General Maintenance 1g 2g

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GENERAL - Lubrication arid Maintenance, OQ-33




Maintenance and lubrication service recommenda- Caution

tions have been compiled to provide maximum Test re+s submitted to EPA have shown that:
protection for the vehicle owner’s investment laboratory animals develop skin cancer after
against all reasonable types of driving conditions. prolonged contact with used engine oil. Accord-
Since these conditions vary with the individual ve- ingly, the potential exists for humans to develop
hicle owner’s driving habits, the area in which the a number:, of skin disorders, including can$qr,.
vehicle is operated and the type of drivihg to which from such exposure to used e.pgine,_$l.
the vehicle is subjected, it is necessary to prescribe Care should be taken, therefore, when changing
lubrication and maintenance service on a time fre- engine oil, to minimize the am;lount,and length
quency as well as mileage interval basis. of exposure time to used engine oill gn, your
Oils, lubricants and greases are classified and skin. Protective clothing and gloveq that cannot
graded according to standards recommended by be penetrated by @I, shoul”d be; worn. The’skin,
the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), the should be thoroughly ,w$shed with soap and
American Petroleum Institute (API) and the National water,,or use waterless hand ,cleqney,,to remove,
Lubricating Grease Institute (NLGI). any used engine oil. Do not use gasoline, thin-
ners, or solvents.
Information for service maintenance is provided GEAR LUBRICANTS
under “SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE TABLE”. The SAE grade number al& indicates t$ ciscdsi& ’
Three schedules are provided; one for “Required of Multi-purpose Gear Lubricants.
Maintenance”, one for “General Maintenance” and The API classification system ,dgfines, @Ear lub$.
one for “Severe Usage Service”. cants in terms of usage. Typidally gear lubricants
Item numbers in the “SCHEDULED MAINTE- conforming to API GL-4 or GL-5 ‘with a viscositjl
NANCE TABLE” correspond to the item nimbers of SAE 75W-85W are recommended for mahugl
in the “MAINTENANCE SERVICE” section. transaxle.
Vehicles operating under severe service conditions Semi-solid lubricants bear the NLGI designation
will require more frequent service. and are further classified as grades 0, 1, 2; 3 etc.
Component service information is included in ap- Whenever “Chassis Lubricant” is specified, Multi-
propriate units for vehicles operating under one purpose Grease, NLGI grade 2, should be used.
or more of the following conditions:
1. Police, taxi, or commercial type operation FUEL USAGE STATEMENT
2. Operation of Vehicle Your car must use unleaded gas&e only.
(1) Short-trip operation at freezing temperature This car has a fuel filler tube especially deSigned
(engine not thoroughly warmed up) to accept only the smaller-diameter unleaded gaso-
(2) More than 50% operation in heavy city traf- line dispensing nozzle.
fic during hot weather above 32°C (90°F) Caution
(3) Extensive idling Using leaded gasoline in your car will damage
(4) Driving in sandy areas the catalytic converter and oxygen sensor, and
(5) Driving in salty areas affect the warranty coverage validity.
(6) Driving in dusty conditions
Your car is designed to operate on premium uri-’ 1
ENGINE OIL leaded gasoline having a minimum octane rating ’
Either of the following engine oils should be used: of 91 or 95 RON (Research Octane ‘Number).
(1) Engine oil displaying EOLCS certification mark If premium unleaded gasoline is not av$?ble,,,un-
(2) Engine oil conforming to the API classification leaded gasoline having a octane rating of 87, tir
SH EC11 or SH/CD ECII. 91 RON (Research Octane Number) may be used.
For further details, refer to “LUBRICANTS SELEC- In this case, the performance and fuel consumption
TION” section. will suffer a little degradation.
Gasolines Containing Alcohol
Some gasolines sold at service stations contain
alcohol, although they may not be so identified.

TSB Revision
Lubrication and MaintenanWRecqmmended
00-34 GENERAL - Lubricants and Lubricant Capacities Table

Use of fuels containing alcohol is not recommended Gasolines containing kiltBE (Methyl Tettiaiy bir-
unless the nature of the blend can be determined tyl Ether)
as being satisfactory. Unleaded gasoline containing 15% or IeFs MTBE
Gasohol - A mixture of 10% ethanol (grain alcohol) may be used in ypur car. Fuel containing MTBE
and 90% unleaded gasoline may be used in your over 15% vol. may cause reduced engine perfor-
car. mance and produce vapor lock or hard starting.
If driveability problems are experienced as a result
of using gasohol, it is recommended that the car MATERIALS ADDED TO FUEL
be operated on gasoline.
Methanol - Do not use gasolines containing Indiscriminate use of fuel system -cleaning’ agerits
methanol (wood alcohol). Use of this type of alcohol should be avoided. Many of these materials in-
can result in vehicle performance deterioration and tended for gum and varnish removal mtiy cohtain
damage critical parts in the fuel system compo- highly active solvents or similar ingredients that
nents. Fuel system damage and performance prob- can be harmful to gasket and diaphragm materials
lems, resulting from the use of gasolines containing used in fuel system component parts.
methanol, may not be covered by the new car war-



Items Recommended lubricants

Engine Engine oil displaying EOLCS certification mark or conforming

to the API classification SH EC11 or SH/CD ECB (For further,
details, refer to “LUBRICANTS SELE6flON” section)
’ i i
I Manual transaxle ( 2.0L Engine (Non-turbo) / TEXACO MTX FLUID FM * I
2.0L Engine (Turbo) and 2.4L API classification GL-4, SAE 75W-90 or 7&85W
Engine ,
Automatic transaxle DIAMOND ATF SP II or equivalent ‘”

r- ~ <AWD>
Transfer ( API classification GL-4, SAE 75W-90 or 75WL85W

Differential (rear axle) API classification GL-5 or higher

Above -23°C (-10°F): SAE 90,85W-90,8OW-90”
From -34% (-30°F) to -23°C (-10°F):
SAE 8OW, 8OW-90 .‘
Below -34°C (-30°F): SAE 75W
Power steering Automatic transmission fluid “DEXRON II”
‘ 1
Brake and clutch Conforming to DOT3 or DOT4

Engine coolant DIA-QUEEN LONG-LIFE COOLANT (Part No. 0103044) or

High quality ethylene-glycol antifreeze coola?t I

TSB Revision
GENERAL - Recommended Lubricants and Lubricant Capacities Table 00-35
Description Metric measure U.S. measure :
Engine oil Crankcase 2.0L Engine (Non-turbo) 3.8 dm3 4 qts.
(excluding oil filter)
2.0L Engine (Turbo) and 2.4L 4.0 dm3 4.2 qts.
Oil filter 2.0L Engine (Non-turbo) 0.5 dm3 .53 qt.
2.0L Engine (Turbo) and 2.4L 0.3 dm3 .32 qt.
Oil cooler <2.0L Engine (Turbo)> 0.1 dm3 .ll qt.
Cooling system (including heater and engine coolant reserve system) 7.0 dms 7.4 qts.
Manual transaxle FWD 2.0 dms 2.1 qts.
AWD 2.3 dms 2.4 qts.
Automatic transaxle 2.0L Engine (Non-turbo) 8.6 dm3 9.1 qt.%
2.0L Engine (Turbo) 6.7 dm3 7.1 qts.
2.41 Engine 6.1 dms 6.4 qts.
Transfer <AWD> 0.5 dm3 .53 qt.
Differential (rear axle) 0.85 dm3 .9 qt.
Power steering 0.9 dm3 .95 q t .
Fuel tank 64 dm3 i7.0’gals. I

EOLCS certification mark

Never use non-detergent or straight mineral oil.
Oil Identification Symbol
Use only engine oils displaying the EOLCS certification mark
on the container.

If these oils are not available, an API classification SH ECII

or SH/CD EC11 can be used.


TSB Revision
00-36 GENERAL - Recommended Lubricants and Lubkicant Capacities Table
,, q--T 1

Non-turbo Oil Viscosity

The SAE grade number indicates the viscosity Of the &ii.
A proper SAE grade number should be selected accyging
to ambient temperature.
l : SAE 5W-30 may be used for operation in very cold weather
areas where the lowest ambient temperature is below
5AE IOW- JO - 10°F (- 23°C).
2.4L I
Engine SM *w-30, PREFERRED 1

7 I

MO36002 >

~0001126 ,,’ !
I .

Relation between Antifreeze Concentration and Specific Gravity

Engine coolant temperature “C (“F) and specific gravity Freezing Safe operating Engine coolant
temperature temperature concentration
10 (50) 20 (68) 30 (86) 40 (104) 50 (122) “C (“F) “C (“F) (Specific volume)
1.054 1.050 1.046 1.042 1.036 -16 (3.2) -11 (12.2) 30%
1.063 1.058 1.054 1.049 1.044 -20 (-4) -15 (5) 35%
1.071 1.067 1.062 1.057 1.052 -25 (-13) -20 (-4) 40 Yo ’ ”

1.079 1.074 1.069 1.064 1.058 -30 (-13) -25 (-13). “+% .I,
‘i*; i
1.087 1.082 1.076 1.070 1.064 -36 (-32.8) -31, (-23;“)‘; * 50 %
1.095 1.090 1.084 1.077 1.070 -42 (-44) -37,(-35!:, :’ 55%
1.103 1.098 1.092 1.084 1.076 -50 (-58) -45 (-A>:: < $b%

The safe operating temperature is -15°C (5°F) when the measured specific gravity is 1.058 at the coolant
temperature of 20°C (68°F).
1. If the concentration of the coolant is below 30%, the anti-corrosion property, will e adversely
affected. In addition, if the concentration is above 60%, both the anti-freeze and engine cooling
properties will decrease, affecting the engine adversely. For these reasons, be sure to maintain
the concentration level within the specified range.
2. Do not use a mixture of different brands of anti-freeze.

TSB Revision
GENERAL - Scheduled Maintenance Table : ”



Inspection and services shotild be performed any time a malfunction is observed or suspected. Retain
receipts for all vehicle emission services to protect your emission warranty.


^ .T / .: .I

No. General maintenance Service to be performed Kilometers in thousands 24 &I 72’ 96 120,., 144 166
Mileage in thousands 15 30 45“ 60 75 ‘90 I&
“1 x; + ” ‘r’&;ooo*
7 liming belts Replace at
il,. ’ ‘I ml$loo mw

0 Drive belt (for generator, water pump, power

steerina oumo)
Check condition at
I Ix1 lx1 lx1 I
9 Engine oil Non-turbo Change Every 6 months or Every 12.009 km (7.509 miles)

Turbo Every 6.066 km (5,ooO miles)

10 Engine oil filter Non-turbo Replace Every Years or X X X X X X X

Turbo Replace Every Year or Every 16,006 km (10,CxXI miles)

11 I Manual transaxle oil 1 Check oil level at Y Y Y

12 Automatic transaxle fluid Check fluid level Every year or X X X X X X X

13 Transfer oil Check oil level at I X X X

14 Engine coolant Change Every 2 years or X X X

15 Disc brake pads Check for wear Every year or X X X X X X X

16 Rear drum brake linings and rear wheel cylin- Check for wear and leaks Evety 2 years or X X X
ders (vehicles without disc brakes for all
17 Brake hoses Check for detedoration or leaks Every year or X X X X X X X

I6 Ball joint and steering linkage seals Check for grease leaks and damage Every 2 years or X X X

I9 Drive shaft boots Check for grease leaks and damage Every year or X X X X X X X

!O Rear axle oil Check oil level at x x x

!I 1 SRS*4 system 1 Check system 1 AtlOyears I

!2 Exhaust system (connection portion of muffler, Check and service as required Every 2 years or X X X
plpings and convener heat shields)

‘1: ForCalifornia, this maintenance is recommended but not required
‘2: Not required if belt was previously changed.
‘3: If the mileage is less than 12,000 km (7,5Orl miles) each year, the oil filter should be replaced at every oil change.
‘4: Supplemental Restraint system

TSB Revision
00-38 GENERAL - Scheduled Maintenance Table/Maintenance Service


The maintenance items should be performed according to the following
1 table: .’

‘1: Vehicles with turbocharger.

Severe usage conditions , “.’

A - Driving in dusty conditions E - Driving in sandy areas
B - Trailer towing or police, taxi, or commercial type F - Driving in salty areas
operation G - More than 50% operation in heavy’city traffic or at
C - Extensive idling, driving in stop and go traffic sustained high speeds during hot weather above
D - Short-trip operation at freezing temperatures (en- 32°C (90°F) .”
gine not throughly warmed up) H - Driving on off-road


1. FUEL SYSTEM (Tank, Pipe Limp,~~@m&io~s
and Fuel Tank Filler Tube Cap) (Check for
leaks)/2. FliEL HOSES (Check condition)
1. Check for damage or leakage in” the ‘.fuel lines.’ and
connections and looseness of the fuel tank filler tube

2. &&+k the surface of fuel hoses for heat and mecbani&’

damage. Hard and brittle rubber, cracking, checking, ttiars,
cuts, abrasions and excessive swelling’ iridicate
deterioration of the rubber.
3. If the fabric casing of the rubber ,hos@ is exposed’ by
cracks and abrasions in the fuel systev, the hoses sbou,ld
be changed.

TSB Revision
GENERAL - Maintenance Service 00-38
<2.0L Engine (Non-turbo)> 3. AIR CLEANER ELEMENT (Replace) 00100180058
The air cleaner element will become dirty and loaded with
dust during use, and the filtering effect will be substantially
Replace it with a new one.
(1) Unclamp the air cleaner cover.
(2) Take out the air cleaner element, install a new one.
(3) Be sure when clamping the air cleaner cover in place
that the cover is completed closed.

<2.0L Engine (Turbo)>


(Check for leaks and clogging) - except evapo-
rative emission canister 001001wos1
1. If the fuel-vapor vent line is clogged or damaged, a fuel
vapor mixture escapes into the atmosphere causing
excessive emissions. Disconnect the line at both ends,
and blow it clean with compressed air. Remove the fuel
tank filler tube cap from the fuel tank filler tube and check
to see if there is evidence that the packing makes improper
contact to the fuel tank filler tube.
2. The fuel tank pressure control valve installed on the vapor
line should be checked for correct operation.

1 TSB Revision I
00-40 GENERAL - Maintenance &vice,

5. SPARK PLUGS (Replace).. WI-

1. Spark plugs must spark properly to assure proper engine
performance and reduce exhaust emission 1evef.i I.
Therefore, they should be re,placed periodically with new
2. The new plugs should be checked i”qr t’ii6 rj;ropc!r gap.
Spark plug gap: ,..
(2.0L Engine (Turbo)>’ ’
0.7-0.8 mm (.028-.030 i.n.) .’
<2.0L Engine (Non-turbo)> ,
1.22-1.35 mm (.048-,053 in.): j .;I .
<2.4L Engine>
1.0-l .l rn? (.039-.043 in.)
3. Install the spark plug and tighten to the sp@oified.
Tightening torque:
<2.0L Engine (Turbo) and 2.;4L Engine> n
25 Nm (18 ft.lbs:) %~
<2.0L E n g i n e ( N o n - t u r b o ) >
28 Nm (20 ft.lbs.) .L

Incorrect Correct
6. IGNITION CABLES (Replace) 00100210054

The ignition cables should. be replaced periodically with new

ones. After replacing, make sure that the ignition cables are
routed properly and fully seated.
When disconnecting an ignition cable; be sure to hold the
cable boot. If the cable is disconnected by pulling on the
cable alone, an open circuit might result.

7. TIMING BELT (Replace) 00100220027

Replace the belt with a new one periodically to assure proper

engine performance.
For disassembly and assembly procedures;
Refer to GROUP 11A - Timing Belt.
Refer to GROUP 11C - Timing Belt.
Refer to GROUP 11 E - Timing Belt.

8. DRIVE BELT (For Generator, Water Pump,

Power Steering Pump) (Check condition)

Check the tension of the drive belt. Check the drive belt
for evidence of cuts and cracks, and replace it if defective.

TSB Revision
GENERAL - Maintenance Service


<2.0L Engine (Turbo) and 2.4L Engine> ’
Check the belt tension with the tension gauge, or check the
belt deflection by pressing. the middle point of .the belt by
a’ force of 98 N (22 Ibs.).
Standard value:

w 6EN0596
Tension N (Ibs.)

Deflection mm (in.)
245 - 490 (55.1 - lld.ij

9.0 - 11.5 (.35 - .45)


<Reference value>


<2.0L Engine (Non-turbo)>

Check the belt tension with the tension gauge at the middle
point of the belt, or check the belt deflection by pressing,
the belt point by a force of 98 N (22 Ibs.). * .
Standard value:
Tension N (Ibs.) 4 0 0 - 490 (90 - 11’0) -- L

Deflection mm (in.) 9.0 - 12.0 (.3& .47)

<Reference value>
gauge CENOlOB ,I

Generator pulley
, . .

Crankshaft &Hey M50AOll


<2.0L Engine (Turbo) and 2.4L Engine>
Water pump pulley I 1. Pull or push at the mid point of the belt with a force
of 98 N (22 Ibs.) to measure dirve belt deflection.
Standard value: 5.5-8.0 mm (.22-.32 in.)
2. Use a tension gauge to measure belt tension.
pump pulley Standard value: 245-490 N (55.1-110.2 Ibs.)

TSB Revision
00-42 GENERAL - Maintenance Service
<2.0L Engine (Non-turbo)>
1. Pull or push at the mid point of the belt with a force
of 98 N (22 Ibs.) to measure dirve belt deflection.
Standard value: 10.0-11 .O mm (.39-.43 in.)
2. Use a tension gauge to measure belt tension.
Standard value: 412-510 N (92.8-1146 Ibs.)

9. ENGINE OIL (Change) 00100260158

Use the specified oil. (Refer to P.OO-34.)

Drain pl Oil pan side Never use nondetergent or straight mineral oil.
1. After warming up the engine, remove the oil filler cap.
2. Remove the drain plug to allow the engine oil to drain.
3. Replace the drain plug gasket with a new one and tighten,
the drain plug.
4. Supply new engine oil through the oil filler.
<2.0L Engine (Non-turbo)> Engine oil total quantity:
[including oil filter and oil cooler]
<2.0L En ine (Non-turbo) and 2.4L %Englne>
4.3 dmP (4 l/2 qts.)
<2.0L En ine (Turbo)>’
4.4 dmf (4.6 qts.)
5. Start and run the engine a few m/nutes.
6. Stop the engine and check the engme bll level is within
the level range indicated on the oil dipstick.

<2.0L Engine (Turbo) and

TSB Revision
GENERAL - Maintenance Service

<2.0L Engine (Non-turbo)> 10. ENGINE OIL FILTER (Replace) 001-6

\ \ The quality of replacement filters varies considerably. Only.
high quality filters should be used to assure mdst efficient
Genuine oil filters are capable of :withstanding a pressure,
of 1,765 kPa (256 psi). These high’ quality filters are highly
recommended. The followings part are available as follows.
Oil Filter Part No.
<2.0L Engine (Turbo) and 2.4L Engine>:
Mitsubishi Genuine Parts:
MD1 35737, MD1 36466, MD325714 or eqF!valept
<2.0L Engine (Non-turbo)>:
Chrysler Genuine Parts: MO5281090 or equlvalent


2.4L Engine> This vehicle is equipped with a full-flow, throwiaway oil filter.
The same type of replacement filter is recommended aa a
replacement filter for this vehicle. It is possible, pqticularly
in cold weather, that this vehicle may develop high off pressure
for a short duration. You should be sure that any replacement
filter used on this vehicle is a high-quality filter and is &ble ’
of withstanding a pressure of 1,765, kPa (256 ,psi)
(manufacturer’s specifications) to avoid filter and engine
The following is a high-quality filter and is strongly ;
recommended for use on this vehicle. ‘.
<2.0L Engine (Turbo) and 2.4L.E,ngine> : ,:.
Mitsubishi Engine Oil Filter Part No; ,Mh3573?,
MD136466 or MD325714 ’ ‘-’
<2.0L Engine (Non-turbo)>
Chrysler Engine Oil Filter Part No. M0526jOd’
Any replacement oil filter should be installed ii accordance
with the oil filter manufacturer’s installation instructions~‘ :’ ’
(1) Remove the engine oil filler cap. L
(2) Remove the engine oil drain plug, and drain out the’&ine
oil. ’ ,/’
(3) Remove the engine oil filter by using the oil filter &ench.
(4) Clean the oil filter mounting surface of the oil filter bracket.

TSB Revision I
GENERAL - Maiirtenance &ice” ,I x1, ,,, I)

(5) Coat engine oil to the O-ring of, new .oil filter: 1 s ‘. ’
(6) Screw on the oil filter by hand until it touches the surface
of the flange and then tighten it with the. . . filter wrench:
etc. I
<2.0L Engine (Turbo) and 2.4L Engine+ .’
0 For MD135737: One full turn or 14 Nrn (10 ftlbs.) ,
l For MD136466, MD325714: 3/4 turn or 17 , Nm”(12
<2.0L Engine (Non-turbo)5 ‘I’ i
l For MO5281 090; 3/4 turn or 21 Nm’ (15’ ftlbs.)
(7) Add new engine oil tfit’&gh the oil filter... I -.
(8) Start and run engine and check for engine oil leaks.
(9) After stopping engine, check oil level and replenish as


(Check oil level) 1
Check each component for evidence of Ibakage, and check
the oil level by removing tt-ie filler plug. If the’oil is contaminated,
it is necessary to replace it with new o$
1. With the vehicle parked at a level place;lremove the filler ’
plug and check that the oil level. . ,;,
2. The level must be up to the loweredge‘of the filler plug ’
3. Check that the transaxle oil is not noticeably dirty, and
that it has a suitable viscosity.
(Change oil)
1. Remove transaxle drain plug.
2. brain oil.
3. Tighten drain plug to specified torque.
Specified torque:
<2.0L Engine (Non-turbo)> 30 Nm (22 ft.lbs.)
<2.0L Engine (Turbo) and 2.4L Engine>
32 Nm (24 ftlbs.)

4. Remove filler plug and fill with specified oil till the level
comes to the lower portion of filler plug hole.
Oil level IV
Specified oil:
<2.0L Engine (Non-turbo)>
<2.0L Engine (Turbo) and 2.4L Engine>
;$ clF;ification GL-4, S A E 75W-90 o r

<FWD> 2.0 dm3 (2.1 qts.)
<AyD> 2.3 dm3 (2.4 qts.)
GENERAL - Maintenance, Service 0045
5. Tighten filler plug to specified torque.
Specified torque:
<2.0L Engine (Non-turbo)> 30 Nm (22 ft.lbs.)
<2.0L Engine (Turbo) and 2.4L Engine>
32 Nm (24 ft.lbs.)


(Check ‘fluid level)

<2.0L Engine (Non-turbo)>
1. Position the vehicle on a level surface.
2. Start engine and allow to idle in PARK for at least 60
seconds. The warmer the transaxle fluid, the more
accurate the reading.
3. While sitting in driver seat, apply brakes and place gear
selector in each position. Return gear selector to PARK.
4. Raise hood and remove transaxle fluid level indicator
(dipstick) and wipe clean with a suitable shop towel.
5. Install dipstick and verify it is seated in fill tube.
Do not overfill automatic transaxle, leakage or damage
can result.

6. Remove dipstick, with handle above tip, take fluid level

reading. If the vehicle has been driven for’ at feast 15
minutes before inspecting fluid levef, transaxle can be
considered hot and reading should be above the WARM
mark. If vehicle has run for less than 15 minutes and
more than 60 seconds, transaxle can be considered warm
and reading should be above ADD mark. Add fluid only
if level is below ADD mark on dipstick when transaxle
is warm.

<2.0L Engine (Turbo) and 2.4L Engine>

1. Drive until the fluid temperature reaches the usual
, temperature [70-80°C (158-176”F)]
2. Place vehicle on level floor.
3. Move selector lever sequentially to every position to fill
torque converter and hydraulic circuit with fluid, then place
lever, in “N” Neutral position. This operation is necessary
to be sure that fluid level check is accurate.

TSB Revision
00-46 GENERAL - Maintenance Service

4. Before removing dipstick, wipe all dirt from area around

dipstick. Then take out the dipstick and check the condition
of the fluid.
Further investigation of the transaxle is necessary if,
l the fluid smells burnt.
l the fluid color is brown or black.
l metal particles can be seen or felt on the dipstick.


5. Check to see if fluid level is in “HOT” range on dipstick.

If fluid level is low, add ATF until level reaches “HOT”
range. Low fluid level can cause a variety of conditions
because it allows pump to take in air along with fluid.
Air trapped in hydraulic circuit forms bubbles which make
fluid spongy.
Therefore, pressures will be erratic.
Improper filling can also raise fluid level too high. When
transaxle has too much fluid, gears churn up foam and
cause same conditions which occur with low fluid level,
resulting in accelerated deterioration of ATF.
In either case, air bubbles can cause overheating, fluid
-oxidation, which can interfere with normal valve, clutch,
and servo operation. Foaming can also result in fluid
escaping from transaxle vent where it may be mistaken
for a leak.
6. Be sure to examine fluid on dipstick closely.

(Change fluid)
<2.0L Engine (Non-turbo)>
1. Place a drain container with a large opening, under the
transaxle oil pan.
2. Loosen the pan bolts and tap the .pan at one comer’
to break it loose allowing fluid to drain, then remove the
oil pan.
3. Install a new filter and O-ring on bottom of the valve

4. Clean the oil pan and magnet.

Apply the specified sealant to the oil pan.
Specified sealant:
Loctite 18718 or equivalent
Tighten the oil pan mounting bolts to the specified torque:
Tightening torque:
19 Nm (14 ft.lbs.)

TSB Revision 1
GENERAL - Maintenance Service O&47
5. Add 3.8 dm3 (4.0 qts.) of the specified transmission fluid
through the filler tube.
Specified fluid:
DIAMOND ATF SP II or equivalent

6. Start the engine and allow it to run at idle for at least

one minute. Then, with parking and service brake applied,
move the selector lever momentarily to each position,
ending in the park or neutral position. ”
7. Add sufficient fluid to bring lever to’ l/8 inch below the
ADD mark. ‘,A
8. Recheck fluid level after transaxfe is at normal operating
temperature. The level should be in the HOT region.

<2.0L Engine (Turbo) and 2.4L Engine>

Drain the fluid and check whether there is any evidence of
Refill with new fluid after the cause of any contamination
has been corrected.
1. Remove drain plugs to let fluid drain.
2. Remove the oil pan.
3. Check the oil filter for clogging and damage and replace
if necessary.
4. Clean the inside of oil pan and magnets.
5. Attach the magnets to the concave part of the oil pan.
6. Clean both gasket surfaces of transaxle case and oil

7. p,“,1all oil pan with new gasket and tighten oil pan bolts.
Oil pan bolt: 11 Nm (8.0 klbs.)
8. Tighten drain plug with gasket to specified torque.
Specified torque:
<2.0L Engine (Turbo)>
(A) 39 Nm (29 ft.lbs.)
(B) 29-34 Nm (22-25 ft.lbs.)
<2.4L Engine>
(A) 39 Nm (29 ft.lbs.)
(B) 39 Nm (29 klbs.)
9. Fill new ATF up to the COLD mark on the dipstick.
Transmission fluid:
DIAMOND ATF SP II or equivalent
10. Start engine and allow to idle for at least two minutes.
Then, with parking brake on, move selector lever momen-
tarily to each position, ending in “N” Neutral Rosition.
11. Check if ATF is filled up to the HOT mark on the dipstick.

1 TSB Revision I
00-48 GENERAL - Maintenance Service

13. TRANSFER OIL ooloowool0

(Check oil level) ,.

Check each component for evidence of leakage, and-check
the oil level by removing the filler plug:lf the oil is contammated,
it is necessary to replace it with new oil.
1. With the vehicle parked at a level place, remove tlie filler,


- , m 09AOO24 ’ ,I

2. Check that the transfer oil level is at the loti&’ portion

of the filler plug hole.
3. Check to be sure that the transfer oil is not noticeably<
dirty, and that it has a suitable viscosity.
(Change oil)
1. Remove transfer drain plug.
2. Drain oil.
3. Tighten drain plug to specified torque.
Specified torque: 32 Nm (24 ft.lbs.)
4. Remove filler plug and fill with specified oil till the. level
comes to the lower portion of filler-plug hole.
Specified oil:
API classification GL-4, SAE 75W-90 or 75W-85W . .

Quantity: 0.5 dm3 (.53 qt.)

i ./
5. Tighten filler plug to specified torque.
Specified torque: 32 Nm (24 ft.lbs.) 1.


Check the cooling system parts, such as radiator, heater,
and oil cooler hoses, thermostat and connections for leakage
Drain Plug e and damage.
1. Drain the engine coolant by removing the drain plug and
then the cap.


TSB Revision
GENERAL - Maintenance Ser\l’ice ~,
2. For non-turbo, remove the ‘drain plug from thecyiinder
<2.0L Engine (Non-turbo)>
block to drain engine coolant.
For turbo, remove the water hose from the water pipe
assembly (C) to do so.
3. Remove the reserve tank to drain the @gine coolant.
4. When the engine coolant has drained, pour in water from
the cap to clean the engine coolant line.
5. For non-turbo, install the drain plug to the cylinder block.
For turbo, install the water hose to the..water pipe assembly
in plug
00x0090 6. Securely tighten the radiator drain plug.
7. Install the reserve tank.
8. Slowly pour the engine coolant into the mouth of the
v radiator until the radiator is full, and pour also into the
a reserve tank up to the FULL line.
Recommended antifreeze:
or high quality ethylene-glycol antifreeze coolant)
Quantity 7.0 dm3 (7.4 qts.)
9. Install the cap securely.
10.: Start the engine and warm the engine until the thermostat
c2.4L Engine> opens. (Touch the radiator hose with your hand to check
that warm water is flowing.)
11. After the thermostat opens, race the engine at 3,000
r/min 3 times.
12. After the engine is stopped, wait until the engine has
cooled down, and then remove the cap to check the
level of the liquid. If the level is low, repeat the operation
from step 9.
Lastly, if the level does not drop, fill the condense tank
with coolant up to the FULL line.

15. DISC BRAKE PADS (Check for wear) 00100~20054

Check for fluid contamination and wear. Replace complete

set of pads if defective.
The pads for the right and left wheels should be replaced
at, the same time. Never “split” or intermix brake pad
All four pads must be replaced as a complete set.
14woo95 Thickness of lining (A)
Limit: 2.0 mm (.08 in.)


WHEEL CYLINDERS (Check-’ for 8weai.’ and
leaks) jhdoo4o ;

1. Remove the brake drum and check the,thicknqbs of brake

shoe lining for wear. Check the automatic brake adjusting
system by hand to see if it operates smoothly.
Also see if the gears are in proper mesh with each other.
To assure smooth operation, apply a v’ety thin coat of
multipurpose grease to the friction surface of adjuster
and link shaft.

TSB Revision
00-50 GENERAL - Maintenance Service
2. Check the wheel cylinder boots for evidence, of, a’ brake
fluid leak. Visually check the boots for cufs, tears or ii&t’
cracks. (A slight amount of fluid on the boot may not
be a leak, but may be preservative fluid,tisqd a? assembly.) :
The shoes for the right and left &h6els ‘shyuld be,
replaced at the same time.
Never split or intermix brake shti sets. ’
All four shoes must be replaced as a cdmljlete set.
14WOOB6 Thickness of lining (A)
Limit: 1.0 mm (.04 in.)
17. BRAKE HOSES (Check for deterio&tioh %w
leaks) OOlW34OW
Check of brake hoses and tubing should be inclt.@d iii ‘alal
brake service operations.
The hoses should be checked for:
1. Correct length, severe surface cracking, pulling, scuffing
or worn spots. (If the fabric casing of the hoses is exposed
by cracks of abrasion in the rubber hose cover, the hoses
should be replaced. Eventual deterioration of boss may
occur with possible bursting failure.)
2. Faulty installation, casing twisting or interference With
wheel,’ tire or chassis.
(Check for grease leaks tind damage)

1. These components, which are permanently lubricated

at the factory, do not require periodic lubrication. Damaged
seals and boots should be replaced to prevent leakage
or contamination of the grease.
2. Check the dust cover and boots for proper sealing, leakage
and damage. Replace them if defective.

19. DRIVE SHAFT BOOTS (Check for grease leaks ’

and damage) 001ooa6oo4s

1. These components, which are permanently lubricated

at the factory, do not require periodic lubricstton. Damaged
boots should be replaced to prevent leakage or contamina-
tion of the grease.
2. Check the boots for proper sealing, leakage and damage.
Replace it if defective.

20.REAR AXLE OIL (Check oil level)-AWD


Remove the filler plug and check the oil level at bottom of
filler hole. If the oil level is slightly below the filler hole, it
is in satisfactory condition.
GENERAL - Maintenance Setike oa43~~

21 SRS SYSTEM (SRS component check:

damage, function, conn,ection to wiring,
harness, etc.) imaa7oD66
The SRS must be inspected by an authorized-deater~gyea~s
after the .car manufacture date shown,,.on the certification
label located on left center pillar.,. .: ’ ,

Manufacture date ’ . .
Certification label I

-lwl!:-w -23



SRS Turn the ignition key to the “ON” position. Does the “SW
light warning light illuminate for about 7 seconds, turn “OFF” and
then remain extinguished for at least 45 seconds? If yes,
SRS system is functioning properly. If not, refer to GROUP
528 - Troubleshooting.


1. Turn the ignition key to “L&K” position, disconnect the
negative battery cable and tape the ‘terminal.
Wait at least 60 seconds &ter disconnecting the bat-
tery cable before doing any further tiork.
The SRS system is designed to retain enough voltage
to deploy the air bag for a short tirne’even after the
battery has been disconnected, so serlous fnjury may
AlQZ0001 result from unintended air bag deployment ff “work
is done on the SRS system immediately ‘tier the ,b&
tery cable is disconnected. , 1.’
2. Remove the floor console assembly. (Refer to, GROUP
52A - Floor Console.) ~ :

TSB Revision
00-52 GENERAL - Maintenance Service

Check SRS-ECU case and brackets for dents, cracks,
deformities or rust.
The SRS may not activate if a front impact sensor Is
not installed properly, which could result In serious injury
or death to the driver and passenger.

<Driver’s side>
1. Remove the air bag module, .steering wheel and clock
spring. (Refer to GROUP 528 - .@ -l$ag,,Module and
Clock Spring.) ‘?’ ! ‘,.
The removed air bag module should be stored In a
clean, dry place with the pad cover face up.
2. Check pad cover for dents, cracks of deformities.
<Passenger’s side>


3. Check connector for damage, terminals deformities, and

<Driver’s side> Inflator case harness for binds.
4. Check air bag inflator case for dents, cracks or deformities.
5. Check harness (built into steering wheel) and connectors
for damage, and terminals for deformities.

<Passenger’s side>

GENERAL - Maintenance Servide

6. Check clock spring connectors and protective tube for

damage, and terminals for deformities.
7. Visually check the clock spring case for damage.
8. Align the mating mark of the clock spring and, after turning
the vehicle’s front wheels to straightahead position, install
the clock spring to the column switch.
Mating mark alignment
Turn the clock spring fully clockwise, and turn back it
Protective tube
approx. 3 and l/8 turns counterclockwise to align the
mating marks.

If the clock spring’s mating mark is not properly
aligned, the steering wheel may not be completely
rotational during a turn, or the flat cable within the
clock spring may be severed, obstructing normal op-
eration of the SRS and possibly leading to serious
injury to the vehicle’s driver and passenger.
9. Install the steering column covers, steering wheel and
the air bag module.
10. Check steering wheel for noise, binds of difficult operation.
11. Check steering wheel for excessive free play.
(Refer to GROUP 528 -Air Bag Module and Clock Spring.)
The SRS may not activate if any of the above compo-
nents is not installed properly, which could result
in serious injury or death to the vehicle’s driver and

1. Check connector for poor connection.
2. Check harnesses for binds, connectors for damage, and
terminals for deformations.
(Refer to GROUP 528 - SRS Service Precautios.)
harness The SRS may not activate if SRS harnesses or connec-
tors are damaged or improperly connected, which
could result in serious injury or death to the vehicle’s
driver and passenger.

TSB Revision
00-54 GENERAL - Maintenance Service;


HEAT SHIELDS) (Check anti ‘I Feryice as’
required) I’ omo580049’

1. Check for holes and gas leaks’dwe to damage; &orrosion,

2. Check the joints and connections for looseness and gas’
leaks. /
3. Check the hanger rubber and brackets for damage.

TSB Revision
GENERAL - Main Sealant and Adhesive Table 00-55



Application Recommended brand

Sealing between rocker cover and camshaft bearing cap (4G6 DOHC 3M ATD Part No. 8680 or equivalent
and 6G7 engines only)
Sealing between semi-circular packing and rocker cover and between
semi-circular packing and cylinder head
Oil pressure switch (except 4Gl and 6G7 engines)
. . ,.
Engine coolant temperature switch, Engine coolant temperature sensor, 3M Nut Locking Part No. 4171 or equiva-
Therm0 valve, Therm0 switch, Joints, Engine coolant temperature lent ,. 8
gauge unit (large size)
Engine coolant temperature gauge unit (small size, MD091056 only) 3M ATD Part No. 8660 or equivalent

Oil pan (except 4G5 engine) MITSUBISHI GENUINE ‘Part No.*

MD99711 0 or equivalent


Application Recommended brand

Sealing between tempered glass and weatherstrip 3M ATD Part No. 8513 or equivalent

Sealing between body flange and weatherstrip 3M ATD Part No. 8509 or equivalent

Sealing between laminated glass and weatherstrip


Application Recommended brand

Waterproof film for door, Fender panel, Splash shield, Mud guard, Rear 3M ATD Part No. 8625 or equivalent
combination light

Application Recommended brand I

I Adhesion of polyvinyl chloride sheet I 3M Part No. EC-1 368 or equivalent I

Adhesion of door weatherstrip to body 3M ATD Part No. 8001 or 3M ATD Part No.
8011 or equivalent
Sealing between grommet or packing, and metal seal 3M ATD Part No. 8513 or equivalent

Adhesion of headlining and other interior trim materials 3M Part No. EC-1368 or 3M ATD Part No.
8080 or equivalent
Adhesion of fuel tank to pad

I Application Recommended brand I
Sealing of sheet metal, drip rail, floor, body side panel, trunk, front panel 3M ATD Part No. 8531 or 3M ATD Part No.
and the like joints 8848or equivalent

Sealing of liftgate hinges

1 TSB Revision
GENERAL - Main Sealant and Adhesive Table

Application Recommended%rand ;“, ’ :*-’

Sealing of flange surfaces.and threaded portions 3M ATD Part No. 8659 or equivalent

Fuel gauge unit packing , l,,

Sealing of flange surfaces, threaded portions, packing and dust cover 3M ATD Part No. 8663 or equivalent
,1 / I.,.J
l Differential carrier packing
l Dust covers for ball joint and linkage ,.;
l Steering gear box packing and shims
l Steering gear housing rack support cover and top cover ; ,_
l Mating surface of knuckle arm flange

Sealing between accelerator arm bracket and firewall Drying sealant a.

Sealant for drum brake shoe hold-down pin and wheel cylinder 3M ATD Part No. 8513 or equivalent


Application Recommended brand

Adhesion of all materials except polyethylene, polypropylene, fluorocar- 3M ATD Part N& 8155 or ec&ivaldnt ” “* ’ ’
bon resin or other materials with highly absorbent surface , -


Application Recommended brand . ;

Fixing of bolts and screws 3M Stud locking Part No. 4170or equiva-
l Tightening of drive gear to differential case lent
l Bolts for coupling tilt steering upper column with lower column sz ‘, :
I ~Fixing of bearing, fan, pulley and gear connections
Sealing of small recess or flange surface

I Steering angle stopper bolt I 3M Nut locking Part No.4171 WeqLW&ent ’

Recommended brand I;: .’ ?

Undercoat 3M ATD Part No. 8864 or’equivalent ’

_. ‘. i

1 TSB Revision ‘I

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