Good Maintenance On Board Ships

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-Maintenance Checklist for the Master-

November 2006


Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Since the first edition of “Good Maintenance On Board Ships” was published in June 1994 and
revised subsequent dates, in order to upgrade the maintenance standards of your ships, many ideas
and comments from ship owners and parties concerned have been received.

Based on these ideas, comments and our database of detained ships, the Society has prepared this
revised edition.

Shipmasters are expected to make proper arrangements for maintenance and always keep their
ships in a safe and seaworthy condition.

We hope that this booklet will be helpful and useful for the shipmaster, as well as for ship owners.
Any comments, questions and/or advice regarding further improvements to this publication would
be very much appreciated.

1. “ Checklist I ” : For routine maintenance

2. “ Checklist II ” : For PSC inspection (the most common deficiencies)
3. “ Checklist III ” : For Safety Management System
4. “ Checklist IV ” : For International Ship and Port Facility Security

Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Abbreviations in the checklist 4

1. Checklist I (For Routine Maintenance)

1) Certificate & Documents 5
2) Nautical Publications and International Conventions 10
3) Logbook Entries 11
4) Safety in General 12
5) Testing and drills 13
6) Navigational Equipment / Safety Navigation 15
7) Lifesaving Appliances 18
8) Fire Fighting Appliances 22
9) Radio Installation 27
10) Load Line 29
11) Hull Construction and piping on deck 31
12) Machinery in Engine room 33
13) Electrical Equipment 35
14) Mooring Arrangements 36
15) Marine Pollution 37
16) Cargo Handling Gear 39
17) Accommodation 40

2. Checklist II (For PSC Inspection) 41

・Checklist for the most common deficiencies

3. Checklist III (For Safety Management System) 47

4. Checklist IV (For International Ship and Port Facility Security) 50

Good Maintenance On Board Ships

The master of cargo ship is advised to use the checklist effectively, taking notice of the following

1. The master should check the condition of his ship in accordance with “Checklist I” regularly,
e.g. once every month or every few months depending upon the ship‘s operating conditions,
but at least once every three months.

2. In addition to 1. above, the master should check the condition of his ship in accordance with
“Checklist II”(Check list for the most common deficiencies) at periodically.

3. In case where the ship complies with the requirements of International Safety Management
Code (ISM Code) and International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code), the master
should check the safety management system in accordance with “Checklist III and IV” at the
same interval as mentioned 1 above.

4. The master and crew shall fully understand the operating procedures for launching lifeboats
including engine starting, emergency fire pumps, and other emergency equipment for safety,
health and protection of the environment, through regular training of the crew and drills
conducted on board the ship. The master and those in charge should also be thoroughly
familiar with the operation of the main engine, steering gear and other essential machinery, in
addition to the operating procedures for equipment relating to MARPOL convention, such as
the oily water separator, 15 ppm alarm, oil discharge monitoring system and inert gas system.

5. In the case of a crew consisting of different nationalities, a smooth communication system

should be established for use with and among the crew.

6. When deficiencies are observed during a voyage, the master should remedy them or take
proper action without delay.

7. When deficiencies on board the ship are pointed out by Port State Control, the master must
obtain a copy of the written report of such deficiencies from the Port Authority. Our branch
offices are always ready to attend ships in order to facilitate the resolution of deficiencies
arising as a result of detention, therefore if necessary, please contact nearest our branch office.

Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Abbreviations in the checklist

SS Special Survey
IS Intermediate Survey
AS Annual Survey
MAS Mandatory Annual Survey
ATS Annual Thorough Survey
COW Crude Oil Washing System
ODM Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control System
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
DSC Digital Selective Calling
EGC (INMARSAT) Enhanced Group Calling
GOC General Operator‘s Certificate for GMDSS
COLREG International Convention for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 (COLREG 72)
ILO International Labour Organization
PLI Periodical Load Line Inspection
ITU International Telecommunications Union – Radio Regulations
ISM International Safety Management (SOLAS Chapter IX, Regulation 1)
ISPS International Ship and Port Facility Security (SOLAS Chapter XI-2)
MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ship‘s 1973,
as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL 73/87)
MSB Main Switch Board
N.A. Not Applicable
P&A Procedure and Arrangement Manual
REC Radio Electronic Certificate
NS New Ship
ES Existing Ship
81 ES : Existing ships constructed before 1 September 1984 (81 Amend.)
81 NS : New ships constructed on or after 1 September 1984 (81 Amend.)
83 ES : Existing ships constructed before 1 July 1986 (83 Amend.)
83 NS : New ships constructed on or after 1 July 1986 (83 Amend.)
88 ES : Existing ships constructed before 1 February 1992 (88 Amend.)
88 NS : New ships constructed on or after 1 February 1992 (88 Amend.)
00 ES : Existing ships constructed before 1 July 2002 (00 Amend.)
00 NS : New ships constructed on or after 1 July 2002 (00 Amend.)
02 ES : Existing ships constructed before 1 July 2004 (02 Amend.)
02 NS : New ships constructed on or after 1 July 2004 (02 Amend.)
04 ES : Existing ships constructed before 1 July 2006 (04 Amend.)
04 NS : New ships constructed on or after 1 July 2006 (04 Amend.)

Good Maintenance On Board Ships
Checklist I
(For Routine Maintenance)
Table 1. Certificate & Documents

1. General
Item Issued date Expiry date Last endorsement Remarks

Registry Certificate
Radio Station License
Class Certificate

2. Statutory Certificates
Expiry date
Item Issued date Remarks
Conditional Final

Load Line Certificate

Safety Construction
IS for tankers of more
than 10 years of age
Safety Equipment only.
Safety Radio Certificate
International Oil
Pollution Prevention
International Sewage
Implementation for
Pollution Prevention N.A
existing ships is waived by
Certificate 26 Sep. 2008
NS: Delivery on after 19
International Air
May 2005
Pollution Prevention
ES: First periodical
Certificate survey after 19 May
2005 within 3 years.

Bulk Chemical Fitness

for chemical tankers

Gas Fitness Certificate for liquid gas carries

Noxious Liquid for carriage of Noxious

Substances Certificate Liquid Substance

Exemption Certificate N.A. if any.

Tonnage Certificate N.A.

Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Expiry date Last

Item Issued date Remarks
Conditional Final

Safety Management
Intermediate Audit
Copy of Document of
Annual Audit
International Ship
Security Certificate
for 81NS~00ES to be
complied with SOLAS
Certificate of Fitness for
74/88 Reg.II-2/54
Ship Carrying
for 00NS to be complied
Dangerous Goods with SOLAS 74/00
Reg. II -2/19

Certificate of
International Based on voluntary
Convention of Harmful (until AFS convention is
Anti-Fouling Systems entered in to force)
on Ships

Good Maintenance On Board Ships
3. Miscellaneous Certificates
Item Issued date Expiry date Remarks
Minimum Manning Certificate SOLAS74 / 00 V/14

Officers Appropriate Certificate

Master & C/M STCW95 II/2 & IV/2 (for GOC)

Chief Engineer & 2/E STCW95 III/2

Officer STCW95 II/1 & IV/2 (for GOC)

Engineer STCW95 III/1

Radio personnel STCW95 IV/2

Officer Certificate or Endorsement

Tanker Familiarization STCW95 V/1-1+4

Tanker Special Training STCW95 V/1-2+4

Rating Certificate

Watch-keeping STCW95 II/4 for Deck

Tanker Familiarization STCW95 V/1-1+4

Tanker Special Training STCW95 V/1-2+4

All crew

Medical fitness Certificate ILO convention

Good Maintenance On Board Ships

4. Documents and Manuals

for All ships
Item Approved by Language Understood by crew Remarks

Stability Information
Loading unloading SOLAS 74 / 00
(for Bulk Cargoes) VI/7-2

Shipboard Oil Pollution

Emergency Plan (SOPEP)

Item Properly recorded Remarks

Oil Record Book, parts I and II

Log Book SOLAS 74 II, III, V

Garbage Record Book

Garbage Control Plan

Continuous Synopsis Record

Item Issued by Surveyed by Last endorsement Remarks

Cargo Gear Booklet ATS

for oil tankers and chemical tankers

Item Approved by Language Understood by crew Remarks

Damage Stability Plan

Operation Manual
ODM Manual
COW Manual if any

for chemical tankers

Item Approved by Language Understood by crew Remarks

P & A Manual

Item Properly recorded Remarks

Cargo Record Book

Good Maintenance On Board Ships

for ships carrying Noxious Liquid Substances

Item Approved by Language Understood by crew Remarks

Shipboard Marine Pollution

Emergency Plan (SMPEP)

for liquid gas carriers

Item Approved by Language Understood by crew Remarks

Operation Manual

for grain loading vessels

Item Issued by Expiry date Remarks

Grain Loading Certificate

Item Issued by Expiry date Understood by crew Remarks

Grain Loading Manual

Other necessary documents

Item Check Remarks

Survey Report Files for bulk carriers and oil tankers

Record of ODM for oil tankers

Damage Control Plan for dry cargo ships constructed on or after 1 Feb. 1992
(including Damage Control booklet) SOLAS 74 / 88 Reg. II -1/23-1

Cargo Securing Manual SOLAS 74 / 88 Reg.VI/5 and VII/5

Garbage Management Plan

Bulk Carrier Booklet SOLAS 74 / 88 Reg.VI/7

Reports of previous PSC inspection

for bulk carriers with length above 150m : to be capable of
information on hull girder shear forces and bending moments.
SOLAS 74 / 00 Reg.XII/11.1 & 2
Loading Instrument (Computer) for bulk carrier of 04NS with length less than 150m : to be
capable of information on the ship’s stability in the intact
SOLAS 74 / 00 Reg.XII/11.3

Maintenance record of Liferafts

Maintenance record of EPIRB

Service record of Fire Extinguisher

(CO2 Gas Cylinder, Air foam, etc)

Good Maintenance On Board Ships
Table 2. Nautical Publications and International Conventions
Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.
Up-to date
Charts (Properly corrected)

Availability of operating areas

Sailing Directions Up-to date (the last editions)

List of lights Up-to date (the last editions)

Notice to Mariners Up-to date (the last editions)

Tide Tables Up-to date (the last editions)

SOLAS 74 / 88
International Code of Reg.V/20, 21
Up-to date (the last editions)
Signals SOLAS 74 / 00
International Aeronautical Reg.V/21, 27
and Maritime Search and Up-to date (the last editions)
Rescue (IAMSAR Vol.III)
MARPOL Available on board

Maritime Laws of Flag

Available on board

Other Necessary Publications

Item Remarks

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Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Table 3. Logbook Entries

Item Check Points Entry/Not Remarks Reg.

SOLAS74 / 88
Steering gear testing To be referred Reg.Ⅴ/19-2
To be recorded the date and detail
and drills Table 5 SOLAS 74 / 00

To be referred SOLAS74 / 88
Abandon ship drills To be recorded the date and detail
Table 5 Reg. III/ 19. 5

To be referred SOLAS74 / 88
Fire drills To be recorded the date and detail
Table 5 Reg. III/ 19. 5

Drills of other
To be referred SOLAS74 / 88
life-saving appliances To be recorded the date and detail
Table 5 Reg. III/ 19. 5
and on board traing

On-board training and To be referred SOLAS74 / 88

To be recorded the date and detail
instructions Table 5 Reg. III/ 19. 5

Monthly inspection of
To be referred SOLAS74 / 88
life-saving appliances and To be recorded the date and detail
Table 5 Reg. III /20. 7
lifeboat equipment

To ensure effective crew performance in SOLAS74 / 00

Working language
safety matters Reg.V/14

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Good Maintenance On Board Ships
Table 4. Safety in General
Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

Permanently exhibited in accommodation spaces.

Permanently stored in watertight cases outside the

accommodation main entrances.(Port & Starboard) SOLAS74 / 00
Fire control plans
Reg. II-2/15
Language understood by crew.

Kept up-to-date.

Exhibited in W/H, E/R and crew accommodation

SOLAS74 / 88
Muster List To show duties according to Reg.III/37 Reg. III/8, 37

Language understood by crew.

Provided in each crew mess room and recreation

room, or in each crew cabin, complying with SOLAS74 / 88
requirements of SOLAS 74/00 Reg.III/35 and Reg. III /35
Training Manual
II-2/15. SOLAS74 / 00
Reg. II-2/15
Language understood by crew.

Instructions for Available on board and including all items showed

by Reg.III/36. SOLAS74 / 88
Reg. III /36
maintenance Language understood by crew.

Provided on or in the vicinity of lifeboats, liferafts,

rescue boats and their launching controls. SOLAS74 / 88
Posters or signs
Reg. III/9

Use of symbols according to IMO Res.A760(18).

Provided position of lifesaving appliances

Marking of stowage SOLAS74 / 88
locations Reg.III/20.10
Use of symbols according to IMO Res.A760(18)

Condition in good order, side ropes, rubber steps, SOLAS74 / 88

wooden steps Reg. V/17
Pilot ladders
SOLAS74 / 00
Proper handholds available. Reg. V/23
Provided in each crew mess room and recreation
Fire Safety room, or in each crew cabin, complying with
SOLAS74 / 00
requirements of Reg. II-2/16.
Operational booklet Reg.II-2/16
Written in the working language

Kept onboard, complying with requirements of SOLAS74 / 00

Maintenance plan
Reg.II-2/14 Reg.II-2/14

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Good Maintenance On Board Ships
Table 5. Testing and drills
Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

SOLAS74 / 88
Communication system Reg. II -1/ 29.10,
between 37, V/12(f),
Testing between each compartment.
W/H and E/R, W/H and SOLAS74 / 00
steering gear room, Reg.

Operational test.

Confirmation of F.O. tank level. SOLAS74 / 88

Emergency generator
Reg. II -1/43 44
Condition of starting devices.

Ease of operation by crew.

Operational test of main fire pump /
emergency fire pump separately.
Sufficient delivery pressure. Pressure:
6000 GT and over : 0.27 N/mm² reaching distance
Discharge test of fire under 6000 GT : 0.25 N/mm² 12m or over
SOLAS74 / 88
fighting system by
Isolation valves operable. Reg. II -2/4
operation of main fire
SOLAS74 / 00
pumps / emergency fire No leakage of fire lines. Reg. II -2/10
pump separately
Confirmation of F.O. tank level for emergency
fire pump engine.

Ease of operation by crew.

Operation of main and Aux. S/G

(full movement of the rudder).

Remote control system.

Emergency power supply.

Rudder angle indicators in relation to actual

Steering gear (S/G) position.
Testing of alarms.
(Within 12 hours before SOLAS74 / 88
departure) Automatic isolating arrangement. Reg. V /19-2
(if any) SOLAS74 / 00
Reg. V/26
Visual inspection of S/G and connecting

Operating instructions with block diagram in

W/H, S/G room.
No oil leakage from ram cylinder.

Emergency steering Practice of emergency steering procedure

gear drill (including direct control, communication,
(every 3 months) alternative power)

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Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

Summoning of the crew to muster stations
with emergency alarm according to the muster
Confirmation of the duties stated in the muster

Lifejackets worn correctly by crew.

Abandon ship drills
(every month and Lowering of at least one boat
within 24 hours of (Different boats shall be lowered in turn at
departure if 25% of successive drills).
the crew have not
participated on board Starting & operating the engine(s)
the ship in the previous
Emergency lighting test.
for free-fall
launching, to be
Each boat to be launched and manoeuvred in carried out drill
the water by its assigned operating crew, at in accordance
least once every 3 months. with Reg. III / SOLAS74 / 88 of Reg.III/19
SOLAS 74 / 00

Summoning of the crew to stations according

to the muster list.

Starting a main and emergency fire pump in

turn, and discharging test using the two jets of
Fire drills water.
(every month and
Checking fireman‘s outfits and other personal
within 24 hours of equipment, including fitting on crew member
departure if 25% of the in turn.
crew have not
participated on board Checking the communication equipment.
the ship)
Checking the operation of fire door, watertight
door, fire dampers and main inlets/outlets of
ventilation system.
Operating shut-off valves of F.O. tanks and
emergency stop of fans.

Visual inspection of all survival craft, rescue

boats and launching Appliances.
SOLAS74 / 88
Weekly inspections All engines in lifeboats and rescue boats to be
Reg. III /20. 6
run ahead and astern for 3 min.
Testing of the general emergency alarm.

Inspection of life-saving appliances and

SOLAS74 / 88
Monthly inspection lifeboat equipment to be carried out using the
Reg. III /20. 7
check list required by Reg. III /20.7.

Ship-related persons should be involved in the

drill covering all parts of SOPEP/SMPEP SOPEP
which should be carried out at regular SMPEP

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Good Maintenance On Board Ships
Table 6. Navigational Equipment / Safety Navigation
Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.
Clearly readable by the helmsman at the main
steering position.

Communication between the

standard compass position and the main
steering position.
SOLAS74 / 88
Bubbles are not in the compass. Reg. V/12 (b)
Magnetic compass
SOLAS74 / 00
Table/curve of residual deviation (every 1 Reg. V/19.2.1
year) is available.

Bearing device is provided.

Spare Magnetic Compass (or Heading Gyro

Repeater) is provided.
Clearly readable by the helmsman at the main SOLAS74 / 88
steering position. Reg. V/12 (d)
Gyro compass SOLAS74 / 00
Condition of the master gyro, and gyro Reg. V/19.2.1
repeaters for bearing with bearing device. and.2.5.1
Gyro compass repeater at emergency steering
position is available for 00NS. SOLAS74 / 88
Heading information to Arrangement of portable repeater is available. Reg. V/12 (f)
emergency steering SOLAS74 / 00
Communication system between the main
position Reg.V/,
steering position and emergency steering

Heading Control Working satisfactorily

SOLAS74 / 00
Versatile change-over between manual and Reg. V/19.2.8
(HCS) (Auto Pilot) automatic
Working satisfactorily
Track Control System SOLAS74 / 00
(TCS, instead of HCS) Versatile change-over between manual and Reg.V/19.2.8
SOLAS74 / 88
Working satisfactorily. Reg. V/12 (g), (I)
Radar SOLAS74 / 00
Plotting facilities are available. (00ES)
SOLAS74 / 88
Reg. V/12 (j)
ARPA Working satisfactorily.
SOLAS74 / 00

SOLAS 74 / 00
ATA (Automatic
Working satisfactorily Reg.V/19.2.5,
Tracking Aid)

EPA (Electronic SOLAS74 / 00

Working satisfactorily
Plotting Aid) Reg.V/19.2.3

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Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

SOLAS74 / 88
Reg. V/12 (k)
Echo sounder Working satisfactorily.
SOLAS74 / 00
SOLAS74 / 88
Speed and distance log Reg. V/12 (l)
Working satisfactorily.
through the water SOLAS74 / 00
Speed and distance log SOLAS74 / 00
Working satisfactorily
over the ground Reg.V/19.2.9
Indicators for rudder
SOLAS74 / 88
angle, Propeller RPM
Reg. V/12 (m)
(Pitch & operational Working satisfactorily.
SOLAS74 / 00
mode for CPP & side Reg.V/19.2.5
SOLAS74 / 88
Reg. V/12(n)
Rate-of-turn indicator Working satisfactorily.
SOLAS74 / 00
Reg. V/19.2.9

Electronic Navigation Charts are available

and up-dated.
SOLAS74 / 00
ECDIS Back-up System (If provided instead of
nautical charts ) Reg.V/

Electronic Nautical publications

SOLAS74 / 00
GPS receiver Working satisfactorily
Reg. V/19/2.1.6
AIS (Automatic SOLAS74 / 00
Working satisfactorily
Identification System) Reg. V/19/2.4
Working satisfactorily
VDR (Voyage Data SOLAS74 / 00
Annual test to be carried out by approved When tested
Recorder) Reg.V/19.20
service station
Working satisfactory For
S-VDR(Simplified SOLAS74 / 00
Annual test to be carried out by approved When tested 00ES(≧3000G/
Voyage Data Recorder) Reg.V/20.2
service station T)
Sound Reception
System (when the SOLAS74 / 00
Working satisfactorily
bridge is totally Reg. V/
Transmitting Heading
SOLAS74 / 00
Device (THD) (ships of Working satisfactorily
Reg. V/
300 GT to 500 GT)
Available on board. (including VDR/S annual SOLAS74 / 00
Maintenance Records Reg. V/ 16 &18.8
test and compliance statement for 00NS )
Pilot Card
Available on board
(All ship)
Wheelhouse Poster
Available on board Resolution
(L ≧ 100 m )
Manoeuvring Booklet
(Administration’s Available on board

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Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

SOLAS74 / 88
Working satisfactorily.
Reg. V/11
Daylight signal Lamp
SOLAS74 / 00
Supplied from emergency power. Reg.V/19.2.2
Battery & charger for 00NS
To be planed
SOLAS74 / 00
the whole of
Voyage Plan For next Voyage Reg.V/34 IMO
voyage, from
berth to berth
In case where ship’s engaged on international
Record of navigation voyage exceeding 48 hours, to be submitted a SOLAS74 / 00
activities daily report to company, and to be kept on Reg.Ⅴ/28
Fore & aft masthead lights

Side lights

Stern light
Navigation lights
Anchor light

Not under command light

Distribution panel
Forecastle bell Available on board.

Gong (Ships of 100m

Available on board.
and upwards in length)
Whistle Working satisfactorily.

Black ball shapes At least 3 sets available.

Black diamond shape for tug boat.

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Good Maintenance On Board Ships
Table 7. Lifesaving Appliances

Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

Condition of hull inside & outside
(no rust, no doublers).

Grab lines on both side in order.

Bilge keel rails on both side.

Rudder stock, rudder and tiller and stern frame

in order.

Thwarts, side benches, clutch holes, gunwales

in good condition.
Lifeboat and/or rescue Engine, foundation, exhaust pipe.
Propeller and shafting with clutch.

Reflective tape on hull.

Marking (Ship‘s name, No of persons, SOLAS74 / 88

Registry of port etc.), retro-reflective tapes. Reg. III/20,34
to 36
Plug with packing and a chain with indication
of position.

Bilge pump with hose (testing).

Verification according to inventory list.

Validity of provisions, pyrotechnics,

Lifeboat inventory portable fire extinguisher.

Watertight container.

Cover and stanchions (if any)

Visual condition of stowage.

Stowage of lifeboat
Operation of limit switch or air cut-off valves.
and/or rescue boat
Condition of lifting arrangement.

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Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

Condition of davits

Condition of blocks, falls, padeyes, links,

fastening and all other fittings.

Falls to be turned end for end at intervals of When turned:

not more than 30 months.

Fall to be renewed at intervals not exceeding When renewed:

5 years.

Condition of brake (Winch)

Annual through examination for Launching When examined
appliance and on-load release gear shall be
conducted by approved service firms.
Launching arrangement
Brake (Winch) to be thorough examined at SOLAS74 / 88
of life boat, rescue boat When examined:
intervals not exceeding 5 years by approved Reg. III/20
and liferaft
service station.

On-load release gear to be overhauled and When overhauled &

tested under a load at intervals not exceeding tested:
5 years by approved service station.

Condition of release gear

Condition of skates and fenders

Condition of embarkation ladders, handholds,

side ropes, steps and fitting shackles/padeyes

Condition of boat lights by emergency power

To be serviced at intervals not exceeding 12

When serviced:
months with release gear except when
extension is authorized by the flag state.

Inflatable liferafts
Container to be marked with ;
maker‘s name, serial No., last service date,
No. of persons, etc.
SOLAS74 / 88
Fitting retro-reflective tapes Reg. III/20,34

Condition of stowage

Proper fitting of weak link

Stowage of liferafts (in case of a type without weak link, notice to
be posted)

Condition of embarkation ladder

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Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

At least 12 parachute rocket signals available

on board. SOLAS74 / 88
Distress Flares
Reg. III/6.3

At least 8 lifebuoys with marking and

retro-reflective tapes available.

Two buoys on bridge wings with quick release

gear provided for self-igniting lights(SIL) &
smoke signals.
Illumination of SILs.
Validity of smoke signals. SOLAS74 / 88
Lifebuoys for ships of Operation of release gear. Reg. III/21
83 ES
A buoys with SILs on each side.
Illumination of SILs.

A buoy with buoyant line of 27.5 meters in

length on each side.

A buoy without attachment on each side.

Proper No. of lifebuoys with marking and

retro-reflective tapes.

Two buoys with self-igniting lights (SIL) and

smoke signals being capable of released by
release gear, having a mass of at least 4kg on
bridge wings.
Lifebuoys for ships of Illumination of SILs.
83 NS Validity of smoke signals.
Operation of release gear.

SOLAS74 / 88
L(m) No. of buoys
At least half of the total number of buoys to be Reg. III/7.1, 32
less than 100m 8
provided with SILs.
less than 150m 10
Illumination of SILs.
less than 200m 12
200m and over 14
At least one buoy with a buoyant line on each
side.(30m or twice the
height at stowage position above water level,
whichever is the greater.)

The remaining buoys without attachment on

both sides.

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Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

A lifejacket for every person on board with

retro-reflective tapes.

SOLAS74 / 88
Lifejackets Additional lifejackets for persons on watch
For 83 NS Reg. III/7.2, 32
and for use at survival craft stations.

Each lifejacket with a whistle & light.

For 04ES: to be
Condition of Immersion suits supplied by first SOLAS74 / 88
Immersion suits
Provided for every person and as additional. SE Survey after Reg. III/ 32
1 July 2006
For persons on board not provided with SOLAS74 / 88
Thermal protective aids
immersion suits, and ready for immediate use. Reg.III/32, 34
At least three sets complying with the
Two-way VHF radio- standards SOLAS74 / 88
telephone apparatus Reg. III/6.2.1
Operation of the apparatus.

At least one radar transponder on each side of

In case of free-fall lifeboat, one is stowed in a SOLAS74 / 88
Radar transponders
free-fall lifeboat and the other one is fitted in Reg. III/6.2.2
the wheelhouse.
Validity of battery

Operation of two-way communications

On-board between emergency control station, muster
communications and embarkation stations and strategic
SOLAS74 / 88
General emergency Operation of alarm for summoning the crew to Reg. III/6.2.4
alarm muster stations.

Public address system Operation of the system

Four rockets capable of carrying line at least

Line-throwing SOLAS74 / 88
appliances Proper instruction available. Reg. III/18

Validity of rockets

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Good Maintenance On Board Ships
Table 8. Fire Fighting Appliances
Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.
Insulation on “A” class bulkheads and decks in
SOLAS74 / 88
good condition.
Reg. II-2/42
Fire integrity Penetrations of ventilation ducts cable SOLAS74 / 00
penetration and pipes through “A” class bulk Reg.II-2/9
heads and decks in good order.
Operate satisfactorily. SOLAS74 / 88
Reg. II-2/47
Fire doors Self-closing doors not to be fitted with hold-back SOLAS74 / 00
For 81 NS
hooks. Reg.II-2/9

SOLAS74 / 88
Closing arrangements in good order
Reg. II-2/ 11.2.2,
SOLAS74 / 00
Skylights to be of steel and not contain glass
For 81 NS Reg. II-2/

Operate satisfactorily.
Cargo holds
SOLAS74 / 88
Engine room
Reg. II-2/ 5.1.4
Fire dampers Accommodation spaces
SOLAS74 / 00
Control stations
Reg. II-2/ 5.2
Other spaces
Clear marking of “Close-Open”.
No hole / defection of dampers
Operate satisfactorily.

Main fire pumps Proper pressure maintained.

Pressure gauges in good order

Operates satisfactorily.

Proper pressure maintained.

Emergency fire pump Pressure gauges in good order

SOLAS74 / 88
Prime mover in good condition. Reg. II-2/4
SOLAS74 / 00
Exhaust gas piping in good order.
No leakage, heavy wastage in lines
Fire main piping
No doublers, clamps, soft patches in lines

Isolation valves Operate satisfactorily.

Fire hoses easily coupled to hydrants

Hydrants Satisfactory operation of valves.

Valve handles not broken

- 22 -
Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

All hoses in good condition, without leakage.

Fire hoses Checking the number of hoses acc. to the fire

control plan
Complete with nozzle and couplings
All nozzles in good condition, without
leakage. SOLAS74 / 88
Jet type nozzles, and jet/spray dual type in Reg. II-2/4
engine room. For 81 ES SOLA74 / 00
Nozzles Operation of easy change mode. Reg.II-2/10.2
Jet/spray dual type with shut-off device for all
For 81 NS
Operation of easy change mode and shut-off
Stowage boxes of fire Stowed in good condition and easily usable.
hoses and nozzles Clearly painted (red color) boxes.
Checking the number of portable fire
extinguishers of each type according to the fire
control plan.
Cylinders in good condition, without serious
Portable fire corrosion/damage.
(foam, dry power, CO2) Validity of the medium
foam : one year
dry powder : five year SOLAS74 / 88
CO2 : measure at Class SS Reg. II-2/6
and IS SOLAS74 / 00
Checking the air-foam nozzle, portable tank of Reg.II-2/10
foam making liquid, and one spare tank.

Testing the connection to fire main by a fire

Portable foam hose.
For 81 NS
applicator unit
Condition of stowage container in good order.

Validity of foam making liquid: four years

(impossible to extend by sampling)

Visual condition in good order,

Foam type fire without wastage.
extinguisher of 135
Easily usable condition. SOLAS74 / 88
litters capacity or
Reg. II-2/7.1.3
equivalent in firing For 81NS
Validity of the medium SOLAS74 / 00
space of boiler and in Reg.II-2/10.5
spaces of fuel oil Foam : one year
system dry powder : five years
CO2 : measure at Class SS and IS

- 23 -
Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

Visual condition in good order, without
Foam type fire
extinguisher of 135
Easily usable condition. SOLAS74 / 88
litters capacity or
Reg. II-2/7.1.3
equivalent in firing For 81NS
Validity of the medium SOLAS74 / 00
space of boiler and in Foam : one year Reg.II-2/10.5
spaces of fuel oil dry powder : five years
system CO2 : measure at Class SS and IS

Visual condition in good order.

Foam type fire
Easily usable condition. SOLAS74 / 88
extinguishers of 45
Reg. II-2/7.2
litters capacity or Validity of the medium SOLAS74 / 00
equivalent in engine Foam : one year Reg.II-2/10.5
room dry powder : five years
CO2 : measure at Class SS and IS

Piping in lines in good order, without leakage

or no heavy corrosion.

Regular checking of lines by air blow or water

SOLAS74 / 88
flow test at Class SS and IS.
Reg. II-2/7.1.1,
Fixed fire extinguishing CO2 or Halon cylinders to be level/weight 53
SOLAS74 / 00
arrangement in E/R, measured at Class SS and IS. Proper test
cargo spaces and cargo certificate on board.
, 10.7
pump room*
(CO2 or Halon, foam, Validity of foam liquid (5 years).
After 5 years, effectiveness of foam liquid to *Cargo pump
water spray) R/M:(For 00NS)
be checked, and a sample test certificate
available on board. SOLAS74 / 00
(Flag special requirements to be referred.)

Testing the audible alarm for the release of gas

(CO2 or Halon)

SOLAS74 / 88
Regular checking of the detection system and Reg. II-2/13
Fire detection
fire alarm. SOLAS74 / 00

All valves to be closed by remote control from

Fuel oil tank shut-off outside of E/R. Satisfactory operation of
valves; valves. SOLAS74 / 88
Over 500L: ships built on Reg. II-2/15.2
and after 1 July 1995 In case that shut-off valves are operated by air, SOLAS74 / 00
Over 1000L: ships built the air cylinder is always charged with correct Reg.II-2/4.2.2
before 1 July 1995 pressure.
Pressure gauge in good condition.
SOLAS74 / 88
Emergency stop of fans Reg. II-2/11.4
and fuel oil pumps in Satisfactory operation of emergency stop. SOLAS74 / 00
Engine room Reg.II-2/5.2

- 24 -
Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

Means of isolating the
Satisfactory operation of means to isolate the SOLAS74 / 00
fuel supply to For 00NS
fuel supply Reg.II-2/4.2.2
individual engines
Two(2) sets for cargo ships
Four(4) sets for tankers
Stowage condition in good order according to
the fire control plan.

Protective clothing, boots and gloves, helmet,

electric safety lamp, axe. Easily usable
SOLAS74 / 88
Breathing apparatus with a smoke helmet or Reg. II-2/17
Fireman‘s outfit
smoke mask and air pump, with proper length SOLAS74 / 00
of air hose, or a self-contained breathing Reg. II-2/10.10

200 % spare air cylinders available on board

or 100 % + Air compressor.

A fireproof lifeline of sufficient length for

each breathing apparatus with a snaphook.
Storage position is clearly marked. (00NS)

Fire fighting system in good order.

SOLAS74 / 88
Fire extinguishing (Type of arrangement is in accordance with
Reg. II-2/18.7
arrangement in paint the requirements of the flag state. e.g. portable
SOLAS74 / 00
lockers fire extinguisher is acceptable for ships flying
Reg. II-2/10.6.3
flag of Panama, Japan, etc. (00ES))

At least one (1) shore connection with

standard flange dimensions available on
board. SOLAS74 / 88
International shore Reg. II-2/19
Four sets of bolts and nuts, each of 16 ㎜ in
connection diameter, 50 ㎜ in length available on board.
SOLAS74 / 00
Reg. II-2/10.2
One gasket packing available on board.

Operates satisfactorily. SOLAS74 / 88

Reg. II-2/62
Inert gas system
SOLAS74 / 00
Alarms in the control panel function properly. Reg. II-2/4.5.5

- 25 -
Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

Satisfactory lighting condition in engine

room, accommodation spaces, wheel house, SOLAS74 / 88
Emergency lights control stations, outside passage. Reg. II-1/43

Bulbs and glasses without damage.

Ready for immediate use. SOLAS74 / 88

Reg. II-2/45
Means of escapes Steps and handrails without damage. SOLAS74 / 00
Lighting operates satisfactorily. Reg. II-2/13

Stowage condition in good order according to

Emergency Escape the fire control plan. Easily usable condition.
SOLAS74 / 00
Breathing Devices Suitable maintenance according to the
(EEBD) Manufacturer’s instruction.
Confirmation of Air-pressure
Piping, pump, valves and nozzles in good
order, without leakage, heavy corrosion or For 00NS
Fixed Local damage
SOLAS74 / 00
Application Regular checking of lines by air blow or water
For 00NS Reg.II-2/10.5.6
Fire-fighting System flow test at class SS and IS.

Operate satisfactorily at class SS and IS. For 00NS

For new
Fire-fighting devices Visual condition in good order.
installation on SOLAS74 / 00
for Deep Fat Cooking
or after 1 July Reg.II-2/10.6.4
Equipment Operate satisfactorily at class SS and IS.
Protection of Cargo SOLAS74 / 00
Operate satisfactorily
Pump Room Reg.II-2/4.5.10
SOLAS74 / 88
Arranged in accordance with the plan for Reg. II-2/18.8
Helicopter Facilities. SOLAS74 / 00
Helicopter Facilities Reg. II-2/18

SOLAS74 / 00
Fire-fighting appliances in good order

Fixed fire extinguishing Visual condition in good order. SOLAS74 / 88

system for exhaust Reg.II-2/16.7
ducts from galley SOLAS74 / 00
ranges Operate satisfactorily at class SS and IS. Reg.II-2/ 9.7.5

- 26 -
Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Table 9. Radio Installation

Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.
Function satisfactorily. SOLAS74 / 88
VHF installation
DSC to be checked. Reg.IV/7
Function satisfactorily.
MF installation
DSC to be checked.
SOLAS74 / 88
Function satisfactorily.
MF/HF installation Reg.IV/8,9,10
DSC to be checked.
, 11
Function satisfactorily.
Include EGC receiver
SOLAS74 / 88
NAVTEX receiver Function satisfactorily.

Function satisfactorily.

Validity of battery

Expiry date of free float sensor.

shall be
Last date conducted by
Annual onboard test SOLAS74 / 00
Satellite EPIRB approved
service firms. Reg.IV/15.9
shall be
conducted by
Last date approved
Shore based maintenance
station, at
intervals not
exceeding 5
Main source in good order.

Emergency source in good order.

SOLAS74 / 88
Sources of energy Reserve source in good order. Reg.IV/13
Batteries in good condition as a result of
measuring specific gravity of acid, liquid level
and terminal voltage.

Satisfactory condition, without damage or

missing components.
SOLAS74 / 88
Reg. IV /6
Antenna masts and brackets in good condition,
without heavy corrosion or wastage.

Tools and spares Available on board.

SOLAS74 / 88
Available on board. (including EPIRB
Maintenance records on-board annual maintenance and shore based
Proper records in the log books. SOLAS74 / 88
Radio log book
Daily / Weekly / Monthly check Reg.IV/17
List of Call Signs Up-to date (the last editions)
RR S20

- 27 -
Good Maintenance On Board Ships
Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

List of Coast Stations Up-to date (the last editions)

List of Radio
Determination and Up-to date (the last editions)
Special Service Station
Manual for use by the
Maritime Mobile and
Up-to date (the last editions)
Maritime Satellite

Clock Operates satisfactorily

Normal and emergency lights in good

Lighting in radio space

- 28 -
Good Maintenance On Board Ships
Table 10. Load Line
Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.
Freeboard marks Clearly marked on shell plating each side.
Reg.5, 6
Triangular mark
SOLAS74 / 00
(For Bulk carrier of Condition of Triangular mark
Reg. XII / 8
alternate loading)
Superstructure end No heavy wastage exceeding permissible ILL AXⅠ
bulkhead limit. Reg.11

Effective weathertightness.
Doors of all access
openings in bulkhead at No heavy corrosion, holes. ILL AXⅠ
ends of enclosed Reg.12
superstructures. Condition of gaskets and clamping devices in
good order.

Effective weathertightness.

Hatch coamings in good condition without

Access hatches heavy wastage or holes.
Condition of gaskets and clamping devices in
good order.

Effective weathertightness.

Hatch coamings and stays in good condition

without heavy wastage or holes.

Hatch covers in good condition without heavy

wastage or holes.
Cargo hatches
Condition of gaskets and clamping devices in Reg.13 to 16
good order.

Battens and wedges available on board in

good order.

Tarpaulins in good condition without holes.

Owner’s inspection and The Hatch Cover shall be inspected in

SOLAS74/ 00
maintenance of Bulk accordance with requirement of IMO Res.
Carrier Hatch Covers MSC.169(79)

Effective weathertightness.
Machinery space ILL AXⅠ
openings Covers, casings and coamings in good Reg.17
condition without heavy wastage or holes

Effective weathertightness.
Manholes, ILL AXⅠ
flush scuttles Covers and bolts in good condition without Reg.18
heavy wastage.

- 29 -
Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

Effective weathertightness.
Bulkhead plating in good condition without
companionways with heavy corrosion or holes.
openings in freeboard Reg.18
deck Doors in good condition without heavy
corrosion or holes.
Gaskets and clamping devices in good order.
Coamings in good condition without heavy
corrosion, holes.
Ventilators Closing covers in good condition, efficient

Gaskets, clamping devices in order.

Coamings in good condition without heavy

corrosion or holes.

Air pipe heads in good condition without

heavy corrosion or holes. ILL AXⅠ
Air pipes
Floats in pipe heads in good order.

For oil tanks

Wire gauzes in good condition.

Effective weathertightness.
Cargo ports and similar ILL AXⅠ
openings Steel plating and attachments in good Reg.21
condition without heavy wastage.

Distance pieces in good condition without

Scuppers, inlets, heavy corrosion or holes. ILL AXⅠ
discharges Non-return valves in good order without heavy
corrosion or holes.

Effective watertightness. ILL AXⅠ

Side scuttles
Deadlights in good order.
Freeing ports Draining arrangements in good order.
Bulwarks and stays, Condition in good order without heavy
guard rails corrosion, holes or cracks.
Life lines, gangways, Reg.25
Condition in good order without heavy
passages corrosion, missing components or holes.

Sockets, eye plates, stanchions in good

For timber ILL AXⅠ
Uprights, lashings condition without heavy corrosion, holes or
carriers only Reg.44

- 30 -
Good Maintenance On Board Ships
Table 11. Hull Construction and piping on deck
Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.
Main deck plating Condition in good order.
Cross deck plating No heavy wastage, corrosion, cracks.

F‘cle deck plating, Condition in good order.

Poop deck plating No heavy wastage, corrosion, cracks.

All piping on deck with Condition in good order.

valves No heavy wastage, corrosion, cracks. SOLAS74 / 88
Condition in good order. Ch.II-1 Part B
Electric cable conduit
No heavy wastage, corrosion, cracks.
Bulkheads, frames, tanktop plating in good
Cargo holds No heavy corrosion, wastage, holes or cracks.
Access ladders, piping in good condition.
No heavy wastage, holes.

No leakage, damage.
Bulkheads (trans/longl.), longitudinals, transverse
rings, horizontal girders, other members in good
No heavy corrosion, wastage, holes or cracks.
Ballast tanks
Access ladders, piping in good condition.
No heavy wastage, holes

Permanent means of access (PMA) in line with

ship structure access manual (*if applicable)

No leakage, damage.
Bulkheads (trans/longl.), longitudinals, transverse
SOLAS74 / 88
rings, horizontal girders, other members in good
Ch. II-1 Part B
No heavy corrosion, wastage, holes or cracks.
Cargo tanks
Access ladders, piping in good condition.
No heavy wastage, holes

Permanent means of access (PMA) in line with

ship structure access manual (*if applicable)

No leakage, damage.

Bulkheads (trans/longl.), longitudinals, transverse

rings, horizontal girders, other members in good
Fuel oil tanks condition.
No heavy corrosion, wastage, holes or cracks.

Access ladders, piping in good condition.

No heavy wastage, holes

Remarks*: To be applied for oil tanker of 500 G/T and over and bulk carriers of 20,000 G/T and over, which
are constructed on or after 1 January 2006.

- 31 -
Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

Bulkheads (trans/longl.), longitudinals, transverse

Other compartments
rings, horizontal girders, other members in good
(Bos‘n store, deck
stores, etc.) No heavy corrosion, wastage, holes or cracks.

Bulkheads, longitudinals, web frames, other

members in good condition. SOLAS74 / 88
No heavy corrosion, wastage, holes or cracks. Ch.II-1 Part B

Access ladders, piping in good condition.

No heavy wastage, holes.
Pump room Particular care to be taken to ensure electrical
equipment in good order, lights (explosion proof).

Protection of cargo pump room (bilge alarm, gas SOLAS74/00

monitoring system, temperature sensor, inter-lock Ch.II-2
system) working satisfactorily Reg.4.5.10
for Bulk Carrier
SOLAS74 / 02
Reg. XII-12
Water ingress alarm For 04ES: To
Working satisfactorily For Cargo Ship
system be applied first
SOLAS74 / 00
IS or SS on or
after 1 July
Remote pump control
Working satisfactorily
(F.P.T, Bos’n store)
(for Bulk Carrier)
Ship identification SOLAS74 / 00
number Reg. XI-3
Working satisfactorily
High velocity P/V
No sticking/clogging by solidifying

- 32 -
Good Maintenance On Board Ships
Table 12. Machinery in Engine room
Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.
Operate satisfactorily.
Safety devices function properly. SOLAS74 / 88
Ch.II-1 Part C
Remote control functions properly.
No leakage of oil / water
Main engines
Jacketed High Press. FO pipes in good order SOLAS74 / 88
Ch. II-2/15.2
SOLAS74 / 00
FO leak alarm in good order Ch. II-2/4

Operate satisfactorily.
Safety devices function properly.
SOLAS74 / 88
Remote and automatic control functions Ch.II-1 Part C
Generator engines No leakage of oil / water
SOLAS74 / 88
Jacketed High Press. FO pipes in good order Ch. II-2/15.2
SOLAS74 / 00
FO leak alarm in good order Ch. II-2/4
Operate satisfactorily.
Safety devices function properly.
Remote and automatic control function
Boilers Pressure gauges in good order, and calibration
is made every year.
No leakage of steam / water / oil
Water level gauges in good order.
Stern Tube Seal No leakage of oil / Sea water
Operate satisfactorily.
SOLAS74 / 88
Safety devices function properly.
Ch.II-1 Part C
Remote and automatic control function
Essential machinery properly.
No leakage from pump grand
Meters and gauges in good order.
No heavy corrosion or leakage.
Piping No soft patches / doublers / cement box
All valves operate satisfactorily.
Bilge pumps, pipings in good order.
Bilge lines Emerg. Bilge suction Valve operate

- 33 -
Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

Cleanliness of E/R
Must be clean without rubbish or waste oil.
SOLAS74 / 88
Ch.II-1 Part C
Guards and fencing
Protection covers and/or guards

All Meters and Gauges

Overall of E/R Self-closing device for sounding pipe of FO SOLAS74 / 00
tank Ch. II-2/4
Means to prevent oil spay provided on flange / SOLAS74 / 88
joint in oil piping Ch. II-2/15.2
Insulation for all surfaces of machinery with SOLAS74 / 00
high temp. above 220℃ Ch. II-2/4

Engine Telegraph

Alarm printer (UMS)

Automatic Control Engine Console SOLAS74 / 88

System Ch.II-1 Part C
Extension alarm (UMS)

M/E operation from Bridge (UMS)

- 34 -
Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Table 13. Electrical Equipment

Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

All lights in good order.

Lighting in E/R
Protection covers or guards in good order.

Lighting in All lights in good order.

accommodation spaces Protection covers or guards in good order.
Lighting in control
All lights in good order.
station, working room,
steering room and other
Protection covers or guards in good order.
Condition in good order. SOLAS74 / 88
Emergency cables No exposed wire, heavy corrosion, especially Ch.II-1 Part D
on weather deck.

Emergency lights All lights in good order without damage.

Anti-explosion lights in
All lights in good order.
dangerous spaces,
No broken covers and guards.
pump room, battery
Tightening handles available on board.
room, paint locker etc.
Insulating mats available on board or
Insulating mats around
insulation cement permanently laid up on the

Insulation resistance No alarm of low insulation

Penetration in fire Filling material in good order SOLAS74 / 88

–resisting divisions (no clearance) Ch.II-2 Part C

- 35 -
Good Maintenance On Board Ships
Table 14. Mooring Arrangements
Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

Condition in good order, no heavy wastage,

Anchor & chain cables missing components or damage.

Stowage condition in good order.

Winches in good condition.
Brake bands in good condition, no abnormal
Windlass wear.
Foundations, grating plates in good condition,
no wastage, missing or broken sections.
Winches in good condition.
Brake bands in good condition, no abnormal
Foundations, grating plates in good condition,
Mooring system
no wastage, missing or broken sections.
Sufficient ropes available on board and in
good condition.
Capstans operate satisfactorily.
For tankers of not
Emergency Towing SOLAS74 / 88
Arrangements in good condition. less than 20,000
Arrangements (ETA) Reg. II-1/3-4

- 36 -
Good Maintenance On Board Ships
Table 15. Marine Pollution
Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.
Operates satisfactorily.
No visible oil in discharged water

Oily water separator No heavy corrosion, holes on the outer casing.

with pump Operation of valves in good order.
Pressure gauges in good order.
Sampling test for filtered water from test cock
No heavy corrosion, holes in lines.
All valves operate satisfactorily.
Discharge piping No discharge pipes installed without approval Reg.16, 17,
of ClassNK. 19
No oil trace in piping

Sludge pump Operates satisfactorily.

Standard discharge
Fitted in good condition
Operates satisfactorily. For ships of
15 PPM alarm Alarm functions properly. 10,000G/T and
Automatic stopping device functions properly. above

Operates satisfactorily. MARPOL I

Regularly check by the service engineers. Reg. 15(3) (b)
Oil/water interface
Available on board. Reg.
For tankers only 15(3)(b)

Operation effective.
COW machine and piping lines in good order.

Pollution placard
Garbage management plan on board.
Garbage management Garbage Record MARPOL V
Book shall be
Maintain a garbage log.
complied with IMO
Res.MEPC.116 (51)
Sewage treatment
Plant/Sewage MARPOL
Operates satisfactory IV
Holding Tank with 400G/T and above
pump or carry more than
ships to
15 persons
Standard discharge comply by
Fitted in good condition 26 Sep.’08

Ozone-depleting There is no substance on board except for

substance listing on IAPP Cert.

Engine parameters shall be corresponded to for more than

NOx Technical Files. 130kW of diesel
NOx engine installed on MARPOL VI
ship constructed on
or after 1 Jan. 2000

- 37 -
Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

Sulphur < 4.5%

Bunker receipts and the sample has been kept
(Cont. Area < 1.5%)
on board properly

Record of the changeover to and from low

SOx sulphur content fuel during transit through a if applicable MARPOL Vl
SOx emission control area

Exhaust gas cleaning system operates

if applicable

Satisfactory installation and operation

Alarm / Interlock
for installed on or
Incinerator MARPOL VI
Warning and instruction plate are placed after 1 Jan. 2000


- 38 -
Good Maintenance On Board Ships
Table 16. Cargo Handling Gear
Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.

Masts, posts, booms, jibs

including attachments Condition in good order.
(eye plates, heel pieces, No serious wear, heavy corrosion or damage.

Condition in good order.

Loose gear No heavy wear, corrosion or damage.
(blocks, sheaves, hooks, Distinguishing numbers stamped on loose ILO 152
shackles, wire ropes, etc.) gear.
Test certificates available.
The annual thorough survey (every year) is not Last survey date:
Periodical inspection over due.
by a competent person The 5 yearly load test is not over due.
Last survey date:
(NK surveyors)
Correct endorsement of cargo gear booklet.

- 39 -
Good Maintenance On Board Ships
Table 17. Accommodation
Item Check Points Satisfied/Not Remarks Reg.
Flushing of toilets in good condition.
Toilets to be clean.
Floor tiles in good condition without broken
Toilets tiles.
Floor to be clean.
Floor drainage in good condition.
Shower rooms, Spaces in good condition.
washbasins, Rooms to be clean.
laundry room Hot water available for use.
Air ventilating in Ventilation heating/cooling spaces in good
accommodation spaces condition.
Proper medical equipment available on
Medical equipment ILO
Proper medicines available and within
validity dates.
Sick bay Clean and ready for emergency use.
Clean and with no rubbish.
Floor tiles clean and not broken.
Range hoods, ventilating opening with wire
net to be clean of oil.
Mess rooms and crew
Clean and with no rubbish.
Quantity and quality in good condition
Cold room temperature & cleanliness in
good condition

- 40 -
Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Checklist II
(For PSC inspection ---Checklist for the most common deficiencies---)

Checklist for Port State Control

Common deficiencies which were pointed out during

Port State Control inspection have been identified and
listed in the attached checklist.

The contents of the checklist are very simple and can be

easily checked by crew during the voyage or before
entering ports.

We hope this checklist will contribute to decreasing the

number of detentions.

1)‘Activity of the recent Port State Control’ or the detail of
‘Statistical analysis of detained ships registered to ClassNK’ are
introduced in the Annual Report on Port State Control published by
2) Items on the checklist do not cover the whole scope of a Port
State Control inspection. Therefore, you are recommended to also use
other checklists such as Checklist I, III and IV on ‘GOOD
MAINTENANCE ON BOARD SHIPS’ during the shipboard

Check list for most common deficiencies
Fire Safety Measures (Checked by : )
Item Common deficiencies Check items Condition Action
Fire-Dampers, Valves, Quick Closing Inoperable closing devices, wasted fire No corrosion or wastage on the casing of ventilator for engine
Devices, Remote Control, etc. damper, room?
Is the internal damper operating normally?
Seized Emergency shut-off valves on
Are Emergency shut-off valves on FO tanks operating normally?
FO tanks
Inoperable or low pressure emergency
Fire Pumps Are Emergency fire pumps operating normally?
fire pumps
Is delivery pressure normal?
Is priming pump operating normally?
Wastage or leaking of Fire main No corrosion or wastage of the Fire main?
No leakage from Fire main in running condition?
Inoperable isolating valve Is isolating valve operating normally?
Prevention (Fire protection) Damage to fire proof door No damaged Fire door?
Damage to self-closing proof door Is self-closing device of Fire doors operating normally?
Damage to fire protection on Escape
No damaged fire protection for Escape trunk or door?

Damage/ missing to fire protection No damaged / missing parts of fire protection material in Engine
material room?
Defective explosive proof lamp No damaged explosive proof lamp?
Fixed fire extinguishing system Wastage of CO2 bottles No wasted CO2 bottles?
Missing service reports Is there an effective service report kept onboard?
Wasted/holed CO2/Foam fixed fire
Is CO2/Foam tested by air blow or water spray?
extinguishing system
Missing service report of Fire
Fire Fighting Equipment Is there an effective service report kept onboard?
Defective hose/nozzle No wasted Fire hose/nozzle?
Jacketed piping system for high pressure Improper modification of drain line, Are the prevention measures correctly constructed?
fuel lines leakage alarm system Are leakage alarm systems operating normally?
Ready availability of Fire Fighting Improper arrangement of portable fire
Is a portable fire extinguisher arranged as shown in the drawing?
Equipment extinguishers
Seized valve of fire main hydrant Are all hydrants operating normally?
Personal equipment defective Fireman’s outfit No wasted Fireman’s outfit?
Unserviceable Breathing Apparatus Is the cylinder for Breathing Apparatus serviced properly?
Life Saving Appliances (Checked by : )
Item Common deficiencies Check items Condition Action

Lifeboats Inoperable lifeboat engine Is Lifeboat engine operating normally?

Wasted/holed shell No damage / wastage of shell or equipment?
Inoperable 'on-load' release gear Is load release gear operating normally?
Lifeboat Inventory Equipment missing / expired No expired Lifeboat inventory or missing equipment?
Embarkation Arrangements for Survival Craft Wastage of Embarkation ladder No wastage of Embarkation ladder?
Damaged light No damaged lights or cables?
Launching Arrangements for Survival Craft Wasted/holed davit No corrosion or wastage of Lifeboat davit?
Wasted sheaves No corrosion or wastage of sheaves or hooks?
Inflatable Liferafts Service certificate expired Is there an effective service report kept onboard?
Unsatisfactory storage Are Liferafts properly stored?
Lifebuoys Defective attachment No wasted Lifebuoys?

Smoke signal / light unit expired No expired smoke signal or light unit?

Good Maintenance On Board Ships

MARPOL-ANNEX I (Checked by : )
Item Common deficiencies Check items Condition Action
Oil filtering equipment (Oily-Water
Inoperable separator Is Oil filtering equipment operating normally?
Separating Equipment)
Wasted and holed separator casing No corrosion or wastage of the casing of Oil filtering equipment?
No corrosion or wastage of the discharge line from Oil filtering
Wasted discharge line
Is maintenance works for piping and Oil filtering equipment
Oily and dirty inside discharge pipe
properly recorded in oil record book?
15ppm alarm arrangement Failure of alarm Is the 15ppm-alarm arrangement operated normally?
Is the automatic stopping device for 15ppm-alarm arrangement
Inoperable automatic stopping device
operating normally?

Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery (Checked by : )

Item Common deficiencies Check items Condition Action

Cleanliness of Engine Room Excessive oil in Engine Room Is the engine room dirty?

Propulsion main engine Leakage of fuel oil No leakage of fuel oil from main engine or other pipes etc?

Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Stability and Structure and Related Equipment (Checked by : )
Item Common deficiencies Check items Condition Action

Emergency Lighting, Batteries & Switches Deficient battery/emergency generator Is emergency generator/ battery operating normally?

Inoperable emergency lighting Are all emergency lights operating normally?

Beam, Frames, Floors-Corrosion Wasted frames in cargo holds No wastage of hold frames, beams, etc.?
Wasted longitudinals and transverse
No wastage of longitudinals, transverse webs in WBT?
webs in WBTs

Load Lines (Checked by : )

Item Common deficiencies Check items Condition Action

Ventilators, Air Pipes, Casings Wasted/holed ventilator, air pipes No wastage/holes in air pipes or ventilators?
Damaged float of air pipe head and
No damage/stuck floats of air pipe head and closing device?
closing device
Wasted/holed hatch cover, hatch
Hatch cover, Tarpaulins, Hatch coaming No corrosion or wastage of hatch covers/coamings?
Securing device defective / missing No damaged or missing cargo securing device?

Weather tight doors Defective weather tightness Does the weather tight doors maintain weather tightness?

Wastage / defective doors & packings No corrosion or wastage of doors or packings?

Good Maintenance On Board Ships

Safety of Navigation (Checked by : )
Item Common deficiencies Check items Condition Action

Charts Navigation charts not updated/correct Do the navigation charts weather tight doors maintain weather tightness?
Navigation charts for intended voyage
Are navigation charts for the intended voyage provided onboard?
not available
Nautical publications (tide table, list of Are latest nautical publications (tide table, list of lights, list of
Nautical Publications
lights, list of radio signals, etc.) not radio signals, etc) provided onboard?
Nautical publications incomplete / Are latest corrected supplements of nautical publications
missing provided onboard?
Lights, shape, sound-signals Mis-fitting of navigation lights Are navigation lights properly fitted as shown in the drawings?

Failure of daylight signaling light Is daylight signaling light operating normally?

Radio Communications (Checked by : )

Item Common deficiencies Check items Condition Action

MF/HF Radio Installation Not operable Is MF/HF Radio operating normally?

Is GMDSS officer familiar with operation (including function
Poor knowledge of GMDSS officer
test) of GMDSS equipment?

Certification and Watchkeeping (Checked by : )

Item Common deficiencies Check items Condition Action

Certification of Master & Officers Invalid certificates onboard Do all crew have valid certificates?

Validity of certificates expired No expired officers certificates?

Good Maintenance On Board Ships

SOLAS Operational defects (Checked by : )
Item Common deficiencies Check items Condition Action

Abandon ship drills Not familiar with the drill Is the abandon ship drill and education, etc. executed?

Fire drills Not familiar with the drill Is the fire drill and education, etc. executed?
Checklist III
(for Safety Management System)

Satisfied ISM
Item Check points
Yes No Code
DOC is effective for ship.
- Type of ship
- Flag state
A copy of DOC 13
- Company name
- Annual Verification within 3 months before and after the
anniversary date
Ship’s personnel are familiar with a Company safety and environmental
protection policy.
Senior ship officers can identify the Managers responsible for the operation of
Company the ship (Is this the company stated on a copy of DOC /SMC?)
responsibilities The crew is familiar with its responsibilities provided for the SMS
The crew know who the DPA (Designated Person Ashore) is:
Name Title
Designated Person Phone No 4

Senior officers can identify the DPA.

Master is the aware of his responsibilities and he is able to locate them in the
Master He can point out the statement of his overriding authority as per ISM Code? 5.2
The master has reviewed the SMS and reported to the company.
Last Report date :

Master is fully conversant with the Company SMS. 6.1.1

The ship is manned as per the minimum safe manning certificate. 6.2
The ship is manned with qualified, certified and medically fit seafarers
in accordance with STCW 95 & Flag requirements. (Refer to 6.2
CHECKLIST I – TABLE 1(Certificates & Documents).

All crewmembers have the documentary evidence for Familiarization

training in accordance with STCW A-VI/1-1.

All crewmembers with designated safety or pollution prevention duties

have the documentary evidence for basic training in accordance with 6.5
STCW A-VI/1-2.
Resources & Master ensures that all new personal are properly familiarized with the
Training vessel and its equipment on joining.
- in accordance with Essential Instruction
- in accordance with STCW A-I/14.

Such training records are kept on board.?

Pre-Join training has been followed in Company Office or Manning
Agency according to Procedures.
Such training records are kept on board?

On board training in support of the SMS have been followed according

to Procedures.
Such training records are kept on board?
Where the multi-national crew members are onboard:
1. Working language onboard is established.
2. Master’s order or job instructions in working language are clearly
Onboard understood by crew. 6.6 /
Communication 3. All members of crew can communicate effectively in the execution 6/7
of their duties.
4. Poster / Placard / Relevant documentation on the SMS in a working
language or language understood by the ship's personnel.

Watch schedules are posted where they are easily accessible in

accordance with STCW 95 A-VIII.

The watch-keeping and rest hours has been kept as required. 7

All officers are conversant with the documented procedures on their

assigned duties.
Key Shipboard
Operation All officers know the key shipboard Operation shall be followed in
[Common] accordance with plan.
The crew is familiar with the garbage collection and disposal

Personnel are familiar with procedure requirements for ENCLOSED


The safe meetings are carried out at the required intervals.

The safe meeting’s minute form properly is completed and filed.

All officers are familiar with the navigation equipment available

Corrections of charts and Nautical Publications are up to date to the
[Deck] 7
latest Notice to Mariners.
The Master’s Standing Orders are posted on bridge and singed by all

The engineers are familiar with the engine maintenance routines. 7

The engineers are familiar with the safe working practice. 7

The engineers are familiar with the critical equipment. 7

The engineers are familiar with Bunkering procedures. 7

All crewmembers were familiar with their designated muster stations. 8.2

The Emergency Contact Numbers are updated. 8.3

Muster lists are updated.

Fire Control Plans are updated.
The crews know its position in the muster list & the duties in case of emergency. 8.2

Programs for emergency drills and exercises are available on board? 8.2

The Safety Drills reports are completed properly and forwarded to

Head Office at the required intervals.

Non-conformity, Any on-conformities have been reported to the Company 9.1

Company has investigated and analyzed the root cause of NC.

The Company has taken corrective action for the reported

Last Port State Control report dated.
9.1 / 9.2
All Non-conformities and findings in order

All vessels’ certificates are valid and without any outstanding recommendations. 10.1

The vessel Inspection Reports are completed at the required


Any problems have been reported to the Company in the past.

If yes, they have been followed up properly and closed in time.

Maintenance Maintenance plans are available on board and have been practiced.
Maintenance records are available on board.

Maintenance/testing for Identified critical equipment and systems have

been made properly.

Any dangerous accident has not occurred on board at present. 10.2.1

If not so, it has been reported to company and followed up properly.

Controlled documents are identified. 11.3

Effective Safety Management Manuals readily are available at right place, at the
Document right time on board? 11.2
Control Latest revision dated:

Obsolete documents have been removed from areas of work. 11.2

Office personnel carry out internal audit the vessel at the required

The results of Internal audit are available on board. 12.3/12

Review, Last internal audit report dated. : .5
There is not any pending Non conformities/observation from the
previous audit.

The results of Management Review are available on board. 12.5

External audit / Records of external audit are available on board.

PSC/ FSC Corrective actions have been taken timely, if any.
Checklist IV
(For International Ship and Port Facility Security)

Information to be provided by ships prior to entry into port (PSC–ISPS–CHK–1) Requirements Check
.1 Confirmation that the ship possesses a valid ISSC or a valid Interim ISSC and the name of its issuing authority XI-2/
.2 The security level at which the ship is currently operating XI 2/
.3 The security level at which the ship operated in the previous ten calls at port facilities XI-2/
Any special or additional security measures that were taken by the ship in any previous port where it has conducted a ship/port interface within the timeframe specified 3 above. For
example, a ship may provide, or be requested to provide, information, that might be recorded in the ship’s log book or in another document such as the ship’s security log book, related to:
.1 Measures taken while visiting a port facility located in the territory of a State which is not a Contracting Government, especially those measures that would normally have been
provided by port facilities located in the territories of Contracting Governments
.2 Any Declarations of Security that were entered into with port facilities or other ships B/4.37.2
Confirmation that appropriate ship security procedures were maintained during any ship-to-ship activity during the period covered by its previous ten calls at port facilities. For example, a
.5 XI-2/
ship may provide, or be requested to provide, information related to:
.1 Measures taken while engaged in a ship-to-ship activity with a ship flying the flag of a State which is not a Contracting Government, especially those measures that would normally
have been provided by ships flying the flag of Contracting Governments
.2 Measures taken while engaged in a ship-to-ship activity with a ship flying the flag of a Contracting Government but not required to comply with the provisions of chapter XI-2 and
part A of the ISPS Code, such as a copy of any security certificate issued to that ship under other provisions B/4.38.2
.3 In the event that persons or goods rescued at sea are on board, all known information about such persons or goods, including their identities when known and the results of any
checks run on behalf of the ship to establish the security status of those rescued. It is not the intention of chapter XI-2 or part A of the ISPS Code to delay or prevent the delivery of
those in distress at sea to a place of safety. It is the sole intention of chapter XI-2 and part A of the ISPS Code to provide States with enough appropriate information to maintain their
security integrity
.6 Other practical security related information (but not details of the ship security plan). For example, a ship may provide, or be requested to provide, information related to: XI-2/
.1 Information contained in the Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR); B/4.39.1
.2 Location of the ship at the time the report is made; B/4.39.2
.3 Expected time of arrival of the ship in port; B/4.39.3
.4 Crew list; B/4.39.4
.5 General description of cargo aboard the ship; B/4.39.5
.6 Passenger list; B/4.39.6
.7 Information regarding who is responsible for appointing the members of the crew or other persons currently employed or engaged on board the ship in any capacity on the business B/4.39.7 &
of that ship; XI-2/5
.8 Information regarding who is responsible for deciding the employment of the ship; B/4.39.7 &
.9 In cases where the ship is employed under the terms of charter party(ies), who are the parties to such charter party(ies). B/4.39.7 &
General Security Aspects (PSC–ISPS–CHK–2) Requirements Check
.1 Specific Security Aspects (See PSC-ISPS-CHK-3)
Check that the ISSC or the Interim ISSC is on board, valid and has been issued by the Administration, a recognized security organization authorized by it or by another
Contracting Government at the request of the Administration
.3 Check that the security level at which the ship is operating is at least that set by the Contracting Government for the port facility XI-2/4.3
.4 Identifying the ship security officer

When checking other documentation, ask for evidence that security drills have been carried out at appropriate intervals and seek information on any exercise involving the

Check the records of the last ten calls at port facilities, including the records of any ship-to-ship activities that took place during this period, which should include for each
.6 XI-2/9.2.1
.1 The security level at which the ship operated XI-2/

.2 Any special or additional security measures that were taken XI-2/

.3 That appropriate ship security measures were maintained, including the Declaration of Security, where issued XI-2/
.7 Assess whether key members of the ship’s security personnel are able to communicate effectively with each other on security-related matters.
Specific Security Aspects (PSC–ISPS–CHK–3) Requirements Check
Access to the ship when in port
1.1 For ships at security level 1, considerations may include
.1 Is there some form of control exercised by the ship on its access points? A/7.2.2
.2 Is it noticeable that the identity of all persons seeking to board the ship is checked? B/9.14.1
1.2 Additionally for passenger ships at security level 1, if these aspects are observable when boarding the ship, considerations may include
.1 In liaison with the port facility, have designated secure areas been established for searching? B/9.14.2
.2 Are checked persons and their personal effects segregated from unchecked persons and their effects? B/9.14.4
.3 Are embarking passengers segregated from disembarking passengers? B/9.14.5
.4 Has access been secured to unattended spaces adjoining areas to which passengers and visitors have access? B/9.14.7
1.3 For ships at security level 2, if the following aspects are observable while on board, considerations may include
.1 Has the number of access points been limited? B/9.16.2
.2 Have steps been taken to deter waterside access to the ship, which may be implemented in conjunction with the port facility? B/9.16.3
.3 Has a restricted area on the shore-side of the ship been established, which may be implemented in conjunction with the port facility? B/9.16.4
.4 Are visitors escorted on the ship? B/9.16.6
.5 Have full or partial searches of the ship been carried out? B/9.16.8
.6 Have any additional security briefings been carried out? B/9.16.7
Access to restricted areas
2.1 For ships at security level 1, if the following aspects are observable while on board, considerations may include
.1 Are restricted areas marked? B/9.20
.2 Are the bridge and engine room capable of being locked or secured? B/9.21.1
.3 Are the bridge and engine room locked or is access otherwise controlled (e.g. by being manned or using surveillance equipment to monitor the areas)? B/9.22.2
.4 Are doors to restricted areas locked (e.g. steering gear, machinery spaces, air conditioning plants, etc.)? B/9.21.1to 9.21.9
2.2 Additionally for passenger ships at security level 2, have restricted areas been established adjacent to access points in order to avoid a large number of persons B/9.23.1
congregating in those areas?
Monitoring the security of the ship
3.1 For ships at security level 1, if the following aspects are observable while on board, considerations may include
.1 Are deck watches in place during your visit or is surveillance equipment being used to monitor the ship? B/9.42.2
.2 Can the ship monitor both landward and seaward approaches? B/9.42.2, 9.46.1 &
3.2 For ships at security level 2, if the following aspects are observable while on board, considerations may include
.1 If surveillance equipment is being used is it being monitored at frequent intervals? B/9.47.2
.2 Have additional personnel been dedicated to guard and patrol restricted areas in place? B/9.47.3
Delivery of ship’s stores
4.1 For ships at security level 1, if the following aspects are observable while on board, considerations may include
.1 Are ship’s stores being checked before being loaded for signs that they have been tampered or interfered with? B/9.33.3
.2 Are checks made to ensure stores match the order prior to being loaded? B/9.35.1
.3 Are stores securely stored once loaded? B/9.35.2
Handling of cargo
5.1 Checking of cargo by the ship may be undertaken by (bearing in mind that arrangements may have been made for checking and sealing of cargo ashore)
.1 Visual and physical examination B/9.28.1
.2 Using scanning/detection equipment, mechanical devices, or dogs B/9.28.2
5.2 For cargo ships, including car carriers, ro-ro and passenger ships at security level 1, if the following aspects are observable while on board, considerations may include

.1 Is cargo and are cargo transport units and cargo spaces being checked prior to, and during, cargo handling operations? B/9.27.1
.2 Is cargo being checked against its documentation? B/9.27.2
.3 Are vehicles subject to search prior to loading? B/9.27.3
.4 Are seals, and other anti-tampering methods, being checked? B/9.27.4
5.3 For cargo ships, including car carriers, ro-ro and passenger ships at security level 2, if the following aspects are observable while on board, considerations may include

.1 Is detailed checking of cargo, cargo transport units and cargo spaces being undertaken? B/9.30.1
.2 Are detailed checks taking place to ensure only intended cargo is being loaded? B/9.30.2
.3 Are vehicles being searched more intensively prior to loading? B/9.30.3
.4 Are there frequent and detailed checks of seals and other anti-tampering methods? B/9.30.4
Handling of unaccompanied baggage
6.1 Unaccompanied baggage may be screened and/or searched by either the ship or the port facility. The following considerations apply if the screening/searching is
being undertaken by the ship
.1 At security level 1, if observable while on board, is unaccompanied baggage being screened and/or searched? B/9.39
.2 At security level 2, if observable while on board, is all unaccompanied baggage being screened and/or searched? B/9.40

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