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The magazine discusses Astrology Day celebrations, planetary nodes, different astrological systems, and upcoming OPA events and conferences.

The magazine mentions the OPA retreat in April 2020 and various talks and events hosted by OPA between March 2019-February 2020.

The magazine covers topics like planetary nodes, different astrological systems/approaches, astrology diversity, transits, consulting skills and more.

The Career OPA’s Quarterly Magazine



Astrology’s Diversity

01 2019
MARCH EQUINOX The Organization for

Professional Astrology
V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 1
The Career
01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 Welcome!

Happy Astrology Day,

Happy New Astrology Year!
Astrology Day The OPA board met mid January to discuss the
Celebrating Diversity next steps for the organization. We are both excited

Planetary Nodes and vigilant about navigating the next phase through the Saturn/Pluto
landscape, finding the best ways to enhance OPA’s programs and the devel-
President’s Report P.2 opment of Astrology.
4 Systems, 1 Char t P.20 We take the time this edition to celebrate Astrology Day to honor our craft,
our passion, and express gratitude for everything that astrology gives us
Planetar y Nodes P.32
and humanity. Astrology Day is also an opportunity to keep our enthusi-
Mainstream v. Alternative P.38
asm strong as we confront misunderstanding, prejudice, and ignorance,
Communicating Astrologer P.42
keeping our flame strong.
Goal Setting P.48
Astrology Antidotes P.50 We were delighted to have an insightful and productive OPA LIVE session
Transits of the Season P.54 on March 17, demonstrating how radically different systems approach the
analysis of the same chart. A Vedic, an Evolutionary, a Sacred Astronomy,
Editors: Maurice Fernandez,
Donna Young and a Traditional Astrologer came to very pertinent and accurate conclu-
Proofing: Nancy Beale, sions through very different routes. Their approach is outlined in this issue.
Jeremy Kanyo, Donna Young
Design: Sara Fisk
Cover Art: Clint Bolduc, see bio p. 58 We will also explore the practices of Esoteric and Karmic Astrology, all
© 2019 OPA All rights reserved. No part of this publication
around showcasing the Rainbow Nation of Astrology!
may be reproduced without the written consent of OPA,
unless by the authors of the articles themselves.

DISCLAIMER: While OPA provides a platform for articles to

Planetary Nodes—As Pluto and Saturn transits are trotting over their own
appear in this publication, the content and ideas are not
necessarily eflecting OPA’s points of view. Each author is
South Node, between 19-22 Capricorn, we take this opportunity to further
responsible for the content of their articles.
explore the meanings of Planetary Nodes. They may not be as popular as

the Moon’s Nodes (yet), but many astrologers have found them to be of
prime relevance in chart analysis. Look for Maurice Fernandez’s and Anne
Ortelee’s articles on the topic.
The Organization for
Professional Astrology Maurice Fernandez
President, OPA


OPA 2019-2020
The list of events for the coming 13 months under OPA skies!
(For ongoing online Free presentations, visit the OPA website)

May 18 – OPA EastBay California Event. Kay Taylor, August 27-30 – PEER GROUP in Baltimore, ahead of the
Linea Van Horn, and Bear Ryver present three talks for NCGR Astrology Conference. 3 Peer Groups are available.
the local community. 12 participants max. Special hotel room rates.
This program is part of OPA Certification process
July – ONLINE Fundamentals in Astrology Sessions,
12 sessions covering the stepping stones to read Sept 3-5 – Athens Greece, PEER GROUP following the
and better navigate chart analysis. Astrology Conference symposium. This program is part
of OPA Certification process
with Kay Taylor and Alexandra Karacostas. An amazing Sept 10-12 – Edmonton, Canada, Integrative Consulting
residential retreat in the beautiful red rocks. Maximum Skills with Kay Taylor and Donna Young. FOLLOWED BY
12 participants. This program is part of OPA Certifica- Sept 16-18 – Edmonton, Canada, Peer Group with Donna
tion process Young. These programs are part of OPA Certification process

April 2020 – OPA RETREAT

We are ecstatic to have confirmed the location for the
Part 1 – April 16-19: including 12 track retreat.
Part 2 – April 20-22: Peer Group + OPA Consulting Skills
+ Astronomy for Astrologers
More details will follow!
Mark your calendar for the event of the year!


V27 -04MARCH
DECEMBER 2019 2018
page 3
A Glimpse
By comparing it to the natal chart, we get The Node chart contains the same aspect
a picture of which lessons and experiences figures as the birth chart but its ascendant
from the past might still affect us in this life- is set by the North Node in the birth chart.

of Karmic
time. The chart is calculated using the Koch The Nodal chart provides a mirror of the birth
house system, and as seen in the example chart. The planets positions show the areas
below, the signs of the charts are moving in of life where the soul has experiences from

the opposite direction compared to the Radix previous lifetimes. The houses they occupy
chart. (Chart example below.) also tell about the qualities the soul brings

as Practiced
in Europe
by Anne Sundell

n the 11th century
the Muslims came to
Europe, and with them
a book that would become
very important for astrology.
When translated into Spanish,
this book is called “El libro conplido en los
iudizios de las estrellas” and was written by
one of King Alfonso’s men. This was the com-
plete book of the mysteries of the stars, and
it is probably one element to the old Spanish
tradition of astrology that is still practiced
today. There are endless stories that could
be written about the interesting history
of astrology in Europe, but this article will
concentrate on highlighting some different
methods used in karmic astrology today. For
further reading on the history behind this,
please check references below.

The Nodes Chart

One of the important sources was the late
Bruno Huber (1930-1999), a Swiss astrol-
oger and founder of the Huber School of
astrology, which serves as an important
Psychological branch of astrology in Europe.
He developed a method where several charts
were used as reflectors or mirrors of the
actual birth chart, aiming to get a deeper
understanding of the personality. The Huber
system aims to get to the root cause of a
problem and the unconscious behaviours
involved. Today there is still an active Huber
School in Barcelona, and several of Huber´s
books recently re-published.
One of the charts especially refers to the
karmic past. This is calculated based on the
Moon’s Nodes, and is called the Nodal or
the karmic chart. In this chart, a person´s
behaviour that might stem from earlier incar-
nations is present and compared with the
birth chart. The Nodal chart shows ties in the
area of the subconscious and gives informa-
tion about the depths of the soul´s journey. Huber Nodes Chart in comparison to Natal Chart

page 4 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

into this lifetime. Often these vary quite a
they developed a method where the prenatal period. I have noticed that clients express
bit from the placements in the birth chart. New Moon and the following New Moons an especially stark feeling of change at the
Huber´s methods are quite different from create a system of the individual karmic end period of the Family New Moon cycle.
the mundane astrological, and in the past journey throughout life. This system consists Because these are significant periods, a
few years there has been a rise in the inter- of four phases that are individually calculat- change will be taking place over a series of
est of them even though many also criticize ed, highlighting different developmental months or years. It´s therefore not possible to
his methods. phases and important turning points. These determine an exact date for the cycle break,
phases are referred to as the New Moon even if you might get an exact calculated
The Moon Cycles cycles and each one is 29 years of length. date for the cycle break.
Germany has a long history of astrologi- (Chart example below.) The last two charts of the Weiss and
cal interest, and a strong branch of karmic Based on the birth time, the prenatal Bachmann system are associated with the
astrology. Astrologer Claude Weiss studied Moon is determined and this chart is called person’s own development. During the
New Moons in his book series Karmische the Karmic New Moon chart. The chart is said Individual New Moon cycle, it is finally pos-
Horoskopanalyse I and II, and especially the to give information about the energies the sible for the soul to live it´s own desires
connection between the prenatal New Moon soul brings into this life from before birth. and goals, despite other people’s opinions.
and karma. Together with Verena Bachmann, The timeline this chart is operating in the Responsibility for the family is decreased
person’s life provides information about and the time is available for fulfilment. This
how long the karmic issues will remain period then continues until the last shift
strongly influential. The next chart is called to the final chart called the Transcendental
At the change of Family New Moon and describes the time a New Moon. This chart tells about the last
chart cycles a person is predisposed to the duties either closing phase, and is set without an end
in the childhood family or in their own fam- date as it continues to the end of life. I have
person is usually ily surroundings. This is a time when family seen that this chart might have similarities
experiencing a state centred life is still influencing the individual with the Karmic New Moon, acting as a
strongly. Usually, but not always, this chart closing phase for the cycle.
of turmoil or an dominates until middle age, when the next
overlapping period turning point begins. Special Karmas
At the change of chart cycles a person is In France, Astrologer Irene Andrieu has
that might be
usually experiencing a state of turmoil or an studied and developed the Karmic astro-
experienced as a overlapping period that might be experi- logical views in an interesting manner.
turning point in life. enced as a turning point in life. Often people During a lifetime of work, she has come up
remember these times very clearly and can with the subject of Special Karmic aspects
tell about what happened during the shift referred to as a person having a specific
karmic mission. According to Andrieu, a
special karma means that the soul has
made an agreement to complete certain
areas or lessons, maybe highlighting some
karmic issues during this lifetime. Her views
are based on the free will of the soul to
choose or to neglect certain karmic issues.
These karmas include challenges that will
highlight certain themes in the birth chart.
There are several different methods for
determining these special karmas, which
are rarely found in a chart. The special
karmas need to be calculated by hand.
Andrieu also stresses the importance of
acknowledging the Moon’s Nodes and
their rulers, together with the elements
they are placed in. She views the house
of the Nodes as more important than the
sign placement because of its individuality
in the Placidus house system. The house
is seen as the area of life where the native
should express the karmic energy passed
towards the North Node. The elements are
interpreted as a form of wholeness, leading
to a synthesis of the Nodes. Andrieu further
connects these Nodal placements to the
Example Chart of Karmic New
Moon cycle for person born Hinduism caste systems and their spiritual
22.1.1979 at 21.05 Vaasa Finland meanings.

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 5

SUNDELL Voids and Karma It´s maybe not a surprise that Hitler had
The missing parts in the chart have also a lack of water in his chart or Bill Gates a
This other system expresses the impor- been a subject for karmic astrology studies, lack of earth. Hitler didn´t cope well with
tance of the Nodes ruling planets and the and an astrologer who has contributed the feeling nature, whereas Gates certainly
aspects they might form with each other. to this field is English astrologer Janis did with the wealth of earth. This might
By looking at the Nodal rulers, you might Huntley. Huntley´s view on unaspected speak for some people being able to han-
find that they are making certain aspects planets is interesting as she thinks they dle a void when others cannot.
to each other. This might also give infor- are karmic gifts, lessons already learned in
mation about a person´s special karmic one or previous lives. According to her, it Karma and Relationships
issues. To give an example, your Neptune is possible to fall back into the traps of the
might be the ruler of the North Node in planet, misusing its power or losing control There are many forms of karma and rea-
Pisces in the chart, and Mercury might be in the areas concerned. If a person man- sons for incarnating presented. We often
the ruler of the South Node in Virgo. Upon ages to use the energies wisely, a planet idealize soul relationships as something
further investigation, you notice that they without aspects might be a blessing and a unproblematic and divine, and might for-
are making a conjunction to one another. strength, representing an old wise soul that get that when karmas are concerned there
This aspect between the Nodal rulers will has something to share with the surround- is likely also some work to be done.
then be a sign of a special karmic issue ing world. These unintegrated planets are English Astrologer Judy Hall has studied
that is to be solved in this lifetime. Andrieu also quite rare. In a study by Huntley of 400 the different forms of karmic relationships
provides in her work detailed information birth charts only 13 had an unaspected and suggests that in relationship karmas
about these different kinds of karmas con- Sun, and 7 an unaspected Moon. To deter- there might be quite a few issues around
nected by different aspects in the chart. mine if a planet is unaspected, it cannot dependence, duty, love and hate, guilt,
(Chart example below.) make more than one aspect within an orb specific tasks, attitudes or revenge. Hall
of 3 degrees. describes the different karmic connections
It is commonly said to be the case that in detail in her book Karmic Connections.
when elements are missing, they might She places interest in understanding why a
be overcompensated for in the chart. specific soul chooses a specific chart, as she
between the Huntley doesn´t fully buy this theory. She believes every chart is fitted for every soul.
Nodal rulers will thinks that people might be unaware of This might also be something to look out
the missing element and that would make for when we fall head over heels for some-
then be a sign of it very hard or even impossible for them one. A karmic relationship is defined as a
a special karmic to express that quality in any way. If this fast and immediate attraction that might
is due to a karmic issue, examining the not fit the social standards. Or an instant
issue that is to attraction that can´t be ignored. A certain
sign of the north Node might give fur-
be solved in this ther information. If it´s placed in the same lesson to be learned?
lifetime. missing element, there may be a deeper Starting in Spain and working through
karmic issue. different European countries, karmic
astrology is seen to have been developed
into some specialized systems and niches
in different schools. Rather than working
against each other they might comple-
ment each other.
In my own work using several systems,
I´ve noticed that clients seeking advice
from karmic astrology many times have
some karmic issues or special karmas found
in their charts, as if they already knew that
karmic astrology could somehow provide
a deeper answer to their questions. And
maybe that is possible. It´s still quite rare to
see special karmas in charts, and every time
it’s thrilling to examine a new case!


• J Claude Weiss: Karmiche Horoscopanalyse I

and II
• Huber School in Barcelona: History Timeline of
Astrology Rosa Sole-Gubianes
• Bruno & Louise Huber: Moon Node Astrology
• Judy Hall: Karmic Connections-The birthchart,
Chart containing special karma. Nodal rulers making aspects to the nodes. karma and astrology

page 6 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

• Irene Andrieu: Lecture Karmique 1
• Maija Urmas: Finnish Karmic Astrologer Notes
• Janis Huntley Astrological Voids- Exploring the Anne Sundell holds a Masters Degree in
missing components in the birth chart Developmental Psychology and a Diploma from
• Astro Logos Finnish Astrological Newspaper Vol. the Mercury Internet School of Psychological
• Joyce Hopewell: Astrological Psychology Astrology (MISPA). She is also a published
author and lecturer, and currently serves as the
History of Karmic Astrology Europe: Finnish Satellite for OPA. Her fields of interest are Psychological and Karmic Astrology
bailey R

Join Us
in the San
OPA EastBay California
Join us on this special occasion–Exciting, Inspiring, Festive!
MAY 18, 2019 (1pm to 4:30pm)

KAY TAYLOR: Sex Love Crazy—The Practical Edition

Chart themes show us why we seek certain types of people: Unavailable?
Cut and run? Unfaithful? Or why one person waits for “the one” and others
prefer freedom, polyamory or simply to be alone. We need to know personal
relationship wiring first—then we can look at simple chart compatibility
techniques. To know our true nature, to understand our beloveds, and then to
evolve to express our strengths is the gift of relationship astrology.

LINEA VAN HORN: Those Pesky Outer Planets—Putting Them in Perspective

The discovery of Uranus in 1750 turned astrology on its head. Neptune’s emer-
gence coincided with the first use of anesthesia. We found Pluto at the same time
nuclear energy was harnessed. Clearly these planets are “transpersonal” (beyond
the personal), yet have somehow overtaken the field of personal astrology, result-
ing in the loss of long-held principles. Can invisible planets “rule” signs? Are they
“higher” vibrations of “lower” planets? How do you know when they are important
in a person’s chart? Learn all this and more about those pesky outer planets!

BEAR RYVER: Making the Moon Work for You

Learn how to use the transits of the Moon for planning personal and
professional projects and activist campaigns. Make the Moon work for you
in a grounded way by aligning your goals with your personal monthly and
annual timing cycles. In this lively and practical lecture, you’ll learn how to
plan and carry out all of your projects when they’re best supported by the
astro-weather -- like using a good tailwind to fly faster.

By May 1st - $25 OPA members & $35 non-members

After May 1st - $35 OPA Members & $45 non-members
Discount to Join or Renew OPA membership at event!

OPAastrolo Contact Kay Taylor by May 1
kaytaylorwisdom@gmail /

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 7

focus of resonating energies used by the ultimate transformation through a deep,
planets to express themselves. We translate cathartic release, translated via the stillness
these energies into feelings, behaviors and of the 7th harmonic vibration.

Astrology life experiences.

Let’s look at Meghan, Duchess of Sussex
(August 4, 1981 @ 4:40am, Canoga Park, CA),
How could all this possibly relate
to Meghan? She practices yoga and
Vedic meditation! That’s right folks, these
Revealing the to see what VA can tell us about how she ancient disciplines are a huge part of her life
translates her planetary energies into real life and she has spoken extensively about how
Hidden Dimensions experience. Prior to marrying British Prince important these practices are to her.
Harry in 2018 she was a high profile figure “Yoga is my thing. My mom (Doria
of Life as a successful actress with a huge public
presence. However, by tapping into her 7th
Ragland) is a yoga instructor, and I started
doing mommy-and-me yoga with her when I
harmonic vibrations, we see a very private was seven,” she told Best Health in May, 2016.
byLinda Berry and and important side of Meghan that is also a
huge part of who she is.
Clarissa Dolphin In VA the 7th harmonic is all about mastery
and depth attained through profound still- The core

ness. Operating in undisturbed silence, the
ibrational 7 energy is deep and tends to look inward
assumptions of
Astrology (VA) for answers. The 7th harmonic is not always VA include the
is an astrologi- spiritual, but when it is, as is suggested in
cal system of harmonic following:
Meghan’s chart, it tends to be mystical and
interpretation devel- oriented toward more ancient practices. Each planet is
oped by David Cochrane Meghan’s Moon-Saturn-Uranus conjunc- connected to
that reveals hidden dimensions tion opposite Neptune in her 7th harmonic
of a birth chart. The meanings of harmon- vibration indicates she seeks a sustained
every other planet
ic vibrations were developed through the discipline that she practices alone to elevate through a vibration
use of controlled research studies and her mood. Moon-Neptune as an energy in
interviews on tens of thousands of people indicated by the
VA is a heightened, inspired mood, it is a
conducted over several decades. high-feeling vibration that wants to tap into distance between
The core assumptions of VA include the
following: Each planet is connected to every
enchantment somehow. Moon-Saturn wants the two planets.
to be alone to reflect in solitude and Saturn-
other planet through a vibration indicated by Uranus is constantly striving for reinvention. These vibrations
the distance between the two planets. These Her Moon-Uranus-Pluto aspect pattern seeks form families,
vibrations form families, for example, the Five
family is the vibrations that are multiples of
five. You see this in the 5th harmonic chart.
All the planetary vibration connections
are in the natal chart; but we can’t separate
them out and see this vibrational family
relationship in the natal chart. The harmonic
vibration charts show this relationship clearly
and provide insights into key patterns in a
person’s life, including direct insights into
behavior, environmental factors and literal
The planets (Sun through Pluto), signs and
vibrations (aspects) are all energy functions
that exist on a higher dimension than our
world. VA focuses on these energy functions
that underlie the archetypes often used to
interpret the chart. Everything in the world,
including us, translates these energy vibra-
tions based on what type of being they
are. Although the energies of these planets
impact the way a person thinks, they do not
have inherent human psychological attri-
butes, generating power above and outside
of human conscious awareness. In other
words, they operate in higher dimensions
and, in a way, each harmonic is a specific

page 8 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

In a 2015 blog post on her now defunct you this much, for me…I am just happier.
LM DJ Software, and the co-author with David Cochrane
online blog The Tig, Meghan describes meet- And meditation has much to do with that.” of a book on Interpreting VA. . Email:Linda@, Website:
ing her Vedic meditation coach named Light. There we go, this is the magic of VA! Using
She sensed something illuminating his ener- this system of harmonic vibration interpre-
gy and discovered that he was just vibrating tation, we are able to see hidden, important Clarissa Dolphin received her Professional
on a different, more spiritual plane. She took things about a person we would never be Astrology Certificate in January, 2018 from the
his class and has incorporated this practice able to eyeball in natal charts. Avalon School of Astrology after apprenticing for
years under VA system founder David Cochrane. She
into her daily life. continues to expand her knowledge of Vibrational
“Last week marked the one year anniver- Linda Berry, MSSW, received her Professional Astrology as an active member of the Cosmic
sary of my relationship with meditation— Astrology Certificate in Vibrational Astrology in Cybernetics Research Institute. Clarissa serves clients
January 2015 from Avalon School of Astrology from her practice in Los Angeles and will formally
something I found endlessly daunting at first studying with David Cochrane the founder of begin teaching Vibrational Astrology in 2019. She
(the thoughts, the distractions, the boredom Vibrational Astrology (VA). She consults with can be reached via her website:
of it), but soon became the quietude that clients worldwide, teaches VA and moderates
rocked my world,” she wrote. “I can’t put my the VA research group. She is the author of
finger on the why or the how, but I will tell
Frequency Finder, a VA add-on to Sirius and Kepler R

Steven teaches Evolutionary astrology.

Book Review There is nothing static nor predictive in his
descriptions. Steven’s instruction is full of
Review by Arlan Wise images. He shows us how to picture the
thoughts so that they imbed themselves

The Book into our minds in a long lasting way. He also

gives us teachings along the way: you do not
have the power to evade these archetypes
of Fire – but you do have the power to shape your
response to them.
THE LIFEGIVERS And: consciousness mirrors reality, while
reality mirrors consciousness. That profound
BY STEVEN FORREST reliable synchronistic principle is the blood in
the veins of our craft.

his book celebrates the Fire family – He specifies that he is writing for two audi-
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, the 1st, 5th, and ences - those who use astrology for reasons
9th houses, and Mars, Sun, and Jupiter, of personal growth, and the serious students
the rulers of the fire signs. He calls them of astrology who are actively working with
the Life-givers because they keep us vital, clients. Both groups will benefit from reading
engaged, and alive. this book. It feels like Steven is distilling the
The book begins on a high note with wisdom he has learned through many years
an anecdote about Ram Dass. There is a of reading charts and is showing us how he
teaching – and there is the example of Ram does it, which techniques he prefers to use,
Dass as a fiery being. He has a Sun-Uranus what is most important to him when he looks
– North Node conjunction in Aries, Moon in at a chart. He writes in a way that changes
Sagittarius in the 5th house, and Mars in Leo summary of what has been taught so far and the way you think. He gives more than just
in the 1st. Steven says about Ram Dass “his includes keywords, the shadow sides of the information, he gives a way to absorb his
mission in the community was to bring us all signs, and quotes for each sign. It is a great words and a process to change one’s think-
a dose of pure, wild damn-the-torpedoes Fire.” aid to memory. ing. He states that his goal is to try to teach
This sets the tone for an amazing and instruc- Steven goes on to the synthesis necessary his students how to “think astrologically”
tive book. to put the planets with the signs, planets in rather than to parrot memorized paragraphs
He writes comprehensive chapters on the the houses, signs in the houses. He then puts from some book.
Aries clan, the Leo Clan, and the Sagittarius it all in motion by describing how these plan- As always, he succeeds in his task. There
clan. At the end of this section you will have ets behave when seen in transit, progression, are three more books to come – Earth, Water,
new meanings and concepts about these or solar arc. and Air. They can’t come soon enough. Buy
three signs. Then he gives us a “handout” as if The explanations for each technique this first volume of the series and you will
we were attending one of his many appren- are clear, simple, and instructive and turn have one of the best astrology books written.
tice workshops, where much of the material this book into a very complete book on the It is an excellent book – 5 plus stars *****.
in the book originated. The handout is a basics of astrology. R

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 9

of creation and manifestation. Analogous to cycles that proceed from individualization, to

The Essence the Vedic teachings of the Upanishads, (the

earliest known works of philosophy), Esoteric
the fully developed self-conscious personal-
ity, then through the path of initiation to full

of Esoteric
Astrology rests upon a hierarchical continu- soul-consciousness, and finally to identifica-
um, represented by the seven planes of our tion with the whole, and the One Life.
Solar System, from the lowest dense physical All the energies - zodiacal, systemic, and

plane to the highest divine Logoic plane, planetary - have a definite effect upon all
and all states of consciousness in between. lives, in all forms, in all kingdoms of nature.
As we strive toward ever-higher expanded Nothing can escape these radiant and mag-
by Lori A. Smith states of consciousness and oneness with netic influences. The goal of evolution for
all, veil after veil is removed that hides our humanity is to become consciously and liv-

soteric Astrology – essential divinity, our true self (the soul), and ingly aware of the nature of these energies
also known as “The ultimately our identification with the One, and begin to know them and to use them.5
Astrology of the the Monad, the “spark of the divine,” which Esoteric Astrology elucidates and explores
Soul,” is based upon the resides in each and every one of us. In the these concepts, and works from the universal
teachings of the Tibetan end…it is the workings of the evolution to the particular, the great energies and their
Master, Djwhal Khul, as of the human spirit, with ever expanding source, then to manifestation. The occult
given to Alice Bailey in the awareness, its way back to its source…like aphorism that “matter is spirit at its lowest
book Esoteric Astrology - one of five volumes the prodigal son finding his way back to his point of manifestation and spirit is matter
on A Treatise on the Seven Rays and one of father’s house. Consciousness develops in at its highest,”1 will always hold true, just
24 books on the Esoteric Philosophy, com- as the macrocosm ever holds the key to the
prising the 2nd installment of the Ageless microcosm.
Wisdom Philosophy. The 1st installment of Esoteric Astrology Esoteric Astrology promotes a greater
the Ageless Wisdom Philosophy was The rests upon awareness and recognition of the various
Secret Doctrine, by H. P. Blavatsky, and a 3rd subtle and higher energies which condition
a hierarchical all of life. We could say it is due to “prakritik
installment of the teachings is expected to
arrive in the year 2025. continuum, immersion,” that much of humanity is simply
Essential to the understanding of Esoteric represented by the not conscious of, nor can they respond to
Astrology, is that it views the heavens as these energies.
the living presence of God. Whatever name seven planes of our The Tibetan tells us that Ancient astrol-
one identifies with God, i.e., Parabrahm, The Solar System, from ogy was obviously incomplete, but until
Absolute, The Spirit of the Universe, etc., mat- man became patently responsive to the
ters not. God immanent and God transcen-
the lowest dense influences which come to him from Uranus
dent are ever-present realities that permeate physical plane to the and Pluto, for instance, which affect the soul
all that exists. As such, Esoteric Astrology is life far more than they do the personality
highest divine Logoic
primarily concerned with the study of the life, they remained undiscovered except
world of causes, of being, of significance, and plane, and all states by trained esotericists. Today, humanity is
finally, the world of meaning…the world of of consciousness rapidly responding to the higher spiritual
the soul.4 influences and, therefore, we can look for the
Esoteric Astrology is a study of the condi-
in between. discovery of increasingly subtle forces.2 Even
tioning energies and forces found within all still…small allowance has been made for the

Alice Bailey, Djwhal Khul, H. P. Blavatsky

page 10 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

energies which play upon our planet all the very different. Non-sacred planets will
time from other constellations or from the affect primarily the life in the three
many “hidden” planets. Of these, the Ageless worlds (the personality), whilst a sacred
Wisdom claims that there are around seventy The seven stars of planet will aid in the processes of affect-
in our solar system.3 the Great Bear ing the fusion of soul and body, of con-
While there isn’t sufficient space in this arti- sciousness and form; it will also produce
(Ursa Major) are the
cle to examine all of the inter-relationships of the quickening of the intuition (the spir-
Esoteric Astrology, we will examine the fun- originating sources of itual soul), which is the lower aspect of
damentals of the three and the seven which the seven Rays of our the Monad.10
underlie this beautiful science:18 A planet is regarded as “sacred” when
Far beyond and coming through the Solar System. its informing spiritual life has taken 5
zodiac and into our solar system are seven The seven Rishis of of the cosmic initiations, and a “non-sa-
streams of divine energy, the Seven Rays, cred” planet is one whose planetary
which emanate on cosmic levels from the
the Great Bear Logos has not taken these initiations.11
Most High, who are otherwise known by express themselves (The Sun is non-sacred in relation
another name in the Christian Bible…The through the medium to the physical body of the Sun, but
Seven Spirits before the Throne of God or in not in its soul aspect (The Heart of the
Eastern philosophy, the Seven Rishis. of the seven Sun, veiling Neptune) or its spiritual
When we speak of a Ray energy, we are planetary Logoi, aspect (The Central Spiritual Sun, veiling
in reality considering the quality and the Uranus).)
will/purpose aspect of a certain great Life.
who are their
A great Life that has a divine intention, representatives. • The three levels of ruler-
will, purpose, and a determined projection ships (planetary and zodiacal) -
which creates a radiation or stream of ener- Corresponding to three different levels
gy which, according to type and quality, of consciousness: Exoteric (personality),
within it all of the purest divine qualities we
plays upon all forms of manifested life 7 Esoteric (soul), and Hierarchical (initiate).
have garnered throughout all of our incar-
These seven great beings express them-
nations. As one’s soul begins to demonstrate
selves in our Solar System as the custodians • Initiations – A culminating event,
control over one’s personality, the orthodox
or the exponents of the will aspect of deity.6 as the result of the self-inspired disci-
planetary rulers weaken, and the eso-
plining of one’s lower nature, resulting
teric rulers and the constellational and
The seven stars of the Great Bear (Ursa in an expansion of consciousness that
Ray energies are increasingly felt – one
Major) are the originating sources of the admits the personality into the wisdom
becomes ever more sensitive and receptive
seven Rays of our Solar System. The seven attained by the soul, and in the higher
to the subtler and higher energies of the
Rishis of the Great Bear express themselves initiations into the consciousness of
Solar System and beyond.
through the medium of the seven planetary the Monad.15 The initiate is one whose
Logoi, who are their representatives. The consciousness has been transferred
Esoteric Astrology is quite different
seven planetary gods manifest through the from the four planes of the personality
from other systems of astrology, and one
medium of the seven sacred planets (Vulcan, life – physical, etheric, astral (emotional)
of its primary differences is that it includes
Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and and mental – onto the higher three sub-
the influence of the Seven Rays as a “sub-
Uranus). Each of these seven Rays is trans- planes of the spiritual triad – abstract
stratum” in terms of chart delineation.
mitted into our Solar System through the mind, inclusive love and higher will. The
medium of three constellations and their initiate is one whose mind has penetrat-
Other essential aspects of Esoteric
ruling planets.8 ed into deeper reaches of the univer-
Astrology include the following:
Not only are constellations governed by sal mind, whose heart has awakened,
Rays, but so are planets and all else in mani- becoming sensitive and responsive to
• The study of the building of the
festation. At the human stage, there is a Ray both light and will, and who serves in a
Antahkarana - The (Rainbow) Bridge of
governing our physical/etheric body, our new unfolding realm of light and love.
light between the higher and the lower
emotional (or astral body), our mental body,
minds, between the spiritual triad and
and most importantly…our soul. Beyond
the three-fold personality.
that, there is the Ray of the Absolute, the
“spark of the divine” in each one of us, the
• The influence of the seven sacred The seven sacred
Ray of our Monad. Identification with the
planets – The seven sacred planets are
energies of the Monad only happen at a very planets are Vulcan,
Vulcan, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn,
advanced stage of spiritual evolution, (the
Neptune and Uranus. and the five Mercury, Venus,
third degree initiation) and most of us are
non-sacred planets are Mars, Earth, Pluto,
seeking soul identification and seeking to
Moon (veiling a hidden planet), and Sun Jupiter, Saturn,
gain some degree of soul-infusion and have
it guide our personality. The soul, as medi-
(veiling a planet). Neptune and Uranus.
ating principle between spirit and matter
The effect of the influences of a
(located on the higher mental plane), has
sacred planet or a non-sacred one are

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 11

SMITH Pisces as a world victor and a world
saviour. 12 Being group
The initiate stands alone in isolated • The path of incarnation and conscious, the soul
unity, but is aware of a mysterious one- the three crosses – This is complex recognizes others
ness with all that is.16 and doesn’t relate to where one’s Sun
sign is placed or the Ascending sign,
within its own soul
It is said in Esoteric Astrology…it
should always be remembered that but rather the energies of all four of group, and
great shifts in consciousness, or great the signs on each Cross simultane- knows where
expansions of awareness, are followed ously and collectively influencing and
inevitably by upheaval in the outer impacting. The combined force on collectively, which
forms. This is true in the life of the solar each Cross brings about a required group and
deity, of a planetary Logos, of human- change in consciousness, and progres-
ity as a whole, and of an individual. A sively an integration of a higher rate of environment its
major event such as a change in the vibration. The Mutable Cross collectively contribution to
axis of the Earth is related to an initia- develops personality consciousness, the humanity can
tion of the planetary Logos. 9 Fixed Cross - soul consciousness, and the
There isn’t sufficient space in this arti- Cardinal Cross - spiritual awareness. best be made.
cle to discuss this in-depth, but suffice it
to say – different Rays and planets are • The science of triangles – The
active at each initiation, which corre- science of triangles underlies all astro- higher astral plane) with that of the soul.
spond to the individual’s force centers logical deduction as well as the centers The home of the soul (the casual body or
(chakras) in one’s etheric body and in the human body.13 egoic lotus) is located on the higher mental
the impacts made and changes there On a cosmic level, the triangle plane; the soul’s intrinsic nature is love,
undergone. Sacred planets influence below is one of the most (if not the but intelligent love – it is inclusive, and
the centers above the diaphragm, most) important triangles in the teach- group conscious, and is not focused on ful-
and non-sacred planets, below the ing of Esoteric Astrology: filling the desires of the lower personal self.
diaphragm. The soul (or casual body) has stored within
These three great star systems and it every pure and pristine quality, extracted
• The reversal of the Wheel – This constellations hold the mystery to the from all of its previous incarnations in the
occurs when one begins to emerge manifestation of our solar system (one lower three worlds. The soul wants to uplift,
out of illusion and is no longer subject of seven), and reflect the will, love make its contribution, and give its gift
to the glamour and to the effect of the and intelligence aspects of deity. to humanity. Being group conscious, the
world maya; the motion of the great soul recognizes others within its own soul
Wheel of Life is reversed, and one group, and knows where collectively, which
then begins (slowly and laboriously) group and environment its contribution to
to work in the opposite direction. The humanity can best be made.
motion is one from clockwise to coun- The personality (and its Ray) changes
terclockwise. One begins patiently and from lifetime to lifetime, but the soul is
consciously to function as a soul strug- sustained and preserved through all of our
gling towards the light until finally incarnations. Below is a reference from the
one emerges at the end of the path in Tibetan which gives some perspective:

1. The succession of the greater

it could be said rounds of the zodiac, or a period of
that the primary cycles of approximately 250,000 years,
While the study of Esoteric Astrology has a correspondence to the life cycle
objective of penetrates great depths - from the evo- of the Monad.
the esoteric lution of the human stage, to that of the 2. The progress of the Sun as it
planetary, solar, cosmic and beyond, with- passes through the signs in the zodi-
astrologer is to in the immediate and practical, it is the ac during one of these 25,000 year
assist others in relationship of the soul to the personality cycles finds its analogy in the life
establishing a deeper that the esoteric astrologer is focused cycle of the soul.
upon. In fact, it could be said that the pri- 3. The lesser zodiac covered – from
rapport and mary objective of the esoteric astrologer the angle of extreme illusion – in the
alignment between is to assist others in establishing a deeper course of one year, corresponds to the
rapport and alignment between their per- life of the personality.14
their personality sonality and their soul.
and their soul. Often times people confuse the lofty The Monadic point in the chart (rep-
and beautiful world of their desires (on the resenting the sign which the Monad is

page 12 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

expressing through) is found in the sign • Vulcan, a planet of the 1st Ray,
LM DJ initiate learns to realize the meaning of the
opposite one’s Sun sign - the Earth point. helps “forge,” and reflects the will growing light which greets his progress as
The energies of the Monad are not con- aspect of God in shaping and building he climbs upward to the mountain top17…
sciously known or registered until a very the physical etheric body. where ultimately, the spark in the personal-
advanced stage on the path…that of the • Neptune assists in nourishing the ity and the light of the soul are transfigured
3rd initiation. physical body with astral sensitivity into the flame of the Spirit.
In Esoteric Astrology, essentially…the (6th Ray) and emotional refinement.
• Uranus, a planet of the 7th Ray, REFERENCES
Sun is the present, the Moon is the past,
and the Rising Sign points the way to relates to the perfecting of the form,
1. The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky
the future. bringing forth into mother/matter the 2. Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey, p.114
The Sun is the only planet that rules higher archetype via the mental body. 3. Ibid. p.6
on all three levels – exoteric, esoteric and 4. Externalization of The Hierarchy Commentaries
Although there are many influencing by Michael D. Robbins, Ph.D.
hierarchical. Exoterically, it governs the per- 5. Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey, p.23
sonality, but veils the energies of Neptune factors in the chart which relate to the 6. Ibid. p.603
and Uranus at the esoteric and hierarchi- soul…in Esoteric Astrology, it is the Rising 7. The Rays and The Initiations by Alice A. Bailey,
cal, or soul and spirit (Monadic) levels. The Sign which indicates the energies that p.568
the soul is seeking to manifest through 8. Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey, p.422-423
energies of Neptune and Uranus remain
9. Ibid. p.410
veiled until the atoms in one’s etheric body the current incarnation, or for a period of
10. Ibid. p.506
have been transmuted and transformed, seven lives. As in other systems of astrolo- 11. Ibid. p.503
and have finally reached the stage where gy, any aspects from other planets to the 12. Ibid. p.21
the direct energies of these planets can be Ascendant have to be considered, and in 13. Ibid. p.410-411
Esoteric Astrology, most importantly – the 14. Ibid. p.410
safely absorbed. 15. Initiation Human and Solar by Alice A. Bailey,
esoteric (soul) rulers sign, house placement p.15
• Neptune relates to the power and aspects to other planets and angles 16. The Initiatory Process by Frances Adam Moore
of the heart of the Sun, the love in the chart. It’s important to compare p.3, Meditation Mount Ojai, CA
the esoteric ruler of the chart, ie. ruler of 17. Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey p. 181
aspect of our solar Logos.
18. The first differentiation within the ONE
• Uranus relates to the central the Ascendant, with the exoteric (person-
(the Absolute) into the Three resulted in the
spiritual Sun, and the will aspect of ality) ruler of the Sun sign in helping to Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost...or Spirit,
our solar Logos. These also relate to understand what potential challenges are Consciousness, and Matter. When Spirit and
the quality of the three fires – Fire by involved in soul/personality integration. We Matter united, Soul or Consciousness was born.
never get rid of the personality per se, but These represent the three great Rays of Aspect.
Friction, Solar Fire and Electric Fire, The Three in ONE differentiate into the Seven
which the Tibetan explores in-depth rather the goal is to make the personality a Rays, or Seven Streams of energy each expressing
in the Alice Bailey book, A Treatise on more perfect instrument or vehicle for the its own Radiant Quality.
Cosmic Fire. soul to manifest through. When one initially
awakens to the energies of the soul - when Lori Smith is a professional esoteric astrologer,
The Moon governs the instincts, the soul contact is first established (conscious- and a ‘perennial’ student of the Ageless Wisdom
ly), the personality recognizes the duality Philosophy. She has a Master’s Degree in
emotions, the unconscious, the past, Metaphysical Science, and a background in
and other associations (as most systems and much conflict and inner turmoil is Hermetic studies and Alternative Healing
of astrology ascribe), but in Esoteric experienced, as the personality is reluc- Therapies. Since 1980, Lori’s astrology studies have
Astrology, it also relates to psychological tant to relinquish its power to the higher progressed from Traditional to Transpersonal, and
self. This can continue throughout one life finally to Esoteric…which has been the focus of
patterns that can imprison the soul and her work for the past 12 years. She currently lives
hold one back. Exoterically, the Moon gov- or many lives. Eventually, the light of the in AZ, and can be contacted at:
erns the physical body, as it is “The Mother personality and the light of the soul blend, [email protected]
of the Form,” and veils the energies of and the conflicting dualities between
Vulcan, Neptune, or Uranus. the soul and personality are reconciled. R
Symbolically, it is in Capricorn, where the

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 13


If Astrology were to become mainstream, what do you
anticipate would be the outcomes: 
• Would it affect humanity in any significant way? If so, how possibly so?
• Can you describe areas that would be affected by the use of astrology?
• What would be the potential pitfalls or shadow expression of such a reality.


Astrology has the poten- Astrology would give I believe it would have a tremen-
tial to raise consciousness, deepen aware- people a better understand- dous effect on the current socio-cultural,
ness of psychological patterns, and help ing of themselves and how events in their religious, political and economic makeup
people develop acceptance for the differ- past and present are connected, so they of the world and seriously impact the
ences of others. It could help in the plan- would make better plans for the future way people view themselves, their lives,
ning of events, or be used as a personality and be better able to handle what hap- and the future of humanity.   
typing tool in psychology, education and pens, without misplacing blame. Hence less
business hiring practices. resentment, less conflict, better advance I take “mainstream” to include busi-
planning. Also, because we could under- ness, government, education, medicine,
As astrologers we often use astrology stand why other people are as they are and and religion.  There may be more than
daily with simple tasks like sending off an certain events and institutions affect us as that, but I would see all these fields as
important letter, deciding when to hold a they do, we would be more ready to accept using astrology.  Business: stock market
workshop, or mail taxes — this could help and act appropriately to put things right.   and other investors to predict markets,
people in all areas of life be more stream- decide when to start businesses, do
lined and successful in their endeavors (and In politics, more suitable people would be mergers, and when to launch products. 
would also mean nothing would be held elected and decisions made (for examples, Advertising would use it to target their
on certain days and we’d all stay home!) Mr Trump and Brexit would be much less audience.  Many governments have and
This may be a pitfall, but the more ominous likely if people knew the astrological back- do use astrology/astrologers to assist
shadow would be how astrology could be ground). Certainly, knowing the astrology of making important decisions for not only
used in the wrong hands or by people who the time and the person would make cam- the personal interest of the politician,
weren’t truly experts or were relatively paigning more mature. In finance and eco- but the welfare of the state.  Wouldn’t it
unconscious. nomic planning, the dangers of short-term be wonderful if they taught astrology in
excess would be tempered ahead-of-time. the schools!  Hopefully, they would teach
Astrology could be used to discriminate In the world of work and business, more parents to help improve their awareness
against large groups of people. Companies effective teams could be built and the tim- of their children’s needs, their relation-
could refuse to hire Pisces, or people with ing of decisions better made. ship with the child’s other parent, and
no air in their chart — simplistic negative the karma associated with those relation-
delineations and bias. I already see this Misuse of the knowledge for personal gain ships.  Medical astrology has a long histo-
when people come in for sessions with a never in the end succeeds, but in the short ry, and if made mainstream would com-
strong opinion about never again dating term, it could lead to anomalies (such as pletely change the way we look at the
a Gemini, or a Scorpio, or whatever Sun simplistic responses to obvious astro-events physical, emotional, and mental bodies. 
sign they had a difficult experience with. like planetary stations and lunar cycles). Lastly, astrology would change the face
Astrology needs to go hand in hand with People may be labeled simplistically, and of “religion” by supporting some belief
developed awareness.  so have simplistic expectations. Clearly, systems and falsifying others as it reflects
education as to how to use the energy and the natural laws governing all evolution.
ESPECIALLY motivation for the general ben-
efit would need to be taught. As with any form of power, it can be used
for good or ill.  With business, politics,
advertising, and social media, it could be

page 14 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

used to exploit and manipulate large pop- One way it could help is by creating more to this day. Therefore, if we were to look
ulations.  It could be used unscrupulously avenues and opportunities for profes- ahead and ponder what mainstream astrol-
for personal gain, greed, hoarding, and/or sional astrologers to earn a living. Many ogy (in the West) would look like, we could
deceiving others.  In relation to all realms, industries become open to it when it is get an idea from what is happening in India
undoubtedly there would be disagreement mainstream. But again, this increases the to give us some clues, even if one admits
on the interpretation of celestial events number of astrologers, so at the end that all may not be applicable to a western
creating confusion, false predictions that of the day this can create a situation model given cultural and other differences.
would negatively influence people on where astrologers are like office workers,
many levels from emotional and psycho- accountants, etc. The free spirit of astrol- Considering these perspectives, we can
logical well being, to relationship and ogy can be lost with standardization and understand that mainstream astrolo-
financial decision-making, and finally as a new working areas.  gy would be subject to the full vagaries
means of mind control.   of human nature – both light and dark
extremes. Historically, and in present-day
India, this tends toward the more con-
trolling and prescriptive. It is my hope
THEO that the meeting of East and West, of Old
NAICKER and New, will create healthy debates and discussions so that future mainstream
GAYE ALKAN astrology is spared the fate of its historical
[email protected] We can get a glimpse counterpart, and it emerges as a well-bal-
of what impact Astrology anced model serving humanity’s evolution
If astrology were mainstream would have on humanity or society if it – a balance between cultural and naturalist
(beyond horoscope columns), it would cre- were to become mainstream by simply forms, a balance between descriptive and
ate its opposites immediately. Whatever is looking at the historical record. Certainly, predictive forms, and a balance between
expressed too much or fully lived, always before the Enlightenment Era in the West, fate and free-will.
creates “anti” forces which try to find the traditional or reliable forms of astrology
lack of the system. There could be claims were mainstream or had a widespread
that astrology needs to be elitist, not every- effect on society and culture. I would argue
one should know astrology, or debates that given essential human nature, pro- MAURICE
raised about what is “real” Astrology etc. clivities and aims of life have remained FERNANDEZ
largely unchanged over the millennia. An
This is because the universe is based on understanding of the impact of mainstream
the law of duality, and this law needs a astrology from the past can show us likely I believe one of the
balance on the earth. Whatever becomes manifestations of mainstream astrology great contributions to a
mainstream will sooner or later become in the future. History demonstrates that widespread acceptance of astrology is pro-
a “target of destruction”. The opposi- human beings are creatures of habit, and viding a general understanding that the
tion force gains popularity. These are the therefore history tends to repeat under universe is an intelligent design, and
dynamics of human evolution in its course the shifting bell curve of time. I see the that life does not occur on a random
to discovering why we are here, how first “industries” or sectors of society using basis. Having the reference of planetary
everything works; we are becoming one astrology in a more mainstream fashion are cycles reflecting events in our lives or in
thing one day and another day we are get- those supporting the Angles of the chart: the world gives us a sense that there is
ting over it by rejecting it.  1st house (self-development, mental health, meaning, particularly when confronted
psychology), 4th house (family psychology, with difficulties. Astrology provides both a
I believe that mainstream astrology could finding and optimizing land and resourc- spiritual and a scientific reference.
help humanity think through archetypes, es, fertility), 7th house (relationships and
but I don’t believe more than that - there business), and 10th house (career advice, This is why in cultures where astrology is
are different capacities for each human financial implications thereof, work/home better established, such as India, spiritual-
being to understand the soul perspective balance). The other house significations will ity is part of daily life.
of the archetypes. This is a sacred knowl- indicate supporting industries. For example,
edge, and there is a need for a connection the Retreat/Rehab 12th house significa- Other benefits would indeed include
with the divine to understand and use it tion is supporting the 1st house industry of better timing for life events, and saving
properly. Besides, mainstream Astrology self-awareness and development. ourselves many headaches and wasted
would not necessarily be fully understood time on dating sites with quick glances at
by everyone. In other words, it doesn’t My perspective is that Astrology has chart compatibilities.
matter whether it’s mainstream or not, always been mainstream in places like
there will be challenges in peoples’ under- India, China, and other Eastern countries A prominent shadow side is increased
standing and practice of astrology. I don’t and, at least in India, it is still very much prejudice. We already judge people by
believe it would make a revolution. a beating heart of the cultural landscape cultural or gender stereotypes, so imag-

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 15


GEMMA maybe even institutions dedicated to this

HARWOOD purpose. As political parties, politicians,
ine having chart references to add more the royals, corporate owners and finan-
biases and discredit people before even ciers would use it commonly, there might
giving them a chance. This can escalate I think it would affect be a lot more activity during certain aus-
to serious consequences. For example, humanity in some massive ways: If it picious times than at other times. Social
in Japan in 1966 the rate of abortions were to stay mainstream for the long and business rhythms might adapt to
spiked and the number of births plum- term, I imagine there would be a much match other planetary cycles too, rather
meted because that was the Year of the greater spiritual evolution. The majority than being limited to circadian or monthly
Fire Horse, and apparently, it had prospec- of us would be re-challenged to question cycles. I also imagine greater attempts to
tive parents worried: our existence—why we’re here, where overlap astronomy and astrology again,
we came from and which greater forces ultimately bringing the two fields and
Girls born in [1966] became known as (for example, our cosmos) may poten- their experts in greater agreement with
‘Fire Horse Women’ and are reputed to be tially bear influential relationships with each other.
dangerous, headstrong and generally bad us. However, this introspection would be
luck for any husband. In 1966, a baby’s sex brought about by our own individual curi- I think that the sophisticated use of
couldn’t be reliably detected before birth; osities, rather than being fed controlled astrology would definitely fall into the
hence there was a large increase of induced dogmatic perspectives and interpretations wrong hands, as most things can do. We
abortions and a sharp decrease in the birth via indoctrination. I think there would all know there are people who are capa-
rate in 1966. probably also be greater empathy on a ble of carrying out hateful acts on other
mass scale as astrology guides us all to individuals or groups of people, and I
Along those lines, I could also imagine search for answers deeper within our- imagine they might use Electional astrol-
the world coming to a standstill during selves and each other, finding more com- ogy, not only for auspicious times, but for
Mercury retrograde seasons, compa- plex, subconscious urges that are innate choosing the most difficult times for oth-
nies having to slash prices because no yet unique for us all. ers to inflict pain on them, as disastrous
one would make significant purchases 9 as this sounds. Socially, there might be
weeks per year! I imagine that potentially all areas would a lot of zodiac sign based prejudice and
be affected by the everyday use of discrimination, possibly more so among
It would take extra care and tremendous astrology, especially science and politics. younger crowds, and we could all hence
diligence to avoid these superficial and There would likely be many more ques- be presented with the huge responsibil-
dangerous superstitions. I believe the tions among scientists as they search for ities to help guide ourselves and each
work begins now as we keep establishing answers as to how astrology works and other away from this type of mindset.
healthy standards of practice and proper
courses of study to prevent the potential
damage and abuse that astrology might

Any system that becomes mainstream

gets diluted. This is the nature of things -
we saw it happen with once sacred Yoga
practice now commonly turned into a
workout session. But we have to ask our-
selves if, despite the price, the gain is still
worth it. We would ideally find a balance
between making astrology accessible
without selling its soul.

That being said, I doubt Astrology will be

completely accepted anytime in the near
future, since it is a system that operates on
very different parameters from the current
consensus paradigm. Unless serious break-
throughs occur very soon in physics and
science to explain its mechanism, the con-
troversy around astrology would increase
along with its popularity.

page 16 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

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Let Us Celebrate the Wisdom of the Stars

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 17

page 18 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 19

4 Astrologers Analyze the Same Chart, Each Using a Different System
Chart Analyzed: Ursa Worlds, July 11, 1962 @ 2:01, Beloit, Wisconsin

tem, mainly Placidus but sometimes Equal they are not aligned) and by mixing their
Houses or Porphyry for different uses. signification, we get many more nuances of
It seems that this kind of combination was how the planet functions.

Hellentistic the practice, at least for some of the ancient

authorities (like Valens for example), mostly
for when they would delineate the M.C/I.C
Fusion of Influences
I combine all that I have picked up along

Astrology axis, when it fell in different Whole Sign hous-

es then the 10th/4th signs from the Asc.
On this point, Robert Schmidt makes the
the way that has proven valid and useful,
whether traditional or modern. First of all, I
combine various techniques and perspec-

Approach argument that the quadrant cusps measure

strength and activity but only the signs sig-
tives from different periods of the tradition.

to Chart
nify life topic. Therefore, a cusp may show an
area of maximum strength of a given topic I take the whole sign
held by the whole sign. houses to be the
Analysis I take the whole sign houses to be the
symmetrical ‘Ideal’ of the distribution of life
topics, and the quadrant houses as showing
symmetrical ‘Ideal’ of
the distribution of
the circumstances themselves, which can life topics, and the
by Michael Ofek differ from the ideal. One is the “software”
quadrant houses as
(whole sign) the other the “hardware” (quad-

practice Hellenistic rant houses), the more the circumstances showing the
astrology, which is the are dictated to us (in early age, for instance),
the stronger the quadrant houses will be circumstances
oldest strata in ‘horo-
scopic’ (ascendent based) expressed. But the more we gain power over themselves, which
circumstances (as we mature) the more real-
astrology and the fountain can differ from
head of our western tradition. ized the Whole Sign houses will be. Either
Under the umbrella of ‘Traditional way, a planet is always in both houses (when the ideal.
Astrology’ which is the astrology practiced
roughly from around 200 BCE to 1700 CE,
there are three almost distinct branches,
one stemming from the other - Hellenistic,
Medieval and Renaissance.
My approach is based on my study and
understanding of Hellenistic foundational
texts, in the light of the cosmological mod-
els and philosophical schools of that time.
These schools also include the more esoteric
and ‘ecstatic’ traditions of Astral Magic and
Theurgy, which encourage conscious work
and active participation with astrological
influences. This is the underlying basis of
my approach, to which I add elements from
Medieval and Renaissance sources. In my
practice, I strive to integrate and interpret
these elements, through a contemporary
psychological-humanistic perspective, which
I deem is of no less importance.

About the House System

I use a hybrid system, combining Whole
Sign houses with a quadrant house sys-

page 20 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

Not all additions were developments, of
course, many of them grew from a misun-
Video of OPA live analyses available for OPA members

noblest expression of themselves. This brings

about a sense of authenticity, coherence and
outward activity, and a more inner contem-
plative mood. The night sect gives the Moon
derstanding of the root sources. But there purpose; supporting a shift of awareness that great authority in guiding and expressing
are many powerful additions and insight- transforms behaviour and circumstances, the life. The Moon is also the Almuten of
ful systematisations brought by some of helps heal inherent difficulties, break nega- the rising sign (exaltation, triplicity) and is
the Arab and Persian astrologers, and also tive patterns, alleviate internal and external also the sign ruler of the Sun (Cancer), while
post-Renaissance astrologers such as Jean- struggles, and deal with unprocessed trauma. both are in water signs. Considering also
Baptiste Morin, who added many methodical Finally, as a translator of the heavens, that all planets except Jupiter and Saturn
principles that I use. probably my highest purpose is to connect are below the horizon, there is an accumu-
I also combine many modern methods and one to the cosmos through their own cosmic lation of testimony for the emphasis on
perspectives. For instance, I add the outer reflection. Bringing awareness to the intimate the lunar, nightly, watery qualities in Ursa’s
planets (I know some traditional astrologers tie of heaven and earth promotes a sense of chart, which tends to indicate a more immer-
who don’t) and Chiron, and points like Black meaning and significance, and helps bring sive, reflective, sensitive, abstract, emotional,
Moon Lilith (only to know the apogee and the personal in sync with the universal. protective, withdrawn, nurturing, internal,
perigee of the Moon). I also look at mid-   private, instinctive, intuitive and security seek-
points, and occasionally consider the statis- Analysis Approach ing individual. All things being equal, these
tics of the elements and the Quadruplicities, I begin my analysis by looking at the people tend to put more weight on home
hemispheric emphasis and the like, and in chart as a whole, considering the Sect of and hearth, family and children, and on the
general read the chart from a more modern the chart (day or night birth), and feeling satisfaction of basic physical and emotional
perspective, even when using very arcane the “atmosphere” of the birth moment. I needs. This is of course, very general and only
and complex traditional techniques. also consider the visibility and invisibility of sets the background music for more specific
planets and stars. delineations.
Prediction Techniques Ursa was born at a very dark time at night, The prominent lunar qualities and water
The prediction techniques I mostly use in with both luminaries below the horizon. The element is also prone to be shifty and stormy,
my practice are Primary Directions, Releasing night is the kingdom of the Moon and the bringing strong waves of emotions, anxiety,
from Fortune and Spirit, Profections, Solar nocturnal planets (Venus and Mars) both highs of happiness and low pains of sorrow.
Arc, Solar and Lunar Returns, Planetary of which are near angles and dispositors On the other hand, we can also see the
Periods and Ascensional Times, the Moon in of major “life giving” elements (Asc, Moon), powerful visibility of Jupiter and Saturn pull-
Secondary Progression and of course Transits. although they are in masculine/diurnal signs ing her up into the world (10th, 11th houses),
which has less familiarity to the sect (femi- both in their own signs, both retrograde and
Reading Length nine signs). The nocturnal planets are elected out of sect (diurnal planet in a night chart).
A one time reading is 90 minutes long, officials in the government of the Moon, and They are surely competing with the noctur-
reading for couples is a 2 hours meeting and are said to work better under its rule. Being nal agenda of the chart, although Jupiter also
a horary question is 30 minutes long. As we such prominent dispositors, gives them a lot gives more emphasis to the water element.
all know, a one time session is never enough of power and responsibility for fulfilling the We also have the two nocturnal planets in
to really do an in-depth reading of the whole life story, and colouring it with their charac- active masculine signs. All these factors shift
chart, therefore I devised different packages of teristic style. some of the weight of the above testimony.
3, 5 or 8 meetings for those who are interested Being born at night is a general testimo-
in a deeper study of their charts. ny for a “nocturnal” tendency in the chart, The Main Focus of the Chart
  the night is moist and cooling, there is less Principally, the most important Items in
The Inspiration to Read Charts traditional astrology are the five ‘life giving’
My approach strives to connect the spiri- points - Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Lot of fortune
tual and the abstract with the practical and (and Spirit) and the prenatal lunation—their
the specific, establishing the relationship of Principally, the most sign and house placement, and dispositors.
inner psychological dynamics with the outer important Items in These hold the essence of one’s life and each
‘down to earth’ circumstances and important has a profound doctrine of its own in tradi-
practical issues. traditional astrology tional astrology.
My purpose is to help one understand are the five ‘life giving’ Of the five points mentioned, as most
and connect with the innermost needs of astrologers, I place the biggest emphasis
their soul, addressing metaphysical, psycho- points - Sun, Moon, on the rising sign and the signs and houses
logical and even existential issues, and also Ascendant, Lot of of the luminaries, taking note of any planet
to ground them in concrete examples and (or star) in close contact with them. I place
fortune (and Spirit)
solutions. I try to bring clarity and a higher great emphasis on the ‘dialog’ between the
understanding of their situation or their life and the prenatal luminaries, as is reflected by the lunar phase
as a whole, in order to help them navigate it lunation—their sign and the signs they occupy. Another import-
wisely to its best outcome. ant emphasis would be the application and
Generally speaking, I seek to empower the and house placement, separation of the Moon to/from planetary
person by reconnecting them with their natal and dispositors. contacts. I look at all rulers (sign, triplicity,
resources, aligning them with their inher- exaltation, term, face, 12th part) of the rising
ent powers and helping them rise to their sign and luminaries and also their individual

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 21

OFEK experience, which may also testify to her own and inhibitions, being contrary to the sect,
relationships and home life later on. retrograde, and conjunct the South Node
‘Almutens’, (and the compound Almuten of Venus on the 5th cusp of the Placidus (that can also testify for decreasing its malef-
all five points), their sign and house place- houses may testify to the motivation of hav- icence by some traditional authors). Saturn
ment, their ‘cosmic state’ and aspects. I also ing children and the importance of this topic is also the ruler of the lot of fortune, and in
look at the Lot of fortune and Spirit in this in her experience. It’s the house of ‘Joy’ for conjunction with it, which increases the tes-
way, while also using them as Ascendents Venus. In Leo, it shows a playful and excit- timony that its actions are connected to her
(deriving houses from them). ing temperament and engaging expression livelihood.
of love for children and romantic affairs In the first house (2nd house by Whole
As an example I will give a brief (although the dissociative energy of Uranus Sign) we have a very intellectually stimu-
analysis of the first point - may modify this expression). lated and changeable Mars in Gemini about
The Rising Sign: Being a night chart, the Moon gains more to rise as a morning planet. This shows a
Ursa was born with Taurus rising, which rulership over Taurus (its Almuten, by exal- powerful need for movement, versatility and
describes what’s rising in Ursa’s Life, what’s tation and triplicity) which may give it more stimulation, although it’s conditioned some-
coming to the foreground and becomes vis- lunar tones and raise the need for emotional what to the Taurian earth-stabilising need
ible in her being and outside world. It is the security, also through physical resources accentuated by the rising sign. This Mars may
Helm of Ursa’s ship by which she navigates to and bodily comfort. She may try to fulfil sometimes act below the surface of what
fulfil her life’s agenda. It describes her orien- this through relationships (Moon in the 7th “rises” in front of you when meeting Ursa.
tation to the world, her characteristic attitude by Whole Sign houses) and by maintaining It is also very hard to disregard the exact
and basic motivation, and contributes to her a steady job/routine/health (6th quadrant conjunction of the Ascendant degree to the
physical constitution. As a fixed earth sign it house). But while the Moon is in the sign of ecliptic projection of the Fixed Star Algol, the
gives a stabilising gravity to her makeup. It its fall, these might not be easily support- Infamous blinking (binary) “demon” star, and
shows a need for stability, comfort, pleasure, ed, and may show struggles and challenges the proximity of Venus to the royal Fixed Star
“earthly things”, emphasising the body and (also attested by the Moon’s application to a Regulus. More about this is elaborated upon
the world of senses. The earth signs show square with Saturn). during the OPA LIVE event (March 17).
a practical approach and a need to ground The Ascendant degree (25º54’) - is in the After assessing the five points of life in that
things in the concrete. By virtue of being terms and face of Saturn highlighting the manner, I calculate the three rulers of life:
ruled by Venus, it also gives a love of beauty more practical side of Taurus, expressing the Predominator (Epikratetor ,’life giver’ or
and may also tend to the artistic (Venus on itself through a constructive and meth- Hyleg), the Domicile Master (Oikedespotes,
5th Placidus cusp). odological application, giving a sense of or Alcocoden) and the Lord of the Nativity
If the rising sign is the Helm, then the ruler authority, self-control and discipline (or at (Kurios). These factors show me the general
is the Helmsman, steering the life to its des- hierarchy (Noetic, Soul, Body) and type of
tination. one’s life, its general quality and agenda, and
The placement of Venus, the ruler of After assessing the the ability to execute its plans.
the rising sign, In the 4th Whole Sign (5th five points of life in Only then do I look at other planetary
quadrant cusp) participates in the above placements, configurations, and specific
testimony of seeking the inner and private,
that manner, life topics (health, money, career, marriage
needing to establish physical stability and I calculate the three etc…), utilising many traditional auxiliary
security (Taurus) in one’s home and fam- methods to each of them.
rulers of life: the
ily. The ability to hold the steering wheel is Finally, I look at different prediction meth-
also reinforced by the fact that Venus is in a Predominator ods, from general to specific, to understand
position to see (aspect) the rising sign, in this (Epikratetor ,’life giver’ the processes the person is going through
case Venus is 2º from exact square to the Asc and the potentials that are being activated.
degree (although it may show some tension, or Hyleg), the These will orient the reading to the import-
it’s more favourable than no aspect). Domicile Master ant issues at hand, answer pressing ques-
Venus is in an angular sign and in sect, this tions, and help guide the person on their
(Oikedespotes, or
gives her much power to fulfil her role. Venus path forward.
in Leo brings in the fire element and shows Alcocoden) and the
a more powerful, expressive and flamboy- Lord of the
ant quality to Ursa’s behaviour and life story. Michael Ofek is a professional astrologer, writer
She needs to kindle the hearth of the home, Nativity (Kurios). . and teacher from Israel. He has been practising
and researching the traditional lineage of astrolo-
and feel as a queen in her castle. Together gy with an emphasis on Hellenistic astrology and
with the very close conjunction with Uranus least that may be how she would like to its connection with Greco-Egyptian Cosmology,
on the 29th degree of Leo, this combina- appear). Saturn is culminating on the M.C in Philosophy and Magic. His passion lies in unveiling
tion shows a much more feral, eccentric and its own sign (Aquarius) showing that these and reconstructing the conceptual roots of the
tradition and the reintegration of these ancient
unstable expression in her attitude, and her are inherent skills, giving a very sober and arts. Co-founder of the Israeli professional astrolo-
experience of the home or dominant parent. objective colouring to her chart, pulling her gy magazine “Urania”, which also produces yearly
It could reflect an unconventional home/ to be manifested in her career (could be in conferences and workshops.
parents, and may also show the separation some Saturnian institution). Saturn influence R
of the parents or an unstable ‘inflammatory’ may also cause some deprivation, hardships

page 22 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

My Vedic
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Varga (divisional charts) are mathematical-

ly calculated as portions of the zodiac signs of
the birth chart, and the method of portion-
consciousness (starlight paradigm) while at
the same time its individual consciousness
(sunlight paradigm) becomes split seven-fold

Astrology ing philosophically underpins the nature of

the varga. D1 is the Rashi chart also known
in the localized cage of the solar system. The
descent of the soul from the cosmic stellar

as the birth chart. D9 is the Navāmśa Chart, gateways into the solar system is likened to
a ninth-divisional used for results of the D1 the singular white light being split sevenfold
and for important “fated” relationships such by the operation of a prism.

to Chart as marriage. The D10 tenth-divisional is the

Daśāmśa used to see the details about career.
Below are these three charts for the native,
While the native usually provides
Consultation Context – the reasons why they
consult - oftentimes there are other contrib-
Analysis with the time range for which each is valid.
Using Ursa Worlds’ chart, the given birth time
uting factors which the native is not aware of,
and hence, techniques which detail what this
of 02:01 am is close to the border for some of is become additional factors to consider. I first
by Theodore these charts validity range. In this exercise, it seek to establish Proper Context with respect
was not possible to request the native to pro- to: Decision, Comfort, Time, and Soul. While
Naicker vide information on important dates such as there are methods in (Traditional) western

marriage, first job, divorce, etc., as is standard astrology which address these matters, I will
’m going to briefly practice in order to validate these charts. I illustrate these from a Vedic Astrology per-
describe the methods I have therefore leant largely on the birth chart spective.
use to establish proper con- (D1) for interpretative value. Decision Context indicates those themes
text following principles of Vedic Astrology. Using the Surya chakra diagram (below) to which act as terms and conditions when we
There are three chart styles used in Vedic help visualize the chart, one can see that in make life decisions. It is understood by delin-
astrology. The style I use is prevalent in the the Vedic System, the native has the Moon in eation of the Lagna (Ascendant) and its ruler.
East-Indian oral traditions and is called the Libra, Venus in Leo, Jupiter in Aquarius, the The native has the natural second house of
Surya Chakra (wheel of the Sun) – it has the Sun and Mercury in Gemini, Mars in Taurus the zodiac Taurus as her lagna, indicating that
appearance of the Sun with rays. Since the on the Ascendant, Rāhu the North Node her role as a Provider or Custodian for the
sidereal zodiac is fixed with reference to a star, in Cancer, and Saturn with Ketu the South people closest to her (which can be family)
the chart style is also fixed i.e. the signs occu- Node in Capricorn. Traditional Vedic Astrology are considered when she makes life decisions.
py the same spaces in the chakra irrespective doesn’t use any other planets, although the This is a significant theme because the natural
of the chart, and the houses are read relative use of alternate ascendants (viśesha lagna) 2nd house of the zodiac is rising, the Sun is in
to the place of the Ascendant. and derivative planets (upagraha) are also
used (not described here).
When getting into a chart, one of the first When getting into a
things I like to do prior to delineation, and
certainly prior to prediction, is to establish
chart, one of the
Proper Context. The first context to estab- first things I like to do
lish is the Philosophical Context of Vedic prior to delineation,
Astrology, which is that souls have descended
through stellar gateways to the earthly plane. and certainly prior to
With the sidereal zodiac located light years prediction, is to
into space, the visible planets of our solar
system are conceived of as blocking that star- establish Proper
light and trapping sunlight, thereby signalling Context.
various karmic effects as the soul loses cosmic

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 23

Naicker service or administration, as well as wanting
the 2nd house, and the ruler of the 2nd house knowledge to see the future (Sun rules proph-
from the Moon (Mars) is also in the ascen- ecy). Venus in the 4th house has directional The mind projects
dant. A distinction is made in Vedic Astrology strength, which gives physical comforts at onto the world its
between the family we are born into (2nd home (all other factors being equal). Venus
house) and the family we create (4th house). from the 4th house has full graha dṛshṭi own reality, and hence
Taurus contains Mars, the ruler of the 7th (connection through desire/will) to the 10th the flow of time as
and 12th houses, indicating that circumstances house of career, showing that Venus may be
arising through marriage may challenge her involved in her career choice, a “relationships
seen by the mind is
role as a provider. Marriage is seen from the vs work” dynamic is set up. The Moon in the indicated by a subset
12th house in Vedic Astrology. Ideally, marriage 6th house ruled by this Venus confirms her of dasa called
is with someone with whom you share your skills in administration and service. So the
most intimate and vulnerable self, and for most themes upon which any decision is based for Udu Dasa.
people this is largely a decision formed by deep her will revolve around: learning/study and
karmic bonds in the unconscious. its application to work, her finances with rela-
The ruler of her lagna is Venus placed in tionships and work, being a provider for the be a clear indicator of a block to their deci-
the 4th house, showing her primary context people closest to her, home comforts, and a sion-making and otherwise free-will abilities.
is home, stability within herself, and fami- relationship versus career dynamic. We can The mind projects onto the world its own
ly. Venus is also the ruler of the 6th house, expect her to consult based upon decisions of reality, and hence the flow of time as seen
this nature. by the mind is indicated by a subset of daśā
Comfort Context is established by looking at called Uḍu Daśā. These are timing systems
Since Venus is such an which are calculated from relative placements
the Moon. This is more of a “feel good” con-
important planet for text, and is important because for most things of stars from the position of the Moon in the
her (it also rules her in life, if the Moon is supportive, we are more nativity, and since the Moon represents the
motivated and can naturally be successful or receptive mind, these star relative placements
Moon), it becomes map to the relativity of the mind, in how it
grow in those areas. The Moon represents
important to the mind-body connection in Vedic Astrology views life and how it views itself. It is from
- the mind as a receptacle for intention, the this “time relativity principle” in the chart that
consider that life the perception of time flows for the native
mind which receives stimuli and formulates
decisions are easier a response, and the mind which governs the and becomes the basis for understanding the
or harder depending flow of time which has its reactions through dynamic nature of the mind with respect to
the body. The mind and the body, just like the experience of time as life, and hence pre-
on how relationships the Moon, align to the Feminine archetype dictive astrology. Each daśa has a controlling
have impacted her of receptivity and responsiveness. Since the graha and based upon the interactions of
Moon is in Libra, it shows that the native may these various controlling graha in the chart,
family life, or how one can see when the nature of the mind and
feel comfortable with life if it were shared with
she has impacted the someone, and in the back of their mind, this experience of the flow of life is changing for
family life of others theme may always reside. Placed in the 6th the native, and this is indeed what happens to
house, however, shows a struggle or challenge some people in the course of their lives.
through relationships, to manifest this or sustain it, but any people Other methods to establish Time Context
or any such skills would be welcome in their work. The include looking at predictive methods, but
Moon as the ruler of the 3rd house and placed by and large the conceptualization of time in
combination of the mind of the native is the most important
in the 6th house of service shows a mind which
significations. wants freedom to move about and connect consideration. This provides the astrologer
with all types of people as part of work, with with valuable context for how the flow of
which shows she may cause or otherwise the entrepreneurial possibilities of the 3rd time is for the person, and determines such
end up in conflicting situations due to events house manifesting in a holistic/nurturing role things as when transits may trigger or not,
around relationships, especially with Libra on (Moon) as what she may eventually want to do what changing life priorities may be as life
the 6th house of enmity. Since Venus is such as her contribution to the world. This shows goes on, etc. A method of timing daśa derived
an important planet for her (it also rules her that no matter what she may be doing or deci- from the 4th star from the Moon in this chart
Moon), it becomes important to consider that sions she may be faced with (Decision Context), shows that the native entered a Mars period
life decisions are easier or harder depending the more it also meets her Comfort Context, in September 2018, after which relationships
on how relationships have impacted her fam- the happier and content with life she can be. can become a focus of her experience of life
ily life, or how she has impacted the family Time Context is established by under- since Mars rules her 7th and 12th houses.
life of others through relationships, or any standing the flow of time operating on the However, the strongest timing daśa system
such combination of significations. Venus mind of the native because this impacts how applicable for her shows that from May 2019
placed in the 4th house of learning and stud- life is viewed, or rather how the native sees onward she is having a major career focus due
ies shows she has a penchant for acquiring themselves in the flow of time – past, pres- to an activation of Mercury. The mind accom-
knowledge. And since it is Leo ruled by the ent, and future. This is important context for modates and projects multiple intentions, and
Sun, this gives her knowledge for government what questions they have and sometimes can this is shown by these various daśa systems.

page 24 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

Further work will need to be done to assess
which path the mind could flow toward, and
Video of OPA live analyses available for OPA members

Context, one day the person may renounce all

their wealth and become a nomad or baker,
Theodore Naicker was born in Durban, South
Africa in 1987. He is a professional practicing
astrologer with an approach encompassing an
what that outcome is likely to be and advise if that is what the soul wants for the highest ever-growing understanding and application
the native accordingly. chance of evolution. The Soul Context is best of both Western Tropical Astrology and Vedic
We also look at the Soul Context in the discussed privately with the native within the Astrology (Jyotish). He obtained a Diploma in
chart, to understand what the soul’s perspec- sacred bounds of the consultation. Medieval Astrology (Robert Zoller) in 2012 and
tive on everything is. This is usually the final In this way, I delve into the various Contexts completed a Diploma in Astrological Studies (Rod
Suskin) in 2014. He has since furthered his knowl-
deciding factor on sustainability as the view in a chart as the first step in understanding edge through additional certification, courses,
of Vedic Astrology is that whatever is the will the life of the native holistically – the will, personal research, and client work. He has given
at the soul level will sustain, and whatever is the mind-body, the flow of time, and the soul talks internationally, including the 2016 Breaking
not, will move away from us. Even if a chart perspectives. This is done in the birth chart, Down the Borders Conference.
indicates the personality of a capable business- as well as any relevant varga or divisional R
woman, if it is not in harmony with the Soul chart in a full consultation.

prominently established and developed by For example, Mars in Cancer can be seen in
My Jeffrey Wolf Green and Steven Forrest in the
early eighties.
the chart of Olympic athletes, and Mars in
Capricorn is common with physical injuries.

Evolutionary No Good or Bad Chart, or Chart The House System

Astrology Position
As a growth-oriented system, Evolutionary
Astrology takes free will as an important fac-
While most Evolutionary Astrologers use
Porphyry, I use Koch as I see it most effective-
ly describing the evolutionary dynamics. I will
Approach tor in chart analysis, and therefore considers
that no chart, or chart placement, is inherent-
occasionally blend it with Porphyry.

What Inspires my Readings

to Chart
ly good or bad but the way we use the chart is
what leads to “good or bad” outcomes. While I believe the most important aspect of
some configurations may pose a strong reading a chart from this perspective is to
Analysis challenge to our security needs, everything
in nature and life is there for a reason. The
provide spiritual clarity. This system pro-
vides a deep realization that what we are
premise is that once we understand the evo- going through is not random —life is an
by Maurice lutionary reasons for any aspect or planet intelligent design as there is a spiritual or an
placement, we can make it work positively for evolutionary reason for it to unfold a certain
Fernandez us. We cannot change our chart, we cannot way or take unexpected twists. This system
bypass evolution, we cannot ultimately avoid provides a deep insight into the “Why” of life,

the Truth, but we have the choice to make in a way that ultimately empowers the per-
y approach
the best or the worst of it. son and helps them lead a better life.
is essentially
In this light, a Saturn-Moon square is When a person asks, for example, about
Evolutionary Astrology,
not doomed to depression, the same way the prospect of a new relationship, my
a system with a widening umbrella that
a Sun trine Moon does not guarantee ease approach would first of all lead me to look
offers a profound spiritual focus on chart
and well-being. Essential Dignities are not a at why relationships in the past have poten-
analysis. A more accurate term I person-
central consideration in this system, if at all. tially led to crises, to discuss the “why”, and
ally use is Astrology of the Evolution of
once we establish the lessons to learn, then
Consciousness, for this is what the system is
apply prediction techniques to identify tim-
about: practitioners of this system will use
ing for new opportunities. What is the point
the chart to identify the soul journey— I believe the most
in looking at the next Venus activation for a
essentially, the chart reveals where the soul is important aspect of new relationship if at the core there are unre-
in its evolution across multiple lifetimes, and
reading a chart from solved psychological and spiritual blockages?
what the next steps are.
Once we understand the spiritual purpos- this perspective is
es of our lives, we can answer a wide range
Chart Delineation – Using Ursa
of questions, from the most existential to to provide spiritual Worlds as an example
Analyzing a chart, I will first of all look at
the very practical. Questions can range from clarity. This system the overall chart disposition, the big picture,
“what is the purpose of my life,” to “why am I
provides a deep reali- and identify general themes. For example:
stuck in relationships,” or “when should I sign
the next contract.” zation that what we
Look at quadrant and element distribution.
This system of Evolutionary Astrology was are going through is
inspired by the work of Dane Rudhyar, while
the term itself was coined by Ray Merriman not random. • In Ursa’s chart, we see a predominant-
ly lower hemisphere emphasis which
in his 1977 book of the same name. It was

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 25

FERNANDEZ Look at the Nodal Axis by house and sign, or rigorous scientific approach with a more
and Nodal rulers to identify central evolu- emotional and heart-centered approach
tionary themes. to life, slowing down her pace, and
describes an individual who is more in embracing overall a more compassion-
touch with their internal processes, per- • The South Node in Aquarius in the 10th ate perspective. There is a need to better
sonal needs, and someone who will tend house conjunct Saturn describes where take care of herself even if this comes at
not to compromise on her values and she is coming from. In this case, we see the price of career opportunity. Emotional
lifestyle choices. a forward thinking approach, sophisti- foundation and healing must be priori-
• Her low Earth shows a tendency to take cation, mental acuity, and pressure to tized over intellectual achievements.
the scenic roads in life, make less prac- meet high standards of intellectual per- • The ruler of the North Node, the Sun in
tical but more meaningful choices. This formance, whether these high standards Cancer in the 3rd house, reinforces a simi-
can potentially lead to great adventures are imposed by scientific or spiritual ref- lar message — to put a stronger focus on
but also mismanagement of resources. erences. Saturn on the Nodes can refer emotional nurturing, perhaps more pres-
to diligence about ethical standards and sure to form a family, have children, and
Look at planets on or square angles and the the need to be masterful in her craft. develop her domestic life.
Nodal Axis to identify prominent influences. Notwithstanding, it can point to a past • The Moon and Neptune in Scorpio square
life where she witnessed or was involved the Nodes. This emphasizes a flip-flop
• In Ursa’s chart, Mars in Gemini is angu- in situations where knowledge or science between the South Node and North
lar, close to the Ascendant, reflecting a may have been misused and she felt a Node signatures, between the mind
strong tendency to want to follow her need to realign the purposes and uses of and the heart. Since the square is from
own tune, not compromise her ideas, this knowledge. the 6th house in Scorpio, we see that
and to break away from any situation • The ruler of the South Node, Uranus, is in the balance between science (SN) and
that becomes too confining. This can the 4th house conjunct Venus in Leo, hint- emotional well-being (NN) is immediately
make her mentally defensive and poten- ing at the fact that her family of origin was related to health management, thera-
tially lead to periodic ruptures. also pushing for high achievements and peutic approaches, and the finding of
• The Moon in Scorpio in the 6th house is refinement. The fact that Venus/Uranus jobs. In other words, she may have been a
square the MC/IC axis. This angular Moon square the angular Mars may hint at a sep- health practitioner, doctor, or researcher
is highlighting her emotional intensity, aration between her parents, where one in health matters who initially used estab-
potential insecurities about being valued parent felt that the other one was holding lished scientific methods to cure ailments,
and appreciated, and her strong caretak- them back, and the possibility of mentality but needs to now balance this with a
ing and therapeutic capacities. gaps between them. more emotional and nurturing approach
• The North Node in Leo in the 4th house to healing—the type of doctor whose
hints at a need to balance the intellectual prescription we can actually read.

This brief analysis

of Ursa’s chart
demonstrates the
general approach to
Astrology where
emphasis is put on a
holistic perspective
and spiritual
purposes. Once
established, we use
that as a reference to
understand the dif-
ferent areas
of her life.

page 26 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

Identify important signatures and bring all
the pieces of the chart to establish the evo-
lutionary signatures.
Video of OPA live analyses available for OPA members

is that she does not compromise on find-

ing a partner who will offer an emotional
support system, and yet someone who
Maurice Fernandez, author of the books Neptune,
the 12th House and Pisces (New Edition), and
Astrology and the Evolution of Consciousness—
Volume One, is a leading Evolutionary Astrology
can keep up with her mental gymnastics counselor and teacher, currently based in Arizona.
• The general theme of the chart shows and not bore her. Maurice currently serves as the president The
a strong dichotomy between mind and Organization of Professional Astrology (OPA) offer-
heart, and a need to better balance them. This brief analysis of Ursa’s chart demon- ing pioneering programs for astrologers. He directs
a professional diploma program with students from
This applies to all areas of life, including strates the general approach to Evolutionary across the world.
professional and relational. Ursa is asking Astrology where emphasis is put on a holis- Facebook:
about whether she should choose rela- tic perspective and spiritual purposes. Once ceastrology/
tionships over career at this time, but in established, we use that as a reference to
truth both are possible. What is important understand the different areas of her life. R

My Sacred
I silently share once my client and I have
connected. The first is “heart before chart” Circle, Crescent and Cross—The
and the second is “may the wisdom of this Philosophy of Sacred Astronomy
Astronomy beautiful being speak through me,” which I
whisper within as I invite my client to voice
I approach a natal chart by tuning first to
Sun, Moon, and Earth. The general philos-

intentions. Ursa shares that she is about to ophy of Sacred Astronomy is that we (self/
graduate from a health and wellness study microcosm) are each complete reflections of
and would like to open her own spa or do the One only thing (Spirit/macrocosm). The

to Chart some kind of work in the community. She

also shares that she has been divorced for
a long time and asks, “does the Universe
Circle of Spirit we call Sun is the local broad-
casting source of the All and represents the
key of our celestial song. However, we cannot

Analysis see a relationship in my future, or should I

stay focused on career?” The heart instantly
responds, “Yes and yes. Why not have both?”
hear our Spirit’s highest essence directly just
as we cannot stare at Sun without getting
burned or going blind. This Great Mystery is
by Gemini Brett Now, what say the Stars? more clearly seen in the mirror called Moon

whose incarnational role as the Crescent of
y approach as a Preparing for the Session Soul is to reflect OneLight into an absolute-
celestial naviga- —Tuning Into the Celestial Song ly unique expression here on the Cross of
tor is to assist Before a session starts, I tune into my Matter we call Earth. Diana midwifed Apollo’s
my client in consciously client’s natal chart and tables that offer astro- birth as Moon delivers Sun to Earth. Spirit
steering through life’s nomical data such as Planetary declination, needs Matter to grow so Moon puts the
initiations and critical deci- latitude, and altitude. I note significant fixed yoU in SOuL.
sions in such a way that their star alignments and often add asteroids that
current heading is in clear alignment with are associated with mythic themes I see with- Spirit Reflected Into Matter
the arc of their soul. The stock of my starry in the nativity. I take a quick trip through cur- —The Medicine We Bring
stew is mostly consistent with the archetypal rent transits, secondary progressions, solar Moon’s expression of Sun shows the
awareness and philosophy of the Shamanic arc directions, and previous and forthcoming unique medicine a native brings here to assist
Astrology Mystery School where I began solar return charts to honor current timings. with the growth of the One.
my study, but the addition of Evolutionary, I prefer Porphyry houses because I can see
Hellenistic, Medieval, and many other them in the night sky with my naked eye,
astro-ingredients and the course of my own but I also use Whole Sign houses (mostly for I approach a natal
naked eye explorations of Sky and Earth have
synthesized within me a unique approach,
Hellenistic techniques like annual profections) chart by tuning first
and Equal houses (mostly for astronomical
which I have come to call Sacred Astronomy. considerations). to Sun, Moon, and
My intent is to reconnect the two-dimen- I spend just as much time with astronomy Earth. The general
sional chart with the infinite living sky by software because the feet-on-the-ground
integrating and expanding upon the astro- philosophy of Sacred
view offers a real life feel that astrology charts
nomical roots of the rules we use. Astrology simply cannot. Among other astronomical Astronomy is that we
is the poetic breath of Nature and the wisdom considerations, I look for rising, culminat-
of old speaks directly to those who map the
(self/microcosm) are
ing, setting, anti-culminating, zenith, and
Heavens above with Earth below. nadir stars and constellations. 19 minutes of each complete
research will fill me with way too much to reflections of the
The Art of the Chart Starts share during an 111-minute consultation,
with the Heart One only thing
especially because I strive to arrive without an
Every Sacred Astro session is itself astro agenda… heart before chart. (Spirit/macrocosm).
unique, a truth guaranteed by two prayers

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 27

BRETT was not visible where she was born (below three-fold! Spirit arranged for a dimming of
the horizon) and Moon is applying to a square Ursa’s Scorpio glow to powerfully expand the
Ursa came to Earth with 3rd House Cancer with Saturn so Ursa feels her medicine is potential of her Soul growth IF she should
light reflected by a 6th House Scorpio Moon. restricted or against the rules. chose to dance (free will) to the celestial song
Ursa’s medicine is to express nurturing love This Scorpio Moon square to Aquarius of her chart (fate). A subtle force that suggests
(3rd house Cancer Sun) through the sacred Saturn with the South Lunar Node in the 10th she will is revealed by the potential energy of
work (6th) of magic, passion, and power presents an archetypal image of one burned her Moon’s parallel (same declination) with
(Scorpio). at the stake for expressing power and sexuali- retrograde Jupiter in Pisces: true faith and
This is a forward-thinking and ty or for leading a revolution of passion. From abundance will be the rewards of her soul
high-reaching medicine because Moon has a traditional view, her Moon is in Fall and dis- retrieval through Scorpionic initiations. Her
maximum northern latitude. However, Moon connected (inconjunct) from its ruler, Mars. Moon also shares celestial latitude with Pisces
These are all constrictions that implore Ursa Chiron: past poison is transmitted into reme-
to suppress and forget her Scorpio reflections dies of great wisdom and compassion when
by pushing her to over-shine Cancerian light Ursa re-members the power of controlling the
Moon’s expression like it’s her job (10th house South Node). She expressed to serve her (and all of us) rather
of Sun shows the likely was forced to play mother to siblings or than carrying out patriarchy’s programs by
even to her parents. serving the suppressed to control her.
unique medicine a
native brings here Re-Membering the Medicine—Soul The Cross of Matter—Our Earthly
to assist with the Retrieval Purpose
These astrological aspects compound our Just as Soul descends into Matter for
growth of the One. current culture’s contaminated conditioning Spiritual growth, the Earth falls towards the
Ursa came to Earth that says feeling deeply is a sickness, sexu- east so the Heavens can rise. This is why
ality is a sin, and a woman’s only roles are to our Cross of Matter’s eastern angle, the
with 3rd House give birth, nurture, and serve. Fortunately, Ascendant, expresses the purpose of our
Cancer light reflected that June Cleaver program of 1962 is burning journey on Earth. I’m fond of saying, “that
by a 6th House away thanks to powerful women like Ursa which was rising when you rose is rising
who choose to retrieve and express their within you” and also that, “you are here to
Scorpio Moon. medicine and magic. And the skilled sorcer- raise your Rising Sign up.” If Ursa answers
ess knows that which was taken will return the call to grow through the teachings of
the Taurus mystery school, Taurus itself will
expand through her experiences. What is
the state of Taurus today and how can Ursa
give Scorpio-reflecting-Cancer medicine to
assist this archetype’s evolution? I should say
the Moon-to-Ascendant path is taught by
the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School, but
they do not work with Sun in this way. Nor
do they play with planetary rulerships, but
I integrate the ancient association between
the rudder (“oiax” in Greek, which was used
to describe the Ascendant) of the Soul boat
and its steersman (Ascendant ruler). Ursa’s
path will become more and more clear as
she allows herself to receive the Leo radi-
ance teachings of Venus, the ‘lady of her
hour-marker.’ We find agreement here with
Evolutionary Astrology’s focus on the Sign of
her North Lunar Node (another approach of
honoring Sun, Moon, and Earth because the
Nodes are where the paths of the luminaries
cross from Earth’s point of view).

Aries Synodic Venus and the Royalty

of Regulus
Before Ursa was conceived, her Venus
overtone was established when retrograde
Venus passed between Earth and Sun
(April 10th, 1961) to begin a 19-month Aries
Figure 1 - Chart synodic cycle and Ursa was born during the

page 28 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

cycle’s devotion to reclaiming the power of
the heart chakra. The Guiddess calls Ursa
forth as a pioneer (Aries) of radiant self-
Video of OPA live analyses available for OPA members

in strong and applying conjunction with

Uranus, which calls Ursa to an honorable
and admirable revolution of the heart, but
Medusa’s blood birthed Pegasus whose great
square of stars were high in the sky at the
time of Ursa’s birth. Her Soul assignment to
love (the Heart of Leo). The queenship of the invitations might first be sent through help Taurus rise is answered first by jour-
Ursa’s Leo Venus is strengthened through traumatic events that shatter common neys to the underworld. Many call Algol the
conjunction with Royal Star Regulus, but ideas of love, family, and trust (4th house): demon star, but they should say daemon or
her highness is buried at the very bottom the ‘Scorpionic initiations’ I allude to above. diamond, which is the associated gem of this
of Ursa’s chart (Equal Sign 4th house cusp Behenian star in magical practice. I see an
is the closest zodiacal point to the nadir) The Eye of Medusa—Demon, image of a gold (Leo Venus) ring with a clus-
and inconjunct Sun. Her natal Venus is also Daemon, or Diamond? ter of seven small diamonds because, while
It is unwise to project and I will mind my Algol might project to Ursa’s Ascendant
speech, but my visions are consistent with degree, the star was actually 20 degrees
The queenship of the astrological associations of Medusa’s eye, above the horizon while the Pleiades had
Ursa’s Leo Venus the fixed star Algol whose zodiacal projection just risen and will serve as Ursa’s guiding
is within 17 arc minutes of Ursa’s Ascendant. stars (Figure 2, below left).
is strengthened Asteroid amplifications of the Medusa myth
through conjunction in Ursa’s song include Pallas Athena conjunct Ursa’s Health and Wellness Spa of
with Royal Star Mars, Poseidon conjunct Black Moon Lilith, the Seven Stars
and Medusa at the South Lunar Bending I suggest Ursa finds that ring and that
Regulus, but her opposite Neptune (Chart, previous page.) If I she integrates the Pleiades geometry
highness is buried at had more than 30 minutes with Ursa, I would into the design of her new spa too. Yes, I
share Medusa’s tale in full to help her know believe opening a health and wellness spa
the very bottom of the gorgon was simply the cocoon state of is exactly what Ursa should do. Can’t you
Ursa’s chart transformation between an Earthly queen feel the fiery love of Leo Venus warming a
caterpillar and butterfly of a Heavenly horse. room from below with rose-scented steam?

Figure 2 Figure 4

Figure 3

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 29

BRETT stellationally as Jupiter and Chiron (who was od ended when the Lunar Nodes left Leo/
closest to the Zenith) are aligned to the water Aquarius last November but I firmly believe
Won’t the nurturing waters of a Cancerian bearer’s stream (Figure 3, previous page). the window remains open until July when
soak help you experience the depths of your Ursa will experience solar and lunar returns
Scorpionic reflections as you relax into the Joy and Saros—The Sacred Syzygy simultaneously. I suggest Nodal Returns close
simple pleasures and beauty of a Taurusian of Nodal Returns with these Metonic Moons and open with
tub? Of course, I’m suggesting the spa that These confirmations of Ursa’s visions for the preceding saros return of our prenatal
I see speaks to Ursa’s soul journey so I hope service do not mean she should give up solar eclipse (Figure 4, previous page). These
she’ll be her own best customer, but does it on her relationship dreams. I look forward Syzygy sequences are the most powerful
also reflect the career signatures within her to sharing why I see a lasting love sprout- times for reclaiming light from deep shadow
nativity? The spa should have at least one ing from the soil of her new career and why so we may accelerate the manifestation of
room for one-on-one counseling (Libra on predictive techniques suggest the time soon our magic. May it be so for Ursa and may our
the 6th) of nutritional wellness (Taurus) and comes. They also show what soul work must 30-minute dance to her celestial song con-
of the transformational power of reclaiming be done. Our quick session might start with a firm what she already knows: true rewards
feelings (Scorpio Moon in the 6th). I also starry-telling of Diana and Apollo’s birth, not are delivered to those who choose to feel,
suggest space for teaching and for astro- only because the asteroid named for their heal, know, and grow for this is why Spirit
logical mastery, something she may have mother Latona was conjunct the Dragon’s reflects itself to Matter through Soul.
offered many times before (Aquarius Saturn Head when Ursa arrived on Earth, but also
conjunct South Lunar Node at the midheav- because her soul has scheduled power- Love and Planets, Gemini Brett
ful transits to both Moon and Sun within
en). Healing with water is a theme of Ursa’s
nativity, not only seen in her grand water her current return window of their Nodes!
trine (with Pluto forming a kite), but also con- Most astrologers would suggest this peri- R

Test your Astrology IQ

The first two people who answer these questions correctly
will win an OPA Raffle ticket! See page 17
1. In which direction will an observer in 4.
1. Which sign does Chiron go through
Chicago, Illinois find the MidHeaven? the fastest
a. East a. Cancer
b. North b. Virgo
c. South c. Libra
d. Straight Up at the Zenith d. Scorpio
1. A northern hemisphere chart has 10
2. 1. Which Dwarf Planet discovery led
Gemini Ascendent and 14 Aquarius to Pluto being demoted as a Dwarf
MidHeaven, which Zodiac Degree is clos- Planet?
est to the Zenith (directly overhead at the a. Sedna
top of the sky)? b. Eris
a. 14 Aquarius c. Ceres
b. 10 Pisces d. Makemake
c. 00 Capricorn
1. On April 1st, 2019 in Paris France, at
d. 00 Cancer Sunrise exactly, what is the degree
3. Moon is furthest from Earth when it is... of the first house with Whole Sign

QUIZ a. Conjunct True North Node

b. Conjunct Mean North Node
c. Conjunct the True Black Moon Lilith
house system?
a. 11 Aries
b. 0 Aries
d. During a Full Moon c. 11 Libra
Win a Raffle Ticket!
d. 29 Pisces

Send your replies to outreach @ opaastrology.

page 30 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

newry, maine • june 20-24, 2019



Intensive study for

star students of
all levels


V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 31

Planetary Nodes
The yearly path of the Planetary Nodes
will shift according to the precession of the
Equinoxes, therefore their yearly cycle will Planetary Nodes
Introduction move one degree every 72 years.
The position of the Planetary Nodes Jupiter to Pluto

to Planetary
will describe a heightened influence of RANGES for 1900-2050
the Planet itself. For example, if the North
Node of Neptune is at 12 Leo in your chart,
South: 28 Sag.-21 Capricorn
that degree will have a very strong Neptune
quality. This is of particular importance if you North: 28 Gemini-21 Cancer
have another planet on that degree, or with-
in a 2-3 degree orb. South: 17-28 Capricorn
by Maurice Fernandez Where to find the position of Planetary North: 17 Cancer - 0 Leo
Nodes? Most professional astrology software

ost of us are famil- provides Planetary Node positions.
iar with the Lunar South: 10-17 Sagittarius
Nodes in our chart North: 10-17 Gemini
and how important they The Planetary Nodes of Mercury
are in reflecting personal and Venus will complete a full cycle South: 9-13 Aquarius
and collective development. through all the signs in the course of North: 9-13 Leo
The Lunar Nodes represent the intersection the year.
point between the orbit of the Sun and the The Planetary Nodes of Mars will
Moon as viewed from the earth, as these two range from: South: 17-21 Capricorn
orbits are about 5 degrees apart. When the North Node: 6 Aries to 3 Cancer North: 18-21 Cancer
Sun and the Moon align with these Nodes, South Node: 7 Libra to 29 Sagittarius
we have solar (New Moon) or Lunar (Full South: 26 Aries-1 Taurus
Moon) eclipses.
North: 23 Libra-6 Scorpio
What many astrologers fail to notice is that The planetary Nodes of slower moving
every planet has Nodes since every planet planets have a more narrow yearly range
will have an orbit that will not completely as depicted in this list (at right).
overlap the ecliptic (Sun’s orbit) and there- Because the Planetary Nodes of slow mov- is travelling within that range of degrees
fore will intersect the ecliptic at some point. ing planets (Jupiter to Pluto) have a relatively during the course of 2019-2020. In other
narrow range of movement—and that range words Pluto is on its own South Node for two
ABOUT THE PLANETARY NODES only moves every 72 years—all people on years! Wait, the Lunar Nodes will soon be on
The South and North Nodes of planets the planet have very similar Nodal positions those degrees as well! And what about tran-
are not necessarily opposing each other— for these planets. siting Saturn? On Pluto Nodes too.
or they may be in opposite signs, but not For example, everyone has their Pluto But isn’t Saturn’s South Node also in the
opposite degrees. South Node between 19-22 Capricorn, and last third of Capricorn? Indeed, Saturn will be
The Planetary Nodes are immediately relat- North Node between 19-22 Cancer. This transiting its own South Node for the next
ed to the Sun’s position through the sign, so means that these particular degrees carry two years, overlapping Pluto’s South Node.
they keep the same path every year, just a very strong Plutonian charge. As you may Because we all share the same degrees of
like the Sun. have noticed, the current PLUTO TRANSIT slow moving planets’ Nodes, these degrees

Illustration of Moon’s Nodes by Ana Zaharia, reprinted with Gemini Brett’s permission

page 32 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

When natal
chart planets are
conjunct a Planetary
Node, they will be
influenced by the
nature of the
planet whose Node
they touch.

can also affect collective dynamics. When

a planet in our chart is on those Nodes, it can
activate a collective response since everyone
responds to those degrees.
When natal chart planets are conjunct a
Planetary Node, they will be immediately
influenced by the nature of the planet whose
Node they touch.
Let us use some chart examples to illus-
trate these dynamics:

ALEXANDER BELL – Inventor or the

When you think telephone, you think
Gemini. When you think invention, you think
Uranus, or Uranus/Jupiter. Alexander Bell was
born with natal Jupiter on his Uranus North
Node at 8 Gemini. See chart upper right.

Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk
on the Moon, and though he has a natal Sun
trine Uranus in Aries to show his enthusiasm
for space travel, be sure to notice that his
Mars in Gemini is conjunct the North Node
of Uranus (14 to 16 Gemini). That does
capture walking (Mars in Gemini) on anoth-
er planet/satellite (Uranus North Node).
Neil has his Sun in Leo, conjunct the
North Node of Neptune (11 to 12 Leo),
emphasizing how his personal feat (Sun in
Leo) captured the imagination and universal
vision (Neptune) of the collective.
Neil’s natal Pluto is exactly on Pluto’s own
North Node (19 Cancer) – We can identify
two expressions of this aspect. To begin with,
through his heroic journey, Neil transformed CONCLUSION
(Pluto) the national identity (Cancer) of the Planetary Nodes are powerful, and we all Maurice Fernandez
American people, planting the flag on the need to further research them the same way
Moon. But on a more personal note, Pluto Facebook:
the Moon’s Nodes have become unavoidable
relates to losses, and Armstrong suffered the in chart analysis. This year is particularly inter-
tragic family (Cancer) loss (Pluto) of his own esting, since Pluto and Saturn will be transit- R
daughter to brain cancer. ing their overlapping South Node.

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 33

Planetary Nodes
Saturn and Pluto meet up with their OWN Saturn dives into his descending or South

Saturn PLANETARY NODES in Capricorn this year and

next. Currently, Saturn’s descending Node is
Node on February 24, 2020, August 3, 2020
and November 21, 2020. Mark these days in

and Pluto
27:36 Capricorn. Pluto’s descending Node is your calendar and pay attention to the events
21:47 Capricorn. that take place as they mark major shifts in
Currently, Pluto’s descending or South belief systems and world views. Often we look

Descend into Node at 21:47 Capricorn is less than a degree

from the 1776 Saturn Planetary Node at 22:38
Capricorn in the USA Sibley chart (July 4, 1776,
back with 20/20 hindsight to see how mon-
umental the event was. Now we have a front
seat to world history as Saturn and Pluto
Their own 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia, PA). Back in 1776,
the founding fathers declared their desire to
meet up in Capricorn on January 12, 2020

South Nodes restructure (Pluto) their relationship to the

authority (Saturn), King George III as Pluto
moved through Capricorn, squared Saturn in Back in 1776, the
Libra and joined Saturn’s descending Node. founding fathers
by Anne Ortelee Currently, Saturn’s descending or South
Node is at 27:36 Capricorn, the same degree declared their desire

id you know that as the USA natal Pluto 27:32 Capricorn in the to restructure
Planets have Sibley chart. Back in 1776, Pluto hadn’t been
(Pluto) their
Nodes? Planetary discovered. The founding fathers who were
Nodes are similar to the Masons and astrologers didn’t know Pluto relationship to the
Lunar Nodes that astrologers fol- was in the second house of values, resources authority (Saturn),
low because profound personal events take and money. Now, as Saturn descends into
place when the Lunar Nodes are activated its own planetary South Node, the USA has King George III as
by transit, solar arc or progressions. Lunar Pluto approaching its own Pluto return - an Pluto moved through
Nodes mark the spot where the Moon cross- event that happens every 248 years. We can
expect profound restructuring and renova-
Capricorn, squared
es the ecliptic twice a month in relationship
to the Sun. Planetary Nodes are much larger tion around our second house talents, values, Saturn in Libra and
in impact and they serve a similar function. portable assets, financial institutions, and joined Saturn’s
They represent where the PLANET crosses actual money.
the ecliptic twice a year in relationship to the Pluto dives into his descending or South descending Node.
Sun. They are powerful change makers. Node on February 6, 2019, July 18, 2019
Planetary Nodes move slowly. Planetary and December 13, 2019.
Nodes are tied to the precession of the equi-
noxes and move approximately 1 degree
every 72 years. The Earth’s relationship to the
Sun shifts a degree every 72 years. In addition
to impacting us personally, Planetary Nodes
work for the collective on a global scale.
In 2019 and 2020, Saturn and Pluto are
traveling through the last decanate of
Capricorn, (the Virgo decanate) between 20
to 30 degrees of the sign.

The Nodes of Saturn range yearly

between 18-29 Capricorn (South Node)
and Cancer (North Node) - (Note that
Saturn’s North Node is now advancing
to 0 Leo around the month of October)

The Nodes of Pluto range yearly

between 19-22 Capricorn (South Node)
and Cancer (North Node)

This year, Pluto and Saturn descend into

the Lunar South Node in Capricorn on April
4, 2019 and April 30, 2019 respectively.
Saturn descends two more times into the
South Node on July 4, 2019 and September
28, 2019.

page 34 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

and dance on their own Nodes of destiny by Charlemagne 20 years later. Rome was
with the Lunar Nodes these next two years. sacked by the Ostrogoths and held its last
Saturn coordinates how we structure our chariot races in 549 during the prior Saturn
The world is about to
consciousness. As he goes into the descend- Pluto conjunction. go on a Saturn-Pluto
ing Node, Saturn combines our unique rollercoaster. We each
family upbringing with the structure of the IN OUR CHARTS
society we were born and raised in to flesh So what can we expect? First, remember have a part to play in
out our potential for individuation and mat- these aspects are global, so the entire world the upcoming energy
uration (or not). will feel them.
Pluto is often the focus of transformation Second, in the USA, we will be offered
and events. In fact,
especially as it relates to emotional or psy- the opportunity to restructure the decisions the reason you are
chological security—the descending Node and choices made back in 1776 when the here as a witness to
is what we will unconsciously go toward to Declaration of Independence was signed.
grant us the security. It feels so familiar and Third, the aspects will play out or take the energy,
cozy even if it is a difficult energy of what place in your Capricorn house, but carry incarnated at this
security feels like. the lessons back to where your natal Saturn
and Pluto live by sign and house. If your time, is because you
PREVIOUS CYCLES natal Saturn and Pluto have an aspect, it will have a role to play.
We can look back at history at previ- be a very big lesson and process for you as Make sure you are on
ous Saturn Pluto conjunctions and notice defined by the signs and houses they live
patterns: in. If you are merely a witness to the mar- the side of history
Five hundred years ago, on October 31, riage of these two planets in Capricorn on you want to be
1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the world axis and their descent into their
the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, descending Nodes, the resulting changes remembered for.
protesting the Catholic Church selling of will impact and rock your world with lasting
indulgences to wealthy patrons to get out reformations. loser and what their response is—especially
of their sins and sparking the Protestant Fourth, take into consideration your to your personal reaction to the matter.
(Protesting) Reformation. relationship to power (Pluto) and authori- For good or bad, descending or South
Prior to that in 1284, the Pied Piper led ty (Saturn). Being as conscious as possible Nodes are where places, people or things
130 children out of Hamelin never to be seen about the energies as you watch them roll leave our lives for good and forever. In
again! He returned to enchant and capture out across the world and appear in your life. many cases, there is no redemption or
the children after the town refused to pay Do your Saturn and Pluto! Take responsibility forgiveness—at least in this lifetime—so
him for ridding the town of a rat infestation. for the form and format of your relationships proceed with caution, clarity and concise,
In 783, there were a number of prom- to the world, authority and power. Know your precise steps.
inent world leaders in France, Iran and boundaries. Set your frames. Watch for power When we look at any Saturn or Pluto
Greece including Irene of Athens leading the plays or manipulation or triangles and decide aspects in a chart we find profound strength,
Byzantine Empire, sparking new ideas and how you want or don’t want to participate. limitation, transformation and creation. We
ultimately a revival of the Holy Roman Empire Pay attention where someone is the clear see where our lives connect us to the bigger
cycles of the world. We find ourselves and
what we are here to accomplish as well as
our lifetime’s work, combined with the larger
evolutionary purpose for our existence. When
transits in the sky reflect this much tumul-
tuous change, we can expect our lives to
mirror the energy of the heavens. As above,
so below.
The world is about to go on a Saturn-Pluto
rollercoaster. We each have a part to play in
the upcoming energy and events. In fact, the
reason you are here as a witness to the energy,
incarnated at this time, is because you have a
role to play. Make sure you are on the side of
history you want to be remembered for.

Anne Ortelee is a full time professional astrolo-

ger practicing in New York City. Anne is certified
She writes a newsletter, twitters the daily real time
astrology aspects, offers webinars and hosts three
weekly internet radio shows. Find it all at www.
Figure 5 R

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 35

Sacred Astrology Under the Tuscan Stars
with Anne Ortelee
MAY 9-15, 2019
Come away to Tuscany, Italy for a unique opportunity to dive deeply into the sacred science
of astrology with Anne Ortelee. In addition to learning to live in optimal harmony with
the planets, you’ll enjoy guided meditations, yoga classes, and a bountiful table from a
hilltop garden and local wines.
We will work deeply with two charts: yours and the chart of a loved one. Anne’s humane,
positive, and accurate approach to astrology and predictive techniques will be covered.
Included in the studies are Chart Interpretation, Transits, Secondary Progressions, Solar
Arcs, Midpoints, Pinball, Eclipses, and Lunations.


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page 36 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

…the astrologer who measures and Once he has established that it is right
Book Review observes is not involved in the same act as
the astrologer who reads and interprets. Both
to have multiple charts for a country, he
then lists the countries alphabetically and
Review by Arlan Wise processes overlap, but the astrologer must be describes how and why each chart was con-
conscious of the distinctions between natu- structed. He gives 20 charts for the United
ral and judicial astrology…judicial astrology States, explaining his thoughts for including
requires that the astrologer makes judge- them in the book. Each chart is documented
ment…the act of astrological judgement has with historical sources, including the quote
THE BOOK no existence separate to the consciousness of
the astrologer.
by John Adams stating that on July 2, 1776,
the colonies voted to become free and inde-
OF WORLD Because of his understanding of the
importance of well sourced data, Campion
pendent states and that day will be celebrat-
ed by succeeding generations. The section

HOROSCOPES does not like rectified charts.

…Data handed down by tradition is, expe-
concerning the many United States charts
is a book in itself and will be useful for all
rience has shown, often wrong. And the times American astrologers to read.
BY NICK CAMPION at which historical events are supposed to have The appendices are fascinating and have
taken place have often been rectified…one collections of charts for inaugurations,

his book is much more than a compi- person’s rectification may be another person’s founding of political parties, towns and cit-
lation of horoscopes. Nick Campion wrong chart. . ies, economics, conflicts, continental charts
has given astrologers not only a great He makes a case for the importance of (Medieval Europe, the Cold War), the nuclear
reference, but also a treatise on how and significance of an event over a guess at the era, powered flight and space travel, earth
why he wrote the book. He describes the beginning. He believes that the reporting of zodiacs, world horoscopes, the outer plan-
historical event for each chart and, in cases an event will vary from the actual time of its ets, and then indices of planet and angle
where there are different possible dates or occurrance. He speaks of the importance of degrees for national charts. You can see
times or events, he shows multiple charts continuity of experience versus choosing one where your planets coincide with the Suns
for each country. He published it in 1988, birth moment. and Midheavens of the countries you want
revised and expanded it in 1995, and in to visit. He has fun stuff to read such as the
2004 did another revision. 100 dates for the beginning of the Age of
Nick Campion is a scholar, a true teacher, Aquarius, some of which are in the future.
and an open minded writer. He is not trying There are excellent comprehensive footnotes
to prove a point; instead, he is open to look- and a bibliography full of interesting reading
ing at all possibilities for data for calculating if one wants to dive deeper into any of the
the charts. There are 403 charts in the main charts or topics.
section of the book. He has 12 appendices This is a book that needs to be on every
and a list of prominent degrees for each serious astrologer’s bookshelf. It contains two
country. He has detailed sources and foot- books, one philosophical and one factual. It
notes for all data. is a good read and a good resource. Campion
There is so much more to this book than disseminates information written from a
a listing of charts. He has a lengthy dis- basis of pure research and thought, yet he
course on astrology that is a book in itself. recognizes and accepts the importance of
He explains his thinking and his philosophy. the intuitive world. He has given astrologers
This is a work written by a historian, which a great gift by producing this book. Thank
Campion is, and he makes his case for why you, Nick, for your time and effort.
the various charts work. He explains his
thinking throughout in a clear, well writ- It is a 5 ***** plus book.
ten way, as when he makes the distinction R
between natural and judicial astrology.

The Professional Astrologer

an essential volume for every student and practitioner

Available in Paperback and E-Book

at and

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 37

taught in school was invalid. It was invalid when they themselves do not have answers
because it did not explain reality in all of its to many questions within their own models?
expressions. It did not explain many of my For example, mainstream physicists cannot
experiences when I was young and study- explain what gravity is, what electricity is,
ing astrology, such as observing an amazing what magnetism is, etc. They have many
correlation between astrological interpreta- assumptions, laws and postulates that we are
tions and real human behavior, having lucid required to believe in without questioning.
dreams and psychic visions. Mainstream physics has many contradic-
Today it still does not explain the tions and paradoxes. For example, quantum
experiences of many people, like me, with physics, the physics of microworld cannot
astrology, psychic moments and various reconcile with the Newtonian physics, the
unusual occurrences. If a scientific model physics of macroworlds. Einstein’s theory of
does not explain phenomena observed by relativity contradicts a natural phenomenon
millions, this tells that the model is incom- of quantum entanglement. The general the-
plete. This also means we need to search for ory of relativity is not applicable to physics of
a better model. spinning objects because relativity requires
Instead of looking for explanations for two objects where one is moving relative
such natural phenomena, mainstream sci- to another while the spinning motion of an
ence is typically denying their existence in object is absolute and does not require a
quite a disrespectful way, calling astrology second object to measure its speed relative
a ‘pseudoscience’ and extrasensory practi- to the second object. Since we find spinning
tioners ‘con-artists’.   objects everywhere in macro and micro
Why? Who gave these people the right to worlds the general theory of relativity, as ele-
put labels on disciplines and practices they gant and popular as it is, is not applicable to
know nothing about? Why do they act as an the real world. It’s ultimately a mathematical

Mainstream authority on the topic of ‘what science is’ model that is based on an idealized abstract
world rather than on reality.

versus The further

There are so many discrepancies in the
foundation of the mainstream physics
mental construct. Some great thinkers feel
Alternative I went into the
development of my
that mainstream science is more of a belief
system by definition than a real science.

Sciences, Physics of Astrology

My quest to explain astrology started a
long time ago as a response to pressure from
framework, the my friends and colleagues who, like me at
which one explains more I was finding
the time, were involved in mainstream phys-
ics. I had to explain to them that astrology is
astrology better? mistakes in the not a pseudoscience.
The further I went into the development of
mainstream physics.
by Nadia Smirnova-Mierau my Physics of Astrology framework, the more
I was finding mistakes in the mainstream

oming from a mainstream physics
educational background, I find that
my attempt to explain how astrology
works is hindered by a lack of appropriate
physical models and definitions that would
both make sense to me and make it easier
for my audience to understand what I’m try-
ing to say.
Being a highly sensitive individual with
extrasensory abilities, I can feel and visu-
alize the mechanism of planetary effects
on humans. In other words, believe it or not,
I am feeling the planetary vibes on a phys-
ical level. Feeling is one thing, explaining
what I’m feeling in scientific terms is another.
Finding the right scientific terminology for
my explanations is a bit challenging.
When I was thinking about the connection
between the heavens and life on Earth, and
searching for solutions for unsolved prob-
lems in astrology, I came to the realization
that the mainstream version of reality I was

page 38 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

There are, of course, exceptions. But they Scientists now talk about superfluid uni-
are rare. verse. This ‘new’ idea in mainstream physics is
After 100 years I’m sure you agree with the notion that any an attempt to reconcile many flows of unnatu-
of attempts to new controversial knowledge that threatens ral simplification of the ‘empty vacuum’.
explain the the established structures of a system meets The quantum vacuum and superfluid uni-
great resistance by the system. These days, verse concepts can now be used to explain
building blocks of moving forward to new discoveries frequent- many prior unexplainable phenomena.
the universe ly means challenging the status quo of main- Let’s now look at what’s been happening
stream science. outside of mainstream science.
without aether, About 100 years ago, mainstream physics Many great scientists from various coun-
working with accepted and made popular several incorrect tries have criticized Einstein’s relativistic
theories and assumptions and consequent- views and aetherless quantum physics. They
particles and waves
ly went in the wrong direction. By now it did not like the limiting guidelines and they
floating in an has virtually reached a dead-end in that wanted to explain all observable phenom-
empty vacuum, direction and is desperately looking for a ena. They have been continuously working
breakthrough. on models that describe the reality we live
scientists finally An example of such a dead-end direction in using the concept of aether. This direction
came back to is chasing after the smallest building blocks of physics is currently named ‘Ether dynam-
of the world, the elementary particles. To ics’ by Vladimir Atsukovsky. There are sev-
understanding that experimentally confirm the theoretically eral scientists around the world known for
vacuum is not proposed smallest elementary particles, their work in this direction. It is a lot more
really empty. like bosons, leptons, muons, quarks, etc. successful in explanation of gravity, electro-
scientists must assemble huge accelera- magnetism, and has a great potential for me
tors. The smaller the particle they are after to explain the physics of astrology and extra-
physics. I started seeing the big picture the bigger the accelerator or collider they sensory perception.
which was overlooked by physicists and need. There has always been a challenge to One of the well-known scientists and
astronomers. I wondered why they were build the next bigger particle accelerator to inventors who did not like the direction of
not noticing what I was noticing. Of course, look deeper inside smaller particles. Today mainstream physics about 100 years ago was
I quickly realized that they were simply not the biggest accelerator is the Large Hadron Mr. Nikola Tesla.
looking in the direction I was looking. They Collider built by the European Organization He was the greatest inventor of all times.
did not see the physical connection between for Nuclear Research in collaboration with He had over 800 patents of inventions we still
the planets and us because it was not their over 100 countries. Imagine the enormous use every day. Motors, engines of all kinds,
goal to see it. They were conditioned not to amount of money spent! This super col- radio, x-ray technology – all came into being
look in that direction. lider is 27 kilometers long. If scientists in complements of Mr. Tesla.
A true scientist, as I understood it, should the future want to study something even People marvel at what a genius Tesla was.
accept all observed phenomena and attempt smaller they would need a collider bigger The reason he was so productive, as I see
to explain it. Instead, I found that most pro- than the Earth itself. It is unlikely that there it, is that he did not care for the limitations
fessional scientists accepted phenomena that will be a collider built bigger than this one. and guidelines of the mainstream scientific
fit their models and rejected the ones that Many understand that proceeding in this
did not, calling them ‘illusions’, ‘superstitions’, direction doesn’t make sense.
and ‘beliefs’. One of the mistakes that took our physi- The reason Tesla
Is that the right thing to do? I did not want cists into the wrong path, is the rejection of was so productive, as
to subscribe to that. the concept of aether and replacing it with
Progressive scientists find it hard to stay
I see it, is that he did
an empty vacuum and spacetime. Aether,
within the mainstream scientific industry. a fluid medium filling all space, has been not care for the
This industry limits scientific work freedom. popular in academic circles since at least the limitations and
Everywhere you go in modern professional 1600s. Based on research of Russian scientist
scientific circles, one finds that it is very Vladimir Atsukovsky, the idea of aether has guidelines of the
hard, even impossible, to question estab- been around since deep antiquity. mainstream
lished dogmas and models. Scientists, After 100 years of attempts to explain
working full time for mainstream scientific the building blocks of the universe without
scientific industry.
establishments, typically have bosses who aether, working with particles and waves
tell them exactly what to work on. These floating in an empty vacuum, scientists
scientists know that they only get paid for finally came back to understanding that
the work they are hired to do. There are vacuum is not really empty. They saw that
guidelines that scientists are conditioned particles were being born out of vacuum
to follow. There is a system in place making and disappeared back into the vacuum in
sure that free-thinking is not encouraged their accelerators. They realized that there
and not supported. By free-thinking, I mean is more to vacuum than abstract empti-
daring to question the very fundamental ness. Now we have aether back in physics,
scientific beliefs. Free-thinkers within main- except it is named differently. Sometimes
stream science simply will not be financially you hear ‘quantum vacuum’, other times
supported nor would they be published in ‘bose-einstein condensate’. Einstein called
mainstream prestigious publications. it ‘space time’.

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 39

SMIRNOVA-MIERAU the connection and think that human behav- ics conversation, like the type of physics
ior is not influenced by celestial bodies at all. antigravity is based on.
industry. He rejected Einstein’s theory of In order to show them that the connection If I need to explain how psychic ability
relativity. He believed in the existence of exists it is sufficient to use the traditional works, I can use a known phenomenon in
aether and never wanted to walk away understanding of gravity and mention lunar mainstream quantum physics called quan-
from it. Based on an understanding of the tides and the fact that humans are largely tum entanglement, which contradicts the
dynamics of aether, he was able to keep on made out of water. popular relativistic physics and the speed
inventing until the day he died. If I want to explain how the Zodiac works, of light as the universal speed limit. I can
After Tesla, many alternative scientists why Lunar and planetary nodes are effec- also use the idea of aether, where we are
and researchers continued working on tive for readings just like planets, and how connected to each other via this common
explaining reality using the aether concept, aspects work as well as progressions and medium, like all fish connected to one
despite growing popularity of Einstein’s directions, then I need to describe the fluid another by water.  
theory of relativity and rapidly developing dynamic of aehter and gravity waves prop- In conclusion, I would like to say that
aetherless quantum physics. agating through it. Aether vortexes act as mainstream and alternative sciences are sets
Today aether dynamics is an alterna- tornados in aether creating gravity pull. of ideas and mental constructs that attempt
tive, true science in my opinion. It explains That’s when it becomes an alternative phys- to describe reality. These are languages I can
the macro and micro world better that use to deliver my analysis of reality.
mainstream science. It is somewhat under- I use both languages when I need to
developed because of a lack of financing. explain how things work in life and how
Nevertheless, it manages to build on contem-
If I want to planets affect us. I choose mainstream lan-
porary mainstream discoveries providing a explain how the guage first because it is familiar to most. I
better explanation for such discoveries.   Zodiac works, take it all the way until I reach the boundary.
Can it explain astrology and extrasensory I then go further and use the alternative sci-
perception?  Yes, it can. why Lunar and ence language because its reach is broader
However, some mainstream concepts can planetary nodes are and allows me to explain things that are
also explain astrology and gravity. Ultimately, deemed ‘unexplainable’ within mainstream
mainstream and alternative sciences are like
effective for boundaries.
brothers. They have the same parents, but readings just like To me astrology is a powerful alternative
one is supported by the parents because he science, similar to aether dynamics, mother
planets, and how
does what parents want and another is on his of all sciences. It is based on a phenomenon
own because he wants to be free to decide aspects work as of planetary effect on human behavior, mass
how he explores the world. Both mainstream well as progressions events and other occurrences on Earth.
and alternative sciences share a lot of vocab- Just like professional scientists are now
ulary. They base their interpretations on com- and directions, then re-discovering and re-naming aether, I see a
mon observable phenomena. Mainstream I need to describe future possibility of them to one day discover
science is financially supported by govern- planetary effect on the human brain and give
the fluid dynamic of it a new ‘scientific’ name, like ‘astro-homo
ments because it does what governments
require, while alternative science is on its aehter and gravity coherence’ or ‘astro-neuro entanglement’.
own, free to work on what they feel is right. waves propagating When that happens, we will smile.
While building my framework, I have My proposal to Wikipedia is to change the
found that there are many general aspects through it. definition of astrology, set a new guideline of
of astrology I can explain using mainstream how to understand what astrology is. Here is
definitions and postulates. It makes it easy to what I would like to see it defined as:
use a common understanding of gravity, as a Astrology is a science of conformity
phenomenon, to explain how planets affect between movements of celestial bodies and
us. However, going deeper into the nuts and human life on Earth and the physical effect of
bolts of physics of planetary aspects, plane- celestial bodies on our life.
tary nodes, house systems, zodiac, etc., I have
to move outside mainstream science’s scope Nadia Smirnova-Mierau is a counseling Western
astrologer, writer, speaker, teacher and alternative
of models and definitions. The minute I start scientist with a conventional degree in nuclear
talking about gravity being responsible for the physics. Her astrological studies and counseling
physical connection between celestial bod- practice began over 30 years ago in Moscow,
ies and us, I get questions that take me away Russia (USSR), her birth country. She is the author
from the traditional understanding of gravity. of Physics of Astrology, an e-book series. An ardent
astrology advocate, she currently practices and
I have to bring the aether concept and power- teaches astrology in New York. She has also been
ful alternative physics into the mix in order to interviewed on various media channels includ-
explain what gravity is and what it is not. ing TV, radio and YouTube as well as turning the
In other words, there are a couple of tables to interview numerous brilliant internation-
al astrologers while offering YouTube publicity to
different ways to explain to skeptics how conferences. Nadia is additionally a member of The
astrology works in scientific terms. One way Organization for Professional Astrology (OPA) and
is to address the biggest doubt of sceptics an agent at Cosmic Intelligence Agency (C*I*A).
about the existence of a physical connection Website:
between us and the planets. They do not see R

page 40 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

which is interesting and something new for
Book Review western readers. Öner uses the outer plan-
ets in his example charts. Each book has
Review by Arlan Wise the same appendixes: a Table of Dignities,
How to calculate Victors, How to find the
Victor, How to calculate Lots, and a com-
prehensive glossary of the terms he uses in
Professional the books.

Significators The books in this series are edited very

well by Benjamin Dykes.
in Traditional Astrology
Professional Significators
& This book describes the methods to use
Financial when looking at a chart to decide which is
the best profession for a client. It tells how

Significators to find the Lot of Profession, how to read

a diurnal or nocturnal chart (if the person
is born during the day or night), which
in Traditional Astrology professions are ruled by which planet,
indicated by sign and element, and how
BY ÖNER DÖSER to combine two professional significators.
He shows how to find the answers to such
questions as - will the client be successful

hese two books are part of a series in his profession, or when will the client be
written by Öner Döşer to teach tradi- successful. There is a chapter on planets
tional astrology. The books support in the tenth house and a chapter on the
the courses of the AstroArt Astrology meaning of the lord of the tenth house in
School in Istanbul, Turkey which is found- different houses.
ed and run by Öner Döşer. They are short
books and each one in the series is focused Financial Significators
on a specific topic.
The topic of this book is finances. Öner
Öner Döşer is a master in traditional starts by teaching how to calculate the Lot
astrology and wants to share these tech- of Fortune and then analyze the house it
niques with contemporary astrologers. He occupies and its sign and its connections to
says that the greatest difference between other planet. Then he goes on to show how
traditional and contemporary astrology is: to analyze the second house and how to
look at its lord in terms of the house where
…the planets are not only attributed to it resides. He demonstrates how to see if
the native, but also to other people signified riches will be attained legally or illegally, if
through these planets. Traditional astrology is the client is destined for great fortune and
based on distinguishing and determining the wealth, or, a life of poverty. There is a chap-
planets which signify different issues. ter describing how Öner looks at a chart
and which of the ancient methods he uses.
He references his statements with quotes
from many classical sources – Ptolemy, Öner Döşer is a natural teacher. His
Bonati, Firmicus Maternus, Lilly, Morin, Aquarian Sun and Mercury are in trine to a
Al-Burona, Al-Quibasi, and Robert Zoller, ninth house Jupiter in Gemini. This speaks
who Öner reveres as his teacher. This gives to his large international group of students R
the reader a full idea of the complexity of and readers. He has found a winning for-
assigning planets as significators since not mula for writing this series of short books,
all of the sources agree with each other. which also includes a volume on marriage
There is a pattern in these books of
teaching what the ancients say about the The books are so well written that it is
topic and then teaching what he does easy to learn how to include these old tech-
when looking at a chart with a particular niques into your work. You will benefit from
focus. He has many examples charts, some reading them.
them are of well-known Turkish individuals,

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 41

Column by April Elliot Kent

PART ONE: sky speak to us, listen to what it has to ble one. In this series, I’ll explores some
say, and decode its messages. Then, we ideas about how to do that.
IN DIALOGUE figure out what those messages might
In this series
WITH THE SKY mean and attempt to translate them into
plain English. For instance, when we work with clients,

It’s tempting to think that it’s enough just we should know our astrology so well that
he first astrologer I ever met took one to be good at the work of reading symbols. we can make it invisible. Sure, clients who
look at my chart and said, “You’re a It isn’t, of course—at best, it’s half the job. are interested in learning astrology may
communicator.” I was 27 years old at And like many other professionals, astrol- want to peek under the hood at house
the time, miscast as a corporate executive ogers can be very good at the technical systems, asteroids, and time lords; but
secretary after my first career choice—pro- side of our work without being particularly everyone else pretty much just wants use-
fessional musician—turned out to have good at communicating what we know— ful perspective and helpful solutions. As my
prerequisites that I lacked (networking and we don’t always realize it. favorite high school teacher was fond of
genius, a gorgeous appearance, lungs built Communication is about sharing ideas saying, “People won’t care what you know
for long nights in smoky bars). With rent to and conveying an intentional impression. until they know that you care.”
pay, I’d parlayed my high school secretari- To do it well requires more than good ideas But handling the session itself with tact
al classes into a well-paid job that I found and raw charisma—it requires self-aware- and sensitivity is only one part of making
awfully dull, Virgo Midheaven or no Virgo ness, organization, and practice. The good clients feel cared for. As we’ll explore in
midheaven. As I filed papers and typed news is that even someone who isn’t a nat- Part Two of this series, handling communi-
memos each day, I certainly wasn’t thinking ural communicator can learn to be a capa- cation professionally before and after the
of myself as a communicator. session—communicating our approach,
But that astrologer’s observation helped prices, policies, boundaries, and expec-
me see myself in an entirely new light. I real- tations—is just as important in making
ized I’d never had a meaningful interest in Communication is clients feel respected and appreciated.
my life that didn’t involve communication. Part Three in the series touches on a
In my years as a performer and later as a
about sharing ideas
subject dear to my heart, which is how we
secretary, I’d learned a thing or two—often and conveying an communicate with audiences. The lecturing
the hard way—about wooing audiences, intentional astrologer often knows a lot of technique
winning over demanding bosses and club but may not have taken so much as a basic
owners, developing good phone etiquette, impression. To do it public speaking course. I’ve spent years
and writing razor-sharp correspondence. But well requires more sitting in lectures where I couldn’t see the
it would be several years before I left my job charts that were being referenced and
to pursue astrology professionally, ten years
than good ideas and
couldn’t hear the lecturer because he or
before I decided to return to college, and raw charisma— she was talking to a PowerPoint presen-
another couple of years before it occurred to it requires tation instead of the audience. I’ve got
me to major in Communication. opinions on this subject, folks, so brace
Studying the subject academically gave self-awareness, yourselves!
me more insight and a lot of public speak- organization, and Finally, Part Four addresses communicat-
ing experience, which was a cornerstone ing with the world through social media,
of every upper divisional class in my major. practice. The good
conventional media, and publication.
But it’s my twenty-nine years as a profes- news is that even Now, many of you are far ahead of
sional astrologer that have given me my someone who isn’t a me in all these areas. Each one of us has
real education in the subject. strengths and struggles. But we can all be
Because as an astrologer, I—we—are in natural communicator better at what we do, if we first have the
the communication business. can learn to be a courage and humility to realize the ways in
which we’re failing to understand and to
Dialogue with the Sky capable one.
be understood. Most indecipherable web-
Astrology is based on the notion that sites, unfocused presentations, misspelled
we’re in dialogue with the sky. We let the social media memes, and poorly produced

page 42 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

YouTube videos are presented with pride situations are tough going for me. I’ve ogers who make everyone they meet feel
and excitement by someone who thought always been happiest communicating with special, every group feel that it’s an honor
they were nailing it. And as you read this the world from my cozy little home office. to speak for them, every visitor to their web-
series of articles, I’m confident you’ll find Yet somehow, I ended up as the president site or social media platform feel heard and
fault with my some of my ideas or the way I of my local astrological society, on the appreciated. And then there are the rest
express them, too. AFAN steering committee, and lecturing at of us, just trying to figure it all out, get our
We’re all doing the best we can, and I conferences. voices heard, and share the work we love.
don’t want to veer over the center divider Now that I’ve peeked outside my cave,
into arrogance or insensitivity toward the I’ve had the chance to observe communica- As professional astrologers, we’re all com-
colleagues I love and admire. In fact, this is tion in astrology from a much broader per- municators. And I think we can be even bet-
a good moment to touch on the subject of spective. Through my local astrology group, ter ones. How? That’s what we’ll explore in
how we communicate with one another as I’ve seen how guest lecturers approach the future installments of this series!
colleagues. community, both as speakers and profes-
sionals. Through the boards I serve, I’ve had April Elliott Kent has practiced astrology pro-
How we communicate with an up-close and personal look at group fessionally since 1990. She’s the author of three
books, a popular lecturer, and a member of OPA,
one another dynamics. And in the digital age, we all ISAR, NCGR, and AFAN. She serves on the AFAN
I joined OPA as a new member last year have constant exposure to the way astrolo- Steering Committee and as president of the
because, as I approach the Saturn return gers communicate within our community. San Diego Astrological Society. April graduated
of my professional astrology career, I real- To be honest, some of that communi- from San Diego State University with honors in
Communication. She lives in San Diego’s Normal
ize that one of my greatest passions has cation is done rather badly, infused with Heights neighborhood with her long-suffering
become the profession itself—our commu- vanity, arrogance, bitterness, or laziness. husband and demanding cats. Her website is
nity. Frankly, I’m a shy person, and group And some of it is done sublimely, by astrol-

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V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 43

Become the Future of Astrology ...

O PA’s Certification process is becoming a leading reference to add credence

that astrologers are competent and effectively provide quality service.

• The certification is open to any type of astrology orientation.

• Applying astrologer must have a professional practice for at least 6 mos.

It is time for astrologers to take their practice seriously.

Hear Saturn in Capricorn’s Calling – Become OPA Certified!

YOUR NAME HERE • Participate in 3 Peer Group Processes successfully.
• Participate in the Integrative Consulting Skills program
(OPA or ISAR’s Programs valid)
• Join the In-person or Online Astronomy for Astrologers training.
Next opportunity for Programs: I-Astrologer 2018 (Tucson, Oct 4-10)

• Competence in Analysis: Astrologer can fluently and accurately analyze charts in their own
system of choice.
• Astrologer demonstrates care, tolerance, compassion, ethical and responsible behav-
ior toward their client. They maintain healthy boundaries with their client and demonstrate
healthy control of the session. They are able to discuss difficult challenges or issues, while
making practical suggestions to manage those challenges and empower their client. They
have adequately conveyed chart content without intimidation, cynicism, self-righteousness,
or over-identification with the client’s situation.
• Management of practice – the astrologer can show vulnerability, humility, and admit mistakes.
• Astrologer has a vision for their practice and for astrology as a whole. They aspire to grow
and take practical steps to manage and balance ambition and self-care.
• Astronomy for Astrologers - astrologer demonstrates an understanding of fundamental
planetary mechanisms, the Precession of the Equinoxes, the difference between the three
zodiacs, among other Astronomy references.

OPA endorses and promotes certified astrologers

Clients can better trust OPA Certified Astrologers.
7-Year Valid Certification with option to extend
• Astrologer must remain professionally active as an astrologer and remain involved in
educational programs (be aware of conferences, workshops attendance, etc…)
• Must maintain ethical standards of practice.
• Certification will be reassessed if any formal complaints have been filed against the astrologer.
• Astrologer must renew their certification after 7 years by participating in a Peer Group
within that time frame.

page 44 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

Join us for 2 special events in Baltimore
August 27-30, OPA Peer Group | August 30 – Sept 2 – NCGR Astrology Conference

Join Us
OPA Peer Group Process
in Baltimore, August 28-30, 2019, ahead of NCGR
The Peer Group process is a workshop for practicing astrologers (at least 6 months
of paid client practice) who meet for three days to discuss their practice:





OPAastrolo Participating in the Peer Group Process
is a step toward OPA CERTIFICATION $395
by April 15
Special conference rate Hotel Prizes. $420 after
Contact us for details.

F 0 D






Baltimore, Maryland • Labor
J Day Weekend


August 30th- September 3rd, 2019





40 45

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 45

How to improve the dynamics and performance, and speak about clients you had difficulties with
PROCESS and what were the issues. The group will look at the chart of a client you may have had struggles
with and provide valuable perspective on possible solutions.
the first step DAY 2
Each participant is invited to analyze the chart of another participant. This is a perfect way to learn
OPA CERTIFIED! about different techniques and see how astrologers draw different themes from the same chart.

It doesn’t matter where you studied DAY 3

astrology or what type of astrology you prac- YOUR VISION, YOUR BUSINESS PLAN, YOUR FUTURE
tice, OPA Certification evaluates if you are Put numbers to your dreams! This is a time to discuss and write down how to make your dreams
professional and provide quality service. come true, how to practically make your practice successful, fulfilling and enjoyable. This is a time
The Peer Group is the core experience of to discuss how to take things higher, or perhaps scale it down...whatever is in line for your
the Certification process – this is a powerful astrology practice and yourself to thrive!
experience in itself and an opportunity to
see how your colleagues manage their prac-
tice and learn from the exchange.
Opportunities Integrative Consulting Skills – Sedona July 25-29, 2019
OPA endorses certified astrologers
Clients can better trust OPA Certified Astrologers.
 Peer Group – Baltimore Aug 27-30, 2019


Part of OPA Sedona, July 25-29, 2019
Process 3 Day immersion in OPA’s Consulting Skills program
in the beautiful scenic heart of Sedona.

DAY 1 • We’ll look at professionalism, rapport, ethics, philosophy, communication/counsel-

ing skills, handling sensitive topics, emotional involvement and challenging client situations.

DAY 2 • Deepening process about presenting astrological guidance with clarity and
non-attachment, reflecting on hidden prejudices, bias and stereotyping (in ourselves and handling
it from our clients). Explore our authenticity and how our unmet needs affect our consultations.

DAY 3 • This final day will include focused time for giving and receiving readings as we inte-
grate newly refined consulting skills with astrological guidance.


Full Program + 4 Nights
g The workshop takes place in a beautiful
OPAastrolo residence where all participants will stay.
Workshops /4 Night Accommodation by JUNE 1
/ Breakfast & Lunch $850 after

page 46 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

The Celebrated
your OPA RETREAT Returns

An Astrology Event

Part I: April 16-19

Part II: April 20-22

12 Intimate groups, Magic of Nature,

Amazing Community.
OPAastrolo More details coming soon!

Visit us online for

full details on
free presentations,
catalog of magazines,
and much more!

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 47

with renewed hope that they will make the Develop a plan that will draw out your
changes they desire stick. They go hard on innate gifts and desires oriented toward the
those New Year goals at first but often lose whole you. Plug into your own power source
steam by about mid February. Perhaps New moving into alignment with the bigger pic-
Year goals are best left as a type of renewal ture. Goals define what choices and paths
process instead of trying to make hard core you are willing to take in order to create a
life altering changes. New Year goals are like link to your values. Consider environment,
turning a page, old father time giving way to education, age, the country you live in, and
the toddler’s fresh younger attitude. laws associated with your work. Goals are not
Utilizing a productive time period to set static, they need to be adjusted on a regular
and review your goals throughout the year basis, especially when they are combined
would be much more affirming and produc- with other life goals.
tive. Electional charts are great for set-
ting an overall intention and start date. There are many key ingredients to
One could also work with the Solstices and consider, the following ideas will keep you
Equinoxes as they are built in power points on track.
within the year that provide fertile begin- Ask yourself, if I do this ___ will it align my
nings (Spring), two mid year points (Summer life to____? Is this in alignment with the life I
& Autumn) to adjust or re-align, and a built- desire to be living?

Goal in ending date (Winter). Solar Returns can

provide a great point from which to look at
Know yourself, your agenda and what
you are working with right now. The deeper,

future planetary hot spots lighting up your more comprehensively you understand your
chart for the year and setting goals from that needs and desires the better the chance you
vantage point. Some people utilize the tran- have of staying the course and successfully

for your siting New and Full Moons each month to

start and finish up old goals. Better yet, you
getting to the finish line.
Important question: Are your basic needs

Astrology can ride your own wave by connecting your

personal New and Full Moon configurations
being met? If the answer is no, this is where
you need to start, focus on your needs not

Practice as the Sun transits your natal Moon for the

bigger picture, and the Moon transits your
your wants.
Have the foresight to see what you need
Sun for monthly reviews. to define, let-go of, create new patterns or
Column by Let’s not lose sight of what goal setting can re-program and organize in order to get to
Tamira DK McGillivray and cannot do for you. You aren’t going to
feel fulfilled by faking a goal that you’ve creat-
the finish line.
Tap into your strengths and weakness
ed to be something or somebody else, or that and create a skilled version of them in order
someone pressured you into becoming. to align with the goals of the future you.

Part I: What is Focus toward creating a more skilled ver-

sion of who you are today—aligning yourself
You must be able to articulate your goals
and develop a plan of action. You might use

goal setting?
with an idea, desire, want or need based on a spreadsheet, a vision board, a computer
your authentic self. program or all these tools in order to build

ome people claim they can’t get
through the day without some sort of
focused itinerary based on goal setting,
while others say they never goal set and do
just fine going with the flow and getting
through their day. On some level, whether
formal or conceptual, goals are embedded
into everyday behaviours. Sometimes we talk
ourselves into believing that we aren’t capa-
ble of achieving goals because we’ve failed
in the past or things have not quite gone as
planned, leading to fear or anxiety around
the process. Even the pressure to adopt a
style of goal setting by motivational speakers
or life coaches can be confusing. There are
literally hundreds of books, articles, websites
and speakers all pushing their style of goal
setting. Is goal setting really one size fits all?
When is the best time to set goals?
An example of a popular goal setting time
period (and often failure to achieve) are New
Year Goals. Many people feel defeated before
they even start, yet each year come back

page 48 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

your plan. What better way to approach goal • Look to the ruler of Mars and its house
setting then from your very own astrological placement for indications of support
chart! Dare to dream big and work with a through action, or how he will project
plan that is built specifically for you. his energy externally.
Although there • Mercury will show the mind’s ability to
Factors to consider in the astrologi- are key planets communicate, articulate and gather tools
cal chart as you create your own set to support the goal.
of goal setting rules: connected to goal • Look to the ruler of Mercury and
setting, before you the house placement for indications
• Look at the whole you not just one pick up the of communication style and ability
planet. Although there are key planets to gather facts and data in order to
connected to goal setting, before you magnifying glass accomplish the task at hand.
pick up the magnifying glass you need to you need to see the
see the bigger picture. Don’t forget to use other systems that may
• Keep in mind there are always exceptions bigger picture. confirm or support your findings like:
based on rulership, aspect patterns pulling
in other planetary energies, and support • Foundational Energy (simple count of
systems innately built into the chart. element, mode and polarity).
• Saturn as the control and guide to
• Most of all remember that no mat- This will provide the key to understand-
organization and what your style of
ter what your chart looks like, skilled ing your motivational factors and your
focus might look like. Saturn will also
and unskilled behaviors are the most innate responses to troubleshooting if
give you a clue to where baggage may be
important part of the work. Any plane- you are struggling to achieve your goals.
hidden creating a fear of success.
tary energy can be utilized at its highest This energy is a great representative of
• Look to the sign (mode of operation,
level if you are determined to succeed. a subtle but powerful underlying ener-
polarity, element, symbolism) and the
gy that drives us forward and is often
house where he is residing.
The planets you want to engage • Who rules the sign where Saturn is
left untapped. Pay close attention when
when setting and achieving your located, and what house and sign
Saturn or Venus are directly involved in
goals are: is the ruler in? Is there a connection
the Foundational Energy.
• Dispositor Patterns
between the two? Is Saturn making
• Venus as the Attractor and Motivator: This will be an added indicator of sup-
any other connections to its ruler,
Is she outsourcing her work through a port systems imbedded in the chart. Pay
Venus, Mars or Mercury?
dispositor or is she able to control the close attention if Venus and/or Saturn
goals from her single point of view. are involved as a final dispositor or are in
• What is the planet and house that best
• Venus will draw in what you value some sort of power position within a loop
describes your Astrological career
the most. Look to Venus for clues or mutual reception.
goal: 2nd & 8th money goals, 7th clients,
that will tell you what skills and
4th home-based business, 6th & 10th
support she has in order set goals
career/work, 9th if you plan on teaching
In Summary
that will harmonize your environ-
or have foreign clients.
ment and draw toward you what you Create a map of the patterns you discover,
• Where is the ruler and any planets
love. Engage her to see what style of take each finding into creative contempla-
within its borders, and what is their tie-
motivation she might have when con- tion as you begin play with how it might
in to the chart?
necting with other planets that need change your approach in the achievement
to get on board. and success of your goal setting. One size
• Sun and Moon: Although we are not
• Look to the sign for the script she is does not fit all.
going to directly delineate the Sun and
using (mode of operation, polarity,
the Moon, it is important that your goals
element, symbolism) to provide clues Join me next time as we explore different
align with both. If you are struggling to
of innate behaviours connecting you ways to boost the power of your astrologi-
accomplish your goals on a day to day
to what you value, how you expe- cal patterns, as you build your Professional
basis, you may need to evaluate and pull
rience harmony, and to help you to Astrology business.
in the Moon’s influences by setting or
recognize what you desire.
reprogramming new patterns and habits. Tamira is a Professional Astrologer & Teacher
• Where do you find the ruler of the
Look to the Sun to see how you are pro- currently living in Dartmouth NS (Halifax) Canada
sign Venus is located in? Is there an
jecting your light out into the world. Holds a BA in East West Traditions in
aspect relationship between Venus Astrological Studies (Kepler College) 2003 – 2007
and her ruler? Does Venus or her ruler & Certified NCGR III, Currently working toward
Although not directly involved in the pro-
make a connection to Saturn, her MA, University of Wales, Cultural Astronomy and
cess of goal setting, Mars and Mercury are Astrology. Vice Chair Kepler Board of Trustees
Ruler, Mars, or Mercury?
involved in articulating and actioning the and Kepler Admin Council, also Kepler
• What other connections is Venus College Core Course Teacher, A practicing
goals once you have a plan.
making (dispositor patterns and Usui Reiki Master (1996) and a Registered
aspects). For aspects is she the MAP Karuna Reiki® Master through the International
• Mars factor in your ability to action Center for Reiki Training. Studied with Dolores
(Most Aspected Planet) or LAP (Least
your plan. Cannon as a QHHT Practitioner (certified level II)
Aspected Planet)? Are the majority of
• Is Mars supportive of your plan? Or will RYT Certified Yoga Teacher Roots & Wings Yoga
her aspects stressful or harmonious? Studio (Vista California), Specializing in Yoga for
you need to compensate for his lack of
This can give an indication of your Meditation … utilizing Sound.
general attitude about goal setting. R

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 49

All of us are all the signs, but the level of I am you. You are me.
negative response is indicated by difficult Jacques Lacan’s Mirror Theory says that
aspects in our charts. Not everyone experi- relationships reflect something within.2 The

ences such shadow expressions or hardships. highest ideal of Libra is to transcend duality.
For the sake of simplicity, every other sign If I am you and you are me is now within,
is presented using masculine and feminine killing another means that he is killing self.

Opposite Sign pronouns. Hurting another is hurting self.


Strengths Aries is the bold, action-oriented warrior. Taurus possesses an intelligence of what
“Just Do It” as Nike would say. Taking initia- is needed to survive. Decisions of what has

very astrolo- tive and moving forward and fighting the importance for this purpose can be the dif-
gy sign has good fight are all wonderful qualities of Aries. ference between thriving and dying. Values
strengths and But, when the negative traits are extreme, are the basis for this survival. But, when the
weaknesses. When a the hero gallantly forging into war does not negative traits are extreme, the stubborn Bull
sign is heavily afflicted, always come back as a hero. Impulsiveness can have a narrow, rigid value system. What
the strengths of the can lead to injuries and problems. Being he/she holds to be true is inflicted on others.
opposite sign (polarity brash and selfishness can lead to enemies. A value is a value is a value. This is right.
point) serve as an antidote or solution. When out of balance, life forces the That is wrong.
wounded warrior to move forward to the An outdated and limited value system can
For example, the antidote for an afflicted next sign of Taurus. He or she needs to find threaten existence and material needs. She is
Aries would be Libra gifts. The antidote for comfort and withdraw to heal his wounds, to confronted with an adjustment to black and
an afflicted Libra would be Aries gifts. The develop values of when to fight or not, learn white perspectives. In order to survive and
same concept applies to afflicted houses and to become practical and establish security thrive, she then begins to question her values.
planets. But, for the sake of simplicity, only and temper impulsiveness. With values, he or When out of balance, life forces her to
signs will be discussed. she is opening to embrace a Libra belief. move forward to the next sign of Gemini.
The antidote for Aries is Libra. Instead of Learn and do a lot of things, live life, explore
the me, there is the we. Rather than using the ethics of others or whatever may grab
Polarity Points
relationships to discover self, the person dis- her interest. With duality, she is opening to
Aries ↔ Libra covers the other, and, in turn, gains a deeper embrace a Scorpio belief.
Taurus ↔ Scorpio understanding of self. Instead of deciding The antidote for Taurus is Scorpio. Instead
what is best for the partner, one realizes the of the material, there is the soul. Rather than
Gemini ↔ Sagittarius
partner’s needs and wants and learns to be avoiding death, there is resurrection and trans-
Cancer ↔ Capricorn receptive. The love and beauty of Libra and formation. Rather than a focus on the surface
Leo ↔ Aquarius Venus softens the warrior. layer, there is shadow awareness. Instead of
A belief or mantra that can help Aries right or wrong, she learns there is gray.
Virgo ↔ Pisces
bring forth Libra gifts: A belief or mantra that can help Taurus
bring forth Scorpio gifts:
Before we are ready to change, we have to
I am not the body. I am the soul.
get to the point that enough is enough. We All of us are all the When the identification with the body falls
live out the drama and eventually open to
signs, but the level away, there is a knowing that the soul lives
a new reality. Before we are ready for oppo-
on. The highest ideal of Scorpio is under-
site sign strengths, we begin to manifest of negative response standing that there is no such thing as death
behaviors of the next adjacent sign as we
move through the zodiac (Aries → Taurus →
is indicated by as the soul never dies. With this belief, there
is power over the greatest fear in life. There
Gemini and so on.) difficult aspects in are countless stories of near-death experienc-
A Psychology Today article, “Change Your our charts. es where people are resurrected with trans-
Beliefs, Change Your Life,”1 says that the
Not everyone formed perspectives and values.
means to modify behavior is to change
our beliefs. It has to be part of the soul, the experiences GEMINI >>> SAGITTARIUS
being. It is a knowing. That is when growth
happens. This is when we change. A belief or such shadow Gemini helps us get in touch with the
childlike part of ourselves as he shares the
mantra for each sign is presented, although expressions or excitement of discovering something new.
there can be more than one belief to heal
hardships. It is like the fun of being with a toddler
and create balance.

page 50 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

or puppy as he explores the world. Gemini Behaviors and how he treats others are based
can infect us with his enthusiasm. There is a on the belief that the world revolves around
presence, an openness, and a mindfulness in him. He is the sun. He is god. He is the king.
what he is experiencing. How one feels is Others are there to serve him.
The flip side is when Gemini loses pres- a reflection of Narcissism lives on a spectrum. Most of us
ence and becomes scattered. When the at one time or another have the need to be
negative traits are extreme, he has no con- perceptions. The better than others or the need for attention.
trol over his thoughts. The duality of Dr. mistake is trying to But when taken to extreme, narcissism is one
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde goes here and there as of the most difficult traits to heal. Something
the mind takes him. control feelings. It has gone wrong at every step in the devel-
When out of balance, life forces Gemini to never works. What opment of self along the progression from
move forward to the next sign of Cancer. He a Cancer can control Aries to Cancer. The shadow of all four signs
goes within to feel rather than think. With culminates as narcissism. Aries is selfishness.
internal reflection, he is opening to embrace is how she thinks, Taurus is fear. Gemini is a lack of control over
a Sagittarius belief. which affects thoughts. And, Cancer is a fracture within the
The antidote for Gemini is Sagittarius emotional self that results in an inability to
strengths. Instead of mind, there is intuition. feelings. love and comfort self. The narcissist is actual-
Instead of knowledge, there is wisdom. A ly the opposite of who he appears to be. He
belief or philosophy serves as the target for is insecure, afraid, and hates his true self.
the archer. He learns direction and focus. A belief or mantra that can help Cancer The higher the Leo goes in his narcissistic
A belief or mantra that can help Gemini bring forth Capricorn gifts: bubble, the further he has to fall. The lonely
bring forth Sagittarius gifts: I am responsible for my choices king has only one place to go when he con-
I am not the mind. I am the watcher. and perceptions. fronts the false self. There is a fall from grace,
As Eckhardt Tolle says, “Enlightenment is How one feels is a reflection of perceptions. and he is no longer the ruler, but the bottom
not only the end of suffering and of con- The mistake is trying to control feelings. It of the bottom. The Leo king has lost his
tinuous conflict within and without, but never works. What a Cancer can control is crown and is humbled. When out of balance,
also the end of the dreadful enslavement to how she thinks, which affects feelings. Viktor life forces Leo to move forward to the next
incessant thinking… The moment you start E. Frankl (survivor of World War II concentra- sign of Virgo.
watching the thinker, a higher level of con- tion camps) said, “The one thing you can’t It is necessary to integrate Aries through
sciousness becomes activated.”3 The highest take away from me is the way I choose to Cancer before Leo can embrace Virgo ener-
ideal of Sagittarius is an ever-expanding respond to what you do to me. The last of gies. To heal an inflated ego or narcissism, it
consciousness. one’s freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in is necessary to work backwards from Cancer
any given circumstance.”4 The highest ideal of to Aries.
CANCER >>> CAPRICORN Capricorn is to be the sure-footed mountain
Cancer is the image of a baby lovingly held goat above it all. I am responsible for my choices
by her mother. The warmth and softness of and perceptions.
the mother’s breasts enfold her. The milk LEO >>> AQUARIUS • Cancer to Capricorn
comforts her. The rocking soothes her. When Leo has a heart of gold and loves to lavish • The feeling self is the true self means
she cries or feels upset, her mother scoops gifts and affection. The rays of his essence that the narcissist needs to feel feelings
her up and makes her feel safe. This bonding warm others. His light shines bright and can to create an emotional bond with self.
with the mother is the emotional conduit to be a magnet to others. But, when the nega- • It is a critical step to be able to rock,
connect with the world and within self. The tive traits are extreme, Leo can be narcissistic. love, and soothe the child within.
ability to comfort self is absorbed from the
mother’s grounding of the child.
But, when the negative traits are extreme,
feelings are overwhelming and unbearable.
There is an inability to comfort and soothe
self. She withdraws from life as the Crab
hides within her shell.
When out of balance, life forces Cancer
to move forward to the next sign of Leo.
Eventually she tip toes into the light of the
Leo Lion, as the Crab begins to peek out of its
shell. With the Lion’s courage, she is opening
to embrace a Capricorn belief.
The antidote for Cancer is Capricorn
strengths. Instead of dependency, there is
responsibility. Rather than looking to others
for comfort, she realizes that she is her own
authority. She has the ability to hold, rock,
and soothe the child within. She learns to
ground herself with practical solutions. She
eventually tells herself (as a Capricorn might
say), “Just get over it.”

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 51

Astrology Antidotes is a sense that it is important for survival. The antidote for Libra is Aries strengths.
She identifies with what she does. All the Instead of the we, there is the me. Instead of
• The first step in a 12-step program is accomplishments and successes in the world indecision, there is action. Instead of depen-
to take responsibility, and ego is an will never squelch the unrelenting drive for dency, there is self-empowerment. Rather
addiction. redemption. than a Jerry McGuire belief that he needs
When out of balance, life forces Virgo to another to be complete, he is complete
I am not the mind. I am the watcher. move forward to the next sign of Libra. She within himself. From there, he can create a
• Gemini to Sagittarius needs to open her heart and soften the crit- healthy relationship.
• When watching thoughts, there is a ical nature. She learns to create a work—life A belief or mantra that can help Libra
higher level of consciousness. The mind balance. With the love of Libra, she is open- bring forth Aries gifts:
or ego no longer has control. ing to embrace a Pisces belief. I am…
The antidote for Virgo is Pisces strengths. With “I am”, Libra is in touch with his sepa-
I am not the body. I am the soul. Instead of doing, there is being. Instead of rate identity. He is in touch with how he feels
• Taurus to Scorpio criticism, there is compassion. It is the imper- separate from others. The highest ideal of
• There is no such thing as death as the fections that are perfection. She learns for- Aries is “I am that—I am”. He can be one with
soul lives on. giveness for self and others. another, because he is already one with self.
• There is the realization that the soul is A belief or mantra that can help Virgo
the watcher. bring forth Pisces gifts: SCORPIO >>> TAURUS
God loves me unconditionally as He Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth.
I am you, and you are me. loves everybody unconditionally. Scorpio has options when faced with the
• Aries to Libra God loves those regarded as horrible for inevitability of death. As an example, let’s say
• With the assimilation of feelings (true their actions as much as he loves Mother Scorpio’s dearly loved father has a year to
self), mindfulness, and soul, Leo is ready Theresa, the saints, and others deemed as live. She can choose to avoid her father and
to see the other. virtuous and highly accomplished. His love the reality. The option of denial or ignorance
• The achievements and successes of oth- is not based on what we do, accomplish, or keeps Scorpio in the underworld the longest.
ers are his achievements and successes. our “sins”. If it was, then that love would be If she stands by her father and helps him
conditional. The highest ideal of Pisces is through the dying process, she can respond
With Virgo humility and service to others, unconditional love. in two ways. She can go to the underworld
Leo is opening to embrace an Aquarian belief. of grief and sadness. Or, she can choose to
The antidote for Leo is Aquarius strengths. LIBRA >>> ARIES celebrate awakening each morning as she
Instead of loneliness, there is belonging. Libra is not the sign of balance. It is the still has her father. When facing death, she
Instead of a focus on being the center, there sign of seeking balance. He seeks peace becomes more alive. She can help him die in
is a focus on group dynamics and an appre- through compromise, beauty, gentleness, peace as he knows that she is OK.
ciation of each person’s contribution. Rather and nature. He looks for partners who com- But, when the negative traits are extreme,
than an attachment to the inflated false self, pliment his strengths and weaknesses. As life Scorpio cannot let go. She sees only the dark-
there is detachment and acceptance of what is a never-ending flux of change, Libra needs ness of the underworld and a focus on what
is. He learns mindfulness. to continually monitor the scales. He is on has been lost.
A belief or mantra that can help Leo bring target when there is a feeling of inner peace. When out of balance, life forces Scorpio to
forth Aquarius gifts: But, when the negative traits are extreme, move forward to the next sign of Sagittarius.
It is what it is. he loses self in the other. He sacrifices inter- With Sagittarius inspiration and optimism,
Dr. Seltzer in a Psychology Today arti- nal balance for external compromise. He she is opening to embrace a Taurus belief.
cle says, “… their (narcissist) innermost wants to make everybody happy, but it is at The antidote for Scorpio is Taurus
desire—to believe that who they are (with his own expense. strengths. Instead of death, there is life.
no «embellishments») is okay, acceptable, When out of balance, life forces Libra to Instead of being blinded within the darkness,
and lovable.”5 Acceptance of self as is with move forward to the next sign of Scorpio. the eyes open to see all the beauty in the
all perceived faults is necessary to move He needs to know that the illusionary ideal world. Rather than a focus on what is wrong,
forward. There is transformation of ego into is not real and accept the shadow within the there is an enjoyment of exquisite food, sun-
consciousness and an opening to the Age of world, partnerships, and self. He needs to get shine, good sex, and all that the body and
Aquarius. Although all signs lead to enlight- real. With Scorpio depth, he is opening to Mother Earth have to offer. She learns that
enment, the highest ideal of Aquarius is embrace an Aries belief. she can choose where to direct her atten-
enlightenment. tion… heaven or hell.
A belief or mantra that can help Scorpio
VIRGO >>> PISCES bring forth Taurus gifts:
Virgos are service-oriented, analytical, orga- The highest ideal Life is short. Value the day. Value every
nized, skilled, and have a synthesis ability. of Aries is “I am breath. Value life and all that it has to offer.
Virgo is the sign of purification and perfection. Each person will look back on her life on
that—I am”. He can
How do you become perfect unless you can her dying day. Will there be regrets? The
look and see what is wrong? Virgo, in the drive be one with highest ideal of Taurus is to be true to what is
to be pure, analyzes self to see what is lacking. another, because valued. Live life.
But, when the negative traits are extreme,
the perfectionist is self-deprecating. After he is already one SAGITTARIUS >>> GEMINI
the fall from grace of Leo, there is a need for with self. Sagittarius is the inspiring philosopher or
redemption and to prove one’s worth. There teacher with a strong belief system. He pro-
is a drive to be good… to be skilled, as there fesses his beliefs with passionate conviction

page 52 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

and logical arguments whether it is related exploration. Rather than controlling emo- even though she might not be aware that
to vaccine use, astrology, politics, spirituality, tions, there is truth. She learns to relate on a she is doing it. She has insights and answers
how to raise children, or whatever his passion deeper emotional level. to problems that have no logical basis.
might be. A Sagittarius atheist is the most A belief or mantra that can help Capricorn She has a compassionate and caring nature
devout atheist of the zodiac. But, when the bring forth Cancer gifts: as she feels what others feel. She feels the
negative traits are extreme, he would rath- I connect with my soul when I feel chaos and pain of the collective and is unable
er burn at the stake than open to the possi- my feelings. to turn it off. She gets lost in the sea of emo-
bilities of a different point of view. Feel the feelings whether the good, the tions and does not know what is hers or
When out of balance, life forces the phi- bad, or the ugly. When feeling the feelings, someone else’s. It is difficult for the sensitive
losopher to move forward to the next sign there is an emotional release and no longer Pisces to live in the harsh realities of the physi-
of Capricorn. He needs to honor obligations, anything to control. By going within and cal world. She might try to escape overamped
pay bills, and accept the consequences of feeling the emotion, there is a connection emotions and numb the pain of the world via
over-extension or being wrong. With reality with the truth of oneself. When connecting alcohol, drugs, or other addictions like work,
and accountability, he is opening to embrace with the truth of oneself, it is then possible to computers, cell phones, TV, or martyrdom.
a Gemini belief. have true intimacy with another. When out of balance, life forces the empath
The antidote for Sagittarius is Gemini. Instead to move forward to the next sign of Aries.
of preaching, there is two-way communication. AQUARIUS >>> LEO Instead of escaping, she steps full throttle into
Instead of a fixed belief, there is an eagerness Aquarius is like the awkward teenager life. She no longer sits back passively. She gets
to learn. Instead of a misguided devotion, striving to find his niche in the world. He pissed. She takes charge of her life. With the
there is an openness to diverse perspectives. does not seem to fit in with his parent’s life- Aries energy of coming into the body, she is
He learns there are many levels of truth. style or the clicks at school. He rebels against opening to embrace a Virgo belief.
A belief or mantra that can help Sagittarius authority and the status quo. He seeks to be The antidote for Pisces is Virgo strengths.
bring forth Gemini gifts: himself against the pressures of conformity. Instead of chaos, there is order. Instead of
Wisdom is when you know how But, when the negative traits are extreme, confusion, there are practical solutions.
little you know. Aquarius questions himself. “How can I be Inspiration can be manifested strategical-
Sagittarius rules Jupiter, the largest planet right if everybody else says that I am wrong? ly into physical form. She grounds herself.
in our solar system. Jupiter may be the larg- Why am I different?” Although he comes off When overwhelmed with emotions, she asks,
est in the Milky Way, but the planet is just a with an aloof indifference, he seeks confirma- “Is it mine or somebody else’s?” She learns
speck in the entire universe… so teeny tiny is tion in his search for like-minded groups. not to take on what is not hers.
one human being. How can anyone believe When out of balance, life forces Aquarius A belief or mantra that can help Pisces
his beliefs are beyond reproach? There are to move forward to the next sign of Pisces. bring forth Virgo gifts:
dimensions and realities beyond the scope Through spirituality and God’s unconditional As above, so below.
of human awareness. The highest ideal of love, he is opening to embrace a Leo belief. The highest ideal of Virgo is to ground the
Gemini is an openness to possibilities. The antidote for Aquarius is Leo strengths. soul as much as possible—to bring heaven
Instead of insecurity, there is confidence. to earth. As within, so without.
CAPRICORN >>> CANCER Instead of doubt, there is knowing. Rather
Capricorn has a refined sense of responsibili- than seeking confirmation outside of self, the REFERENCES
ty, dependability, and work ethic. She is known light of his essence shines from within. He
to be cold and lacking emotions. It is because learns to trust himself. 1
she cares so much that she needs to discon- A belief or mantra that can help Aquarius change-your-life
nect. For example, imagine a child who was bring forth Leo gifts: 2
raised on a farm. She had to distance herself I love me. ry-wounds-relationships/
emotionally from the animals as they might Probably the greatest malady of today’s 3
be dinner or sold for slaughter. From a young society is the lack of love for self. Somebody 4
age she had chores and was held account- with healthy self-esteem shines as his own the-one-thing-you-can-t-take-away-from-me-is
able. There was no time for the luxury of feel- unique being. He can even look into the mir- 5
ings when a job needed to be completed. ror and love the thinning hair and saggy belly blog/evolution-the-self/201507/is-what-real-
But, when the negative traits are extreme, or whatever else creates low self-esteem in ly-makes-narcissists-tick?page=1
Capricorn loses touch with how she feels. most. True, sincere self-love heals the world.
When a friend is crying, she is like a deer Kathy Hunter is a Professor in Business and
Computing Studies at Chandler-Gilbert Community
caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. PISCES >>> VIRGO College. She has been a practicing astrologer since
She cares. She wants to help. Ask her to run Pisces is the sign of the Christ. The Virgo 2010. She is an analytical empath that helps her
to the store or organize your closet. But, Virgin is the sign of the Divine Mother that clients with practical solutions to save time and
she struggles with connecting emotionally gives form to spirit. The Divine Mother money. Through an understanding of the soul’s
challenges and purpose, Kathy guides clients to
as that part of self has been suppressed. grounds the soul into the physical world. heal emotional blockages and create a joyful life.
When out of balance, life forces her to Pisces has a strong connection to the spir- She teaches astrology classes at the Unity Church
move forward to the next sign of Aquarius. itual world, which is a very nebulous ener- in Sedona, AZ. Primary areas of focus are evolu-
Instead of a focus on worldly expectations, gy. Boundaries dissipate. There is oneness. tionary and spiritual astrology.
she questions who she is as an individu- But, when the negative traits are extreme, Website:
al. With individuation, she is opening to Pisces has a difficult time being in her body.
embrace a Cancer belief. Part of her drifts off to the spirit world. Most
The antidote for Capricorn is Cancer. everybody has had the experience of waking
Instead of suppression, there is release. up from a dream with answers to problems.
Instead of outward goals, there is inward Pisces goes off to this place while awakened

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 53

Transits 22 Sun A conjunct Uranus H • Saturn G con-
junct South node • Venus D conjunct Chiron U.
25 Mars E square I
Happy New Year!
The First Point of Aries is Upon Us
of the Season 28 Saturn G stations @ 20 Capricorn conjunct
The vernal equinox, Aries ingress—the
beginning of the astrological year—begins
BY TRACY QUINLAN the South node March 20th at 5:59 p.m. EDT (Washington
DC) with the Sun applying to a conjunc-
30 Mars E sextile Mercury C, Mars E quin-
tion with Chiron (See chart 1, Moon in
cunx Saturn G, Mercury C square Saturn G,
First). The astrological year comes in with
and Saturn G begins moving retrograde. a bang just before a 0 degree Libra full
Moon (see chart). This abrupt shift in plan-
MAY 2019 etary energy foretells swift change and
action shortly after we transition into the
4 New Moon B @14 Taurus 6:45 p.m. season. The Full Moon in Libra encour-
Washington DC; Mars E opposite Jupiter F ages diplomacy and asks us to see both
sides of any situation. With both lumi-
6 Mercury C ingress into Taurus; Venus D
naries making tight inconjunct aspects to
square Saturn G and the South node,
Uranus, adjustments will need to be made
Mercury C conjunct Uranus H around how we express our will and main-
THEMES OF THE SEASON 9 Venus D trine Jupiter F and square Pluto J tain autonomy while mediating emotions.
Spring 2019 15 Mars E ingresses into Cancer & Venus
Course corrections should also be seen in
the areas of technology, science and our
D into Taurus, Neptune I trines the North individual rights and freedoms. If this is not
Node the case we will struggle to move grace-
MARCH 2019 17 Mercury C trine Pluto J, Venus D conjunct fully into the future. Because the lights are
at 0 degrees, it’s a message that it’s too
Uranus H
20 Vernal Equinox - 5:58 p.m. in Washington early to tell what a change in behavior will
DC. • Full Moon B 00 Libra Sun A 00 18 Full Moon B 27 Scorpio bring, but change is necessary and coming
whether we submit or not.
Aries 08 9:43 PM Washington DC 21 Sun A ingress into Gemini • Mercury
21 Venus D Square Mars E and C ingresses right behind it at 6:52 a.m. March 22nd Sun conjunct Chiron
sextile Jupiter F • Sun A conjunct Mercury C is cazimi on May 21st from 4:08 The Full Moon comes on the heels of
Chiron U • Mercury C 18 Pisces retrograde a.m. until 2:30 p.m. EDT. • Jupiter F, Saturn G, Mars trine Pluto—diplomacy is required.
is applying to a 13-day conjunction to Venus D, and Mercury C and Neptune I all in The opposition of a Full Moon illuminates
Neptune I,, (1° applying for 10 and 1/2 days and rulership, while Mars E is in fall (Cancer). imbalance. This is exaggerated here with
one degree separating for two and a half days). the Sun exalted in Aries and the Moon
23 Mars E square Chiron U and sextile Uranus H in the sign that is perpetually in search of
26 Venus D ingresses into Pisces • Mercury C sextile Chiron U (all between 3-5°) balance and justice. The challenge with this
29/30 Venus D sextile the North Node and particular Full Moon is the pull to achieve
27 Venus D sextile Uranus H, • Mercury C
Neptune I, trine Saturn G and quincunx peace at all costs, which makes frustra-
stations Direct at 16 Pisces
Jupiter F • Mercury C squares Neptune I, tions more intense rather than diffusing
31 Mars E Ingresses into Gemini opposes Jupiter F is quincunx Saturn G • them. The exalted Sun in Aries is on a
Pluto J (Planets and Nodes between 18-20°). high. It’s optimistic, self-confident and it
looks forward not backwards. The Sun’s
APRIL 2019 conjunction to Chiron could diminish the
2 Mercury C conjunct Neptune I JUNE 2019 issues of Chiron, downplaying our past
(final pass/resolution) wounds. As the Sun passes the centaur,
3 New Moon B @ 12 Gemini it may highlight our wounds related to
9 Jupiter F station • Venus D conjunct 4 Mercury C ingress into Cancer self-expression, or conversely, to buck up
Neptune I • Sun A square Saturn G. and get over it. In the latter case, it may
8 Sun A opposes Jupiter F and squares leave our personal and collective wounds
11 Jupiter F retrograde Neptune I, forming a mutable T square • open and raw — invalidated. This con-
14 Venus D trine the North Node and sextile Venus D ingresses into Gemini. junction has the potential to rile up the
Pluto J disenfranchised while leaving others
11 Mars E conjunct the North Node, trine
demoralized and weeping in a corner. In
15 Venus D square Jupiter F and the Sun A Neptune I and quincunx Jupiter F both instances the Sun passing Chiron
trine Jupiter F 15 Mercury C conjunct Mars E and the North may allow us to ignore our Chironic inju-
Node opposite Saturn G / Mercury C and ries in the short-term only to be surprised
17 Mercury C ingress into Aries we’re not all healed when the Sun sets,
trine Neptune I.
19 Full Moon @ 29 degrees Libra, leaving us to continue on our individu-
17 Full Moon B at 25 Sagittarius 53 at 4:31 al quest for understanding. In its most
20 Sun A ingresses into Taurus and Venus D a.m. Washington (conjunct the Galactic positive, this connection can lead some
ingresses into Aries center), Mercury C conjunct Mars E. to draw strength from the warmth of the
Sun’s connection, highlighting compas-

page 54 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

sion wisdom and toughness in the face of conjunct Neptune in Pisces—feelings may ever is ruled by Mercury in our own charts
adversity. It can also foretell one’s ability get in the way, and possibly lead to commu- could just evaporate in a cloud of steam. This
to see their story in a more positive light. nications being misinterpreted or miscom- aspect is square Donald Trump’s natal 10th
municated, and reality distorted. We can be house Uranus, North Node, Sun in Gemini and
The Ultimate Escape prone to delusion, or even feel overwhelmed. quincunx his natal 2nd house Jupiter. Mercury
On March 22nd Mercury retrograde People who are not comfortable with this rules his 2nd and 11th houses, leaving me
moves to within 1 degree of a conjunction to very intense mutable water energy will be ill- wonder if his finances or financial support
Neptune which will stay in aspect (1° apply- at-ease and could feel quite unstable. will evaporate or just become murkier than it
ing and separating) for 12 days. This is a very In a positive way, this planetary connection already is. However it affects D.T. and the rest
rare occurrence given that Mercury transits has the potential for us to marry logic to intu- of us, it is a very long time to weather a tran-
last approximately a day and a half. Mercury ition. Yet, we have to be careful because what- siting Mercury/Neptune conjunction.
There’s a strong element of sacrifice
and martyrdom to this intense Pisces
transit. We will have to work on not
internalizing these feelings of needless
martyring. Issues around drugs and alco-
hol, or just general escapism may manifest.
A healthy way to escape would be to enjoy
music, theater, cinema, expressive dance,
or poetry. The potential for otherworldly
awakenings is high, and with the aspects
to Jupiter, the potential for overindulgence
and deluding ourselves will be an easy
trap to fall into. For those experiencing
the positives of this planetary connection
this will be a time of incredible inspiration.
Creative projects can be elevated to a
mystical level; even more so when Venus
ingresses into her sign of exaltation and
joins Mercury and Neptune in Pisces—this
is when the true magic begins. We must try
to remain realistic about our abilities in the
areas Mercury and Neptune fall in or rule.
The latter rules drug companies and illicit
drugs so expect to see issues arising in
these areas.

Mars Ingress into Gemini

Mars moves through Gemini from
March 31th to May 15th. Shortly after this
sign change, Mercury will make its final
contact with Neptune allowing us to slow-
ly move out of this dreamy escapist phase,
gently urging us into action in the direction
we feel needs to evolve creatively, psychi-
cally and spiritually. With Mars in Gemini
the challenge is always in making the right
choice. With Mars’s dispositor in its sign of fall
at the onset of this ingress, the typical men-
tal agility that comes with Mars in Mercury
will be challenged. There can be a deceptive
nature to Mercury here, especially when you
add Neptune to the situation, and with Mars
in Gemini being susceptible to gossip this
seems like a perfect situation for false infor-
mation to grow exponentially.

New Moon in Aries

A New Moon at 15 degrees Aries on
April (see chart 2, New Moon on first) will feel
like a call to action, but with the dispositor of
the lunation in cerebral Gemini, we need to
be aware for the potential of an all talk and
no action type of situation. In the days that
follow the New Moon both Mercury and the

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 55

Transits of the Season History Repeating
*April 19th we will experience some dra-
matic changes beginning with a Full Moon
Sun will aspect Saturn, Pluto, and the South at 29 degrees of Libra. Shortly after this Saturn is
Node (a trio that will linger together within lunation the Sun will change signs mov- perfecting its
5 degrees for 20 weeks). This could trigger ing into Taurus. In that time Venus will be
feelings of guilt, pessimism and insecurity, lingering in the last degree of her exalta- conjunction with the
but also motivate us towards achieving tion. Having the Full Moon at 29 degrees South Node. These
goals and transforming our lives so that we will create a strong feeling of tension and
can move away from undesirable past events. dissatisfaction. Within a day of the lights’ conjunctions bring
This trio is activated regularly throughout the transitions we find three intense planetary with them
spring and summer. With the Saturn, South pairings. Saturn is perfecting its conjunction
Node, and Pluto combo we’re forced to face
accountability in
with the South Node. Saturn enforces rules
and the South node is connected to Karma. the realms of human
The last time Saturn was conjunct the South rights and social
node in Capricorn was in February 1871, and
New Moon in Aries like today, Venus was also conjunct Chiron morality (Saturn).
will feel like a call to in Aries. The interesting bit of History I found
was that not long after these conjunctions
action, but with the
the Civil Rights Act of 1871 was signed. up for oneself, but because none of these
dispositor of the This was an act by the American Congress pairings form dynamic aspects to anything
lunation in cerebral giving the president power to fight against outside their conjunctions, there seems to be
white supremacist groups like the Klu Klux no release, except for how they interact with
Gemini, we need to be Klan. Apparently, the bill was proposed only individual charts.
aware for the a few months earlier. These conjunctions
potential of an all talk bring with them accountability in the realms Saturn stations at the degree of the
of human rights and social morality (Saturn). South Node.
and no action type of The other tense pairing is the Sun con- April 28th Saturn stations within minutes
situation. junct Uranus, carrying the theme of self and of the conjunction to the South Node, making
individuality. This aspect will have people this pairing last 2 weeks. Saturn starts its retro-
breaking free from proverbial social shack- grade motion on April 30th. Erin Sullivan says
les to be able to express their true selves. “Wherever Saturn is transiting our horoscope
issues in a practical way. Although there is Mercury is separating from a conjunction to we are molding and shaping new boundaries
a potential to harden up when facing chal- Chiron which could give old wounds a brave and creating dimensions and form, but period-
lenges from a Capricorn point of view, having voice. There is a definite theme of standing ically this type of development internalizes and
Venus, Mercury and Neptune in Pisces, taking
turns trining the North Node, the potential
for healthy emotional and even karmic or
spiritual healing is quite possible.
Jupiter starts its retrograde motion
on April 11th while square to Mercury in
Pisces. This Jupiter retrograde period will
give us the opportunity to adjust our expec-
tations of ourselves and others. We have
been riding a Jupiter high since November,
so many of us may re-examine our beliefs
and realign ourselves. The trick is to approach
the shift with realism rather than pessimism.
Jupiter retrogrades every year for about four
months, and by nature, it starts its retro-
grade motion with an opening trine to the
Sun about four days into retrogradation, and
moves direct shortly after the closing trine
to the Sun. It’s only every 12 years that the
retrogradation involves Jupiter in rulership in
Sagittarius, with an opening trine to an exalt-
ed Sun in Aries, and a closing trine to the Sun
in rulership in Leo. Jupiter retrograde can lead
to a feeling of a loss of motivation and direc-
tion, and with this particular combination,
having the powerful Sun trines encourages
us to reflect on challenges around personal
expression, ego attachment, and a longing for
more spiritual meaning and fulfillment.

page 56 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

incubates, resulting in a feeling of stuckness tion as Venus is in her domicile while the Sun, Mercury’s sign and Mercury basking in the
and immobility.” Mercury, and Uranus are also in Taurus. The sunlight while entering its own domicile. A
This can manifest as self-imposed restric- Moon is in Libra at the time of Mars’ transi- planet cazimi is said to be very fortunate, so
tion, a fasting of sorts, in the area of our tion, so the Moon will also be disposited by make use of Mercury’s best traits—mark it
charts that Saturn is blessing with its transit. Venus while dispositing Mars. There will defi- on your calendars! This conjunction reaches
With Saturn beginning this cycle by making nitely be a feeling of slowing down, relaxing exactitude at 9:24 a.m. EDT.
hard aspects to Mercury and Mars, these and indulging. With five planets in Earth and On May 23rd, Chiron, Uranus, Mercury,
two planets are sextile and in mutual recep- one in water the aspects are generally gentle and Mars are all between 4 to 5 degrees,
tion. Therefore, they have an opportunity to and not motivating, unless of course they’re activating our charts prominently if we have
set a productive tone to this particular time. making hard aspects to your chart.
Having Mercury square Saturn and Saturn The exception is Venus conjunct Uranus,
quincunx Mars, we’re entering a phase of which happens while Mercury is trine
trial-and-error, frustration and maybe harsh Pluto. This combination could hold surprises, Just before the Sun
words. Patience will be in short order, and change and inspiration. With the Uranus and goes into Mercury’s
conflict is probable. But what better way to Venus energy, the collective is shifting values
set boundaries and better practices than by in the areas labeled women’s issues. Venus in sign Gemini, Mercury
learning through conflict? This is definitely Taurus is very physical, so a shake-up in the is cazimi. A planet
more difficult for some souls than others. area of women’s bodies in relation to their
societal roles may be expected. With Mercury
cazimi is said to be
Slowing Down trine Pluto and Saturn, the need to go deep very fortunate, so
The New Moon on May 4th is at 14 into the collective subconscious and come make use of
degrees Taurus, a very comfortable Moon. up with solutions to what is found there will
However, with Saturn and Jupiter retrograde, be felt. As a prelude to the Scorpio full Moon, Mercury’s best
motivation may be low. This can be further this stellar combination has the potential to traits—mark it on
intensified by Mars applying to an opposition be quite cathartic, and having Neptune trine
to Jupiter, possibly instigating philosophical the North Node, a feeling of cosmic connect-
your calendars!
arguments. These planets are pulling us into edness adds to the potential depths of these
seemingly undefined directions but without alignments.
the get-up-and-go to do anything about it.
Starting anything under this lunation may be In the Heart of the Sun planets in those degrees. The U.S. chart has
challenging because the impulse to get start- On May 21st the Sun will ingress into Venus at 3 and Jupiter at 5 degrees of cancer
ed is there, but there are no indicators as to Gemini and what an ingress it is (chart 4). in the 7th house, putting transiting Mars near
how to direct this energy. Just before the Sun goes into Mercury’s sign the midpoint of these two planets square
Gemini, Mercury is cazimi. Mercury will Chiron. This leaves me anxious to see what
Heightened Venusian Vibes have been within a 17 minutes conjunction the news feed for the weekend of May 24th
May 15th Mars will Ingress into Cancer for over a half hour, and this relationship will deliver.
while Venus comfortably slides into will continue for more than 11 ½ hours. A Nodes and five Planets @ 18-20 degrees
Taurus. This is a very Venusian feeling transi- very auspicious time with the Sun entering (see chart 3 – Jupiter on first)
May 29th to 30th is very active, with
Mercury and Venus aspecting and the Nodes
Saturn (quincunx and trine respectively), as
well as Neptune and Jupiter. May 29th to
June 1st Venus and Mercury travel through
18 to 22 degrees of their rulership signs,
making this a very active time for those with
anything at those degrees in their charts.
There is a planet or node in every element
and mode of the zodiac, so it doesn’t matter
what or where your personal placements are,
there will be planetary stimulation.

Hello Handsome
On the June 3rd there’s a New Moon in
Gemini, but on June 4th the Moon and
Mercury both move from Gemini into
Cancer which has the two in each other
signs, dancing together for the entire busi-
ness day. It’s like the Moon is greeted by
Mercury at the end of his own sign, the Moon
thanks Mercury for his service and then gen-
tly guides him into her domain.
On June 8th to 10th the Sun moves into
a square with Neptune and an opposition
to Jupiter forming a mutable T Square.

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 57

Transits of the Season Creative Visioning
June 14-15th Mercury joins Mars and
With Jupiter still retrograde and the Sun’s the North Node trine Neptune (and the
dispositor in Cancer, this is bound to be an Moon for few hours), while opposing We will
emotional few days, good for finding ways to Saturn and Pluto, forming a Kite configu-
ration (see chart 4, Mars on 1st). On the one
creatively capture or express difficult emo-
tions that have been bubbling up for some hand, this can lead to a clash with authority the necessary
time now. Neptune may drag you into its figures or political adversities, Yet, if applied courage to
escapist realms to cope—just make sure you with more awareness, this configuration may
come back to reality where Saturn is waiting facilitate creative problem-solving. In order creatively make
and ready to reintroduce you to reality. If to these energies positively into the future, adjustments
Saturn doesn’t motivate you, Mars conjunct write down or vision board your impressions
and ideas. Even if they don’t make sense now,
on our paths as
the North Node, trining Neptune and quin-
cunx Saturn will snap you back. We will have they will later. long as we can
the necessary courage to creatively make June 17th ushers in the last Full Moon of work through
adjustments on our paths as long as we can this Equinox season. With the Moon @ 25
work through frustration, see the desired out- Sagittarius conjunct the Galactic Center, frustration, see
come, and work towards it. Seeing the way there’s a potential for us to understand the the desired
forward now will prepare us for real action infinite possibilities and to dream bigger
than we usually let ourselves. The sky’s the outcome, and work
when Jupiter moves direct in August.
limit still isn’t dreaming big enough during towards it.
this Full Moon. With Jupiter still retrograde,
we may not fully realize the positive potential
With Jupiter of this lunation, but it’s the perfect time to
Tracy Quinlan practices, in Edmonton, Canada. As
still retrograde go within and re-evaluate our own per- a hobbyist, she gathered astrological information
sonal potential and decide what we want from her captive audience as a hairstylist. After
and the Sun’s to express and how we want to send it out finishing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology
dispositor in to the cosmos. and Psychology, she began a focused study of
Astrology. Tracy is the president of the Edmonton
Cancer, this is REFERENCES
Astrological Society, writer for the Llewellyn
Astrological Calendar and one of the Organizers of
bound to be an Sullivan, Erin: Retrograde Planets, Samuel Wiser the Canadian Astrological Conference. “The joy of
Inc., York Beach, ME, 2000, page 342. astrology is we can’t know it all, but the pursuit can
emotional Sasportas, Howard: The gods of Change: Pain, enrich our lives and the lives of others.”
Crisis and the Transits of Uranus, Neptune and
few days Pluto, The Wessex Astrologer LTD, UK, 2007.

Cover Art
Clint Bolduc

Central Pennsylvania based artist and cine- a moving medium allows Clint to challenge
matographer, Clint Bolduc, has been honing the boundaries of his art, which explore the
his skills in graphic arts, since 2007. Inspired depths of movement, color, and composition.
by nature, color, geometry, and 60’s/70’s psy-
chedelia; He provides services like illustration, Designer / Cinematographer
branding, animation and graphic design to musi- Glimpse Graphic Arts / White Deer Pictures
cians, individuals, and other small businesses as 717-433-8121
“Glimpse Graphic Arts”.

In 2015, Clint began experimenting with cinema-

tography. He blended his photography skills and
knowledge of composition with his twelve years
of design experience, opening new doors to his
arts. In 2018, after proving to be the perfect mar-
riage of two passions, Clint co-founded a business
that focuses on creative photography and cinema,
“White Deer Pictures”. Clint’s evolution into cine-
matography, such as short films, music videos,
and advertising, has allowed him to introduce
writing to his arts and extend the range of his
talent even further. His use of graphic arts in

page 58 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

OPA Annual Board Meeting
January 2019 in Sedona

Preparing for cosmic dominion of Astrology!

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 59

OPA Turkey in Mexico

in Mexico City

OPA organized a
special event in Mexico city,
with Mexico satellite Ursula
Stockder, Turkish Satellite Öner
Döşer and Gemini Brett.

OPA Mexico and

Canada in Turkey
Öner Döşerreceiving
his OPA Certification

3 Amigos

page 60 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

OPA is delighted to serve astrology communities around the world. We welcome Gemma Harwood, our
new UK Satellite, and Theodore Naicker, joining Elena Van Baalen as South African Satellite (replacing Innessa

Gemma Harewood Theodore Naicker


Website: Website:

Email [email protected] Email: [email protected]

I’ve been keenly interested in Astrology for Theodore has a background as a petroleum
around 23 years (as of 2019). I graduated from the engineer in the oil and gas industry and has
Mayo school of Astrology in London in 2017 with been practicing astrology professionally since
a distinction in Mundane and Natal Astrology 2014. He began learning psychological astrology
and have since been a consultant. OPA is doing in 2010, then moved onto traditional western
brilliant work in supporting astrology as a subject astrology with qualifications in natal, horary,
and in creating a community to help astrolo- mundane, locational, and medical branches. He
gers progress in a fun, homely environment, I'm has a Diploma in Medieval Astrology (Zoller, 2012)
excited to serve as the UK Satellite, and help with and a Diploma in Astrological Studies (Suskin,
providing UK members with such open oppor- 2014). Born into a strong Indian cultural heritage,
tunities to share articles, develop their skills, he naturally gravitated toward eastern forms of
and join these pioneering programs. Being an astrology. Since 2016, he began studying a holistic
Astrologer is my dream occupation and I’m excit- form of Vedic Astrology, which combines mean-
ed to support the community and get my teeth ing and techniques from astrological, scriptural,
into something I can be passionate about. I’ve tantric, yogic and omenology in the Indian tra-
also earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, so dition and visits India 2-3 months a year for that
I’m naturally interested in Astrology science. My purpose. His specialized consultations take into
other intrests include maths, psychology, music, account factors from both Western and Vedic
nature, meditation and most things pertaining to astrological traditions. Theodore runs retreats in
the mystical or ethereal/ spiritual realms. South Africa, and hosts webinars, workshops, and
private courses in South Africa and online. He has
also run workshops and talks in Poland (2014) and
the UK (2015-2017). Given his perspective for dif-
ferent forms of Astrology as complementary, he
performs Rectification for clients and other astrol-
ogers around the world.

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 61

OPA, The Organization for Professional Astrology,
is dedicated to promoting Accessibility, Sustainability, and Credibility for astrologers.
Incorporated on October 4, 2000 at 1:45 pm EDT in Tallahassee, Florida, OPA provides
members with opportunities and tools to study astrology and establish or improve their
astrological practice. Membership is open to any level of expertise. Among the benefits:
free presentations and panels by top notch astrologers, opportunities to be published in
The Career Astrologer magazine, and being part of a global community of astrologers
through conferences and online discussions. Annual dues are $60.00.

Maurice Fernandez CANADA UPCOMING
[email protected] Donna Young
[email protected] ASTROLOGY
Arlan Wise
[email protected]
Lucia Lu Luyao 路瑶
[email protected]
Anne Ortelee FINLAND 5-7 – Vibrational Astrology Conference
[email protected] Gainsville, Florida, http://www.astrosoftware.
Anne Sundell com/conference/va2019.html
Geoff Gronlund GREECE
[email protected] MAY
Angela Tiki 23-27 – NORWAC Astrology Conference
[email protected]
PUBLIC OUTREACH Seattle, Washington,
Carol Dimitrov ISRAEL
[email protected] JUNE
Boaz Fyler
[email protected] 13-16 AA Astrology Conference, UK
Geni PIcazo
[email protected]
Ursula Stockder
[email protected]
RECORDING SECRETARY Aug 30- Sept 2, NCGR Astrology Conference
Shannon Gill SCANDINAVIA Baltimore, MA,
[email protected]
Sol W. Jonassen (Norway) ncgr-conference-2019/
Angelina Gronlund Margareta Hedin (Sweden) SEPTEMBER
[email protected] [email protected] 6-8 – Hellenistic Astrology Symposium
Athens Greece, Contact Angela Tiki
Donna Young Theodore Naicker
[email protected]
[email protected] 13-15 Canadian Astrology Conference
Elena Porciani van Baalen Edmonton, AB,
[email protected]
Kay Taylor, Education Director Öner Döşer 16-22, OPA RETREAT
[email protected] [email protected]
Alexandra Karacostas. OPA Coordinator Gemma Harewood
[email protected]
[email protected]

OPAas tro

page 62 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

Join OPA’s Community Board
Group on Facebook
for Astrology Announcements, Blogs, Events, and Musings

Join OPA’s Astrology

Discussion Group on Facebook
for great conversations about astrology and current events:

V28-01 MARCH EQUINOX 2019 page 63


FREE Online Presentations

for OPA Members !


Kitchen Table Research Planetary Nodes


The Secret of Venus TBD


The Astrology of Intuition The Rulers of
Life - Epikratetor,
Oikodespotes and Amazing
KATHRYN ANDREN (NY) lectures from
Conscious Communication,
Astrology Affirmations SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27 some of
for Clients ROY GILLETT (UK)
Astrology Karma and
the leading
Reincarnation - The
Science of Personal and
experts and
CHRIS MCRAE (Canada- AB) Social Responsibility up-and-coming
The Amazing and Complex
Jupiter/Saturn Cycle Astrologers.
Medical Astrology members only.
SUNDAY, AUGUST 11 Esoteric Astrology
It’s enlightening,
What in the Heavens is the it’s fun, it’s free!
Bereavement Charts

Get complete
presentation descriptions
Members will receive log-in and updates,
information to join the presentations. and learn more at
Recordings of the presentations
are available.

page 64 The Career Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine

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