2014 Bar Examinations - Insurance

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2014 Bar Examinations The insurer may provide for exemptions in the policy.

I. the rule is that if the insurer desires to limit or restrict the operation of the
Carlo and Bianca met in the La Boracay festivities. Immediately, they fell in general provisions of its contract by special proviso, exception or exemption,
love with each other and got married soon after. They have been cohabiting the policy should express such limitation in clear and unmistakable language.
blissfully as husband and wife, but they did not have any offspring. As the In the case at bar, it is expressly stated in the contract of insurance that the
years passed by, Carlo decided to take out an insurance on Biancas life insurer shall not be liable for any malicious damage caused by the insured,
for P1,000,000.00 with him (Carlo) as sole beneficiary, given that he did not any member of his family or by a person in the insureds service. Hence, the
have a steady source of income and he always depended on Bianca both insurer is only exempted from liability arising from malicious damage and not
emotionally and financially. During the term of the insurance, Bianca died of from the loss of the vehicle caused by the person in the insureds service.
what appeared to be mysterious cause so that Carlo immediately requested
for an autopsy to be conducted. It was established that Bianca died of a XIV.
natural cause. More than that, it was also established that Bianca was a On September 25, 2013, Danny Marcial (Danny) procured an insurance on
transgender all along a fact unknown to Carlo. Can Carlo claim the his life with a face value ofP5,000,000.00 from RN Insurance Company (RN),
insurance benefit? (5%) with his wife Tina Marcial(Tina) as sole beneficiary. On the same day, Danny
issued an undated check to RN for the full amount of the premium. On
Suggested Answer: October 1, 2013, RN issued the policy covering Dannys life insurance. On
Yes, Carlo can claim the insurance benefit. October 5, 2013, Danny met a tragic accident and died. Tina claimed the
Under the Insurance Code, if the insured take out an insurance on insurance benefit, but RN was quick to deny the claim because at the time of
the life of another designating himself as beneficiary, insurable interest on Dannys death, the check was not yet encashed and therefore the premium
the part of the insured is necessary. It is true that every person has insurable remained unpaid.
interest in the life of his spouse, however, in this case, Bianca cannot be Is RN correct? Will your answer be the same if the check is dated October
considered the spouse of Carlo because the marriage is void for Bianca is 15, 2013? (4%)
not a woman. Nevertheless, Carlo can still claim insurance benefit for he still Suggested Answer:
has insurable interest on the life of Bianca, being a person on whom he No, RN is incorrect.
depends wholly for support. Under the Insurance Code, the obligation of the insurer will not become valid
VI. and binding if the first premium has not been paid. However, in the case at
On May 26, 2014, Jess insured with Jack Insurance (Jack) his 2014 Toyota bar, premium has already been paid when the insured issued an undated
Corolla sedan under a comprehensive motor vehicle insurance policy for one check to the insurer. The Civil Code provides that checks shall produce the
year. On July 1, 2014, Jess car was unlawfully taken. Hence, he effect of payment only when they have been cashed, or when through the
immediately reported the theft to the Traffic Management Command (TMC) fault of the creditor they have been impaired. The insurer could have cashed
of the Philippine National Police (PNP), which made Jess accomplish a the issued check at the day it was issued, or with the succeeding days, its
complaint sheet as part of its procedure. In the complaint sheet, Jess alleged failure to encash it cannot be attributed to the insured who paid it in full within
that a certain Ric Silat(Silat) took possession of the subject vehicle to add the right time. Furthermore, the issuance of the policy by the insurer to the
accessories and improvements thereon. However, Silat failed to return the insured constitute an acknowledgment that premium has been paid. Hence,
subject vehicle within the agreed 3-day period. As a result, Jess notified Jack Tina is entitled to claim the insurance benefit.
of his claim for reimbursement of the value of the lost vehicle under the
insurance policy. Jack refused to pay claiming that there is no theft as Jess
gave Silat lawful possession of the car. Is Jack correct? (4%) XVII.
Suggested Answer: On December 1, 2010, Kore A Corporation shipped from South Korea to LT
No, Jack is incorrect. Corporation in Manila some 300,000 sheets of high-grade special steel. The
There is theft in the case at bar. Although at first, Silat took shipment was insured against all risks by NA Insurance(NA). The carrying
possession of the car lawfully from Jess, it subsequently became unlawful vessel arrived at the Port of Manila on January 10, 2011. When the shipment
after he failed to return it within the agreed period. The elements of theft are was discharged, it was noted that 25,000 sheets were damaged and in bad
present (1) taking (2) intent to gain (3) without the consent of the owner. Jack order. The entire shipment was turned over to the custody of ATI, the
is obliged to reimburse Jess for the loss of his car. arrastre operator, on January 21, 2011 for storage and safekeeping, pending
VIII. its withdrawal by the consignees authorized customs broker, RVM.
As a rule, an insurance contract is consensual and voluntary. The exception On January 26 and 29, 2011, the subject shipment was withdrawn by RVM
is in the case of: (1%) from the custody of ATI. On January 29, 2011, prior to the withdrawal of the
(A) Inland Marine Insurance last batch of the shipment, a joint inspection of the cargo was conducted per
(B) Industrial Life Insurance the Request for Bad Order Survey (RBO) dated January 28, 2011. The
(C) Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance examination report showed that 30,000 sheets of steel were damaged and in
(D) Life Insurance bad order.
IX. NA Insurance paid LT Corporationthe amount of P30,000,000.00 for the
On February 21, 2013, Barrack entered into a contract of insurance with 30,000 sheets that were damaged, as shown in the Subrogation Receipt
Matino Insurance Company (Matino) involving a motor vehicle. The policy dated January 13, 2013. Thereafter, NA Insurance demanded reparation
obligates Matino to pay Barrack the amount of Six Hundred Thousand Pesos against ATI for the goods damaged in its custody, in the amount
(P600,000.00) in case of loss or damage to said vehicle during the period of P5,000,00.00. ATI refused to pay claiming that the claim was already
covered, which is from February 26, 2013 to February 26, 2014. barred by the statute of limitations. ATI alleged that the Carriage of Goods by
On April 16, 2013, at about 9:00 a.m., Barrack instructed his driver, JJ, to Sea Act (COGSA) applies in this case since the goods were shipped from a
bring the motor vehicle to a near by auto shop for tune-up. However, JJ no foreign port to the Philippines. NA Insurance claims that the COGSA does
longer returned and despite diligent efforts to locate the said vehicle, the not apply, since ATI is not a shipper or carrier. Who is correct? (5%)
efforts proved futile. Resultantly, Barrack promptly notified Matino of the said
loss and demanded payment of the insurance proceeds of P600,000.00.
In a letter dated July 5, 2013. Matino denied the claim, reasoning as stated in XX.
the contract that "the company shall not be liable for any malicious damage On May 13, 1996, PAM, Inc. obtained a P15,000,000.00 fire insurance policy
caused by the insured, any member of his family or by a person in the from Ilocano Insurance covering its machineries and equipment effective for
insureds service. Is Matino correct in denying the claim? (4%) one (1) yearor until May 14, 1997. The policy expressly stated that the
Suggested Answer: insured properties were located at "Sanyo Precision Phils. Building, Phase
No, Matino is incorrect in denying the claim. III, Lots 4 and 6, Block 15, PEZA, Rosario, Cavite." Before its expiration, the
policy was renewed on "as is" basis for another year or until May 13, 1998. Upon arrival, FCL Corp. engaged the services of CGM, Inc. for the release
The subject properties were later transferred to Pace Factory also in PEZA. and withdrawal of the cargoes from the pier and the subsequent delivery to
On October 12, 1997, during the effectivity of the renewed policy, a fire broke its warehouses/plants in Valenzuela City. The goods were loaded on board
out at the Pace Factory which totally burned the insured properties. twelve (12) trucks owned by CGM, Inc., driven by its employed drivers and
The policy forbade the removal of the insured properties unless sanctioned accompanied by its employed truck helpers. Of the twelve (12) trucks en
by Ilocano. Condition 9(c) of the policy provides that "the insurance ceases routeto Valenzuela City, only eleven (11) reached the destination. One (1)
to attach as regards the property affected unless the insured, before the truck, loaded with eleven (11) bundles of copper cathodes, failed to deliver
occurrence of any loss or damage, obtains the sanction of the company its cargo.
signified by endorsement upon the policy x x x (c) if the property insured is Because of this incident, FCL Corp. filed with ELP Insurance, Inc. a claim for
removed to any building or place other than in that which is herein stated to insurance indemnity in the amount ofP1,500,000.00. After the requisite
be insured." PAM claims that it has substantially complied with notifying investigation and adjustment, ELP Insurance, Inc. paid FCL Corp. the
Ilocano through its sister company, the RBC, which, in fact, referred PAM to amount ofP1,350,000.00 as insurance indemnity.
Ilocano for the insurance coverage. Is Ilocano liable under the policy? (4%) ELP Insurance, Inc., thereafter, filed a complaint for damages against CGM,
Suggested Answer: Inc. before the Regional Trial Court (RTC), seeking reimbursement of the
No, Ilocano is not liable under the policy. amount it had paid to FCL Corp. for the loss of the subject cargo. CGM, Inc.
Knowledge on the part of the agent of the insurer can be imputed to the denied the claim on the basis that it is not privy to the contract entered into
insurer only if the following circumstances are present (1) It was the duty of by and between FCL Corp. and ELP Insurance, Inc., and hence, it is not
the agent to acquire and communicate information of the facts in question, liable therefor. If you are the judge, how will you decide the case? (4%)
and (2) It was possible for the agent, in the exercise of due diligence, to have Suggested Answer:
made such communication before the making of insurance contract. In the The contention of FCL Corp. is untenable.
case at bar, RBC, a sister company of Ilocano is not acting as an agent of Under the insurance code, If the plaintiffs property has been insured, and he
the latter. It has no obligation to communicate the transfer of the properties to has received indemnity from the insurance company for the injury or loss
Ilocano. Moreover, properties are transferred after the renewal of the policy,
arising out of the wrong or breach of contract complained of, the insurance
a clear violation of the conditions on the policy.
XXI. company shall be subrogated to the rights of the insured against the
On July 3, 1993, Delia Sotero (Sotero) took out a life insurance policy from wrongdoer or the person who violated the contract. The right of subrogation
Ilocos Bankers Life Insurance Corporation (Ilocos Life) designating Creencia is not dependent upon, nor does it grow out of any privity of contract, it
Aban(Aban), her niece, as her beneficiary. Ilocos Life issued Policy No. 747, accrues simply upon payment by insurance company of the insurance claim.
with a face value of P100,000.00, in Soteros favor on August 30, 1993, after
the requisite medical examination and payment of the premium.
On April 10, 1996, Sotero died. Aban filed a claim for the insurance proceeds
on July 9, 1996. Ilocos Life conducted an investigation into the claim and
came out withthe following findings:
1. Soterodid not personally apply for insurance coverage, as she
was illiterate.
2. Soterowas sickly since 1990.
3. Sotero did not have the financial capability to pay the premium
on the policy.
4. Soterodid not sign the application for insurance.
5. Aban was the one who filed the insurance application and
designated herself as the beneficiary.
For the above reasons and claiming fraud, Ilocos Life denied Abans claim on
April 16, 1997, but refunded the premium paid on the policy. (6%)
(A) May Sotero validly designate her niece as beneficiary?
(B) May the incontestability period set in even in cases of fraud as
alleged in this case?
(C) Is Aban entitled to claim the proceeds under the policy?
Suggested Answer:
(A) Yes, Sotero can validly designate her niece as beneficiary. If the insured
takes out an insurance on his own life, he can designate anybody whether or
not the beneficiary has insurable interest over his life.
(B) Yes, the incontestability period will set in even in cases of fraud.
Under the incontestability clause, the insurer has 2 years from the date of the
issuance of the insurance contract within which to contest the policy. After 2
years, defenses of concealment and misrepresentation, no matter how
patent or well founded, no longer lie.
The incontestability clause cannot be invoked in the following cases:
1. Non-payment of premium
2. Violation of conditions of the policy relating to military or naval
service in times of war
3. Property Insurance
The given case does not fall in any of the said exceptions.
(C) Yes, Aban is entitled to claim the proceeds under the policy.

ELP Insurance, Inc. issued Marine Policy No. 888 in favor of FCL Corp. to
insure the shipment of 132 bundles of electric copper cathodes against all
risks. Subsequently, the cargoes were shipped on board the vessel "M/V
Menchu" from Leyte to Pier 10, North Harbor, Manila.

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