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Captain Nive seeks revenge against Captain Dadefra for events that occurred many years ago during the Battle of Khuiumin system. Nive was once leader of the Khuiumin Survivors but was reduced to just 300 people by Dadefra and his forces.

Captain Nive and Captain Dadefra were once enemies during the Battle of Khuiumin system many years ago. Nive was once leader of the Khuiumin Survivors but was reduced to just 300 people by Dadefra. Nive now seeks revenge against Dadefra.

Operation: Elrood is a Star Wars roleplaying game adventure set in the Elrood sector. It involves rescuing Rebel operatives, joining forces with a data fixer to save a Rebel spy, and striking a blow against the Empire by destroying an Imperial Star Destroyer.


Jacob Nive shifted slightly in his command chair as Operation: Elrood

he surveyed the Backstab's bridge. His crewers were Operation: Elrood is a Star Wars roleplaying game
disciplined and ready for action. They were as good as adventure designed for three to six players and a
any group in the Imperial Navy or the Rebel Alliance.
gamemaster. The adventure is told in three acts.
And very soon now he would prove that to the rest ofthe Operation: Elrood is set in the Elrood sector, an area
galaxy. ofspace seemingly far removed from the galactic struggle
A fair-haired youth entered the bridge and headed
between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance.
directly for Nive's chair. Nive thought to himself, The Operation: Elrood's three acts are as follows:
boy has enthusiasm. He'll make a fine
pirate if he doesn't get himself killed. Act One: IndustrialIntrigue. The Radell
"What is it, youngMelx? Have ourfriends Mining Corporation asks the characters to
on Coyn found us another cargo ship- rescue a group of Rebel operatives from a
ment for the taking?" pirate gang called The Scourge. The char-
Melx shoved the datapad towards Nive acters must claim the newly-discovered
in barely-contained excitement. "Better, world of Alluuvia for Radell's mining op-
Captain Nive! We've been so successful erations while fending off Imperial forces.
in raiding Imperial convoys that Moff Act Two: The Fixer, the Spy and the
Andal got another ship. The Star De- Chud. The characters mustjoin forces with
stroyer Brazen." a shifty data fixer in an attempt to save a
Nive sneered. "And I suppose that key Rebel spy who's pursued by Imperial
Andal believes this new captain will do any better than Security Bureau aSB) agents.
those buffoons Pryl and Zed? By now he should know
better than to believe his intelligence reports.» Act Three: Death ofa Star Destroyer. W1iile stranded
''The Brazen's captain is Dadefra." on the planet Derilyn under Imperial martial law, the
Nive's eyes widened in surprise and a wicked grin characters get a chance to strike a devastating blow
crossed his face. "Dadefra! Well, that changes things, against the Empire.
doesn't it? It has been a very long time since our last Difficulty Numbers and Game Balance
battle. This time, I will stand over his broken body and
As gamemaster, it is your job to modify these adven-
choke the life out of him. The Khuiumin Survivors will
have their revenge!" tures to suit the abilities of your players' characters.
The ''Difficulty Number Scale" presented here lets you
Jacob Nive's thoughts drifted back many years to the
great battle in Khuiumin system. Once we stood 8,000 adjust the adventure according to the level ofskill ofthe
player characters.
strong, but within a day the Emperor's Star Destroyers
reduced us to. nothing. Dadefra and his lackeys had Difficulty Number Scale
whittled us down to barely 300. No, I have not forgotten
you, captain. When the time is right I will strike like a Task Difficulty Range
knife in the darkness. And as your life slips from your Very Easy 3-5
body, you shall see my face! Easy 6-10
• • • Moderate 11-15
Warning! If you want to play this adventure, stop Difficult 16-20
reading now! Players who read the details contained Very Difficult 21-30
within will ruin the adventure for themselves and their Heroic 31+
fellow players. Gamemasters should read and become
familiar with the adventure before beginning to play.

. 2. • Introduction . . '
... : . .
Ifthe characters have a low level ofskill, it's better to player compared to the galaxy's major mining conglom-
pick difficulty numbers from the lower end ofa difficulty's erates, RMC has tremendous influence in this area of
range. A large group or one with highly-skilled charac- space. From its corporate headquarters on the sector's
ters will only be challenged if you pick difficulty num- capital planet of Elrood, RMC directs operations on a
bers from the upper end of each difficulty's range. You dozen different worlds, including some planets un-
may also adjust the number of opponents and their known even to the Empire.
capabilities. Imperial Mining, Ltd. (IML). A young mining
company founded by retired Imperial naval personnel,
Adventure Materials IML is quickly swallowing up Radell's market share.
Here is what is needed to play Operation: Elrood: The Empire. While Elrood sector can be said to be
• The Star Wars RuIebook. This adventure uses free of the Empire's harshest policies, the specter of
the Star Wars, Second Edition game rules, found in The Imperial domination is at the back of every citizen's
Star Wars Roleplaying Game, Second Edition, Revised mind. Under the control of MoffVillis Andal, Imperial
and Expanded. This adventure is also compatible with forces have managed to intimidate most of the sector
the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition into submission. MoffAndal has shown no hesitation in
rulebook. using brutal tactics to suppress dissent and rebellion.
• Player Handouts. This adventure contains sev- The Empire maintains two Star Destroyers in the
eral player handouts and maps. You should make extra sector: the Thunderflare, under the command of Cap-
copies for the players before beginning play. tain Tanda Pryl, and the Stalher, under the command of
Captain Akal Zed.
• Dice, pencils, and paper. Each player needs The Empire's forces also include the light cruiser
several six-sided dice for skill rolls. Paper and pencils Rintonne's Flame, patrol ships, customs vessels, Skipray
are useful for taking notes or sketching maps. blastboats and wings of TIE fighters.
The following products are not necessary for play, but The Rebellion. The Rebellion's presence in Elrood
you may find them useful: sector is decidedly muted. Short of a secret listening
• The Star Wars Planets Collection (or Planets of the post on Almar and a handful of roaming agents, there
Galaxy, Volume Three) provides additional information isn't much Rebel activity here. Elrood's inhabitants,
on the Elrood sector. While these supplements are not naturally distrustful of outsiders, have little use for the
necessary for play, they ,viII help you get a better Rebels, who are seen as troublemakers who would only
understanding ofthe locations and characters featured bring more misery with them.
in this adventure. Elrood-Derilyn Trade Run. The Elrood-Derilyn
• Star Wars Gamemaster Screen, Revised. The screen Trade Run (or E-D Run) links the major worlds ofElrood
and booklet compiles important information and sum- sector. With the Imperial crackdown on Derilyn, Elrood's
marizes game statistics for characters, ships and ve- residents seldom venture beyond Torina.
hicles. The Drift. The Drift is a huge stellar gas cloud that
presents a major hazard to hyperspace navigation. No
Elrood Sector routes are known through The Drift and any ships
daring (or foolish) enough to venture through the gas
Elrood sector is a backwater corner ofthe Metharian clouds must make a series ofsmall hyperspace jumps to
Nebula Territories region of the Empire. The sector is have any chance of passing through safely.
fairly isolated and even today, millennia after the area's
initial colonization, large tracts· of the sector remain Imperial Interdicted Space. When Derilyn was
unexplored. placed under martial law, the space around the system
was also restricted: it is now known as "Imperial lnter-
History. Elrood sector was settled long ago, with its dieted Space." The area, which runs from the edge of
economic development fueled by mining ventures. How- Torina system to well past Derilyn, is heavily patrolled
ever, the ''boom days" are long gone. In recent years, the by Imperial warships. Any civilian vessels wishing to
sector has fallen on hard times, with most planets enter the area must first gain a Del~lyn Travel Waiver
trading only with other worlds in the sector. This area from the Imperial Navy.
is held by the Empire and the sector's citizens are
extremely fearful ofImperial reprisals and crackdowns.
Planets of the Sector
Radell Mining Corporation (RMC). Radell is the Dega. An old mining world long ago tapped-out by
economic powerhouse of the remote Elrood sector. Radell Mining, Dega is a world devoid of life, with a
Founded during Elrood's most profitable days, RMC is poisoned atmosphere and a polluted ecosystem.
the largest employer in the sector and owns several
mining planets. Although the company is a marginal Derilyn. Derilyn was once one ofthe major trading

. ' . . . . . :. Introduction· 3 .
worlds ofElrood sector, but it's cur-
rently under Imperial martial law.
Travel to and from the planet is
restricted. Opposition to the Em-
pire is not tolerated by the planet's
Imperial military governor.
Elrood. The capital world ofthe
sector, Elrood is predominantly a
trading and manufacturing center.
Elrood also has the headquarters
for the Radell Mining Corporation
and enjoys the highest standard of
Iiving in the sector.
Korad. Much of the surface of
Korad is littered with starship and
vehicle wrecks; the planet is essen-
tially a salvage yard. Several bands
of scavengers and refugees live
among the abandoned starship
Merisee. Known as the "Bread-
basket ofElrood Sector," Merisee is
an agriculture world. The planet is
home to a humanoid alien species
with two distinct races: the Teltiors
and the Meris.
Torina. Torina is a planet on
the E-D Run which boasts several
starports and is a favored vacation
world in the sector. With a pleasant
climate, well-preserved natural
habitats, clean cities, good starport
facilities, and an abundance ofho-
tels and casinos, Torina has much
to offer, particularly for those who
can't afford the splendor ofa cruise
aboard the Kuari Princess.

. 4. !' Introduction-
' . "
: . ' . ...' . ..
. ... .: ' .. ' . . . -'. >. '. ...,
..: . ,
Act One
Industrial Intrigue
Adventure Background pirates to deliver the ransom demand. Before the meet-
While the Radell Mining Corporation (RMC) is the ing ends, Impedal Mining, Ltd. (IML) escalates its
largest and wealthiest company in Elrood sector, re- attempts to sabotage Radell by planting a bomb in the
cently RMC has faced competition of a decidedly un- building. The bomb threat incites a riot. As thousands
friendly nature. Imperial Mining, Ltd. (IML) has set its of RMC employees flee the building, the Rebels are
sights on toppling RMC, instigating a covert industrial asked to help find the bomb and disarm or dispose of it.
war ofsabotage, threats, and thievery. Several ofRMC's The Rebels soon learn that the saboteur is still present
convoys have been raided by "pirates" (really in the to complicate the search.
employ ofIML) and "terrorists" (really IML-sponsored Start the Adventure
operatives) have detonated bombs in two different Radell
Mining facilities. To begin the adventme, read aloud:
Radell Mining knows that the Empire is ignodng As the Rebels continue their desperate cam-
IML's actions. Employees, especially the scouting and paign against the Empire, they need every ally
exploration teams on the "front lines," are leaving in they can get. Now, in the remote area of space
droves. In an effort to shore up its business, Radell called Elrood sector, the Alliance has reached an
asked the Rebel Alliance to provide an exploration team agreement to trade the services of its scouting
in exchange for valuable ores that can be used to build teams for percentages of the metals and minerals
new capital ships. The Alliance eagerly accepted the recovered by Radell Mining Corporation. Since
offer. the Rebellion is so desperately short ofraw mate-
An Alliance scouting team known as the "Gray Grif- rials, this deal is very important to Alliance High
fins" joined RMC and was sent to explore the newly- Command.
discovered planet ofA1luuvia. Unfortunately, the Gray You don't know all the details, but your mission
Griffins were captured by a pirate gang called The is simple. The Gray Griffins, an Alliance scouting
Scourge and IML is trying to claim A1luuvia as its own; team loaned to Radell, have been captured by
the company is now trying to complete a survey of the pirates and are being held for ransom. You must
planet and set up mining operations. To protect IML's rescue the Griffins and secure any new worlds
claim, The Scourge lies in wait to waylay any travelers they claimed for Radell Mining.
headed for A1luuvia. For the full briefing, you've got a meeting later
The Scourge released one of the Gray Gdffins to on today. You're supposed to be meeting with
deliver the 250,000 credit ransom demand to Radell Jameth Todkal, a Radell executive who works on
Mining. The Alliance has sent the player characters to the 28th floor of the Radell Mining Corporation's
Elrood sector to rescue the Gray Griffins and claim headquarters. The building is in the center of the
A1luuvia for Radell Mining. capital city of EIrooden.
First, though, you're supposed to establish con-
Episode One: Defusing the tact with Shondra Del, a Rebel operative here in
Elrooden. You've got an address and an identifi-
Situation cation phrase: '''We're former business partners
from Keyorin."
Summary Your fake identicards got you through Cus-
The Rebels arrive on Elrood to meet with their Rebel toms with no problems, but the Alliance didn't
contact and J ameth Todkal, a Radell Mining executive. warn you about the Star Destroyer orbiting the
They have the opportunity to speak with Parek, a planet. You have to wonder, "What else didn't
member of the Gray Griffins who was released by the they tell us?"

. '" . :. . . ' ". .. : ' : : ' '. .... -In~iI$trialInt.rigUe.• 5· .

A Friendly Contact goes poking through stacks offlimsiplast sheets, boxes,
The characters begin at Elrooden Starport, which is and miscellaneous starship parts, she begins querying
a few minutes travel (by monorail) outside ofElrooden. the characters about Shondra Del and their business on
The Customs officials are quite polite, but their blunt Keyorin. ("So, how long have you known Shondra? How
and direct manner suggests that they have a low toler- did you get hooked up with her?")
ance for troublemakers. One of the first things the Characters making Easy planetary systems or
characters notice about Elrooden is how clean every- streetwise rolls know that Keyorin, or "The Hunter's
thing is - the starport, the monorails and even the World," is an infamous rough-and-tumble spaceport
city's most rundown warehouses and neighborhoods world. Plenty of smugglers and bounty hunters fre-
are spotless. quent the planet, which is known for its lawlessness and
Shondra Del's contact point is a business called dangerous neighborhoods. The woman isn't listening
"Gwynn Dispatch," which is in a small office building in too closely, so the characters shouldn't have too much
a port neighborhood. The streets in this area are lined trouble coming up with reasonable-sounding stories.
with businesses catering to spacers' needs: cheap ho- The woman says that Shondra comes around about
tels, cheaper restaurants and taverns, cargo dispatch- once every couple ofweeks, although she doesn't keep a
ing businesses, shipwright offices (where characters regular schedule. She says Shondra's last stop was
can arrange for starship repairs and modifications; the about nine days ago - she should be back any day now.
actual shipwright bays are at the starports or in other Finally, she finds the disk and brings it over to the
parts of the city), as well as shops that sell starship characters; the disk has a holographic message. As the
supplies, astrogation coordinates, space suits, electron- characters depart, she hands them a holographic busi-
ics and other essentials for freighter captains. ness card and says, "I'm Gwynn. If you ever need to get
Gwynn Dispatch matches up cargoes with indepen- a cargo off-world, I'm the person to call."
dent freighter captains. The front office has a dozen When the characters play the hologram message,
chairs and a long counter; three grubby-looking spacers read aloud:
are sitting in the chairs and discussing recent events in The hologram shows the image of an attractive
the sector: but intense-looking woman with brown hair. "I'm
• (Jokingly) "Even that new Star Destroyer in orbit isn't Shondra Del, captain of the freighter Stars of
going to stop the pirate attacks. The Empire's lost three Elrood. I'm your contact here in the sector. To
cargo ships in the past week alone. There's a crafty keep it short, Elrood isn't a place where folks like
fellow leading those pirates. I wonder if the Imperials us are welcome. Keep your affiliations quiet. When
are gonna be able to stop him." you've completed your mission for Radell, report
"Oh, there's no truth to that. There was one pirate here.
attack and the TIE fighters chased 'em om That Star "If you run into trouble, forward a message to
Destroyer's just on a stopover and is headed out to the me, but be discreet. There's all kinds of nosy
Rim." people in this part of space, if you catch me. Be
"Now, I heard there were two attacks and the Empire careful because I don't have the people to come in
only lost one ship. And that's straight from a friend of and save you if you get into trouble. I've got my
mine who says he knows a pilot that was in that own missions, so I may not be in for a while."
Imperial cargo fleet!"
• "Freight in the entire sector's slow. The growing Meeting Jameth
season on Coyn is over, nobody's buying electronics out The Radell Mining Corporation headquarters build-
of Torina ... and Derilyn still being closed to most ing is in the center ofElrooden. The needle-shaped 50-
outside ships isn't helping much either." story tall building towers above the rest of the city.
Surrounding the RMC building is a large public park. A
• ''Yeah, I noticed that Elrood Customs have been really 300-meter long skywalk connects the RMC building to
tight, too. I mean, tighter than normal. Maybe it has an elevated monorail station on the far side of the park.
something to do with those bombings at Radell's mines." During daylight hours the park is filled with people
Behind the counter is a short, portly woman with - RMC employees, students, city residents and, un-
brown hair. When she notices the characters, she hands known to the characters, off-duty Imperial Navy per-
them a datapad and says, ''You:.re new. I'll need you to sonnel from the Star Destroyer Brazen - but the mood
fill out these forms. Do you have or need cargo?" is noticeably tense. RMC security guards dressed in tan
When the characters ask for Shondra Del and give the and blue uniforms patrol the park, keeping a close eye
identif'yingphrase (''We're former business partners from on everyone.
Keyorin."), she perks up and says, "Oh, Shondra said you There are security guards posted at all entrances to
might be by. She left: a message for you." Radell Mining's Corporate Headquarters. They ask
While the woman goes over to a shelving unit and everyone their business and are closely checking iden-

6. • Industrial Intrigue . '.' ; ::.' ..' . ."

tification cards. Given Todkal's name, they confirm the ties have been bombed. Security is tight here
appointment and admit the characters to the building; because we fully expect another bombing, possi-
the characters are required to hand over their weapons bly right here at our headquarters. IML has close
for safekeeping. (The weapons will be returned when contacts with Moff Andal, so our requests for an
the characters leave.) investigation into these incidents have been ig-
Read aloud: nored.
The lobby is bustling with activity as humans "We've lost almost all of our scouting crews.
and aliens scurry about the marbled hall on ur- Our agreement with the Alliance is simple: your
gent errands. Dozens of security guards oversee scouts search for new mining worlds and we
the room, alert for trouble. Beyond the lobby is a secretly deliver to you 10 percent of the refined
great hallway, adorned with statues, holo-art, metal.
and elegant wall coverings. At the end of this "The first Alliance group working for us was an
hallway are large, ornate turbolifts decorated experienced team called the Gray Griffins. They
with crystal. The tan and blue Radell Mining disappeared. You've been sent here to rescue
Corporation logo is splashed everywhere, from them and secure Alluuvia, a new world they dis-
the tiled floor to the doorways ... even on the covered. Before I bring in Parek, who can explain
gaudy waste containers. what happened in greater detail, I'll answer any
questions you have."
The turbolift is operated by a courteous servant droid
named SE4-T25. The droid is an absolute gentleman, Jameth is knowledgeable and honest; he'll answer
commenting on the characters' fine attire (if appropri- any questions to the best of his ability. He can answer
ate), offering a hand with equipment or baggage, and general questions about IML, Elrood sector, or the
answering any questions they may have about Radell or Imperial presence here. Jameth knows that the Star
the building. Destroyer orbiting Elrood is the Brazen. It's in this
When the Rebels reach the 28th floor, read aloud: sector to investigate recent pirate activity. The ship
arrived two days ago and is scheduled to depart in
As your group steps out of the turbolift, a short another week.
man wearing a stylish suit hastily approaches
from the third door to the right. "Welcome! My Jameth Todkal, Radell Junior Executive. All
name is Jameth Todkal. I'm glad you could make stats are 2D except: Knowledge 3D, bureaucracy: Elrood
it." 4D+ 1. business 4D, business: Radell Mining 6D. value
The man is wiry and physically fit; premature 3D+2, value: are 4D+2. bargain 3D+1, Technical 1D.
graying hints at the stress his job inflicts on him, Move: 10. Stylish suit, several datapads.
but he's enthusiastic and very animated. "Please Jameth soon calls in Parek, a member of the Gray
follow me to a private room where we can discuss Griffins. Parek is a short alien about a meter and a half
matters." tall; he is bald, with a low ridge of spines covering his
Jameth turns, leading your group to a spartan head and tapering down his back. His skin is bronze and
conference room. A dark wooden table surrounded hardened, with three gill slits on each side of his neck.
by a score of mauve chairs dominates the cham- Parek, Rebel Scout. All stats are 2D except: blaster
ber. A window fills one wall, offering a splendid 4D+2, Knowledge 4D, alien species 4D+2, planetary
view of the park and the city beyond. systems 5D+ 1, survival 5D+2, astrogation 4D, space
Jameth shuts the door and asks the Rebels to take a transports 4D, Strength 1D, Technical1D, first aid 3D.
seat. He speaks in a fast tone and it's obvious that the Move: 9. Flight suit, datapad.
current situation weighs heavily on him. His eyes are
red from several sleepless nights and he fears for hisjob Parek's Story
if Alluuvia remains in IML's hands. He is a bold man, Parek explains that the Griffins successfully navi-
however, and won't be cowed by bomb threats, though gated a safe route through The Drift by making several
it is plain that he is more accustomed to crunching micro hyperspace jumps. They located a new world,
numbers than dealing with Rebels. Alluuvia, and performed a preliminary scouting survey.
Read aloud or summarize: The world looked very promising - initial scans showed
"As you already know, my company has en- high levels of valuable metals.
tered into an agreement with your Rebel Alli- However, things quickly took a turn for the worst.
ance. This is due to the actions of a company Shortly after the Griffins left Alluuvia, they were am-
called Imperial Mining, Ltd. IML recently started bushed by a pirate band. Their ship, the Whisper, was
a 'corporate war' against us. IML-sponsored agents disabled by ion cannon blasts from several Ski pray
have sabotaged our facilities, attacked scout ships blastboats. A battered space barge closed on the Whis-
... and in the last two weeks, three separate facili- per and boarded the vessel, capturing the team .

... . ... : .... . In~ustrialIntiigiIe • 7 .

----------------- -. --_._------ -~--

During the battle, Parek noticed a huge container The Bomb Threat
ship fleeing into The Drift; he doesn't know what the Just as Jameth and Parek are wrapping up their
pirates were using it for, since these bulky and clumsy stories, the characters are forced to deal with a bomb
ships make lousy war vessels. Parek was pushed into a threat.
blastboat while the other members of the team were Read aloud, placing emphasis on the clues "store"
loaded onto the space barge. The blastboat jumped to and "supply":
the Elrood system, where they gave him their ransom
demand of250,000 credits and forced him into an escape The piercing wail of an alarm stops the conver-
pod. sation. The intercoms and video screens come to
Parek's escape pod was soon rescued by an Elrood life. A rough-looking man smiles at the camera.
system patrol ship, but the pirates got away. Parek "Good afternoon, employees of Radell Mining
doesn't know what became of his ship, but it contains Corporation. My name is Adair Koryunt. You don't
the astrogation coordinates to reach Alluuvia. know me, but I've a wonderful surprise in store
Parek can provide a general heading to Alluuvia, but for you. In 20 minutes or so, a concealed bomb will
until they get the coordinates from the Whisper, it's level this building. That should supply you an
almost impossible to reach the planet. Unfortunately, it interesting couple of minutes unless you can lo-
could take weeks to plot a new course from scratch and cate the bomb. Good luck!"
by then Imperial Mining will have a rig up and running The end ofthe speech is drowned out by the panicked
and have the planet to themselves. The characters must cries from the hallway. Jameth immediately calls the
somehow find the Whisper. Imperial authorities to have them send over a bomb
Parek suggests that the characters head into The squad, but he is told that it will take at least 40 minutes
Drift to locate the pirate band. If they find the pirates, to get a team there. He turns to the characters and asks
they could be able to locate the Gray Griffins and the them to help find the bomb and disarm it - after all,
Whisper. With the astrogation coordinates, they can they're used to dealing with these types of problems,
find their way to Alluuvia. aren't they? If the characters request help, Jameth
summons two Radell security guards and instructs
them to help the characters.

S..• Industrial IntI:igue .. .... : ::. : .. ' .. . .'

Radell Mining Corporate Headquarters
(Ground Level) 1\ Load;ng 1\
U Bays U

Storage A Receiving Storage B


Skywalk Monorail
Skywalk Station



Stairs ...._ _..1

Restaurant Lobby Lounge


(Upper Level)

I-- I I I I Turholifts and

Lounge Office Cubicles
'-- I I I --- Turbolifts and
Office ~cc Visitors~\

I 11~ Living
Office Office \

Office Office Areal

I I I Office

Office Area Office Kitchen

Office Office Area

Multipurpose Management Suites

Lounge Floors 43~55

Meeting Meeling
Room Room Visitors' Accommodations
Office Office Floors 31-42

General Offices
Floors 2-30

. ' . . '.' InAustrial IntrigUe • 9 .

The rest of this episode should be staged at break-
Radell Mining Corporate neck speed. Keep careful track of time, urging the
Headquarters (Exterior View) players on and reminding them about how much time is
If the Rebels are stumped - meaning that Adair
hasn't seen. anyone come looking for the bombs - he
uses the comm system to taunt the civilians and drop
'---Apex more hints about the store room.
If the characters have access to one of Radell's com-
puters, they can trace the messages with a Moderate
communications roll. Adair has tapped into an intercom
port on the Ground Floor, near the receiving area.
Suites Radell Security
Radell Mining has its own security guards to patrol
the building and the park. Dressed in blue and tan
C---Visitor uniforms prominently displaying the Radell corporate
Accommodations logo, they patrol in squads of three. They can make an
appearance at any time during the bomb search and the
ensuing chase.
IfJ ameth talks to a squad, the guards may assist the
Rebels in finding and defusing the bomb.
lfthe characters are already on their way down to the
ground floor, it will take some effort to convince the
guards to help them - and a really poor explanation
may convince Radell Security that the characters are
actually the bombers! If the characters aren't careful,
Radell Security may be a great hindrance.
During the chase, you can use the guards to affect the
flow of the battle. Perhaps they slow Adair enough to
allow the characters to catch up, or they might slow the
characters so much that Adair and his band escapes.
Radell Security Guards. All stats are 2D except:
blaster 4D, dodge 4D+2, command 4D, Strength 3D+2.
Move: 10. Blaster pistol (4D+2), blast vest (+1 energy,
+1D physical), blast helmet (+1 energy, +1D physical).
Getting to Ground Level
Turbolifts. The building is in a state of panic as
thousands ofworkers try to flee. The easiest way for the
Rebels to reach the Ground Level is to use the turbolifts,
Meanwhile, he and Parekjoin Radell's security guards but most ofthe civilians have the same idea. A Difficult
in evacuating employees and visitors. Some brave vol- command roll is needed to order workers out of the lift
unteers may offer to help the characters, but they aren't so that the Rebels can use it; if Radell Security is
bomb experts. working with the characters, they only need a Moderate
The Rebels have 20 minutes of game time to locate command total.
the bomb and disarm it. First, they must determine Because so many people are attempting to get on the
where it's been hidden. Adair has given some hints, turbolift, it stops at every floor - it takes nearly 15
since the panic created by the bomb disrupts Radell, minutes to get to the Ground Level. Again, it's easier if
which is Adair's main objective. He provided the clues Radell Security is working with the characters - the
"store" and "supply." Ifasked about store rooms, Jameth security guards can enter an emergency override which
directs the Rebels to the Ground Level storage wing, the allows the lift: to go straight to the Ground Level, taking
only major storage area in the building. only two minutes.
A Very Easy computer programming / repair roll ac- Emergency Stairs. There are emergency stairs, but
cesses the main computers, calling up a floor plan. Rebels using them must fight through the unruly crowd.
(Show the players the floor plan of the building.) Mter travelling down all 28 flights ofstairs, the charac-

1.0· Industrial In~rigve : . '.. '. _. - .; ::'.... ' .:. :.'. ' ..... -
ters must make a Moderate stamina roll or suffer a -lD
penalty for all skill rolls for the rest of the episode. It
takes 10 minutes to reach the Ground Level ifusing the
stairs unless the characters come up with an innovative
Other Options. If the Rebels have climbing equip-
ment, they can exit through a window and scale the
building. (Exiting the window sets off an alarm, but no
one's going to notice in the general panic.) Scaling the
building probably takes between five and 10 minutes.
The characters may also try to slide down syntheropes
inside the turbolift shafts. They must race down the
stairs to get beneath the turbolifts, use a plasma welder
to cut through the floor's turbolift doors on their floor
(the doors can't be opened with a security roll because of
computer safeguards). Then, they can attach magnetic
grapples to the underside of the turbolift cars and slide
down the ropes. This may take five or 10 minutes.
Ifthe characters come up with some other approach,
use your judgment to decide whether it's feasible.
The Storage Wing
The rear of the entire Ground Level is dedicated to
receiving and storing supplies. Most of the crates have
office supplies and food for everyday use. This area is plate. The box is held by a B1 worker droid with orders
now deserted except for common labor droids. to carry it around in an unsuspicious manner. When the
Rebels arrive, the droid is in Storage A.
Receiving Area. This area is clear save for five or Any character making a Moderate search or Percep-
six stacks of metal boxes. Archways lead to storage tion roll notices that this particular droid never puts the
areas. Three huge overhead security doors lead to box down.
loading bays, two of which are occupied by speeder B 1 droids normally take orders from anyone, but
trucks. (The identification keys are in the trucks, so Adair has disabled the droid's programming so it ig-
they can be started up and driven away.) nores all commands. Hot-wiring the droid to release the
Characters making a Moderate search or Perception box requires one minute and two rolls: a Moderate
roll notice that each box has a metal plate labeled brawling parry or Dexterity roll to avoid being walked
"Inspected by Elrooden Starport Port Authority," with over and a Moderate droid programming roll to actually
the arrival date indicated. deactivate the unit.
Several B1 worker droids are unloading one of the Blasting the droid is also an option, but its thick
speeder trucks; these droids obey simple direct com- metallic frame is strong enough to shrug off most
mands, but pay no attention to the alarms and have blaster shots. The droid will not attack or retaliate.
simply kept on working despite the emergency. After recovering the box from the droid, the charac-
B1 Worker Droid.AJI stats are 1D except: Strength ters can open its simple lock mechanism with an Easy
3D, lifting IOD, stamina 4D. Move: 6. Equipped with security roll.
suction/magnetic-tipped digits, retractable third leg The bomb is several charges ofdetonite attached to a
(adds + 1D to lifting rolls when deployed) and visual timer fuse, which is powered by a blaster power pack.
spectrum scanners. One wire runs from the bomb to the timer fuse; a second
Storage Areas. Storage A and Storage B are large wire links the timer fuse to the power pack.
warehouse-style rooms. They flank the receiving area. The timer shows· the time remaining (which is prob-
In each area, rows and rows of stacked metal boxes are ably only a minute or two unless the Rebels were
present, all with the telltale metal inspection plate and particularly crafty in getting through the crowds). The
the Radell Mining logo. Nine more B1 worker droids are timer's screen is getting a little dimmer as each second
scattered about, moving the huge boxes. counts down. The screen also has a "power level" indi-
cator in the upper left-hand corner; the indicator shows
The Bomb that the power pack is almost completely drained. In
The bomb is in a one-meter square metal box bearing fact, the timer's countdown seems to be tied to the pack's
the Radell Mining logo, but it lacks the metal inspection power level.

. . . . . . . Ind.~striallnti-igue • 11 .
The timer can be reset if the characters can somehow Adair watches the Rebels intently, but remains hid-
patch a full power pack (or other power source) into the den until the Rebels try to defuse the bomb. Ifit appears
timer. This can be done by simply slicing offthe insula- they will be successful, he taunts them while the mer-
tion for the wire that connects the power pack and the cenaries open fire, attempting to distract them. After
timer, and then attaching clips (connected to the new this first volley, the mercenaries fall back, moving
power source) to this wire. toward the exit. Thirty seconds before the timer runs
When this is done, the timer resets, blinking 59:59 out, Adair and his group flee. See ''The Chase."
(59 minutes and 59 seconds); it does not begin counting Adair Koryunt, Saboteur. All stats are 2D except:
down. A full blaster power pack can keep the timer reset Dexterity 3D, blaster 4D+2, dodge 5D, grenade 4D,
for 24 hours before it begins counting down from 59:59. running 4D, Knowledge 2D+ 1, streetwise 3D, Mechani-
The characters can figure this out with an Easy caI3D+1, repulsorlift operation 4D+1, Strength 3D+2,
demolitions or Technical roll. brawling 4D+2, stamina 4D, TechnicaI3D+2, computer
If the timer is disconnected from a power source or programming / repair 5D+ 1, demolitions 6D+2, droid
either of the wires is cut, the bomb goes off after 15 programming 5D+ 1, droid repair 4D+ 1, security 5D.
seconds. The bomb is not large enough to level the Character Points: 3. Move: 10. Heavy blaster pistol
building, but it's certainly capable ofdestroying much of (5DJ, 3 fragmentation grenades (5D), 6 charges detonite
the storage wing ifit goes off: it causes 6D damage to all (ill each), 2 remote fuses, nondescript clothes, retract-
victims within 10 meters; for every five meters beyond able grappling hook with 10 meters of syntherope.
that range, damage is reduced by 1D. While no one in
other areas of the building is killed, ancillary damage 3 Mercenaries. All stats are 2D except: Dexterity
injures nearly 50 civilians who weren't quick enough to 3D, blaster 4D, dodge 3D+2, Knowledge 1D, Strength
get out. 3D, brawling 4D+2, Technical 1D. Move: 10. Blaster
pistol (4D), comlink; nondescript clothes.
Adair Takes Action
Adair Koryunt is the twisted saboteur hired by IML
The Chase
to plant the bomb. He remains behind to insure that no While conducting this chase, emphasize excitement
one disables the bomb, though he certainly hopes some- and cinematic staging over die rolls. The important
one tries. He is backed up by three hired mercenaries. thing is to keep the scene fast and tense.
They are hiding in Storage B. Adair and his band flee the storage area and head for

1.2. • Industrial In~rigt.J.e . . .. 0 0 ~ ::'. .' 0 • 0 0':' 0 .'

'. . :..... . . In~:qstriallnt:dgue •..J3 .
the skywalk. They jump onto a repulsor cart, racing Once the Rebels are alone with Jameth and Parek,
down the 300-meter long skywalk at top speed (without Parek gives the Rebels a datapad with the approximate
regard for the civilians trying to flee the building). The heading to Alluuvia. He urges them to follow the route,
Rebels can commandeer their own cart from a bunch of where they'll most likely be attacked by the pirates.
panic-stricken workers; the skywalk is Moderate ter- Hopefully, the characters will be able to overwhelm the
rain (to avoid hitting bystanders). pirates, locate the Gray Griffins and find the Whisper,
Repulsor Carts. Speeder-scale, 1/2 cover, maneu- which contains the astrogation coordinates to Alluuvia.
verability OD, move 14; 40 kmh, body strength ID. As gamemaster, you may decide whether Parekjoins
the characters if he's asked to. He knows the tactics of
Adair plans to take the monorail out of the city, but the pirate attack and has been to Alluuvia previously.
ifthe Rebels get too close, he leaps offthe cart and shoots However, he is singularly obsessed with rescuing his
out the skywalk's window \vith his heavy blaster pistol. friends and gets quite pushy ifhe thinks the characters
Using his grappling hook and rope, he repels 10 meters aren't doing things correctly.
to the ground below and flees into the park on foot. Jameth wishes the Force to be with them and offers
Once they've escaped into the crowd, Adair and his to lend them a ship, the Wayfarer, if they don't already
meres holster their weapons and flee to the amphithe- possess one. He also gives them an identichip which
ater. Aside from the usual collection of students and they can use when they return to Elrood. The chip
corporate workers, the park and nearby areas are crawl- identifies them as employees ofRadell Mining, so Elrood
ing with off-duty Imperial Navy personnel on leave Customs will allow them to land on the planet without
from the Brazen. Although few of these Imperials are any inspections. However, he reminds them to "keep it
armed, they take notice ofany ruckus and may use their legal" since Radell Mining will be held accountable for
comlinks to summon stormtroopers and local police to anything the characters do.
intervene; some soldiers will no doubt try to "play hero."
These soldiers subdue Adair ifthey figure out who he is,
but the bomber is doing a good job of hiding out;
Episode Two: Into The Drift
unfortunately, these soldiers attack the Rebels ifthey're
brandishing their weapons in public. Summary
Using a series of short hyperspace jumps, the Rebels
Off-Duty Imperial Naval Trooper.Dexterity 2D+1, head through The Drift and into unexplored space on
blaster 3D+ 1, blaster: blaster rifle 4D+2, brawlingparry their trip to Alluuvia. En route, they encounter a way-
3D+1, dodge 3D+1, grenade 3D+1, melee combat 3D+1, ward Duinuogwuin. Then, during one ofthejumps, they
melee parry 3D+1, running 3D+2, Knowledge 1D+1, are forced out ofhyperspace and ambushed by pirates.
intimidation 2D+1, streetwise 2D+1, MechanicaI1D+2,
repulsorlift operation 2D+2, capital ship shields 2D+2, Drift Bound
Perception 3D, command 4D, search 4D, Strength 2D+2, The Drift is an immense stellar dust cloud that
brawling 4D+2, stamina 3D+2, Technical1D, security occupies a substantial portion of the Elrood sector. The
2D. Move: 10. Comlink. expanse is mostly unexplored due to the navigational
hazards present. The nature of the cloud scrambles
Adair's Escape starship sensors, and the area is filled with uncharted
IfAdair makes it to the monorail station and boards asteroids, planetoids, and other stellar objects: normal
a rail car, he tries to blend in \vith the crowd aboard the hyperspace jumps through The Drift are a risky propo-
car. The car is headed directly to Elrooden Starport. sition. Only by using a series of very short jumps can
Adair is shrewd and very capable at hiding; if cor- The Drift be crossed safely.
nered, he fights to the death. Ifhe's discovered and gets Read aloud:
the chance, he and his meres take hostages. Fortu-
nately, Adair - concentrating mostly on the charac- Departing the Elrood system brought a sense of
ters - turns his back at the wrong moment and several relief to you as you left the Star Destroyer Brazen
off-duty Navy troops ambush him and his goons. The behind. Now, you're in the Kidron system, on the
hostages are freed with no injuries. edge of The Drift. The swirling mass of stellar
dust looms ominously in your viewscreen. Your
Finishing the Briefing course takes you across the narrowest section of
After the situation is resolved, Elrooden police offic- The Drift. This trip requires a series of short
ers arrive to question witnesses and investigate the hyperspace jumps and could take many days.
bombing attack. J ameth arrives shortly thereafter and The droning whine of sublight drives becomes
can extricate the characters unless they injured civil- acutely noticeable. Over the next 10 hours, your
ians; in this case, police questioning can take several ship must travel at sublight speeds to reach your
hours, although they characters don't have charges first jump point. Even though you haven't en-
filed against them. tered yet The Drift - you're still on the edges of

14 • Industrial I n t r i g u e ' ' . :. ." .

the Kidron system - your ship passes through The object seems to have an extremely low metal
several pockets of stellar gas which are beautiful content; in fact, the object appears to be made mostly of
but so dense that your sensors are useless. carbon compounds and water, and there appears to be
Parek's datapad provides coordinates for a series of a small energy source in the center of the object. The
10 jumps through The Drift. Each jump has an comm channels pick up only static and any hailing
astrogation difficulty of Easy and takes 18 hours (with signals from the characters go unanswered. As the
a xl hyperdrive). Don't tediously play out each jump; characters' ship closes in, read aloud:
rather, use roleplaying encounters and narration to Suddenly, the large object slowly emerges from
cover the jumps, similar to how the trip to Alderaan was the gas clouds not more than 200 meters in front
shown in Star Wars: A New Hope. of your viewport. To your amazement, the object
After three or four jumps, the encounter below oc- appears to be a huge serpentine body perhaps 80
curs. Read aloud: meters long. It's a creature of some sort, with a
Your ship emerges in a dense cloud of stellar sinuous, many-segmented body and a huge pair of
gas. You have a 16 hour sublight"trip through a gossamer wings stretching from its back. One of
cluster of gravitational fluctuations before your its wings has a small tear. The serpent's eyes are
next jump. Shortly after engaging the sublight open, but glassy. It hangs limply in front of your
drive, the proximity alarm wails: even though ship.
your sensors are barely functional, they detect a a
The Rebels behold Duinuogwuin (or "Star Dragon")
large object up ahead. It's moving very slowly. in dire need ofhelp. The characters are probably stunned
Give the characters a chance to react in whatever since its widely believed that Star Dragons are mythical
way they see fit: most likely, someone will run to the creatures. This Duinuogwuio's Basic name is StarWing
weapons stations. The characters see only thick, billow- (it's almost impossible to pronounce his real name).
ing yellow and white gas clouds. "He" lives on the other side ofThe Drift. He thought he
Any character who makes a Moderate sensors total had the stamina to cross it, but he ran out ofoxygen and
can scan the object: it's over 80 meters long - probably is slowly starving to death. He's floated in space for
more than twice the size of their ship - and moving weeks and survived only by placing himself in a hiber-
slowly but erratically. nation trance.
Dsing the Force power projective telepathy, he sends

. . . . . Ind:~striallntrigue• 15 .
his emotions, pleading for help. Choose a Force-sensi- Force Points: 4
tive Rebel or the most noble Rebel to receive the mes- Character Points: 16
Move: 18 (walking), space 5, atmosphere 210; 600 kmh (flight)
sage. Read aloud:
Capsule: Star Wing is a noble Duinuogwuin,just over 80
Like a faint whisper in the back of your mind, meters long. The scales on his underbelly are silver, and
emotions form at the edge of your consciousness. those on his back are pale blue. He has lived for centuries
You sense hunger and death. You know that this and finally decided to explore what lies on the other side of
creature is dying from starvation. The Drift. When he discovers all of the civilizations there,
If the characters somehow extend a docking tube (a he will probably retreat back home, preferring to avoid
space-faring people.
Moderate space transports roll to successfully move into Star Wing is a proud, majestic, and knowledgeable
position) or otherwise bring the Star Dragon into a individual. He is naive about the galactic struggle between
position where he can speak to them, he slowly comes the Empire and the Rebellion and cares little for "insignifi-
around. His eyes seem to clear and he raises his head. cant politics." Deep down, he is an explorer, at least forthis
His deep and majestic voice rumbles, "Thank you, kind century. In a few decades, science or psychology may strike
travelers. My name is Star Wing. I live on the far side his fancy. After a short chat with the Rebels, he is anxious
of this dust cloud and was trying to cross it, but I was to get underway and find a planet where he can rest.
slowly starving from lack of oxygen. You've saved my
life!" Continuing the Search
Star Wing asks only to be allowed to breathe in After aiding Star Wing, the Rebels should be ready to
oxygen for a few minutes more, although he hints that continue their journey. After two or three more hyper-
a few liters of water would also be most appreciated. space jumps, they are ambushed by the pirate band
While he doesn't ask for medical assistance, his wing called The Scourge.
is badly damaged. He's considered "wounded" (or worse Read aloud:
if the characters' ship collided with him). Healing each A loud thump followed by the shrilling
wound level requires two medpacs. Increase the first hyperdrive alarm urges you to action. The ship is
aid difficulties by one level ifthe characters are wearing rocked to the left and unsecured objects hurl
space suits while trying to heal Star Wing. across the cockpit. The starlines of hyperspace
After being helped, Star Wing thanks the characters abruptly shift, reverting to pinpoints as the ship
profusely, stating that he owes them a favor and per- returns to realspace. Your ship still pitches to the
haps their paths will cross again. If questioned about left uncontrollably, as the entire cockpit rever-
the pirates or Alluuvia, he has no information to offer. berates.
His home is light-years away and he is as much a Your attention shifts to a huge container vessel
stranger to this area as the Rebels. fleeing into a stellar gas cloud. A smaller ship - a
Star Wing space barge -lingers in the distance, while four
Type: Duinuogwuin (Star Dragon) Skipray blastboats race in at top speed. Before
DEXTERITY 3D you regain complete control, they open fire!
Breath weapon 60+2, dodge 50+1
KNOWLEDGE5D The ambush is sprung. The pirates have the element
Alien species 60, intimidation 60, languages 60+ 1, planetary of surprise and take the first actions this round.
systems 60, willpower 60+1 A Difficult space transports roll is needed to regain
MECHANICAL ID control of the Rebels' ship; failing the roll means the
Astrogation 40
PERCEPTION 3D ship can't starship dodge for the first round.
Bargain 3D+2, command 60, con 4D+1, search 60+2, persuasion The pirate's plan is simple. The Skiprays close, each
5D taking two shots with ion cannons, attempting to ionize
STRENGTH6D the Rebels' ship; remember that ion cannon blasts go
Brawling 7D+1, stamina 70 right through starship shields. Once the Rebels' ship is
Special Abilities: ionized (hopefully on the first pass), the space barge
Flight: Duinuogwuin can ny in both space and atmosphere. moves in for boarding.
Space Survival: Duinuogwuin can survive in deep space. A boarding party crosses a docking tube and at-
Force Skills: Control 3D, Sense 3D, Alter 2D tempts to take over the Rebels' ship from the inside. Two
Control: Absorb/dissipate energy, hibernation trance
Sense: Life detection, life sense, receptive telepathy, sense force
of the Skiprays leave to escort the container ship Im-
Alter: Telekinesis passe (see below). While the space barge's boarding
Control and Sense: Projective telepathy palty neutralizes the Rebels, the remaining two Skiprays
SllperheatedBreath Weapo//:Threetimes per standard week, Star run picket duty.
Wing can expel a superheated breath weapon with a damage code IfParek is with the characters, he tells them exactly
of7D (scale: starfighter), a space range of3/6/9, and an atmosphere
range of 300/600/900 meters. what the pirates' battle plan is.
This character is Force-sensitive.

1~ • IndustrialIntrigue .. .. . : ::. . .. ' .... . ..

. .
. ..... . . ... Ind~striallnt:d e --17 .
nery 3D+2, starship shields 3D+2. Maneuverability OD, space 2, hull
-The Scourge 3D, shields 2D. Weapons: Twin laser cannons (fire-linked, fire control
TheScourgeisasmallband 2D, damage 5Dl, tractor beam projector (fire controllD, damage 3D).
of pirates led l5y Cluiliner The space barge is also equipped with a docking tube. .
Tiillili. They operate in the
outlying ana unPQlice.!l re-
The Boarding Party
gions ofElroojI sector, conteiittil lie a The boarding party consists of 10 pirates in space suits; the barge
successful bush league group. Their has only two more pirates, who are the pilots. The attacking pirates
fleet consists of six stol~ Slfu!ray set their weapons on stun, but they'd prefer to convince their victims
blastboats, a modified !!pace l5~e, a to surrender without a fight. They are extremely confident and cocky.
.container ship, and CHalmers own They don't expect this boarding to be any more trouble than the last.
YT-1300 transport. - _ The Rebels should be able to take advantage of this arrogance to
The Scourge's secret weapon is a stage an effective defense of their ship. If the characters use good
huge container ship Impasse, wbich tactics, they should be able to overpower the pirates and capture the
is fitted with a gravitY well prgjector space barge.
salvaged from an Imperial-Interdic- Scourge Pirates (10). All stats are 2D except: Dexterity 3D,
tor cruiser. The gravity weiLproj!lc- blaster 4D+1, dodge 3D+2, melee combat 4D, melee parry 4D+1,
tor was traded to the pirates -by Knowledge 1D, Strength 3D, brawling 4D, Technical 1D. Move: 10.
Slythor the Squib, a crinie-Iord on
Korad. -"
When activated, the gravity_well
projeet6rcreates an lirli.fiC1~rgr:avity
mass. An:yshipsin hypersHace cross-
ing this mass are forcejI.t6'r-e\ceit to
realspace, making,thestJil'tle.!l.crews
. 'easy targets for.the,pif . ~'1-'O -.. in
, realspace cannot e' a
hyperdrive near this ,mall.
All ships captured With-th .!'vice
~ are sent to the Squib's s31v.!'ge em-
pireafterthe pirateshave@<enwhat
they want. ,,?c c.':'
IML has recently (aiid'sej:rej;!y)
contracted The Scourge,j;(j~guard
Alluuvia by ambushing '!P-y'travel-
ers in the area. With -tliese~two ar-
rangements, The Scourge.::h'iis prof-
ited greatly overthe past~ewmonths.

4 Skipray Blastboats. Capital·scale,

astrogation 3D+2, capital ship gunnery
4D+ 1, starfighter piloting 3D+2, starship
gunnery 4D+1, starship shields 3D. Ma-
neuverability 1D+2 (2D+2 in atmosphere),
space 8, atmosphere 415; 1,200 kmh, hull
2D+l, shields 2D. Weapons: 3 medium
ion cannons (fire-linked, fire control 3D,
damage 4Dl, 2 laser cannons (starfighter-
scale, fire-linked, fire control1D, damage
5Dl, proton torpedo launcher(starfighter-
scale, fire control 2D, damage 9D), con-
cussion missile launcher (starfighter-
scale, fire controllD, damage 6D).
Modified Space Barge. Starfighter-
scale, space transports 4D, starship gun-

1.8 • Industrial Intrigue ' ' , .: ...' .

Accessing the space barge's main com-
puter allows the characters to get several
important pieces of information.
An Easy computer programming / re-
pair roll reveals that the Gray Griffins
are being held in one ofthe pirates' bases
on the planet Dega. A second Easy com-
puter programming / programming roll
reveals the frequency for a homing bea-
con leading to the hideout on Dega.
A Moderate computer programming /
repair roll is needed to determine the
whereaboutsofthe Whisper: Itwastumed
over to someone named Slythor in the
Korad system.
The space barge's computer contains
astrogation coordinates for both Dega
and Korad, and the coordinates can be
downloaded to the Rebels' ship easily.
The Rebels' ship contains datafiles on
Dega and Korad.
The characters' best plan is probably
to head for Korad or Dega. Unless the
characters leave obvious clues, the crew
of the Impasse assumes that the charac-
ters somehow overpowered the boarding
crew and escaped; only if the characters
leave the coordinates for Dega and Korad
upon-screen (or commit some other sloppy
mistake) will The Scourge realize what
the characters are really up to.
Ambitious characters may try to cap-
ture the pirates' container ship Impasse:
this is no easy feat. The Impasse has no
weapons, so if the characters can elimi-
nate or disable the Skipray blastboasts,
they can stage a boarding action. Unfor-
tunately, the Impasse has a crew of 80
Blaster pistol (4D), blast vest (+1 energy, + ID physical), armed and angry pirates (use the pirate stats earlier in
melee weapons: vibroknife (STR+ ID) or vibroblade this episode).
The Impasse
Scourge Pilots (2). All stats are 2D except: Dexter- Craft: Modified Kuat Drive Yards Super Transport VII
ity 3D, blaster 3D+I, dodge 3D+I, melee combat 3D+I, Type: Modified container ship
melee parry 3D+I, Knowledge ID, astrogation 3D+I, Scale: Capital
Length: 280 meters
space transports 4D, starship gunnery 3D+2, starship Skill: Space transports: KDY Super Transport VII
shields 3D+2, Strength 3D, Technical ID. Move: 10. Crew: 80, skeleton 20/+10, gunners: 1
Blaster pistol (4D), blast vest (+1 energy, + ID physical), Crew Skill: Astrogation 3D, capital ship gunnery 3D+2, space
vibroblade (STR+2D). transports 4D, starship shields 3D
Cargo Capacity: 2 million metric tons
Consumables: 9 months
Aboard the Space Barge Cost: Not for sale
The space barge is in fair shape, with notable modi- Hyperdrive Multiplier: x3
Hyperdrive Back-up: x20
fications including the added weapons, a docking tube, Nav Computer: Yes
and shield generators. The cargo hold is mostly empty Space: 2
except for rations and supplies. A few metal crates are Hull: 2D+2
stamped with the name Whisper, which was the Gray Shields: 1D
Griffins' freighter. Sensors:

. ' . ' . Industrial Intrigue • 19

Passive: 30/1D Quentel is short, stocky, and cares little for his physical
Scan: 40/lD+2 appearance. He is always tinkering with machinery and
Search: 60/2D+1 equipment. He is quite calm for an Aqualish and cares only
Focus: 3/3D about his work and his share ofthe loot. He spends all ofhis
1 Gravity Well Projector
time aboard the Impasse, either piloting or tinkering with
Fire Arc: Front its systems.
Crew: 1
Sllill: Capital ship gunnery Move Along
Fire Control: 6D If the Rebels decide to go to Dega to rescue the Gray
Space Range: 1-5/75/150 Griffins, go to Episode Three, "Dega."
Damage: Blocks hyperspace travel
If they go to Korad to find the Whisper, proceed to
Capsule:TheImpasse is The Scourge's secret weapon. The Episode Four, "Korad Caper." (See page 29.)
pirate band captured this super container ship from Radell
Mining about two years ago. They added a low-power
shield generator and reconfigured part ofthe cargo hold as Episode Three: Dega
living quarters. The ship became their mobile base, which
is quite an advantage when you make your living as a Summary
pirate band. The band's leader, Chalmer, had part of the Any time after the Rebels receive the information in
cavernous cargo bay modified to serve as a hangar bay, the pirate space barge, they can travel to the planet
which has room for the group's six Skipray blastboats and
the space barge. Dega to rescue the Gray Griffins. As soon as they arrive,
The most important modification came just months ago. they run into lych-thae, an Ithorian pilgrim who's a
Using funds provided by IML, The Scourge cut a deal ,vith staunch opponent of corporate mining.
the Squib crime lord Slythor to purchase a functional The characters eventually locate The Scourge's hide-
gravity well projector from a scrapped Imperial Interdictor out, which is hidden in an abandoned mine shaft. To
cruiser. The Scourge's engineer, Quentel, spent the next rescue the team, the Rebels must overcome the remain-
four months installing the unit and now the Impasse is a ing pirates and their nasty "pet." While the characters
potent weapon as well as a mobile base. prepare to flee, The Scourge's Skipray blastboats arrive
Quentel and give chase through the underground mine shafts.
Type: Aqualish Engineer
DEXTERITY 2D+2 Meeting Iych-thae
Blaster 3D+l, dodge 4D, firearms 4D When the characters arrive, read aloud:
Business 3D+2, intimidation 4D, value: equipment 5D Your ship drops out of hyperspace near the
MECHANICAL 3D+2 planet Dega, a medium-sized world orbiting a red
Astrogation 5D, capital ship piloting 4D+2, repulsorlift operation sun. As you plot an approach vector, you can't
4D+l, space transports 4D+l
PERCEPTION 3D+! help but notice the horribly scarred surface ofthe
Con 4D+l, investigation 50, search 40 planet. As your ship streaks into the upper atmo-
STRENGTH 2D+! sphere, a saucer-shaped ship, perhaps 50 meters
Brawling 30+1, swimming 50 across, crests the horizon, speeding towards you.
Blaster repair 50, capital ship repair 60, capital ship weapon The ship's brown hull is dotted with many
repair 5D+l, computer programming/repair 4D+2, repulsorlift viewports, all glowing softly against the back-
repair 60+2, space transports repair 5D+2, starfighter repair 5D, drop of space. The comm indicates that there's an
starship weapon repair 4D+l incoming message.
Force Points: 1 "Greetings, unidentified ship. This is lych-thae
Character Points: 8
Move: 10 of the Ithorian shepherd ship Varnay. I would
Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), dirty jumpsuit, tool kit, several like to have a few words with you on the surface.
datapads filled with equipment schematics You might want to bring a breath mask."
Capsule: Quentel is a Quara (fingered) Aqualish and
perhaps the member ofThe Scourge most valued by Chalmer lych-thae is a tall lthorian who dresses in a woven
Trillili. Quentel always had a knack for fixing things and cloak and uses a long wooden walking staff. When he
when he decided to leave his homeworld of Ando, he soon meets the Rebels on the scarred surface of Dega, he
earned his way as a member of a freighter crew. Shortly introduces himselfas a "Pilgrim ofthe Mother Jungle."
thereafter, he was captured by The Scourge. After an He explains that his duty is to educate the galaxy about
ingenious (but failed) escape attempt in which he show- its most precious resources: the natural beauty of un-
cased his engineering skills, Quentel was offered a chance tainted worlds. He and the other 10 pilgrims aboard his
to join the pirate gang. Now he's Chalmer's second-in- vessel have traveled the worlds of Elrood sector for the
command and is responsible for the modifications on the past few years in hopes of convincing others to take up
Impasse; he considers the addition of the gravity well
projector his greatest accomplishment.
their cause. He believes that the characters are merely
mercenaries, but perhaps they are willing to hear the
truth of his message.

2.0 • Industrial Intrigue . '.' : :. ....: . .

He leads a short tour ofa nearby mining rig, lecturing Iych-thae
about the damage Dega endured under the "steward- Type: Ithorian Pilgrim
ship" of Radell Mining. Iych-thae wants the Rebels to DEXTERITY 2D+2
hear his ecological views and give some serious thought Dodge 4D+1, melee combat: stafT5D+l, melee parry: staff6D
to the situation here and how it came about. If the Agriculture 6D+2, alien species 5D+1, ecology 7D+1, languages
Rebels are patient, and perhaps actively debate his 6D, planetary systems 50, survival 60+ 1
views, Iych-thae commends them. Any snide or dispar- MECHANICAL 2D
aging comments about his views are responded to with Astrogation 4D, space transports: Shepherd-class 6D+2, starship
shields 5D+1, starship gunnery 4D
a deeply bitter lecture about "responsibility to the PERCEPTION 3D+2
galaxy" and then he turns his back on the characters. Bargain 5D, investigation 4D+1, persuasion 7D
Under no circumstances does the Ithorian resort to STRENGTH 3D
hostile action. Stamina4D
Iych-thae's many forays to Dega have garnered him TECHNICAL2D
Computer programming/repair 30+1, first aid 50, space trans-
information on local hotbeds of criminal activity. If the ports repair 4D+ 1
characters were at all attentive and ask for help, he can Force Points: 1
give general directions to The Scourge's hideout. He Character Points: 7
warns them that The Scourge has a large fleet, with at Move: 10
Equipment: Robes, walking staff (STR+ID), pouch of herbs, 2
least six blastboats, a container ship, a space barge and medpacs
a modifiedYT-1300 freighter that belongs to the group's
Capsule: Iych-thaeis a tall, imposinglthorian who speaks
leader, Chalmer Trillili. Iych-thae knows several ships
slowly, using his twin mouths to create an almost hypnotic
in the fleet left Dega a few days ago and haven't yet effect upon all listeners. He wears a homemade woven
returned. cloak and uses a dark, gnarled wooden walking staff. He
After his discussion, he bids the Rebels farewell. He enjoys a good debate, but clings fanatically to his ecological
hopes they have a new opiniou of Radell Mining as he beliefs.
boards his ship and departs. Iych-thae arrived in the Elrood sector several years ago
and continues his self-chosen mission to travel throughout
the sector, explaining to anyone who will listen to him. He
spends a lot oftime protesting Radell Mining's actions, and

. . . ..... In~~striallnt:dgue• 21 .
allen visits Elrood, Coyn and the other well-settled worlds a 200 kilometer radius.
of the sector; he has yet to set foot on Derilyn and declares Characters using this map can avoid encounter four,
that he shall never travel there by choice. He brings people "Sinkhole." The Scourge's base is nearby, so this map
to Dega to show them the kind of destruction mining can be very handy during the characters' escape.
3. Scavengers. The characters come across a pair of
Dega Encounters "scavengers" who are busy stripping metal off an old
You may use any of these random encounters while mining rig. They have a patched-together groundcrawler
the characters are wandering the surface of Dega. (see encounter six, "Mining Groundcrawler"). The scav-
Ro1l1D: engers head for their vehicle and try to run away as soon
1. Bounty Hunters. A heavily-modified Ghtroc 720 as they see the characters.
transport lands nearby. Ifthe characters approach, two The scavengers live in a small community of about
rough-looking bounty hunters suggest that they ''be 20-30 individuals. The group lives in a makeshift sealed
somewhere else" by nightfall. If the characters insist on complex near an old ore processor. The scavengers have
investigating, another ship lands - this one's a YT- managed to build small huts, primitive hydroponics
1300. The bounty hunters from the Ghtroc ship meet gardens and have a water and air filtration unit. They
the crew of the YT-1300, which appears to be a Duro survive by stripping parts offthe mining equipment and
smuggler and his Gamorrean henchman. They barter using them. to repair their survival equipment. The
for a few minutes, then the Duro gives the hunters a scavengers were dumped here about six years ago by
money pouch. The bounty hunters return to their ship slavers who thought they weren't worth selling.
and drag out a young human who's been bound and Ifthe characters somehow make friends and promise
gagged. This is obviously a bounty being claimed. to transport them off the planet, they'll provide direc-
tions to The Scourge's hideout. They warn the charac-
Bounty Hunters (2). All stats are 2D except: blaster ters to look out for "the creature" the pirates have
4D+2, dodge 4D+l, grenade 4D, melee combat 4D+2, hidden away in the tunnels.
melee parry 3D+l, streetwise 3D, survivaI2D+2, inves·
tigation 3D+l, sneak 3D+2, brawling 3D+2. Move: 10. Scavenger. All stats are 2D except: survival: Dega
Blast vest (+lD physical, +1 energy), heavy blaster 5D, search: tracking 4D. Move: 10.
pistol (5D>, blaster rifle (5D), hold-out blaster (3D), 4. Sinkhole. Without warning, a sinkhole (due to a
grenade (5D>, knife (STR+1D). covered mine shaft) opens up right next to at least two
Duro Smuggler. All stats are 2D except: blaster4D, of the characters. Characters must make a Moderate
dodge 4D, astrogation 3D+2, space transports 3D+ 1, climbing /jumping or Strength roll to leap away. If the
starship gunnery 3D. Move: 10. Blaster pistol (4D). character fails the roll by 1-3 points, the character is
barely holding on and is slowly getting pulled in. If the
Gamorrean Co-Pilot. Dexterity 2D, brawling parry character fails the roll by four or more points, he's pulled
2D+l, Knowledge ID, intimidation5D, MechanicallD, right into the hole and is very quickly getting buried by
Perception 2D, Strength 4D, brawling 5D+2, lifting 5D, sand.
TechnicallD. Move: 7. Vibro-ax (STR+3D).
5. Dust Storm. Offon the horizon, the characters see
Modified Ghtroc Freighter. Starfighter-scale, a large brown cloud in the sky. Within minutes, a high-
maneuverability lD+2, space 3, atmosphere 260; 750 pitched whistle goes from being barely audible to be-
kmh, hull4D+2, shields 2D. Weapons: 2 laser cannons come an overpowering shriek. The characters are envel·
(fire control 2D, damage 4D+2). oped in a dangerous dust storm with winds over 200
Modified YT-1300 Freighter. Starfighter-scale, kilometers per hour!
maneuverability lD, space 4, atmosphere 280; 800 The storm lasts for up to 10 minutes. Characters
kmh, hull 4D, shields 1D+1. Weapons: laser cannon inside ships or mining rigs are safe, although the doors
(fire control 2D, damage 4D+1). are blocked by meter-deep sand. Characters can hide in
2. Mining Barge Wreck. Near a mining crater is a old mining craters, although they'll get buried if the
large sand dune. Characters who dig into the sand find crater is less than a meter deep. Anyone outside a stable
a wrecked mining barge, which is a small, short-range structure-such as a ship or a mining rig-must make
space transport. The transport was obviously aban- a Difficult Strength roll to avoid being blown over and
doned by Radell, but it has several things the characters covered with sand. (A buried character goes uncon-
may find helpful: four breath masks, six power packs scious after 90 seconds and dies from lack of oxygen
(with adaptors for weapons, computers, droid sockets after six minutes.) Companions must make a Difficult
and other common devices), four glow rods, three re- search roll to find buried characters.
cording rods (full video and audio capability), as well as 6. Mining Groundcrawler. Halfburied in the sand
a disk containing a full map ofall the mine shafts within is an old Radell mining groundcrawler. The vehicle is
about 3.5 meters long and moves about on treads. Its

2.2 • Industrial Intrigue .. '.,. ~:. . . ..: ". . .

enclosed cabin has room for four passengers and up to The Hideout
200 kilograms ofcargo. Even though the body is rusted, These descriptions are keyed to the diagram "The
the explorer starts after a few tries; the cabin is filled Scourge's Hideout."
with the smell of burning circuitry when the motor's
running, but it runs fine. It still has enough power to A. Mine Shaft Floor. The signal beacon originates
travel a distance of 200 kilometers. from the floor ofthis mine shaft, over 500 meters below
the surface of the planet. Flying down the shaft at
Mining Explorer (TaggeCo. MN-l cautious speed requires an Easy space transports roll.
Groundcrawler). Speeder-scale, full cover, maneu- (The difficulty is Moderate at cruising speed, Difficult
verability ID, move 45; 130 kmh, body strength ID+2. at high speed and Very Difficult at all-out speed.)
The bottom of the shaft is used as a natural hangar
Finding the Hideout bay. The only item present in the bay is a repulsor disk,
If the characters have the information about the which is a three meter diameter disk with a Move of20
pirate band's homing beacon, they can automatically and a flight ceiling of 100 meters. The Scourge uses the
find the signal and home in on the base; otherwise, they disk to work on large ships and recover prisoners from
need to make a Very Difficult sensors roll to locate the the holding chamber (area G).
homing beacon. (Moderate sensors difficulty if they got A locked blast door leads to the rest of the hideout.
directions from Iych-thae.) The door has a body strength of 3D (speeder-scale) and
The signal originates from a crater in the southern requires a Moderate security roll to open.
hemisphere. All manner of rusted, twisted mining rigs B. Mine Shafts. Three passages exit from the shaft
and processing machinery lies around the 50-meter floor and wind for hundreds ofkilometers before exiting
wide crater, which seems to run into the very heart of on the surface. The passages vary between 10 and 30
the planet.

. . Industrial Intrigue • 23
meters in height, with an average width of 30 meters.
These passages are often unstable and prone to minor
C. General Room. This is the hideout's main cham-
ber, with many partitions dividing the room into pri-
vacy cubicles. Over 60 bunks are present. One corner of
the room serves as a galley. The chamber is a mess.
At this time, only six pirates are present; they're all
concealed behind overturned tables and open fire as
soon as the characters open the blast door to enter the
general room. The tables provide 1/2 cover, with a body
strength of 2D. The pirates are cowards at heart and
surrender as soon as half their number are knocked
unconscious or wounded.
Chalmer is hiding ... or "planning" as he calls it ... in
his private chamber (area E).
Scourge Pirates (6).AlI stats are 2D except: Dexter-
ity 3D, blaster 4D+1, dodge 3D+2, melee combat 4D,
melee parry 4D+ 1, Knowledge 1D, Strength 3D, brawl-
ing 4D, Technical 1D. Move: 10. Blaster pistol (4DJ,
blast vest (+1 energy, +ID physical), vibroknife
D. Comm Chamber. This is the computer nerve
center of the hideout, with controls for the homing
beacon and the base's doors, lights, atmosphere recy-
clers, and environmental controls. (The base has atmo-
sphere and heating systems so the pirates don't need to
wear breath masks.)
The room is lined with computer terminals, but only
one is on-line. The system is old, outdated, and highly peacefully; Chalmer surrenders ifhe is wounded twice.
jury-rigged. Accessing the computer with a Moderate Chalmer keeps his word. Ifhe wins, he flees down one
computer programming / repair roll reveals a personal of the meandering shafts and hides out in a secluded
message to Chalmer. (Hand a photocopy of"Communi- area until he can contact one of his band. However, he
que #84B93Ll" to the players if they obtain this clue.) won't soon forget the characters and intends to get his
revenge on them when he has a chance.
E. Chalmer's Private Chamber. This spacious
chamber belongs to Chalmer Trillili, the founder and Chalmer Trillili
leader ofThe Scourge. The room has a comfortable bed, Type: Pirate Leader
a table, a desk with a portable computer, and several DEXTERITY 3D+2
chairs. Unlike the rest of the hideout, this chamber is Blaster 4D+2, brawling parry 5D+l, dodge 6D. firearms 4D+2,
neat and organized and looks more like the apartment melee combat 5D, melee combat: vibroblade 6D, melee parry
4D+2, melee parry: vibroblade 5D+2
of a corporate employee than the lair of a pirate. KNOWLEDGE 3D+!
Hidden in a secret compartment in the floor (requir- Business 4D, intimidation 5D+l, law enforcement 4D
ing a Difficult search roll to locate) is a stash of the MECHANICAL 2D+2
pirate's stolen loot, which includes an assortment of Astrogation 3D+2, repulsorlift operation 4D, space transports
4D+2, starship gunnery 4D+l
precious gems,jeweled objects, and a Wookiee bowcaster PERCEPTION 3D+!
(4D). The total value ofthese items is 6,500 credits to the Bargain 4D, command: The Scourge 5D+l, con 5D, sneak 4D
right black marketeers. STRENGTH 3D+!
When the Rebels enter the chamber, it's pitch black. Brawling 5D+l
Chalmer is hiding on a ledge above the door. He jumps First aid 2D+ 1, security 2D+2
down and attempts to take a hostage at blaster-point. Force Points: 1
Ifhe succeeds, he lists his demand to the Rebels - a Dark Side Points: 2
one-on-one duel with vibroknives or vibroblades; blast- Character Points: 10
ers are not allowed. The duel is to continue until some- Move: 10
Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol (5D), fancy clothes, vibroblade
body surrenders. If Chalmer bests the chosen Rebel, he (STR+3D), vibroknife (STR+ID), comlink.
is free to go. If the Rebel wins, the pirate surrenders

2;4 • Ind'ustrial Intrigue . . _ .. : :;'. . .. ' .: . .

Capsule: Chalmer Trillili is a dark-haired human male in in diameter. The three Gray Griffins are on this plat-
his late thirties. He is powerfully-built and constantly form and restrained with binders.
trains to keep in shape. He typically wears fine clothes, There is one more defense mechanism. Hidden in the
with a pair of vibroblades dangling at his sides. corridor leading to the chamber is a pressure plate
Chalmer is a rebellious sort, but he has his own "moral"
(depicted on the diagram, "The Scourge's Hideout").
code, to which he strictly adheres. While selfish and evil, he
always keeps his word. He's quite proud of the reputation The lead character can detect the plate with a Very
and wealth he's gained from his recent exploits. A fonner Difficult search or Perception roll. There is also a con-
member of the Alliance (he deserted), Chalmer has man- cealed switch on the left wall that deactivates the plate;
aged to build a powerful group ofpirates. He's quite content a Heroic search roll is needed to locate the switch. Both
,vith his new lifestyle. the plate and the switch can be found if the searcher
Chalmer is very intelligent and prefers to use brains knows where to look.
over brawn. However, his one throwback to the roman- Stepping on the pressure plate opens
tic myths of traditional space pirates is his fond- a portcullis in the mine shaft, releas-
ness for dueling with vibroblades, which he feels ing a dangerous Oskan blood eater
is an honorable method of determining justice. from the alcove beyond. (Chalmer
F. Storeroom. This chamber is used to store recovered the beast from an Impe-
the pirate gang's supplies offood, water, breath rial vessel and keeps it as a guard
mask filters, blaster power packs and other essen- creature.) This 2.5 meter tall preda-
tial goods, which are stored in large, unlabeled tor is dark-skinned, with four long
metal boxes. saw-like claws and a head that
G. Holding Chamber. The door to this area appears to be all maw. Without
is locked, requiring a Moderate security roll to hesitation, the creature lumbers out
open. (The door has a body strength of 5D; it's and attacks the Rebels.
character-scale.) Oskan Blood Eater. Dexterity
A meandering corridor leads to a mining 3D+2, Perception 2D, search: track-
cavern roughly 30 meters in diameter and almost ing 5D, Strength 4D. Claws
100 meters high; the ceiling is encrusted with (STR+3DJ, frenzy (sight of human-
stalactites. Suspended by four heavy cables 60 meters oid creature incites a frenzy, adding
above the floor is a plasteel platform that's 10 meters
Illustration by Tim Babka

.' . . . . In~~striallntrigue• 25 .
+2D to damage), tracking (blood eaters are effective and escape through one of the side tunnels (area B). Any of
persistent trackers). Move: 6. these tunnels are large enough for a light freighter to
pass, although it's a tight fit in spots. The blastboats
The Gray Griffins pursue the Rebel ship, bringing their weapons to bear.
The prisoners can be freed in any manner once the The tunnels range from Easy to Difficult. If the
Oskan blood eater is dealt with. The repulsor disk from characters have the mine shaft map from random en-
the mine shaft floor (area A) would be helpful, but counter two, "Mining Barge Wreck," they know exactly
syntherope and a grappling hook can be effective as where each tunnel leads: reduce all terrain difficulties
well. one level.
The three Griffins held here are Oro Otel, a male 2 Pirate Skipray Blastboats. Capital-scale,
Sullustan scout; Valera, a human female who's a com- astrogation3D+2, capitalshipgunnery4D+ 1, starfighter
puter specialist; and, Dunston Karell, a human male piloting 3D+2, starship gunnery 4D+ 1, starship shields
who's the group's pilot. IfParek is with the characters, 3D. Maneuverability 1D+2(2D+2 in atmosphere), space
there is a very emotional reunion. 8, atmosphere 415; 1,200 kmh, hu1l2D+1, shields 2D.
The Griffins are malnourished and too weak to move Weapons: 3 medium ion cannons (fire-linked , fire
under their own power. (They're considered wounded.) control 3D, damage 4D), 2 laser cannons (starfighter-
The Griffins must be carried or lowered from the plat- scale, fire-linked, fire control lD, damage 5D), proton
form and led out of the base. torpedo launcher (starfighter-scale, fire control 2D,
Leaving the Hideout damage 9D), concussion missile launcher (starfighter-
scale, fire control1D, damage 6D).
Just as the characters lift off from the hangar bay
(area A), a pair of Skipray blastboats return to the Run this scene as a furious chase, reqWringstarfighter
hideout. Coming straight down the shaft, they encoun- piloting or space transports rolls each turn.
ter the characters' ship and react to the unwelcome The mine shafts are not very stable. Any missed laser
intruders. Each blastboat fires concussion missiles at fire has a 2 in 6 chance ofcausing a minor cave-in. Ships
the characters' ship. While the characters can try to may be caught in a collapse at your discretion; pick an
"thread the needle" by flying up the shaft and between appropriate starship dodge difficulty (ranging from
the blastboats - which is foolhardy at best - they can Very Easy to Moderate). Any ship hit by collapsing rock
suffers 3D damage.

2~. • Ind'ustriallntrigtle .. .... : :: ' .. ' .... . .'

To intentionally cause a collapse to affect an enemy Recent Events
ship, a Very Difficult starship gunnery roll is needed; The characters' datafile on Korad (from Episode Two,
the starship dodge difficulty is Very Difficult. The "Into The Drift") is somewhat outdated. About three
tunnels continue for hundreds ofkilometers but you can years ago, an enterprising Squib named Slythor took
have the Rebels locate a shaft leading to the surface at control of a large salvage yard. The only resistance
a dramatically appropriate moment. Slythor encountered were bands of angry Ugors and
The chase continues until the blastboats are de- scavenger groups that prowl the planet's surface; most
stroyed or disabled or the characters' ship moves far everyone outside the system doesn't know or care who
enough to jump into hyperspace. controls Korad.
With his territory staked out, Slythor established
Move Along himself as the "Highest Exalted Ruler of Korad." If
The characters can return the Gray Griffins to Elrood anyone wants to discard or search for an item, they
for treatment; ifParekjoined the characters in Episode must make a deal with the Squib crime lord.
One, he now stays on Elrood with his team. Because of Slythor enforces his rule with a small fleet of 20
the identichip the characters received in Episode One, modified Verpine asteroid hoppers, which patrol the
they can get through Customs with no problems. planet and its ring. He also has a fleet of 10 cloud cars
If the characters want to go to Korad to find the for atmospheric patrols. All the vessels are operated by
location of the Whisper, go to Episode Four, "Korad his Squib goons. While plenty ofpeople can slip through
Caper." Slythor's patrols undetected, the Squib is still making
Ifthe characters already have the coordinates for the good money by shaking down the people he does find.
planet Alluuvia and are ready to claim the planet for As the Rebels search the space ring, they are ap-
Radell Mining, go to Episode Five, "Imperials on proached by a pair ofhoppers. The Squib pilots hail the
Alluuvia." (Page 36.) Rebels and inquire about their purpose. They inform
.the Rebels that they are trespassing on the Highest
Episode Four: Korad Caper Exalted Ruler of Korad's domain. The pilots offer to
escort the Rebels to the Highest Exalted Ruler to bar-
Summary gain for the information the Rebels desire. The pilots
The characters head to the Korad system to retrieve won't hesitate to call for back-up or fire a few warning
the astrogation coordinates to Alluuvia from the Gray shots to get the Rebels moving.
Griffins' ship, the Whisper. One of the large salvage Squib Pilots. All stats are 2D except: Dexterity
yards on Korad has recently been taken over by a Squib 3D+l, blaster 4D, vehicle blasters 4D+2, dodge 4D+l,
crime lord, Slythor, who is now the self-proclaimed Perception lD+2, Knowledge lD+2, Mechanical 2D+2,
"Highest Exalted Ruler of Korad." repulsorlift operation 3D+l, starlighter piloting 3D+l,
The characters have to bargain with Slythor to learn starlighter piloting: Korad ring 6D, starship gunnery
the location of the Whisper, which is infested with 4D, TechnicallD+l. Move: 8. Blaster pistol (4D), small
mynocks and space mites. After the Rebels get the data satchel.
they need and depart the Whisper, Slythor sends his
Modified Asteroid Hoppers. Starfighter-scale,
goons after them, resulting in a madcap chase through
a field of floating starship wrecks. maneuverability 3D, space 6, atmosphere 330; 950
kmh, hull 2D. Weapons: light blaster cannon (fire con-
Arriving at Korad trol ID, damage 2D).
Read aloud: Asteroid hoppers were developed by the insectoid
Finally, the long hyperspace trip ends as your Verpine to traverse the dense Roche Asteroid Field.
ship slips back into realspace. Through the Slythor got his grubby hands on the hoppers when he
viewport you can see your destination, a tan finagled a trade with a starship thief, giving up three
world called Korad. A gray ring circles the planet. heavy laser cannons and an R4 agromech droid for two
As you approach, it becomes obvious that the
ofthe hoppers. Ofcourse, Slythor got the best part ofthe
ring is not comprised ofasteroids and dust; rather, deal when his R4 droid seized the thiefs ship and
the ring is made up ofhundreds ofstarship wrecks, brought it back to Korad. Much to Slythor's delight, the
ranging from tiny snub fighters to battered con- ship's cargo included not only the laser cannons, but 18
tainer ships hundreds of meters long. AIl are more of the hoppers. The hoppers use an odd combina-
stripped, carbon-scored, and falling apart. Uni- tion of very maneuverable sublight drives (for space
flight) and advanced repulsorlift units (for atmospheric
dentifiable twisted hunks of metal tumble be-
tween the ship wrecks. Searching this ring for the flight).
Whisper could take months!

. . . . . Ind.listriallntrigue • 27
Meeting Slythor The Gamorrean is Slythor's bodyguard and servant,
The Squib hopper escort leads the Rebels to the north Gar. He sits the Rebels down in the entrance chamber
pole landing pad and orders them to set down. The and alerts Slythor of their arrival. When he returns,
hoppers also land and the Squibs inform the Rebels that Gar explains the ''Rules ofAudience" in barely recogniz-
Slythor is due to arrive in several minutes. The Squibs able Basic. Although most Gamorreans can't speak
ask the Rebels to leave their ship, reminding them to Basic, Gar has managed to learn how to slur out these
use breath masks. Very shortly, Slythor arrives. Read rules over the years.
aloud: The Rules of Audience are:
You stand on a carbon scored-landing pad 1. Address Slythor as "Highest Exalted Ruler."
amidst piles of debris and scrap metal. The ships, 2. Only speak when asked a direct question.
landspeeders, droids, and outdated machinery
3. Never touch the llighest Exalted Ruler.
form artificial hills and mountains, dominating
the scenery. A stiff wind whistles eerily through 4. Do not lie to the Highest Exalted Ruler.
the wrecks and kicks up a brownish-red dust. Breaking any ofthese rules results in a swipe from
The whine of repulsorlift engines comes from Gar's vibroglaive. Gar collects all ofthe Rebels' weapons
the south. You soon see an AT-AT walker head and stores them in a locked closet. His search is not
poking above the hull ofa Corellian corvette. The thorough, so small weapons can be concealed. (Make an
rest of the battered walker's body effortlessly opposed hide roll against Gar's Perception of 2D.) Gar
crests the debris; instead of legs, four repulsor then leads the Rebels to the Entertainment Area for
engines float the massive bulk of the vehicle their meeting with the llighest Exalted Ruler, Slythor.
through the air. The crude vehicle sets down on
the landing pad. Gar, Gamorrean Bodyguard. All stats are lD
A side plast door opens, revealing a muscular except: Dexterity 2D+2, blaster 3D, dodge 4D, brawling
Gamorrean. His thick armor is made from the parry 6D, melee combat 5D, melee combat: uibroglaiue
hide ofsome reptilian creature and his right hand 6D, melee parry 4D+2, intimidation 5D+2, Perception
brandishes a wicked vibroglaive. With a toothy 2D, Strength 4D+l, brawling 7D. Move: 7. Vibroglaive
smile and a snort, he motions you to board. (STR+3D>, dewback hide armor (+2 physical).

2.8 • Industrial Intrigue . '... : :: .. .. : . ..'

STORAGE DECK Hatch to Entertainment Area

Bargain Room



Bargain Room
Station Galley Slythor's Room

Entertainment Area
Pilot's Guest Room
Station Entrance Transparisteel
Chamber \Vindow

SIDE VIEW Turret-Mounted

Laser Cannon
Bargain Room

Living Area


The Peeve Passengers: 30

Cargo Capacity: 1 metric ton
AT-PV (All Terrain Pleasure Vehicle) Cover: Full
Craft: Modified AT-AT Walker Altitude Range: Ground level-50 meters
Type: Pleasure vessel Cost: Not for sale
Scale: Walke," Maneuverability: ID
Length: 20.6 meters long Move: 45; 130 kmh
Skill: Repulsorlift operation Body Strength: 6D
Crew: 5, skeleton: 3/+10 Weapons:

.. . .. Ind~strial Intrigue • 29 .
2 Heavy Laser Cannons (fire-linked) ceives his guests and grants them audience. One entire
Fire Arc: Front wall is a transparisteel window. The floor is bodrite
Crew: 1 (co-pilot or commander)
Skill: Vehicle blasters
tiles, while light panels illuminate the room.
Fire Control: 2D Several plush sectional sofas line the walls. Promi-
Range: 50·500/1.5/3 km nently displayed in the room is Slythor's throne, which
Damage: 6D is the captain's chair from a Victory Star Destroyer.
2 Light Laser Cannons (fire-linked) Snug against the wall is a jet-tub. The chamber is
Fire Arc: Turret
Crew: 1 (co-pilot or commander) opulently decorated with cheap statuettes, tapestries,
Skill: Vehicle blasters and gaudy knickknacks.
Fire Control: 1D+1
Range: 25-250/500/1 km
Slythor's Quarters. This is a very plain chamber,
Damage: 2D+1 filled with small, soft sponge balls. Slythor always
wanted a room like this, and now that he's the Highest
The Peeve is Slythor's personal transport vehicle and
it's clearly his pride and joy. Formerly an AT-AT sal- Exalted Ruler of Korad, he gets what he wants. He
sleeps in this chamber.
vaged from the ruins of Paran, Slythor considers The
Peeve his greatest acquisition after the takeover of Guest Quarters. This room is outfitted with four
Korad. The badly damaged walker cost 10,000 credits, beds of various sizes. A storage closet and plain desks
six functioning servant droids, 20 heavy blasters, three and chairs fill the rest of the room, making for a very
tons of Kidron silk and a piece of fizzyglug-flavored tight squeeze. This room is not as opulent as the rest of
chewstick. Over the course of a year, Slythor poured the vessel and smells musty.
many more credits and countless parts and hours of
labor into the walker. Storage Deck
The damaged legs were replaced with repulsor en- Storage. This chamber contains food, water, and
gines. The neck no longer swivels and the medium other essentials. The first aid station has been moved
blasters were long ago stripped by Paran's scavengers, here. Slythor also stores his extensive droid collection
but Slythor compensated by adding a top-mounted here. He currently has 14 droids of varying makes and
turret with fire-linked light laser cannons. The port models; all are deactivated but in fair shape.
flank boasts a 7-meter by 3-meter transparisteel win- Bargain Room. The vehicle bay has been trans-
dow. The troop deck and vehicle bay were totally re- formed into Slythor's "treasure" chamber. The contents
done, transforming the military machine into a plea- of this chamber represents a lifetime of deals and
sure craft suitable only for the Highest Exalted Ruler of trades. When Slythor makes a deal, he does so in this
Korad. chamber.
Just like Korad's surface, this room is littered with
Command and Living Deck junk, debris, and odd items, such as spare droid and
This area is relatively unchanged from its original machine parts, archaic weapons, cultural treasures,
design. The neck no longer swivels and the co-pilot has weird trinkets, and bizarre collectibles.
control ofthe top-mounted turret. A pair of Squibs pilot Feel free to add any amusing gadgets that strike your
the vessel and Slythorusually occupies the commander's fancy since Slythor, being an esteemed trader in the
chair. best Squib traditions, may have gotten his hands onjust
Squib Pilot and Co-pilot. All stats are 2D except: about anything. He has a preference for anything that's
Dexterity 3D, vehicle blasters 4D, repulsorlift operation weird, bizarre or outrageous.
4D, Strength 1D+2, Technical1D+ 1. Move: 8. Jumpsuit,
blaster pistol (4D), satchel. Slythor, Highest Exalted Ruler of Korad
Entrance Chamber. This is a waiting area com- Slythor is a typical Squib. He's perhaps a meter tall,
plete with several mismatched chairs, all salvaged from with reddish-blue fur. He has huge blue eyes, and large
different ship cockpits. This area is also where Gar ears with white tufts offur. Slythor is well-groomed (he
lives: he has a simple cotandhis meager possessions are spends several hours each day in his jet-tub) and wears
stuffed underneath. A blast door (body strength 3D) loose-fitting, expensive clothes. (How he gets them is a
slides down and can be locked in place (Easy security roll mystery to everyone, including Gar.)
to pick the lock). While not as cheerful as most other Squibs, he is very
egotistical. He believes he is a demi-god and truly an
Refresher. A small refresher unit with shower. exalted being with a grand destiny. He's power-hungry
Galley. The full-service galley is staffed by a pair of and demands respect. His salvage empire on Korad
cranky servant droids. Slythor enjoys eating, so this satisfies all of his needs and wants.
area is outfitted with the latest culinary equipment. Slythor isn't truly evil, but he's rather selfish and
Entertainment Area. This is where Slythor re- greedy. Like most Squibs, he holds the art of haggling

3.0 • Industrial Intrigue . ' :: ." . .

in the highest regard. He strikes deals not only for Dealing with Slythor
immediate gain, but also for long-term profit. The deal Slythor is present on his "throne" when he grants the
with The Scourge is just such an example, and Slythor Rebels an audience. He starts off with a few basic
plans to continue making such arrangements. Slythor's questions to see if they follow his rules. If they don't
major problem is that none of his clients take him provide him his due respect, he threatens violence.
seriously. Then he babbles about his empire, his wealth, his
accomplishments, and on and on and on ...
Slythor, Highest Exalted Ruler of Korad Eventually, Slythor gets back to business. He brings
Type: Squib Crime Lord
DEXTERITY 3D+2 the Rebels to his treasure room to show off his wealth.
Blaster 4D+2, dodge 5D+1, pick pockets 4D+l, running 4D+1 Here he begins haggling for the location ofthe Whisper.
KNOWLEDGE 2D+! This process takes quite a while, as the conditions and
Business 6D+l,languages 3D+2, value 6D terms are bandied back and forth: for Squib hagglers,
Ground vehicle operation 4D+2, repulsorlift operation 5D+2 the more complicated the deal, the better it is. Slythor
PERCEPTION 4D is no exception to this point ofview. Below are the three
Bargain 7D, command 40+2, con 5D+2, sneak 6D rules Slythor adheres to during the bargain.
Climbing 3D+2 1. A trade for free is worth it, no matter how worth-
TECHNICAL 2D less or broken an item is.
Computer programming/repair 4D+2, droid programming 6D+ 1,
droid repair 5D 2. Haggling is the highest form of communication.
Character Points: 12 3. It isn't important how even a trade is, only how
Move: 8
Equipment: Expensive clothes, sporting blaster (3D+1), various
complicated it becomes. The more components involved
trinkets and knickknacks -especially not easily compared items - the better the

. . . . ' . In~u,striallnti-igue-31 .
The Rebels can trade anything in their possession or (+ID repair skills), heavy duty arc welder (4D+1, range
on their ship. Slythor isn't interested in weapons or 0.5/111.5 meters, +ID repair skills), video display screen,
common items: he wants things he's never seen. Given portable nav storage unit (stores coordinates for one
the choice between a working heavy blaster (value of hyperspace jump), acoustic signaler, hold-out blaster
750 credits) and an Imperial trooper's boots (value oflO (3D+2). Move: 6.
credits), he'll probably try to get the boots. After the deal is struck, Slythor returns the charac-
Below is a list of items he's willing to trade, but feel ters' weapons and escorts them to their ship. A pair of
free to add more bizarre items. The only two that must hoppers lead the characters' ship to the Whisper's loca-
be traded to the Rebels are the location of the Whisper tion. The Rebels are only allowed to download the
and the R4 droid. astrogation coordinates; they may not take any items
• Information on the location of the Whisper. from the ship.
• The droid R4-Bl1.
The Whisper
• Black powder pistol (2D+l) with abantha horn handle.
The Whisper is a modified Nova-drive #3-Z light
• Complete collection ofUtozz bottles. freighter, vaguely similar in shape to Corellian Engi-
• Ammo bandolier converted to hold beverage bottles neering Corporation's ever present YT-1300 transport.
(useful to hold Utozz collection). (See page 46 of The Star Wars Planets Collection.)
The ship is dark and battered, with a gaping three
• Spare parts to a moisture vaporator.
meter hole ripped into its dorsal surface. As the Rebels
• Datapad with 942 Mon Calamari recipes. approach, a Moderate sensors or Mechanical or Difficult
• A tooth from a large carnivorous predator. search or Perception roll detects the mynocks clinging to
the hull of the ship.
• A wrestling match with Gar.
Whisper, Nova-drive #3-Z Modified Light
R4-Bll, Agromech Droid Freighter. Starfighter-scale, maneuverability ID,
R4-Bll appears to be a standard, beat-up agromech space 4, atmosphere 280; 800 kmh, hull 5D, shields
droid. Similar in design to the popular R2 models, R4 ID+2. Weapons: Dual laser cannons (fire-linked, fire
units are designed to work on farm machinery and control 2D, damage 6D), laser cannon (fire control ID,
vehicles. Bll is a cranky droid that absentmindedly damage 3D).
chirps and whistles when bored. It likes to take things The statistics above are for the Whisper when it's in
apart, but quickly gets bored and never puts anything working order; unfortunately, the Whisper is in no
back together. It's rude when interfacing with comput- condition to fly. Aside from the hole in the hull, the
ers which are "below" its standards. hyperdrives are destroyed, life support is beyond re-
Slythor tried Bll at every possible job, including pair, and all weapons systems are off-line. A Moderate
valet, pilot, guard, and entertairunent unit. Needless to starship weapon repair roll is good enough to bring one
say, it didn't excel at anything. In frustration, the Squib of the lasers on-line for 2D rounds, but after that the
disassembled it and added modifications, including cooling system blows, rendering the weapon useless.
increasing the output of the arc welder (making it an Due to the gaping holes in the hull, the Rebels must
offensive weapon) and adding a concealed blaster. Bll use space suits aboard the Whisper. The ship is infested
now makes an ideal assassin droid, a duty it enjoys. with seven mynocks, four on the outside of the hull
Slythor throws it into trades with his enemies. Days soaking up stellar rays and the other three hidden
after they depart Korad, Bll betrays its new owners. inside.
Once his owners are neutralized, Bll takes control of The mynocks flee ifpossible, but attack ifcornered in
the ship, downloads astrogation coordinates for Korad the ship. There's a 1 in 6 chance that one or two mynocks
from its memory and plots the hyperspace jump back to attach themselves to the Rebels' ship ifit comes within
Korad, where the new prize is delivered to Slythor. As 10 meters of the Whisper.
the Squib is fond ofremarking, the best trade is for a free Mynocks (7). Dexterity 3D, Perception 1D, Strength
object. 1D. Energy drain (mynocks drain energy from starships),
R4-Bll. All stats are 2D except: Dexterity 1D+1, silicon life-fonns (can survive in a vacuum). Move: 9
blaster 3D+2, dodge 2D+1, Knowledge 1D, business: (flight) or 1 (Space unit).
agriculture 4D+2, languages: computer languages 5D, Aside from the mynocks, the ship is also home to five
languages: droid languages 3D+ 1, astrogation 4D, space mites. They've burrowed through the computer
repulsorlift operation 3D, space transports 3D+ 1, Tech- panels and into the cargo hold. They're hiding from the
nical 3D+2, computer programming / repair 5D+ 1, ma- intruders, but if anyone comes within three meters of
chinery repair4D+1, space transports repair4D. Three them, they attack to defend their nests. Space mites
wheeled legs, video sensor, one fine manipulator arm

3~ • Industrial In~rigue . .... : :: ' . ' .: . .'

.. . .. ' ... ... . ..
look like one meter long white arachnids with wicked Move Along
mandibles. They are silicon-based life-forms that spend Now that the characters have the coordinates for
their youth as fist-sized parasites on mynocks. Upon Alluuvia, they can go to Episode Five, "Imperials on
reaching maturity, they detach from the host mynock, Alluuvia."
rapidly grow to adulthood (one meter long), spin a If they haven't yet rescued the Gray Griffins and
hardened egg case, and deposit up to a dozen eggs; the want to go to Dega, go to Episode Three, "Dega."
newly-hatched space mites search out the nearest
mynocks and repeat the cycle.
Episode Five: Imperials on
Space Mites (5).Dexterity 2D, Perception 1D, sneak Alluuvia
2D+1, Strength 1D, brawling: bite 3D. Bite (lD+2 dam-
age and .injects silica into the victim's bloodstream,
causing lethargy for the next 24 hours, resulting in a -lD
penalty on all skill rolls and a -2D penalty to all Dexterity With the coordinates from the Whisper, the Rebels
rolls). Move: 5. reach Alluuvia. Shortly after they land, they encounter
the Anguilla, a primitive species of eel-like humanoids.
The computer requires a Moderate computer pro- The Rebels must prove their good intentions to the
gramming / repair roll to restart, while a second Moder- Anguilla by performing the "Rites of Conch-tar."
ate roll retrieves the astrogation coordinates for Alluuvia.
Leaving Korad Read aloud:
Slythor believes that the best trade is a free trade, so
after he made a deal with the Rebels he made plans to Mer a series ofhyperspace jumps through The
get a bonus from the deal: the Rebels' ship! The tactic Drift, your ship finally emerges in realspace
also diverts suspicion from R4-B11. around the planet Alluuvia. This vibrant blue
Just as the Rebels board their ship to depart, six world is covered by water.
asteroid hoppers piloted by Slythor's goons zoom to- Let the Rebels make the next move. Over 97% of the
ward their location. When in range, they open fire on the planet's surface is covered by ocean. The only land
Rebels' ship. Ifthe Rebels stand and fight, they may use masses are scattered volcanic islands and coral atolls.
both their own weapons and those aboard the Whisper. The Empire has deployed an Imperial mobile base for
If they flee, they must outrun the hoppers while IML's survey. The base is lightly-staffed while the
dodging the debris in the space ring. The ring is consid- scientists prepare a final report for IML executives. If
ered Moderate terrain and there's plenty of scrap to the Rebels scan for energy sources, a Very Difficult
collide with if a movement roll is failed. The asteroid sensors roll reveals the location ofthe base. Ifthe Rebels
hoppers have a great advantage due to their great orbit for several hours and scan the planet in detail, the
maneuverability and their pilots' familiarity with the sensors difficulty is Moderate. Othenvise, the Rebels do
ring. To clear the ring, the characters must make the not detect the base.
equivalent of eight rounds of flight at cruising speed If the characters proceed directly to the base, cut to
(equal to 16 rounds at cautious speed, four rounds at Episode Six, "To Save A World." (Page 42.)
high speed and two rounds at all-out speed). If the characters decide to land on an atoll or explore
Any movement failure indicates a collision \vith an the oceans, continue with this episode.
object. Roll1D and consult the table below to determine
the size of the object that's been hit and the damage to Alluuvia
the characters' (or Squib's) ship. Alluuvia is the second planet in the recently-discov-
ered Alluuvian system, located on the far side of The
Roll Object Size Damage Drift. The world is covered with temperate oceans; the
1-2 small (1-2 meters long) 1D waters have a high metal and mineral content that is
3-4 medium (8-12 meters long) 4D toxic to non-natives. The ocean floors are rich in ore
deposits and even filtering the water provides commer-
5 large (20 meters long) 6D cially-viable yields. The planet's oceans are home to
6 huge (100+ meters long) 12D many aquatic life-forms, including the intelligent
The Squib pilots are adept at flying through Korad's Anguilla.
ring and get to use their starfighter piloting: Korad ring The only lands are barren volcanic peaks and purple
specialization. Once free of the Korad ring, they must coral atolls that poke above the ocean surface. (The
use their much lower starfighterpiloting skill. Once the atolls always occur near the volcanic islands.)
characters break free of the ring and pull 15 or more
Space units ahead ofthem, the Squibs break offpursuit
and return to Korad's surface.

3:i • Industrial In~rigue . '.' : ::. . .. ' .: . .'

· . Ind~striallntrigue • 35
Alluuvia (including grappling attacks) against Anguilla are at a +10 pen-
Type: Aquatic planet alty. (See page 58 of Star Wars. Revised and Expanded.)
Temperature: Temperate Bite: STR+ID damage.
Atmosphere: Type I (breathable) Vision: Anguilla can see in the infrared spectrum, allowing them
Hydrosphere: Moist to see in complete darkness provided there are heat sources. They
Gravity: Standard suffer no penalties in darkness.
Terrain: Oceans, scattered atolls Enhanced Sense: Anguilla have an incredible sense of smell when
Length of Day: 31 standard hours in Alluuvia's oceans. With an Easy search or Perception total, they
Length of Year: 221 local days can detect predators up to 300 meters away and they can detect
Sapient species: Anguilla (N) Imperials and their vehicles (because of their "alien" scent) up to
Starports: Landing fields (islands, coral atolls) two kilometers away. They lose this bonus when out of the water.
Population: 900,000 (Anguilla) Story Factors:
Planet Function: Homeworld Primitive Culture: The Anguilla are technologically primitive and
Government: Tribal do not know skills that rely on advanced technology.
Tech Level: Stone Language: Anguilla have learned only a few Basic words; some
Major Exports: None Anguilla know the Ithorian language fairly well. They have a
Major Imports: None natural aptitude for languages and with an Easy languages roll,
they can understand the gist of a statement. Those trying to
Anguilla understand an Anguilla need a Moderate languages roll.
Move: 2/4 (slithering), 14118 (swimming)
The Anguilla are intelligent ocean dwellers native to Size: 3-4 meters long
AlIuuvia. Their slender, muscled, eel-like bodies are
three to four meters long and black to olive-green in Meeting the Anguilla
color. They have a pair of powerful anns ending with Shortly after the Rebels land, 25 Anguilla slither out
webbed hands. Their large, arrow-shaped heads have a of the water to secretly observe them. They soon sur-
huge hinged jaw filled with razor-sharp teeth. round the characters and their ship, holding them at
The Anguilla are a technologically primitive species spearpoint. The Anguilla wait for the Rebels to make
that live in water anywhere from 25- to 50-meters deep. the first move since they don't know whether the "new
They live in tribes, some with hundreds of members, strangers" are peaceful or dangerous. They're ready for
and make their homes on the steep sides ofthe volcanic either reaction since they were attacked by the Imperi-
peaks. They have no structures or other indications of als, but also have a friendship with Iych-thae's Ithorian
"civilization" (as humans know the concept); rather, pilgrims.
Anguilla tribes simply claim an area for their activities. If the Rebels are peaceful and attempt communica-
Anguilla migrate frequently to follow the fish schools tion, the Anguilla warriors lead the characters to Anyar,
they hunt for food. They cultivate several different sea their tribal leader. The Anguilla know only a smatter-
plants for food and medicine; these plants grow very ing of Basic but are pretty good at speaking Ithorian; if
quickly in the volcanic ash. They also grow a kind of any of the characters are Ithorians, the Anguilla as-
luminescent moss which is used to light the interiors of sume that this character is the group's leader.
caves. Ifthe Rebels attack, the Anguilla respond with amaz-
Anguilla communities are very free-form. Most be- ing ferocity; they intend to capture the Rebels and
ings spend their days on hunting expeditions or tending deliver them to Anyar. They flee from heavy blaster fire
to the plants. Sentries patrol near the villages, looking or large explosions, and retreat ifhalftheir number are
out for predators. The Anguilla are a social people, with wounded. If the Rebels force them to flee, they return
a great deal ofloyalty to each other and a rich storytelling several hours later with 100 warriors.
tradition. (They use both sound and hand gestures to
relate their tales.) Anguilla Warrior. All stats are 1D except: Dexterity
Leadership is determined by tests ofphysical strength, 3D+2, dodge 4D+2, melee combat 4D+1, melee parry
intelligence and charisma. Their main weapons are 4D+ 1, Knowledge 3D, languages 3D+2, Perception 3D+1,
primitive spears made from bone shafts and stone Strength 4D, swimming 5D. Swimming (+3D to swim-
heads. ming), slippery skin (brawling attacks against them
suffer +10 penalty), bite (STR+1DJ, vision (no penalty in
Anguilla darkness), enhanced sense (Easy search or Perception
Attribute Dice: 12D to detect predators [300 meters away) or Imperials [2
kilometers away) by scent). Move: 2, 14 (swimming).
MECHANICAL 00/20 Spear (STR+ lD).
STRENGTH 20/50 A Test of Courage
Special Abilities: Once the characters are captured (or agree to meet
Swimming: Anguilla are natural swimmers and receive +3D to all the tribal leader), another Anguilla emerges from the
swimming rolls. water. The Rebels are brought before Anyar, the leader
Slippery Skin: Because of their slippery skin, all brawling rolls of this tribe. Anyar attempts to communicate with the

..S6. • Ind·ustrial In~rigue . ., . , .. . ;::........ :.:.. .. . ..

· .. . . Ind~striallntri e· 37
Perception to detect predators [300 meters away] or
"t,/~, Brutal Wel'c'Orlie Imperials [2 kilometers away] by scent). Move: 2, 14
(swimming). Ceremonial spear (STR+1D+2), shell
Pfi"ate Kinard ease,Uhebreath mask
over ius face and tightened the straps.
.He checked his gear·~/.sw::vivaI belt, Anyar demands to know if these newcomers (the
~!wack, blaster rijle, and the breath characters) are allied with those who slaughtered many
mas)< ., o!!'t;g,ore time. ~0l1!!ly, he glanced at Anguilla 15 tides (days) ago. (This atrocity was an act of
the faces'of'the'other nine niem1i'ers.ofthe team. the first Imperial exploration team; see "A Brutal WeI·
Wit;lil'~rr."tallicclick, t1le.hl'teh·o(the Lambda· come.")
class· shuttle Toranni opened."Bright sunlight Anyar has information regarding the Imperials, but
spillediiltQ the dark recess<fs of the passenger first the characters must gain his trust: they must prove
hold, 'intensified by the glare'or'the ocean. Cau· they are different than the Imperials. Explaining the
tiously, the'team moved out into the brilliant, galactic civil war is one method, but the Anguilla have
warm d.ay with Kinard pu11ing'up.the rear. Private trouble understanding politics. To truly earn the trust
Tracher Il.odded approva:! as!:l,elooked up from!:l,is of the aliens, the characters must perform a sacred
atIn.Qsp!:l,J're scanner and th", teilm p",eled off the ceremony to prove their worth, honor, and intentions. If
uncoinfor.table breath masks the characters agree, proceed to "The Rites of Conch·
'Fh"s1little occupied a s tar," below.
volcanogoured smokeintothe osphere. Kinard
tho,ughJ; What possible value:c6uld this planet The Rites of Conch-tar
have? B#Qre he could begirito.3nswer that ques· Anyar and a host ofAnguilla warriors lead the Rebels
tion,theocean came a:live with movement. to a submerged cave a few kilometers away. The Rebels
Water'churned and ripplenat the base of the must use breathing apparatus to reach the cave.
atoll as 'severa:! large blacl!,fo@s pulled them- The cave is pitch black, but Anyar gives the Rebels a
selves from the ocean. 'Fhey cl'!!J1bered onto ,the' bone with phosphorescent seaweed attached. He then
rock1',§,W!ace with th",ir ~e!'Peritine bodies glisten-' hands a leafofseaweed to each Rebel and instructs him
ing in the bright surilight. , ..... to eat it. He mumbles a few chants before ordering the
Privllte Kinard was rei!l!lsE!'d by the creatures Rebels into the cave. He tells them they must stay in the
as he·clenched his Blasterl'ille;C1oser to his bony. ' cave to be proven worthy.
There,were six ... then eight .-.-. more than 20 of Gamemaster's Note: Before running this scene,
them arrived before the water's surface 'became you should have an idea of each character's greatest
still. . . ," _ fear. If not, generic fears can be generated ahead of
forsevera:! moments, both sides stared at each· time.
Qtherm amazement. 'Fhen, OD.li9fthealiens stepped
fo~ar$l.'rhei'irwaspierc!idbya bl!lster shot@d
Upon entering the cave, each Rebel must make a
the-a:!iennropp",d,to thegto)ifi$l,inoti-oD1ess. Within ~ Difficult willpower roll or succumb to the seaweed. Force·
secondS, the air. was filled mtIi-more blaster boltS' sensitive individuals are immune to these effects.
as the tnrong of aliens clos.ed on the lniperia:t Characters who fail this roll slip into a deep dream·
'troopers. ' • state where they are confronted by visions oftheir worst
As-tjle'l!lst sUl:v:iving creature.hastijy retreated fears. They are seemingly unconscious and incapable of
towards the ocean, Private-·Kinard counted 16 moving for 2D rounds. Each round, the character can
dead a:lien bodies on the liwiI. Besides a few cuts try to make a Difficult willpower roll to overcome his or
and brwses, the Imp'efiiil:tio~w~ unscathed. We her greatest fear. Those not affected by the seaweed
confront the piscator in its true form.
won,_,thought Private Kin.ard, but will I forgive
ntjiself-forfiring the, jir§t
,','- -
Piscator. Dexterity 2D+l, Perception 2D, Strength
3D, brawling3D. Tusks (STR+3D), tentacles (STR+ lD),
fear·sensitivity (+1D to brawling for each character
characters; if they are patient, they may earn a power· who fails willpower roll). Move: 12.
ful ally on this new world.
The piscator is somehow attuned to the Force and
Anyar, Tribal Leader. All stats are 1D except: feeds on the fear given off by terrified victims. The
Dexterity 4D, dodge 5D+l, melee combat 6D+2, melee creature is almost three meters long, with a powerful
parry 5D, Knowledge 4D, languages 5D+l, Perception taiL Its head has a very small mouth, eight short
3D, Strength 5D, swimming 7D+l. Swimming (+3D to tentacles and a pair of curved tusks.
swimming), slippery skin (brawling attacks against The piscator instinctively goes for characters para·
them suffer +10 penalty), bite (STR+1DJ, vision (no lyzed by their fear, fighting able characters only if
penalty in darkness), enhanced sense (Easy search or attacked by them.

3.8 • Ind'ustrial Intrigue .. '.' : :. ' .. ' .: . .



".,' . ~'"

The Anguilla enter the cave to rescue any uncon- mobile base; they even offer to join the characters in
scious Rebels in 10 rounds. To pass the rites, the Rebels investigating the base if the characters ask for help.
need only stay in the cave and confront their fears. Anyar also reveals that another group landed five
Failing the Rites. If the Rebels fail the Rites, the tides ago. These strangers have become allies of the
Anguilla don't believe the characters are allies. Their Anguilla and have promised to protect them from the
wounds are healed and they are released, but they are dangerous strangers. They have told the Anguilla that
told to leave the world. Ifthe characters return, they are they will do everything they can to make sure that this
confronted by a force of 100 warriors who are ready to world remains as it is now.
die defending their oceans.
As the characters are ready to leave, Anyar says, "I ~."!1nderwater Combat
had hoped you would be like the first." He explains that
a "giant metal fish that flies" landed on the world. The GOIllbjlldJ.I1der"!:ater.is vf}ry different than. on
beings inside - who seem much like the characters - land. The.follow:i!lg.I'U1esreflect'these differences.
explored the world and left. The Anguilla watched them Character~9s~:theJr s·wimjning skill for ail
from a distance but did not make contact. (This group movement.an1!;aolfge rolls. .
was the Gray Griffins.) w.at~r.is$h~xcellent conductor- of concussion
Then, 15 tides ago, a second group landed. There wave~. A:gfen;\l,de ca~es 4D damage to everyone
were many more strangers this time. Finally, the at poi:ntobl8nk~range.fcirtlie blast radius; everyone:-
Anguilla decided to approach, but the strangers at- els", in the,bllist"suffers 4D stun damage.
tacked his people. (See "A Brutal Welcome.") I3laste~~t~-1lifficnlt-touse underwater. In·
Anyar says that another, larger metal fish landed crease the."Cdiflicillty-of-each shot one-level and
eight tides ago - it's still on this world, far away in the reduc_e_tlie"",~PJln's d=age b)' 2D. Some blasters
southern ocean. There are many strangers on this (like the_oiiilsdri.;th~waveskimmersfuse their full
"fish." Jiamage ~oae," ~
Lig]:lt~ilj,~s~arediflicUlt-tocO"ntrol, requiring a '.
Passing the Rites. If the Rebels pass The Rites of Moderate"cinzt1"ol or a Difficult Ughtsaber or Dex-
Conch-tar, the Anguilla accept them as allies. The terity roll'1;Qh6ld onto each round,
aliens provide the information above and give direc- - ,-_=__ ...:i5f-",,-_
tions to the new "metal fish," which is the Imperial

'. . '" . .' : "". . Ind;ttstriallntdgue • ·39 '.

Iych-thae Arrives mission without being caught by IML's employees at
As Anyar tells his story, his new allies arrive: Iych- the base. IfIML can prove the characters' interference,
thae and his 10 Ithorian pilgrims join the group. (Their Radell's claim on A1luuvia is void!
ship, the Varnay, lands near the characters' vessel. See Falsifying the Report
Episode Seven, "Trouble Arrives" for the Varnay's game
stats.) Iych-thae suggests that the characters could sneak
aboard the mobile base to broadcast a false report to
Ithorian Pilgrims (10). All stats are 2D except: IML headquarters. If the report says that the initial
blaster 2D+2, dodge 3D, Knowledge 3D, agriculture 4D, scouting team was wrong and there are virtually no
ecology 5D+1, languages 4D+2, Mechanical1D, space resources on this world, Alluuvia will not be worth
transports 3D, starship gunnery 3D+ 1, starship shields further exploration and development.
4D+2, Perception 3D, brawling 3D, Technical1D. Move: Then, the characters must somehow destroy the
10. Plain robes, blaster pistol (4D, usually set for stun), base's communications system (so the false report can-
wooden walking staff (STR+1D), comlink, religious not be corrected). Finally, the characters must some-
items. how insure that no one from the base reports back to
Iych-thae's reaction depends upon how the charac- IML, either by destroying the base or capturing all the
ters dealt with him on Dega. If the characters were base's personnel. The characters must come up with a
hostile, Iych-thae is suspicious, but he asks the charac- plausible explanation for the base's disappearance in
ters to consider the question of A1luuvia's fate. If the their broadcast to IML. Iych-thae suggests that the
characters were friendly or at least neutral, Iych-thae characters and the Anguilla could hold the base work-
encourages the characters to join him. ers and then turn them over to the Rebels as prisoners.
Iych-thae explains that he discovered this world by Anyar offers to send "hundreds ofwarriors" to attack
tracking the Imperial expedition that brought the mo- the base. While the Ithorians are reluctant to fight, the
bile base here. He says that the Anguilla are a peaceful characters may be able to convince them to take up
people who respect their world and take good care of it. arms, perhaps by suggesting something along the lines
However, the Empire would ruin this world: they will of "words without actions are meaningless."
destroy all life through their greed.
The Fate of Alluuvia
Iych-thae asks the characters, "The fate ofthis world
is in your hands. Are you stewards or profiteers? Do you There is one final sticking point: the Ithorians don't
respect A1luuvia and its sacred life or do you choose to want any mining companies on Alluuvia. The Ithorians
kill this planet?" insist that Radell Mining must not be allowed to set up
Ifthe characters act with respect and careful thought, operations on this world. Anyar becomes angry if he
they may earn Anyar's respect even if they failed the thinks the characters plan to "drive off one group who
Rites of Conch-tar. would destroy our oceans only to welcome another."
With persuasive arguments, Anyar can be talked
The Battle Plan into allowing mining, but only ifIych-thae remains to
If the characters agree to help save A1luuvia, Iych- oversee Radell's operations. Iych-thae offers to travel to
thae says that the characters must find a way to con- Elrood to negotiate this deal once the Empire is de-
vince the Empire to leave this world alone. Iych-thae feated.
points out that there are many scouts still surveying the
world: obviously, the base hasn't sent its report to IML Episode Six: To Save a World
headquarters on Derilyn.
The characters have two options: they can delay Summary
IML's report long enough that Radell can send a scout- The Rebels must infiltrate the Imperial mobile base
ing team and register a claim with the Empire. A second and prevent IML's scouts from reporting what they
option is to falsify the base's report to IML, implying have learned about A1luuvia. While inside the base, the
that there are no resources on this world and discourag- characters learn that the Empire is sending a mining
ing the Empire from ever coming here again. station that's due to arrive within a day.
Claiming the Planet for Radell
Scouts and Patrols
In order to claim this world for Radell, the characters
There are numerous sensor beacons and patrols near
must prevent the IML base from sending its report to the base. If the characters are travelling with the
Derilyn. Then the characters must contact Radell Min- Anguilla, there's no risk of discovery because the aliens
ing via subspace transceivers and have them claim the can "smell" the Imperials and their vehicles from kilo-
world, complete with the astrogation coordinates the meters away.
characters got from the Whisper. Ifthe characters are on their own, they'll have to use
Unfortunately, the characters must accomplish this

4.0 • Industrial In~rigue . '.' :: ....: . .

hand scanners and their own senses to avoid the pa- Passengers: 120 (support stam, 300 (troops)
trols. While the sensor beacons are placed far apart - Cargo Capacity: 150 metric tons
Cover: Full
there are gaping holes in the Imperial sensor net - the Altitude Range: Ground level-3 meters
sensor beacons have an effective range of 100 meters, Cost: Not available for sale
which is far greater than the characters can see under- Maneuverability: OD
water. There's a very good chance the characters could Move: 25; 70 kmh
swim right up to a sensor beacon and not even notice it. Body Strength, 6D
Shields: 2D+2
Stage any encounters like the scenes in Return ofthe Sensors:
Jedi when the Rebels try to hide from Imperial scouts. Passive: 300/0D
The characters may come upon a roving sensor beacon Scan: 400/1D
or an Imperial patrol and are forced to act quickly to Search: 600/2D
Focus: 2 km/2D+2
avoid detection. Weapons:
Sensor Beacon. These beacons are placed around 1 Heavy Turbolaser
the base, mostly to scan for large predators. The bea- Fire Arc: Turret
Crew: 4
cons are metal cylinders about 1.5-meters-Iong, and Scale: Capital
studded with small dishes and antennas. If any charac- Skill: Capital ship gunnery
ter approaches within 100 meters ofthe beacon, it alerts Fire Control: 2D
the Imperial mobile base, which dispatches a patrol to Fire Rate: 1/6
Atmosphere. Range: 2-10/20/30 km
investigate. The beacon has a body strength of 3D Damage:5D
(character-scale), so it is easily disabled. If the charac- 4 Laser Cannons
ters trip the alarms but hide quickly, there's a good Fire Arc: 1 left, 1 right, 1 front, 1 back
chance that Imperial troopers on patrol decide that the Crew: 1
beacon's signal was a false alarm and return to base. Scale: Starfighter
Skill: Starship gunnery
Imperial Patrol. The Imperial patrols consist of a Fire Control: ID
lone Imperial seatrooper on a waveskimmer. See the Atmosphere Range: 1-214/6 km
Damage: 3D
descriptions later in this chapter for game statistics.
The Imperial Base Sneaking Into the Base
If the characters want to substitute a fake report or
When the characters first approach the base, read
aloud: send a message to Radell Mining on Elrood, they must
find a way to sneak inside the base unnoticed. Unless
The immense octagonal platform rests on the the characters have already alerted the Empire to their
water's placid surface. Easily 200 meters in diam- presence (such as by setting offa sensor beacon's alarm),
eter, the gray surface gleams in the afternoon this isn't as hard as it might initially seem to be. The
sun. A heavy turbolaser and a quartet of smaller Imperials have no reason to suspect attackers since
laser cannons rise from the base's towers. A pair they assume they've terrified the Anguilla.
of sensor towers flank the main landing pad, The main defenses are simple sensor arrays at vari-
while the station has a large shield generator for ous points around the base, both on the surface and
protection. A TIE fighter launching chute is posi- underwater. The sensors - small disks about 20 centi-
tioned behind the turbolaser. meters in diameter - have a range of 10 meters.
The base is essentially a smaller version of an Impe- Underwater, the characters must make Difficult
rial aquatic garrison base. (See Battle for the Golden search or Perception rolls to spot the sensors and move
Sun.) This base is being used for a preliminary scouting around them without setting off their alarms. A failed
and survey mission, but similar bases may also playa roll means that six seatroopers aboard waveskimmers
supporting role in planetary occupations. While cur- are immediately dispatched to deal with the intruders.
rently stationary, the base has a cluster ofrepulsorlift On the surface of the base, the search or Perception
engines for movement (top speed of70-kilometers-per roll is only Moderate. Failure means that a squad of
hour). It has a shield generator, a heavy laser cannon eight Army troopers head up to the exterior to capture
and four laser cannons for defense. the characters.
The characters may use one of the exterior hatch-
Imperial Mobile Base ways to reach ladders leading down into the base. All
Craft: Imperial MFB·4 Mobile Repulsor Base hatches have alarms, but they can be disabled with
Type: Mobile multi-function base security rolls (see below).
Scale: Walker
Length: 200 meters
The characters may use the launch chute (on level
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: MFB-4 three) or the TIE fighter hangar (at the exterior) to
Crew: 30, gunners: 4 sneak inside. These areas are open to the outside.
Characters must make opposed sneak rolls (against the

. In~~striallnti-igue • 41
4~ • Industrial Intrigue .. '.' : :'. . . . .. ' . .
Imperial Mobile Base

Exterior Levell
Aerial View Personnel Deck

Storage )-.q,....J...;\=--{,. Storage

Tower Computer
Room Room

Shield Office Office

Generators +-~
Meeting Meeling
Galley Rooms Rooms Lounge

TIE Fighter Hangar TIE Fighter

and Launch Chute Hangar

Level 2 Level 3
Barracks Vehicle Bay
Barracks Detention Research Labs
Block Turbolift

Mess Storage
Barracks Barracks
Vehicle Vehicle
Storage SlOragc
Bay Mustering Bay
Barracks Barracks Hall

Annory Training
Medical Droid
Bay Bay
Launch Chute

technicians' search or Perception) to sneak inside with- have any combat training and none of them carry
out being noticed by Imperial technicians. blasters. If the characters can seize control of the
communications room (so the Imperials and IML work-
Destroying the Base ers can't send out a distress signal) and the computer
It's important to note that the characters may be control room, the sheer size ofthe Anguilla army should
much better offcapturing the base rather than trying to allow the characters to capture the base with a mini-
destroy it. Ifthe base is captured, the Alliance or Radell mum of casualties. This battle can be staged like the
Mining can use it as a base of operations for future Endor battle scenes in Return of the Jedi, where hun-
mining efforts. dreds of Anguilla charge onto the base's surface and
Second, the base is very large - probably too large for climb through the entrances (at least before the Impe-
a small group ofoperatives to destroy. The base has only rials manage to activate the emergency seals) while the
30 troops. The other 50 or so people assigned here are characters race to capture the all-important communi-
IML scientists, technicians and laborers; none of them cations station.

. '.. . .. : .. '. . Ind;~striallnt:dgue • ·43 .

An air attack faces a stiff defense from the base's .~,

laser cannons and the turbolaser. Unless the shield

generator is disabled from the computer control room,
the base's shields should have little trouble deflecting
Rebel fire, giving the TIE fighters plenty oftime to drive
off the attackers.
An underwater attack has better odds. For one, the
shields don't extend underwater and there are no defen-
sive weapons, either. An underwater assault gives the
Anguilla a natural advantage.
If the characters infiltrate the base early in the
attack, they can use explosives to disable the laser
cannons, shield generators, sensor towers, the TIE
fighter launch chute, or the underwater launch chute,
further limiting the Imperials' options.
The characters can create a good deal ofconfusion by
coordinating groups to attack several locations at once.
A distraction provided by the Ithorian herd ship's ion to an access door that opens to Level One; this door's
cannons or an underwater Anguilla attack can give the alarm can be circumvented with a Moderate security
Rebels cover to infiltrate the base. roll.
The Ithorians and the Anguilla can be of great assis- Shield Generators. The shield generators are un-
tance, but the actions of the Rebels should determine manned, but vulnerable circuitry is behind the two
whether this mission succeeds or fails. You must deter- different access panels. Opening an access panel auto-
mine the effects of their tactics, giving consideration to matically triggers an alarm in the computer control
staging an exciting and action-packed battle scene. For room (on Level One).
more suggestions, see Chapter Eight, "Running Battles," There are two shield generators; characters can dis-
on pages 130-135 of Star Wars, Revised and Expanded. able each generator by severing a main power cable
Imperial Mobile Base Key (Easy demolitions roll to determine which cable to cut).
Severing a cable causes a major power surge, causing
Exterior 5D damage to everyone within one meter. (Using explo-
Laser Cannons. Each laser cannon has an emer- sives with a timer is probably be the best way to cut the
gency escape hatch, which may be pried open with a main power cable.)
Moderate lifting or Strength roll. Unfortunately, doing Landing Pad. The landing pad has running lights.
so automatically triggers a warning light in the com- There is a turbolift access hatch that can be opened with
puter control room on Level One. Ladders lead down to a Moderate security roll; failing the roll triggers an
access doors on Level One; the door may be opened with alarm in the computer control room on Level One.
a properly encoded rank cylinder (the troopers have
one) or by prying open the access panels and making a Level One, Personnel Deck
Difficult security roll (this requires 15 minutes ofwork). TIE Fighter Hangar. This hangar is capable of
Each laser cannon has one gunner on duty at all times. holding 12 TIE fighters, but there are only six TIE
Turbolaser. The turbolaser also has an emergency fighters at the base. There are six Imperial technicians
escape hatch, which may be pried open with a Moderate present at all times; if they see the characters, they
lifting or Strength roll. Opening the hatch automati- sound a general alarm. A squad of eight Army troopers
cally triggers a warning light in the computer control arrives in one minute.
room on Level One. A ladder leads down to a sealed door
on Level One, which also requires a rank cylinder or a Impe'
Difficult security roll to open. There are four gunners
except: s J~" ler repain '1.FJ, staf,sJiip gunne~
here at all times.
repair 4D.'Move: ·10.

Sensor Tower. There are two 20-meter-tall towers. 'FIElIn, ,li'ighters (6). Starfighter-scale,
There are several access panels which open to reveal the
staTfighten piloting 4D±1, starship 'gunne~ 4D.
circuitry for both the sensors and communications sys- Maneuverability; 2D, space 10, atmosphere 415;
tems. (The systems' controls are in the communications 1,200 knih-;-]l"ull 2D. Weapons: 2 JaBer cannons
room on Level One.) Next to each toweris an emergency (fire-linkea,}RrEllcontfo!,2D, dama.ge 5D).
access door which requires a Moderate security roll to 4 ; ' " , , ; ill
- - - i j i ' « ; i""
'-''''- _

open without sounding an alarm. A ladder leads down

44 • Industrial Intrigue ' .

The hangar has a secure blast door (body strength
100) which requires a rank cylinder to open; Rebels ~-Foiling the Report
making a Oifficult security roll can force the door open,
but failing the roll triggers an alarm. The characters C!lIl call up the IML re-
port with an Easy computer program-
Communications Room. This room has the base's ming I repair roll: The report indicates
main communications and sensor controls. The room is ,,' that AlluuVia is tremendously rich in
always staffed by one Army soldier and four unarmed several key metals and ores, including alantium,
IML techs.
doonium, lomite, meleenium and zersium. While
The base has a comm system (for in-system commu- food and water will have to be imported to the
nications and for contacting patrol vehicles). There is planet (because the waters are so rich in heavy
also a subspace comm system for contact with nearby metals, purification is quite difficult), the poten-
systems: the subspace messages can reach Oerilyn and tial profits far outweigh the costs.
This initial summary is followed by reports
The characters must upload their false report from from scans at many locations around the planet.
this room. While they are here, they can also monitor Faking the report's results requires only aMod-
comlink or intercom transmissions in the base, inter- erate computer programming I repair roll but also
cept incoming subspace messages, keep track of patrol takes two hours ofwork. Hthe characters quickly
vehicles, or scan for incoming starships and vehicles. d;sablethe room;s staff;have been quiet and aren't
IML Technicians (4). All stats are 20 except: forced to work through a work shift change, they
communicatwns 4D, sensors 4D. Move: 10. should have plenty o(time to complete this task ...
although a curious security patrol or a subdued
Computer Control Room. This is the nerve center worker coming around and making a desperate
of the base. It's staffed at all times by two soldiers and lunge for an alarm button can add a lot of tension
four IML technicians. All basic functions are controlled to the scene. ._
from here, including the base's shields, repulsorl.ift The characters need only make an Easy com,
engines, environmental/temperature controls, and hfe munications roll. to send a message to Radell
support. The report for IML's executives is stored on the Mining; they must incfude the astrogation coordi-
computers in this room. 'C' n'!tes for Alluuvia. Ifowever, the characters.must
The room has a secure blast door (body strength 60) still sabotage the IML base; ifIML can prove Ithad
which requires a rank cylinder to open; Rebels making .a functioning bas~"9Jlft.lluuviabefore Radell reg-
isters its claim; IML gets the right to mine the
I- planet.
.Incoming·Mess!lge The characters may feel the need to make sure
Ju~tbefore thecharactets'~illoadthe false the Empire never sen.ds another expedition here.
repott to rMLheadquarters op.·lj}epily'!!,. the base One possible tactic is to amend the' report to
·receives thefeillowing subspae.,'tt(essage. . indicate that the.pL¥1.!'t !S extremely unstable,
'c- thereby explainingwhy the base suddenly udisap_
ALERT TO ALJ;;qUVIMi!9I1rLEBA13E. - 'pears without a'tr,!:ce." It could have been de-
TmS IS Thffi,EXFW.RAT0RY MINING RIG stroyed in a massive tidal wave or through some
BEREA,3:~~A:RE-BE~Ji;~~mJMpS AND other natural iiisaster.
~~(S"¥~TEMJTOMQlIDOW BY 0800 a Difficult security roll can force the door open, but
HOURSCYQPR,TIME?J" j R.~·~1j9 failing the roll triggers an alarm.
BE.PR$1i1MED 'I1.03~IRE9'l'!DgRJ!SREWS,T.O~ Personnel Quarters. Each of these four areas is
'FH,EM6~\f.ROMISING_MIN1[El¥,!,~?~WEHlWE. outfitted to provide beds and living quarters for 120
ORDERS T(2'El"",IV\W CORE ElA¥¥!¥(3 IMMEDI- people. Currently, the base is staffed by only 50 IML
AmELY AND~EGIN OPERATWNS AS SOON. workers so no more than 15 workers are here at any
AS P"0SSiBLE. ""'~~. ~ . time. If the characters are subtle, they may be able to
WEARE L@0KINGRO~\\'1\RD':l'Q,TIDSNEW con the other workers here into thinking that they're on
.A:SSIGNMENT. Y0UR· ASSISTANCE IS a work crew. The characters can find spare IML uni-
GREA'DLY ABPREDIA!I'Efk~2}":: forms in the closets; if they rummage through workers'
:~UHeiIEJiisbJdeSevep.j."Tio.ii~j~~Affix~l'" w!}eI!!;" personal lockers, they can find rank cylinders.
. the ,cl1anicters are ready .toattaCktne'incommg!'- Storage. This large area has crates full of food,
n:i:ininirig, - ' t } ! ; ' .: water, medpacs, portable hand scanners, datapads,
droid parts, IML uniforms, and other common goods.

. . . . '. Ind;tistriallnt:l-igue • 45
The entrance to the room has a supply desk; on the disk
is a flimsiplast manifest listing each crate's contents.
There is an IML staffer here at all times; he's thor-
oughly disinterested in his job and takes little notice of
the characters if they're dressed in IML uniforms.
If a character wants a particular item, you may
decide it's simply not present or, ifit is present, have the
character make an Easy search roll to find the item's
listing on the manifest.
Galley. This large room is filled with cooking kettles, Medical Bay. This small room has two complete
ovens, food decontaminators and other kitchen appli- surgery suites and fOUf recovery rooms. The medical
ances: this room has enough equipment to feed over 300 bay is staffed by four MD-5 medical droids and contains
people. A chefand two SE4 servant droids are here at all a pair of bacta tanks.
times. If an alarm hasn't been sounded, the chef teases Droid Bay. The base boasts a huge droid bay with
anyone who wanders in, assuming that the person is an storage racks, power rechargers, and a full-service
off-duty IML employee trying to grab extra Pyollian maintenance and repair shop. The base has dozens of
cakes or other sweets. SE4 servant droids, seven 3PO protocol droids, too many
Office. This is the office ofSupervisor Mehlohtt, the mouse droids, and a few Arakyd 6G2 explorer droids
top IML executive at the base. He is a human male in his refitted for underwater use. These droids are currently
mid-40s, with thick brown hair. He has a fondness for deactivated but automatically power up if spoken to.
stylish business suits.
The room is dominated by a large desk. Mehlohtt's
computer is on the desk. If the characters can get
Mehlohtt to reveal his password, the computer can be
used to access any computers in the base, including
those in the communications room and the computer
control room.
Mehlohtt is a bit of a coward and readily surrenders
to the characters if he's threatened. However, if he
thinks he can get away with calling for help without
getting shot, he tries to grab his personal comlink from
his belt.
Lounge. Up to a dozen off-duty IML workers are
here, trading stories from their exploration missions,
reading holonovels or viewing holovids. Three or four
workers are engaged in a small-stakes sabacc game.

Barracks. Each of these eight chambers provides
living space for up to 300 troops. Right now the base is
staffed only with a skeleton contingent of 10 Army
troopers and 20 seatroopers.

Armory. The Armory has the base's store of weap-

ons, which includes two dozen blaster rifles, blaster
pistols and fragmentation grenades. The room has 48
blaster power packs, as well as a recharging station.
The room also has two E-Web repeating blasters and
their power generators, although they're still in their

4.6 • Industrial Intrigue . . . .: ." . .

shipping crates. There is an Army trooper here at all
times; he's very suspicious and strict about security.
The room has a secure blast door (body strength 6D)
which requires a rank cylinder to open; Rebels making
a Difficult security roll can force the door open, but
failing the roll triggers an alarm.
Detention Block. The detention block has a secured
door which can only be opened with a proper rank
cylinder or from inside the block. The room has a secure
blast door (body strength 6D); Rebels making a Difficult
security roll can force the door open, but failing the roll
triggers an alarm.
Four Imperial army troopers are on duty here at all
times. There are no prisoners in the detention block.

Level Three, Vehicle Bay

Research Labs. These two locations are used to
analyze the many are samples taken by IML's scouts
and scientists. Four IML technicians and scientists are
on-duty at all times. The rooms can be accessed with a
simple entry code. Mustering Hall. This large area is used to stage
The lab computers are linked to the computers in the troops and vehicles for deployment; normally this room
computer control room, which stores the report that is is empty. The room has a secure blast door (body
being prepared for IML's executives. The computers can strength 6D) which requires a rank cylinder to open;
be accessed by entering a password, but it's up to the Rebels making a Moderate security roll can force the
characters to figure out how to get the password. door open, but failing the roll triggers an alarm.
Vehicle Storage Bay. There are two of these cav- Launch Chute. This room has a ramp/chute for
ernous bays. The first bay has room for 100 wave- launching underwater vehicles; the ramp's angle can be
skimmers and 15 aquatic scout ships, although it cur- changed to accommodate submarine vehicles and sur-
rently only has 10 waveskimmers and seven aquatic face speeders. This room is empty unless a vehicle is
scout ships. about to launch.
The second bay is outfitted with racks to hold 15 TIE
fighter boats, although only four are present. Each bay Episode Seven: Trouble Arrives
has a large, well-stocked workshop to keep the vehicles
running at peak efficiency. Each bay has a secure blast Summary
door (body strength 6D) which requires a rank cylinder
to open; Rebels making a Moderate security roll can In the final episode ofAct One, the Rebels must stop
force the door open, but failing the roll triggers an the deployment ofIML's mining rig. Just as the charac-
alarm. ters think they've succeeded, The Scourge pirate gang
exits hyperspace with plans for revenge ... but an ally
arrives at the last minute to save the day.
An Untimely Arrival
The characters probably know the arrival time ofthe
IML fleet. If at their ship, an Easy sensors roll detects
the convoy fleet when it emerges from hyperspace; the
Imperial mobile base's sensors automatically detect the
The IML fleet consists of the mining rig Berea-3, the
supply freighter Oldskep (named after an IML execu-
tive) and eight TIE fighter escorts.
The fleet's command ship, the mining rig Berea-3,
requests landing coordinates from the Imperial base. If
coordinates are not offered, the commander oftheBerea-
3 becomes suspicious and deploys his TIE fighter es-

. ..... . : . '.' Ind;;qstriallnti-igue • ·<17 .

Berea-3. Capital-scale, astrogation 3D, space trans- If the characters open fire and lightly damage the
ports 3D. Space 1, atmosphere 210; 600 kmh, hull 1D_ Berea-3 or the Oldskep, the IML captain is likely to
The Berea-3 is an ungainly "combination" ship that order a withdrawal: he was only hired to set up a mining
couples a standard TaggeCo. mining rig to a stripped- rig, not wage an industrial war.
down Quasar Fire-class bulk cruiser. "The cruiser has If the characters want to prevent the fleet from
the engines and command pod; its role is simply to carry reporting back to IML headquarters, they must strike
the mining rig to its destination system. Upon reaching suddenly and unexpectedly. A possible tactic is to steal
the target world, the cruiser slowly drops into the the Imperial mobile base's TIE fighters and act as
atmosphere. The mining rig is deployed from a height of "escorts" - when the time is right, the characters can
less then 20 meters and uses powerful repulsorlift clisable the communications arrays of the Berea-3 and
engines to cushion its landing. The rig itself is nearly the Oldskep, preventing the ships from calling for help.
200 meters long and requires a crew of400 workers. The The ion cannons ofthe Varnay can quickly disable these
rig has a multitude ofdrilling stations and landing bays two vessels, rendering them helpless and giving the
for support craft. Currently, the rig has only a start·up characters control of the situation. Again, it's unlikely
crew of 30 workers; the rest are due to arrive by that the IML crews are willing to die for their company:
transport once the rig is operational. they'd prefer to surrender than have to repel a boarding
Oldskep. Capital-scale, astrogation 3D, space trans-
ports 2D+2, starship gunnery 3D. Space 1, atmosphere R4-Bll Makes His Move
210; 600 kmh, hull ID+1. Weapons: 2 laser cannons At some point during this episode, R4-Bll makes his
(starfighter-scale, fire control 1D, damage 3D+2). move. The droid waits for the worst possible moment
The Oldskep is a battered old bulk freighter that's (for the characters), such as during the attack on the
filled with foodstuffs, water, support vehicles, mining IML fleet.
supplies, power generators, droids and other essential The droid reprograms the life support system, cut-
equipment for the IML mining rig. ting off the oxygen and adding a high level of carbon
monoxide to the ship's atmosphere. The droid hopes
TIElIn Fighters (8). Starfighter-scale, starfighter that the characters are too busy to notice the deception
piloting 4D+l, starship gunnery 4D. Maneuverability because of the battle. Mter the characters slip into
2D, space 10, atmosphere 415; 1,200 kmh, hull 2D. unconsciousness from the lack of oxygen, the droid
Weapons: 2 laser cannons (fire-linked, fire control 2D, plans to seize control of the ship and pilot it back to
damage 5D). Korad.
For R4-Bll's plan to work, the droid must first
Ithorian Firepower disable the life support warning light on the ship's
The characters should try to convince the Ithorians control panel. IfR4-Bll has been left alone in the ship
to join the fight: their ship's capital-scale ion cannons at any time, the droid is assumed to have done this. If
could make all the difference between victory and de- the droid hasn't had a chance to do this, it uses a
feat in the battle against the IML convoy. computer program to clisable the warning light during
The Varnay is the Ithorians' Shepherd-class shuttle, the battle. With a Moderate Perception roll, the ship's
which is essentially a miniature version of an Ithorian pilot notices the warning light blink once and then go
herd ship. Although not an offensive ship by design, it out; othenvise, the pilot misses this and the characters
boasts a sturdy hull, advanced shields, and powerful ion have no way ofknO\ving what is happening.
cannOnS. The disk-shaped ship has a small bridge and After a few minutes, the characters start to become
living area, but the interior is dominated by a miniature sluggish: they are at -lD to all actions. Any character
jungle ecology, complete with \vild animals. making a Moderate Perception roll realizes that his or
The Varnay. Starfighter-scale, astrogation 4D, capi- her reactions seem slow and that he's sleepy and short
tal ship gunnery 3D+2, space transports 3D, starship of breath. Ifthe characters don't figure this out, one of
shields 4D+2. Maneuverability 3D+1, space 6, atmo- their droids may comment on the decreasing oxygen
sphere 330; 950 kmh, hull 4D, shields 2D+2. Weapons: level in the ship or one ofthe characters may notice that
2 heavy ion cannons (capital-scale, fire control 3D, the life support computer has been tampered with.
damage 4D). (Perhaps the screen is blank while R4-Bll innocently
watches from just a meter or two away.)
Confronting the Fleet IfR4-Bll's ploy is discovered, the droid clisables the
ship's artificial gravity and lighting system. The char-
The characters have several options when confront- acters must "s\vim" through the air and are tossed about
ing the IML fleet. They may try a direct attack. They roughly when the ship changes course.
may also try to claim the system in the name of Radell The droid firmly stations itself in front of the life
Mining and leave it up to Radell and IML to straighten support computer terminal and keeps the characters
things out.

. 4.8 • Industrial In~rigtle . .. . . ." ; ::. . ".. ".".... .-

back by using its blaster and arc welder. Fortunately, If the characters press the attack and manage to
the characters can restore the oxygen to the life support disable Chalmer's ship, the rest of the pirates retreat
system with an Easy computer programming / repair and escape into hyperspace.
roll once they get by R4-Bll.
Sealing the Deal
The Scourge Arrives After defeating IML's forces, the characters have a
Just as the characters seem to get the upper hand chance to say farewells to the Anguilla before returning
against the IML fleet, they face another foe when the to Elrood. If the characters sent a message to Radell
remainder ofthe The Scourge's fleet arrives. The group Mining, new scouting parties arrive to establish rela-
includes any surviving blastboats, the space barge, the tions and take over operations on the former IML base.
Impasse (all shown in Episode Two, "Into The Drift"), The RMC scouts seem honestly concerned about the
and ChalmerTrillili's personal flagship, a heavily modi- fate of Alluuvia: the partnership between Radell Min-
fied YT-I300 freighter named Personal Profit. (If ing and the Anguilla may work out in time.
Chalmer survived his earlier encounter \vith the char- Iych-thae holds true to his word and joins the charac-
acters, he's piloting this ship.) ters when they return to Elrood to meet with Jameth.
Personal Profit. Starfighter-scale, space transports Anyar also wants to go on this trip to make the case for
5D, starship gunnery 4D+2, starship shields 4D. Ma- his world.
neuverability 1D+ 1, space 6, atmosphere 330; 950 kmh, Upon arrival, the characters learn that Radell Min-
hu1l4D+2, shields ID. Weapons: 2 double laser cannons ing was able to register its claim with Elrood's govern-
(firecontrol1D, damage4D+2), proton torpedo launcher ment. Alluuvia is now under RMC's control. Jameth is
(fire control 1D, damage 9D). somewhat taken aback by the demands oflych-thae and
Anyar, but he soon agrees to abide by their guidelines:
The Impasse, piloted by the Aqualish engineer Anguilla will be mined, but Radell must also act respon-
Quentel, is hanging back and projecting an artificial sibly and the Rebellion will get the metals it needs.
gravity field to prevent the Rebels from jumping to
hyperspace. The rest of the pirate fleet zooms in to
destroy the characters.
The characters may not know that IML and The Each character receive three Character Points for
Scourge are working together, so it should come as a completing the adventure, as well as the following
surprise when the pirates and the Imperials join forces bonuses. You can adjust the awards to reflect outstand-
to attack the characters. ing roleplaying or good planning on the part of the
Star Wing to the Rescue Character
All is notlost. Just when things seem desperate, Star Point Bonus Action
Wing (the Star Dragon) shows up to repay his debt. He's 1 Defuse the bomb
kept an eye on his new friends and is anxious to even the
odds. 1 Help Star Wing
He appears behind the Impasse and breathes a huge 1 Recover the Gray Griffins from Dega
cone of superheated gas on the ship's unshielded flank,
temporarily disabling its gravity well projector. The 1 Make allies with the Anguilla (pass
The Rites of Conch-tar)
Rebels now have two rounds to make an emergency
jump to hyperspace: they need a Difficult astrogation 3 Defeat IML and convince Radell Min-
roll. ing to work with the Anguilla
Cut to Act Two, "The Fixer, the Spy and the Chud."

. '.. . ' .. . . Ind:~striallnt:dgue • ·49 .

Act Two
The Fixer, the Spy,
and the Chud
Adventure Summary liver it to Gwynn Dispatch, a shipping business in
The characters are summoned to the salvage world of Elrooden, on Elrood. Tell the woman that this
Korad by a distress call from Rebel agent Shondra Del. message is from Shondra.
Aided by a somewhat annoying information fixer, the "Gwynn, I must get this message to myoId
characters must find a way to rescue Shondra while trading partners. You know where they're from.
being pursued by assassins and bounty hunters sent by Don't give this message to anyone else." The mes-
a vengeful alien crime boss. To find Shondra, the char- sage abruptly ends.
acters must travel to the world of Derilyn - which is Five seconds later, the screen reactivates:
under Imperial martial law - and somehow rescue this there's a second message. It's a password screen.
agent from the cruel "entertainments" staged for Moff The query is, "It's been a long time since we
Andal: duels to the death in a public arena! smuggled the goods. I can't wait till we get back."
The cursor blinks, while the datapad waits for
Episode One: A Near-Fatal you to enter a password.
Conclusion The characters are supposed to enter the word
"Keyorin" on the datapad. When they do, read aloud:
The characters report to Gwynn Dispatch for a de-
briefing by Rebel operative Shondra Del. Instead, they Shondra's image reappears, but this time she's
receive a confidential hologram message: Shondra has dressed in a Rebel flight suit. She's in the cockpit
been stranded on the salvage world of Korad. While ofa Y-wingfighter, with a look of deep concentra-
searching Korad, the characters end up saving a shifty tion on her face. Through the viewports, you can
data fixer, who promises to help them find and rescue see several explosions - she's in the middle of a
Shondra. battle.
"Imperial shipping is taking a beating out here!
A Plea for Help This group ofpirates has become a powerful force
Following their orders from Shondra Del, they report in the sector and they just roasted another min-
to Gwynn Dispatch in the city ofElrooden. The charac- ing shipment. They heard about me and want to
ters should be expecting a hologram recording telling meet to discuss terms of truce and mutual assis-
them where to report for a thorough debriefing. tance. I don't trust pirates, but they'd make pow-
Upon entering the business, Gwynn immediately erful allies. They want me to meet with them on
recognizes the characters (from their first stop in; ifthe Korad. I'm putting down there. Meet me there as
characters haven't been by previously they must use the soon as you can!
code phrase, "We're former business partners from "What follows is the frequency for my Y-wing's
Keyorin.") She hands them a datadisk and explains that homing beacon. If you broadcast a message on the
Shondra hasn't stopped by, but a freighter captain frequency, you'll activate my beacon and you can
brought in this message yesterday. home in on me.
Gwynn says that two men came looking for Shondra "If I'm not there, I'll leave you a message. Use
earlier, but they didn't offer the code phrase; she won- my decryption program. My Artoo unit will know
ders if Shondra got into some kind of trouble. where I went.
When the characters play the message on a datapad, "Shondra Del out."
read aloud: The message ends and is followed by two long
sets of numbers.
When the message appears, Shondra Del is
dressed in spacers' clothing. Any character who makes an Easy communications
"Whoever intercepts this message, please de- or Mechanical roll realizes that the first set of numbers
is the homing beacon's frequency.

5.0 • The Fixer, th~ Spy, and the 'Chud . . . :

. . . .... .....
Any character who makes a Moderate computer Three of the scavengers are currently in the process
programming / repair roll realizes that the second set of of pulling apart the Y-wing's deflector shield genera-
numbers is a decryption code: it should be entered into tors; another is rummaging around inside the cockpit.
a computer. Then, run any coded messages through the The Artoo unit appears to be intact and still in the Y-
decryption program to get the true message: without wing's droid socket.
the decryption program, coded messages appear to be Note: Particularly devious gamemasters may decide
just random gibberish. that the droid has already been hauled off by scaven-
Arrival on Korad gers. Now, the characters must somehow track the
droid while avoiding Slythor's goons.
The characters are familiar with the salvage world of
Korad after their encounter with Slythor the Squib in The characters can drive the scavengers off with
Act One. The planet is covered with starship wrecks, threats or by firing weapons. The characters can also
scrap metal and other junk. question the scavengers, although they'll have to offer
When the characters orbit the planet and broadcast enticements such as food, blaster power packs and glow
the homing beacon's frequency, an Easy communica- rods.
tions total allows the character at the comm station to The scavengers can be quite helpful: they've been
find the Y-wing's homing beacon signal. (At your discre- observing this area since the Y-wing landed three days
tion, Slythor's patrol hoppers may reappear to harass ago. They say the pilot- a woman -locked up the ship
the characters.) and hiked out to meet with the crew of a freighter that
As the characters follow the beacon, they find landed not far away. The freighter was hopped up with
Shondra's Y-wing parked in one of the scrap "valleys." big guns: it could have been a smuggling ship.
However, several scavengers are clustered around the Shortly after the meeting began, an Imperial shuttle
ship, stripping it for parts. Considering the condition of landed nearby. Minutes later, a speeder transport ar-
the ship, the scavengers have been at work for quite a rived here and began examining the Y-wing. The trans-
while. port had a couple of men in military uniforms of some

. .. . The Fixer, the Spy,: and the Chud • 51 .

type, as well as a squad of stormtroopers. When the plating, as if someone tried to cut into the socket to free
scavengers saw the stormtroopers, they hid. the droid. The droid is deactivated.
Later that day, the scavengers heard the sound of As soon as someone touches the droid, its domed head
blaster fire over near where the smuggling ship landed. slides to the side, attached only to the body by a pair of
When they looked, they spotted the woman near the Y- thick data cables. Someone tried to take the droid's head
wing, but she ran when she heard the Imperial speeder off and severed most of the connections. The droid can
coming. be reactivated with a Moderate droid repair roll and
By nightfall, the Imperial shuttle took off. So did the half an hour of work.
freighter. They haven't seen the woman, the If the characters ask the droid about Shondra's
stormtroopers or the men from the "smuggling" ship message, it chirps to check the astrogation coordinates
since. it has loaded into its memory. Any protocol droid can
Yesterday, they started stripping the Y-wing, hoping understand this instantly. With a Moderate computer
they could find parts to sell to Slythor the Squib up programming / repair roll, the characters can get the Y-
north or the Ugors to the east. wing's computer/draid monitor working again, so they
can read the droid's messages.
What's Really Going On The characters can easily enter the decryption code
The "smugglers" were actually the pirates Shondra into any datapad. With an Easy computer program-
was meeting with. The Imperials captured the pirates ming / repair roll, they can tap into the droid's astrogation
and their ship, but Shondra managed to escape. She left computer, which has astrogation coordinates for Coyn,
a message for the characters and fled, hoping to escape Kidron, Elrood, Derilyn, Dega (all in the Elrood sector),
any remaining Imperial agents. and Keyorin.
At Shondra's Ship Running the decryption code on the coordinates for
the planets in Elrood sector yields only random letters
Ifthe characters attend to Shondra's Artoo droid, it's and numbers. However, if the characters run the
obvious that someone tried to pry it out of the socket: its decryption program on the Keyorin coordinates, the
head is banged up. There are deep gouges in the hull following text message appears:

. 5~.· The.Fixer, the Spy, and the 'Chud' . .. : ::. . .. ' . : . ' .-
REACHED AGREEMENT WITH PIRATES. characters want to stage a rescue, the pilot needs to
THEY'RE GOING AFTER IMPERIAL SHIPPING. make a Moderate space transports roll to match speeds
THAT GIVES NEW REBEL CELLS A CHANCE TO with the falling person, a Difficult space transports roll
START OPERATIONS. to position the ship so someone on-board can pull the
MUST LEAVE KORAD NOW. AS SOLO WOULD falling person aboard (like Lando's rescue of Luke in
SAY, I'VE GOT SOME OLD FRIENDS LOOKING FOR The Empire Strikes Back), and then a Moderate space
ME. I THINK THEY'RE ISB. THEY ALREADY GOT A transports roll to pullout before colliding with the
GOING TO MERISEE. I NEED TO FIND A GAR- If the characters' ship does not pull out in time, it
DEN TO THINK LOOK OUT FOR IMPERIALS. collides with one of the refuse piles. (Characters can
After the message is decrypted, the characters' ship's activate shields.) The collision causes 3D starfighter-
sensors detect an approaching ship. The ship type is not scale damage.
readily identifiable; it seems to be some crazy combina- The ship that originallyjettisoned its living cargo has
tion of body panels, airfoils, and engines cobbled to- turned around and now attacks the characters' ship.
gether from many freighters and scout vessels. It is This ship presses the attack until it suffers a lightly
flying quite high overhead and is not making any damaged result.
threatening moves against the characters' ship. Makeshift Starship. Starfighter-scale, space trans-
After a moment or two, any character operating the ports 4D, starship gunnery 4D+2, starship shields 4D.
sensors or watching sees that an object has been thrown Maneuverability 2D, space 6, atmosphere 330; 950
from the craft. The flailing object is distinctly person- kmh, hull 2D+2, shields lD. Weapons: llaser cannon
shaped! Could this be Shondra Del? (fire controllD, atmosphere range 100-300/1.2/2.5 km,
The hapless being is plummeting rapidly. If the damage 4D).

'. . The Fixer, the SPY3: and the. Chud • 53 .

..1t',o:.- ;-'~-'£71{
_.:".~ ·_i."~.

Introducing Mikos Argdran together, isn't it?"

After taking a second to compose himself, the charac- Mikos says, "You appear as if you are looking for
ters' newest passenger gets to his feet. A short, pudgy something unique, something special ... something that
human dressed in what remains ofa suit of fine clothes, even the wastes of Korad cannot offer!"
he brushes himself off and heartily thanks the closest Mikos claims to have contacts throughout the Elrood
character, whom he assumes is the captain of the ship. sector. "I know many, many different beings in all sorts
He introduces himselfas Mikos Argdran, a merchant of places. High and low, if you get my drift? You need
who believes in the exchange of useful information. He financial information? Starting a business? Making a
hands each character a mercantile identity card: "Mikos fortune? Personal information?You're looking for some-
Argdran, A Friendly Merchant of the Stars. Buy, Sell, one, yes? Tell Mikos how I can help!"
Trade. Specialty Goods Welcome!" He profusely thanks Ifthe characters should let slip that they are looking
each and every character for heroically saving his life. for a friend who was here, Mikos says the only person
If asked about the persons who threw him off the he's seen recently was a woman; he describes Shondra.
ship, Mikos offers only a vague answer about "an unsat- When asked if he knows what happened to her, Mikos
isfied and uncouth former client." Mikos did not have says, "I know something. She booked passage with a
what the client wanted, who responded by having him good friend of mine, a freighter captain called Anrick. I
thrown out the starship's airlock. Mikos tells the char~ know where they went ... but you must bring me along
acters not to worry too much about it and quickly too!"
changes the subject by asking how he can ever repay the Ofcourse, Mikos wants to get offthe planet so he's not
characters for saving his life. rounded up by Lud Chud's bounty hunters. Once the
He eyes them carefully, commenting that they do not characters agree to bring him along, he tells them to set
look like the typical lot that prowls a "filthy, rust- course for Merisee, the main agriculture world in the
covered dumping ground" like Korad. He quickly adds, sector,
"Ofcourse, then again, neither do I seem to be that type "I know I can find Anrick once we get there! See? I told
of person, do I? Strange how fate can bring people you I could help," he boasts. "No problem!"

5.4 • The Fixer, th~ Spy, and ·the 'Chud . ,.'

. '. . :..
. . . .",:'
,. ' ..
Mikos Argdran busy sending his fleets to pilfer the shipment, Mikos
Mikos Argdran is a shifty, untrustworthy, lying and alerted Captain Tanda Pryl of the Imperial Star De-
fairly inept con man. He spends a lot of time traveling stroyer Thunderflare about the impending attack. While
up and down the Elrood-Derilyn Route, swiping data the Thunderflare decimated Chud's forces, Mikos helped
from one business and trying to sell it to another. himself to Chud's computer network, from which he
When not in the midst of committing some form of stole several datafiles.
data theft or larceny, Mikos spends his time in gambling Upon discovering Mikos' deception, the enraged
dens and seedy spaceport bars drumming up business. Rakaan crime boss ordered the fixer's head brought to
The fast-talking fixer is happiest when he's wheeling him on a serving platter, as well as the stolen datafiles,
and dealing with the locals, charming attractive fe- which contain vitally important information. Several
males, or getting a meal or drink at someone else's bounty hunters finally came across Mikos as he was
expense. Part of the job involves avoiding the hired trying to sell useless garbage scows to a naive entrepre-
muscle ofthe loan sharks or other criminal scum he still neur. The bounty hunters were about to collect on
owes credits to, but he's quite accustomed to life on the Chud's deathmark by having Mikos tossed from their
run. ship without a gravbelt ... only to have the characters
What the characters do not realize is that the pesky, came along and save him.
babbling fixer may have stolen more than he bargained Playing Mikos. Mikos is a very important character
for. The disgruntled "client" who had him dumped out in this act. It is essential that Mikos lives long enough
a starship airlock is none other than a powerful crime to reveal the important secret that he has, quite liter-
boss: Lud Chud the Rakaan. ally, under his hat. The location ofthe datadisks should
Mikos had sold information to the gangster concern- be kept a secret for as long as possible - make the
ing the delivery of weapons to an Imperial transport. characters wonder why Mikos goes crazy every time he
Lud Chud, however, grossly underpaid Mikos what he loses his hat!
thought the information was worth. So while Chud was Use Mikos to bring the characters plenty oftrouble,

. ..... . . .. The Fixer, the Spy~· and the.Chud • ·55 .


. 5.6.· The Fixer, thl:l Spy, and the · C h u d · . · :: ... ' .. ' . .
but the fixer is also resourceful enough to help the
characters. Whenever Mikos helps the characters out of
a spot, he should be particularly grating as he gloats.
Most of the time, Mikos is intrusive, irritating, nosy,
and acoward. He always uses the phrase, ''No problem!"
to fimsh a sentence ... even when the problem is glar-
ingly obvious.
Mikos Argdran
Type: Infonnation Fixer
Blaster 3D+2, dodge 4D+2, pick pocket 5D+2, running 3D
Alien species: Rakaans 5D+2, bureaucracy 5D+2, languages 4D+2,
streetwise 5D+2, value 5D+2
Repulsorlift operation 2D+2, sensors 3D, space transports 4D
~argain 4D+1, con 6D+2, forgery 3D+1, gambling 3D+2, hide
oD+1, sneak 4D+1
Brawling 2D+2
Com~uter programming/repair 40+2, droid programming 5D+2,
security 4D+2
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 1
Character Points: 7
Move: 10
Equipment: Ruined set ofluxurious clothes, cloak (with many
pocke~s)? deck of sabacc cards (with illegal skifter chip), droid
restraIning bolt, 25 credits (hidden in boot), hold-out blaster
(3D.+2, hidde? inside a quick-draw holster up sleeve), floppy,
gansh hat (WIth stolen datadisks sewn inside).

Episode Two: Thinking Things

Mikos leads the characters to Merisee's famed think-
ing gardens, where he's sure he'll be able to find Shondra
Del. Unfortunately, they miss her by only a few mo-
ments ... but Mikos' enemies are right on time!
Arriving on Merisee
The characters land in Merisee Prime, the largest
starport on the planet. The starport is filled with Meris
and Teltiors, Merisee's two native races, as well as
many humans, Coynites, and Gamorreans. -The Races of Mensee: a Men (left) and a TelloI' (right).
The characters can find the location of Anrick's ship
by .conductmg a search on the starport computer; Mikos fermented malt beverage known as Utoz. It's consid-
qUIckly places a com call to Anrick and is told that ered a delicacy by the locals, but most anyone who's
Shondra Del decided to head into Caronath, the nearby used to lum and Corellian rum considers the stuff
barely drinkable.
capital city.
Eventually, and with enough prodding, Mikos places
If the characters show Mikos Shondra's message, he
a few comcalls on the local communications grid. Many
says that she must be headed to the famed thinking
ofthese calls end rather abruptly, as his "unbreakable
gardens. He explains that these are meeting places'
their secrecy is respected by everyone. ' chain of informants" (in Mikos' own words) either re-
Mikos directs the characters to hire a speeder to take mind the fixer that he still owes an unsettled debt or
swear vengeance upon him and all his blood relatives.
them to Caronath. The city is a frequent destination of
Many others are simply not interested in talking to him
off-worlders doing business here. Caronath is quiet,
WIth few clubs or raucous social spots except for the and abruptly terminate the transmission.
After several of these calls, Mikos announces that he
Utoz Houses, which serve many brands of a potent
has found a thinking garden which has been reserved by

. .
.. . . The Fixer, the S .. :and the Chud -57 .
someone matching Shondra Del's description. 'l'he think- name, she said to check with a pet dealer on Torina who
ing gardens are public parks in the city of Caronath. goes by the name of Eeksa. Two gentlemen came along
They consist of small spaces separated by trees, rocks a few minutes later looking for her, but they didn't know
and other natural barriers. Local tradition stipulates her name ... and they looked like thugs, too, so I told
that no one shall enter or disturb those who have rented them she was headed to Elrood ..."
a space. He assures the characters that any meeting at Suddenly, the man stops short and falls face-first to
the thinking gardens is quite safe. No one would dare the ground - with a curved dagger sticking out of his
disturb them there ... back! The woman screams as four beings clad in gray
camouflage spill out ofthe shrubbery. Should any ofthe
Rendezvous and a Surprise characters make a Moderate cultures or planetary sys-
Shondra reserved the park for that evening: the tems roll, they suspect that their attackers are Loag
public parks in Caronath are open around the clock. At assassins, although the characters are likely to believe
night, they are lit with crystalline lumens set on tall, that the Loag were \viped out long ago. (See the sidebar
graceful poles. Mikos leads the characters towards the "The Loag and The Cult of Those Who Redeem.") The
garden Shondra reserved and boasts to the characters assassins have orders from Lud Chud to kill Mikos and
that he has used these gardens in the past with great his "friends" - the characters.
success, both for negotiating business deals and wooing Mikos squeals in distress and begs the characters to
females. He considers these gardens quite lucky. save him as the assassins, carrying blaster pistols and
The thinking garden is rather attractive: circular curved daggers coated with poison, charge. Mikos turns
and 15 meters in diameter, the space is surrounded on and runs.
three sides by thick, tall shrubbery that is over two and The conflict spills out from Mikos' "lucky" thinking
half meters tall. From a high rock face, a bubbling garden and into the paths and other gardens. This
waterfall cascades down into a pond. The combination should be staged as an intense chase, with Mikos
of the thick bushes and bubbling water naturally dead- running in abject terror and the assassins close behind.
ens any sound outside the garden (and prevents those Just as the characters seem to get rid of the first
outside the garden from hearing what is going on group of assassins, six more emerge from the shrubs,
within). In the center of the garden, stone benches garden planters and the tops of trees.
surround a meditation fire inside a stone urn. As the fight carries over into other gardens, the
Seated beside the gurgling pond is a woman, her back characters interrupt individuals deep in private medi-
towards Mikos and the characters. She is slowly nod- tation, business negotiations, and a somewhat embar-
ding and looking down, but from the angle it's impos- rassing situation involving yet another pair of lovers,
sible to tell if she's using a holorecorder or if someone one of whom Mikos identifies as one the city's more
else is in front of the bench. BrasWy, Mikos suddenly prominent public officials!
clears his throat and announces in a rather loud voice, Loag Assassins. Dexterity 4D, blaster 7D, brawling
"Shondra Del, I assume?" parry 5D, dodge 6D, grenade 7D, melee combat 7D,
The woman whirls around. Although she might look melee parry 6D, missile weapons 7D, pick pocket 6D,
a little like Shondra Del, this is clearly not her. Sud- running BD, thrown weapons 6D, Knowledge 3D, alien
denly, a man-obscured by the woman-leaps up from species 4D, cultures: Elrood sector 5D, intimidation 7D,
kneeling on the ground. He's trying to hide a bouquet of languages 4D, law enforcement: Elrood sector 5D, plan-
flowers he's holding and both are obviously embar- etary systems: Elrood systems 3D+2, streetwise 4D,
rassed. survival6D, willpower 6D, Mechanical2D, beast riding
"I knew it!" the man wails aloud. "I knew she would 5D, communications 4D, ground vehicle operation 5D,
send someone after me!" The man has obviously mis- hover vehicle operation 5D, repulsorlift operation 5D,
taken the characters for someone else: he's certain that swoop operation 4D, Perception 3D, command 6D, con
the characters have been sent by his wife to spy on him. 7D, hide 7D, persuasion 5D, search 6D, sneak BD,
He begs the characters not to hurt him. The woman Strength 4D, brawling 7D, climbing /jumping 6D,
seems angered by her lover's cowering reaction. If the stamina 6D, swimming 6D, Technical2D, blaster repair
characters ask if a woman named Shondra Del (or 4D, computerprogramming Irepair4D, demolitions 5D,
describe her) had been here earlier, the man speaks up. first aid 5D, security 5D. Character Points: 3. Move: 10.
"Wait! Yes! Yes! We were looking for a garden of our Blaster pistol (4D), curved dagger (STR+1D, 3D poison
own. For a little privacy, you know?" His companion for five rounds), zolall poison vial, camouflage clothing
rolls her eyes. "But it's so hard to get a reservation. (+1D to sneak in darkness), molecular climbing spikes
Anyway, a woman was about to leave this garden. She (+2D to climbing).
said that she was hoping to meet someone here, but she
had to leave. She said if anyone came looking for her by

5.8 • The Fixer, th~ Spy, and the (Jhud' . .. ; ::. . .. ' .. :.' . ...
· '.. . ' . The Fixer, the SPY3: and the. Chud • 59 .
The characters and Mikos also have a chance to
escape in the confusion. While the characters are sneak-
ing away (or after the battle if they remained in the
thinking garden), one Cultist steps forward and identi-
fies himself as Jero Jal-Song, and offers to use native
medicines (equivalent to a medpac) to heal any of the
characters who have been injured. J ero explains the
purpose ofThe Cult ofThose Who Redeem and its need
for secrecy to the characters. Ifthe Empire should ever
learn of the cult's existence it would launch an inquisi-
tion to find them and many innocents would die need-
lessly. The characters must promise that they shall not
discuss the Cult or this incident with anyone. If they
promise to remain silent, Jero and his people escort the
characters and Mikos safely back to their ship.
Cultists of Those Who Redeem (12). AIl stats are
2D except: Dexterity 4D+2, blaster 5D+2, brawlingparry
7D+2, dodge 7D+2, melee combat 8D+2, melee parry
6D+2, running 8D+2, thrown weapons 6D+2, Percep-
tion 3D+2, command 6D+2, hide 7D+2, search 6D+2,
sneak 5D+2, Strength 3D+2, brawling 5D+2, Technical
3D, first aid 6D+2, security 6D. Character Points: 4.
Move: 10. Vibroblade (STR+2D), native medicines, 2
medpacs, brown cloak with hood.
Torina Sunrise
The characters leave Merisee without further inci-
dent, but they must continue the search for Shondra
Del. AIl the characters have is another place to look: the
planet Torina. Fortunately, Mikos knows of the pet
dealer Del's message mentioned. She's an Ithorian who
sometimes works on the side as a "data tapper," a being
who monitors, analyzes and sells valuable data. Mikos
says that he and Eeksa "go way back" and that he can
"guarantee that she'll help us."
As for the sudden appearance of the Loag assassins,
Mikos explains about his former employer, a crime boss
The Mysterious Ones named Lud Chud. The crime boss has decided to extend
With Mikos ahead of the characters by a few steps, his criminal enterprise across the sector and Mikos
the battle ends up in a small thinking garden that brokered information to him for a while. Mikos explains
consists of a stone amphitheater surrounded by trees. that Chud is a Rakaan, an eight-legged arachnoid who
The characters are surrounded by Loag assassins who would want nothing more than to have him for dinner
close in menacingly ... ... raw.
Then, a Meri in brown robes appears and attacks a Read aloud:
Loag assassin with a vibroblade. Within a few seconds,
"All I did was give him the location of an Impe-
nearly a dozen more beings in brown robes appear.. If
rial weapons shipment. Silly Rakaans. They get
any ofthe characters make a Very Difficult cultures or
so testy when they're close to Transition! Really,
planetary systems roll, they will recognize these beings
how was I to know that an Imperial Star De-
as members of The Cult of Those Who Redeem.
stroyer would pop up and turn Chud's fleet into
A full-scale battle erupts, with Mikos and the charac-
slag? I mean, come on, talk about holding a grudge!
ters right in the middle! The battle concludes when
Er, you don't really need me on Torina, do you? Its
several of the Loag assassins have been dispatched by
such a boring place. They restrict gambling. They
the characters and the Cultists - and with absolutely
even - (gulps) - obey Imperial laws."
no help from Mikos. The fixer spends most of the fight
cowering in the shadows. The rest of the assassins flee Ifthe fixer continues to protest about going to Torina,
into the surrounding woods, vanishing almost as quickly all the characters need to do is threaten Mikos with
as they first appeared.

. 6.0.· The Fixer, th~ Spy, and. the 'Chud' " .. . ;::. . .. ' .. : . . '.'
leaving him on Merisee with the Loag assassins. The • 5-8. The native Torines are a near-human race who
can artist quickly chooses Torina and comes along, work very hard on preserving the ecosystem of their
grumbling all the while. world. Since Derilyn was placed under martial law
several years ago, trade on Torina has boomed.
System Overview
Use this table for those characters who decide to roll ·9-12. Torina has one land-based and several orbital
their planetary systems skill to see what they know starports. The world is governed by the Empire. Most
about Torina. They know everything for the category Torines would rather bow to Imperial laws than be
they rolled, as well as earlier categories: for example, a subjugated to the terror of a full occupational force, as
roll of 10, means they know they information for 1--4 happened on Derilyn.
and 5-8 as well as 9-12. Torina has a thriving electronics industry and is a
Information for a roll of up to 12 can be found in a major provider of electronic equipment in the sector.
ship's library or at a travel office or other public loca- Consumer electronics cost up to 20 percent less than on
tion. The information for a roll of 13 or more can only be other worlds.
learned through black market contacts or by talking • 13-16. Although inexpensive, most ofthe electronics
with people who've done business on Torina. manufactured on Torina are incredibly unreliable. On a
complication (from a Wild Die rol!), the equipment fails
Planetary Systems Die Ron (but can be repaired with a Moderate repair or Techni-
• 1-4. Torina is a hospitable world located three hours cal rol!). Ifthe repair roll fails, the piece ofequipment is
from Merisee (at xl hyperdrive multiplier). It's the last rendered totally useless.
planet ofthe Elrood-Derilyn Run before entering Impe-
• 17 or better. Torina is also a common vacation spot
rial Interdicted Space, which is restricted and heavily for Imperial officials, who enjoy the hotels, recreations
patrolled by Imperial warships. Derilyn, which lies centers and casinos. There are a number of spies from
within Imperial Interdicted Space, is only four hours (at
the Rebel Alliance and counterspies from the Empire
xl hyperdrive multiplier) from Torina. trying to catch them.

. . . . . .. : . The Fixer, the SpY3:and the.Chud -61 .

Arriving on Torina ing tidbits to fixers like Mikos.
The characters land their ship in the spaceport of Eeksa says that she could track Shondra down for an
Brindibarron the planet's surface. Torina is a beautiful exchange of services. Motioning to a doorway, the
world with a temperate climate. The days are warm and Ithorian leads the characters to a storage area behind
windy, while the nights are generally clear and cool. the main showroom.
The spaceport has been carefully laid out like the The storage area has several pens for large creatures.
spokes of a wheel, with major routes to industrial and Eeksa walks to a darkened cage. At first, the cage
commercial sections set well away from residential and appears empty. Then, as the characters step closer, a
recreation areas. The spaceport and the adjoining city huge whIte blur suddenly charges the bars. The
has a sophisticated network of automated monorails. creature's huge head crashes against the metal, fol-
With help from Mikos, a local information directory, lowed by a furious gnashing of teeth. Everyone except
or any friendly spaceport control droid, the characters Eeksa instinctively jumps back.
learn the locationofEeksa'sshop. It's right in Brindibarr, '"fhis is an albino farlek. Very rare," the Ithorian pet
not far from the starport. dealer calmly explains as she presses a button set
beside the gate. A feeding arm appears from a panel
Pet Shop Blues inside the pen and releases a huge, buzzing insect.
The tiny shop, named Eeksa's Rare Exotics and Pets, Without warning, the white farlek unfurls a long, pink
consIsts ofdarkened tanks, hummingcontainment fields tongue and snatches the buzzing bug from mid-air. In
and mesh cages. Many different kinds of furry, feath- less than a second, the bug is reeled in and noisily
ered, and scaly things chitter, call and clack noisily in devoured. "As long as it's kept fed, it's surprisingly
their pens. Some of the creatures are simply adorable docile."
and are priced to match. Others are intensely private, The farlek looks at the characters in much the same
leaving it up to the characters' imaginations as to what way it eyed the insect. It charges again, trying to wrench
lurks inside their dark holes. the intersecting bars apart with its muscular arms.
Eeksa, a female Ithorian, appears from the back "It's also quite stupid," Eeksa adds. The pet dealer
room of her shop. She is keenly interested in selling the remarks that if the characters deliver the albino farlek
characters a pet. She appeals to male characters by to its new owner, she will use her connections to track
showing offsome ofthe more fierce creatures she has on down Shondra Del.
display. Almost as quickly as a treadwell droid changes "The delivery is completely legitimate, and the crea-
gears, she shows off several cuddly furballs to any ture has already been paid for. I cannot tell you how glad
female characters. I'll be to see this thing finally leave my shop. I've been

Once she realizes that Mikos is among them, all deals
are off. The Ithorian retreats to her back room on the
pretense that she left an afternoon meal simmer-
ing on a heater coil. ) ,
If any of the characters follow, they find
Eeksa on a comport calhng for spaceport
security. If discovered by the charac-
' ~." - ,;.
'(i:;. -~
~ ... )

ters, she quickly disconnects the call', I -.,~

• 1
any of the characters can terminate . '
the connection themselves. "Any deal )
with Mikos is bad for business," the
pet dealer explains. "I don't want
Chud to find out he's been here."
Mikos, talking quickly, explains
that Lud Chud does not have to find
out he was here. All Eeksa has to do
is tell them where the Rebel agent
Shondra Del is. Eeksa says that
Shondra never made it, but she might
be able to find out: Using her business as
a front, Eeksa has an extensive array of
electronics and computer gear to slice
into information networks and monitor
communications traffic. The pet dealer
makes a good income selling interest-

6.2 • The Fixer, the Spy, and the C h u d · . · .: ..... . .

having some difficulty finding a cargo hauler who spe- are necessary to legally carry the weapon - but having
cializes in this sort of transport. They keep saying the pistol handy could save their lives if the farlek gets
something about replacing eaten crew members." ornery.
The farlek groans loudly, then belches. A tiny piece of Neegad 7 Tranquilizer Pistol. Character-scale,
half-eaten wing falls out of the thing's mouth. firearms: dart pistol, cost 500, availability F, R or X,
Before any ofthe characters can comment, much less ammo 1, ranges 1-3/15/30, 8D stun damage.
ask any questions about how and where they are sup-
posed to deliver the farlek, Mikos is already shaking the Tranquilizer pistols are used by hunters and veteri-
pet dealer's hand and accepting her deal. narians to sedate frightened and injured animals. Al-
"No problem!" though the needle-like darts are thin enough to slide
past the scales of an animal such as a farlek, the trank
Albino Farlek darts cannot pierce blast helmets or other types ofthick
Type: Dangerous predator
protective armor.
Dodge 6D+2, brawling parry 4D, running 70+2 Ifa dart successfully strikes a target, find the results
PERCEPTION 3D+2 on the chart below.
Hide 6D+2, search 4D+2. sneak 7D+2
STRENGTH6D Damage Roll
Brawling 7D, climbing/jumping 7D, lifting 90, stamina 7D '2 Strength Roll Result
Special Abilities:
Fangs: Do STR+ID damage. 0-3 Target unconscious ID minutes.
Snare-tongue: Has sticky adhesive (Difficult Strength roll to break
free), stretches out almost two meters away from mouth. 4--8 Target unconscious ID x 5 min-
Tail: Used to knock prey off balance. Causes STR+2D damage. utes.
Odor: The farIck has a familiar, ifhighlyoffensive, odor that clings
to its surroundings.
9-12 Target unconscious 2D x 10 min-
Move: 12 utes.
Size: 2 meters tall at the shoulder, 4 meters long from head to tail 13-15 Target unconscious 3D x15 min-
Capsule: Farleks are four-legged creatures that typically utes.
grow to a height of 1.5 meters. The smelly creatures are
nonnally covered by thick, green scaly plates and have a 16+ Target unconscious ID x 2
wide, heavily-armored head. When hunting, a farlek uses hours.
its incredibly long and sticky-tipped tongue to ensnare and When tranquilized, the farlek is very heavy. Canoy-
drag prey into it hungry jaws. While the green-scaled ing it requires a Very Difficult lifting or Strength roll,
farlek is a common sight on some treacherous worlds, the although up to six characters can combine to lift the
white albino farlek is a rarity. Considered the stuff that creature; coordinating requires an Easy command roll.
legends are made from, a massive white farlek was a
hunter's elusive opponent in the famous Equat epic-poem The characters are probably better off using a gravcart
Hunting Telik the White. or other platform to move the farlek into the speeder
"I Don't Care What You Smell!..." Keep track ofthe amount oftime that elapses during
To transport the farlek, the characters have to rent a the trip. If the characters are lucky, the tranquilizers
large commercial speeder truck and obtain all the should be in effect for the entire trip.
necessary permits to use the speeder in the spaceport Devious gamemasters may want to have the charac-
district. The characters can rent the speeder truck for ters get caught in traffic or have a minor accident.
200 credits. The permits are another matter: Torina's They'll have to explain what they're doing transporting
bureaucracy is quite similar to that of the Empire's, so a dangerous beast without permits. Then there's the
the characters must make a Moderate bureaucracy roll possibility that the farlek wakes up ...
and pay 50 credits. Characters who fail this roll cannot
get the permits in less than a week.
Guests of Master Thog and Other
Characters can try to transport the farlek without Surprises
the permits. Hopefully they can avoid the attention of With the sedated farlek in their speeder truck, the
the local police officers, which isn't too hard unless characters and Mikos approach the residential estate of
they're in an accident, drive recklessly ... or happen to Master Pelleo Thog. The grounds are surrounded by a
be the victims of circumstances. high, white stone wall. The forward entrance consists of
Eeksa supplies the characters with "bantha prods," an iron gate flanked by a security post. Uniformed
which are heavy duty stun batons (STR+ID, plus 5D guards man the gate and patrol the estate in small,
stun damage for the energy shock, Easy difficulty). She covered speeders. The guards are no-nonsense, yet
also supplies a tranquilizer pistol with six darts; she courteous.
tells them to keep the pistol out of sight since permits

. . . ' . The Fixer, the Spy,: and the Chud • ·63 .

Petleo Thog's Zoo

Beast Pen

Deflector Shield

Avarians and Ocean



Power Control

Thog's Guards. All stats are 2D except: blaster 3D, izer wear off. As word spreads through the party con-
brawling parry 3D, dodge 2D+l, melee combat 2D+2, cerning the new arrival, Master Thog himself appears.
melee parry 2D+2, brawling 2D+2. Move: 10. Stun Ajovial but obese man with not a single hair on his
baton (4D stun, Moderate difficulty), hold-out blaster head, Master Thog is completely enraptured with his
(3D). newest acquisition. He wishes to examine it more closely.
After confirming the delivery of the farlek, they Without the slightest hesitation, hejoins the characters
direct the characters to drive the speeder to the zoo, inside the enclosure to inspect the sleeping farlek. He
which is a collection ofsmall domes and arboretums not asks the characters a battery of questions about it:
far away. Along the way, the characters pass a large • "Does it snore?" (As a matter offact, quite loudly.)
parking lot. Characters who make a Moderate search or • "Did it put up a fight before being tranquilized?" (Yes.)
Perception check notice Imperial Naval troopers and
stormtroopers guarding several of the speeders. • "Did Eeksa say anything about finding a mate yet?"
When they arrive at the zoo, a zookeeper directs the (No.)
characters to back up the speeder to one of the domes. Mikos takes it upon himself to answer the man's
The zookeeper is very harried and busy: apparently the questions, acting as ifhe is a complete authority on the
master of the estate is throwing a party for a few of his species when, in fact, he doesn't understand anything at
important business colleagues and friends, including all about the creatures.
two Imperial Star Destroyer captains. Sensing how rich Thog is, Mikos suddenly becomes
An environment has been prepared for the farlek in very interested in making a deal to locate a mate for the
the large specimen pen. All the characters have to do is farlek - with the help of the characters, of course.
move it inside the cage and let the effects ofthe tranquil- Meanwhile, guests from the party have gathered

6.4 • The Fixer, the Spy, and the 'Chud' . .. : :. ' . ' .. ' . .'
outside the enclosure to ogle the farlek while Thog and Dadefra, loud enough so that all hear her. Read aloud:
Mikos banter enthusiastically. ''How curious that Naval Command would send
Characters who are not participating in the ani- another Star Destroyer to handle a bunch of dis-
mated conversation between Thog and Mikos spot the organized pirates."
two Imperial captains. One of them, a clean-shaven, "Well, I don't like to brag, Captain, but I've
distinguished-looking officer, steps forward to chat with handled pirates before."
Pelleo Thog from the other side of the bars. "Yes. The Khuiumin pirates, wasn't it? And now
Thog speaks to his old friend, Captain Dadefra, and that you and the Brazen are here, what do you
boasts about his latest acquisition. Captain Dadefra think General Hul will do with the surplus of
can't help but speak with some pride about his Imperial captives we shall bring before him?"
Star Destroyer, the Brazen. When Thog inquires about ''He has planned for that. General Hul has built
why the Empire has sent a third Star Destroyer to an arena on Derilyn, similar to the ones found on
Elrood sector, Dadefra makes a comment about an Coyn. He will put it to good use ... and the Empire
increase in pirate activity in the area. This leaves the will have far fewer enemies here. Captain Pryl, I
other Imperial captain, an unsmiling woman who wears heard you dealt with a raiding party not too long
her black hair in a perfunctory braid, looking quite ago. They were attacking one of our supply cruis-
annoyed. ers not far from here. I must congratulate you and
Characters who know anything about Elrood sector your crew for putting a stop to those raiders.
and make a Moderate Perception check realize that the What were they after?"
woman is none other than Captain Tanda Pryl of the "The cruiser was delivering a shipment ofweap-
Star Destroyer Thunderflare. (lfthe characters couldn't ons to the orbiting defense platform at Derilyn.
reasonably know who she is, Thog or one of the other Apparently someone discovered what the cruiser's
guests mentions Captain Pryl by name.) cargo was and tried to help themselves to it."
Mikos recognizes Captain Pryl at about the same "How lucky that the Thunderflare was close
time as the characters spot her, and his expression - enough to put a stop to t h ose ral' ders."
not to mention the joviality in his voice- drops quickly. "Indeed, how lucky." Captain Pryl stares di-
From the characters' point ofview, CaptainPryl watches rectly at Mikos. "We were fortunate enough to
Mikos with interest. Suddenly, she speaks to Captain

Pelleo Thog
Type: Businessman
Bow: crossbows 5D, dodge 4D+2, blaster 5D, firearms 5D
Alien species 6D, bureaucracy 5D, business 7D, languages 5D+2,
value 7D
Communications 4D, repulsorlift operation 5D+2, sensors 3D+2,
space transports 4D
Bargain 4D+l, can 4D+2, gambling6D+2, hide 5D+l, search: track- """
ing 6D+l, sneak 5D+l ~
Brawling 4D+2
Computer programming/repair 4D+2, droid programming 5D+2,
security 4D+2
Force Points: 1
Character Points: 5
Move: 10
Equipment: Luxurious robes and clothes, datapad, comlink.
Capsule: Pelleo Thog is a successful businessman, entre- and built a private zoo and garden on his immense estate.
preneur, and sportsman who has a fascination with rare In addition to the zoo's numerous outdoor enclosures,
creatures, which he collects from across the galaxy. A Thog has several buildings and arboretums devoted to
hobby since childhood. Thog's collection of pets seemed to specimens from environments that are alien to Torina's
grow proportionally as his wealth increased. Finally heed- atmosphere and climate. Thag's zoo is his greatest trea-
ing the complaints of his wife, he decided that he could no sure and he constantly undertakes expeditions to find new
longer keep his menagerie of creatures inside his home additions. He is also a skilled sports hunter and an expert
in sporting firearms and bow weapons.

. ' " . .' : .. The Fixer, the Spy~:and the Chud ··65 . .
receive a warning about the raid. The message Strength Roll ~ Rounds Until
was garbled, but the point was obvious. We ar- Stimulant Roll ~ By: Farlek Wakes Up
rived in plenty of time to destroy the raiders, 0-3 1 round
nearly to their last ship."
"Did you ever find out who sent the warning?" 4-8 ID rounds
"I'm afraid not. Whoever it was did an excellent 9-12 2D rounds
job of scrambling their image."
13-15 3D rounds
"How unfortunate."
"Unfortunate about the image ... but voice pat- 16+ 1D minutes
terns were another story. Whoever it was, the When the farlek wakes up, it attacks the closest
informant had a very ... distinctive '0' voice." character.
Captain Pryl gestures at Dadefra's glass. "Can I During the fight in the enclosure, Pelleo Thog does
have one of the guards refresh your drink?" what any good sportsman would do - shoot at the
"Why thank you, Captain Pryl." assassins with the zookeeper's dart gun. The gun is
Pryl takes Dadefra's glass and hands it to one of equipped with six dart cartridges (8D stun damage)
the accompanying soldiers. "It would be no prob- which must be loaded one at time. Reloading the gun
lem at all." She glances sideways at Mikos. counts as an action.
"No problem at all." If Thog runs out of cartridges, he uses whatever is
handy to keep the assassins and the farlek at bay.
Let Sleeping Beasts Lie Likely weapons include the bantha prods, a net (no
If the characters aren't in the enclosure, it's impor- damage but a Moderate Dexterity roll is needed to get
tant that they be lured inside now: perhaps Thog calls untangled) or feeding stick (STR+1D damage, melee
them over. combat skill, Moderate difficulty).
Thog's zoo is his personal pride and joy and the The zookeeper hides against a solid wall in the back
master wants his creatures to put on a lively show for of the enclosure, not knowing which to fear more - the
his guests. Despite the zookeeper's warnings, Thog assassins or the farlek. If the opportunity allows it,
takes a dart pistol from him and fires a stimulant Thogrescues the zookeeper and they both escape through
charge into the farlek to wake it up. the open pen doors.
While everyone watches as Thog applies the stimu- Captain Pryl commands her escort of four Imperial
lant to the farlek, Mikos suddenly finds an excuse to Navy troopers and six stormtroopers to arrest the as-
leave the enclosure. He makes a hasty exit for the pen's sassins and uses her comlink to summon additional
thick doors, but gets no farther than the doorway when forces to the zoo.
he abruptly stops, turns and runs back to the charac-
ters. Mikos indicates that Pelleo Thog has several Imperial Naval Troopers. Dexterity 2D+1, blaster
uninvited guests - more Loag assassins! 3D+1, blaster: blaster rifle 4D+2, brawling parry 3D+1,
Six assassins rush into the enclosure, brandishing dodge 3D+ 1, grenade 3D+ 1, melee combat 3D+ 1, melee
curved daggers covered with poison. The characters and parry 3D+1, running 3D+2, Knowledge 1D+ 1, intimida-
Mikos are their targets, but the stormtroopers believe tion 2D+1, streetwise 2D+1, Mechanical 1D+2,
the attackers are trying to kill Thog and the Imperials. repulsorlift operation 2D+2, capital ship shields 2D+2,
The farlek enclosure, however, is surrounded by a force Perception 3D, command 4D, search 4D, Strength 2D+2,
field (body strength 8D) and blaster bolts from the brawling 4D+2, stamina 3D+2, Technical1D, security
stormtroopers ricochet harmlessly off the field, leaving 2D. Move: 10. Blast helmet (+lD physical, +1 energy),
it up to the characters to defend themselves against the blaster pistol (4D), comlink.
assassins. Stormtroopers. All stats are 2D except: blaster 4D,
brawling parry 4D, dodge 4D, brawling 3D. Move: 10.
Actions and Reactions Stormtrooper armor (+2D physical, +lD energy, -lD to
Before combat begins, check to see ifthe farlek has Dexterity and related skills), blaster rifle (5D), blaster
been awakened by the stimulant charge. Make a Strength pistol (4D).
roll for the farlek and compare it to the stimulant's The reinforcements arrive in two minutes. To reach
potency of6D. Find the result on the chart below to see the farlek enclosure, the Imperial troopers have to first
when the farlek awakens ... angry and hungry! run inside the building's entrance to get to the open pen
• If the stimulant's roll is greater than the farlek's doors.
Strength roll, the creature awakens immediately. Mikos spends the battle crouching behind the largest
character, holding his hat protectively against his chest.

6.6 • The Fixer, the Spy, and the · C h u d · . · :: ." .

· The Fixer, the Spy, and the Churl • 67
Ifhe becomes separated from the characters, the farlek holds her completely responsible for hiring the charac-
eyes the chubby fIxer as his next tasty meal. ters. As part of an investigation, the Empire is sending
Escape should be a top priority for Mikos and the agents to check her business and her records.
characters. They can use the rented speeder truck or Eeksa also has bad news about Shondra Del. Read
steal a party guest's transport during the confusion. aloud:
Although the assassins are on everyone's mind right "Your friend's situation is far graver than ours,
now, Captain Pryl wants Mikos and anyone who knows I'm afraid. Imperial agents captured her and took
him held for questioning. her to Derilyn. General Hul is not one to be trifled
with. He has sentenced her to 'entertain' the
Return to the Pet Dealer and More Bad crowds in the new gladiatorial arena there. The
News General's personal cadre of Coyn fighters are
As they head back to the pet dealer's shop, Mikos unstoppable. It is doubtful Shondra Del will sur-
vehemently proclaims his innocence. He claims that vive."
Captain Pryl obviously has him confused with some
other criminal miscreant. True, he did supply the crime Episode Three: Through the
boss Lud Chud with information about the supply ship Imperial Blockade
and its cargo of weapons. How was he to know that
Captain Pryl and the Thunderflare would show up and The characters are now faced with the uneasy pros-
destroy nearly all ofChud's ships? By now, the charac- pect of sneaking'past the Imperial blockade ofDerilyn
ters ought to be suspecting that Mikos is not telling and rescuing Shondra Del. Mikos gets the characters
them everything. passage aboard the ore freighter Galax Titan, but the
Mikos has no idea why the Loag assassins keep journey to Derilyn is interrupted by a pirate attack.
follO\ving him. That is, unless the characters decide to Throwing Off the Loag
search him. If they do, secretly roll Mikos' hide and
compare the roll to any of the characters' search rolls. The characters must transfer the information on the
Any character who beats Mikos' roll or makes a point of stolen datadisks to a datapad or other storage unit.
looking in his hat automatically discovers the datadisks Then, they can get rid of the disks and get the Loag
sewn inside. That's when Mikos begins to explain. assassins off their tail. Eeksa can do this for a fee of200
Read aloud: credits, but any other character can try to pull this off
with a Difficult computer programming / repair roll.
"Look! He shorted me for that info on the sup- The characters can also disable the signal beacons in
ply ship. I needed something to pay the bills, the disks with a Difficult communications roll.
that's all! So I might have sent a scrambled mes- The data on the disks is encoded; the characters or
sage to the Thunderflare to keep Chud busy. Then Mikos have to write a special computer program to
I snuck into his hide-out and took a few datarues decode the disks. Writing the program is a Very Diffi-
from his computer network. But I never thought cult computer programming / repair roll; again, Eeksa
the Empire would slag his fleet down to the last could do this, but she charges 600 credits. Once the
ship! Honest! Why is everyone looking at me like program is activated, it takes several days for the
that? It's no problem!" program to fully decode the data.
Mikos made an even greater blunder, though, when Once the data has been transferred, the characters
he stole fIles from Lud Chud. Characters who make a can become quite creative with the Chud's disks, per-
Difficult communications or Mechanical roll discover haps tossing them on commuter trains or into a refuse
that each of the disks contains a very tiny but powerful hauler heading for the dump outside of the spaceport.
signal beacon.
The Loag assassins have been following the signal to Bound for Derilyn
keep track of Mikos. In addition, Mikos may have been A once proud world, Derilyn tried to voice its opinions
identifIed by Captain Pryl. Because of their association about the atrocities ofthe Empire and paid the price for
\vith Mikos, all of them are now wanted for questioning resistance. The city of Paran was destroyed by an
by the Empire. Imperial bombardment, while an occupation force landed
The fIxer begs the characters not to dump him yet. He and a state ofmartial law was declared world-wide. The
claims the information on the disks is valuable. He's current governor, General Alfren Hul, maintains an
sure of it. He didn't have much time to decode all of iron grip on the world. The area around Derilyn, Impe-
them, but some of the information concerns Derilyn. rial Interdicted Space, is heavily patrolled by Imperial
When the characters return to Eeksa's pet shop, the warships. No one travels to this area without a travel
Ithorian isn't very happy to see them. Apparently Mas- waiver.
ter Thog reported the mishap at his estate to her and Now,that the characters are wanted for questioning
by the Empire, entry onto Derilyn stands to be ex-

6.8. • The Fixer, the Spy, and the 'Chud' . .. : ::. . .. ' .... . .'
tremely difficult; leaving the planet with a Rebel agent Move: 8
in tow could well prove impossible. Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), vibroblade (STR+20), well-worn
merchant captain's uniform and cloak, comlink
The characters cannot apply for a Derilyn Travel
Waiver without the Empire running background checks. Capsule: A fierce-eyed tall human with thinning white
At that point, they will be arrested and held for ques- hair, and gaunt features, Captain Hatanga is a native to
the Elrood sector and has flown along its space lanes since
tioning by Captain Pry!.
he was a young lad. A grizzled merchant captain, Hatanga
Mikos suggests that the characters hire a ship to believes in what he calls "'The Code of the Stars," an old·
transport them to Derilyn; ifthe ship is big enough, they fashioned system of ethics that calls for floggings, putting
may be able to hide their own vessel inside the cargo troublemakers in airlocks, and other displays of harsh
hold. Coincidentally, Mikos knows someone who might discipline to keep crews in line and to prevent mutinies.
be able to help ... The hard-drinking Hatanga stilI believes in its principles
The fixer arranges a meeting with an ore carrier and is eager to tell anyone who'll listen about how "'today's
captain - and part-time smuggler - who flies from spacers just got no discipline." Hatanga is currently not
Torina to Derilyn. Meeting in a darkened cantina on the operating his ship, the Galax Titan, for reasons that
outskirts ofBrindibarr spaceport, the captain is a crusty quickly become evident.
old space dog named Kortho Hatanga. Galax Titan
A gruff, coarse man, Captain Hatanga says that he Craft: Oamorian Manufacturing X46-7-Class Ore Carrier
has permits with Imperial Mining, Ltd. to do business Type: Modified ore carrier
Scale: Capital
on Derilyn. He can land without a Customs inspection, Length: 175 meters
so no one will check for Derilyn Travel Waivers for his Skill: Capital ship piloting
crew. His ship, the Galax Titan, is an old ore carrier Crew: 20, skeleton: 61+10, gunners: 4
that's big enough to carry the characters' ship inside its Crew skill: Astrogation 40, capital ship gunnery 3D+2, capital
cargo bays. When he smuggles a cargo of restricted ship piloting 40, capital ship shields 30, sensors 3D
Passengers: 8
goods, he hauls a slightly radioactive ore. The ore fouls Cargo capacity: 5,000 metric tons
the sensors of Imperial patrol ships. However, he has Consumables: 1 year
never smuggled anything as large as a light freighter. Cost: 2.5 million credits (new), 1 million (used)
There's one other small problem. Hatanga recently Hyperdrive Multiplier: x3
Hyperdrive Backup: x20
lost his captain's license and most of his BoSS permits Nav Computer: Yes
because of a drinking problem. Maneuverability: OD (-10 when fully loaded)
"No problem!" chirps Mikos. Space: 5
Hatanga takes the characters and Mikos to see his Atmosphere: 125; 360 kmh
ship. The Galax Titan is a rusting scow that's barely Hull: 3D+2
Shields: 1D+2
spaceworthy. Hatanga claims that the ship is ready to Sensors:
go and has a load of radioactive ore to carry to Derilyn. Passive: 4/OD
All Hatanga needs, besides his license and BoSS per- Scan: 8/10
mits, is a crew. Ifthe characters and Mikos agree to sign Search: 16/10+2
Focus: 2/20
on, the Titan can sneak their ship past the Imperial Weapons:
blockade that surrounds Derilyn. 4 Laser Cannons
Captain Kortho Hatanga Fire Arc: 1 front, 1 left, 1 right, 1 back
Crew: 1
Type: Grizzled Merchant Captain Sllill: Capital ship gunnery
DEXTERITY 3D Fire Control: 30
Blaster 4D+2, brawling parry 4D, dodge 4D+2, grenade 3D+2, Space Range: 1-3/12/25
melee combat 4D, melee parry 4D Atmosphere Range: 2-6/24/50 km
Alien species 4D, bureaucracy 6D, business 6D, languages 5D,
planetary systems 7D, value 7D Capsule: The Galax Titan is a rusting, modified ore
MECHANICAL 3D+2 carrier, slow and clumsy in appearance. With the added
Astrogation 5D+2, capital ship gunnery 6D+2, capital ship pilot- weight of cargo, the Titan goes from being ungainly to
ing 6D+2, capital ship shields 5D+2, communications 4D+2, virtually'ldead in space." Captain Hatanga had the vehicle's
repulsorlift operation 4D+2, sensors 5D+2, space transports 4D+2, shields improved and added armor plating to critical areas
starship gunnery 5D+2, starship shields 4D+2 surrounding the engines, bridge, and control systems.
Command 6D+l, bargain 5D+l, con 4D+2, hide 5D+l, intimida- Despite such improvements, Hatanga knows that the Ti-
tion 4D+l, search 30+1 tan could never outrun or outfly an attacker. Therefore, he
STRENGTH 2D+2 had four laser cannons installed in hidden recesses in the
Brawling 40+2 hull. To protect against hoardings, he keeps the ship's
TECHNICAL 3D+! armory well slacked with blaster rifles (5D), grenades (5D),
Capital ship repair 50+2, computer programming/repair 40+2, and melee weapons like vibroblades (STR+2D).
first aid 40+1, security 40+2
Character Points: 3

.. ..... : .. . The Fixer, the Spy; and the. Chud • ·69 .

An Unexpected Stop Pirate Attack!
The cruise aboard the Galax Titan is extremely The pirates are a veteran team with an established
tedious. The characters' ship has been stored inside a battle plan: the ships use their ion cannons to disable
protective container and is safely nestled amidst tons of the Titan. If the pirates succeed in knocking out the
radioactive ore. True to his word, Mikos not only man- Titan's weapons and power, the corvette moves along-
aged to get Captain Hatanga's license and BoSS per- side the crippled ship and attaches an access gangway
mits, he hired a number of others to help complete the to the freighter's docking ring. The other attack freight-
ship's crew. If any of the characters ask him how he ers also move in to board, with plans to stage attacks
managed to accomplish this, he seems genuinely hurt. from four different locations to split the Titan's defend-
"How could you doubt me? After all we've been through!" ers as thinly as possible. The pirates prefer to use the
During the trip, the codebreaking program has fi- airlock, but may cut directly through the hull if neces-
nally pieced together some of the data: there is a sary.
weapons dump Lud Chud is secretly accumulating on Sounds of scraping metal ring throughout the
Derilyn. The crime boss is hoping to sell the weapons to freighter, while Captain Hatanga orders the blaster
the resistance fighters there. The codebreaker program rifles, grenades and melee weapons issued from the
has not yet revealed the actual location ofthe dump site. weapons locker. With a powerful explosive shriek, the
The characters do not have much time to consider pirates burst into the ship's corridors with blasters
this new tidbit when, without warning, the Titan blazing away! The pirates' strategy is simple: take the
abruptly drops out of hyperspace. Any characters not ship and kill anyone who doesn't surrender!
strapped in must make Moderate lifting or Strength Ten pirates attack in the initial wave, with follow-up
rolls to resist being flung against the walls and bulk- attacks numbering between three and five combatants.
heads for 2D damage. Pirates. All stats are 2D except: blaster 5D, dodge
On the bridge, Captain Hatanga barks orders to get 3D, Strength 3D, brawling 4D+1. Move: 10. Heavy
the crew to action. One of the crew reports that the blaster pistol (5D), blast vest (+1 energy, +ID physical),
navicomputer detected a large mass in the middle ofthe comlink.
route, forcing the ship to realspace. Fortunately, the
automatic overrides dropped the ship out ofhyperspace Some Unexpected Help
before it collided with the asteroid directly ahead. Cap- The pirates are well armed and numerous and quickly
tain Hatanga knows better though: using an asteroid to plow through the Titan's hired crewmembers, most of
block a hyperspace route is one ofthe oldest tricks used whom have no combat experience. Captain Hatanga
by pirates. holes himself up on the bridge with a blaster pistol and
As if on cue, several battered attack freighters, Y- vibroblade, refusing to yjeld his ship to the raiders.
wing fighters, and a stolen customs corvette zoom out Mikos, as usual, hides.
from behind the asteroid. Hatanga orders the crew to The characters have a number of options: find a
arm the laser cannons and distribute weapons from the lifepod (which is captured by the pirate attack ships as
ship's armory - they are about to come under attack! soon as it's launched), join the captain for a last stand,
Pirate Corvette. Starfighter-scale, space transports or fight their way to their own ship.
4D+2, starship gunnery 5D, starship shields 4D. Ma- Just as things are beginning to look truly hopeless,
neuverability 2D, space 8, atmosphere 365; 1,050 k.mh, the pirate corvette comes under attack by a new arrival:
hulI5D+l, shields 3D. Weapons: 4 double laser cannons an Imperial Star Destroyer! A familiar female voice
(fire control 2D+2, damage 5D), 2 double ion cannons booms over the ship's comm system:
(fire control 2D, damage 5D+l). "Attention pirate brigands! This is the Imperial
Pirate Attack Freighters (3). Starfighter-scale, Star Destroyer Thunderflare. Surrender immedi-
space transports 5D, starship gunnery 5D, starship ately or be vaporized!"
shields 5D. Maneuverability ill, space 6, atmosphere The pirate corvette responds by breaking free
330; 950 k.mh, hull3D+2, shields 2D. Weapons: 2 laser ofthe access gangway and fleeing, abandoning its
cannons (fire control ID, damage 4D). shipmates left aboard the Galax Titan. The pi-
Pirate V-wing Fighters (6). Starfighter-scale, rates themselves scramble to their remaining at-
starfighter piloting 5D, starship gunnery 5D, starship tack ships. The Thunderflare launches TIE fight-
shields 3D. Maneuverability 2D, space 7, atmosphere ers after the smaller ships while it methodically
350; 1,000 kmh, hull4D, shields ID+2. Weapons: 2 laser shreds the pirate corvette into scrap with its
cannons (fire-linked, fire control 2D, damage 5D), two turbolasers. Even after the pirate corvette sig-
proton torpedo launchers (fire-linked, fire control 2D, nals its surrender, the Thunderflare does not stop
damage 90), two light ion cannons (fire control 3D, firing. The corvette explodes! The female voice
damage 40). returns to the Titan's comm system.

. 7.0 • The Fixer, th~ Spy, and the 'Chud' . .. . . ; ::. .... ..:." .'
"That will teach others of their kind that the name ofCaptain Dadefra - the Star Destroyer captain
penalty for piracy is death! The Empire shows no at Pelleo Thog's party.
mercy. Ore hauler Galax Titan, do you require
assistance?" Episode Four: Derilyn Approach
If the visual link is restored, Captain Tanda Pryl The characters are escorted to Derilyn by Imperial
appears on-screen. Since Pryl wants the characters for warships, allowing them to land without risk of discov-
questioning (based on events in Episode Two), they ery but also preventing them from getting their ship out
should make a point to avoid being seen. Once the of the Galax Titan. They must travel to the Arena of
Titan's systems have been repaired, the Thunderflare Games to save Shondra Del from Governor Hul's Coynite
offers an escort to Derilyn, which Captain Hatanga warnors.
reluctantly accepts. Captain Pryl is firm: there have
been reports of pirate attacks against Imperial and Landing Under Escort
civilian targets all over Elrood sector and she will not Under the protection of the Star Destroyer
have another freighter fall under her watch. Thunderflare, the Galax Titan arrives in the Derilyn
Pirates who were captured by the characters can be system without further incident. While the Star De-
interrogated before Imperial forces come over to the stroyer heads back out of system, Captain Pryl orders
Titan to claim them. The pirates resist all attempts at Imperial Customs allow the freighter to dock for re-
interrogation, only muttering phrases such as "Re- pairs. Much to the reliefof Captain Hatanga, the Titan
venge!", "For the Khuiumin Survivors!", and "Kill is waved through immediately without an on-board
Dadefra!" inspection.
This particular group of pirates has formed an alle- During its approach, the Titan passes the immense
giance with the Khuiumin Survivors, a huge band of Derilyn Space Defense Platform, which slowly orbits the
pirates destroyed by the Empire some time ago. Why planet. The spindle-shaped platform is heavily armed,
the Khuiumin Survivors are in Elrood sector is anyone's with plenty ofTIE fighters providing perimeter patrols. It
guess. However, the characters might remember the certainly appears to be a formidable fortress ...

. '.. : ' . . The Fixer, the Spy,: and the. Chud -71 .
not have much time: the Titan is scheduled to be
unloaded quickly and then stocked with survival sup-
plies for an IML mining colony. Hatanga can probably
delay the loading crews for a day or two at most, citing
the need for repairs - but that still gives the characters
a very limited amount oftime to rescue Shondra Del, get
their ship out of the Titan and escape.
Into Tekar
Calling up a map ofTekar, Hatanga gestures at the
location of the Arena of Games, which is in the heart of
the Government District. The Arena is a copy of the
Rols'Kus, a similar arena found on the planet Coyn.
General Hul built the Arena for the entertainment of
the masses, as well as the public eradication of those
who oppose his will. On Coyn, this new arena is viewed
with anger and hostility - many Coynites feel that
General Hul is mocking their combative system of
honor. Still, the General uses warriors from the Merce-
nary Guild of Coyn to fight for the Empire.
If given an opportunity, Mikos sneaks from the ship.
While the characters discuss their options, it soon
becomes apparent that Mikos has left. Gone too are the
datadisks and the codebreaking program. The reason
why Mikos left in such a hurry soon becomes clear: an
Imperial scanning crew has arrived with orders to
search the ship and perform a detailed background
check on all persons aboard. Hatanga warns the char-
acters that they had better vanish too. He does not know
how long he can keep the Imperials from finding their
City of Fear, Arena of Doom
Characters can learn more about the city of Tekar
and Imperial regulations by checking the public infor-
mation system with an Easy investigation or Perception
roll. Tekaris the largest city on the planet, with over 50
million residents.
Imperial checkpoints are located throughout the
city; travelers must provide valid IDs and their reasons
for travel to different sectors. The city has stringent
laws forbidding carrying weapons of any kind.
Hatanga gives each of the characters an identifica-
tion card that identifies them as crew members from the
Galax Titan. He warns them that these cards can get
them into the city only: if they're caught breaking the
law, they must get rid of the cards.
It becomes quickly apparent that Tekar is in the grip
of a merciless police state. The citizens appear suspi-
cious ofeveryone and a sense ofgrimness hangs over the
city as surely as the gray rain clouds that seem
everpresent. Imperial soldiers and vehicles seem to be
The Titan lands at an Imperial Mining, Ltd. (IML) everywhere and the soldiers do not hesitate to pull aside
processing port on the northernmost end of Derilyn citizens and demand to see identification.
Spaceport Central, in the sprawling megalopolis of The characters can easily hail a speeder taxi to take
Tekar. Captain Hatanga warns that the characters do them to the Arena ofGames. The speeder driver, a Meri
female named Scelli, is only as courteous as absolutely

7~ • The Fixer, the Spy, and theChud·.· : :. ' . ' .. ' . .

Derilyn Martial Law
By order of General Hul, the following laws are sion will be captured and impounded. Surviving
in effect until further notice: crew members will be sent to Berea.
• Curfew extends from sundown to sunrise. All • Possession ofaweapon is punishable by transfer
citizens must be in their residence or acquire an to the smelting factories. Members ofthe Imperial
appropriate permit from a local Imperial Office of armed forces have final discretion in determining
Occupation and Law. Violation is punishable by what constitutes a weapon.
imprisonment or transfer to the smelting facto- • Sheltering subversives is punishable by death.
• Membership in a subversive group and/or par-
• Food will be rationed as indicated in earlier ticipating in subversive activities (sabotage, es-
proclamations. Hoarding food is punishable by pionage, assaulting Imperial personnel, contrib-
forced labor on Berea. uting to or aiding in the distribution of unautho-
• Participating in illegal or unauthorized trade is rized publications or broadcasts) is punishable by
punishable by death. death, and the death of all family members.
• Trespassing on Imperial installations is punish- • Citizens are required to report any subversive
able by death. activity to the local security office. Accurate re-
• All citizens must have their ID card with them at ports will be rewarded with extra food and privi-
all times. All visitors must have their ID card leges. Failure to report such activity is regarded as
displayed at all times. Failure to do so is punish- willful tolerance of treason and is punishable by
able by forced labor on Berea. death.
• Hindering Imperial forces is punishable by hard Remember! Obedience to the Empire means free-
labor, imprisonment or death, depending upon the dom! Subversive activity means punishment for
severity of the offense. all! Report subversives immediately! Obey the
Emperor! Obey the law! It is there for YOUR
• Vessels which land or take off without permis- protection.

necessary: she refuses to engage in any type of conver- tickets: 10 credits each for "cheap" seats in the upper
sation for fear that she is being spied upon - perhaps levels ofthe arena, 25 credits each for second elevation,
by the characters or perhaps by Imperial listening 50 credits each for first elevation and 100 credits for
posts. ground level seats.
If any characters check to see if they are being The arena complex is huge, with seating for over
followed, there is no evidence. However, if the charac- 250,000 spectators. The area is bustling with activity,
ters mention anything that could be considered re- as vendors hawk goods and spectators wander around
motely treasonous, such as spealting of the Empire in the facility. While a few seem excited and are busily
any but the most favorable light, the driver pulls over tallting about today's matches and speculating about
and orders the characters out of her vehicle. the "mystery" gladiator who's been added to the card,
Several times the speeder taxi must pull over to give many spectators seem somber and upset about the
squads of stormtroopers, heavy blaster artillery pieces, events they are about to witness. (Many people attend
scout walkers and other Imperial vehicles the right-of- because they're afraid they'll be accused ofbeing labeled
way. "Rebel spies" if they don't.)
Before they reach the arena complex, they are stopped The stadium is ringed by a wide circular corridor,
atan Imperial checkpoint. The checkpoint consists ofan with gates leading into the seating areas. By all appear-
AT-ST scout walker and a full squad of stormtroopers. ances, the arena is at least half full.
A trio of troopers man an E-Web heavy repeating Any seat gives an unobstructed view of the battle
blaster. The gate is plated durasteel that's designed to arena: a walled rectangle with a surface of sand. Huge
withstand vehicle collisions and heavy blaster fire. The holoprojectors are mounted around the ring at strategic
only way through the gate is over it ... and the Empire points. These are used to project advertisements over
rigorously controls any air traffic over the city. The the arena floor - Imperial Mining, Ltd., Utozz Prime
stormtroopers check the characters' identifications, in- Breweries and Torina Discount Electrics, Inc. are the
spect the vehicle, and wave the taxi through. primary sponsors - and to broadcast the action up
After paying the taxi, the characters can purchase close. Teams of four stormtroopers are stationed at all

. ... . . . . The Fixer, the Spy,: and the Chud • ·73 .

, . Derilyn Space Central
2. Imperial Spaceport
3. Outlying Communities
4. Imperial Checkpoint
S. Imperial Base
6. Government District
7. Residential Sector
8. Industrial Sector
9. Business Sector
10. Commercial &
Harbor Sector
, 1. Refineries

stadium gates, although they're merely looking out for The gallery is accessed by a sloping ramp which leads
trouble. Between advertisements, the stadium's public underneath the gladiator ring. The warm-up area con-
address system broadcasts the following message: sists of a large gymnasium with a padded floor and
"Attention citizens and visitors. Welcome to transparisteel windows on all sides: the gladiators
The Arena ofGames, Today we are honored by the enter through a secured tunnel.
presence of Moff Villis Andal and our esteemed There are four contests scheduled for today, all of
governor, General Afren Hul. Wagering is permit- them pitting persons sentenced to "entertain" against
ted only at betting windows. Unlawful transac- General HuI's Coynite mercenary warriors. The match
tions and unauthorized gambling is punishable is labeled a "free-for-all" - this means that" the four
by internment in the mining camps. Inspection of matches will take place simultaneously in the ring.
participants is permitted only before today's tour- These events always whip the crowds into a frenzy.
nament begins. Have your identification ready at Some of the more callous spectators express little re-
all times ... for YOUR protection. Your coopera- morse at the prospect of seeing people killed for sport:
tion is appreciated." they say things like "those traitors and fools are going
to get what they deserve."
Signs posted around the stadium clearly indicate the The skill of the four Coynite mercenaries is obvious.
way to the galleries, where spectators may watch the Each is practicing alone, warming up using their own
participants warming up before the day's contests be- rhythmic style with "sat'skars," which are Coynite
gin. Many want to see the gladiators so they can decide swords. Any character who makes a Moderate alien
who to wager on: this area is very crowded. Stormtroopers species or Knowledge roll knows that a Coynite views
rush gawkers who hang around too long so that others combat as a method of determining honor and settling
can see. arguments. If any character makes a Difficult alien

o 7;1.• The Fixer, tht;l Spy, and the 'Chud' . .' : ::'. ..... ..: . .'
· . '. . . The Fixer, the SpY3:and theChud • 75 .
species roll, they know that Coynites fighting in a ritual Into the Thick of Battle
battle almost never come to the aid of another Coynite There are two likely options the characters can take.
in trouble. To do so would be dishonorable - for both For the first option, the characters sneak into the
warriors. Characters who wouldn't reasonably know dressing rooms for the gladiators and usher Shondra,
this overhear spectators discussing the Coynite warrior Mikos and the others out before a full-scale alarm is
code. sounded. For the second option, the characters have no
As the characters watch, they see the four poor souls choice but to vault into the Arena during the contest.
who are matched against the Coynites today. Two are An announcement from the public address system
performing rudimentary exercises: it's obvious that states that today's contest is starting in a few minutes.
they are not trained to use melee weapons. Another The stormtroopers close off the vie\ving gallery and
appears to be a short fellow hiding in a corner and begin to move the remaining spectators to the ramps
fretting - yes, that's Mikos! How he managed to get leading up to the stadium level. The characters are
captured by the Empire and sentenced to the Arena so packed among the others as they are herded towards
quickly is a mystery. the ramp, but any character making an Easy search or
The last of the opponents is a lithe female wearing a Perception roll spies a doorway past the ramp that leads
prisoner's jumpsuit. She is seen expertly fighting a in another direction. If the characters make Moderate
training droid with a Coynite sat'skar. It's Shondra Del! sneak or Perception rolls, they slip through the doors
She makes it clear that she's prepared to fight when she unnoticed by the stormtroopers.
hacks the droid's head off. The hallway beyond the door leads to a shower room,
a medical bay and the contestants' preparation rooms.

76 • The Fixer, th~ Spy, and the 'Chud' . .. : ::. . .. ' .. ' . .'
The Medical Bay. This small, cramped room has ing their friends. Ifthese stormtroopers are not stopped
four surgical beds, an FX-7 medical assistant droid and within two rounds, they use their comlinks to summon
a 2-lB medical droid, as well as medpacs and first aid an additional squad of eight stormtroopers, who arrive
equipment, bandages, and various medicines. in two rounds.
If the characters look into the room, the 2-lB in- Stormtroopers. All stats are 2D except: blaster 4D,
quires, ''What is your. injury? Please come in for any brawling parry 4D, dodge 4D, brawling 3D. Move: 10.
assistance." If the characters don't come up with an Stormtrooper armor (+2D physical, +lD energy, -ID to
adequate cover story, the 2-lB uses a wall comlink to Dexterity and related skills), blaster rifle (5D), blaster
alert security as soon as the characters leave. Within pistol (4D).
two minutes, a squad of stormtroopers arrives at the
medical bay to search for the intruders. Ifthe characters are quick, they may be able to sneak
the prisoners out oftheArena without raising an alarm.
The Preparation Rooms. There are two prepara- Shondra Del explains that several members ofthe local
tion rooms, both of which are identical. Each room's resistance group, the Friends of Paran, work in the
walls are lined with racks of jumpsuits and storage Arena and they can sneak the characters out through
lockers. Another doorway leads to a set ofstairs heading access tunnels.
up to the gladiator ring. Cut to "Let's Leave This Party."
Ifthe characters are quick, they can find combatants
in the rooms. One room is for the four Coynite mercenar- Note: Gamemasters may want to let Shondra and
ies, who try to detain the characters and summon the the characters think they've escaped, only to have them
stormtroopers in the other preparation room. captured by stormtroopers (or even ISB agent Cayble;
If the characters enter the other room - where see Act Three). This allows you to run the dramatic
Shondra Del, Mikos and the other humans are waiting battle scene in "The Arena."
- they must deal with four stormtroopers before free-

ilu_are::,refemiig' to'Shondra: Del, of course.

t'a1-elief'that slie,was finally captUred. Her
ortets [h'e~~gr_6Wirig,:fa:r::_fuo~n:iunerou:s ,here__ on
jiiZ'Ang·thlrla·slr~'rC::-.:-:. ",. ". ,,'
, l's:eyesjUlrrou(as lie selects a-ciip ofB,dlaria,,- ,
eredbya s~r,lJingCdroid.'Oneoflii,sfuffrce1Uiries
ps..__fcff-wai'dgi{d'cgr',frilly sr;LrijplesJ,he/f.oTl,!e}'lts
itli"arianalYier.Nots'i:{ti4jeq.' ith simply chet:,king
t e berfe?<zge,)hk,Coyriittpoiirsinto II cup-
hisfdwn aTl,q..di-iriks,t.•SlIt e :nlidsand
sse$, tlie':i:u.plo HuC'-'; ,•
"Th'e"1a'st-j.s'"...~arhfiisanc .
was an;)ilrg'Bnlbli.rtg Mbttll"-.U-
Argdfah~;rellowicfOaC ~'--~
__" " C ' g, .. ,ccc

. . . . . . The Fixer, the Spy~: and the Chud • 77 .

axes, swords, force pikes, shields and other melee weap-
The Frienils of Paran ons. Two of the condemned select vibroblades. Their
faces are sullen and expressionless. Shondra Del chooses
Years ago, theJ!eol?!~ofDerilyn rebelled a sat'skar and a d'skar, a Coynite dagger. She raises the
againstthe polices oft!J.eEmperor, claim- weapons to the crowd in defiance and proclaims, "Citi-
ing that lie had overstepped his limits. zens ofDerilyn! Rise up and fight your enslavers! Death
The Empire responded by dispatching a is better fhan surrender!"
war fleet, wbich put down ilie uprisingin what has The crowd unexpectedly cheers. Even the Coynite
come to be known as the "SiXtY.Hour War." mercenaries are impressed: This woman has a warrior's
After smashing thrOu@ Derilyn's meager de- heart! A stormtrooper knocks her to the ground with a
fense forces, the Imperial fleet secured the planet, rifle butt to her leg. Hul's voice over the public address
bombariling the beautiful~city ofParan. All that system interrupts the shouting.
remains of the once-proud city is a radioactive "Displays of subversion are punishable by enslave-
wasteland. - ment in the mining camps or serving as entertainment
Many small resi$tance grQups formed from the in this arena. Cease this outburst immediately. Last
shattered defense forces and embittered survi- prisoner: choose your weapon."
vors, but The Friends of ParaD is the only resis- Mikos tries to pick up the heavy coyn'skar, a bladed
tance group left. Operating in sinaJI cells spread pole arm. The weapon slips out of his sweaty hands and
across the planet, the resiStance numbers fewer falls on his toe. The fixer grimaces in pain as the
than 500 active members. To date, most of the Coynites roar in amusement. A stormtrooper hands
group's activities have been S!)lalloperations aimed him a d'skar and a shield. Mikos takes one look at the
,more,at harassing the I!lli>e!'ial o~cupation forces incredibly sharp knife and frowns. It's clear that he's
than at damagmg theIl!; ili~ group is still far too not much of a fighter.
small to threaten Iml?eri~:hl1e. The stormtroopers march off and seal the heavy
A local cell operates o.!!tofan abandoned·indus- doors leading out of the ring. General Hul issues a final
ml\l complex outside Tekilr. Shondra Del had series of commands.
been working with this cellin:ior to her capture by "Fight until your opponent is dead. Mercy is not
the Empire. permitted. Glory to the Emperor and the New Order!"
Coynite Mercenaries (4). Dexterity 3D+2, blaster
The Arena 5D, brawlingparry 4D, melee combat 5D+2, melee parry
The stairs lead to large iron gates which are guarded 4D+2, Knowledge ID, Mechanical ID, Perception 2D,
by two more stormtroopers. The gates are locked as soon Strength 5D+l, brawling 6D+2, Technical ID. Move:
as the combatants are ushered into the arena. (An Easy 10. Character Points: 3. Coynite battle armor (+2D,
security roll is needed to pick the locks, but this takes Dexterity penalty has already been applied to attribute
two minutes.) and stats).
The broad, sandy gladiator ring is hot and uncomfort- Two of the mercenaries have sat'skars (if used two-
able due to the humidity. The arena is encircled by a 2.5 handed: STR+3D+1, Difficult difficulty; if used one-
meter high wall (Easy climbing /jumping roll to climb handed: STR+ID, Very Difficult difficulty).
over). A walkway circles the top wall and it is constantly One has a d'skar (STR+ID+l, Moderate difficulty)
patrolled by groups of stormtroopers. and a duracord whip (STR+ID, Moderate difficulty,
The Coynites enter first, wearing traditional battle adds +ID to melee combat skill when used to entangle
armor and carrying sat'skars and coyn'skars (Coynite opponents. If successfully ensnared by the whip, the
pole arms). They salute the Moff and General, but the target must make a successful opposed Strength roll to
crowd is mostly silent. Then, Shondra Del, Mikos and break free).
the other two resistance fighters are led into the arena The last Coynite has a coyn'skar, a bladed pole arm
by the stormtroopers. As soon as all of the combatants (STR+2D for blade, STR+2 for hook, Moderate difficulty
are in place, the public address system calls for atten- to use the blade, Very Difficult difficulty to disarm
tion. Read aloud: opponent with the hook).
"Prisoners ofthe Empire. This is General Afren Other Prisoners (2). All stats are ID except: Dex-
Hul, governor of Derilyn. You have been con- terity 2D+2, dodge 3D+2, Strength 2D+2, brawling 3D.
demned to entertain in this arena, and entertain Move: 10. Vibroblade (STR+2D, Moderate difficulty).
you shall. Choose your weapon and prepare to
fight to the death." The Duel to the Death
Each Coynite mercenary chooses an opponent and
A rack of melee weapons is pushed out. There are moves into personal combat. Grinning ferociously, one
ritual Coynite weapons, as well as traditional vibro-

78 • The Fixer, the Spy, and the Chud . .. .'

· The Fixer, the Spy, and the Chud • 79
of the C~ynite sat'skar swordsmen charges Shondra orders are ignored. Within a few minutes, several trans-
Del. Therr two-handed swords clang like bells in the port speeders arrive, each carrying dozens of
arena. stormtroopers. While the battle rages, an indignant
Fighting as bravely as possible, the two other prison- Moff Andal and his wife are escorted by a platoon of
ers are no match for their Coynite opponents. Shondra stormtroopers to their annored speeder.
shouts to them to work together and the pair try to close Frien?s of Paran. All stats are 2D except: blaster:
m and protect each others' backs. blaster pIstol 5D, grenade 4D, streetwise 6D, hide 5D,
Mikos settles for a defensive route. Holding up his search 5D, sneak 6D, brawling 4D. Move: 10. A few have
s~Ield before, hIm, he backpedals from his aggressor
managed to smuggle in knives (STR+1D) or hold-out
wIth the. coyn skar. Some in the crowd laugh and heckle blasters (3D).
hIm..This enra!'es the Coynite mercenary, who shouts
at MIkos, "You msult me! Come over here, little human Let's Leave This Party
so you can die bravely!" His coyn'skar strikes harm: ~e!zing the !nitiative before they are swamped by
lessly, if loudly, against Mikos' shield. arnvmg Impenal forces, Shondra Del motions for the
Atone point, the Coynite fighting Shondra Del knocks characters and Mikos to follow her through one of the
the sword from her hand. She resorts to her d'skar to arena gates. Several Friends ofParan members work in
parry away his blows, but it is clear that she won't last the Arena as cleanup and service personnel- they lead
long ... the ~ay out through a series ofconnecting underground
Rebels to the Rescue serVIce tunnels.
The characters will probably have to charge into the When they reappear on the surface via a sewer access
arena to save Shondra, Mikos and the other resistance grate, the group is beyond the Imperial checkpoint to
fight~rs. Any of the characters can battle the Coynites
the a~ena..Wi.th the Imperials too busy trying to contain
by pIcking up melee weapons or by using their own the not wIthm the arena, the whole group slips away
weapons ifthey managed to sneak them in. The crowd unnotLC.ed aboard waiting speeders that are owned by
gasps in amazement, and a slow cheer rises to ring the reSIstance members. The characters, Mikos and
Shondra Del are offered a lide back to the spaceport and
through the Arena!
Hul's angry, sputtering voice calls out over the public the waiting Galax Titan.
address system, "Cease all combat immediately! Arrest Now that everyone has a chance to catch their breath
Mikos tries his best to explain. '
the interlopers! Do you hear me? A.lTest them all!"
Eight stormtroopers charge into the arena from the "The decoding program finally decipheredLud Chud's
dat~. That slug keeps a huge weapons dump out in one
entry tunnel. Although Shondra Del can hold off her
?f~lS ware~ouses. Now, I saw the scanning crew exam-
Coynite opponent, Mikos and the other resistance mem-
be.rs look doomed. Spying the characters' timely arrival, mmg the TLlan, so I knew I had to leave right away. I
MIkos suddenly drops the shield and shoots the Coynite mean, I didn't want to leave you guys behind, but you
wIth a hold-out blaster he's been hiding up his sleeve. "I would havejustgotten in the way. It's nothingpersonal!
was never really big on that honor thing" he explains. Believe me, I think we make a great team, but I had to
"Hey guys! Wait for me!" , move.
"So, I planned to offer General Hul the data in
Ifthe characters are somehow able to hold offthe first
group of stormtroopers, six stormtroopers on the walk- exchange for Shondra De]'s life. That Imperial gundark
way leap into the arena. Another squad of eight had other plans. I guess he owed Lud Chud a gambling
debt and thought he could pay it offby getting rid of me.
stormtroopers appears in five rounds if the characters
haven't yet escaped. The nerve ofthat man! He had me sentenced to death in
the Arena! Fortunately, I never let the General know
Another cheer goes up once the crowd realizes that
the characters are not about to give up. Cries support- where the dump is located. No problem!"
Shondra Del thanks Mikos for "volunteering" to give
mg the resIstance call out from the spectators. Some in
the crowd include members of the Friends of Paran up the data, saying that the weapons dump can go to
good use arming the members of the resistance here on
resistance movement. Before more stormtroopers from
the walkways and gates can make their way to the Derilyn. This sends Mikos sputtering, since he had
arena,.the spectators burst into violence, wrestling the hoped to sell the information back to Lud Chud to save
his own precious hide! Mikos' protests end when he's
Impenal troopers to the ground. Another group of
reminded that they could just turn him over to the
stormtroopers near General Hul's seat tries to set up an
E-Web repeating blaster, but they too are attacked by Empire.
the crowd. When a stormtrooper shoots into the crowd The fixer suddenly has a change ofheart. "I'll join the
Rebellion! That's it! They gotta pay better than Lud
a full-fledged riot breaks out in the stands! '
General Hul continues to shout into the public ad- Chud! Blast it, anyone pays better than that eight-
legged gangster! How much do they pay? Nothing? You
dress system, demanding a return to order, but his

8,0. • The Fixer, th~ Spy, and the 'Chud

- . . -, ." ':..
. . . , ,':.' . ' .'
4}j;,""S0~?;,~ - --~ :S -- ?:.~"'
Read aloud: ~ ~~ 55~''5i''~5,~~ ~,GeneralHultums and gazes out onto theliow,c
EXTE]tIOR: J}BSF;ItV~TmN J3P'xES,IN TI!F; empty Ngiza: There'slittle indication ofthe carnage '
ARJ!;NAOJ[ GAMES. Ge/'lerClLHulstqlffr[§ ijYoilnd1!,e from,iarlier ..lithe day.
sp.e~tator box, /tis fists claw'iftg Cltj!!ui§Zhleenerliies:=" ·~"Rebels.'Resistance fighters. Pirates. Perhaps
~Thegovernor sUddeft/jititf;ns0'lth.er..0im's fUrniiure,,_~~'~ what Isuspected >ill albng IS true. I have been f?I" too
kicking widthrowhig piec~eJi~aiolfli4like~!hey'rf'" l.ement on,these,people. They still have too much
chilJireli's toys:Gobletssrli'ashagiirns}1ransparisteel5' "" spirit. Effective immedIately; DerilYJl is under total
windows uihile chairs are sm~hed:to .spliliters.}[is m:ntial law. I want all 'military patr()ls doubled.
closest.tiideslobk on in,shocked silen:ce.c,..·~ '" " Searches ofprivate residences may be conducted at
An aiae silently s.teps into'~the room...·Think{ng will. Interrogate the. citizens, confiscate personal
better ofirderrupting theQene';:al, the aide' stand~ in- property, tighten the mandatory curfews. Execute
silence: .' 'co' c. -':. . . anyone who shows even the slightest dIsrespect for
Finally;GeneralHul nbtices'the:aide: ~at is it?" the Empire'sauthority,Dlsablethe communication
"Sii\ We've :receiv",d' ~a ~pl:iority 'c!lniimiriiciltion grids so the people here are cut off from the rest of
. from~Captam~f>adefra<5f fhellrazenr~_ '. the gal~.Letth!,ID fhinktheyre ~ori their own. I
'., "Report." = ,~"'~"-'T;' " 'h'b.·' waritilcOInplete loc)<down in: thestarport - n() one
"TheY encountered.a:pirateJ:orce llidillgnear the-'~ :gets on or .offthis planet.untilfi!rther notice.
Degan Gas. Clouq.s .:.beyonil alLorigina1est4nates, ..::'.Get the work creW-sup to the.Space Platform. I
sir. 'I)li~e Brazen h\ls b",el!.severeiy:<lamageq..Theyw@tth(Btlizeht<>be·operationalas soon as pos-
",h>!.vea.ll\!"genJllIlber.Ofcasualties.:T!ie'ship is com- ~sible:=Agd "<l,(ie,.Aj(eht Ca.l'ble to meet me at my
. iIlg.in:to <lock}l7ith the de{eIis~e>platfortIlrighthOW-: It .C'resillerice. It ·see.msNs w()rk~is nQt over yet."
should arriv.e,bY2200:hoiits;]Qi:al time~·~~;';c-.·· ~5"·~Cufto.... .~,~. >. ',. -~,

mean you guys are working for free? Well I gotta speak The characters have only a few moments to consider
to someone in charge about this. I mean, Mikos doesn't their options. Stormtroopers are checking lD cards
work for free! It's just a policy I have. Have you thought closely: there's no way Shondra Del and Mikos will get
about unionizing? I could be a guild leader! Honest, through the checkpoints. It's also quite likely that the
scrupulous, with keen judgment ... those are traits I characters' faces are being broadcast all over the planet,
have in abundance. Why are you slowing down and with warrants for their arrest.
opening the door to the speeder? Hey guys I was only Shondra orders them to turn around before they're
kidding! Guys? Guys!! Hey, that pavement looks aw~ discovered. She says that they could hide at a Friends of
fully hard ..." Paran base near Knellis, an industrial city east of
Tekar Starport
While the characters are making their way to the Rewards
Tekar Starport to escape on their ship or aboard the
Galax Titan, they are forced to turn around. Traffic is The characters should receive four to six Character
completely cut off by Imperial blockades and all public Points for completing Act Two, plus additional rewards
communications frequencies are broadcasting a repeat- for roleplaying.
ing message: "By order of General Hul, complete mar~ Cut to Act Three, "Death of a Star Destroyer:'
tiallaw is now in effect. All citizens are ordered to report
to their homes. Anyone not following this directive risks

.. :.... : .. Tne Fixer,

. the SPYJ: and the. Chud • ·81 . .
Act Three
Death of a Star Destroyer
In This Adventure the outlying regions of the sector. Calling themselves
Stranded on the planet Derilyn, the player charac- the "Khuiumin survivors," they are determined tocause
ters must assist a Rebel resistance cell in infiltrating an as much trouble as possible for the Empire, particularly
Imperial base. During this mission, they learn that an by raiding its cargo convoys. They also want to kill
Imperial Star Destroyer, the Brazen, is docked at the Captain Dadefra, commander of the Star Destroyer
Derilyn Space Defense Platform orbiting the planet. Brazen; apparently, he led an attack several years ago
Nearly destroyed in a recent pirate attack, the Brazen that nearly wiped out the pirate gang.
is a perfect target for Rebel sabotage. If the characters Shondra met with some of the pirates on Korad and
can find a way to get to the space station, they can brokered a deal. She is to find a way to get the shipment
destroy the helpless Imperial warship! schedules for Imperial cargo convoys and get the patrol
schedules for the three Star Destroyers. With this
information, the pirates have the chance to raid Impe-
Episode One: A Stroll Around the rial shipping at will, while the Rebellion benefits simply
Block because the pirate raids will force the Empire to divert
all of its resources to countering these attacks. Then,
Summary underground Rebel cells across the sector will have a
With all travel on and off Derilyn restricted, the chance to develop a foothold and perhaps threaten the
characters are forced to hide with a Rebel resistance Empire's rule.
group. The characters mustinfiItrate an Imperial Moni-
toring Garrison to learn why security has been so tight The Hidden Base
recently. During the mission, they are betrayed and The turbolift doors open into a dimly-lit hallway that
must act quickly to escape capture. smells ofdroid lubricant. Dozens ofresistance members
scurry about - it's hardly possible to believe that such
Mission Briefing a place could exist beneath the barren ruins above.
This episode begins almost immediately after the Anti-Imperial graffiti covers the walls, while crude
end ofAct Two. The journey to Knellis is quite tense, as blast doors mark the entrances to rooms. Power cables
the characters must avoid several Imperial roadblocks. and communication lines dangle from the ceiling. The
Shondra Del directs the characters to the Friends of wandering droids appear battered and antiquated.
Paran base, which is hidden in the basement of an old Shondra Del leads the characters to the base's com-
industrial factory complex. Twisted, rusting metal gird- mand center, a room cluttered with computers and
ers and collapsing buildings seem to stretch for kilome- strategic holographic maps. Shondra introduces them
ters as the landspeeder makes it way through long- to a short middle-aged woman named Dnalla, who
neglected streets. Most of the buildings are gutted. warmly greets them, saying, "I'm glad you could come to
The landspeeder turns toward a nondescript pile of our aid. The struggle here on Derilyn has not gone well;
rubble, which conceals a path to a makeshift garage. losing Shondra would have made things even worse for
The garage's entrance is well-hidden and the characters us. Getting information from off-world has been diffi-
can dimly make out sentries in the distance. Shondra cult in the best oftimes, but now we are completely cut-
Del reassures the characters that the base's guards off from the rest of the galaxy. From what we know, it
spotted the landspeeder several minutes ago. She quickly seems that General Hul is stopping all travel on and off
escorts the characters to a turbolift, which drops to an the planet. Fortunately, one of our agents is a mainte-
underground chamber. nance worker at Tekar's Imperial Monitoring Garrison.
During the trip, Shondra tells the characters what I'm hoping that when he checks in we'll have a better
she knows: there is a pirate gang operating throughout idea of what's going on."

8~ • Death of a St~r Destroyer '. . . . :. ':.,

. .. ..... . ."
Rest and Recuperation Dineas D' Ink. Dineas D' Ink is an aggressive and
The characters have a few hours to relax, clean-up, pushy young man, but he's also regarded as the best
and get a warm meal. Their blasters can be recharged infiltration specialist at the base. He has a good knack
and they can have repairs done on their equipment. for getting into and out of sensitive facilities without
Mikos Argdran soon begins making a nuisance of him- being discovered. He's quite arrogant and egotistical
self; after getting stern looks from several resistance and many people take an instant disliking to him.
members, he begins tagging along behind the charac- However, Ratoog, Kailage and Sneeze are very loyal to
ters. him because he's saved their lives on several occasions.
While the characters are wandering the base (use the Dineas hides a much darker secret which becomes
map "Friends of Paran Base," shown in Episode Two), apparent later on in this adventure.
they meet several of the resistance members:
Dineas D' Ink
Ratoog. Ratoog is the base's computer and droid Type: ISB Agent
specialist, although he's also a rather good soldier since DEXTERITY 30+2
he's a Gamorrean. He dresses in loose-fitting tech suits Blaster 40+2, dodge 40+1, grenade 40. melee combat 40+2,
running 50
and wears a "linguibox" at his belt to translate KNOWLEDGE 20+2
Gamorrean into Basic. He wins at sabacc ... a lot. Bureaucracy 3D, intimidation 30+2, languages 30+2, streetwise
Ratoog. Dexterity 2D, blaster 2D+2, brawling parry 4D. survival 30+1
3D, melee combat 4D, melee parry 3D+ 1, Knowledge 1D, Ground vehicle operation 3D+2, repulsorlift operation 40
streetwise 2D, Mechanical1D, Perception 2D, con 2D+2, PERCEPTION 30+1
gambling 5D+2, Strength 4D, brawling 5D, Technical Command 40, con 40, forgery 30+2, investigation 40+1, persua-
1D, computer programming I repair 7D, droid program- sion 30+2, sneak 40+2
ming 5D, droid repair4D+2. Move: 8. Computer tool kit, Brawling 30+2, climbing/jumping 30+2
vibroblade (STR+ID), hold-out blaster (3D+l). TECHNICAL 20+2
Kailage Lanis. Kailage is a rather plain young Computer pro&'Tamming/repair 30+2, droid programming 3D,
security 40
woman with red hair and green eyes. She seems quiet Force Points: 1
and reserved, but put her behind the controls of a Dark Side Points: 1
speeder and her daring is readily apparent. She's good Character Points: 8
friends with Sneeze. Move: 10
Equipment: (As resistance member) Blaster pistol (401, blaster
Kailage Lanis. All stats are 2D except: blaster rine (5D), 2 fragmentation grenades(50/40/30120" comlink. <As
3D+ 1, repulsorlift operation 5D+2, repulsorlift repair ISB agent> Heavy blaster pistol (50), comlink, ISB uniform, vibro-
knife (STR+I0+2J, binder·cuffs, rank cylinder code key
4D+2. Move: 10. Blaster pistol (4D), toolkit.
Capsule: Dineas was just 10 years old when the Empire
Sneeze. This wild-eyed young man has long, unruly destroyed the city of Paran, killing his entire family. The
brown hair. He's always working on the base's speeders young boy was sent to an Imperial orphanage, where he
and describes himselfas a "soldier and all-round trouble- was totally brainwashed by Imperial propagandists; in
maker." He's very good at the first part and most time, the bitter young man developed a lust for power that
everyone at the base has a story about the last part. No only the Empire could sate. Recruited into the ISB before
one knows Sneeze's real name; he says he got his he was 16, he soon fell under the sway of agent Tolamyn
nickname because "I can smell the Impies coming ... Cayble.
and I'm real allergic." Dineas has only recently been allowed to infiltrate the
ranks of the resistance movement on Derilyn. Despite his
Sneeze. All stats 2D except: blaster 5D, dodge 5D+1, "obvious" skills (they're obvious to him, anyway), he has yet
vehicle blasters 4D+2, search 4D+2, blaster repair 3D, to work his way into the group's "inner circle." He is
repulsoriift repair4D+2, security4D+2. Move: 10. Blaster constantly maneuvering to improve his stature so he can
pistol (4D), comlink, blast vest (+ID physical, +2 en- find out exactly what the resistance has planned. Once he
ergy). does find out, he plans on reporting to Agent Cayble so the
Imperials can raid the base.
N2·3PO. This protocol droid is blue with gold trim. At the beginning of Episode One, D' Ink is acting as a
She works in the command center, decrypting Imperial Rebel resistance member. He is annoyingly smug. Since he
messages. She also acts as a translator and peppers her doesn't know what the mission is, he is constantly asking
speech with Gamorrean curses that would make a questions of the player characters in an attempt to learn
rancor blush. She particularly likes Ratoog and seems what's going on. When rebuked, he backs offand sulks, but
to be learning some of the finer points of sabacc from continues to observe the characters closely.
him. In Episode Two, he becomes a primary antagonist when
he's revealed as an Imperial Security Bureau (1SB) agent
N2·3PO. All stats are ID except: Knowledge 3D, cul- and helps lead the attack on the Friends of Paran base. If
tures 6D, cultures: Gamorrean 7D, languages lOD, com- the characters do confront D' Ink, he's even more smug and
munications 4D, sensors 4D+2, gambling 4D. Move: 8.

. . . . . . Death of ~ ~tar Destroyer • 83 .

arrogant while expounding the virtues of the Empire and peared into Derilyn's underground communities, orga-
boasting that the Rebellion is doomed to failure. nizing one of the first resistance groups on the planet.
He desperately wants to inspire the people ofDerilyn to
Information from the Outside fight the forces of the Empire.
Several hours after the characters arrive, word Melvor Khamp
spreads through the base that the resistance agent from Type: Former Imperial Engineer
the Imperial Monitoring Garrison has arrived to speak DEXTERITY 2D+I
with Dnalla and Shondra Del. While the characters Blaster 40, dodge 40
aren't allowed into the initial briefing, they are called in Planetary systems 3D+2, tactics 40, value 40
a few minutes later. (Dineas D' Ink is not there; this is MECHANICAL 4D
an important point that figures in the rest of the Capitol ship gunnery 40+2, capitol ship shields 40+2
episode.) PERCEPTION 2D+2
Dnalla explains that she needs the characters to Con 3D+2, gambling 3D+1. search 40
undertake a mission for the resistance. Shondra says Brawling 30+2
that she will be conducting another mission simulta- TECHNICAL 4D
neously: she and a small group are going to raid Lud (A) capital ship engineering 8D+2, capital ship repair 90, com-
Chud's weapons warehouse and grab as much as they puter programming/repair 70. demolitions 70, droid program-
ming 50, droid repair 6D+2
can. Force Point: 1
Dnalla then introduces the agent who works inside Character Points: 8
the Monitoring Garrison. He's a young man named Pter Move: 8
Venteck who quickly explains, "There's a reason for the Equipment: Oatapad, pocket computer. hold-out blaster (30+1 l.
crackdown and it's not just that you folks embarrassed 200 credits, fine work tools. white lab coat
the governor in front ofeveryone. There's something big Read aloud:
going on up at the space station; they're calling it "It was not so long ago that our world was free.
'Operation: Elrood.' Security's been tightened and there's Back then, I was an engineer for the Empire and
a million military shuttles going back and forth. They're before that the Old Republic ... I was proud to be
getting every military tech and engineer they can get part of the Empire. I never believed the stories I
their hands on up into orbit. Everyone's tight-lipped heard about the atrocities.
about what's happening. "Then, I learned the truth. My world - encour-
"I'm just a maintenance guy and I can't get into the aged by Senator Wuxod - had been protesting
communications and computer centers during my shift. recent directives from the Emperor. After one too
But I can help you get into the base. I work the night many impassioned speeches, Wuxod disappeared.
shift and we're conducting our periodic maintenance Derilyn became a hotbed ofrebellion; it was whis-
program. I can use that as an excuse to shut down some pered that the world was ready to secede from the
of the security measures without raising suspicion. I Empire. Because I was from Derilyn, I was under
can give you half an hour to get in and out of the suspicion even though I had done nothing wrong.
building. If you can get a slicer inside the computer "Without warning, an Imperial fleet arrived
centers, we can find out what's going on!" here. Orbiting Star Destroyers bombed the city of
Melvor Khamp's Briefing Paran out of existence. That city was my home.
Over 500,000 people died there, including my
Dnalla then steps forward to introduce an older
entire family ... but they have not been forgotten.
gentleman named Melvor Khamp. While he speaks
We honor their deaths by calling ourselves the
slowly and deliberately, there is passion and dedication
'Friends of Paran.'
in his voice. He expects the characters to succeed ... and
''Your mission tomorrow may help us strike a
his conviction is inspiring in spite of the desperate
blow against the Empire. The Imperial Monitor-
situation. ing Garrison at the Tekar starport is a major
Melvor Khamp military communications post. Despite the pres-
Melvor is a former Imperial engineer and a native of ence of Pter Venteck, we have been unable to
Derilyn. He is old, slightly absent-minded and deeply infiltrate this base's computer system to get infor-
embittered towards the Empire and all it stands for. He mation.
was stationed at the Sluis Van shipyards when he ''That may change now_ An ancient system of
received word of the destruction of Paran. Granted storm drains and aqueducts underneath the city
emergency leave, he returned to Derilyn only to dis- extends to the starport and military base. When
cover that his entire family was killed during the the Garrison was built, the construction crews
bombing. simply filled in the drains and built over them.
Rather than return to serve the Empire, he disap- Two weeks ago, it was discovered that one of

. S.-:l.· Death of a St~r Destroyer . '.' ~ ::. . .. ' .. :'.' .'

these passages is still intact. It emerges in the and "Imperial Monitoring Garrison, Fourth Floor."
antenna field directly across from the Monitoring They also receive a computer chip - the slicers' key
Garrison. With security now focused on main- - in a shock-proofcase, and one portable plasma cutter
taining a series of perimeter checkpoints, it may with three fuel cylinders.
actually be easier for you since this drain brings Each character is given the following: a medpac, a
you up well inside the base. secure comlink, a CS-12 Stun Master with two charge
''Venteck can assist you in getting inside the packs and a Line Master TLG.
Garrison by shutting down some of the building's You may consider player requests for additional
security measures on the pretense of performing items, granting those that seem reasonable. The base's
maintenance. resources are very limited, so thermal detonators, re-
"Once inside the Garrison, your mission has peating blasters, and other exotic items aren't avail-
several objectives. First, you must retrieve all able.
datafiles pertaining to 'Operation: Elrood.' This is
the codename for the current situation at the Slicers' Key
Derilyn Space Defense Platform. When properly installed inside a computer or work-
"Second, you must download all files pertain- station, this computer chip exactly mimics the func-
ing to Imperial shipping in the sector. tions of the chip it replaced. However, it has an addi-
"Third, you must upload a file I've prepared for tional circuit that allows the person with the proper
you. This file will establish credible false identi- password to access the computer to retrieve, upload or
ties for yourselves and Shondra Del. You're pos- alter files.
ing as starship engineers who've been reassigned The chip can be accessed from any terminal for that
to the Defense Platform. This will get you off the computer system (for example, agent Venteck would be
world so you can continue the fight elsewhere. able to access the base's entire computer network from
"Finally, you are to install and implement a any terminal in the building). Most ofthese chips have
specialized computer chip - a 'slicers' key' - in a micro-charge that destroys the device when the proper
the Garrison's central computer. This chip will code is transmittedorifitis tampered with without first
enable our agents to slice into the Garrison's entering the proper password.
computer to retrieve, upload or change datafiles. The chip's designer must have detailed knowledge
As you can imagine, this could be a valuable and schematics of the system that's being "bugged."
secret weapon in the war against the Empire. Building the chip requires approximately 400 credits
However, for the key to work, it must be installed worth ofparts and circuitry, and about40 hours ofwork.
from inside the base. The designer makes a computer programming / re-
"This key has an important piece of virus soft- pair roll, which is now the difficulty number for any
ware that deletes all system records of computer other computer operator to detect this board when it's in
activity in the past 24 hours. Therefore, while the use. The gamemaster may assign penalties or bonuses
Empire will know that their machines have been based on the accuracy of the schematics and the mate-
tampered with - I think that's inevitable - the rials used.
destruction ofthe logs means that they will have Melvor Khamp has enhanced this particular chip by
no idea which files have been altered, uploaded adding a virus program that automatically wipes out all
or downloaded. While in time they will be able to use logs for the system over the past 24 hours.
figure out which files have been altered, we have It's important to note that most slicers' keys are only
several days to act before they can put all the used once or twice before their presence is discovered.
pieces together. By that time, the pirates will Therefore, the user must take maximum advantage of
know all the Imperial shipping routes and you the limited amount of time he'll have to upload, down-
will be away from Derilyn. load or alter files.
"You have several pieces of equipment at your
disposal. Floor plans, computer schematics, and Example: A technician with a computer pro-
detailed instructions have been downloaded into gramming/repair skill of5D rolls a 20 when creat-
ing a slicers' key chip_ If someone else using the
this datapad; study them well and then get some
rest. Your mission begins at 2000 hours this computer rolls a 20 or better, he detects the chip if
evening." it is in use.
Line Master Tube-Launched Grapple (TLG)
Mission Equipment The Line Master TLG is a portable, one-shot grap-
In addition to their personal equipment, the charac- pling device. The unit is a hollow cylinder 40 centime-
ters are given a datapad, which holds maps for the drain ters long and 10 centimeters in diameter; it resembles
system and the Garrison: see the maps "Base Tekar" a lightsaber hilt.

. . . . Death of ~ ~tar Destroyer • 85 .

The unit features a pop-up targeting sight, a retract- developed for bodyguards and security forces. Easy to
able hand grip with braking controls (allowing con- operate and conceal, the weapon is quiet and non-lethal.
trolled descents), 100 meters ofultra-light micro-woven The CS-12 is small cylinder, 15 centimeters long and
synthecord, a small motorized winch system, and a 5 centimeters in diameter. A flat disk with 13 contact
hook for a harness cable. studs protrudes from the forward end; it delivers a
The grapple head is a flat, flexible disk coated with a virtually silent electronic stun charge. Easily-concealed
strong bonding agent. Upon launch and impact, the and made of consumer grade materials (body strength
grapple head instantly bonds, creating a strong seal in 1D), the contact stunner can usually be smuggled
less than two seconds. The Line Master can be anchored through most weapon detectors. A military version
to another object via a similar disk, which has a 10- (made ofmore durable components) has a body strength
meter cord. of 3D, but costs about 1,000 credits.
Pressing a stud causes the winch to take up any SoroSuub CS-12 Stun Master. Character-scale,
slack. The line can support up to 200 kilograms. While Melee combat: contact stunner skill, Very Easy diffi-
the hand grip is often used to freeslide down the line, the culty, 4D+2 stun. Costs 575 credits (power cells are 15
motorized winch can pull a full load up the line at a credits), availability 2, R, ammo 5. Easy to hide (+2D to
speed of 25 meters per minute. (Move: 2.) hide against weapon detectors, +1D against physical
Line Master TLG. Missile weapons skill, costs 800 searches).
credits, availability 2, R. An Easy missile weapons roll
is required to fire the grapple on target. Portable Plasma Cutter
A portable plasma cutter is a small, hand-held device
Hand-Held Contact Stunner that's slightly larger than a standard hold-out blaster.
The contact stunner is a hand-to-hand stun weapon A portable fuel cylinder attaches just forward of the

8.6 • Death of a Star Destroyer ' .. : ." .

unit's pistol grip, although the cutter has a small inter- With the primary mission completed, the characters
nal fuel supply. The cutter's internal fuel supply lasts are to return to the roof and slide back over to the
for four minutes, while the canister has enough fuel for antenna field. It's preferable that they escape by using
one hour of continuous use. . the aqueducts, but in an emergency, they can use the
An adjustable focusing device allows the user to escape vehicle Dineas D' Ink and the others have pre-
adjust the plasma discharge for the required depth and pared.
intensity. Standard blaster gases are used to create this With the mission completed, they are to return here
small, extremely focused plasma, which is capable of to the base in Knellis.
rapidly cutting through blast shielding and durasteel.
Each cutter includes a set of blast goggles; additional Dineas D' Ink's Objective
goggles cost 15 credits per pair. Dineas D' Ink may be an Imperial agent, but he's not
It takes one round per ID of body strength to cut a a particularly good one. When he hears about wander-
two-meter by one-meter hole. (For example: a blast door ing through the aqueducts, he assumes that the mission
with 6D body strength would take six rounds.) When is simply to observe the nearby military starport to find
used as a weapon, the plasma cutter causes 7D physical out which ships are taking off and landing. He assumes
damage; a Moderate melee combat roll is needed to hit. the mission will take several hours. At some point
The blast goggles or a blast visor must be used with the during this mission, he intends to sneak off by himself
cutter; anyone within two meters without proper eye and call in ISB forces to have his "fellow Rebels" rounded
protection must make a Moderate Perception roll to look up for questioning and inten-ogation.
away or be blinded for three minutes. (If someone is At some point- when someone comments about the
blinded, an attacker gets +10 to hit in combat.) mission or the characters begin tinkering with their
gear - D' Ink begins to suspect that something more
Portable Plasma Cutter. Cost 150 credits (gas
complicated and treasonous is in the works. From this
canister 20 credits), availability 1. 7D damage, Moder-
point on, his objective is to manipulate the characters
ate melee combat roll to hit. into telling him what's going on. Failing that, he'll try to
The Mission Plan talk them into letting him go along on the mission so he
can personally find out what's happening. Once he finds
Hand the players a copy of the map "Base Tekar."
out the mission's objective, he'll call in ISB forces.
Shondra Del outlines the following plan; the characters
If the characters reveal the existence of the slicers'
can try to come up with another plan, but it's up to you
key or D' Ink finds out where it's installed, the mission
to determine how successful it may be. is a failure for the Friends of Paran. The key is quickly
The characters are to slip through the base's security
discovered and removed shortly after the characters
by use of the storm drain under the antenna field. leave the base and, as shown in Episode Two, the
Dineas D' Ink, Ratoog, Kailage Lanis, Sneeze and N2- Friends ofParan base in Knellis is raided by Imperial
3PO are to accompany them during this part of the
mission. This mission is a success for the resistance members
When, they emerge in the antenna field, the charac- ifD' Ink doesn't find out about the key. Imperial slicers
ters are to proceed to the Monitoring Garrison; Ratoog examining the computer system draw the conclusion
joins them if the characters do not have their own
that the Rebels were only trying to steal datafiles
computer slicer (needs computer programming / repair
concerning the Brazen.
of at least 6Dl. Meanwhile, Dineas D' Ink and the rest
of his team are to secure a maintenance speeder to act Getting Into the Base
as a getaway vehicle. The characters begin the mission at the entrance to
To infiltrate the Garrison, the characters must climb the tunnel system; using the map on their datapads,
Tower 14 and use the grappling launchers to launch and they must find their way through the winding tunnels
secure lines to the roof of the Monitoring Gan-ison. to get inside the Imperial Monitoring Garrison. It's
Once on the Garrison's roof, they can retrieve a 2000 hours: early evening, just after dark.
satchel left for them by agent Venteck; it will have
uniforms, ID badges, and a security cylinder. Venteck Setting the Mood. This is a tense scene where the
will leave a datadisk with instructions for them. They characters must infiltrate a heavily-fortified enemy
are cautioned that the building has numerous security base. The slightest mistake can trigger alarms and
sensors and alarms, so they must find the satchel before Imperial patrols can popup anywhere. When the enemy
doing anything else. is sighted, the characters must act swiftly or else the
The characters must pass through the building's air alarm will be raised.
shafts to reach the fourth floor. Once inside the lab, they The characters must wander through the dark, cold,
will be able to download and upload the necessary files, wet tunnels for about two kilometers. There are many
and install the slicers' key. turns and branches, so they must follow the map care-

: .... .. : . . . . . Death of a, ~tar'Destrpye'r • ·67 .

Upon arriving at the exit point, the characters must From the walkway, the Rebels can shoot the grap-
use pry bars, sledgehammers and their fusion cutter to pling lines (Moderate missile weapons or Dexterity roll)
slice through the ceiling's ancient brick and mortar. to the Monitoring Garrison rooftop, nearly 80 meters
After digging through nearly a meter of rock, dirt and away. The rooftop is only 30 meters above ground level.
permacrete, they see a shaft oflight. After finishing the The characters must make an Easy search or Perception
excavation, they emerge in the cellar of an Imperial roll to time their crossing to slide unnoticed above the
maintenance building. patrols and troop carriers passing on the road below.
The room is filled with crates and boxes of aging Characters must make Easy lifting or Strength rolls to
cables, computer accessories, and sensor components. hold on for the slide across the road (or they can simply
Power cables and water pipes run along the ceiling and use a harness cable).
walls. A single grated door (3D body strength) with an ImperialArmyTrooper.Dexterity 3D, blaster4D+1,
aging lock (Easy security roll to open) is all that stands dodge 4D+ 1, grenade 3D+2, vehicle blasters 3D+2,
between the Rebels and the stairwell to the first floor. Knowledge ID+I, survival 2D+I, Mechanical ID+I,
At the top ofthe stairwell, a solid blast door (6D body repulsorlift operation 2D+1, Perception 2D, Strength
strength) is protected by a standard Imperial lock. A 3D+I, brawling4D+I, TechnicalID. Move: 10. Blaster
Moderate security roll is needed to open the lock; if the rifle (5Dl, field armor and helmet (+lD physical, +2
roll fails, a silent alarm is triggered. A squad ofImperial energy), 2 grenades (5D), helmet comlink, survival
Army troops arrives in one minute to investigate. gear, utility belt with supplies, code key cylinder.
The first floor has a long hallway that leads to the
main entrance. Several small offices are located on Patrol Tactics. The Army troopers patrol in pairs.
either side of the hallway. The building is empty: it's They automatically investigate any loud noise or notice-
apparently locked down for the night. If the characters able movement. If an alarm is tripped, an entire eight-
search the offices, they find nothing of value. man squad investigates the disturbance. The patrols
The main entrance has a sealed blast door (6D body and squads maintain comlink contact with the main
strength). The characters must pick this lock as well: garrison and request aid if they exchange blaster fire
another Moderate security roll is needed. Ifthe roll fails, with anyone. The troopers use cover to their advantage
a silent alarm is triggered. A squad of Imperial Army while trying to detain and capture intruders.
troops arrives in one minute to investigate. Because of the expensive and delicate nature of the
Once the doors are open, read aloud: sensor arrays, the troops hesitate to use grenades,
instead preferring to use blasters set for stun. If the
As the blast door silently slides open, you see characters engage in a prolonged firefight, an addi-
that your intelligence was right on target. Before tional eight-trooper squad arrives every three rounds.
you, dozens ofgigantic communication platforms There are a total of 10 squads available to patrol the
and array towers reach skyward. Hundreds of sensor array and Monitoring Garrison.
sensitive relays and monitoring devices hang sus- The troopers combine fire whenever possible. They
pended or cling tenuously to the impossibly slim switch to lethal settings if the characters refuse to
supports. From here, the Imperial forces receive surrender.
millions of reports and sensor readings each day.
Directly ahead you see your objective, Tower 14. Getting In
The characters can now climb one ofthe larger array Once on the Garrison building's roof - which is 10
platforms facing the Monitoring Garrison, while Dineas stories up - read aloud:
D' Ink and his crew begin sneaking across the antenna A multitude of junction boxes, antennae and
field towards a maintenance garage. They are supposed maintenance panels offer plenty of cover as you
to prepare a speeder truck for the getaway. make your way to the building's main ventilation
Roving patrols ofImperial Army troopers guard both shaft. Your orders tell you that a satchel should be
the array complex and the Monitoring Garrison across hidden somewhere around here. You can hear the
the road way. There are three-meter-tall security fences rhythmic sounds of giant fan blades inside the
on each side of the road; guard towers are spaced every shaft: once the fans are shut down, this is your
few hundred meters. way in.
Unless the characters do something to give them-
selves away, they need to sneak past only one patrol The characters must make a Very Easy search or
(make an opposed roll, comparing the characters' sneak Perception roll to find a small, black satchel. Inside the
rolls to the troopers' Perception of2D) to safely reach the satchel are five maintenance uniforms, five ID badges
tower. The tower is 70 meters tall, but not very difficult and one security cylinder. There is a small datadisk and
to climb; this requires three minutes and a Moderate a comlink.
climbing /jumping roll. The characters' objective is a If the characters play the message on the disk, the
narrow service walkway near the top of the tower. image of Pter Venteck appears. "I'm glad you're here.

. 8.8.· Death of a St~r Destroyer . '.' : ::'. . .. ' . : . ' .'

The ID badges and security cylinder will get you past The air shaft is one meter tall: the characters must
the security desk on the fourth floor, but they can't get crawl through it. The large fan blades whirl directly
you into the computer lab. They also aren't valid for ahead. Exactly two minutes after they sent the signal to
anywhere else in the building except the employee Ventech, the fan blades slow dramatically, although
lounge in the basement. You have to crawl through the they are still moving. Characters must make a Moder-
air shafts to reach the fourth floor. ate running or Dexterity roll to wiggle between the
"When you're ready to begin, sharply hit the 'trans- blades without getting cut. Ifa character fails the roll by
mit' button on the comlink twice. Do not send a message one to five points, he falls, creating a loud ''boom'' in the
- ISB will pick up on the transmission within seconds. shaft. If a character fails the roll by six or more points,
Be sure to signal me before you touch the vent covers- he is hit by the fan blades and takes 5D damage.
they have sensors and alarms. Absolute silence is needed, as sound carries easily in
"After you've signalled me, you'll have 30 minutes to the confined space ofthe shaft. As the characters crawl
get in, accomplish your mission and get out. After that through the shaft, they must make an Easy sneak,
time has elapsed, I have no choice but to restart the Perception or Dexterity roll to avoid clanging the metal
security systems and fan blades in the shaft. Good luck." and alerting anyone on the tenth floor to their presence.
The message fades. Mter a minute, the characters arrive at a main vertical
shaft that runs all the way to the basement. Grappling
Into the Air Shaft lines can be secured and the characters must make a
Ifthe characters touch the air shaft's large, louvered Moderate climbing /jumping or Strength roll to silently
vent covers before using the comlink to alert Venteck, descend down to the fourth floor. Ifa character fails the
they trigger an alarm. While the characters hear noth- roll by one to five points, he nearly loses his grip during
ing, within two minutes a squad of Imperial Army the climb and ends up bouncing ofT the side of the air
troopers arrives on the roof to investigate. shaft; again, a loud boom rings through the shaft (and
A character must make a Moderate lifting or Strength eventually, someone is going to hear the characters).
roll to remove one of the two covers. (Up to three Failing the roll by six or more points means that the
characters can combine for this action.) Ifthe roll fails, character has completely lost his grip and begins falling
the cover is dropped and a loud crash echoes down the unless someone grabs him or he is somehow secured to
ventilation shaft. (At your discretion, this may alert ISB the line.
agents, soldiers, other maintenance workers up on the Upon reaching the fourth floor, they encounter the
tenth floor ... or no one.) floor's main shaft and can begin crawling through it. It

. .' . . . ' . Death of ~ ~tar Destroyer • 89 .

S.9;~t~ppens;~ri~eGet Imperial Monitoring Garrison
~ .~," Capturei:l(~~",;;: Fourth Floor
, '·T.m~js the type ofmiiSlbMhat's consid"
red a failure ff1;lie {liaj'act!!rs have to
.'g t!J.~ir weap'o~,w;!rilethere's noth-c,
. " g they can do.,ali2!ij;..'~ill~asD' Ink's '
. Jjetr~ • k. ethave to be vei:yifar#illwliile tl\:e~re

Garrison bUilding. -=.,'-

snea'king through the lieavilyguai'ded'Monitoring

IftJil! cHaracters are captill'ilJIftliey.ll bebrought

into a transpo!1; speeder to'be ;.interrogated by
Aggnt T21?!!,y!! Caybl!,; Din,,~JP'!ilk lurks in t!!e .
background. ' ". ";,~ .' "
Ai'tel' afew questjons,'Cayl:ilEi,oroers the hJ>pe-
.' rialtriji)psJt("tfansi>ort.tneClrai'a~ters to his office
in ths'!mperiill'base in thell:~al'tbfthecity so t!J.at
he maTexe.cute,thein at llWlej&,Uie.
He lias the clliiracters ·searcl\.ed;in1less'a charac-
Ujr hasm;j?e.an outstan\:lilig.h;i8!i'Jijle, one of. ibe
troopers MdS the datadiSk'containing the files on ""
Opl1ration: Ell:OOtl and the Im~B?l!'81'gosclJedule:
After s~g the disk-on ~;gJ!tllpad, he assumes ' Offices Offices
theclfaracrers are alliedWith'the,Rebellion. .
(ljaybl~aI!dI!l'!nk leave1tr~spee<!er, which ~ets
out'to transpoI1t ,the ·characters.across tli!l city. ,-'
Wlille iii th;e millst oftlietrip;-the spe!ltler (and its' . Security
escoitvehicles) are attack,td'bY,Frieilds of'Parah'
resistaii~e members. While'the cliaraeters .are'
freed, they must sOi!!e~o..v:W>[l Age'lt Cay!:>!!"s;'-,
office to get the datadisk'! .jj,' . '''c' Turbolifts -..-jlf'l Turbolifts
AlS6;nowAgent Cayble S:b:spgcts what thg£.h"r""
.acters'nllssion will'be, so se~urity is gyeri tig!J.ter
ill Epi~o'de Three. • ",',.. ;7

is narrow and cramped. With a Moderate search or

Perception roll, the characters hear voices from the
hallways below- there are several people on this floor.
The characters must make three Easy sneak, Percep,
tion or Dexterity rolls to avoid making noise; failure of
any ofthese rolls means that someone on the fourth floor nician moves by, headed towards the lounge, labs or
heard them. turbolifts. A couple ofjanitorial droids move slowly up
and down the corridors, dusting the walls, collecting
Objective in Sight trash and polishing the floors. The dmids come in all
They soon arrive at a four-way intersection over the shape and sizes, with numerous attachments like vacu-
main hallway and not far from the ISB security desk. To ums and dust mops. The droids follow only the simplest
either side of the hall are banks offour turbolifts. One of commands and instructions.
end of the hall opens into a lounge area. Wide
Janitor Droids. All stats ID. Move: 5. Due to mul-
transparisteel windows (3D body strength) stretch across
tiple arms and attachments, the droids grapple and
the lounge, giving a panoramic view ofthe array towers
entangle an opponent on a successful brawling attack.
and the starport beyond.
Beyond the security desk, the hall leads deeper into The characters must somehow get by the guards
the complex: their target, the computer lab, is down the without raising an alarm. While their IDs are valid for
halL There are two ISB security guards at the desk. this floor, there's no way to exit the air shaft without the
The halls are relatively empty. Occasionally a tech- ISB guards seeing.

9.0 • Death of a St~r Destroyer . '.' ~ :. ..... .. ' ..

The characters may be able to come up with a good inside the lab. They must make a Very Difficult security
story about maintenance (and having agent Venteck roll to get the lock open without sounding an alarm (and
confirm that story would help). However, this is an make a Very Difficult sneak total not to be noticed by
Imperial installation - if there are any aliens in the anyone inside). Conning a technician about "mainte-
group, the guards will not be convinced about any cover nance and cleaning" duties inside the lab is far more
story and automatically sound the alarm. likely to work (Easy con total).
The characters may also decide to go in shooting. At the center ofthe lab, the computer core stands like
This is challenging because they must incapacitate both a pillar, reaching up and disappearing into the ceiling
guards before they can sound the alarm. If there's any six meters overhead.
real noise, technicians come rushing into the hall to find The four technicians are scattered about the lab,
out what's happening, too. each working diligently at their assigned post. Unless
If the characters wait a few minutes, one of the the characters do something that's clearly suspicious,
guards tells his buddy that he's going for a walk. The the technicians generally ignore the characters and
other guard asks ifhe's going to see "that cute program- assume that they're doing their jobs. If the characters
mer down on three," and the first guard smiles. The do something suspicious, the technicians sound alarms
second guard says he can watch the station by himself. immediately.
This gives the characters a prime chance: they can
move in and disable the lone security guard quickly. Installing the Slicers' Key
To install the slicers' key, the characters must access
ISB Security Guard. All stats 2D except: blaster the computer core in the center ofthe room. The techni-
4D, brawling parry 4D, dodge 3D, melee combat 3D+2, cians in the room immediately become suspicious as
melee parry 4D, alien species 3D, bureaucracy 3D, soon as the characters head to the core, so they must
streetwise 3D, bargain 3D+2, security 3D. Move: 10. either subdue the technicians or convince them to leave
Body armor (+1 energy, +2 physical), blaster pistol (4DJ,
the room.
stun baton (STR+1D or 5D stun), code key cylinder, The core is guarded by a nearly-invisible force field.
comlink. A character must make a Difficult search or Perception
As the characters move down the hall, they realize roll to spot the force field generators on the floor and
that most of the offices are empty. However, the lights ceiling. The force field may be disabled with a Difficult
are on in the computer lab. computer programming / repair roll. Reduce the diffi-
Things Start to Get Complicated. Hopefully, the culty to Moderate if they use a work station that has
characters thought to leave someone behind at the already been logged onto by a duty technician, or ifthey
security desk. Three minutes after the characters leave obtain the authorized password for the day.
the desk, a roving pair ofISB guards arrives on the floor Any character who reaches into the force field takes
by turbolift to check in with the guards at this station. 7.0 stun damage; an alarm sounds if the force field is
These guards immediately become suspicious if breached.
there's no one at the station. Needless to say, if they see Placing the slicers' key in the right location requires
an unconscious guard, they also become suspicious. If an Easy computer programming / repair roll and takes
one ofthe characters is at the station and comes up with two rounds.
a good cover story, the guards will be convinced and The Datafiles
move along to the next floor.
If the alarm is sounded for any reason, a squad of If the characters have already installed the slicers'
key, they can automatically download or upload any of
eight ISB troops arrives in one minute to investigate.
They have comlinks and can call in three other squads, the files. If, for whatever reason, they download these
files without using the slicers' key (for example, they
as well as activate a "security lockdown" which seals all
rooms, turbolifts and hallways in the building. (Charac- haven't had the chance to restrain the technicians),
they must slice through the internal security system.
ters will have to resort to using plasma cutters to get
through the 6D body strength blast doors.) The characters can download the files regarding
Imperial cargo shipping with an Easy computer pro-
The Computer Lab gramming / repair roll. This takes three minutes.
The computer lab is a large, circular room completely The false identification files (to get the characters
enclosed by transparisteel walls (3D body strength). through starport security when they leave Derilyn) can
From outside, the characters can see four technicians be uploaded with a second Easy computer program-
inside. The room has six descending tiers of work ming / repair roll. This takes two minutes.
stations and monitors. Each tier is divided into dozens Once in the computer, the "Operation: Elrood"
of smaller work stations and cubicles, all of which datafiles can be accessed. Security around these files
overlook the central computer core. seems very tight: the character must make a Moderate
The characters' security cylinder doesn't get them computerprogramming / repair roll to access these files.

. '. . . Death of ~ ~tar Destroyer -91 .

The files take five minutes to download. the plasma cutter can burn a one-by-two meter hole in
Failing any of these rolls sounds an alarm in the lab three rounds. .
and triggers an warning alarm at the security desk If the grappling gear is still available, the characters
down the hallway. may escape by climbing the outside ofthe building up to
When the characters download the files on Opera- the roof (one Easy climbing /jumping roll per floor).
tion: Elrood, read aloud: This takes two rounds to secure the lines and two
Silently, text scrolls across the display screen rounds for every floor. Unfortunately, climbing the
and begins to copy itselfonto your datapad. Glow- outside of the building provides an easy target for the
ing images of Star Destroyer schematics flicker squads of Army troopers closing in on the building.
across the screen, showing severe damage to the The characters may use the grappling devices to
drive systems. Attached to the report are work attach a line to one of the sensor towers in the antenna
schedules and personnel files for the repair crews. field. (There aren't any troopers there yet.) The charac-
As another file flashes on-screen, you read that ters are already above the three-meter-tall fences, al-
the Star Destroyer Brazen is in space dock at the though the characters must slide the 70 meters to the
Defense Platform orbiting high above. A pirate nearest antenna. (Easy lifting or Strength roll to "push"
attack nearly destroyed the ship and now it's hard enough to do this with a level line, or the charac-
helpless, as repair crews race to repair the en- ters can freeslide if the angle is steep enough.)
gines so the ship can limp to a full repair station Any attempt to contact Dineas D' Ink's team is
several sectors away. blocked due to comlink jamming. If the characters are
Right now, one of the Empire's most feared taking too much time, Imperial troops may appear on
symbols of power and control lies crippled and the roof, cut through the windows or cluster on the
vulnerable. In the proper hands, the data you are ground and open fire on the characters.
copying could prove fatal to such a badly-injured Just as the characters push off to slide across to the
vessel. With a final bleep, the file is downloaded. antenna field, they see several heavily armed Imperial
speeder trucks burst into the antenna field, with sev-
eral squads of Army troopers following closely behind.
Getting Out The characters watch helplessly as they see the
As the Rebels are leaving - or if they have failed a Imperial troops drag Sneeze and Kailage Lanis out of
required roll or have left one of their group at the the escape vehicle. Dineas D' Ink is nowhere to be seen.
security desk - they realize that something has gone During the slide, a convoy of troop carriers and
wrong. The security desk's monitors reveal that Impe- supply vehicles passes on the road, beneath the Rebels.
rial Army troopers have begun to surround the build- Seizing this opportunity, the Rebels may drop onto the
ing. If none of the characters are manning the desk, an canvas tops of the troop carriers (Moderate climbing /
Easy search or Perception roll is needed to notice this; if jumping roll). On a failed roll, the characters drops to
the characters make a point oflooking at the monitors, the street, taking 5D falling damage - the character
they automatically see the troops on the monitors. may have to suddenly dodge out ofthe way ofa speeding
Dineas D' Ink has betrayed them, although the char- transport.
acters are likely to believe that they triggered an alarm. A character who hits the canvas roof rips through
Indicators show that the turbolift controls have been and drops onto the laps ofstartled Navy troopers. Other
overridden from the lobby and that all the lifts are characters may barely make this roll and end up dan-
ascending, stopping on every level. (The Army troops do gling off the vehicle's side.
not know where the characters are unless they've trig- Each troop carrier has six troops, as well as a driver
gered an alarm on the fourth floor.) and a gunner in the forward compartment. The charac-
The Army troops will be on the fourth floor in mo- ters can seize control ofthe vehicles or they may get the
ments. The Rebels may attempt to reroute the turbolifts chance to jump to supply trucks or other speeders.
- a Moderate computer programming / repair or Tech~ This battle can either be a point-blank range blaster
nical roll is needed for each lift and there are eight of battle or a brawling fist-fight. To get to the driver's
them - or to lock the lift doors with a Moderate security compartment, a character can either crawl along the
or Technical roll for each lift. roof or climb along the side of the transport. Both tasks
The characters could attempt to exit the way they require a Moderate climbing/jumping roll to avoid
came in, but climbing the shafts is time-consuming: two being thrown from the moving vehicle.
rounds for every floor, with one Easy climbing /jumping
roll needed every floor; they must climb six floors. The Staging Tips. This is supposed to be an exciting and
major advantage to this approach is that it may take the cinematic battle. Crashes and explosions can be exag-
Army troopers several minutes to figure out where the gerated for dramatic effect. Ifnecessary, fudge the rules
characters went. to maintain a furious pace.
The windows in the lounge or offices are sealed, but The characters have to improvise or they'll be cap-

92 • Death of a Star Destroyer . . ' . ,. ~ :". . . . .. :.... .,

" " " Death of a Star Destroye"r • 93 "
tured and interrogated by the Imperials. They must chase in an abstract manner, creating dramatic scenes
move quickly to defeat the Imperial troops on the as needed. The terrain difficulty depends on what types
carriers, grab control of these vehicles and race out of of streets the characters choose for their getaway.
the base. .
Terrain TYPe Difficulty
The characters can face quite a few complications:
more vehicles that try to stop them or attacks from the Wide roadways Very Easy
blasters mounted on other vehicles. Perhaps a trooper Narrow roadways Easy
or two is still conscious and tries to kill the character
Pedestrian walkways Moderate
driving the speeder.
Tunnels/Alleys Difficult
Troop Transport (Ubrikkian GPT-117 Troop
Transport). Speeder-scale. Crew 1, gunners 1, cover Other Features Modifier
full (pilot and gunner), 112 (passengers/cargo), maneu- Light traffic +5
verability 1D+2, move 125; 360 kmh, body strength
2D+2. Weapons: light blaster cannon (turret, mounted Moderate traffic +10
on cab roof, fire control1D, range 3-50/100/250, damage Heavy traffic +15
3D). Wrong way Additional +5
One of several general-purpose skiffs used by the Example: The characters are moving at cruis-
Imperial military, the Ubrikkian GPT-117 packs enough ing speed and maneuver onto a narrow street (Easy
firepower to ward offenemy vehicles and smash through (10) difficulty) with heavy traffic (+15), going the
barriers. Its open rear bed offers little protection, but wrong way (+5). The difficulty number for racing
allows troops to unload quickly under combat condi- down this street is a 30.
Be very cinematic when describing a vehicle crash.
Imperial Naval Trooper. Dexterity 2D+1, blaster Add the colorful details the players expect: describe the
3D+ 1, blaster: blaster rifle 4D+2, brawling parry 3D+1, craft missing the turn and spinning wildly before crash-
dodge 3D+1, grenade 3D+1, melee combat 3D+1, melee ing through a building or flipping end-over-end in a ball
parry 3D+ 1 running 3D+2, Knowledge 1D+ 1, intimida- of flames.
tion 2D+1, streetwise 2D+1, Mechanical 1D+2, You can spice up the chase by using some or all ofthe
repulsorlift operation 2D+2, capital ship shields 2D+2, following obstacles:
Perception 3D, command 4D, search 4D, Strength 2D+2,
brawling 4D+2, stamina 3D+2. Move: 10. Blast helmet • Imperial Road Block. The Imperials have comlinked
(+lD physical, +1 energy), blaster pistol (4D), comlink. ahead and a crash barrier has been placed across the
roadway. Eight Army troopers with blaster rifles fire at
Transport Drivers and Gunners. Same as Naval the characters' vehicle. The troops have 1/2 cover (+2D
trooper except: vehicle blasters 3D+2, repulsorlift op- to difficulty number). The characters can blast away at
eration 4D+2. the barrier or try to smash through it (speeder-scale
body strength of 3D).
The Grand Chase
Although the convoy is composed of dozens of ve- • Propaganda Parade. In a publicity stunt to bolster
hicles, only about 3-4 troop carriers and 4-6 scout Imperial "morale," a local holiday has been declared to
troopers on speeder bikes can break free to pursue the welcome the crew oftheBrazen. School children, factory
characters. The remaining vehicles stop in the confu- workers, war veterans, and a marching band have been
sion or are unable to bypass the wreckage from the persuaded to participate in an "impromptu" evening
initial battle. parade as a display oftheir devotion to the Empire. The
characters can try to turn down a narrow alley to avoid
Scout Troopers. Dexterity 2D, blaster 4D, brawling the marching crowd (Heroic repulsorlift operation roll
parry 4D, dodge 4D, Knowledge 2D, Mechanical 3D, to make the turn at high speed), or spend three rounds
repulsorlift operation: speeder bike 3D+2, Perception carefully working through the crowd with three Diffi-
2D, Strength 2D, brawling 3D, Technical2D. Move: 10. cult repulsorlift operation rolls. The Imperial pursuers
Hold-out blaster (3D+2), scout armor (+2 physical and get a chance to catch up!
energy), blasterpistoI(4D), blasterriffie (5D), 2 concus-
sion grenades (5D/4D/3D/2D), survival gear. • Sneak Attack. Four biker scouts pull up and open
fire on the characters, forcing them to turn onto a side
Aratech 74·Z Military Speeder Bike. Speeder- street. Just as the characters turn the corner, a huge
scale, cover: 1/4, maneuverability 3D+2, move 175; 500 speeder truck pulls across the street and blocks the
kmIh, body strength 2D. Laser cannon (fire control2D, path. The truck has a speeder-scale body strength of
range 3-50/100/200, damage 3D). 3D+2. Do the characters dare to smash through the
The chase does not have to be a complicated affair truck, or will they try to turn around?
with scaled maps and exact directions. Instead, run the

94 • Death of a Star Destroyer . .... . :::. . .. ' .. ' . .'

The Outcome After Dnalla concludes her situation briefing, Melvor
After the tense chase through the base and parts of Khamp arrives to brief the characters on what he
the city, the characters should get a chance to pull over learned from the stolen datafiles.
and get away either on foot or in another vehicle. The Activating an antiquated holo-projector, Melvor
Imperials have sealed the city tightly, but they're look- Khamp explains his plan. Show the players the map
ing for the specific vehicles the characters stole. If the "Bomb Plan Locations for Star Destroyer Brazen. "Read
characters are careful, they may be waved right through aloud:
the Imperial checkpoints. "I'll begin by quickly recapping the engine struc-
When the characters make it back to the Friends of ture of an Imperial Star Destroyer. The ship has
Paran base in Knellis, cut to Episode Two, "We've Got to three extremely powerful Destroyer-I ion engines
Stop Meeting Like This." for sublight and hyperdrive travel. For emer-
gency maneuvers or in the event of severe dam-
Episode Two: We've Got To Stop age to the main drive system, the ship has four
Meeting Like This Gemon-4 ion engines. The aft section of the ship
consists of reinforced superstructure and sup-
Summary port columns, honeycombed with power feeds,
durasteel armor for the reactor and drive sys-
The Rebels deliver the datafile to the main resistance tems, access tunnels, and control spaces. Nor-
camp for analysis. They receive their orders to destroy mally, these sections would be invulnerable to
the Brazen. sabotage and inaccessible from the exterior ofthe
As the characters are surveying the resources avail- ship. Let's not forget that the power output from
able to them, the Empire attacks. Dineas D' Ink's the reactor core can incinerate a TIE fighter at
betrayal is complete as he leads an Imperial task force close range.
directly to the base. The characters just barely escape, ''The Khuiumin pirate attack changed this. A
but now must carry out their mission alone. concentrated assault destroyed the lower, port-
Destroying the Brazen side Gemon-4 ion engine and severely damaged
the center and port Destroyer-I engines. The as-
When the characters return to the base, the com- sault caused extreme power surges, which swept
mand center, normally staffed by a handful ofpeople, is through the engines and propulsion shafts. The
packed to standing-room only as other resistance mem- Brazen's engineering crew managed to vent the
bers report for action. energy away from the reactor, but it cost most of
While Melvor Khamp's team of slicers sift through them their lives. Even partially dispersed, the
the data, Dnalla gives a briefing to the characters and power overload rocked the entire ship, rupturing
Shondra Del. Read aloud: power feeds, disintegrating armor plating nearly
"While we received the data we needed, we two meters thick, and buckling the superstruc-
paid a terrible price. AIl members of Dineas D' ture. Somehow, the Brazen managed to escape
Ink's team are reported dead. the battle and limp here to Derilyn.
"Now, we need to ask you to conduct another "AIl port side engines must be replaced. As the
mission for us. AIl of you, including Shondra Del, facilities here at Derilyn are rather limited, these
will be leaving Derilyn shortly. Melvor Khamp is engines are now undergoing temporary repairs.
finishing the false ID cards that will allow you to Minor repairs are also being conducted on the
sneak through security at Derilyn Space Central, central engine, which is being held on standby
the starport in Tekar. You must board a worker status. When the Brazen is minimally operational,
shuttle headed for the Derilyn Space Defense it will jump to a fully-equipped Imperial Navy
Platform. Your cover identities list you as starship shipyard, most probably the deepdock facility
engineers assigned to Operation: Elrood. that's in towards the Metharian Nebula.
"Once aboard the Defense Platform, Shondra "Now is the time to strike. The ship is vulner-
must find a way out ofthe system so she can meet able. If it leaves Derilyn, the Empire will have it
with our pirates allies and deliver the Imperial fully repaired in short order.lfwe act quickly, we
convoy schedules. can destroy the Brazen.
"Meanwhile, I need you to complete a daring "By carefully examining the damage reports, I
mission. As you probably know by now, the Bra- have determined that correct placement of three
zen was heavily damaged in an attack by the powerful bombs will cause the total destruction
Khuiumin Survivors pirate gang. I need you to of the Brazen. You must enter the ship via these
finish the job. You must destroy the Brazen." access tunnels. From there, you must travel deep
inside the Brazen'8 superstructure: the proper

'. . . . Death of & ~tar Destroye'r • ·95 .

Bomb Plan Locations for-Star Destroyer Brazen
Power Reinforced
Propulsion Shaft Feeds O..-erload Support
Propulsion Shaft Feeds Suppressor Column

Ion En!!:inc
Thrusl N-ozzlc

locations have been uploaded into this datapad. ber to be scanned and holographed for their fake
''The first bomb must be placed here, along the identicards.
bulkhead separating the port engines from the The cards should be good enough to get the charac-
power cells and propulsion shaft feeds. Detonat· ters aboard the Defense Platform as yard workers. Once
ing this bomb will rupture the superstructure they're up in orbit, they're on their own and will have to
holding the shaft feeds and power cells in place. improvise.
''The second bomb must be placed at this sup-
port column, just forward of upper port side Building the Bombs
Gemon-4 emergency engine. This is a key super- The characters are warned that starport security is
structure junction - when it goes, it will take a so tight that there's no way they'll be able to sneak
large portion of the upper supports with it. weapons aboard the shuttles.
''The third and final bomb must be placed here, Melvor Khampexplains that the bombs require three
inside the central engine's propulsion shaft. With components: a timer, a magnetic field projector and six
all protective force fields deactivated and most of proton torpedoes. He gives the characters three timers
the armor plating stripped away, the blast will and three magnetic field projectors. The proton torpe-
funnel directly into the ship's central solar ion- does, however, must be found somewhere aboard the
ization reactor, causing an uncontrollable over· station. Since Skipray blastboats carry proton torpe-
load. The main reactor will detonate, ripping the does, the characters should be able to find spare torpe-
weakened ship apart ... and probably taking a does in any hangar bay that services blastboats.
good chunk of the space platform with it. Need- Melvor Khamp describes the process of building the
less to say, there's going to be quite a fireworks bombs. Each bomb uses six proton torpedoes. First, the
display. characters must deactivate each proton torpedo's war-
"Remember to wear heavy radiation gear. The head and remove it from the casing.
whole area is contaminated with lethal radiation The characters must fine-tune the magnetic field
levels." projector to channel the proton blast. Then, the charac-
Allow the characters to study the diagram, using ters must use a datapad to override the safety program-
Melvor to answer any questions they may have. When ming from the warheads' guidance computers.
firnshed, Melvor takes the characters to another cham- Finally, the characters must find a footlocker-sized
container for each bomb (to hide it from casual observ-

9.6 • Death of a' Star Destroyer . '.' : :. . .'

ers). Activating a circuit arms the bomb, but it's a good can respond, resistance members at the far end of
idea not to arm the bomb until the last minute since any the tunnel are cut down by a barrage of blaster
good-sized jolt or impact can trigger the weapon. fire. The emergency lighting kicks in and in the
Khamp smiles when he completes his lesson. "See," distance you make out the unmistakable form of
he says, "the bombs are easy to build and take less than an Imperial probe droid. It's heading directly
10 minutes. At this point, all you have to do is arm the towards you!
warhead by activating this circuit and then set the The characters are attacked by a rapidly-approach-
timer." ing probe droid. In the distance, two more probe droids
See Episode Three, "Tickets, Please" and Episode and a squad of five scout troops are charging towards
Four, "In the Heart of the Beast" for specific skill rolls the characters and firing at anything that moves.
and difficulties for building the bombs.
Probe Oroid. Dexterity 3D, blaster 4D, dodge 4D,
The Return Of Dineas D' Ink Knowledge 2D+2, intimidation 7D+2, planetary sys-
tems 4D, Mechanical 3D, sensors 6D, Perception 3D,
Just as Melvor Khamp finishes explaining how to search 4D, search: tracking 7D+1, Strength 4D, Techni-
build the bombs, read aloud: cal2D+ 1. Move: 14. Long-range sensors (+ 10 to search
As you make your way back to the command for objects between ZOO meters and five kilometers
center, a high-pitched whine resonates through away), movement sensor (+ZD to search for moving
the tunnels around you_ Suddenly, the ground objects up-to 100 meters away), atmosphere sensors,
lurches, lifting you slightly, while choking clouds blaster cannon (40+Z, ranges 3-10/30I1Z0), self-destruct
of dust descend from the tunnel ceiling. The over- mechanism, repulsor generator for movement over any
head lights flicker twice, then go out completely, type of terrain, retractable manipulator arms, retract-
plunging the complex into darkness. B"fore you able sensor arms for gathering samples.


<~ __~<~ Attaek


Store Room

. ' . Death of & ~tar Destroyer • 97 .

Scout Troopers. Dexterity 2D, blaster 4D, brawling
parry 4D, dodge 4D, Knowledge 2D, Mechanical 3D,
repulsorlift operation: speeder bike 3D+2, Perception
2D, Strength 2D, brawling 3D, Technical2D. Move: 10.
Hold-out blaster (3D+2), scout armor (+2 physical and
energy), blaster pistol (4D), blaster riffle (5D), 2 concus-
sion grenades (5D/4D/3D/2D),.survival gear.
The sounds of battle come from all directions -
apparently the base is under a full Imperial attack. The
smoke and dim emergency lighting only add to the
confusion. Some resistance members pull their blasters
and engage the Imperial troops, while others try to
retreat to safety. If the characters are unsure ofwhat to
do, a comlink message from Dnalla or Shondra Del
summons the characters to the command center. (See
the map "Friends of Paran Base.")
The attack is occurring because ofinformation deliv-
ered by Dineas D' Ink: the traitor was able to deliver
complete base plans, including locations of sentry pa-
trols. The Imperials were able to slip by the sentries and
attack the main base without warning. The lights went
out because Imperial troops destroyed the base's power
generator, and now nearly a dozen squads of troopers
are advancing into the base. Once inside the command
center, the characters can view the surveillance moni-
tors to get an overview of the situation. The exterior
monitors show Imperial troopers and walkers surround-
ing the base on all sides.
The monitors reveal squads ofstormtroopers moving
hurriedly through the tunnels, as small bands of resis-
tance members engage them in furious combat. One
monitor on the surface captures the image of Dineas D'
Ink (in a gray Imperial ISB uniform!) exiting a com-
mand vehicle; he is talking to another man in an ISB
uniform. This is actually agent Tolamyn Cayble, D'
Ink's superior.
In the background, squads ofImperial Army troopers
in full armored vests clamor out oftroop carriers, while Dnalla acts quickly to retrieve the base's back-up
a dozen scout troopers on speeder bikes race by. Dnalla files (stored on datadisks), while Shondra begins sys-
indicates that all sentry posts are cut off or destroyed. tematically wiping the main computer system (so the
Visually, the resistance fighters have counted at least Empire can't find out everything about this branch and
four AT-AT walkers and at least a company of infantry other branches ofthe Friends of Paran). Dnalla orders
troops (about 150 soldiers). the characters to head to the munitions cache and
The resistance fighters cannot withstand such oppo- activate the bomb Khamp built - a big enough explo-
sition. Dnalla orders the evacuation ofthe base; in the sion should delay the Imperials and may provide a
distance, the characters can hear the sounds of battle. sufficient distraction to allow many agents (and the
A few seconds later, a pair of stormtroopers bursts into player characters) to escape.
the command center. The characters must act quickly: The characters must fight their way to the munitions
if the stormtroopers last for more than a round, they cache as a squad of stormtroopers charges towards the
comlink that they've found the command center and command center. If the characters gain control of the
summon reinforcements. munitions cache, they can activate the bomb Khamp
Stormtroopers. All states 2D except: blaster 4D, built earlier with an Easy demolitions or Technical roll.
brawling parry 4D, dodge 4D, brawling 3D. Move: 10. The timer can be set to detonate up to an hour later.
Stormtrooper armor (+2D physical, +ID energy, -ID to
Dexterity and related skills), blaster rifle (5D), blaster
pistol (4D).

9.8 • Death of a Star Destroyer . . :: '.' .

.,;,H..' I"/~" ".-0-

..... ,.:::::.
L-_----:;"....... ____ ~

. Death of ~ Star Destroyer • 99

explodes. Ifthe characters time their actions right, they
Tolamyn CayJ>le should be able to sneak by Imperial soldiers who are
Type: Im~rial Security Bureau Agent preoccupied with getting to the explosion site.
DEXTERITY 3D Shondra Del must accompany the characters to the
starport, since she is to join them aboard the Defense
combat SD. melee parry 4D+ I, veliicle blasters 4D
KNOWLEDGE 3D Platform and then find a way out of the system to meet
Alien species 40+2. bureaucracy 5D. cultures 3D+2, intimida- the Khuiumin Survivors.
tion 6D+2, languageS 4D;planetMr.sy.stems 4D, streetwise The episode ends as the characters and Shondra Del
50, survival4D get to the edge of the industrial complex and head
Astrogation3D+1.beastriding4D, repri1sorliftoperation 40+2,
towards Derilyn Space Central, north of Tekar. With
space tranSports ~D;starsbipgunnery 30+2, starsbip sbields the Friends ofParan base routed, the characters are on
3D+2 ~ their own to complete the mission to destroy the Brazen.
PERCEPTION 30 _ 'Cut to Episode Three, "Tickets, Please."
Bargain 5D+l~ comman~5D+2. conAD+2, gambling 3D+2,
hide 5D+I, search 4D, sneakSD_
sTRENGTH 3D . Episode Three: Tickets, Please
Brawling 40+I, climbingljumping4D+I, stamina 4D+2, swim-
ming3D+l Summary
TECHNICAL 3D ~~....-" 0

Computer programminglrepair-3Dt2;.!lemolition 4D, security The characters must rendezvous at the Derilyn Space
6D --~ . Central starport and use their fake identicards to pose
Force Point: 1 as a work crew and board a shuttle bound for the
Dark Side Points: 3
Charact~r Points: 11
Derilyn Space Defense Platform.
Move: 10 Once aboard the station, the characters must obtain
Equipment: Rank cylinder code key-:.vibroblade (8TH+ W+2). the necessary components to make the bombs and
, blaster pistol (40), hold-out blaster.G?D+ 1). thermal detonator secure a small work sled to transport them aboard the
(10D), datapad. comlink, pQcket_-eomput;er, 1,200 credits Star Destroyer Brazen.
Manhunt at the Starport
Going Topside Security at Derilyn Space Central is very tight as
The characters and any surviving resistance memo Imperial officials direct an intense manhunt for Rebel
bers, including Shondra Del, must escape to the surface. sympathizers. Stormtroopers and Army troopers are
Once at ground level, they can use the abandoned everywhere, scrutinizing identicards and passengers'
industrial complex's rusting construction machinery, bags. Unknown to the characters, the starport has
toppled buildings, chemical vats, and immense con· dozens of disguised ISB agents searching for Rebel
veyor belts as cover as they try to maneuver around operatives.
Imperial patrols. The area is a perfect spot to set The characters' itinerary has them leaving from
boobytraps to entrap and delay Impelial pursuers. Terminal 210. Once the characters have assembled,
You should stage this as a tense game of "hide and read aloud:
seek," as the characters must avoid Imperial speeder Derilyn Space Central appears to be under
bikes, probots, Army patrols, snipers and scout walk· siege. Squads ofstormtroopers guard all entrances
ers. See Star Wars, Revised and Expanded, Chapter and exits, while patrols wander the entire facil-
Eight, "Running Battles," for hints on how to stage this ity. A dozen AT-ATs lumber slowly about the
type of pursuit scene. tarmac, while scores of smaller AT-STs skitter
It's strongly suggested that the characters have a among the buildings and ships. After enduring an
final confrontation with Dineas D' Ink during their endless wait in traffic, you finally manage to
escape - in fact, it would be most satisfying for the enter the main starport terminal.
players ifD' Ink's final defeat was the event that opened Inside the terminal, hundreds of Army troop-
the "hole" in the Imperial security net that allows the ers mill about. The only ships leaving the starport
characters to escape. are those bound for the'Derilyn Space Defense
The characters may also have a preliminary encoun· Platform; the only passengers here are the thou-
ter with ISB agent Cayble, but he must escape because sands of starship engineers and laborers reas-
he figures prominently in Episode Three, "Tickets, signed to repair the Brazen.
Please." Passengers and ship crews stand patiently in
If the characters have timed things correctly, the long lines, while Army troopers closely scrutinize
detonation of the bomb in the munitions cache can all identity cards, comparing the information on
present a major distraction. The ground shakes and a each card with records stored on datapads. Occa-
huge cloud of soot and smoke goes up when the cache

1.00 • Death of a Star Destroyer' . ' . ,. : ::'. . .. ' ... :. . .. ,

sionally, someone is roughly pulled out ofline and Imperial Army Trooper.Dexterity 3D, blaster4D+1,
dragged away by the troopers. dodge 4D+1, grenade 3D+2, vehicle blasters 3D+2,
The terminal's public address system an- Knowledge 1D+1, survival 2D+1, Mechanical 1D+1,
nounces, "Please have your identification docu- repulsorlift operation 2D+ 1, Perception 2D, Strength
ments ready for verification. If you need assis- 3D+1, brawling4D+1, Technical1D. Move: 10. Blaster
tance or have improper identification, security rifle (5Dl, field armor and helmet(+lD physical, +2
personnel will escort you to one of our service energy), 2 grenades (5D), helmet comlink, survival
centers." gear, utility belt \vith supplies, code key cylinder.
Upon arriving at Terminal 210 they see long lines of The weapons scanners are extremely sophisticated.
workers shuffling past inspection teams. A large weap- Short ofhaving an electronic scrambler ofsome type, it's
ons detector is at each gate, augmenting normal sensor virtually impossible to sneak weapons through this
devices. security station. The characters should be strongly
Before anyone may board the waiting shuttles, he or encouraged to dump their weapons in dumpsters or
she must first pass through the detectors and verifY otherwise get rid of them.
their identification. Alert Army troopers have weapons Characters with short vibroknives (or anything else
ready to discourage any notions of sneaking past the that could be classified as a "tool") might only have their
devices. Baggage is simply carried through the detec- weapons confiscated and get a verbal warning. Anyone
tors by the owner and is searched ifthe delicate sensors with a blaster, grenade or other obvious weapon -
indicate the possible presence ofweapons or explosives. particularly anyone with a lightsaber - faces a forced
The troops are tense and very alert: it would be almost labor sentence in an Imperial work camp.
impossible to distract them sufficiently to allow charac- Once everyone is past the weapons detectors, the
ters to sneak through the checkpoint.

. '.. : .. . Death of a Star ·Destroyer· • 101 .

fake identicards are checked against computer records. longer exists; instead, a gaping hole, ripped ar-
The troopers stand silently while waiting for confirma- mor and twisted support columns are all that
tion from their datapad. They will drag the characters remain.
to an interrogation room with the slightest provocation.
After a few tense moments, the information from the Aboard the Defense Platform
cards is confirmed and the characters are waved onto The commuter shuttle arrives at a landing bay,
the shuttle. which leads into a large lobby connecting over a dozen
If the characters have caused some type of distrac- other bays. There are several banks ofturbolifts leading
tion or draw undue attention to themselves, the troop- to other levels of the station. Nearly a dozen Navy
ers may be suspicious and detain the characters even troopers are on security detail, but people who don't
after their identicards come up clean. Once past the draw undue attention to themselves are ignored.
security checkpoints, the characters may board the Large viewports offer a view ofthe Brazen, as well as
shuttle and mingle with the real workers. the station's surrounding hangar bays: the characters
can see a hangar bay that's filled with TIE fighters,
In Sight of the Enemy Lambda shuttles and Skipray blastboats, while an-
During the shuttle trip to the Defense Platform, the other docking bay seems to be filled with various types
characters overhear several rumors: offreighters - any character making a Moderate search
• Work crews are working around the clock to get the or Perception roll spots their ship in this hangar! (This
ship finished as soon as possible. (True) assumes the characters' abandoned their ship on Derilyn,
probably still in the interior of the Galax Titan; there's
• Because offears about Rebel sabotage, the Empire has no sign of the rusting ore hauler.)
over 100 ISB agents on the Defense Platform. (False; The area quickly becomes congested because the
the Empire only has about 30 agents here. They are shuttle arrived in the middle of a work shift change.
under the command of Tolamyn Cayble.) After N avytroopers verify their identicards, the charac-
• Work on the Brazen is ahead of schedule and the ship ters are given a datacard holding the day's password
may be finished in three weeks. (True) and they are directed to their barracks - down several
• The Star Destroyer Thunderflare is being reassigned levels. They're scheduled for work briefings in an hour.
here to oversee the final operations; it's due to arrive Shondra Del says her farewells quickly and disappears
here in a week. (Partially true; the Thunderflare is due into the crowd.
to arrive in two days.) To accomplish their mission, the characters need
several things: proton torpedoes (for the bombs), heavy-
• The Empire has rounded up the Rebels and pirates duty space suits, a space skiffor other rig (for transport-
who attacked the Brazen. (False) ing the bombs), clearance to enter the Brazen work area
Upon arrival at the Defense Platform, the characters without raising an alarm, and an escape ship.
get a firsthand view of the crippled Star Destroyer. The characters can report to their barracks and then
Read aloud: quietly proceed with the mission. They can also choose
Docked nose-first to the station, the menacing to get started immediately by using a computer termi-
triangular form of the Brazen dominates the nal to find out the information they need.
viewport. The damage is readily apparent: large
sections of armor plating hang in space, secured Going to the Barracks
only by maintenance drones. Dozens of small The barracks are crowded, very plain rooms filled
work skiffs dance about the debris field, ferrying with rows and rows ofbunks. There are only about eight
replacement parts to the Brazen, while space- or 10 workers here when the characters arrive. While
suited work crews dart inside the ship. Canyon- the workers are suspicious, the characters are soon
like cracks and crater-sized holes along the ship's accepted if they make the slightest effort to get along.
underbelly attest to the tremendous damage Suspicion soon turns to comradery, particularly ifthe
caused by the pirate attack. characters join in the ongoing sabacc game.
The insides ofthe engines are revealed for all to The workers are all part ofthe same work group and
see: gigantic access tunnels, fuel pipelines, con- spend most oftheir time complaining about being reas-
trol machinery, and immense coolant pipes hon- signed to this station. If the characters listen, they can
eycomb the engine chamber. The once-mighty learn a lot about the station's security procedures. They
port engine is shattered and melted. The upper can even find out enough information to con their way
port side emergency engine has been stripped of through their first work briefing (which takes place in
its exhaust nozzle in preparation for major repair an hour.) They only need an Easy con roll if they listen
work. The lower port side emergency engine no in. Without listening in, they need a Difficult con roll or
Moderate capital ship repair roll to get through the

. 1.0~ • .Dea1<h f)f a Star Destroyer' '.' : : . . . .: . .

briefing without saying something that convinces their Vsing a Computer Terminal
supervisor that something is amiss: if they arouse the Computer terminals are in every room and can be
supervisor's suspicions, he calls for ISB agents to inves- found in many hallways. Characters can use these
tigate. terminals to access information about unrestricted ar-
The characters learn that work on the Brazen is right eas, such as hallways, mess halls, passenger docking
on schedule, although security is tight. Security is bays and so forth.
handled by use of passwords. They are assigned every The computer system keeps track ofall activity based
morning: the same password is used for security and on the passwords entered. If the characters use their
computer access, and it allows the Imperial Navy to own password and begin poking around the computer
track which areas a worker enters. One worker jokes system, Navy command is alerted to their presence and
·about not even looking at his group's password yet - he knows exactly who to look for; if the characters manage
gestures to his bunk, where the disk is in plain sight. to steal someone else's- password, they can work in
The characters hear where Imperial fighters are relative anonymity ... for a while.
stored: Hangar Bay 3-18A. They also learn that they Restricted areas cannot be accessed \vithout first
can get space suits and space cargo skiffs (to carry the entering an authorized password. Ifthe characters' use
bombs) at almost any hangar bay. One worker says he their password, they can get information on their autho-
wonders why the Imperials even bother with security at rized areas: a hangar bay where their space suits and
these bays - the only things worth stealing are space work skiffs are stored, as well as their work schedule for
suits. Hejokes that it's easy to get into one ofthose bays the next week.
if you have a decent story, like saying that your space Ifthey steal the password from the work group in the
suit is out for repairs and you need a new one. barracks, they can find out where the military starships
The workers warn the characters about missing a are stored (to find the proton torpedoes and build the
work shift or a briefing: the Navy troops are so uptight bombs).
that a search is started if someone comes up missing,
even for just a few minutes. Moving About The Station
The workers also complain about Captain Dadefra: Workers are allowed to proceed unhampered about
his daily inspections are starting to grate on everyone's the unrestricted areas of the station, which includes
nerves. They describe him as an angry madman who most hallways; non-military barracks, rec and exercise
expects the impossible. He's been known to wander the rooms, medical bays, databasellibrary archives, and
station and randomly pick out workers for berating and mess halls.
humiliating lectures. Fortunately, he spends most of V nfortunately, the areas the characters most need to
his time up in the officers' lounge. enter - equipment rooms, hangar bays, computer sta-
As the workers head out to dinner, they tell the tions, offensive and defensive control sections, weapon
characters to "get yourselves comfortable and then bays, cargo storage areas, sensors and communications
come on down and meet us for dinner." They point out rooms, and so forth - are restricted.
the unclaimed bunks and storage lockers, and then Restricted areas are guarded by a reader mounted on
move towards the turbolifts. One of the workers com- the hall's wall; to enter, characters need to insert an
plains about having only six hours until the next work authorized command rank cylinder or identicard. An
shift in the heart of the Brazen's engines. alarm is sounded ifsomeone inserts an invalid cylinder
Time to Act. The characters are left alone in the or card. The locks require a Moderate security roll to
barracks room with the datadisk still on the bunk. The bypass.
characters have a perfect opportunity to download a Guards and other more sophisticated defenses are
password onto one of their datapads. This password used as needed, particularly at hangar bays storing
gives the characters complete access to the Brazen, but military vessels or at entrances to the Defense Platform's
only ifthey use it before the work shift heads out. (lfthe weapons. (The guards are standard Navy troopers.)
characters do steal the password, they have five hours To gain access to these areas, characters must steal
to build the bombs and move out to the Brazen's engines; authorized command rank cylinders or somehow create
an alarm is sounded when the legitimate workers try to a counterfeit clearance and place it in the station's
use their password. A search ofthe space dock is begun computer system. This requires at least a Difficult
immediately.) computer programming / repair roll and three hours of
If the characters skip the briefing, a search is begun work - a secluded work station is a must for this task.
immediately. If they sit through the briefing (which Remember that tensions remain high and the station
takes two hours), they learn that they have seven hours responds to breaches in security with overwhelming
until their work shift, but their work orders call for force.
them to work on exterior repairs - they aren't autho-
rized to go anywhere near the Brazen's engines.

. . . . . Death of a S~ar Destroyer· • 103 .

Imperial Naval Trooper. Dexterity 2D+1, blaster ships: the bay is numbered 3-20A. It's currently used as
3D+1, blaster: blaster rifle 4D+2, brawling parry 3D+1, an impound hangar for ships confiscated by Imperial
dodge 3D+ 1, grenade 3D+ 1, melee combat 3D+ 1, melee Customs.
parry 3D+ 1 running 3D+2, Knowledge 1D+1, intimida- This is a restricted bay, requiring a properly autho-
tion 2D+ 1, streetwise 2D+ 1, Mechanical 1D+2, rized rank command cylinder or identicard. (The cards
repulsorlift operation 2D+2, capital ship shields 2D+2, issued to the characters aren't authorized for this bay.)
Perception 3D, command 4D, search 4D, Strength2D+2, The docking bay is staffed by two guards, eight
brawling 4D+2, stamina 3D+2. Move: 10. Blast helmet technicians and six R2 units. Workers caught aboard or
(+ ID physical, + 1 energy), blaster pistol (4Dl, comlink. tampering with an impounded ship must have a valid
work order or they're held for interrogation by ISB
The Escape Ship agents.
Docking Bay 3-20A. The characters have already Currently, the docking bay holds the characters' ship
spotted a hangar bay holding their vessel and other

er; datapad, comlink,!>laster

1.04 • Death of a Star Destroyer 0 • • : ."


" Death of a S~ar Destroyer" • 105

and six light freighters in various states of disrepair. which the characters should already have with them. (If
Most ofthe vessels show signs ofdamage from turbolaser the characters don't have them, they can find extras in
blasts: it's doubtful that they could made space-worthy the hangar bay which has space suits and the space
again without lengthy repairs. skiff.) Building each bomb requires several steps and
Aside from the characters' own ship, which is fully takes about 10 minutes of work.
operational, the characters notice a modified YT-1300, Deactivating each proton torpedo's warhead and
The Stone Heart, which appears to be in good condition. removing it from its casing requires an Easy demoli-
The owner made an illegal weapons upgrade without a tions roll: Linking the six warheads into the timer
permit. The only thing wrong with the ship is that the requires an Easy derTwlitions roll
hyperdrive is currently disabled. The characters can A Moderate repulsorlift repair or Technical roll is
discover all this by conning a technician or guard, or by need to fine-tune the magnetic field projector to channel
tapping into the hangar bay's computer station. (Easy the proton blast.
computerprogramming / repair roll once inside the han- A Moderate computer programming / repair roll is
gar bay.) The characters need 10 minutes to repair the needed to override the safety programming from the
hyperdrive (Easy space transports repair roll). warheads' guidance computers.
A ship must be powered up before it can depart. The characters must find a footlocker-sized con-
There are several possible methods: tainer for each bomb. A Moderate lifting or Strength roll
• First, the characters can just activate the main start- is needed to move a finished bomb, but up to four
up sequence. This ignites the main reactor and begins characters can combine to carry the weapon. A standard
charging the ships' systems - a very noisy and atten- repulsorlift cart can carry up to two bombs.
tion-gettingprocedure. This takes 15 minutes and does Arming the bomb requires an Easy demolitions or
not require any rolls. Technical roll. Placing the bomb correctly requires
another demolitions or Technical roll, with the diffi-
• Second, they can attempt a slow charge, very. slowly culty depending upon the situation. See Episode Four,
powering up the ship without alerting the guards. This "In the Heart of the Beast" for specific difficulties.
takes an hour. A successful con or persuasion roll could
distract the guards, as would a forged authorization Bomb. Starfighter-scale, blast radius (in meters): 0-
(Moderate forgery roll and one hour of time) or a bogus 3/6/10/20, IlD/9DI7D/3D damage.
order placed in the hangar bay's computers (Moderate Gathering Equipment
computer programming / repair roll and one hour of
work). The characters have to infiltrate a construction work
crew hangar bay to secure space suits and a skiff to
Docking Bay 3-18A transport the bombs. Characters can locate an empty
hangar bay by tapping into any computer terminal (an
Docking Bay 3-18A is one ofseveral bays dedicated to Easy computer programming/ repair rolI).
starfighters and similar vessels. This docking bay's only These bays are restricted, with two guards on duty.
entrance is a security station staffed by six Imperial Fortunately, the characters' identicards are authorized
Navy troopers. for one of these hangar bays, although they need an
Within moments ofnotification, three Lambda-class Easy con to explain to the guards why they're showing
shuttles and a squadron of 12 TIE interceptors can up for work several hours early. If they have the bombs
launch. Two Skipray blastboasts and a Gamma-class in tow, a Difficult con is needed to convince the guards
assault shuttle are also here and they can be readied for not to search the crates.
launch in 10 minutes. Ifthe characters cannot or do not attempt to find an
Only authorized personnel are allowed to enter the empty hangar bay, they may simply take one over at
docking bay. The authorization codes are changed every gunpoint. The construction workers do nothing as long
shift. (Very Difficult computer programming/repair as the characters appear threatening enough; however,
roll to access station computers). they sound the alarm as soon as the characters leave.
Characters may fight their way into the bay, but
blast doors (6D body strength) at both ends of the Heavy Radiation Powersuit
security station are slammed shut at the end ofthe third Model: Nova-Tech HR211 Powersuit
Type: High radiation space powersuit
round of combat, sealing everyone in until reinforce- Scale: Character
ments arrive. Once past the doors and guards, the dozen Skill: Powersuit operation
flight technicians and maintenance workers offer no Cost: 3,000 credits
resistance. Availability: 2
Game Notes:
Making the Bombs Armor: Suit provides +2D physical and energy, -10 to Dexterity
and related skills. Move: 3 (in gravity).
Each bomb requires six proton torpedoes. The other Booster Jets: Detachable booster jets have fuel for 10 bursts, with
components are a timer and a magnetic field projector, a speed of Space 1 and ID maneuverability.

106 • Death of a Star Destroyer' '.' : :. . .... : . .,

Sensors: The suit is equipped with a sensor pod with a maximum Light Laser Cannon
range of 100 meters; add +10 to the operator's sensors skill. Fire Arc: Turret
Equipment: Helmet-mounted comlink, utility pouches, 50 meter Crew: 1
lifeline, shoulder-mounted beam light, fusion cutter (50), and Skill: 8tarship gunnery
magnetic traction boots. Scale: 8tarfighter
Fire Control: 20
Capsule: The HR-211 is a reusable work suit, capable of Space Range: 1·3/6/9
providing short·term protection (up to one hour) from Damage: 2D
lethal levels of heat and radiation. The versatile chest-
mounted sensor pod features a heads up-display, as well as Capsule: Space skiffs are simple space maintenance ve-
full audio and video recording capability. The helmet hicles, with only a frame, maneuvering thrusters and a
features a multi-band civilian comlink and a retractable power core. An enclosed cockpit provides limited protection
blast visor. The suit has a six-hour power supply and 12 and life-support for the pilot. Patrol variants feature a light
hours of oxygen. The suit must be completely decontami- laser cannon, with the gunner and control system occupy·
nated prior to recharging. ing two of the passenger spaces.
Space skiffs are used for a multitude of short·range
Space Skiff tasks, such as transporting work crews, hauling small
Craft: Telex-Oelcor SS·39 Space Skiff cargoes, and shuttling between vessels. Orbital manufac-
Type: Space work skiff turing facilities often remove the cockpit and install a droid
Scale: Speeder socket, utilizing low-functioning astromech units as pilots.
Length: 9.6 meters
Skill: Space transports: 88-39 Asteroid prospectors have been known to attach habitat
Crew: 1, gunners: 1 (patrol craft variants) modules, using the skiffs as mobile base camps as they
Passengers: 8 (in powersuits) work their claims. There are several skiff"patrol" variants,
Cargo: 3 metric tons which typically add a low-powered laser cannon, ion can-
Consumables: 30 hours non, or small concussion missile launcher. This facility
Cost: 12,500 credits (new); 7,000 credits (used) uses the SS-39L, which has a turret-mounted Kuat Vonak
Nav Computer: Yes 21-Dx light laser cannon.
Availability: 2, R
Maneuverability: 2D Possible Complications
Spa~e: 2
HuU: 10 The success ofthe characters' mission depends upon
Sensors: secrecy: having someone - a technician, a worker
Passive: 1100 droid, a guard or even an undercover ISB agent- walk
Scan: 2110 in on the characters while they are building the bombs
Weapons: (88-39L variants only)

. Death of a Star Destroyer • 107

can have disastrous consequences. patrols on work sleds keep a close eye on every
The characters must act swiftly to con or stun the worker.
intruder so that an alarm isn't raised. They must move Dark shadows and drifting debris create pock-
quickly to complete their mission before their activities ets of cover for you, allowing you to slip close to
are discovered and reported. the Brazen's engines without being discovered.
You may also stage a scene where the characters If the characters have managed to obtain proper
have a near-miss with agent Cayble or Captain Dadefra; clearance, they may proceed directly to the access tun-
since either officer will have a full contingent ofguards, nels leading to the engines.
combat is not an option. Cayble may find the characters Ifnot, they have to evade three patrols (Easy sensors
vaguely familiar (he saw their faces on D' Ink's surveil- roll to detect a patrol, Easy space transports roll to
lance vids) or Captain Dadefra may be "inspecting the maneuver safely away) and one space security probot
workers" and demand an impromptu progress report. (Moderate sensors roll to detect, Moderate space trans-
Clearance for the Brazen ports roll to evade). Each patrol consists of a pilot and
gunner flying an SS-39 patrol skiff.
When ready to leave the docking bay and enter space, Ifthe characters fail a roll, they may need to resort to
the characters must first get clearance from the Defense aeon to getaway. Iftheyresort to combat, they must be
Platform traffic controllers. The characters need an quick in eliminating their opponents so the patrol
appropriate clearance code. cannot comm to alert the space station's commanders.
Ifthe characters befriended any ofthe workers in the A long engagement or massive explosion draws the
barracks, they'll have had ample opportunity to get a attention of other patrols, who quickly converge on the
clearance code. Otherwise, the characters have to bluff battle site.
their way through security (claiming that their work
shift boss called for them early is probably a good story) SS-39 Patrol Skiff. Speeder-scale, maneuverability
or insert a phony clearance order into the station com- 2D, space 3, hulliD. Weapons: light laser cannon (fire
puters (Moderate computer programming / repair roll). control 2D, damage 2D).
Ifthe characters receive clearance, they should have Imperial Patrol Pilot. All stats are 2D except:
few complications while heading towards the Brazen. powersuit operation 3D, sensors 3D, space transports
The characters can proceed ahead without clearance, 4D. Move: 10. Blaster pistol (4D), vacuum powersuit
but they are soon challenged by a roving patrol. (+2D physical, +lD energy), booster jets (Space 1, Ma-
Cut to Episode Four, "In the Heart of the Beast." neuver ID, enough fuel for 10 blasts).
Imperial Patrol Gunner. All stats are 2D except:
Episode Four: In the Heart of the powersuit operation 3D, starship gunnery 4D. Move: 10.
Beast Blaster pistol (4DJ, vacuum powersuit (+2D physical,
+ID energy), boosterjets (Space 1, Maneuver ID, enough
Summary fuel for 10 blasts).
The characters must bypass patrols and security Space Security Probot. Character-scale, sensors
measures to enter the engine complex of the Brazen. 5D, space transports 5D, starship gunnery 5D. Maneu-
There, they must place the three bombs. verability 2D, space 6, hull ID. Weapons: 1 light laser
Just as it appears that their mission will be com- cannon (fire controls 2D, damage 2D).
pleted without incident, they are discovered by Impe- Security probots follow suspect spacecraft or work-
rial patrols. The characters must frantically race through ers. Standard procedure is to scan the suspicious object
the Derilyn Space Defense Platform's construction site (Easy sensors roll, unless jammed) for identification,
to reach safety before the Brazen explodes. consulting with the Defense Platform traffic controllers
Closing the Gap for proper clearance. If lacking proper authorization,
the probot alerts the controllers and engages the craft or
The characters must make their way to the aft
workers in combat.
section of the Brazen without being detected. Read
aloud: The Tension Mounts. While the characters are
making their way to the Brazen, they notice a patrol
As you emerge from the shadow of the Derilyn skiff going from work group to work group. The skiffs
Space Defense Platform, the damaged Brazen pilot appears to be talking with each worker.
looms before you. Floating about the ship are If the characters haven't done anything to warrant
large chunks of armor plating and superstruc- their discovery, this is a security skiffwhich is checking
ture. Large yard tugs pull parts into position in a to make sure that all the workers belong out here.
chaotic swirl of moving debris. Work crews crawl However, ifthe characters have left behind any tell-tale
all over the exterior of the ship, while roving evidence on the station - stunned workers, missing a

108 • Death of a Star Destroyer .' .: .' '.

briefing or anything else that could lead to their discov- Going Inside
ery - it's assumed that evidence oftheir presence has Once past the patrols, the characters must enter the
been discovered and the patrol skiff is looking for the damaged superstructure ofthe ship, making their way
characters. They must move to get inside the Brazen into a large access tunnel. The tunnel starts out some 20
before they are discovered. meters in diameter, but becomes narrower with each
Ifthe characters have been particularly sloppy, they'll twist and turn.
also notice another patrol consisting of someone in a The locations for the first two bombs are easily found
space suit accompanied by two Imperial spacetroopers! (Moderate demolitions rolls are required for correct
In this case, Agent Cayble suspects that the characters placement). The characters must now journey down a
are here and he is personally looking for them. very narrow 1.5-meter diameter tunnel to reach the
Imperial Spacetrooper. Dexterity 3D, blaster 4D, main reactor junction for the remaining bomb.
brawling parry 5D, dodge 4D, grenade 5D, missile At the propulsion shaft, the characters encounter a
weapons 5D, Knowledge 2D, survival5D+ 1, Mechanical massive radiation blast door (body strength 8D, charac-
3D, astrogation 4D+2, powersuit operation: spacetrooper ter-scale), which is locked and obviously monitored with
armor 6D, repulsorlift operation 5D+2, space transports vid cameras. They have three options: destroy the door,
5D+2, starship gunnery 4D, starship gunnery: proton try to bypass security, or try to bluff their way through
torpedo launcher 5D+2, Perception 2D+2, search 5D+2, security.
Strength 2D, brawling 3D, stamina 4D, Technical 2D, If the characters try to override security (Difficult
demolitions 3D+ 1, security 4D+ 1, powersuit repair4D+1. security roll) and fail the required roll, the bridge crew
Move: 11. Spacetrooper armor: +4D physical, +3D en- of the Brazen takes notice oftripped alarms.
ergy, -lD Dexterity, Space 1, Move 8, grenade launcher Very shortly, the captain ofthe watch comms down to
(missile weapons skill, 5-50/100/200 [in space: 0/1/2D, inquire about what the characters are doing. The char-
concussion grenades (ammo: 30, 5D/4D/3D/2D, blast acters can bluff and if they can make a convincing con,
radius 0-2/4/6/10), gas/stun grenades (ammo: 30, 5D/ they may even get the captain of the watch to open the
4D/3D/2D [stun], blast radius 0-2/4/6/8), mini-proton door for them.
torpedo launcher (starship gunnery skill, 6D, ammo 6, If the characters don't have a satisfactory explana-
25-100/300/700, 1/3/7 [spaceD, blaster cannon (6D, 10- tion, a security detail of three space-suited troops is
50/100/150), laser cutters (3D starfighter-scale). dispatched immediately.

. '., . Death of a Star Destroyer' • 109 .

Terrain difficulties range from Easy to Difficult. As
with previous chases, focus on describing an exciting
chase over strictly enforcing rules. Possible encounters
include roving work crews (who are trying to get out of
the way) and probots closing in for the kill.
Just as ·the characters think they've gotten away
from their attackers, they face an even more dangerous
Read aloud:
Suddenly, the flare of sublight engines bright-
ens the darkness of space as a Gamma-class as-
sault shuttle races towards you. Hatches pop open
as a dozen spacetroopers emerge in full battle
armor. Your escape route is blocked!
If the characters destroy the door, the ship's crew is
The characters are surrounded and things look very
immediately alerted and five troops in space suits are
dispatched immediately. grim. As the spacetroopers move into position, the
characters are saved by an unexpected event.
Space-Suited Troopers. AlI stats are 2D except: The assault shuttle disappears in a blinding explo-
blaster4D, dodge 3D, powersuit operation 4D. Move: 10. sion. Several small snub fighters emerge from the
Powersuit. Character-scale, maneuverability 1D, fireball, racing in towards the shipyard at full throttle.
space 1, +2D energy, +3D physical. Weapons: blaster The fighters are pirate ships bearing the markings of
cannon (fire control 1D, damage 5D). the Khuiumin Survivors. They quickly disappear from
view, pursued by a squadron of TIE fighters angling in
Beyond the door, the characters quickly find the from above. (Apparently Shondra Del's mission to con-
location for the final bomb. They need a Moderate tact the pirates was a success and she managed to
demolitions roll to properly place the bomb. convince them to aid the Alliance!) The pirate forces are
obviously outnumbered and the fighters disappear from
The Escape view as they maneuver into the debris field.
After setting the last bomb, the characters must Nine of the spacetroopers are destroyed with the
make a mad dash for safety. As they exit into clear shuttle, leaving the characters' escape route open. How-
space, they are challenged by a roving patrol skiff; the ever, the characters must act immediately, as the re-
pilot demands proper identification and authorization maining three spacetroopers begin pursuit.
codes. If the characters have been discovered, Agent
Cayble and the two spacetroopers quickly rocket over, The Clock Is Ticking
as well. The characters must make their way back to their
Derilyn Space Defense Platform command is aware escape vessel as the timers are quickly running out on
of the situation and is waiting for a transmission from the bombs.
the patrol. The troopers can not be conned and are lithe characters set the timers for a long period (more
prepared for combat; fortunately, no one knows about than a few minutes), they see that work crews are
the bomb unless the characters have left obvious clues making their way inside the Brazen - they are un-
or someone else found out about the characters' plan doubtedly trying to get inside to defuse the bombs. The
and reported their intentions. characters must act quickly or else their mission will
Ifthe characters have already alerted the Empire to fail.
their presence inside the Brazen, six patrol skiffs arrive As the characters make their escape, the battle
instead of the lone skiff. Otherwise, the five additional between the pirates and the Imperials intensifies. A
skiffs can be seen approaching from a distance; they will handful of pirate fighters are. in a heated dogfight with
not arrive for one minute. pursuing TIE fighters. Stray blaster bolts rain down
The characters are ordered to surrender; if there is upon both the Defense Platform and the Brazen as the
any resistance, the Imperials open fire immediately. combatants weave and dodge among the work skiffs,
The characters may stand and fight or try to capture pieces of hull plating and other obstacles floating in
the skiff for a getaway. They may also use their own space. All too often, laser cannon bolts strike home and
work skiffs (used to transport the bombs) for a getaway. a brilliant explosion marks the demise ofanother pirate
Ifthe characters seize the initiative, they may be able to fighter.
duck into the debris field, using the armor plating, From below the Defense Platform, three pirate cor-
starship parts, and the ship's interior as cover as they vettes make a frantic dash towards the Brazen, braving
try to outmaneuver the Imperials in a desperate race to an intense barrage of fire from the station's dozens of
their escape vehicle.

110 • Death of a Star Destroyer .. .

turbolaser batteries. As the corvettes approach, the try to make an emergency jump to hyperspace with a
Brazen opens fire, penetrating the shields and scoring Heroic astrogation roll.
direct hits upon the outclassed pirate vessels. The lead Even if the characters' ship suffers damage, the
corvette disintegrates, while extensive fires rage aboard Imperials are in no condition to offer immediate pur-
the remaining two pirate ships as they veer off-course, suit. The characters have five minutes to make emer-
barely retaining control. gency repairs before Imperial patrol ships from further
When the bombs go off, read aloud: out in the system can converge on their position.
An explosion from the aft end of the Brazen Operation: Elrood A Success
rocks the ship and the Defense Platform. A giant
fireball emerges from the port side engine and a At this point, you may choose to continue the cam-
squadron of TIE fighters is swept away in the paign in Elrood sector or have the characters return to
blast; the pirate fighters they were pursuing barely their prior base of operations. Adjust this section as
escape the same fate. As the fireball dissipates, needed to fit your campaign.
the Brazen begins to shudder violently, as a series When the characters prepare to leave Elrood sector,
of internal explosions rip the ship apart. In one they receive the following transmission. Alternately, if
last massive explosion, the forward decks of the they report in to Gwynn Dispatch, they receive a datadisk
Brazen break apart and plow deep into the De- with the following message. (See sidebar with Shondra's
fense Platform, while the remainder of the ship message.)
disintegrates into shrapnel and large chunks of
debris. A massive shock wave ripples into the Rewards
Defense Platform, visibly warping the docking Give each player between eight and 12 Character
stations. Tug vessels, work sleds and TIE fighters Points for successfully completing this adventure. In-
are annihilated as the blast expands, consuming crease this award based on good roleplaying and intel-
everything in its path. ligent planning for this mission.
If the characters are anywhere near the Defense
Platform, they must maneuver to avoid incoming debris Further Adventures
with a Very Difficult space transports roll; the debris The characters have made many allies and enemies
causes 9D starfighter-scale damage if it collides with during this adventure. If you wish to develop further
the characters' ship. In desperation, the characters may scenarios - particularly ones set in Elrood sector -

. Death of a S~ar Destroyer • III

here are a few notes and suggestions.
In Star Wars continuity, Tolamyn
Cayble is assumed to have survived, while
Dineas D' Ink and Captain Dadefra are
presumed killed during this adventure.
However, ifyou want to make further use
ofthese characters, you could decide that
Dadefra escaped somehow - perhaps in
an evacuation shuttle - and he's set his
sights on capturing the people respon-
sible for destroying the Brazen.
Cayble or his agents can show up any-
where to cause problems. Aside from
direct confrontation, Cayble's ISB opera-
tives may also manipulate others-such
as smugglers, bounty hunters, and thugs
- into doing their dirty work for them.
If Captain Dadefra survives in your
campaign, he mayor may not get another
Star Destroyer command, but he will
certainly have a capital ship of some
kind. Any such vessel is probably more
than enough to dominate a group ofplayer
characters. Dadefra makes vengeance a
priority and his skills and years of expe-
rience means that he's clever enough to
strike at the characters when they're
most vulnerable.
Shondra Del is a valuable ally. She
must develop the Rebel network in this
sector and if the characters stay near
Elrood, she will probably ask them to
assist her at some point. The work of the
Rebels pays off because many of Elrood
sector's worlds eventually ally with the
New Republic after the Battle of Endor.
The characters are no doubt wanted
by Lud Chud and possibly Imperial Min-
ing, Ltd. ifIML finds out that they were
responsible for the loss ofAlluuvia. Both Chud and IML The corporate conflicts between IML and Radell
have considerable resources at their disposal. Mining continue to escalate - by the time the New
The characters have probably left Radell Mining on Republic comes to power, the two companies are in an
good terms and may be recruited as hired representa- all-out corporate war.
tives for future adventures. Likewise, Mikos Argdan, The destruction of the Brazen is another public
Star Wing or Iych-thae may show up at a later date. humiliation for both General Hul and MoffAndal. Their
The Khuiumin Survivors have accomplished their positions are quite precarious at the end of this adven-
main objective, although their forces are severely weak- ture - in your campaign, the characters may be able to
ened. Jacob Nive survived the battle at the Derilyn take actions that lead to them being removed from
Space Defense Platform, but he has a lot of work ahead power. Unfortunately, Derilyn remains an Imperial
of him if he wants to rebuild his pirate gang. Nive stronghold well after the death ofEmperor Palpatine at
continues the raids on Imperial shipping - albeit at a Endor.
reduced frequency - but he soon moves on when the For more suggestions on using Elrood Sector as a
Imperials increase their patrols a few months after the campaign setting, see pages 92-120 of The Star Wars
destruction of the Brazen. Planets Collection.

1.12 • Death of a Star Destroyer . .

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