Example Problem Types - Using The EdX Platform - 18.01

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MITx: 18.01.1x Calculus 1A: Dierentiation Help

Course Getting started Using the edX platform 2. Example Problem Types

2. Example Problem Types

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Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the main problem types we use in this course.

Checking and submitting an answer

0 points possible (ungraded)
The edX platform is able to check your answers and give you immediate feedback. When you "check" a problem, it is
automatically submitted for grading purposes.

Depending on the type of the problem you may have access to the "show answer" button. In the lecture exercises as
well as the part A and part B Homework assignments, this option to show the answer will appear only after the due
date has passed, you have run out of problem attempts, or you have already submitted the correct answer. You will
never get detailed solutions to the nal exam.

This problem has unlimited attempts. If you get an answer wrong, you can simply try again until you get it right. How
many weeks will this course be?


Resetting a Problem
1.0 point possible (ungraded)
Some problems involve randomized parameters, or other elements that you may wish to reset to the original
conguration. Here is an example where the variables and are randomized. After one attempt, you can click
reset to see the values change!

Let and .

Enter the numeric value of in the answer box below.


Limited Number of Attempts 1

0 points possible (ungraded)
Most of the time, you will have a limited number of times that you can attempt a problem. To save an answer and
keep it there until you come back, use the save button.

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Limited Number of Attempts 2

0 points possible (ungraded)
Multiple choice problems will almost always have between 1 and 3 attempts.

Which choice is correct?





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Formula Entry Problems

0 points possible (ungraded)
This is a math class, which means we are going to be using formulas. And sometimes, we want you to nd these
formulas. There are some rules for entering formulas into the text entry box (which follows rules for ASCII math).

Use to denote addition; e.g. 2+3.

Use to denote subtraction; e.g. x-1.

Use to denote multiplication; e.g. 2 x.

Use to denote exponentiation; e.g. x 2 for .

Use / to denote division; e.g. 7/x for .

Type pi for the mathematical constant .

Type e for the mathematical constant .

Type sqrt(x), sin(x), cos(x), ln(x), arccos(x), etc. for the known functions , , , , etc.
Note that parentheses are required.

Use parentheses ( ) to specify order of operations.

Each formula entry box will have a Formula Input Help button below the answer button, where you can nd these
facts about how to enter formulas. (See the button below.)


To see how the answer box works, enter the function using the rules above. (Type 2 e (x-1)+sqrt(y)
into the answer box.)

Below the answer box, there is a display box that shows how the system interpreted your formula. (You will get an
error if you try to enter variables, like , that are unspecied in the problem. You will get an error as you are typing if
you have only one half (" of a parenthesis. Just continue typing, and when you enter the closing parenthesis )", the
error will go away.)

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Drag and Drop Problems

0 points possible (ungraded)
Drag and drop the elements to create the quadratic formula:

Use the arrows on the horizontal bar to see more options to drag into the formula.

(You can see the answer after you make at least one attempt by clicking on the show answer button below.)

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Sketch Input Problems

0 points possible (ungraded)
We created this sketch input problem type because being able to sketch functions to reason through problems is a
big part of applying calculus as a problem-solving tool.

Try drawing a smiley face. The mouth should lie below the -axis, and the place an eye at the points and

(To clear the sketching area, hit the reset button in the lower right corner.)

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