Ancon MBT Couplers International Version

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International Version

­­­CI/SfB (21) Xt6

January 2021

MBT Mechanically-
Bolted Couplers
for the Construction Industry
We are one team.
We are Leviat.
Leviat is the new name of
CRH’s construction accessories
companies worldwide.
Under the Leviat brand, we are uniting the
expertise, skills and resources of Ancon and its
sister companies to create a world leader in fixing,
connecting and anchoring technology.

The products you know and trust will remain an

integral part of Leviat’s comprehensive brand and
product portfolio. As Leviat, we can offer you an
extended range of specialist products and services,
greater technical expertise, a larger and more agile
supply chain and better, faster innovation.

By bringing together CRH’s construction

accessories family as one global organisation,
we are better equipped to meet the needs of our
customers, and the demands of construction
projects, of any scale, anywhere in the world.

This is an exciting change. Join us on our journey.

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Reinforcing Bar Couplers
Simplify the design and construction of concrete
Lapped joints are not always an affect the performance of
appropriate means of connecting the joint. The strength of a
reinforcing bars. The use of laps mechanical splice is independent
can be time consuming in terms of the concrete in which it
of design and installation and is located and will retain its
can lead to greater congestion strength despite loss of cover
within the concrete because of as a result of impact damage or
the increased amount of rebar seismic event.
used. Our range of Ancon reinforcing
Ancon couplers can simplify bar couplers is the most
the design and construction of comprehensive available and
reinforced concrete and reduce includes tapered threaded,
the amount of reinforcement parallel threaded, mechanically
required. bolted and grouted couplers.
Lapped joints are dependent Couplers for stainless steel and
upon the concrete for load cryogenic-grade rebars complete
transfer. For this reason any the range.
degradation in the integrity of
the concrete could significantly

MBT ET Series 4
MBT Transition Series 5
MBT Continuity Series 6
Repair and Remedial Work 7
MBT Headed Anchors 8
HM Grout Sleeve Couplers 9
Other Ancon Products 9

Eurocode 2 compliant Simplify design and ISO 9001, ISO 14001, Available through major Dedicated sales
construction OHSAS 18001 rebar stockists and support
approved distributors

2 Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224

Reinforcing Bar Couplers

The Ancon MBT range of couplers provides a cost-effective method of joining reinforcing bars, particularly
when the fixed bar is already in place and there is insufficient space for a hydraulic swaging press.
MBT Couplers are easy to install and Testing & Approvals The full range of MBT Couplers
achieve failure loads higher than 115% of Full destructive tests are is certified by GOST for the
the characteristic yield strength of grade 500 carried out on selected Russian Federation. In addition
reinforcing bar. Neither bar end preparation couplers from our the coupler has been tested to
to form threads, nor bar rotation are required. stocks. MBT couplers show compliance with the following international
MBT couplers can also be used to join are designed and CERTIFICATE No 98/R102
design codes:- BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004
imperial, plain round or deformed reinforcing manufactured
(Eurocode 2), BS5400, BS8110, BS8597: 2015,
bars. in accordance with
ACI 318 and DIN 1045 German code.
BS EN ISO 9001. The most
The bar ends are supported within the coupler Note: Not all coupler types and sizes are relevant to the
common sizes of ET series couplers national approvals shown. For details of coupler types and
by two serrated saddles, and as the lockshear
are approved by HAPAS (Highway Authorities sizes relevant to each national approval please refer to the
bolts are tightened, the conical ends embed relevant approval document, which is available on request.
Product Approval) covered by certificate
themselves into the bar. As this happens the
15/H240 issued by the BBA, including the bar
serrated saddles bite into both the bar and Lockshear bolt
sizes featured in the table below. Sizes ET10,
the shell of the coupler. The lockshear bolts of
12, 14, 16, 20, 25 and 28 have been tested Reduced diameter
couplers up to and including the ET20 can be shear plane
and approved by the DIBt and are covered
tightened using a ratchet wrench. For larger
by Approval No Z-1.5-10. Further national
couplers a nut runner is recommended.
approvals include BMVIT Approval
In all cases heavy duty sockets should be used. No. -327.120/0018-II/ST2/2006,
When the pre-determined tightening torque for RISE Approval No.0541-95
the bolts is reached, the heads shear off leaving which covers the ET Series and Serrated saddle
the top of the installed bolt slightly proud of the Continuity C Series, and AFCAB
coupler. This provides an instant visual check of Approval No. M20/023 which
correct installation. covers specific bar diameter
Section showing the embedment of the
Note: Impact tools must not be used to tighten sizes in the ET series of
lockshear bolts. lockshear bolts and saddles into the bar
couplers, as shown in the table and the shell of the coupler
MBT ET Series
The MBT ET series of couplers is used to
connect reinforcing bars of the same size.

MBT ET Series Dimensions

Bar Diameter (mm) 10 12* 14* 16* 18 20* 22 25* 26 28 30 32* 34 36 40*
External Diameter (mm) d 33 33 42 42 48 48 48 54 67 67 71 71 75 85 81
Total Length (mm) l 100 140 160 160 204 204 248 258 312 312 312 312 420 484 484
Socket Size A/F (ins) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4

No. of Bolts 4 6 6 6 8 8 10 8 10 10 10 10 12 14 14
Approx Weight (kg) 0.52 0.72 1.25 1.25 2.0 1.96 2.38 3.00 5.91 5.80 6.68 6.50 8.85 15.30 11.30
Part No. ET10 ET12 ET14 ET16* ET18 ET20 ET22 ET25 ET26 ET28 ET30 ET32 ET34 ET36 ET40
Note: Dimensions are nominal values and subject to change from time to time. Other sizes available on request. For details contact us.
* AFCAB certification applies to this bar diameter size
Installation MBT ET Series
1 2 3

Place the coupler over the end of the bar to half Place the other bar end into the coupler until On one half of the coupler, starting from the centre
the coupler length +/- 6mm and finger tighten it pushes up against the first bar and finger and working outwards, partly tighten the lockshear
the lockshear bolts onto the bar. Check the tighten the remaining lockshear bolts. Check bolts using either a ratchet wrench or a nut runner
alignment and make any necessary adjustments. alignment and make any adjustments. as appropriate. Do not use impact tools. Repeat
again, this time fully tightening the lockshear bolts
until the bolt heads shear off.
4 Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224 Repeat the above for the other half of the coupler.
MBT Transition Series
The Ancon MBT Transition series of couplers provides an effective solution for connecting bars of
different diameters.
Transition couplers have all of the benefits of
the ET series and are designed to achieve d l
failure loads higher than 115% of the
characteristic yield strength of the smaller
grade 500 reinforcing bar.
They can be installed without any preparation
to the bar ends and without any need to rotate
The coupler can be rotated to allow access a
to the bolts for tightening with either a ratchet
wrench or a nut runner. In all cases heavy duty
sockets should be used. Transition couplers
are non-standard and are made to order.
Note: Impact tools should not be used to tighten
lockshear bolts.

MBT Transition Series Dimensions

Bar Diameter (mm) 16/12 16/14 20/12 20/16 25/16 25/20 28/20 28/22 28/25 32/20 32/25 32/28 40/32
External Diameter (mm) d 42 42 48 48 54 54 67 67 67 71 71 71 81
External Diameter (mm) d2 26 42 33 48 42 54 48 42 54 48 54 67 71
Total Length (mm) l 160 160 150 160 155 180 204 253 258 177 231 286 335
Individual Lengths a:b 80:80 80:80 80:70 80:80 75:80 90:90 102:102 129:124 129:129 75:102 102:129 130:156 178:157
Socket Size A/F (ins) a:b /:/
1 2 1 2
1 2 1 2
1 2 1 2
1 2 1 2
5 8 1 2
5 8 1 2
5 8 1 2
5 8 1 2
5 8 5 8
5 8 1 2
5 8 5 8
5 8 5 8
3 4 5 8

No. of Bolts a:b 3:3 3:3 3:3 3:3 2:3 3:3 3:4 4:5 4:4 2:4 3:4 4:5 5:5
Approx Weight (kg) 1.30 1.25 1.13 1.56 1.51 2.23 2.94 3.61 3.98 2.55 3.70 5.71 7.47
Part No. ET16/12 ET16/14 ET20/12 ET20/16 ET25/16 ET25/20 ET28/20 ET28/22 ET28/25 ET32/20 ET32/25 ET32/28 ET40/32
Note: Dimensions are nominal values and subject to change from time to time.

MBT Transition Series

1 2 3

Place the coupler over the end of the bar to Place the other bar end into the coupler until On one half of the coupler, starting from the
the appropriate depth +/- 6mm and finger it pushes up against the first bar and finger centre and working outwards, partly tighten
tighten the lockshear bolts onto the bar. tighten the remaining lockshear bolts. Check the lockshear bolts using either a ratchet
Check the alignment and make any necessary alignment and make any adjustments. wrench or a nut runner as appropriate. Do not
adjustments. use impact tools. Repeat again, this time fully
tightening the lockshear bolts until the bolt
heads shear off.
Electric Wrench
Ancon Electric Wrenches are available for purchase or hire. The smooth continuous action of the Repeat the above for the other half of the
wrench prevents the early shearing of the lockshear bolts and damage to threads. The wrench is coupler.
supplied with specially hardened heavy duty sockets. For details please contact us.

Reinforcing Bar Couplers

MBT Continuity C Series

The Ancon MBT Continuity coupler allows reinforcement to be extended at construction joints without the
need to drill or otherwise substantially deface the formwork.
The female part of the C series coupler is
fixed to the formwork with the aid of a nail d
plate. c
After removal of the formwork, the nail plate
protects the internally threaded end of the
coupler. It is advisable to loosen the nail plate
to break the bond with the concrete whilst it is
still ‘green’. When the nail plate is removed, the a
male section can be screwed into the existing
section of the coupler.
Bar Diameter (mm) 12 16 20 25 32 40
External Diameter (mm) d 33 42 48 54 71 81
Maximum Length (mm) l 250 280 349 414 490 675
Female Component Length (mm) a 100 115 147 177 214 300
Threaded Section (mm) c 30 35 38 43 53 53
Socket Size A/F (ins) /
1 2
1 2
1 2
5 8
5 8
3 4

No. of Bolts 6 6 8 8 10 14
Nail Plate Diameter x Thickness 75 x 5 75 x 5 75 x 5 100 x 5 100 x 5 127 x 5
Approx Weight (kg) 1.40 2.20 3.70 5.15 11.5 18.8
Part No. C12 C16 C20 C25 C32 C40
Installation Note: Dimensions are nominal values and subject to change from time to time.

1 2 3

Fix the nail plate to the formwork and fully Starting from the nail plate end and working Remove the formwork and unscrew the nail
screw the female component onto the plate. outwards, partly tighten the lockshear bolts plate. The male component can now be fully
Insert the bar into the coupler, ensuring that using either a ratchet wrench or a nut runner screwed into the fixed female component.
it does not encroach into the threaded section. as appropriate. Do not use impact tools. The male component can be rotated up to a
Finger tighten the lockshear bolts. Check Repeat again, this time fully tightening the full turn to allow the bolts to be located in an
alignment and make any adjustments. lockshear bolts until the bolt heads shear off. accessible position for tightening.
Cast in concrete.

4 5

Note: When the coupler is fully assembled the visible

threaded stud between the two locknuts must not
exceed 20mm.

Note: The Continuity Coupler male component will be

Run the locknut along the threaded male stud Place the continuation bar into the male delivered with the threaded stud already in place and
to abut the female component. Fully tighten component and finger tighten the bolts. Check the locknuts located on the threaded stud. If the female
alignment and make any adjustments. Starting component is to be left insitu for an extended period, the
the locknut against the female section using threads must be greased to prevent corrosion.
from the centre and working outwards, partly
a wrench.
tighten the lockshear bolts using either a ratchet
wrench or a nut runner as appropriate. Do not
use impact tools. Repeat again, this time fully
tightening the lockshear bolts until the bolt
heads shear off. Fully tighten the locknut.

6 Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224

Repair and Remedial Work
The Ancon MBT range of couplers is ideal for applications involving
the replacement of corroded or damaged reinforcement as bar ends
require no preparation or rotation.
MBT ET Couplers
When two MBT ET type couplers are used,
the replacement bar is cut approximately
5mm shorter than the original length to L + 50mm B
allow clearance for insertion between the 2
sound ends of the in-situ bars. MBT ET
couplers are pushed fully over both ends of
the replacement bar and temporarily held in
position. The replacement bar is then correctly
positioned and the couplers moved to a
Bar replacement using two MBT ET Couplers A
previously marked position on the existing bars
indicating half the length of the coupler. The A A
lockshear bolts are tightened to complete the
The above application is suitable where the bar
MBT Continuity C Series Gap Closer.
being replaced is at least 2 x MBT ET coupler
Central threaded stud is modified to
length (see page 22) + 100mm. suit the gap.
MBT Continuity C Series Gap Closer MBT Continuity C Series Gap Closer
A smaller section of bar can be removed Minimum Dimensions
Bar Diameter (mm) A B
and replaced by an MBT Continuity C Series
12 100 300
coupler. The central threaded stud can be B
16 115 345
modified to suit the gap. The table provides 20 147 441
the minimum bar length (dimension A) and 25 177 531 A
minimum concrete pocket length (dimension 32 214 642
B) to be cut away to facilitate this solution. 40 300 900

Bar replacement using MBT Continuity C Series Gap Closer
1 2 3

Orientate so threaded sections face inwards Insert appropriately sized stud in the gap and Tighten locknuts against the couplers. Shear
and pass the two halves of the continuity rotate each half of the coupler so the stud bolt heads to complete installation by starting
coupler over the opposing bar ends to leave locates fully in each internal thread. from the centre and working outwards and
the gap visible. partly tightening the lockshear bolts using either
a ratchet wrench or a nut runner as appropriate.
Do not use impact tools. Repeat again, this
time fully tightening the lockshear bolts.

Reinforcing Bar Couplers

MBT Headed Anchors

Ancon MBT Headed Anchors are designed to provide dead end
embedment for bars in concrete. This helps to reduce congestion
and simplify the placement of rebars by removing the need for
hooked ends.
The anchor comprises half an MBT coupler with a plate welded to one end which carries the
full tension load of the bar when it is bearing against the concrete. Plates can be supplied with
or without a hole, allowing bars to either end in or pass through the coupler. The MBT Headed
Anchor also has the added advantage of requiring no special bar end preparation.

Bar Diameter (mm) 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 26 28 30 32 34 36 40

External Diameter
d 33 33 42 42 48 48 48 54 67 67 71 71 75 85 81
Coupler Length
l 55 75 82 82 104 104 126 129 156 156 156 156 215 247 247
Total Length (mm) lo 65 85 92 92 114 114 136 139 168 168 171 171 230 262 262
Plate Thickness
t 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 15 15 15 15 15
Plate w x h (mm) p 70 70 70 80 90 90 90 100 110 110 130 130 130 150 150
Socket Size A/F (ins) 1
/2 /2
1 1
/2 1
/2 1
/2 /8

No of Bolts 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 7
Approx Weight (kg) 0.64 0.74 1.01 1.07 1.58 1.58 1.72 2.29 3.81 4.14 5.08 4.72 5.17 9.13 8.30
(No hole in plate)
(Hole in plate)
Note: Minimum compressive strength of concrete 25N/mm2. Dimensions are nominal values and subject to change from time to time.

8 Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224

Other Leviat Products
Reinforcement Continuity Systems
Reinforcement Continuity Systems are an
increasingly popular means of maintaining
continuity of reinforcement at construction joints
in concrete. Our re-bend systems consist of
pre-bent bars housed within a steel casing.
Once installed, the bars are straightened ready
for lapping with slab reinforcement. A range
of headed anchors and starter bars is also
HM Grout Sleeve Couplers available, which once cast in concrete will
accept threaded continuation bars. They easily
Ancon HM Grout Sleeves have accommodate long lap lengths such as those
been designed to cater for the prevalent in EC2, and eliminate the need for
rebar tolerances / bar alignment on-site bar straightening. Headed anchors are
particularly useful when it comes to minimising
issues associated with joining rebar congestion in the wall.
precast concrete elements
Shear Load Connectors
together. Shear Load Connectors are used to transfer
The range comprises two standard coupler shear across expansion joints and contraction
types: full-grout sleeves and half-grout sleeves. joints in concrete. They are more effective at
In the first, bars are simply inserted to meet transferring loads and allowing movement to
take place than standard dowels. The range
at the nominal centre point of the sleeve. In
features rectangular box section sleeves to allow
the latter, one end features an internal thread
lateral movements in addition to longitudinal
to accept a pre-threaded bar while the other
movements. A range of lockable dowels is
is open to accommodate a non-threaded
available for temporary movement joints in post-
continuation bar. The standard internal thread
tensioned concrete.
suits Ancon Bartec Plus parallel-threaded
rebars. Other thread profiles are available. Channel and Bolt Fixings
Leviat offers a wide range of channels and bolts
in order to fix items such as fabricated steel
masonry supports and restraints to structural
frames. Cast-in channels and expansion bolts
are used for fixing to the edges of concrete
floors and beams.

HM Full-Grout and HM Half-Grout Sleeves Punching Shear Reinforcement

Punching shear reinforcement systems are used
These sleeves are manufactured from high within a slab to provide additional reinforcement
strength ductile iron and used with our and prevent punching shear around columns.
high performance, shrinkage-compensated The systems generally consists of double-
cementitious grout. headed studs welded to flat rails, and are
designed to suit the load conditions and slab
Tests show compliance with the rebar coupler
depth at each column location using free-to-
performance specifications in BS 8597 and
download calculation software.
ISO 15835.
Contact us for full technical details or download Structural Thermal Breaks
the product brochure online. Structural thermal breaks minimise heat loss
while maintaining structural integrity: for example
at balcony locations in externally insulated and
cavity insulated buildings, or at slab-to-wall
connections in internally insulated buildings.
As a critical structural component they transfer
moment, shear, tension and compression
forces. Standard solutions are available for
concrete-to-concrete, steel-to-concrete and
steel-to-steel interfaces.

Innovative engineered products and
construction solutions that allow
the industry to build safer,
stronger and faster.
Worldwide contacts for Leviat:

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Notes regarding this catalogue

© Protected by copyright. The construction applications and details provided in this publication are indicative only. In every case, project
working details should be entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced persons. Whilst every care has been exercised in the preparation
of this publication to ensure that any advice, recommendations or information is accurate, no liability or responsibility of any kind is accepted
by Leviat for inaccuracies or printing errors. Technical and design changes are reserved. With a policy of continuous product development,
Leviat reserves the right to modify product design and specification at any time.
For more information on these products, contact:
President Way
President Park
Sheffield, S4 7UR
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224
Fax: +44 (0) 114 276 8543
Email: [email protected]

For sales enquiries:

Email: [email protected]

Imagine. Model. Make.

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