Work Plan in LR

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
City of Puerto Princesa



Objectives of the LRMDS

1. Strengthen Learning Resource development and distribution systems from the Division to school levels.
2. Improve access to varied quality instructional and learning materials through support for the assessment, acquisition, adaptation, development, production
and distribution of teaching/learning materials to schools.
3. Digitize available pupil/ student learning materials, particularly for K to 12, MTB-MLE, IP, Muslim education, reading, language literacy and numeracy in
the early grades and TLE programs, English, Science and Mathematics in other grades, ADM and ALS.
4. Enhance provisions of quality instructional and learning materials in various formats able to be localized and contextualized to respond to identified
teaching and learning needs.
5. Modify and enhance instructional and learning materials for implementing Alternative Delivery Modes and Learning Systems.
6. Improve and decentralize Quality Assurance (including Monitoring and Evaluation) systems for provision and utilisation of learning resources.


1. Preparation of Work Plan for LR Work Plan and Budget LRMDS Coordinator;
LRMDS Matrix for SY 2017-2019 July 2017-March Project Development
2019 Officer; Librarian 0 none
2. Assessment and Evaluation Baseline data of instructional Division LR; Division
of learning materials materials available vis--vis July- October 2017 Supervisors; District 0 none
available the enrolment) Supervisors; School Heads
a. Inventory & Assessment List of Needed Learning July- October 2017 LRMDS Coordinator;
of LR Needs in the Materials Project Development 0 none
division Officer; Librarian
a.1 Inventory of all Draft/ Partial Listing of all
available materials in available materials for July to September School Heads 0 none
schools teaching and delivery 2017
a.2 Orientation of all LRMDS Coordinator;
School Heads on the Orientation Matrix; Project Development 450.00 x 97 School MOOE/
establishment of the LR Assessment tools filled up; September 2017 Officer; Librarian school heads other school
Unit, assessment and Evaluation tools filled up by from all public local funds
evaluation of Learning school heads; School Heads; Program schools =
Resources in all schools Final List of all available Management Team 43650.00
a.3 Meeting with the CID Request Letter for Meeting; September 2017 LR Coordinator 0 none
Chief and Division and Minutes of the Meeting;
District Supervisors/ Approved LR Plan
Presentation of the LR
Plans and Assessment of
Needed Instructional
Materials per subject
a.4 Creation of School LR Division Memo for the September 2017 School heads; teachers 0 none
Coordinators (school purpose;
level List of all school LR
Coordinators of the Division
a.4 Creation of District LR Division Memo; September 2017 All school LR Coordinators; Registration of School local
Coordinators Results of the Election to be supervisors 50.00 funds
conducted for the purpose 97 x 50.00 =
a.5 Capacity Building of Division Memo; attendance; November 2017 All school and district Division
all LR Coordinators registration; outputs in the coordinators; Division LR 400.00 x 97 = MOOE/ School
capacity building Unit 38,800.00 local
a.6 Creation of Division Division Memo; List of October 2017 Selected master teachers
LR Core Team members of the team and teachers; selected School funds
school heads; selected Membership
district and division fee
b. Evaluation of LRs Results of Evaluation of LR December 2017 Division LR 0 None
b.1 evaluate New LRs for List of New Learning October 2017 LR Unit 0 None
acquisition Resources for acquisition
b.2 evaluate existing LRs for List of Existing LRs October to March LR Unit 0 None
redevelopment and 2018
b.3 evaluate school Submitted list and sample of November 2017 to LR Evaluators/ Division LR 0 None
developed LRs LRs developed in the school December 2018 Team
3. Development, Acquisition & List of materials to be January 2018- Division LR core team; LR 500,000.00 Division
Production of LRs developed; budget proposals December 2019 Evaluators; LR Unit; Supply MOOE/ Funds
3.a Development of Teaching Office;
& Learning Resource
3.b Redeveloping List of Materials to be September to Division LR Unit; Supply 500,000.00 Division funds;
/modification /production of developed; budget proposals November 2017 Office; Accounting and MOOE
available teacher-made and Budget Office
division-initiated learning
resources with complete
updated (TG, LM, CG)
3.c Conduct Trainings/ Proposals; Training Matrix; January 2018- LR Coordinator; PDO; 40 x 450 = Division
Workshops on LR List of Participants March 2019 Librarian; ICT ; Accounting 18,000.00 Funds; School
Development, Office MOOE
Redevelopment, Assessment
and Evaluation
4. Storage & Maintenance Data available in the library July 2017- March Librarian; LR; Accounting 2000 x 12 = Division
4.a maintenance of catalog hub 2019 and Budget Office 12,000.00 per MOOE; other
LR year funds
X 3 = 36,000.00
5. Publication & delivery List of materials for delivery November 2017 to LR; Supply Office Division funds
March 2018
5.a Creation of the DepEd LR Online portal August to Division LR Unit; Accounting 3,000.00 Division
Portal September 2017 and Budget Office MOOE
5.b Distribution of LR USB; CDs September to Division LR Unit; Supply 30,000.00 Division
materials among schools of November 2017 Office; Accounting and MOOE
the division Budget Office
5.c Training and Division LR Core Team September 2017 Division LR; selected 0 None
development of core team members teachers; master teachers,;
on LRMDS development and school heads and
production processes supervisors
5.d Implementation of
Special Curricular Programs
and Projects initiated by the
5.d.1 Library hub Logbook of Borrowed books; Year round Librarian 0 None
Operation (borrowing list of available materials
and returning of SRMs)
5.d.2 Assist foster
schools in the LAC Sessions provided for
preparation of SIP, AIP school heads and teachers December to Div LR Unit 0 0
and APP March 2019

5.d.3 Establish development Teachers and Learners December to Division LR; Supply;
and production unit to Materials produced March 2019 Accounting; Budget Offices
digitize, redevelop and
create new resources as
determined by LR TA Plan
5.d.4 Quarterly Reporting Minutes of the Meeting; Every quarter of LR Coordinator 0 none
and Meeting Division Quarterly Accomplishment every school year
Personnel on the updates of Reports
the Division LR
5.d.5 Reading Activities for Program of Activities; Contest November of Division LR Unit 2,000.00 Registration
the NATIONAL Reading every year fees from
Month school
5.d.6 Harvesting resources List of materials from the 2017-2019 Division LR Unit 0 None
from field and online online LRMDS downloaded to
the PPC LR Portal
6. Baseline Researching/ Research-based Learning 2017-2019
Accumulation of data Resources
Prepared by:


Division LR Coordinator CHIEF, Curriculum Implementation Division
Division of Puerto Princesa City

Approved: ELSIE T. BARRIOS, PhD.

OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent
Division of Puerto Princesa City

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