Verb To Be, Simple Present, Present Progressive, Past Simple and Progressive

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Write the Verb to be and

change to short form.

I ______/________
I am Im I am not Im Am I? you ______/________
You are not Are you? We ______/________
Youre You are not You arent Are we? They ______/________
We are Were We are not We arent Are they? He ______/________
They are They are not They arent Is he? She ______/________
Theyre He is not He Is she? It ______/________
He is Hes isnt Is it?
She is Shes
Write in the correct Verb Shetoisbe
not She isnt
Re-arrange the sentence.
1. isCindyIts It is not
______ my best friend. 1. It
I / not / a teacher. / am ___________________________
2. Peter and Kate ______ classmates. 2. She / my mother. / is ___________________________
3. Johnny _______ my brother. 3. The boys / playful. / are ___________________________
4. You _______ a good student. 4. The girl / in the room. / is ___________________________
5. They ______ in the classroom. 5. We / not / are / at home. ___________________________
6. It ______ an apple. 5. My dad / smart. / is ___________________________
7. Felicia and I ______ sisters. 6. My mother / a housewife. / is ___________________________
8. I _____ her teacher. 7. She / not / my sister. / is ___________________________
9. It _______ a book bag. 8. The teacher / angry. / is ___________________________
10. You _______ a doctor. 9. The dog / in the kennel. / is ___________________________

Look at the pictures and answer the question 1 2 3 4

1. Is he a teacher? No, he is not._ ____
2. Is it an elephant? _______________________
3. Is it a pencil? _______________________
4. Are they twins? _______________________
5. Is he in the park?___________________________ 5 6 7 8
6. Is he a painter? ___________________________
7. Is Ricky in the living room? ___________________
8. Is mom in the kitchen? ___________________
9. Is your dad a postman? ___________________
10. Are the books on desk? __________________
11. Are you Mrs. Perkins? __________________ 9 10 11 12
12. Is the broom behind the door? ________________
Simple Present Exercise 01
Change the verb into the correct form,

1. I usually (go) to school.

2. They (visit) us often.
3. You (play) basketball once a week.
4. Tom (work) every day.
5. He always (tell) us funny stories.
1. London (be) in England.
2. The summer (be) hot.
3. She (drive) very well.
4. They (open) the store at 8:00.
5. Linda (be) a very pretty girl.
6. I (have) several jobs.
7. Water (boil) at 100 degrees.
8. Water (freeze) at 0 degrees.
9. My sister (speak) English.
10. He (have) a big apartment.
1. I (love) you.
2. This (weigh) 20 kilograms.
3. Ron (seem) serious.
4. We (like) tomatoes.
5. The boy (want) to play.
6. You (need) to sleep.
7. They (agree) with me.
8. She (hear) something strange.
9. The box (contain) food.
10. Emma (appear) sad.

1. I (not ride) horses.

2. You (not sell) cars.
3. He (not bring) gifts.
4. She (not take) pictures.
5. It (not cost) so much.
6. We (not seem) so happy.
7. They (not buy) new products.
8. Michael (not dance).
9. Michel (not run) fast.

(Present Continuous)
Who are they? Where are they? What
Are they doing?
Right now, it is Monday morning. Mike and Tina are at home. They are sitting at a table. They are
eating breakfast. At this moment, Tina is drinking coffee
She is eating a pastry. She is sitting across the table from Mike. She is talking to Mike. Mike is
Tinas husband.

He is sitting at the table with Tina. He is also drinking coffee. Mike is listening to Tina. After
breakfast; Mike and Tina are leaving for work.
They work in the city. They are riding the bus to work.

A. Answer the following questions. Use the Present Progressive tense.

Where are Mike and Tina on Monday morning?
What are they doing?
Where is Tina sitting now? What is Tina eating?
Where are Mike and Tina going after breakfast? How are they getting there?

B. Rewrite the following sentences as negative sentences, yes/no questions, WH-

Examples for the sentence
Sandy is cooking tonight.
Negative: Sandy is not cooking tonight.

Yes/No Question: Is Sandy cooking tonight?

WH-Question: When is Sandy cooking?

They are eating breakfast.
Yes/No Question:

Mike is listening to Tina.
Yes/No Question:

A - Use in the verbs in the Simple Past.

1) they work -
2) we arrive -
3) she visits -
4) you enjoy -
5) I carry -
6) we cycle -
7) they play -
8) he tries -
9) I listen -
10) you understand -

B - Which sentences are correct?

1) Which sentence is in the Simple Past?

a) She read a book.
b) She reads a book.
c) She has read a book.

2) Which negative sentence is in the Simple Past?

a) They didn't sing a song.
b) They did'nt sing a song.
c) They don't sang a song.

3) Which negative sentence is in the Simple Past?

a) We spoke not Russian.
b) We not spoke Russian.
c) We did not speak Russian.

4) Which question is in the Simple Past?

a) Did you saw her?
b) Did you see her?
c) Have you seen her?

5) Which question is in the Simple Past?

a) When did Anne find the keys?
b) When found Anne the keys?

6) In which sentence is the Simple Past used correctly?

a) The hotel room were very nice.
b) The hotel room was very nice.

7) In which sentence is the Simple Past used correctly?

a) Steven forgetted his homework.
b) Steven forgot his homework.
c) Steven forgots his homework.

C - Which form is correct?

1) I 6) they
a) was a) spent
b) were b) spended

2) we 7) it
a) was a) did
b) were b) doed

3) she 8) I
a) was a) drinked
b) were b) drank

4) you 9) we
a) got a) understanded
b) getted b) understood

5) she 10) you

a) met a) lived
b) meeted b) liveed
D - Form questions in the Simple Past.

1) why / Julia / to ask / questions

2) when / you / to watch / the film
3) the cat / to run after / the dog
4) when / Eric / to phone / his friend
5) to be / the boys / in the sun
6) what / he / to have / for lunch
7) how / they / to ride / their bikes
8) what / Peggy / to throw
9) why / the teacher / to check / the computer
10) where / your father / to repair / the kite

E - Negate the sentences.

1) It rained yesterday.
2) We ran to the tree house.
3) The parents were in the restaurant.
4) Andrew invited his friends.
5) Lee drew a picture.
6) Phil talked to his parrot.
7) My brother made a lot of noise.
8) The boys swapped comics.
9) They came out of the house.
10) She was late this morning.
F - Welche Antworten sind richtig?

1) Which verb forms are used with the Simple Past?

a) 2. Spalte der unregelmigen Verben

b) Infinitv + -ed
c) was/were + Infinitiv + -ing
d) 3. Spalte der unregelmigen Verben

2) Which verb forms are in the SimplePast?

a) was
b) were
c) played
d) plaied
e) had
f) has

3) Which verb forms are correct?

a) lived
b) liveed
c) tried
d) tryed
e) planed
f) planned

4) Which sentences/questions are in the Simple Past?

a) I fell from the tree.

b) She was in Hamburg.
c) He didn't learn for school.
d) I've found a pen.
e) We were watching a film.

5) What are typical signal words for the Simple Past?

a) yesterday
b) two weeks ago
c) at the moment
d) in 2002
e) while

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