.
non-conformist. Uranus in aspect to Venus The fuzziness, however, can be a Penetrating and profound, Plutos
indicates an unconventional approach double-edged sword or trident, in energy is raw and powerful. His influence is
around lovers or money matters. Uranus Neptunes case. In difficult aspect, controlling and commanding. Pluto charges
in aspect to Mercury can show genius. Neptunes influence can manifest as everything it touches with intensity. This
Uranus represents the desire to do things delusion, deception, addiction and lies. intensity can manifest as destructive or
differently a different way of being, a When Neptune casts his net, the upside is ground-breaking. In either case, renewal and
different way of conducting relationships, a euphoric idyll, the downside confusion, regeneration are your next steps on the Pluto
a different way of thinking. paranoia and deceit, where the line journey but not before something has been
Uranus is also behind upheaval, rebellion between reality and fantasy is blurred. stripped right back or forced to surrender.
and discord, particularly when in harsh However it plays out, Neptunes energy is If youve ever heard someone say theyve
aspect. However, at his electrifying best, this probably the most difficult to understand, been to hell and back, theres a good chance
planet is not just the mother of invention harness or own, such is his fluid nature. that person has undergone a Pluto transit.
but the father of it, too. Embracing Uranus At best, Neptune is idealistic, spiritual Its also likely theyre not the same person
means embracing your individuality and and the master of dreams; at worst, afterwards as they were beforehand. Thats
celebrating unique, wonderful you. Neptune can be unstable, dishonest and what Pluto energy does: it destroys in order
Key words: change, upheaval, surprise, delusional. Neptune epitomises the need to renew and rebuild.
rebellion, different to escape; its the expression and manner In hard aspect, Pluto energy can
of this escapism which dictates Neptunes translate as rage, wrath and ruin through
Neptune influence within your life and, in turn, that purge, obsession and jealousy. In its most
Neptunes placement in your chart can influence in the life of others. effective, Plutos transformational qualities
show where things can get a little fuzzy. Key words: dreams, imagination, confusion, are second to none, as is the raw power
Imagination, inspiration and intuition are fog, lies, abstract, spirituality thats available. The capacity for renewal
all part of Neptunes inventory. Neptunes and resurgence under Plutos watch is like
place in your chart highlights an area of Pluto nothing else on offer within the cosmos.
life where boundaries cease, creativity Pluto, God of the Underworld, Key words: power, transformation,
is high and getting lost is easy. Its not represents transformation, power and destruction, intensity, regeneration, surrender



It s all about the kids

What does your childs chart reveal about their needs,
talents and unique personality?
Words / Andrea Gehrz

A high-level philosophy

hildren are fun to work with. When an astrologer works with children,
Parents and astrologers can engage the power differential is double. Not only do Believe it or not, astrology could be
childrens charts for many reasons: you have access to the childs chart, giving classified as a high-level philosophy.
to track changes in appetite, plan you power of insight, you are also an adult. Regardless of its popularity in the scientific
new food experiences, and address needs This is a double power differential. There realm, its easy to argue that astrology
for discipline, boundaries or differentiation. are many ways to wield this power well, takes a complex look into natural design.
The chart can also show whats most helping you to act as an effective magician, It addresses questions of life path, purpose,
exciting and interesting for a child, as well consultant and trusted advisor. incarnation, reincarnation and other
as suitable schooling and possible interest Dual relationships high-level issues. Depending on the age
in sports. The list goes on. A dual relationship exists when two people and intellectual level of each child, youll
The astrological lens allows you to engage in more than one role at a time: want to keep in mind the possibility that
advocate for your children and better teacher/advocate, neighbour/doctor, astrology is over the head of your tiny
foster the expression of their individual astrologer/friend. When discussing astrology client. The idea of astrology can be too
nature. In the growth-based framework of and children, the dual relationship thats much for the child who is still developing
astrology, parents are not authoritarians but most common is where the parent is also basic life skills and has a down-to-earth
ambassadors of growth. Here, Ill hone in on an astrologer. Ive heard a spectrum of world view.
many good uses of astrology with children. experiences from the children of astrologers Lets take a look into Maslows Hierarchy
over the years. A few have felt of Needs to affix astrology in the childs
Ethical issues inundated by the information, as framework of growth. In the diagram
While fun and rewarding, using astrology with if they had to accept what the below, astrology resides in the top
children can be controversial. As a parent parent-astrologer was saying. Self tier of Maslows hierarchy as
in our modern freewill-focused culture,
you probably encourage your children to
Others have felt comforted
by the knowledge, actively
actualisation part of self-actualisation.
Astrology considers unique
follow their dreams. Our society suggests a approaching the parent about design, gifts, path and purpose.
person can become whatever they want an chart questions. Whether the Astrological theory proposes that
Olympic athlete, a piano player, whatever they dual relationship is beneficial or each transit pulls you outward
dream. The fatedness inherent in the lens of stressful can depend on many into further growth, guiding the
astrology says otherwise.
Astrology, a natural design theory,
factors, including the general
relationship dynamic
Esteem: process of self-actualisation.
Maslows theory
celebrates gifts but also accepts limitations. between parent and child, Confidence, achievement suggests many needs
Assumptions are made that earthy types are the natural tendencies of come before self-
slower and heavier, for instance, while fire each individual and the actualisation: food,
people are uplifted and kinetic. What else parenting style. water, sleep,
makes astrology controversial for children?
We fear boxing them in, telling them who
Love / belonging: warmth, safety.

they are, not allowing them to discover life. Friends, pets

Here are a few specific issues to remember
as you talk with children about their charts.
Power differentials
Most simply, a power differential is a Safety needs:
difference in power. Power differentials
Security, safety
are acknowledged in many professions,
as with lawyers or counsellors. Imagine a
lawyer who has the power to navigate the
Image Getty

judicial system, compared with his client,

who is powerless in this regard. Because of Physiological needs:
the difference in power, a lawyer must act Food, water, sleep, warmth
hyper-ethically in all situations, empowering
the client whenever possible.



Age 18
So I hear you are preparing to go to
university. Have you thought about what
subjects youll study yet? From the
astrological perspective, you would be
naturally gifted in areas like engineering,
computer science, language education,
journalism or editing. Do any of these
resonate with you? Why or why not? (Sun in
Aquarius, Virgo Moon, Gemini Rising)

Working with parents

Parents are fun to work with. They are
interested in their children and find great joy
in watching them grow. Adding information
about the chart layer is fascinating for
parents, and helpful. The astrological lens
can be used to help parents focus on their
childs strengths and help them gently elicit
their childs natural gifts. We can enjoy
watching the transits of little ones; each
transition comes with surprises.
The section that follows uses the wisdom
of planetary energies to create a better life.
Astrology, a natural design theory, celebrates What are the symptoms of each planetary
impetus for growth? How can you best walk
gifts but also accepts limitations. through each transit with your child? What
activities will keep the child at ease, moving
Many children are still trying to gain self- Age 6 forward towards full manifestation? You
mastery around nutrition, safety, friendships Aquarius Sun: It looks like one superpower might encourage your child to be busy during
and more. In fact, it could be argued that you might have is making friends. What is it a Mars transit or offer time alone during
before a person can really live according that makes you a good friend? Are you on Saturn periods. You might provide books,
to their chart, they need to have mastered any teams? camps, classes and conversations during
many of the basic human needs. As an Virgo Moon: Wow, it looks like you might be Jupiter transits.
astrologer who works with children and really good at detail work do you enjoy
families, youll want to keep this in mind as maths or writing?
you subtly guide and support clients into Jupiter in Gemini, Gemini rising: Your Planetary expressions and
special skill sets and innate gifts. language and conversation skills must bring growth activities for children
joy to a lot of people. Keep up the good work! While you may not know exactly what planets
Working on the childs level Have you ever wanted to learn a second or transits are influencing your child, you
It is truly possible for a person of any age language? If yes, what language? may recognise certain behaviours or traits
and developmental level to learn something in the expressions sections below. If so,
about their chart. As working astrologers, Age 14 use the suggestions in the corresponding
we are constantly assessing the skill and Aquarius Sun: Astrologers notice that activities section to help channel the
knowledge level of our various clients. Aquarians are great at politics, teamwork energy productively.
Lets take a barebones, theoretical chart and cultural commentary. Have you ever Mercury expressions: Non-stop talking,
of a child (see above) in order to see what wanted to be a reporter? A politician? What asking a million questions, interruption.
information might be useful for him or sports teams do you like? Aquarians are Mercury activities: Learning to read or
her throughout the various stages of life. said to be great with groups. Its one of their write, introducing new concepts, watching
The possibilities of what information to natural skills. videos that help with language acquisition.
cover might include: core values, gifts in Virgo Moon: Wow, Virgo Moon has great Calling grandparents, writing the name,
awareness, tendencies, interests and more. tendencies towards being helpful, tidy, family, storytelling, name games, singing the
Ask yourself, what might this child want to particular, precise and organised. Have you alphabet. In older children learning about
know at various ages? noticed these skills in yourself? In what areas communicative intent, structure, rhetoric.
While this example chart provides a basic of life do you apply these traits? Venus expressions: Wanting candy and
schematic, devoid of any aspects, youll find Jupiter in Gemini, Gemini rising: Many sweets, seeing people or not wanting to say
and convey a lot of useful information such astrologers would say that you have an goodbye, dressing up for example with
as the examples below, written in age- extreme gift for language and conversation. jewellery and makeup, play dates, wanting
appropriate language. I wonder if you make radio shows, podcasts, to buy things, give things away, pick flowers,
learn languages or invent new words? Its a have snacks.
Age 3 special trait to have Jupiter rising like that. It Venus activities: Art projects, jewellery,
You are awesome! Wow! really brings an uplifting skill with language. music, colouring, getting a treat at the local



coffee shop, calling a friend, sending a picture photographs, painting, swimming, bathing, travel around the babys chart for the first
in the mail, arranging flowers, collage, talking about angels to protect the child, year. When it ignites each of these planets
singing, laughing, hugging, compliments, teaching the child about grace, divinity, (through a conjunction especially, but also
presents, parties, celebrations. spirit, teaching the child how to control square, opposition, sextiles, trines), these
Mars expressions: Biting, name calling, dreams and clear energy field, relaxation, activities may seem fitting.
hysterical crying, inability to sit still, hot bringing the child to spiritual places,
face, red cheeks, hard time following rules, praying for the child, sending only good Growth activities for babies
anger, tantrums, fits, saying no, pushing, thoughts to the child, use of finesse and Sun: Being recognised, looked at, cooed at,
hitting, frustration, disruptive behaviours, gentle love, music. playing peek-a-boo, going outside to be seen
being mean. Uranus expressions: Boredom, inability or sit in the Sun, being dressed, getting the
Mars activities: Roughhousing, playing to do the same thing anymore such as hair combed, being talked about.
outside, going to the park, riding a bike, playing with favourite toys, need for variety Moon: Snuggling, being fed, being told I love
hiking, expeditions, epic stroller rides, sports, and change, antsy, cant sit still, desire to look you, holding a teddy bear, crying, smiling,
boating, martial arts, eating popsicles and at gadgets, technological devices, laughing grimacing, saying mama or dada, clinging
other cooling foods. attacks, inability to follow rules, rebellion, onto family members.
Jupiter expressions: Wanting to try new bounciness, shaking, twitching. Mercury: Talking, cooing, being read
things, boundless energy, not wanting Uranus activities: Exposing the child to to, pointing to objects (one first marker
to sleep, exuberance, clowning around, something new, surprising the child, teaching of language), babbling, listening to
optimism, screaming, playing, taking a new skill that will revolutionise the mind, conversations, riding public transportation,
chances, feelings of invincibility. allowing a new privilege like an exciting being pushed in the stroller.
Jupiter activities: Taking on new skills, doing event or activity, teaching the child about Venus: Being kissed, drinking juice, smiling,
things that require bravery, performing, electricity, using the element of surprise in laughing, looking at pretty things, touching
telling jokes, going to camps and classes, daily activities. them, petting animals, playing, being held
hanging out with friends, bouncing, skipping, Pluto expressions: Fixation, obsession, by people other than family, being dressed
spinning, playing games, doing projects late unwillingness to bend or flex from an object up in cute outfits, getting the hair combed,
into the night. or idea or obsession, power struggles, listening to music.
Saturn expressions: Struggles over rules exuding unbendable power or force, inability Mars: Bouncing, moving around, tasting
and boundaries, crying about life in general, for the parent to redirect the child. things (an active experience for a young baby),
sadness over separations, oppression, tests Pluto activities: Intense energetic or poking, roughhousing, crying, screaming.
of patience, loneliness, feeling introverted, physical experiences, helping the child Jupiter: Being held by new people, eating
inward, high self-expectations, feeling overcome limitations to evolve healthy new foods, crawling around the room, getting
labelled, confined, different, concerned obsessions, fixative art projects and creative excited and happy, throwing food all over the
people dont like them, shame, worry, internal expressions, bending and pushing clay, face, having play dates, going on walks, going
need to conquer surroundings, worrying remodelling projects, cleaning out garage, shopping, baby classes, to the library for a
about future confinement. composting lessons, any activity where the puppet show.
Saturn activities: Asking the child to set child can experience a total transformation. Saturn: Swaddling, being worn in a wrap,
expectations for him or herself, allowing confined in a crib or playpen, being apart
for natural consequences, giving the Special considerations: babies from the mother, overcoming limitations.
child a specific role, allowing the child to Babies present a unique challenge by being Neptune: Snuggling, bathing, soothing
define his or her role, separation from the pre-verbal. At the beginning of life, the chart music, watching movies, napping,
group, time to play alone, projects that can be used to see what might be causing dreaming,seeing things that adults dont
include parameters, teaching skills for colic and other health concerns, as well as see, talking to entities in the room while
negotiating with authority figures, setting what might remedy the problem, depending laying in the crib.
clear intentions, allowing the child to set on the astral root of stress. Uranus: Showing baby a new skill, rolling
guidelines and goals, time studies, calendar For the trained transit-watcher, babys around on a big open floor, new sounds,
making, conflict resolution, activities that chart provides foreknowledge into sleepy sights, colours and objects, upbeat music,
require problem solving, science projects times, growth spurts, differentiation and new funny, inventive songs.
that involve counting and measuring, stimuli. Each transit will bring new desires. Pluto: Building things around the baby,
practising scales on an instrument, Parents can use the chart to pick exposing the baby to music and art that
colouring in the lines. activities baby might enjoy, like trampoline matches the intensity of the emotions within
Neptune expressions: Sleepiness, city for Mars transits or a musical the child, showing the baby the compost
sluggishness, clinging to parent, performance for Venus. There will be times heapor worms and bugs.
daydreaming, nightmares, rash problems, when baby is most open to new foods (Venus
fear, apprehension, struggles over what conjoining Moon, Jupiter approaching Moon, Astrology and children
is real and what is not, confusion, for instance) and fitting times to encourage There are many good uses of astrology
oversensitivity to the needs of others, sorrow baby to sleep in her own bed (Uranus is good with children: to acknowledge special
over worlds problems, high levels of acuity to for this). paths and purposes, to help children move
fluorescent lights. Lets examine a list of activities for towards personal expression, to talk about
Neptune activities: Imagination play, babies that can be applied during Sun/ individual likes and dislikes from a non-
colouring, singing, dancing, sleeping, Moon transits to the following natal planets judgemental lens, to remain active and
watching movies, reading fairytales, in babys chart. Each chart is different, but growing and to help actualise the spirit.
wearing cosy slippers to school, taking a basic activity could be to watch the Sun The options are limitless.



Lunar medicine
The Moon rules your daily habits, so how can you support
your Moon in order for her to nurture you? Read on ...
Words / Kira Sutherland

Support your Moon

s a naturopath, nutritionist and astrologer,
I love combining my favourite topics How can you support your Moon so that she
like mixing ingredients for soup to can nurture you? I love to explain to clients the
produce elixirs for healing. Your chart importance of making health a daily ritual and
provides insight into your physical strengths and of creating supportive habits. Knowing your
weaknesses, your constitutional health and any weaknesses will help you recognise when you are
wellness challenges you might face. Through self-sabotaging and going astray.
medical astrology you can focus your attention on The little choices you make every day have the
aunique segment of your chart in order to balance most impact on your overall health and longevity.
at least one part of your dynamic makeup. Tips for each of the Moon signs are listed below. If
I love to work with the natal Moon. Even if you you dont know your Moon sign, read for your Sun
dont know your birth time, you can look up your or star sign instead.
Moon sign in books or websites. If you do have your This article is in no way intended to replace a
entire natal chart, you can also consider the house medical diagnosis and care must be taken with
of your Moon. We will stick to the Moon sign for the natural medicine as it, too, can cause issues and
purposes of this article. interactions with other medications. Please seek
medical advice when in doubt.
Soul food
Besides the Sun, the Moon is the most visible body Aries Moon
in the sky. The Moon is connected to your feelings, You may be childlike, overstimulated, busy and
your home, security, the Mother, and shows how you always rushing about. This can deplete your energy
get your needs met. The Moon shows what you need reserves and tax your adrenal glands. You might
to feed and nourish your soul; it describes where push your body to exhaustion. Youll need to learn
you get your soul food. to stop and rest, or there will be nothing left in your
From the perspective of medical astrology, key tank. You may be a quick eater, or choose fast foods
words for the Moon include: receptive, nurturing, and ready-made meals so you dont need to slow
enfolding, instinct, intuition, emotion, rhythms and down to eat. Indigestion, heartburn and bloating can
cycles. The Moon rules the fluids of the body, all result from these food choices and lack of chewing.
of the mucus membranes, the uterus, the breasts As Aries rules the head region, you may be prone
and the chest region, the stomach and the upper to headaches, fevers and head colds. You can be
digestive function. quite pain sensitive and may experience redness,
swelling and inflammation more quickly than other
Emotions and eating signs. When feeling unwell, you need alone time in
The Moon is considered feminine, cold, moist and quiet surroundings to recuperate. Being fussed over
nutritive. She rules daily habits, both good and bad, will only cause aggravation and a few sharp words.
is liable to fluctuations and moods, and is greatly to Healing strategies
blame for your chosen eating patterns along with Fire diet (see the table on p101)
any emotional links to disease. Cooling foods; decrease onions, garlic and spices
The Moon can create havoc with your health and Swimming, especially in the ocean
wellbeing on a physical and emotional level. Health Really resting, reading and journaling
Image Getty

is a balancing act; when you feel amazing and Bach flowers: impatiens, olive and larch
healthy, the universe can throw you a curve ball and Herbal teas: peppermint, nettle, green and
suddenly it feels the opposite. liquorice tea



Taurus Moon Healing strategies You may not be an easy patient when
You likely have a strong and sturdy Air diet (see the table on p101) unwell Leo can become prickly
constitution with great stamina and Mind- and nerve-building foods and may need to be left on your own to
endurance when under stress. You such as: seeds and nuts, olive oil recuperate. Finding gentle activities and
might lean towards a more compact and avocado exercise such as yoga or pilates can be
body shape, with easy muscle-building Protein foods that are not dairy, as great when trying to discharge any pent-
capacity. Since Taurus rules the five Gemini Moon can have a tendency up stress.
senses, including taste, youll need to for mucus congestion Healing strategies
monitor any tendency to overindulge Grounding and outdoor activity Fire diet (see the table on p101)
in food and drink. This leads to easier Sunshine and salt water Adequate water intake with
weight gain for you than for some other Bach flowers: cerato, clematis, electrolytes
Moon signs. mimulus Exercise involving relaxing
You may be seldom unwell as this Herbal teas: nettle, lemon balm, movement
is a strong Moon sign that can easily skullcap and echinacea Solitude and journaling your
overcome illnesses that put weaker emotions
signs in bed for weeks. The downside Cancer Moon Cooling activities such as swimming
to this strength is you may have an You are the nurturer extraordinaire of the Bach flowers: vervain, vine, oak
uncompromising or stubborn nature, zodiac but must remember to self-care Herbal teas: valerian, motherwort,
which can make it difficult to change as well. You may suffer from digestive chamomile
lifestyle and eating habits. Areas of upsets, emotional eating or worry, which
disturbance include bowels, throat and can exacerbate any digestive upset. Virgo Moon
thyroid. When unwell, you need positive You may have great imaginative skills Typical Virgo Moon health problems stem
people and music to lighten the burden but this can lead to worry and anxiety from an overtaxed nervous system, which
of feeling sick. over imagined health issues, even leads to digestive upset. You may be one
Healing strategies hypochondria if left too long. The chest of the hardest workers but, combine that
Earth diet (see the table on p101) region is liable to mucus congestion and, with perfectionist tendencies, and you
Lighter meals, salads, bitter foods if youre female, there can be period and can burn out and become exhausted.
and soups hormonal issues. Blood sugar issues can also occur if you
Routine and regular habits When things are not flowing well forgo eating to finish work. If any Moon
Exercise and movement (try emotionally for you, things also tend needs to keep regular hours and have a
something with music involved) not to flow well physically. Youll crave health routine, you do! Meals at regular
Temperance with food and alcohol nurturing and mothering from others intervals and a proper sleep routine will
Hot water with lemon slices or apple when unwell, with access to whatever go a long way to nourishing your health.
cider vinegar body of water is closest. Watch for food sensitivities as Virgo rules
Bach flowers: gentian, oak, walnut, Healing strategies the small intestine, which can lead to
crab apple Water diet (see the table on p101) issues of IBS and / or constipation.
Herbal teas: dandelion, chai and Nurturing foods like soups and stews Healing strategies
digestive teas, chamomile, elderberry Watch the emotional eating and find Earth diet (see the table on p101)
and lemon balm another outlet not involving food Food diary with symptoms to uncover
Ocean, bath or other forms of water food sensitivities
Gemini Moon immersion therapy Regular routine and sleep
You may love to study, learn and search Company and socialising with Hot water with lemon slices
for new information, which can lead nurturing friends Nature, grounding and walking in
to a nervous system that is overtaxed Bach flowers: clematis, walnut, the woods
or frazzled. You might experience honeysuckle Yoga and other gentle forms of
high energy and then feel absolutely Herbal teas: chamomile, peppermint, exercise
exhausted all within a few hours, any digestive tea, lemon verbena Bach flowers: centaury, vine,
especially if you dont take regular time crab apple
out to replenish your energy stores Leo Moon Herbal teas: fennel, dandelion, ginger
and nourish your nerves. You might be You may have a strong constitution or
so busy that you forget to eat or drink rarely get sick, and you can push through
on a regular basis; this can lead to stress that would knock others down.
dehydration and blood sugar issues. This is a great asset for getting things The Moon shows
Learning to check in with your body done but can lead to burnout or anxiety
rather than just relying on your and panic attacks. what you need to
brilliant mind will go a long way to Leo rules the heart and emotional
feed and nourish your
Photography Bigstock

supporting your overall health. When upsets can trigger feelings of panic
you're unwell you may crave a change
of environment, lots of fresh air to
and heart palpitations as well as blood
pressure issues. You may carry your
soul; it describes
support your lungs and light exercise in stress in your upper back (thoracic where you get your
natural surrounds to ground yourself and spine). Regular massages or other types
recharge your nerves. of physical treatments are ideal for you. soul food.

Exercise, sweating and water therapies

Nature, grounding and reflection time
or journaling
Bach flowers: chicory, holly, water
Herbal teas: valerian, dandelion,
liquorice or elderberry tea

Sagittarius Moon
With such a gregarious Moon, you can
over-extend yourself or run into issues
of exhaustion and burnout. Your love
of freedom, travel and adventure can
also lead to accidents and injuries.
Overindulging and not wanting to be
limited in any way can lead to excess
food and drink, which puts stress on the
liver and digestive system. Exercise is
compulsory for you to stay healthy just
dont do too much or go too fast as your
nerves and adrenals can suffer and will
need support.
Healing strategies
Fire diet (see the table opposite)
Rest and relax, try reading a book to
keep still
Gentle exercise such as yoga and
The little choices you make walking in nature
Moderation in food and drink
every day have the most Sleep, naps and slowing down
Socialising, music and dancing
impact on your overall Bach flowers: agrimony, wild oat,
health and longevity. Herbal teas: dandelion, nettle,

Libra Moon Scorpio Moon Capricorn Moon

With a Libra Moon, youre all about balance If you have a Scorpio Moon, you are The Capricorn Moon has rulership of
and helping the other. This can mean strong, resilient and deep! You can have the skin and skeleton as well as things
you dont spend enough time and energy amazing recuperative abilities, which is of form and structure. You may have a
on yourself. Libra Moon rules the urinary great as the water Moons are more prone colder constitution with little vital heat,
system and fluid and hormone balance. to illnesses due to their magnetic nature. or a tendency to melancholy and feeling
Metabolism can be slower and you must be Scorpio rules the reproductive system, down. The good news is you get stronger
careful to balance food indulgences with the bowels and detoxification processes. every year. Often, the Capricorn Moon
good movement and exercise. Holding on to emotional residue can lead child that had lots of colds and flu will
When unwell, you may crave company, to physical ailments. You may be prone to outgrow this to be a strong and healthy
music and a little movement to get your constipation as well as urinary issues. adult. You might hide away when unwell
body back into equilibrium. Remember to Getting your Scorpio Moon to sweat or feeling down. Your best therapy is
give back to yourself rather than always via sports, saunas or hot baths can be socialising and using music to move you
making sure everyone else is happy. a great therapy for both physical and through any down periods. The digestion
Healing strategies emotional congestion. When you're is not strong and you may need well-
Air diet (see the table opposite) unwell, no one needs more alone cooked foods and soups to bring warmth
Good hydration and eating an alkaline- time than you, so ask for silence and and nutrients.
style diet seclusion to support healing. Healing strategies
Seaweed, salads and bitter greens Healing strategies Earth diet (see the table opposite)
Walking, yoga as well as other forms Water diet (see the table opposite) Digestive bitters and eating an
of exercise Good hydration practices alkaline-style diet
Photography Getty

Music, laughter and fresh air Fresh fruits and vegetables with lots Laughter is your best medicine,
Bach flowers: scleranthus, agrimony, of natural fibre socialising and contact with friends
sweet chestnut Hot water with lemon juice or apple Exercise, walking in nature and
Herbal teas: nettle, liquorice, green tea cider vinegar or aloe vera juice the mountains
and lemon juice in hot water Nothing in excess, especially salty foods Regular sleep routine



Make health Adequate hydration as well as regular Grounding exercises and getting
meal times outdoors into nature
a daily ritual. Acupuncture and massage Adequate hydration and sleep schedule
Exercise and deep breathing Journaling as opposed to
or singing internalising your emotions and
Warming and well-cooked foods Socialising and dancing or yoga creating physical ailments
Temperance with alcohol and Journaling and creative endeavours Resting when tired so your sensitive
fermented foods Bach flowers: water violet, olive, constitution does not become depleted
Bach flowers: mimulus, gentian, clematis Taking time for self rather than
mustard and water violet Herbal teas: lemon balm, chamomile rescuing everyone else
Herbal teas: chamomile, passionflower, and skullcap Fresh air and sunshine
skullcap, yarrow, echinacea Water therapy, such as baths,
Pisces Moon swimming and going to the ocean or
Aquarius Moon You are a sensitive soul with an abundance a lake
You may be unique and ahead of your time. of creativity and intuition. This can lead Bach flowers: rock rose, walnut,
With such a busy brain and imagination, to a lack of boundaries and exhaustion gentian and clematis
your nervous system can get overtaxed. as you pick up on everyone elses energy. Herbal teas: echinacea, sage, yarrow
Aquarius rules the messages sent via Pisces rules both the immune and and rosehip
the nerves and you might experience lymphatic systems, and you may pick up
heart palpitations, anxiety or insomnia. every illness going around. You might Moon foods and diet
The heart and circulation can also be try to desensitise yourself with food and One of the easiest ways to support your
affected, as can the ankles and calves, drink, especially when emotions and Moon is to look to its elemental nature.
which are prone to cramps and sprains. other peoples energy get too much to These are not hard and fast rules and it
The ungrounded nature of this Moon handle. You might also struggle to notice is always best to listen to your intuition
means that you might forget to take care when you have eaten enough as your lack about food, including the signals your
of your physical body. If so, a daily routine of boundaries can come into play with body sends you after eating certain foods.
of exercise and meals can help nourish your digestive system. The Pisces Moon Try keeping a food, fluid, physical and
your physical form. When unwell, you indicates a colder constitution; lacking emotional diary for a week. It gives you an
require rest, a lack of mental stimulation vital heat, the circulation to your limbs, enormous amount of information about
and nature if you can be convinced to especially the feet, can lead to foot issues why you eat, how your body reacts to food
go outside. or a good shoe addiction. and what makes you feel energised or,
Healing strategies Healing strategies conversely, which foods make you feel
Air diet (see the table below) Water diet (see the table below) poor, bloated or cranky.

Fire Moon Earth Moon Air Moon Water Moon

(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
Foods to nourish the brain Foods for the liver, digestion Foods to nourish the nerves, Warm and well-cooked foods:
and circulation and alkalising the body such as fish, nuts and seeds, soups and stews
avocado and olive oil
Cooling foods, salads to bring Fresh fruits and vegetables Whole grains and root Fresh fruits and vegetables,
down your heat in a cooked form (soups, vegetables for grounding, root vegetables and small
stews, stir-fries) soups, stews and slow- amounts of dried fruits
cooker meals
Plenty of fluids, as you tend Dairy products create cold Small amount of animal food or Fermented foods and
to dehydrate and congestion fish for protein and grounding dairy can aggravate and
cause congestion
Iron-rich foods: red meats, Iodine- and calcium-rich foods: Dairy can create too Poor food choices when
green leafy vegetables seaweed, seeds and nuts, dark- much mucus stressed or emotional
green vegies
Walnuts, seeds and nuts, Fibre from whole grains, fruits Fresh vegetables in salads Watch alcohol intake
healthy oils: avocado, olive and vegetables and stir-fries and stimulants
and coconut
Slowing down and chewing Digestive bitters, apple cider Foods high in magnesium: dark Care with overeating
your food vinegar and bitter greens to leafy greens, seeds and nuts and drinking
enhance digestion
Herbal teas for circulation, Teas to support the liver and Teas to support the nervous Digestive, detoxification and
stress, anxiety and exhaustion digestion as well as lift the system and calm the mind immune-supportive teas
spirit and mood
Green and peppermint teas Warming fluids with ginger Hot water and ginger or Hot water with lemon slices
for cooling and brain health and spices lemon slices



Mining the depths

Jupiter travels through Scorpio this year and we reveal
what to expect, as well as your personal
Jupiter-in-Scorpio horoscope
Words / Shawn Nygaard

The storyteller

upiter is a visionary planet that offers you
a huge and expansive perspective. Jupiter Jupiters big-picture view and sense of meaning
helps you tap into the big picture and gives and purpose make this planet one terrific
you an intuitive sense that there is an order storyteller. Scorpio stories dont shy away from
to the universe, an order filled with meaning and lifes challenges; in fact, thats why we are drawn
purpose. Jupiter reminds you that life is no accident to them. The works of the well-known
that the people you meet, the places you go and storytellers below give us a glimpse of Jupiter-
the events you experience all mean something. in-Scorpio qualities.
Through Jupiter, opportunities open up the Stephen King is a shining example of someone
world around you and ordinary, mundane events with Jupiter in Scorpio. But if his is not a dark
are revealed to be blessings. When you find alley you care to go down, Danielle Steel also
yourself in just the right place at just the right offers plenty of Jupiter in Scorpio in her novels. A
time, meeting just the right person, you might keen observer of human nature, Steel the most
feel lucky or fortunate. You have Jupiter to popular writer on the planet fills her romances
thank in those moments. Through Jupiter, life with characters in crisis. Steels characters find
becomes an adventure. In 2018, Jupiter travels themselves stronger and wiser for having gone
through Scorpio until November 8, when it through their trials and tribulations, a common
enters Sagittarius. theme with Jupiter in Scorpio. The bestselling
nature of these two writers shows that something
Depth and intensity: Scorpio in the human soul craves the deeper experiences
Scorpio is famous for its intensity and instinctive, of life.
emotional depths. There is a mystery and an The master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, was
intrigue about Scorpio. born with Jupiter in Scorpio as was Jules Verne.
Looking for small talk? Dont turn to a Among Vernes famous fictional extraordinary
Scorpio. Scorpio is not afraid of lifes emotional voyages is Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.
complexities or complicated questions of life and This tale is full of Jupiter in Scorpio themes as it
death. Scorpio brings a psychological perspective describes a submarine dive beneath the surface,
and describes that intimate, hidden layer of life into the mysterious depths of the ocean.
you may only want to reveal to a trusted friend, American screenwriter and producer Shonda
lover, partner or therapist. Rhimes is an award-winning tour de force in
When Jupiter enters Scorpio, everything about television, with her creations Greys Anatomy
this sign becomes exaggerated, like a detectives and Scandal. These shows depict the lives and
eye enlarged by the magnifying lens through which dramas of complicated people in increasingly
it looks. Focus can become fascination, even complicated circumstances.
obsession. Intimacy gets real. The surface is never Mary Oliver, Pulitzer prize-winning poet, is
enough. Its time for a depth charge! famous for her poems about nature and life. From
Photography Getty

Though you might have to dig deeper than reflective and profound observations during her
usual to find Jupiters fortunes, or feel your daily walks through nature, her poems reveal
way instinctively through the dark, Scorpios the intimate connection between human nature
psychological terrain provides some of the richest and nature itself. She never shies away from
territory to mine. darkness. In fact, Olivers poetry reveals the



Jupiter in Scorpio
and your sign
Jupiter in Scorpio asks that you go deep,
turn over some mossy stones, open the
basement door, look down into the well
and do some digging around. This cycle
might bring some drama but, remember,
Jupiter is the planet of good fortune. Your
birth chart indicates the most specific
manifestations of Jupiter in Scorpio for
you, but here are a few tips for your Sun
sign to get you started.

On the surface: Shared resources,
inheritance, money, tax, debt, financial
obligations, investigations, research, loss.
Underneath: Jupiter in Scorpio,
planet of expansion and good fortune,
highlights money especially financial
arrangements with others. Whether its a
In Scorpio, Jupiters love of expansion and loan, investments or a surge of business,
your financial activities take on new life and
growthturns inward, helping relationships move debts repaid can bring new freedom.
Jupiter also highlights inheritances, and
toward greater intimacy and trust. its not just about cash. Underneath the
dollars and cents is psychic inheritance.
beauty and wisdom to be found in exploring foreshadowing whats to come (Ive You might recognise gifts passed down
underneath the surface. Her connection been to paradise, but Ive never been to from your parents or grandparents: a keen
to the world and her passion for life are me). The three central characters intuition or a perceptive eye; a dazzling
vibrant and deep. One of her most famous Tick, Adam and Bernadette are ready singing voice or a unique interest; a
lines asks, Tell me, what is it you plan to for change. Having lived much of their quizzical nature, a passion for dance or
do / With your one wild and precious life? lives on the surface of things, Tick and simply a way with words. These are as
It is a question to consider quite seriously Bernadette are jaded, weary and empty. much an inheritance as money.
while Jupiter moves through Scorpio. Deeper desires remain unquenched. An
Movie director Steven Spielberg, whose opportunity for the trio to venture from TAURUS
ability to bring stories to life on the screen their home in Sydney to Alice Springs On the surface: Relationships, marriage,
can frighten us (Jaws), inspire us (E.T. the arrives and they head out into dark, significant others, negotiated contracts.
Extra Terrestrial), thrill us (Raiders of the unknown territory. Underneath: While there are many
Lost Ark) or profoundly move us (The Color Along the way, they encounter small- kinds of relationships, your focus is the
Purple, Schindlers List), also has Jupiter town hostility and homophobia, which significant others in your life. Regardless
in Scorpio. brings them closer. In the middle of of your relationship status, the notion
Each of these storytellers expresses an nowhere, the bus breaks down. Left to of significant other comes into focus.
exciting piece of the mysterious Jupiter- their own devices, they meet a group of Perhaps you are your most significant
in-Scorpio puzzle, taking you to a place Aborigines, for whom they perform I Will other these days.
you may not venture on your own. Like the Survive in full drag. Finally, a new friend The word significant means having
characters in these stories, you may be all helps them get back on the road. As they a special or secret meaning and, in
the wiser for having gone there. make their way to Alice Springs, more relationships, refers to a person of great
secrets are revealed. influence. This is often the marriage
Intimacy and trust In the end, Tick, Adam and Bernadette partner, but not always. If youre not
In Scorpio, Jupiters love of expansion and are renewed and refreshed. They find getting to know a partner in deeper and
growth turns inward, helping relationships revitalised vigour for life by tapping into more meaningful ways, its always good
move toward greater intimacy and trust. previously untapped inner reserves. to remember the classic and truly
We see this in an unexpected movie: At their most helpless, pushed past significant words of RuPaul: If you dont
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the their limits, they find inner resources love yourself, how in the hell you gonna
Desert, which was released with Jupiter in and tenacity that wouldnt have been love somebody else?
Scorpio in 1994. In it, two drag queens and discovered had they not set out for Alice
Photography Getty

a transgender woman attempt to cross Springs in the first place. In the middle of GEMINI
the Australian outback in a rickety old bus the desert, away from their regular life, On the surface: Health, job, routines,
christened Priscilla. the trio find in themselves and each other habits, the daily round, spiritual practice.
The movie begins with a tired drag that which will never fall away. Underneath: While your health and your
performance of Ive Never Been to Me, That is Jupiter in Scorpio. job may seem unrelated, its astonishing



On the road of life, part of Fates kindness is SCORPIO

On the surface: Ego, personality,
that you meet people who are not just good self, body.
Underneath: You start a new 12-year
companions, but true soul friends who can help growth and self-discovery cycle. Think
back 12 years ago to when Jupiter was
you fulfil your deepest hopes and wishes. last in Scorpio, and you may find echoes
of themes from then in your life now.
Jupiter in Scorpio highlights an
how intimately they are linked, and this foundations of your life have been laid for important question about identity: Who
year that intimate connection becomes generations. This is a year to explore your am I? The fun is in the self-exploration.
particularly important. How does your roots and become familiar with all possible Is there a part of yourself you keep secret,
job make you feel? Do your daily activities meanings of family. hold back or are hesitant to explore?
energise you or do they leave you empty? Jupiters passage this year can reveal the
Jupiter in Scorpio highlights meaning. VIRGO Wonder Woman behind each Diana, or the
How meaningful does your job feel? Does On the surface: Siblings, communication, Superman behind each Clark Kent. Belief
it fill a function more than just the basics? neighbourhood. in yourself can do wonders!
If not, your body and your health may be Underneath: Your style of communication
sending specific messages to you. Your is highlighted by Jupiter in Scorpio. SAGITTARIUS
body is like a teacher this year. As you Beneath all of the words, however, is On the surface: Sanctuaries,
move through your day, notice its language: something more important: your voice. monasteries, hospitals, solitude.
comfort, discomfort, exhaustion or The ancient name for the 3rd House, Underneath: As I write, I am listening to
collapsing into bed at the end of the day where Jupiter in Scorpio is for you, is The Everly Brothers song All I Have to Do
feeling fulfilled. goddess. It describes a profound and is Dream, a tune that became popular
If your body was telling you a story, what divine feminine aspect of yourself a during not one, but two transits of Jupiter
would that story be? How meaningful is piece of your soul which is known for its through Scorpio. It suits you this year as
that story? When Jupiter travels through ability to connect. your focus turns away from distraction.
your 6th House, the smallest changes can The Third House is not just about You may withdraw from everyday events
make the biggest differences. communication its also about or feel less productive.
communion and community. Getting Dream, step back, reflect on the last
CANCER to know your neighbourhood (and your 12 years of your life and envision what
On the surface: Children, play, neighbours) is one thing, but the shift from comes next. Make time for time out.
romance, love, sex, creativity, pleasure, neighbourhood to community is something Hospitals are part of the 12th House
entertainment. different. Talking to your neighbours can themes activated by Jupiter in Scorpio
Underneath: Jupiter moving through the be the important first step in developing for you, but its less about getting sick
house of love is undeniably exciting. He community and, to whatever degree you and more about hospitals as places of
brings a cheerful exuberance, even in do that or not, its something to consider rest and healing, which are highlighted
Scorpio. This is a house of creation but also as Jupiter in Scorpio passionately and themes for you in 2018. Jupiter in Scorpio
procreation. Highlighted topics are sex, enthusiastically asks to hear your voice. invites you into your inner sanctum. All
parties or a night on the town. All of these you have to do is dream the results
activities bring great pleasure, yet theres LIBRA may surprise you.
also a profound side to what happens. On the surface: Money, income,
The house of love is the house of the material possessions. CAPRICORN
heart, and its the house of taking risks and Underneath: Money becomes your On the surface: Friends, allies, groups,
taking chances. You take a chance when focus, at least on the surface. Questions social networks, hopes and wishes.
you reveal your heart. Its risky business. such as, How much money do you Underneath: Theres something special
With Jupiter in Scorpio, remember this make? or How much money do you about Jupiter moving through your 11th
classic phrase: Fortune favours the have? can be rephrased to reveal the House as it does for you in 2018. This is
brave. Listen to your deepest passions and depth of what you are really talking about, the place where Jupiter is happiest. Its
take a chance by wearing your heart on which is often money as a metaphor: the house of friends and allies, but its
your sleeve. What is your worth? also the house of hopes and wishes. As
Whats important is to consider your the song goes, When you wish upon a
LEO worth in terms of how much you value star, your dreams come true. Theres
On the surface: House and home, family, yourself. Where do you invest yourself? another important piece if you listen to
foundation, roots, early home life. What are your values? How highly do you the lyrics more closely: Fate is kind.
Underneath: The comforts of home life and esteem yourself? She brings to those who love, the sweet
Photography Bigstock

family are highlighted by Jupiter in Scorpio The 2nd House, where Jupiter in fulfilment of their secret longing.
for you, making this the year to work Scorpio is for you, is about material Jupiter in Scorpio also highlights the
through any issues with family members. possessions, but the word material friendship between kindred spirits, what
Underneath the family you love, or the means substance as in substantial or the Irish call anam cara: soul friends.
family you dont see much, are your roots, important. This year, consider what is truly On the road of life, part of Fates kindness
which run through to your ancestors. The important to you. is that you meet people who are not just


good companions, but true soul friends activates for you in 2018, as its the PISCES
who can help you fulfil your deepest highest point in your astrology chart. Up On the surface: Religion, spirituality,
hopes and wishes. that high, everything is underneath. Yet higher learning, intellectual quests, long-
Your soul friends are people you didnt thats the secret: its not just the literal distance travel.
ask to meet, yet who enrich your life even high point thats highlighted, but rather Underneath: Life becomes an adventure
more than you could have hoped. Who are the part of you that strives ever higher, as Jupiter moves through Scorpio and your
these people in your life? Honour them the part that is called. Its not just your 9th House. Travel may be on the agenda,
this year. career that Jupiter in Scorpio activates, especially to faraway destinations, but
but your calling, your vocation. whats really highlighted is the inner travel
AQUARIUS The word vocation has its roots in the you experience when reading a favourite
On the surface: Career, profession, social word voice. Theres a voice deep inside book or when you feel connected with the
status, accomplishments, reputation, you that aspires for more than just social meaning of life itself.
honours, your boss. status or worldly accomplishments. Its a Spirituality or religion may also
Underneath: Its odd to speak of voice from your soul. How satisfied is your play a prominent role. However, more
underneath when speaking of the soul? Do you feel called? This is the year to significantly, key aspects of life begin to
10th House, the area Jupiter in Scorpio explore the answers to those questions. feel particularly sacred.



Faith, fortune,
friends and favour
The 11th House may be easily overlooked by modern
astrologers, but its long been esteemed as a house of good
fortune. We discover why
Words / Mari Garcia

the bigger prize: the summit or pinnacle. Manilius

contrasts this with the MC or Midheaven which, as the
pinnacle itself, has nowhere to go but down.
There are 12 houses in the circle that is your
astrology chart, each a 30-degree segment that
represents an area of life where energy is focused.
The favourable nature of the 11th House comes from
a number of factors, including its relationship to the
Ascendant and the various planets linked to it in the
Thema Mundi.

The Sun, houses

and the Ascendant
The ancient Egyptians placed great store on the
eastern horizon. This is where the Sun god rose and
defined the day with light, warmth and growth. In
astrology, this notion has been preserved in the most
important point in a chart, the Ascendant: the point
from which all other houses are defined.
The graphic pictured to the left shows the

odern astrology has reduced the 11th House relationships that the houses make to the Ascendant.
to a mediocre sector, doing a disservice You may notice that the 2nd, 6th, 8th and 12th Houses
to what has historically been considered are considered weak. This is because they make no
one of the most favourable houses. Well relationship to the Ascendant. Ancient astrologers
unpack the origins, meaning and expressions of the considered these houses blind to the Ascendant; they
11th House in this article, and restore its place in cannot see it and therefore have little or no power.
astrological practice. The 11th House, a good house, has additional
Marcus Manilius,author of the earliest available strength compared to the 5th House and the 3rd House
treatise on astrology, writes of the 11th House in the as it is above the horizon and therefore considered
1st century AD, The temple beneath the summit beneficial. It is as strong as the 9th House but,
of bright heaven, and ... of braver hope, surges ever unlike the 9th, it is not cadent (the last house of each
higher, being ambitious for the prize and triumphant quadrant of the zodiac). The 11th House rises towards
over earlier temples. the 10th while the 9th falls away from it. The 11th
Image Getty

In these lines, Manilius succinctly captures the House is also a house of strength because it is gaining
essence of the 11th House. He describes a place that in light and power as it frees itself from the shadow of
forever looks up, with hope and aspiration, towards the 12th.



how optimistic you are in terms of realising The nature of the 11th House, including
goals, and whether you feel protected, the planets in it or its rulers, can indicate the
encouraged or supported. faithfulness or falsity of your friends. It can
The 11th House is known as the House also indicate how you benefit from the good
of the Bonus or Good Daemon or Spirit who word put in by them.
helps you in your endeavours as you strive to
realise your hopes and wishes. The daemon Favour
was protective and encouraging and provided Favour is a notion that can also be expressed
material, social and emotional support. This as approval, approbation, commendation,
can gift you with an inherent belief in life, esteem, goodwill, benevolence and
with qualities like optimism or confidence. friendliness. Just as friends and benefactors
When you believe life is full of potential, you are essential, favour is bestowed by those
can dream and plan. With no belief in life, you with influence, authority or position and
might feel downtrodden and passed over. this can assist you in the realisation of a hope
The 11th House can see the pinnacle, the or dream.
MC, it is striving towards. Thus, this house Your ability to gain favour not only helps
is about hopes and ideals. The ruler of and you attain your ideals, it contributes to your
Thema Mundi: planets in the 11th House will describe the sense of wellbeing, too. Along with friends,
horoscope of the world nature of this belief in life and the ease with you can also develop networks and connect
The Thema Mundi is the mythical horoscope which you might pursue your hopes. with others who share your interests. Your
for the birth of the world and was used as networks can help you promote ideas and
a teaching tool or mnemonic in Hellenistic Fortune ideals, gain recognition and encouragement,
astrology. It provides the rationale for sign Originally, Jupiters association with the and may even lead to prosperity of a material
rulership, exaltations, aspects and certain 11th House also signified the attainment or psychological nature.
significations of the signs. (For more on the
Thema Mundi, see horoscopicastrologyblog. The 11th House can Your planet of fortune
com/2007/06/11/the-thema-mundi) The planet ruling your lucky house is the
This chart, above, has Cancer rising with describe the hopes vehicle through which you can find faith,
the Moon in Cancer and the Sun in Leo. The fortune, friends and favour. This is the planet
rest of the visible planets are arranged in you have, the fortune that rules the sign on your 11th House. The
zodiacal order based on their relative speed house placement of this planet will describe
and distance from the Sun.
you dream of and your where in life you can look to realise the
The Thema Mundi has Taurus as the 11th potential for growth support promised by your 11th House. The
sign from the first, giving it the rulership nature of this planet and its condition or place
of Venus and the exaltation of the Moon. and expansion. in your chart describes the way in which this
Venus and the Moon are both benefic support may come into your life or even if
planets associated with growth, fortunate and preservation of prosperity and health it will at all.
connections, material gain and fertility. as a result of good judgement and wise For example, if the ruler of the 11th
The 11th House can describe the hopes choices. The notion of fortune has to do with House is in the 10th House, which shows
you have, the fortune you dream of and optimism and the ability to see the positive your career, public image, your boss, your
your potential for growth and expansion. in life, to benefit from endeavours and to professional reputation and status, you can
Additionally, Jupiter has its joy in the 11th realise your dreams. expect to gain favour from a boss or those in
House. As the greater benefic and a planet Fortune may also come in the form of authority, or realise your dreams through a
associated with the daytime (diurnal), Jupiter luck: being in the right place at the right career or public life. If the ruling planet was
was given a place above the horizon which time. This may play out as having someone Mars, then the topics and symbols of Mars,
made a benefic aspect to the first sign (the notice your work, for example, or simply like the military, or activities which involve
one on the Ascendant) and was not cadent. being able to make the most of beneficial the use of cutting objects such as knives, like
Over time, the association of the 11th circumstances. Difficult planets in the 11th surgery or stone work, would become part
House with Jupiter has contributed other House or the ruler of the 11th in difficult of your career and reputation. These Mars
meanings now associated with the 11th conditions can indicate a lack of fortune, or the topics would also be connected to how you
House, including good fortune, optimism, difficulty in realising your hopes and dreams. access luck, favour and fortune.
ambition and hope. It also describes Understanding not only the nature of
counsellors, friends, supporters, benefactors Friends the 11th House, but also the nature of its
and patrons. Distilling these meanings into Friendship, as indicated by the 11th House, planetary ruler, is essential. It is the ruler
four basic strands, the 11th House represents describes people who stand by you, like of the 11th House that carries your hopes
faith, fortune, friends and favour. supporters, patrons and benefactors; people and dreams.
who help you directly or indirectly; and those
Faith whose counsel, advice and assistance is of Planets in the 11th House
The 11th House describes your faith in life in benefit to you. In modern terms, this has Just as the ruler of the 11th House is
general. This is different from religious faith been extended to include acquaintances, important, so are planets that sit within it;
or belief, which are the province of the 9th groups and those who share your political or they colour your experiences in this area
House. Instead, the focus is on areas such as social ambitions, ideals or goals. of life.


00 00' THE 11TH HOUSE
00' 00
Planets in the 11th House describe the 00

factors that influence and flavour your hopes 13 04
and wishes, fortune, friends and favours. The 29
32' 24' 23
nature of the planets will be influential, as 00' 38' S 00

will the houses ruled by these planets. These 21 10 9
00 00'
topics indicate what other natal themes are 12'
11 8
realised through the lens of the 11th House.
Germaine Greer
In The Judgments of Nativities, medieval Germaine Greer
Natal Chart
Natal Chart 13
Arabian astrologer Ab Ali al-Khayyt writes 12 29 Jan
Sunday 29th1939, Sun 1939
January 7 15'
00 23 51' 6:00 am AEST -10:00
6.00am AEST -10.00 00
of the planets in the 11th House. This list

37S49' 144E58'
12' 00
shows that the benefic planets, including 00' 00'
37S49 144E58
Jupiter, Venus, Sun and Moon, bring benefit 08 15' 1
Whole Signs

and other good things, while difficult planets 13 True Node

Whole Signs
True NodeA
Rating: A
like Mars and Saturn describe limitations, 2 5
want and scarcity. The modern planets, 00 00'
06 3 4
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, must be
S 46' 00
considered difficult planets as their long 00' 51'
24' 31'32'
orbits demarcate large slices of time and
their influence is often disruptive, draining 041013
and destructive. 00' 00
00 00'
Understanding the 11th House
When you put all of this information together
and apply it to a chart, consider the following: wealth and resources (2nd House topics). The Politics of Human Fertility; The Change:
Is the person fortunate? Additionally, Venus in the 11th square Women, Ageing and the Menopause; The Whole
Where in their life do they find fortune Neptune suggests that fortune can come Woman;andShakespeares Wife. Although
or favour? from an ideal of the feminine. Greer made Greer has gained a reputation for being a
Who are their friends or benefactors? her fortune by challenging the feminine fierce and skilful orator and writer, she has
Can they benefit from them? ideals portrayed by society. suffered disappointment and disillusionment
Do they believe that they can benefit She finds fortune and favour not in her ongoing quest for womens liberation
from life? only through Jupiter, which represents from social and cultural bonds.
As an example, lets examine the chart scholarship and academia, but also through Greers friends and benefactors are
(pictured above right) of Germaine Greer, women as represented by Venus. Venus rules described by Jupiter in rulership, and
one of the major voices of thesecond-wave Greers 9th and 4th Houses, suggesting that Jupiters trine to the MC and sextile to an
feminist movementin the latter half of the beliefs (9th House) and her own experiences exalted Moon in Taurus. She benefits from
20th century and author of the polemic and with family (4th House) underscore the nature those who have power and influence and who
scholarly work The Female Eunuch. of the fortune and favour she gains. pave the way to success. Jupiters aspect to
Greer has Sagittarius on the cusp Venus also aspects Neptune, indicating the exalted Moon adds to its influence.
of the 11th House. The ruling planet of a sense of idealism and illusion in Greers By placement, Jupiter is a diurnal planet
Sagittarius, Jupiter is in Pisces in the 2nd work. This includes commentaries on in a nocturnal chart, so it sits outside its
House. Jupiter is in rulership, showing she literature, art, feminism and the environment, comfort zone; however, it is in the hemisphere
is fortunate and that fortune benefits her including The Obstacle Race;Sex and Destiny: of the Sun and its additional dignities make
it influential. Venus in the 11th House sextile
Neptune hints that Greer may also suffer at
Planets in the 11th House according to Abu Ali the hands of her friends as a consequence of
Saturn Dread and friends pain, the impediment of things hoped for. disappointment or disillusionment.
Riches, praise, dignity because of friends, the vanquishing of Overall, Greers faith in life is described
Jupiter enemies, usefulness from things hoped for, good faithfulness, by Sagittarius on the cusp of the 11th House
and faith. In a nocturnal birth: fortune, strength and praise. and the placement of Jupiter, the 11th House
ruling planet, in rulership in Pisces. You
A scarcity of progress (or a lack of successful profit advancement),
Mars could say that she is optimistic and positive.
the enmity of friends, loss of substance, withdrawal of trust.
That Jupiter can also see Sagittarius (a
Joy and the help of rich friends and slaves, the fortune of parents, planet can see the sign it rules by making
a respectable and famous name in foreign regions, fortune in works, a Ptolemaic aspect) makes her faith in life
thanks and the goodwill of men, and the latter time of life more lucky fairly strong.
in honours than in the former.
Fortune from friends and companions, good faithfulness and faith, Finding favour
many resources at the end of life. The 11th House provides the astrologer with
Mercury Many friends, companions, joy among the wise, courtesy (or generosity). a window into the Good Daemon who looks
after fortune and favour in your life. It is an
Moon Joy from friends and the fulfilment of every hope and expectation.
important house whose influential planets
Source: Ab Ali al-Khayyts The Judgment of Nativities, translated in Persian Nativities Vol I can alleviate difficulties in other areas, and is
by editor Dr Benjamin Dykes well worth esteeming.



The astrology
of your 30s and 40s
Do you want to make your midlife magical? Open yourself
to the planetary cycles and possibilities available now
Words / Jo Tracey

he Saturn Return, a significant cycle in your late Under the first contact, you might feel as though things
20s, is a time when youre urged to grow up and are happening that are out of your control, or that someone
getreal. The carefree attitude of your 20s is no else is to blame. The second time the transit occurs will be
longer, and its time to accept the responsibilities when the transit planet either Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
ofadulthood. This might mean you look for a career that or Pluto is retrograde and moving backwards. By now,
will help you achieve your ambitions, commit to a long-term you may have had the chance to integrate the energy.
relationship and build your own family or set longer-term You may have made changes and begun the process of
goals. If you have previously been unwilling to own the restructuring. If there has been loss, you may have begun to
consequences of your behaviour, the Saturn Return is a accept it or have started the grieving process for whatever
wakeup call. it is that youve separated from. By the time the third
As you cross into your 30s, you heed Saturns call and transit or pass of the planet occurs, life as it used to be has
build the structures and foundations required. Over the changed and a new path may have begun to blossom.
next six or seven years, as you get on with the business of Midlife is not just about finding the first few grey
adulthood, not so healthy habits might set in. Your jeans fit hairs and inevitable lines of experience on your face. Its
a little tighter and it seems you need to work harder now about growth and change. Its also about leaving behind
to keep your waist trim. Other areas of life might feel tight, old habits that prevent you from moving forward. Its
too, like the restrictions of a career you no longer love or a about reassessing your beliefs, your dreams and your
relationship that has gone stale. individuality, and building a new set of structures to take
You might feel youre heading in a direction that no you through the next phase of your life.
longer feels right. You might feel powerless in the face of
change. At the same time, the patterns of behaviour that Transformation: Pluto square
helped you through the first half of your 30s may prevent Pluto, 3743
you from finding your true purpose, whatever that is. You The transits of midlife begin when transiting Pluto forms
may sense theres more to life but not only can you not see a square to natal Pluto. Depending on Plutos orbit, youll
what it is you dont know what youre looking for. experience this transit sometime between the ages of 37
and 43.
Midlife transits Pluto represents deeply held beliefs, transformation
Welcome to the transits of midlife. This is a set of four and death or separation. Squares bring friction. Its this
major transits that occur from your mid-to-late 30s through pressure that pushes you to change and grow, as if the
to your early 40s. These include: Pluto square triggers a type of tipping point. The Pluto
Transiting Pluto square natal Pluto: the Pluto square square can bring death symbolic or otherwise of
Transiting Neptune square natal Neptune: the Neptune something that needs to change. It can bring the death of
square your youth, your innocence, your naivety and your fears.
Transiting Uranus opposition natal Uranus: the Uranus If theres something you refuse to acknowledge, like a
opposition fear or truth you dont want to face or a career, relationship
Transiting Saturn opposite natal Saturn: the second or situation that has stagnated, the Pluto square may bring
Photography Getty

Saturn opposition aset of circumstances that force you to confront anything

Because of the speed at which Pluto, Neptune and you have previously avoided.
Uranus move, each of these transits will be exact usually Pluto also brings karmic lessons. If youve been
three times during a one- to two-year period, just to make misusing power, or pursuing power for the sake of
sure you get the point. manipulating others, you may face the consequences of



your actions. Conflicts around power and Resist the urge to blame someone or things you thought you knew for certain.
control may arise. something else for what is happening Achievements that had previously brought
During the Pluto square, it can feel like right now. Own it, and fix it. you pride might now feel meaningless.
youre experiencing loss after loss. Doors Remember that, in order for something Boundaries blur and your sense of self,
need to close in order for growth to occur to be born or grow, space needs to be what you control and why you exist could also
and new chapters to begin. This is the cycle created, which means something else be lost. Indeed, you could lose yourself in
of death and rebirth. needs to go. If youve lost something another. Material or physical possessions
The end goal of the Pluto square is to (or someone) during this transit, mourn that had once seemed so valuable could be
empower you to face your fears and live your and then let it go. shown to have no value, or disappear.
truth. You may have to surrender that which Consider where you may have given away During the Neptune square you face
has protected you so far, which can leave your power, or misused it, in the past. choices with reduced clarity. Not only is your
you feeling powerless. You might need to let Decide where you really need to maintain vision impaired, you may also find it hard
go and allow the breakdown to encourage a control and where can you release it. to see your options, or the consequences
breakthrough. When setting goals for the next phase associated with each option, clearly.
Letting go causes pain but, when this of your life, ensure they align with your Just when you think you have an idea
transit is in play, so does holding on. Pluto core beliefs. about what is going on and what you need
will remove all that needs to be removed in to do, it slips through your fingers. People
order for your life to have meaning. Letting go: Neptune square may become unreliable. Someone at work
As painful as Pluto squares can be, in Neptune, 4043 or in your personal life, who had previously
making you confront your deepest fears, Neptune square Neptune can challenge assisted you, might become dysfunctional or
in forcing you to deal with the loss of or make you question your dreams and dishonest. It might seem as though lies are
something (or someone) important that spirituality. Neptunes aim is for you to everywhere; its under these influences that
youre not ready to let go of, your inner become the highest version of yourself. As you might make decisions you later regret.
strength comes to the surface. Its this with the Pluto cycle, something must die or Another characteristic of the Neptune
strength that Pluto wants you to harness be lost. In the case of Neptune, what must square is a propensity to indulge in escapist
to support your rebirth and transformation. gois an old dream so that something new behaviour, to avoid or alter your view of
and more attuned to your lifes purpose can reality through indulgence in substances,
Dealing with the Pluto square take its place. destructive relationships or manipulation of
Change at this level can be hard, but the best The Neptune square transit occurs the truth (ie lying), without consideration or
ways to deal with the Pluto square are to: between the ages of 40 and 43. It can bring acceptance of the long-term consequences
Intentionally, honestly and deeply explore with it the dissolution of ego, in order for you of that behaviour.
the issues of the part of life that Pluto to move towards a higher spiritual plane.
is transiting for you. Ask yourself what Neptune brings confusion and an altered Navigating the Neptune square
unhealthy patterns need to be let go of sense (or obscuring) of reality. Concepts How do you navigate your Neptune square?
what needs to die and ensure that the of worth and worthlessness can become Try adopting these pointers:
answers you give come from your soul. important. Youre no longer so sure about This is not the best time to make life-
changing decisions. Just because one
path comes into view when the rest
of your options are partially or wholly
Midlife triggers in 2018 obscured, it doesnt necessarily follow
Pluto Uranus that its the road you should be choosing.
In 2018, Pluto travels between 18 and In 2018, Uranus travels between 24 Understand that it might be difficult to
21 Capricorn. This means that anyone Aries and 2 Taurus. This means that concentrate or keep your mind from
with Pluto falling at 1821 Libra will anyone with Uranus falling between wandering. Frustration and anger as you
experience Pluto square Pluto in 2018. 2429 Libra and 02 Scorpio will attempt to retain (or regain) control will
This includes anyone born in (or around) experience Uranus opposite Uranus in only exacerbate the situation and could
the following periods: 2018. This includes anyone born in (or potentially force you into a course of
November 1978 to April 1979 around) the following periods: action youll later regret.
September 1979 to October 1980 October 1973 to May 1974 Avoid temporary fixes that may later
May 1981 to August 1981 August 1974 to October 1975 be responsible for addictions or any
Neptune Saturn unhealthy habits.
In 2018, Neptune travels between 11 and In 2018, Saturn travels between 1 Avoid any substance that dulls or numbs
16 Pisces. This means that anyone with and 11 Capricorn. This means that your feelings.
Neptune falling at 1116 Sagittarius will anyone with Saturn at 111 Cancer will Dont try to force your new dreams to
experience Neptune square Neptune in experience Saturn opposite Saturn in become clear; instead, keep an open mind
2018. This includes anyone born in (or 2018. This includes anyone born in (or and allow them to drift into view when
Photography Bigstock

around) the following periods: around) the following periods: theyre ready. Your sensitivity is heightened
January 1975 to May 1975 August 1973 to December 1973 during this period and inspiration can drift
November 1975 to January 1978 May 1974 to July 1974 into view only when you pause and allow
June 1978 to November 1978 it to do so. Meditation will help create
the pause, while journaling assists with
capturing the results.



The end goal of the Pluto

square is to empower you
to face your fears and live
your truth.



message is the same: something needs to to (or soon after) the Uranus opposition.
The Uranus opposition change in order for you to live life more fully. While Uranus is about looking towards the
can make you feel The more resistant you are to change, or the future and exploring what is possible, Saturn
more entrenched you are with living someone represents reality and limitations.
more alive, awake and elses idea of your life, the more challenging Chaos created during the earlier midlife
you could find this transit. transits is crystallised during the Saturn
impulsive than you opposition. If youve made changes, learned
Working through
have in years. the Uranus opposition
your lessons and cleared the clutter that was
holding you back from your true purpose,
The crises that accompany the Uranus its during this period that you begin to build
Dont attempt to swim against the tide. opposition can be upsetting, and the impulse new structures to replace those that have
Instead, trust that the current will help to rebel and throw it all away overwhelming. been lost or destroyed. On the other hand, if
you navigate your way to where your spirit Before you make any irreversible life change, youve acted recklessly or made inappropriate
needs to be. consider the following: decisions in the past, you may now deal with
Your restlessness could indicate that you the consequences.
Expect the unexpected: need to vary your routine. Try a new hobby, Oppositions also represent culmination
Uranus opposition, early 40s accept invitations you might normally so, if a job, a relationship or some other
The Uranus opposition is the quintessential reject or study something youre deeply unsatisfactory situation has been limping
midlife transit. Occurring in your early 40s, interested in. If youve been working too along, its during this transit that you
it can help you awaken from a deep sleep. hard and have forgotten to play, some could bring an end to it. If, however, youve
You might feel as though a fire has been lit variety might be enough to provide the navigated your way through the challenges
inside you. change you crave. presented to you, this period could bring
The Uranus opposition can make you feel Consider the nature of the disruptive fulfilment and recommitment, especially
more alive, awake and impulsive than you events and where your anxiety lies. Has in relationships.
have in years. Questions such as, Is this all it all been in relation to your work, your
there is? are common. relationship or some other part of life? Building through
Uranus represents individuation; the quest This will be your clue as to where real the Saturn opposition
to be more authentically you, to follow a path change needs to happen. Saturns aim is to build strong and resilient
or a career that is yours and to relate in a Is there something or someone holding structures. To assist this process:
way that preserves your personal freedom. It you back? Do you feel trapped by a Resist the urge to blame others for your
can be about leaving behind those things and particular situation? Before you act, situation. Whatever is happening now is
(sometimes) people or relationships that are ensure youre not blaming someone else a result of past choices and your actions
no longer working for you. when the root cause of the confinement is or inaction.
Sudden and unexpected change the your own perceptions or fears. Rather than pushing aside or burying your
sort of change that jolts you from your Think about what would make you happy. fears, work with them and through them.
existing routine into something new is Write it down. Can you identify small Focus your energy on the part of life that
common with the Uranus opposition. changes that you can make now that will Saturn is transiting and be prepared for
Whether you react to the stirrings of make a difference? the sustained effort that will be required.
restlessness within, or to external events, Are you expressing yourself fully or have Ensure the goals you set now are
decisions can be made that seem out of you made compromises youre no longer practical, realistic and aligned to the
character but totally authentic. This can comfortable with? Perhaps youve shelved lessons youve learnt over the past six
lead to a fresh start and the beginning of your creative side or given away too much (or so) years.
a more meaningful career, relationship or of yourself in order to keep someone else
way of life. While this sounds exciting, new happy. Can you make the adjustments Making the most of midlife
beginnings usually require an ending or required within your existing structures? There is no denying that this can be a
a crisis in order to instigate the change. Think back to the dreams you had when difficult time. Any period of sustained
You might discover the lucky break youve you were younger. Are they still what you change is. The transits of midlife will
been waiting for or deal with the sort of yearn for or are you disrupting your life change you in ways you might not have
opportunity that draws you down a path that and relationships for a set of goals that imagined or thought possible. To make
makes those around you uncomfortable. are no longer relevant? themost of these transits:
A marriage may end or a promising career Are you holding on to the conditioning of Accept that there will be challenges
might crumble. After years spent building the past? This may hinder you moving into during this period but that, with these
success in a field that doesnt make your your future. challenges, come opportunities for
heart sing, you might decide to go back to Understand that, as you make changes to personal growth.
school and study that subject youve always your life or your path, its inevitable that Approach the transits with an intention
been called to. You might splurge on that others will feel uncomfortable with this. tolearn from them.
Photography Bigstock

sports car youve always seen yourself driving Understand that each of these transits
the one that has no room for children in Transitions and manifestation: will bring with them a cycle of blame,
the back seat and reminds you of the youth the second Saturn restructuring and consolidation.
you feel youve lost. opposition, early 40s Learn the nature of the planets involved
Events and the outcomes differ from The second Saturn opposition occurs in the and the part of life being impacted in your
person to person, but the underlying early 40s, and is active at a similar time chart so you can take action accordingly.





Connecting to
the universal flow
Did you know that your chakras, those spinning wheels
of energy that influence your wellbeing, are also connected
to corresponding signs and planets?
Words / Hedy Damari

hakra, in Sanskrit, literally means wheel. necessary steps towards becoming grounded through
According to Ayurvedic medicine, the chakras routines and boundaries can help ensure your root
are seven main energy centres, all located chakra is working well.
along the spine to the top or crown of the The muladhara chakra encompasses the first three
head. Each chakra corresponds to and affects the major vertebrae, the bladder and the colon. When this chakra
nerve centres and organs of the body. is open, you feel safe and fearless. The root chakra is the
Your chakras influence your physical, emotional, most primal and is related to the fight or flight reflex;
psychological and spiritual wellbeing. Because energy is when the energy of this chakra is obstructed, anxiety or
in a constant state of flux, it is important to keep these an excess of nervous energy can result. Counteract this
energy centres balanced, aligned and open. If your chakras by becoming grounded through using the earths forces:
become blocked, energy is prevented from flowing properly walk on soft grass, do some breathwork or connect with
throughout the body. This can cause a variety of problems crystals. Prioritise, write lists and, like the Capricorn goat,
on a physical and metaphysical level. just be. Separate yourself from toxic connections and
Did you know, though, that there is a link between environments that cause you to feel worried or pessimistic.
chakras and astrology? Each spinning wheel of energy is You can further optimise and strengthen the wellbeing
connected to a corresponding sign and planet. Yes, chakras of your first chakra through establishing a healthy routine
display the characteristics of their ruling planet (although by eating, sleeping, working and exercising at regular
there are varying opinions as to which planet rules which times, eating clean and drinking plenty of fresh water.
chakra). In this way, you can think of these dynamic Remember, theres a difference between stability
spheres as being the equivalent in the human body as and predictability. You dont want life to be mundane
planets are in the universal system. or boring something Aquarians utterly loathe so
As we explore how astrology and the chakras work make sure to include lots of variety within your own
together, youll see how matching the planets to their framework or guidelines.
chakras can benefit your health.
Second chakra:
First chakra: Pluto, Aries and Scorpio
Saturn, Capricorn and Aquarius The svadhisthana or sacral chakra is located just above the
The muladhara or root chakra is located at the base of the pubic bone and below the navel in the lumbar vertebrae
spine, near the coccyx. It represents your foundation and is region. It is responsible for creative expression and sexuality.
associated with stability, security and meeting basic needs. This chakras element is water and its corresponding planet
It also represents the structures and routines you put in is Pluto, the planet associated with sexuality, power and
place in your everyday life in order to survive and thrive. transformation. Pluto rules Scorpio, the sign famed for its
This chakras element is earth and it is ruled by resilience and sexual charisma, and co-rules Aries, the
Saturn, the planet which rules Capricorn, and is the assertive go-getters of the zodiac.
Photography Getty

co-ruler of Aquarius. This is not surprising since Saturn The second chakra is responsible for desire and
is known as the planet of structure and discipline pleasure. The most fundamental expression of this chakra
an example of how astrology and the chakras are is reproduction. This chakra also represents your need to
intertwined and can complement each other beautifully. create and express yourself on an artistic level and in a way
Gaining a better understanding of Saturn and taking the that is unique to you. Pluto, master of transformation,



encourages you to evolve and to chakra so that you are proactive The way you experience pain in turn affects
activate your creativity and desire. rather than reactive or passive. the heart chakra. If you put up an emotional
The svadhisthana rules the The manipura chakra rules the wall as a self-defence mechanism, your heart
sex organs, reproductive systems digestive system, liver and gall chakra can become blocked. This can flow
and kidneys. When this chakra bladder. When this energy centre through physically and have a detrimental
is unobstructed and flowing, you is successfully doing its job, youre effect on the associated body parts. On an
feel sexy, inspired and vital. When connected to your gut and instinctively emotional level, your ability to empathise
something isnt as it should be, know when and how to approach and experience joy wanes. Creativity can also
you can feel apathetic, uninspired situations. Think of common become stifled.
and ineffectual. Physically, this expressions such as, It was just a If you become anxious or stingy,
can manifest as problems with gut feeling or I felt it in the pit of my especially around money, it may be linked to
the kidneys and reproductive stomach. Your third chakra can let a feeling of unworthiness. The best way to
organs, or recurring issues such you know when things are and arent get the heart chakra flowing again is through
as UTIs. on track, as an unbalanced third random acts of kindness and, trite as it
As you become more connected chakra can result in problems with the sounds, letting love in by being more open
to Pluto in your chart, or when it is organs it rules, such as issues with and affectionate. You can activate anahata
affecting you via transits, you can the digestive tract. energy by becoming involved in artistic
combine its cosmic influence with The Sun and the manipura are pursuits and by nurturing or pampering
the energy of your svadhisthana both aligned with your identity. Even yourself. Remember, hugs are healing!
chakra to enhance your sexuality. though other planetary placements
This can be the perfect tonic for a like your Moon and rising sign can Fifth chakra:
flagging sex drive or a pick-me- override the influence of your Sun Mercury, Gemini and Virgo
up if your relationship could use sign, its still important to develop The vishuddha chakra is the throat chakra,
some spice. Your creativity may your sense of self. located in the throat. It influences your style
also improve. The more you embrace and of self-expression and the way you learn. This
The best way to strengthen your connect with your Sun sign, the easier chakras corresponding planet is Mercury,
second chakra is through artistic it will be to maintain a healthy third which is associated with communication and
mental faculties. It rules Gemini and Virgo,
The more you embrace and connect both of which are among the most intelligent
of the zodiac. Driven by an instinctive
with your Sun sign, the easier it will be curiosity, Gemini is forever accumulating
information, engaging in conversation and
to maintain a healthy third chakra. articulately relating witty, interesting stories.
Analytical Virgos are great problem-solvers
pursuits and hobbies. Whether its sculpting, chakra. Self-acceptance and self-love, like with an innate eye for detail.
painting, singing, acting, photography or owning your identity, is essential to help you The driving force of the fifth chakra is to
something else, if it makes you feel inspired transform from feeling lethargic to inspired, express yourself in an authentic manner and
and lights a fire in your belly, it can help to meet challenges and move forward. speak your truth. People with an effectively
activate this chakra. Feeling energetic and operating visudda tend to be persuasive,
full of life will have a scorching effect on Fourth chakra: engaging and great storytellers. Theyre able
your sex and love life. Venus, Taurus and Libra to empathise by making people feel heard
The anahata or heart chakra is the fourth and also tend to be optimistic.
Third chakra: chakra. Its located at the centre of the heart The vishuddha also governs the ears,
the Sun and Leo and governs expressions of love. It is the shoulder and neck. When this chakra is
The manipura or solar plexus chakra occupies middle chakra and connects the first three at its best you can convey your ideas and
the area from the navel to the breastbone chakras, considered to be more physical, feelings effectively and clearly. Youll be
and is the source of personal power. It is with the last three, which are associated able to manage tricky situations without
responsible for your willpower, confidence, with spirituality. It provides unity and balance getting overwhelmed and can clearly think
warmth and personality. Its corresponding between body, mind and soul. of solutions. Absorbing new information is a
planet or luminary is the Sun, which rules Venus, the planet of love, beauty and pleasure, not a chore.
Leo, a sign known for its regal presence, values, governs the heart chakra as well as When this chakra is blocked, you may get
charisma and generosity. Impulses, reactions the signs Taurus and Libra. Taurus is known weighed down with a negative mindset. You
and instincts stem from this chakra, which for its sensuality, loyalty and love of earthly might be mentally cluttered or notice that you
is instrumental in guiding hunches in the pleasures. Libra is the sign of partnerships, bite your tongue for fear of sounding foolish
pursuit of power and fulfilment. harmony, balance and beauty. The fourth or causing offence. You may be less likely to
The main challenge for the third chakra is chakra is about how your material needs stand up for your beliefs. Physically, ear, nose
discovering a way to use your personal power are met and your attitude towards money, as and throat problems can become an issue.
Photography Getty

in a balanced manner for example, finding well as how you behave in your relationships, A simple ritual that helps create a
the balance between being confident but not including your ability to give and receive love. healthier throat chakra is the use of daily
arrogant, or expressing enthusiasm without As well as the heart, the anahata rules affirmations. Connecting with your higher self
being bossy. You can do this by consciously the lungs, circulatory system and hands. It is through meditation and trusting your instincts
harnessing the energy of the solar plexus your source of love, compassion and altruism. increases self-worth, which in turn will help


you refine your communication skills and
replace brain fog with clarity and conviction.

Sixth chakra:
the Moon, Neptune,
Cancer and Pisces
The ajna chakra is located between the brows
and is commonly referred to as the third
eye. Some schools of thought say this chakra
Crown chakra
is ruled by the Moon, others think its ruled by
Neptune. There is, however, no dispute that it
relates to intuition, feelings and imagination. eye
The Moon, which governs emotional
expression and nourishment, rules Cancer,
a sign that is innately nurturing and
sensitive. Neptune, the planet associated
Throat chakra
with mysticism, music and poetry, rules (Vishuddha)
Pisces, the ethereal, perceptive old souls
of the zodiac. Both signs are widely known
for being gentle, insightful and possessing
Heart chakra
a heightened awareness of human nature. (Anahata)
These signs also have a way of connecting
on a profound level, as they instinctually Solar plexus
feel peoples moods, thoughts and feelings.
Therefore, the sixth chakra influences chakra
inspiration, spirituality and connection with (Manipura)
the higher realm. Sacral chakra
The sixth chakra also rules the eyes and
the pituitary gland. When this chakra is
open and flowing, you see clearly, carefully
listen to your gut and are rarely led astray Root chakra
by your instincts. When you have a high-
functioning ajna, youll easily connect to the
higher realms and have trust, not only in your
abilities and intuition, but in circumstances
beyond your control. You might ooze
originality or have an artistic talent, and will
be sensitive, inspiring and creative.
When this chakra becomes blocked,
you are more likely to second-guess your
decisions and ignore your intuition. You may some say it is ruled by Uranus, both of the part of the brain that plays a key role
lack imagination and feel uninspired. The which co-rule Sagittarius, the visionary in memory, perception, awareness and
best way to nurture your third eye is to pay and scholar of the zodiac. thought. When it is blocked, there can
attention to your dreams (even jot them Jupiter is all about expansion and be a sense of confusion or a feeling of
down) and look for the meaning behind broadening your horizons yes, all the way being overwhelmed. Spiritual growth can
coincidences its the Universe trying to out, beyond the ethers! Sagittarians have be severely stunted when you are self-
relay a message. Meditation and regular an innate thirst for knowledge and are often absorbed or so attached to your
moments of peaceful solitude where you get philosophical, exploring religious beliefs and ego and opinions that you find it hard to
to connect with your higher self also make cultures in a quest to uncover the truth. listen to others.
for a healthy ajna, as does allowing your The desire to experience a profound The seventh chakra is a transmitter
imagination to soar and releasing your inner sense of knowing, serenity and a as well as a receiver, taking the energy it
poet, painter, writer or musician. fundamental unity with nature and all needs from the universe and giving back to
it contains is the impetus behind this the collective. It is the last point between
Seventh chakra: chakra. Its not easy to obtain a healthy the finite contained in your physical being
Jupiter, Uranus and Sagittarius functioning sahasrara. It is usually the and the infinite.
The sahasrara or crown chakra is the effort of one or many lifetimes and With a healthy functioning crown
seventh chakra, located at the top of the requires the other six chakras to be chakra, itll be easier to know your life
head. The first root chakra grounds you to harmoniously aligned. This deep sense purpose. You can enhance the vibrational
the earth while this last chakra goes that sof meaning, peace and oneness is energy of the sahasrara through selfless
one step further from the sixth chakra, something many people strive to achieve. acts that benefit others and developing
connecting you with the universe and The sahasrara rules the central true, deep self-love and acceptance
divine source. It is ruled by Jupiter, but nervous system and cerebral cortex without the interference of ego.


Society and the Minnesota Jung Association. He is
a graduate of the CMED Institute, where he studied
Meet our writers archetypes with Caroline Myss. shawnbsb@gmail.
com, imagineastrology.com
ROZANNA B OF locational astrology, book online or by email.
ASTROSPARKLES [email protected], frankclifford.co.uk DAMIAN ROCKS
Rozanna became interested in Damian Rocks is a professional
HEDY DAMARI astrologer, teacher and writer.
astrology from an early age and her
Hedy Damari is an astrologer, Practising full time for more than
curiosity finally got the better of her
writer and author. She is the 10 years, he has built an extensive
in 2005 when she started official
current astrologer for the clientele from around the world.
study. The rest is history. After dabbling in email
magazines TV Week and Yours Rocks holds an MA from Bath Spa University in
newsletters and client sessions, her true passion
and digital stargazer for carousel. England (Cultural Astrology and Astronomy), an
was ignited via the launch of her Facebook page,
com. She was also the editor and features writer Advanced Diploma in Ayurveda and an FAA Diploma
AstroSparkles, at the end of 2009. It is now home
of Your Destiny magazine, star columnist for Good of Astrology, for which he was awarded the FAA
to more than 20,000 supporters and Rozannas
Health and online astrologer for Harpers Bazaar. Gold Medal for Excellence in 2012. Rocks teaches
alterego, Ms Sparkles, who offers her sparklers
Damari is a contributor for New Idea, Womans Day an online Diploma of Astrology (Dip Predictive and
her love of writing, information sharing and having
and Harpers Bazaar. She has written two books: Therapeutic Astrology) in association with The
a good chat not to mention the cosmos. Pretty
Absolute Astro and Absolute Love Astro. Damaris London School of Astrology, lectures extensively
apt for a 3rd House Gemini Sun! facebook.com/
monthly stars and astro musings appear on her and has been published worldwide. In 2016, he
AstroSparkles, twitter.com/Astro_Sparkles
website. absoluteastro.com launched The Ultimo in Sydney, the worlds first
LYNN BELL astrology hotel.
Lynn Bell is a master consulting
Dean French is one of Australias KELLY SURTEES
astrologer, writer, speaker and
leading masters of feng shui Kelly Surtees is a consulting
teacher. In 2016 she received
and Chinese astrology. Based in astrologer, teacher, writer and
the Charles Harvey award for
Newcastle, NSW, he offers an editor who works with clients and
exceptional service to astrology.
international, high-quality feng students around the world. With
Her original and in-depth work combines
shui service that gets results. French is also a more than 15 years in private
psychological and spiritual perspectives, mythic,
licensed real estate agent who has used feng practice, Surtees is experienced, warm and
mundane and archetypal approaches. A long-
shui to help clients sell AU$19 million in property insightful. Contact her through her website to book
time tutor for the Centre for Psychological
over the past three years. +61 413 976 293, a consultation, organise mentoring and to find out
Astrology in London, Bell has been a sought-after
redphoenixconsultants.com.au about online classes. kellysastrology.com
speaker at many major international astrology
conferences: UAC, ISAR, the World Congress MARI GARCIA KIRA SUTHERLAND
in Switzerland, the Federation of Australian Mari Garcia is a consulting Kira Sutherland is a highly qualified
Astrologers (FAA) in Australia, Norwac and many astrologer who has been involved Australian naturopath, nutritionist,
European conferences. She has written books with astrology since 1990. She herbalist and astrologer. She
on generational patterns in astrology: Planetary has lectured widely in Australia, divides her time between clients,
Threads and Solar Returns: Cycles of Light. Bell the US and online and has written writing and lecturing on health,
teaches online for the Mercury Internet School articles published online and in print. She is wellbeing and medical astrology. Known for her
of Psychological Astrology (MISPA) and Astrology co-author of the book, Scala Coeli: A Collection vibrant, straightforward teaching style, Sutherland
University. Her lectures are available online. of Astrological Essays and several other has lectured in medical astrology within Australia,
lynnbellastrology.com publications. Garcia is also co-principal of the North America and Europe. In private practice
WADE CAVES Astro Mundi school of astrology. mgarcia550.wix. for more than 20 years, she combines her
Wade Caves, based in San com/mari-garcia, astromundi.com knowledge in natural medicine with her passion
Francisco, is an astrological for medical astrology into a wonderful mix of
consultant, speaker and mind-body medicine. [email protected],
Andrea L Gehrz is an astrological
educator specialising in classical astrologyofhealth.com
consultant, teacher and scholar
astrological techniques. Caves based in Portland in the US. ED TAMPLIN
was certified with honours from the Mayo School Between seeing clients and Ed Tamplin is a full-time
of Astrology and received his certification as a teaching at the Portland School of professional astrologer, teacher,
horary practitioner from Deborah Houldings Astrology, Gehrz runs Moira Press, a publishing writer and consultant. He is a
School of Traditional Astrology, where he now company for high-level astrology textbooks, ancient past vice-president of SARS
serves as a faculty member. Caves focus is on and modern. When not doing astrology, Gehrz and AANSW. For a decade, he
understanding the historical and philosophical can be found racing around town with her triple co-hosted Australias top-rating Saturday night
origins of astrological symbolism, and finding Sagittarian daughter, playing music as Moira radio program, doing two hours of live reads and
reliable ways to put this information to practical 14, and occult dollhousing. Gehrz is currently astro-commentary, and rating 23 per cent of the
use in a consultation setting. He is the editor and accepting timely apprentices and students of Sydney audience. Tamplin writes regularly for the
annotator of the 300th-anniversary edition astrology. Her specialties are physical-medical, Federation of Australian Astrologers magazine, the
of William Lillys History of His Life & Times. astro-branding, mega-manifestation, remedies and FAA Journal, and is a featured lecturer. Get in touch
FRANK CLIFFORD source texts. moirapress.com, portlandastrology.org with him for personal readings. edtamplin.com
Frank Clifford is a London-based SHAWN NYGAARD JO TRACEY
astrologer and palmist who has Shawn Nygaard is an archetypal Based in Queenslands Sunshine
written a dozen books on both astrologer from Minneapolis in the Coast, Jo Tracey is an astrologer,
subjects, including Getting to the US, where he does readings and project manager and author of
Heart of Your Chart and Palmistry teaches classes and webinars. contemporary womens fiction
4 Today. He runs The London School of Astrology, He begins as a tutor at MISPA in in no particular order. You can
which launches its online courses in astrology autumn 2017. Nygaard has spoken at the 2015 follow her do-it-yourself style of astrology at
in late 2017. In 2012, Cliffords peers presented conference of the Astrological Association and at jotracey.com.au, find her novels at joannetracey.
him with a lifetime achievement award for his the 2017 NCGR conference, and has presented com, and keep up with her travels at andanyways.
contribution to astrology. For consultations (in at the London School of Astrology, Nightlight com, her blog on the rambles of a hungry writer.
person or on Skype) in natal, forecasting and Astrology, MISPA, San Francisco Astrological



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Kel l y Su rtees, Ast rologer

Kelly Surtees is a consulting astrologer, teacher, writer and
editor who works with clients and students around the world.
With more than 12 years experience in private practice, Kelly
is experienced, warm and insightful. She loves exploring
astrologys history as well as escaping into the ocean. Her
passion for astrology is infectious and she can be found
lecturing at conferences throughout the US, Canada and
Australia. Kelly holds the FAA Practitioners Diploma and
divides her time between Australia and Canada.

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