Truck Side Guard Technical Overview: Safety and Operational Considerations

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Truck Sideguards for Vision Zero

Review and technical recommendations for Safe Fleet

Transition Plan pilot deployment
Alexander K Epstein, Ph.D., Sean Peirce, Andrew Breck, Coralie Cooper, and Eran Segev

December 2014

Prepared for:
Department of Citywide Administrative Services
City of New York
This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the
interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for the
contents or use thereof.

The United States Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trade or
manufacturers’ names appear herein solely because they are considered essential to the
objective of this report.
The authors wish to express their appreciation to Mayor Bill de Blasio and his administration
for their support through the NYC Vision Zero initiative, and to the following individuals for
their invaluable contributions to this report. First and foremost, the authors thank NYC
DCAS Commissioner Stacey Cumberbatch, Deputy Commissioner and Chief Fleet
Management Officer of NYC DCAS Keith Kerman, Mahanth Joishy, Brent Taylor, and Sherry
Lee for sponsorship of this work and for a rewarding inaugural partnership; Nevada
Espinoza, Daniel Malone, and Stacey Hodge (NYC DOT), for fleet technology context and
keen feedback; Bill Wehner, William Ricardo, Mike Matkovico, Tom DelGrosso, and Spiro
Kattan (DSNY), for critical operations and specifications expertise; and Paris Apollon (DPR),
Arthur Barnard (DOE), Richard Fosbeck (DOC), and Robert Balzani (NYPD) for their generous
time and respective fleet operation insights. The authors also thank other members of the
Fleet Federation for their input throughout the study. The authors thank Kristopher Carter
(Boston Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics) and Director of Central Fleet Maintenance
Jim McGonagle (Boston Public Works Department) for interview input and close-up access
to PWD vehicles; Brian Layfield (Laydon Composites), Francis Cardolle and Philippe
Ladouceur (AirFlow Deflector) for vendor perspective; and Joseph Dack (HDR, Inc.) for leads
on UK initiatives. At Volpe, the authors gratefully acknowledge the research, finance, and
communications support of David Arthur, Susan Dresley, Maria McCarthy, Clay Reherman,
Aviva Brecher, Marc Mandler, and Kristen Pedroli.
List of Figures ........................................................................................................................ 5
List of Tables .......................................................................................................................... 8
Executive Summary ............................................................................................................... 9
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 11
2. Core sideguard research ............................................................................................... 14
2.1 Truck sideguard safety effectiveness ........................................................................................ 14
2.2 Review of current sideguard regulations and standards .......................................................... 17
2.2.1 U.S. regulations ............................................................................................................ 17 National Transportation Safety Board ............................................................................ 18 Regional, state, and local regulations ............................................................................. 18
2.2.2 International regulations and standards ..................................................................... 19 European Union .............................................................................................................. 19 United Kingdom .............................................................................................................. 19 Japan ............................................................................................................................... 20 Brazil and other countries ............................................................................................... 20 International regulatory comparisons and published recommendations ...................... 20
2.2.3 Existing exemptions ..................................................................................................... 23
2.2.4 Innovative designs that exceed requirements or offer co-benefits ............................ 27 Integrated designs........................................................................................................... 27 Stowable or foldable designs .......................................................................................... 28 Aerodynamic fuel savings potential ................................................................................ 29
2.3 Sideguard vendor review .......................................................................................................... 30
2.4 Findings from U.S. sideguard programs .................................................................................... 32
3. Fleet stakeholder input ................................................................................................. 33
3.1 Educational outreach ................................................................................................................ 33
3.2 Engagement with Specifications Committee and focus fleets ................................................. 33

3.2.1 Department of Sanitation ............................................................................................ 34
3.2.2 Department of Transportation .................................................................................... 35
3.2.3 Department of Parks and Recreation .......................................................................... 35
3.2.4 Department of Education ............................................................................................ 36
3.2.5 New York Police Department ....................................................................................... 36
3.2.6 Department of Environmental Protection ................................................................... 37
3.2.7 Department of Corrections .......................................................................................... 37
4. Translating to the DCAS fleets ....................................................................................... 38
4.1 Unlikely target vehicles for sideguards ..................................................................................... 38
4.2 Probable target vehicles for sideguards ................................................................................... 39
5. Recommendations ........................................................................................................ 42
5.1 Proposed specifications ............................................................................................................ 42
5.2 Proposed vehicle exemptions ................................................................................................... 45
5.3 Questions to address in the pilot program ............................................................................... 45
5.4 Beyond the pilot........................................................................................................................ 46
Appendix A: Representative sideguard installations ............................................................. 49
Appendix B: Fleet interview questionnaire and vehicle rosters............................................. 58
Appendix C: Q&A from Fleet Federation Meeting ................................................................ 61
Appendix D: North American sideguard implementation summary ...................................... 63
Appendix E: U.S. sideguard regulation and procurement examples ...................................... 65
Portland City Council resolution ......................................................................................................... 65
Washington, DC ordinance ................................................................................................................. 67
Boston waste hauling RFP (excerpt) ................................................................................................... 68
Boston ordinance ................................................................................................................................ 74

List of Figures
Figure 1. Recommended sideguard dimensional and strength requirements for the NYC fleets, based
on EU and UK standards and on published and Volpe recommendations. ................................... 10

Figure 2. A large truck without sideguards (left) typically has an exposed space, often exceeding four
feet in height, between the axles. During a crash with the truck, vulnerable road users can
fall into the exposed space and suffer fatal crushing injuries. Sideguards (right) are designed
to cover these exposed spaces. ..................................................................................................... 12

Figure 3. Top: Percent of bicyclist-truck and pedestrian-truck fatalities that follow initial impact on
the side of the truck. Bottom: the initial impact breakdown for single-unit trucks. .................... 14

Figure 4. Fatality and injury distribution of bicyclists in side-impacts with trucks 4-6 years before and
4-6 years after the mandatory introduction of sideguards in the UK. (74 crashes in 1980-82
and 66 crashes in 1990-92) ............................................................................................................ 15

Figure 5. Decrease in fatality and serious injury rates following sideguard implementation in the UK.
(74 crashes in 1980-82 and 66 crashes in 1990-92)....................................................................... 16

Figure 6. Rear impact guard, currently required on trailers by Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
223. ................................................................................................................................................ 17

Figure 7. Excerpt from the 2013 NTSB Safety Recommendation for medium- and heavy-duty truck
sideguards. ..................................................................................................................................... 18

Figure 8. Schematic of the main European Union Regulation 73 sideguard dimensional and strength
requirements. ................................................................................................................................ 21

Figure 9. UK/EU dimensional requirements for trailer sideguards............................................................. 21

Figure 10. A panel-style sideguard with integrated toolboxes and hydraulic controls. ............................. 27

Figure 11. Panel sideguard on cement mixer with flip-up rail sideguard for city operation; also
includes sensor and alarm (UK). .................................................................................................... 29

Figure 12. Examples of aerodynamic side skirts that could also provide side underrun protection.......... 30

Figure 13. Mack/Volvo sideguard equipped collection vehicle currently manufactured for non-U.S.
markets. ......................................................................................................................................... 31

Figure 14. One of 19 retrofitted Boston Public Works collection trucks, with steel mesh sideguards

mounted to both the body and the frame rail. ............................................................................. 32

Figure 15. A Boston DPW collection truck with frame-mounted rail-style sideguards .............................. 32

Figure 16. Volpe coordinated a sideguard vendor demonstration (left) and examined vehicle body
compatibility for sideguards (right) at the NYC Truck and Equipment Show (May 22, 2014). ...... 33

Figure 17. Example DCAS vehicles that are not expected to require sideguards. ...................................... 39

Figure 18. Example vehicles that are most expected to benefit from sideguard retrofits. ........................ 41

Figure 19. Recommended sideguard requirements for the NYC Safe Fleet Transition Plan pilot
deployment. ................................................................................................................................... 42

Figure 20. When the forward edge of the sideguard falls under the cab, any gap between the cab
and the top of the sideguard exceeding 350 mm (13.8 in.) should be filled with an additional
rail or panel of equal strength. ...................................................................................................... 44

Figure 21. The forward edge of the sideguard should have a continuous surface that turns inwards
for at least 100 mm (4 in.) This front continuous vertical outer surface and turn-in is optional
when the front edge of the sideguard is within 100 mm (4 in.) of a permanent structure of
the vehicle (vehicle cab/wheel arch). ............................................................................................ 44

Figure 22. Sideguards installed around a fuel tanks (top and bottom right) and a stabilizer leg
(bottom left). Each sideguard is mounted to the frame rails. ...................................................... 49

Figure 23. Retrofit sideguards mounted to underbody by vertical stanchions (UK), including around a
refrigeration unit (top) and with conspicuous warning signage to bicyclists (bottom left).
Bottom right: detached underbody-mounted sideguards. ........................................................... 50

Figure 24. Sideguards on diesel particulate filter-equipped with Euro VI emissions standard
compliant trucks, demonstrating compatibility of the two devices. ............................................. 50

Figure 25. Sideguard-equipped UK rack tracks, including one with a boom. ............................................. 51

Figure 26. Rail-style sideguards on snow plows in the UK and Europe, indicating operational
compatibility. ................................................................................................................................. 52

Figure 27. Panel-style sideguard on snow plow. ........................................................................................ 53

Figure 28. Rail-style sideguards on German collection truck. .................................................................... 53

Figure 29. Rail-style sideguards on collection trucks. ................................................................................. 54

Figure 30. Panel-style sideguards on collection trucks ............................................................................... 55

Figure 31. Panel-style sideguard with integrated toolboxes and control panel on UK roll-on-roll-off
truck. .............................................................................................................................................. 56

Figure 32. Sideguard accommodation of underbody spare wheel (left) and integration of
reflectors/lights for conspicuity (left and right); integration of both a permanent upper and a
flip-up lower sideguard that can be stowed for off-road access. .................................................. 56

Figure 33. Rail-style trailer sideguards on Japanese (top left), Chinese (top right), and UK (bottom
left) vehicles. Bottom right: OEM integrated panel-style sideguards on UK trailer. .................... 57

Figure 34. OEM integrated sideguards on single-unit trucks...................................................................... 57

List of Tables
Table 1. Crash severity distribution in truck-bicycle left turn collisions in the UK when the truck was
either exempt or not exempt from sideguard installation. (KSI = killed or seriously injured) ..... 16

Table 2. Summary of existing EU, UK, and Japan sideguard standards. ..................................................... 22

Table 3. Summary of published sideguard recommendations. .................................................................. 23

Table 4. Summary of vehicle types exempted from sideguard fitment under EU or UK regulations.
Volpe reviewed published recommendations and reviewed the DCAS fleet master inventory
to assess whether each exemption is technically justified and can be recommended for NYC. .. 25

Table 5. Predicted decreases of all bicyclist and pedestrian fatalities or serious injuries in crashes
with UK trucks if smooth sideguards were univesally implemented rather than rail-style.
Low and high ends of TRL’s simulation results are shown. ........................................................... 28

Table 6. Example North American sideguard retrofit suppliers identified by preliminary market
research. ........................................................................................................................................ 30

Table 7. Most common fleet vehicles that are not expected to require sideguards. ................................ 38

Table 8. Most common fleet vehicles that are expected to benefit from sideguards. .............................. 40

Table 9. Potential technically justified sideguard exemptions applicable to NYC DCAS. ........................... 45

Table 10. Relative influence and effectiveness of CMV countermeasures in preventing UK bicyclist-
truck fatalities. Source: HVCIS fatal 1997-2006. ............................................................................ 47

Executive Summary
Volpe, The National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe) partnered with the New York City (NYC)
Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) in establishing recommendations for
implementing large truck side underride protection as part of the landmark Vision Zero program. This
report details findings and recommendations from the study.

Large truck crashes are more likely to result in a pedestrian or bicyclist fatality than crashes involving
passenger vehicles and more likely to be side-impact crashes. Sideguards are vehicle-based safety
devices that prevent pedestrians and cyclists, and in some instances motorcyclists, from falling into the
exposed space between the axles of trucks with high ground clearance.

Volpe’s review of available information related to sideguard design and crash outcomes in countries
requiring these safety devices for up to three decades indicates that the safety effectiveness of
sideguards has been well established. The fatality rate for bicyclists and pedestrians colliding with the
side of a truck decreased by 61% and by 20%, respectively, following a national sideguard requirement
in the United Kingdom in the 1980s.

Volpe reviewed regulatory and voluntary sideguard precedents, as well as existing international
technical specifications, to develop a foundation for New York City-based sideguard standards. With
input from the City’s Fleet Federation, the Fleet Specifications Committee, and constituent DCAS fleets,
Volpe tailored the recommendations to focus on the most relevant types of vehicles in NYC’s municipal
fleets. These recommendations build upon existing European and United Kingdom sideguard standards
and are intended to advance the Safe Fleet Transition Plan for DCAS fleet vehicles, the largest potential
truck sideguard pilot deployment for bicyclist and pedestrian safety in the U.S. The recommendations
may also inform future regulatory requirements.

Recommended dimension and strength requirements for DCAS’s pilot sideguard program are depicted
in Figure 1. If a sideguard regulation is also adopted, it should define the maximum ground clearance,
the minimum strength requirement, and define the areas of installation in accordance with Figure 1, or
as refined based on an evaluation of the pilot program. Consistent with recent National Transportation
Safety Board’s Safety Recommendations for sideguards, Volpe recommends that trucks over 10,000
pounds be subject to sideguard requirements. Furthermore, Volpe recommends a maximum 13.8 inch
(350 mm) ground clearance and a minimum 440 lbs. (2 kN) impact strength. These are more stringent
requirements than the European minimum requirements to further improve crash safety.

Recognizing the large diversity of truck types, Volpe identified four vehicle types that may be exempted
from sideguard requirements:

• Special purpose vehicles where side protection is impractical;

• Street sweepers;
• Fire engines;
• Car carriers

To maximize public safety benefits, vehicle exemptions under the “Special purpose” category should be
considered a last resort, and innovative foldable or stowable sideguard solutions should be considered

Figure 1. Recommended sideguard dimensional and strength requirements for the NYC fleets, based on EU and
UK standards and on published and Volpe recommendations.

Market research identified a limited number of existing North American-based retrofit suppliers, but
Volpe also engaged Mack/Volvo, a major OEM supplier to DCAS that already integrates sideguards on its
vehicles for European, Asian, and South American markets. A process of long-term OEM sideguard
integration into the vehicle fleet may be expected to follow the initial period of pilot vehicle retrofits.

Sideguards are one part of a larger suite of truck safety countermeasures that merit additional study and
potential pilot implementation and evaluation. Pending additional agreement, Volpe may partner with
DCAS and NYC DOT to expand upon this initial pilot and to establish a comprehensive program
evaluation that will assess the effectiveness of a comprehensive suite of truck safety technologies for
saving lives and advancing the goals of Vision Zero.

1. Introduction
Approximately 4,000 New Yorkers are seriously injured and more than 250 are killed each year in traffic
crashes, rivaling the annual homicide count of the City. Vision Zero, the inter-agency plan to eliminate
traffic fatalities in NYC, includes 63 recommendations that fall into three main categories: enforcement,
education and engineering. Recommendation #58 charges the New York City (NYC) Department of
Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) with “recommend[ing] safety related devices and designs, such
as high visibility vehicles, back-up cameras, and rear wheel side guards, for City vehicles and other
vehicles under City regulation.” Therefore, the DCAS will be a critical contributor to this pioneering
program. 1 DCAS preliminary vehicle safety recommendations in response to the Action Plan are to be
finalized and submitted in summer 2014.

Large trucks are disproportionately represented in

bicycle and pedestrian fatalities. While large trucks
comprise 4% of the U.S. vehicle fleet, 2 they are
associated with 7% of pedestrian fatalities (297
annually) and 11% of bicyclist fatalities (76
annually). 3,4 In New York City, trucks, which
account for 3.6% of vehicles, accounted for an
average of 12.3% of pedestrian fatalities (14.8
deaths annually) in 2002-2006 5 and 32% of bicyclist
fatalities (7.4 deaths annually) in 1996-2003. 6 Truck
and bus crashes account for an annual average of 31
bicyclist and pedestrian fatalities in New York City and are nearly three times more likely to result in a
pedestrian fatality than crashes involving passenger vehicles. 7

Current federal regulations require rear impact guards for the wheels of trailers and semi-trailer trucks

NYC Vision Zero.
Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Table 1-11: Number of U.S. Aircraft, Vehicles, Vessels, and Other
National Transportation Safety Board, “Safety Study NTSB/SS-13/01: Crashes Involving Single-Unit Trucks that
Resulted in Injuries and Deaths”, pp 69-70
NTSB Safety Recommendations to NHTSA, April 3, 2014.
Pedestrian Safety Study & Action Plan, 2010.
Bicyclist Fatalities and Serious Injuries in New York City, 2005.
Pedestrian Safety Study & Action Plan, 2010.

to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries occurring when passenger vehicles crash into the
back end of a truck. However, there are currently no national regulations concerning side underride
protection or sideguards to protect pedestrians and bicyclists from the risk of falling under the sides of
trucks and being caught under the wheels. As shown in Figure 2, sideguards, also referred to as “lateral
underride protection” and “side underrun protection” devices, work by shielding pedestrians and
cyclists, and in some instances motorcyclists, from the open space between the axles of most types of
large trucks.

Figure 2. A large truck without sideguards (left) typically has an exposed space, often exceeding four feet in
height, between the axles. During a crash with the truck, vulnerable road users can fall into the exposed space
and suffer fatal crushing injuries. Sideguards (right) are designed to cover these exposed spaces.

Sideguards are currently required on certain motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers in Japan, in
European Union countries, the United Kingdom, and elsewhere. Additionally, some sideguard variants
may provide environmental benefit in the form of improved fuel efficiency by reducing aerodynamic
drag of trucks in certain types of driving conditions.

NYC owns or leases almost 27,000 municipal fleet vehicles, of

which over 6,000 vehicles are Class 3 trucks or above (over 10,000 Trucks comprise
lbs.), including sanitation trucks, the fleet truck type most only 3.6% of
commonly involved in bicyclist/pedestrian fatalities. Vision Zero vehicles in NYC yet
calls for “a broad legislative and regulatory agenda,” including account for 12.3%
“improving standards for vehicle design and technology” for trucks of pedestrian and
operated in NYC. 8 32% of bicyclist
Volpe, The National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe) has
supported DCAS’s critical role in advancing Vision Zero by
reviewing and synthesizing the state of the practice for truck side underride protection for cyclists and
pedestrians. This review incorporates both regulatory and voluntary precedents for truck sideguard
deployment, available safety data, and existing technical specifications. Volpe also performed market

NYC Vision Zero.

research to identify relevant suppliers and OEMs, and presented at the City’s Fleet Federation and Fleet
Specification Committee meetings; target fleets were interviewed for detailed feedback to inform
recommendations. In this report, Volpe’s findings are synthesized into recommendations for sideguard
deployment on city-owned vehicles, with a focus on the types of vehicles most prevalent in NYC’s fleet.

2. Core sideguard research

2.1 Truck sideguard safety effectiveness

Volpe performed a high level review of existing data on the safety Approximately half
impacts of truck sideguard deployment for pedestrians and of all bicyclists and
bicyclists in crashes with large trucks. The scan drew primarily on one-fourth of all
international crash data, with the goal of establishing a pedestrians killed by
benchmark for future data collection on the safety impacts of U.S. trucks first impact the
truck sideguard deployment. side of the truck.

The introduction of sideguards in the UK,

European Union, and Japan over the past three
decades was intended to prevent bicyclists and
pedestrians from falling into the space between
the axles of a passing large truck and being run
over by the rear wheels. Sideguards are primarily
designed to be effective in overtaking or glancing
side impact crash types, for example, during turns.
According to the National Transportation Safety
Board, the prevalence of these types of crashes
ranges as high as 25% for pedestrians with single-
unit trucks to 55% for bicyclists with tractor-
trailers (Figure 3). 9

The safety effectiveness of sideguards on large

trucks was demonstrated by a UK study, which
showed significant reductions in the number of
bicyclist fatalities for the relevant crash types from
before the sideguards were introduced to after the
sideguards were introduced. 10 The different injury
Figure 3. Top: Percent of bicyclist-truck and pedestrian-
distributions before and after the nationwide
truck fatalities that follow initial impact on the side of
the truck. Bottom: the initial impact breakdown for installation of sideguards are shown in Figure 4.
single-unit trucks.

NTSB, Crashes Involving Single-Unit Trucks that Resulted in Injuries and Deaths, 2013
National Research Council Canada, Side Guards for Trucks and Trailers Phase 1: Background Investigation, 2010.

The injury severity distribution for bicyclists colliding with the side of a truck changed substantially,
with a 61% reduction in fatalities, as shown in Figure 5. This conclusion was reported in a 2005 UK
Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) analysis 11 and cited by National Research Council Canada in a 2010
national sideguard study report. 12

[2005 report]

Figure 4. Fatality and injury distribution of bicyclists in side impacts with trucks 4-6 years before and 4-6 years
after the mandatory introduction of sideguards in the UK. (74 crashes in 1980-82 and 66 crashes in 1990-92)

The statistical data revealed there was a greater reduction in severe injuries and death for bicyclists than
for pedestrians during the reporting period. Still, the fraction of fatal pedestrian casualties in the side-
impact crash type decreased 20%, compared to the 61% observed for bicyclists. A 2010 follow-up TRL
report 13 comparing crash data from 2006-2008 confirmed the continued decline in side-impact fatality
rates compared to the pre-sideguard 1980-1982 period. Case studies from the fatal and TCIS databases
in the UK suggested that the reason for this difference might be that the crash mechanisms are different
for pedestrians walking into the side of vehicles rather than falling against them. 14

Knight, I., Dodd, M., Bowes, D., Donaldson W. et al, Integrated safety guards and spray suppression – final
summary report, 2005.
National Research Council Canada, Side Guards for Trucks and Trailers Phase 1: Background Investigation, 2010.
R Cookson and I Knight, Sideguards on heavy goods vehicles: assessing the effects on pedal cyclists injured by
trucks overtaking or turning left. 2010.
Knight, I., Dodd, M., Bowes, D., Donaldson W. et al, Integrated safety guards and spray suppression – final
summary report, 2005.

“The effectiveness of the
sideguards on heavy
vehicles has been
demonstrated by a UK
study, which showed
significant reductions in
the number of bicyclist
fatalities from before the
sideguards were
introduced to after the
sideguards were
- National Research
Council Canada, 2010

Figure 5. Decrease in fatality and serious injury rates following sideguard implementation in the UK. (74 crashes
in 1980-82 and 66 crashes in 1990-92)

In addition to comparing the before-and-after crash outcomes with regard to the sideguard phase-in
between 1983 and 1986, the 2010 TRL report 15 compared the crash outcomes involving British trucks
that are exempt and non-exempt from the sideguard regulation. 16 The fatality rates in bicycle left-hook
collisions during 2006-2008 in the UK (equivalent to right-hook collisions in the US) when sideguard
equipped and sideguard exempt trucks were involved are compared in Table 1. Whereas only one in
four bicyclists was killed or seriously injured in crashes when the truck was equipped with a
sideguard, two out of three bicyclists were killed or seriously injured when the truck was exempt and
not equipped with a sideguard.

Table 1. Crash severity distribution in truck-bicycle left turn collisions in the UK when the truck was either
exempt or not exempt from sideguard installation. (KSI = killed or seriously injured)

Fatal Serious Slight % fatal % KSI

Exempt 9 21 15 20% 67%
Not exempt 7 8 44 12% 25%

R Cookson and I Knight, Sideguards on heavy goods vehicles: assessing the effects on pedal cyclists injured by
trucks overtaking or turning left. 2010.
An advantage of this comparison is that it considers crashes over the same time period, eliminating potential
confounding factors that may have occurred between 1982 and 1990. A different confounding factor could exist if
exempt vehicles were inherently more fatal in side-impact crashes for unknown reasons that are not related to the
presence of sideguards. However, both the time-series and the exempt/not exempt safety analyses are
qualitatively consistent and show reduced fatality rates among sideguard-equipped large trucks.

2.2 Review of current sideguard regulations and standards
In this section, sideguard regulations and regulatory trends are reviewed, compared for applicability to
vehicle types, and synthesized for DCAS’s Safe Fleet Transition Plan. Volpe leveraged its MIT Library
partnership in support of this regulatory review, which included both U.S. regulations and international
regulations. In addition to technical specifications set forth by regulations, a review of voluntary
standards was also performed. However, no relevant SAE, ISO, or other applicable voluntary standards
for sideguards could be identified. The most fruitful source of specifications and standards proved to be
international regulations, particularly those of Great Britain and the European Union, with more limited
insights identified from Japan and Brazil.

2.2.1 U.S. regulations

In the U.S., Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 223 applies to Rear Impact Guards, an
example of which shown in Figure 6; there is no corresponding Side Impact Guards FMVSS. 17 The
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) rejected adding sideguard requirements to the
FMVSS in 1991.

Figure 6. Rear impact guard, currently required on trailers by Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 223.

However, those sideguards were proposed in a very different context, for protecting passenger car
occupants rather than pedestrians and bicyclists. 18 Thus, the sideguards considered at that time would
have been significantly larger and heavier than the ones discussed in this report, since they would have
been designed to deflect a motor vehicle rather than a person.

Jeya Padmanaban, “Estimating Side Underride Fatalities Using Field Data.” Ann. Adv. Automotive Med. Sep 2013;
57: 225–232.

17 National Transportation Safety Board

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issued two related Safety Recommendations to
NHTSA, in July 2013 and April 2014, for the development of national performance standards and for
requiring nationwide the installation of sideguards on single-unit trucks over 10,000 lbs. gross vehicle
weight rating (GVWR), trailers over 10,000 lbs., and truck tractors over 26,000 lbs. 19 In addition, the
Safety Recommendations call for developing performance standards and requiring “visibility
enhancement systems to compensate for blind spots.” These systems are cited as necessary to
“improve the ability of drivers of large trucks to detect vulnerable road users, including pedestrians and
cyclists, in their travel paths.”

Figure 7. Excerpt from the 2013 NTSB Safety Recommendation for medium- and heavy-duty truck sideguards. Regional, state, and local regulations

Although no national sideguard regulations currently exist, Volpe identified two municipal regulatory or
procurement-based requirements. Washington, DC and Boston, MA appear to be the only cities to date
in the US that have required sideguards on municipal heavy-duty vehicles, in 2008 and 2013
respectively. The 2008 DC regulation20 was not initially funded but is now being implemented as of
2014. Boston has retrofitted 19 Public Works vehicles and changed its procurement requirements to
require sideguards on all future applicable trucks. Additionally, RFPs for city service contracts such as
waste hauling have been amended to require sideguards on city-contracted trucks, which is expected to
accelerate adoption. Portland, OR implemented a pilot program on its municipal truck fleet in 2008,
with about 12 vehicles fitted. As of 2014, Cambridge, Somerville, and Newton, all in Massachusetts,
have also implemented pilot programs on their municipal truck fleets.

NTSB Safety Recommendations to NHTSA, July 3, 2013 and April 3, 2014. H-13-011 through -019 - H-13-011-
019.pdf ;
Bicycle Safety Enhancement Act of 2008.

Municipal sideguard implementations in North America have been increasing since at least 2008
following crashes that resulted in cyclist and pedestrian deaths. The Portland City Council and
Washington, D.C. City Council provide precedents for a resolution and an ordinance respectively for city-
owned trucks. At the same time, the New York City Council introduced in 2014 a sideguard bill modeled
on the 2011 landmark convex crossover mirror law in NYS, which requires conventional cab trucks over
26,000 lbs. operating in NYC to install crossover mirrors to reduce the forward blind spot, a factor in
many pedestrian fatalities. The 2011 NYS mirror law is cited by the NTSB in its 2013 single-unit truck
crash study. 21 In October 2014, Boston adopted the nation’s first ordinance requiring sideguards on city-
owned and city-contracted trucks. 22

2.2.2 International regulations and standards

Sideguards are a mature technology. The European Union has The European Union
legislatively required sideguards for nearly three decades with has legislatively required
no known critical implementation issues in various climatic, sideguards for nearly
roadway, and urban conditions. Nations in Asia (e.g., Japan) three decades with no
and South America (e.g., Brazil) have also maintained national known critical
sideguard regulations for a number of years. implementation issues. European Union

Sideguards have been required on most trucks in the European zone since 1989. The requirement was
updated in 1995 as Regulation No 73 of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations
(UN/ECE) — Uniform provisions concerning the approval of goods vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers
with regard to their lateral protection.
 Applies to most vehicles in the European Union over 3.5 metric tons (7,700 lbs.); several
attribute-based exemptions
 Can be met by vehicle design or sideguards
 Sideguards can use horizontal rails or continuous flat surface:
 Flush with vehicle, smooth face, maximum ground clearance 550 mm / 21.7”
 Standards for strength (1 kN or 220 lbs. horizontal static force) United Kingdom

Sideguards began to be implemented in the UK in 1983 and were nationally mandated by the Road
Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations of 1986, an Act of Parliament. The UK Freight Transport

NTSB, Crashes Involving Single-Unit Trucks that Resulted in Injuries and Deaths, 2013

Association Sideguard Compliance Guide 23 provides a detailed overview of required sideguard fitment,
including for cargo tank trucks, sleeper cabs, and stabilizer arms.
 Applies to most vehicles in the UK over 3.5 metric tons (7,700 lbs.), with categorical exemptions
 Can be met by vehicle design or sideguards
 Sideguards can use horizontal rails or continuous flat surface:
 Flush with vehicle, smooth face, maximum ground clearance 550 mm / 21.7”
 Standards for strength (2 kN or 440 lbs. horizontal static force) Japan

Japan has a policy of harmonizing vehicle standards with international standards such as EU R73, but
current side guard regulations in Japan are also outlined in two documents: Safety Regulations for Road
Vehicle (Ministerial Ordinance) and its subordinate regulation (Announcement). These documents refer
to sideguards as “Pedestrian Protecting Side Guards.” The Japanese regulations apply to trucks over 8
tons and require a maximum ground clearance of 450 mm (17.7 in.) when the vehicle is unladen. Brazil and other countries

As of January 1st, 2011, trucks in Brazil are required to install sideguards, with the goal of protecting
Brazil’s large population of motorcyclists. 24 In view of this, there are significant differences in the
sideguard regulations in Brazil: they must withstand a load of 500 kg (1,102 lbs.), while the European
and UK sideguards must only withstand a load of 100 or 200 kg (220 or 440 lbs.), respectively.

China appears to also require sideguards on large trucks 25, and the devices are in common use in other
Latin American countries.

The Australian Trucking Association has published an Advisory Procedure to aid manufacturer
compliance with EU Regulation 73, although manufacturers are not required to comply. 26 International regulatory comparisons and published recommendations

Volpe compiled the key specifications of the UK, European, and Japanese sideguard regulatory
standards, as well as published recommendations for improving upon these standards from Transport
Research Laboratory (TRL) in the UK and from Monash University in Australia. These findings are

Australian Trucking Association, "Side Under Run Protection," Industry Technical Council Advisory Procedure,
Forrest, 2012.

summarized in Table 2 and Table 3. Volpe adapted these previously published recommendations and in
collaboration with DCAS and with fleet stakeholder input has synthesized additional recommendations
in this report for the specific needs of the New York City DCAS fleets.

The dimensional and strength requirements of the EU regulation are schematically shown in Figure 8,
while the identical EU/UK dimensional requirements for trailers are shown in Figure 9.

Figure 8. Schematic of the main European Union Regulation 73 sideguard dimensional and strength

A 13.8 inches maximum

B 11.8 inches maximum
C 21.7 inches maximum
D 4 inches minimum
E 9.8 inches maximum
F 11.8 inches maximum
Figure 9. UK/EU dimensional requirements for trailer sideguards.


Table 2. Summary of existing EU, UK, and Japan sideguard standards.

EU and UK Standards Japan Standard

Vehicles covered Trucks over 3.5 tons Vehicles over 8 tons

Exemptions Special purpose vehicles for which fitment is not Buses
feasible. Exemption for long-load vehicles (e.g.
timber) has been repealed. UK provides additional
exemptions for tipping and refuse trucks, military
vehicles, and street sweepers.
Strength requirement 1 kN (220 lbs.) horizontal static force, max. deflection -
of 30 mm (1.2 in.) for the rearmost 250 mm (9.8 in.)
and max deflection of 150 mm (5.9 in.) elsewhere
Note: 2 kN (440 lbs.) test in UK
Max. ground clearance 550 mm (21.7 in.) 450 mm (17.7 in.) when vehicle
Height for top of No more than 350 mm (13.8 in.) below lower edge of At least 650 mm (25.6 in.)
sideguard vehicle body, or up to 950 mm (37.4 in.) [at least 1-1.5 when unladen, and no more
m (39-59 in.) for UK] above ground level if vehicle has than 550 mm (21.7 in.) below
no load platform lower edge of vehicle body

Gap between Max. gap longitudinally is 250-500 mm (9.8 -19.7 in.) -

sideguard and wheels in front, depending on vehicle type (typically 300 mm
(11.8 in.)); for conventional cabs, EU max forward gap
to cab panel is 100 mm (3.9 in.); in rear, max 300 mm
(11.8 in.)
Designs allowed Flush panel or rail-style. Rails must be less than 300 -
mm (11.8 in.) apart and each rail at minimum 50-100
mm (2-4 in.) in height.
Other vehicle OK to integrate vehicle components such as fuel tanks -
components and toolboxes as long as dimensional requirements
met. May not attach other components to a
sideguard, however.
Requirement to be Cannot increase overall width of vehicle. Outer surface -
flush with vehicle & of sideguard may be no more than 120 mm (4.7 in.)
present smooth outer inboard of outermost plane of vehicle; and no more
surface than 30 mm (1.2 in.) inboard for the rearmost portion
(at least 250 mm (9.8 in.)) of the sideguard. Note: UK
requires 30 mm (1.2 in.) maximum inboard distance
for entire guard. Specific requirements for rounded
edges and overlapping sections. Gaps between
sections allowed up to 25 mm (1 in.); 10 mm (0.4 in.)
allowance for slightly protruding bolt/rivet heads.

Table 3. Summary of published sideguard recommendations.

Monash Univ. study TRL study recommendations


Vehicles covered Vehicles over 3 tons -

Exemptions Notes that most buses Most UK exemptions are not required for technical
and car-carriers would reasons; recommends reducing exemptions and
not need sideguards due considering adjustable guards before exempting
to vehicle designs’ low
ground clearance
Strength Recommends 2 kN (440 -
requirement lbs.) test

Max. ground Recommends 350 mm Cites UK crash database countermeasure guidance

clearance (13.8 in.); argues that 550 recommending 300 mm (11.8 in.) maximum
mm (17.7 in.) is too high clearance to “eliminate the incidence of pedal
to ensure that ped/cyclist cyclists being run over” when cyclists fall onto the
is kept out of wheel path truck side.
Height for top of - -
Gap between - -
sideguard and
Designs allowed Recommends only using -
flat panels due to
possibility of ped/cyclist
being caught on rails
Other vehicle Cites this approach with -
components approval

Requirement to be - -
flush with vehicle
& present smooth
outer surface

2.2.3 Existing exemptions

In contrast to light-duty vehicles, medium and heavy-duty vehicles involve very diverse body styles,
dimensions, and uses. Certain truck types may be more challenging to equip with sideguards or may

R Cookson and I Knight, Sideguards on heavy goods vehicles: assessing the effects on pedal cyclists injured by
trucks overtaking or turning left. 2010.

require sideguard modifications. Volpe researched the existing vehicle exemptions in EU Regulation 73
and the UK Construction and Use regulation to develop a baseline for potential exemptions for DCAS
fleets. In addition, Volpe reviewed and assessed published assessments from a detailed 2004 TRL
report 29 on the technical justifiability of the UK sideguard exemptions, that is, whether a unique
physical configuration, unique operational requirements, or minimal exposure to pedestrians and
cyclists support exempting the vehicle. The EU and UK exemptions and Volpe’s assessments of whether
these existing exemptions are technically justified are summarized in Table 4.

Volpe research showed that the UK Construction and Use regulation, which predates the EU regulation,
includes a substantially larger number of vehicle exemptions. One of these exemptions has been
removed. Others may also be removed in the near future 30 since, as discussed in Section 2.1, a
disproportionately large fraction of cyclist/pedestrian fatalities in London have involved sideguard-
exempted vehicles.31 Therefore the EU regulation appears to be a more robust starting point for
considering exemptions in NYC.

The EU sideguard regulation does not apply to:

• Tractors for semi-trailers
• Trailers specially designed and constructed for transporting “very long loads of indivisible length,
such as timber, steel bars, etc.”
• “Vehicles designed and constructed for special purposes where it is not possible, for practical
reasons, to fit such lateral protection.”
Also, there are four specific derogations in the EU language:
• An extendable trailer shall comply with all the dimensional and strength requirements when
closed to its minimum length; when the trailer is extended, however, the gap between the
sideguards and either the forward or rear tire can be greater than normal.
• Cargo tank trucks provided with hose or pipe connections for loading or unloading must be
fitted with sideguards “which comply so far as is practicable with all the [dimensional and
strength] requirements of paragraph 7; strict compliance may be waived only where operational
requirements make this necessary.”
• On a vehicle that has extendable legs, for example a crane, to provide additional stability during
loading, unloading or other operations, the sideguard can have additional gaps to permit
extension of the legs.
• On a vehicle equipped with anchorage points for roll on-roll off transport, gaps are permitted
within the sideguard for fixing ropes.

T L Smith and I Knight, Review of Side and Underrun Guard Regulations and Exemptions, 2004.

Table 4. Summary of vehicle types exempted from sideguard fitment under EU or UK regulations. Volpe
reviewed published recommendations and reviewed the DCAS fleet master inventory to assess whether each
exemption is technically justified and can be recommended for NYC.

Vehicle Type UK / EU Status TRL Study Findings Exemption Implications for NYC

Tractor for semi- Exempt from EU Fuel tanks and other structures No
trailer standard often fill the space between axles,
but no real reason to maintain
exemption. Flat panel sideguards
would be beneficial.
Special purpose Exempt from EU Catch-all category that is too Unclear Case-by-case basis for
vehicles where side standard open to subjective interpretation special exceptions
protection is recommended. Would
impractical likely apply to front
loaders, zipper truck,
compactors, pavers,
graders, etc.
Trailers designed for Previous EU Continued exemption warranted Yes Does not apply to NYC
very long loads exemption has when distance between axles is fleet inventory.
been repealed; extremely long. These vehicles
UK exemption also move at low speed, often
remains with police escort.
Low speed vehicle Exempt from EU Exemption is not warranted No Would include pavers,
(max. 15 mph) standard based on speed alone (as distinct compactors, etc. already
from vehicle type) covered by “special
purpose” exemption
Tipping / Dump Truck Additional UK Exemption is generally not No May consider designs with
exemption warranted. Sideguards do not an extra, stowable lower
interfere with hydraulics and panel that exceeds
vehicles seldom require extreme minimum requirements.
off-road capabilities. Ground This would be used while
clearance is already limited by on-road and then folded
other vehicle components. away during any off-road
use (e.g. construction site).
Refuse / collection Additional UK Exemption is generally not No Will need to evaluate
trucks exemption warranted. Ground clearance is during pilot whether rail-
already limited by bodywork and style or panel-style
equipment, so sideguards do not sideguards are more
pose an issue and are generally compatible with operation
compatible with operation.
Street sweepers Additional UK Fitting sideguards could interfere Unclear Arguably not a high
exemption with operations, though a priority for sideguards due
stowable sideguard could work. to their design and
operations. Also typically
low speed and

Military vehicles Additional UK Continued exemption is Yes Likely not relevant to NYC
exemption warranted given the range of use (possible exception of
for these vehicles, even though some NYPD tactical
not always technically justified. vehicles)
Fire engines Additional UK Typical design meets dimensional Unclear Need to review vehicle
exemption requirements. In cases where it uses and ground clearance
does not, sideguards are requirements in cases
indicated except when used off- where ground clearance of
road. vehicle is not already low.
Car carriers Additional UK Vehicle design generally already Unclear Flatbed tow trucks are car
exemption has very low ground clearance. carriers but typically have
high ground clearance and
arguably should not be

Due to flexibility in the regulations’ language, if the sides of the as-built vehicle or a combination of
appropriately located toolboxes, fuel tanks, etc. already meet the dimensional and strength
requirements of sideguards, they are regarded as replacing the sideguards.

Street sweepers are among the UK exempt vehicles, due to their “ancillary equipment” and possibly due
to their low top speed. They are probably good candidates for exempting in NYC as well. The TRL report
is ambivalent about whether sweepers should be exempted or whether they should have removable
guards—though the report acknowledges the added complexity.

The TRL report 32 is definitive however in its assessment that refuse collection truck are not a technically
justified exemption. The off-road capability of collection trucks is generally limited and existing devices
and structures mounted under the body typically limit the ground clearance between the wheels, so
there is no ground clearance justification for an exemption. In New York City, according to DSNY input,
off-road is not part of normal collection and waste transfer operations. Diesel particulate filters (DPFs)
on DSNY collection vehicles are mounted on the exhaust stacks, not under the vehicle bodies, so DPF
placement is also not an impediment to sideguard fitment. The equipment mounted between collection
vehicle axles can be positioned such that the controls are accessible from between the rails of a rail-style
sideguard design (see Figure 28, Figure 29, and Figure 30) or the controls may be surface mounted in a
panel-style sideguard (Figure 10). Given all of these factors, Volpe does not recommend the exemption
of collection trucks in the DCAS Safe Fleet Transition Plan.

As discussed in Section 2.1, exempted trucks have been found to be overrepresented in vulnerable road
user fatalities. The predicted benefits of ending the exemptions from the UK sideguard regulations have

T L Smith and I Knight, Review of Side and Underrun Guard Regulations and Exemptions, 2004.

been estimated by TRL as preventing about 6% of bicyclist fatalities and close to 1% of pedestrian
fatalities. 33

2.2.4 Innovative designs that exceed requirements or offer co-benefits

In Volpe’s review, a number of sideguard designs were identified that exceed the standards required by
current laws and in certain cases provide co-benefits unrelated to safety. Integrated designs

As discussed in section 2.2.2, the side underride protection may be provided by a rail-style sideguard, a
solid panel-style sideguard, or by an integrated vehicle design in which toolboxes, the side wall, and
even wheel covers are built into the bodywork, as shown in Figure 10. While this is primarily an OEM
and future procurement solution, the installation of solid panel-style sideguards could be retrofit with
access hatches and in such a way as to frame existing toolboxes and bins, which may need to moved
outboard to be flush with the tire sidewall along with the sideguard.

Figure 10. A panel-style sideguard with integrated toolboxes and hydraulic controls.

Knight, et al. “Integrated Safety Guards and Spray Suppression—Final Summary Report,” 2005.

A computer simulation performed by TRL compared the injury sustained by bicyclists and pedestrians
falling against the side of a truck moving in a straight line and equipped with either traditional rail type
sideguards or smooth integrated sideguards. 34 The results of the computer simulation showed that a
rail-style sideguard design was very effective at preventing the upper body of vulnerable road users
from being run over by the rear wheels but less effective than the smooth design at preventing the
lower limbs from being run over. The simulation of the integrated guard designs predicted that
vulnerable road users would typically suffer smaller impact forces and reduced injury compared with the
rail design. However, translating the predicted benefits in terms of load and injury criteria to predicted
reductions in the number of fatal and serious casualties in road accidents is challenging. According to
the report, “although it is clear from the simulation that [integrated guards] have the potential to offer
substantial benefits to pedestrians, an analysis of fatal accidents estimated that fitting such integrated
sideguards could prevent up to 3% of pedestrian fatalities,” as shown in Table 5.

It can be seen that there are benefits to adopting panel-style sideguards. However, the marginal
benefits over introducing sideguards in the first place, regardless of the design, are relatively small.

Table 5. Predicted decreases of all bicyclist and pedestrian fatalities or serious injuries in crashes with UK trucks
if smooth sideguards were univesally implemented rather than rail-style. Low and high ends of TRL’s simulation
results are shown.

Fatalities Serious Injuries

Low High Low High

Bicyclists -0.7% -5.0% -3.9% -3.9%

Fit smooth
sideguards Pedestrians 0.0% -3.0% 0.0% 0.0% Stowable or foldable designs

Certain vehicles operate on city streets but occasionally require off-road access, for example, dump
trucks, cement trucks, and sanitation vehicles operating in natural areas or performing snow plowing.
An innovative solution for these cases is to install a folding or removable lower sideguard underneath a
fixed sideguard. The folding lower guard is stowed for off-road operation when higher clearance is
required (for example, the maximum 550 mm/21.7 inches allowed in Europe) but remains deployed for

Knight, et al. “Integrated Safety Guards and Spray Suppression—Final Summary Report,” 2005.
Knight, et al. “Integrated Safety Guards and Spray Suppression—Final Summary Report,” 2005.

extra safety during city operation. The London cement truck shown in Figure 11 illustrates this
adjustable sideguard solution.

Figure 11. Panel sideguard on cement mixer with flip-up rail sideguard for city operation; also includes sensor
and alarm (UK). Aerodynamic fuel savings potential

Smooth panel-style sideguards offer the potential to reduce air drag and increase fuel economy for
trucks, depending on the body style and drive cycle speeds. Air drag increases with speed, so potential
fuel savings would be greatest for vehicles that travel at highway speeds—in the range of 4-7% for
aerodynamic side skirts mounted under trailers. 36 One trailer side skirt manufacturer, Laydon, claims
that its aerodynamic devices have been verified to comply with the European Union sideguard
standard. 37

Significant fuel savings on the order of 1-3% could potentially be realized by single-unit trucks (see
Figure 12) as well as by trucks whose drive cycles mix city and highway mileage. This is an opportunity
that appears to have seen no U.S. research and only limited international research. Since sideguards

EPA Smartway Program.
National Academy of Science, “Technologies and Approaches to Reducing the Fuel Consumption of Medium- and
Heavy-Duty Vehicles” (2010).

and side skirts have been adopted in the U.S. for entirely unrelated purposes and on dissimilar truck
fleets (over-the-road versus urban), the two technologies have not converged. Therefore, the potential
to combine aerodynamic fuel savings at lower than highway speeds with the safety benefits of
sideguards deserves further attention and Volpe recommends identifying best use cases and considering
including and evaluating aerodynamic sideguards in the Safe Fleet Transition Plan pilot.

Figure 12. Examples of aerodynamic side skirts that could also provide side underrun protection.

2.3 Sideguard vendor review

Volpe performed preliminary market research to identify existing retrofit sideguard suppliers in North
America (see Table 6) and, to a limited extent, overseas suppliers. Overseas suppliers based in the UK
were deemed challenging for procurement. Domestic market limitations will likely pose a major initial
challenge for scaling up the procurement of retrofit sideguards. However, the visibility of Vision Zero
and the Safe Fleet Transition Plan pilot is expected to stimulate manufacturer interest within New York
City as well as elsewhere in the U.S.

Table 6. Example North American sideguard retrofit suppliers identified by preliminary market research.

Company Headquarters Design type

Air Flow Deflector Montreal, QC Solid panel, removable

Laydon Composites Oakville, ON Solid panel, aerodynamic
Shu-Pak Corporation Cambridge, ON Rail-style

Volpe invited all three identified existing North American sideguard companies to attend the May 22,
2014 Annual Truck and Equipment Show. One of these vendors, Air Flow Deflector, attended the event
and demonstrated a removable solid panel sideguard, which is being deployed on a number of
Montreal-area Public Works trucks. Estimated costs for fitting a single-unit truck with sideguards, based
on discussions with the identified vendors, ranges from $600 to $2,500. The lower end of this range is

comparable to the $847 average implementation cost per single-unit truck or trailer in Europe. 38

In addition, Volpe engaged corporate leadership at a major OEM, Mack/Volvo, one of three primary
OEMs that supplies DCAS, to launch coordinated discussion about the feasibility of directly incorporating
sideguards into vehicles supplied to the New York City market. Since the company already outfits its
trucks with sideguards for world markets outside of North America (see example in Figure 13), the OEM
path to sideguard deployment is the recommended long-term strategy for DCAS fleets. In a future
project phase, Volpe is prepared to engage leadership at the two other major OEMs to help coordinate
long-term sideguard specifications and assure compatibility with evolving vehicle designs.

Figure 13. Mack/Volvo sideguard equipped collection vehicle currently manufactured for non-U.S. markets.

National Research Council Canada, Side Guards for Trucks and Trailers Phase 1: Background Investigation, 2010.

2.4 Findings from U.S. sideguard programs
Interviews with the City of Boston Director of Central Fleet Maintenance concerning the Boston
sideguard pilot, which was initiated in May 2013, provide two key insights for the DCAS pilot.

First, winter operations over the unusually snowy 2013-14 winter season experienced no reported
issues on the 19 sideguard-equipped vehicles, such as the collection truck shown in Figure 14. None of
the vehicles performed snowplowing, but Director of Maintenance Jim McGonagle stated that this
should not matter since the trucks still executed turns through snowbanks.

Figure 14. One of 19 retrofitted Boston Public Works collection trucks, with steel mesh sideguards mounted to
both the body and the frame rail.

Second, several of the sideguard equipped trucks have underbody diesel particulate filters and no
reported operational issues. The DPFs are spaced one foot from the frame rails. McGonagle stated that
he would potentially be concerned about reduced air flow with panel-style sideguards, but with the rail
types, inadequate air flow and high temperatures have not been an issue.

Figure 15. A Boston DPW collection truck with frame-mounted rail-style sideguards

3. Fleet stakeholder input

3.1 Educational outreach

Volpe partnered with DCAS to develop and deliver an introductory briefing at the Fleet Federation
Meeting on May 15, 2014, kicking off a 90-day period during which Volpe briefed fleets on existing
international sideguard standards and interviewed them to collect input, including technical questions,
suggestions, and operational insights.

Volpe also attended the 26th Annual Truck and Equipment Show on May 22, 2014 to meet with
specification writers, to document DCAS vehicles, and to connect fleets with sideguard vendor
demonstrations (see Figure 16). The input collected through this fleet stakeholder engagement largely
shaped the recommendations in this report.

The questions posed by Fleet Federation members at the May 15 meeting are further recorded and
addressed in Appendix C.

Figure 16. Volpe coordinated a sideguard vendor demonstration (left) and examined vehicle body compatibility
for sideguards (right) at the NYC Truck and Equipment Show (May 22, 2014).

3.2 Engagement with Specifications Committee and focus fleets

Based on the research summarized in the previous chapter, Volpe briefed the DCAS Specifications
Committee on July 9, 2014 via webinar. At the end of the briefing, general questions were fielded.
Volpe followed up with each of seven prioritized fleets, as identified in discussions with DCAS, to solicit
detailed input from each fleet on the preliminary sideguard recommendations described in the briefing.

Appendix B shows the questionnaire template used in these interviews, including a prioritized summary
of sideguard candidate vehicles the Volpe identified belonging to each fleet. The objective of these
follow-up interviews was to ensure that the unique needs and missions of the fleets would be fully
accounted in the final recommendations presented in this report.

The fleets that Volpe interviewed following the Specifications Committee briefing were:
1. Sanitation
3. Parks and Recreation
4. Education
5. NYPD (non-uniformed)
6. Environmental Protection
7. Corrections

Key findings from the fleet interviews, which were considered in the development of final sideguard
recommendations, are described in the following sections.

3.2.1 Department of Sanitation

Feedback on target vehicles

• Retrofits will have to be integrated with Mack/Volvo collection vehicles that have approximately
30 different body and equipment configurations depending on model year and assembler.
• DSNY acquires 300 new collection trucks per year, on a 7-year lifecycle, significantly shorter than
the 10-12 years for other types. This suggests that collection vehicles are particularly well suited
to an OEM-driven sideguard solution.
• Roll-off vehicles should also be considered for sideguards.

Feedback on operations and maintenance

• Snow is the primary concern for panel-style sideguards, but not for rail-style sideguards.
• During snow events, tire chains are mounted on the collection fleet for plowing. Sideguards
should allow clearance and/or be robust enough to allow for tire chain segments that may break
• Access is needed approximately every two months to service fuel filters and air dryers.
• In addition to 5,474 DSNY vehicles, DSNY maintains 1,072 vehicles from other fleets (Mental
Health and Hygiene, Education, Environmental Protection, and Parks and Recreation)

Feedback on specifications
• Recommend as simple as possible and minimal maintenance.
• Recommend clearance testing for hilly street terrain, but do not need clearance to roll over
trash at transfer stations.

Other considerations
• DSNY has engaged Mack/Volvo in parallel with Volpe for input on specifications to make sure
vehicle warranties will continue and that specifications are compatible with current models.
• Salt spreaders require cleaning after snow events. Sideguards should be designed to allow
cleaning access to de-salt these vehicles.
• Aluminum is highly susceptible to salt corrosion. Preferable sideguard materials include
stainless steel and plastic composite.

3.2.2 Department of Transportation

Feedback on target vehicles

• Any of the listed vehicles are good sideguard candidates, but especially rack and tanker trucks
because they have open frame rails.
• In addition to vehicles listed in the DCAS inventory, DOT has trailers has approximately 35-40
trailers that should be considered for sideguards. DOT is already in discussion with Trailer King
about incorporating sideguards and with Brigade Electronics for a turn alarm system. The
purchase of trailers that are currently leased presents an opportunity to add sideguards.
• Recommend targeting trailers and developing guidance for trailer sideguards
• DOT is prioritizing newer vehicles over older vehicles for retrofit.

Feedback on operations and maintenance

• Do not foresee any O&M challenges or expect any new safety issues related to sideguards.

Other considerations
• DOT is investigating and interested in further guidance for safety lighting, mirrors, lenses,
sensors, and cameras, as well as understanding the human factors element of driver overload—
what are the thresholds when more input does not produce safer output?

3.2.3 Department of Parks and Recreation

Feedback on operations and maintenance

• Do not anticipate any operational or maintenance problems. However, it will be important to
make sure that sideguards are securely attached to the vehicle and do not detach.
• Ideally the fleet will have the opportunity to retrofit different kinds of sideguards on different
kinds of vehicles and evaluate them on different driver routes.

Feedback on specifications
• An estimated 10% of Parks trucks occasionally operate off-road. There may be a higher
clearance requirement and reduced need for sideguard protection in natural areas.

• Folding or stowable sideguards for these off-road vehicles would be desirable to protect the
device when operating in natural areas, while still providing protection on city streets.

3.2.4 Department of Education

Feedback on target vehicles

• Fleet consists of standardized equipment without unusual operating conditions.

Feedback on operations and maintenance

• No operational issues foreseen.

Feedback on specifications
• 350mm (13.8-inch) sideguard clearance is not expected to present problems for DOE’s vehicles.
Only for very long wheelbase vehicles would a low ground clearance be a concern, as
experienced by low-bottom trailers on railroad tracks.

3.2.5 New York Police Department

Feedback on target vehicles

• In addition to Volpe-identified vehicles, NYPD has trailers, but these are almost all stationary, for
example, bomb squad and horse trailers.

Feedback on operations and maintenance

• No operational or vehicle access issues foreseen. DPFs could require future maintenance, but
NYPD expects to be able to work around the sideguards. Maintenance staff may also need to
access fuel filters on the side, however most are located under the hood.

Feedback on specifications
• Recommend accounting for fact that when a truck is loaded with cargo, a sideguard mounted to
the body rather than to the chassis will become lower and could potentially become too low.
• NYPD trucks do not normally travel off-road but did during Superstorm Sandy, so recommend
foldable sideguards for at least certain vehicles to be able to go off-road in an emergency.
• Available sideguard space for mounting more emergency lights is desirable.
• Personnel unloading a rack truck may step onto a rail-style sideguard. The sideguard design
therefore should either prevent or account for this use. Bystanders may also be tempted to
hitch rides on a rail-style sideguard on a rack truck, so solid panel sideguards would be preferred
for rack trucks.

3.2.6 Department of Environmental Protection

Feedback on target vehicles

• Much of DEP fleet does not have a long wheelbase or high clearance. Many vehicles have
equipment installed on the sides. Hydrant repair trucks already ride low. Sewer clean vacuum
frame rail is already outfitted and equipment is immovable—recommend removing from list.
• Dump trucks are good candidates, as are boom trucks.

Feedback on operations and maintenance

• No O&M red flags foreseen.
• Most heavy-duty maintenance work is performed by DSNY.
• No off-road operations in the city. However, certain dump trucks may go off-road and would
require a certain ground clearance when serviced in Upstate New York.

Feedback on specifications
• Generally prefer rail-style design, both for additional air flow and because panel-style not
expected to offer fuel economy benefits; also interested in stowable designs.

3.2.7 Department of Corrections

Feedback on target vehicles

• Water tanker, heavy-duty wrecker, collection, and rear loader trucks are not in the DOC fleet.
• Most vehicles (dump trucks, salt spreaders, wrecker, pumpers) operate only on Riker’s Island,
where there is negligible exposure to pedestrians and bicyclists.
• The 24’ box trucks and rack trucks are the most appropriate sideguard candidates since they
have exposed frame rails and operate most on city streets.
• The existing wrecker already has low sidewalls.
• Dump trucks are used for on-island construction and may require a certain ground clearance.
• There is a need to ensure that inmates cannot more easily escape by hiding under the vehicle

Feedback on operations and maintenance

• No issues expected, since all filters, brakes, etc. will remain serviceable.

4. Translating to the DCAS fleets
Volpe reviewed the DCAS vehicle inventory Excel spreadsheet as well as a partial photographic vehicle
inventory to identify suitable vehicles for sideguard installation.

4.1 Unlikely target vehicles for sideguards

Volpe identified at least 3,725 vehicles candidates from the master inventory that do not appear to
require sideguards. This assessment is based on the body styles of these vehicles, which indicate that
they already have low ground clearance and in many cases short wheelbases. The most numerous of
these vehicles are shown in Table 7.

Table 7. Most common fleet vehicles that are not expected to require sideguards.

Vehicle description Quantity

P.E.D. 12 PASS VANS 88

Figure 17. Example DCAS vehicles that are not expected to require sideguards.

4.2 Probable target vehicles for sideguards

Volpe identified at least 4,734 vehicles from the medium- and heavy-duty vehicle inventory that are
expected to benefit from sideguards. This assessment is based on the body styles of these vehicles,
which indicate that they may have large exposed spaces between the axles due to high ground
clearance and in some cases extended wheelbases. The most numerous of these vehicles are shown in
Table 8.

Table 8. Most common fleet vehicles that are expected to benefit from sideguards.

Vehicle description Quantity Main Agencies Notes

PUMPER, 1000GPM/500GAL 139 FDNY Fire vehicle -- assess compatibility
Variety of leased vehicles in this category
DOT HEAVY DUTY RENTALS 120 DOT includes Mack 813 and Ford F-550
Parks, DCAS,
TRUCK, CLOSED BODY 109 Corrections Unclear whether this is a consistent designation
TRUCK, TRACTOR 109 Parks, DSNY, DOT Are there associated trailers?
PUMPER, 2000GPM/CMU 106 FDNY Fire vehicle -- assess compatibility
DUMP TRK, 4-4.5 CUYD 99 DOT, FDNY, Parks
DUMP TRK, 5-6 CUYD 59 Parks, DCAS, DEP
COLLECTION, ALLEY 52 DSNY Check configuration versus rear-load
TRUCK, BOOM 31 DSNY, Parks Check stabilizer locations
DUMP TRK, 11-15 CUYD 28 DEP, Parks
DUMP TRK, 7-10 CUYD 28 DEP, Parks
TRUCK, FUEL TANKER 26 DOT, DSNY Confirm location of wetlines
PUMPER,CMYCX 1000GPM;500G 10 FDNY, Corrections

Figure 18. Example vehicles that are most expected to benefit from sideguard retrofits.

One question raised by fleet stakeholders is the temperature compatibility of diesel particulate filters
(DPFs) and sideguards. Specifically, DPFs operate at extremely high temperatures and are often
mounted under a truck body. In Europe, where sideguards continue to be required by EU R73, strict
Euro VI emissions standards have been implemented that require DPFs on trucks to comply starting
model years 2012-2013, indicating that compatibility with sideguards is feasible.39 Additionally, as
noted in Section 3.3, several of Boston’s sideguard equipped trucks have operated with DPFs and
experienced no reported issues. Additionally, on certain DCAS vehicles, such as DSNY collection trucks,
the DPFs are located on the exhaust stack, near the top of the vehicle.

Euro VI - emissions from heavy duty vehicles

5. Recommendations
This chapter summarizes the Vision Zero sideguard recommendations that Volpe has developed in
partnership with DCAS and based on the research and fleet outreach described in this report.

5.1 Proposed specifications

The recommended sideguard specifications for DCAS’s pilot deployment are depicted in Figure 19.

If a side guard regulation is adopted in New York, it should stipulate the maximum ground clearance, the
minimum strength requirement, and define the areas of installation as shown in Figure 19 on medium
and heavy-duty vehicles above a certain gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). Based on the 2013 and
2014 NTSB Safety Recommendations, Volpe recommends that the GVWR threshold for sideguards be
defined as 10,000 lbs., a value comparable to the existing UK/EU threshold of 3.5 metric tons (7,716

Figure 19. Recommended sideguard requirements for the NYC Safe Fleet Transition Plan pilot deployment.

One of the few significant differences between the UK and EU standards, which were the starting points
for the current recommendation, is that the UK minimum strength requirement is 2 kN (440 lbs.), twice
as strong as the EU’s 1 kN (220 lbs.) requirement. Consistent with recent increases in the Assumed

Average Weight Per Person adopted by the Coast Guard 40 and by Federal Transit Administration 41, and
to allow a safety factor for the larger body mass of an average American pedestrian compared to
average European pedestrians, Volpe recommends implementing at least the 440 lbs. strength
requirement. Consistent with EU and UK requirements, Volpe recommends a maximum allowed
deflection of 1.2 inches for the rearmost 9.8 inches of the sideguard and a maximum allowed
deflection of 5.9 inches along its remaining length when 440 lbs. of perpendicular force is applied on
any part of the outside surface of the sideguard. 42

Following both recommendations by Monash University and UK guidance on the effectiveness of

improved sideguards, 43 as well as based on input from fleets, Volpe recommends implementing a
maximum 13.8 inch (350 mm) ground clearance. This maximum clearance is preferred for NYC
because it provides greater protection for vulnerable road users while not impeding on-road truck

Sideguards should be designed with the aim of safety, strength, weight and ease of operations and
maintenance. To minimize salt corrosion and maximize lifespan, materials such as stainless steel and
plastic composites are strongly preferred over aluminum construction.

To minimize the risk of spearing a bicyclist or pedestrian during a crash, the forward edge of the side
should either be installed flush against a permanent vehicle structure, such as a wheel arch or the cab
(Figure 20); or if there is a gap greater than four inches, the forward sideguard edge should be turned
inward with a rounded, continuous outer surface, as shown in Figure 21. Additionally, any gap between
the cab and the top of the sideguard exceeding 350 mm (13.8 in.) should be filled with an additional rail
or panel of equal strength to the sideguard.

Volpe generally recommends the panel-style sideguard over the traditional rail-style. As discussed in
Sections and 5.3, there is evidence for the increased safety of smooth, panel-style guards, or at
least of guards in which the “rails” are broad and the gaps are narrow (see Figure 30). Interviews with
NYPD indicate that personnel would be likely to make unauthorized use of rail-style guards as access
ladders, particularly on rack trucks; panel-style guards avoid this issue. Panel-style guards also offer
improved visibility, road spray suppression, ease of cleaning, and arguably offer better aesthetics.

Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 239 / Tuesday, December 14, 2010 / Rules and Regulations
USA Today, March 21, 2011.
Volpe recommends use of either of the specified EU R73 deflection testing methods for strength compliance: (1)
an engineering calculation, or (2) apply the maximum perpendicular force to multiple areas of the sideguard’s
external surface by the center of a ram the face of which is circular and flat, with a diameter no greater than 220
mm (8.7 in).
R Cookson and I Knight, Sideguards on heavy goods vehicles: assessing the effects on pedal cyclists injured by
trucks overtaking or turning left. 2010.

However, certain vehicle designs may make panel-style guards impractical. In those cases, rail-style
guards should be used, with careful attention paid to the dimensions, smoothness, and spacing of the
rails. (For example, the cage-style retrofit sideguards in the Boston pilot program would be unlikely to
meet all of the specifications proposed here.)

Figure 20. When the forward edge of the sideguard falls under the cab, any gap between the cab and the top of
the sideguard exceeding 350 mm (13.8 in.) should be filled with an additional rail or panel of equal strength.

Figure 21. The forward edge of the sideguard should have a continuous surface that turns inwards for at least
100 mm (4 in.) This front continuous vertical outer surface and turn-in is optional when the front edge of the
sideguard is within 100 mm (4 in.) of a permanent structure of the vehicle (vehicle cab/wheel arch).

5.2 Proposed vehicle exemptions
Volpe recommends that vehicle exemptions be minimized as much as possible to achieve the largest
possible safety benefits from the pilot and from any future deployments. Four technically justified
vehicle types are recommended as potential exemptions. The first exemption category, “special purpose
vehicles where side protection is impractical,” includes any vehicles such as the DOT zipper truck that
operate exclusively on limited-access highways and that do not interact with bicyclists and pedestrians.

If a vehicle does not fall under these exemption types yet sideguard installation is still deemed to be
problematic due to operational needs such as off-road access, Volpe recommends that stowable or
folding lower sideguards be fully considered before granting an exemption. Recognizing the needs of
special-purpose vehicles, sideguard requirement derogations based on the four derogations that are
included in EU Regulation 73 and summarized in Section 2.2.3 are still recommended for flexibility on
vehicles with stabilizer legs, wetlines, anchorage ropes/chains, or similar equipment.

Exemptions for vehicle types not included in Table 9 should not be generally permitted, and use of the
“special purpose vehicle” exemption for vehicles that operate on city streets should be considered
only when no practical alternative is available. Any such vehicle exemptions should be documented in
detail to demonstrate that sideguard fitment is technically impractical.

Table 9. Potential technically justified sideguard exemptions applicable to NYC DCAS.

Exempted Vehicle Type

Special purpose vehicles where side protection is impractical
Street sweepers
Fire engines
Car carriers

5.3 Questions to address in the pilot program

It is important to be able to assess the effectiveness of the pilot program through a systematic approach
to data collection. The following is not intended to be an exhaustive list but to serve as a starting point
for pilot evaluation.

Vehicle serviceability and operability requirements should be documented through service records and
staff interviews. After a year of operation, at least the following should be assessed and channeled into

specification refinement as needed:

 Salt corrosion susceptibility of sideguards of various materials and on various bodies

 Effects on access to frequently or infrequently accessed vehicle components
 Continued strength and solid attachment of sideguards

Data on safety outcomes should be analyzed from improved crash data that integrates fields for
reporting presence of sideguards (and crossover mirrors) in coordination with NYPD and NYC DOT. For
example, these types of incidents may help to address the following unresolved questions:

 Bystander injured when struck by excessively rigid sideguard on turning vehicle

 Are maximum and minimum deflection criteria required?
 Bystander still suffers underride in crash with sideguard
 Is the maximum allowed ground clearance still sufficient?
 What is the influence of sideguard design and material (rail, panel, stainless, plastic
composite) on safety outcomes?
 How do point of impact and other crash characteristics impact safety?

In addition, the retrofitting of appropriate existing vehicles and future vehicles as the fleet is replaced
raises strategic questions that should be considered:
 What is the most effective method to accelerate design innovations (procurement flexibility
versus regulatory standards)?
 When is the most appropriate time to fully transition from retrofits to comprehensive OEM
specifications for all new vehicles?

5.4 Beyond the pilot

Pending additional agreement once the present sideguard recommendations are adopted, Volpe may
partner with DCAS and NYC DOT to expand the scope of the deployment beyond city-owned and
regulated fleets. This next phase would support DCAS and DOT in establishing and sustaining a
sideguard program evaluation to quantitatively assess effectiveness in preventing fatalities and injuries;
analyze detailed crashes using in-house NHTSA databases to evaluate and recommend a comprehensive
suite of truck safety technologies; and achieve continuous improvements in safety, operability, and cost.

Sideguards are one part of a larger suite of commercial vehicle safety measures that deserve additional
study and potential pilot implementation and evaluation. As a possible starting point, it may be helpful
to consider the results of the UK’s HVCIS fatal crash database. In this national database,
countermeasures are assigned to each crash along with the estimated probability that it would have
prevented the fatality. The probability estimation is based on review of evidence in the police crash

report files as well as on published guidance about the efficacy of the various countermeasures. 44 The
estimated number of lives that would have been saved in bicycle-truck collisions by specific
countermeasures provides a possible roadmap beyond basic rail-style sideguards for safety technology
evaluation on New York City trucks.

Table 10. Relative influence and effectiveness of CMV countermeasures in preventing UK bicyclist-truck
fatalities. Source: HVCIS fatal 1997-2006.

Total estimated lives that would have been

saved by countermeasure (1997-2006)
Improve forward vision 8
Improve side vision 21
Install stronger and lower sideguards* 13.25
Install aerodynamic sideguards* 21
Provide bicycle lane 34.25
Other 9.75
*This is the additional projected benefit of improved sideguards, not the overall benefit from sideguards, since they are already
required in the UK.

One side vision blind spot countermeasure underway in London is the distribution of free TruckView
wide-angle lenses to thousands of truck operators by Transport for London. 45 The clear, thin, plastic
lenses, which are press-fitted to the door window, provide the driver with a downward view close to the
truck's passenger door, where there is normally a blind spot. Another side vision countermeasure is the
installation of stationary “Trixi” mirrors installed on intersection masts, designed to allow truck
operators stopped at a traffic light to see cyclists or pedestrians who are waiting adjacent to the cab. 46
Additionally, new classes of blind spot mirrors are being installed on European truck cabs, and 360-
degree camera systems and ultrasonic sensors such as Brigade are being tested. Except for cameras,
most of these countermeasures have not been studied in the United States and would be prime
candidates for pilot evaluation in New York City’s urban environment.

There is sufficient test data from around the world to conclude that flush side fairings/skirts on heavy
vehicles/trailers improve aerodynamics via a reduction in the trailer’s coefficient of drag. 47 The amount
of the reduction in drag depends highly on the installation, the vehicle, and the speed at which the
vehicle is travelling. Most DCAS trucks are unlikely to realize fuel savings due to their operation at low

R Cookson and I Knight, Sideguards on heavy goods vehicles: assessing the effects on pedal cyclists injured by
trucks overtaking or turning left. 2010.
This blind spot situation at intersections may be similarly common in New York City as it is in London and other
European cities, since all prohibit vehicles from turning on red.
R Cookson and I Knight, Sideguards on heavy goods vehicles: assessing the effects on pedal cyclists injured by
trucks overtaking or turning left. 2010.

speeds in urban traffic. However, as long as the weight is comparable to rail-style sideguards, there
should not be a fuel economy penalty over rail-style sideguards on low-speed vehicles. 48 In addition, as
shown in Table 10, there are predicted incremental safety benefits over rail-style guards that deserve
study in the DCAS pilot and in future, potentially regulatory-driven, deployment.

In the potential next partnership phase between DCAS and Volpe, enhanced crash data collection will be
needed, via close collaboration with the NYPD Collision Investigation Squad and the Department of
Motor Vehicles. Program evaluation using Volpe GIS capabilities and crash analysis of both NYPD and
newly available DCAS CANceiver telematics data would allow the safety impacts of sideguards and other
recommended truck safety features, including crossover mirrors, to be assessed. With support from
NYC DOT Freight Mobility, the effectiveness of truck safety technologies overlaid with features of the
rapidly evolving bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure of the City could be analyzed for safety
interactions and lead to recommendations. At the same time, Volpe anticipates working with the
remaining two major OEMs that supply DCAS fleets to facilitate a smooth transition to integrated
sideguards and other technologies for the Safe Fleet Transition Plan.

NRC Canada 2010

Appendix A: Representative sideguard

Figure 22. Sideguards installed around a fuel tanks (top and bottom right) and a stabilizer leg (bottom left). Each
sideguard is mounted to the frame rails.

Figure 23. Retrofit sideguards mounted to underbody by vertical stanchions (UK), including around a
refrigeration unit (top) and with conspicuous warning signage to bicyclists (bottom left). Bottom right: detached
underbody-mounted sideguards.

Figure 24. Sideguards on diesel particulate filter-equipped with Euro VI emissions standard compliant trucks,
demonstrating compatibility of the two devices.

Figure 25. Sideguard-equipped UK rack tracks, including one with a boom.

Figure 26. Rail-style sideguards on snow plows in the UK and Europe, indicating operational compatibility.

Figure 27. Panel-style sideguard on snow plow.

Figure 28. Rail-style sideguards on German collection truck.

Figure 29. Rail-style sideguards on collection trucks.

Figure 30. Panel-style sideguards on collection trucks

Figure 31. Panel-style sideguard with integrated toolboxes and control panel on UK roll-on-roll-off truck.

Figure 32. Sideguard accommodation of underbody spare wheel (left) and integration of reflectors/lights for
conspicuity (left and right); integration of both a permanent upper and a flip-up lower sideguard that can be
stowed for off-road access.

Figure 33. Rail-style trailer sideguards on Japanese (top left), Chinese (top right), and UK (bottom left) vehicles.
Bottom right: OEM integrated panel-style sideguards on UK trailer.

Figure 34. OEM integrated sideguards on single-unit trucks.

Appendix B: Fleet interview
questionnaire and vehicle rosters
Safe Fleet Transition Plan: Truck Sideguard Pilot Program
Questions for Fleet Specification Writers

Volpe, The National Transportation Systems Center (USDOT), is assisting the New York City Department
of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) in developing a common specification for vehicle sideguards
as part of the Safe Fleet Transition Plan for Vision Zero. Your responses to the following questions will
help us better understand and account for the needs of your fleet.

Please respond to the questions below, referring to the list of candidate vehicle types that we have
identified in your fleet. As you answer each question, please specify the vehicle type(s) that pertain to
each issue.
1. Based on a review of your agency’s truck inventory, the types/styles listed below appear to be
candidates for sideguard implementation.
a. Are there other truck types in your fleet for which sideguards should be considered?
b. Do you foresee any O&M challenges with sideguards for the truck types listed?
2. Are there any safety concerns for drivers or maintenance staff with respect to sideguards?
3. Are there unique conditions or hazards that sideguards may need to withstand while fitted on
your fleet vehicles?
4. Are there certain specifications that you would suggest as “preferred” rather than “required”
elements (for example: stowable for off-road use, integrated sensors/alarms, etc.)?
5. Are there any other considerations that we should be aware of as we research and recommend

Department of Sanitation

Department of Transportation

Department of Parks and Recreation

DUMP TRK, 5-6 CUYD 24 DUMP TRK, 4-4.5 CUYD 4
DUMP TRK, 11-15 CUYD 22 DUMP TRK, 7-10 CUYD 4

Department of Education

Department of Environmental Protection

DUMP TRK, 7-10 CUYD 22 DUMP TRK, 11-15 CUYD 5

Department of Corrections

New York Police Department

30 TON TOW 2

Appendix C: Q&A from Fleet Federation
Questions and answers based on Fleet Federation input on May 15, 2014

• What types of vehicles were exempt from the side guard requirements in the UK?
o See Section 2.2.3.
• How might sideguards impact fuel economy by improving aerodynamics? Are EPA Smartway
side skirts (marketed for fuel economy) sufficient to serve as sideguards?
o For certain vehicles that operate at higher speeds, smooth panel-style sideguards could
yield comparable fuel savings to Smartway side skirts. Some but not all side skirts
appear to be sufficiently rigid to function as sideguards. Laydon Composites claims to
produce a side skirt that meets the European sideguard standard.
• Do you have any information on the safety impacts of cab-over designs as compared to trucks
with extended hoods?
o No studies could be identified, although the cab-over forward blind spot does appear to
be smaller than that of most conventional cabs. Additionally, European manufacturer
design and a recent act of the European Parliament are moving in the direction of larger,
lower cab windows to increase both forward and side visibility beneath the cab. 49
• Are you aware of any examples where fleets have used some kind of signal or deterrent to
prevent bicyclists from passing on the right (e.g. similar to a school bus stop sign, or audible
alarm, flashing lights)?
o Audible warning alarms are in use on certain London trucks. Federal Transit
Administration is testing audible and visual turn alarms for transit buses.
• Similarly, are there any examples of regulations that explicitly prohibit cyclists from passing on
the right?
o Forty-four states and the Uniform Traffic Code allow passing on the right by bicyclists.
• Have you looked into the implications for a snow plow truck with a long wheel base? I.e., would
a side guard be an issue when turning over a snow bank?
o Boston and multiple countries in Europe have experience with sideguards on trucks
through snowy winters. No issues reported in Boston (see section 2.4).
• Would retractable sideguards be an option?
o Yes, see 2.2.4.
• How might sideguards impact performance and safety during crosswinds? Would the increase in
free board make it harder to drive/handle?

MEPs approve rules for safer lorry designs in EU, April 2014.
o Fleet feedback about panel-type sideskirts (similar aerodynamic properties to panel
sideguards) is improved handling in crosswinds.
• In places where sideguards have been implemented, were they 100% effective, or is side
underride still a possibility? Is the 21.7” maximum clearance allowed in the EU too high?
o Side underride is still a possibility at that height
o Monash study recommends 350 mm
o Japanese standard is 450 mm unladen
o UK crash analysis countermeasures guidance recommends 300 mm
• What other safety measures were implemented in the UK along with sideguards that might also
explain the observed reduction in injuries?
o None identified in the 1980s-1990s, however in the 2000s Trixi mirrors and additional
bike infrastructure have been installed.
• Has the EU revised its specifications on sideguards over time?
o Yes, see exemptions chapter.
• Does the EU require diesel particulate filters on trucks? How can a sideguard be installed on a
vehicle that already has a DPF in its underbody gap?
o Yes, Euro VI emissions standards require DPFs on trucks starting MY 2012-2013.
• What material is used for the sideguards in Brazil that can sustain greater than 1 kN?
o Brazilian sideguards were not a focus of this study, however regulations require them to
withstand 5 kN.
• Are there any potential negative impacts from having a sideguard that is too rigid? What are
the material choice and weight tradeoffs?
o This is a good question to investigate in the pilot. No precedent for requirements for a
minimum deflection could be identified.
• Is Boston’s “cage” style sideguard effective?
o The welded pipe version has successfully resisted a car impact without damage.
However, it does not have a smooth vertical leading edge as required by international
standards and as recommended for DCAS in this report.
• Is there a maximum speed above which a sideguard would not be effective as a safety
o No evidence for this. Note that the speed limit in NYC is 30 mph.

Appendix D: North American sideguard
implementation summary
 Montreal, QC DPW fleet: installation on approximately 125 vehicles.

 Newfoundland and Nova Scotia DPW fleets

 Portland, OR resolution (see Appendix E)
 2008 City Council resolution
 12 municipal trucks retrofitted
 < 1% of O&M budget, no issues
 “Saving one life far outweighs the minimal O&M costs” – fleet manager

 Washington, DC ordinance (see Appendix E)

 2008 ordinance: Bicycle Safety Enhancement Act
 23 vehicles retrofitted as of June 2014; rest of 162 to be equipped through turnover
 Boston, MA pilot
 2013 Public Works Department initiative
 19 municipal trucks retrofitted; rest of 168 to be equipped through turnover
 Supported by Volpe/USDOT
 Private waste hauling contracts require sideguards effective July 2014 (see Appendix E)

 Cambridge, MA pilot
 2013 DPW pilot
 6 municipal trucks retrofitted

 Somerville, MA pilot
 2014 DPW pilot
 1 municipal truck retrofitted
 Newton, MA pilot
 2014 DPW pilot
 1 municipal truck retrofitted
 New York City [planned 2014]
 Select private sector sideguard installations: Save That Stuff, Boston; EarthWorm, Boston;
FoodShare, Toronto.

Appendix E: U.S. sideguard regulation
and procurement examples

Portland City Council resolution50

Improving Bicycle Safety in Portland Resolution 36565

RESOLUTION No. 3 6 56 5
Accept report Improving Bicycle Safety in Portland outlining initial City policy
improvements and engineering enhancements undertaken to increase bicycle safety in
response to recent tragic bicyclist fatalities (Resolution)

Whereas, Portland prides itself on providing its citizens with a transportation system with
multiple, safe and realistic transportation choices to its users, and;

Whereas, Portland leads the nation in terms of the percentage of its population that relies on the
as their primary means of transportation and the transportation mode used to commute to and
from work, and;

Whereas, transportation safety is a paramount concern of life and safety, and;

Whereas, there has been a recent series of shocking and tragic bicycle-automobile
collisions that has resulted in at least two bicycle deaths and at least one extended hospital
stay, and;

Whereas, the Portland Office of Transportation knows how to reduce the number and
frequency of such tragic automobile-bicycle collisions using the engineering, enforcement,
education, and equipment improvements, and;

Whereas, Portland City Council has allocated $200,000 in one-time surplus general funds
to address bicycle safety deficiencies in our transportation system, and;

Whereas, Portland City Commissioner Sam Adams has convened a Bicycle Safety Advisory
Committee comprised of stakeholders from the Bicycle Transportation Alliance, Bicycle
Advisory Committee, City Attorney's Office, Portland Office of Transportation, Portland


Police Bureau, private bicycle attorneys, pedestrian advocates, and other concerned citizens,

Whereas, this committee has held multiple meetings, including a public forum open to all
concerned members of the community to receive testimony, and met worked to identify
specific problems and specific solutions for those problems, the result of which has been a
list of suggestions and actionable items to be further investigated and implemented as
feasible, and;

Whereas, discussions continue with the Portland Police Bureau to further refine and improve
their internal processes for the most effective handling possible of automobile-bicycle crashes,
and Commissioner Adams shall return to Council with a follow-up resolution and report
outlining the results of said talks.

Now, therefore, be it resolved that the City of Portland City Council hereby accepts the
following report to council as Non-binding City Policy. (Refer to exhibits A, B, and C)

Exhibit C. City of Portland Fleet Vehicle Equipment Safety Upgrades 51

With the goal of promoting the safety of all citizens and City workers that travel on
Portland's roadways, the City of Portland has installed many safety devices in its
heavy equipment fleet. These include additional mirrors, side signal lights, backup
cameras, reflective tape, and frenzel-optical [sic] lenses that allow drivers to see
through the passenger-side door. These safety items, combined with extensive
operator training, significantly improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, other vehicle
operators, and City workers.

The City has reviewed its dump trucks, street sweepers, aerial tower trucks, boom
trucks, vacuum trucks, and equipment trailers to determine if a side guard retrofit will
reduce the likelihood that vehicles or people would go under the side of our large
trucks in the event of a crash. Almost all of the City's equipment already includes a
side protection between the axles. The protection comes from the tool bins mounted to
the body or frame of the truck, or, in some cases, the space between the axles is filled
with a fuel tank and tool bins.

An assessment of the fleet showed that twelve trucks could benefit from the
installation of the side-underrun guards. The cost is about $4,500 per side, and
includes design, fabrication, installation, and wiring of the new lights. Adding one side
guard to each of these twelve pieces of equipment would cost the city approximately

A side-underrun guard is typically a barrier that is affixed along the side of the truck.
This barrier is present so that in the event of a crash, the vehicle or person crashing
with the truck is not able to go under the truck. Vehicle Services is finalizing design


and installation plans that are specific to the twelve trucks that do not currently have
adequate side-underrun protection.

Washington, DC ordinance52
Bicycle Safety Enhancement Amendment Act of 2008 17-352



To require the Mayor to establish bicycle safety enhancements for District-owned,

heavy-duty vehicles and to require bicycle- and pedestrian-awareness
training for operators of District-owned, heavy-duty vehicles; and to amend
Title 18 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations to require that a
motor vehicle operator leave a minimum of 3 feet clearance when passing a
bicycle and to establish fines for the use of restricted lanes by unauthorized


COLUMBIA, That this act may be cited as the “Bicycle Safety Enhancement
Amendment Act of 2008”.

Sec. 2. Bicycle safety enhancements for District-owned, heavy-

duty vehicles.
(a) The Mayor shall:
(1) Equip all District-owned, heavy-duty vehicles with
the following:
(A) Blind-spot mirrors;
(B) Reflective blind-spot warning stickers; and
(C) Side-underrun guards to prevent bicyclists, other
vehicles, or pedestrians from sliding under rear wheels.
(2) Require that operators of District-owned, heavy-duty vehicles
receive bicycle and pedestrian safety training from a curriculum and instructors
that are approved by the District Department of Transportation.
(b) The Mayor, pursuant to Title 1 of the District of Columbia
Administrative Procedure Act, approved October 21, 1968 (82 Stat. 1204; D.C.
Official Code § 2-501 et seq.), shall issue rules to implement the provisions of this
section within 180 days of the effective date of this act.


Sec. 3. Title 18 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations is amended as follows:
(a) A new section 2202.10 is added to read as follows: “2202.10 A person driving a
motor vehicle shall exercise due care by leaving a safe distance, but in no case less than 3 feet,
when overtaking and passing a bicycle.”
(b) Section 2600.1 is amended by adding to the table a new infraction under the caption
“Lane or course” to read as follows:
“Improper use of restricted [§ 2220] 100.00”.

Sec. 4. Applicability.
Section 2(a)(1)(C) shall apply upon inclusion of its fiscal effect in an approved budget
and financial plan.

Sec. 5. Fiscal impact statement.

The Council adopts the December 16, 2008 fiscal impact statement of the Chief
Financial Officer as the fiscal impact statement required by section 602(c)(3) of the District of
Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-

Sec. 6. Effective date.

This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the
Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of Congressional review as
provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December
24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206.02(c)(1)), and publication in the District of
Columbia Register.

Boston waste hauling RFP (excerpt)

Collection and Hauling of Refuse and Recyclables
From the of Districts 2 & 4, District 3 & 7, and District 6 & 8 of Boston
For the Period of July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2019


(a) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: The Contractor shall on the scheduled collection day (see Section 1(f)
collect and remove all household refuse set out in suitable receptacles (including containers or
compactors up to six (6) cubic yards capacity approved by the Official) or securely tied bundles on all
public ways and alleys and on private ways and alleys adequate for vehicular traffic. For the recyclables
collection work that has been awarded, the Contractor shall collect all designated recyclables, which
have been set out in the manner directed by the Official. Empty receptacles shall not be returned so as
to obstruct driveways. Buildings occupied by the City may use containers up to 30 cubic yards in size.

(b) SPILLAGE: The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent paper and other refuse
or recyclables from falling to the ground or blowing away while loading the trucks. The Contractor shall
pick up and dispose of any loose refuse or recyclables that are on the ground before and after he
empties the containers. Each truck shall be equipped with a broom and shovel for doing the aforesaid
work. This provision will be strictly enforced and failure to comply will invoke the penalties contained in
Section 4 of the Specifications.

(c) SPECIAL CLEAN-UP PERIODS: In designated areas of the City, the Commissioner of Public Works
may, not more than twice each year, order collection of accumulated household trash during special
clean-up periods regardless of the amount or manner of putting out.


(1) If the Contractor chooses not to collect Bulky material in trucks used for the collection of
household refuse the Contractor may use open body trucks for the collection of such material but shall
not use a truck as a depot. The collection of such material shall not be later than four (4) hours after the
household collection is made. Bulk trucks shall not be used outside the contract district until all the
bulky material put out for collection has been removed.

(2) Any hot loads delivered to the designated disposal site shall be dumped in a designated area
and when the fire is extinguished the Contractor shall provide a truck to remove the refuse. If the
Contractor does not provide this equipment a deduction of $200.00 shall be made from the monthly
payment due him for each violation.

Hot loads dumped on the street (public way or private) shall be removed within four (4) hours or
the City shall remove and charge the Contractor as provided under Section 4 of the Specifications.

(3) Any loads containing low levels of radioactive waste shall be delivered to designated area to
remove the contaminated waste. Contractor is responsible to hire and contact a health physicist or
radiation consultant in order to coordinate these regulatory notifications and approval to remove to
specific location or store at disposal facility.

(e) ROUTES: The Collection routes for all districts except Districts 1A, 1B & 10 and District 2 & 4,
District 3 & 7, and District 6 & 8 shall be laid out for a five (5) day workweek. In Districts 1A a one (1) day
workweek. District 1B, 10 four (4) day work week. In District 5 the collection routes shall be laid out for a
four (4) day workweek. The routes for the collection of refuse and recyclables shall be satisfactory to the
Official or his duly authorized representatives. Collection of it shall be made on such days and during
such hours as shall be satisfactory to the Official or his duly authorized representative.

No collection shall commence prior to 7:00am except with written permission of the Official and
all collection routes will be completed not later than 2:30pm. The unloading hours at the disposal and
processing facilities shall be from 7:00am to 5:00pm for household refuse and recyclables including all
legal holidays except for Christmas.

Extension of the collection and dumping hours may be made by the Official at the request of
the Contractor during and immediately following severe storms such as blizzards, hurricanes, and during
Special Clean-Up Periods.

Contractor’s trucks traveling directly to and from the disposal and processing sites shall not travel
on residential streets and the routes shall be assigned by and subject to the approval of the Official.

The City shall prepare a map of the district showing the areas to be collected on each working
day. The Contractor shall lay out his collection truck routes within these areas to coincide so far as
practical with the existing collection routes. These routes shall be revised and adjusted to the
satisfaction of the Official within three days after notification of the contract award. The City, at its
expense shall notify all residents affected as to the change in collection day for that route. Any
subsequent changes, if allowed at the Contractor’s request will require notification by the Official at the
Contractor’s expense.

(f) TRUCK REQUIREMENTS: The Contractor shall provide totally enclosed steel bodies with cart
tippers, bicycle guards, park at idle technology of an approved type satisfactory to the Official on all
refuse and recycling trucks except thereinafter specified.

The contractor shall be permitted to use open-body trucks to collect, separate, such bulky
materials as broken furniture, packing cases and similar material that is too large to enter the enclosed
body opening. The Contractor shall not be allowed to collect in said open-body trucks any refuse
whatsoever set out in containers and/or of such size as to enter the opening of the enclosed body
trucks, excepted in such alleys as are designated by the Official in writing to be too narrow to allow the
use of an enclosed body truck. No change in the contract price shall be made if the Contractor uses
open-body trucks for collection of bulky material or in designated alleys as specified above.

1) All diesel solid waste hauler vehicles must have emission control devices installed, such as oxidation
catalysts or particulate filters on the exhaust system side of the diesel combustion engine equipment by
the start the contract. Failure to do so constitutes a violation of the contract.
2) Acceptable Retrofit Emission Control Devices shall consist of oxidation catalysts or other comparable
technologies that are (1) included on the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Verified Retrofit
Technology List and/or the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Currently Verified Technologies List;
and (2) are verified by EPA or CARB, to provide a minimum emissions reduction of 50 percent for
VOCs, 40 percent for CO and 20 percent for PM. Attainment of the required reduction in PM emissions

can also be accomplished by using less polluting Clean Fuels. Verified technologies can be identified on
the following websites:

The requirements for providing all refuse and recycling trucks with enclosed, steel bodies shall have
been met with if all trucks except those to be used for collecting bulky materials or in designated alleys,
are provided with enclosed steel bodies, and with the further exceptions that, in the two weeks
following New Year’s Day, the contractor, upon written order of the Official, shall use more open-body
trucks, in addition to his normal complement of trucks, as are necessary to collect, separately from other
refuse, Christmas trees in his Contract district.

The Contractor shall, immediately following the execution of this contract by the City of Boston
file, with the Official, a list of all the trucks which he intends to use in performing the work under the
contract; the list shall identify each such truck by make, registration number manufacturer's number.
subsequent to the filing of such list if the Contractor desires to use other or additional trucks, he shall
file a supplementary list with the Official, setting forth the make, registration number and
manufacturer's number of the additional or substitute trucks, and also stating and identifying any such
truck as he takes it out of service.

Any Contractor having more than one refuse and recyclables collection contract with the City and
desiring to shift any truck and crew from one district to another shall first notify the Waste Reduction
Inspector in each district and the District Supervisor in each district involved.

The Contractor shall immediately notify the Waste Reduction Office when a truck has for any
reason discontinued collecting refuse or recyclables. The Waste Reduction Office will call the Disposal or
processing site to take the truck off of the household refuse or recyclables list. The vehicle will not be
added again to the list until a Sanitation Inspector has checked it out before returning to the collecting

All trucks and men assigned to household collection shall report at 7:00 a.m.

The Contractor shall be required to furnish a truck or trucks with cart tippers of such design as to
collect refuse and recyclables from all alleys from which refuse and recyclables are normally collected
and which have been designated by the Official as being too narrow for the use of standard packer type
trucks. A smaller truck shall also be used where changes caused by construction or other physical
changes require the same. These trucks shall be of design satisfactory to the Official and shall be
submitted for his inspection and approval prior to the commencement of work under the contract.

The Contractor shall be required to use studded snow tires or chains on tires following ice or

snow storms where in the opinion of the Official it is necessary in order to traverse alleys or steep

No household refuse truck may be used on recyclables at the same time. EXAMPLE: racks or
barrels attached to refuse trucks. Contractors must have recycling trucks approved by the
Commissioner of Public Works.

Open pick up trucks will not be allowed to collect recyclables on a daily basis in any district
except to pick up complaints.

In order to control the use of the Disposal and Processing Facilities furnished by the City the
Contractor shall ordinarily use on the work only those trucks which have been listed with the Official and
shall not use any truck which has not been listed with the Official all as aforesaid.

All the trucks used on this work shall be numbered on the front and rear with 6" numerals at the top
of the body and shall have a permit to transport refuse through the streets of Boston in accordance with
City Ordinance Chapter 11 (Clause 282). Each truck shall be marked with a decal reading "Truck being
Operated Under Contract With the City of Boston" and the contract district number, all lettering to the
subject to the approval of the Official.

The Contractor is required to maintain his trucks in good painted condition and shall repaint any
trucks within a three weeks period upon receipt of written directions from the Official.

The Public Works Department requires the Contractor to have recycling signs on his recycling
trucks. Recycling trucks shall have signs on both sides of the truck bodies.
Recycling signs must be highly visible to the public as the trucks drive down the street. Sign sizes will
depend on the truck size and the available truck-body space For example, the 2 truck signs for a packer
truck should measure 3’x 6’.
Recycling sign artwork must be approved by Public Works. All signs will require Public Works approval.

On the sides of each truck in a suitable location, signboards of a size prescribed by the
Commissioner of Public Works will be installed for the purpose of displaying from time to time
sanitation posters issued by the City of Boston. The signboards shall be furnished by the City and
installed at no expense to the Contractor. With the exception a of City of Boston single stream recycling
log, that is to be displayed on recycling collection vehicles

The Contractor shall keep his name and numbers painted on his truck cab, so that they can at
all times be plainly seen; shall mark the cubic yard capacity on each vehicle; and shall adjust this marking
whenever the capacity is changed; shall keep his trucks neat and clean in appearance; and shall use care
in loading and covering trucks. The Contractor shall provide brooms and shovels on each truck and shall

remove all refuse dropped from the trucks or containers; and shall provide open-top trucks with canvass
covers two (2) feet wider than the width of the truck and three (3) feet longer than the length of the
truck body. No fishtail type of body may be used for rubbish.

Failure to comply with the contract requirements for painting, lettering and numbering within three
weeks of being notified of such failure shall result in deduction from the Contractors payments of $30.00
per truck per day.


Equipment Owned Number Total Model

Packer Body trucks
Open Body Trucks

Equipment Leased Number

Total Owner's Name Model Years
Packer Body Trucks
Open Body Trucks


The above equipment shall be available for inspection prior to the award of a contract at the
following location(s):



Note: This page should be used to list equipment for recycling collection as well as refuse collection.

*All refuse hauling equipment will have cart tippers, bicycle guards installed, Pack at Idle technology
inclusive of vehicles designated to collect refuse and recycling from various alleys throughout the City

Boston ordinance

U.S. Department of Transportation
John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
55 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02142-1093




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