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Susan's Enneagram Test

by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05 [email protected]

What's my Personality Type? In RATING column, please rate how well you think each
statement below describes you on a scale from 0 - 3 where 0 = not at all, 1 = somewhat, 2 =
pretty well, 3 = very well. (Test developed by Susan Rhodes, [email protected], last revised May 2009) (Edited by bc


Getting the job done right is more important than getting the job done fast.

As a child, I was more serious and realistic than many other children.
No ones more critical of me than I am of myself.

I can feel irritated for no special reason.

I like to concentrate on exactly one thing at a time and do not appreciate distractions.

As a parent or guardian, Im more strict than permissive.

People who don't take things seriously annoy me.

I've been called a perfectionist, although I don't feel very perfect.

I want to be certain that Im meeting my own high standards for conduct.

When I care about people, I want to improve their behavior.
Upholding ethics and principles is extremely important to me.

Susan's Enneagram Test
by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05 [email protected]


I have a very active inner critic.


I find it hard not to judge people too harshly.

The words should and ought crop up a lot in my thinking.
" .. "" .. "
I feel quite guilty when I get angry without justification.

Sometimes I feel like Im just going to explode.

Friends sometimes tell me Im too hard on myself.

I become tense or critical more easily than most people.

Knowing Im correct takes the edge off the tension I feel.

In intimate relationships, I often experience jealous feelings, even though I dont approve of them.

Pride is both my greatest strength and my greatest weakness.

Giving, caring, and sharing mean a lot to me.
Its hard not to cry when I feel sentimental, even when Im in public.

Theres nothing I enjoy like making introductions and helping people get to know one another.

Susan's Enneagram Test
by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05 [email protected]


I find it unnerving to talk with people who don't seem emotionally engaged.

Im so much more of a heart person than a head person.

I cant imagine life without my many acquaintances and social contacts.

My first instinct is always to help people, whether or not they ask for it.
I hate asking for help, even though I like giving it.
I find it hard to hold back when it comes to offering help and advice.

I take pride in the way I put people at ease.

I can get very wrapped up in my concern for others.

It's unacceptably humiliating to be publicly criticized.

Because I do so much for others, I sometimes feel entitled to special treatment.

Its important for me to be a sympathetic listener and supportive friend.

Im strongly drawn to humanitarian work with people or animals.

Im a natural nurturer.

Friends describe me as warm, romantic, and affectionate.

Susan's Enneagram Test
by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05 [email protected]


Im willing to sacrifice in order to be in relationship.


Feeling appreciated means so much to me.
My desire to achieve knows no bounds.

I tend to get myself so heavily scheduled with work that theres not much time to simply sit and reflect.

Sometimes its hard to tell the difference between the image I project and the person I am inside.

I work hard to succeed because failure is just not an option.
Im very aware of the impression I make on others.

Making time for relationships can be hard because of my busy schedule.

Nothing motivates me like high achievement.

Public recognition means a lot to me.

I can adapt my dress and behavior to the needs of the situation.
.. .
I can ignore painful emotions to get the job done.

More than anything, Im a can do kind of person.
.. ..
Susan's Enneagram Test
by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05 [email protected]


Being in the public eye is something I generally enjoy.


Whatever I do, I always try to exceed my personal best.
Achievement and recognition let me know Im targeting my goals.

The term Type A personality was coined with me in mind.

Making a good impression is important to me.
I'm a great team player.

I like the idea of involving my intimate partner in my work life, so we don't drift apart.

Meeting my deadline matters more than getting every tiny detail just right.

Being a winner makes my efforts worthwhile.

I value originality more than success.

Conforming to group norms doesn't allow me to express who I really am.

I find it hard to bear those aspects of life that dull the heart and kill the soul.

Being authentic matters more to me than material success.
Emotional inauthenticy really bothers me.

Susan's Enneagram Test
by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05 [email protected]


Translating my inner vision into a work of art can be incredibly compelling.


Being in an environment that's plastic and impersonal just drains the life right out of me.

Many people find me too emotionally intense or dramatic.

I easily identify with the wounds Ive received in life.

Being alone allows me to get in touch with my innermost self.

I know how it feels to experience intense loneliness.

Im very sensitive to the moods of other people.

Although I long to be accepted, I hate the idea of mindless conformity.
When I resonate with someone, its not on a superficial level.
My deep emotions are my greatest creative resource.
I can embrace the sweet side of sorrow.
Emotionally intense situations make me feel really alive.

Finding my purpose in life means everything to me.

Even when I seem accepted by a group, it's hard to feel that I really belong.

Susan's Enneagram Test
by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05 [email protected]


I often feel a sense of longing without really knowing why.


I like to read up in advance before trying some new activity.

I'm sometimes seen by others as socially unresponsive.

I am a careful observer of people and situations.

I like to study intricate patterns and complex concepts.

I enjoy puzzling out ingenious solutions to unusual problems.

Games can fascinate me too much.

I find public displays of emotion unappealing.

I tend to mentally tune out when people push for an emotional reaction.

When I like art, it's often something quirky or unusual.

Sometimes it takes time for my emotions to catch up with my thoughts.
I don't care for interruptions when I'm trying to think through a problem.

It's not hard to be discreet when necessary.
Im a systems thinker who can separate thought from emotion.

Susan's Enneagram Test
by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05 [email protected]


Small talk doesnt do much for me.


I mentally zone out when I lack time alone.
I often become an expert on the topics I study.

I'm more detached than emotional.

I value intellectual exchange more than emotional sharing.

Having a private space is a necessity, not a luxury.
I prefer to thoroughly think through a problem before I act.

I use my inner radar to intuit the motives of others and decide whether or not it's safe to trust them.

It's sometimes easier to directly confront my fears than allow my imagination to run wild.

I can be a feisty scrapper who sticks up for the underdog.

I'm very loyal to people who have earned my trust.

I rarely embrace ideas that havent stood the test of time.

My home and family provide me with a safe haven in an unsafe world.

Susan's Enneagram Test
by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05 [email protected]


Sometimes going on the offense is the only way to conquer fear.


I have a lot of nervous energy and an overactive imagination.

Im a particularly reliable, loyal, and steady employee.

Im more willing than a lot of people to do the grunt work on a group project.
My feelings of apprehension are less intense when I have a project to work on.

Making other people laugh helps me feel calmer and less anxious.

Learning to assert myself gives me confidence and lessens my anxiety.

Maintaining close ties with friends and family helps me feel safe in a chaotic world.

Although I can easily imagine panicking in a crisis, when a real emergency comes along, I do
3 surprisingly well.

Faith and trust are hard for me, because I doubt things that most people seem to take for granted.

My attention too easily goes to worst-case scenarios, even when they are not likely to happen.

I tend to either respect or defy authority.

Susan's Enneagram Test
by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05 [email protected]


Im always aware of the rules Im supposed to follow, whether I choose to conform to them or break
3 them.
It's hard not to feel nervous when meeting new people.

I can often pick ideas "out of the air."
When I get grounded, it helps me carry out existing plans instead of just developing new ones.
Im good at making people laugh, because I have a quick wit and dont take myself too seriously.
I get jazzed by innovative projects or visionary ideas.
3 ........

My desire to think positive can sometimes be like an addiction.


I like to do something new, not the same old thing.

I like to do so many things that it's easy to spread myself too thin.

I feel an urge to escape when I land in situations that require an emotional commitment.

Im optimistic about most things.


Ive got so many ideas buzzing around in my head that it can be hard to work on just one at a time.
Susan's Enneagram Test
by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05 [email protected]


Ideas often come to me like lightning flashes.


I tend to see other people as equals.

I appreciate good food, good company, and the good life.

My natural exuberance usually keeps me from getting bogged down in heavy emotions.

It's just not that much fun to do only one activity at a time.
I try to keep my options open.

Its my nature to seek novelty, not routine.

Freedom matters more to me than almost anything else.
I'm naturally playful, fun-loving, and free-spirited.

My mind is quick, but not particularly thorough.

I'm a force to be reckoned with.

My bluntness can sometimes blow people away.

People say I have a powerful aura.

I can both make the rules and enforce them.

Susan's Enneagram Test
by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05 [email protected]


I look out for people who cant look out for themselves.

People see me as a natural leader.

I dont have to prove anything to anybody.

I have the strength to take on tasks that would defeat a weaker person.

Controlling my temper is tough.

When I walk in the room full of people, I immediately sense who's in charge.
I take things personally and dont care who knows it.

My word is my bond.

I don't mind giving tough love when it's needed.
Im the chief in my circle of friends.

Feeling vulnerable makes me squirm.

I always protect whats mine.

I have big appetites and larger than life desires.
If I walk into a group that lacks a leader, Ill take charge.
Susan's Enneagram Test
by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05 [email protected]


Im a natural survivor, and I have the supplies stockpiled to prove it!

I take action when other people are still trying to sort out their feelings.

Most people see me as more peaceful than I really am.

Being in nature is deeply soothing to me.

I can get cranky when things get too complex.

I can be stubborn in a way that avoids direct confrontation.
I am able to create harmony in my environment.

I cant help but see both sides of almost any question.

I like to keep life simple and uncomplicated.

Details of my childhood sometimes seem hazy and far away.

I often find it hard to accomplish something without getting distracted by other tasks.

In a group situation, I usually prefer to blend in, rather than take the lead or voice objections.
Having daily routines helps me stay on track and get things done.
Often I feel that my personal opinions arent all that essential to a group discussion.

Susan's Enneagram Test
by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05 [email protected]


Impartial listening comes easily to me.


I generally enjoy puttering around and losing myself in the small tasks of ordinary life.

Most people see me as non-judgmental and easy-going.

Sometimes it's hard to get around to my own personal needs.

Tolerance comes easily to me.

Familiar comforts bring me a sense of peace.

Big personal decisions can paralyze me.

It's easy to let my friends decide how we spend our time together.

What's Your Enneagram Type?
rev. November 2005, by Susan Rhodes, [email protected]
60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Total Score for Each Enneagram Type
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type 7 Type 8 Type 9
The Reformer The Helper The Achiever The Individualist The Investigator The Loyalist The Enthusiast The Leader The Peacemaker
Holy Idea Holy Perfection Holy Will, Holy Freedom Holy Harmony, Holy Law, Holy Hope Holy Origin Holy Omniscience, Holy Transparency Holy Strength, Holy Faith Holy Wisdom, Holy Work, Holy Plan Holy Truth Holy Love
Courage [spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing
Virtue Serenity [absence of mental stress or anxiety] Humility [lack of false pride] Truthfulness, [Authenticity, not being fake] Equanimity, Emotional Balance, Steadiness of Mind Detachment [avoiding emotional involvement] Sobriety [Moderation in or abstinence from alcohol or other drugs} Innocence [ lacking a knowledge of evil] Action
Vengeance [Objectification] [concrete representation of an abstract idea
Fixation Resentment [Judging] Flattery [Ingratiation] Vanity [Deceit] [Feelings of excessive pride] Melancholy [Fantasizing] [ feeling of thoughtful sadness] Stinginess [Retention] Cowardice [Worrying] Planning [Anticipation] Indolence [Daydreaming]
or principle]
Envy [ feeling of grudging admiration and desire to have something that
Negative Passion Anger Pride Deceit [quality of being fraudulent] Avarice [Extreme greed for material wealth] Fear Gluttony Lust Sloth [disinclination to work]
is possessed by another]
Basic Fear Of being bad, imbalanced, defective, corrupt Of being unloved Of being worthless Of having no identity or significance Of being helpless, incompetent and incapable Of being without support and guidance Of being trapped in pain and deprivation Of being harmed, controlled and violated Of loss, separation and fragmentation
Basic Desire To be good, to have integrity To feel love To feel valuable To be themselves To be capable and competent To have support and guidance To be satisfied and content To protect themselves Peace of mind and wholeness
In Search of Integrity and Improvement Intimacy Acceptance and Validation Identity Mastery Security and safety Satisfaction and Fulfilment Survival [physical and legacy] Harmony and stability
Healthy Sense of Self "I am reasonable, objective person" "I am caring, loving person" "I am an outstanding and effective person" "I am an intuitive, sensitive person" "I am intelligent, perceptive person" "I am committed, dependable person" "I am happy, enthusiastic person" "I am strong, assertive person" "I am peaceful, easy going person"
Hidden Complaint "I am right most of the time-others should listen to me." "I am always loving, others take me for granted" "I am a superior person-others are jealous of me" "I don't really fit in - I am different from others" "I am so smart - others can't understand me" "I do what I', supposed to do - others don't" "I am happy - if others gave me what I wanted, I'd be happier. "I am fighting for my survival - others would take advantage of me" "I am content - others pressure me to change"
Defense Mechanism Repression, reaction formation, displacement Identification, Reaction Formation, Denial Repression, Projection, Displacement Introjection, Displacement, Splitting Displacement, Projection, Isolation Identification, Displacement, Projection Repression, Externalization, Acting Out Repression, Displacement, Denial Repression, Dissociation Denial
Temptations Extreme sense of personal moral obligation Without needs, well intentioned To constantly push themselves to be "the best" To overuse imagination in search of self To replace direct experience with concepts Cycles of indecision - seek others for reassurance To think that fulfilment is somewhere else To think that they are completely self-sufficient To avoid conflicts and self assertion
Saving Grace Objective and sensible Genuine Empathy Desire to be accepted Self-awareness Awareness of own distortions Ability to maintain relationship. Enthusiasm for things they love Know that confrontations threatens survival Value relationships - so receptive to change
Structural Patterns Objectivity Indirection Adaptability Subjectivity Concentration Reactivity Responsiveness Expansiveness Self-effacement
Cognitive Error To identify with the superego Value based on positive response from others Value based on "performance", external image. To identify with their feelings and emotional states To think that they can understand by "witnessing" To look for guidance and security outside themselves Anticipation of the future - loss of immediacy Feel that they are constantly working against something Peace of mind by disengaging from instincts and reality.
Parental Orientation Disconnected from their protective figure Ambivalent [uncertain] to the protective figure Connected to the nurturing figure Disconnected from both parents Ambivalent [uncertain] to both parents Connected with their protective-figures Disconnected to the nurturing-figure Ambivalent to the nurturing-figure Connected with both parents
Want to be self-reliant
Want to be right Want to feel valuable and worthwhile Want to be peaceful
Want to be loved Want to be themselves Want to be capable and competent Want to have security Want to be happy and satisfied To resist their weakness
To have integrity and balance To be affirmed To have serenity and peace of mind
To express their feelings for others To express themselves in something beautiful To master a body of knowledge and skill To feel supported To have a wide variety of experiences To have an impact on the environment
To strive higher and improve others To distinguish themselves To create harmony in their environment
Key Motivation To be needed and appreciated To find the ideal partner To explore reality To have the approval of others To keep their options open To assert themselves
To be consistent with their ideals To have attention To preserve things as they are
To get others to respond to them To withdraw to protect their feelings To remain undisturbed by others To test the attitudes of others toward them To enjoy life and amuse themselves To stay in control
To justify themselves To be admired To avoid conflicts and tension
To vindicate their claims about themselves To take care of emotional needs before attending to anything else To reduce their needs To defend their beliefs To escape anxiety To prevail over others
To be beyond criticism so as not to be condemned by anyone. To impress others To escape upsetting problems and demands on them
To be invincible

Inner-directed and authentic Self-restrained

Profoundly creative
Everything they seem to be Become self-affirming Assimilate experiences in depth Magnanimous Self-possessed
Extraordinarily wise Deeply unselfish Artistic Become visionaries
Accept their limitations Trusting of self and others Grateful and appreciative for what they have Merciful Feeling autonomous and fulfilled
Discerning Humble Inspired Broadly comprehending the world while penetrating it profoundly
Live within their limitations Independent yet symbiotically interdependent cooperative Awed by the simple wonders of life Forbearing Have great equanimity and contentment because they are present to
Realistic Altruistic Self-renewing Open-minded
At Their Best Self-deprecatory sense of humor Belief in self leads to true courage Joyous Mastering self through their self-surrender to a higher authority. themselves
Humane Giving unconditional love to self and others Regenerating Take things in whole, in their true context
Childlike innocence Positive thinking Ecstatic Courageous Paradoxically, at one with self
Inspiring Feel it is a privilege to be in others' lives Able to transform all their experiences into something valuable Make pioneering discoveries
Charitable Leadership Intimations of spiritual reality Willing to put self in serious jeopardy to achieve their vision Able to form more profound relationships
Hopeful Radiantly joyful and gracious. Redemptive Find entirely new ways of doing and perceiving things
Genuinely modest Rich self-expression Boundless goodness of life Have a lasting influence More alive, awake, alert to self and others
Benevolent May achieve true heroism and historical greatness

Deeply receptive
Self-assured and energetic Able to engage others and identify with them Highly responsive
Self-aware Emotionally stable
With high self-esteem Observe everything with extraordinary perceptiveness and insight Steadfast Excitable Self-assertive
Conscientious Introspective Serene
Believe in themselves and their own value Mentally alert Earnest Enthusiastic about sensation and experience Self-confident
Strong personal convictions Empathetic Engaged in a "search for self," Trusting of self and others
Adaptable Curious Affectionate Extroverted type Strong
Intense sense of right and wrong Compassionate Aware of feelings and inner impulses At ease with self and life
Well-adjusted Have a searching intelligence Trustworthy Stimuli bring immediate responses Able to stand up for what they need and want
Strong personal and moral values Feeling with and for others Sensitive and intuitive both to self and others Innocent
Charming Nothing escapes their notice. Bonding with others Find everything invigorating Resourceful
Rational Caring and concerned about their needs Gentle Simple
Often attractive and popular Display foresight and prediction abilities Forming relationships and alliances Lively "can do" attitude
Reasonable Outgoing and passionate Tactful Patient
Realistic and purposeful Able to concentrate Dedicated to individuals and movements Vivacious Passionate inner drive
Self-disciplined Offer friendship and kindness. Compassionate Unpretentious
Ambitious to improve themselves Become engrossed in what has caught their attention Community builders Eager Decisive
Mature Thoughtful, warm-hearted, forgiving, and sincere Highly personal Good-natured
Healthy Mindset "be all that they can be" Attain skillful mastery of whatever interests them Responsible Spontaneous Authoritative
Moderate in all things Encouraging and appreciative Individualistic Genuinely nice
Outstanding Excited by knowledge Reliable Resilient, Commanding
Highly principled Able to see the good in others True to their feelings Imaginative
Kind of human ideal Become expert in some field Good foresight Cheerful Take initiative
Strive to be fair Dedicated and supportive of people Self-revealing Creative
Embodying widely admired qualities Innovative Strong organizational ability Easily become accomplished achievers Make things happen
Objective Bringing out the best in people Emotionally honest Attuned to nonverbal communication
Others are motivated to be like them Inventive Natural troubleshooters Generalists who do many different things well Champion people
Ethical Nurturing Humane Optimistic
High-spirited Producing extremely valuable, original works. Hardworking Multitalented Providing
Sense of responsibility Generous Ironic view of self and life Reassuring
Goal oriented Highly independent Persevering Practical Protective
Strong personal integrity Truly loving people Can be serious and funny Supportive
Persistent Idiosyncratic [peculiar] Sacrificing for others Productive Honorable
Have a higher purpose Vulnerable Have a healing and calming influenceharmonizing groups
Effective Whimsical Create stability and security in their world Usually prolific Carry others with their strength
Emotionally strong Brings people together
Industrious people Brings a cooperative spirit Cross-fertilizing areas of interest
Good mediator

Start investing their time and energy into whatever they believe will be
safe and stable.
"worldly wise" Self-sufficiency
Organizing and structuring
Constantly amusing themselves with new things and experiences Financial independence Self-effacing
Take an artistic, romantic orientation to life Look to alliances and authorities for security and continuity
Highly concerned with performance The sophisticate Having enough resources are important concerns Agreeable
Creating a beautiful, aesthetic environment Make many commitments to others, hoping they will be reciprocated.
Dissatisfied with reality Engage in "people pleasing" Doing the job well The connoisseur Enterprising Accommodating
Cultivate and prolong personal feelings Begin conceptualizing everything before actingworking things out in Constantly vigilant, anticipating problems.
High-minded idealists Becoming overly friendly Being superior The consumer Pragmatic Idealizing others and "going along" with things to avoid conflict
Heighten reality through fantasy their minds Seek clear guidelines and feel more secure when systems and
Feeling that it is up to them to improve everything Emotionally demonstrative Rising above others Money importance "rugged individualists," Have a "philosophy of life" that enables them to quiet their anxieties
Passionate feelings Model building procedures are well defined.
Crusaders Full of "good intentions" Compare themselves with others Variety seeker wheeler-dealers quickly
Imagination Preparing Resist having more demands made on them
Advocates Bestow seductive attention on others In search for status and success Keeps up with the latest trends Risk-taker Submerge themselves in fulfilling functions for others.
Long for the idealized partner Practicing React against others passive-aggressively
Critics Approval Driven careerists and social climbers Hyperactive Hardworking In their reactions, they are unresponsive and complacent
Stay in touch with feelings Gathering resources Evasive
Embrace "causes" and point out how things "ought" to be Flattery Invested in achievement Unable to say no to themselves Denying own emotional needs Walks away from problems and "sweeping them under the rug."
Interiorize and personalize things Studious Indecisive
Afraid of making a mistake Talkative especially about love and their relationships Exclusivity Unable to deny themselves anything Dominate their environment, including others Passive
Self-absorbed Acquiring technique Cautious
Everything must be consistent with their ideals. Become overly intimate and intrusive Being a "winner." Uninhibited Feel that others are behind them, supporting their efforts. Disengaged
Hypersensitive Become specialized and often "intellectual" Procrastinating
Orderly and well-organized, but impersonal, Rigid, emotionally Need to be needed Image-conscious Doing and saying whatever comes to mind The "boss" whose word is law Unreflective
Shy Involvement in research Ambivalent
constricted Hover, meddle, and control in the name of love Highly concerned with how they are perceived. Storyteller Swaggering Inattentive.
Self-conscious Scholar Strong self-doubt
Keeping their feelings and impulses in check Want others to depend on them Present themselves according to the expectations of others Flamboyant exaggerations Boastful Thinking hazy
Temperamental Theorist Suspicion about others' motives
Average Workaholics"anal-compulsive," Give, but expect a return. Pragmatic [practical] and efficient Wisecracking Forceful Ruminative mostly about their fantasies
Moody Increasingly detached as they become involved with complicated ideas Highly reactive
Punctual, pedantic, and fastidious Send mixed messages Losing touch with their own feelings Performer Expansive "tune out" reality
Play "hard to get," Live in imaginary world Anxious
Highly critical both of self and others Enveloping and possessive Smooth faade Fear being bored Proud Oblivious.
Feel like outsiders Preoccupied with their visions and interpretations rather than reality Complaining
Picky, judgmental, perfectionistic The self-sacrificial Problems with intimacy Always in perpetual motion, Egocentric Emotional indolence
Feel that they are different from others Fascinated by offbeat esoteric subjects Giving contradictory "mixed signals."
Very opinionated about everything Creating needs for themselves to fulfill Problems credibility doing too many things Impose their will and vision Unwillingness to exert self (and stay focused) on problems
Melancholy dreamers Likes dark and disturbing elements Internal confusion makes them react unpredictably
Correcting people and badgering them to "do the right thing"as they Increasingly self-important and self-satisfied Problems with expediency Superficial dilettantes Not seeing others as equals Passive-aggressive
Disdainful Detached from the practical world Compensate for insecurities
see it. Feel they are indispensable Want to impress others with their superiority Conspicuous consumption and all forms of excess Not treating other with respect Indifferent
Decadent Disembodied mind Belligerent
Impatient, never satisfied with anything unless it is done according to Seek specific forms of repayment for their help Constantly promoting themselves Self-centered Highly combative Minimize problems to appease others and to have "peace at any price."
Sensual Antagonistic stance toward anything which would interfere with their inner Mean-spirited
their prescriptions. Hypochondria Making themselves sound better than they really are Greedy Intimidating Fatalistic
Living in a fantasy world world and personal vision. Sarcastic
Moralizing Becoming a "martyr" for others Narcissistic, with grandiose Never feeling that they have enough Confrontational Resigned
Self-pity Provocative and abrasive, with intentionally extreme and radical views. Blaming others for problems
Scolding Overbearing Inflated notions about themselves and their talents. Demanding Belligerent Stubborn
Envy of others Cynical Highly partisan
Abrasive Patronizing Exhibitionistic and seductive Pushy Creating adversarial relationships Resistant to influence
Self-indulgence. Argumentative Defensive
Indignantly angry. Presumptuous "Look at me!" Syndrome Unsatisfied Everything becomes a test of wills Practice wishful thinking
Become increasingly impractical, unproductive, and pretentiousyet, Dividing people into friends and enemies
Arrogance and contempt Crude Will not back down Waits for magical solutions.
waiting for a rescuer Looking for threats to their own security
Jaded Use threats and reprisals to get obedience from others, to keep others Inadvertently create conflicts with others by their denial and obstinance
Addictive off-balance and insecure
Fear-instilling to silence their own fears

When dreams fail, become self-inhibiting Offensive and abusive while going after what they want. Dictatorial
Angry at self Impulsive "might makes right."
Fearing failure and humiliation
Depressed Clingingly dependent Infantile The criminal
Misrepresent themselves Repressed
Socially disoriented Self-disparaging [negative opinion] Do not know when to stop The outlaw
Highly dogmatic Distorting the truth of their accomplishments Undeveloped
Manipulative and self-serving Alienated from self and others Acute inferiority feelings Addictions The renegade
Self-righteous Extremely unprincipled Reclusive and isolated from reality Ineffectual
Instilling guilt by making others feel indebted to them Blocked and emotionally paralyzed Seeing themselves as helpless and incompetent Excesses The con artist
Intolerant Covetous of the success of others Eccentric and nihilistic Do not want to deal with problems
Abuse food and medications to "stuff feelings" and get sympathy. Ashamed of self Seek out a stronger authority or belief to resolve all problems Debauched Hardhearted
Inflexible Willing to do "whatever it takes" to preserve the illusion of their superiority Highly unstable and fearful of aggressions: Depressed
Undermine people by making belittling, disparaging remarks. Fatigued Submissive and masochistic Depraved Immoral
Begin dealing in absolutes Exploitative Reject and repulse others and all social attachments Listless
Extremely self-deceptive about their motives Unable to function Feeling persecuted, that others are "out to get them," Dissipated escapists Potentially violent
They alone know "the Truth" Opportunistic Obsessed with yet frightened by their threatening ideas Dissociating self from all conflicts
Selfish Withdrawn to protect their self-image and to buy time to sort out feelings Lash out and act irrationally In flight from self Delusional ideas about their power
Everyone else is wrong Deceptive to hide faults Horrified Neglectful
Aggressive Tormented by delusional self-contempt Bringing about what they fear Act out impulses rather than deal with anxiety or frustrations Delusional ideas about their invincibility
Unhealthy Make very severe judgments of others, while rationalizing their own Pathological liar Delirious Dangerously irresponsible
Domineering Self-reproaches Fanaticism Out of control Delusional ideas about their ability to prevail
actions Extreme hostility Prey to gross distortions and phobias Wanting to block out of awareness anything that could affect them
Coercive Self-hatred Violent Erratic mood swings Megalomania
Obsessive about imperfection and the wrongdoing of others Delusional jealousy Seeking oblivion [forgotten] They dissociate so much that they eventually cannot function
Feel entitled to get anything they want from others Morbid thoughts Hysterical Act compulsively (manias) Feel omnipotent
Act in contradictory ways, hypocritically doing the opposite of what they Betraying May commit suicide Numb
Bitterly resentful Everything about them becomes a source of torment Seeking to escape punishment Energy and health is completely spent Invulnerable
preach Sabotaging people in order to triumph over them Psychotic break with reality Depersonalized
Angry Blaming others Self-destructive Claustrophobic Recklessly overextend themselves
Condemnatory, punitive, and cruel in order to rid themselves of whatever Vindictive Deranged Severely disoriented
Somatization of their aggressions results in chronic health problems as Drive away anyone who tries to help them. Suicidal Panic-stricken. They get in danger
they believe is disturbing them Ruining what they cannot have. Explosively self-destructive, with schizophrenic overtones Catatonic [muscular rigidity]
they vindicate themselves by "falling apart" and burdening others. Despairing Alcoholic Often give up on themselves and life May brutally destroy everything that has not conformed to their will rather
Severe depression, nervous breakdowns, and suicide attempts are likely. Relentless, obsessive about destroying whatever reminds them of their They abandon themselves, turning into shattered shells
Feel hopeless Drug abuser Deep depression than surrender to anyone else
own shortcomings and failures Multiple personalities possible
Self-destructive Self-abasing behavior Despair Vengeful
Psychopathic tendencies: murder
Abusing alcohol or drugs to escape. Self-destructive overdoses Barbaric
In the extreme: emotional breakdown or suicide is likely Impulsive suicide Murderous
Sociopathic tendencies

Level 1 Healthy The Wise Realist The Disinterested Altruist [welfare of others] The Authentic Person The Inspired Creator The Pioneering Visionary The Valiant Hero The Ecstatic Appreciator The Magnanimous Heart The Self-Possessed Guide
Level 2 Healthy The Reasonable Person The Caring Person The Self-Assured Person The Self-Aware Intuitive The Perceptive Observer The Engaging Friend The Free-Spirited Optimist The Self-Confident Person The Receptive Person
Level 3 Healthy The Principled Teacher The Nurturing Helper The Outstanding Paragon [model of excellence] The Self-Revealing Individual The Focused Innovator The Committed Worker The Accomplished Generalist The Constructive Leader The Supportive Peacemaker
Level 4 Average The Idealistic Reformer The Effusive Friend The Competitive Status-Seeker The Imaginative Aesthete [sensitivity to beauty] The Studious Expert The Dutiful Loyalist The Experienced Sophisticate The Enterprising Adventurer The Accommodating Role Player
Level 5 Average The Orderly Person The Possessive "Intimate" The Image Conscious Pragmatist [practical] The Self-Absorbed Romantic The Intense Conceptualizer ["idea man", no action] The Ambivalent Pessimist The Hyperactive Extrovert The Dominating Power Broker The Disengage Participant
Level 6 Average The Judgmental Perfectionist The Self Important Saint The Self Promoting Narcissist [in love with self] The Self-Indulgent "Exception" The Provocative Cynic [critical of motives of others] The Authoritarian Rebel The Excessive Hedonist The Confrontational Adversary The Resigned Fatalist
Level 7 Unhealthy The Intolerant Misanthrope [dislikes people] The Self Deceptive Manipulator The Dishonest Opportunist The Alienated Depressive The Isolated Nihilist [rejects theories of morality] The Overreacting Dependent The Impulsive Escapist The Ruthless Outlaw The Denying Doormat
Level 8 Unhealthy The Obsessive Hypocrite The Coercive Dominator The Malicious Deceiver The Emotionally Tormented Person The Terrified "Alien" The Paranoid Hysteric The Manic Compulsive The Omnipotent Megalomaniac The Dissociating Automaton
Level 9 Unhealthy The Punitive Avenger The Psychosomatic Victim The Vindictive Psychopath The Self-Destructive Person The Imploding Schizoid [withdrawn] The Self-Defeating Masochist The Panic-Stricken "Hysteric" The Violent Destroyer The Self-Abandoning Ghost
Susan's Enneagram Test
by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05 [email protected]

What's my Personality Type? In RATING column, please rate how well you think each
statement below describes you on a scale from 0 - 3 where 0 = not at all, 1 = somewhat, 2 =
pretty well, 3 = very well.


3 I like the idea of involving my intimate partner in my work life, so we don't drift apart.
3 Most people see me as more peaceful than I really am.
3 Being in nature is deeply soothing to me.
3 I can get cranky when things get too complex.
3 I can be stubborn in a way that avoids direct confrontation.
3 I am able to create harmony in my environment.
3 I cant help but see both sides of almost any question.
3 I like to keep life simple and uncomplicated.
3 Details of my childhood sometimes seem hazy and far away.
3 I often find it hard to accomplish something without getting distracted by other tasks.
3 In a group situation, I usually prefer to blend in, rather than take the lead or voice objections.
3 Having daily routines helps me stay on track and get things done.
3 Often I feel that my personal opinions arent all that essential to a group discussion.
3 Impartial listening comes easily to me.
3 I generally enjoy puttering around and losing myself in the small tasks of ordinary life.
3 Most people see me as non-judgmental and easy-going.
3 Sometimes it's hard to get around to my own personal needs.
3 Tolerance comes easily to me.
3 Familiar comforts bring me a sense of peace.
3 Big personal decisions can paralyze me.
3 It's easy to let my friends decide how we spend our time together.
Susan's Enneagram Test
by Susan Rhodes, rev. 11-05 [email protected]


Type 1
The Reformer
Holy Idea Holy Perfection
Virtue Serenity [absence of mental stress or anxiety]
Fixation Resentment [Judging]
Negative Passion Anger
Basic Fear Of being bad, imbalanced, defective, corrupt
Basic Desire To be good, to have integrity
In Search of Integrity and Improvement
Healthy Sense of Self "I am reasonable, objective person"
Hidden Complaint "I am right most of the time-others should listen to me."
Defense Mechanism Repression, reaction formation, displacement
Temptations Extreme sense of personal moral obligation
Saving Grace Objective and sensible
Structural Patterns Objectivity
Cognitive Error To identify with the superego
Parental Orientation Disconnected from their protective figure
Want to be right
To have integrity and balance
Key Motivation To strive higher and improve others
To be consistent with their ideals
To justify themselves
To be beyond criticism so as not to be condemned by anyone.
Extraordinarily wise
At Their Best Realistic

Strong personal convictions
Intense sense of right and wrong
Strong personal and moral values
Healthy Mature
Moderate in all things
Highly principled
Strive to be fair
Sense of responsibility
Strong personal integrity
Have a higher purpose
Dissatisfied with reality
High-minded idealists
Feeling that it is up to them to improve everything
Embrace "causes" and point out how things "ought" to be
Afraid of making a mistake
Everything must be consistent with their ideals.
Orderly and well-organized, but impersonal, Rigid, emotionally
Keeping their feelings and impulses in check
Average Workaholics"anal-compulsive,"
Punctual, pedantic, and fastidious
Highly critical both of self and others
Picky, judgmental, perfectionistic
Very opinionated about everything
Correcting people and badgering them to "do the right thing"as they
see it.
Impatient, never satisfied with anything unless it is done according to
their prescriptions.
Indignantly angry.

Highly dogmatic
Begin dealing in absolutes
They alone know "the Truth"
Everyone else is wrong
Unhealthy Make very severe judgments of others, while rationalizing their own
Obsessive about imperfection and the wrongdoing of others
Act in contradictory ways, hypocritically doing the opposite of what they
Condemnatory, punitive, and cruel in order to rid themselves of whatever
they believe is disturbing them
Severe depression, nervous breakdowns, and suicide attempts are likely.

Level 1 Healthy The Wise Realist

Level 2 Healthy The Reasonable Person
Level 3 Healthy The Principled Teacher
Level 4 Average The Idealistic Reformer
Level 5 Average The Orderly Person
Level 6 Average The Judgmental Perfectionist
Level 7 Unhealthy The Intolerant Misanthrope [dislikes people]
Level 8 Unhealthy The Obsessive Hypocrite
Level 9 Unhealthy The Punitive Avenger
I can feel irritated for no special reason.
Getting the job done right is more important than getting the job done
As a child, I was more serious and realistic than many other children.
No ones more critical of me than I am of myself.
I like to concentrate on exactly one thing at a time and do not appreciate
As a parent or guardian, Im more strict than permissive.
People who don't take things seriously annoy me.
I've been called a perfectionist, although I don't feel very perfect.
I want to be certain that Im meeting my own high standards for conduct.
Characteristics When I care about people, I want to improve their behavior.
Upholding ethics and principles is extremely important to me.
I have a very active inner critic.
I find it hard not to judge people too harshly.
I feel quite guilty when I get angry without justification.
Friends sometimes tell me Im too hard on myself.
I become tense or critical more easily than most people.
In intimate relationships, I often experience jealous feelings, even though
I dont approve of them.
The words should and ought crop up a lot in my thinking.
Sometimes I feel like Im just going to explode.
Knowing Im correct takes the edge off the tension I feel.
Type 2
The Helper
Holy Idea Holy Will, Holy Freedom
Virtue Humility [lack of false pride]
Fixation Flattery [Ingratiation]
Negative Passion Pride
Basic Fear Of being unloved
Basic Desire To feel love
In Search of Intimacy
Healthy Sense of Self "I am caring, loving person"
Hidden Complaint "I am always loving, others take me for granted"
Defense Mechanism Identification, Reaction Formation, Denial
Temptations Without needs, well intentioned
Saving Grace Genuine Empathy
Structural Patterns Indirection
Cognitive Error Value based on positive response from others
Parental Orientation Ambivalent [uncertain] to the protective figure
Want to be loved
To express their feelings for others
Key Motivation To be needed and appreciated
To get others to respond to them
To vindicate their claims about themselves
Deeply unselfish
At Their Best Altruistic
Giving unconditional love to self and others
Feel it is a privilege to be in others' lives
Radiantly joyful and gracious.

Feeling with and for others
Caring and concerned about their needs
Outgoing and passionate
Offer friendship and kindness.
Healthy Thoughtful, warm-hearted, forgiving, and sincere
Encouraging and appreciative
Able to see the good in others
Dedicated and supportive of people
Bringing out the best in people
Truly loving people
Engage in "people pleasing"
Becoming overly friendly
Emotionally demonstrative
Full of "good intentions"
Bestow seductive attention on others
Talkative especially about love and their relationships
Become overly intimate and intrusive
Need to be needed
Hover, meddle, and control in the name of love
Want others to depend on them
Average Give, but expect a return.
Send mixed messages
Enveloping and possessive
The self-sacrificial
Creating needs for themselves to fulfill
Increasingly self-important and self-satisfied
Feel they are indispensable
Seek specific forms of repayment for their help
Becoming a "martyr" for others

Manipulative and self-serving

Instilling guilt by making others feel indebted to them
Abuse food and medications to "stuff feelings" and get sympathy.
Undermine people by making belittling, disparaging remarks.
Extremely self-deceptive about their motives
Unhealthy Aggressive
Feel entitled to get anything they want from others
Bitterly resentful
Somatization of their aggressions results in chronic health problems as
they vindicate themselves by "falling apart" and burdening others.
Level 1 Healthy The Disinterested Altruist [welfare of others]
Level 2 Healthy The Caring Person
Level 3 Healthy The Nurturing Helper
Level 4 Average The Effusive Friend
Level 5 Average The Possessive "Intimate"
Level 6 Average The Self Important Saint
Level 7 Unhealthy The Self Deceptive Manipulator
Level 8 Unhealthy The Coercive Dominator
Level 9 Unhealthy The Psychosomatic Victim
I hate asking for help, even though I like giving it.
I find it hard to hold back when it comes to offering help and advice.
I take pride in the way I put people at ease.
Its hard not to cry when I feel sentimental, even when Im in public.
I find it unnerving to talk with people who don't seem emotionally
Im so much more of a heart person than a head person.
Theres nothing I enjoy like making introductions and helping people get
to know one another.
I cant imagine life without my many acquaintances and social contacts.
My first instinct is always to help people, whether or not they ask for it.
Characteristics Pride is both my greatest strength and my greatest weakness.
Giving, caring, and sharing mean a lot to me.
I can get very wrapped up in my concern for others.
It's unacceptably humiliating to be publicly criticized.
Because I do so much for others, I sometimes feel entitled to special
Its important for me to be a sympathetic listener and supportive friend.
Im strongly drawn to humanitarian work with people or animals.
Im a natural nurturer.
Friends describe me as warm, romantic, and affectionate.
Im willing to sacrifice in order to be in relationship.
Feeling appreciated means so much to me.
Type 3
The Achiever
Holy Idea Holy Harmony, Holy Law, Holy Hope
Virtue Truthfulness, [Authenticity, not being fake]
Fixation Vanity [Deceit] [Feelings of excessive pride]
Negative Passion Deceit [quality of being fraudulent]
Basic Fear Of being worthless
Basic Desire To feel valuable
In Search of Acceptance and Validation
Healthy Sense of Self "I am an outstanding and effective person"
Hidden Complaint "I am a superior person-others are jealous of me"
Defense Mechanism Repression, Projection, Displacement
Temptations To constantly push themselves to be "the best"
Saving Grace Desire to be accepted
Structural Patterns Adaptability
Cognitive Error Value based on "performance", external image.
Parental Orientation Connected to the nurturing figure
Want to feel valuable and worthwhile
To be affirmed
Key Motivation To distinguish themselves
To have attention
To be admired
To impress others

Inner-directed and authentic

Everything they seem to be
Accept their limitations
Live within their limitations
At Their Best Self-deprecatory sense of humor
Childlike innocence
Genuinely modest

Self-assured and energetic

With high self-esteem
Believe in themselves and their own value
Often attractive and popular
Realistic and purposeful
Ambitious to improve themselves
Healthy Mindset "be all that they can be"
Kind of human ideal
Embodying widely admired qualities
Others are motivated to be like them
Goal oriented
Industrious people
Highly concerned with performance
Doing the job well
Being superior
Rising above others
Compare themselves with others
In search for status and success
Driven careerists and social climbers
Invested in achievement
Being a "winner."
Highly concerned with how they are perceived.
Present themselves according to the expectations of others
Average Pragmatic [practical] and efficient
Losing touch with their own feelings
Smooth faade
Problems with intimacy
Problems credibility
Problems with expediency
Want to impress others with their superiority
Constantly promoting themselves
Making themselves sound better than they really are
Narcissistic, with grandiose
Inflated notions about themselves and their talents.
Exhibitionistic and seductive
"Look at me!" Syndrome
Arrogance and contempt

Fearing failure and humiliation

Misrepresent themselves
Distorting the truth of their accomplishments
Extremely unprincipled
Covetous of the success of others
Willing to do "whatever it takes" to preserve the illusion of their superiority
Deceptive to hide faults
Unhealthy Pathological liar
Extreme hostility
Delusional jealousy
Sabotaging people in order to triumph over them
Ruining what they cannot have.
Relentless, obsessive about destroying whatever reminds them of their
own shortcomings and failures
Psychopathic tendencies: murder

Level 1 Healthy The Authentic Person

Level 2 Healthy The Self-Assured Person
Level 3 Healthy The Outstanding Paragon [model of excellence]
Level 4 Average The Competitive Status-Seeker
Level 5 Average The Image Conscious Pragmatist [practical]
Level 6 Average The Self Promoting Narcissist [in love with self]
Level 7 Unhealthy The Dishonest Opportunist
Level 8 Unhealthy The Malicious Deceiver
Level 9 Unhealthy The Vindictive Psychopath

I like the idea of involving my intimate partner in my work life, so we don't

drift apart.
Meeting my deadline matters more than getting every tiny detail just right.
Being a winner makes my efforts worthwhile.
My desire to achieve knows no bounds.
I tend to get myself so heavily scheduled with work that theres not much
time to simply sit and reflect.
Sometimes its hard to tell the difference between the image I project and
the person I am inside.
I work hard to succeed because failure is just not an option.
Im very aware of the impression I make on others.
Characteristics Making time for relationships can be hard because of my busy schedule.
Nothing motivates me like high achievement.
Public recognition means a lot to me.
I can adapt my dress and behavior to the needs of the situation.
I can ignore painful emotions to get the job done.
More than anything, Im a can do kind of person.
Being in the public eye is something I generally enjoy.
Whatever I do, I always try to exceed my personal best.
Achievement and recognition let me know Im targeting my goals.
The term Type A personality was coined with me in mind.
Making a good impression is important to me.
I'm a great team player.
Type 4
The Individualist
Holy Idea Holy Origin
Virtue Equanimity, Emotional Balance, Steadiness of Mind
Fixation Melancholy [Fantasizing] [ feeling of thoughtful sadness]
Negative Passion Envy [ feeling of grudging admiration and desire to have something that
is possessed by another]
Basic Fear Of having no identity or significance
Basic Desire To be themselves
In Search of Identity
Healthy Sense of Self "I am an intuitive, sensitive person"
Hidden Complaint "I don't really fit in - I am different from others"
Defense Mechanism Introjection, Displacement, Splitting
Temptations To overuse imagination in search of self
Saving Grace Self-awareness
Structural Patterns Subjectivity
Cognitive Error To identify with their feelings and emotional states
Parental Orientation Disconnected from both parents
Want to be themselves
To express themselves in something beautiful
Key Motivation To find the ideal partner
To withdraw to protect their feelings
To take care of emotional needs before attending to anything else
Profoundly creative
At Their Best Self-renewing
Able to transform all their experiences into something valuable

Engaged in a "search for self,"
Aware of feelings and inner impulses
Sensitive and intuitive both to self and others
Healthy Highly personal
True to their feelings
Emotionally honest
Ironic view of self and life
Can be serious and funny
Emotionally strong
Take an artistic, romantic orientation to life
Creating a beautiful, aesthetic environment
Cultivate and prolong personal feelings
Heighten reality through fantasy
Passionate feelings
Long for the idealized partner
Stay in touch with feelings
Interiorize and personalize things
Self conscious
Average Temperamental
Play "hard to get,"
Feel like outsiders
Feel that they are different from others
Melancholy dreamers
Living in a fantasy world
Envy of others
Become increasingly impractical, unproductive, and pretentiousyet,
waiting for a rescuer

When dreams fail, become self-inhibiting

Angry at self
Socially disoriented
Alienated from self and others
Blocked and emotionally paralyzed
Ashamed of self
Unable to function
Withdrawn to protect their self-image and to buy time to sort out feelings
Unhealthy Tormented by delusional self-contempt
Morbid thoughts
Everything about them becomes a source of torment
Blaming others
Drive away anyone who tries to help them.
Feel hopeless
Abusing alcohol or drugs to escape.
In the extreme: emotional breakdown or suicide is likely

Level 1 Healthy The Inspired Creator

Level 2 Healthy The Self-Aware Intuitive
Level 3 Healthy The Self-Revealing Individual
Level 4 Average The Imaginative Aesthete [sensitivity to beauty]
Level 5 Average The Self-Absorbed Romantic
Level 6 Average The Self-Indulgent "Exception"
Level 7 Unhealthy The Alienated Depressive
Level 8 Unhealthy The Emotionally Tormented Person
Level 9 Unhealthy The Self-Destructive Person

I often feel a sense of longing without really knowing why.

I can embrace the sweet side of sorrow.
Emotionally intense situations make me feel really alive.
Even when I seem accepted by a group, it's hard to feel that I really
Finding my purpose in life means everything to me.
I value originality more than success.
Conforming to group norms doesn't allow me to express who I really am.
I find it hard to bear those aspects of life that dull the heart and kill the
Being authentic matters more to me than material success.
Characteristics Emotional inauthenticy really bothers me.
My deep emotions are my greatest creative resource.
When I resonate with someone, its not on a superficial level.
Although I long to be accepted, I hate the idea of mindless conformity.
Translating my inner vision into a work of art can be incredibly
Being in an environment that's plastic and impersonal just drains the life
right out of me.
Im very sensitive to the moods of other people.
I know how it feels to experience intense loneliness.
Many people find me too emotionally intense or dramatic.
Being alone allows me to get in touch with my innermost self.
I easily identify with the wounds Ive received in life.
Type 5
The Investigator
Holy Idea Holy Omniscience, Holy Transparency
Virtue Detachment [avoiding emotional involvement]
Fixation Stinginess [Retention]
Negative Passion Avarice [Extreme greed for material wealth]
Basic Fear Of being helpless, incompetent and incapable
Basic Desire To be capable and competent
In Search of Mastery
Healthy Sense of Self "I am intelligent, perceptive person"
Hidden Complaint "I am so smart - others can't understand me"
Defense Mechanism Displacement, Projection, Isolation
Temptations To replace direct experience with concepts
Saving Grace Awareness of own distortions
Structural Patterns Concentration
Cognitive Error To think that they can understand by "witnessing"
Parental Orientation Ambivalent [uncertain] to both parents
Want to be capable and competent
To master a body of knowledge and skill
Key Motivation To explore reality
To remain undisturbed by others
To reduce their needs
Become visionaries
Broadly comprehending the world while penetrating it profoundly
At Their Best Open-minded
Take things in whole, in their true context
Make pioneering discoveries
Find entirely new ways of doing and perceiving things

Observe everything with extraordinary perceptiveness and insight

Mentally alert
Have a searching intelligence
Nothing escapes their notice.
Display foresight and prediction abilities
Able to concentrate
Become engrossed in what has caught their attention
Healthy Attain skillful mastery of whatever interests them
Excited by knowledge
Become expert in some field
Producing extremely valuable, original works.
Highly independent
Idiosyncratic [peculiar]
Begin conceptualizing everything before actingworking things out in
their minds
Model building
Gathering resources
Acquiring technique
Become specialized and often "intellectual"
Involvement in research
Average Theorist
Increasingly detached as they become involved with complicated ideas
Live in imaginary world
Preoccupied with their visions and interpretations rather than reality
Fascinated by offbeat esoteric subjects
Likes dark and disturbing elements
Detached from the practical world
Disembodied mind
Antagonistic stance toward anything which would interfere with their inner
world and personal vision.
Provocative and abrasive, with intentionally extreme and radical views.

Reclusive and isolated from reality

Eccentric and nihilistic
Highly unstable and fearful of aggressions:
Reject and repulse others and all social attachments
Obsessed with yet frightened by their threatening ideas
Unhealthy Delirious
Prey to gross distortions and phobias
Seeking oblivion [forgotten]
May commit suicide
Psychotic break with reality
Explosively self-destructive, with schizophrenic overtones
Level 1 Healthy The Pioneering Visionary
Level 2 Healthy The Perceptive Observer
Level 3 Healthy The Focused Innovator
Level 4 Average The Studious Expert
Level 5 Average The Intense Conceptualizer ["idea man", no action]
Level 6 Average The Provocative Cynic [critical of motives of others]
Level 7 Unhealthy The Isolated Nihilist [rejects theories of morality]
Level 8 Unhealthy The Terrified "Alien"
Level 9 Unhealthy The Imploding Schizoid [withdrawn]
Having a private space is a necessity, not a luxury.
I prefer to thoroughly think through a problem before I act.
I like to read up in advance before trying some new activity.
I'm sometimes seen by others as socially unresponsive.
I am a careful observer of people and situations.
I enjoy puzzling out ingenious solutions to unusual problems.
I find public displays of emotion unappealing.
Games can fascinate me too much.
I like to study intricate patterns and complex concepts.
Characteristics I tend to mentally tune out when people push for an emotional reaction.
When I like art, it's often something quirky or unusual.
Sometimes it takes time for my emotions to catch up with my thoughts.
I don't care for interruptions when I'm trying to think through a problem.
It's not hard to be discreet when necessary.
Im a systems thinker who can separate thought from emotion.
I value intellectual exchange more than emotional sharing.
I often become an expert on the topics I study.
I'm more detached than emotional.
Small talk doesnt do much for me.
I mentally zone out when I lack time alone.
Type 6
The Loyalist
Holy Idea Holy Strength, Holy Faith
Virtue Courage [spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing
Fixation Cowardice [Worrying]
Negative Passion Fear
Basic Fear Of being without support and guidance
Basic Desire To have support and guidance
In Search of Security and safety
Healthy Sense of Self "I am committed, dependable person"
Hidden Complaint "I do what I', supposed to do - others don't"
Defense Mechanism Identification, Displacement, Projection
Temptations Cycles of indecision - seek others for reassurance
Saving Grace Ability to maintain relationship.
Structural Patterns Reactivity
Cognitive Error To look for guidance and security outside themselves
Parental Orientation Connected with their protective-figures
Want to have security
To feel supported
Key Motivation To have the approval of others
To test the attitudes of others toward them
To defend their beliefs
Become self-affirming
Trusting of self and others
Independent yet symbiotically interdependent cooperative
At Their Best Belief in self leads to true courage
Positive thinking
Rich self-expression

Able to engage others and identify with them

Bonding with others
Forming relationships and alliances
Dedicated to individuals and movements
Community builders
Healthy Responsible
Good foresight
Strong organizational ability
Natural troubleshooters
Sacrificing for others
Create stability and security in their world
Brings a cooperative spirit
Start investing their time and energy into whatever they believe will be
safe and stable.
Organizing and structuring
Look to alliances and authorities for security and continuity
Make many commitments to others, hoping they will be reciprocated.
Constantly vigilant, anticipating problems.
Seek clear guidelines and feel more secure when systems and
procedures are well defined.
Resist having more demands made on them
React against others passive-aggressively
Strong self-doubt
Average Suspicion about others' motives
Highly reactive
Giving contradictory "mixed signals."
Internal confusion makes them react unpredictably
Compensate for insecurities
Blaming others for problems
Highly partisan
Dividing people into friends and enemies
Looking for threats to their own security
Fear-instilling to silence their own fears

Clingingly dependent
Self-disparaging [negative opinion]
Acute inferiority feelings
Seeing themselves as helpless and incompetent
Seek out a stronger authority or belief to resolve all problems
Submissive and masochistic
Feeling persecuted, that others are "out to get them,"
Lash out and act irrationally
Unhealthy Bringing about what they fear
Seeking to escape punishment
Drug abuser
Self-abasing behavior

Level 1 Healthy The Valiant Hero

Level 2 Healthy The Engaging Friend
Level 3 Healthy The Committed Worker
Level 4 Average The Dutiful Loyalist
Level 5 Average The Ambivalent Pessimist
Level 6 Average The Authoritarian Rebel
Level 7 Unhealthy The Overreacting Dependent
Level 8 Unhealthy The Paranoid Hysteric
Level 9 Unhealthy The Self-Defeating Masochist

My feelings of apprehension are less intense when I have a project to

work on.
Making other people laugh helps me feel calmer and less anxious.
Learning to assert myself gives me confidence and lessens my anxiety.
Maintaining close ties with friends and family helps me feel safe in a
chaotic world.
Although I can easily imagine panicking in a crisis, when a real
emergency comes along, I do surprisingly well.
Faith and trust are hard for me, because I doubt things that most people
seem to take for granted.
My attention too easily goes to worst-case scenarios, even when they
are not likely to happen.
I tend to either respect or defy authority.
Im always aware of the rules Im supposed to follow, whether I choose to
Characteristics conform to them or break them.
It's hard not to feel nervous when meeting new people.
Im more willing than a lot of people to do the grunt work on a group
Im a particularly reliable, loyal, and steady employee.
I have a lot of nervous energy and an overactive imagination.
Sometimes going on the offense is the only way to conquer fear.
My home and family provide me with a safe haven in an unsafe world.
I rarely embrace ideas that havent stood the test of time.
I'm very loyal to people who have earned my trust.
I use my inner radar to intuit the motives of others and decide whether
or not it's safe to trust them.
I can be a feisty scrapper who sticks up for the underdog.
It's sometimes easier to directly confront my fears than allow my
imagination to run wild.
Type 7
The Enthusiast
Holy Idea Holy Wisdom, Holy Work, Holy Plan
Virtue Sobriety [Moderation in or abstinence from alcohol or other drugs}
Fixation Planning [Anticipation]
Negative Passion Gluttony
Basic Fear Of being trapped in pain and deprivation
Basic Desire To be satisfied and content
In Search of Satisfaction and Fulfilment
Healthy Sense of Self "I am happy, enthusiastic person"
Hidden Complaint "I am happy - if others gave me what I wanted, I'd be happier.
Defense Mechanism Repression, Externalization, Acting Out
Temptations To think that fulfilment is somewhere else
Saving Grace Enthusiasm for things they love
Structural Patterns Responsiveness
Cognitive Error Anticipation of the future - loss of immediacy
Parental Orientation Disconnected to the nurturing-figure
Want to be happy and satisfied
To have a wide variety of experiences
Key Motivation To keep their options open
To enjoy life and amuse themselves
To escape anxiety
Assimilate experiences in depth
Grateful and appreciative for what they have
Awed by the simple wonders of life
At Their Best Joyous
Intimations of spiritual reality
Boundless goodness of life

Highly responsive
Enthusiastic about sensation and experience
Extroverted type
Stimuli bring immediate responses
Find everything invigorating
Healthy Spontaneous
Easily become accomplished achievers
Generalists who do many different things well
Usually prolific
Cross-fertilizing areas of interest
"worldly wise"
Constantly amusing themselves with new things and experiences
The sophisticate
The connoisseur
The consumer
Money importance
Variety seeker
Keeps up with the latest trends
Unable to say no to themselves
Unable to deny themselves anything
Doing and saying whatever comes to mind
Flamboyant exaggerations
Average Wisecracking
Fear being bored
Always in perpetual motion,
doing too many things
Superficial dilettantes
Conspicuous consumption and all forms of excess
Never feeling that they have enough
Offensive and abusive while going after what they want.
Do not know when to stop
Dissipated escapists
In flight from self
Unhealthy Act out impulses rather than deal with anxiety or frustrations
Out of control
Erratic mood swings
Act compulsively (manias)
Energy and health is completely spent
Often give up on themselves and life
Deep depression
Self-destructive overdoses
Impulsive suicide

Level 1 Healthy The Ecstatic Appreciator

Level 2 Healthy The Free-Spirited Optimist
Level 3 Healthy The Accomplished Generalist
Level 4 Average The Experienced Sophisticate
Level 5 Average The Hyperactive Extrovert
Level 6 Average The Excessive Hedonist
Level 7 Unhealthy The Impulsive Escapist
Level 8 Unhealthy The Manic Compulsive
Level 9 Unhealthy The Panic-Stricken "Hysteric"
My desire to think positive can sometimes be like an addiction.
I like to do something new, not the same old thing.
I like to do so many things that it's easy to spread myself too thin.
I feel an urge to escape when I land in situations that require an
emotional commitment.
Im optimistic about most things.
Ive got so many ideas buzzing around in my head that it can be hard to
work on just one at a time.
Ideas often come to me like lightning flashes.
I tend to see other people as equals.
I appreciate good food, good company, and the good life.
My natural exuberance usually keeps me from getting bogged down in
Characteristics heavy emotions.
It's just not that much fun to do only one activity at a time.
I try to keep my options open.
Its my nature to seek novelty, not routine.
I can often pick ideas "out of the air."
When I get grounded, it helps me carry out existing plans instead of just
developing new ones.
Im good at making people laugh, because I have a quick wit and dont
take myself too seriously.
I get jazzed by innovative projects or visionary ideas.
I'm naturally playful, fun-loving, and free-spirited.
My mind is quick, but not particularly thorough.
Freedom matters more to me than almost anything else.
Type 8
The Leader
Holy Idea Holy Truth
Virtue Innocence [ lacking a knowledge of evil]
Fixation Vengeance [Objectification] [concrete representation of an abstract idea
or principle]
Negative Passion Lust
Basic Fear Of being harmed, controlled and violated
Basic Desire To protect themselves
In Search of Survival [physical and legacy]
Healthy Sense of Self "I am strong, assertive person"
Hidden Complaint "I am fighting for my survival - others would take advantage of me"
Defense Mechanism Repression, Displacement, Denial
Temptations To think that they are completely self-sufficient
Saving Grace Know that confrontations threatens survival
Structural Patterns Expansiveness
Cognitive Error Feel that they are constantly working against something
Parental Orientation Ambivalent to the nurturing-figure
Want to be self-reliant
To resist their weakness
To have an impact on the environment
Key Motivation To assert themselves
To stay in control
To prevail over others
To be invincible

At Their Best Mastering self through their self-surrender to a higher authority.
Willing to put self in serious jeopardy to achieve their vision
Have a lasting influence
May achieve true heroism and historical greatness

Able to stand up for what they need and want
"can do" attitude
Passionate inner drive
Healthy Authoritative
Take initiative
Make things happen
Champion people
Carry others with their strength
Financial independence
Having enough resources are important concerns
"rugged individualists,"
Denying own emotional needs
Dominate their environment, including others
Feel that others are behind them, supporting their efforts.
The "boss" whose word is law
Average Forceful
Impose their will and vision
Not seeing others as equals
Not treating other with respect
Highly combative
Creating adversarial relationships
Everything becomes a test of wills
Will not back down
Use threats and reprisals to get obedience from others, to keep others
off-balance and insecure
"might makes right."
The criminal
The outlaw
The renegade
The con artist
Potentially violent
Delusional ideas about their power
Unhealthy Delusional ideas about their invincibility
Delusional ideas about their ability to prevail
Feel omnipotent
Recklessly overextend themselves
They get in danger
May brutally destroy everything that has not conformed to their will rather
than surrender to anyone else
Sociopathic tendencies

Level 1 Healthy The Magnanimous Heart

Level 2 Healthy The Self-Confident Person
Level 3 Healthy The Constructive Leader
Level 4 Average The Enterprising Adventurer
Level 5 Average The Dominating Power Broker
Level 6 Average The Confrontational Adversary
Level 7 Unhealthy The Ruthless Outlaw
Level 8 Unhealthy The Omnipotent Megalomaniac
Level 9 Unhealthy The Violent Destroyer
I'm a force to be reckoned with.
My bluntness can sometimes blow people away.
People say I have a powerful aura.
I can both make the rules and enforce them.
I look out for people who cant look out for themselves.
People see me as a natural leader.
I dont have to prove anything to anybody.
I have the strength to take on tasks that would defeat a weaker person.
Controlling my temper is tough.
When I walk in the room full of people, I immediately sense who's in
Characteristics charge.
I take things personally and dont care who knows it.
My word is my bond.
I don't mind giving tough love when it's needed.
Im the chief in my circle of friends.
Feeling vulnerable makes me squirm.
I always protect whats mine.
Im a natural survivor, and I have the supplies stockpiled to prove it!
I have big appetites and larger than life desires.
If I walk into a group that lacks a leader, Ill take charge.
I take action when other people are still trying to sort out their feelings.
Type 9
The Peacemaker
Holy Idea Holy Love
Virtue Action
Fixation Indolence [Daydreaming]
Negative Passion Sloth [disinclination to work]
Basic Fear Of loss, separation and fragmentation
Basic Desire Peace of mind and wholeness
In Search of Harmony and stability
Healthy Sense of Self "I am peaceful, easy going person"
Hidden Complaint "I am content - others pressure me to change"
Defense Mechanism Repression, Dissociation Denial
Temptations To avoid conflicts and self-assertion
Saving Grace Value relationships - so receptive to change
Structural Patterns Self-effacement
Cognitive Error Peace of mind by disengaging from instincts and reality.
Parental Orientation Connected with both parents
Want to be peaceful
To have serenity and peace of mind
Key Motivation To create harmony in their environment
To preserve things as they are
To avoid conflicts and tension
To escape upsetting problems and demands on them
Feeling autonomous and fulfilled
Have great equanimity and contentment because they are present to
At Their Best themselves
Paradoxically, at one with self
Able to form more profound relationships
More alive, awake, alert to self and others
Deeply receptive
Emotionally stable
Trusting of self and others
At ease with self and life
Healthy Good-natured
Genuinely nice
Attuned to nonverbal communication
Have a healing and calming influenceharmonizing groups
Brings people together
Good mediator
Idealizing others and "going along" with things to avoid conflict
Have a "philosophy of life" that enables them to quiet their anxieties
Submerge themselves in fulfilling functions for others.
In their reactions, they are unresponsive and complacent
Walks away from problems and "sweeping them under the rug."
Thinking hazy
Average Ruminative mostly about their fantasies
"tune out" reality
Emotional indolence
Unwillingness to exert self (and stay focused) on problems
Minimize problems to appease others and to have "peace at any price."
Resistant to influence
Practice wishful thinking
Waits for magical solutions.
Inadvertently create conflicts with others by their denial and obstinance

Do not want to deal with problems
Dissociating self from all conflicts
Unhealthy Dangerously irresponsible
Wanting to block out of awareness anything that could affect them
They dissociate so much that they eventually cannot function
Severely disoriented
Catatonic [muscular rigidity]
They abandon themselves, turning into shattered shells
Multiple personalities possible

Level 1 Healthy The Self-Possessed Guide

Level 2 Healthy The Receptive Person
Level 3 Healthy The Supportive Peacemaker
Level 4 Average The Accommodating Role Player
Level 5 Average The Disengage Participant
Level 6 Average The Resigned Fatalist
Level 7 Unhealthy The Denying Doormat
Level 8 Unhealthy The Dissociating Automaton
Level 9 Unhealthy The Self-Abandoning Ghost

Most people see me as more peaceful than I really am.

Being in nature is deeply soothing to me.
I can get cranky when things get too complex.
I can be stubborn in a way that avoids direct confrontation.
I am able to create harmony in my environment.
I cant help but see both sides of almost any question.
I like to keep life simple and uncomplicated.
Details of my childhood sometimes seem hazy and far away.
I often find it hard to accomplish something without getting distracted by
other tasks.
In a group situation, I usually prefer to blend in, rather than take the lead
Characteristics or voice objections.
Having daily routines helps me stay on track and get things done.
Often I feel that my personal opinions arent all that essential to a group
Impartial listening comes easily to me.
I generally enjoy puttering around and losing myself in the small tasks of
ordinary life.
Most people see me as non-judgmental and easy-going.
Sometimes it's hard to get around to my own personal needs.
Tolerance comes easily to me.
Familiar comforts bring me a sense of peace.
Big personal decisions can paralyze me.
It's easy to let my friends decide how we spend our time together.

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