syllabus 07 08/mba/sem-I/be
syllabus 07 08/mba/sem-I/be
syllabus 07 08/mba/sem-I/be
Business Environment
The objective of the course is to provide the student with a background of
various environment factors that have major repercussions on business and
sharpen their mind to watch and update the changes that occur constantly in
this sphere.
1. Industrial Policies: A brief review of industrial policies since
independence, Industrial policy of 1991 and recent developments,
Policy on foreign direct investment in Indian industry.
2. Fiscal Policy: Public revenues, public expenditure, public debt,
development activities financed by public expenditure, An evaluation
of recent fiscal policy of Government of India – Highlights of Budget.
3. Monetary Policy: Demand for and supply of money, Objectives of
monetary and credit policy, Recent trends- Role of Finance
4. Balance of Payments: Structure, Major components, Causes for dis-
equilibrium in Balance of Payments, correction measures, Impact of
New Economic Policy on Balance of Payments, Recent trends.
5. India’s Trade Policy – Magnitude and direction of Indian International
trade, bilateral and multilateral trade agreements, EXIM Policy, Role
of EXIM Bank.
6. WTO: Nature and scope - Organisation and structure – trading blocks
– role and functions of WTO in promoting world trade – Principles
followed- Agreements reached in the Uruguay round including
TRIPS, TRIMS and GATS, Disputes settlement mechanism- Dumping
and Anti-dumping measures – Critical review of WTO functioning.
7. Money and Capital market: Features and components of Indian
Financial system, objectives, features and structure of Money market
and capital market, recent developments- Stock Exchanges, Investor
Protection and Role of SEBI.
8. Legal Framework: Special features of The SICA (Special Provisions)
1985, BIFR, Consumer Protection Act, 1986,
Dutt and Sundaram , Indian Economy, S. Chand, New Delhi, 2007.
K.Aswathappa, Essentials of Business Environment, 9/e Himalaya,
Justin Paul: Business Environment, 1e 2006, Tata MH
Misra and Puri: Indian Economy,, Himalaya, 2007.
Francis Cherunilam: Business Environment: Text and Cases, 17/e,
Himalaya, 2007.
Recent Economic Survey Report of Government of India.
Suresh Bedi: Business Environment, Excel, 2007.
Palle Krishna Rao: WTO--Text & Cases, 1/e, PSG Excel Series, 2005.