The Environment Is Basically Divided Into 3 Types

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The environment is basically divided into 3 types

1. The physical environment or a-biotic environment:-the physical or the a-biotic means non
living which constitutes of soil i.e. land, water bodies and air on the surface of the earth. Climatic
factors such as sunlight, temperature, rainfall, humidity, pressure and wind speed are also
considered to be a part of the biotic environment. The physical environment like soil water
bodies and air are the essential suppliers of nutrient elements the living beings. The land scope
area provider the residential space to the living organism the climatic factors of the a-biotic
environment controls the weather of a place.

Soil is the outer part of the earths crust on which to human being lives, works and grow food
crops. The soil provides us with mineral elements needed for the growth and development of life.
The earth is covered with different gasses in the air called the atmosphere, so it represents the
gaseous component of the environment. The composition of the atmosphere is nitrogen 78 %;
oxygen 21%; argon 0.9%; carbon dioxide 0.3%.The remaining percentage of 0.7%is of all other
gases in the air. There is also some water vapor in the air but its amount is variable, which
changes from place to place. The air provides elements like carbon in the form of carbon dioxide,
nitrogen and oxygen needed for the growth, development and survival of life on earth. Water
represents the liquid component of our a biotic environment. Water is one of the basic minerals
needed by all the plants and animals including human beings. Plants need water for preparing
food by photosynthesis where as animal require water for their metabolic activities.

2. Biotic environment or biological environment:-The biological means the living things. So,
the biological environment means the living part of the environment. This includes the plants,
animals including human beings and microorganisms like bacteria and fungi .The elements in a
biological environment are interdependent on each other, the plant which absorb chemicals from
the soils is eaten by the goats or sheeps which receives the chemical from the plant, man in
return eats the meat or drink the milk or this sheep or goat and receive the absorbed chemical
from the soil. The organisms like vultures and kites also play an important role in the biotic
environment because they feed on dead animals and hence act as scavengers also known as
cleansing agents of the environment.

3. Socio-cultural environment: We all live in a society which has culture of its own and
posses people having there own life style. The socio -cultural environment means the
environment which is created by the man through his various social and cultural activities. The
historical, cultural, political, moral, economic and as the tic aspects of human life constitute to
the socio cultural environment. The socio culture environment environment affects the social
culture of human beings and hence is of the great significance. It is the socio culture environment
in a community which can make a man a law abiding citizen or a criminal. It is important and
much necessary of the existence of a healthy socio cultural environment as the child bought up in
the healthy environment will be a good person.

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