Laboquick Adenovirus Ag Test Kit User Guide

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Sample laking:

Test Cihazmm Kullamml: Put the sample of stool into the sampling device in the
package of the test. l oosen the top part of sampling device
and take the test stick out and take the samples from three


Unpackage the aluminum bag of test
oevice by tearing as shown .
different parts of the stool. Then place the stick into the
sampling bottle and fasten strictly. If the sample is not
analyzed instantly, keep it under 4 Cdegree. At the time of the
test to be done, the sample should be brought to the room
Adenovirus Antigen Test Instructions
Intended Use Sensitivity: 98.5%

laboquick Adena Virus antigen cassette test is used as a diagnostic tool to detect qualitative immunochromatographic Adeno virus
. Specificity: 99%
antigen in stool.
One step, quick test to determine adeno vi rus antigen in stool. Test Limits:
Product Code, LBAV.Ol I-Only laboquick Adenovirus Ag test cannot be used to
Shake the sampling bottle diagnose the disease. This test can only be used to detect the
Introduction: presence of Adenovirus antigen in the sample. The test results
Adenoviruses are the main cause of acute gastroenteritis, especially in children under the age of two years. Adenoviruses have been throughly.
should definitely be supported by the supplement diagnosis
identified in almost 50% of the feces of children with gastroenteritis. Adenovirus infections occur frequently during the winter and diagnostic methods with the expert comments.
months. Gastroenteritis from enteric viruses can be mortal in risk populations such as children , the elderly or immunosuppressed 2- In case the defects continue even if the test results are
individuals. Characteristic symptoms include vomiting, hydrodiarrhoea for between 3 and 8 days, high temperature and stomach found negative, other various tests should be done by using the
Be sure that the sampling bottle is other clinical methods. Any result seen as negative does not
pains. Adenoviruses transferred via the fecal-oral route are eliminated in large quantities into the intestine, so that hospital-borne remove the risk and possibility of Adenovirus antigen infection.
infections from Adenoviruses are regarded very seriously, particularly in baby stations and paediatric clinics, and are difficult to at the vertical direction in the The sole using purpose of the
control. Early and reliable detection so that Adenoviruses can be recognized and further infections avoided is therefore very manner that the top part is
important. correctly positioned, then break 3- Test device gives the best result under room temperature
off the plastic cover carefully. 4-.The most productive completion of the test is depending on
Test Principle: full conformance to the instructions. Otherwise the results may
Adenovirus Rapid Test cassette contains a membrane Strip which employs red gold conjugated monoclonal antibodies against lead tofaulls.
antigen of Adenovirus. Test is based on the immunochromatographic principle. The test device has a sample hole made of the 5- More than 4-5 drops is applied on the sample hole of the
material enabling the reagent to proceed. The membrane that constitutes the test device has been formed ultimately once the test device can lead to faulty results.
Put 3-4 drops from the sample
Adenovirus antigens are passed through the test band space as well as the monoclonal antibodies specific to Adenovirus passed solution into the dropping hole Resources:
through the front cover. as shown in the picture. 1. Set-up of a new rapid immunochromatographic diagnostic
Adenovirus antibody takes part in the section of membrane contenting the golden resultant. In case the Adenovirus antigens are test for a Adenovirus detection. D. Van Beers, M. DE Foor ,
present in the patient's stool, it dissolves in the solution included in the sampling bottle then proceeds by using the mixture form of R. Viehoff , D. Col, M.Venuti and T. leclipteux.Progress in
Read out the test results after 5-10 minutes. Clinical Virology III , Bologne , Septembre 1997.
chromatographically antigen- antibody-antigen golden particles towards test space (T) in order to form a visible line. Thus, a visible 2. Detection of adenovirus in faecal specimens with a
line appearance in the T space confirms the positive result in the detection of Adenovirus antigen Otherwise, this visible line shall Do not take the results into consideration monoclonal antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay:
not appear. Unless this visible line is seen in T space, the result is negative. However, there is a color line every time in the control after 15 minutes. comparison with polyclonal antibody enzyme-immunoessays
space (C). This control line is a procedural indicator. It confirms that the sufficient sample solution is dropped, the sample expands and a latex agglutination test. Sneyers et al.Comp. Immun.
Results Evaluation: Microbial. Infect. Dis. , voI12, n' 4, pp 95·104,1989
in the test properly and reagent is under control. 3. Comparison of Three Rapid Immunoassays for the

Package content, Detectiono of Adenovirus Antigen in Stool Samples I. Van der
Adenovirus Ag test device, sampling device, silica gel bag. § Donck et al. ESCV Winter Meeting 1999, Rotterdam, the
Storage Conditions: 4.American Academy of Pediatrics. Adenovirus Infections. In:
The indication line taking part at the section marked
Adenovirus Ag test should be kept under 2 ... 30 C degree. The Test shouldn't be frozen. The product can be stored in stabile Peter G, ed. 1997 Red Book, Report of the Committee on
with "C" in the result display confirms the NEGATIVE Infectious Diseases. 24th ed. Elk Grove Village, Il: American
condition until the date of expiry written on the product package unless it is open.
result. Academy of Pediatrics, 1997, 131.
Warnings and Measures: 5. Horwitz MS. Adenoviruses. In: Fields BN , Knipe OM,

The following should be taken into consideration to get the correct results; Howley PM, eds. Fields Virology. 3rd ed. Philadelphia,
I-Before use, read the instructions carefully, Lippincott-Raven, 1995,2149-71.
6. Foy HM. Adenoviruses. In: Evans A, Kaslow R, eds. Viral
2-0nly for In Vitro Diagnostic Use.
3-Never freeze the tests. If the test is stored in the refrigerator, The test should brought to the room temperature before use. The test
:-:;:i~c a7ti-:-on:-l:::in~es:-t~a""ki-:-ng:-:-pa~rt:-a::-t:;th~e-:'
sections both Infections in Humans: epidemiology and control. 4th ed. New
York, Plenum, 1997,119-38
marked with "C" and ''1'' comfirms the POSITIVE
should definitely be done under room temperature ( between 5..... 30 C degree) HAM.LAKK.Ol
4-Expired products shouldn't be used. Rev.O! Publishing Date: 10.12.2009
5- The number of drops to be added should be observed carefully. Only 3-4 drops should be added in the test. Oretici Firma:
6-The test device should be used immediately after unpackaged.
7-lf the package of the test is damaged or torn, the test device shouldn't be used. ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J
(~)<- IINVALID Koroglu Tlbbi Mall. San. ve Tic. Ltd.
1776/23 Sok. NoA/A Mevl,na M'h.
Labex €ngenaanng Ltd
46 Ljubljana str.• Soli. 1616. Bulgaria
8- During the test, any cosmetics should not be used; any food or beverage should not be consumed and smoking should be avoided. Bornova-izm ir-Turkiye T"I: +3S92818 OJ 81 : Fax: +35926180386
If any line is not appeared in the result display until TeH90 (232)388 73 74
9-The possibility of any leaping of samples or producing the steam during the test should be avoided.
lO-lt should be remembered that the best results can only be obtained depending on the proper conformance to the instructions.
II-Once the test procedure starts, every step should be taken uninterruptedly.
the end of the testing time, the test is invalid. The
test should be repeated.
F,ks, +90 (232) 388 40 43
e-mail: [email protected]

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