- E N T F E AT U R E A R T I C L E & I N T E R V I E W
B Y D E N N I S A . A M I T H & H I R O S H I TA G A WA
P H O T O G R A P H Y C O U R T E S Y O F A V E X E N T E R TA I N M E N T, I N C .
m . o . v. e o f f i c i a l w e b s i t e @ w w w. e l e c t r o p i c a . c o m
C l i c k h e r e t o p u r c h a s e m . o . v. e m u s i c o n i Tu n e s J!-ENT
m.o.v.e - history
he exciting music trio from Japan known as
m.o.v.e is set to bring their unique music of rock,
rap, electronica and metal to the US this April for
Sakura-Con 2007 in Seattle, WA.
The trio consisting of lead vocalist yuri, musi-
cian and producer t-kimura and rapper motsu are
celebrating their 10th year anniversary and have released a
total of 26 CD singles, eight full length albums, seven remix
albums and two best albums in Japan.
The group is best known for the opening and closing
theme songs for popular animation and video game series
“Initial D”.
Unlike many artists featured on an anime series with typi-
cally a single song, the group has had a total of nine songs
used as theme songs for the “Initial D” series (1st STAGE
through 4th STAGE) including their music used in the Sony
PSP video game for “Initial D” and also “Silent Hill”.
Because the popularity of the series, m.o.v.e has a dedi-
cated fanbase all over the world.
As for the members of the group, producer and musician
t-kimura is known to many J-POP fans for his music for the
group Favorite Blue (1996-2000).
t-kimura has also produced songs for notable talent
Hamasaki Ayumi, Shimatani Hitomi, V6 and TRF.
The rapper of the group, motsu is an MC for Avex’s online
music show “Channel a” and has been involved in compos-
ing and remixing music for groups like V6 and even anime
such as “Crayon Shin-Chan”.
As for lead vocalist yuri, she was spotted at an audition
for the music variety show ASAYAN, and captured the atten-
tion of t-kimura who later selected her to become the lead mo.v.e’s first album “electrock” from June 1998 and their second album
vocalist of the new group he was starting up. “worlds of the mind” released on January 2000
The group which eventually became known as m.o.v.e
gets its name from not settling into one type of music genre
synth pop that was used for his group FAVORITE BLUE,
and is constantly moving.
m.o.v.e would be different.
And that constant moving is not restricted to their music
The group would feature a very cool synth pop music
as the group’s members t-kimura and motsu rarely keep the
(which the song in Japan was classified as digital rock)
same appearance as their hair color and hairstyle seem to
that complimented motsu’s rapping while yuri provided the
change with each CD single release (as seen on their music
The trio’s second CD single would catch the attention of
With the demand for their music to be released in the US,
music fans as the song “around the world” (AVCDT-2011,
m.o.v.e’s music can now be purchased and downloaded on
released on Jan. 7, 2008) was used as the opening theme
for the anime series “Initial D”.
The group made their debut back in October of 1997 with
The CD single would feature two additional versions of
their CD single “ROCK IT DOWN” (AVDT-20009) which was
the song. A “in the midnight (work) mix” REMIX by Sound
the ending theme song for the variety/music show “ASAY-
Pressure Brothers and a TV mix.
The group’s third CD single “over drive” (AVDT-20018,
The CD single would feature a radio edit, a FAVORITE
rel. on March 18, 1998) would feature more of yuri’s vocals,
BLUE DIG-ROCK mix, an English version of the song and a
as opposed to the last two CD singles, which mainly fea-
TV mix (instrumental/karaoke).
tured yuri singing the chorus and motu’s rapping. The CD
While t-kimura’s music was known especially with the
single will be used for the ending theme for “ASAYAN”.
2 J!-ENT
m.o.v.e members
(from L-R):
t-kimura, yuri and motsu
m.o.v.e (from L-R): t-kimura, yuri and motsu. Image courtesy of Avex Entertainment, Inc.
4 J!-ENT
m.o.v.e: t-kimura
m.o.v.e: yuri
m.o.v.e: motsu
m.o.v.e (from L-R): motsu, t-kimura, and yuri. Image courtesy of Avex Entertainment, Inc.
“time machine” and a “The Rubber Club Dub mix” and an SH (AVCT-10099, rel. on May 30, 2001) was released.
FUNK MIX of “Can’t Quit This!!! ~KNOCK `EM OUT~” which This album would feature remixes by RAVEMAN, FRAG-
would be used as the ending theme for the PS2 video game MA, RANDOMIZER, Achilles Damigos, DJ VISAGE, D-Z and
“Shin Sangoku Musou 2” (Dynasty Warriors 2). more. Also, artwork featuring the three in manga style charac-
In November 2000, the group released their second VHS ters on the CD booklet.
video clip “electrizm” (AVVT-90007) featuring the music video From this point, the group would have monthly releases,
clips from their 5th CD single “BREAK IN2 THE NITE” through starting with their 11th CD single “SUPER SONIC DANCE”
their 9th CD single “sweet vibration”.. (AVCT-30040, rel. June 13, 2001) which would be the ending
Also, released simultaneously was their first DVD album theme song for “Sukiyaki!! London Boots Taisaku”.
“overdose pop star” (AVBT-91005) featuring their first 9 CD The CD single would feature a “t-kimura RAVE TRANCEN-
singles in DVD audio (96khz 24 Bit). TRAL MIX” for “RIDE ON THE WAVE” and for “stay with me...”
To kick off the New Year for 2001, the group released a t-kimura CLUB MIX” and a “TV MIX”
their 10th CD single “Gamble Rumble” (AVCT-30034) which Just under two months since the release of their second
featured the songs “Gamble Rumble” and the c/w song “strike remix album, m.o.v.e released their third remix album “HY-
on”, both used for “Initial D Third Stage”. The CD single PER TECHNO MIX REVOLUTION II” (AVCT-10100, rel. July
marked the first time the group added a second c/w song with 2, 2001) featuring seven remix tracks by RAVEMAN, DZ, DJ
“Destiny” on a CD single release. ZORRO, L.A. STYLE, ileus, LOVE MACHINE and MAXI-
Also featured in the CD single was a deep mix-remix by MIZOR.
motsu for “Gamble Rumble”. In August, m.o.v.e released their 12th CD single “FLY ME
The following month, m.o.v.e released their third album SO HIGH” (AVCT-30044, rel. Aug. 8, 2001) which was used as
“Operation Overload 7” which featured a total of 14 tracks an image song for “TOYOTA PRINCESS CUP 2001” and fea-
including their 9th and 10th CD singles. ture the c/w song “SUNDAY FUNDAY” and would also return
With the popularity of their first remix album, a second back to the schedule of releases of every two months rather
remix album titled “HYPER TECHNO MIX REVOLUTION I” than every month.
8 J!-ENT
The CD single would feature a remix of “words of mind ~brand-
new journey~” by Tetsuya RIMO-CON Tamura for Y& and
a remix of “SUPER SONIC DANCE (mushroom huntin’ mix) by
In October, m.o.v.e would release their third remix album “HY-
TECHNO” (AVCT-10106~7, rel. Oct. 11, 2001) featuring two
discs separated by TRANCE REMIX and the other HARD CORE
TECHNO REMIX with a total of 14 tracks overall remixed by D-Z,
tsunemoto kobayashi, 83key, J. Sasaki, FRAGMA, GENESIS D,
In Dececember, m.o.v.e released their 13th CD single “come to-
gether” (AVCT-30048) which was used for the theme song for TBS
“Wonderful”. The CD single would feature coupling songs “blue
jewel” and “come together”. The CD single would feature a remix
version of the song by AIRHEADZ.
In February 2002, m.o.v.e would have two releases. The first
was their 14th CD single “Romancing Train” (AVCT-30049, rel.
Feb. 6) featuring coupling song Promised Land ~bless into the
sunshine~ and remixes by tatsumaki and ORBITRIBE. “Romanc-
ing Train” would be used as the ending theme for the anime “Final
Fantasy Unlimited”.
The trio would also release their fourth album “SYNERGY”
(AVCT-10108, rel. Feb. 27) featuring thirteen tracks which would
include their 11th through 14th CD singles.
In March, the group would release their second DVD album
“SYNERGY CLIPS” (AVBT-91011, rel. March 13, 2002) and would
include TV spots and making of PV and feature their 10th CD
single through their 14th CD single.
In June, m.o.v.e would have two simultaneous releases with
their 15th CD single “FUTURE BREEZE” (AVCT-30054, rel. June
26) featuring coupling song “Passenger Seat” and remixes by Orbi-
tribe, Dubby Budda and t-kimura. The song would also be used as
the opening theme that month for TBS “CDTV”.
Also released was their first DVD single titled “FUTURE
BREEZE+various works” (AVBT-91012). This DVD single would
feature a different coupling and remix song that the CD release.
The DVD single featured the coupling song “Sugar Sugar Rain”,
a remix by TRAFFIX (Genki&NikK) and a making of PV, a special
titled t-kimura about SOUND, motsu about RAP and yuri about
In August, the fourth remix album was released titled “Tropican-
Trops” featuring nine tracks which each song ventured into different
types of music genres such as: “Gamble Rumble” (Puertronix Mix”,
“Blazin’ Beat” (Brazilian Beat Mix), “cafe ROZA” (Dubby Bossa mix)
and “Nu-Salsoul mix).
In November, was the release of the groups 16th CD single
“WAKE YOUR LOVE~” (AVCT-30060, rel. Nov. 20) which featured
the coupling song “T.R.A.P.” and remixes by Satoshi Hidaka (GTS)
and a Puertronix Mix.
Also, simultaneously released was their second DVD single of
the song “WAKE YOUR LOVE~” (AVBT-91013) which featured the
making of and the shooting of the song. Also, a “motsu about RAP
vol, II” and a Q&A.
In December, the group would release their first best album
titled “move super tune - BEST SELECTIONS-” (AVCT-10116, rel.
Dec. 4, 2002) which featured a total of 18 songs which featured
nearly all sixteen CD singles with the exception of their third and
fifth CD singles “over drive”, “BREAK IN2 THE NITE” and their
J!-ENT 9
8th CD single “words of the mind ~brandnew journey~”. and
included the songs “Extasy~in my dream~”, “U.S.A.” and “Silent
The best album would feature the songs gapless (their are
chapter breaks but no two second wait), so it would play straight
run like a non-stop mix.
Also, simultaneously released with their 3rd DVD album of
“move super tune -BEST SELECTIONS-” (AVBT-91015) which
was the same as the CD release (gapless) but feature the songs
in 96khz and 24 bit (2ch STEREO) and while playing, the DVD
would show video (the CD single cover) and a track selection
In 2003, m.o.v.e would release their 17th CD single “BURN-
ING DANCE ~and other Japanimation songs~” (AVCT-30071,
rel. June 25) featuring coupling songs “Drivin’ Through The
Night” and their 10th CD single “Gamble Rumble”. Remix ver-
sion of “Drivin’ Through The Night” was done by t-kimura. The
song would be used for the anime series “Asobotto Senki Goku”.
In August 2003, m.o.v.e would make their US debut at
AnimeFEST in Dallas, Texas. Their first performance in front of
a crowd of thousands of American fans.
In September, the group would release their 18th CD single
“painless PAIN” (AVCT-30007, rel. Sept. 3) which would also
feature Soundless Rain remix by motsu and a Renaissance
Symphony with GARUDA.
Simultaneously released with the CD single was the group’s
3rd DVD single “Painless PAIN” (AVBT-91024) which would fea-
ture the music video, making of, “motsu about RAP vol. III”, yuri
CHANNEL (yuri self TV) and motsu TV (motsu self TV).
A week later, the trio would release a mini album titled
“DECADANCE” (AVCT-10134, rel. Sept. 10) featuring seven
tracks including their 18th CD single “painless PAIN”.
In 2004, the group would release their 19th CD single “Blast
My Desire” (AVCT-30081, rel. Jan 7) which would be used as
the ending theme for “Initial D Fourth Stage” and featuring the
coupling song “WORLD’S END ~rebirth” and featuring a total of
9 tracks including remixes by motsu, Daisuke Imai, MOB MAS-
TER and more.
Released on the same day was their 4th DVD single “Blast
my Desire” (AVBT-91028) which featured the music video,
making of, “motsu about RAP Vol. IV”, and a live performance
of “WORLD’S END ~Rebirth~ “ recorded at CLUB JUNKBOX
TOKYO BAY on Nov. 15, 2003.
Released that same month was the group’s 5th full-length
album “Deep Calm” (AVCT-10140/B -CD+DVD and AVCT-10141
CD only), their first in almost two years. The album would
feature 14 songs and feature 13 new songs and their 18th CD
single “Blast My Desire”.
In April, a single collection album was released titled “RE-
WIND ~singles collection+~ (AVCT-10142~3/B feat. 2 CD+DVD,
AVCT-10144~5 featuring 2 CD’s).
The album feature nearly every CD single up to their 17th
CD single “BURNING DANCE” and feature other songs such as
“MUGEN”, “blue jewel”, “majestic flight” and “T.R.A.P.”.
The best part of this collection was the DVD release which
featured all music videos up to their 16th CD single and featuring
the music video of “Sugar Sugar Rain”.
In May, the group would release their 20th CD single “DOG-
FIGHT” (AVCT-30082, rel. May 26) which would be used as
an opening theme for “Initial D Fourth Stage” and feature the
10 J!-ENT
Images of m.o.v.e’s 23rd CD single “FREAK PLANET”, 24th CD single “DISCO TIME”, 25th CD single “RAIMEI ~OUT OF KONTROL~”
and their 26th CD single “ANGEL EYES”. Images courtesy of Avex Entertainment, Inc.
J!-ENT 11
coupling song “Fall iNTo DozE” and an English version of the
A simultaneous release of a “DOG FIGHT” DVD single
(AVBT-91024) featuring the music video, making of and
“motsu about RAP vol. V” and also the group’s sixth remix
NIX~ (AVCT-10151) which would feature remixes by Heito
ZERO of Kokuhen Production, BEROSHIMA, Masahito
The group would then be animated and be featured on an
episode of “Initial D Fourth Stage”.
In August, m.o.v.e would release their 21st CD single
CD+DVD) featuring coupling song “VAGABOND” and a “Kin-
dergarten mafia mix” remixed by motsu.
The DVD version would feature the making, “motsu about
Rap vol. VI” and a 5.1 Roundsounds Remix by Orbitribe.
The CD single would be used for the 2004 SWATCH-
FLVB World Tour, the official song for the Wakeboard World
Series J-ROUND 2004 NISSAN X-TRAIL CUP and ending
theme for MBS “FUZZ”.
In January, m.o.v.e would release their 22nd CD single
“How To See You Again/Noizy Tribe” (AVCT-30093 CD,
AVCT-30092/B CD+DVD). The song “Noizy Tribe” would be
used for the opening theme for “Initial D Fourth Stage”.
Two weeks later the group would release it’s sixth full-
length album “BOULDER” (AVCT-10152/B CD+DVD, AVCT-
10153 CD) which would feature thirteen tracks which would
includes their 20th through 22nd CD singles.
The DVD version of the albums would feature the animat-
ed opening and ending themes for seven of their songs used
on the anime “Initial D”. Also an interview with m.o.v.e and
“Initial D” producers “USAMI” and a music video for “Nobody
Knows ~ Noa no Hakobune” which was used as an ending
theme for “Initial D” (the first song from m.o.v.e used on the
anime series without being released as a CD single).
In the fall, m.o.v.e would release four consecutive CD
singles beginning with their 23rd CD single “FREAKY PLAN-
ET” (AVCT-30102/B CD+DVD, AVCT-30103 CD, rel. Sept.
28) which featured the coupling song “The Longest Movie”
and the DVD version would feature the music video and a
preview of their next CD single “DISCO TIME”
The group would hold a remix contest on
(and also promoting the music software ACID PRO 5) featur-
ing their English version of the song and the winner would The cover of m.o.v.e’s sixth full length album “BOULDER” and “GRID”
be featured on their upcoming full-length album “GRID”.
In October, the group released their 24th CD single featured the group animated with motsu and t-kimura facing off
“DISCO TIME” (AVCT-30106/B CD+DVD, AVCT-30107 CD, against “Initial D” main character Fujiwara Takumi with yuri rid-
rel. Oct. 26) which would feature the coupling song “This is ing win the passenger seat.
my heartache” and the DVD version would feature the music That same month, m.o.v.e would make their second US
video and a preview of “RAIMEI ~OUT OF KONTROL~”. performance in Vienna, Virginia at Anime USA.
In November, the group released its 25th CD single In December, m.o.v.e would release their 26th CD single
AVCT-30113 CD, rel. Nov. 23) featuring the coupling song rel. Dec. 14) featuring coupling song “SAIL AWAY” and the DVD
“GIRL-YOU WANNA MOVE” and the DVD version featuring version would feature the music video and a preview for their
the music video for “RAIMEI ~OUT OF KONTROL~ and a upcoming album.
preview of their upcoming CD single “ANGEL EYES”. All music videos from “FREAKY PLANET” to “ANGEL EYES”
Their music video for “RAIMEI ~OUT OF KONTROL~” would be part of a movie titled “CROSSING TRAIL - road movie
12 J!-ENT
Images of m.o.v.e’s 23rd CD+DVD single “FREAK PLANET”, 24th CD+DVD single “DISCO TIME”, 25th CD+DVD single “RAIMEI ~OUT OF KONTROL~”
and their 26th CD+DVD single “ANGEL EYES”. Images courtesy of Avex Entertainment, Inc.
J!-ENT 13
Photo: m.o.v.e performing on Chrstmas Day at VELFARRE (2006). Photo by T. Hasegawa
completed” to be featured in the DVD of Rumble”. Prix USA Series races in Japan which
the upcoming album “GRID” and would Also, included in the DVD is a preview will take place from May through No-
have an “Initial D” tie-in. for “AKIRA YAMAOKA iFUTURE LIST vember.
In January 2006, m.o.v.e would SPECIAL MOVIE”. m.o.v.e will also make their second
make it’s only release in 2006 with their This was to promote a partnership live performance in the US at Sakura-
seventh full-length album “GRID” (AVCT- between t-kimura to remix a track on Con in Seattle, Washington.
10156/B, rel. Jan. 25) which would Yamaoka’s (musician and producer of To boost their US presence, their
feature 15 tracks including their 23rd Konami video game “SILENT HILL”) music is now featured on the iTunes
through 26th CD singles and included debut solo album “iFUTURELIST” and Music Store.
the winner of the con- Yamaoka to remix “FREAKY PLANET A new CD single from m.o.v.e will be
test with the song “GROOVY PLANET ~rosy mix~” for the album “GRID”. coming out this Spring and a song to be
~London Stomp Mix~”. Also, included is a preview for the featured in the film “Speed Master” com-
The DVD version would feature their Sony PSP “Initial D STREET STAGE” ing out in Japan this Summer.
short film “CROSSING TRAIL”, the mak- video game. Also, a new best album is planned for
ing of the short film, music videos and In December, m.o.v.e took part in the the fall.
also adding in video footage from their finale week for the popular disco club There are not many groups to have
performance at Anime USA. VELFARRE which was closing down such a long longevity but m.o.v.e contin-
Also, included is an interview with with a performance on “LEGEND OF ues to be a group that attracts fans all
“Initial D” producer USAMI and the direc- RAVE X’MAS” which was held on Christ- over the world with their music who will
tor in the group’s work as voice actors mas Day. continue to move and support the group
for their animated music video of “RAI- For 2007, m.o.v.e participated for many years to come.
MEI ~OUT OF KONTROL~” and four in “Auto Messe” events in Tokyo and
live performances at ANIMAX SUMMER Osaka and performed with 8-Ball in DENNIS A. AMITH is the founder/owner of
FES 2005 @ ODAIBA with the group J!-ENT and is an entertainment-writer-at-large.
January and February.
performing “DOGFIGHT”, “GHETTO AVEX also sponsors “Team m.o.v.e” For more information on m.o.v.e, visit their official
BLASTER”, “Noizy Tribe” and “Gamble which the team races at the D-1 Grand website at:
14 J!-ENT
Wu Ru-jun
Beijing Opera Actor and
- ENT Master of the Jinghu
he exciting music trio from
Japan known as m.o.v.e is set
to bring their unique music
of rock, rap, electronica and
metal to the US this April for Sakura-
Con 2007 in Seattle, WA.
The trio consisting of lead vocalist
yuri, musician and producer t-kimura
and rapper motsu are celebrating their
10th year anniversary and have re-
leased a total of 26 CD singles, eight full
length albums, seven remix albums and
two best albums in Japan.
The group is best known for the
opening and closing theme songs for
popular animation and video game
series “Initial D”.
Unlike many artists featured on an
anime series with typically a single
song, the group has had a total of nine
songs used as theme songs for the
“Initial D” series (1st STAGE through 4th
Because the popularity of the series, PHOTO: Avex Tune artists m.o.v.e (from L-R): t-kimura, yuri and motsu who will be performing at Sakura-Con
m.o.v.e has a dedicated fanbase all over 2007 in Seattle, Washington. Image courtesy of Avex Entertainment Inc.
the world.
As for the members of the group, settling into one type of music genre
producer and musician t-kimura is and is constantly moving. SAKURA-CON 2007
known to many J-POP fans for his mu- With the demand for their music to
sic for the group Favorite Blue (1996-
be released in the US, m.o.v.e’s music
2000). can now be purchased and download- DATES: April 6-8
t-kimura has also produced songs for ed on iTunes. LOCATION: Seattle, Washington
notable talent Hamasaki Ayumi, Shi- Having debuted back in Oct. 1997
matani Hitomi, V6 and TRF. with their first CD single “ROCK IT Pre-Register now and save substantially
The rapper of the group, motsu is DOWN” (AVDT-20009), in April their versus at door prices. Pre-registration helps
an MC for Avex’s online music show performance at Sakura-Con 2007 will ANCEA, a state and federal non-profit
“Channel a” and has been involved definitely be a special occasion as fans organization, put on the best Sakura-Con
in composing and remixing music for will be able to celebrate their tenth year possible! For more information please visit
groups like V6 and even anime such as our website at
anniversary with a special one-night
“Crayon Shin-Chan”. performance. FULL CONVENTION MEMBERSHIP RATES
As for lead vocalist yuri, she was Celebrate with m.o.v.e by pre-regis- $45 until 2-28-2007 $60 at the door Chil-
spotted at an audition for the music tering for Sakura-Con 2007 by visiting dren age 6-12 are half-price Children under
variety show ASAYAN, and captured the their website at 6 are free
attention of t-kimura who later selected For more information on m.o.v.e,
her to become the lead vocalist of the please visit their official website at ANCEA is a non-profit organization dedicat-
new group he was starting up. ed to educating the public about popular
The group which eventually became and traditional Asian media and culture.
known as m.o.v.e gets its name from not — DENNIS A. AMITH
move super tune -BEST SELECTION-
Avex Tune
1. Gamble Rumble
3. Around The World
5. Platinum
6. Rage Your Dream
7. Sweet Vibration
8. Operation Overload 7
10. Extasy-in My Dream-
11. Come Together
12. U.S.A.
13. Blazin’beat
14. Super Sonic Dance
15. Strike On
18. Silent White?
J!-ENT 17
REWIND “singles collection”
Avex Tune
1. Gamble Rumble
5. Blazin’ Beat
6. Sweet Vibration
7. Words Of The Mind-brandnew Journey-
8. Blue Jewel
9. Romancing Train
10. Come Together
[CD 2]
2. Around The World
3. Over Drive
4. Rage Your Dream
5. Platinum
6. Majestic Flight
11. T.R.A.P.
18 J!-ENT
Avex Tune
J!-ENT 19
Avex Tune
AVCT-10156B (CD+DVD)
(CD only) | DURATION: 1:06:41
RELEASE DATE: January 25, 2006
7. NAMIDA 3000
20 J!-ENT
the interview
B Y D E N N I S A . A M I T H & H I R O S H I TA G A WA
P H O T O G R A P H Y C O U R T E S Y O F A V E X E N T E R TA I N M E N T, I N C .
PHOTO: m.o.v.e’s yuri, t-kimura and motsu performing at “LEGEND OF RAVE X’MAS LIVE” at VELFARRE on Christmas day 2006. Photo by T. Hasegawa.
n the last ten years, m.o.v.e has been one concerning the past before m.o.v.e. The of you achieved success with the song
of the few groups of Japan whose music first question is for t-kimura. Before “PUMPIN” which was #1 on the Dance
has been able to transcend outside the starting m.o.v.e, you were busy with Charts. Looking back, how would you
country into the CD and MP3 players of favorite blue. Favorite Blue was doing describe the years as being part of
listeners all around the world. pretty well but what made you want to RAVEMAN.
create m.o.v.e and was it difficult pro- motsu: Thank you for this deep question!
With the popularity of the manga, anime
ducing for both groups at the time? (laughing) At that time Juliana Tokyo was
and video game series “Initial D”, m.o.v.e which t-kimura: It is not so difficult for me to do very popular, actually peak of its life. So
consists of musician and producer t-kimura, rap- several projects at the same time. Some- we were popular and fans were also very
per motsu and lead singer yuri has been a fan times I feel tired physically and mentally. hot at every Live. Dance music was not
favorite for their high energy music. But it is much hard for me to confine my so acceptable for everyone before, but I
In 2003, the group performed their first US variety of music into myself. It is what to could feel that dance music was becoming
concert in Dallas, Texas at AnimeFEST and their say the reason why soon after the Favor- closer to everyone.
second performance in Virginia for Anime USA ite Blue debut, I started m.o.v.e was to
and the trio will make their return to the United expand the width of my music expression. J!-ENT: The next question is for yuri.
m.o.v.e takes in various styles of music but You were discovered from the variety
States in April 2007 for Sakura-Con in Seattle,
this is our concept from the beginning. show ASAYAN. When you found out
Washington for their third performance. Motsu has several music histories such you were selected to be the lead singer
In June 2007, m.o.v.e has a new CD single as from Hip-hop to House to Rave. I also of m.o.v.e, what was your reaction and
planned for release. As well as a special website has several music histories such as Classic, what was the first thing you did when
in August 2007 to celebrate the trio’s 10th year New Wave, Gothic, Industrial. We mixed you found out?
anniversary. these histories and tried to make m.o.v.e yuri: My parents were the ones that moti-
We continue our special feature article with accessible for the world. vated me to audition. So my parents were
our interview with m.o.v.e which took place a glad and the family celebrated. But I don’t
week before their performance at Sakura-Con. J!-ENT: The next question is for mot- remember it very well now.
su. You and t-kimura were involved as a
J!-ENT: Let’s start off with the questions group known as RAVEMAN. The both J!-ENT: When you were a teenager, was
22 J!-ENT
PHOTO: motsu inside the TEAM m.o.v.e car. Photo courtesy of Avex Entertainment, Inc.
it your dream of becoming a performer true. In fact it took five years after gradu- to do. So, I had to sing again and again to
or involved in music or did you dream of ating high school. During the time I was feel OK.
doing some other work? working at Ramen shop to be a cook.
yuri: Like many young girls I wanted to be J!-ENT: When you first performed “ROCK
a singer when I was younger. But I if I wasn’t J!-ENT: Let’s talk about your first CD sin- IT DOWN” live in front of an audience, how
spending to much effort for my dream, I gle “ROCK IT DOWN”, what experience was that experience for each of you?
wouldn’t be here today as a singer. do you remember of making and record- motsu: In those days rap music was not so
t-kimura: Since my parents were musi- ing that song? popular, but I had confidence about my rap.
cians, I got into music at the age of three. motsu: I remember that when I saw Yuri So, I was singing to tell everyone that this
When I was a kid, I used to sleep under at the studio, she looked like a “Kogyaru”. kind of music would get more popular from
the piano that my mother was playing. And She had dark skin and white hair. But ac- now on.
I met my best friend when I was a junior tually that was a good first impression be-
high school student. The man is Yamaoka cause I felt she was a fashionable woman. J!-ENT: Your second CD single “around the
Akira, the producer of “Silent Hill” the Kimura and I were bad boys, so I thought world” and several other CD singles was
KONAMI video game. At junior high school we were a bad trio. used for the anime series “Initial D”. Did
we were interested in making music. But I t-kimura: When I handed first music to Mr. you get a feeling that the anime would be a
didn’t think I would work in the music field. Matsuura, the President of Avex, he told big hit and people all over the world would
Because my interest toward making some- me that you should do more just like your know about your music from that anime se-
thing musically changed to graphic design. music, your crazy music. Then I opened my ries?
In fact after graduating art school, I was PC and let him listen to other music that motsu: I was reading all “Initial D” manga, so
working as a designer. And wonder power was sleeping in my PC. The music was that was sheer pleasure to me. I could imag-
took me back to the music world. Maybe more my old self. And Mr. Matsuura said ine this song never fail to get popular.
passion towards music moved something “This is what I want!” Then we released it t-kimura: Japan is a very small island coun-
inside of me. as “ROCK IT DOWN”. try. Japan has a big music market but most of
motsu: I had a dream to be a performer yuri: Because of our first recording, I was the Japanese artists and labels are not trying
but I thought that the dream never come very nervous about everything that I had to make music for the world market actively.
J!-ENT 23
PHOTO: m.o.v.e performing at “LEGEND OF RAVE X’MAS LIVE” at VELFARRE on Christmas day 2006. Photo by T. Hasegawa.
Of course, there is also a language prob- of making songs and meaning of making not just with music but also animated? Jim
lem. Though most of Japanese can’t speak songs. Now this spirit hasn’t changed. I’m Ferguson, Kansas City, Missouri
English, they love American music. I felt not using words to express as a member yuri: I could do a simulated experience. In
it was a wonderful phenomenon that our of m.o.v.e, but I want to do it by ensemble the main knitting, I was at a play at a gallery.
music, made in a small island like Japan, and sound. Did anyone find me?
went across the ocean and was accepted yuri: The song “come together”. We motsu: I thought that my face would be
by foreign people. The more “Initial D” is made this song around 9.11. That was very seen like a bad guy, but I was impressed this
played in foreign countries, the more we shocking to me. I put the pain that I felt was a creation for the anime world. Also, I
will be invited to perform in concert. And at that time into the song, both on lyrics thought that I might die. Because I am a re-
we could experience many more live per- and the music. And I sang this song to ally a big fan of “Initial D”. If I die, I can live
formances overseas. I want to say thank create a power for people who lost their in the anime forever.
the creator of “Initial D” and the staff. family, boy friend, girlfriend, and their best t-kimura: I’m happy about it, it’s cool. I’ve
yuri: I knew that there are many fans of us friend. Also, I sang this song with my wish never thought to be animated would make
in the US but when I went to America and that world would be peaceful and no more me happy. Do you feel happy if your friend
performed, I couldn’t imagine that people painful incidents. composite drawing of you? This time the
would be singing our songs in Japanese. motsu: My favorite song is “Romancing staff of “Initial D” did it for us. Needless to
That surprised me. Train”. The melody is simple and beauti- say it’s wonderful! Now one of my hobby is
ful. making avatar.
J!-ENT: You have released a total of 26
CD singles, of all the songs that you have J!-ENT: Before we continue, we selected Hi everyone! I’m a big fan of your music
released, is there a song that will be spe- three questions from m.o.v.e fans. Here and I’m a big fan of your remix albums. But
cial to your heart and why? are there questions. I have a question for your remixes on your
t-kimura: That is a very hard question CD singles, you have interesting names for
for me. Because I love all our songs. But” For your music video “RAIMEI ~ OUT your songs like for “GHETTO BLASTER -
Come Together” was the big turning point OF KONTROL~”, the three of you were Kindergarten Mafia Mix” and for “Time
for me. This song was born at 911. Since animated in “Initial D” style. What was Machine ~ The Rubber Club Dub Mix”. Just
this song, I started to think of purpose it like to be part of the “Initial D” world curious how you come up with the names
24 J!-ENT
PHOTO: m.o.v.e performing live. Photo courtesy of Avex Entertainment, Inc.
for those remixes. Joshua Barton, Man- make hotter live than before and become mance, I heard everyone shouting “m.o.v.e!
hattan, New York as one with our American fans. m.o.v.e! m.o.v.e!” At that time I felt I was
t-kimura: Jacques le cont, Madonna’s pro- yuri: I like sushi and I like all Japanese happy to come to the USA all the way from
ducer, made “The Rubber Club Dub Mix”. food. I sometimes cook. If you come to Japan. That is from bottom of my heart. To
His music is always very stylish. When I plan Japan, please try to eat many Japanese hear them scream for us eliminated any hesi-
a remix album, I always listen to a variety of foods. In the US, I want have a dynamic tation that I may have felt.
music with a lot of curiosity. live performance. motsu: I was surprised at the Americans loud
motsu: Remix titles were decided after all t-kimura: I usually like to eat Italian food. voice, the loud cheers. Also I was moved be-
recordings were finished. So, we were ex- Also, I like Japanese food, especially fish. cause a lot of fans remember our lyrics. I al-
hausted and crazy and our brains couldn’t Japanese rice is very good. As for the sec- most started to cry
work well. Therefore interesting titles were ond question, I hope everyone can enjoy
born. Sometimes we notice the titles are beyond the wall of languages. I want to J!-ENT: Before coming to the US, were you
too strange that I wanted to change it. But feel energy from audience. That will re- aware that many people in America and
sometimes the printing had already start- flect on stage. outside of Japan listen to Japanese music
ed, so we couldn’t change it. and have been fans of your music?
J!-ENT: In 2003 and 2005, you per- motsu: Our first performance in the USA
Hi t-kimura, motsu and yuri! I have a sim- formed in the United States. How was was in Texas (AnimeFest 2003). Everyone
ple question but I was wondering what is that experience to perform in front of there was very hot and cool and we enjoyed
your favorite food you like to eat in Japan an American audience? a lot together. I had never imagined it so
and when you come to the US, what kind yuri: Compared to Japanese, American many of us, including our own staff were very
of experience would you like to have in audience were hotter. Maybe they didn’t surprised.
America? Stephanie Lee, Irvine, CA know some songs but I felt they were en- t-kimura: I didn’t notice the existence of our
motsu: I eat tofu and natto every day. I joying it. I wish that I could communicate American fans. I heard “Initial D” was popu-
go to a sushi-go-round restaurant and love with everyone in English. At the song, lar around the world but I couldn’t imagine
to eat tuna. I usually eat 24 pieces of su- “DOG FIGHT”, everyone sung and be- our songs would become popular. Now they
shi. Eight pieces out of 24 pieces are tuna. came big chorus. That moved me. can buy our songs from iTunes but in those
Regarding the live performances, I want to t-kimura: Before starting the live perfor-
J!-ENT 25
PHOTO: m.o.v.e performing live. Photo courtesy of Avex Entertainment, Inc.
days they couldn’t buy our songs in the US. I the last time before the club was to close we did a live performance, also the first
felt that passion defeats common knowledge. down? place where we filmed our first music
yuri: I didn’t notice that there were so many t-kimura: Velfarre was a very important video. But I don’t feel it really is closed.
American fans into our music. So before the existence for a Japanese night club scene. There was unique atmosphere at the fi-
live performance, I was worried. And the worry VELFARRE had a power that made it pos- nal “LEGEND OF RAVE X’MAS” perfor-
never disappeared. But everyone enjoyed the sible to move new trend music into main mance. It was like high school student
live performance and we became one. That was stream of Japan. VELFARRE gave stimula- who was waiting for their graduation
very cool and I was surprised. tion to horizontally egalitarian music soci- ceremony. It’s hard to express the atmo-
ety in Japan. The owner is my friend and sphere in words.
J!-ENT: What is the difference that you have the staff are very clever. I enjoyed being
seen between the American audience and involved with the club for business and for J!-ENT: Your sixth album “BOULDER”
the Japanese audience that come to see you persona. I’m very sad about the club clos- was a unique album as tracks on the al-
live? ing. But the reason they closed was not a bum had a very rock and hip-hop and
yuri: Japanese audiences come to live perfor- management matter, it was about the eq- R&B edge to it. Overall it was a re-
mances to listen to music. And American audi- uity of the land. I hope VELFARRE will be freshing to have something unique and
ences come to enjoy the atmosphere of a live born in another place in the near future. different from previous albums, was
performance. We want everyone to both listen Needless to say that live performance was that your goal with “BOULDER” to try
and enjoy. And we want to enjoy together with- so wonderful. I think this is not the end, something different.
out borders. this is just a ceremony to create something yuri: “ROCK” ran through a river called
motsu: Americans have louder cheers and Jap- new. “m.o.v.e” and it was polished and “BOUL-
anese are half as loud. And at our Q&A panel, motsu: I was deeply concerned with our DER” was born. That is to say, “BOUL-
in Japan a few people ask questions but in the last performance at VELFARRE. But I am DER” is “ROCK” in m.o.v.e’s way. The
America many people did that. happy to share emotions with a lot of our three of us have different backgrounds
fans. When we were done performing, I in music and we put different sensitiv-
J!-ENT: Last Christmas, you performed at kissed the stage like Michel Jackson did. ity into rock n’ roll and “BOULDER” was
“LEGEND OF RAVE X’MAS” at VELFARRE. That is a good memory for me. born. But that’s not our goal. My goal is
How did it feel to perform at VELFARRE for yuri: VELFARRE was the first place where to keep making music and share them
26 J!-ENT
PHOTO: m.o.v.e performing live. Photo courtesy of Avex Entertainment, Inc.
with many people and make the relation- of “FREAKY PLANET” and you remixed a seum. About seven years ago, I used the
ship invaluable. song on his album “iFUTURELIST”. How auction site eBay in America to get more
t-kimura: To m.o.v.e, “goal” means death. did that collaboration come about? precious machines. As for my first music
We are creating music like a trip that keeps t-kimura: He is my best friend. He is a very instrument, it was a YAMAHA grand piano
evolving and never ends. Our previous al- cool creator. Worldwide, big hit video game at home at the age of three. I learned a lot
bum to “BOULDER” was “DEEP CALM”. “SILENT HILL” and its movie shows Akira through the grand piano.
The theme of it was death and achalasia. is one of top creators in Japan. He’s such a
We removed stifling elements from “DEEP cool guy. Akira was trying to release a solo J!-ENT: Motsu, as a rapper, who were
CALM” and that is “BOULDER”. I put sound album in Japan and his release date was very your hip-hop influences growing up?
which has image of a robot into BOULDER. close to the release date of “GRID”. So, we motsu: RUN DMC, Beastie Boys, KURTIS
Of course Japan has very high robot tech- tried to enjoy a collaboration together. I will BLOW, TINNIE PUNKS and CHIKADA HA-
nology. Therefore it’s not for military, it’s continue to make great collaborations with RUO.
for health care. We have no goal. To cover him in the future too.
our own music is not my style. There may J!-ENT: You’re a very stylish person and
be people who think Pepsi or Coke is nice J!-ENT: Let’s get to know more about you wondered if you enjoy shopping and
because the taste never change for a long individually. Here are three questions for what city do you love shopping at?
time. But my way of living is to fight against each of you individually. The first question yuri: I often go shopping in Shibuya and
the bitterness of evolution. is for t-kimura. What was the first instru- Ginza. And there is my favorite shop near
motsu: Actually I had conscious feeling to ment that you got hooked on as a musi- Tokyo Tower. I usually wear clothes that I
do something different like “let’s have a cian and what was your first instrument? bought there. Also, I buy a lot when I go to
blast”. One more thing, a lot of rap parts t-kimura: I had some synthesizers before I the USA not only clothes but also candle
in the music for this album, so I was very became professional. The model are JUNO- and bath goods. I like to buy post card and
busy with rap. 106-C, JUNO JUPITER-8, TR-909 and TB- household groceries too.
303. After I got my No. 1 song on the Oricon
J!-ENT: A question for t-kimura. In your chart in Japan, I bought more than 60 syn- J!-ENT: If we were to look in your MP3
album “GRID”, you collaborated with thesizers and 30 drum machines. It was like or CD player right now, which artist or
musician Yamaoka Akira who has a remix not the studio of a musician but like a mu- kind of music would we see you listening
J!-ENT 26
PHOTO: TTeam m.o.v.e at D1 Grand Prix car. Photo courtesy of Avex Entertainment Inc.
to right now? J!-ENT: If you each had one word to de- is enough for me. (lauging)
t-kimura: I am impressed by creativity scribe “m.o.v.e”, what word would that yuri: I haven’t ridden in a race car yet. But I
with renaissance thoughts. So, I love all be and why? rode in a race car, next to Takumi (of “Initial
categories of music. Let’s say for popular yuri: Traffic light. Because we throw off D”) in our anime music video. And I am a
singers, I enjoy Madonna, Mike Shinoda different lights to each other and we have safe driver so I have no experience of drift-
of LINKIN PARK, DEPECHE MODE, DAFT different roles. ing.
PUNK, MOBY, MASSIVE ATTACK. Let’s t-kimura: Crazy. I don’t know why but I motsu: I have ridden on a race car that is
say for underground singers, I enjoy M83 feel so. parked. I will never do drifting because I am
and PENDULUM etc. I love Hanz Zimmer’s motsu: Acceleration. I don’t know why very safe driver for example, I like to turn
film scores too. but I can’t think of any other words. the turning signals even when I’m parking.
yuri: I listen to many types of music. Re-
cently I started listening to rock n’ roll. By J!-ENT: Your music has been identified J!-ENT: You performed at Osaka Auto
the way I listen to music mostly in the car. with the auto and racing scene, how do Messe and Tokyo Auto Salon, how was
you feel about that? that experience to take part in these huge
J!-ENT: As m.o.v.e has been a group motsu: Sometimes I am invited to the race auto shows.
which has music that constantly changes, circuit and at that time I realized our songs yuri: It was a totally different atmosphere
one thing that I have noticed with each fit the place. from a live-house event. Because some
music video release, t-kimura especially t-kimura: Our music has been identified people came to an auto-show to see the
motsu’s hairstyle (and hair color) chang- with the auto and racing scene in Japan, cars and others came to enjoy our live per-
es. Is that done in purpose with a corre- but I think in Miami, hip-hop is relatively formance. I am very glad that people who
lation with your music or is that what you strong. My wish is to enjoy the collabora- come to an auto-show to see cars do join us
tend to do quite often? tion with those artists. and I am very glad to see that they enjoy our
motsu: As I get tired of things easily, I often yuri: Originally I didn’t think about the performance.
change my hairstyle. But when I changed racing scene but the feelings of stateli- t-kimura: Live space became bigger this
my hairstyle recently to an afro, everyone ness and career that our music has fit the year. We have requests from almost all the
blamed it on the music I was listening to. race world. Sometimes I see a car driving auto events. I can’t join everything but TO-
yuri: I change my hair style because of a very fast with our music loudly and think KYO AUTO-SALON is the biggest event in
feeling and mood not for the purpose with “please drive safely”. Japan. We are making our brand with a con-
our music. ceptual plot. Now we can’t expect results
t-kimura: That is a result of a desire for a J!-ENT: Avex sponsors Team m.o.v.e but from temporary work between a company
makeover. (laughing) The desire is going to curious if you ever had the opportuni- and music. We have to have long-term vision
met soon again because of the work with ty to ride in a race car or experienced and plan deeply.
avatar. “drifting”? motsu: The importance of music is becom-
t-kimura: Splash mountain at Disneyland ing bigger and bigger at this kind of event.
28 J!-ENT
PHOTO: m.o.v.e performing live. Photo courtesy of Avex Entertainment, Inc.
Four years ago the stage for where we per- d. OBSTACLE makes up m.o.v.e.
formed was very small but now the stage motsu: Stimulation. t-kimura: The process of launching
is very big and has an important role in the t-kimura: Old popular belief. m.o.v.e.
motor show. yuri: It appears when everything is going
well. J!-ENT: What are the final words you
J!-ENT: In every interview we have done would like to leave with your fans?
for J!-ENT, we have a wordplay where e. INITIAL D t-kimura: We are musicians in a small island
we ask you five words and you give us yuri: It made my world bigger. country. I’m happy you can accept the soul
your definition for that word. Here are motsu: Takumi of our sound beyond different languages.
the five words: t-kimura: Revolution. Mixture of animation We are the same. Humans living on the
and computer graphics was a revolutionary Earth.
a. LOVE: approach. motsu: Thank you very much for being in-
motsu: Life itself. J!-ENT: As a group, you have made it to terested in our music from a far country. I
t-kimura: Consideration. Not to run for your tenth year. What is the secret for the will keep giving you more surprises than
one’s benefit. three of you staying together for so many the one that you expect.
yuri: My favorite word. Giving thought to years? yuri: Thanks to our fans, we will have our
others. Accepting each other. Growing up t-kimura: Relaxing is the best way. tenth year anniversary this year. There are
together. yuri: We respect each other. And we never people who wait for our music. That fact
forget the impression and emotions of our gave us a lot of power and why we are
b. SUCCESS live performances. here. We keep moving and want to live up
yuri: It can be achieved when thoughts of motsu: I’m a bit embarrassed to tell you this, to the fans expectation.
people around me and ones of me become but its a gentle attitude toward music and
one. taking it easy.
motsu: Harvest. DENNIS A. AMITH is the founder/owner
t-kimura: Sacrifice. Success is built on sac- J!-ENT: Looking back at your ten years as of J!-ENT and is an entertainment-writer-at-
rifice. I think successful people have to do a group, what memory do you treasure the large.
some kind of sacrifice and they can become most
truly successful. motsu: When we were making our first al- HIROSHI TAGAWA is J!-ENT Chief of
bum in Los Angeles, we stayed there for two Operations, Japan
c. HAPPINESS weeks. At that time we banded together.
t-kimura: Family. yuri: I can’t choose one thing. Everything For more information on m.o.v.e, visit their
yuri: Spending time slowly under the gen- such as meeting with t-kimura, motsu, the official website at:
tle sunshine. fans, the staff, happiness and sadness is very
motsu: Sun. important to me. And those things are what
Drifting is a high-skill level motor-sport in which drivers control a car while it THE 411 ON DRIFTING
slides from side to side at high speed through a fixed course.
It is similar to Rally racing on ice barn, but is done on a tarmac and judged on
speed, angle of attack, execution and style rather than just who finishes the fast- Source courtesy of Avex Entertainment, Inc.
Drift cars are typically compact to midsized, rear-wheel-drive sport cars. The HISTORY OF DRIFTING
goal is to apply enough power to the rear wheels to break the tires’ traction and The Japanese towns of Rokkosan, Hakone,
initiate a slide while accelerating the vehicle forward, or “drift” Once a drift is Irohazaka, and various hill climbs in Nagano are
initiated, it must be maintained through the turn using nearly a full power, a tap of all steeped in legends of the origins of drifting.
braking and precise counter steering. No one can really pinpoint drifting’s actual
birthplace but the movement started in the mid
Determination of who has the coolest driving style. Like many forms of professional racing today,
D1 Grand Prix is a sport, which is judged, based on who has the coolest and the modern interpretation of drifting evolved
radical drifting performance style. from a form of illegal street racing held on windy
Drifting is a way of driving that force the rear tires slide while controlling the mountain roads called touge (pronounced toe-
pass of forward motion. The steering wheel is turning to the same side of the geh).
sliding direction, and drivers are to control the vehicle in extreme speed, often Touge was practiced by extremely dedicated
exceeding 120mph, and driving conditions. enthusiasts known as rolling zoku (pronounced
Drifting is an extremely difficult driving style that requires a high level of skill zoe-koo) whose only goal was to trim precious
and technique to control the car in the realm of the uncontrollable. milliseconds off their time between two points.
It’s very amusing to watch each driver’s performance as well. In addition, Eventually, some of these rolling zoku began to
unlike Rally and other motor sports, the determination of winner/loser is largely adopt driving techniques used by rally drivers,
based on driver’s skill instead of the machine advantages. techniques to clear a corner quickly without sacri-
D1 Grand Prix is all about the rivalry of each driver’s drifting skill. ficing too much momentum.
As touge drivers started to emulate the rally
HOW DO I PARTICIPATE IN D1? racers techniques, they discovered that not only
Obtaining the D1 license. - “Must be a D1 license holder in order to did their driving performance and times improve,
participate in D1GP. “ the rush was much more intense.
Maintain good results at D1 Drivers search events that are certified by D1 From touge, drifting was born.
Grand Prix Officials. Or if a driver has fairly good reputation in other motorsports,
then the judges may grant a right to participate in D1 Grand Prix. THE DRIFTING MOVEMENT EVOLVES
Qualifying round - 50 to 70 drivers down to 30 to 40 drivers About the same time touge evolved into
Only the D1 license holders are allowed to participate. D1 Grand Prix always drifting, some of the rolling zoku came off the
starts from the Qualifying round. Participation is limited to drivers who already mountains to bring their new sport to the urban
obtain a D1 license. However, the top 10 drivers in series ranking at that time jungles of Japan.
(series ranking of the past year for the first round) are exempt from the qualifying The urban drifters added their own flavor to
round. The highest record of participating drivers in 2004 series was 97 drivers at the sport with their flamboyant driving style and
the qualifying round. outrageous vehicles.
The drivers are judged by solo run’s performance at qualifying round. They Eventually, word of the spectacle spread
are given 2 or 3 judging runs. The highest point out of those 2 or 3 runs will be and fans began showing up to witness drifting’s
used for the final judgment. The points are given based on following elements: amazing drivers and machines.
But as popular as drifting had become, it was
[Angle] , [Speed], [Lines] (closer to a given clipping points is better) relegated to underground status by the risks and
[Engine’s throttle angles] (wide open throttle is better) image associated with illegal street contests.
[Whether the vehicle accelerates on the straightway] Eventually, the popularity of drifting propelled
the sport into the mainstream and competitors
According to the point earned, the top 20 drivers plus the 10 ceded drivers started to organize and take their home-grown
proceed to the actual First round. trials to the track.
The qualifying round usually takes place a day before the main D1 event. The gatherings were originally just for fun
Tsuiso Tournament - 16 drivers down to 1st place driver. “The most intense until the cars and driving skills became so refined
battle starts from this point.” that things started to get competitive.
This Tsuiso battles will present many perfect drift performances of top drivers From the initial organized trials, regional drift
going side by side, to grab the taste of victory. contest open to the public and professionally
The judging runs begin after competing 2 vehicles go for a practice run for judged, known as ikaten (pronounced ee-kah-ten)
warm-up. The line is no longer drivers concern; it’s the battle against survival. It created by Video-OPTION, were began all major
would be a loss if a chasing driver is left behind. The chasing driver will win once cities of Japan.
he closes in on the leading driver and takes the inner line. Nevertheless, there The Drivers Search events let local drivers of
is no guarantee of proceeding to the Best-16 round due to machine advantage all backgrounds show off their skills and compete
since the judgment is also based on the drifting angle and considering the each with each other.
machine’s potentials. For awhile, Drivers Search events satisfied the
Large amount of points will be deducted when the vehicle spins out and/or thirst of drifting fans and drivers but as skills and
in case of under steer during performance. There are cases where the leading techniques improved, and manufacturers started
driver intentionally slows down dramatically in order to force the chasing driver to producing drifting-specific components, it was
swerve straight while drifting. clearly time to raise the bar.
30 J!-ENT