Structure of Ecosystem Biotic and Abiotic Components
Structure of Ecosystem Biotic and Abiotic Components
11 May 2021
Ecosystem is the basic structural and functional unit of the environment. Both the living
and non-living component of the nature, when interact with each other to establish a
stable living community, it is called as Ecosystem. That means there is a constant
exchange of something between these living & non-livings, is called an Ecosystem.
Without the living component, establishment of an ecosystem is not possible and vice
versa. Both are two sides of a coin or very much complementary to each other.
It is very easy to study or understand the structure of ecosystem from the flow chart (Fig.
1) described below.
Biotic Components
Biotic components are also divided into 3 categories basing upon their food-fed
1. Producers: Producers are the autotrophs (auto means self, troph means to
nourish) of the ecosystem. They are the green plants and green microorganisms
who can make their own food material by using carbon dioxide and water in
presence of sunlight with the help of chlorophyll present in them. Ex. All green
plants, Algae, Cyanobacteria,
2. Consumers: Consumers are the heterotrophs (hetero-not self troph to nourish) of
an ecosystem. They depend on the producers of the nature to get energy.
Consumers are also different types like
1. Primary Consumers – They are the herbivores who eat directly the
autotrophs / plants. They cannot eat any animals. Ex. Grasshoppers, Rabbits,
2. Secondary Consumers – They cannot directly eat the producers of the
ecosystem, that is the plants. They can eat only herbivores. Ex. Frogs, Jackal,
3. Tertiary Consumers – They are carnivores in nature means they are the
meat eaters. Thus, they depend on the secondary consumer for their food.
They are the top-level carnivores. Ex. – Tigers, Lions, Vulture, Kite
3. Decomposers: Decomposers are also to some extent heterotrophic in nature. They
do not contain chlorophyll, so depend on other material for food and energy. These
organisms can grow on the dead and decay materials of the environment. That is
why they are known as the decomposers or saprophyte, or scavengers of the
nature or they can be called as the detrivores (Detri means dead particulate organic
material). They can live in any type of soil with organic waste. They play a very
important role for the completion of the Biogeochemical Cycle in the environment.
Ex. Bacteria, Fungi, Earthworm
Abiotic Components
These are the non-living factors in form of solid, liquid or gas found in the nature (ice,
water, moisture). They can be categorised into 2 types: Climatic factors and Edaphic
1. Climatic Factors
1. Light – It is an essential factor for all the living organisms like producers,
consumers as well as decomposers. In presence of the sunlight plants are
able to prepare their food material, which in turn eaten by the heterotrophs &
ultimately by the decomposers. Without sun light photosynthesis is not
possible thus it is one of the most important abiotic factors of an ecosystem.
Quantity as well as quality of light has different impact on different organism.
Let’s discuss.
2. Temperature – Temperature increase the physiological activity. Thus, the
types of plants grow in a desert ecosystem are different from the type of plants
of a forest ecosystem and an aquatic ecosystem. Different types of plants
need different range of temperatures for their growth. Summer growing plants
are different from winter season growing plants. Best example is an aquatic
ecosystem. The organism growing at surface layer are different as they need
more temperature and light than the organisms grow at a deeper level in an
aquatic ecosystem.
3. Water: Life is never possible without water. So, water is a very important
abiotic factor in an ecosystem. The amount of water present in an area
decides the type of ecosystem to be developed there. In this regard
sometimes aquatic ecosystems also develop for ex. Pond & Lake ecosystems.
If for a longer period of time, due to any reason, a huge amount of water got
deposited & replenished repeatedly due to rainfall etc., then through the
process of succession an aquatic ecosystem develops and get established
there. Beside for photosynthesis & other metabolic activity plants needs water
for circulation of minerals throughout its body. Water in forms of rainfall also
needed by the ecosystem. It maintains the humidity & content of moisture in
the atmosphere. Amount of rainfall also decides the kind of plants to grow
over there.
2. Edaphic factors
1. Soil: Soil is a natural resource and provides platform for the plants to grow
and animals to dwell on it. Thus, the fertility and quantity of soil decides the
type of vegetation in that area. To be more specific, pH of the soil is the
deciding factor. If pH of the soil is less than 7, then it is acidic soil & if pH is
more than 7 it is alkaline. Thus, the acidity & alkalinity of the soil decides the
number & kind of plants & animals to stay over there (Fig.3). But needless to
say, neutral soil, i.e. when the pH ranges from 6.5 -7.5 is the preferred
condition for most of the living organism. Soil is also associated with different
kinds of minerals & nutrients. Some are required in more quantity, are called
macronutrient and some are micronutrients which are required in a small
quantity. They also play a vital role in development and sustenance of an
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