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4 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

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Prestressed concrete circular tanks are usually the best combination of structural form
and material for the storage of liquids and solids. Their performance over the past half-
century indicates that, when designed with reasonable skill and care, they can function
for 50 years or more without significant maintenance problems.
The first effort to introduce circumferential prestressing into circular structures was
that of W. S. Hewett, who applied the tie rod and turnbuckle principle in the early 1920s
(Ref. 11.6). But the reinforcing steel available at that time had very low yield strength,
limiting the applied tension to not more than 30,000 to 35,000 psi (206.9 to 241.3 MPa).
Indeed, significant long-term losses due to concrete creep, shrinkage, and steel relaxation
almost neutralized the prestressing force. As higher strength steel wires became avail-
able, J. M. Crom, Sr., in the 1940s successfully developed the principle of winding high-
tensile wires around the circular walls of prestressed tanks. Since that time, over 3,000
circular storage structures have been built of various dimensions up to diameters in ex-
cess of 300 feet (92 m).

Two 583,000-bbl (92,.500-m3) double-wall prestressed concrete tanks for liquefied natural gas stor-
age, Philadelphia. (Courtesy, N.A. Legatos, Preload Technology, Inc., New York.)
11.2 Design Principles and Procedures 643

The major advantage in performance and economy of using circular prestressing in

concrete tanks over regular reinforcement is the requirement that no cracking be al-
lovved. The circumferential **hugging” hoop stress in compression provided by external
winding of the prestressing wires around the tank shell is the natural technique for elimi-
nating cracking in the exterior walls due to the internal liquid. solid. or gaseous loads that
the tank holds. Other techniques of circumferential prestressing using irlcliviciurrl tendons
vvhich are anchored to buttresses have been more widely used in Europe than in North
America for reasons of local economy and technological status.
Containment vessels utilizing circumferential prestressing. which can be either
situ-cast or precast in segments. include water storage tanks. wastewater tanks and ef-
fluent clarifiers. silos. chemical and oil storage tanks. offshore oil platform structures.
cryogenic vessels. and nuclear reactor pressure vessels. All these structures arc consid-
ered thin shells because of the exceedinglv small ratio of the container thickness to its di-
ameter. Because no cracking at working-load levels is permitted. the shells are expected
to behave elastically under vvorking-load and overload conditions.


11.2.1 Internal Loads

Considering the behavior of circular tanks involves examining both the interior pressure
due to the material contained therein acting on a thin-walled cvlindrical shell cross sec-
tion and the exterior radial and sometimes vertical prestressing forces balancing the inte-
rior forces. The interior pressure is horizontally radial. but varies vertically depending on
the type of material contained in the tank. If the material is water or a similar liquid. the
vertical pressure distribution against the tank walls is rl-iarzglrlrrr, with maximum intensity
at the base of the wall. Other liquids which are accompanied by ’ *as b would give a constmt
horizontal pressure throughout the height of the wall. The vertical pressure distribution
in tanks used for storage of granular material such as grain or coal would be essentially
similar to the gas pressure distribution. with a constant value along most of the depth of
the material contained. Figure I I. 1 shovvs the pressure distributions for these three cases
of loading.
The basic elastic theory of cylindrical shells applies to the analysis and design of the
walls of prestressed tanks. A rin g force causes ring tension in the thin cylindrical walls,
assumed unrestrained at the ends at each horizontal section. The magnitude of the force
is proportional to the internally applied pressure. and HO vertical moment is produced
along the height of the walls. If the wall ends are restrained. the magnitude of the ring
force changes and a bending moment is induced in the vertical section of the tank wall.
The magnitudes of the ring forces and vertical moments are thus a function of the degree
of restraint of the cy,lindrical shell at its boundaries and are computed from the elastic
shell theory and its simplifications and idealizations to be discussed subsequently.

Liquid Load and Freely Sliding Base. From basic mechanics. the ring force is

(1 l.la)

and the ring stress is


where ti = diamctcr of cylinder

I’ = radius of cylinder
644 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

0, = ring thrust or shear

MO = restraining moment
at base of fixed wall

(a) (d)

Figure 11.1 Tank internal pressure diagrams. (a) Tank cross section, showing
radial shear Q, and restraining moment MO at base for fixed-base walls. (b) Liquid
pressure, triangular load. (c) Gaseous pressure, rectangular load. (d) Granular
pressure, trapezoidal load.

r = thickness of wall core

p = unit internal pressure at wall base = yH
y = unit weight of material contained in vessel.

The tensile ring stress nt any point below the surfke of the material contained in the ves-
sel becomes

fR = y(H - y,g = y(H - I’) 5 (11.2a)

where H is the height of the liquid contained and y is the distance above the base. The
corresponding ring force is
F = y(H - y)r (11.2b)
The maximum tensile ring stress at the base of the freely sliding tank wall for y = 0 be-
comes, as in Equation 1 l.lb,


Gaseous Load on Freely Sliding Base. Again from basic principles of mechanics.
the constant tensile ring stress is

( 11.3)

Note that while theoretically the centerline diameter dimension is more accurate to use,
the ratio r/d is so small that the use of the internal diameter O’ is appropriate.

Liquid and Gaseous Load on a Restrained Wall Base. If the base of the wall is
fixed or pinned, the ring tension at the base vanishes. Because of the restraint imposed
Photo 11.1 4.0 Million Gallon Preload Tank, City of Troy, Ohio. (Courtesy, N.A.
Legatos, Preload Inc., Garden City, New York.)

on the base, the simple membrane theory of shells is then no longer applicable, due to the
imposed deformations of the restraining force at the wall base. Instead, bending modifi-
cations to the membrane stresses become necessary (see Refs. 11.2 and 11.6) and the de-
viation of the ring tension at intermediate planes along the wall height must be
approximated as in Ref. 11.2 and the discussion in Sec. 11.3.
If the vertical bending moment in the horizontal plane of the wall at any height is
MY, the flexural stress in compression or tension in the concrete becomes

f, = fC = $ = T per unit height (11.4)

The distribution of the flexural stress across the thickness of the tank wall is shown in
Figure 11.2.

(al (b)
Figure 11.2 Ring tension and flexural stresses. (a) Ring tension internal force F
in the horizontal section. (b) Flexural stress due to bending moment M in the wall
thickness of the vertical section.
646 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

11.2.2 Restraining Moment MO and Radial Shear Force 0,

at Freely Sliding Wall Base Due to Liquid Pressure Membrane Theory. The study of forces and stresses in a circular untracked
tank wall is an elasticity problem in cylindrical shell analysis. If the shell is free to deform
under the influence of the internal liquid pressure. the basic membrane equations of
equilibrium apply. The longitudinal unit force N,. the “hugging” circumferential unit
force N8, and the central unit shears NH and N,, are shown in the differential element of
Figure 113(b). Note that these follr unknowns all act in the plane of the shell.
The basic three equations of equilibrium for these four unknown unit forces are

;l\l+pHr==O (I 1%)

N, + 2 dy N,, + 2 dy

a No
No + a e

No, + a s

(a) (b)

t f

li i il

P = YH T

I 0

(c) (d)

Figure 11.3 Membrane forces in cylindrical tank. (a) Tank shell geometry.
(b) Shell membrane forces. (c) Liquid-filled tank elevation. (d) Axisymmetrical in-
ternal pressure at any horizontal plane.
Photo 11.2 Panel Being Lifted in a Preload Prestressed Tank (Cuurtesy, N.A.
Legatos, Preload Inc., Garden City, New York.)

dN. dNfh
ae +p,r=o (11Sb)
- = +pz = 0 (11Sc)

where aN,, = JN,, due to loading symmetry. The unknowns are thus reduced to three,
representing a statically determinate structure subjected to direct forces only.
For axisymmetrical loading as in Figure 11.3(c), pe = py = 0 and pz = p * f(y), inde-
pendent of 0. Hence,

Pz = -m-Y) (11.6)
and the solution to Equation 11.5 is

NY, = NY = 0


No = YW - Y)’ (11.7) Bending Theory. The introduction of restraint at the boundary of the vessel
induces radial ring horizontal shear and vertical moments in the shell. Consequently, the
membrane force equations presented in the previous section have to be modified by su-
perimposing these additional moments and shears. The modified expressions are de-
648 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

noted the bending theory of circular shells; the theory accounts for strain compatibility re-
quirements in the induced deformations caused by the induced shears and moments.
The bending moments and central shears in the axisymmetrically loaded cylindrical
shell are shown by force and moment vectors in Figure 11.4. The infinitesimal element
ABCD shows the points of application and sense of the unit moments MJ about the
x-axis and M, about the y-axis, the circumferential unit moments M,, and AI,,., the unit
normal shear Q,. acting in the plane of the vertical shell generator and perpendicularly to
the shell axis, and the unit radial shear Qe acting through the shell radius in the plane of
the shell parallels.
Superposition of the moments and shears in Figure 11.4 on the forces in Figure
11.3(b) results in the following equilibrium equations:

aN, aN,.,
~ - Qe + per = 0 (11.8a)
aB+ aY
dN. aNtI,
Ir+ ~ + py = 0 ( 11 .Sb)
ay a0
aQe at?,
tl+$r+N,,+pzr=O (ll.Sc)

aM, aMbH
-pr+p + Qvr = 0 ( 11.8d)
ay ay
-+- r - Qer = 0 (ll.Xe)
a0 ay
Due to symmetry of loading, N,., = N,,. = M., = M,,. = 0, and dQH can be disregarded,
reducing the partial differential equations 11.8 to the set of the ordinary differential
pr + p,r = 0 (ll.C)a)

A shell

Figure 11.4 Bending moments and normal shears in a cylindrical shell wall.
11.2 Design Principles and Procedures 649

-r+N,+p,r=O (11.9b)
--r+Q,r=O (11.9c)
With the central membrane forces NY constant and taken to be zero (see Refs. 11.1 and
11.3) the remaining equations 11.9b and 11.9~ can be written in the following simplified
form having the three unknowns N,, Q,, and My:

-++N@=-p; (ll.lOa)
dM.v (ll.lOb)
In order to solve these equations, displacements have to be considered and equations of
geometry developed.

Force Equations. If v and w are the displacements in the y and z directions, then
the unit strains in these directions are, respectively,
% = dy
l o=--
which give


Photo 11.3 250,000-bbl (39,750-m3) prestressed concrete propane gas storage con-
tainer, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. (Courtesy, N.A. Legatos, Preload Technol-
ogy, Inc., New York.)
650 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

N, = 7 (9, + WI = (Il.llb)
1 - IJ--
where k = Poisson’s ratio
I = thickness of the wall core.
From Equation Il. 11 a,


From Equation 11.11 b.

N, = -E$ (1 l.12b)

Moment Equations. Due to symmetry. there is no change in curvature in the cir-

cumfercntial direction: hence. the curvature in the J’ direction has to be equal to
-tf \Yc!\*~. Using the same moment expressions for thin elastic plates results in

M,, = FM, (I l.l.%)

M, =-D$ (1 1.1%)

where D = E?/lZ( 1 - k-‘) is the shell or plate tlexural ricgidity.

Introducing Equations I 1.12 and 1 I. 13 into Equations 11.10 results in


If the wall thickness t is constant. Equation I 1.14 becomes


p’=L= 3(1 - $)
4r’D (rt)’
Equation I 1 .lS becomes

(I 1.16)

Equation 11.16 is the same as is obtained for a prismatic bar with flexural rigidity D sup-
ported by a continuous elastic foundation and subject to the action of a unit load intcn-
sityp-. The general solution to this equation (Ref. 11.1) for the rrrtiirrl displacement in the
:-direction is


where ,f(>jJ is the particular solution of Equation 1 I. 16 as a membrane solution @ving dis-
11.2 Design Principles and Procedures 651

11.2.3 General Equations of Forces and Displacements

Solving Equation 11.17 and introducing the notation

the expression for radial deformation in the z direction and its consecutive derivatives at
any height y above the wall base can be evaluated from the following simplified expres-
sions as a function of the wall base unit moments M,, and unit radial shears Q,,:

’ [PM,d@~~)
Deflection 1%‘ = ~ ______
+ Q,~‘(PJ~)I (11.18a)


(I 1.1Xc)


The shell functions @(PJ,). $(PJ‘). O( PJ*). and j(py) are given in the standard influence co-
efficients of Table I 1.1 (Ref. I 1.1). for a range 0 5 PI* I 3.9.
The maximum radial displacement or deflection at the restrained wall base. from
Equation 11.18a. is

(W),=(, = - ,k, (PM,, + QJ (I 1.19a)

and the maximum rotation of the wall at the base, from Equation 11.18b. becomes

, -0
=& CW4,, + Q,J (11.19b)

where M,, and Q,, are respectivelv the restraining moment and the ring shear at the base
shown in Figure 11.1.
For tanks with constant wall thickness. the unit forces along the wall height are as

M, = PM, ( 11.2Oc)

652 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Table 11 .l Table of Functions @, 9, 0, and i

PY a * 0 5
0 1 .oooo 1.OOOO 1.OOOO 0
0.1 0.9907 0.8100 0.9003 0.0903
0.2 0.965 1 0.6398 0.8021 0.1627
0.3 0.9267 0.4888 0.7077 0.21x9
0.3 0.8784 0.3563 0.6174 0.2610
0.5 0.823 1 0.731 s 05323 0.2YOX
0.6 0.7628 0.1431 0.4530 0.3099
0.7 0.6997 O.OSYY 0.3798 0.;199
0.8 0.6354 -0.0093 0.3131 0.3223
0.9 0.5712 -0.0657 0.2527 0.3185

1.0 0.5083 -0. I 108 O.lY88

1.1 0.4476 -0.1457 0.1510
1.2 0.3899 -0.1716 0.1091
1.3 0.3355 -0.1897 0.072Y
1.4 0.2849 -0.201 1 0.04 19
15 0.2383 -0.2068 O.OlSX
1.6 O.lY5Y -0.2077 -O.OOSY
1.7 0.1576 -0.x47 -0.0235
1.8 0.1234 -0.1985 -0.0376
1.9 0.0932 418YY -0.0484
2.0 0.0667 -0.1791 -0.0s63
2.1 0.043Y -0. I675 -0.06 1 X
2.2 0.0244 -0.1548 -0.0652
2.3 0.00x0 -0.1416 -0.066X
2.4 -0.0056 -0.1282 -0.0664,
2.5 -0.0166 -0.1 14Y -0.0658
2.6 -0.0254 -0.1019 -0.0636
2.7 -0.0320 -o.oxYs -0.0608
2.8 -0.0369 -0.0777 -0.0573
2.9 -0.0403 -0.0666 -0.0534

3.0 -0.0423 -0.0563 -0.0393

3.1 -0.043 I -0.0469 -0.0350
3.2 -0.043 1 -0.0383 -0.0407
3.3 -0.0422 -0.0306 -0.0364
3.4 -0.0408 -0.0237 -0.0323
2.3 -0.0389 -0.0177 -0.0283
3.6 -0.0366 -0.0124 -0.0235
3.7 -0.034 1 -0.007Y -0.02 IO
3.8 -0.0314 -0.0040 -0.0177
3.Y -0.0286 -0.0008 -0.0147
11.2 Design Principles and Procedures 653

From Equations 11.18~. 11.18d. 11.2Ob, and 11.20d, the expressions for vertical moments
and horizontal radial shears at the base of the wall, where y is zero, become (Ref. 11.1)


(Q,),=c = Qo = - (WH - 1) (11.21b)
The expression for the vertical moment at any level y above the wall base can be ob-
tained from


The o,ffwt ring shear force AQY corresponds to a radial displacement w, of the wall
at a height y above the base when the tank is empty and the values of Q, and M, due to a
full liquid or full gas load are induced, as shown in Figure 11.5. This force can be ex-
pressed as either


AQ, = + h(:3-r!f“[PW~~ + QoWY)I (11.23)

The ring shear Q, at a plane ~3 above the base would be equal to the difference between
the ring force for a freely sliding base and AQ?:

Q, =F - AQ, (11.24)

It is important to be consistent in the sign convention used throughout a solution.

The easiest approach is to draw the deflected shape of the wall and use a positive (+) no-
tation for the following conditions:

1. Moment causing tension on the outside extreme fibers.

2. Ring tension radial forces.
3. Thrust inwards toward the vertical axis. Here. the same sense is used as for ring ten-
sion forces in order to draw the diagram for the balancing prestressing forces on the
same side as the ring tension forces for comparison.
4. Lateral wall movement inwards toward the vertical axis.
5. Anticlockwise rotation.

Pinned Wall Base, Liquid Pressure. When the wall base is pinned and carrying a
liquid load moment M,, = 0 at the base.
Q,, =+
12(1 - t.P)
654 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs


Ring tension Ring tension
freely sliding freely sliding

id) (el

Figure 11.5 Wall base restraint in empty tank inducing MO and C?,, for full liquid
or gas pressure. (a) Deformed walls of empty tank. (b) Moment along vertical sec-
tion ( + represents tension on outside). (c) Ring tension force Fin horizontal sec-
tion (always positive). (d) Offset AQ, for liquid pressure. (e) Offset IQ,, for gas



The value of the shell constants (3. p’. and p’ for use in the preceding equations can easily
be computed from the expression for p’ as follows:

pJ=E’= 3(1 - p2) (I 1.36a)

3;o (?$
[.i(l - /A’):” 4
P‘ = ( 11 .?hb)
(r-t): 2
@ = c-31 ~ tw 2 (1 1.26c)
Photo 11.4 Wire Winding Operation (Courtesy, N.A. Legatos, Preload Inc., Gar-
den City, New York.)

@ = [3(1 - F2P (11.26d)


11.2.4 Ring Shear Q, and Moment MO Gas Containment

If the edges of the shell are free at the wall base, the internal pressure produces only
hoop stress fR = pr/t and the radius of the cylinder increases by the amount
rfR v2 (11.27)
Also, for full restraint at the wall base,

(W)v=” = &PM, + Qd (11.28a)


= --&PM, + Q,) = 0 (11.28b)

Solving for MO and Q, gives

Mo=-2p2Dw=-_4L.=- prt (11.29a)

2P2 41211 - /L2)

Q,=+4B3Dw== +p= + (11.29b)
P [12(1 - $)]“4
656 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Table 11.2 Equations for Liquid-Retaining Tanks

Parameter Equation Number

Flexural rigidity. D Et’4 12( 1 - CL?)]

Ring stress. f, y(H ~ Y)r/t 11.2 a
Ring force. F Y(H - ?.)r 11.2 b

Pressure. P, Y(H -VI 11.2 b

Radial deflection. w ’ IW’,JJ(PY) + 11.18 a

2p‘ D

Q, )
Rotation $ ’ PW,,Wv)
2p’ D
+ Q,P(PJ)I 1I.18 b

+ Qd = 0
Maximum deflection. (M,),=,~ & (PM,, + 11.19 a

Maximum rotation $ &G’W,, I I.19 b

c ‘>, /,
11.21 a
12(1 ~ I*$

Q,, = (Q,L,, + (WH - 1) q& 11.21 h

M, + +‘l’!B?.i + Q,,i@~)l Il.22

Empty tank offset. lQ, + 6(;3-t;)’

lP~,A(P>,) + (Q,,(Px)I 11.23

Q, +(F--1Q,) Il.24
Q,, when M,, = 0 (Pinned base) I I .2s
+ [12(1 ~ I*‘)]”
Tank Constants: p-’ [3( 1 - k’)]“l(rtJ” I I .26 h
P’ [3( 1 - k2]’ ‘irf I 1.26 c
P [3( 1 - p?)]’ ‘/(rt)’ 2 11.26 d

Pinned Wall Base, Gas Pressure. If the wall base is pinnrti and carrying a gas load
moment M, = 0 at the base.

rt ”
( 11 JO)
Q() = [12(1 Y $)]I -I 0 2

Table 11.2 presents a summary of the design equations for liquid-retaining tanks.
and Table 11.3 gives a similar summary for gas-retaining tanks.


Example 11.1
A prestrcssed concrete circular tank is fully restrained at the wall base. It has an interior di-
ameter ri = 125 ft (38.1 m) and retains water having height H = 25 ft (7.62 m). The wall thick-
11.3 Moment M, and Ring Force Q, in Liquid Retaining Tank 657

Table 11.3 Equations for Gas-Retaining Tanks

Parameter Equation Number

& (P.‘lf,, + Q,,) 1 1.28 a

& (W% + Q,,) = 0 11.28 b

I I.29 a
I 12(1 ~ CL?)

o,, = (42, ),-,I

Q,, \vhcn .Lf,, = 0 (Pinned base)

ncss t = 10 in. (25 cm). Compute (a) the unit \t‘rtical moment M,, and the radial ring force Q,,
at the base of the wall. and (b) the unit wrtical moment ‘21, at 74 ft (2.29 m) above the base.
CJse Poisson’s ratio TV = 0.2 and unit water weight y = 62.3 lbift: (1 .OOO kg/m”).


r = 7 x 125 = 62.5 ft (19 Ill)

t = 10 in. = 0.S ft (3 m)
From Equation I I .Xd.
p = 13(1 ~ I*-);’ ’ = [3( 1 - 0.2 x 0.2)]’ -I
= 0.181
(rt)’ 2 (623 x 0.83)’ 2
From Equ;ltion I 1 .2 I a.

= - 18.574 ft-lb ft (7.68 kN-m 111) of circumference

From Equation I I .2 1 b .
Q,, = +(3PH - 1)
VlZ(1 - I*‘)

= +7.677 lb ft (112 kN;m) of circumference

Water height = (II ~ !,) = 25 ~ 7.5 = 17.5 ft (5.33 m)

Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Height ratio = 1 - $ = 1 ~ g = 0.7

c >
pc = 0.181 x 7.5 = 1.36
From Equation 11.22.

M, = + (1:x1 (~0.181 x 18.574 x 0.311 + 7.677 x 0.37)

= +-I.012 ft.lb ft of circumfurcnce


Example 11.2
Compute the radial ring force Q, in Example I I.1 at (a) J‘ = 7) ft (2.79 m) and (h) J‘ = IO t’t
(3.05 m) above the wall base.

Solution: The freeI> sliding base rins force F = yHr = 63.3 x 25 x 61.5 = 97.500 Itdft ( I .17.3
kN/m). From Equation 11.23. the rinp force offset is

From Example 1 1, I. p = 0. I81 : hence. p.’ = O.OWY.

ft ntm~~ Wdl Bmc
(a) Q, (it 7.5

p!, = 0.1x1 x 7.5 = I.33

From Table 11. I for BJ, = 1.36.
t/J = ~O.lYh5

h( 1 - 0.01)
-1Q, = +-
0.005Y x 62.5(0.83)’
x ~0.1x1(~1t(.571)(~0.1065) + 7.677(+0.05‘43)]
= 24.431 lb ft (356 kN:m)
From Equation 11.2b. the ring force F = y(lf ~ >,)r = 62.4 x (75 x 7.5) x 62.5 = hS.250
Ihift. So QTi = F- IQ, = 68.150 - 23.431 = 43.819 lbift (705 kN/m) of circumference. as
shown in Figure 11.6(a): (a) At 75 ft abo~c the base: (b) At IO ft ahwc the baw.
(h) Q, (11 lO.O.fi nhow Wrrll Bmc

p>, = O.ltll x 10 = 1.81

FromTable 11.1 for p, = 1.81.
11.5 Cylindrical Shell Membrane Coefficients 659

(a) (id

Figure 11.6 Radial ring force profile. (a) At 71 ft above the base. (b) At 10 ft
above the base in Ex. 11 .l.

6( 1 - 0.04)
-1Q, =
O.OOSY x 62.X~(O.83)~
x [0.181(-18.s73)(~0.1Y84) + 7.677(-0.0387)j = 8.387 lb:ft
The ring force F = y(H - ~)r = 62.3(25 - IO)625 = 58.500 Ihift. So Q,,, = F - .lQ, =
5X.500 ~ 8.387 = 50.113 lbift (73 1 kN/m) of circumference. as shown in Fiyre 11.6(b).
Compare how close this value is to Q = SO.1 15 lbift obtained by usins membrane cocf-
ficients in Example 11.3.


The bending moment at any level along the height above the base of a cylindrical tank
can be computed from the bending moment expression for a cantilever beam. This is ac-
complished by multiplying the cantilever moment values by coefficients whose magni-
tudes are functions of the geometrical dimensions of the tank and which are termed
tuctnhrutle co~fficierzrs. The basic moment expressions developed in Section 1 1.2 for the
circular container can be rearranged into a factor H’irlr denoting georurrry and a factor
yH: or pH2 denoting crrr~filrver effecr, for liquid and gaseous loading. respectively (Ref.
The tank constant p in Equation 11.26d is a function of rr or rlt. where rl is the tank
diameter. Using Poisson’s ratio k F 0.2 for concrete. we have

p = [3(1 - & 4 1X) 1.x4

(rf)’ ’ (rt)’ ’ ((if)’ ’
The factor l/PH used in the basic bending expressions of Section 11.2 can be rewritten in
terms of (r/r/H’)’ ’ since p = 1.84/(dt)’ ‘. The product pV can also be rewritten in terms of
A( H’/dr)’ ’ using y = AH, where y is the height above the base.
Consequently. the moment M,. of Equation II.22 in a wall section a distance y
above the base can be represented in terms of the form factor H’idr and the cantilever
factor y H-’ or p H’ as follows:

M, = numerical variant X form factor X cantilever factor

Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Photo 11.5 Two-and-a-half-million-gallon tendon prestressed concrete tank with

the horizontal and vertical tendons utilizing plastic sheathing to protect the pre-
stressing steel from seepage through the wall. (ColLrtesy, Jorgenson, Hendrickson
and Close, Denver, Colorado.)


variant x g x [yH7 o r pH2]

The form factor H2/dt is constant for the particular structure being designed. Hence, the

product of the variant and the form factor produces the membrane coefficient C, so that
Equation 11.31 becomes
M, = CyH’ (11.32a)
for a liquid load and
M, = CpH2 (11.32b)
for a gaseous load.

Tables 11.4 to 11.16 from Ref. 11.5 give the membrane coefficients C for various
form factors H2/dt and most expected boundary and load conditions. They significantly
reduce the computational efforts normally required in the design and analysis of shells,
without loss of accuracy in the results. Using the membrane coefficients for the solution
Photo 11.6 Prestressing preload circular tank wall with wire winder. (Courtesy,
N.A. Legatos, Preload Technology, Inc., New York.)

of the circular tank forces and moments should give results reasonably close to those ob-
tained from the bending solutions presented in Section 11.2 and the sets of equations
listed in Tables 11.2 and 11.3.



The liquid or gas contained in a cylindrical tank exerts outward radial pressure yh or p on
the tank walls, inducing ring tensions in each horizontal section of wall along its height.
This ring tension in turn causes tensile stresses in the concrete at the outside extreme wall
fibers, resulting in impermissible cracking. To eliminate this cracking that causes leaks
and structural deterioration, external horizontal prestressing is applied which induces in-
ward radial thrust that can balance the outward radial tension. Additionally, in order to
prevent the development of cracks in the inside walls when the tank is empty, vertical
prestressing is induced to reduce the residual tension within the range of the modulus of
rupture of the concrete and with an adequate safety factor.
In order to ensure against the development of cracking at the outside face of the
tank wall, it is good practice to apply somewhat larger horizontal prestressing forces than
(text continues on page 676)
662 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Table 11.4 Moment Influence Coefficients, Triangular Load

Moments in Cylindrical Wall

Triangular Load
Fixed Base. Free Top
Mom. = cocf. X yH’ ft. lb. per ft.
Positive: siy indicates tension in the outside
Liquid Load

Coefficients at Point
dt 0.1 H 0.2H 0.3H 0.4H 0.5H 0.6H 0.7H 0.8H 0.9H l.OH

0.4 +.002 1 +.0007 -.0042 -.0150 -.0302 -.(I520 -.0816 -. 1205

0.8 +.0063 +.00x0 +.0070 +.0023 -.0068 -.0224 -.0465 -.Ol%
1.2 +.0077 +.0103 +.Ol 12 +.OOYO +.0022 -.0108 -.03 I I -.0602
I.6 +.0075 +.o IO7 +.Ol21 +.Ol I I +.005x -.005 1 -.0232 -.osos
2.0 +.006X +.OOYY +.0120 +.Ol IS +.0075 -JO2 1 -.01x5 -.0436
3.0 +.0047 +.007 1 +.OOYO +.0097 +.(I077 +.0012 -.Ollc) -.0333
4.0 +.002x +.0017 +.0066 +.0077 +.OMY +.0023 -.0(x30 -.026X
5.0 +.0016 +.0029 +.0046 +.0059 +.0059 +.0028 -.005x -.0222
6.0 +.000x +.OOlr) +.0032 +.0036 +.005 I +.0029 -.004 I -.Ol87
8.0 +.0002 +.000x +.0016 +.1)02S +.0038 +.002Y -.0022 -.0146
IO.0 +.ooo 1 +.0004 +.0007 +.1)019 +.0029 +.0028 -.0012 -.0122
12.0 +.ooo 1 +.0002 +.0003 +.oo I3 +.0023 +.0026 -.0005 -.0104
14.0 .oooo .OOOO +.OOOl +.000x +.OOlY +.0023 -.OOOl -.OOYO
16.0 -.OOOl -.0002 -.OOOl +.0004 +.OOl3 +.OOlc) +.OOOl -.0079
- -
Notes: I-Tnbles I I .4 to I I, I6 Adapted from Ref. 1 1.5.
2.O.OH 1s the top and 1 .OH is the bottom of the wall. except it’wall is flxrd at top and with shear and momt‘nt at top.
3.Shear actins inv,ards is positiLL’: moment applied at an edge is posltlve when outaard rotation results at that edge.
11.6 Prestressing Effects on Wall Stresses 663

Table 11.5 Moment Influence Coefficients, Rectangular Load

Moments in Cylindrical Wirll

Rcctan~~ular Load
Fixed Base. Free Top
Mom. = cocf’. x’ pH’ ft. lb. per ft.
Positi\,e sip indicates tension in the outside

Coefficients at Point
cft 0.1 H 0.2H 0.3H 0.4H 0.5H 0.6H 0.7H 0.8H 0.9H l.OH

0.4 -.0033 -.OOY3 -.0227 -.043Y -.I018 -.I455 -.2wo -.25Y3 -.3310
0,s .oooo -.0006 -.0025 -.00x3 -.(I362 -.OSY4 -.(I917 -.I325 -.I835
I.’ +.ooos +.0036 +.0037 +.002Y -.OOSY -.0227 -.046X -.08lS -.I 178
1.6 +.oo I I +.003h +.0062 +.0077 +.oo I I -.OOY3 -.(I670 -.052Y -.0876
7.0 +.OOlO +.00.36 +.0066 +.00X8 +.OOSY -.oo I Y -.()I67 -.(I389 -.07 I Y
3.0 +.0007 +.0026 +.005 1 +.0071 +.OOYl +.0083 +.0042 -.0053 +.0223 -.0483
4.0 +.000-t +.oo IS +.0033 +.0052 +.0068 +.0075 +.oos3 -.oo 13 -.()I45 -.0365
i.0 +.0002 +.000x +.OOlY +.0035 +.005 1 +.OOh 1 +.0052 +.0007 -.OlOl -.0293
6.0 +.ooo I +.001)4 +.oo I I +.(I022 +.0036 +.004Y +.0048 +.OOl7 -.0073 -.0242
s.0 +.oooo +.ooo 1 +.0003 +.000x +.OOlS +.(X)3 I +.0038 +.0024 -.0040 -.Ol84
10.0 .oooo -.ooo I .oooo +.OOO? +.(X)2 1 +.om +.0026 -.(I022 -.()I47
17.0 .oooo .oooo -.OOOl .oooo +.0014 +.0(123 +.0022 -.oo I 2 -.(I123
14.0 .oooo .oooo .oooo .oooo +.OOlO +.oo 1X +.002 I -.0007 -.0105
Ih.0 .oooo .oooo .oooo ~.OOOl +.0006 +.0012 +a020 -.ooos -.OOY I
664 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Table 11.6 Moment Influence Coefficients, Trapezoidal Load

Moments in Cylindrical Wall

Trapezoidal Load
Hinged Base, Free Top
Mom. = coef. x (yH2 + pH2) ft. lb. per ft.

Positive sign indicates tension in the outside

2% 0.1 H 0.2H 0.3H 0.4H
Coefficients at Point
0.5H 0.6H 0.7H 0.8H
0.9H l.OH

0.4 +.0020 +.0072 +.0151 +.0230 +.0301 +.0348 +.0357 t.0312 +.0197
0.3 +.OOl!, +.0064 +.0133 +.0207 +.0271 +.031Y +.032Y +.02Y2 +.01x7
1.2 +.0016 +.0058 +.Ol 11 +.0177 +.0237 +.0280 +.0296 +.0263 +.0171
1.6 +.0012 +.0044 +.OOY 1 +.0145 +.OlY5 +.0236 +.OZS +.0232 +.0155
2.0 +.0009 +.0033 +.0073 +.0114 +.0158 +.OlYY +.021Y +.0205 +.0145
3.0 +.0004 +.0015 +.0040 +.0063 +a092 +.0127 +.0152 +.0153 +.OI I I
4.0 +.OOOl +.0007 +.0016 +a033 +a057 +.00x3 +.0109 +.011x +.ow2
5.0 .oooo +.OOOl +.0006 +.0016 +.0034 +.0057 +.0080 +a094 +.0078

6.0 .oooo .oooo +.0002 +.0008 +.0019 +.0039 +.0062 +.0078 +.006X
8.0 .OOOO .oooo -.0002 .oooo +.0007 +.0020 +.0038 +.0057 +.0054

10.0 .OOOO .oooo -.0002 -.OOOl +.0002 +.OOl 1 +.0025 +.0043 +.0045
12.0 .oooo .oooo -.OOOl -.0002 .oooo +.0005 +.0017 +.0032 +.0039
14.0 .OOOO .oooo -.ooo 1 -.OOOl -.ooo 1 .oooo +.0012 +.0026 +.0033
16.0 .OOOO .oooo .oooo -.OOOl -.0002 -.0004 +.000x +.0022 +.002Y
11.6 Prestressing Effects on Wall Stresses 665

Table 11.7 Moment Influence Coefficients, Empty Tank (Shear Applied at Top Base Fixed)

Moments in Cylindrical Wall

Shear Per Ft.. Q. Applied at Top Empty
Fixed Base. Fret Top tank
Mom. = coel’. X VH ft. lb. per ft. Ring
Positive sign indicates tension in the outside tension

Coefficients at Point
2% 0.1 H 0.2H 0.3H 0.4H 0.5H 0.6H 0.7H 0.8H 0.9H l.OH

0.4 +O.OY.J +o. 172 +0.240 +0.300 +0.354 +0.402 +0.44x +0.492 +0.535 +0.578
0.x +o.oxs +o. I35 +o. I85 +0.20x +0.220 +0.224 +0.223 -to.219 +0.214 +0.208
I.3 +0.0X? +0.132 +0.157 +(I.161 +0.159 +O. 145 +&I27 +o. 106 +0.0x4 +0.062
I.6 +O.O7Y +o. 122 +o. 13’) +o. 138 to. I25 i-0. I OS +0.08 1 +O.OSh +0.030 +0.004
2.0 +0.077 +O.l I5 -to. I26 +o. 1 I Y +o. 103 +0.080 +0.056 +0.03 I +0.006 i-o.019
3.0 +0.072 +o. 100 +o. 100 +0.0X6 +0.066 -to.044 +a025 +0.006 -0.010 -0.024
4.0 +0.06X +o.o<x<x +0.0x 1 +0.063 +0.043 -to.025 +O.OlO -0.001 -0.010 -0.01 Y
5.0 +0.064 +0.07x +0.067 +(I.047 +0.028 +0.013 +0.003 -0.003 -0.007 -0.011
6.0 +0.062 +0.070 +0.056 10.036 +0.01x +0.006 0.000 -0.003 -0.005 -0.006
x.0 -to.057 +0.0.5x i-O.04 1 +0.02 I +a007 0.000 -0.002 -0.003 -0.002 -0.001
10.0 to.053 +O.O4Y +0.029 -to.012 +0.002 -0.002 -0.002 -0.002 -0.00 1 -0.000
17.0 +0.049 +0.042 +0.022 +0.007 0.000 -0.002 -0.002 -0.00 I 0.000 0.000
14.0 +0.046 +0.036 +o.o 17 +0.004 -0.001 -0.002 -0.001 -0.001 0.000 0.000
16.0 i-o.044 1-0.03 I +0.012 +O.OOl -0.002 -0.002 -0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000
666 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Table 11.8 Moment Influence Coefficients, Empty Tank (Shear Applied at Top Hinged Base)

Moments in Cylindrical Wall

Moment Per Ft., M. Applied at Base Em@
Hinged Base. Free Top Tank
Mom. = coef. X !bf ft. lh. per ft.
Positive sign indicates tension in the outside

Coefficients at Point
z 0.1 H 0.2H 0.3H 0.4H 0.5H 0.6H 0.7H 0.8H 0.9H 1 .OH

0.4 +0.013 +0.05 1 +o. 109 +o. I96 +0.296 +0.-l I4 +0.547 +0.692 +().X-l3 +I ,000
0.X +O.OOY +o.o-to +O.OYO -to. I64 +0.253 to.375 +0.503 tO.659 +o.<s21 + 1.ooo
I.2 +0.006 +(I.027 +0.063 +0.125 +0.206 +0.3 1h +0.454 +O.hl h +0.x02 + I .ooo
1.6 +0.003 +o.o 1I +O.O35 +0.07s +(I.152 +0.253 +0.393 +0.570 +0.775 + I .ooo
2.0 -0.002 4.002 +0.013 +0.034 +().(I’)6 +o. I Y.; +0.340 +0.5 I Y +0.71x + I .ooo
3.0 -0.007 -0.021 -0.030 -0.02Y +O.OlO +0.0x7 +(I.227 +0.4x +OhY2 +I ,000
4.0 -0.00x -0.026 -0.04 -0.05 I -0.034 +0.023 O.l50 +0..351 +O.h45 +I .ooo
5.0 -0.007 -0.024 -0.045 -0.06 I -0.057 -0.015 +0.095 +0.X7 0.606 +I ,000
6.0 -0.005 -0.0 I x -0.040 -0.05x -0.065 -0.037 +0.057 +0.x +0.572 +I .ooo
x.0 -0.001 4OOY -0.022 -0.044 -0.06s -0.063 +o.w +o. 17X +(I.5 15 +I .ooo
10.0 0.000 -0.002 -O.OOY 402x -0.053 4.067 -0.03 I +o. 133 +0.467 +I .ooo
12.0 0.000 0.000 -0.003 -0.016 -0.030 -0.06-1 -0.04Y +O.OSl +0.-l’-! +I .ooo
14.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.008 4.020 -0.05Y -0.060 +0.043 +03x7 +I .ooo
16.0 0.000 0.000 +O.OO’ -0.003 -0.02 I -0.05 I -0.066 +0.03 +o..sl +I .ooo
11.6 Prestressing Effects on Wall Stresses 667

Table 11.9 Shear Q Influence Coefficients

Shear at Base of Cylindrical Wall

‘yH’ lb. (triangular)
Q = cod. x \ pH lb. (rectangular)
I M/H lb. (mom. at base)
P o s i t i v e sip1 indicates shear acting inward

Triangular or
H* Triangular load, Rectangular load, rectangular load,
dt fixed base fixed base hinged base

0.4 0.336 0.755 0.235

0.x 0374 0.552 0.234
1.2 0.339 0.360 0.220
1 .6 0.;17 0.407 0.204
2.0 0.2YY 0.370 0. IX’)

-3.0 0.310 0.158

4.0 0.271 0.137
5.0 0.243 0.121
6.0 0.222 0.110
x.0 0.193 O.OYh

10.0 0.172 0.0x7

12.0 0.15X 0.079
l-4.0 0.147 0.073
16.0 0.137 0.068
668 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Table 11.10 Ring Tension Influence Coefficients, Triangular Load (Fixed Base)

Tension in Circular Rings

Triangular Load
Fixed base. Free Top
F = cod. x yHR lb. per ft.
Positive sign indicates tension
‘Liquid Load’-Fiscd

Coefficients at Point
dt O.OH 0.1 H 0.2H 0.3H 0.4H 0.5H 0.6H 0.7H 0.8H 0.9H

0.4 +0.149 +0.134 +o. 120 +O.lOl +0.082 +0.066 +O.O4Y +0.029 +0.014 +0.004
0.8 +0.263 +0.23Y +0.215 +o. 1YO +O. 160 -to. 130 tO.096 tO.063 to.034 to.01 0
1.2 +0.283 +0.271 +0.25-I +0.234 +0.209 +o. 180 +o. l-12 +O.OYY +0.04s +o.o 16
1.6 +0.265 +0.268 +0.268 +0.266 +0.250 +0.266 +o. 185 +0.134 +0.075 +0.02.3
2.0 +0.234 +0.25 I +0.273 +0.285 +0.2x5 +0.274 +0.232 +0.172 +o. 1o-1 +0.0.3 I
3.0 +o. 134 +0.203 1-0.267 1-0.322 1-0.357 i-0.362 +0.330 +0.x2 to. 157 +0.052
4.0 +0.067 +O. 164 +0.256 +0.33Y +0.403 +O.-12Y +0.4OY +0.334 +0.210 +0.073
5.0 +0.025 +o. 137 to.245 to.346 tO.128 +a-!77 +0.46’S +0.39x +0.2S‘) +0.092
6.0 +0.018 +0.119 +0.234 +0.344 +0.441 +o.s04 +0.514 +0.147 +0.30 I +o. I I3
8.0 +O.Ol 1 +o. 104 +0.218 +0.335 +0.443 +0.534 +0.575 +0.530 +0.3s 1 +o. IS 1
10.0 -0.0 1 1 +O.OYS +0.20x +0.323 +0.437 +0.5‘42 +0.60X +o.w +0.4-K) +o. 179
12.0 -0.00s +O.OY 7 +(I.202 +o.i 12 tO.42Y +0.5-E +0.62S tO.633 +0.4Y-l to.2 I I
14.0 -0.002 +O.OYX +0.200 +0.306 +0.120 +o 5 3 Y +0.639 +0.666 +O.SJ 1 +0.2-t 1
16.0 0.000 +O.OYY +o. 19’1 +0.304 +0.4 12 +0.53 1 +0.64 1 +0.6X7 +o.w +0.x5
11.6 Prestressing Effects on Wall Stresses

Table 11.11 Ring Tension Influence Coefficients, Rectangular Load (Fixed Base)

Tension in Circular Rings

Rectangular Load

Fixed Base. Free Top
F= wet’. x pR lb. per ft.
Positive sign indicates tension
‘Gas’ Load-Fixed


Coefficients at Point
It O.OH O.lH 0.2H 0.3H 0.4H 0.5H 0.6H 0.7H 0.8H 0.9H

0.4 +0.5x2 +0.505 +0.43 1 +0.353 +0.277 +0.206 +0.145 +0.092 +0.046 +0.013
0.x +l.OS? +O.Y2l +0.796 +0.669 +0.542 +0.41s +0.289 +0.179 +0.089 +0.024
1.2 +1.21x + 1.078 +O.Y46 +0.808 +0.665 +0.519 +0.37x +0.246 +0.127 +0.034
1.6 +1.257 +1.141 +1.009 +0.88 I iO.742 +0.600 +0.449 +0.294 +0.153 +0.045
7.0 +I .253 +1.144 +I.041 +O.Y29 +0.806 +0.667 +o.s14 +0.345 +0.186 +0.055

3.0 +I.160 +I.112 +I.061 +O.Y98 +O.Y12 +0.796 +0.646 +0.459 +0.258 +0.081
4.0 + I .0x5 + 1.073 + I .057 +1.02Y +O.Y97 +0.887 +0.746 +0..553 +0.322 +0.105
s.0 +I .037 +I.044 +I ,047 +I.042 +l.OlS +0.94Y 1-0.825 +0.629 +0.379 +0.128
6.0 +I.010 + 1 ,024 +1.038 +1.045 +1.034 +0.986 +0.x79 +0.694 +0.430 +0.149
x.0 +O.YXY + 1.005 +1.022 +1.036 + I ,044 +1.026 +0.953 +0.788 +O.s19 +0.189

10.0 +O.YXY +O.YYS +l.OlO +1.023 +1.039 +1.040 +0.996 +0.859 +o.s91 +0.226
12.0 +(I.904 +O.YY7 + I .003 +I.014 +I.031 +1.043 +1.022 +0.911 +0.652 +0.262
14.0 +O.YY7 +O.YYX + I .ooo +1.007 +I ,022 +1.040 +I ,035 +0.949 +0.70s +0.294
16.0 + 1 .ooo +O.YYY +0.9YY +1.003 +I.015 +1.032 +I .040 +0.97s +0.750 +0.321
670 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Table 11.12 Ring Tension Influence Coefficients, Triangular Load (Pinned Base)

Tension in Circular Rings

Triangular had
Hinged Base. FJW Top
F = cod. x ?/HR lb. per ft.
Posirive sign indicates tension

Coefficients at Point
ii O.OH 0.1 H 0.2H 0.3H 0.4H 0.5H 0.6H 0.7H 0.8H 0.9H
- -
0.4 to.474 +0.440 +0.395 +0.352 tO.308 tO.264 to.215 +o. 165 i-o.1 1 1 +0.057
0.8 +0.423 +0.402 +0.38 1 +0.358 +0.330 +0.2’)7 tO.24Y to.202 to.145 to.07h
1.2 +0.350 +0.355 +0.36 1 +0.362 +0.35x to.343 tO.3OY +0.256 10.1 Sh +O.OYS
1.6 to.271 +0.303 +0.341 tO.36Y +0.3x5 tO.385 +o..K! +0.31-I to.2.33 +o. 12-J
2.0 +0.205 +0.260 -to.321 +0.373 +0.411 to.434 +0.41 Y tO..3bY +0.x0 +().I51
3.0 +0.074 +0.179 +0.281 +(I.375 to.449 +0.X)6 to.519 +0.479 co.375 +(I.210
4.0 +0.017 +0.137 +0.253 tO.367 tO.36Y +0.545 tO.57Y to.553 +0.-117 +o.wl
5.0 -0.008 +0.114 +0.235 +0.356 tO.46Y t0.562 +0.617 tO.606 +0.50.3 +0.2Y-l
6.0 -0.011 to. 103 +0.223 to.343 +().#I3 +O.i66 +I).639 +o. b-J3 to.547 +0.:27
8.0 -0.015 +O.OY6 +0.208 to.324 to.443 tO.M4 t0.661 +o.w7 +0.62 I +0.356
10.0 -0.008 +0.095 +0.200 +0.311 +0.428 +(I.552 +0.666 +0.730 +0.67s +0.4x
12.0 -0.002 +0.097 +0.197 to.302 +0.317 +0.541 t0.664 +0.7.s0 +0.7x +().A77
14.0 0.000 +0.098 +0.197 to.299 +0.408 to.53 1 tO.659 tO.76 1 +0.753 to.3 13
16.0 +0.002 +o. 100 +o. 198 to.299 +0.403 +0.52 1 +0.h50 +(I.764 +0.776 to.543
11.6 Prestressing Effects on Wall Stresses 671

Table 11.13 Ring Tension Influence Coefficients, Rectangular Load (Hinged Base)

Tension in Circular Rings

Rectangular Load
Hinged Base. Free Top
F= coef. x pR lb. per ft.
Positive sign indicates tension
‘Gas’ Load-Pinned

H2 Coefficients at Point
dt O.OH 0.1 H 0.2H 0.3H 0.4H 0.5H 0.6H 0.7H 0.8H 0.9H

0.4 +I ,474 -1.340 +1.195 +1.052 to.903 to.764 +0.615 +0.465 to.3 I I to.154
0.8 +1.423 +1.302 +1.181 t1.058 +0.930 to.797 to.649 to.502 to.345 1-0.166
1.2 +1.350 +1.255 +1.161 +1.062 tO.958 +0x43 to.709 to.556 to.386 to. 198
1.6 +1.271 +I .203 +1.141 t1.069 tO.985 tO.885 +0.756 to.614 +0.433 +0.224
2.0 +I .205 +1.160 +1.121 +1.173 t1.011 to.934 tO.819 to.669 tO.480 to.25 1
3.0 +1.074 +1.079 +1.081 t1.075 +I ,049 +1.006 to.919 +0.779 to.575 to.310
4.0 +1.017 +1.037 +1.053 t1.067 +1.069 t1.045 to.979 tO.853 to.647 to.356
5.0 +(I.992 +1.014 +1.035 t1.056 +1.069 t1.062 t1.017 +l.Y06 to.703 to.394
6.0 +0.989 + I .003 +1.023 +I ,043 +1.063 t 1.066 t1.039 +0.943 1-0.747 i-O.427
X.0 +O.Y85 +0.996 +1.008 t1.024 +1.043 +1.064 -1-1.061 to.997 +0.82 I to.486
10.0 +O.Y92 +0.995 +l.OOO +l .Ol 1 t1.028 +l.OS? +1.066 +I ,030 tO.878 to.523
12.0 +0.998 +0.997 to.997 t1.002 +1.017 +1.041 +1.064 +I .050 to.920 +0.577
14.0 +l.OOO +0.998 to.997 to.999 t1.008 +1.031 +1.059 t1.061 +0.952 +0.613
16.0 +1.002 +l ,000 tO.998 +(I.999 t1.003 t1.021 +I .050 t1.064 to.976 +0.543
672 Chapter11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Table 11.14 Empty Tank Ring Tension Influence Coefficients, Fixed Base

Tension in Circular Rings

Shear per Ft., (2, Applied at Top
Fixed Base, Free Top
F = coef. x VR/H lb. per ft.
Positive sign indicates tension Ring

tension, I Empty Tank

Coefficients at Point
Ft O.OH 0.1 H 0.2H 0.3H 0.4H 0.5H 0.6H 0.7H 0.8H 0.9H

0.4 - 1.57 -1.32 -1.08 -0.86 -0.65 -0.47 -0.3 1 -0.18

0.8 -3.09 -2.55 -2.04 -1.57 -1.15 -0.80 -0.51 -0.28
1.2 -3.95 -3.17 -2.44 -1.79 -1.25 -0.81 -0.48 -0.25
1.6 -4.57 -3.54 -2.60 -1.80 -1.17 -0.69 -0.36 -0.16
2.0 -5.12 -3.83 -2.68 -1.74 -1.02 -0.52 -0.21 -0.05
3.0 -6.32 -4.37 -2.70 -1.43 -0.58 -0.02 -0.15 +O.lY
4.0 -7.34 -4.73 -2.60 -1.10 -0.19 +0.26 +0.3x +0.33
5.0 -8.22 -4.99 -2.45 -0.79 +O.ll +0.47 +0.50 +0.37
6.0 -9.02 -5.17 -2.27 -0.50 +0.34 +0..59 +0.53 +0.35
8.0 -10.42 -5.36 -1.85 -0.02 +0.63 +0.66 +0.46 +0.24
10.0 -11.67 -5.43 -1.43 +0.36 +0.78 +0.62 +0.33 +0.12
12.0 -12.76 -5.41 -1.03 +0.63 +0.83 +0.52 +0.21 +0.0-t
14.0 -13.77 -5.34 -0.68 +o.so +0.81 +0.42 +0.13 0.00
16.0 -14.74 -5.22 -0.33 +0.96 +0.76 +0.32 +o.os -0.04
11.6 Prestressing Effects on Wall Stresses 673

Table 11.15 Empty Tank Ring Tension Influence Coefficients, Hinged Base

Empty Tank

Coefficients at Point
dt O.OH O.lH 0.2H 0.3H 0.4H 0.5H 0.6H 0.7H 0.6H 0.9H

0.4 +1.70 +‘..-rO t2.30 +2.12 +I.91 +I .6Y +I.41 +1.13 tO.80 +0.44
0,s +2.02 +2.06 +2.10 +?.I4 +2.10 +2.02 +1.95 +1.75 +1.3Y +0.80
1.2 + 1.06 +I.42 +1.7Y +2.03 +2.46 +2.65 +?.HO +2.60 i2.22 +1.37
I .h +().I2 tO.7Y +1 .A3 +1.0-i t2.72 +3.25 +3.56 +3.SY +3.13 +2.01
2.0 -0.6s +0.7’ +I.10 +7.02 +Z.YO +3.6Y +4.X) i4.54 +4.0x +2.75
3.0 -1.7s -0.7 I +0.4.3 + I .60 +2.‘)5 +-I.20 +5.66 +6.5S +6.55 +4.73
1.0 -I.S7 -I .oo -0.0s +I .0-l t7.17 +-l.-3 I +6.34 +S.lY +8.82 +6.81
5.0 -1.5-l -1 .03 -0.42 +O.IS +lM +3.Y3 +6.60 +Y.-ll +I 1.u.i +9.02
h.0 -I .01 -0.M -0.59 -0.05 +1.21 +334 +6.54 + IO.28 +13.0x +11.41
s.0 -0.21 -0.53 -0.73 -0.67 -0.02 +2.05 i5.87 +I 1.32 +I652 +16.06
0.0 to.2 I -0.2.; -0.64 -0.Y-l -0.7.? +o.s2 i-I.70 +I 1.63 +19.4x +20.87
2.0 to..37 -0.05 -0.46 -0.96 -1.15 d).lS +3X +I 1.27 +2 1.80 +25.73
4.0 +0.26 +0.0-l -0.75 -0.76 -1.X -0.87 i2.29 +I055 +23.50 +30.34
6.0 +0.27 +0.07 -0.0s -0.64 -1.2s -1.30 +I.12 +9.67 i24.53 +34.65
674 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Table 11.16 Supplementary Influence Coefficients for Values of /-/‘/c/t Greater Than 16 for Tables 11.4-I 1 .15

Table 11.4a Table ll.Sa

Coefficients at Point Coefficients at Point

H2 H2
z .80H .85H .9OH .95H 1 .OOH z .8OH .85H .9OH .95H l.OOH

20 +.OOlS +.oo l-1 +.0005 -.001x -.0063 20 +.0015 +.0013 +.0002 -.0024 -.007.:
24 +.0012 +.oo 12 +.0007 -.0013 -.0053 24 +.0012 +.0012 +.0004 -.OOIS -.OOh I
32 +.0007 +.OOOY +.9007 -.ooos -.0040 32 +.ooos +.OOOY +.0006 -.oo IO -.0046
40 1.0002 +.0005 +.0006 -.0005 -.0032 40 +.0005 +.0007 +.ow7 -.0005 -.00.~7
4x .oooo +.ooo I +.0006 -.0003 -.0026 4s +.0004 +.0006 +.OOOh -.0003 -.oos3 I
56 .oooo .oooo +.0004 -.ooo I -JO23 56 +.0002 +.0004 +.0005 -.OOOl -.0026

Table 1 lha Table 11.7a

Coefficients at Point Coefficients at Point

H2 H2
t .75H .8OH .85H .9OH .95H dt .05H .lOH .15H .2OH .25H

20 +.000x +.oo I3 +.0020 +.0023 +.0020

24 +.0005 +.OOlO +.oo 15 +.0020 +.0017
32 .oooo +.0005 +.OOOY +.0014 +.oo 13
40 .oooo +.OOO.~ +.0006 +.OOl I +.oo I 1
3x .oooo +.ooo I +.0004 +.000x +.OOlO
56 .oooo .oooo +.0003 +.0007 +.000x

Table 11.8a Table 11.9a

Coefficients at Point Coefficients at Point

H2 H2
z .8OH .85H .90H .95H 1 .OOH dt Tri. Fixed Rect. Fixed T. or R. Hinged

20 -0.0 15 +O.OY5 +0.206 +0.606 + I .ooo +O.l 1-l +o. 122 +0.062
24 -0.037 +0.057 +o.m +0.572 + 1 .ooo +o. 102 +o. I I I +0,055
32 -0.062 +O.OO? +o. 17x +0.515 + 1.000 +O.OSY +0.096 +O.(NS
40 -0.067 -0.03 1 +0.123 +0.467 + I .ooo +o.oso +0.0S6 +o.o-!;
48 -0.06‘4 -0.049 +0.081 +0.424 + 1.000 +0.072 +0.079 +0.039
56 -0.059 -0.060 +o.o‘M +0.387 + 1 .ooo +0.067 +0.07-1 +o.oxl
11.6 Prestressing Effects on Wall Stresses

Table 11.16 Continued

Table ll.lOa Table ll.lla

Coefficients at Point Coefficients at Point

H2 H2
cv .75H .8OH .85H .9QH .95H dt .75H .8OH .85H .9QH .95H

20 +0.716 +0.654 +0.520 +0.32s +o. 115 20 +0.949 +0.825 +0.629 +(I.379 +o. 128
24 +0.7-K? +0.702 +0.577 iO.372 +o. 137 24 +0.986 iO.879 +0.694 +0.3X) +().I49
37 +0.7x7 +0.76S +0.663 +0.459 +o. 182 32 +1.026 +0.953 +0.788 +O.SlY +o. 189
40 +o.soo +0.x05 +0.73 1 +0.530 +0.2 17 40 +1.040 +0.996 +0x59 +0.5Y I +0226
-Is +0.7Y I +0.X28 +0.785 +0.593 iO.254 48 +I ,043 +1.022 +0.911 +0652 +0.262
56 +0.763 +0.83X +0.x23 +0.636 +(I.285 56 +I ,040 +I ,035 +O.949 +0.705 +0.2’)4

Tahle 11.12a Table 11.13a

Coefficients at Point Coefficients at Point

H2 H2
dt .75H .80H .85H .90H .95H dt .75H .80H .85H .90H .95H

20 +o.s12 +o.s17 +(I.756 +0.603 +0..344 20 + 1 ,062 +I.017 +O.Y06 -to.703 +0.394
74 +O.Slf1 +O.MY +0.793 +0.647 ioc377 24 +1.066 + 1.039 +O.Y33 +(I.747 +0.427
1-?- +o.s14 +O.Sf,l +o.t(37 +0.72 I +0.436 32 + 1 ,064 +1.061 +O.YY7 +0.x2 1 +0.486
40 +o.sw +O.Shh +O.S80 -CO.778 +0.#3 30 + 1.052 +I ,066 + I ,030 +0.X78 +0.533
4s +0.7Yl +O.S64 +O.YOO +0.x20 -co.527 38 +1.041 +I .063 +I ,050 +O.Y20 io.577
31 +0.7s I +o.hw +O.Yl 1 +0.x52 +o.xl.3 56 +I.021 +I .05Y +1.061 +O.Y52 +0.613

Table 11.14a Table 11.15a

Coefficients at Paint Coefficients at Point

H2 H2
cft .OOH .05H .lOH .15H .2QH dt .75H .8QH .85H .90H .95H

20 -16.44 ~ 9.98 -4.YO -1.5Y +0.27 20 +lS.30 +25.Y +36.9 +43.3 + 35.3
24 -1X.04 -10.34 -4.54 - 1.oo +0.6X 24 +13.20 i25.9 +30.7 +S1.8 f 45.3
.32 -20.s-l -10.72 -3.70 -0.04 +1.26 32 + 8.10 +23.2 i45.9 +65.4 + 63.6
40 -23,; 4 -10.86 -2.X6 +0.72 +1.56 40 + 3.28 +19.2 i46.5 i77.Y + 83.5
4s -25.52 - 10.82 -2.06 +0.26 +I.66 48 - 0.70 +14.1 +45. I +87.2 +103.0
56 -27.51 -10.6s -1 36 +I.60 +I .62 56 - 3.40 + 9.2 f42.2 +94.0 +121.0
676 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Photo 11.7 Shotcrete Application Covering the Wire (Courtesy, N.A. Legatos,
Preload Inc., Garden City, New York.)

are required to neutralize or balance the outward radial forces caused by the internal liq-
uid or gas, thereby producing residual compression in the tank when it is full (Ref. 11.2).
Such an increase in circumferential prestressing forces through the use of additional hor-
izontal prestressing steel, and sometimes mild vertical steel, also counteracts the effects
of temperature and moisture gradients across the wall thickness in an adverse environ-

11.6.1 Freely Sliding Wall Base

When the boundary condition is such that the wall at its base can freely slide when the
tank is internally loaded, there is no moment in the vertical wall due either to liquid load
or to prestressing when the tank is totally filled to height H. Only a small nominal mo-
ment develops when the tank is partially filled, partially prestressed, or empty, and no
vertical prestressing is necessary. The deflected shape of the freely sliding tank is shown
in Figure 11.7.
While free sliding is an ideal condition that renders the structure statically determi-
nate and hence most economical, it is difficult to achieve in practice. Frictional forces
produced at the wall base after the tank becomes operational and the difficulty of achiev-
ing liquid tightness render this alternative essentially unimplementable.

11.6.2 Hinged Wall Base

For walls with a hinged connection to the base, the maximum radial forces due to the liq-
uid retained and the prestressing at the critical section a distance y above the base are al-
most equal to those in the freely sliding case at height y. But vertical moments are
introduced, and vertical prestressing becomes necessary to reduce the tensile stresses in
the concrete at the outer wall face.
11.6 Prestressing Effects on Wall Stresses 677

Residual ring


I -1
Before After stressing Partially Full
stressing and empty full Maximum ring
tension from
from horizontal

Figure 11.7 Freely sliding tank. (a) Deflected shape. (b) Residual ring compression.

The deflected shape of the hinged wall is shown in Figure 11.8. Note that the critical
section for ring forces is not necessarily at the same height as the moment critical section.
In order to minimize the possibility of cracking, a residual ring compression of a
minimum value of 200 psi (1.38 MPa) is necessary for wire-wrapped prestressed tanks
without diaphragms, and 100 psi (0.7 MPa) for tanks with a continuous metal diaphragm.
The maximum tension at the inside face of the wall should not exceed 3e at working-
load level as given in Table 11.17 in a later section. The deflected shape of the tank walls
and the stress variations in the concrete across the thickness of the section when the tank
is empty and when it is full are shown in Figure 11.8. For tanks prestressed with preten-
sioned and post-tensioned tendons, the minimum residual compressive stress should be
as stipulated in Section 11.10.

11.6.3 Partially Sliding and Hinged Wall Base

A partially sliding and hinged wall-base system is accomplished by providing a slot in the
wall-base supporting slab such that the wall can slide within its base during the prestress-
ing. After prestressing and all losses due to creep, shrinkage, and relaxation have taken
place, the slot is sealed and the tank wall behaves as hinged under service-load condi-
tions. The magnitude of sliding can be controlled such that either full or partial sliding is
allowed before hinging is accomplished. A partial slide of about 50 percent of the full
slide with hinging at the end of the wall movement has the structural advantages of both
full sliding and hinging, and the sealing of the wall-base slab-pinned joint against leakage
of liquids or gases is more dependable than if full sliding prior to anchorage is allowed.
The deformed shape of the wall during the prestressing procedure, together with the ring
forces, vertical moments, and concrete stress variations across the wall thickness, is
shown in Figure 11.9. The vertical prestress needed for the partial slide-pinned case can
be considerably smaller than the fully pinned case without sliding.

11.6.4 Fully Fixed Wall Base

Full fixity of the wall at its base means full restraint against rotation at the wall base. This
condition can be accomplished if the lower segment of the wall is cast monolithically and
is well anchored into a base slab of a similar stiffness. But such an indeterminate system
676 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Residual compression Tension when tank empty

(minimum - 200 psi) ( m a x i m u m - 3fl)

f Vertical

Before After stressing Full Ring Vertical

stressing and empty forces moments
per ft. per ft.

(al - : Due to prestress

---: Due to liquid pressure

Outside inside

Horizontal prestress

.45r, 0 --*’ b

Tank full
Liquid or gas (4

Vertical prestress

Figure 11.6 Hinged-base tank. (a) Deflected shape of tank wall. (b) Horizontal
ring forces and vertical moments. (c) Concrete stresses across wall thickness.
(d) Resultant wall stresses.
11.6 Prestressing Effects on Wall Stresses 679

Residual from
comoression full sltde

fullv Liquid


Before stressing After stressing, Wall base pinned, Ring forces Vertical moments
tank empty tank filled per ft. of per ft. of
circumference circumference


Outside Inside

T -
Tank empty

Horizontal prestrers

+ $I,,. 34

Tank empty

Liquid or gas

Tank full

Vertical prestress

Figure 11.9 Partially sliding and hinged-base tank. (a) Deflected shape. (b) Hor-
izontal ring forces and comparative vertical moments. (c) Concrete stresses
across wall thickness. (d) Resultant wall stresses.

is difficult to fully achieve and is not economical as well, since a tank base area is very
large and partial fixity becomes necessary (see shortly). The radial horizontal forces from
both prestressing and the contained internal pressure are unchanged from the triangular
form for liquid. rectangular for gas, and trapezoidal for granular contained material. The
restraint imposed by the horizontal slab base. however. modifies the ring forces and in-
troduccs additional moment in the vertical section of the wall. Because of fixity at the
base. no displacement takes place at either the bottom or the top of the wall, and a
change in curvature along the height of the wall above the base takes place when the tank
is empty, as is shown in Figure 11.10. Note that the wall should be designed to become es-
sentially vertical. with a minimum residual compressive stress due to prestressing of 200
680 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Before stressing After stressing, Tank filled Freely sliding Positive 1 Negative moment
and empty due to moment
Ring forces Vertical moments
par ft. of per ft of
circumference circumference

+,,1/1 -

Horizontal prestress

-4 r-:-l , Tank;

Tank full Tank partially full

Vertical prestress

(4 (4

Figure 11.10 Fully fixed-base tank. (a) Deflected wall shape. (b) Horizontal ring
forces and vertical moments. (c) Concrete stresses across wall for full tank. (d)
Concrete stresses across wall for partially full tank. (e) Resultant stresses, full
tank. (f) Resultant stresses, partially full tank.

psi as in the previous cases. The vertical prestress needed for tanks with fully fixed wall
bases is considerably greater than the vertical prestress needed for the other boundary
conditions. This is necessary in order to offset the high tensile stresses in the wall base at
the outside face caused by the large negative movement at the base [see Figure I 1.10(a)
and (b)] and the reverse curvature near it. It is sometimes more economical to use mild
steel reinforcement at the lower portion of the wall in addition to prestressing, in order to
be able to use lesser vertical prestressing and assign the excess negative moment to the
nonprestressed reinforcement. The tensile stresses in the concrete can also be reduced by
using eccentric vertical prestressing with the appropriate eccentricity achieved by trial
and adjustment, as well as by using additional mild steel. Vertical prestressing in tanks is
expensive, however, due to the required anchorages at the top and bottom of the tank
wall. Thus, reducing the level of vertical prestress needed in the design adds to the econ-
omy of the total design of the system.
11.6 Prestressing Effects on Wall Stresses 681

11.6.5 Partially Fixed Wall Base Rotational Restraint. As indicated previously. full restraint against rotation
at the wall base is difficult to achieve. The reasons are essentially threefold: (1) one has to
provide the necessary stiffness in the tank floor slab at the wall junction for total fixity:
(2) subsoil movement under the wall can cause rotation of the wall base: and (3) a con-
centration of anchorages is required. for both the vertical prestressing of the wall and the
horizontal circumferential prestressing of the wall-base segment since the wall and base
rings are separately prestressed.
Because the floor slab area is large. its restraining or stiffening influence is limited
to the narrow peripheral toe cantilevering from the wall bottom. The choice of the cor-
rect width of the toe or base ring determines whether or not the assumed degree of fixity
of the wall base gives the correct stiffness values in the design. Figure 11.11 schematically
demonstrates the effect of the base ring width on the rotation of the wall and the defor-
mation of the ring. Part (c) of the figure gives an equilibrium state where the tip of the
ring is at the same level as the bottom of the wall. whereas the conditions represented in
parts (a) and (b) involve deformations below the bottom of the wall and are conse-
quently unsatisfactory.
The theoretical formulation of the solution to the critical ring base width can be at-
tained through the use of the principle of superposition by combining the case of a freely
rotating wall with that of a totally fixed wall as shown in Figure 11.12. Let

M,, = theoretical fully fixed moment at the wall base

M,, = partial moment at the wall base caused by the loaded cantilever toe
8, = free rotation of wall base when pinned only. corresponding to deflection .I, of
a stiff unloaded toe
8, = wall base rotation due to restraining moment M,,, corresponding to deflection
A, of a straight unloaded toe
8: = rotation of the tip of the stiffening toe as a cantilever under vertical load. cor-
responding to deflection A3 of the toe tip due to the vertical load


Figure 11.11 Base ring effective width. (a) Full base slab. (b) Large cantilever.
(c) Equilibrium condition.
682 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs


Figure 11.12 Deformation and rotation of wall base. (a) Fully free wall. (b) Fully
fixed wall. (c) Superposition of (a) and (b).

L = width of stiffening toe

q = unit load applied to the stiffening toe = yH, where H is the height of a tank
whose diameter is tl. whose wall thickness is t. and whose base slab thickness
is 11.

Then the unit rotation 8 of the wall at its base due to moment AI,,. but without radial dis-
placement. can be obtained from Equation 1 1. I Xa by setting ~1‘ = 0 to set Q = -PM. Equa-
tion 1 l.lXb for unit rotation then becomes
M Ml1
o,=*. 02 = 2pD (I 1.3)

Hence. we have

( I 1.34)

If the stiffening wall toe is considered a cantilever subjected to a transverse load

yH, the maximum cantilever moment M,, and the corresponding deflection -1; are. re-

(I 1.35)
11.6 Prestressing Effects on Wall Stresses 683

The moment at the fixed watt base can be obtained using the membrane coefficient C
from Table 11.4 for the applicable form factor H’idr and type of toad. For liquid toad.
M,, = CyHi (11.36)
The deflected form due to full toad. from Figure I 1.12(c). is
A, = 1, + -1;
As a rcasonabte approximation. assume

k = 0.2 and p = 2/fi.

Substituting for I? and A, from Equation 11.34 into Equations 11.35 and 11.36 and rear-
ranging terms gives


a nd

M = yHL2
0 ~ (11.38)
Now let the term


in Equation I 1.37 be designated a ~~orfi,f~i~zg ,frrcror ,for pnrrial ,fi.ui!\: This factor is nor-
mally small and represents the difference between the total fixity moment M,, and the
partial restraint moment M,,. Hence.

M,, = M,,(l - S) ( 1 1.40)

The value of L in the rle,lor~7ilmtor of Eq. 1 I.37 is conservatively assumed = 1 for simplifi-
cation in modifying the factor S.
If the value of S is very small. as is the case in large-diameter tanks (diameter larger
than 125 to 150 ft). the expressions for L and M,, become expressions for full fixity.


M,, = Cy H’

11.652 Base Radial Deformation. The radial deformation -1, of the base ring sub-
jected to radial force in its plane can be obtained from the theory of circular plates with
concentric holes. The expression for the deflection of the plate shown in Figure 11.13(a)


where p = Poisson’s ratio - 0.2 for concrete and E is the modulus. The horizontal radial
thrust per unit of circumference required to induce unit displacement in a solid circular
stab is
684 Chapter 11 Ppstressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

2.s E
(22 = 7 (11.42)
and the corresponding value of the radiant thrust applied to the outer ring is

Qi = g ( 11.43)

and rf = inside diameter of base ring = ((i,, - 2L).

The relative stiffness of the vvall to the base is determined in terms of the force re-
quired to produce a rrrrir deformation in the wall and the base slab from the principles of
virtual work as shown in Figures 11.13(b) and (c). The distribution of the prestressing en-
ergy between the wall and base slab ring is a function of their relative radial stiffness:
hence. determining the relative stiffness is necessary. In doing so. however, one must
keep in mind that the stiffness response of the base ring in a prestressed tank to radial
compression in its own plane is considerably larger than the response of the cylindrical
wall of the tank under radial internal pressure. Thus, the loss of prestress from the differ-


d o -

- - - - - - -

A,= 1

Figure 11.13 Deformation of circular wall base ring. (a) Ring plan and cross
section. (b) Deflected wall bottom due to radial force Q’. (c) Deflected ring base
due to radial force 4.
11.6 Prestressing Effects on Wall Stresses 685

ence in stiffness is insignificant in large-diameter tanks (Ref. 11.2). but should be consid-
ered in small-diameter tanks.
The unit deformation .A due to the radial force (2’ per unit of circumference without
mrrtiorl at the foot base can be obtained from Equation 11.18b using 2BM = -Q for rota-
tion A*/c!\* = 0. The unit deflection A in Equation 1 1.1 Xa becomes


A=- Q’ (11.44)
4p-’ D
12(1 - k?)
LJsing k - 0.2. Equation 11.44 for unit radial displacement of the wall at the wall
base without rotation becomes

where E is the modulus of concrete. From Equation 11.42. the radial force per unit of cir-
cumference required to produce unit radial displacement in the solid circular slab is

By superimposing Q’ on Q1. the total force exerted at the wall-slab base junction is dis-
tributed to the wall and the slab base in proportion to the relative energy required to pro-
duce unit deformation in each.
The proportion of the total force Q’ + Q, to be carried by the wall is

R= Q’+Q2
1 + s,
Rearranging terms while combining Equations 11.45 and 11.46 results in
s = 2.S(h/d)
’ 2.2(1/d)” 2
assuming that r/ - tl,,, or

If S, is small. the proportion of the horizontal force transferred from the slab base to the
wall can be taken, with sufficient accuracy. to be

R = y percent (11.48)
686 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

photo 11.8 Sis-million-gallon tendon-prcstrosscd circular t a n k scc11 from IllSidC

\vith situ-cast LV:IIIS. (Corrr.rcs>~. Jorgensen. Hendrickson and Close. Inc.. Dcn\.cr.

When only the outer ring of the slab is compressed 1~: radial thrusl at the rim. the
value of Q, has to be modified from that obtained by Equation 11.32. and S, in Equation
11.38 becomes

( I 1 .-IV)

where. from before.

in which tl is the inner slab ring diameter = tl,, = ZL and ti,, is the outer diameter.



77.Z7 Stresses
General guidelines for situ-cast and precast prestressed concrete circulnr storage tanks
are provided bg the Prestressed Concrete Institute (Ref. 11.6). the American Concrete
Institute (Refs. 1 I .7-l 1 .Y). and the Post-Tensionin g Institute (Ref. 11.10) for choosing
the applicable allowable stresses. dimensioning. minimum wall thickness. and construc-
tion and erection procedure. The allowable stresses in concrete and shotcrete arc given in
Table I I. I 7 (Ret: I I. 7). with modifications to accommodate the recommerldrd .strcs.st:s in
Rt%' 1 f. h. A//o w:~bk sfresxs h fhr rc/jlfirccnxw~ are g’wn nilZ~b/e /I./of
11.7 Recommended Practice for Situ-Cast and Precast Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks 687

Table 11.17 Allowable Concrete Stresses in Circular Tanks

Concrete Shotcrete
situ-cast and precast situ-cast
Service Service
Temporary= load Temporarya load
stresses stresses stresses stresses
Type and limit of stress fci, psi fc, psi fQi, psi fa, psi

Axial compression. .f; 0.45f~, mxf’;

hut not more
than 1.600 +
40ft p s i
Axial tension 0 0
Flexural compression. ji 0.45,f ;, 0.3Xf;.
Maximum flexural tensionh.,f;

Minimum residual compression. ,f[, 200 psi

“Before creep and shrinkage lossrs.

“Film atres. 5 in preconiposed tension z0ne

Table 11.18 Stresses in Reinforcement

Type of Stress Max allowable stress*

Tendon jacking force 0.94f,,, 2 O.X.sf;,)(

Immediately after prcstress transfer o.x2,f;,, < 0.75,/;,,,
Post-tensioning tendons at anchorage and couplers. 0.7ot;,,,
immediately after tendon anchorage
Service load stress. .f;),, 0.55.t;,,,
Nonprestressed mild steel at initial prestressing.,f,, j;:l.6
Final service load strcss.,f, (psi). potable bvater storage.
60 grade steel 23.000
corrosive storage 18.000
dry storage /;/1.x
*I .OOO psi = 6.895 Pa.

11.7.2 Required Strength Load Factors

The structure, together with its components and foundations, would have to be designed
so that the design strength exceeds the effect of factored load combinations specified by
AC1 318. ANSUASCE 7-M. or as justified by the engineer based on rational analysis.
with the following exceptions:

Feature Load factor

Initial liquid pressure I.3

Internal lateral pressure from dry material I.7
Prestressirtg ,forccx
Final prestress after losses 1.7
Strength reduction factor for both reinforcement and concrete. + 0.9
686 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

The nominal moment strength equation M, is similar to the one used for linear prestress-
ing, i.e.,

( 11 .%)a)



when mild vertical steel A, is used and

where A,,, = vertical prestressing steel per unit width of circumference. in-‘.
fpx = stress in prestressed reinforcement at nominal strength, psi
fV = yield strength of mild steel, psi

11.7.3 Minimum Wall-Design Requirements Circumferential Forces


Initial F, = yr(H - y) T per foot of wall (ll.Sla)

f /‘A
Initial Fhr = p(r + t) (ll.Slb)
where t is the total wall thickness. Thickness and Stresses

Core Wall Thickness
t c- - (11.52)
- >-:
but not less than the minimum wall thickness to be set out in subsection

Final Stress Due to Backfill and Initial Prestress

(11.53) Deflections. The unrestrained initial elastic radial deflection of the wall due
to initial prestressing is
A, = F,r ( 11.54)
t,.,, E,
where r = tank inner radius
t,, = thickness of wall core at top or bottom of wall
E,. = 57,000 fi psi for both normal-weight concrete and shotcrete.

The final radial deflection Af may reach 1.5 to 3 times the initial unrestrained deflection.
For normal conditions, the final permitted radial deflection can be taken as

Af = 1.7h, (11.55)
11.7 Recommended Practice for Situ-Cast and Precast Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks 689 Restraint Effects

Maximum Vertical Wall Bending Due to Radial Shear
M, = 0.24Q,, K (1156a)
This moment occurs at a distance
J’ = 0.68&t,,, (11 S6b)
from the base or top edge.

Radial Shear for Monolithic Base Details Which Ma)! he Assumed to Provide
Hinged Connection

Q,, = 0.38 F,\ E

‘;:’ (11.57)

This type of detail should be used only with situ-cast tanks which incorporate a di-
aphragm in their wall construction. Mild Steel for Base Anchorage. If a diaphragm is used. extend the full area
of the inside bars in a U-shape a distance
j‘, = 1.4.\/yr,, (1133a)
above the base. If no diaphragm is used. extend to

j’? = 1.86 (11.58b)

above the base. Note that anchorage length has to be added to y, or y?. The minimum
area of nominal vertical steel at the base region is
A, = 0.00Sr,,, (11.59)
and should be extended above the base a distance of 3 ft or

.\‘-., = 0.75 < (11.60)

whichever is greater. Minimum Wall Thickness
Situ- Cast Walls

Type of tank Minimum wall thickness

Shotcrcte-steel diaphragm tanks 31 in.

Tanks without vertical prestressing 8 in.
Tanks with vertical prestressing 7 in.

Precast Walls

Type of tank Minimum wall thickness

Tanks with vertical pretensioning and 5 in.

external circumferential prestress
Tanks with vertical pretensioning and 6 in.
internal circumferential prestress
Tanks with vertical post-tensioning and 7 in.
internal circumferential prestress
690 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

It should be noted that for tanks prestressed with tendons. a thickness not less than
9 in. is advisable for practical considerations.


Vessey and Preston in Ref. 11.14 recommend the following expression based on Nawy’s
work in Ref. 11.15 for the maximum crack width at the exterior surface of the prestressed
tank wall:

It’,,,;,, = 4.1 x lo-” E,, E,], V% (I 1.61)

where E,, = tensile surface strain in the concrete

I, =grid index

s, = reinforcement spacing in direction “2”

3; = reinforcement spacing in perpendicular direction “1” (horizontal)
t,, = concrete cover to center of steel
+, = diameter of steel in main direction “1.”
The tensile strain can be computed from
a, .fil,
E <i - (11.62)
where cy, = stress parameter %,f,,/A,,
,f,, = actual stress in the prestressing steel
.f,,, = initial prestress before losses.
For liquid-retaining tanks. the maximum allowable crack width is 0.003 in.


Roofs for storage tanks are constructed in the form of a shell dome or as flat roofs sup-
ported internally on columns. The cost of the roof is generally about one-third of the
overall cost of the structure. In the case of flat roofs. whether precast or situ cast. the de-
sign follows the normal design principles of floor systems for reinforced or prcstresscd
concrete one-way- or two-way-action floors as stipulated in the AC1 318 Code. If the roof
is made out of precast prestressed elements. and the tank diameter is not exceedingI>
large. no interior columns are necessary. Otherwise. the added cost of interior columns
and the accompanying footings would increase the cost of the overall structure.
A shell roof in the form of a dome has distinct advantages for tanks not exceeding
150 ft. in diameter. namely. that the dome does not need supporting interior columns and
can also be economical in underground storage tanks in withstanding backfill load.
Hence, the shell form and the manner of its connection to the tank walls have a signifi-
cant effect on cost. Preferably. the roof shell should be supported by tank walls with a
completely ,flexihle joint: otherwise the design of both the tank wall and the roof dome
will have to be modified in relation to their degree of interrestraint and relative stiffness.
with the concomitant added construction cost.
A spherical shell of low rise-to-diameter ratio h’iri of approximately Q is reasonable
to use. Such a flat dome or axisymmetrical shell introduces outward horizontal thrust at
the springing. which has to be resisted by a properly designed prestressed ring beam at
the support level. The type of support of the ring beam determines the extent to which
redundant reactions and moments due to end restraint impose additional direct and
bending stresses in the shell near the springing. In other words. the membrane solution
11.9 Tank Roof Design 691

has to be adequately modified by superimposing on it the bending effects determined by

the strain compatibility requirements of the bending theory.

11.9.1 Membrane Theory of Spherical Domes

11.9.1 .l Shell of Revolution. The basic membrane equations of equilibrium for the
direct forces in a shell of revolution as shown in Figure Il.14 are used for defining the
unit meridional forces N,,. unit tangential forces N,. and unit central shears N,,,,, and NH<,,
in terms of the gravity loads I),,~. p,,. and ix. These equations are as follows:


Parallels or t
hnes of latitude

Merldlans or
lines of longitude

ia) (b)

W = -2sroN,, sin 0
N,, r, cos 0 dQ dO

r, and r2 = radll of curvature

rO = radius of parallel circle

Figure 11.14 Membrane forces in a shell of revolution. (a) Meridian and parallel
lines. (b) Membrane forces on infinitesimal surface element. (c) Component of
force N,,r,& in the y direction needed to simplify the basic equation 11.63a. (d)
Dome cross section with total gravity load W.
692 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

qN*r,,) . WI,
Meridional: ~ - N,$ + ~ r, + p* r,, r, = 0 (11.63a)
34 dB
?JN, C-Jr,, dN,,
Tangential: z rl + NHcb 7 + __ r, + pH r,, r, = 0 (11.63b)
rJ4 d4


Because of loading symmetry. all terms involving i,B vanish. and those involving iJH can
be rewritten as total differentials ri$ since nothing varies with respect to 8. Also. the cir-
cumferential load component pti = 0, as the shear resultants vanish along the meridional
and parallel circles. Hence. Equations 11.63 can be rewritten as

& (N, r,,) - N,, r, cos + + p,r,r,, = 0

( 1 1.64b) Spherical Dome

Mrmhrrrnr Analysis of‘ the Eqtrilihrilrm Forces. The spherical dome has a uniform
curvature. Consequently, r, = r, = r(,. Assuming that the radius of the sphere = (1. then
r(, = u sin 4 in Figure 11.14(c). and. setting!>- = K’!) for self-weight. the general equilibrium
equations 11.64 become

N,, = (1~‘~ ’ ( 1 1.6Sa)

1 + cos 4 - cos 4

where PV~~ is the intensity of self-weight per unit area. It is plain from Equation 11.6Sb
that the meridional force N, is always negative. Therefore. compre.ssiotz develops along
the meridians and increases as the angle + increases: when b = 0. N, =-i UW~): and when
4 = 7712, N, = -awLI.
The tangential force NH is negative. i.e.. compressive. only for limited values of the
angle +. Setting N, = 0 in Equation 11.6Sa. l/( 1 + cos +) - cos + = 0 gives 4 = Sl”40’. This
determination indicates that for 4 greater than Sl”49’. tensile stresses develop in the di-
rection perpendicular to the meridians. The distribution of the meridional stresses N,,
and the tangential stresses NH for both the self-weight M‘~) and the external live load ~3~. is
shown in Figure 11.15.
If the external load is uniform. such as snow. giving a projection intensity M’[.. the
meridional force N, is obtained from free-body equilibrium by equating the external
load to the internal meridional force. i.e.. - 7i(cU2)‘w, = Z~(LI sin b)N,. Since c//2 = (I sin 6.
we obtain

Hence. N, is constant throughout the shell depth. as is plain in Figure 11.15.

N, due to the live load u’~ is

N, = - IIW,. cos2 4 + y = (lw, (; - cos’4) = ycos24 (11.66b)

11.9 Tank Roof Design 693

(-1: Compression
(+): Tension

a= -dJ2
sin 9

%A- -+w,a


( 51”49’
- -



% I- ---- N,
-1 -{wLa

B+ +tw,a

Figure 11.15 Gravity membrane force distribution in a spherical dome. (a) Flat
dome segment of rise h’. (b) Membrane stresses due to self-weight w, (N, = 0 for
C$ = 51”, 49’). (c) Membrane stresses due to snow load w, (A/, = 0 for I$ = 45“).

For the case of N, = 0, the shell angle $ = 45”. Consequently, shell stresses due to tangen-
tial forces N, for + less than 45 degrees are compressive. eliminating cracking. From the
distribution of the tangential forces N,, it can be concluded that roofs of storage tanks
should beflur, i.e., the ratio h’id in Figure 11.1.5(b) should not exceed Q, so that the con-
crete will be totally in compression due to both N+ and N,, as angle + is less than 51”49’
for meridional forces and 45” for tangential forces.
As discussed at the outset, the support type at the springing level, if restrained, intro-
duces indeterminate reactions that result in direct and bending stresses in the shell near the
springing level. Accordingly, the bending theory, a rigorous procedure beyond the scope of
this text, has to be applied. Refs. 11.1 and 11.3, on the subject of plates and shells, can be
used for determining the resulting bending stresses. The following covers the design of the
694 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

prestressed ring beam at the springing level to counter the horizontal component of the
meridional compressive thrust N& which causes the edge of the dome to move inwards.
From Equations 11.6Sb and 11.66a. the meridional thrust. N*. for self-weight it’,)
per unit surface area and uniform live load w[. per unit projected area can be written as
‘2‘n +w’
Nd, = - (I (I 1.67)
1 + cos c$ 2
where (I = ~112 sin + is the radius of the shell.
Note that the thrust, Nd,. becomes vertical at the springing (6 = n/2) of a hemispher-
ical dome and is equal to W = 0/2(2w,, + lt’[.) per unit width. At other values of 4, N,. it is
inclined and the value of its horizontal component is needed for the design of the pre-
stressed ring beam at the springing level. namely. the shell rim. This horizontal compo-
nent is p = N,, cos +. If P is the prestressing force per beam height in the ring beam, then
P = ~~02 from Equation I l.la. and

P = + (NC!, cos do) (1 I .6X)

Evidently. if the force P could be applied directly to the dome rim, the stresses in the
dome would be those defined by Equation 11.67. This is usually not feasible, since the
large amount of prestressing steel needed due to P cannot be accommodated in the small
thickness of the shell. and the stress in the concrete in the rim zone would be very high in-
deed. Thus, an edge beam has to be provided. transforming the shell into a statically de-
terminate structure.

Prestressing the Statically Indeterminate Flat Dome. The simplest boundary

condition is obtained when the edge beam reaction is vertical and without any support
restraint. as shown in Figure 11.16, where the dome thrust N, passes through the beam
centroid. If an imaginary cut along line A-A is made. the horizontal thrust N, cos C$I
causes the dome edge to move inwards a distance (Ref. 1 1.16)

(I 1.69)

where p = Poisson’s ratio = 0.2 for concrete

tl = shell span

Displacements due
to N, cos 4


(a) (b)

Figure 11.16 Ring beam effects. (a) Simply supported beam with thrust line
passing through ring beam centroid. (b) Shell displacements at rim; rotations dis-
11.9 Tank Roof Design 695

and the tangential unit force is obtained from Equation 1 1.65a as

W[,d 1
N, = - cos + - &(cos2$) ( I 1.70)
2 sin &I 1 + cos +

Conversely. the meridional thrust N,,, causes the ring beam to move OU~I~WU/S a distance
N,,,(cos +)d’
-I,, = (11.71)
The prestressing force must therefore be sufficient to move the ring beam i~l~rr& a total
-1, = -1, + A,,
so that the total force acting on the ring beam cross section is


Lvhcre II is the total ring beam depth. A comparison of Equations 11.72 and 11.68 shows
that the effective prestressin,~7 force needed in the former is greater than that required in
the latter. The magnitude of this increase is about 5 to 10 percent. The same conditions
also hold true for domes in which the line of thrust from the dome does not pass through
the centroid of the rins beam and the beam itself is rigidly attached to the wall as in Fig-
urc I I. 17(a). The required prestressin,(7 force P can be obtained approximately by in-
creasing the value of P in Equation 11.68 by IO percent (Ref. 11.16). In such a case. the
stresses in the shell itself at the springing level zone can significantly differ from those ob-
tained in the membrane solution. and the bending solution modifications have to be
made as in Ref. 1 1.1 or 1 13.
If the horizontal radial prestressin g force in the ring beam is larger than required.
escessive bending deformation develops in the shell rim. as is shown in Figure 1 I .17(b).
\vith a significant increase in the \,alue of the tangential force N,, as compared to the in-
crcasc in the meridional force N,,. As a result. the bending stresses in the concrete in the
affected zone could exceed the maximum allowable at service load. If the initial prestress
before losses is P,. the area of the beam cross section is


Prestressing I
force I
I I shell shape
I I at the rim
A Vertical I
A-/ reaction

(a) lb)

Figure 11 .17 Edge ring beam monolithic with tank wall. (a) Thrust A$, not pass-
ing through ring beam centroid-general case. (b) Shell deformed shape due to
excessive prestressing.
Photo 11.9 1.55 Million Gallon Reactor Tank, Bishop Texas. (Courtesy, N.A.
Legatos, Preload Inc., Garden City, New York.)

A, = 3 (11.73)
where P, = initial prestressing force P/T
f, = allowable compressive stress in the concrete
7 = residual stress percentage.

It is desirable to maintain a low value off,, about 0.2ff and not exceeding 800 to 900 psi,
in order to minimize any excessive strain that develops in the edge ring beam, which in
turn could produce high stresses in the shell at the springing zone.
The area of the prestressing steel in the dome ring is

Unit A,, = 3 (11.74a)

where fpr is the allowable stress, in psi, in the prestressing reinforcement before losses. If
accurate analysis to determine A,, is not required, the steel area can be taken as
A,, = ~ (11.74b)
2l.r fpe
where W = total dead and live load on the dome due to wD + wL
fpe= effective steel prestress after losses, psi.

The minimum thickness of the dome required to withstand buckling (Ref. 11.7)
may be taken to be

Min hd = a 1JPu
J +Pi Pc Ec
11 .l 1 Step-by-Step Procedure for the Design of Circular Prestressed Concrete Tanks and Dome Roofs 697

where (I = radius of dome shell

p,, = ultimate uniformly distributed design unit pressure due to dead load and live
load = (1.40 + I .7L)/l44
+ = strength reduction factor for material variability = 0.7
p, = buckling reduction factor for deviations from true spherical surface due to
p, = (n/r,)‘. where r, I 1.40
p, = buckling reduction factor for creep. material nonlinearity. and cracking =
0.44 + 0.003 W, , but not to exceed 0.53
EC = initial modulus of concrete = 57.000 v? psi.


Instead of wrapping the prcstressing wires or strands. as is done in the Preload System,
internal or external horizontal tendons are used. These tendons are stressed after they
are placed within or on the wall. Vertical post-tensioning is incorporated in the walls as
part of the vertical reinforcement. The concrete walls are either cast in place or precast,
and the core wall is considered to be the portion of the concrete wall that is circumferen-
tially prestressed. No steel diaphragms are used in this type of construction as compared
with wrapped-wire prestressin,. 0 where the tank walls can be either with or without steel
The internal prcstressed reinforcement is protected by the concrete cover as re-
quired in AC1 31X. and the ducts or sheathing have to be filled with corrosion-inhibiting
materials or grouted. The bonded post-tensioned tendon reinforcement has to be pro-
tected by portland cement grout as required in the AC1 318 code, and external tendons
should be protected by a shotcrete cover of 1 -in. (25mm) minimum thickness.
The wall design procedures are similar to those of circular tanks prestressed by wire
or strand wrapping. and the same requirements for crack control and water or liquid
tightness apply. A minimum residual compressive stress of 200 psi (1.4 MPa) in the con-
crete wall after all prestress losses has to be provided in the design when the tank is filled
to the design level. If the tank is not covered. a residual compressive stress of 400 psi
(2.X MPa) has to be provided at the wall top. reducing linearly to not less than 200 psi at
0.66 from the top of the liquid level.

Typical Wall Base and Dome Roof Connections. From the foregoing discus-
sions. it is clear that the boundary conditions at the base of the circular prestressed tank
and at the ring beam support for the roof dome determine the practicality, economy, and
success of the entire design. Consequently. accumulated experience in developing the
connections at these boundary conditions is invaluable. A selection of connection details
taken from Refs. 1 1.6 to 11 .Y is given in Figures 11.18 through 11.22.



The following trial-and-adjustment procedure is recommended for designing a pre-

stressed concrete circular tank and its roof shell:

1. Select the prestressing system. the type of prestressing wire, the concrete strength,
and the type of restraint that can be accomplished under local conditions.
696 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Note: This detail commonly used for Note: This detail commonly used for
small diameter shotcrete tanks -+-I- intermediate diameter shotcrete

Shotcrete closure strip

placed after wire winding
Shotcrete connection


Dome ring

Dome ring

Elastomeric pad

Figure 11.18 Cast-in-place tanks. (a) Monolithic base joint; monolithic and fully
restrained against translation before and after wire winding. (b) Monolithic base
joint; hinged with limited restraint against translation during wire winding, and
monolithic and fully restrained against translation after wire winding. (c) Sepa-
rated base joint, allows translation, rotation, or both (d) Monolithic dome-wall con-
nection. (e) Separated dome-wall connection.
11 .ll Step-by-Step Procedure for the Design of Circular Prestressed Concrete Tanks and Dome Roofs 699

Tank wall

/ 1
Sealant Sealant

/ Wall footing / ,Wall footing

steel shims

f:’ cl:l

Wall base joints for precast tanks

’ Bearing pads

Low shrinkage mix of concrete,

shotcrete or grout

Sandblasted surfaces

Circumferential Vertical pretensioning

prestressing tendons

hotcrete cover

andblasted surfaces

P/C wall panel

Figure 11.20 Vertical wall joints for precast tanks.

700 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Concrete spherical dome
Prestressing wire . . . . ./.n A.--~

Gun&cover w

Horizontal prestressing
wires and gunite cover

0.0173” inner

steel diaphragm

Elastomeric bearing
pad a n d sponge filler

Concrete waterstop encasement

9” PVC waterstop (cont.)

Sponge filler

6 mil polyethylene film
‘\ under floor and footing

LV a r i e s (2’-6” m i n . ) - /
Compacted gravel fill

‘For seismic zones or for tanks

with unequal backfill only

Figure 11.21 Typical tank section of a domed preload prestressed concrete

tank with an inner steel diaphragm. (Courtesy, Preload Technology, Inc., New
11 .l 1 Step-by-Step Procedure for the Design of Circular Prestressed Concrete Tanks and Dome Roofs 701

Dowel at wall joints

Chord steel

\ I SloDe I

Galvanized tube
filled with foam

T- Allowance for radial movement

‘Neoprene bearing pad, continuous

Neoprene pad

Precast single tee

Mild steel reinforcing

Precast wall panel

Figure 11.22 Connections for precast tank roofs

2. Determine the contained material pressure on the wall: yH for liquid and p for gas.
Use the trapezoidal distribution for granular or solid containment.
Find the unit ring force F = y(H - y)r for a completely sliding base, where r is the
radius of the tank and v is the distance above the base.
3. Choose, from Tables 11.4 through 11.16, the applicable vertical moment coeffi-
cients for the particular load type and wall base restraint condition caused by liquid

M, = +$WWY) + Q,,i(Py)l
and determine the corresponding horizontal radial ring tensions

Q,, = +WH - 1) m
702 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

and Q!. = (F- A&), where the offset


p = [3(1 - k41’ ’
(r.t)’ z
where k = .20 for concrete.
4. Find the applicable membrane coefficients C from Tables I I .-I through 1 1.16. Con-
pute the applicable ring force F = CyHr.
5. Compute the critical vertical moments in the \~a11 usin g the applicable membrane
coefficient C. The equation for moment due to liquid load is
AZ, = C(yH‘ + pH’)


due to gas load if applicable. Compute the moment at the base. Lvhcrc applicable.
and at the critical J* plane above the base.
6. Choose the level of vertical prestressing force.
7. Compute the concrete stresses across the thickness of the wall both for the condi-
tion when the tank is empty and for when it is totally full. Allow maximum residual
axial compressive stress .f;, = 200 psi at service and a masimum tensile strcas
6=3vyj as shown in Table 11.17.
8. Design both the horizontal and the vertical prestressing steel limiting stresses to
those given in Table 1 I. 18.
9. Compute the factored moment M,, using the applicable load factors given in subsec-
tion 11.7.2. The required M,, = M,,/+. where 6 = O.Y. Compute the available nominal
moment strength M,, = A,), .f,,,(d,, - rri2). or M,, = A,,, .f;,,(d!, - r//2) + A, ,f;(d - u/3). The
available M,, has to be greater than or equal to the rcqulred M,,.
10. Design the length L of the annular ring at the base of the wall from the equation
L? =
I + (r/41)”
((if y
where t is the thickness of the wall and /z the thickness of the base slab.
11. Compute the percentage of prestress in the base to be transferred to the wall from
the formula
Percentage R = ~

where S = 1.1 (/z/f) x ((l/r) I’.

When only the outer rim of the slab ring is compressed by radial thrust at the rim.
the value of S is modified to
11 .l 1 Step-by-Step Procedure for the Design of Circular Prestressed Concrete Tanks and Dome Roofs 703


in which d,, = outer diameter

d = inner slab ring diameter = d(, - 2L.
12. Check the minimum wall thickness requirements. and evaluate the unrestrained ini-
tial elastic radial deflection

A, =
t,,, E,
where E, =57,000-\/z
t <0 = thickness of wall core at top or bottom of wall
r = Id.
The final radial deflection &= 1.71,.
13. Anchor the steel from the base to the wall such that the steel extends into the wall a
distance y2 = 1.X< or 3 ft. whichever is greater. Also. ensure that the minimum
nominal vertical steel at the base region is
A, = O.OOSt,,,
14. Verify the maximum crack width M’,,, = 4.1 x IO-“e,.,E,,, fi.
where E,., = tensile surface strain in the concrete = (h&)/(E,,,)
,(, = actual stress in the steel
.f,,, = initial prestress before losses
4 -.&J&,

S, = spacing of reinforcement in direction “1”

+, = diameter of steel in direction “1”
s? = spacing of reinforcement in direction “2”
th = concrete cover to center of steel. in.

Note that maximum allowable w,,,~~ = 0.004 in. for liquid-retaining tanks.
15. Design the roof cover dome after selecting the type of connection at the top of the
tank wall. Limit the ratio of the rise h’ of the dome to its base d such that h’/d does
not exceed 6.
Compute the required horizontal radial prestressing force P for the edge
beam from the equation
d(N, cos 4)
P = F(& - /.LN”) +

1 -6
N,=~w,d - cos 4 (COS 24)
2 sin 4 1 + cos +

N,x-(~ wD +2
1 + cos 4

h = total depth of rim beam
h = ring beam width
Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Photo 11.10 Two prestressed concrete anaerobic digester tanks during construc-
tion. (Courtesy, N.A. Legatos, Preload Technology, Inc., New York.)

D = intensity of self-weight of shell per unit area (dead load)


wL = intensity of live-load projection.

16. Compute the ring-edge beam cross section

where P, = initial prestressing force = Ph

7 = residual stress percentage
f, = allowable compressive stress in the concrete, not to exceed 0.2fi, but
not more than 800-900 psi, in the edge beam.

17. Compute the area of the edge beam prestressing tendon

where f,, is the allowable stress in the prestressing steel before losses, or
Wcot gl
A,, = ~
if accurate analysis is not performed, In the latter, W is the total dead and live load
on the dome due to wD + wL and fpe is the effective prestress after losses.
11 .l 1 Step-by-Step Procedure for the Design of Circular Prestressed Concrete Tanks and Dome Roofs 705

18. Check the minimum dome thickness required to withstand buckling, i.e.,

Min. hd = a
4Pi Pc Ec
where N = radius of dome shell
P,, = ultimate uniformly distributed design unit pressure due to dead load
and live load = (1.40 + 1.7L)/144
4 = strength reduction factor for material variability = C.7
p, = buckling reduction factor for deviations from true spherical surface
due to imperfections
p, = (a/r,)‘, where r, 5 1.4a
p, = buckling reduction factor for creep, material nonlinearity, and crack-
ing = 0.44 + O.O03W,. but not to exceed 0.53
EC = initial modulus of concrete = 57,OOOe psi.

Figure 11.23 gives a step-by-step flowchart for a recommended sequence of opera-

tions to be performed in the design of circular prestressed concrete tanks and their
shell roofs.
706 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs


0 1 I

Input: d, H. r. h. a, ~0. h’. 70 P. W,, W,, f;. f;;, f,, f,, fcv,
f&w f,,. f,,. f,,, f,.

m) Assume wall thickness r and type of wall base joint. Compute

F = y(H - y)r for freely sliding base. Select membrane coefficient
C from Tables 10.4-10.16

[3(1 - $)I”4
Compute max. M, at y above base
M, = cl+/3 + PM)

M,, 0,. A Q , a n d 0,

0, = +l2PH - 1) J12,yLp2)

A Q , = + $$ [PM,$(fly) + Q,O(Ov)l
(3, = F - AQ,

0 3
Choose vertical prestress P,. Compute concrete fiber stresses
at critical base section when tank is empty and when full

M,c Mpc
f-; f
where M, = liquid load vertical unit moment
MP = prestress vertical unit moment
Max f, = 0.45f;
Min r = 7 in. with vertical prestress
Max. allow. residual axial f,, = 200 psi
Max. allow. tensile stress ft = 3fi

Revise wall
section details

Compute factored moment MU using load factors:

Rqd M, 5 available M, = 2

Avail. M, = A,sfPs(dP - z) + A,f, (Ed - :)

Figure 11.23 Flowchart for the design of circular prestressed tanks and their flat
dome roofs.
11 ,l 1 Step-by-Step Procedure for the Design of Circular Prestressed Concrete Tanks and Dome Roofs 707


Revise wall

C7 Compute slab base ring length L and thickness h

L2 - 2CH2
where t = wall thickness
h = base slab thickness
d = tank interior diameter
Compute percentage R = r+‘s of moment to be

transferred to wall where

S = l.l(hlt)~

or S’ = i (h/t1 m when only the outer rim of

the slab ring is compressed by radial thrust at the rim,

where K =

06 t
Check if the elastic radial long-term deflection A, = 1.7 $ is
,i co 1
acceptable, where F, = initial thrust, r = fd, r,, = thicknessof wall

core at top or bottom of wall, E, = 57,OOOfi

0 9 1
Anchor steel from base to wall up to minimum distance y2 above
base, where yI= fi but not less than 3 ft. above top of base.
Min. vertrcal steel A, = O.O05t,,.

010 I
Max. allow crack width = 0.004 in. for liquid-retaining tanks

I where I, = f (y)

0, = diameter of wire in main direction

s2 = spacing of wire in perpendicular direction
tb = core thickness
EC, = tensile surface strain in the concrete 9
where X, - f,/fp,
fp = actual stress in steel
f,, = initial prestress

Figure 11.23 Continued

708 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

w rise h’
Design roof shell dome: - 5 1. Assume ring beam
d 8
section b X h = A,. Select shell thickness t and check for
min. t required to resist buckling from step 15. Edge ring
beam prestressing force:

P= $ (N, - gN,) + ; (N,cos#)


w,d 1
tangential Ns = - - -clx$ 1 - * (cos 291
2 sin 4 1 t cos d

meridional NQ = -a -S-+2W
1+cong 2
1 b = beam width, h = beam depth, w,, = dead load, wL = live load

-1 - -

I Compute rqd. A, = P,lf,. where P, = PI,, 7 = residual stress percentage,

f, = allowable concrete mmpressive stress < O.ZOf; 5 800 to 900 psi


Compute edge ring beam prestress reinforcement AP, = P, /fs, or

Apr = - If accurate analysis is not performed
W = total dead and live load (w,+ W,) on the dome
fpe = effective prestress after losses

Check min. dome thickness t to withstand buckling

where a = radius of dome shell
p,= 1 . 4 0 + 1.7L.r$=0.7,~,~0.50,
p, = 0.44 + o.O03w, 2 0.53,
EC = 57,000~

23 END

Figure 11.23 Continued

11.12 Design of Circular Prestressed Concrete Water-Retaining Tank and Its Domed Roof 709



Example 11.3
Determine the maximum horizontal ring forces and vertical moments, and design the wall
prestressing reinforcement. for a circular prcstressed concrete tank whose diameter d = 125 ft
(38.1 m) and which retains a water height H = 25 ft (7.62 m) for the following conditions of
wall base support: (a) hinged. (b) fully fixed. (c) semisliding. and (d) partially fixed. Also, de-
sign the prcstresscd concrete ring edge beam for the domed roof shell assuming that the shell
rise-span ratio h’id = k. Use a flat shell roof having shell angle do = 36”. and find the area of
prcstressing reinforcement for both wire-wrapped and tendon reinforced conditions. Given
data arc as follows:

cf“ = 5.000 psi (33.5 MPa). normal-weight concrete

f,‘, = 3.750 psi (25.9 MPa)
f; = 212 psi (0.86 MPa) 5 3e
f; = 0.45f,’ = 2.250 psi (15.5 MPa)
residual ,f;, = 225 psi (1.55 MPa)
f;,,, (wire) = 250.000 psi (I .724 MPa)
/;>ji (strands and tendons) = 250.000 psi (1,724 MPa)
,6,, = 0.7&, = 175.000 psi (1.207 MPa)
f,,$ = 220.000 psi (I 517 MPa)
I,‘, = 15 psf (718 Pa) for snow load on dome

Assume 26 percent total loss in prestress for all long-term effects.

Saluticm: Disregard the weight of the wall and the roof dome effect as insignificant on the
stresses as compared to the effect of the vertical prestress forces. Consider the water pres-
sure distribution shown in Figure I 1.24 on the tank wall giving
y = 62.4 Ibjft’ (1 .OOO kg/m”)
r=--- F = 62.5 ft (19.1 m)
Assume the wall thickness f = 10 in. = 0.83 ft (25.4 cm). Then the form factor
H’ 25 x 25
-= = 6
dt 12s x 0.83
and yHr = 62.4 x 25 x 62.5 = Y7.500 lbift of circumference.
Basic Forces and Moments. Tables 11 .I 9 through 11.21 give the basic forces and mo-
ments in the tank wall.

Figure 11.24 Liquid ring tension F, wall base freely sliding.

710 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Table 11.19 Maximum Ring Tension F= C(yHr) Ib/ft Circumference, Example 11.3

Freely Sliding Wall Base Fixed Base Hinged Base

Table ll.lOfor !$ =6 Table 11.12 for $ = 6

C=l c = 0.514 C = 0.643

F = 97,500 F = 0.514 x 97,500 = 50,115 F = 0.643 X 97,500 = 62,693

*Compare with 50.113 lbift in the detailed method of Example 11.2.

Table 11.20 Vertical Moments M= C(Y/-/~) ft-lb/ft, Example 11.3. Positive (+) = Tension
in Outside Face

Freely Sliding Bass Fixed Wall Bass Hinged Bass

Table 11.4 Table 11.6

C = +0.0051 for 0.7H = 17.5 ft C = +O.O07B for 0.0H = 20 ft

C = -0.0187 for l.OH = 25 h C = 0 for l.OH, or full height
M, = MO = 0 M, = +0.0051 X 62.4(25j3 M, = +0.0078 X 62.4(25j3
= +4,973 = +7,605
M, = -0.0187 X 62.4(25b3 M,=O
= -18,233

*This moment value is very close to the value obtained by using the detailed method and the moment functions of
Table 11.1 and Example 11.1 (M,, = -18.574).
11 .I2 Design of Circular Prestressed Concrete Water-Retaining Tank and Its Domed Roof 711

Table 11.21 Prestressing Effects Using 225psi Residual Radial Compression, Example 11.3. Ring
Forces Q Ib/ft, Vertical Moments M,, ft-lb/ft

Freely Sliding Base Fixed Wall Base Hinged Base

Ring Forces Ring Forces Ring Forces



x = 97,500 + [Res. camp. X t X 1 ft.1 x=50,115+[225X10X121 x = 62,693 + I225 X 10 X 121

= 97,500 + 1225 X 10 X 121 = 77.115 = Q,, = 89,693 = Q,7,5
= 124,500

Moments Moments Moments

[M,l,=,, = M, =O

77 115
y = 4,973 X 50115 = 7,652 y = +7,605 X E

= +M, = +10,880 = +M,

M = _ 18,233 x 77,115 M, = 0
= -28,056
712 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Wall Maximum Concrete Stresses at 20 ft from Top: Hinged Base. By trial and
adjustment, provide vertical concentric prestress P,. = 50,000 Ib/ft (730 kN/m) of circum-
ference. Then for a wall thickness t = 10 in. compute the resulting stresses as shown in
Figure 11.25.

Outside Inside


10,880 x 12
=M = 7,605 x 12
= ?653 psi

= 2456 psi
-65&J +653
s 12(10)2
0 Horizontal P/S moment
P, 50,000
- = -417 psi
fu = A, = 12 x 10
Max. fi = 236 psi = 3*,000
= 212 psi, O.K.
@ Liquid moment
Max. fc = -1,070 psi < 0.45f:, O.K.

Max. fc = -614 psi < 0.45f:, 0.K

-417 - -417

JJ Vertical P/S

-614 y -220

05 Tank full

Figure 11.25 Stress at maximum moment, 20 ft from top, psi. Negative (-) =
compression, positive (+) = tension.
11 .12 Design of Circular Prestressed Concrete Water-Retaining Tank and Its Domed Roof 713

Wall Maximum Concrete Stress at I7ft 6 in. from Top: Fully Fixed Base. The max-
imum positive moment M, is at 17 ft 6 in. from the top of the wall. By trial and adjustment,
use eccentric vertical prestressing P, = 100.000 lbift closer to the outer face [e = 1.05 in.
(26.7 m)]. Then compute the resulting stresses in the wall as shown in Figure 11.26.

Outside Inside

f+ =
M 7,652 x 12
-s = 12(10)*
= S459 psi
45gL ---;+45g
f+=!+ 4,973 x 12 @ Horizontal P/S moment
= k298 psi
+2g8 4 -2g8
- = -833 psi @ Liquid moment

f,t = P,ek)
- = 100,ooo x 1.05 = +525 psi
I 12(10j2
(ij Vertical P/S
Max. J = + 151 psi < 3e = 212, O.K.
Max. fc = -1,817 psi < 0.45fL = -2,250 psi, O.K.

Max. fc = -1,519 psi < 0.45fJ, O.K.

@ Vertical P/S moment


“ +151

0 5 Tank empty

0 6 Tank full

Figure 11.26 Stresses at maximum positive (+) moment, 17 ft, 6 in. from top,
psi. Negative (-) = compression, positive (+) = tension.
714 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Wall Maximum Concrete Stress at Base: Fully Fixed Base. Use eccentric vertical
prestress P,. = 100.000 lb closer to the outer face (e = 1.05 in.). Then compute the resulting
stresses in the wall as shown in Figure 11.27.

Outside Inside

-28,056 xx 12
f+=!+ 12 = ?1,683 psi
= ?1,683 psi - 1,683
12( lo)*
f+=!+ -18,233 x 12
f+=!+ = t1,094 psi +1,683
1 Horizontal P/S moment
fc = 2 = -l~@o = -833 psi
c 12 x 10

c -= 100,000 x 1.05 = T525 psi

f, = P,e(c)
I 12( lo)*
+ + 1,094
Max. fc = -1,991 psi < 0.45 fi. O.K. @ Liquid moment

Max. fi = +325 psi at base when tank is empty.

This stress will rapidly decrease well
below 3e within one foot above -833 71 -833
base, hence O.K.
@ Vertical P/S
Max. fc = -897 psi < 0.45 fi, O.K.
@ Vertical P/S moment

+325 4 -l’ggl
0 Tank empty

-769 -
1 1

06 Tank full
Figure 11.27 Stresses at maximum negative (-) moment at wall base, psi. Neg-
ative (-) = compression, positive (+) = tension.
11 .12 Design of Circular Prestressed Concrete Water-Retaining Tank and Its Domed Roof 715

Wall Maximum Concrete Stress: Semisliding Base. By trial and adjustment, use
concentric vertical prestress P,. = 20,400 Ib/ft (297 kN/m). Then semislide M = a (+10.880)
= 5.440 ft-lbift. and compute the resulting stresses in the wall as shown in Figure 11.28.

Fully hinged/

water -



Outside Inside

-=‘-ih A +326
= ?326 psi

@ Horizontal P/S moment

f+=$ +7,605 x 12
= 5456 psi
12( 1o)2

ft - ;“ - -2090 _ - 170 psi +456 #-456

c 12 x 10
f4=0+@ @ Liquid moment

Max.& = -496 psi < 0.45 f:, O.K.

Max. fi = + 156 psi < 3X@, 0.K -170 ] -170

& Vertical P/S -

f5 = 0 + @ + @
Max. f;. = -300 psi < 0.45 f:, O.K.
Max.f, = -40 psi < 3*, O.K.
-4g6 L +I56

04 Tank empty

-40 t

05 Tank full


Figure 11.28 Stresses at maximum positive (+) moment, psi. (a) Wall base de-
tails. (b) Semislide moment, ft-lb/ft. (c) Concrete stresses, psi.
Photo 11.11 Arco Floating LPG Barge: ABAM-designed largest floating pre-
stressed hull in the world. (Courtesy, ABAM Engineers, Tacoma, Washington.)

Partial Fixity at the Wall Base. The restraint moment is Mp = IV, (1 - S), where
the full fixity moment M, = 18,233 ft-lb/ft. The modifying factor for partial fixity
s = (tAz)3/(dt)“2.
Figure 11.29 shows the deformed shape of the base slab. If the base slab thickness
h = 10 in., then, from Equations 11.39 and 11.40,

s = uo/w3

(125 x 0.83)“2 = OS”

Mp = M,(l - S) = l&233(1 - 0.1) = 16,410 ft-lb/ft.
The moment loss due to partial fixity = 18,233 - 16,410 = 1,823 ft-lb/ft. From Equation
11.37 for the base ring width L,
L2 = -

*Use temperature steel
in lining

“4 in. lining t

zzf$ (a)
)zg.. h


Figure 11.29 Deformed shape of base slab. (a) Wall base. (b) Deformed sec-
11 .I 2 Design of Circular Prestressed Concrete Water-Retaining Tank and Its Domed Roof 717

Also, from Table 11.4. the membrane coefficient at the base for form factor (H2)l(dt) = 6
is C = -0.0187. Thus, we have

L2 = 2 x 0.0187(25)*
= 21.25
1 + 0.1
and it follows that
L = 4.61 ft = 4 ft 74 in.
Accordingly, use a ring slab base width L = 4 ft 9 in. (145 cm). Since for large-diameter
tanks S has a very small value, the degree of fixity, as the solution shows, is almost the
same for both fully fixed and partially fixed wall bases.
From Equations 11.47 and 11.48, the percent R of prestress in the base that is trans-
ferred to wall = 100/S,. where

s, = l.l($)(~~ 7 = l.l($(~~~’ = 13.50%

R= ~
‘00 = 7.4%
which means that the required design prestress for the wall can be slightly reduced, as
some compression is available from the base ring.

Design of Prestressing Reinforcement

Horizontal Prestressing. Use the same size wire to wrap the circular wall, varying
the spacing of the wire hoops in S-ft bands along the tank height. In the case of the freely
sliding tank wall. the minimum spacing is in the lowest band at the base, as presented
graphically in Figure 11.30.
In order to determine the variation of wire pitch throughout the height of the wall,
additional computations of the horizontal ring thrust QY have to be made at the bottom
of each band. Consequently. only one typical calculation of size and wire distribution will
be made for purposes of illustration.
Taking the case of the fixed wall base from Table 11.21, the maximum Q,, = 77,115
lbift of circumference per foot height of wall. So trying 0.192-in. dia (4.88 mm) prestress-
ing 250-K wire, we obtain A,,, = 0.0289 in.’ per wire and ,fbl = 0.7&,, = 0.7 x 250,ooO =
175.000 psi (1,207 MPa).
Now assume 26-percent prestress loss for elastic shortening, seating, creep, shrink-
age. and steel relaxation. Then

Figure 11.30 Horizontal-prestress wire distribution bands.

718 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

f,(, = 0.74 X 175.000 = 129,500 psi (893 MPa)

A,, = ~ = 0.60 in.’ per 1 ft of wall height
0.60 x 5
No. of wire loops in 5-ft band = = 104

Hence, use 104 wire loops in the 5-ft wall band whose base is 15 ft below the top of the
water level. Also. use 2-in. shotcrete to cover the wrapped horizontal 0.192-in. dia wires.
If the tank were prestressed with I-in. dia 250-K 7-wire strand tendons. A,,, would
be 0.144 in.‘/strand and the required number of strands in a 5-ft-height band would be
0.60 x 510.144 E 20 tendons.
Verfical Prestressing. For proportioning the vertical prestressing reinforcement.
P,. = 100,000 lbift at e = 1.05 in. (1,459 N/m at e = 26.7 mm) on the outer force side. Hence.
try $-in. dia (17.7-mm dia) 7-wire 250-K strands. We obtain

A,, = 0.144
fi,,, = 250.000 psi (1,724 MPa)
h,, = 0.7&,, = 0.7 X 250.000 = 175.000 psi (1.207 MPa)
Assume 26-percent total prestress loss. Then Ii,<, = 0.74 x 175.000 = 129.500 psi (X89 MPa).
the required A,,, per foot of circumference = 100,000/129,500 = 0.772 in.’ (4.98 cm?). and
the number of vertical strands per foot of circumference = 0.77210.144 = 5.36. Thus. use
$-in. dia 7-wire 250-K strands for vertical prestressing at 2: in. center-to-center spacing =
0.769 in.’ E 0.772 in.‘, O.K.

Nominal Moment Strength Check of Tank Wall. The maximum wall vertical mo-
ment for a fixed-base wall. from Table 11.21. is M = 28.056 ft-lbift or in.-lb/in. of circum-
ference. We thus have:

S.F. = 1.3 (step 5 of flowchart)

M,, = 1.3 x 28.056 = 36.473 in.-lb/in

M,, 36.473 = 40.525 in.-lb/in.

W Mu = z = ~ o.y

d = F + 1.05 = 6.05 in. (15.37 cm)

A,,, = __ = 0.064 in.‘jin. width
A,,, .t;,, 0.064 x 220,000
“=0.8.5f:,= 0.85 x 5.000 x 1 = 3.31 in.

Available M,, = A,,, J,, = 0.064 X 220.000

II= 61.882 in.-lb/in. >> Rqd. M,, = 40.525 in.-lb/in.. O.K.

The wall design should include a check of the deflection as described in step 8 of the
flowchart. Also. a determination should be made of the anchor steel at the base of the
wall as well as the crack width u’,,,:,~ in step 9 of the flowchart. Finally. a check of temper-
11 .I 2 Design of Circular Prestressed Concrete Water-Retaining Tank and Its Domed Roof 719

Critical shell
Ring beam section

\ a
\ 3

Figure 11.31 Tank dome shell roof. (a) Geometry of dome. (b) Edge ring beam.
(c) Equivalent ring beam.

ature and creep effects has to be made to ascertain whether any additional nonpre-
stressed mild steel has to be added to the prestressed wall reinforcement.

Design of Roof Dome Prestressed Edge Ring Beam. Use a rise-span ratio h’ld =
&. Also, choose a freely supporting reaction at the top of the tank wall, using a neoprene
pad under the edge ring beam. The shell would then have the form shown in Figures
11.31 and 11.32.
Since ti = 125 ft.. h' = 12518 = 15.63 ft (4.76 m). Also. since C$ = 36” is less than 51”49’.
the entire shell would be in compression, and only temperature reinforcement is needed.


Layer of
pneumatic --
mortar xtical P / S
ia I”
Circumferential I 4
P/S wires n I d

Figure 11.32 Dome prestressed ring beam support detail in Example 11.3.
Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Photo 11.12 Olympic oval at the University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada. Struc-
tural engineers: Simeson, Lester, Goodrich; Calgary, Alberta, Canada. (Courtesy,
Prestressed Concrete Institute.)

The shell radius is

42 62.5
a = - = - = 106 ft (32.3 m)
sin 4, 0.588
From Equation 11.75, the minimum shell thickness to withstand buckling is

hd = a
J 1.5P,
44% Pc Ec
Hence, assuming that t = 3.0 in., we have

P,, = 1.40 + 1.7L = 1.4 z x 150 + 1.7 x 15 = 78 Ib/ft2

(’ >
c$ = 0.7

p, = (a,r,)2 = (l.4~lo6y = 0.51

p, = 0.44 + 0.003 X 15 = 0.49 < 0.53, use p, = 0.49

E, = 57,000~5,000 = 4.03 X lo6 psi

1.5 x 78
Minh = a
0.7 x 0.51 x 0.49 x 4.03 x lo6
= 1.36 in. (3.5 cm) < 3 in., O.K.

So use a shell t = 3 in. (7.6 cm). Then sin 4 = sin 36” = 0.59, cos 4 = cos 36” = 0.81, and a =
sphere radius = 106 ft.
11 .I2 Design of Circular Prestressed Concrete Water-Retaining Tank and Its Domed Roof 721

From Equation 11.70, the tangential force per unit length of circumference is

WDd 1
2 sin + 1 + cos C$ - cos +
No = ~ 1 - s (cos W)

37.5 x 125
2 x 0.59
1 + 0.81
- 0.81 1 - yo*g (0.31)

= - 1,269 lb/ft
From Equation 11.67, the meridional force per unit length of circumference, with
a = 106 ft, is

N+=-a wD +T
1 + cos + >


From Equation 11.72, the radial prestressing force in the ring beam required to pro-
duce compatibility of deformation with the shell rim is

To determine the cross-sectional area bh of the ring beam, use P = (d/2)(N, cos 4) for the
first trial, since the first term of the equation has less than 10 percent of the total value of
P (see the discussion accompanying Equation 11.62). We obtain

P = f (N+ cos +) = F (-2,991 X 0.81) = -151,149 lb per ft

Given that the total prestress loss is 26 percent, it follows that

7 = 1 - 0.26 = 0.74
151 419
P, = ) = 204,620 Ib/ft
. Use a maximum concrete compressive stress f, = 800 psi (5.52 MPa) in order to min-
imize excess strain in the edge beam, which could produce high stresses in the shell rim.
The required cross-sectional area of the prestressed ring beam is
204 620
A,+,h=t:=~ = 256 in.2
fc 800
Try b = 14 in. and h = 20 in. Then A, = 280 in2 Substituting into Equation 11.72, we get

P = g -& x 1,269 - 0.2(-2,991) + F(-2,991 X 0.81)
. [
= -5,217 - 151,419 = -156,636 lb/ft
P, = ~ = 211,671 lb (717 kN)
722 Chapter 11 Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks and Shell Roofs

Vent Dome
Hatch line .


Temporary / /

I- Half elevation ~__tc_ Half section __r(

Figure 11.33 Typical elevation and section of a domed prestressed concrete cir-
cular tank.

From before,
fpl = 0.7f,, = 175,000 psi

Pi 2 1 1 , 6 7 1
Ap,y = g = -=175,000 1.21 in2 (7.56 cm2)

Trying $-in. dia (12.7-mm) 7-wire 250-K strands, we obtain

APT/strand = 0.144 in.2

No. of strands = &$4 = 8.4

If the prestress loss is slightly more than 26 percent, the number of strands should be ap-
proximately 9. Hence, use nine+-in. dia 7-wire strands to prestress the edge ring beam.

Check the Concrete Stress in the Critical Section t = 3 in. of the Shell Rim. The
meridional compression N+ = -2,991 lb/ft of circumference, and the compressive stress
f, = 2,991/(12 x 3) = 83 psi only, which is satisfactory. The support details of the edge ring
beam and the roof are shown in Figure 11.32. Note that the ring beam is supported verti-
cally on a neoprene pad, which enables sliding. A typical elevation and section of a
domed prestressed circular tank is shown in Figure 11.33.


11.1 Timoshenko, S., and Woinowsky-Krieger, S. Theory of Plates and Shells. 2d ed. McGraw Hill, New
York, 19.59.
11.2 Creasy. L. R. Prestressed Concrete Cylindrical Tanks. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1961.
Problems 723

11.3 Billington, D. P. Thin Shell Concrete Structures. 2d ed. McGraw Hill, New York, 1982.
11.4 Ghali, A. Circular Storage Tanks and Silos. E. & F. N. Spon Ltd., London, 1979.
11.5 PCA, “Circular Concrete Tanks without Prestressing,” Concrete Information Series ST-57, Port-
land Cement Association, Skokie, Ill., 19.57,32 pp.
11.6 PC1 Committee on Precast Prestressed Concrete Storage Tanks. “Recommended Practice for Pre-
cast Prestressed Concrete Circular Storage Tanks.” Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago, 1987.
11.7 AC1 Committee 344. Design and Construction of Circular Prestressed Concrete Structures, ACI
344R. American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 1970.
11.8 AC1 Committee 344. Design and Construction of Circular Wire and Strand Wrapped Prestressed
Concrete Structures, ACZ 344-R, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 1989.
11.9 AC1 Committee 344. Design and Construction of Circular Prestressed Concrete Structures with Cir-
cumferential Tendons, ACI 344.2R, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 1989.
11.10 Post-Tensioning Institute. Post-Tensioning Manual. 6th ed. Post-Tensioning Institute, Phoenix,
11.11 Prestressed Concrete Institute. PCI Design Handbook. 5th ed. Prestressed Concrete Institute,
Chicago, 1999.
11.12 Tadros, M. K. “Expedient Service Load Analysis of Cracked Prestressed Concrete Sections.” Jour-
nal of the Prestressed Concrete Institute, Vol. 27, No. 6, Nov-Dee, Chicago, 1983, 137-1.58.
11.13 Brondum-Nielsen, T. “Prestressed Tanks.” Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Detroit,
July-August 1985, pp. 500-509.
11.14 Vessey J.V., and Preston, R. L. A Critical Review of Code Requirements for Circular Prestressed
Concrete Reservoirs. F.I.P., Paris, 1978.
11.15 Nawy, E. G., and Blair, H., Further Studies of Flexural Crack Control in Structural Slab Systems.
American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, SP-30,1971.
11.16 Abeles, P. W., and Bardhan-Roy, B. K. Prestressed Concrete Designer’s Handbook. 3d ed. View-
point Publications, London, 1981.


11.1 Solve Example 11.3 if the tank diameter is 120 ft (36.6 m) and the water height is 30 ft (9.1 m). As-
sume that the total prestress loss is 20 percent, and use a rise-span ratio h’/d = & for the roof dome,
assuming that half the shell angle is + = 45”.
11.2 A circular prestressed concrete tank has an internal diameter d = 85 ft (26 m) and retains water to a
height H= 22 ft (6.7 m). Determine the maximum horizontal ring forces and vertical moment, and
design the prestressing reinforcement using both horizontal and vertical prestressing. Also, design
a roof dome shell for the tank assuming a rise-span ratio h’/d = B and half shell angle 4 = 30”. Solve
for (a) hinged, (b) partially fixed, and (c) sliding wall base fixity, and design the prestressing rein-
forcement for both wire-wrapped and tendon prestressing conditions. Given data are:
f: = 6,000 psi (41.4 MPa), normal weight
f :, = 4.250 psi (29.3 MPa)

ft I 3a = 230 psi (1.59 MPa)

A. = 0.45fi = 2,700 psi (18.6 MPa)
fey = 250 psi (1.72 MPa)-residual compressive stress
fp,, for both wire and strand or tendon = 250,000 psi (1,724 Pa)
hj = 0.7fp,i = 175,000 psi (1,207 MPa)
Snow load intensity wI. = 20 1b/ft2 (985 Pa)
Assume 20-percent total loss in prestress.

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