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There are other lexical (vocabulary) forms that support our expressions in composing a good

paragraph. One such classification of lexis is linkers. Linkers are also called transitions or discourse
markers. They help us establish our ideas explicitly. Linkers make it easy for us to compare, contrast,
illustrate, define, and summarize our thoughts and develop coherent paragraphs. This unit introduces
some linkers that help you to write a descriptive paragraph.

What are linkers?

Linkers are words that relate one idea or sentence of the text with another. They connect the ideas

Why are they used?

They give direction to the writer. They are also used to guide the reader through his thoughts. They
make the meaning specific.

How to choose a linker?

Meaning is the first and the most important criterion in choosing a linker. The second is the logical
relation that needs to be made distinctly clear. For example, linkers like because, so and therefore
express logical relations which are different from those expressed by although, but and

What is their use in descriptive paragraphs?

It is important to use linkers while describing a person, place or thing. They help us in listing facts
chronologically, linking events across time, comparing and contrasting sketches, explaining graphic
images and illustrating the main idea.

Listed below are some of the important linkers. Let us now learn them.

type of linker examples broad meaning example

cause and because, so, accordingly, introduces a reason We had to wait
effect thus, consequently, hence, and shows result because, it was
therefore, as raining.

comparison similarly, likewise, identifies similarities Life is difficult in

whereas, but, on the other between two ideas extreme polls;
hand, except, by similarly, it is horrible
comparison, when near the Equatorial
compared to, equally, in regions.
the same way

contrast but, however, yet, still, identifies differences Raj did not perform
even though, nevertheless, between two ideas well in the exam;
on the other hand, nevertheless, he got a
otherwise, after all, for all distinction in English.
of that, on the contrary,
notwithstanding, in
contrast, unlike, whereas,
instead of, alternatively,
time at once, immediately, indicates time and The bell rang and the
meanwhile, at length, in the frequency of events students left
meantime, at the same immediately.
time, in the end, when,
then, as, before that, after

and, also, even, again, adds ideas in support It is very hot today;
moreover, further, of the main idea moreover, there is a
addition furthermore, similarly, in power outage.
addition, as well as

for example, such as, for introduces I think he is very rich;

instance, in this case, in illustrations in support for example, he gave
another case, on this of the main idea a hundred rupee note
occasion, in this situation, to a beggar.
in this manner, to illustrate

first, second, third, next, shows the importance There is a students’

then, following, now, at this of the ideas by listing procession today;
sequence point, after, after this, according to the therefore, they
subsequently, eventually, priority diverted the traffic.
finally, previously
It is a love story, the
draws conclusion by actors performed well,
in brief, on the whole, in summarizing the the direction is
sum, to sum up, thus ideas excellent, the settings
are beautiful; in brief, it
is a good film.

The Human Body

The human body is a wonderful piece of work that nature has created. It is not beautiful like
the body of a butterfly or a peacock but it is shaped practically. It can do many types of
work which other animals cannot. It is not strong like the body of a tiger. But in place of
physical strength it has a big and sharp brain. By using this brain the human physique has
been able to overcome many of its limitations. By sitting in an airplane it flies faster than a
kite, by riding a motorcycle it travels faster than a leopard, and by firing a machine gun it
fights much better than a tiger. In spite of all this, the human body suffers from many
diseases because it has a weakness for habits such as smoking, drinking and overeating.
When it is healthy the body can give great pleasure but when it is sick it can cause great
pain. The wise man would always keep his body fit because a healthy mind can work only
in a healthy body.

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