Children 09 00731
Children 09 00731
Children 09 00731
Development and Validation of a New Screening Tool with
Non-Invasive Indicators for Assessment of Malnutrition Risk
in Hospitalised Children
Petra Klanjšek 1, *, Majda Pajnkihar 1 , Nataša Marčun Varda 2,3 , Mirjam Močnik 2 , Sonja Golob Jančič 2
and Petra Povalej Bržan 3,4
1 Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Maribor, Žitna ulica 15, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia;
[email protected]
2 Department of Paediatrics, University Medical Centre Maribor, Ljubljanska ulica 5, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia;
[email protected] (N.M.V.); [email protected] (M.M.);
[email protected] (S.G.J.)
3 Faculty of Medicine, University of Maribor, Taborska ulica 8, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia; [email protected]
4 Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Koroška cesta 46,
2000 Maribor, Slovenia
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: There is no evidence of the most effective nutritional screening tool for hospitalized
children. The present study aimed to develop a quick, simple, and valid screening tool for identifying
malnutrition risk of hospital admission with non-invasive indicators. A cross-sectional study was
conducted. Children‘s nutritional baseline using a questionnaire, subjective malnutritional risk,
and Subjective Global Nutritional Assessment were assessed on admission. Concurrent validity
Citation: Klanjšek, P.; Pajnkihar, M.;
was assessed using American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN)and Academy
Marčun Varda, N.; Močnik, M.; Golob
of Nutrition and Dietetics assessment and Subjective Global Nutritional Assessment tool. A new
Jančič, S.; Povalej Bržan, P.
Development and Validation of a
screening tool Simple Pediatric Nutritional risk Screening tool (SPENS) was developed, and sensitivity,
New Screening Tool with specificity and reliability were evaluated. A total of 180 children aged from 1 month to 18 years
Non-Invasive Indicators for were included (142 in the development phase and 38 in the validation phase). SPENS consist of
Assessment of Malnutrition Risk in four variables and shows almost perfect agreement with subjective malnutritional risk assessment
Hospitalised Children. Children 2022, (κ = 0.837) with high sensitivity and specificity (93.3% and 91.3% respectively). Compared with
9, 731. Subjective Global Nutritional Assessment and ASPEN and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
children9050731 assessment, SPENS had sensitivity 92.9% and 86.7%, a specificity of 87.5% and 87.0%, and an overall
Academic Editors: Tzuan A. Chen agreement of 0.78 and 0.728, respectively. Due to the fast, simple, easy, and practical to use, screening
and Jayna Markand Dave the SPENS can be performed by nurses, physicians, and dieticians.
diseases [10,11]. The latter can be accompanied by the presence of eating disorders [12]
and reduced food intake before or during hospitalisation [13]. The most common gastroin-
testinal factors of malnutrition include nausea and vomiting, constipation, diarrhoea [8,10]
and infections [14]. Surgery, aggressive therapies (e.g., oncology treatment) [15,16] and
neuromotor disabilities [17] are also negatively related to nutritional status. The most
important clinical indicators of children with disease-associated malnutrition ranked on
the basis of the opinions and practices of an international cohort of health professionals are
ongoing weight loss, increased losses, increased requirements, low dietary intake and a
high-risk condition [18].
Early and timely nutritional screening helps to improve nutritional care, accelerate
treatment and recovery, reduce complications, and reduce economic costs in the health sys-
tem [19] as with other diseases where early diagnosis and timely initiation of treatment are
of the utmost importance [20]; therefore, European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology,
Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPHAGAN) and American Society for Parenteral and Enteral
Nutrition (AESPEN) are recommending nutritional screening for hospitalised children with
paediatric nutritional screening tools (NSTs) which are simple, useful, and cost-effective.
Several NSTs for children admitted to the hospital have been developed and validated [7,21].
In the last decade, most of the studies consider Paediatric Yorkhill Malnutrition Score
(PYMS), Screening Tool for the Assessment of Malnutrition in Paediatrics (STAMP) and
Screening Tool for Risk on Nutritional status and Growth (STRONGkids) [22–24]. Due
to the individual needs of the different study populations, researchers are continuously
developing new NSTs [21]; however, no agreement has been reached on the “gold standard”
for the assessment of malnutrition risk [25]. The last point is also one of the reasons that
the implementation of routine nutritional risk screening upon hospitalisation has not yet
been established in most clinical settings. Among 588 paediatric gastroenterologists and
paediatric dietitians from six countries (Australia, Israel, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands, and
UK) included in a recent study [18] only 23% reported routine use of NSTs at the hospital
(most frequently in Belgium, Netherlands, and UK: 40–50%). The most common approach
was assessment of weight changes (85%), followed by the use of growth charts (77–80%).
Low awareness, lack of guidelines or local policy and lack of resources were recognised
as the most important barriers to the routine evaluation of disease-associated malnutrition
in clinical practice [18].
The development of NSTs modified for each hospital and child diagnosis individually
and with excellent reliability, regardless of the person performing the nutrition screening,
is suggested [26]. Systematic screening with NSTs is not routinely performed in Slovenian
hospitals. A specific NST for identification of the risks of malnutrition in Slovenian children
has not yet been developed.
The proposed study focuses on the development and validation of a reliable NST
Simple Pediatric Nutritional Risk Screening tool (SPENS) for hospitalised children of all
ages (1 month to 18 years), regardless of the child’s disease and the purpose of hospital-
isation. The aim of the study is to develop a useful and time-efficient NST that will be
used for screening in clinical pediatric practise by nurses, physicians, and dieticians. An
implementation of a newly developed SPENS will be the first step towards a systematic
routine for nutritional treatment of children in the Slovenian clinical environment; this
will enable the identification of hospitalised children with risk of malnutrition, which will
further receive appropriate nutritional assessment and timely nutritional interventions.
hensive and richer results than either method independently would have achieved [30].
Qualitative data were the basis for conducting a quantitative data analysis.
2.3. Participants
The sample included 142 parents with children for NST development hospitalised from
25 May 2020 to 21 July 2020 and 38 parents with children hospitalised from 1 September 2020
to 16 October 2020 in the SPENS validation. A total of 180 paediatric and surgery patients
aged 1 month to 18 years choose to participate (32.72%).
2.4. Measures
The final version of the questionnaire was based on a systematic review [7] and an
extensive review of articles related to the causes and consequences of malnutrition in
hospitalised children. The questionnaire contained 94 questions from 15 content sets (see
Supplementary Material S2). Questions used in the form included 277 variables due to
several multiple-choice questions. Measurements of anthropometric parameters were
recorded numerically.
A post-admission subjective malnutritional risk assessment by a physician included:
nutritional history; physical examination (assessment of muscle and subcutaneous fat,
detection of swelling and/or ascites); laboratory blood tests; and anthropometric measure-
ments according to ASPEN and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommendations [33].
Techniques of inspection, palpation, percussion and/or auscultation were used [34]. Each
individual child was then distributed into one of the five categories according to the risk of
malnutrition: high; moderate; low; normal weight; overweight; and obesity.
The SGNA assessment tool was also chosen for identifying malnutrition by a physician.
SGNA assessment combines detailed questionnaire about subjective nutrition-focused
medical history and complete objective physical examination with an overall ranking which
is divided into three categories: well nourished; moderate; and severe malnutrition [29].
2.5. Procedure
This study was executed in a two-phase mixed-method design, namely an exploratory
sequential design [30]. Research began with the collection and analysis of qualitative data
and the production of a questionnaire, followed by a quantitative phase (development and
validation of the screening tool) where the initial findings were validated and generalised
(Figure 1). The gathering of data and development of a SPENS was conducted from 25 May
to 21 July 2020. The SPENS was developed in August 2020. The validation of the tool was
performed between the 1 September and 16 October 2020.
ldren 2022, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of
Children 2022, 9, 731 was conducted from 25 May to 21 July 2020. The SPENS was developed in4 August
of 16 20
The validation of the tool was performed between the 1 September and 16 October 202
Figure 1. Visual
Figure diagram
1. Visual diagramofofan
an exploratory sequential
exploratory sequential design
design with
with the theofcourse
course of the study.
the study.
The Kappa value varied between 0.73 (0.39, 1) and 1 (1, 1) which indicated substantial to
almost perfect agreement.
Patient recruitment acted as a secondary examination after admittance. No specialised
interventions were performed, only descriptive data were gathered. A post-admission
interview using a questionnaire and detailed anthropometric measures was carried out
by a research nurse. Parents and/or children answered questions about the factors and
consequences of malnutrition. Children under 4 years of age were expected to answer only
basic questions, all other information was provided by their parents. The results of the
interview were not known to the physicians and the results of nutrition risk and SGNA
assessment were hidden from the research nurse.
Detailed anthropometric measures of weight, height and/or length were taken by a
research nurse using standardised methods described by the World Health Organisation
(WHO) [55]. Body mass index (BMI) by age and sex was calculated using of PediTools [56]
and WHO Anthro [57] software. Mid upper arm circumference (MUAC) was measured
using a regular flexible plastic tape measure at the mid-point between the acromion and
olecranon [41]. Anthropometric data were gathered in Z scores. The WHO Anthro com-
puter program was used to assess the nutritional status of children < 2 years of age [57]. For
children ≥ 2 years of age, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2000 growth
curves using a computer program included in the PediTools clinical tools for paediatric
practitioners were used [56]. The following indicators of malnutrition were used to deter-
mine malnutrition: weight-for-height/length (WFH/L), BMI, height-for-age (HFA), MUAC
as recommended by ASPEN and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (see Supplementary
Material S3) [58]. It is advisable to obtain all indicators when assessing malnutrition in chil-
dren, although only one indicator is needed to diagnose malnutrition [33]. Additionally, for
the purpose of calculating nutritional prevalence, values of BMI which define overweight,
and obesity as recommended, were also used [59].
Results of individual risk malnutrition score given by physician were given in six
risk groups and were consolidated into two risk categories in the development phase of
the SPENS: “not at risk” (normal, overweight, and obese risk category) and “at risk” (low,
moderate, and severe risk category). SGNA categorization was: well nourished; moderate;
and severe malnutrition [29].
two tools (SPENS and SGNA assessment tool) was made with the subjective malnutritional
risk assessment.
3. Results
3.1. Characteristic of Children in Development and Validation Phase
Between 25 May to 21 July 2021 and 1 September to 16 October 2021, 550 paediatric
and surgery children were admitted to the hospital; 180 children (32.7%) were successfully
included in the study; 86 (47.8%) were male and 94 (52.2%) females. Median chronological
age of our group (n = 180) was 120.62 (108, 142) months, with minimum 1 month and
maximum 216 months. The median age of children in SPENS development study was
123 (93, 138) months and in SPENS validation study was 143 (113, 169) months. Children
came from a variety of six medical wards. A total of 142 children were included in the devel-
opment phase and 38 in the validation phase. Sample characterization of the development
and validation phase is shown in Supplementary Materials S4.
tests (not shown); this analysis identified 144 significant variables related to malnutritional
risk. Additionally, the 144 variables were reduced to 30 most important variables which
had Mean Decrease Accuracy > 2. These variables were then used in multivariate logistic
regression (LR) analysis. The optimal NST, which includes only four variables is presented
in Table 1.
The first two variables include physical examination focused on signs of malnutrition,
the third variable includes the child’s rejection of food, and the last one poor weight
gain. The first two variables were obtained from the Subjective Global Assessment (SGA)
screening tool [42,69]. Variable 3 was identified through an extensive review of the literature
and by the inductive generation of categories. Last variable was obtained from Paediatric
Nutrition Screening Tool (PNST) [38]. The AUC of SPENS is 0.977 (0.922, 1), Se = 93.3% and
Sp = 91.3% with the chosen cut-off value 0.382.
Table 3. Comparison of the developed screening tool with the other published criteria.
4. Discussion
The malnutrition prevalence of hospitalised children in this study was 38.4% which
is still within the reported range 10.4% to 52.7% of malnutrition in previous studies [6,7].
Child malnutrition is common at hospitalization and may worsen during hospitalization or
may be developed a new [6]. Although malnutrition acquired during hospitalization has
been shown to be associated with poorer clinical outcomes, longer hospitalizations, and con-
sequently higher treatment costs, it is still underestimated and often unrecognised [70,71].
The SPENS represents the first paediatric NST developed and validated for hospi-
talised children in Slovenia. The results of this study revealed that the developed tool
is reliable for the early detection of malnutrition risk among hospitalised children aged
1 month to 18 years, regardless of the child’s diagnosis and the purpose of hospitalization.
We found that the physical examination of potential visible signs of loss of subcu-
taneous fat in the face and chest, the child’s refusal/rejection of food, and poor weight
gain in the last few months were the most important nutrition risk factor. These four vari-
ables included in the SPENS were obtained from initially 277 variables included in the
questionnaire through the complex analyzing process in the development phase.
Weight loss in children is shown to be accompanied by a decrease in muscle and
fat mass [39,72]. Only four existing screening [23,42,51,69] and one assessment [29] tool
Children 2022, 9, 731 9 of 16
Due to the simplicity of the SPENS, we believe that the screening performer does not
need prior education or training like in the case of the NST PYMS [22,84], STAMP [24],
PeDiSMART [37] or SANSI [53]. To overcome the usual barrier to performing screening in
a clinical setting, it is important that the introduction of NSTs into the clinical setting does
not require special training on its use and interpretation, and that its completion does not
take much time [43].
According to ASPEN’s four principles, NSTs should include at least the first three [87].
The SPENS does include the first three principles, but not the fourth principle related
to “Disease severity”. The latter is also not included in CANSCORE [51], SANSI [53],
PNST [38], Paediatric Nutrition Rescreening Tool (PNRT) [41], Infant Early Nutrition
Warning Score (iNEWS) [52] and two NSTs designed for children with cystic fibrosis [47,48].
We suggest that the nutritional screening with the SPENS is performed directly at
admission or in the first 24 hours after the child is admitted and is repeated weekly
during the child’s hospitalization. Other authors of NSTs similarly define the time of
screening [22,23,37,38,40,43,49,50,53]. Continuous nutritional screening of the child during
hospitalization helps to identify those whose nutritional status is deteriorating [33].
First, the main limitation of this exploratory study is the relatively small sample.
During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the number of hospitalizations was lower, researchers’
access to the clinic was reduced due to measures, and some parents refused to participate
due to fear of COVID-19 infection.
Second, the inter-rater reliability of the tool in yielding the same patients by different
assessors was not assessed. And the intra-rater reliability of the tool in the same patients
by the same assessor on two occasions (within 24 h period) also was not assessed. Due
to SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, restricted measures at the clinic and staffs work overload also
produced some limitations. Further studies will focus on the inter and intra-rater reliability,
validity, and effectiveness of SPENS in larger number of hospitalised children.
Last, our study was a single-centre case study. A multicentre prospective cohort study
would allow the cross-validation of the developed tool in a more diverse demographic.
According to the recommendations [7], the published NSTs are not completely valid,
reliable, useful, and acceptable for patients and screening providers. Further research is
needed to confirm the applicability of each existing screening tool in the clinical setting [7,81]
while further research, refinement and development of the tools are needed.
5. Conclusions
The results of our study justify the introduction of screening to determine the risk of
malnutrition in hospitalised children in regular clinical practice. The SPENSs validation
results are very high, which means that only a few more steps of modification (integration
into the clinic’s computer program) would be needed to get the tool ready for routine use
in the clinical setting. SPENS is simple, fast, easy, and practical to use; it can be performed
by nurses, physicians, and dieticians without special training, and does not require any
anthropometric measurements and is not specific for any disease and age of a child. SPENS
also includes the first three ASPEN’s principles.
Children 2022, 9, 731 12 of 16
Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https:
//, Supplementary Material S1: Inclusion and
exclusion criteria; Supplementary Material S2: Questionnaire’s content sets; Supplementary Material
S3: Indicators of malnutritional status using anthropometric measures; Supplementary Material S4:
Characterization of the study sample.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, P.K., M.P., N.M.V. and P.P.B.; methodology, P.K., M.P.,
N.M.V. and P.P.B.; software, P.K. and P.P.B.; validation, P.K. and P.P.B.; formal analysis, P.K and P.P.B.;
investigation, P.K., N.M.V., M.M. and S.G.J.; resources, P.K., N.M.V., M.M. and S.G.J.; data curation,
P.K. and P.P.B.; writing—original draft preparation P.K. and P.P.B.; writing—review and editing, P.K.,
M.P., N.M.V., M.M., S.G.J. and P.P.B.; visualization, P.K. and P.P.B.; supervision, M.P., N.M.V. and
P.P.B.; project administration, P.K., M.P., N.M.V. and P.P.B. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was carried out in a qualified institution and was
conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki, the Oviedo Convention,
and the principles of the Slovenian Code of Medical Deontology. Ethical approval was obtained from
the Commission of the republic of Slovenia for Medical ethics (approval number 0120-329/2016-3
KME 40/07/1, date of approval 7 September 2016). Site-specific approval was obtained for the
involved hospital.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the
study. Written informed consent has been obtained from the patient(s) to publish this paper.
Data Availability Statement: The data supporting this study’s findings are available from the
corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank all the participant children and their parents,
and the health staff and to the management of the paediatric clinic for their cooperation in this study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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