Improve Students' Speaking Skill Through Role Play

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Chapter 1

1.1 Background

One of the main function of language is as a means of communication and

interaction. God creates languages to be used to share peoples thoughts, emotions,

and knowledge to each other. At present time, English has become a widely used

language in the world, thus it considered as a global language. Its influence can be

seen in the way that most of the countries or communities in the world use English

as main language for communication. Therefore, mastering it or at least has an

ability to use English provides an opportunity to widen someones knowledge that

possibly will led to a better future, especially for students; it can help them to

achieve a better education abroad.

There are four language skills in English, and like any other languages,

speaking is the skill that mainly used in daily communication. Trask (1999) stated

that speaking is a basic means in communication; it consider as the oldest means

used by human to communicate. According to Bailey (2005), speaking is a skill that

involves an action of imparting meaning by constructing message orally. Thus the

usage of speaking skill need at least 2 persons to be such meaningful and relevant

for the learners of the language.

However, as a second language, English rarely found to be used in daily

interaction in Indonesia. For most of the time, students in Indonesia exposed to

English only in school yet with limited duration. Not to mention, those who are in

the remote areas also do not have adequate resources to learn English. For country
like Indonesia, where English is still taught as second language, productive skills

like speaking is one of the skills that difficult to be improved. Although the students

learn English at their school, probably they have insufficient chance to practice their

speaking skill. There are also some factors that make speaking using English face

this situation in most of the areas in Indonesia such as anxiety, lack of confidence,

and inadequate of meaningful resources and context.

An observation in class VII-A at XYZ Junior High School found such kind

of problem where some of the students seemed passive during speaking activities.

There were 27 students in the class and only 17 students that actively involved in

speaking activities, while 10 other students behaved otherwise. These 10 students

rarely asking and/or answering question, contributing in discussion, and giving

opinion about certain problems that stated by the teacher.

There were several ways done in order to investigate the causes of the

problem. On the early observation, it was by taking notes on all major and minor

problems of students speaking skill while attending every session of English

Lesson. After that, it was through an interview with the English teacher to validate

the findings. In order to gather further information, students questionnaire also had

been used, which contains several points related to the problems found. Based on

all the data collected, it can be concluded that there are two main causes of the

problem. Firstly, some students do not feel engaged during speaking activities . The

second reason is that some students are not confident to speak in English, thus prefer

to being passive or using Bahasa during speaking activities.

Build upon these findings, the use of Role Play strategy was suggested to

be used in hope that students speaking ability in English could be improved.

According to Brown (2007), a role play minimally contains specific characters that

being act out by group members in order to achieve an aim or intent. Role play is

one recommended technique that can increase students ability to speak; it is

fascinating and effective to be used in any level of learners competence (Hadley,

2007). However, to prevent the occurance of any disadvantages in using this

strategy, the teacher should understand the steps of Role Play strategy. Bailey

(2005) offered some suggestions to minimize the disadvantages of this strategy.

Firstly, make sure that every student ought to perform at certain chance so that none

of them can abstain from the activity. Secondly, give the students a chance to plan

how they will perform. During this time, the students can chose what they will say

in specific so that they can perform well. Then, encourage the students to help each

other in preparing the role play. If it is the first time for the students to be involved

in role play activity, explain the activity briefly so that every students can achieve

the expectation. Before ask the students to perform in front of the class, it is highly

recommended to ask them to do the role play in pairs or small groups first. Lastly,

have the students to realize that doing mistakes during learning is an opportunity

for them to strengthen their ability; it will also motivate them

Of course, these suggestions also depend on the classrooms condition itself. It

is not suitable for classroom where the students are too many. Even if they can do

it in small group, it is still difficult for teachers to supervise them and make sure all

the students speake actively. In additional, the teacher also need to be creative in

using this strategy so that the students can adapt well.

1.2 The Problem Statements

a. What are the differences after the Role Play strategy being used in class

VII-A at XYZ Junior High School?

b. How the Role Play application in class VII-A at XYZ Junior High School

can improve students speaking skill?

1.3 Objective of Study

a. To determine the differences after Role Play strategy being used in class

VII-A at XYZ Junior High School

b. To determine how the Role Play application in class VII-A at XYZ Junior

High School can improve students speaking skill

1.4 Significance of Study

The result of this study is proposed to provide improvements for :

1. The researcher

As a foundation that could help to conduct further research

2. The teachers

As an explanation of the usage of Role Play strategy to improve the

learners ability in English speaking skill and its advantages and


3. The readers

As a reference that could help to conduct other research especially in

field of English education.

1.5 Definitions of Key Terms

1. Role Play

According to Killen (2006) it is an activity where students have to play some


2. Refering to online Merriam-Webster dictionary, these are the definitions of some


1) Ability

Ability, fitness, or likeliness to act or be acted on in (such) a way

2) Abroad

Beyond the boundaries of one's country

3) Inadequate

Not enough or not good enough

4) Meaningful

Having real importance or value

5) Relevant

Relating to a subject in an appropriate way


ability. 2017. In Retrieved November 5, 2017, from

abroad. 2017. In Retrieved November 5, 2017, from

Bailey, K. M. (2005). Practical English language teaching: speaking. New York:

McGraw-Hill ESL/ELT.

Brown, H. D. (2007). Teaching by principles: an interactive approach to

language pedagogy (3rd ed.). White Plains, NY: Pearson Longman.

Hadley, A. O. (2007). Teaching language in context. Boston, MA: Thomson.

inadequate. 2017. In Retrieved November 5, 2017, from

Killen, R. (2006). Effective Teaching Strategies: Lessons from Research and

Practice (4th ed.). Australia: Social Science Press.

meaningful. 2017. In Retrieved November 5, 2017, from

relevant. 2017. In Retrieved November 5, 2017, from

Trask, R. L. (1999). Language: The basics (2nd ed.). London: Routledge.

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