Advanced Strength Conditioning Project Paper
Advanced Strength Conditioning Project Paper
Advanced Strength Conditioning Project Paper
Katie Meade
Meg Greene
ATR 236 - Advanced Strength & Conditioning
Final Project
Beth Funkhouser
6 December 2017
Our client, Robin Grossman, is a 43 year school teacher. She enjoys running with her
family and challenging herself with new feats. She looks up to her husband who is an ultra
runner, and decided to give it a shot herself. She is a very active and healthy woman on her own
will. The goals she set out to achieve with us are: being able to complete a timed 50 mile race;
train for a 60 mile walk; work on up body and core strength; and learn about cross training. With
the date of her race being right in the middle of our training we did not want to change anything
with her running for fear that it would throw her off and make her less efficient of a runner.
Instead we decided to focus on working her aerobic system through strengthening and cross
For the pre-test, we decided that it would be most beneficial to assess Mrs.Grossmans
basic strength by using mostly her body weight. But first, we took Mrs. Grossmans height,
weight, and assessed her body composition with a bioelectrical impedance tool. She was then
instructed to perform a quadruped core stability exercise, an exercise that tested core strength by
her being on all fours, extending one arm simultaneously as she extended the opposite leg, then
bringing each limb back in to touch her elbow to her knee. This was scored on a 1-3 scale, in
which she earned a two because of her inability to maintain even hips. She was then asked to
perform a hamstring bridge to assess core strength, which she performed to a three level. With
the desire to test her aerobic strength in mind, we gave her a three minute cap to perform as
many push-ups and sit-ups as she could, respectively. She was also told to hold a straight arm
plank for as long as possible, also with a three minute cap. Respectively her results were twenty,
twenty, and one minute and three seconds. She was never able to perform the exercises to
completion of the three minutes. She then was asked to perform the Harvard Step Test, which is
a good measurement of fitness and a persons ability to recover after strenuous exercise. She
stepped onto a box and off of a box continually for three minutes with a metronome at 60 beats
per minutes. Her heart rate was taken before and after this test, and her results were the same;
both readings were 105 bpm. We then assessed her technique and flexibility by having her
perform a squat, a chair sit and reach, and a shoulder flexibility test, in that order. She received a
two for her squat technique due to her performing more hip flexion than knee flexion. The other
two tests she received a three. Lastly, we wanted to assess her aerobic speed with a two mile time
trial, in which she ran the distance in sixteen minutes and thirty-four seconds. Her vitals before
Exercise Selections
Our plan for Mrs.Grossman was to give her a cross training program. Our modes
consisted of biking, swimming, yoga, and core and upper body strengthening. Our training
frequency was two workouts a week along with her daily running and long running on the
weekends. We typically had her doing a cross training activity on thursday and a strength day on
sundays. This gave her adequate time to recover from any soreness that may have developed.
When we did strengthening exercises we had her doing low weight with high intensity; often this
meant we had her do bodyweight workouts. We created the program this way in order to increase
her aerobic endurance. The way we progressed the workouts were by intensity of the exercises.
This was achieved by either increasing repetitions or making her go for a longer amount of time.
Despite Mrs. Grossman being very sick during her mid-point testing, she improved in
every aspect of her aerobic strength testing. She performed twenty-one push-ups, thirty sit-ups,
and the straight arm plank for one minute and fifteen seconds. However, the squat she performed
was slightly different than the one she performed during her pre-test. During the mid-testing, she
still had the forward head posture, but her feet were turned out this time as well. Additionally,
her pace for the two mile time trial increased this time by twenty-two seconds. Due to so many
scheduling conflicts up to this point in the project, we realized that Mrs. Grossman had missed
many of our cross training days, and because she had made notable strength gains up to this
point, we decided to shift to more of a cross training focus. She was able to participate much
more with the cross training days in the last three weeks to balance out the number of strength
days that she was training. The three week mark was around the point in this process when we
discovered how much an in depth warm-up was helping her. We were then able to alter the
warm-up to one that would be adequate not only for her strength training days, but also one that
would be sufficient for when she was running. Lastly, Mrs. Grossman began tapering on her long
runs that were assigned for her at-home workout because she was approaching her sixty mile
The post test showed continual strength gains where she went up to twenty-two push-ups,
thirty-one situps, and a one minute and thirty-two second straight arm plank. Her two mile time
trial also improved by thirty-two seconds which we partly contributed to her improved help at
the time of the post test. There were significant changes in her Harvard Step Test and another
alteration in her squat form during post testing, however. During the past two testing periods, her
heart rate did not change from the beginning to the end of the step test, but during the post test,
her heart rate increased from 71 bpm to 84 bpm. Additionally, her squat form included an
increased lordotic curve from the lateral view and her feet were still turned out. The biggest
change we received from Mrs. Grossmans point of view was how much more motivated she was
Our largest recommendations to our client are to stay adamant about increasing her upper
body strength to reach her goal of bettering her running posture. Along with the upper body
strength, increasing her core strength will also help with bettering her running posture and could
potentially make her a better athlete in general because everything stems from the core.
Continuing with a thorough warm-up will assist in warding off injury as she continues her health
journey, and in conjunction with a sufficient warm-up, stretching both before and after her
workouts will help with recovery and decrease chances of injury. Moreover, we would love to
see her stay motivated in every activity that she pursues, and if there is something she loves to
do, such as yoga, that she continues to pursue it. One of the most upbeat and energetic days was
the yoga session towards the end of the process; it was evident that Mrs. Grossman truly was
enjoying what she did that day. It meant a lot to us in the administering role to hear Mrs.
Grossman say she tried harder for us during her testing that she ever would try for herself. The
hard work was always evident, and her perseverance was contagious. We cannot wait to hear
about the progress that she will continue to make, and we hope that we will be able to share in
Appendix A
Week 4 - Day
2: 50 sec. on - 10 sec. rest: (3 x 12)
High knees Burpies
Forward lunge w/ twist Squats
Scorpions Side plank (30 sec. Each side)
Mountain climber stretch Wall sit (30 sec.)
Hip cradles Crunches
Hand walk outs Prone cobra Y (30 sec.)
Side lunges STRETCH