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International Journal of

Science and Engineering Investigations vol. 5, issue 54, July 2016

ISSN: 2251-8843

A Review of the Embankment Dam with Asphalt Concrete Core

Hossein Shafiei1, Mohammad Saeid Eskandari2
Former Graduate Student, Department of Civil Engineering Azad university of Najaf Abad, Esfahan, Iran
Department of Civil Engineering, Azad university of Najaf Abad, Esfahan, Iran
)[email protected], [email protected])

Abstract- Embankment dams have served man at least 5,000 Yalstad, Kjaernsli, & Ruud 2007) Asphalt concrete 50 years
years. The remains of ancient structures and civilizations ago in Germany was used as waterproof coating (Hoeg 1993)
provide clues to the efforts of mankind in the engineering and & (ICOLD Press 1992) these days the asphalt concrete in
construction of dams. Jansen (1980) traces the history of dams dams, channels, pavement of roads and cut-off as waterproof
from the period BC to the 20th century. Of the earth dams built coating and flexible with fine-aggregate, filler and suitable
BC, Jansen comments(USSD Committee on Materials for bitumen. (Wang & Hoeg, 2011)&(Kasatkin & Kuznetsov
Embankment Dams, 2011): Turning to the most available 2004) The International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD)
materials, the ancient dam builders made liberal use of soils have summarized the experience with the design, construction,
and gravels. Since they had only the slightest understanding of and performance of this type of dam presented experimental
the mechanics of materials or of flood flow, their methods were and field results and discussed the ductility, cracking
haphazard, and their works often failed. Embankment dams resistance, permeability, and viscoelastic-plastic properties
were low on the scale of public confidence for many (viscoelastic-plastic properties create self- healing ability)of
centuries. (Jansen, 1980) asphalt concrete used in hydraulic structures. (Wang & Hoeg
2011) Impermeability, flexibility, resistance of erosion and
Embankment dams almost built with all types of the soils, it self-healing should be noticed in design of asphalt
has more advantage than concrete dame. But there was some concrete.(Saxegaard & Veidekke 2003) In last century the
benefits for designer to use embankment dams with asphalt height of most embankment dams with an asphalt core or
concrete core, more than 50 years, asphalt concrete is used as a asphalt facing was less than 100 m and most of them seated on
flexible and impermeable layer in dams. Germany is a pioneer rock foundations in valleys with gentle abutments but in this
in this industry. century the dam height of some asphalt concrete core dams is
Asphaltic concrete core is considered because of more than 150 m and some of them seat on deep compressive
impermeability, ease of construction and performance and etc. overburdens in valleys with steep abutments (Zhang, Wang, &
than clay core. Even is used as cutoff. Filer, aggregate and Zhu 2015).
bitumen are the main part of the asphalt concrete so these have
an important effect on asphalt concrete. Asphaltic concrete is
used in all kind of climate zone and temperature but there is II. GRADING AND MIX DESIGN
some concern in high temperature duo to change the asphalt
properties. For the project is more economical, the embankment dam
design with exist material in site. Although for building special
This paper is review on the findings, results of the tests and part of dam e.g. filters, drain and riprap can use material from
observations from around the world for better understanding out of the site. (USSD Committee on Materials for
the advantages and disadvantages of dams with asphaltic Embankment Dams 2011)
concrete core of the existing earthen dam. It is predicted that in
the future most of embankment dams in areas with earthquake The asphaltic concrete use in dams and channels, have
hazard, construct like this. more fine aggregate, filer and bitumen than asphaltic concrete
use as a pavement. Thats for being impermeability and
Keywords- embankment dam, asphalt concrete core, cutoff, flexibility. (USSD Committee on Materials for Embankment
drain and filter Dams 2011)The asphaltic concrete use in embanked dams as
water barrier include 6.5 8.5 percent bitumen bye mineral
weight, 10-15 percent filler material (<0.075 mm), 35-52
I. INTRODUCTION percent fine aggregates (0.075- 2.36 mm), and 33-55 percent
coarse aggregates (2.36-19 mm) (Saxegaard 2002)
A large embankment dam in the world are made with
different materials (U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Aggregates used in the mixes that make up the lifts of an
Engineers, 1994) and there are three suggestion to build them: asphalt concrete core are normally crushed stone, suitable for
1.soil core 2.upstream facing of reinforced concrete or asphalt use in Portland cement concrete. Fillers used to promote the
or synthetic geomembrane 3.asphalt concrete core (Hoeg, workability and compact ability of the mix. Workability is

important, because harsh mixes, low in fines content, tend to In design of asphalt concrete of embankment dams using
tear when being placed. In addition to improving the highest amount of bitumen for reaching the flexibility
workability, proper quantities of filler also decrease the volume against seismic load is suggested. Although there is no filed
of voids, making for a more dense and impervious mix. On the study for make sure about this (Feizi-Khankandi, Mirghasemi,
other hand, excessive quantities of filler will significantly Ghalandarzadeh & Hoeg 2008) The amount of bitumen is
increase the asphalt demand, because of the increased surface related to dynamic shear strain and level of environment
area. Typically, the ratio of (filler)/(aggregate + filler), by temperature. (Akhtarpour & Khodaii 2013)
weight, have fallen in the range of 11 percent to 13 percent. It
should be recognized, however, that workability is the key (Akhtarpour & Khodaii 2013) allowed that amount of
issue. (USSD Committee on Materials for Embankment Dams bitumen should be 5.5-7 percent in water barrier asphaltic
2011) concrete. Also the amount of bitumen for reach flexibility
during the earthquake and after that suggested 6.5-7 percent.
Grading Curve of asphalt concrete mix design should be (Hoeg 1993)
consistent with Fullers curves. (Norwegian Geotechnical
Institute 1992) According to (Hoeg 1993) showed samples with more
bitumen content has more yield strain, also in the top of the
dams when the limited pressure is low, mixture of bitumen and
asphalt increase dynamic shear modulus at low strain levels
less than 0.4 percent. Maximum dynamic shear modulus is in
the maximum limited pressure, this increase has the most value
for 6 percent bitumen content and after that it decreases with an
increase in bitumen content. The least and the most damping
was observed at 6 percent and 7 percent bitumen content,
respectively.by increasing the limited stress, the higher
damping value can be obtained. With an increase in bitumen
content, the shear modulus decreases. However, in low limited
pressure (100 KPa), the behavior of the material is different
and a reduction in shear modulus with increasing bitumen
content is observed.(Akhtarpour & Khodaii 2013) Secant
modulus increases with increasing amount of bitumen.


The aggregate should be heated before mixing up the
moisture content reaches 0.5% or lower asphalt cement must
also be heated where will not drive off too many volatiles. The
Figure 1. Fullers Curves mixture critical temperature depends on viscosity. Table 1
shows this connection (USSD Committee on Materials for
Embankment Dams 2011)
The coarse aggregates used were crushed silicate sand and TABLE I. CRITICAL TEMPERATURES RELATED TO ASPHALT CONCRETE
gravel satisfying Fuller distribution given by following
equation: Asphalt Viscosity
Temperature Low Temperature High
Field Activity Viscosity Asphalt Viscosity Asphalt
( ) ( )
( ) (1)
Mixing 165 (325) 178 (355)
"where ( ) is the percent by weight of material smaller Start Rolling
1 155 (310) 170 (340)
10 110 (225) 125 (255)
than grain size ( ) and ( ) is the nominal size of the
aggregates (Akhtarpour & Khodaii 2013) Stop Rolling 100 80 (175) 95 (200)

In figure 1, two grading curve is present. Air content in the

asphaltic concrete that based on curve 3 does not be less than 3 Many of embankment dams design and build in the word
percent due to it was permeable and brittle and least resistance but there is not enough information about the dynamic
between 3 samples. Although asphalt concrete make by same properties of material in hot area.(Feizi-Khankandi et al. 2008)
amount of bitumen identical with Fuller Curve was The recent studies show that the asphalt concrete core as water
impermeability, formability behavior and most resistance barrier has more concern in high temperature.
against shear and tensional strain before fraction. (Norwegian
Geotechnical Institute 1992) & (Norwegian Geotechnical
Institute 1993)

International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 5, Issue 54, July 2016 112
www.IJSEI.com ISSN: 2251-8843 Paper ID: 55416-15
IV. IMPLEMENTATION valley profile between two abutment. Usually decrease vertical
Test of material is one of the most important principles in stress in centric level determine in compere of overhead
the design and construction of asphalt concrete core. (USSD pressure extent ( ). Extent of decrease stress because of
Committee on Materials for Embankment Dams 2011) The arching depends on valley width and abutments slope. (Ohne &
quality of asphalt concrete depends on construction process and Narita 1977) Furthermore, if an asphalt core dam is located in a
the tests. (Wang & Hoeg 2011) The testing relates to the narrow valley with steep abutments arching effect may exist on
components of the mix (i.e asphalt, aggregate and filler), and to the core in the longitudinal direction. (Zhang et al. 2015)
the mix itself. (USSD Committee on Materials for
Embankment Dams 2011)
Vertical and inclined asphalt concrete core width is
between 0.5 and 1 meter. This value depends on the height of Earthquake does not cause deformation of the slope and the
the dam, seismic area, foundation conditions and quality permanent settlement in crest of embankment dam.
performance. (Wang & Hoeg 2011) (Swaisgood, 2003) So embankment dams in earthquake prone
areas are appropriate. (Ghahreman Nejad, Soden, Taiebat, &
In the implementation of asphaltic concrete core layers 0.2 Murphy 2010)
to 0.3 meters compact by vibratory rollers 0.5 to 1 Ton to
achieve 3 percent of the air content. According to laboratory Earthquake affects the slope of earth dam but in the center
results, in this porosity, is impermeable asphalt concrete under core has little effect that this cause a lot of strain tensile
high water pressure if the porosity is more than 3 percent, deformation at upstream. The upstream facing become
permeability greatly increased. In porosity 6 percent, weathering and oxidation and radiation due to temperature
permeability will become . (Norwegian Geotechnical changes, the results of these, are degradation, brittleness and
cracks in the asphalt concrete as a consequence, asphalt
Institute, 1992) In field measurements this value is often concrete core design is preferred to asphalt upstream
between 1 to 2.5 percent. (Wang & Hoeg 2011) facing.(Ghahreman Nejad et al. 2010)
The slender core wall has to adjust to the deformations of
V. DRAIN & FILTER the embankment fill during construction, impounding(Wang &
Hoeg 2011)
Indeed, many incidents of failure or near failure can be
attributed to the absence of filters and/or drains or to filter
protection that was not appropriate to the application. 30 to
50% of accidents on dams relate to inappropriate drainage or
piping. Cutoff has used in all embankment dam all over the world
and climate zone because of deformability, resistance to
The safety of earth and earth-rock dams depends to a large erosion, slow aging and high reliability.
degree on the proper design, construction, and maintenance of
filter and filter/drain systems (USSD Committee on Materials Cutoff must design according to two characteristics
for Embankment Dams 2011) impermeability and duration of service. For transfer stress to
the downstream toe, the diaphragm should be inclined. Also to
In the implementation of dams, filters and drains must be raise the upstream slope stability under earthquake load use
from materials with low cohesion, capable of collapse and self- inclined diaphragm or zigzag.
Based on the experiences of constructed diaphragm
(U.S. Department of the deformation of inclined sloop diaphragm in foundation, depend
Army, Corps of Engineers 1994) on significant settlement in toe. Amount of settlement in dams
Permeability varies approximately with the square of the can exceed 1 m and its rate can reach . While most of
. dam settlement in the first 10 years of operation. (Kasatkin &
In addition at above criterion, the U.S. Soil Conservation Kuznetsov 2004)
Service (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Thick of the asphalt concrete diaphragm is determined by
Service 1986) adds that should not be finer than 0.1 mm. calculations based on the results of physical tests.
(USSD Committee on Materials for Embankment Dams 2011)
The initial thickness of diaphragm is proportional to dam
VI. ARCHING The following table shows this proportion (VNIIG &
Vedeneeva 1986)
For the first time in 1951 scientists found the significant
decrease vertical and lateral pressures of the thin core in
embankment dams with pressures measurement and reported
an importance arching phenomenon. Decrease pressure relate
to big settlement of core than crust due to transfer force from
core to crust and in 1961 they found that arching could occur in

International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 5, Issue 54, July 2016 113
www.IJSEI.com ISSN: 2251-8843 Paper ID: 55416-15
Thickness of Diaphragm ( ) High ( ) [1] Feizi-Khankandi, S., Mirghasemi, A., Ghalandarzadeh, A., & Hoeg, K.
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obtain 42 litter per second and also hydraulic gradient in [8] Kasatkin, Y. N., & Kuznetsov, E. I. (2004). Design and Construction of
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the construction reservoir stability of asphalt concrete core was Technology and Engineering, 38(2).
1.41 that parameter in dams with clay core obtain 1.16 so this [9] Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. (1992). Asphaltic concrete cores for
amount is less than Safety Factor (S.F=1.25) and stability embankment dams laboratory triaxial tests (No. NGI Report 530106).
analyze during full reservoir shows the S.F 1.5 for asphalt
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Maximum dynamic shear modulus is in the maximum Engineering. Christchurch NZPaper, (14).
limited pressure, this increase has the most value for 6 [15] U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. (1986).
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International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 5, Issue 54, July 2016 114
www.IJSEI.com ISSN: 2251-8843 Paper ID: 55416-15

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