An Implementation Tour To Angularjs: Preeti Yadav# Bhupender Singh#

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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 5 Issue: 7 358 360


An Implementation Tour to AngularJS

Preeti Yadav# Bhupender Singh#

#Extension Lecturer in Govt College Gurgoan (Haryana) #District Manager in HSWAN Project at Narnaul (Haryana)
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract:- Angular Java Script Framework extends the HTML attribute.It easily binds the data to HTML with expression only for adding the
Script tag in HTML coding. Angular Java Script Framework is mostly used for making the dynamic web page as well as also increase the web
performance. The paper totally revolves around how to create client side applications.

Keywords:- JS, MVC,DOM,HTML



Angularjs is a javascript Framework . Its angular library Two Way Data Binding
written in javascript. Angularjs extends HTML with NG- MVC design pattern
directives. Filters
An angularjs application is defined by the NG-model Templates
directive and NG-bind directive binds application data to the Dependency Injection
HTML view. Directives
Unit Testing
DATA BINDING - AngularJS provides a powerful data Context Aware Communication
binding mechanism to bind data to HTML elements byusing DOM manipulation

CUSTOMIZE & EXTENSIBLE - AngularJS is customized and 1) SCOPEis a JavaScript object that refers to the application
extensible as per you requirement. You can createyour own model. It acts as a context for evaluating angular
custom components like directives, services etc. expressions. Basically, it acts as glue between controller and
CODE REUSABILITY - AngularJS allows you to write code
which can be reused. For example custom directive which
you can reuse.

SUPPORT AngularJS is mature community to help you. It 2) MODULE:- the module is a storage area for the different
has widely support over the internet. Also,AngularJS is parts of an application and its controller, that always belong
supported by Google which gives it an advantage. to a module. It is created with the syntax of angularJS
function angular Module.
COMPATIBILITY - AngularJS is based on JavaScript which
makes it easier to integrate with any other JavaScript library 3) CONTROLLER:- it controls the angular JS application . A
and runnable on browsers like IE, Opera, FF, Safari, controller is a JavaScript object and created by Java Script
Chrome etc. Constructor.

4)DIRECTIVES-AngularJS directives are a combination of

TESTING - AngularJS is designed to be testable so that you
AngularJS template markups (HTML attributes or elements,
can test your AngularJS app components easyas possible. It
orCSS classes) and supporting JavaScript code. The
has dependency injection at its core, which makes it easy to
JavaScript directive code defines the template data and
behaviors of the HTML elements.. There are some built-in


IJRITCC | July 2017, Available @

International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 7 358 360
directives provided by AngularJS like as ng-app, ng- Getting Started:
controller, ng-repeat, ng-model etc. 1) Run grunt build & grunt serve command to build
& serve the application.
5) FILTERS:- Filters
are used to format data before displaying it I am attaching some snapshots of application.
to the user. They can be used in view templates, controllers, i) Home Page
services and directives. There are some built-in filters
provided by AngularJS like as Currency, Date, Number,
Order By, Lowercase, Uppercase etc. You can also create
your own filters.

6)DI: Dependency Injection (DI) is a software design pattern

that deals with how components get hold of their
dependencies. AngularJS comes with a built-in dependency
injection mechanism. You can divide your AngularJSapp
into multiple different types of components which
AngularJS can inject into each other.


ii)Add a new Employee

ii) Sort and Search

Angular initializes automatically upon DOM Content
Loaded event or when the angular.js script is downloaded to
the browser and the document. ready State is set to
complete. At this point AngularJS looks for theng-app
directive which is the root of angular app compilation and
tells about AngularJS part within DOM. When the ng-app
directive is found then Angular will:
1. Load the module associated with the directive.
2. Create the application injector.
3. Compile the DOM starting from the ng-app root
iii) Multiple Views

For implementation the concept of angularJS framework ,
we take an employ management system. This application is
created using yoman & uses npm & bower modules with
grunt ad build tool.
This application code is shared on github repository. To
clone & download the code please refer to below github link


IJRITCC | July 2017, Available @

International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 7 358 360
In this paper , we examine the Employ Details and
check the effectiveness of given Automated details by
creating the Employ Details on angularjs.

[1] http://www.w3
[2] http://research
[3] AngularJS:A modern MVC Framework In JavaScript by
nilesh jain in Journal of Global Research In Computer
Science, Volume 5, No.12, december 2014.


IJRITCC | July 2017, Available @


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