Estimate For The Work - Protection & Improvement of Play Field at Dhankauda, Sambalpur

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Estimate for the work - Protection & Improvement of Play field at Dhankauda,Sambalpur.

No. Description Nos. Length Breadth Height Qty Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Earthwork in excavation in hard & gravelly
soil in foundation and plinth including
rough dressing an levelling the beds
depoisting the soil within 50mtrs nitial
lead & labor required for the work

Boudary wall Column Base 100 0.75 0.75 0.800 = 45.00 Cum.
false wall 1 287.00 0.45 0.450 = 58.12 Cum.
track 1 362.00 1.00 0.500 = 181.00 Cum.
peripheri drainage 1 100.00 0.60 0.300 = 18.00 Cum.
Kabadi Court 1 17.00 17.00 0.600 = 173.40 Cum.
Badminton Court 1 17.00 17.00 0.600 = 173.40 Cum.
Total = 648.92 Cum.
648.92 cum. @ Rs. 99.88 /cum. Rs.
2 Supplying all labour,T&P, materials and
10cm thick dry brick khoa well watered &
rammed to receive A.S.flooring including
cost of conveyance & royalty ,supervision
charges, contractor profit & labour cess etc.
all complete as per the direction of

1 362.00 1.00 = 362.00 Cum.

Total 362.00 Sqm.
362.00 sqm. Rs. 479.39 /sqm. Rs.
3 Sand filling in foundation & plinth
including watering, ramming, cost,
conveyance, royalty, curing, taxes of all
materials etc. & labour required for the
work complete.

Boudary wall Column Base 100 0.75 0.75 0.100 = 5.63 Cum.
false wall 1 287.00 0.45 0.075 = 9.69 Cum.
track 1 362.00 1.00 0.100 = 36.20 Cum.
peripheri drainage 1 100.00 0.60 0.075 = 4.50 Cum.
Kabadi Court 1 17.00 17.00 0.600 = 173.40 Cum.
Badminton Court 1 17.00 17.00 0.600 = 173.40 Cum.
Total 402.81 Cum.
402.81 cum. @ Rs. 409.52 / cum. Rs.
4 Cement Concrete (1:4:8) using 40 mm
sized hand broken hard granite metal
including cost, conveyance, royalty, curing
&taxes of all materials etc. & labour
required for the work complete.

Boudary wall Column Base 100 0.75 0.75 0.100 = 5.63 Cum.
false wall 1 287.00 0.45 0.075 = 9.69 Cum.
peripheri drainage 1 100.00 0.60 0.075 = 4.50 Cum.
Total 19.81 Cum.
19.81 Cum @ Rs. 3788.99 /cum Rs.
5 Supplying all labour, T&P, and materials
and providing cement concrete (1:2:4)
with 12mm size crusher broken hard
granite chips including all cost of
conveyance ,royalty,sundries,watering for
curing ,supervision charge, contractor
profit & labour cess etc.all complete as per
the direction of Engineer-in-charge.

peripheri drainage 1 100.00 0.60 0.075 = 4.50 Cum.

2 100.00 0.10 0.300 = 6.00 Cum.
Total 4.50 Cum.
4.50 Cum @ Rs. 6182.48 /cum Rs.
6 R.C.C. work with cement
Concrete(1:11/2:3) using 20 mm.& down
graded Size C.B.H.G. chips including
hoisting, laying, labour, cost conveyance,
royalty, centering & shuttering complete.

Boudary wall Column Base 100 0.75 0.75 0.200 = 11.25 Cum.
slope base 100 (0.75 +0.225 )/2
2 2
0.200 = 8.45 Cum.
pedestral up tl pl 100 0.23 0.23 0.200 = 1.01 Cum.
Total = 20.71 Cum.
20.71 cum@ Rs. 6715.01 /cum Rs.
Plinth Bend 1 362.00 0.23 0.200 = 16.29 Cum.
Total = 16.29 Cum.
16.29 cum@ Rs. 7569.80 /cum Rs.
column s/s 100 0.23 0.23 0.900 = 4.56 Cum.
Total = 4.56 Cum.
4.56 cum@ Rs. 12030.14 /cum Rs.
7 Supplying, cutting, bending, fitting and
placing in position including cost,
conveyance, taxes of binding materials,
labour & M.S. Rod (HYSD bar) complete.

Same as of Qnty.of Itam no-4 41.56 cum @ 0.8 Qntl/Cum = 41.56

OR = = 41.56 Qntl
41.56 Qntl. @ Rs. 6700.59 /Qntl. Rs.
8 Brick work with Fly Ash bricks of size
23cmx11cmx8cm and crushing strength
not less than 75 kg/cm2 in C.M.(1:6) in f &
p including all charges

Boudary wall 1 287.00 0.38 0.600 = 64.58 Cum.

Total = 64.58 Cum.
64.58 cum@ Rs. 4005.23 /cum Rs.
9 Brick work with Fly Ash bricks of size
23cmx11cmx8cm and crushing strength
not less than 75 kg/cm2 in C.M.(1:6) in
super structure including all charges

Boudary wall 1 287.00 0.23 0.900 = 58.12 Cum.

Total = 58.12 Cum.
58.12 cum@ Rs. 4038.56 /cum Rs.
10 12mm thick cement plaster in cement
mortar (1:6) over brick work including
cost, curing, conveyance, royalty & taxes of
all materials & labour required for the
work complete.

Boudary wall 2 362.00 1.000 = 724.00 Sqm.

Total = 724.00 Sqm.
724.00 sqm @ Rs. 103.77 /sqm Rs.
11 Painting two coats with Weather
coats of approved shade on new/ old
work including cost of paint.
Qty same as item no 7 64.58 Sqm.
Total 64.58 Sqm.
64.58 sqm. Rs. 78.59 /sqm. Rs.
12 Construction of embankment with Fly ash
confirming to Table 1 of IRC-SP-58-2001
obtained from Coal or Lignite Burning
Thermal Power Stations as Waste
material, spread and compacted in layer
of 200mm thickness each at OMC. all as
specified in IRC- SP-58-2001 and as per
direction of the E.I.C. including all cost,
conveyance, taxes etc. complete.
Kabadi Court 1 17.00 17.00 0.200 = 57.80 Cum.
Badminton Court 1 17.00 17.00 0.200 = 57.80 Cum.
Total 115.60 Cum.
115.60 cum. @ Rs. 134.21 /cum. Rs.
13 Supplying earth by mechanical means,
stacking at site, unstacking, spreading,
breaking clods and levelling upto
approved grading and R.L.compacting
with P.R.R. at O.M.C. including all cost,
conveyance, taxes & royalty etc.
Kabadi Court 1 17.00 17.00 0.250 = 72.25 Cum.
Badminton Court 1 17.00 17.00 0.250 = 72.25 Cum.
Total = 144.50 Cum.
144.50 cum. @ Rs. 180.46 /cum. Rs.
14 Suppllying all labour and T & P and
metarial for filling of alluvial soil inthe
proposed site including earthwork
excavation of in ordinary soil at
nearest burrow pit,loading into th
truck & unloading at site and
spearding,levelling,dressing and well
water & ramming etc all complete as
per direction of Engineer-in -charge.

Pay ground inside 1 350.00 5.00 0.200 350.00 Cum.

1 52.00 30.00 0.100 156.00 Cum.
Total 506.00 Cum.
506.00 cum. @ Rs. 364.80 /cum. Rs.
15 Ramming or rolling eath work with light
H.R.R. In embankment in layers not
exceeding 0.3m
Pay ground inside 1 350.00 4.00 0.300 420.00 Cum.
1 52.00 30.00 0.100 156.00 Cum.
Total 576.00 Cum.
576.00 cum. @ Rs. 103.32 /cum. Rs.
16 Supplying all labour, T&P and fixing
MS Door/windows made up of with
Wrought iron angles/flats including all
cost conveyance taxes,contractor
profit & labour cess all complete as
per the direction of Engineer-in-
Gate 1 3.60 2.40 8.64 Sqm.
1 2.40 2.40 5.76 Sqm.
Total 14.40 Sqm.
14.40 Sqm. @ 35.00Kg / Sqm. 504.00 Kg
504.00 Kg. @ Rs. 70.00 / Kg. Rs.
17 Supplying all labour, T&P and
painting two coats with any approved
eneamel paint new/old wood / iron
work including cost of Sundries,
brushes, soap, &putty etc including
preparation of Surface & labour cess
all complete as per the direction of
Engineer-in- Charge.

Qty same as item no 7 14.40 Sqm.

Total 14.40 Sqm.
14.40 sqm. Rs. 92.43 /sqm. Rs.
TOTAL :- Rs.
Add phography & display boad
Or Say Rs.
(Rupees twenty lakhs ) only.
Submitted to

Junior Engineer, Asst. Executive Engineer,

Sambalpur Muncipal Corporation, Sambalpur Muncipal Corporation,
Sambalpur. Sambalpur.
Technically Sanctioned
Executive Engineer,
Sambalpur Muncipal
Sambalpur Muncipal Corporation, Administrative approved for
Sambalpur. Rs.20,00,000.00 only

Commissioner, Administrator,
Sambalpur Muncipal Corporation, Sambalpur Muncipal Corporation,
Sambalpur. Sambalpur.





















1330.99 36.57422
(Rupees twenty lakhs ) only.

ive Engineer,
ipal Corporation,

ministrative approved for

Rs.20,00,000.00 only

ncipal Corporation,
Estimate for the work - Protection ,Sambalpur.

No. Description Nos. Length Breadth Height Qty Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Earthwork in excavation in hard & gravelly
soil in foundation and plinth including
rough dressing an levelling the beds
depoisting the soil within 50mtrs nitial
lead & labor required for the work

Boudary wall Column Base 51 0.75 0.75 0.800 = 22.95 Cum.

false wall 1 101.75 0.45 0.450 = 20.60 Cum.
Total = 43.55 Cum.
43.55 cum. @ Rs. 99.88 /cum. Rs.
3 Sand filling in foundation & plinth
including watering, ramming, cost,
conveyance, royalty, curing, taxes of all
materials etc. & labour required for the
work complete.

Boudary wall Column Base 51 0.75 0.75 0.100 = 2.87 Cum.

false wall 1 101.75 0.45 0.075 = 3.43 Cum.
Total 6.30 Cum.
6.30 cum. @ Rs. 409.52 / cum. Rs.
4 Cement Concrete (1:4:8) using 40 mm
sized hand broken hard granite metal
including cost, conveyance, royalty, curing
&taxes of all materials etc. & labour
required for the work complete.

Boudary wall Column Base 51 0.75 0.75 0.100 = 2.87 Cum.

false wall 1 101.75 0.45 0.075 = 3.43 Cum.
Total 6.30 Cum.
6.30 Cum @ Rs. 3788.99 /cum Rs.
5 Supplying all labour, T&P, and materials
and providing cement concrete (1:2:4)
with 12mm size crusher broken hard
granite chips including all cost of
conveyance ,royalty,sundries,watering for
curing ,supervision charge, contractor
profit & labour cess etc.all complete as per
the direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Fixing grill 200 0.10 0.10 0.100 = 2.00 Cum.

Total 2.00 Cum.
2.00 Cum @ Rs. 6182.48 /cum Rs.
6 R.C.C. work with cement
Concrete(1:11/2:3) using 20 mm.& down
graded Size C.B.H.G. chips including
hoisting, laying, labour, cost conveyance,
royalty, centering & shuttering complete.

Boudary wall Column Base 51 0.75 0.75 0.200 = 5.74 Cum.

slope base 51 (0.752+0.2252)/2 0.200 = 2.51 Cum.
pedestral up tl pl 51 0.23 0.23 0.200 = 0.52 Cum.
Total = 8.76 Cum.
8.76 cum@ Rs. 6715.01 /cum Rs.
Plinth Bend 1 136.00 0.23 0.200 = 6.12 Cum.
Total = 6.12 Cum.
6.12 cum@ Rs. 7569.80 /cum Rs.
column s/s 51 0.23 0.23 0.900 = 2.32 Cum.
Total = 2.32 Cum.
2.32 cum@ Rs. 12030.14 /cum Rs.
7 Supplying, cutting, bending, fitting and
placing in position including cost,
conveyance, taxes of binding materials,
labour & M.S. Rod (HYSD bar) complete.

Same as of Qnty.of Itam no-4 17.21 cum @ 0.8 Qntl/Cum = 17.21

OR = = 17.21 Qntl
17.21 Qntl. @ Rs. 6700.59 /Qntl. Rs.
8 Brick work with Fly Ash bricks of size
23cmx11cmx8cm and crushing strength
not less than 75 kg/cm2 in C.M.(1:6) in f &
p including all charges

Boudary wall 1 124.53 0.38 0.600 = 28.02 Cum.

Total = 28.02 Cum.
28.02 cum@ Rs. 4005.23 /cum Rs.
9 Brick work with Fly Ash bricks of size
23cmx11cmx8cm and crushing strength not
less than 75 kg/cm2 in C.M.(1:6) in super
structure including all charges

Boudary wall 1 128.53 0.23 0.900 = 26.03 Cum.

Total = 26.03 Cum.
26.03 cum@ Rs. 4038.56 /cum Rs.
10 12mm thick cement plaster in cement
mortar (1:6) over brick work including
cost, curing, conveyance, royalty &
taxes of all materials & labour required
for the work complete.
Boudary wall 2 140.00 0.900 = 252.00 Sqm.
Total = 252.00 Sqm.
252.00 sqm @ Rs. 103.77 /sqm Rs.
11 Painting two coats with Weather coats
of approved shade on new/ old work
including cost of paint.

Qty same as item no 7 651.00 Sqm.

Total 651.00 Sqm.
252.00 sqm. Rs. 78.59 /sqm. Rs.
16 Supplying all labour, T&P and fixing MS
Door/windows made up of with
Wrought iron angles/flats including all
cost conveyance taxes,contractor profit
& labour cess all complete as per the
direction of Engineer-in- Charge.
Gate 50 3.00 0.90 135.00 Sqm.
1 4.00 2.40 9.60 Sqm.
Total 144.60 Sqm.
144.60 Sqm. @ 35.00Kg / Sqm. 5061.00 Kg
5061.00 Kg. @ Rs. 80.00 / Kg. Rs.
17 Supplying all labour, T&P and
painting two coats with any approved
eneamel paint new/old wood / iron
work including cost of Sundries,
brushes, soap, &putty etc including
preparation of Surface & labour cess
all complete as per the direction of
Engineer-in- Charge.

Qty same as item no 7 144.60 Sqm.

Total 144.60 Sqm.
144.60 sqm. Rs. 92.43 /sqm. Rs.
TOTAL :- Rs.
Add phography & display boad
Or Say Rs.
(Rupees twenty lakhs ) only.
Submitted to

Junior Engineer, Asst. Executive Engineer,

Sambalpur Muncipal Corporation, Sambalpur Muncipal Corporation,
Sambalpur. Sambalpur.
Technically Sanctioned
Executive Engineer,
Sambalpur Muncipal
Sambalpur Muncipal Corporation, Administrative approved for
Sambalpur. Rs.20,00,000.00 only

Commissioner, Administrator,
Sambalpur Muncipal Corporation, Sambalpur Muncipal Corporation,
Sambalpur. Sambalpur.
















13365.38 36.57422

(Rupees twenty lakhs ) only.

ve Engineer,
ipal Corporation,

ministrative approved for

Rs.20,00,000.00 only

ncipal Corporation,

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