P P M M M M M M: Z-Test T-Test Anova Chi-Square Problem

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Z-Test T-Test ANOVA Chi-Square

Problem Compare Compare mean of a Compare means of two Compare means of Compare means of Test relationship
proportion of two subgroup to the groups a subgroup to the more than two between two
groups population mean population mean groups variables

population SD known population SD


comprae Z-Table / normal distribution table T-Table F-table Chi-Square table

critical values

Level of DV = interval-ratio DV = interval-ratio DV = interval-ratio any


directional? yes, if one-tailed yes, if one-tailed no no


Ho PA = PO MSUB = MPOP MA = MB MSUB = MPOP All means are equal There is no

Null Hypothesis statistically
between VarA and

HA PA PB MSUB MPOP MA = MB MSUB MPOP At least one mean There is a

Alternative or or or or is different statistically
Hypothesis PA > PB MSUB > MPOP MA > MB MSUB > MPOP significant
PA < PB MSUB < MPOP MA < MB relationship
MSUB < MPOP between VarA and

Z-Test T-Test ANOVA Chi-Square

- pop SD known/unknown
- large population (50+)
1) formulate hypothesis 1) formulate hypothesis
2) get standard error 2) get relevant means

SE = population SE get average of elements per group

sample size and then
add up the results (overall means)

between two samples: 3) measure the between-group

SE =(group 1/size of group 1)2 + variance
group 2/size of group 2)2
SSB = (# of groups)(average per
element group - overall mean)2 then
3) get test statistic add it all up all up
dfb = number of groups 1
Z = (sample statistic reference MSB or bet grp var = SSB/dfb
standard error 4) measure w/in group variance
between two samples:
Z = (reference stat 1 reference SSW = (elementthat groups
stat 2) average)2 then add it all up
SE dfw = total # of elements total # of
4) compare with critical values groups
* MSW or w/in grp var = SSW/dfw
If the absolute value of the
obtained test statistic is higher than 5) get test statistic
the critical value, reject the null
hypothesis. F = MSB/MSW
If the probability of getting the 6) compare with critical values
obtained test statistic is lower than use degrees of freedom to calculate
the alpha/2 (for two-tailed test)
reject the null hypothesis.

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