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Mission to Lianna

An Adventure for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game


of the cosmopolitan w orld of Lianna.
Mission to Lianna

Design: Joanne E. Wyrick Development and Editing: Bill Smith

Additional Material: Michael E. Moon, Angeli Primlani, Richard Taylor
Graphics: John Paul Lona Cover Art: Lucasfilm, Ltd
Interior Art: Tim Eldred
Playtesting and Advice: Tom Cashman (Doug Bennett, Roger Boord, Brian Bursiek, Ethan
Mandziara, Sean Rhoades), Richard J. Clark (Steve Cameron, Barbara J. Clark, Janelle E.
Keberle), Chris Fisher (Corey Albact, Brian Bradly, Doug Crawford, Tony Fanning, David
Marble, Elijah Meek, John Pipenger, Brian Wilcox, Mike Zawakie), Joanne E. Wyrick (Laura
Haywood, Susan Keeler, Cheralyn Lambeth, Arlene Medder, Angeli Primlani, Jennifer
Roarke, Clay Russell, Matt Steele, Heather R. Valli, Robert Waters, Elizabeth Wyrick)

Publisher: Daniel Scott Palter Associate Publisher: Richard Hawran

Editors: Greg Farshtey, Bill Smith, Ed Stark Art Director: Stephen Crane
Graphic Artists: Cathleen Hunter, John Paul Lona Production Manager: Steve Porpora
Sales Manager: Fitzroy Bonterre Sales Assistant: Maria Kammeier-Kean
Administrative Assistant: Jeff Dennis * Special Projects Manager: Ron Seiden
Warehouse Manager: Ed Hill Treasurer: Janet Riccio

Published by

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,111 and 1992 Lucasfilm, Ltd. (LFL). All Rights Reserved. Trademarks of LFL used by West End Games under authorization.


It is a dark time for the galaxy. The brutal and ties of Sienar, and its parent corporation, Santhe/
mighty Galactic Empire controls thousands of Sienar Technologies, is vital to the continued
w orlds through its awesom e military. Systems survival of the Rebellion.
throughout the galaxy fear every moment, know H owever, this simple milk run becom es an
ing that at any tim e the forces o f Em peror important mission as the hand of fate intervenes.
Palpatine could effortlessly destroy or dominate The Rebels enter the system in the middle of an
their world. Imperial blockade, and after a quick meeting with
But there are som e brave individuals w ho will their contacts, learn that Santhe is developing
not submit to the tyranny of the Empire. They part of an im proved cloaking shield for the Em
have banded together, form ing the Rebel Alli pire. It is now a desperate race against the forces
ance, with the goal of freeing the galaxy and of the Empire and tim e can the Rebels steal the
restoring the peace and prosperity of the ancient plans for the Alliance? Can they destroy years of
and w ise Old Republic. Rallied by successes such research and slow the Empires progress? Or,
as the Battle of Yavin, the other w orlds of the will the Empire perfect the cloaking device, giv
galaxy dare to dream that freedom may once ing it a deadly upper hand in the war?
again be a reality.
This is the setting of Star Wars: The Roleplaying Preparing to Play
Game, an exciting epic of good, evil and the
The gamemaster should read through Mission
Force. Mission to Lianna is a Star Wars adventure
to Lianna and becom e ve ry familiar with the story
for four to six players and a gamemaster. If you
and characters before running the adventure.
are planning to play a character in this adven
The first encounters of the adventure are very
ture, stop reading now. If you read the book, you
fluid, with lots of room for the gamemaster to
will spoil this adventure for yourself and your
drop in old friends and enemies if he wishes. The
friends. If you are planning to be the gamemaster,
players m ay d ecid e to in vestigate in som e
continue reading.
unplanned direction. If the gamemaster knows
the adventure well, she will be able to respond to
In T h is A d v en tu re unexpected actions.
The war against the mighty and evil Galactic The random encounter tables included for the
Empire continues. Matched against the nearly starport (Episode One) and party (Episode Three)
limitless resources of Palpatines forces, the Alli provide guidelines so that the gamemaster will
ance has only quick wits and resourceful indi always have a choice of several characters and
viduals on its side. Information continues to be events to throw at the players and get the adven
the key to this war. ture back on track.
The Rebel heroes have been ordered to stop Mission to Lianna is a difficult adventure, but if
on the industrial w orld of Lianna and drop off played properly, emphasizes quick thinking over
important information for the Alliance cell net com bat skills. It is suitable for both beginning
work on that world. It is supposed to be a milk run and experienced characters.
a simple stop and then they are scheduled
to travel on to another mission som ewhere else. Adventure Materials
Lianna is a w orld vital to both the Empire and You will need this adventure book, a copy of
the Alliance. It is the hom e to Sienar Fleet Sys Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, The Star Wars
tems, manufacturer of the infamous TIE-series of Rules Companion and lots of 6-sided dice. The
starfighters. Information on the continued activi S ta r Wars S o u rc e b o o k , and The Im p e ria l

2 Mission to Lianna
__ STAR. Introduction

Sourcebook are suggested but not required for which w ere unreliable and far too cumbersome to
play. If you wish to use miniatures, there are have many practical applications. Sienar was re
many Star Wars Miniature Sets available. sponsible for the development of the Energy Emit-
tance Baffler, one of the key components of the
Adventure Background cloaking device. This project, codenamed NOVA,
Since its earliest recorded history, the planet of was approved by the Emperor himself.
Lianna has never known true freedom. It was domi In order to facilitate progress, Imperial Advisor
nated by a series of conquering warlords native to Lord Rodin Hlian Verpalion was chosen to oversee
the Tion cluster, before coming under the guiding it. He immediately went to Lianna. However, after
hand of the Kingdom of Barseg, just as the Old several months, Verpalion couldnt stand it. The
Republic was establishing order and peacethrough- food was terrible, his apartments tacky, the culture
out the galaxy. Ruled as a traditional territory, the uncivilized, and the entertainment poor compared
Senate simply ignored the problems of Lianna, to that of the Imperial City on Coruscant. Verpalion
considering disputes between the king and the left to enjoy life elsewhere, although he returns
inhabitants to be domestic matters. The domestic frequently to check on progress.
disputes revolved around the continuous exploi The characters have been sent to Lianna to
tation of the people of Lianna, and their near deliver an encoded data disk to Terri Karl, Liannas
enslavement by the king. Alliance cell organizer. The disk has an update on
Three hundred years ago, the exploitation of the recent Alliance activities, and directives from Alli
native Liann peoples was so severe that the Senate ance Sector Command regarding what the Liann
placed the world under its own governorship. cells are expected to do during the next fewmonths.
While under the control of Barseg, Lianna had
progressed from primitive pastoral beauty to Adventure Synopsis
one of the least pleasant worlds of the sector. The Rebels have been sent to the industrial
Liannas burgeoning population, heavy industry, w orld of Lianna to drop off a data disk to the main
and exploitive off-world corporations had done Alliance operative on the world, Terri Karl. How
irreparable damage to the planets ecology. ever, upon entering the system, they discover a
The years of Senatorial rule did not improve huge Imperial fleet within the space lanes, and
matters much. There was less social strife, but the while there should be no combat, the Rebels will
pollution and overcrowding remained. discover that the fleet is looking for som ething
Less than one century ago, the planet was turned in fact, a probe Droid equipped with a cloaking
over to the control of Sienar Technologies, one of device that has som ehow wandered into the
the most powerful and wealthy starship manufac space lanes.
turing corporations in the galaxy. Sienars huge Upon landing on Lianna, they deliver the infor
manufacturing facilities on Lianna assured that the mation, but Terri Karl learns of their encounter,
planet was com pletely subservient to the whims of and insists that they undertake a mission that
the company. However, just as Sienar assumed will benefit the entire Alliance. She wants the
control of Lianna, Kerred Santhe, a shrewd and characters to disable the Empires cloaking de
incredibly wealthy industrialist native to the planet, vice plans, and if possible, steal a co p y of the
made his move, purchasing a controlling interest plans for the Alliance. T o do this, they will have
in Sienar. He forced Sienar to relocate its headquar to penetrate the headquarters of Santhe/Sienar
ters to Lianna, renaming the company Santhe/ Technologies.
Sienar Technologies. If the characters play this adventure well, they
In recent decades, Santhe/Sienar has loos w ill be able to leave Lianna quickly and quietly.
ened its grip upon the world, allowing other The m ore likely result is that they will trigger
corporations to have a say in the management of Santhe security, and they will have to make use of
the planet. Santhe/Sienar Technologies is now an em ergency exit from the building, as hostile
run by the charismatic Lady Valles Santhe, grand forces within Santhe have learned of the Rebels
daughter of Kerred, and she, like her predeces mission. The exit brings them into the middle of
sors, favors true independence for the planet and the Santhe mansion, in the midst of a wild recep
her people. However, the Em perors N ew Order tion to w elcom e Imperial A dvisor Verpalion.
is a constant reminder of Imperial pow er and Using stealth and guile they will have to leave
there is a firm military presence in the system to the mansion grounds and hopefully get back to
assure absolute loyalty. their starship before the Empire is alerted to
their presence and shuts down the w hole planet.
Recent Events If successful, they will have delayed the Empires
A few years ago, Santhe/Sienar Technologies developm ent of a practical cloaking device for
received an Imperial defense contract to help im several years.
prove the existing Imperial cloaking device plans,

Mission to Lianna 3
Introduction -STAI

The Adventure Begins either the Empire or the Alliance, preferring to

Assign each character a part in the Adventure steer a dangerous political course which she hopes
Script. If the characters dont have their own will eventually lead to Liann independence.
freighter, or theirs is well known for a variety of Phillip Santhe: Phillip is Lady Santhes son, a
crimes, you may have Alliance Command assign short, corpulent man just past middle age. He is
the Star o f the Tion to them for this adventure. a talented engineer, but has no aptitude for poli
This adventure is designed for a group of tics and diplomacy. He stands to control the
players arriving aboard a freighter. There is one com pany when his m other retires, and has a
reason for this: the Rebels must quietly drop off vested interest in hastening that event. He is a
an im portant data disk; a group o f Alliance staunch Imperial supporter, and head engineer
starfighters would be ve ry obvious on Lianna on the NOVA cloaking device project.
and would certainly attract the attention of the Kashan Santhe: Kashan, Phillips only son, is a
Imperial ships within the system, while a freighter likable young man in his mid-twenties. He is a
would blend into the crow ded starport. quiet, but fiercely loyal supporter of the Alliance,
and is a close contact of Terri Karl. His grand
Star of the Tion m other quietly feeds him a great deal of informa
Craft: M odified Corellian YT-1300 tion beneficial to the Alliance, although he is
Transport unaware of her help.
Type: M odified light freighter Imperial Advisor Lord Rodin Hlian Verpalion:
Length: 27.4 meters Rodin Verpalion quickly rose to power in the Impe
Crew: 2 rial Senate and won the favor of Palpatine. He was
Passengers: 6 rewarded with the title of Imperial Advisor, and
Cargo Capacity: 90 metric tons spends his time seeing to sensitive situations for
Consumables: 2 months his master. He is completely loyal to the Emperor,
Hyperdrive Multiplier: xl and genuinely believes that the Empire is right and
Nav Computer: Yes g o o d and that aliens, Droids, and other scum are
Hyperdrive Backup: Yes inferior to humanity. He detests backwater worlds
Sublight Speed: 3D like Lianna and thirsts after the culture and style of
Maneuverability: ID the Core Worlds. He fancies himself a great patron
Hull: 5D of the arts.
Weapons: Orman: Owner of the popular spacer hangout
2 Laser Cannons (fire separately) Ormans Sky Palace, Orman is a Chevin, and dyes
Fire Control: 2D his skin an iridescent blue to look distinctive. A
Damage: 4D shrewd businessman who has survived for many
Shields: ID years, he knows how to turn most situations to his
advantage, regardless of ethical consequences.
The Main Characters Darren T. W eeb: The captain of the freighter
Mission to Lianna has a com plex group of Arcadia, W eeb is on the w rong side of m iddle age,
gamemaster characters, som e of whom the char but is brilliant and self-educated. For several
acters will interact with directly, w hile others years he has been travelling with Jenna Lars, and
will only be behind the scenes, but nonetheless is very protective of her. Th ey operate the Arcadia
m oving the plot along. as a small business, som ehow always managing
Terri Karl: Th e enthusiastic leader of the Alli to get by no matter what the odds. He has his own
ance on Lianna, Terri is true socialite who seems private score against the Empire and will help the
to be too flighty to be useful or reliable. Alliance if it does not put Jenna at risk.
Lady Santhe: Lady Valles Santhe is a real power Jenna Lars: The first mate of the freighter
to be reckoned with on Lianna because she runs Arcadia, Jenna is an acquaintance of Terri Karl,
Santhe/Sienar Technologies. She cares little for and helps with som e minor Alliance business.

Planet Log Terrain Key
r - r - Plains I Water
Barren Rock A Volcano
Desert Urban /Industrial
& Craters CD Plateau
Swamp City
'n Hills Canyon > Spaceport

^ Jungle/Rain Forest ^ Mountains 1 1 Ice a Site of Interest

v ________ _________________ J

4 Mission to Lianna
f- -STAR

Planet Nam e Planet Type
Lianna Temperate Terrestrial
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Tem perate
Atmosphere: T y p e I (Breathable)
Hydrosphere: Dry
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Urban, plains
Length of Day: 22 Hours Hemisphere
Length of Yean 370 Local Days
Sentient Races: Humans (N ) Northwest

Points of Interest: Santhe/Sienar Technologies

Headquarters, M elford Star Academ y

Starport: Imperial Class

Population: 5.6 billion
Government: Corporate-sponsored dem ocracy
Tech Level: Space
Major Exports: Starships, starship components
Major Imports: Foodstuffs, consumer goods

Stephen Crane
System Name: Lianna

Star Name: Lianna Star Type: Y ellow World Summary

ORBITAL BODIES The urban, industrial planet of Lianna, located in
the heart of the Allied Tion sector, is one of the more
Nam e Planet Type Moons important starports in this sector of the galaxy. In
Devato Searing Rock 0 addition to a huge native population, the planet is
home to several major starship engineering corpora
Geminor Poisonous Hot Terrestrial 1 tions, including Santhe/Sienar Technologies, parent
Aradian Mild Poisonous Terrestrial 3 company of Sienar Fleet Systems, manufacturer of
the imperial TIE fighter. The world has been so
Lianna Tem perate Terrestrial 1 thoroughly developed that very little of the native
Indinor Tem perate Rock 2 wildlife remains, as a majority of the world has been
covered with buildings, roads, and factories.
Adinai Gas Giant 8 Lianna must import all of its food, as well as most
Niddion Frigid Rock 0 of its consumer goods. However, its worth to the
galaxy is immense because of the incredible talent
the Lianns people have for starship design.
The native Liann people were first subjugated by
the Kingdom of Barseg, then the Republic ruled
Lianna (not trusting the native people to govern
themselves), and even today, the planet is controlled
by the starship corporations that are the lifeblood of
the economy (although officially, the planet has a
representative government). For this reason, the
Liann people have a strong desire for independence.

Mission to Lianna 5
Introduction -STAR__

Use the following script to start the adventure.
Your gam emaster will tell you w h at part (or parts) to read.

GM: Hyperspace. The Alliance has sent you to the indus ship. There is a big Imperial presence in the system, so
trial world o f Lianna, a world renowned for its incredible w ell have to be quiet about our affiliations. Other than
shipyards, and hom e base o f Santhe/Sienar Technologies, that, no one should look at us tw ice its a huge
makers o f everything from simple transports to the E m pires industrial world. No one will even notice a few more
infamous TIE fighters. Your mission is simply to drop off grim y freighter pilots like us.
some information to Alliance operatives on the planet. 2nd Rebel: So whats so almighty important that we
This should be a simple layover ... have to stop here anyway?
1st Rebel: This should be a quick stop. Its just a milk run. 3rd Rebel: Its just an update for the Alliance cell net
W e make our landing in Lola Curich Starport, drop off the work here. Telling them whats going on, what to do in
data disk at this Ormans place, and m ove on. the next few weeks. Its all coded so that the Empire cant
2nd Rebel: Well, w e do have a few hours until drop point. crack it even if they get a copy.
What say w e catch a little relaxation before w e head out? 5th Rebel: So, w e just take it to this Ormans place, and
3rd Rebel: Sounds good to me. I could use a Settov wait around until the local law starts asking us why w ere
Hammer on the rocks. loitering?
4th Rebel: Hey, whats this w orld like? 6th Rebel: This sounds like its too easy. Could be a set
5th Rebel: T h ey re very restrictive when it comes to
weapons no blasters or guns. Supposedly. 4th Rebel: Its nothing like that. W e go to Ormans, ask
for Jenna, and ask her how business is. If she says,
6th Rebel: Some of the galaxys best smugglers com e
Tim es are tough for everyone thats not a pirate, we
from Lianna. Th ey rank up there with the Corellians. Ive
give her the disk and go. Then, w e re gone.
heard this place is pretty wild because theres so many
spacers. 1st Rebel: Okay, cut the chatter. Brace for the jump back
1st Rebel: Y ou re both right. Leave your weapons on the down to realspace.

Welcome to Lianna!
Greetings gentlebeings! We are glad that you from any ship without a due period of quarantine.
have chosen Lola Curich Starport, the most com Fines may exceed 40,000 credits depending on the
plete in the Tion, for your business or vacation! Our nature of the violation. If you have dietary require
many fine hotels, restaurants, businesses, clubs, and ments that necessitate exceptions, please contact
stores are atyour service! However, in order to make the Portmaster's Office for a permit.
your stay easier and more pleasant, here are some All weapons are illegal. All energy weapons must
guidelines to keep in mind while visiting bustling remain aboard starcraft. Possession of an energy
Lianna. weapon on Lianna results in a mandatory fine of
Visas are not required. The captain of all incoming 200,000 credits and two standard years at hard
vessels must provide a complete list of all arriving labor. Possession of non-energy weapons results in
crew and passengers at the Portmaster's Office. a fine of 50,000 credits and six months at hard labor.
It is illegal to bring onto Lianna foreign vegetable There are no duties on any luxury item, intoxicants,
or animal matter unless it is properly processed or or fabrics.
packaged. No living organisms may be removed

r i

6 Mission to Lianna
___STAR. Episode 1: Shades of Lianna

Episode O ne
Shades of Lianna

Sum m ary / \
The adventure begins with the Rebels arrival Cut-Away to The Star Destroyer Dominator
in Lianna system. Th ey are to land at Lola Curich Read aloud:
Starport and proceed to Ormans Sky Palace,
EXTERIOR: DEEP SPACE. An Im perial Star Destroyer
w here they will drop off a data disk for the
rumbles into view. Emerging from out o f the belly o f the
Alliance operatives on the planet.
gigantic ship is a lone shape, details hidden by distance.
However, once they drop to realspace, they
Suddenly, sublight drives start, as a plum e o f exhaust propels
em erge in the m iddle of an Imperial warfleet, and
the small figure away from the huge ship.
learn that the Empire is looking for something
ve ry valuable that it ... lost: a prob e Droid CLOSE-UP: AN IMPERIAL PROBE DROID. The D roid has
equipped with a working cloaking device. been modified: a cylinder, perhaps six meters long, is at
A iter landing at Lola Curich Starport, their tached to the top o f the Droid.
AJliance contact, Jenna Lars, takes great interest INTERIOR: THE STAR DESTROYERS BRIDGE. In the crew
in their encounter with the probe Droid. pit, rows and rows o f com puter monitors throw data at the
Jenna introduces them to Terri Karl, the AJli ju n io r officers. A ll o f the monitors are displaying the probe
ance head operative, who asks them to infiltrate Droid, with different portions o f the D roid highlighted.
the Santhe/Sienar offices and acquire a copy of the The captain o f the vessel, Captain Worhven, leans down.
cloaking device plans for the Alliance, while also One o f the many officers looks up, expressionless.
destroying the plans on the Santhe computers. Sir, the Droid has been deployed. Pow er levels are as
predicted. W e are just about to initiate the first cloaking
Read Aloud tests.
Give each player a co p y of the script and
EXTERIOR: THE PROBE DROID. A hum, and the crackle o f
assign parts (th ey are labelled 1st Rebel through
still more energy as the Droid glides through the void.
6th Rebel). When everyone is ready, read aloud
the following passage and have the players read INTERIOR: THE BRIDGE PIT CREW. Several young crew
aloud their parts in the script. men intently watch the readouts. A young officer, barely
This adventure is designed to be an acci suppressing his excitement, turns to Captain Worhven. Sir,
dent : while traveling to another important mis it works exactly as expected. The Liann engineers appear
sion, they get swept up in events beyond their to have accom plished their ob jective.
control, and must abandon their plans in order to The bridge o f the Star Destroyer, several hours later. The
do what is best for the Alliance. If you have same ju n io r officer approaches Captain Worhven, a worried
another adventure in mind, you may substitute look on his face. Captain, all of the tests have been
Keldrath Sector for the location of your next com pleted. The device works as predicted.
adventure: The captain studies the man fora second, and asks, What
are you not telling me?
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away ...
Well, sir, the Droid ... perform ed too well. It has drifted
The Alliances w ar against the evil Galactic
from our sensors. It will probably just smash into a rogue
Empire continues, and as members of the Alli
moon or be lost for years out in space. But, w e v e lost it.
ance, you have been asked to ferry a most
valuable weapon to the industrial world of Cut to ...
After landing on Lianna at the famed Lola
____________________________ _________________________________
Curich Starport, you must go to Ormans Sky
Palace and give a valuable data disk to Jenna

Mission to Lianna 7
E^isod^Jj^hadtes^ofU anna -STAR

Lars, an Alliance contact on the bustling world. small vessel (about the size of a two-person
With that complete, you are free to continue on escape pod). About five seconds after it is first
to the Keldrath Sector, and another important detected, the ship will blink off their scopes it
mission ... sim ply disappears. A few seconds later, the ship
will appear again, and then disappear a second
If the players feel that the cloaking shield is
none of our concern and need som e coaxing to time. Im mediately after the mysterious bogey
get involved, have Terri Karl point out that the appears, all o f the ships in the Imperial fleet will
cloaking device is m ore important than getting a converge on the coordinates.
load of weapons or equipment to som e miscella Have any character w ho decides to look at the
sensor read-out make an Easy Technical roll. If
neous base.
successful, the character will realize the vessel is
Many of the events of Episode One are flexible.
a m odified Imperial probe Droid. Have any char
W hile the characters are expected to follow a
straightforward agenda (g o from Lola Curich acter w ho succeeded at that roll make a M oder
Starport to Ormans Sky Palace), it is entirely ate Technical roll if successful, the character
possible that they may use another approach. will realize that the odd sensor readings might
Also, there is plenty of time for the characters to indicate a type of cloaking shield.
waste between encounters (if they choose to do
so ) and there are numerous distractions on this O rb itin g L ia n n a
industrial world. It is advisable to use a combina The space lanes in low orbit around Lianna are
tion of the Locations section and Encounters the busiest in the sector. Th e characters will be
to keep the adventure rolling along tw o en told by Lianna Traffic Control that they will have
counters between the trip to Ormans and Santhe/ to wait in low orbit for five hours before they are
Sienar headquarters or the Imperial Hotel is best. cleared for landing at Lola Curich Starport.
Ignore any duplications, or m odify them slightly At this point, the gamemaster should describe
to make them m ore useful. the unbelievably crowded conditions of the space
lanes around Lianna the characters will see
Th e Fle et everything from small tramp freighters, to huge
As soon as the characters ship em erges into bulk cruisers and space liners. They will also see
realspace, every alarm in the ship goes off. A several TIE fighters, Lianna-class corvettes (see
quick look at the sensors (no skill rolls needed) Episode Four for game stats) and systems patrol
reveals that the star lanes are clogged with Impe craft supervising and controlling the flow of traffic.
rial ships: tw o Lianna-class Corvettes (fo r game When they are finally permitted to fly down to
statistics, see Episode Four) and an Imperial Star the starport, it will be late morning. As soon as
Destroyer are the first ships to be detected, but the ship breaks through the cloud cover, the
a few seconds later the characters will also de characters will notice that there is a dreary light
tect three Lancer-class frigates, an Interdictor- drizzle, giving the planet an almost twilight ef
class heavy cruiser, and five Carrack-class light fect. For kilometers around all they can see is the
cruisers (fo r com plete game statistics, see pages unending urban sprawl that is Lianna.
56-58 of the Im perial Sourcebook). By checking
their sensors, the characters will know that they Lola Curich
have com e out of hyperspace where they are Lola Curich is a huge trading city, just outside
supposed to be its the fleet that doesnt Lianna, the capitol city of the planet. Boasting a
belong. Any character making a V ery Easy Knowl population o f about 20 million, it is driven by
edge roll will know that a fleet this size is seldom interstellar trade and related support industries.
deployed to a system unless something VERY Th e prim e location of interest is the m assive Lola
important has happened. Curich Starport, which services the entire capi
A llow the characters a few rounds to panic as tol region. W hile it caters to passenger traffic
one of the Carrack-class cruisers turns about and (shuttles from orbiting liners being the main type
lumbers toward the characters ship. Just as the of vessel served), there are a substantial number
anxiety reaches its peak, read aloud: of berths for small transports, private vessels
Unidentified freighter, halt your progress. You and corporate vessels (m ostly executive ships).
are entering a temporarily restricted space lane. At this time, give the players a ph otocop y of the
You are ordered to proceed to Lianna using the handouts on pages 6,12, and 13.
approach immediately following this transmis
sion. Any deviation from this approach will result Th e Starport
in criminal prosecution and imprisonment. The starport can serve over 2000 ships, and
As the characters begin to follow the approach, consists of several main areas.
w hoever is reading the sensors will notice a

8 Mission to Lianna
STAR. isodeJ^Shades^o^ianna

M etropolitan Lia n n a

A. Posh Sector
B. Financial Sector
C. Commercial/lndustrial Sector
D. Middle Class Suburbs
E. Lola Curich Starport
Jo h n Paul Lona

F. Lower Class Suburbs

G. Orman's Sky Palace
H. Santhe Estate

Mission to Lianna 9
Egisode^^hades^f^Lianr^ JTAI

Military Sector This rather small area is reserved Passenger Terminal This huge terminal ser
for Liann customs frigates and the calling vessels of vices well over ten million passengers per year. It
the Imperial Navy. There are berths for over 100 is possible to book a comm ercial flight from Lola
ships. The complement includes five Liann patrol Curich Starport to almost anywhere in the gal
craft (Santhe Blockade Busters), a dozen Imperial axy, and all the major passenger carriers have
low-orbit patrol ships (Peacekeepers), five dozen offices here. The terminal area is kept busy with
Incom T-40 Flitters (see Episode Four for statistics an unending stream of shuttles coming from the
for these vessels) and 30 TIE/ln fighters. These huge passenger ships in orbit, and aliens of every
ships are reserved for duty around the capital and description are found in this area (as well as the
starport area, and are technically separate from surrounding city of Lola Curich). Roughly three-
the system forces deployed for the crowded space quarters of all business in Lola Curich Starport is
lanes above Lianna. connected to the passenger service.
The military sector is guarded by Imperial Prices for passenger flights vary dramatically
Storm troopers, Imperial Navy troops and Liann luxury passenger lines abound in the termi
military troops and security is quite tight. There nals, but budget companies and discount flights
are electronic weapons detectors, metal detec are available (although difficult to find); average
tors, and magnetic pulse wipers (to erase unde prices are about 15 percent above typical rates,
clared com puter data disks and prevent espio but by shopping around, flights can be had for up
nage) on every entrance. to two-thirds cheaper than standard fares.
Security in the passenger terminals is tight, with
Liann Military Guards
dozens of plain clothes inspectors (same statistics
as military guards), in addition to full complements
Blaster 6D, dodge 4D+2, m elee parry 4D,
of guards and security devices.
m elee 5D
KNOWLEDGE 2D+2 Private Craft Terminal This area is for pleasure
Alien races 4D, bureaucracy 3D+2, craft and corporate executive ships registered
cultures 4D, languages 4D+2, streetwise on Lianna. Because this is the main starport for
3D+2 the capital sector, the most luxurious vessels on
MECHANICAL 2D the planet can be found in the hangars in this
Repulsorlift operation 4D terminal. It is difficult to enter the terminal with
PERCEPTION 3D+2 out a validated identification chip (which can
Command 5D, con 5D+2, hide/sneak 4D+2, only be gained through the government or granted
search 5D by a ship ow ner), but once inside, terminal secu
STRENGTH 2D+2 rity is not especially tight.
Brawling 3D+2, climbing/jumping 4D, Commercial Docks There are roughly five hun
stamina 3D+2 dred docking bays which handle medium-sized
TECHNICAL 2D and small freighter vessels. In addition to the
Computer programming/repair 3D, Droid Port Trading Zone (w h ere many shops, hotels,
programming/repair 4D, security 4D+2 businesses and restaurants are located), the com
Equipment: Silver and black security mercial docks lead directly to the Starport Sector
uniform (arm or code +2), protective immediately outside the starport (o f course, visi
helmet (arm or value +1), blaster pistol tors must be registered with the portm asters
(4D), comlink, portable disk scanner/ office before they can leave).
magnetic wiper, visual targeter (part of A good many Liann pirates use the commer
helmet; +1D to hit with ranged weapons), cial d o c k y a rd s fa cilities a fter brib in g the
stun club (STR +1D; 4D stun dam age) Portm asters office to ignore obvious design
Description: Efficient, cocky and arrogant, and modifications in their vessels.
typically Liann. Liann military guards have received
the best training, the best equipment and have Portmasters Office The portm asters office is
a three story building adjacent to the main con
every right to feel smug about their capabilities.
They take their job of protecting Lianna very seri trol tower. There is a main reception area where
several assistant portmasters handle the routine
ously. They have no strong affiliation for the Em
functions of the office. These include arranging
pire, but must pay lip service to the forces of
arrival and departure times for various ships,
Palpatine; they may even take kindly to Alliance
agents who support the claims for Liann indepen granting importation permits, customs inspec
tions, ships licensing, landing and docking bay
dence. They are helpful to those who are open and
rental, and stocking and replenishment.
honest, but any hint of deception leads to smug
Registering ships passengers normally takes
and glib misdirection (take note of their high con
at least one hour of waiting. In order to arrange
die c o d e ) they are just as likely to arrest trouble
makers as thoroughly and publicly humiliate them. departure times, an officer of the visiting ship

10 Mission to Lianna
___STAR. Episode 1: Shades of Lianna

must go to the office and state a desired depar

ture time. The assistant portm aster will assign a Player Handouts
time as close as possible to the one requested.
The large number of player handouts are provided to
The further in advance the officer asks, the m ore
help give the players an understanding of the nature of
likely he will be to get the time he desires. Less
Lianna and its people (see pages 6, 12, and 13). The
than tw o days notice will invariably mean that
gamemaster is urged to incorporate these elements, in
the ship will be squeezed in at som e random
cluding behavior, sights and smells, and attitudes, into
time. The bureaucrats at the starport should be
both description and roleplaying of gamemaster charac
played as cocky and arrogant, and m ore con
ters. It is advisable to spend a few minutes determining
cerned with the upcoming revelry afterhours
how to play these characters, deciding voices, sayings,
than getting the job done.
mannerisms and other roleplaying details that distinguish
After a departure time has been scheduled, a
customs inspection team will plan to visit the
ship one or tw o hours before departure. At that
time, the ship will be thoroughly inspected, and
nobody will be allowed to enter or leave the ship Santhe/Sienar Security Guards Because of
prior to departure. the virtual m onopoly on power, Santhe/Sienar is
Landing or docking bay rental must be paid in able to maintain its own security force. The guards
ad va n ce. Landing bay rental is 600 credits a day. are given as much respect as the standard mili
Stores and replenishment are also available. tary guards, and if anything, their behavior is
Any listed supply, with the exception of w eap m ore extreme. Their prim ary duty is the protec
ons, is available through the portm asters office tion of Santhe/Sienar property and personnel,
for twice the standard price. If starship m odifica but they also are responsible for law enforce
tions or repairs are desired, the portm asters ment (if there is ever a conflict between Santhe/
office will refer the Rebels to Thant & Sons, Sienar objectives and the law, it seems that the
Starshipwrights, a reputable firm established in law is interpreted in such a manner as to favor
the shipyards. the com pany). For stats, see page 32.
Due to the ease with which parts are attained, As far as the law and the local citizenry goes, the
all starship repair is at half the listed price in the laws are regarded more as suggestions than
Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters. All m odifica absolute rules. The weapons prohibitions are
tions are available at 90 percent of the listed cost. strictly applied to any tourists and spacer caught
with weaponry, but Liann citizens are often al
Law Enforcement in the Starport lowed to carry weapons as long as they are con
There are three kinds of law enforcem ent per cealed (this is true only when dealing with native
sonnel in Lola Curich Starport: Imperial troops, Liann security forces; Imperial troops enforce the
Liann military guards and Santhe/Sienar security law, but often the Liann courts find citizens not
guards. guilty). Black market smuggling is big business on
Imperial Troops There are, com paratively Lianna, and while weapons are a prime commodity
speaking, few Imperial troops on Lianna and they (and very expensive because of the hassles of
are concentrated at the major starports and the getting them through Liann customs), other items
Imperial Star Academies. There are also Imperial such as consumer electronics, illegally copied holo
troops on leave (Lianna is the major starport in entertainment and other highly prized goods are
the sector). The Imperial security forces at Lola readily available. If a smuggler is ever questioned
Curich Starport confine them selves mainly to by Liann security forces, normally a little bribe
customs duties, and security for Imperial war money will go a long way.
ships and personnel. For stats, use the Imperial
A rm y T r o o p e r on p a ge 45 of the Im p e ria l
The Starport Proper
Sourcebook. Within the starport area are huge open-air and
liann Military Guards Serving as a kind of enclosed market places, com m ercial dockyards
planetary police force and army, Liann Military for starship repairs, and many other businesses
Guards are responsible for keeping the peace, and catering to spacers and travelers. Some of the
are the most commonly encountered representa major businesses are detailed here.
tive of the law. These men and women are usually Biblack's Overhaul
Liann by birth. Often they are somewhat corrupt,
Biblacks Overhaul is a starship repair con
and prefer to arrest off-worlders rather than fellow
cern. Biblack himself is a very experienced re
Liann citizens. Generally visitors will have to put
tired smuggler, and he has three assistants as
up with a certain amount of teasing and harass
w ell as a number of Droids. Biblack does a lot of
ment in order to get any justice whatsoever. For
work for various smugglers and outlaws. He will
stats, see page 10.

Mission to Lianna 11
Episode 1: Shades of Lianna STAR.

c >
C__________________ 1__________________________________

From The Encyclopedia Omnia Memnose
Lianna is a world of moderate population on the edge of the Allied Tion sector. Economically and
historically. Lianna has always stood apart from the.Allied Tion, and from the Thanium worlds w hich
also border it. Ethnically, the Liann citizens have much in common with some of the peoples of the
Allied Tion, most notably with the Jaminere, although Lianna w as never a part of the empire of Xim
the Despot.
Originally, Lianna boasted a wealth of different cultures and religions. Many of these w ere mystical,
and all of them w ere colorful. In the early years of the Republic, w hen many of the powerful states
still felt little bound by the Republic's laws and policies. Lianna became a part of the Kingdom of Barseg.
The native population dropped drastically in the first hundred years of Barsegian governorship.
Disease and culture shock took their toll, as a primitive civilization w as brought abruptly forward into
the PanGalactic era. Hundreds of thousands of Liann citizens w ere deported to perform manual labor
throughout the Kingdom.
Through the centuries, a number of native rebellions rocked the planet, culminating in the last futile
attempt at independence in the provinces of Berene and Caldara. The off-world reaction to the harsh
treatment of the rebellious areas w as severe enough that the colony of Lianna w as removed from
Barseg's control and placed under Senatorial governance as a province of the Republic. The world has
since come under the control of Santhe/Sienar Technologies.

From Galactic Gourmets Galaxy Guide

O ur advice to you, dear reader, is "Don't go!" Lianna is hardly our idea of a vacation spot. Still, if
business compels you to go to Lianna, the bestaccommodations are to be found at the Imperial Hotel
in Lola Curich Starport. It is a relatively n ew establishment with 6200 suites.
While service is mediocre, the atmosphere is w hat one would expect from a quality hotel. Be warned,
however, about the food. Even in a fine restaurant the food tastes reconstituted. Very little food is actually
produced on Lianna, and most of it is of the more hardy, inferior variety. It.is usually far from fresh by the
time it reaches the cities. Native Liann cuisine, if one can call it that, is highly and unsubtly seasoned, with
the strong flavors of lill and preservatives prevailing. Typical dishes are a mush of vegetables and
reconstituted potted meat stuffed into a grain and choya s h e ll...
From How to Do the Allied Tion on 25 Credits a Day
For the bargain hunter Lola Curich Starport has m any delights. While fresh food, especially meat,
is very expensive and usually imported from elsewhere in the Allied Tion, this doesn't mean you must

spend a fortune to taste the best of Liann cuisine! The Lianns have raised preservatives and additives
to an art.
Authentic Liann food takes old standbys such as ubiquitous potted meat, VegHash. and cereals,
and couples them with native puree of lill and a variety of spices. The result is hot, spicy, and
unpredictable! Most Liann meals-are one-dish affairs, with a zap-prepared entree served in a choya
shell. However, the best (and cheapest) w ay to sample the authentic flavors of Lianna is to eat on the
street fish sticks baked in lill and choya and served on plastic sticks. Bubble Bowls of VegeParsine,
fresh choya bread and Dalkash ale. A feast can be had for less than five credits as you munch your
w ay along the streets!

The Tion is a cluster of stars in one of the galaxy's long spirals comprised of some 12,000 stars. The
Tion embraces nearly 600 habitable planets currently organized into three sectors.
The first of these is the Cronese Mandate, ruled from the central world of Chandaar. The core of the
sector are the fourteen heavily populated worlds that comprise the ancient kingdom of Cron. There are
also 450 less-populated worlds (added in recent years), as weli as numerous uninhabited systems. The
Cronese Mandate is ruled by the current head of the House of Cron, Robeir XXIII. He pays court to the
' f n ir K / l- > r n A H ^ f A n r A flA A f

12 Mission to Lianna
Episode 1: Shades of Lianna

r c
z .,u u u 5 . i f i c i i u i t c r i i u i ciu c ^ i i c d i ly u u u i iciUJL<nuic pjcni icu> l u i j c / lu y u i y c u n ^ c u u u u u n c c :> c c iu i

The first of these is the Cronese Mandate, ruled from the central world of Chandaar. The core of the
sector are the fourteen heavily populated worlds that comprise the ancient'kingdom of Cron. There are
also 450 less-populated worlds (added in recent years), as well as numerous uninhabited systems. The
Cronese Mandate is ruled by the current head of the House of Cron, Robeir XXIII. He pays court to the
Emperor, and rules as a client king. Robeir preserves a fairly large defense fleet, and a certain level of
independence for the Cronese Mandate (although a large Imperial presence is used to keep the level of
authority in the proper perspective).
The Cronese Mandate contains a great deal of mineral wealth, and several Cronese corporations mine
the uninhabitable systems. The mineral wealth Of the Cronese Mandate is the main resource to which
the Cronese owe their present prosperity.
The second sector is the Ancient and Honorable Union of the Tion Hegemony. On the far edge of
the spiral arm, the Tion Hegemony is marginally ruled by the Empire. While a distant backwater in relation
to the Core Worlds, it embraces some of the most ancient worlds of mankind. Historically, while.the
majority of the galaxy remained in a pre-starflight dark age, the civilizations of the Tion flourished. On a
number of worlds starfaring civilizations developed, and eventually reached out across the Tion in vast
Confederations and Empires which reached their zenith Ibng before the Old Republic. During these past
millenia, the Empire ofXim the Despot held much of this area of space, as did the Livien League in a still
earlier period. With the founding of the Republic, the Tion gradually slid into obscurity. Now the majority
of the Tion Hegemony is a backwater, as industry, mineral resources, and cultures all played out. The
sector is an agricultural breadbasket for the more flourishing and less stagnant worlds of Lianna and the
Cronese Mandate.
Midway between the Cronese Mandate and the Tion Hegemony lies the third sector, the Allied Tion,
ruled fromJaminere. It is a much more active sector, colonized from the Tion Hegemony in the early days
of the Republic. Its peoples have a very spotted history, including the long servitude of Lorrad, and the
ecological ruin of Lianna and Cadinth. Now the Allied Tion is a seat of-manufacturing and trade, and
nearly fifteen percent of all passenger liners in the galaxy operate out of the Allied Tion. Its major worlds
include Lianna, Lorrad, Cadinth, and Jaminere.
The Allied Tion is actively patrolled by the Imperial Starfleet, because of the volume of trade, and also
because of its vital strategic importance to the Empire, both as a supply base and because of its location
on the main star routes between the Core Worlds and the Corporate Sector.

E X C E R P T E D F R O M : G A L A C T IC C U L T U R E S t l
The Average Person on Lianna
Politics are so much an intimate part of life on Lianna that they are not viewed as a separate field
that someone can go and get involved in. Everyone is already involved.
Economically, the average person is tied to the starship industry. And each person's livelihood
depends on the relationship between the starship corporations and thegovernm ent. Santhe/Sienar n
is popular on Lianna because of its phenomenal success in making that relationship more profitable
for Lianna. Lady Santhe herself is as popular as she is feared. She embraced the popular concepts of
how the Liann people w ould like to see themselves as tough, shrewd, daring, pleasure-loving, and
successful. The Liann people appreciate the fact that she always seems to tweak the nose of Republic
and Empire just a little bit and get aw ay with it.
The weapons restrictions imposed in the past thirty years are not popular. The Lianns have always
carried weapons, even in the workplace, and tend to view a being's home as his castle.
The average Liann has little love for Empire or Rebellion. They feel that both the Empire and the
Republic have cut them a raw deal, and that no off-world government can be trusted. Emotional
sympathies tend to be a little stronger for the Rebellion because the Lianns love a spunky underdog!


Mission to Lianna 13
Episode 1: Shades of Lianna JTAI

14 Mission to Lianna
__ STAR. Episode 1: Shades of Lianna

work quickly (1-3 days for major repairs) but 2. Cab Cabs are expensive (1 credit per 1/10
charges 125% of standard prices. kilometer, minimum fee of 20 credits per person)
and hard to get during busy hours or in crow ded
Astromech Heaven Your Astromech locations such as the main passenger terminals.
3. Scooter and swoops Speed-regulated in the
Astrom ech Heaven is a giant supermarket for city (norm ally 60 kilometers per hour), but can
Droids. It features most standard m odels at stan only carry one or tw o passengers. Th ey cost
dard prices. Th ey also service and repair most about 100 credits per day.
modern standard models, perform ing rudimen
4. Speeder The com fy way to go. Speeders can be
tary tasks like limb adjustments, m em ory wipes,
rented for about 200 credits a day at the port areas.
logic circuit checks and refilling any fluids. Ser
vice and repair takes 1-3 days, depending on the 5. Commutrans These long transport tubes go
level of damage. almost everyw here in the city. Th ey also cross
the river to go into the capital city of Lianna, and
Fronde's Airspeeders with appropriate connections, can be taken to
Frondes is located at twenty-two convenient almost anywhere on the planet (5 credits per
locations throughout Lola Curich, and adver municipality passed through). Th ey are often
tises everywhere. W hile their prim e business is overcrow ded, with many people being forced to
speeder rentals, they also sell used speeders for stand, and robberies and other crimes are known
average prices. However, the service is poor, and to occur (there are som e security officers but not
a credit check is always necessary. enough to control the situation). Commutrans
lines are often underground in urban areas.
Thorip Norr 6. Flitter This is the best w ay to go if you are
Thorip Norr is a small cantina on the edge of leaving the immediate area because they are
the commercial starport, not too far from Ormans allotted airspace traffic corridors above the con
Sky Palace. Unlike Ormans, the customers are gestion of inter-city traffic. Flitters can be rented
m ostly non-human spacers, and it is a lot less for 400 credits per day.
flashy and a w hole lot rougher than Ormans.
Owned by a Gammorrean named Ithmir, many En co u n te rs
other Gammorreans frequent Thorip Norr.
The following encounters are provided to help
The Palace of Light bring to life the bustling nature of Lola Curich
The Palace of Light is an amusement pavilion Starport. Many of them can be also be used
featuring over 600 different games, including gam outside the Starport in the city of Lola Curich. It
bling machinery, skilled electronic and holo is a good idea to custom ize these encounters
graphic simulations like Starfight, and zero grav prior to running the adventure, possibly devising
ity team wars played with stun weapons. It is tw o or three different groups of individuals or
expensive, and appeals to a diverse clientele. Its scenes so the encounters can be used m ore than
a fun place, crow ded at night, and a good location once. Roll one encounter every hour, or one
to meet som eone inconspicuously. A w ide vari encounter for each different area that is visited
ety of food can also be purchased ready to eat. (com m ercial docks, port trading zone or Starport
Sector). Read Aloud:
All around you, the streets of the starport are
A major retail outlet in the center of the crowded. There are spacers in from long hauls,
starport, Shoppingland sells everything the weary brightly dressed revelers, lean and hungry idlers
traveler could want. Prices are respectable con watching the throng from alleyways, and dirty
sidering the touristy nature of the starport, and urchin children everywhere. The air is acrid with
almost any com m on device is available. pollution, and a dirty rain has begun to fall.
Thant & Sons, Starshipwrights
Starport Encounter Table
Thant & Sons is a large and reputable firm
Roll two dice, designating one die the first
capable of any routine maintenance or m odifica
die : check the number for the first die, and then
tions. Th ey charge half list price for repairs, but
find the particular encounter by checking the
require 4-10 days for even minor work; engine
corresponding number for the second die.
overhauls require 8-12 days.

Methods of Transport First Die: 1-2

1. Starport Security Starport security encoun
1. Walking Lola Curich Starport is a big place, but
ters will be with 2-12 Liann Military Guards in
most of it can be covered on foot given sufficient
silver and black uniforms, blaster pistols, boots,
and stun clubs.

Mission to Lianna 15
2. Spacers and revelers A group of ID Liann Liann Thugs
spacers and their friends in port. Usually they are DEXTERITY 2D+2
looking for trouble and/or fun. Th ey often have Brawling parry 4D, dodge 4D, firearms
concealed weapons. If the Rebels are good sports 3D+2, m elee parry 3D, m elee 5D
and play along, they will not harm the Rebels; KNOWLEDGE ID
things will only turn nasty if the Rebels react with Cultures 2D+2, streetwise 4D
fear or take offense. MECHANICAL 2D
Repulsorlift operation 3D, sw oop
Typical Liann operation 4D
Brawling parry 3D+2, m elee parry 3D,
Bargain 4D, con 6D, gambling 4D+2
m elee 3D+2
Brawling 4D
Alien races 2D+2, cultures 3D+2,
streetw ise 4D
Repulsorlift repair 3D+2, sw oop repair 4D
Equipment: vibroknife (STR +1D+2, concealed
Astrogation 3D, repulsorlift operation 4D,
in boots)
starship piloting 3D+2
Note: One thug will have a small gun (projectile
weapon) concealed under his vest, 3D damage, six
Bargain 4D, con 4D+2, gambling 4D
shots, ranges of 3-5/10/15.
Brawling 3D+2 4. Tour Guides Several women, all very attractive,
TECHNICAL 2D+2 will offer their services as tour guides for 300
Droid programming/repair 4D, repulsorlift credits per day. On a moderate con roll, informa
repair 3D+2 tion about local events can be discovered.
Equipment: knife (STR +1D, concealed in boots) Tour Guides
3. Thugs A group of ID punks who will follow DEXTERITY ID
and harass strangers. M ost carry knives or Dodge 2D
vibroblades. T h ey w ill have sw oops parked KNOWLEDGE 3D
nearby. Cultures 5D, streetwise 5D

16 Mission to Lianna
STAR. Episode 1: Shades of Lianna

PERCEPTION 3D are both Liann, one male and one female, in their
Bargain 5D, con 4D early 40s, wearing Imperial uniforms.
Star Academy Instructors
5-6. Pickpockets Pickpockets tend to be m ostly Blaster 4D, brawling parry 3D+2, melee
children grubby pre-teens w ho are very fast parry 3D, melee 3D+2
and sly. A m oderate streetwise roll will enable a KNOWLEDGE 2D
character to see that they are a target or to detect Alien races 3D, planetary systems 4D,
a theft that has occurred. The pickpockets run in survival 3D+2
packs, and a single child usually has a backup or MECHANICAL 3D
tw o to distract pursuit. Astrogation 4D, starship gunnery 7D+2,
Pickpockets starship piloting 8D+2, starship shields 6D
Dodge 4D, pickpocket 4D+2 Bargain 4D, command 5D, con 4D+2,
KNOWLEDGE 2D gambling 4D
Cultures 3D, streetwise 4D+2 STRENGTH 2D
Brawling 3D+2
Con 4D, hide/sneak 4D+2, search 4D Droid programming/repair 4D, repulsorlift
STRENGTH ID repair 3D+2, starship repair 4D+2
TECHNICAL ID Equipment: comlink, hold-out blaster
Equipment: Sack for stolen goods, lots of trin (damage 3D+2)
kets. 4-5. Barge Crew The barge crew are five grubby
Description: Poor but proud, these kids are spacers from the Minos Cluster who are rowdy,
obnoxious and cocky, and will rob som eone blind looking for fun, and know nothing about events
given half a chance. If caught in the act, they will on Lianna, not even rumors. Th ey have illegal
plead poverty and that they w ere only stealing to holo-vids for sale, as w ell as contacts for other
buy food for their hungry brothers and sisters. illegal goods.
Th ey often work in groups of half a dozen or m ore DEXTERITY 2D
so that victim s can be distracted by sim ple traps. Blaster 3D, brawling parry 3D+2, melee
parry 3D, melee 3D+2
First Die: 3-4 KNOWLEDGE 2D
1. Biblack Biblack is the retired smuggler who Alien races 2D+2, planetary systems 3D+2
owns Biblacks Overhaul. He still drinks and vis MECHANICAL 2D+2
its in the starport bars. He has a good reputation, Astrogation 3D, starship piloting 3D+2
and speaks his mind. He is a Liann male in his late PERCEPTION 2D
50s, with a w ide face and one gold earring. Bargain 3D, con 3D+2, gambling 3D+1
DEXTERITY 2D Brawling 4D+2, lifting 4D, stamina 3D+2
Blaster 6D, brawling parry 4D, dodge 6D, TECHNICAL 2D+2
melee parry 3D, melee 3D+2 Droid programming/repair 4D, repulsorlift
KNOWLEDGE 2D repair 3D+2, starship repair 3D+2
Alien races 4D, cultures 4D+2, languages Equipment: Illegal holo-vids, comlinks,
3D+2, planetary systems 6D, starship 200 credits
design 6D, streetwise 4D, survival 5D 6. Ayehe Twilek Dance Troupe A dance troupe
MECHANICAL 3D of T w ileks who are to be perform ing at the
Astrogation 6D, starship gunnery 4D+2, Santhe party (see Episode Th ree). Currently,
starship piloting 6D+2, starship shields 5D they are out socializing, and will mention their
PERCEPTION 2D upcoming performance. For a medium-sized bribe
Bargain 6D, con 6D+2, gambling 4D they will let the Rebels pose as members of their
STRENGTH 2D troupe to get into the party. Th ey are very gre
Brawling 3D+2 garious, and a lot of fun to be around. There are
TECHNICAL 4D ten of them, led by Ardana M ittAyehe, a middle-
Droid programming/repair 5D, repulsorlift aged choreographer.
repair 5D+2, starship repair 8D+2
2-3. Star Academy Instructors The instructors First Die: 5-6
from Melford Star Academ y are on leave. They 1. Ormans Thugs Common hired m uscle in the
em ploy of Orman, owner of Ormans Sky Palace.

Mission to Lianna 17
Episode I : Shades of Lianna JTTAI

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18 Mission to Lianna
__ STA R Episode 1. Shades of Lianna

If this encounter occurs before the Rebels have Brawling 3D+2

visited the Sky Palace, the thugs are sim ply out TECHNICAL 2D
for fun and excitem ent (in fact, they may be quite Droid programming/repair 4D, repulsorlift
amiable). repair 3D, security 3D+2, starship repair 5D
If this encounter occurs after their meeting, 5. Old Enemy Lola Curich Starport is a busy
the thugs are actively looking for the Rebels, and place, and you never know who you might run
will try to capture them. Th ey will follow as into. Gasp! Its your old e n e m y ________ , whom
unobtrusively as possible and wait for an oppor you thought dead long ago! Here is a chance for
tunity to grab them. T h ey will not risk their lives, the gamemaster to have a return visit from an old
but will attempt to surprise or overwhelm the nemesis.
characters. Th ey prefer going after members of a
party that has split up. See Ormans Thugs for 6. Stormtroopers Stormtroopers are rarely en
com plete game statistics. countered on Lianna, but they expect complete
obedience and cooperation. Characters are well
2. Darren T. W eeb This spacer is going about his advised just to go along with the situation they
business. If the encounter at Ormans Sky Palace are searching for some stolen Droids, or conduct
has already occurred, and he and Jenna form ed ing a simple patrol or quick inspection of luggage.
favorable opinions of the Rebels, he will help Use the standard storm trooper statistics.
them in anyw ay that he can. If not, he will not take
any particular interest in the characters, although
the gamemaster should som ehow justify intro
Starport Rum or Table
ductions and so forth perhaps being in line at These rumors can be inserted into the adven
an astromech shop or a similar situation. For ture in a number of ways, including portions of an
stats, see the Character Tem plates section in o v e rh e a rd c o n v e rs a tio n , o r a co m m en t a
the back of this book. gamemaster character might make directly to the
players. These rumors are a good way to present
3. Jenna Lars Jenna Lars will appear to be just a
some of the tone, feel and flavor of Lianna. Roll ID:
typical spacer if the characters havent already
met her. She might be out scurrying for supplies 1-2
for her ship, or trying to secure a cargo to som e 1. Santhe/Sienar hires assassin Droids to do
distant world. For stats, see the Character Tem- their dirty work. (F)
plates section in the back of this book. 2. There is an Imperial agent w ho frequents
4. Amatha Fetz Amatha is a well-known and well- Ormans Sky Palace dressed as an elderly spacer.
liked rogue. She is a hero for the oppressed (F)
working class of the planet, having rose to fame 3. Lady Santhe hates Rodin Verpalion and is
and fortune through hard work, shrewd deals trying to get him off-world as soon as possible. (T )
and a little piracy. N ow she owns her own ship 4. Rodin Verpalion can be bribed to release
ping firm, Tion Hauling, and has been accepted prisoners. (F )
by the Liann upper class. Right now she is busy 5. Orman cant be trusted, and sometimes
securing a few freelance spacers to take cargos turns people over to the Empire for pay. (T )
into the Tion (perhaps this could lead into a new 6. Terri Karl, a rich local socialite, and Kashan
adventure hook, or she could be encountered in Santhe, grandson of Lady Santhe, w ere seen at
a later adventure). Ormans with Jenna Lars. (T )

Amatha Fetz 3-4

DEXTERITY 1D+2 1. Imperial advisor Rodin Verpalion is coming
Blaster 4D, brawling parry 3D+2, dodge to Lianna to see a demonstration that Santhe/
3D+2 melee parry 3D, melee 3D+2 Sienar has been working on. (T )
KNOWLEDGE 4D 2. The Imperial fleet off Lianna is looking for
Alien races 6D, bureaucracy 5D+2, cultures som e kind of experim ent that got away. (T )
6D+2, languages 7D, planetary systems 3. Kashan Santhe went away to school in the
7D+2, streetwise 4D, technology 6D+2 Core W orlds and made all kinds of aristocratic
MECHANICAL 2D+2 friends of questionable loyalty to the Empire. (T )
Astrogation 3D+2, repulsorlift operation 4. Verpalion has a clone double who decoys
4D, starship gunnery 4D+2, starship for him. (F )
piloting 3D+2 5. Phillip Santhe, Lady Santhes son, wants to
PERCEPTION 3D see his m other retire so he can run Santhe/
Bargain 6D, command 5D+2, con 6D+2, Sienar. He doesnt care what happens to Lianna
gambling 5D, hide/sneak 6D, search 4D or her people. (T )
STRENGTH 2D 6. Santhe/Sienar is building a special ship for

Mission to Lianna 19
Episode 1: Shades of Lianna JTAI

the Emperor using a weapon similar to the Death Orman, the owner, is a Chevin (see Character
Stars. (F ) Tem plates in the back of this book for more
inform ation) and a meticulous businessman.
Ormans, like most Liann buildings, has no win
1. Santhe/Sienar uses very deadly security dows. Aside from the front door, there is a kitchen
Droids for night security. (T ) door into the alley, and a garage door for the
2. Orman is actually an agent for the Rebel garage beneath the building. There are usually
Alliance. (F) three private speeders parked there. The outer
3. The port is crawling with heavily armed garage door also opens into the alley. A Difficult
Imperial Storm troopers. (F ) repulsorlift operation or M oderate security total is
4. Lady Santhe is planning to hold a huge needed to hotw ire a speeder.
reception for Lord Verpalion and is hiring a lot of If later in the adventure the Rebels are cap
tem porary waiters for the party. (T ) tured by Ormans thugs, they will be held in the
5. Darth Vader is secretly on Lianna. (F) basement strong room (8c).
6. Th ere are Liann pirates looking for some
1. The Bar Ormans is a large and com fortable
smugglers who just arrived (th e description of
bar. T o the right of the door are 32 booths,
the smugglers should closely match that of the
gathered into groups of four. Spanning each
characters) (F unless theyv e done something
group is a faded holograph scene o f one of the
w e dont know about)
w orlds of the Allied Tion they are obviously
Orman's Sky Palace com puter controlled because they have anima
tion and sound. From the front to the back, the
Ormans Sky Palace is one of the most active
scenes are: the forests of Amarin; a seascape of
starport bars in Lola Curich. It is frequented by the
Spinax III; the bright skies of Lianna (from the
many traders who com e to the planet. Read aloud:
p re -in d u s tria l p e r io d ); th e m ou n ta in s o f
Ormans Sky Palace is one of the better- Desargorr; a ruined fortress on Dravione; lakes
known starport bars at Lola Curich. It has the and hills of Embaril; ruins amid the deserts of
longest bar in the city, able to seat dozens in its Cadinth; and the city of Ambaril on Chandaar,
sweeping curves. Its larger social area can ac the Jewel of the Tion.
commodate hundreds of patrons. The decor is The Sky Palaces bar is the longest in the port,
loud, the, music louder, and the entertaining made of polished lizard skin from Cadinth. There
loudest yet. are three bartenders during busy hours. There

20 Mission to Lianna
Episode 1: Shades of Lianna

are three service stations behind the bar. / ; \

2. The Stage The bright blue stage at Ormans is What's Going on Behind the Players' Backs
one meter above the floor. There are lights set When Lord Rodin Verpalion was first assigned to the
into the floor near the edge, as well as several NOVA project, Lady Santhe was taken aback. Her firm
banks of lights in the wings (about four meters control over Lianna allowed the Liann pirates and free
above the stage). There are several holo-projec- traders to go unpunished for various offenses, including
tors, m ovable poles and banks of lights which gunrunning to the R ebellion. A lre a d y aware o f her
can be submerged into the floor or raised for a grandsons Rebel affiliations, she feared for his life there
portion of the performance. There are several w ere many aspects of the Santhe business which could not
sound and haze generators around the edge of stand ve ry close Imperial scrutiny. Verpalion had to be
the stage. Only the green and pink lights are gotten rid of. Unfortunately, if he w ere to die or disappear,
working now. an intense investigation would follow. Lady Santhe de
3a, 3b. Restrooms 3a is Gents. 3b is Ladies. cided to make him want to leave.
Verpalion possessed quite a reputation as a man about
4. Prop Room This is the storage room for the
town, a patron of the arts and a connoisseur of fine food and
stage. It is full of broken instruments, scattered
beverages. Therefore, when Verpalion arrived to set up the
gels, cast off costumes, and various props and
project, Lady Santhe decided to embrace the vulgar.
unidentified electrical equipment.
Excess is never far away on Lianna. Imagine Verpalions
5. Ormans Office A large w hite room with desk, reaction when he and his entourage w ere assigned the Gold
terminal, files, and a couch. Orman is usually Suite. It had six spacious rooms of nothing but gilt and
here when the bar is open. There is a hidden wall mirrors, unfurnished except for huge piles of cream colored j
safe which requires an Easy search roll to find fringed pillows, with fabric stalactites for decoration! The
and a M oderate security roll to open. The safe food was processed and very hot, the company as ethnic
contains cred sticks w orth 17,000 in Imperial as possible, and the band played the tedious (but loud)
currency. three-toned Liann mouthpipe. The ladies reeked of musk and
6a, 6b, 6c. Dressing Rooms These are the dressing cavryion, and the food was horrid in every restaurant.
rooms. 6a is occupied by two bottle-blonde danc Every night Verpalion and his retinue w ere kept awake
ers and their props. 6b houses a progressive Glitz by the sonic boom s of spacecraft landing every three
Band called Embrace of the Tion. 6c is occupied by minutes, the air smelled of sulphur and chlorine, and the
four members of a Tw ilek acrobat troupe. mirrors made the entourage edgy. Verpalion stayed four
days just long enough to set up the project before he
7. Kitchen The kitchen is modern, and em ploys
retreated to m ore civilized w orlds to recover from chronic
three cooks, two dishwashers, and tw o busboys.
indigestion. Since then he has made his visits as perfunc
The dishwashers and busboys are all in early
tory as possible.
adolescence. There are various pieces of cook
ing equipment, including tw o large reconstitu _____________________________________________________ /
tion vats. There is a door to the alley.
2. Old Drunk This man will provide starport
8a, 8b, 8c. Storerooms The storeroom s contain
rumors and general information to anybody who
ing food and liquor for the kitchen and bar. 8c has
will buy him a drink.
a steel door, and locks from the outside. This is
usually the storage facility for the valuable bever 3. Bounty Hunter This encounter could be acci
ages. This store room is where Orman will lock dental, or if one particular Rebel has a price on
any prisoners. his head or ow es a lot of money, the characters
could have been follow ed to Lianna.
9. Garage The garage has an outer ramp to the
street level. There are usually three speeders here 4. Young Pickpocket An urchin, aged 10-15, adept
belonging to the staff and a couple of scooters. at helping him or herself to other peop les cred
its. A difficult Perception roll is required to notice
Sky Palace Encounters the theft. Otherwise the theft w on t be noticed
Random encounters at the Sky Palace could until the Rebel looks in his pockets.
include nearly anyone, but for something on the 5. A m m an Loan Shark A general financier of
fly, roll 2D. Designate one die the high/low die: illegal activities. He will sell general information for
if it comes up 1-3, check the low table, and on a a price (200-300 credits). However, if one of the
4-6, check the high table. Rebels owes him money, he may try to get it back.
6. Pirates T w o to a dozen members of the crew of
Lo w Table a Liann pirate cruiser. Th ey will not bother the
1. Imperial Officers Three to six low ranking Rebels. Any Rebel pirate, smuggler, or outlaw
officers on planet leave. Th ey may approach may have a friend among the pirates.
attractive females or harass the characters.

Mission to Lianna 21
Episode 1: Shades of Lianna STAI

f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \
Orman's Sky Palace

John Paul Lona


22 Mission to Lianna
___ STAR. Episode 1: Shades of Lianna

H igh Table
1. Spacers Lady Th e companion of one of the
Liann free-traders. She may be of any character
type, and generally knows the situation on Lianna
very w ell. She will tell the Rebels general informa
tion and background, local news and gossip that
is 90% accurate for 40-50 credits.
2-3. Santhe Employees T w o off-duty em ployees
of Santhe/Sienar Technologies. Th e have passes
and name badges with holocard identification.
Th ey arent willing to discuss security proce
dures or business, and if asked about this infor
mation, w ill report the incident to Santhe secu
rity guards patrolling the city.
4-5. Commercial Pilots Four Liann free-traders.
6. Dancer The dancer is Fessi, a cute human
female w ho perform s at Ormans. She knows
Orman deals with the Empire, and can point out
Jenna Lars. She will provide news and gossip that
is 70% accurate for 50-100 credits.

Meeting with Jenna Lars

The characters dont know Jenna Lars, so they
will have to ask a bartender to point out the
woman. After a few credits are exchanged, he
points to an isolated corner booth. A human
woman sits alone. She is paying a great deal of
attention to the ch a ra cters).
Jenna smiles lazily up at the Rebels. Is there
something I can do for you folks?
After the appropriate exchange w ords are used,
continue reading aloud:
She gestures for them to sit down and join her
at the table, and calls to the bartender to bring
them drinks. After the bartender leaves, she
puts her elbows on the table and says quietly,
So w heres the package?
After pleasantries have been exchanged, have
Jenna ask the characters how their trip to the In two hours, go to the Imperial Hotel. Check
world was. If they mention anything at all about in under the name Gram Seiglo. If you meet
the odd encounter with the fleet and the cloaked someone there who mentions Derellium W ine,
probe Droid, Jenna w ill becom e ve ry concerned. she is from the Alliance. She can give you
Cut to A Contact. complete information on what you need to do.
If the characters refuse to bring up the issue, Jenna will also give the characters som e infor
have Jenna comm ent that many spacers noticed mation on Santhe/Sienar. She w ill explain that
the Imperial fleet and then ask them if they en she worked there briefly, and knew they w ere
countered the ships and if there was any hassle. working on a cloaking shield, but thought that
If the characters absolutely refuse to bring up the they w ere years from a breakthrough. This is
matter of the probe Droid, at this point have what she knows:
Darren T. W eeb approach the booth, take a seat,
It is unlikely that the plans are in the corporate
and explain that he overheard som e spacers
mainframe; they will probably be kept in Lady
talking about the fleet and how they picked up
Santhes computers in her office.
something that appeared partially cloaked.
There is a private database on the ground floor
A Contact used to control security systems.
Lady Santhe does her best to undermine the
At this point, Jenna will insist that the charac
Imperial governor in every way.
ters follow her orders:

Mission to Lianna 23
E ^ isod eJ ^ S h a d es^ U a n ^ JTAI

Jenna will not go to the building with them. She A suite has been reserved for you. It is large
is wanted by the Empire and the local authori enough for comfort, but not overly ostenta
ties, and will not take the risk. In any case, W eeb tious. The Liann tendency to overdone furnish
w ont let her risk herself. ing has been toned down to suit off-world guests.
Cut to The Imperial Hotel. From the w indow you can see the sea of distant
lights that is the port and city of Lola Curich. Off
The Imperial Hotel to the north, you can see the lights from Phorus
The Imperial Hotel is a modern building, nearly Point, while the southern and western views
100 stories tall, placed in the heart of Liannas are dominated by Liannas neighboring cities
downtown business district. It is quite exclusive, of Sesswe and Portharton. Everywhere there
and its ground floor and three subterranean floors are illuminations: blue, yellow, green and red.
have expensive boutiques with fine fashions, Through the damp am ber haze that is twi
jew elry, flowers, and gift items. Read aloud: light here, you can see the lights of the city
coming on like a sea of stars. Another sea of
The Imperial Hotel is a huge glass and
chrome building in the center of Lianna. It is stars stretches above. They are not the real
quite expensive, and many visiting business stars, for the lights and pollution prevent even
the brightest from being seen, but the garish
men frequent the hotel.
man-made stars of landing lights. It seems the
Th e Rebels may check in under their code roar never stops.
name and find their suite. It is on the 76th floor,
The suite has several large potted plants. The
and, as a concession to offw orld tastes, has a
central sitting room has three large blue couches,
window. The panorama of the port and city is
a small glass table and a holo-entertainment cen
impressive. Read aloud:
ter, featuring no less than 40 different stations.

Orman's Thugs DEXTERITY 2D
After the Rebels have discussed som e things in Blaster 3D
Ormans, one of Ormans undercover spies has som e KNOWLEDGE 1D+2
how discovered the characters true allegiance. Orman MECHANICAL 2D
has turned in many Rebel agents in exchange for PERCEPTION 2D+1
rewards. This time is no different he decides to STRENGTH 2D+1
send his thugs after them. Brawling 3D+1
Steef Demolition 4D+2
Template Type: Gammorrean Background: W heade is a dem olitions man, and
Loyalty: T o himself cant quite figure out what hes doing trying to mug a
Height: 1.8 meters bunch of Rebels.
Species: Gammorrean Sex: Male
DEXTERITY 3D Ekh the Red
Blaster 4D, m elee parry 4D, m elee 4D+2 Template Type: Inept mercenary
KNOWLEDGE ID Loyalty: T o Orman
Alien races 2D Height: 1.7 meters
MECHANICAL ID Species: Human Sex: Male
Repulsorlift operation 3D DEXTERITY 3D+1
Brawling 6D, lifting 6D MECHANICAL 3D+2
TECHNICAL ID Astrogation 4D, repulsorlift operation 5D,
Equipment: Knife (dam age STR +1D) starship gunnery 4D
Background: Steef is loyal but lazy. He prefers sleep PERCEPTION 2D
ing to fighting. In a pitched battle, he will quietly leave. STRENGTH 3D
Brawling 4D
Wheade Daud TECHNICAL 2D+2
Template Type: Quarren Repulsorlift repair 4D
Loyalty: T o himself Physical Description: A young male with curly red
Height: 1.6 meters hair and freckles.
Species: Quarren Sex: Male Background: Ormans number tw o man, but only
because he is loyal, not talented.

24 Mission to Lianna
__ STAR. Episode 1: Shades of Lianna
""W A R T

There are four bedroom s off the sitting area, security officers will follow the characters for the
each with a double bed and dresser. There are rest of the adventure, and while they will not
tw o baths. interfere, they will summon eight guards if they are
The bedroom s are labeled A, B, C, and D. Room attacked. They are ordered to trail the characters,
A is teal, with a bath and a com puter terminal determine their objectives and report back to su
linked to the hotel adnet. It can be used for periors. Lady Santhe doesnt want the characters
checkout, or to order room service. Room B is stopped unless they threaten Santhe/Sienar inter
bright pink, and has a w indow that looks out over ests. In fact, hopes that the Alliance somehow
the city. Room C is dark red, with a small enter succeeds in disabling the NOVA plans, but in such
tainment center. Room D is royal purple, with the a manner that the incident can be written off as
second bath. industrial espionage.
The suite has been bugged by Lady Santhes If the bugs are not disconnected, everything
men. If the sitting room is searched, a Difficult they pick up, including their conversation with
search roll will discover the bug in a large potted Terri, will be reported to Lady Santhe.
plant. It is not powerful enough to pick up conver After the Rebels have had a chance to get settled
sation in bedrooms A and D. There is a second bug in their rooms, Terri Karl will knock on the door.
in room C behind a dark abstract painting. A Very Cut to Encounter: Meeting with Terri Karl.
Difficult search roll will discover it. It only picks up
conversation in room C. Characters can discon Encounter: Meeting with Terri Karl
nect the bugs without setting off their internal This encounter introduces the Rebels to the
alarms with a Moderate security roll (the alarms are leader of the Alliance on Lianna, Terri Karl. Read
silent, but alert anyone listening in on the bug). If aloud:
the bugs are triggered, two undercover Santhe The door buzzer suddenly announces a visi-


Template Type: M ercenary Con 4D
Loyalty: T o herself STRENGTH 1D+2
Height: 1.5 meters Brawling 3D+2
Species: Human Sex: Female TECHNICAL 1D+1
DEXTERITY 3D Physical Description: Fish is small, w iry and not
Blaster 3D+1 ve ry dangerous in appearance.
KNOWLEDGE 4D Background: Ormans newest thug, he lacks coor
Alien races 5D, languages 6D, streetw ise 5D dination, strength and comm on sense. No one likes
MECHANICAL 2D+2 him; in fact, the other thugs have considered betray
PERCEPTION 3D+1 ing him just to get rid of him.
Bargain 6D, con 5D+1 Adon'aris
STRENGTH 2D Template Type: T w ilek
TECHNICAL 2D Loyalty: T o himself, then Ekh
Security 3D+1 Height: 1.6 meters
Physical Description: A fifteen-year old human Species: T w ilek Sex: Male
female with long black hair and big brown eyes. DEXTERITY 2D
Background: A con artist trying to get a name Blaster 4D
through Orman, she has spent most of her life on the KNOWLEDGE 2D
streets and likes it there. The other thugs dont take MECHANICAL 1D+2
her seriously. Repulsorlift operation 3D
Template Type: Hired Thug Con 6D
Loyalty: T o himself STRENGTH 2D
Height: 1.8 meters Brawling 2D+2
Species: Human Sex: Male TECHNICAL ID
DEXTERITY 1D+1 Physical Description: A don aris is a very hand
Blaster 4D som e Tw ilek, but looks is as far as it gets.
KNOWLEDGE ID Personality: A don aris knows his limitations, and
MECHANICAL 1D+2 prefers sneaking to fighting.

Mission to Lianna 25
Episode 1: Shades of Lianna JTAI

scrumptious clothes! Y oud be surprised how

much a credit buys on the open market here.
Everything in the w orld, and I do mean every
thing, is available here. Isnt that just fantastic?
So how s the Alliance? Still in a jam? Lose
any more bases? Mercy me, when are we going
to start winning? W ould be nice, wouldnt it?
Anybody want any munchies?
Terri talks a mile a minute, rarely letting the
Rebels get a w ord in. She will pull the cover off the
tray, or open her backpack, and hand them each
a very lightweight hold-out blaster. She explains:
Most of the weapons scanners w ont pick
these up. But be careful, they only can shoot
about a dozen times before the barrels melt. It
was a trade-off for stealth and secrecy.
In her rapid manner, she will explain that:
She has talked with one of her contacts and
learn that Santhe is working on a cloaking shield,
codenam ed project NOVA. The Rebels must get
into Santhe/Sienar Technologies building to steal
the NOVA plans.
Imperial A dvisor Verpalion, the official Impe
rial representative on the NOVA project, is sup
posed to arrive tonight to review the plans. Dur
ing a w elcom ing celebration that night, the build
ing should be empty. His visit should keep every
one busy while the Rebel team sneaks in.
Another contact of hers know quite a bit about
the building. T h ey w ill be m eeting them at
Glaggericks Tavern in an hour. She gives them
the address.
Read aloud:
Ive got to run now. Ta! I have a hair appoint
ment, and then I need to pick up my sandmouse
from the PetVac. They get so dusty, you know.
You know, this NOVA stuff has made me post
pone getting my nails done, and I was supposed
tor. On the other side of the door is a petite
to visit this perfectly charming arms dealer from
blonde carrying a huge tray. She asks, W ho
Shensarile V that I met last week. Bye kids!
ordered the Derellimn Wine?
After being allowed into the suite, Terri will A Plan of Action
ask, How are you doing tonight? Here is your When the characters enter Glaggericks, they
tab! , while pulling out a datapad that reads, Is it will see Terri and a handsome young man they
safe to talk here? Once given the okay (either dont recognize. The room has the same basic
because the bugs have been disabled, or because layout of Ormans, but it is a much smaller bar,
they w erent discovered), she will use the speech with no entertainment. The young man is obvi
below. If the Rebels indicate that they must go ously trying to be inconspicuous. Terri intro
som ewhere else, she will suggest a small clothing duces himself as Astenn, an em ployee of Santhe/
store she knows and will lead them there. She will Sienar; he really is Kashan Santhe, the grandson
then leave. When she joins them, she will have a of Lady Santhe, and the one man who can help
big backpack with her. the Rebels steal the NOVA plans.
When it is safe to talk, read aloud: Astenn" will very quickly explain the follow
ing points:
I thought you guys might need some extra
help. Im Terri Karl. Trust me, I know what Im The Rebels must steal the NOVA plans and get
doing. Dont you just love Lianna? I do. And a co p y to Alliance High Command

26 Mission to Lianna
har . Episode 1: Shades of Lianna
"W A R T

The Rebels must disable, but not destroy the Instead, have them draw their own from your
NOVA plans. He was able to break into som e description of it, as you roleplay Kashan telling
computers and steal som e false com puter data the Rebels.
strings the Rebels must insert these false
Gamemaster Note
codes into the NOVA plans so that when the
device is finally manufactured it w ont work, and Th e hold-out blasters Terri gave the Rebels will
the research scientists w ont know the source of only fire 1D+10 times before the barrels melt.
the problem.
A Trip to the Country, or What
The Rebels are the only ones who can do this Happens if the Players Leave Lola
because ... to be honest, youre expendable. If you
Curich by Land
succeed, w e can write it off as corporate espio
nage, and there isnt a data trail back to me. If you This is designed to be a city adventure. How
ever, if the plans go badly and the players cannot
fail and are caught, well, youre just a few field
liftoff, or if they are forced to land during the
agents. If you talk, trust me, Ill make sure you end
space battle or for any other reason, they will get
up dead before you finger me as a Rebel operative.
Sorry to do this to you, but thats reality. to tour Liannas countryside.
This is an extremely urbanized planet. Every
Kashan will supply various false codew ords for small industrial town borders on every other small
different computers in the Santhe/Sienar office industrial town. In fact, each township is divided up
building. by the corporation that it supports, for example,
The com plete plans can only be found on the Say Lasarcompfac 5, Santheship 23, or Plutrefin
computer terminal in Lady Santhes office. This 734. They stretch to the coast in an unending
machine must be tam pered with. tapestry to the north, southeast and west.
Lola Curich, located on the main continent of
Sub-systems of the plan can be found on the
Anai, borders right next to the planets capital,
57th floor. Th ere are five distinct computers
Lianna. Because of its proxim ity to the govern
containing the sub-systems (s e e Episode T w o for
ment, it is a lively and busy place.
the list o f sub-systems): all of them must be
On the coast is Melford, another major city
tampered with, although the characters need not
and starport. M elford also happens to be hom e
w orry about getting copies for the Alliance.
to the Imperial Star Academ y. Th e prettiest city
Kashan can describe the floorplan, but not in on Lianna is Melford, with its manicured lawns
great detail. Simulate this by not showing the and relatively clean air. This is an immense com
players the maps o f the Santhe/Sienar building. plex which boasts a major military and commer-

Mission to Lianna 27
Episode 1: Shades of Lianna JTAI

cial starport com plete with a full com plem ent area that was once the provinces of Caldara and
of TIE fighters and training craft. Going to Melford Berene, w here the native population made its
is a dumb idea for people conducting Rebel historic last stand. On the western slopes of the
activities because pro-im perial sentim ent is mountains, toward the sea, are the richest and
higher here than elsew here and the place is most pleasant parts of the planet. What agricul
crow ded with hot-headed, bored cadets who ture is left on Lianna is there, but the biggest
would just love to get the opportunity to do industry is tourism. Th ere are a number of re
something cool. sorts catering to the m iddle and upper classes of
Far to the southwest of Lola Curich are two city dwellers itching for fun, sun, and sand. There
major starports, Southwest One and Southwest is also a small starport, Anxarta, which caters
Tw o. T h ey exploit the mineral wealth of that arid mainly to private vessels and small freighters
region. Th ey are remarkably boring places to bringing in foodstuffs for the resorts.
live. T h ey have the largest population density to The m ajority of the countryside, especially
the south of Lola Curich Starport. The cities w ere along the major roads, is an unending strip of
both built to support the mining industry in the businesses. Th e only things that are not easy to
early days as a Republican colony. com e by are fresh foods (w hich must be im
Along the western coast, there is a long and ported), weapons (w hich are illegal), and newer,
very high mountain range. Th e clim ate is drier m ore complicated spaceship parts. Santhe/Sienar
along the eastern side of the peaks. This is the and Tolt Industries (a rival starship engineering
corporation) have factory outlets along the high
ways, but they are substandard and overpriced.
Th ere is a second continent called Landra.
There are tw o starports on the wet northern
coast: Northwest and Sky City. Sky City is the
older of the two. Northwest is a sprawling city
and port complex. Both ports have fairly tight

Cut-Away to ...
LIANNA. A petite blonde, Terri Karl, is emerg
ing from a bright red landspeeder. Kashan
Santhe emerges from the shadows to greet her.
Terri rushes forward to peck at his cheek.
Kashan! Darling! Thanks for helping me out
here in this pinch.
M y father knows something suspicious
is happening. He called an alert at the
starport. T h eyre supposed to scan all out
bound ships m ore thoroughly.
Terri leans toward him, urgency in her
voice. W hy now?
Verpalion is coming.
I know. But m aybe thats the best dis
traction security could have. T o o many dif
ferent security forces, not cooperating with
each other, all sure som ebody else took
care of it.
Kashan sighs, his boyish face looking tired.
Ill do what I can.
Keep your head down, sweetie. I know
you arent happy about telling those guys
that theyre expendable, but its got to be
done. Cover yourself. Y ou re the best op
erative Iv e got.
Cut to ...

28 Mission to Lianna
"AR Episode 2: Corporate Webs

Episode Two
Corporate Webs

Sum m ary floors and also disable the security systems.

Then, they must break into the com puter sys
The Rebel team visits the Santhe/Sienar Tech
tems on each of these floors: on the 43rd floor,
nologies Corporate Headquarters. There they must
they must extract the NOVA plans and then
find their way to Lady Santhes private office,
destroy or disable them, while on the 57th floor,
avoiding security guards, Droids and inquisitive
they must find the vital portions of the plans and
employees on the way. Finally the Rebels can patch
destroy or disable them.
into the private database and attempt to retrieve
and disable the NOVA plans! The Security System
The Santhe/Sienar Headquarters Building is
San th e/Sienar Technologies equipped with som e of the most sophisticated
Santhe/Sienar Technologies and its subsidiary sensor and security systems available in the
companies Santhe Passenger and Freight, Curich Empire. Fortunately, the characters have two
Engineering, and Sienar Fleet Systems, occupy an ins, Kashan Santhe and Jenna Lars, w hose ex
impressive office building in Lianna. There are 96 pert knowledge can be of great help if the
floors. There are no windows in the individual characters heed their advice.
offices, and the building is a huge structgell, permex, The level of security depends upon whether
and transparisteel spire. the building is being infiltrated during work hours
The lobby of the building is a huge garden. The or after.
garden reaches to the roof, with trees towering
nearly fifty stories high, vines hanging from bal Security Mainframe
conies and support spires, fountains coming from The security mainframe is in area 3 on the
the roof to the floor, and bushes surrounding the ground floor. The characters must make a Diffi
w hole area. The roof over the garden is transpar cult com puter programming roll to fake an autho
ent, although there are several banks of lights rized access code (unless they use one Kashan
near the upper floors to simulate sunlight. has provided).
The entire main entrance side of the building
is a huge transparisteel construct, with banks of
durable windows looking out onto the city of W hile the Rebels are in the security mainframe
Lianna. Many of the best offices and conference they can discover all kinds of useful information.
rooms open into the walkway and lobby area, Th ey can also partially deactivate the buildings
with open areas connecting directly to the walk security systems. The only things which cannot
ways surrounding the turbolifts. be deactivated from the mainframe are the secu
rity Droids. Some examples and difficulty levels
The Plan are given below. A missed roll will trigger a low
The characters must som ehow infiltrate the level alert. The second missed roll will cause the
building unobserved or unnoticed. Th ey must screen to freeze and the user to be kicked out of
then secure some means to allow them access to the system; additionally, Santhe security outside
the 43rd floor (w here the NOVA plans are stored) the building (on city patrol) will be called in, with
and the 57th floor (w h ere vital portions of the 12 officers arriving in 3D rounds to assess the
NOVA plans are stored ) typically, they will situation.
implant a special authorization code into the Some of the tasks that can be accomplished
computers to allow them to take a turbolift to the from the security mainframe:

Mission to Lianna 29
Episode 2: Corporate Webs -STAR
W A R !""

Access a map of the building blueprints will

be called up on an Easy com puter programming/
repair roll. Show the characters photocopies of
the building maps, as well as give them basic
information on the businesses on the floor. On a
M oderate Perception roll the characters will see
a slight bulge in the southeast corner of each
floor from ground level to the 43rd floor there
should be m ore room space. If they look above
the 43rd floor, they will see that the bulge is no
longer there. This is the elevator shaft to Lady
Santhes subterranean shuttle, and it may serve
as their means of escape.
Find out the schedules of the human guards
a M oderate com puter programming/repair roll.
Deactivate the autocameras on a specific floor
an Easy security roll.
Deactivate the motion detectors on a specific
floor a M oderate security roll.
Deactivate the laser sensors on a specific flo or
an Easy security roll.
Deactivate the automatic lasers on a specific
floor a M oderate security roll.
Set off alarms at other specific locations an
Easy com puter programming/repair roll.
Authorize entrance on a restricted floor during
day hours an Easy com puter programming/
repair roll.
Authorize entrance on a restricted floor during
night hours a V ery Difficult com puter program
ming/repair roll.
Deactivate locked doors on a specific floor a
Difficult security roll.
Motion detectors These devices are essen
tially electronic eyes connected with the central
security systems. Th ey feed data into the system
in the form of a picture. The system analyses the
\ picture to determine what further action is war
Destroy or Disable? ranted, from beeping a guardpost to firing auto
matic lasers at the focus of the picture.
The characters can elect to either destroy or som ehow A M oderate Perception total is necessary to
disable the NOVA plans. W hile destroying them is easier, spot a motion detector. The difficulty to sneak by
it will also im m ediately clue in Phillip Santhe and his is Easy for unrestricted floors and Difficult for
engineers that there has been obvious industrial sabotage, restricted floors.
and the engineers will m erely retrace the developm ent of Laser Sensors There are low intensity laser
their work, assuming that they had a successful program beams generated on a surface, generally one side
underway. of a doorway, and received by a reception plate
Kashan Santhe strongly urges the characters to some on the other side of the door. If the continuity of
how change the plans so that no one will notice that they the beams is broken, an alarm is triggered.
have been tam pered with. He suggests that the characters The system at Santhe/Sienar does not lend
tinker with som e of the basic elements that w ere incorpo itself to manual operation of the beams at the
rated into each of the cloaking d evices sub-systems; that doorplate. All of the beams in the building are
way, when the engineers try to figure out what went wrong, turned on at once by the central security system.
there are substantial glitches in every aspect of the device, A Difficult search or Perception total is necessary
conceivably throwing research back several years.
________ _________ J to spot them. A Difficult security roll is required to
deactivate a particular d o ors beams at the loca-

30 Mission to Lianna
__ STAR. Episod^^CorgorateW ebs

tion. A Difficult sneak total is necessary to get by Santhe Security Droids

them without triggering them. Model: Blujay B4J4 Sentry
Heat Detectors These devices detect heat Height: 1 m eter
sources within 10 m eters of the detector. If they DEXTERITY 2D
sense a heat source, they will trigger a low grade Blaster 5D
alert. Usually they are used to keep tabs on an PERCEPTION ID
intruder already identified in the system, not to Search 2D
find a new one. Th ey are generally subtle and STRENGTH 2D
hard to spot. Shooting them serves to establish a Weapons:
presence as surely as body heat does. Because Two Heavy Blasters (fire-linked)
the heat detectors are m ore passive than the Damage: 5D
other security systems, a Very Easy sneak roll is Two Stun Blasters (fire-linked)
required to pass by them unnoticed, unless an Stun Damage: 7D
intruder has already been detected, in which Two Grapple-Cable Shooters (fire
case the difficulty becom e Easy. separately)
Automatic Lasers Automatic lasers are only Damage: ID plus entangle (Shrin Cord)
activated at night. Automatic lasers work in con
When the Droids first appear, read aloud:
junction with motion and heat detectors to target
intruders in a certain area. Once someone has been Suddenly, around the corner floats a secu
detected and the security mainframe confirms that rity Droid! Its repulsor operated, and hovers
the dont belong on the floor, they open fire (the like a malignant creature. Its giant eye fixes
confirmation process takes one round). They have upon you as its blaster arm comes up.
a blaster skill of 3D and do 4D damage. They may Santhe Security Guards Santhe/Sienar has
only fire twice per turn (at the normal penalties). ten full tim e security guards for patrols during
Stun Gas Stun gas projectors cure used w here non-work hours. Three of these guards are sta
automatic lasers are not desirable, either for tioned at the lob by desk, while the other seven
aesthetic or practical reasons. Th e projectors random ly patrol the rest of the building. Th ey
are often used at the entrance to restricted floors. have comlinks for instantaneous communica
The projectors fill an entire area with stun gas, tion with other guards. During day hours, five
which does 4D stun damage each round for two guards are on duty in addition to the three in the
minutes. Security guards or Droids are also sum main lobby, but they will be in a security room on
moned when the projectors are activated. The the ground floor unless summoned som ewhere
gas projectors are not infallible, and may be because of a disturbance.
ignored if characters are wearing breath masks.
Santhe Security Droids Used for random pa
Santhe Security Guards
trols, a total of ten Droids are activated during
Blaster 4D, dodge 5D, m elee 4D
non-work hours. When an alarm is sounded, one
will arrive on the scene ID turns later. Roll ID to
Alien races 4D, cultures 4D, languages 4D
determine how long until the next Droid arrives,
and because they have comlinks they can inform
each other where any intruders are. Roll for each
Droid until all ten Droids have arrived at the Command 4D, con 4D, search 5D
battle scene, or the characters have eluded pur
suit. The Droids are deactivated during day work Brawling 5D
The Blujay B4J4 Security Droid is repulsor Security 4D
Equipment: Blaster rifle (5D damage), comlink,
operated, and coasts along the floor. It has no
stun club (STR + 3D stun damage), black and
difficulty with stairwells. Th ey are capable of
silver Santhe Security uniform (+1D), high black
following a clear trail (such as blaster scorch
marks on the w alls) but are not terribly good boots, comlink
trackers. They cannot follow scent, although their Santhe/Sienar Technologies by Day
sense of hearing is keen. If they are trying to pick
The corporate headquarters is huge, and em
up the trail of the characters, use a base difficulty
ploys thousands of humans and Droids. During
of Easy. If the characters elect to use hide/sneak
the day, any unarmed and unobtrusive party can
to run away, add the lowest hide/sneak total to
walk into the lob by and get into the turbolifts
the base difficulty for the Droids. Characters who
without attracting any attention. Th e main dan
are entangled must make an Easy Strength total to
ger would be explaining their business once they
break free of the ShrinCord.
exit on another floor. Check under Infiltration

Mission to Lianna 31
Eisod^^orgorateW ebs JTAI

John Paul Lona

/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ for som e of the approaches characters may use
Infiltration to get into upper floors.
The Rebels can enter the building by day disguised as
persons with legitimate business tem porary em ploy
Santhe/Sienar at Night
ees, maintenance, technicians, or representatives from The key to the night security plan at Santhe/
other companies and attempt to gain legitimate access Sienar are the front lobby guards. After normal
to a computer terminal. This is an easy ploy if the party has working hours, they are instructed to thoroughly
a Force user to handle overly curious em ployees. You question any visitors to the building. However, if
dont need to see his identification ... the characters can get by the lobby area, they
The characters might even be able to get lots of informa will have a great deal of latitude on the unre
tion for this plan by going to a tem porary em ployment stricted floors. The restricted floors have a much
agency, or talking to current or recently released em ploy higher level of security, though.
ees. T h ey would probably have to snoop around the city of
Lianna to find such individuals, but a few hours of this type
Gamemaster Note
of work will probably pay off. A plan has been provided of a typical floor, the
ground floor, the 57th floor, and the 43rd floor,
The Mercevian Nagua Method which has Lady Santhes offices. Working hours
The Mercevian Nagua m ethod is to enter during the are MS/8 (M orning Shift) to ES/6 (Evening Shift).
day on legitimate business, find a storage cabinet or other H owever, people often work late, and com e in
quiet place, and wait for the building to close. Unfortu early, so the building is not entirely deserted
nately, many em ployees work late, and only leave four or except in the m iddle of the night. If the players try
five hours after closing. This is a trick requiring patience, to visit something unmapped which you have no
but it can work as w ell for the Rebel team as it did for the interest in, just use the threat of being discov
legendary galactic pirate the m ethod is named for! ered by security to send them on their way, have
the doors locked or just wing it!
Wait Until Later There are a number of restricted floors which
The Rebels enter the building during the day on per can only be reached by one of the three large
fectly legitimate business, and then break into the Corpo turbolifts. All of the unrestricted floors can be
rate mainframe. W hile inside the system, they deactivate reached from any of the lifts. There is also an
the alarms and arrange a safe w ay to com e back later. em ergency fire stairwell. The stairwell entrances
are all equipped with motion detectors on the
_____________________________________________________ /

32 Mission to Lianna
rAR. E p isod e^ ^ C orporate^ V ebs

John Paul Lona

landings, and the doors are rigged to the central a natural paradise. A rough stone floor lies
alarm system. Opening the doors will attract 2-4 beneath your feet, while above your head, giant
security Droids in 3D rounds. The alarms can be trees tower dozens of stories high. All about is
cut off from the mainframe (see The Security a garden, with flowing fountains and blooming
System). flowers.
Only the security desk and the three lift
Ground Floor tubes soaring up amongst the trees remind you
1. The Lobby Th e huge lobby area is a giant that you are indoors.
indoor garden, with trees reaching up to the 50th LI. Lift 1 This lift has a Droid operator. It stops on
floor, hanging vines, massive fountains and a all unrestricted floors and restricted floors 5,42,
rough-cut stone floor. The main entrance side of and 54. The Droid will call a human receptionist
the lobby is built entirely of transparisteel pan on the requested restricted floor to see if the
els, making for a giant w indow (96 stories tall in visitors are permitted. If not, it will not stop on
fact) looking out upon the city. Three turbolifts that floor, instead returning to the lobby. It will
are built in the center of the room, disguised by also stop on the floor if the characters have
the massive trees. A security desk is just inside proper (falsified) identification. It will call se
the front doors. curity at the first sign of violence.
The security desk is manned by three human L2. Lift 2 The lift has a Droid operator. It stops on
guards. The main entrance doors are equipped all unrestricted floors as w ell as restricted floors
with weapon sensors and will be triggered by any 65, 71, 88, and 96. It uses the same procedure as
weapons with metal parts in them (the scanners the Droid in Lift 1.
will not detect the plastic hold-out blasters pro L3. Lift 3 The lift has a Droid operator. It stops on
vided by Terri, but a Very Difficult hide roll is all unrestricted floors, as well as restricted floors
necessary to sneak normal blasters through). The 43, 57, and 65. It uses the same procedure as the
guards will stop any beings who set off the alarms Droid in Lift 1.
for carrying blasters or behave in an unruly man 2. Security Room During regular work hours,
ner; they will not question the casual passersby. security guards are stationed here. Personal gear
Beings with weapons will be escorted out. is stored here, in addition to security guidelines.
Read aloud: If the characters enter here at night, there may be
As you walk in you can hardly believe your a pair of guards taking a brief break or preparing
eyes. You have stepped indoors, but it resembles to go on or off shift.

Mission to Lianna 33
Episode 2: Corporate Webs -STAR__

Floor 5 (Restricted), Lift 1 Santhe Passenger and

The Holiday Freight personnel. Most of the illegal cargos are
The arrival of Lord Verpalion has brought about a scheduled from this floor.
holiday for all em ployees of Santhe/Sienar w ho w ork in the Floors 6-10, A ll Lifts Santhe Passenger and
administrative headquarters. In honor of Verpalion, a Freight, insurance and financing claims.
huge reception w ill be held at the Santhe Mansion, starting Floors 11-18, A ll Lifts Santhe Passenger and
on the evening o f his arrival (th e night the Rebels infiltrate Freight payroll department.
the headquarters), and continuing throughout the next
day. As a result, all Santhe/Sienar em ployees have been Floors 19-24, All Lifts Santhe Passenger and
given the day off, leaving the building deserted not only on Freight passenger department. Responsible for
the night the characters infiltrate the building, but for the scheduling and booking of passenger flights.
following day as well. Floors 25-27, All Lifts Santhe Passenger and
Freight sales department. All salesmen track their
_____________________________________________________ /
accounts through the computers on this floor.
3. Security Mainframe Th e security mainframe Floors 28-34, A ll Lifts Santhe/Sienar Technolo
is responsible for m onitoring the security level gies personnel and administration. These floors
on all floors of the building. If any alerts are are concerned with the day to day operations of
triggered, the information is routed to this build the corporation, prim arily involving starship
ing, including all sensor information as well as manufacture and replacem ent components.
any relevant reports made by personnel.
4. Administrative Personnel The buildings ad Floors 35-38, All Lifts Santhe/Sienar Technolo
ministration and maintenance is handled through gies sales. All salesmen in the Allied Tion have an
these offices. office on these floors, and salesmen keep track of
5. Employee Center The em ployee center is for their accounts through the computers on these
processing new and tem porary em ployees. floors.
6. Visitor Center All visitors are expected to Floors 39-41, A ll Lifts Santhe/Sienar Technolo
report to this area for clearance badges unless gies information and public relations. Catalog
escorted by appropriate corporate personnel. disks and public relations personnel operate out
7. Conference Room This conference room is of these offices.
used for important, but non-sensitive, confer Floor 42 (Restricted), Lift 1 Santhe/Sienar Tech
ences, including sales reports and other similar nologies computer pool. All terminals are tied to
types o f meetings. the corporate mainframe. They are not connected
8. Commissary The general com m issary for all to the private database that holds the NOVA plans,
em ployees and visitors. The food is very reason and cannot access it; these computers contain
ably priced, and the em ployees are generally performance data on the various ships, parts and
friendly to visitors, especially if they are attrac subsystems manufactured by Santhe/Sienar.
9. Presentation Room Th e presentation room is Floor 43 (Restricted), Lift 3 Lady Santhes Execu
used when elaborate holography and other spe tive Floor (see description beginning on page 35).
cial effects are to be used to enhance corporate This floor has the only com puter containing the
reports. com plete NOVA plans.
10. Executive Dining Room Floors 44-49, All Lifts Santhe/Sienar Technolo
11. Emergency Stairwell The em ergency stair gies com puter simulation pool. On these floors,
well extends up to the roof. However, all of the new experimental designs are run through com
landings are equipped with automatic cameras, puter simulations to determ ine expected perfor
and opening the doors triggers an alarm. mance and reliability.
Floors 50-53, A ll Lifts Curich Engineering admin
Floors istration. Curich Engineering is a huge corpora
This is a key to the floors in the Santhe/Sienar tion dedicated to updating and refitting existing
building. Restricted floors and the lifts that ships. In addition to planetary franchises, parts
reach the floor are indicated as below: and systems are sold to independent engineers
Floors 2-4, All Lifts Santhe Passenger and Freight throughout the galaxy.
schedulingoffices. Scheduling personnel respon Floor 54 (Restricted), Lift 1 Curich Engineering
sible for securing freight from corporations, as executive level. This floor contains sales projec
w ell as finding independent ships and company- tions and marketing plans.
owned ships for transport. Only low-level sched Floors 55-56, All Lifts Sienar Fleet Systems system
uling information. testing. The system testing floors are responsible

34 Mission to Lianna
"ARL Episode 2: Corporate Webs

for analyzing test data reported by the Empire and Standard Building Locations
other customers in order to determine suggested If the Rebels decide to visit any of the other
changes and upgrades in future products. floors, here are som e of the typical locations that
Floor 57 (Restricted), Lift 3 Sienar Fleet Systems can be used to flesh out the floor. Each floor
laboratories. The Sienar Fleet Systems labs handle normally has a reception area im m ediately off
all of the special m ilitary projects for the Empire. the balcony.
Security material is often transferred to the pri 1. Balcony The balcony rings the entire atrium
vate data base (flo o r 43) to be assembled in its area and leads to any turbolifts that stop on the
entirety. There are portions of the NOVA plans floor. Im mediately off the balcony area is the
still in the coldboxes of the Sienar Fleet Systems flo ors reception area, w here security clearance
labs w hile the characters are unable to is checked. Every balcony area is equipped with
reassemble the NOVA plans in their entirety by automatic cameras.
accessing these computers, they will have to 2. Emergency Stairwell Alarms are triggered as
erase at least som e of the prime components in soon as the area is entered.
order to derail the Empires research.
3. Operations Pool This layout is standardized
Floors 58-64, All Lifts Santhe Passenger and for secretarial, computer, sales and public rela
Freight passenger department. This section of tions departments. Each office has a terminal
the company is geared m ore toward flights origi hooked into the particular com panys mainframe.
nating and ending outside the sector.
4. Conference Room There are a number of confer
Floor 65 (Restricted), Lifts 2 and 3 Santhe Passen ence rooms on each floor of the building. All the
ger and Freight executive level. Projections of busi conference rooms have huge jade tables, many
ness, both passenger and cargo, may be found on green mushroom chairs, and a viewscreen.
these floors, as well as competitive strategies in
terms of dealing with competing corporations. 5. Screening Room The screening room is a
miniature holo-theater. It generally is used for
Floors 66-70, A ll Lifts Curich Engineering sales presentations of projects in the works requiring
and public relations. executive approval.
Floor 71 (Restricted), Lift 2 Curich Engineering
simulations. Computer simulations and reliabil Floor 43 Lady Santhe's Office
ity tests are examined on this floor.
Lady Santhe's Office by Day
Floors 72-87, All Lifts Curich Engineering per
sonnel. These floors handle the com plex bureau In the daytim e the automatic lasers will, of
cracy that keeps this incredibly w ealthy corpora course, be off. In order to stop on the correct
tion in business. floor, the turbolift Droid will buzz the reception
ist upstairs. A V ery Difficult con or com m and roll
Floor 88 (Restricted), Lift 2 Sienar Fleet Systems will convince the receptionist that the Rebels
special projects. Sienar Fleet Systems special have som e legitimate business. There is a fifty
projects is the home of the TIE Interceptor fighter. percent chance Lady Santhe is in the office.
Th ey are working the kinks out of the original If the receptionist is not convinced, the lift will
design and beginning work on a new generation
not stop on the office floor. If the Rebels com e up
of Interceptors. Th ey have another private data the stairs, or force the car to stop, the reception
base accessible only here, and at the Sienar Labs
ist will hit an alarm on her console. Lady Santhe
at Anxarta Spaceport.
w ill le a v e im m ed ia tely through the se cret
Floors 89-91, A ll Lifts Sienar Fleet Systems ad turbolift, and guards will begin arriving via the
ministration. Long-term corporate goals are de stairwell in tw o turns. The inner office doors will
termined here, in addition to the day-to-day op also seal, requiring a M oderate security roll to
eration of all off-site facilities. force them open.
Floors 92-95, A ll Lifts Sienar Fleet Systems per Receptionist, "Ms. Sharockk"
sonnel. The least sensitive information is ana DEXTERITY 2D
lyzed and processed from these offices. Blaster 4D
Floor 96 (Restricted), Lift 2 Sienar Fleet Systems KNOWLEDGE 4D
testing. All scheduling for Sienar Fleet Systems Alien races 5D, cultures 6D, languages 5D
special projects is determined here and stored in MECHANICAL ID
the com puter system. Each different special PERCEPTION 3D
project and its corresponding test dates, sched Command 5D
ules and perform ance data, is stored in a sepa STRENGTH ID
rate computer. TECHNICAL 2D
Computer programming/repair 6D

Mission to Lianna 35
Episode 2: Corporate Webs JTAR-

Jo hn Paul Iona
Equipment: Headset comlink/telecom 5. Outer Office The outer office is a rich pink with
Description: V ery attractive, intelligent and a large lavender chandelier.
tough as an angry Wookie, Ms. Sharockk doesnt 6. Alcove An alcove contains a table and seating
put up with trouble or arrogance. She feels that for visitors.
preventing miscellaneous riff-raff from consum
ing all of Lady Santhes tim e is a sacred task. 7. Receptionists Desk A wrap-around console
desk seats the receptionist during the daytime.
1. lift 3 Turbolift three, which accesses the office, There is an alarm button on her console, as well
is vermillion carpeted, with glass walls and ceiling. as tem perature and lighting controls.
2. Emergency Stairwell 8. Restroom A visitors restroom is off to the left,
3. Reception AreaThe reception area is a friendly all done in red marble.
shade of green, with plenty of small trees and 9. Coat closet
plants. The wall is all glass, with a magnificent
view of the huge trees in the atrium. The light 10. Alcove A small alcove holds a robo-chef.
filters through the branches and creates the 11. Computer W ork Station There are tw o termi
illusion of looking out into a natural forest. nals here. Both are attached to the corporate
4. Security Doors Double glass doors provide mainframe, not to the private database. If the
entrance to the outer office. The door is acti characters make an Easy com puter programming
vated by crossing the electronic beams (the roll, they will be able to access Lady Santhes
beams must be tripped to open the doors), but if schedule for the next few days they will learn
they are tripped after business hours and there that Verpalion has arrived in late evening on the
are no authorized personnel that are supposed day the characters arrived, and that Lady Santhe
to be on the floor, the doors will seal behind will be holding a huge reception in his honor on
intruders. The doors can be opened with a Diffi that night, as well as continuing through the next
cult security total if the characters choose not to day. Th ey will also learn that she will be out the
cross the beams. Silent alarms will be triggered, day after the party because work men need to
summoning security. Th ey cannot be reopened perform maintenance on the closet in her office.
except with a securbar, which is kept in the 12. Lounge Done in tasteful purple and silver,
security room (ground floor, room 2). If charac and filled with plants, the lounge allows informal
ters try to blast through the doors, they have a meetings in a pleasant atmosphere. The wide
strength of 6D to resist damage (character scale). windows look out into the atrium.

36 Mission to Lianna
STAR. Episode 2: Corporate Webs
"W A W

13. Bar There is a well-stocked bar, and a few city. If the characters take the shuttle, cut to Epi
tables and chairs. sode Three, What a Reception!
14. Security Beams Just inside the doors are 20. W hirlpool This large whirlpool of warm wa
three laser beams. If broken, they will trigger ter looks out over the atrium, and is surrounded
silent central alarms, summoningsecurity guards. by delicate blue plants.
The doors will not open from within after an 21. Bedroom Lady Santhe keeps a bedroom in her
alarm is sounded. private office as she sometimes spends the night
15. Conference Room The conference room is here. Shades of teal and blue predominate.
peach and white, with a large view screen on the 22. Closet Lady Santhe keeps several changes of
eastern end, and a profusion of im ported plants clothes here. If the characters discover the refer
opposite. ence to maintenance (se e location 11), they will
16. Cloak closet It contains a long black cloak. discover the false wall (se e location 19).
17. Restroom 23. Private restroom
18. Lady Santhes Private Office Th e office is
m ostly white, with a large desk and a terminal A cce ssin g th e N O V A Files
behind. This terminal accesses the private data
Th e private database contains information on
base (see Accessing the NOVA Files). With a
the Santhes m ore clandestine business arrange
Very Easy com puter program m ing total the char
ments. A glance through the files will show that
acters will be able to add them selves to the guest
there are many of these. An Easy com puter pro-
list for Lady Santhes party. Th ere is also a large
gramming/repair roll will turn up dealings with
tree with big purple flowers. Lady Santhe keeps a
Liann pirates, and through them, with the Alli
hold-out blaster (dam age 3D+1) in a desk drawer.
ance (see Lady Santhe and the Pirates).
She will not hesitate to use it if she is threatened.
Th e NOVA plans require a M oderate com puter
19. False W all A Moderate search roll will reveal a programming/repair roll to retrieve and copy.
portion of wall that looks odd. A release beneath The process will take four turns. T o disable the
the desk opens the doors to this private turbolift plans and throw glitches into the basic systems
that drops to the tunnel beneath the lowest garage will take fifteen minutes and three Difficult com
level. This tunnel has a track that carries a repulsor puter program m ing rolls; destroying the plans
car to the Santhe Mansion on the other side of the requires an Easy roll and only six turns.

Mission to Lianna 37
Episode 2: Corporate Webs -STAI

Flo o r 57 D estroying th e minutes. If the characters attempt to destroy the

plans, they only need an Easy com puter program
N O V A Plans ming roll and one minute.
Th e com plete NOVA plans can only be found
in Lady Santhes private database. However, there Floor 57 Locations
are five distinct portions of the plans which are Security Please see the map of the floor for the
stored in the computers on the 57th floor and location of various security devices.
must be destroyed or disabled in order to pre
vent them from m erely reassembling the plans. 1. Balcony This restricted floor has stun gas
The five different portions are as follows and the projectors on the landing adjoining the turbolift.
numbers indicate in which lab the appropriate Th ey will be triggered unless the characters have
computers are located: altered the security mainframe on the ground
(10) Emission M odifier floor so that it will allow the lift to stop there
(11) Low-Energy Baffler without triggering the alarms.
(12) Emission Analyzer 2. Security Clearance Characters entering this
(13) Energy Directional Scrambler floor must go through a special security scanner:
(14) Energy Cluster Blanket it detects hidden weapons (even the ones Terri
Each of these sub-systems must work together. gave the Rebels) with a search skill of 8D. During
T o plant false information in each system re daytim e hours, tw o regular Santhe security
quires the same procedure. guards will be checking identification at this
1) A password is required to log on to the location.
computer. A M oderate com puter programming
3. Security Doors Double glass doors provide
roll is required to falsify an acceptable password entrance to various sections of the office. The door
(if the characters ch oose not to use Kashan
is activated by crossing the electronic beams (the
Santhes passwords). Failure at this roll triggers
beams must be tripped to open the doors). The
the silent alarms.
doors can be opened with a Difficult security total
2) Planting false information requires a Diffi
if the characters choose not to cross the beams.
cult com puter programming roll, as well as five

Lady Santhe and the Pirates

Once the characters uncover the information in the following screen, they will realize that they have an
unlikely ally Lady Santhe herself! Give the characters a ph otocopy of the following handout:

Dated: 2/68.456/3 Dated: 2/68.456/9

From: V. Santhe From: V. Santhe
As per my recommendation,I would like you to Regarding your concerns, I simply suggest that
direct at least one cargo shipment per month to the my directive be followed. Any questionable ac-
following independent traders (enclosure). counts can be routed to my office. I have made
Payment will be upon my approval only. arrangements for any lost cargoes.
. Dated: 2/68.456/5 Dated: 2/68.456/9
From: Santhe Passenger and Freight Lady Santhe:
Lady Santhe: No less than six of the ships on your list of
As my analysis shows, the selection of these "preferred cargo carriers" were forcibly hijacked on
individuals may be questioned should these records their initial shipments. Rebel sympathizers were re-
come to the attention of any Imperial officials or tax sponsible for each of these actions. Payment for
auditors. these loads will be forwarded to the appropriate
Moreover, many of these individuals seem to creditors. Your assistance has been most valued to
have a questionable background. None of them are the Alliance.
rated for cargo insurance, and are considered "high Terri Karl
risk" because of the small size of their firm and a lack
of accountability.

38 Mission to Lianna
Episode 2: Corporate Webs

John Paul Lona

4. Conference Room This floor has tw o small However, he does have information on the testing
conference rooms which are equipped with holo- of the Novars Bluff (see area 6 for more informa
projectors for presentations. tion, with the same computer difficulties).
5. Screening Room A larger and m ore elaborate 9. Phillip Santhes Assistant Phillips assistant is
conference room, capable of seating about 50 responsible for keeping him fully updated on the
people. progress of the project. His com puter also has all
6. Site Coordinators Office The site coordinator of the information as the com puter in area 6.
for this project is located in this room. His com 10. Emission Modifier This office holds the com
puter has the com plete schedule of testing for puter for one of the five sub-systems which must
the components of the cloaking device. Charac be erased or m odified to slow the Empires
ters must make a M oderate com puter program progress on the NOVA project.
ming total to falsify a password. Once inside the 11. Low-Energy Baffler This office holds the
system, if they make a V ery Easy com puter pro com puter for one of the five sub-systems which
gramming total, they will learn that the NOVA must be erased or m odified to slow the Empires
plans will see a first test in three days on the progress on the NOVA project.
Novars Bluff, aLianna-c\ass Corvette. The Nouars
Bluff is currently under very tight security at the 12. Emission Analyzer This office holds the com
Im perial Space D ock Lianna-6, in orbit around puter for one of the five sub-systems which must
Lianna. The final prototype of the cloaking shield be erased or m odified to slow the Empires
is scheduled to be com pleted, based on the progress on the NOVA project.
NOVA plans in Lady Santhes office, in tw o days. 13. Energy Directional Scrambler This office
7. Site Assistants Office The assistant to the site holds the com puter for one of the five sub-sys
coordinator is based in this office. His computer tems which must be erased or m odified to slow
has the details on the upcoming tests of the the Empires progress on the NOVA project.
N ovars Bluff at the same difficulty levels. 14. Energy Cluster Blanket This office holds the
8. Phillip Santhes Office Phillip Santhe is techni com puter for one of the five sub-systems which
cally head of the NOVA project (although he actu must be erased or m odified to slow the Empires
ally has contributed only a slight amount of labor). progress on the NOVA project.

Mission to Lianna 39
Eisode^_CoiorateJVetw -S T A R -

E sp io n a g e Com plete If they decide to go to the reception, also cut to

Episode Three. If they decide to get the NOVA
Considering the degree of security in the Santhe
plans and just leave, cut to Episode Four for the
building, it is quite likely that the characters will
beginning o f a chase if you like, you may run
trip some silent alarms and seal themselves behind
the chase straight out, or have them bump into
security doors. If they have discovered the secret
Terri Karl on the w ay to the reception, and she
elevator running down to the shuttle in Lady
suggests they com e along to the reception to
Santhes office (see the 43rd floor, location 19),
wait out the search, while I book a transport off
they will be able to escape from the building with
the planet. (If this option is used, see With
out a major commotion. If they take this approach,
Some of T erris Help in Episode Three.)
cut to Episode Three, What a Reception.

40 Mission to Lianna
__ STAR. Episode 3: What a Reception!

Episode Three
W hat a Reception!

Sum m ary its Terri Karl.

Dont you guys look like youre in sorry
The Rebels arrive through the secret tunnel
shape. Jump in. I can save your hides.
only to find a huge party in full swing. Its a lavish
reception to honor none other than Imperial Advi Once the characters are inside shell make a
sor Lord Rodin Hlian Verpalion! Hes here with an casual comment or two on the Rebels lack of
honor guard and dozens of Imperial officers. finesse ( Nice job of setting off those alarms.), but
The Rebels must bluff their w ay past all the suggest that they can hide out with her for a while.
guests and Imperials, and even past Lady Santhe Theyre going to have to go to the reception at the
herself. Then they must steal a speeder or a Santhe m ansion fo r Im perial A d v is o r Lord
sw oop and return to their ship. Verpalion, but she reassures them that herself and
Kashan Santhe will be able to look out for them. She
G etting Started says that she can keep them hidden for a couple of
days, and will then book passage off-world for
The party is a chance for some great roleplaying
them, and she can give them a list of contacts to
and suspenseful situations. It gives the Rebels a lot
help find an Alliance base somewhere.
of choices. Give them a few minutes to interact with
This enables the characters to stumble through
the guests before calling them to the attention of
the party, but with much less of the urgency than
someone on the Party Encounter Table.
if they arrived via the Santhe building. The charac
The characters will be arriving in the mansion
ters will be able to interact with the personalities
via the tunnel in the office shuttle entrance (area 9).

W ith Some of Terri's Help ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \

(Use this scene if the characters som ehow
Cut-Away to Verpalion's Arrival
escape the Santhe/Sienar building, especially if Read aloud:
they have triggered the alarms, summoning the EXTERIOR: LIANNA DOCKING BAY 5630. In the midst
city security team). o f the gleam ing white docking bay a Lambda-c/ass
The characters will be running through the Im perial shuttle is landing. The ramp slides slowly down.
crow ded streets o f Lianna and Lola Curich, ner Three aides and four guards escort Lord Rodin Verpalion
vously trying to get back to their ship without down the ramp. He is an affable looking man in his fifties,
getting caught by Imperial and Santhe security wearing civilian clothes. An Im perial officer greets him.
My Lord Verpalion! It is a very great honor! I am
forces. If the characters have set off alarms in the
main building in Act Tw o, they will encounter Captain Imre Talberenina, of the First Star A cadem y of
severa l roa d b lo ck s leadin g to Lola Curich Lianna. A very great honor, sir."
Starport. Just as it appears that they are certain Verpalion smiles. Its good to see a familiar face. I
to be captured, read aloud: rem em ber you from the cruiser Ballista, from the old
The roadblock up ahead looks ominous. I am overjoyed my lord remembers ...
Heavily armed Santhe guards are stopping ev W e are servants of the Emperor together, Verpalion
ery pedestrian and vehicle. They are examin says, and falls into step beside the captain. M y master
ing every data disk they come across. Your was grateful for your loyalty. Let us check and see how
capture seems certain. plans progress. I fear w e will have seen little work from
However, a blue landspeeder pulls in front of the lazy Lianni ...
you. A heavily tinted back door swings up and FADE TO BLACK
open. Suddenly a very familiar face peeks out
____________________________________________________ /

Mission to Lianna 41
Episode 3: What a Reception! STAI

and hear the rumors, but they will have acceptable rooms is hom e to six Liann guards. The southern
garb (provided byTerri) and unless they say some most room is shared only by the captain and
thing really stupid, the Imperials or Santhe security lieutenant of the guard troop. T h ey have a pri
guards will have no idea that they have the stolen vate door to the outside and a door into the staff
NOVA plans. dining room. The outside door is locked. The
captain and lieutenant have magnetic card keys.
W hat a R eception! Without the card keys, the door may be opened
with a Difficult security roll.
The Santhe mansion is a luxurious place. Even
though it is comfortable, it is still quite secure, 4. Staff Dining Room This is a large, com fortable
and the Rebels may have a difficult time leaving room with many of the features of a den. There is
without attracting attention, particularly if they a holoscreen, lumpy couches, and a floorpit with
are not dressed for a formal reception! low seats in addition to several small tables with
If the Rebels already have the NOVA plans, and chairs.
are just trying to leave, they will want to get 5. Kitchen The kitchen is a full-service facility
through the crow ds as quickly as possible with with all the standard equipment and amenities.
out attracting the attention of Lady Santhes There are tw o cooking Droids and tw o human
security guards or the Imperial Storm troopers. chefs. During the party the kitchen will be very
Th ey may, of course, be detained by guests, busy since a great deal of food is being served.
noticed by the hostess as party-crashers, recog There is an outside door that leads to a small
nized by Verpalion, or meet any other of a num parking area (23). There is a guard at the door,
ber of disasters. Needless to say, a large armed mainly to keep guests from straying into the
party cant just walk through without being no parking area, and to prevent the staff from steal
ticed. Th ey may split up and try to reach different ing the food.
exits, masquerade as guests, or mug a guard. The
possibilities are limitless. Cooking Droid
If the Rebels havent yet acquired the NOVA KNOWLEDGE 2D
plans, the situation is m ore complicated. Th ey Cooking 5D
need to find the com puter terminal in the office STRENGTH ID
(Room 16) and have enough time uninterrupted Equipment: Tw o dozen internalized but ex
to copy the plans before they can leave. Verpalion tendable arms, each containing specialized cooks
will com e to use the terminal himself at a suitably utensils, or with digits for preparing food.
dramatic moment! The Rebels will need tim e to
break into the system (use the difficulties and
Human Chef
guidelines presented in Episode T w o for m ore
information). The com puter terminal is linked
Cooking 6D, cultures 4D
only to the com puter in Lady Santhes office on
the 43rd floor of the Santhe/Sienar building.
Con 4D
Th e San th e M ansion STRENGTH 2D
1. Entrance Hall The entrance hall is an immense TECHNICAL ID
gallery, carpeted in turquoise, with silver mir Equipment: Chefs uniform
rored walls. There are huge green hangings. At If the chefs are forced into combat, they will
the eastern end is a guardroom w here one guard attempt to grab knives (STR + ID ) or other suitable
watches the corridor junction. There is one other makeshift weapons, but they will only fight in order
guard either in the hall or outside, occupied with to make good their escape. They will try to sum
assisting the guests and providing directions. On mon security. The cooking Droids will be oblivious
the southern wall are huge green stone doors to anything unless directly attacked or spoken to.
carved with fake antique designs copied from
6. Storerooms The storeroom s contain bulk food,
Xim the Despots Royal Palace at Argai.
alcohol, and other household items.
2. Guardroom The guardroom contains a com
7. Servants Quarters Each of these small but
puter terminal, comlink, and a desk. There are
com fortable room s belongs to a member of the
four guards on duty. A back door connects to the
full-time staff. Th ey contain personal belongings
barracks. Through the com puter terminal the
and clothing.
characters will be able to disable the mansions
security measures. See Mansion Security for 8. The Atrium The central downstairs area opens
m ore information. onto the atrium, which has two gardens filled
with exotic trees and plants set in a w ide expanse
3. Barracks Each of these large and spacious
of natural stone. The furniture is ornate and

42 Mission to Lianna
Episode 3: What a Reception!

Mission to Lianna 43
E ^ iso d e j^ JW h a tj^ JTTAI

luxurious, with gold and crim son cushioned 11. Dining Area The dining area has a red marble
benches dropped casually among the greenery. flo or, and a rear w all w ith flo or-to-ceilin g
During the party the atrium is very crow ded with holoprojection of lush outdoors. Th ere is a large
guests while waiters circulate with trays. There buffet table set up along the eastern wall featur
is a guard at each of the entrances to the recep ing many highly spiced delicacies of Liann cook
tion area (area 10). ing. The centerpiece of the table is a fountain in
9. The Office Shuttle Entrance This narrow cor the shape of a dewback spewing forth expensive
ridor opens directly into the corridor leading to Jhantorian wine. The dining area is actually a
the storeroom s. The corrid or is a steep slope, massive floor pit, with scores of small tables
leading to the elevator down to the shuttle tube. scattered about the area. There is a guard sta
The entrance and corridor are generally not tioned unobtrusively beside the kitchen door to
guarded, and can be opened from inside the keep guests out of the kitchen.
entrance with no effort; how ever, to enter the 12. The Black Library The black library is the
corridor from the mansion requires a M oderate only part of the house done in the starkly func
security roll. Th ere is a call button to send the tional black and white style of the Core W orlds. It
shuttle back to the office or summon it to the contains over five million holo-tapes, holo-books
mansion by rem ote control if so desired. and holo-vids arranged by topic and language
10. Reception Area W ide open arches lead past along the walls. Th ere are three viewers. Some of
impressive double staircases of carved semi-pre the tapes are several hundred years old and
cious purple stone into the atrium. The reception quite rare. The library is usually deserted during
area has a huge gold fountain, and the walls are a party, although it is not locked.
covered in brilliant pink velour. There are hanging 13. The Little Reception Room The little recep
purpje screens at either end to provide secluded tion room is all w hite and gold, and contains no
alcoves. Along the western wall is a huge purple furniture except a huge floorpit. During the party
bar. A professional bartender has been hired for it is also very crowded. For the party, the clear
the party, and he is hard at work. Many of the more windows looking out onto the atrium have been
interesting party encounters can originate in the opened and people are crawling through the
reception area. There are two guards in the recep windows as if they w ere doors. Phillip Santhe
tion area in case someone who has had a little too prefers this room, and usually settles down in
much to drink gets too rowdy. here with his friends.
14. The Pool The pool contains water and varies
" n in depth from one to three meters. It is made of
"Liann Architecture" from granite, as is the surrounding deck. Large trees
Ethnic Architectural Forms with orange flowers surround it. There are rare
of the Tion Hegemony and exotic birds singing beautifully in the trees.
Unlike the soaring purity of the architecture of the Core The birds, how ever, are fake (Lady Santhe found
W orlds, with elegant white on w hite and sim ple lines, the real birds made too much of a mess.). There
Liann architecture emphasizes decoration. Colors are are three orange tents along the western wall
bright and vibrant. Mirrors, gold and sliver gilt, and natural which are used as changing rooms. Th ey contain
stone provide glittering and eye-catching accents to Liann a variety of swim ware in different sizes for mod
rooms. Even in less-expensive homes, strong colors allow est beings, as w ell the clothing of the guests who
in d ividu ality... are in the pool. During the party there are about
... Another interesting feature of Liann architecture is a thirty-five guests in the pool, m ostly young Lianns
result of the polluted and urban lifestyle of Lianna. The who are friends of Kashan Santhe.
ultimate luxury is ornate nature. The homes of the wealthy 15. Secretarys Office All-glass walls separate the
sport trees, potted shrubs, live animals, uneven stone office from the pool area. The door is locked during
floors, and elaborate, lush gardens. Th e Santhe mansion is the party except when Lady Santhe and Verpalion
opulent in the extreme. Its atrium includes exotic plants are in the office (room 16). A Moderate security roll
and jungle atmosphere. On Lianna stark functionality is is needed to force open the door. An alarm will
only for the ve ry poor ... sound if an unsuccessful attempt is made.
... One unusual aspect of Liann dom estic architecture is
16. Lady Santhes Office The office is large, and
the floorpit. Many room s have a central sunken area that
done in tasteful midnight blue. There is a huge
serves as the focus of the room. Bedchambers often have
desk with one terminal, which access the com
a floorpit filled with pillows, while living areas have couches
puter system in Lady Santhes office. Behind the
or entertainment units. Even offices utilize the floorpit for
desk is a large painting of the TIE Interceptor
small conference areas, as they allow everyone to see each
starfighter, Santhe/Sienars latest success. There
other and converse freely.
is a private elevator in the northwestern alcove
V_____________________________________________________ /

44 Mission to Lianna
___STAR. Episode 3: What a Reception.1

John Paul Lona

Mission to Lianna 45
Episode 3: What a Reception! -S T A I^ -

........... ... i , {. >

G A M EM A STER D IAG RAM '.'j i r
i i I

San th e M ansion
- Second Flo o r
X 17e
f 19

17c 19

17a 20 20

20 20

20 21a

John Paul tona

that leads up to Lady Santhes suite (area 17). 21. Kashan Santhes Suite
17. Lady Santhes Suite The luxurious living 21a. Kashans sitting room is tan and white, and
quarters for the mysterious Lady Santhe. furnished simply. There is a portable reader, a
17a. Lady Santhes bedroom , with a gigantic bed terminal, and ahuge entertainment unit. If Kashan
rescues the Rebels before they get into trouble,
in the base of a flowering tree strung with lights,
he will bring them up here to talk.
lambent turquoise walls, and a midnight blue
ceiling with iridescent stars painted on in an 21b. Kashans bedroom , done in brown and gray.
exact replica of the Liann night sky. 22. Balcony This is the balcony around the atrium.
17b. Lady Santhes dressing room. Th e floor and walls are black marble. Th ere is a
17c. Sitting Room. Th ere are several couches and guard along the northern balcony with a line of
tables in green, with a small reader in one corner. sight down the stairs. He will not bother any
guest unless they are going into Lady Santhe or
17d. Dressing room Phillip Santhes room s without them.
17e. Bath, with a sunken pool and malachite
walls and floor. Mansion Security
17f. Elevator down to the office. The Santhe Mansion is equipped with exten
sive security measures to discourage spying and
18. Phillip Santhes Suite Crimson, with gold
unwanted visitors. Th e mansion grounds are
tassels everyw here. T h e room simply has a bed,
surrounded b y a tw o and a half m eter tall stone
a holo-projector and a dresser.
fence with vines and bushes growing up on both
19. Guest Suite This guest suite is currently occu sides. Th ere is a guard post on each facing (north,
pied by Verpalion and his retinue. Walls, ceiling, south, east and w est) so that guards can carefully
and floor are mirrored. Everything else is purple. watch for intruders.
There are no beds, just purple pillows on the Inside each guard post is a spot light which can
mirrored floor. The decor is enough to drive an be used to check the grounds in case any mysteri
Imperial officer mad this, of course, is the idea. ous movement is spotted on the grounds or near
20. Guest Suites The other guest suites are occu the fences. For the reception, the Santhe family has
pied by favored party guests. A few may have hired two additional guards for each guardpost.
retired early, and wonder what strangers are doing If there are several alarms, or the guards in the
in their rooms if the characters show up here. guardroom (area 2) believe that they have to

46 Mission to Lianna
__ STAR. Episode 3: What a Reception!

contend with a serious security problem, they and a few outstanding cadets.
can trigger an alarm to the city security force, Th e other tw o hundred or so guests w ere hand
with 20 security troops arriving in five minutes. If picked by Lady Santhe to drive Verpalion crazy.
there is any kind of alarm or disturbance, all guards Most are loudly dressed, and are drinking and
will be present in 2D rounds. being loud. Party guests include:
Mansion Security Guards A troop of T w ilek acrobats all wearing filmy
DEXTERITY 3D yellow garments.
Blaster 4D, dodge 5D, m elee 4D
KNOWLEDGE 2D 30 Liann businessmen with no shame. T h ey are
trying to look cultured, with gaudy bright and
Languages 3D
MECHANICAL ID fluorescent orange, red and blue suits and capes,
PERCEPTION 3D normally decorated with a corporate logo on the
shoulders. Th ey are all dripping with expensive
Command 4D, con 4D, search 5D
TECHNICAL 2D 80 nouveau riche Lianns and their eligible daugh
Security 4D ters (m any of them on manhunts) and their eli
Equipment: B laster p istol (s e t on stun), gible sons (m any of them on womanhunts).
comlink Random soothsayers, entertainer, chefs, spac
ers and companions for hire.
Th e Party Lady Santhe is trying to remind Verpalion why
Throughout the mansion, the reception for he hates Lianna, and encourage a short stay. She
Rodin Verpalion is in full swing! About 300 guests has invited every offensive person she can think
are present, and about a third of them are Impe of, and has tipped off the entertainers to act up.
rial officers and their w ives. T h e guest list in
cludes : Party Rumor Table
Rodin Verpalion and his entourage, who are Th e party is wild and exciting, and all around
displeased with their accomm odations. people are discussing the individuals of Liannas
social scene, primarily the Santhe family. These
Lady Santhe, her son Phillip, her grandson
rumors may be overheard, o r a party goer may
Kashan, and her granddaughter Miri.
ask a character for an opinion on a particular
The Staff o f Twin Star Academ ies, their spouses, topic. Th ey can be rolled randomly, and used to

Mission to Lianna 47
Episode 3: What a Reception! -STAR__

add color and background to the adventure. whisper) its a secret, but Vaders here. Hes
The party guests are dressed in formal clothes, upstairs right now. (F)
which on Lianna means bright and ostentatious. 4. Th e Reliant is a scrapheap. I dont know why
The Star Academ y staff and Verpalions entou they dont decom m ission her. (F)
rage will be in uniform of course. If the Rebels are 5. Hes got a nice polite manner, but hes a
not wearing either type of clothing, they will torturer and a sadist to the core. Verpalion gives
definitely stand out in the crowd! If the Rebels me the creeps, Ill tell you that. (T )
intend to stay at the party for any length of tim e
6. Im surprised Kashan would dare be here. He
they will need to either procure correct clothing,
believes in that silly religion, the Force, you
or find a reason not to be wearing it.
know. (F)
A number of the guests are staying upstairs,
and have left their luggage in guest rooms. For Party Encounter Table
mal clothing might be found that way. Lady
The party encounter table is to be used at the
Santhe and her family also have plenty of clothes
party at the Santhe mansion w henever the Rebels
upstairs. It is, of course, im possible to hide a
stick their heads out. It is supposed to create
W ookie, or a wounded party m em ber this way!
random complications for the Rebels.
The guard barracks contain spare uniforms,
Roll 2D of different colors, designating one the
and there are tw o pairs o f coveralls in the cater
first d ie and the other the second die. If the
ing speeder van.
first die com es up as a 1-3, find the number from
A side from this, the Rebels will have to find
the second die on the Low Roll Chart. If the
their own w ay of not attracting attention!
second die comes up as a 4-6, find the number
Rumors from the second die on the High Roll Chart.
1. I heard it from a friend that dear Miri Santhe, Low Roll Chart
the Ladys granddaughter, and that Imperial lord
1. Lady Santhe Suddenly you becom e aware of
w ere m ore than just good friends, if you know
eyes upon you. An elderly woman in a black dress
what I mean. Verpalions such a pleasant man.
with a robe of purple and scarlet is making her way
towards you. She must have been beautiful once,
2. Me and the w ifere spending the night. Lots of and still is quite attractive, but now her physical
hoodlums in the streets after dark. (T )
presence is overwhelmed by an aura of power.
3. Why, Verpalions not the only Imperial bigwig Lady Santhe has realized that she does not know
here! You didnt know? Why, (v o ic e drops to a the Rebels, and is coming to find out who they are.

48 Mission to Lianna
STAR. Episode 3: What a Reception!

A Very Difficult con roll is needed to convince Lady STRENGTH 3D+1

Santhe that they are actually party guests; if the TECHNICAL 2D
characters suggest she check the guest list, the Verpalions guards wear black uniforms and
difficulty is reduced to Easy if they have added carry cerem onial blaster carbines (th ey are still
their names via the computer terminal on the 43rd potent weapons, doing 5D damage). He has only
floor (area 18 on the 43rd floor in Episode Tw o). A brought six from the Conquistador to serve as a
Moderate con roll will convince her that they are personal guard.
friends of Kashans, or w ere invited here by one of
the miscellaneous businessmen. 6. Old Acquaintance Old acquaintance encoun
ters will be with any old friend or enem y of a
2. Phillip Santhe Accidentally you catch the eye member of the party who might be a guest. Use
of a rather stout middle-aged man talking with your creativity and com e up with something
two Imperial officers. Philip Santhe has also exciting! W ill they blow the whistle on the Rebels?
begun to w onder who the Rebels are. Unfortu Must they be avoided? What kinds of com plica
nately for the Rebels, Phillip will call his doubts tions would a meeting cause? Some suggestions:
to the attention of two Imperial officers.
A form er senator might be known to Verpalion
3. Kashan Santhe Across the room your gaze falls and half the nobility present.
on a dashing young man with a lady on each arm.
There is a flash of recognition. He meets your eyes A rejected lover from years ago might be ac
and nods towards the nearest doorway." companying a Liann businessman or even Kashan
Kashan Santhe has suddenly realized the Santhe.
Rebels are here. He will at first seem enraged that A pal from the Imperial Academ y, now a teacher
they are there, but once the Rebels explain their at one of the academies, might spot his long, lost
situation, he will be m ore understanding. If they friend across the room.
have not yet com pleted their mission, he will
This is Lianna after all, and even people from
attempt to delay Verpalion to give them time to
strange walks of life could be here a bounty
finish. If they have com pleted them ission, he will
hunter isnt even out of the question!
give them directions to the kitchen door, and a
pass for the guards. He will also give them the High Roll Chart
security code for Lady Santhes speeder. 1. Servant Servant encounters will be with a well-
4. Lord Rodin Verpalion Pardon me, but do you meaning waiter who wants to shoo all the guests
happen to know the time? Behind you is a pleas- backto the dining room. He can be quite insistent.
ant-looking man in evening clothes, flanked by 2. Major-Domo 3P0 The major-domo 3PO unit
two Imperial officers. will attempt to converse with the Rebels in their
Rodin Verpalion is making himself at home, native languages. He w ill demand to know who
and circulating among the guests. He has no they are. If they give a name not on the guest list,
suspicion of the Rebels, and w ill have none un he will call the guards to show the gatecrashers
less som eone starts acting strangely. to the door.
5. Curious Imperial Guards Three Imperial guards, 3. Boorish Alliance Sympathizer The sympa
Army soldiers in dress uniform, seem to have seen thetic boor, Druuven Herr, is friendly to the
you. The captain nods to the other two, and they Alliance. Unfortunately, he is stupid and dull. He
begin to elbow their way toward you. will, how ever, help the Rebels if he can, though
Something the Rebels have done or said has hell probably botch it up.
made Verpalions guards suspicious. They want to
quietly search the Rebels for weapons or anything 4. T w ilek Acrobat The T w ilek acrobat is one of
else thats questionable (like maybe the NOVA the troop of entertainers invited to the party. He
plans). This encounter should only be used if the or she will be certain that one of the Rebels is an
characters have actually done something suspi old friend from som etim e in the past. He is engag
cious, or the gamemaster can think up a suitable ing and interesting to talk to, and will just hap
reason for the Imperials to bother with them. pen to be fairly familiar with a world the charac
ter in question has spent som e time on. He will try
Verpalion's Guards to exchange notes on experiences, personalities
DEXTERITY 3D+1 and such.
Blaster 4D, dodge 3D 5. Soothsayer The soothsayer is the genuine
KNOWLEDGE 2D article. Unfortunately she has premonitions of
MECHANICAL 2D+2 danger for the Rebel party which she insists on
Repulsorlift Op 3D+2 communicating to them this very moment (use
PERCEPTION 3D cryptic quotes like, the forces of evil are deter
Search 3D+1 mined to stop you , I sense great danger in your

Mission to Lianna 49
Episode 3: What a Reception! JTAI

future; great danger from those in pow er , and If the Rebels give a reasonable false number
those who you oppose are onto your plans). If (anything between one and 250), a driver will
any character takes interest in the subject or bring a speeder around. There is a 1-2 chance on
dem onstrates Force abilities, she will offer to ID that the vehicle has a chauffeur, who will
take the character under her wing. realize that the characters are not the rightful
6. Liann Businessman The Liann businessman is owners and w ill tells the guards that the Rebels
here looking for fun. He will relentlessly pursue are trying to steal his em ployers speeder. Other
any attractive fem ale in the Rebel party. wise, the driver is hired by the mansion and is
responsible for the vehicles of guests who drove
them selves, and he will not question the Rebels.
Leavin g th e M ansion In the latter case, the vehicle will not be missed
The Rebel characters have a number of options. for four or five hours.
First, they may simply walk out through the en
trance hall (area 1). If so, go to The Doormen. The Private Vehicles
Second, they may leave through the kitchen (area The second w ay out is through the Captain of
5) or guard entrance (area 3, with a door), entering the Guards quarters or the kitchen. Unfortunately,
directly into the parking lot. If they choose this a guard is outside the door leading from the kitchen
option, see The Private Vehicles. Finally, they (to prevent guests from entering through the
may decide to walk away from the mansion, over kitchen). The guard will assume the characters are
the mansion grounds and into the city. If they merely party guests who have gotten lost (perhaps
choose this option, cut to Dangerous Streets. the drink is getting to th em ...), so they may be able
to con (make an opposed roll) their way into being
The Doormen allowed to steal a vehicle, or they may decide to
The first w ay out is through the front doors. simply incapacitate the guard.
When a guest leaves, one of the two doorm en Read aloud:
com es up and asks for the vehicle number. Read
The door slides open into an empty parking
lot. O ff in the distance you can see two drivers
The front door opens into a court yard sipping drinks and discussing their opinion of
seemingly full of guards. A doorman in black Verpalion (it is not favorable). Before you are
and scarlet steps respectfully up. Greetings, several private vehicles.
gentlebeings. May 1have your vehicle number,
Th e characters will have their choice of sev

50 Mission to Uanna
STAR. Episode 3: What a Reception!

eral vehicles. If they are conning the guard, the break into the vehicle without triggering the
con will fail if they try to take one of the Santhes alarm system.
or Verpalions speeder or the catering van. There
The Catering SpeederVan
are scores of vehicles in the parking lot (use
Craft: SoroSuub LiteVan IV
standard landspeeder statistics from page 59 of
Crew: 1
The Star Wars Sourcebook).
Passengers: 1
Verpalion's Landspeeder Cargo Capacity: 1000 kilograms (o r 12 people)
Craft: Void Spider TX-3 Speed Code: ID
Crew: 1 Maneuverability: 0
Passengers: 3 Body Strength: 3D
Cargo Capacity: 15 kilograms Weapons: none
Scale: Speeder Flight Ceiling: .5 m
Speed Code: 2D+1 The catering van is half-full of foodstuffs in
Maneuverability: 3D boxes. It has no autopilot or cruise control and is
Body Strength: ID about as maneuverable as a brick. It requires
Weapons: none only an Easy security roll is required to break in.
Flight Ceiling: 1 meter
Kashan Santhe s Swoop
Verpalions speeder is dark blue, with a pale
Craft: M obquet Nebulox Q Racer
blue leather interior. There is a forward and a rear
Crew: 1
seat, each of which holds two persons. A Moderate
Passengers: none
security roll is required to break into it without
Speed Code: 5D
setting off the alarm system. It has an autopilot and
Maneuverability: 4D
cruise control. Verpalion has a driver who was
Body Strength: ID
supposed to wait with the speeder, but he has gone
Weapons: none
off to enjoy the party in the house.
Flight Ceiling: 350 meters
Escort Speeders Kashans sw oop requires a repulsorlift op of at
Craft: Drom or M otors Escort Speeder least 3D to handle. It is also not possible to carry
Crew: 1 a passenger at all at speeds above coasting.
Passengers: 3
Cargo Capacity: 50 kilograms Dangerous Streets
Scale: Speeder The characters will be allowed to leave the
Speed Code: 3D mansion grounds on foot, although the Santhe
Maneuverability: 2D guards will certainly give them a second look.
Body Strength: 2D Read aloud:
One Small Repeating Blaster Behind you the sounds of revelry in the
(concealed in trunk) mansion continue. Ahead is the wail of sirens,
Fire Control: ID the endless sounds of starships passing over
Range: 0-3/50/75/100 head, and the roar of traffic. These are all of the
Damage: 4D sounds of the Liann night.
Flight Ceiling: 2 meters The streets of Lianna at night are busy, active
This vehicle is spartan Imperial grey, and is and dangerous. W hile the Santhe Mansion is in a
used to help escort important dignitaries. very good neighborhood, and the chances of a
dangerous encounter are very low, once the
Lady Santhe's Landspeeder characters have walked m ore than four or five
Craft: M obquet Deluxe blocks, they will see Lianna in all its glory and
Crew: 1 decadence.
Passengers: 4 Some encounters that may be thrown at the
Cargo Capacity: 10 kilograms characters:
Speed Code: 2D
Maneuverability: 1D+2 Revelers, alien and human, who have had too
Body Strength: 3D much to drink and are taunting the characters to
Weapons: none fight them.
Flight Ceiling: 1 meter An all-night street market crow ded with young
Lady Santhes speeder is black, with tinted Liann workers. The people are friendly, but will
shields. It has a black leather interior, cruise fight if the characters make snide or obnoxious
control, Xellar entertainment system, and an au comments. Interesting bits of background detail
topilot. A M oderate security roll is required to would include the smells of the foods, the sights

Mission to Lianna 51
E isode^W hati<^^

Cut-Away to ...
Read aloud: what is in them. If w e are able to do that, then w e are
INTERIOR, SANTHE MANSION, NIGHT. LadyScmthe w ell content, she murmurs gracefully.
and Lord Rodin Verpalion are discussing the NOVA Verpalion raises his glass. The Em perors health.
plans in the atrium amid the verdant greenery. The Em perors health. Lady Santhe join s him in
Madam, permit me to complim ent you on your the toast. And to that o f his loyal servant, Rodin Hlian
quick response to m y queries about the progress of Verpalion. May I call you Rodin? Your charm makes
the project. me quite forget form ality.
Lady Santhe smiles airily. W e do have some few I would be honored, Lady Santhe. He nods and
moments of initiative, Lord Verpalion. It is a privilege smiles.
indeed to be able to provide you with the answers you Do call me Valles. A few hundred of m y closest
require. At Santhe/Sienar, w e pride ourselves on being friends do.
able to serve our customers with some efficiency. Cut to ...
Ah, but here you serve your Emperor. EPISODE FOUR
Lady Santhe lowers her eyes so that he will not see

of street perform ers, and som eone trying to steal

m stolen chronom eters, black market datapads and
L_ 1 < illegally copied holo-disks of popular entertain

FT.r- --- ---- ment.

Santhe security men on their w ay to a call of
som e kind. The characters are just som e of the
people shoved aside in the rush.
An attractive m em ber of the opposite sex ap
proaches one of the party members, suggesting
that they see the town all by them selves.
The characters may go to one of the dozens of
commutrans stations throughout the city and
get a ride to Lola Curich Starport for ten credits
each (five credits if they are already in the city of
Lola Curich). Cut to Episode Four.

52 Mission to Lianna
STAIL Episode 4: Escape From Lianna

Episode Fou
Escape From Lianna

Sum m ary Santhe security officers w ho are simultaneously

trying to shoot the characters vehicle and get
After leaving Lady Santhes lavish reception,
civilians out of the way, other incidental acci
the Rebels return to their ship through the busy
dents the characters reckless driving causes
streets of Lola Curich. However, there may be
(and, of course, everyon e walks away unscathed,
Imperial Storm troopers guarding the ship, or the
in true Star Wars spirit).
hired guns of Orman the Chevin m ay be waiting
for an opportunity to ambush them. First Segment
The Rebels must make a break out through the
In the first segment, all drivers must make a
crow ded traffic pattern o f the starport, and clear
Difficult repulsorlift operations roll in order to re
Liannas gravity field to make the jump to hy
main in control of their vehicles in the crowded
perspace w hile evading the forces of the Empire.
streets of Lola Curich. The Rebels are pursued at
this point by two Santhe Guards on speeder bikes,
In Lola Curich while trying to maneuver around slow moving
The Rebels have left the reception at the man landspeeders, dodge pedestrians who are ignoring
sion, but their adventure is far from over. How warning signs, taking to walkways to get around
difficult it is to get back to the ship depends on hovertaxis and other such obstacles. Allow this
their actions so far.
If they leave the mansion actively pursued,
/ \
turn to the section titled The Chase. If they Cut-Away to ...
succeed in sneaking away without attracting any
attention, roll tw ice m ore on the Starport Ran Use this cut-away only if the Rebels have NOT made
dom Encounters Table (se e Episode One) and their presence known to Verpalion and his entourage, but
resolve the situations that com e up (this simu som ehow triggered alarms in Episode Two.
lates normal, accidental events in traversing the INTERIOR: THE SANTHE MANSION. The reception for
city and port). Lord Verpalion is still going strong. Phillip Santhe is comfort
If they leave unnoticed, but have engaged in ably resting in a shallow pool, with several very attractive
activity that makes pursuit likely in the near women also enjoying the soothing waters. He is sipping a
future, roll once on the Random Encounters Table drink when a Santhe security guards comes up to him.
T h e C h ase Sir, there has been som e kind of disturbance at the
headquarters building. Its believed that som eone has
Stats have been provided for a variety of ground
tried to steal the NO VA plans. Should I notify the Imperial
vehicles that can be found at the Santhe Mansion
(see Episode Th ree). Use the appropriate ones troops and ships in orbit?
P h illip s eyes grow wide with fear. Good heavens, no!
for the ground chase that follows. Th e chase is
Lets keep this quiet as long as w e can, at least until w e
divided into four segments. The number of rounds
figure out exactly what has happened. If w e com e running
for each segment doesnt represent an exact
to the Empire, w e d look like fools! N otify the city and
amount of time, but actually represents a few
starport area security forces. Th ey should be able to find
minutes of time and highlights the m ost danger
any Rebel scum!
ous challenges of the particular portion of the
CUT T O ...
chase. Th e gamemaster should feel free to im pro
The Rebels fleeing to the s ta rp o r t...
vise other detail, such as highway warning lights,
______________________________________________________________ /

Mission to Lianna 53
Episode 4: Escape From Lianna JTAI

combat to be played out for four rounds before Second Segment

moving to segment two of the chase. In the second segment, all drivers must make
a M oderate repulsorlift operations roll to remain
Speeder Bikes in control of their vehicles. This segment takes
Crew: 1 place just outside the Starport area, so the ob
Passengers: 1 stacles they will face include preoccupied pri
Scale: Speeder vate vehicles leisurely approaching the starport
Speed Code: 4D+1 entrance roads, slow and large public transpor
Maneuverability: 3D tation vehicles, and traffic control devices which
Body Strength: 1D+2 force the characters lane to stop and yield to
Weapons: other adjoining roads. At this point, the chase is
One Light Blaster Cannon joined by a Starport control skiff manned by four
Fire Control: ID security guards (standard stats and equipment).
Damage: 3D
r \ Crew: 1
Spicing Up the Conclusion Passengers: 5
Scale: Speeder
Many experienced groups of players may be able to get
Speed Code: 1D+1
all the w ay through the mission and enter the Starport
Maneuverability: ID
without attracting any notice. Th ey played perfectly, and
Body Strength: 2D+2
avoided attention and violence. And while its logically
what the players will want to do, it makes for a boring
One Light Blaster Cannon
adventure conclusion. Its perfectly acceptable to have the
Fire Control: ID
chance encounter that blows their cover, sending the
Damage: 3D
starport into full alarm, and forcing the characters to fight
their w ay to their ship and off planet. W hile it may seem like A llow this com bat to continue for three rounds
an arbitrary punishment, this technique is much m ore in before m oving to segment three.
the spirit of the Star Wars movies.
Third Segment
V________________________ ____________________________ J In segment three, all drivers must make a
M oderate repulsorlift operations roll again. In ad-

54 Mission to Lianna
Episode 4: Escape From Lianna
""W ARS---------------------------------------

dition to this, all damaged vehicles will take four dam age). If they find them selves outgunned or in
rounds to get through this segment instead of danger of being killed, they will run away
two. The chase is joined by tw o Starport security Orman isnt paying them enough to die.
guards on speeder bikes (use the same stats for It may be possible to com e to a bargain with
the First Segment). This section takes place on Ormans men. Th ey can be paid off, and they will
the massive entry road to the starport, so ob run from storm troopers or starport security just
stacles include vehicles turning without warn as fast as the Rebels (guards will arrive in 3D
ing, and inevitably being forced to cut across rounds if the Rebels have raised any alerts be
traffic to get to the approach road for the starport tween stealing the plans and the starport). Steef
section w here the characters ship is docked. and Ekh especially have no desire to run into
starport security.
Fourth Segment
In the last segment all drivers must make a B lastin g O u t
Moderate repulsorlift operations roll. All damaged
If the Rebels have been careful and have not
vehicles will take four rounds to get through this
attracted the Empires attention, it is possible to
segment instead of two. By this time, word of the
sneak off world. The simplest w ay to do this is to
characters disturbance has reached starport con
leave in the ship they came in. Th ey need to
trol, and an airborne Starport Control Flitter joins
request take-off clearance in advance, and leave
the fray (for stats see Blasting Out). This segment
at the reserved time.
ends with the Rebels reaching the docking bay
The first hindrance to a safe escape is the
holding their ship. Cut to Back at the Ship.
amount of traffic that a port the size of Lola
Curich generates. The ship may be required to
B ack at th e Ship wait for takeoff clearance for several days, giving
There it is the ship. Everything looks fine. the Imperials and the Santhe forces plenty of
The docking bay seems quiet enough, a haven time to figure out what has happened.
after the chaos of the streets. The portm asters office schedules traffic days
The situation back at the Rebels ship depends in advance, assigning landing and takeoff times
on how they have done so far: If they have gotten to the minute. If a freighter does not lift off as
into a firefight at the mansion, or in the streets of scheduled, they may not be reassigned for sev
Lola Curich, they will be pursued by any guards or eral days. If they are lucky, they may wait 16 to 24
vehicles they did not eliminate during the chase. hours. Therefore, it is prudent to arrange takeoff
Additionally, four rounds after their arrival at the clearance in advance.
docking bay, 4D stormtroopers arrive (obviously, If the Rebels dont, or find that they cannot
if there has been a battle at the mansion, the wait until their assigned time, they have a prob
Imperials will know that something is up). Not only lem. An Easy starship piloting roll will clearly
could this hamper takeoff, but the picket ships in show how congested and dangerous the skies
orbit and the Warlord will be alerted. are above the Starport. T o take off against the
If the Rebels attracted only Phillip Santhes traffic pattern or without clearance requires a
attention, 16 Santhe guards will be at the ship, high level of skill. The pilot must make four
but there will be no Imperial storm troopers. successive Difficult starship piloting rolls to avoid
If the characters have been able to quietly collisions in the traffic pattern.
proceed through the entire mission (w ith the The second hindrance to a speedy getaway is
chase only being triggered by a random event, the repulsorlift security vehicles that monitor
and only as soon as they entered the city of Lola the landing corridors. These security flitters are
Curich), then they will have one last encounter lightly armed, but can do damage to a starship.
on the planet: Ormans thugs (minus any the
Lola Curich Starport Control Flitters
Rebels have previously taken care o f) will have
Craft: Incom T-40 Flitter
the ship staked out, waiting for the Rebels to
Crew: 1
return (fo r stats see Episode One). Th ey are not
Passengers: 1
very good at hiding, and a M oderate search roll
Scale: Speeder
will locate them in and around the docking bay.
Speed Code: 3D
Read aloud:
Maneuverability: 3D
Suddenly, you notice a motion off to one Body Strength: 2D
side. One of the greasy looking humans from Weapons:
Ormans Sky Palace is trying to look unobtrusive Double Laser Cannons (fire linked)
behind a barrel. Behind the landing gear of the Fire Control: 2D
ship you can see a foot sticking out as w ell. Damage: 4D (com bined)
The thugs will try and take the Rebels by Flight Ceiling: 25 kilometers
surprise. Each thug will have a blaster pistol (4D
Episode 4: Escape From Lianna JTAI

56 Mission to Lianna
__ STAR. Episode 4. Escape From Liahna

The third problem is the com m on to all speedy ship, and it may be desirable to have the Imperials
getaways. In order to make the jump to hy or Santhe security discover the true nature of the
perspace, the ship must be clear of Liannas Rebel characters at the last minute, or conduct an
gravity field. All pursuit has to be held off at impromptu search of all bags and computers (a
sublight speeds until the Rebels have put enough simple w ay of adding suspense to the final mo
distance between them and Lianna. ments of the adventure).
The fourth hindrance is the picket ships. Th ey The major passenger line out of Lianna is
are posted above Lianna to interdict the Liann Santhe Passenger and Freight. Common destina
smuggling business and deal with the Liann pi tions available on short notice include most of
rates. Usually one ship, the Audacious, remains in the major ports of the Tion, especially Cadinth,
close orbit around Lianna, while the Reliant waits Chandaar, Desevro, Barseg, and major ports in
som e distance away. The Audacious is the slower the Cronese Mandate.
of the two ships. She herds the escaping vessel Another option is to charter or steal another
into the Reliant, who attempts to cut off any craft. Many Liann freetraders will book passen
escape to hyperspace and shoot out the vessels gers for around 400 credits each, especially if
drives. they are handy with a blaster! There are thou
Blasting out of a starport is a very glamorous sands of ships in port, if the Rebels have a mind
thing. However, its a lot harder to blast out of a to borrow one.
major port with two picket ships than it is to make
a speedy exit from a dinky Rim port like Mos Eisley. Th e Picket Ships
If the Rebels are persued, this chase can be
O th e r W ays O ff W orld very visual and exciting sim ply because of the
Another way off the planet is to purchase pas huge amount of traffic in orbit around Lianna.
sage on a passenger ship leaving Lianna. There are Unlike many space chases, w here there is only
a great many of these. Tickets are available at the em pty space between the characters and the
starport terminals for 400-5000 credits depending enemy, this area is clogged with small freighters,
on the distance and the quality of the accommoda pleasure yachts, cruise liners, bulk freight cruis
tions. This is a good lead-in if your next adventure ers and many m ore kinds of ships. Describe this
begins on shipboard! If the characters are going to chase to the fullest, as the characters go hurtling
take a passenger liner, the final confrontation with above, below, and around just about any type of
Ormans thugs may take place on the w ay to the ship imaginable.

Mission to Lianna 57
^isode^^scage^rom ^Lianna ST/Ki

Audacious The Warlord

Craft: Santhe/Sienar Fleet Technologies The Warlord is a V ictory II class Star Destroyer,
Lianna-class Corvette seven teen years old and com p eten tly com
Length: 150 meters manded. She is assigned to sector patrol and
Crew: 65 often transports Lord Rodin Hlian Verpalion. Her
Scale: Capital crew is quite good, although recently her best
Sublight Speed: 2D+1 TIE fighter squadrons have been transferred to a
Maneuverability: ID sector with m ore Rebel activity and have been
Hull: 3D replaced with green squadrons.
Six Double Turbolaser Cannons
The Warlord
Craft: Rendili Stardrive V ictory II
(fire separately)
Type: Victory-class Star Destroyer
Fire Control: 3D
Length: 900 meters
Damage: 4D+2
Scale: Capital Ship
Shields: ID
Crew: 6,100
Reliant Troops: 1,550
Craft: Santhe/Sienar Fleet Technologies Hyperdrive Multiplier: x l
Lianna-class C orvette Nav Computer: Yes
Length: 156 meters Hyperdrive Backup: Yes
Crew: 75 Sublight Speed: 3D
Scale: Capital Maneuverability: ID
Sublight Speed: 3D+1 Hull: 4D+2
Maneuverability: 3D Weapons: 20
Weapons: Turbolaser Batteries (fire separately)
Four Double Turbolaser Cannons Fire Control: ID
(fire separately) Damage: 7D
Fire Control: 3D 20 Double Turbolaser Cannons
Damage: 4D+2 (fire separately)
Shields: 2D Fire Control: 2D
T h e Audacious will attempt to herd the charac Damage: 5D
ters ship toward the Reliant. Just as the Rebels 10 Ion Cannons (fire separately)
might begin to think that they will get away Fire Control: 4D
easily, read aloud: Damage: 4D
10 Tractor Beam Projectors
The second picket ship begins to close in
Fire Control: 2D
front of the desperately bucking Rebel ship.
Damage: 6D
The corvette Audacious is attempting to cut off
Shields: 3D
your escape by forcing you toward the corvette!
You are caught between the two ships! Shreds The Warlord carries a standard wing of TIE
of light strike out toward your tiny v e s s e l... fighters, including 48 standards TIEs, 12 TIE in
terceptors, and 12 TIE bombers. In a standard
Even after the Rebels have som ehow maneu
pursuit situation, 12 TIE fighters will be launched
vered away from the picket ships, they have one
to attack an escaping vessel. An additional dozen
m ore foe to face. This last and most form idable
will be scrambled only if escape seems imminent,
obstacle is Verpalions Star Destroyer, the War
or if the original squadron seems to be getting the
lord. After all the other problem s have been
w orst of it.
escaped, the Warlord is still ahead!
Read aloud: Escape
Suddenly, you see a most terrifying sight. If the players have done well, let them escape
Your rear sensors show the outline of a mon to hyperspace. This is supposed to be an exciting
strous Star Destroyer sure, its one of the scene, full of tension and danger, but it is not
older Victory II Star Destroyers, but it still has supposed to kill off successful players. If the
enough firepower to destroy your vehicle with Rebels piloting skills are low or their ships are
ease. poor-quality or damaged, cut the number of pur
Your communicator sputters to life. Flee suing TIE fighters down. The Rebels dont have to
ing vessel, this is the Warlord. You w ill slow to ever take a shot from the Warlord the mere fact
a halt immediately. You will prepare to receive that there is a Star Destroyer back there will
boarders. If you do not immediately slow to a provide enough suspense.
halt, w e w ill fire for effect. When the Rebels have eluded the TIE fighters

58 Mission to Lianna
___STAR. Episode 4: Escape From Lianna

and other ships long enough to clear Liannas all data this is v e ry unfortunate for any Droid
gravity well and calculate a hyperspace jump (how or ships com puter which might happen to have
long this takes is up to you) they can punch out. a co p y of the plans (in the case o f the latter, the
Once theyv e made the jump, read aloud: ship will sim ply drop out o f hyperspace immedi
ately, since its nav com puter and all other major
Youve made it! The starfield ahead blurs to
systems have been eliminated in this case,
the disjointed motion of hyperspace. As the
have the ship em erge in a settled system, possi
ship shoots forward into hyperdrive, the world
bly setting up a new adventure.).
of Lianna is left far behind.

Th e Rebels' Plans D enouem ent

Having escaped into hyperspace, the Rebels
If the Rebels check the plans to see if they are
have a chance to nurse their wounds and discuss
intact, they will learn that, if nothing else, the
Liann engineers are quite capable of protecting the mission.
Give each character 8 to 12 skill points for
their work. Five hours after the first co p y o f the
plans has been stolen from the computers, a successfully com pleting the mission to Lianna.
Extra skill points can be given to players for
virus hidden deep within the programs is acti
excellent roleplaying or particularly heroic deeds.
vated: all datapads and computers on which the
The Force points that w ere properly spent should
plans w ere stored are COMPLETELY w iped out of
be replaced.

/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cut away to ... Th eir mission is finished, the Empires weapon
stopped for now. Phillip is oblivious; Kashan is safe
This read aloud should be used only if the Rebels
from investigation. M y mission, however, has just
had to make a spectacular getaway, drawing the
attention of Verpalion.
Cut to ...
Santhe is standing in the atrium, feeding the fish in an Im perial A dvisor Verpalion stands quietly, while
incidental pool. A servant hurries up. behind him a nervous looking Phillip Santhe paces. It
M y lady, the Rebels are away. is several days after the Rebels have left Lianna.
She turns. And Verpalion? An officer approaches Verpalion and simply nods.
A fter them, m y lady. He engaged the Rebels, but With a confident smile, Verpalion looks back at Santhe.
apparently failed to capture them. His Star Destroyer It is ready then. Let us test the N o v a rs Bluff."
is preparing a jump back to Cadinth so he can report Both men take their observation positions, over
to his master. looking the majestic ship.
Palpatine. Lady Santhe makes the word an oath. Engage the shield on m y command ... now,
No matter. Verpalion will return for his tests. Verpalion orders. He waits for a second, impatient for
The servant watches her, waiting for further orders. a report from his officers. Finally, an officer looks up.
That will be all, she says, and the servant hurries away. No change, sir. The ship is easily detectable.
She waits there by the pool, trying to see something in Verpalions rage is immediate and violent. Come,
the spreading ripples as she watches the fish food falling Mr. Santhe. W e must discuss the capabilities of your
from her hand in a long, silent fall to the surface o f the engineers and your ability to keep your word. Obvi
pool. Then a slow smile touches her face. ously both are w oefully lacking.
In the artificial quiet o f the garden she says softly,

\ _________________________________________________

Mission to Lianna 59
W A R S ""

Terri K arl
rLa d y V alle s San th e
Template Type: Young Socialite Template Type: Arrogant Noble
Loyalty: T o herself, and then the Alliance Loyalty: T o herself, Santhe/Sienar and her planet
Height: 1.3 meters Height: 1.3 meters
Species: Human Sex: Female, Species: Human Sex: Female
Blaster 5D Blaster 6D
MECHANICAL 3D+2 Bureaucracy 9D+1
Starship Piloting 4D+2 Cultures 9D
PERCEPTION 4D Planetary systems 9D
Hide/Sneak 5D Starship design 6D
Search 5D+ 2 Techn ology 7D+1
Starship repair 4D+2 Bargain 6D
Physical Description: Terri is young, pretty, and Command 10D
energetic. She has platinum blonde hair, and
wears a bright red jumpsuit.
Physical Description: Lady Santhe is small and
Equipment: comlink, hold-out blaster (dam age
fine-boned, with black hair and flashing dark eyes.
She has an unmistakable air of authority.
Background: A m em ber of a distinguished noble
family of the Old Republic, Terri Karl has been an Equipment: comlink, datapad
Alliance agent for years. Terri discovered that Background: Santhe/Sienar has led the field in
beauty, youth, and an air-headed manner invite starship design for many decades, and Valles Santhe
people not to consider her a serious threat. She has proudly carried on the tradition established by
pretends to be interested only in clothes and her family. She is used to almost unlimited wealth
trendy music. Terri has been a major organizer on and power, and casually dismisses most individu
Lianna for three years. She has a number of con als. She em ploys in her many factories a large
tacts in Lola Curich, including Jenna Lars, Darren percentage of the population of Lianna. She re
T. W eeb, and Kashan Santhe. sents the Empire and the off-world rule it repre
sents, but doesnt particularly care for the Alliance
Personality: Terri is very outgoing and easy to be
either. She will do w hatever it takes to win Lianna
with. She prefers to get out of difficult situations by
Personality: Lady Santhe knows how to get what
Quote: But if I shoot you, itll just ruin my party!
she wants. She treats Verpalion with caution, while
she secretly hates him. She wants him to leave with
a favorable report for his Emperor as soon as
Quote: Gentlebeings, Im certain w e can find a way
to do business.

60 Mission to Lianna
__ STAR. Character Templates

P hillip San th e
rK a sh a n San th e
Template Type: Engineer Template Type: Engineer
Loyalty: T o himself and the Empire Loyalty: T o himself and then the Alliance
Height: 1.5 meters Height: 1.6 meters
Species: Human Sex: Male Species: Human Sex: Male
KNOWLEDGE 4D Starship design 7D
Starship Design 8D Techn ology 6D
Techn ology 7D MECHANICAL 3D
MECHANICAL 2D+2 Starship gunnery 6D
Starship piloting 5D Starship piloting 4D
Starship repair 4D+2 Starship repair 6D
Physical Description: Phillip has light brown hair Physical Description: Kashan is a lightly built young
and olive skin that looks perpetually sunburned. He man in his early twenties. He has dark hair and olive
is self-important, wears pastel shirts, and is short, skin, and a dashing manner.
like most Liann men. He appears to be nearing Equipment: comlink, hold-out blaster (dam age
middle-age. 3D+1)
Background: Phillip is LadySanthes only surviving Background: Kashan is Lady Santhes grandson,
child (th e others died during periodic anti-imperial and a Rebel sym pathizer since his student days. He
outbreaks of violen ce). He is heir to the consider w ill help the Rebel team, but only if it will not
able Santhe fortune. He supports the Empire be com prom ise his cover. He believes that his grand
cause he thinks that it took a man like Palpatine to m other does not know of his Rebel affiliations. This
restore order to the galaxy. Rodin Verpalion intimi is not true. Much o f the information that Kashan
dates him, however. He does not have control over passes to the Alliance, including the existence of
Santhe/Sienar and really wishes he did. He feels the the NOVA cruiser, is dropped into his lap by Lady
NOVA Project, if a success, will hasten his m others Santhe.
retirement and his ascension to control of the com
pany. He is Kashans father. Personality: Dashing and brash, Kashan has a ten
dency to bite off m ore than he can chew. He loves
Personality: Phillip is resentful of everybody. He his grandmother, and fears her.
resents his m other for pushing him around. He
resents not controlling the business. He resents the Quote: Look m y friends ... you are the best ones
fact that Verpalion has no respect for him. He is for the job, so you must do it. You are also expend
shrewd, cunning and cold, and ve ry manipulative of able should you fail. Thats life.
everyone around him, save his mother. He is oblivi
ous to Kashans activities. He wants to get in a deal
with Verpalion and cut his mother out, but Verpalion
will have none of it. He is not very bright and has a
tendency to whine.
Quote: M other wait for just a m inute...

Mission to Lianna 61
Character Templates -STAI

/ \ / \
Im perial A d v iso r O rm an
Lord R odin H lian V erpalio n Template Type: Entrepreneur
Template Type: Imperial Officer Loyalty: T o himself
Loyalty: T o the Empire Height: 1.3 meters
Height: 1.6 meters Species: Chevin
Species: Human Sex: Male DEXTERITY 4D
DEXTERITY 2D+2 Blaster 5D
Bureaucracy 7D KNOWLEDGE 3D
Starship design 5D Alien races 4D
PERCEPTION 3D+1 Languages 4D
Command 7D Planetary systems 4D
STRENGTH 2D Streetwise 6D
Computer programming/repair 5D PERCEPTION 3D
Gambling 4D
Physical Description: Rodin Verpalion is a friendly Search 3D+2
looking man in his late forties. He has gray-blond STRENGTH 2D
hair and blue eyes. TECHNICAL 2D+1
Equipment: comlink, datapad Droid programming/repair 3D
Security 3D+1
Background: Rodin Verpalion has long been a sup
porter of Palpatine. He has loyally served the Em Physical Description: Orman is a Chevin, and dyes
peror for years while feathering his own nest. He his skin an iridescent blue to look distinctive.
has amassed quite a personal fortune. Equipment: Comlink, hold-out blaster (dam age
Personality: Verpalion seems to be a friendly and 3D+1)
generous person. However, he is a very ruthless Background: The owner of the Sky Palace, Orman
man, and quite capable of torturing or killing for is a shrewd businessman with extensive dealings in
pleasure. He was a close friend of the Grand Moff the Liann black market. He is afraid of Lady Santhe.
Tarkin, w ho he believes represented the proper He em ploys a number of thugs to help him in his
attitude o f a servant of the Empire. deals. He sometimes spies for Imperial interests
Quote: I see no reason w hy this business must be on the planet.
conducted with any unpleasantness. Personality: Orman wants to make money, and the
v___________________ _______________________ / Empire has it. He will do anything for the money,
although he will preserve his own life to the exclu
sion of all else.
Quote: Dont go and get sentimental on me
you re not seeing him anymore. So what if hes
going to jail; you ll be rich. Tell me. Everyone has
his price. Thats just the w ay it is.
_____________________ ____ ____________________ /

62 Mission to Lianna
Character Templates


C ap tain D arren T. Weeb Je n n a Lars
Template Type: Smuggler Template Type: Smuggler
Loyalty: T o Jenna Lars Loyalty: T o Darren T. W eeb
Height: 1.7 meters Height: 1.3 meters
Species: Human Sex Species: Human Sex: Female
Dodge 3D+2 Blaster 6D
Blaster 6D M elee 8D
Bureaucracy 4D+1 MECHANICAL 3D
Streetwise 5D Astrogation 5D
MECHANICAL 4D Starship piloting 4D+2
Astrogation 5D PERCEPTION 3D+2
Starship piloting 7D+1 Bargain 5D
Starship repair 5D Physical Description: Jenna is a short, distinctly
Physical Description: Captain W eeb has salt and Liann-looking woman in her mid-forties. She has
pepper hair and a huge moustache. He wears baggy long black hair, olive skin and is overweight, but
pants and an old leather jacket. W eeb is on the strong. She wears a black jumpsuit with lots of
wrong side of m iddle age, paunchy, and disrepu pockets.
table looking. Looks can be deceiving. Equipment: Comlink, tools
Equipment: hold-out blaster (hidden, dam age Background: Jenna has been on the run for a
3D+1), tramp freighter Arcadia number of years. She has played many parts and
Background: W eeb has been a smuggler for thirty- held many professions, som e of them illegal, many
five years, and almost served time on Kessel for of them mysterious. Many things in Jennas past
past indiscretions. He has been travelling with would make getting caught by the Empire, or even
Jenna Lars for a number of years and is very the local authorities, a ve ry bad experience. Since
protective of her. Th ey operate the Arcadia as a she signed on with W eeb, she plays it straight ...
small business, som ehow always managing to get almost. She has quite a lot of information about
by no matter what the odds. He has his own private SantheXSienar and Santhe Shipping. She is far m ore
score against the Empire and will help the Alliance afraid of Santhe security than she is of the Empire.
if it does not put Jenna at risk, although he is Personality: Jenna is a ve ry nervous woman. She
suspicious of any Force-user. He knows a lot about drinks heavily, but this doesnt cloud her percep
Lianna and the Liann people although he is from tive mind and enhances her suspicious nature. She
Curreck himself. has had encounters with Verpalion in the past and
Personality: W eeb is brilliant, but self-educated. will avoid him at all costs. She will help the Alliance,
He tries to appear slow and hick. He distrusts but does not take orders from it.
anyone who sounds too slick. Quote: W eeb, w e have to get off this planet right
Quote: Wom en with revolutions! Thats what it is, nowl
boy! Just stay clear of them and youll live a w hole ______________________________________________ /
lot longer!

Mission to Lianna 63
outgunned, but
never outfought...

A look at the force that dares to oppose
the Evil Galactic Empire
Personnel Command Structure Intelligence Networks Manufacturing
Facilities Weapons Equipment Strategy & Tactics Fighters
Ground Vehicles B ase Designs Accounts of important events
during the history of the Rebellion And more!

The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook is co m in g this m onth to y ou r lo c a l

W a ld en b oo k s and fin e h ob by stores every w h ere. The Rebel Alliance
Sourcebook is a com pan ion vo lu m e to thq Imperial Sourcebook, The
Star Wars Sourcebook, and Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.


, & 1990 Lucasfilm Ltd. (L F L ). A ll Rights R eserved. Trademarks o f L F L

used by W est End Games under authorization.
M ission to Lianna
by Jo a n n e E. W yrick

The R eb el Alliance's greatest weapon is not the the bravery of its

soldiers nor superior training nor advanced weaponry. The Rebel Alliance
is built on information.
The Rebel heroes have been asked to deliver updated information to the Rebel cell
network on the industrial world of Lianna, home of Sienar Fleet Systems, manufacturer
of the dreaded Imperial TIE fighter. What starts as a simple delivery becomes
something even larger than the Rebels can imagine, as the characters discover that
Lianna is where the Empire is building a secret weapon that could mean the
destruction of the Alliance a cloaking shield!
It is up to the characters to infiltrate and destroy the plans before the Empire can
put the cloaking shield to work ...

64-page book features:

A com plete adventure, involving corporate
intrigue, Imperial officials and secret Rebel
sympathizers determined to stop the
Empire even if it means sacrificing the
Com plete information on the urban world
of Lianna: its cities, people, and industry.
Includes locations and maps.
Staging hints, guidelines, encounters and
rumors to help the gamemaster run the
Adventure script and cut-aways to capture
the m ood and feel of the Star Wars movies.

A complete adventure for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.

For gamemaster and one or more players.
For ages 12 and up.

West End Games IS B N D - f l7 M 3 1 - lE 3 - 3

RR 3 Box 2345
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U WEST , & 1992 Lucasfilm, Ltd.

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