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Super Saiyan Body Sculpting Program

Welcome to the Super Saiyan Body Sculpting Program


Q. How Much Rest should I take in between each set?

A. I usually recommend taking anywhere from 2-5 minutes in between each set. I really
depends on your personal preference. If you’re ready to go after 2 minutes, then go for
it, if your ready after 5 minutes that’s ok as well.

Q. Can I lose weight / Can I build muscle on this program?

A. Yes to both. The determining factor on whether or not you gain muscle or lose fat is your
calorie intake. If you want to lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit. If you want
to build muscle, and improve performance you need to be in a slight calorie surplus.

Q.Can I change the workout order?

A. Yes, you can change the workout order if you wish. It won’t affect any results.

Q. What happens if I miss a workout?

A. Don’t get stressed over missing a workout. These workouts are not allocated to specific
days of the week.
Q. How long should this program be done?
A.This program should be done for as long as you want. I recommend 8 weeks
minimum. As long as you are able to make improvements, this program could be done
What Equipment and Supplements To Use
Equipment I recommend:

Resistance Parachute( great for sprint training. You’re speed increases

significantly with more resistance):

Weighted vest:

Supplements to Use:

The Best Tasting Protein Brand:

The Best Pre Workout:

Warming Up Before A Workout

Before every Workout you should be warming up. Not only will it help you loosen up, lift more
weight, and perform better, it will also lessen any chance of injury. I like to start with a quick 5
min cardio session to get the body warm, then go into a dynamic warm up.

Hyperbolic Time Chamber

20 min Intense Circuit
With each exercise, do as many reps as you can
unless stated otherwise

Shadow Boxing 30 Seconds

Rest 1 Minute
Push-Up Burpee Variation - 30 Seconds
Rest 1 Minute
Jump Squats- 30 Seconds
Rest 1 Minute
V Sit Hold (Abs) - 30 Seconds(Hold as long as you can)
Rest 1 Minute
Shadow Boxing -30 Seconds
Rest 1 Minute
Wall Sits (90 degrees)- 30 Seconds
Rest 1 Minute
Jump Rope (Double Unders if you can)- 30 Seconds
Rest 1 Minute
Diamond Stance Push-Ups- 30 Seconds
Rest 1 Minute
Crunches - 30 Seconds
Rest 1 Minute
Shadow Boxing 30 Seconds
Rest 1 Minute

(Repeat Circuit 1 More Time For a Total of 2 Rounds)

Master Roshi

Strength Workout (In the Gym)

Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Each set of these exercises is reverse pyramid style
After warming up for each exercise, start with a weight you can get no more than 4-6
reps, then pick a weight you can get no more than 6-8 reps, and finally if the exercise
calls for a third set. Pick a weight you can get no more than 8-10 reps

Incline Bench Press

4-6 Reps
6-8 Reps
8-10 Reps
Shoulder Press
4-6 Reps
6-8 Reps
8-10 Reps
Tricep pushdowns
4-6 Reps
6-8 Reps
8-10 Reps

Flat Bench Dumbbell Press

4-6 Reps
6-8 Reps

Overhead Tricep Press

4-6 Reps
6-8 Reps
Dumbbell Flys
4-6 Reps
6-8 Reps
8-10 Reps

Vegeta’s Pride
Back and Bicep (in the gym)
This is a hypertrophy workout used to build muscle
The goal here is to reach the top of the rep range on every set.
If you do not reach the top range of the set, do not increase weight until you do.
Pull-Ups (Do pull downs if you can do pull ups)
4 Sets as many reps as you can

Incline Bicep Curls

3 Sets 8-10 reps
(Incline Curls have you laying on a bench no at a degree no higher
than 45 Degrees. This allows for only bicep
engagement, and no arm swinging)

One Arm Rows

3 sets 8-10 reps

Hammer Curls
3 Sets 8-10 Reps
(Here, you should be able to use
heavier weight than the incline bicep curls)

Rope Pulls
2-3 Sets 12-15 Reps

Barbell Rows
3 sets 6-10 Reps

Instant Transmission
(Speed Workout)
This is a simple and straightforward day, but it will be an intense one
This Workout can be done just about anywhere
( track, road, field, treadmill etc..), but solid ground is the preferred method
20 Seconds

Rest 45 Seconds

Repeat 10-13 Times

Jiren’s Full Power

Leg Workout
This workout is focused on building those powerful legs like Jiren.
For this workout, use a weight that allows you to reach the
high end of the rep ranges. Increase weight the next
time you do this workout only if you hit the high end of the rep range
3 Sets 6-10 Reps
(If you are physically incapable of doing back squats, try front squats,
or bodyweight squats, step ups, or just cut this part out)

Leg Press
4 Sets 8-10 Reps

Standing Calf Raises

3 Sets 8-10 Reps

Weighted Lunges
3 Sets 8-10 Reps Per Leg

Seated Calf Raises

3 Sets 8-10 Reps

Saiyan Abs
Routine 1

Pick 2-3 days of the week to do one of these routines after your workout.

Leg Raises
3 Sets 15-20 Reps
Russian Twists
3 Sets 15-20 Reps

3 Sets 15-10 Reps

Routine 2
3 Sets Hold as long as you can

Cable Crunch
3 Sets 15-20 Reps

Cable Chop
3 Sets 15-20 Reps

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