PSC Compliance Checklist-Ship Staffx PDF

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Checklist for PSC Requirements Compliance

October 2013

The intent of this checklist is to facilitate the ship staff in ensuring compliance with statutory
requirements which are the subject of Port State Control Inspections.

This checklist has been developed based on an analysis of our records of the past PSC Inspections
and detentions. This analysis has been further augmented by the experiences of our Task Force
during their Extra-ordinary surveys of ships, necessitated, primarily, by their reported condition.

This checklist is generic in nature and not intended for any particular ship type. Therefore, some
elements may be missing or not applicable to specific ships.

The checklist is not intended to replace the maintenance procedures of the ship, but merely to act as
an aide-memoire for quick checks.

Our analysis of the past two years data reveals the following to top the list of PSC Inspection

Categories Items

Fire safety measures 18.00% Nautical publications and charts 20.67%

Propulsion and auxiliary machinery 16.00% Cleanliness of engine room 11.72%

Safety of navigation 14.00% Main engines and generators 11.57%

Life-saving appliances 11.00% Lights, batteries and switches 10.97%

Stability, Structure and related equipment 9.00% Fire dampers 10.9%

ISM-related 7.00% OWS and equipment 8.13%

Load lines 6.00% Fire doors 7.91%

Marpol - Annex I 6.00% Emergency generator 6.42%

Ship's certificates and documents 4.00% Lifeboats and inventory 5.97%

Radio communications 4.00% Ventilators and air pipes 5.75%

OTHER 6.00%

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Checklist for PSC Requirements Compliance
October 2013

The analysis further reveals the following to top the list of items relating to Maritime Labour
Convention requirements:

STCW Crew and Accomodation

1. Records of rest 1. Sanitary facilities
2. Endorsement by Flag State 2. Medical equipment
3. Rest period 3. Ventilation, heating
4. Certificate for master and officers 4. Lighting
5. Minimum Manning 5. Other

Food/catering Working Spaces

1. Cold room temperature 1. Electrical
2. Provisions quantity 2. Lighting
3. Cold room 3. Safe means of access
4. Water, pipes and tanks 4. Obstruction/slipping, etc.
5. Galley, handling room (maintenance) 5. Ventilation, heating

Accident prevention
1. Protection
2. Machines/parts
3. Personal equipment
4. Pipes, wires(insulation)

GL recommends that the ship staff pay more and frequent attention to the above items to prevent
PSC detentions of their ship.

The use of the data above and the following checklist by ship staff is governed by our liability
limitation clauses.

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Checklist for PSC Requirements Compliance
October 2013

A. Documentation
1. Class and Statutory Check for Validity and proper endorsement
Certificates Check for proper content
Remove obsolete documents from document folder
Ensure ready availability of valid and signed endorsements
of crew certificates
2. Standards of Training,
Check all crew members appropriately certified
Certification and
Check documents availability
Watchkeeping (STCW)
3. Records of rest hours Ensure all are available and updated, in line with
requirements and watch schedule
4. Stability Ensure Approved by current flag/class society original is on
information/booklet board
5. Grain loading manual Ensure Approved by current flag/class society original is on
6. ESP file for ESP ships Ensure all of the following documents are provided on
ESP-Reports, ESP Planning Document, Executive Hull
Thickness measurement reports
Supporting Documents
7. SOPEP / SMPEP Ensure the original Approved by or on behalf of Flag is on
Provide the Coastal Contact List shall have an IMO
publication date not elder than 3 -4 months
Ensure ships specific (port) contact list is provided
8. Oil Record book Verify for correct entries against Sounding log and Annex to
Check quantity of incinerated residues is properly recorded
Check quantity of residues discharged to reception facilities
is properly recorded
Review of receipts (bunker delivery notes) for
completeness against records in the book
9. Garbage Record book and Verify entries for garbage categories are acc. to
Garbage management MEPC.201(62) in cubic meters
plan Check quantity of incinerated residues is properly recorded
Check placards of the disposal requirements are displayed
Verify all necessary procedures are included in Garbage
Management Plan
Check plan designates person(s) in charge to carry out the
Ensure plan is written in working language
Check for availability on board
10. Emergency Towing Ensure ETB is provided on board on 3 different locations
Booklet (ETB) Bridge, Forecastle space & Ship office or Cargo control

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October 2013

11. Other documents SEEMP

Ozone depleting substances record book
Procedures for ensuring delivery of asbestos free spares
Loading computer and program
12. Charts & Notices to Latest edition or up-to-date corrected Chart for entering
Mariners the port is on board
Latest available Notice to Mariners is on board Chart
corrections are recorded/logged
13. Nautical publications Check that the following nautical publications necessary for
the intended voyage are available and updated:
o Sailing Directions
o List of Lights
o Tide tables
o International Code of signals
IAMSAR Manual, Volume III
14. Deck log book Ensure the following records are available, up-to-date and
within prescribed time frame:
o Abandon ship drill
o Fire drill
o Steering gear drill
o Entering confined spaces drill
B. Bridge, wings and navigation deck
System updated to latest amendments
Required back-up system is provided and updated
Mandatory ECDIS training for masters and nautical officers
1. ECDIS, if fitted
is carried out and evidences are readily available
ECDIS is type approved by a recognized authority acc. to
IMO Performance Standards
2. Standard magnetic Check lighting is working
compass Check there are no bubbles in the liquid
Ensure deviation table/curve is maintained and available
(max age 2 years)
3. VHF, MF/HF radio Test transmitting/receiving units by printing-out in
Emergency/Reserve power mode
Portable VHF batteries charged and not expired, including
Function test the equipment
4. EPIRB Annual test + report
Function test
HSU validity and correctly mounted
5. AIS and VDR Annual test + report
Function test
6. Echo sounder, Speed log Function test
In case of not functioning exemption from Flag State is
available on board

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October 2013

7. Water ingress detection Function test of remote control valves

system (if required) Function test of alarms and indicators
8. Daylight signalling lamp Function test with emergency power
Check operation on both ship sides
Check portable battery is charged and not expired
Spare illuminants, for ships keel laid on or after 2002.07.01
9. Fire alarm and detection Test the control panel lamp/indicators by test switch
system cabinet. Fire Test detectors and manual call points
detectors Test fire detection systems for proper operation
Visually inspect all accessible detectors for obstructions
Test emergency power supply switchover no faults
indicated / loops disconnected
10. Navigation lights Alarm test
Check required angles are observed
Function test with emergency power supply
11. Emergency lighting Function test
Check lamps/lanterns are not damaged
Check lamps are marked as emergency lighting
Check sufficient light for muster station, embarkation and
escape ways
12. Pyrotechnics Check expiration date is observed
Check required number is on proper location
13. Life buoys with smoke Check for quick release
signal or self-igniting light Check expiration date of smoke signal / batteries
C. Outside of accommodation
1. Battery room Reserve condition for GMDSS
Check regularly battery charger is operable
Check connecting cable is not damaged
Check ex-proof lamp is provided
Check ventilation provided is operable
2. Emergency generator EDG function test
room Remark: Harbour Function test of secondary mean(s) of starting / second set
generator: if not officially of batteries
assigned as emergency Verify pressure, level and electrical gauges are not
diesel, shall be clearly damaged
marked as a harbour Verify sufficient fuel quantity
generator Carry out blackout test
Check battery charger is operable
3. All fire flaps and Check satisfactory access to closing appliances
ventilators Check all damper flaps are movable
Check for obvious signs of corrosion and damages
Check for not excessive flap gaps
Examine of closing devices for satisfactory operation,
greasing and obvious signs of damages
No leakages of control air/hydraulic oil, if fitted
Check for marking of direction of closing and compartment

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Checklist for PSC Requirements Compliance
October 2013

D. Survival Crafts & Launching Appliances

1. Life / Rescue boat Inspection and maintenance of falls
Check expiry dates of pyrotechnics, anti-seasickness
medicine, food rations and first-aid outfit
Check condition of lifeboat structure and marking
Test run of engine for immediate start
Observe boats are launched and manoeuvred in intervals
not exceeding required
Check propulsion system for 3 min. moving forward and
afterward of propeller
Check manoeuvring system turn the rudder to full PS/SB
Check sprinkler system and air supply system, if fitted
Moving/turning from stowage position
2. Release gear Provide records for Annual thorough examination and
operational test
Provide records for 5-yearly overhaul and operational test
incl. free-fall lifeboat release system
For free-fall boats, operational test with simulated
launching arrangements
3. Winch Check brake for proper working
Check remote control system
Check power supply
Check foundation for damages such as corrosion and
loosened bolts/nuts
4. Liferafts Check connection of painter line
Check weak link connection is properly installed
Check that the installation such as not to obstruct free float
of the liferaft.
Check Hydrostatic release unit expiry date
Check marking of the liferaft container:
Check identification container/tube for marking of
inflatable liferaft with the name and port of registry of the
ship, call sign and last service date.
Check condition of liferafts stowage cradle/rack for
damages and corrosion and unobstructed free float
For davit launched liferafts ensure periodic (annual, 5-
yearly and load tests) servicing of launching appliances and
on-load release gear and drills
5. Muster and embarkation Ensure Muster list with clearly defined duties is posted and
station updated.
Check Launching instructions are posted and visible under
emergency light
Function test of emergency lighting
Check operation of General alarm and Public address
Check embarkation ladders for proper condition and length
E. Accommodation

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Checklist for PSC Requirements Compliance
October 2013

1. Fire doors Check all fire door control panel indicators, if provided, are
functional by operating the lamp/indicator switch.
On Passenger ships Test all fire doors for local operation
Test all remotely controlled fire doors for remote closing
Check fire doors closing properly by their self-closing
devices and without illegal hold-backs
2. IMO symbols Ensure all required signs and indications are posted
3. Life jackets Check operation of light
Check whistle is attached
Suitable accessories are available to allow it to be secured
to oversized persons
Check lifejackets are provided for persons on watch and for
use at remotely located survival craft stations
Check retro-reflective tapes are fitted
Check for proper marking of the weight or height of the
person wearing jacket and additional infant or child symbol
Ensure the approval certificate(s) match with the marking
of the lifejackets
4. Immersion suits Provide records for monthly inspection
Provide Records for 3-yearly air pressure test of seams and
closures (not mandatory for hermetically packed immersion
5. Mess/Recreation Room The following ship specific manuals have to be provided on
Training manual for life-saving appliances (SOLAS III/35)
Maintenance and servicing manual for life-saving
appliances (SOLAS III/36)
Training manual for fire-fighting systems and appliances
(SOLAS II-2/15)
Maintenance plan fire protection systems and fire-fighting
systems and appliances (SOLAS II-2/14)
Fire safety operational booklet (SOLAS II-2/16)
6. Galley exhaust duct(s) Verify galley exhaust ducts and filters are free of grease
Test Duct fire damper for local/remote operation
Check fire extinguisher/system for proper location and
7. Fire control station/locker a. Self-contained breathing apparatus:
Check of air content, face mask and air valves
hydrostatic test of cylinders
spare air cylinders or recharge compressor
b. Fire-fighter's outfits:
verify lockers contain full inventory
verify equipment is in serviceable condition
c. Chemical protection suit (for Dangerous Goods)
d. Check sufficient number spare charges for fire extinguishers
and foam amplifiers are provided

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October 2013

e. Check Spare and Training (clearly marked) EEBDs are

8. Fire control plans Ensure that at least one updated Approved by current
flag/class society plan is available onboard
Ensure all posted plans are updated
Check Fire Control Plans placed in weathertight
containers/tubes are updated and in good condition
9. Sanitary Facilities Ensure cleanliness
Check proper functioning
Check equipment is in place
10. Gangways and a. Accommodation ladders and gangways, including associate
accommodation ladders winch and fittings, should be properly maintained and
inspected at appropriate intervals (provide records):
Monthly Annually 5-yearly
b. Checks should be made each time the accommodation
ladder and gangway is rigged, looking out for signs of
distortion, cracks and corrosion.
11. Fire detectors For details see section on Engine Room
12. Portable fire extinguishers For details see section on Engine Room
F. Open Decks & Cargo area
1. International shore Fire marked with IMO symbol
connections Sludge
Check for proper size of flange and bolts
Check is in serviceable condition
Check all required accessories are available
2. Ventilators Check for clear marking of compartment for which intended
Verify ventilation duct opening height above the deck is
according to Initial Survey for Load Lines document
Proper working of closing appliances and greasing of
Damage/corrosion condition and rubber gasket
Check for easy, safe and not obstructed access to closing
3. Air pipes Check for clear marking of tank for which intended
Verify vent head outlet height above the deck is according
to Initial Survey for Load Lines document
Proper working of floating ball/disc and closing control, if
Damage/corrosion condition
For fuel & oil tanks check flameproof wire mesh is
For fuel & oil tanks spill tray coaming height and plug are

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Checklist for PSC Requirements Compliance
October 2013

4. Fire main, hydrants, hoses Check all fire hydrants, hoses and nozzles are in place,
and nozzles properly arranged with spanners, and are in serviceable
Flow test all fire pumps for proper pressure and capacity
Test hydrant valves for proper operation
Verify that each hose is equipped with proper nozzle
size/type and spanner
Provide records that a sample of fire hoses at the maximum
fire main pressure
Inspect fire main for no leakages and temporary repairs
5. Isolating valve(s) Marking with IMO symbol
Test for proper operation
6. Foam system (if installed) Verify that all control and section valves are in the proper
open or closed position, and all pressure gauges are in the
proper range
Verify that the proper quantity of foam concentrate is
provided in the foam system storage tank
Visually inspect all accessible components for proper
Functionally test all fixed system audible alarms
Provide records that system has been annually checked by
Provide records that system has been 2-yearly maintained
by service company
Provide records that system has been 5-yearly maintained
by service company
7. Main deck Check for good condition well maintained, not corroded,
wasted or holed/cracked
8. Pilot transfer Check for adequate lighting provided
arrangements Ensure there are no obstacles
Pilot ladder in good condition
Check connection of pilot ladder is in good condition
9. Small hatches Check for good condition well maintained, not corrosion
wasted or holed/cracked
Check rubber packing for damages and signs of aging
Check closing appliances for proper closing
10. Hatch covers Check for good condition well maintained, not corrosion
wasted or holed/cracked
Check rubber packing for damages and signs of aging
Check closing appliances for proper closing
Check hatch cover cleats for good condition and operation
Check Hydraulic system, if fitted, not leaking
11. Hatch coaming Check for good condition well maintained, not corroded,
wasted or holed/cracked
12. Bulwark and rail guard Check for good condition well maintained, not corrosion
wasted or holed/cracked

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October 2013

13. Cargo holds/tanks Overall survey for good condition well maintained, not
overall survey corrosion wasted or holed/cracked
14. Winches, capstans and Check condition of bed plate of windlass/winch
anchoring devices Check condition of chain stopper
For hydraulic winches not oil leakage
G. Bosun Store
1. Spurling pipes Check for good condition well maintained, not corrosion
wasted or holed/cracked
2. Chain locker Check for good condition well maintained, not corrosion
wasted or holed/cracked
3. Weathertight doors Check for good condition well maintained, not corrosion
wasted or holed/cracked
Check rubber packing for damages and signs of aging
Check closing appliances for proper closing
H. Steering Gear Room
Emergency lighting
Hydraulic system, if fitted condition and operation of
relief valves Check rudder angle indication in steering
compartment Low level alarms for each hydraulic reservoir
Check alarm for steering gear failure Operating instructions
with a BLOCK DIAGRAM of change-over procedures for remote
steering gear control systems and steering gear power units
shall be permanently displayed on the NAVIGATION BRIDGE
Check communication arrangement with bridge Operating
test in emergency steering mode
I. CO2 Room and System
1. System Visual examination of the overall system condition for
obvious signs of damage
Check the alarm devices are in place and do not appear
Check proper working of suction ventilation system
Check release instruction are posted next to each release
control Provide record that system has been monthly and
annually inspected by crew
Provide records that system has been 2-yearly maintained
by service company
Provide records that system has been 5-yearly maintained
by service company
Provide records that flexible hoses are replaced after 10

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October 2013

2. Protected Space Visually inspect the boundaries of the protected space to

confirm there are not openings that would render the
system ineffective
Check entrance doors close properly have warning signs,
which indicate that the space is protected by a fixed carbon
dioxide system and that personnel shall evacuate
immediately if the alarms sound
Check all remote releasing controls are with clear operating
instructions and indication as to the space served
J. Emergency fire pump Room
Flow test emergency fire pump for proper pressure and
Check that emergency fire pump fuel supply is adequate
Test emergency fire pump with isolation valve closed
Verify all fire pump relief valves, if provided, are properly
Examine all filters/strainers to verify they are free of debris
and contamination
K. Engine Room
1. Fire detectors Function test of sensors and alarm panel
Ensure ready availability of records of last function tests
2. Portable fire extinguishers Verify all are placed according to Fire Plan and in proper
Ensure ready availability of records for annual inspection by
Authorized Crew or Service company
Ensure ready availability of for 10-yearly hydrostatic test of
extinguishers together with propellant cartridges are
hydrostatically tested
3. Fire Water Based Local Ensure ready availability of record for weekly inspection
Application Fire Fighting Ensure ready availability of record for monthly inspection
System Ensure ready availability of record for annual inspection
Ensure ready availability of record for 2-yearly and
subsequent maintenance of the system and its elements by
service provider
4. Emergency escape trunk Check insulation for good condition
Check self-closing door is closing properly and not
obstructed Emergency lighting is provided and in good
working condition
5. Emergency lighting in ER Function test Check lamps and lanterns are not damaged
6. Quick closing valves Function test for remote and local closing Check valves are
not blocked by any obstacles
7. Insulation Check for breakaways, damages or omissions of insulation
on hot surfaces of Tanks, Valves, Pipes, Boiler for carriage
of dangerous goods
ER walls are provided with required insulation of A-60
Check for proper shielding/screening of flanges

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October 2013

8. Jacketed pipe for high Check all required elements are provided
pressure fuel Function test of fuel leakage alarm
9. Oil filtering equipment Ensure type approval certificate is available on board
Check calibration records are provided on board
Function test of 15 ppm alarm and 3-way valve
Check piping arrangements are not damaged or corroded
Check discharge pipe is clean from inside
Check crew is familiar with testing and alarm procedures
Check permanent closing of overboard valve and warning
notice provided
Ensure operating instruction is posted
Ensure direct line for discharging oily bilge is removed
10. E/Room bilges ER Ensure ER bilges are dry and clean
cleanliness Test bilge level alarm for all wells
Provide delivery receipts to offshore of oily waters and
sludge, if relevant tanks are with excessive content
Check for oil/water leakages from main & auxiliary engines
and machinery and their drip trays.
Rectify the reason of leakages immediately, if any.
11. Sewage equipment Test holding tank level alarm
Function test of sewage treatment plant with alarms
Ensure crew is familiar with equipment
Ensure Calculation sheet of Discharge rates of untreated
sewage is provided and available on board
12. Emergency escape Check for proper location according to Fire Plan
breathing devices (EEBDs) Examine cylinder gauges to confirm they are in the correct
pressure range
Provide record for periodical (monthly and annual)
inspection / service
Provide records for hydrostatic test and internal inspection
of cylinders acc. to manufacturers requirements
13. Short sounding pipes Ensure the closing arrangement is functional
Ensure closing arrangement is not locked in open position
L. Paint Store
Check provision and condition of fire extinguisher or local
fire-fighting system
Check provision and condition of ex-proof light Running test
the ventilation system

For detailed information about the intervals and scope of periodical inspections of safety equipment,
please refer to:

Checklist for maintenance of safety equipment available on

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