The Morphogenesis Monograph Extract

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The Indian
Indian Perspective.
The Global
Global Context.

The Master
Master Architect

6 Foreword 14 Sustainability: Passive Design 138 Sustainability: Contextual Identity

Michael Webb 23 Pearl Academy [Institutional] 145 Artisan House [Private Residence]
32 India Glycols Headquarters [Workplace] 152 Delhi Art Gallery: Delhi/Mumbai [Institutional]
7 A New Architecture 40 GYS Vision [Commercial Offices] 160 Harley Davidson India [Workplace]
John Frazer 49 Infosys Campus [Workplace] 166 Kumarakom Resort [Hospitality]
58 Zydus Headquarters [Workplace] 175 2 Hailey Road [Residential]
8 Essays and Narratives 64 Mahindra Luminare [Residential] 181 The Courtyard [Commercial]
70 Fort House [Private Residence] 184 ITC Campus [Mixed-Use]
11 Introduction 77 Apollo Headquarters [Workplace] 191 RP-SG Headquarters [Workplace]
Manit Rastogi | Sonali Rastogi 85 Delhi Nullahs [Public] 195 Desert Habitat [Master Planning]
200 Architects’ House + Studio [Residential]

90 Sustainability: Resource Optimisation

94 Uttorayon [Uttorayon Township: Master planning,
Residential; City Centre: Commercial] 209 The Knowledge Practice
103 Amarnath [Public] 210 Awards | Publications | Lectures | Exhibitions
106 IILM Campus [Institutional] 215 Project Credits
115 Adani Shantigram [Residential] 218 Dedications
118 The Lalit Suri Hospitality Institute [Institutional] 219 Acknowledgments
124 Chettinad Health City Auditorium [Institutional] 221 Glossary of Terms
131 The British School [Institutional] 223 Index
by Michael Webb

Around the world, architects are challenged to infuse new forms with the legacy of the past and the spirit of place. In an age
of globalisation this has become a critical issue, especially in emerging nations that have embraced generic modernism in their
race to catch up. It is ironic that a few Westerners – from Edwin Lutyens to Le Corbusier and Louis Kahn – showed a greater
appreciation for the unique character of Indian architecture and the demands of its climate than do many native architects.
Morphogenesis is a notable exception: a versatile 125-person firm that roots its work in the environment. It abstracts the
vernacular with no resort to mimicry, and it achieves sustainability by an intelligent use of traditional materials and techniques.

It would be hard to overstate the importance of this achievement, and the firm’s success in overcoming the obstacles that
frustrate every architect – from developers fixated on short-term profit, to a sclerotic bureaucracy and a widespread
resistance to innovation. In this monograph, Morphogenesis lays out a few simple strategies that make perfect sense in social,
economic and aesthetic terms. Their buildings are pragmatic, often frugal, always imaginative. They respond to climatic
extremes and the well-being of their users. The portfolio includes houses and apartment towers, corporate offices and
educational institutions, master plans for new cities and an ancient pilgrimage site. Each of these projects has a distinctive
identity and a similar concern for practicality.

Every Asian city is confronted with a multiplicity of crises, as a tide of immigrants overwhelms an outdated infrastructure,
as resources are exhausted and pollution grows, and as climate change poses an ever-greater threat. Architects like
Morphogenesis must sometimes feel as though they are carrying buckets of water to extinguish a raging inferno. But the
power of example is immense. By doing the right thing, this firm may inspire a new generation of architects, business and civic
leaders to embrace their vision. All that’s required is a focus on the essentials; an understanding of how much can be learned
from the past and reinterpreted for a fast-changing world. As a democracy with vast human and natural resources, India could
become the model for its neighbours.

Michael Webb is a Los Angeles-based writer who has authored more than 20 books on
architecture and design, most recently Building Community: New Apartment Architecture, and
Modernist Paradise: Niemeyer House, Boyd Collection, while contributing essays to many more.
He is also a regular contributor to leading journals in the United States and Europe. Growing
up in London, he wrote for The Times and Country Life, before moving to the United States
to direct film programs for the American Film Institute and curate a Smithsonian exhibition,
Hollywood: Legend and Reality, which travelled to major American cities and Tokyo.

by Professor John Frazer

Morphogenesis has established itself as not only a leading architecture practice in India, but as an influential research-based
firm, and a world leader in sustainable design. They aptly describe themselves as a ‘knowledge firm,’ which has research and
development implications far beyond the confines of conventional architecture and is leading to a new kind of environmental
response. This is not just a new typology, but an innovative conceptual basis for architecture.

Manit and Sonali Rastogi were fortunate to be studying at the world leading Architectural Association School of Architecture
at a time when major theoretical developments were being pioneered. In particular one group was investigating architecture
as a form of artificial life and exploring the fundamental processes of morphogenesis in nature and proposing a parallel
theory in architecture. Manit and Sonali immediately understood the importance of these generative techniques and eagerly
participated. Manit established himself as one of the key students in the group and his contribution to the Evolutionary
Architecture exhibition in January 1995 is still widely published to illustrate this pioneering work. It is no coincidence that they
subsequently called their practice Morphogenesis.

Most architects have taken the computer techniques of generative design as a method of creating exotic forms for their
own sake far removed from the ethical and environmental concerns that motivated the original research. Morphogenesis
has sacrificed such self-indulgent form generation to concentrate on the fundamentals of an ecologically responsible and
environmentally responsive and appropriate architecture. Their skills with computer techniques are deployed as powerful tools
for the control of the metrics of energy efficient design in a social and economic context.

Innovation is very difficult in the real world with naturally cautious clients and with all the risks and costs that are involved.
However Morphogenesis repeatedly manages to build real buildings that make significant research-based innovations with
every project – and that requires commitment. Indeed they have made a massive personal commitment to architecture as a
way of life and with intelligence, determination and creativity their approach is leading to a new architecture.

Their 20-year-old practice is establishing new expectations of climatic sensitivity in a social and environmental context. Twenty
years is a very short time in architecture and Morphogenesis has made very rapid progress. This book is a celebration of the
substantial achievements so far and gives clear indications of what is to come and a hint of the nature of the new architecture
to which Manit and Sonali are committed.

Professor John Frazer is acknowledged as a world leader in the domains of intelligent and
interactive design, sustainable design, participatory design and computer-generated design.
He is best known as the originator of the evolutionary digital design process and generative
design techniques. His book An Evolutionary Architecture is the seminal work in the field and
proposed a new model of the design process.

Sustainability: defined as the ability to endure in local conditions There have always been two schools of thought on how to
and thrive in its lifecycle, the projects that are planned at the firm design green buildings. Some believe that buildings should be
are maintainable in their individual ecosystems. Understanding designed like an aircraft – highly engineered and hermetically
that ‘energy resources’ at most times are considered limited or sealed, to achieve a high degree of efficiency. The alternate view
depleting, the firm’s guiding principle is ‘no is more’. Constant that Morphogenesis aligns with is that climatic specifications and
emphasis is put on developing the practice on an approach of socio-cultural contexts are imperative to take into consideration
‘no energy and no water’ and ideally, no waste. before designing a building. The practice believes that architecture
and urban planning play key roles in increasing the interaction reducing energy consumption through passive systems and
between the users and their surroundings. Though project briefs by creating a microclimate on site. This ensures a 10ºC (50ºF)
are getting increasingly ‘global’, the response needs to be deeply reduction in perceptible temperature in the hot-dry season;
rooted in the ‘local’. augments wind movement in humid climates; enables evaporative
At Morphogenesis, design solutions have an emergent quality cooling and shading in hot climates and maximises solar ingress in
due to the approach of looking at various questions through the cold climates. Orientation of the building and optimisation of form
lens of sustainability. The questions asked are: How do you begin are fundamental strategies deployed with the aim of maximising
to build? How do you put things together? Do you need to build daylighting while controlling glare and heat ingress. Landscape
this much? And how will it respond to climate? How has it been design and horticulture selection are key design tools and play
done before and what has it been done with? What will be the a significant role in creating environmental buffers, facilitating
impact of these choices on the building as well as the environment effective microclimates.
it sits in? This examination is done across varied scales – from Some schools of thought have been pushing the concept of
product, to building, to urbanism. ‘thermal comfort’, and that ‘comfort’ is within a very narrow band
Given that our cities occupy a mere 2 percent of all the surface of about 2 degrees, between 22ºC and 24ºC (71.6ºF and 75.2ºF)
space in the world, yet humans consume a net 75 percent of the with 50 percent to 55 percent relative humidity. This necessitates
earth’s resources as per the United Nations report on World buildings to be designed such that they are sealed off from their
Population Prospects. There is an intrinsic need to begin to external environment. These prescriptive targets and the standard
explore the possibilities of a closed-loop typology of architecture. solutions to achieve this narrow comfort band are resource
Assuming there is no energy, no water, and no waste disposal, how intensive. Morphogenesis’ position is that the comfort band is
does one approach design? A potential answer lies in traditional wider than the assumed 2 degrees and the aim then, is to create
architecture which has always been green as a response to limited adaptable conditions to help widen the comfort band as much
natural resources, especially water and energy. as possible, to approach zero energy resource usage. Effectively
The aim is to develop a sustainable design by increasing if the perceivable temperature outside is 10ºC (50ºF) then the
the number of comfortable hours with minimum reliance on viable comfort level inside works at 18ºC (64.4ºF) and if it is 46ºC
mechanical means and mechanical loads. This is achieved by (114.8ºF) outside then the comfort level could be set at around

28ºC (82.4ºF). By redefining what constitutes ‘comfort’ and adaptation that Rajasthan and its architectural legacy has to offer,
‘shelter’, the need to seal off the building decreases, increasing the and create an environmentally and culturally relevant project
potential of the built form to be spatially engaged with its external that finds its place in the historic continuum of the sustainable
environment. With inspiration from history deeply ingrained in architecture of this desert region.
the firm’s design thinking, traditional architectural strategies and The project employs a hybrid system where it uses only part
techniques are understood and incorporated within contemporary air conditioning (20 percent) and mainly cost-effective passive
and energy efficient façade schemes that enhance performance of design strategies to cool the building. Construction materials
air conditioning and heat recovery techniques. comprise a mix of steel, glass and concrete, with local stone,
The design practice extends this definition of sustainability cementacious jaalis (perforated fenestrations), earthenware
into the socio-cultural realm. Special attention is paid to detailing and other local resources. History and tradition of this region
and vernacular methods of construction. Incorporation of local are replete with design solutions that have led to magnificent
techniques of craft and construction and an inclusive approach architecture and created a tapestry of rich details, which are
to local materials are aimed at promoting a low carbon footprint. relevant even today. Morphogenesis adapted the perforated
Inspired by traditional methods of construction, such as earthen fenestrations and the sunken stepwell (baoli). While the
pot insulation, earth-bermed strategy, high thermal mass walls, outdoor temperatures can reach up to 47ºC (116.6ºF), the indoor
cooling ponds and windcatchers, this imparts a distinct identity temperatures are maintained  around 29ºC (84.2ºF) without
and character to the building while tackling the affordability aspect the  use of air  conditioning. This is facilitated by evaporative
of construction. This sensitivity to the local conditions aims to cooling and microclimate creation resulting from the building
not only generate a robust and durable form, but makes a project morphology channeling the warm air over the waterbody, cooling
socio-culturally sustainable, addressing the livability philosophy it down. In  the parched region of Rajasthan, the water is entirely
of the firm. recycled.  The Pearl Academy won the Best Learning Building
The Pearl Academy, situated outside Jaipur in the harsh and Award at the World Architecture Festival in Barcelona, in 2009,
hot-dry desert climate of Rajasthan, is one of Morphogenesis’ the first Indian practice to win a WAF award. (For a full profile,
buildings that liberally takes inspiration from regional architecture. see page 23).
The project aims to revisit and interpret the environmental


Solar | Wind |

Biomass | Waste

Energy efficient M&E equipment


Active façade systems | HVAC | Heat recovery

& recycling | Control systems | Sensors & actuators


Optimised form | Orientation | Thermal mass | Insulation | Shading design |

Maximise daylighting | Minimise glare | Natural ventilation | Optimise views | Geothermal


Orientation | Morphology | Shaded spaces | Addressing urban heat island effect | Harnessing cool winds | Blocking hot winds |

Evaporative cooling | Vegetation | Xeriscape | Local materials | Waste management | Rainwater harvesting | Water reservoir design



After energy optimisation through passive means, the the space usage in a relevant courtyard/community style. The
pertinent conservation issues that remain are addressed through design is replete with rain gardens, chaupals (outdoor gathering
renewable energy and a system design strategy that incorporates spaces),  outdoor learning spaces and a large swimming pool
efficient construction technologies. Taking a case example of situated in the shade of a large jaali that screens it from the
The British School (see page 131 for a full profile), the firm found south sun.
inspiration in the school’s tagline, ‘An International  education For design solutions to be indigenously tailored, there is a need
with an Indian soul’. Contextual awareness for the students of for Morphogenesis to probe its potential existence in its local
this international  student body, which at any point comprises climatic, social, cultural and geographical context, and its success
50 to 60 different nationalities, became the central theme of then, can only be measured by an indigenous green evaluation
Morphogenesis’ design. The education of sustainability and scheme. Notably, The British School project has been evaluated
the architectural adaptation of the traditional style of this under India’s own green rating system called GRIHA, which was
region become a culturally enriched social setting for this truly created to address the varied and diverse conditions that prevail
international student community. in India: from multiple climatic zones to part-ventilated buildings,
The school is arranged around a series of courtyards issues of limited resources and cultural diversity in the built form.
with adjacent open, non-air-conditioned corridors. Passive Manit Rastogi, co-founder of Morphogenesis and Member of the
environmental design features were particularly influential in advisory/founding committee of GRIHA, continues to participate
the spatial planning of the project. Spaces have been designed actively in formulating this indigenous rating system.
to promote student engagement with the outdoors and for While the design seed is rooted in its strong socio-cultural
the students to negotiate the harsh climate in tempered ways, consciousness, the practice thrives on the approach of always
while they move through the day. This was deemed essential to optimising a project by examining it based on its first principles.
provide the students with the desired experiential environment For a project to be close to ‘net zero’ or ‘off the grid’, its local
and opportunity to be environmentally aware. The microclimate conditions need to be examined carefully. The office building for
in the courtyards is controlled with the arrangements of the Infosys Campus in Nagpur is a significant model for sustainability
built   volume that shade them throughout the year and hence for large-scale developments, as it is aimed at creating the
set the stage for outdoor activity, socio-culturally rooting world’s most energy efficient office building of that  size.

Designed to  achieve net zero in energy, in water, and in waste The built form responds to the environment and a harmony of
discharge to landfill, the project intends to set a model for larger interdependence is maintained amid the two. It is precisely this
developments in the future. (For a full profile, see page 49). very relationship that will not only create an architecture that is
While the campus can accommodate 65,000 people, it has been truly sustainable, but which will also build communities that are
designed for 20,000, based on the carrying capacity of the land. once again interconnected with nature.
The campus’ performance remains at net zero at an EPI (Energy
Performance Index) of just 25; the challenge to achieve this
benchmark at such a large scale is enormous (the current typical
EPI of buildings of a similar scale is 200 and the GRIHA baseline
is 140). This project has also been recognised through a published
paper at the PLEA (Passive and Low Energy Architecture)
Conference (2014).
Morphogenesis extends this approach of environmental
sustainability into the urban realm with the Delhi Nullahs project
(see page 85 for a full profile). With this advocacy project, the
firm looks to increase the livability index of the national capital,
by tapping into the latent infrastructural network of the city. By
establishing a green and sustainable network as an alternative and
democratic source of engagement, the design intent is to bring
back walkability and rejuvenate the congregation spaces that
make the socio-cultural fabric of the metropolis.
The team at Morphogenesis successfully implements its design
ethos effectively across a project while it simultaneously focuses
on increasing the project’s environmental sustainability, challenging
the myth that green buildings are more expensive to  build.



25 25

GRIHA Baseline EPI Pearl Academy India Glycols Headquarters GYS Vision Zydus Headquarters Infosys Campus

evolution and
refinement in passive
design techniques over
time show through the 
reducing EPI figures
achieved with successive
projects. Learnings from
the partly air-conditioned
(hybrid) Pearl Academy
have been implemented
in subsequent projects,
culminating in an
EPI of 25 for the fully
air-conditioned Infosys Hybrid building Air-conditioned building
Campus, on par with
Pearl Academy and
a reduction of over
70 percent from the
GRIHA baseline of
140 kWh/sqm/yr. 2008 to Date EPI Reduction

EPI: Energy Performance Index on primary energy consumption (unit: kWh/sqm/yr)

Client Pearl Academy of Fashion | Location Jaipur, Rajasthan | Size 1.2 hectares (3 acres) |
Aboveground building area 20,000 m2 (215,278 ft2) | Status Built (2008) | Climate Hot-Dry

Pearl Academy is an attempt to develop The introverted building design

an ‘architecture of somewhere’ at compensates for the unloved industrial
a time when there is a paradigm shift nature of the site’s surroundings. This
in architecture towards a landscape building takes an optimised rectangular
sprinkled with identity-less models of form derived from Jaipur’s traditional
‘ge­ne­ric modernism’. building morphology, which is typically
high density, opaque exteriors with
Looking at the project through the lens more fluid interiors. Despite its
of sustainability, passive features lend compact, rectilinear external form,
themselves to the identity of Pearl. Pearl’s internal courtyard shapes
provide a sense of the perpetual,
This project in Jaipur is geared infinite – a continuous and fluid space
towards creating an environmentally with no end; like a Mobius strip.
responsive, passive habitat. A radical The architecture is a confluence of
fusion of traditional and contemporary modern adaptations of traditional
architecture, the institute creates Indo-Islamic architectural elements and
interactive spaces for a creative student passive-cooling strategies commonly
body to work in multifunctional used in Rajasthan’s desert climate,
zones that blend the indoors with the such as self-shading courtyards, water
outdoors seamlessly. bodies, baolis and jaalis (typically
made of stone) to negotiate the large
differential between internal and
external temperatures.

The building is protected from the
environment by a double skin, which
is derived from a traditional building
element, the jaali, which is prevalent
in Rajasthani architecture. The double
skin acts as a thermal buffer between
the building and its surroundings. The
density of the perforated outer skin
has been derived using shadow analysis
based on orientation of the façades.
The outer skin sits 1.2 meters (4 feet)
away from the building and reduces
direct heat gain through articulated
fenestrations, yet allows for diffused
daylight. The jaali thus, serves the
function of three filters – air, light
and privacy.

Traditionally inspired low-cost methods
of roof insulation have been used to
cut down heat absorption. Inverted
matkas (earthen pots) are laid across
the surface, the space between filled
with sand and bricks and then cast over
with a thin, binding layer of concrete.

Matkas (earthen pots) sourced from local markets being assembled and installed on site
Typical matka section
Finished floor
50mm gap

Matka filling (air insulation)

Brick bat
Tapecrete and water proofing

Welded wire mesh 25mm gap

The underbelly, derived from a
traditional baoli, employs earth
sheltering, thermal banking and
evaporative cooling to modulate
surrounding temperatures.
Temperature and climate analysis
for this region shows that at a depth
of 3 metres (9.8 feet) the ground
temperature equals the average
temperature of the region, which is
about 25ºC (77ºF). This, along with
evaporative cooling, achieves stable
temperatures of about 27ºC (81ºF)
inside the structure without the use
of air conditioning, even when outside
temperatures are up to 20ºC (68ºF)

The space serves as a large student

recreation and exhibition zone with a
cafeteria and a performance area with
space for fashion shows, and forms
the anchor for the entire project.
Manipulation of the program enabled
the elimination of a complete built-up
floor, as the same functions are now
designed to be carried out in the
Daylight performance analysis of the fluid self-shading courtyards

Studio workshops Stepwell surrounded Lecture theatre & Student lockers Landscaped green buffer
by performance seating exhibition area

Canteen interaction space Faculty room Library

resource centre

Sectional view

The Pearl Academy is an exemplar of
an inclusive architecture that is socio-
culturally relevant and is inspired by
local heritage, while positioning itself
within the contemporary cultural and
architectural paradigm.

8 8 8 9 9 5
11 11

11 11 11 11

11 11
10 2 7 10 5 17 6

First-floor plan

1 1. Main entrance 8. Classrooms 15. Backstage

2. Reception 9. Labs 16. Lockers
3. Exhibition area 10. Administrative offices 17. Shop
4. Lecture theatre 11. Staircases
Ground-floor plan 5. Studios 12. Canteen
0 20m
6. Library 13. Outdoor seating
7. Resource centre 14. Kitchen

Canteen spill-out

Library spill-out

Exhibition area

Performance area

Private Residence
Client Undisclosed | Location New Delhi | Size 1.1 hectares (2.75 acres) | Aboveground
building area 2768 m2 (29,800 ft2) | Status Built (2015) | Climate Composite

The bespoke quality of craft, emergent

from skill and handed-down traditions
is a culture that speaks volumes about
luxury. This luxury primarily comes
from the dexterity and beauty of
spatial configurations, lending the space
an experiential quality.

Artisan House represents this vision

of 'the handmade' and expresses it
through the incorporation of craft,
material, method and design.
A country as diverse as India is
symbolised by the plurality of its art
and culture, yet with the changing
paradigm there is a need to conserve
these symbols that are under constant
threat of neglect. Morphogenesis
works towards re-establishing a
patronage for these artisanal skills that
contribute greatly towards cultural

West elevation

0 3m

Sequential sections through the striated volume

Section A
Section E

Section B
Section F

Section C Section G

Section D Section H
0 6m

South elevation

0 3m

The design exploits the undulating

terrain on which the project is located
and uses it to create split-levels. These
levels are instrumental in segregating
functions. While the private spaces
are placed in the earth-banked lower
level, spaces for public gatherings
are designated to the upper level.
A very strong relationship between
the landscape and the residence has
been established, where each indoor
space has a unique outdoor space
that extends its specific program. The
private living is organised around a
central courtyard which has a temple
centrally placed in it, imbuing a spiritual

Site plan

7 9
6 10

20 19

21 15 11

17 14 12

0 10m 1. Entry
2. Guard room 6. Ramp 10. Tennis court 14. Pool 18. Front lawn
3. Driveway 7. Parking 11. Outdoor seating 15. Water body 19. Feature wall
4. Formal entry 8. Informal entry 12. Kitchen garden 16. Landscape rotating steps 20. Service area
5. Drop-off 9. Service block 13. Plunge pool 17. Gazebo 21. Housekeeping staff block

This residence has a strong overriding planes. In complete contrast to these
graphic language of striation, which is modern planes and surfaces, the
the dominant organising principle of detailing is replete with traditional
the site. This banding pattern sweeps material and craft-based nuances.
across the built volume, to create There is stone craft in one zone,
various zones and retain scale within metal craft in another, textiles of a
this very large house. Each band certain kind in the next. The strategy
enables a distinctive treatment of of striation allows the bringing
the planes, surfaces and the volumes together of distinct crafts and over
they subtend. It expresses itself in 50 materials without impinging on the
elevation as a series of layered walls, architectural sensibility and destroying a
an artistic juxtaposition of vertical cohesive narrative.

This house represents luxury that
is redefined – luxury reminiscent of
the past, of India being the richest
repository of handcraft available
anywhere in the world; luxury in terms
of freedom with experimentation that
both Morphogenesis and the client
embraced; and finally, the luxury of
sequential exposures and experiences
akin to the unfolding of space after
space in a museum.

Client Delhi Art Gallery (DAG) | Location New Delhi; Mumbai (Maharashtra) | Aboveground building area
New Delhi: 88 m2 (950 ft2); Mumbai: 650 m2 (7000 ft2) | Status (Built) New Delhi: 2009; Mumbai: 2013 |
Climate New Delhi: Composite; Mumbai: Warm-Humid

The DAG projects are a magnificent spatial compositions distinctively into

showcase of the creative freedom of a series of reconfigurable rooms with
Morphogenesis’ design expression a set of sliding panels and moveable
for the nuances of a high-end retail fretted screens designed for maximum
paradigm and gallery display setting exposure and circulation of a quantum
for some the best contemporary art of artworks. Handcrafted metal
in India. Both the Delhi and Mumbai jaalis with trelliswork augment the
spaces feature multi-functional and design with a quintessentially Indian
multi-dimensional areas, including identity. The sliding panel system
library, an area for public dissemination enables the works to be stacked
of artworks, storage, display and and mounted to the wall in various
offices. The gallerist holds one of the arrangements, allowing the gallerist the
world’s largest collections of Indian high level of storage required without
modernist art, and the DAG spaces compromising aesthetics.
display and store around 30,000
paintings across the two sites. Conceptually, the interplay of the
The innovative design for both panels creates dynamism, which
DAG sites is a sophisticated, calm expresses itself by way of a constantly
and introspective space that frames
transforming architecture.

A reconfigurable, dynamic
performance space of
14 movable and 3 fixed
panels that aid in the
positioning of each artwork
in a secluded or collective
environment, depending on
the requirement.

This creates an event space and an
experience that can display the art
in an innovative, yet elegant manner.
The space in Delhi also features a full
wall-sized multimedia projection screen
at the entrance façade, maximising
the interface between the gallery and
passerby; by exhibiting the gallery
collection, the pedagogy of the artist
and information on the artworks
themselves. Hence, the screen on
the front façade virtually extends the
gallery space and art becomes inclusive.

The branch at DAG Mumbai is a
four-level, century-old structure sitting
in a lively and historic precinct that’s
undergoing strong cultural revival.
Years of terrible neglect and significant
damage to this very cramped, former
warehouse/repair shop building saw
this project emerge and significantly
transform into an impressive retrofit
and adaptive reuse of splendid
Colonial-era architecture.

Structurally the building required
extensive renovation. Investigative
design processes confirmed some
of the widely used local Colonial
heritage motifs for rhythmic patterns
in metal and woodwork, including the
exterior façade’s original wrought-
iron and stucco features. These
elements have been interwoven here
to retain heritage value but without
anachronistic imitation. DAG Mumbai
could be a defining example for
rejuvenating other derelict historic
districts in urban India.

The Master Architect Series
The Indian Perspective. The Global Context.

This outstanding monograph delves into an exciting selection of esteemed Morphogenesis reinterprets India’s architectural roots and consistently
works by Morphogenesis, one of India's most creative architecture and design employs passive design solutions for a unique contextual language. The
firms, and a world-leader in net zero energy and sustainable design. Another Morphogenesis journey is a reflection of a contemporary Indian perspective
successful addition to IMAGES’ Master Architect Series, this richly illustrated within the global context, incorporating an inspired, forward-thinking vision
book combines stunning imagery with comprehensive studies outlining the while respectfully referencing the spirit of traditional Indian subcontinental
firm’s strong philosophical discourse across a vast range of typologies: architecture in innovative forms. This is a must-have book for those looking to
residential; institutional; commercial; hospitality; offices; interiors; public; and understand work at the vanguard of sustainable architecture.
master planning.

ISBN 978 1 86470 662 8 Format 235mm x 235mm Binding Casebound with jacket Pages 224 Illustrations Full color In bookstores January, 2017

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