212 Cupping Proof PDF
212 Cupping Proof PDF
212 Cupping Proof PDF
A cupping mark
is not a bruise
HERE IS NO procedure performed in The no-fuss term cupping mark should
current medical practice, or in any other be adopted because among the people of
activity in our present-day culture, that diverse cultures who have traditionally
familiarises us with the idea that the marks practised cupping, a technical or official
that can be produced by cupping are the out- title has never been given for them. They are
come of a positive and beneficial therapeutic quite simply a matter of routine in the course
process. It is understandable therefore that of treatment. While the Chinese call them
they can be both perplexing and confronting, yinzi, meaning marks, the Greeks in north-
and it is not hard to imagine patients asking western Thessaly for example use the term
themselves, How can these marks be consist- dachylidia indicating rings. In the words of
ent with a therapeutic procedure? Mrs Fontini Stravou from the mountainous
The time has arrived to clear up any village of Koniska in central Greece: A bruise
uncertainties and highlight the positives is due to an injury to the body. The cupping
because, apart from some brief accounts, mark is a different thing. In Greece we dont
I believe the topic has never been written regard cupping marks as bruises. And Mrs
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therapist at the time, Barry Cooper, said The stages of a cupping treatment
one athlete was cupped and a round black According to every cupping tradition,
mark produced. Immediately a tissue sample the marks are always the result of certain
Blood without was whisked off to a nearby laboratory for pathological agents being released from deep
movement is no microscopic examination to determine the within the body, or from the superficial level
longer functioning as composition of the dark pigmentation. The including the subcutaneous skin layers and
blood and becomes finding was old blood. It can be presumed the fascia. Long experience concerning the
a stagnant agency this was bound in a muscle and drawn to the mechanism of cupping and the appearance
detrimental to health. surface, just as a pool of blood resulting from of cupping marks can be summarised as
a corked thigh can occupy the tissue spaces follows:
within a muscle belly and be liberated to Cause: Injury, tension and climatic effects
the surface by cupping. It follows as logical such as coldness (often felt deep within
that the longer that blood is not moving, chronic injury), wind (including drafts and
the more it thickens, congeals and darkens. air-conditioning causing head and muscle
Indeed blood without movement is no aches) and heat (counting blow heaters that
longer functioning as blood and becomes a can cause dry hot throat and other febrile
stagnant agency detrimental to health. There reactions) are among the most important
is no better way of shifting blood stagnation precursors why we suffer illness and pain.
than with cupping, and in such cases you can Method: Cupping is an efficient and
be guaranteed that a dark mark is going to rational means of withdrawing the
be produced. There is also every chance that infiltration and cumulative effects of these
following treatment the persons pain will be internal and external etiological factors.
greatly relieved. Marks: Are the physical outcome of
Stefan Becker, a Brisbane based chiropractor, pathogens, toxins, blockages and impurities
adds another plausible dimension to the (waste products) that are an undesirable
discussion: If the muscles are chronically presence in the body.
tight in an area, the muscle contraction Result: Having been freed from inside
could restrict blood vessels, slowing down and drawn to the skin surface, a pathogenic
blood flow which could thicken the blood influence causing a cupping mark is resolved
through platelet activity. Cupping could in two ways. Some of it passes directly from
draw stagnant blood and toxins through the the body into the atmosphere, and a certain
muscle to restore blood flow in these areas amount is resolved by innate dispersing
of chronic myospasm. The act of cupping processes that function at the superficial
would also bring phagocytic activity to the level, including the local blood supply and
area thus cleaning it up. lymphatic activity. Pertaining to cupping
Coincidentally, the AIS laboratory and its influence on the fascia and the
old blood finding strikes a chord with ground substance (Bentley, 2013) means
traditional interpretations concerning dark it is also likely to promote an additional
cupping marks, and confirms that old or bad immunological boost to what Paoletti
blood has been dormant within the body for (2006:158) describes as the first defensive
a long time. The finding of old blood also barrier.
lends credibility to those scholarly and folk
medical systems that often refer to pain being Mapping locations of pain & illness
caused by bad blood. Critics with vested In 1998, a chemist in Ioannina, north-
interests, and with little or no experience of western Greece, by the name of Dr Zarharhin
the subject matter, typically speak of this described cupping as a very good practical
concept in disparaging terms. technique. He added, People who do it look
In this light, it is limiting and ill-informed at the picture of the back, meaning that the
in every sense to regard the marks as some indications of pain and illness are delivered
sort of undesirable outcome to be avoided at to the surface and there to be observed. The
all costs. It should be worthy to know as well significance of the marks is highlighted in
that once a patient is in the know, they often the following case.
even become proud of their marks and for In Ioannina I observed a group of men
good reason, as we will now discover. gathered around a man who was performing
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traditional (glass and flame) cupping on his comprehensive and methodical reckoning
friend who had developed the flu earlier that available on this subject. In folk systems
morning. The protocol he used went like such as Greek, Lithuanian and Vietnamese It is telling that many
this. Five glass-cupping vessels were rapidly practice nowadays, the evaluation of cupping
massage therapists
applied to one area of the upper back. marks does not pick up on the same degrees
Immediately following the application of of variation or subtlety.
who receive cupping
the fifth cup, the first cup was taken off and for the first time to
reapplied to a new site. So too the second n Cupping marks that display a fresh red the margins between
cup, then the third, fourth and fifth. This colour indicate a recent traumatic injury the three deltoid
procedure went on until the five cups had with accompanying heat. heads frequently
each been reapplied bilaterally throughout display dark marks.
the entire back from the upper margins of n Black, deep purple or deep blue indicates
the trapezius muscles down to around T10 blood stagnation (Pic 1). It occurs when an
and including the sides. This entire process injury or illness (including strong coldness
was then repeated another four times. inducing blood stasis) has resided in the
When completed, the oldest man, who body for a long time. A robust exogenous
appeared ancient, arose slowly from his pathogenic agent such as the combination
chair, shuffled around the table and pointed of wind with cold can also quickly
his spindly index finger at each of the four manifest as a dark mark. It is telling that
locations where a very dark cupping mark many massage therapists who receive
had appeared. Each time he did this he cupping for the first time to the margins
fixed me with a stern gaze and growled between the three deltoid heads frequently
with satisfactionto the merriment of the display dark marks. This indicates that the
others until finally his mouth transformed shoulder girdle has become congested due
into a knowing smile as he curled back his to over-use. It is recommended that MTs
finger and made a thumbs-up gesture. The get cupping to these spaces on a monthly
blatant hue of each mark identified where basis to keep the region in good order.
the major concentrations of the offending
cold pathogens were located. The man who n A light pink or pale blue mark indicates
performed the cupping then resumed with mild coldness. (See the essay Cupping
part two of the treatment. He reapplied a Deficiency )
cup on each of the four-standout marks
for two to three minutes to withdraw any n A pale or white mark that fades quickly
residual pathogenic coldness from deeper indicates a lack of energy and function (qi).
levels of the body. In this case, it is important
that the strong stationary cup is left active n A mottled presentation comprising
for no more than a few minutes, otherwise crimson (or red) and white or lighter
its action becomes reducing and sedating elements represents the condition where
which would be called for when treating deficient body energy (whiteness) impedes
tight hard muscles but is not appropriate the blood circulation (redness). (Pic 2.)
when the focus is to draw out pathogenic
influences without reducing the strength n Red dotting indicates the presence of a heat
of the body. Due to his acute condition, the toxin due to blockage causing pent-up
men suggested that he get treated one time heat, which the Chinese call sha (Bentley,
per day for three days in a row. 2011). These small bright-red dots also
commonly result from sliding cupping,
Marks as diagnostic fact finders which due to its constant state of motion
The list below identifies an array of tends to draw from more superficial levels
cupping mark presentations as they occur compared to stationary cups, which draw
immediately after a cupping vessel has been from the full entitlement of depth possible.
removed from the skin, as well as a brief Even when slowly sliding silicone-cupping
diagnostic synopsis of each. This differential vessels to rectify the fascia using the
analysis is based on traditional Chinese modern cupping technique, the innate
medical thinking, which offers the most mechanism of drawing outwards will
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