1.1 Limiting and Clamping Circuits

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1 Limiting and Clamping Circuits

In this section, we will consider of nonlinear circuit applications of

diodes. Diodes can be used in wave shaping circuits that either limit or clip
portions of a signal, or shift the dc voltage level. The circuits are called clippers
and clampers, respectively.

1.4.1 Clipper Circuits

Clipper circuits, also called
limiter circuits, are used to eliminate
portions of a signal that are above or
below a specified level. For example, the
half-wave rectifier is a clipper circuit,
since all voltages below zero are
eliminated. A simple application of a
clipper is to limit the voltage at the
input to an electronic circuit so as to Figure 1.35. General voltage transfer characteristics of a
prevent breakdown of the transistors in limiter circuit
the circuit.
The circuit may be used to measure the frequency of the signal, if the
amplitude is not an important part of the signal.

Figure 1.35 shows the general voltage transfer characteristics of a

limiter circuit. The limiter is a linear circuit if the input signal is in the range
/Av vI /Av , where Av is the slope of the transfer curve. If Av 1, as in
diode circuits, the circuit is a passive limiter. If vI > /Av , the output is
limited to a maximum value of . Similarly, if vI < /Av , the output is
limited to a minimum value of . Figure 1.35 shows the general transfer curve
of a double limiter, in which both the positive and negative peak values of the
input signal are clipped.

Various combinations of and are possible. Both parameters may

be positive, negative, or one may be positive while the other negative, as
indicated in the figure. If either approaches minus infinity or approaches
plus infinity, then the circuit reverts to a single limiter.

Figure 1.36 Single-diode clipper: (a) circuit and (b) output response

Figure 1.36 (a) is a single-diode clipper circuit. The diode D1 is off as
long as VI < VB + V . With D1 off, the current is approximately zero, the voltage
drop across R is essentially zero, and the output voltage follows the input
voltage. When VI > VB + V , the diode turns on, the output voltage is clipped,
and VO equals VB + V . The output signal is shown in Figure 1.36(b). In this
circuit, the output is clipped above VB + V .

The resistor R in Figure 1.36 is selected to be large enough so that the

forward diode current is limited to be within reasonable values (usually in the
milliampere range), but small enough so that the reverse diode current
produces a negligible voltage drop. Normally, a wide range of resistor values
will result in satisfactory performance of a given circuit.

Other clipping circuits can be constructed by reversing the diode, the

polarity of the voltage source, or both.

Figure 1.37 A parallel-based diode clipper circuit and its output response

Positive and negative clipping can be performed simultaneously by

using a double limiter or a parallel-based clipper, such as the circuit shown in
Figure 1.37. The input and output signals are also shown in the figure. The
parallel-based clipper is designed with two diodes and two voltage sources
oriented in opposite directions.

Example 1.11

Find the output of the parallel-based clipper in Figure 1.38(a). For simplicity,
assume that V = 0 and rf = 0 for both diodes.

Figure 1.38 Figure for Example 1 .11

For t = 0, we see that VI = 0 and both D1 and D2 are reverse biased. For 0
< VI 2V, D1 and D2 remain off; therefore, V0 = VI. For VI > 2V, D1 turns on and


For 4 < VI < 0 V, both D1 and D2 are off and VO = VI. For VI 4 V, D2
turns on and the output is constant at VO = 4V. The input and output
waveforms are plotted in Figure 1.38(b).

Comment: If we assume that V = 0, the output will be very similar to the

results calculated here. The only difference will be the points at which the
diodes turn on.

Exercise 1.8

Design a parallel-based clipper that will yield

the voltage transfer function shown in Figure
1.39. Assume diode cut-in voltages of V =
0.7V. (Ans. For Figure 1.39, V2 = 4.3, V1 =
1.8V, and R1 = 2R2)

Figure 1.39 for Exercise Ex 1.8

Figure 1.40 Series-based diode clipper circuit and resulting output response

Diode clipper circuits can also be designed such that the dc power
supply is in series with the input signal. Figure 1.40 shows one example. The
battery in series with the input signal causes the input signal to be
superimposed on the VB dc voltage. The resulting conditioned input signal and
corresponding output signal is also shown in Figure 1.40.

In the entire clipper circuits considered, we have included batteries

that basically set the limits of the output voltage. However, batteries need
periodic replacement, so that these circuits are not practical. Zener diodes,
operated in the reverse breakdown region, provide essentially a constant
voltage drop. We can replace the batteries by Zener diodes.

Figure 1.41 (a) Parallel-based clipper circuit using Zener diodes; (b) voltage transfer

Figure 1.41(a) shows a parallel based clipper circuit using Zener diodes. The
voltage transfer characteristics are shown in Figure 1.41 (b). The performance
of the circuit in Figure 1.41 (a) is essentially the same as that shown in Figure

1.4.2 Clamper Circuits

Clamping shifts the entire signal voltage by a dc level. In steady state,

the output waveform is an exact replica of the input waveform, but the output
signal is shifted by a dc value that depends on the circuit. The distinguishing
feature of a clamper is that it adjusts the dc level without needing to know the
exact waveform.

Figure 1.42 Action of a diode clamper circuit: (a) a typical diode clamper circuit, (b) the
sinusoidal input signal, (c) the capacitor voltage, and (d) the output voltage

An example of clamping is shown in Figure 1.42(a). The sinusoidal

input voltage signal is shown in Figure 1.42 (b). Assume that the capacitor is
initially uncharged. During the first 90 degrees of the input waveform, the
voltage across the capacitor follows the input, and vC = vI (assuming that rf = 0
and V = 0). After vI and vC reach their peak values, vI begins to decrease and
the diode becomes reverse biased. Ideally, the capacitor cannot discharge, so
the voltage across the capacitor remains constant at vC = VM. By Kirchhoffs
voltage law

The capacitor and output voltages are shown in Figures 1.42(c) and
(d). The output voltage is clamped at zero volts, that is, vO 0. In steady state,
the wave shapes of the input and output signals are the same, and the output
signal is shifted by a certain dc level compared to the input signal.

Figure 1.43 Action of a diode clamper circuit with a voltage source assuming an ideal diode (Vr = 0):
(a) the circuit, (b) steady-state sinusoidal input and output signals, and (c) steady state square-wave
input and output signals

A clamping circuit that includes an independent voltage source VB is

shown in Figure 1.43(a). In this circuit, the RLC time constant is assumed to be
large, where RL is the load resistance connected to the output. If we assume,
for simplicity, that rf = 0 and V = 0, then the output is clamped at VB. Figure
1.43 (b) shows an example of a sinusoidal input signal and the resulting output
voltage signal. When the polarity of VB is as shown, the output is shifted in a
negative voltage direction. Similarly, Figure 1.43 (c) shows a square-wave input
signal and the resulting output voltage signal. For the square-wave signal, we
have neglected the diode capacitance effects and assume the voltage can
change instantaneously.


Find the steady-state output of the diode-clamper circuit shown in Figure


Figure 1.44 (a) Circuit for Example 1.12 (b) input and output waveforms

The input vI is assumed to be a sinusoidal signal whose dc level has

been shifted with respect to a receiver ground by a value VB during
transmission. Assume V = 0 and rf = 0 for the diode.

Figure 1.44(b) shows the sinusoidal input signal. If the capacitor is
initially uncharged, then the output voltage is vO = VB at t = 0 (diode reverse-
biased). For 0 t t1, the effective RC time constant is infinite, the voltage
across the capacitor does not change, and vO = vI + VB .

At t = t1, the diode becomes forward biased; the output cannot go

negative, so the voltage across the capacitor changes (the rf C time constant is

At t = (3/4)T , the input signal begins increasing and the diode becomes
reverse biased, so the voltage across the capacitor now remains constant at VC
= VS VB with the polarity shown. The output voltage is now given by


Comment: For t > (3/4 )T , steady state is reached. The output signal waveform
is an exact replica of the input signal waveform and is now measured with
respect to the reference ground at terminal A.

Exercise 1.9

Sketch the steady-state output voltage for the input signal given for the circuit
shown in Figure 1.45. Assume V = rf = 0. (Ans. Square wave between +2V and

Figure 1.45 Figure for Exercise Ex 1.9


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