Acceleration Calculations Answer Key

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fine. \CCELERATION CALCULATIONS Name Acceleration means a change in speed or direction, it can also be defined as a change fn velocity per unit of time. as aa where az ascelerattion| v,= final velocity : v,= Initial velocity 7 t= time Calculate the acceleration for the following data. Initial Velocity Final Velocity Time Acceleration 24-02 S kil s WL O km/hr 24 km/hr 3s s Bee 2 Ft) mIsls 2 Om/s 35 m/s 5s Seat tee 3. 20 km/hr 60 km/hr tos 52? > 4 kelinis 4. s0m/s 180 m/s 5s age? + 2Om/s/6 6. 25 km/hr 1200 km/hr 2min ‘Beg -2> = 58% kel) min eee ese EEE 6. Acar accelerates from a standstill to 60 km/hr in 10.0 seconds. a2 COKMI We - OKMI he © Kel hel] s What is its acceleration? "Ta -ae —___ 7. Acar accelerates from 25 km/hr to §5 km/hr In 30 seconds. a. Sdkminc = aSkmihe = Thm he] What is its acceleration?” "~ ———aonee _— A train is accelerating at a rate of 2.0 km/hr/s. If ts initlal velocity is 20 km/hr, what Is its velocity after 30 seconds? gs Up -0i | Zokem/he/s = Ye - SOWIE {Hy ly Bos 9. Arunner achieves a velocity of 11.1 m/s9s after he begins. Os Wimls- Omg. 1.28m/sis 2 1.23 m/s? 4s What Is his acceleration? What distance did he cover? ds 4 ot i LU efgt ) VY = 2 > Physieol Sclence |F8767. 7 oc &e Ana Steel Kk Lene. o(Melals\eq edad we | SEN CALCULATING AVERAGE SPEED Name Graph the following data on the grid below and answer the questions at the bottom of the page. Time (min) Distance (m) 0 0 1 50 2 75 02 TS/omin B48 en 3 9 4 NO Ve NOmfumins ZS min 2 125 oe OMe nine Sm min 140 120 |— = 100 = g 8 5 g 0 a 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time (min) Average Speed ate Total Time at BS i 1. What Is the average speed after two minutes? ° > gn a Veniey Ao. Ve MH 2 BOM, Vee 2. After three minutes? 3. After five minutes? U2 12509 5 25 Vig, “Semin min (25m, 520, (nig shea ‘aI 4, What is the average speed between two and four minutes? 5. What ls the average speed between four and five minutes? (27:2"Ymvin + SS mal

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