RF PCB Design: Henry Lau Lexiwave Technology, Inc

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RF PCB Design

Henry Lau

Lexiwave Technology, Inc

December 4, 2012
AWR Corporation Overview & Introduction
AWR - At a Glance

The Innovation Leader in High-Frequency EDA

Product Portfolio:
Microwave Office - MMIC, RF PCB and module
Visual System Simulator - Wireless comms/radar
AXIEM - 3D planar EM
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RF and Microwave Design Software


Microwave Office for PCB Design

Unified schematic & layout for easy design

Alcatel-Lucent Reduces Design
entry, simulation, optimization, tuning and Time by Eliminating File
translation Issues Between
export to manufacturing PCB and High-Frequency
Versatile simulation technology:
The integrated flow between the
APLAC - Harmonic Balance mentor and AWR tools has enabled us
to significantly cut our design times. By
ACE - Automated Circuit Extraction concurrently designing the RF circuits
in the context of the rest of the PCB, we
AXIEM 3D Planar Electromagnetics can also reduce our design and
manufacturing respins, which helps us
Analyst 3D FEM Electromagnetics meet aggressive time-to-market goals..

PCB links to third-party tools for post- Xavier Leblanc,

Harware Tools Manager
layout verification Alcatel-Lucent

Cadence Allegro,
Mentor Expedition,
Zuken CR-5000/8000
Altium, Intercept, and more
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RF PCB Design

Henry Lau
Lexiwave Technology, Inc


To acquire technical insights and design

techniques on RF printed circuit board
design for Wireless Networks, Products and
* PCB of RF circuits
* PCB of digital, analog and audio circuits
* Design issues for EMI/EMC
* Design for mass production

Copyright 10
Printed Circuit Board design of RF circuits
- From product idea to mass production
- Design flow
- Layer stack assignment
- Board size and area
- Component placement
- Grounding Method
- Power routing
- Decoupling
- Trace routing
- Via holes : location, size and quantity
- Shielding

Copyright 11
From Product Idea to Mass Production
Mechanical, Electrical and
Software Engineering

Product performance
System Mechanical Product performance & EMC
Design & EMC pass
Technical pass
Definition Specification Component Circuit PCB Engineering Pre-production Mass
Selection Design Design Sample Sample Production
fail fail
Simulation PCB fail

circuit fail

Long cycle time process

Copyright 12
Cooperation Between
Mechanical & Electronic Design
Case Study : Samsung Cellphone
Marketing concerns
Outlook, features
Electrical performance concerns
Reception reliability
Talk time
Stand-by time
EMC concerns
Transmit powers and duration
Immunity tests Copyright 13
Cooperation Between
Mechanical & Electronic Design
Type and location of
loudspeaker, microphone,
display, keypad, switch
Type of battery
Location of I/O
antenna, power, analog, audio,
digital . . . .
Mounting method
screw and mounting holes,
support poles
mechanical reliability and drop
Copyright 14
Cooperation Between
Mechanical & Electronic Design
Maximum thickness Antenna

Maximum board size and

optimal shape RF
maximum space utilization
Power supply and large
current connections
Mass production concerns
easy assembly,
alignment and repair

Copyright 15
Cooperation Between
Mechanical & Electronic Design
RF Power Connector

Circuit grouping RF Filter

and partitioning RF
Audio, video, LCD
digital, RF,
Board mounting Memory
and assembly & Digital

Copyright 16
Cooperation Between
Mechanical & Electronic Design

Key Pad


Very few
components on
bottom layer

Copyright 17
Cooperation Between
Mechanical & Electronic Design


LCD Module

Copyright 18
Cooperation Between
Mechanical & Electronic Design

Shielding and isolation

Method, material
Metallization on EMI/EMC/ESD issues

Copyright 19
Layer Stackup Assignment
Single - layer PCB
* Typical thickness : 1.6mm, 1.2mm, 0.8mm, 0.6mm
* Cheapest
* Sample Turn-around time - about 3 days
* Component mounting occupies most area
* Most difficult to design


Solder side

Copyright surface mount components 20

Layer Stackup Assignment
Single - side PCB
* Ground and power routing is very critical
* Larger current circuits - closer to power source;
low noise circuits - far from power source
* Metal shield serves as auxiliary ground

TV signal booster RF amplifier + Power Supply RF amplifier in a

shield box

Copyright 21
Layer Stackup Assignment
Single - side PCB

Safety issue SMT + Lead

on AC board type components


with cover

Copyright Input 22
Layer Stackup Assignment
Double - side PCB
* Price competitive
* Sample Turn-around time : 1 week
* Top layer : component mounting and major signal tracings
* Bottom layer : primarily with ground plane
power trace
* Put SMD / TH mixed component design on one side to save production cost

Via hole surface mount components

Top layer

Bottom layer
surface mount components thru-hole
Copyright components 23
Layer Stackup Assignment
Double - side PCB
* Put component and route traces on one side
* leave a good, big ground plane on the other side
* Divide into sub-circuits
Digital part Anti-bug detector
RF part

Copyright 24
Layer Stackup Assignment
4 - layer PCB
* Top layer : major component, major signal routing
* 2nd-layer : main ground plane
* 3rd-layer : power plane & minor signal routing
* Bottom layer : minor component, auxiliary ground and
signal routing
* Commonly used for most applications with digital, analog
and RF signals
layer thickness surface mount components thru-hole
h components
Top layer
2nd layer
3rd layer
Bottom layer
surface mount components
Copyright 25
Performance comparison
Type Price Performance Application

Single - side PCB X1 Poor Single circuit

Double - side PCB X2 Reasonable Analog, Digital,
4 - layer PCB X4 Good Optimal for RF

6 - layer PCB X6 Good Mixer-mode with

Copyright 26
Component Placement
Priority of RF PCB design
1. Antenna
2. Partitioning of different circuits
3. Vdd and ground placement
4. Trace minimization and board area utilization

2.4GHz Zigbee
Wireless Module

Host MCU Transceiver


Copyright 27
Component Placement
Identify and segment groups of Inverted-F
circuits Antenna
antenna, analog, digital, switching,
audio. . . . . .
Identify critical components
Maximize grounding plane Transceiver
Optimize power routings
Minimize traces and their lengths
Rotate components with different
Good I/O assignment
Optimize PCB shapes or mounting
use daughter board Copyright 28
Tips of Component Placement
Place components as close to Integrated Circuits
as possible with the priority of RF, IF and audio
Put the components with more interconnections
close to each other
Proper bus / ports assignment to shorten trace
length and avoid cross-over

Copyright 29
Tips of Component Placement
Signal Isolation - in any amplifier circuit, the input
and output should be separated as much as possible
to avoid any oscillation due to signal coupling.
Do not put inductors / transformers too close
Put neighboring inductors orthogonally
Good component placement will ease routing

Copyright 30

Types of Grounds
Safety ground
A low-impedance path to earth
Minimize voltage difference between exposed conducting
Avoid electric shock
Protection against lightning and ESD
Signal voltage referencing ground
zero voltage reference of a circuit
current return path

Copyright 31

Good grounding:
Prerequisite of good RF and EMC performance
ground trace
as short and wide as possible
ground plane :
as large as possible
far away from antenna
ground via holes : 0.8mm board : 0.4mm diameter
1.6mm board : 0.6mm diameter
Try to be a complete plane
avoid interruption from via, signal traces
avoid excessive copper pour and unused copper
Copyright 32
Grounding Method

System System
circuit 1 circuit 2 circuit 3 Ground of circuit 1 circuit 2 circuit 3
Ground of
power power
supply supply
ground trace
I1 I2 I3

Equivalent circuit of ground trace (series connection)

circuit 1 circuit 2 circuit 3 Ground of
VR + vR VR + vR VR + vR
vL vL vL

Noise and signal voltage induced by

ground current and imperfect ground connection,
additive noise and signal voltage affects all circuit blocks
Copyright 33
Grounding Method
Star Connection

circuit 1 circuit 2 circuit 3

VR + vR
circuit 1

VR + vR power
Minimize ground inductance and resistance,
circuit 2 supply Reduce induced ground noise voltage,
Minimize additive ground noise voltage
VR + vR
circuit 3

Copyright 34
Grounding Method
Multipoint Grounding Connection

Copyright 35
Power Routing and Power Plane
Power plane
* treat the power plane the same as ground plane
* Use ferrite beads for decoupling
Power routing
* Decoupling of power lines is a must
* Place higher current or high switching circuit closed to
the power supply
* Separate power trace for separate sib-circuit

Copyright 36
Power Routing and Power Plane
" Star " type connection , work with GOOD ground plane
Put ferrite bead near the sub-circuit
Printed inductors and printed capacitors can be used above 1

RF transmitter digital circuit bead
duplexer power
receiver analog circuit bead

Copyright 37
Bypassing & Decoupling
Prevent energy transfer from one circuit to another
Decoupling capacitors provide localized source of DC
power and minimize switching voltage or current
propagated throughout the PCB
Location of decoupling components is critical
Common mistakes
wrong component location on schematic diagram
Wrong component types
Lack of routing information between blocks
Un-necessary long traces

Copyright 38
Bypassing & Decoupling
Put decoupling components on optimal locations
Decouple each circuit block individually
Decouple each supply pin individually
VCC decoupling capacitors
Require three types
10~100uF for audio frequency
0.01u to 0.1uF for IF frequency
30~100p for RF frequency
Place the RF one as close as possible to the chip
Use the right decoupling component for the right

Copyright 39
Bypassing & Decoupling

Copyright 40
Via Holes
avoid cutting too much on the ground plane =d

do not put inside the SMD component pads

double layer
Inner diameter :
Resistance proportional to x d / h
0.8mm board : 0.4mm for grounding and power, =d h
0.25mm for signal
multi layer
1.6mm board : 0.6mm for grounding and power,
0.35mm for signal
Outer diameter : 0.2mm larger than inner
Quantity : depending on current and
Solder mask : cover via holes on both
Use multiple via holes for critical ground
Copyright 41
Trace Routing
Good component placement can shorten trace length and
wider trace width
Can minimize parasitic inductance, capacitance and
* proportional to trace length
* inversely proportional to trace width
* Avoid sharp corner on high frequency or ESD sensitive traces
Minimize parasitic can achieve
* higher circuit Q with higher performance
* More controllable
* wider tuning range and more stable

Copyright 42
Tips of Trace Routing

Routing on-grid
Minimize stitches between layers
Avoid sharp corner
Routing on 0, 90 degrees and prefer 45 degrees
Maximize board space to leave space for trace routing
If trace is long, line impedance will have to be

Copyright 43
Trace Routing
Impedance-controlled trace
* High frequency input/output connection
* As a high frequency distributed circuit element
* Micro-stripline, stripline, coplanar stripline
* Input/output matching element
* Require information on PCB material and geometry
* Er (4.6 for FR-4 material)
* Copper thickness, board thickness
PCB Antenna
* shorter trace, smaller effective antenna aperture

Copyright 44
Effective solution for EMI and EMC
Understand the sources and relation of interference
Circuit partitioning :
RX : LNA, mixer PLL and IF amplifier
TX : oscillator, PLL, buffer and power amplifier
Metal sheet
Conductive Coating
Re-openable cover for repair
Opening for Alignment and test points
More contact surface for cover

Copyright 45
PCB Design for LW106M
LW106M from Lexiwave
310MHz to 440MHz Receiver Module
Using LW106 RFIC receiver chip
Single-superheterodyne receiver
High sensitivity, -90dBm
RF (400MHz), IF (MHz) and Low frequency (KHz)
High selectivity
Remote controllers
Wireless door bells
Car alarm system
Copyright 46
LW106 Block Diagram

Copyright 47
LW106M Schematic Diagram

Copyright 48
LW106M PCB Top Layer

Copyright 49
LW106M PCB Bottom Layer

Copyright 50
Case Study Interactive Toy
Interactive Doll Huru-
Bi-directional RF datalink
Communicate with each
Voice recognition
Link up to 6 units
Short distance
On sale at
Toys R us
Copyright 51
Case Study Interactive Toy
Key Building Blocks
External ROM for speeches
MCU address extender
LCD driver and display
RF Transceiver Module
Audio amplifier
Microphone amplifier

Copyright 52
Case Study Interactive Toy
Original PCB poor communication distance

Copyright 53
Case Study Interactive Toy

Copyright 54
Case Study Interactive Toy
Original Layout
Coupling of digital noise
to the RF module

Copyright 55
Case Study Interactive Toy
Add ground as a shield
Modified Layout
Push down and rotate the MCU

Copyright 56
Case Study Interactive Toy
Antenna Structure Improved version
Spiral antenna

Original monopole

Final production version

Another suggested
antenna Spiral PCB antenna

Copyright 57
Case Study Interactive Toy
Final production version

Modified PCB Spiral PCB antenna

Final production version

Spiral PCB antenna

Copyright 58

RF PCB layout plays a crucial role on

determining the success of the product
* Electrical performance
* EMI/EMC regulations
* Stability and reliability
* Design for mass production

Copyright 59

Thanks to our sponsors AWR and LPKF


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