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any dynamical systems combine behaviors ally, systems involving both digital and analog components
that are typical of continuous-time dynamical form another class of examples. Finally, modern control al-
systems with behaviors that are typical of dis- gorithms often lead to both kinds of behavior, due to either
crete-time dynamical systems. For example, digital components used in implementation or logic and
in a switched electrical circuit, voltages and decision making encoded in the control algorithm. These
currents that change continuously according to classical examples fit into the class of hybrid dynamical systems, or
electrical network laws also change discontinuously due simply hybrid systems.
to switches opening or closing. Some biological systems This article is a tutorial on modeling the dynamics of
behave similarly, with continuous change during normal hybrid systems, on the elements of stability theory for
operation and discontinuous change due to an impul- hybrid systems, and on the basics of hybrid control. The
sive stimulus. Similarly, velocities in a multibody system presentation and selection of material is oriented toward
change continuously according to Newton’s second law but the analysis of asymptotic stability in hybrid systems
undergo instantaneous changes in velocity and momen- and the design of stabilizing hybrid controllers. Our em-
tum due to collisions. Embedded systems and, more gener- phasis on the robustness of asymptotic stability to data
perturbation, external disturbances, and measurement
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCS.2008.931718 error distinguishes the approach taken here from other

28 IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE » APRIL 2009 1066-033X/09/$25.00©2009IEEE



approaches to hybrid systems. While we make some con- We now present some background leading up to the
nections to alternative approaches, this article does not as- model of hybrid systems used in this article. A widely
pire to be a survey of the hybrid system literature, which is used model of a continuous-time dynamical system is the
first-order differential equation x 5 f 1 x 2 , with x belonging
vast and multifaceted.
The interaction of continuous- and discrete-time dynam- to an n-dimensional Euclidean space Rn. This model can
ics in a hybrid system leads to rich dynamical behavior and be expanded in two directions that are relevant for hybrid
phenomena not encountered in purely continuous-time systems. First, we can consider differential equations with
state constraints, that is, x 5 f 1 x 2 and x [ C, where C is a
systems. Consequently, several challenges are encountered
on the path to a stability theory for hybrid systems and to a subset of Rn. For example, the set C might indicate that
methodology for robust hybrid control design. The approach the force of gravity cannot push a ball through the floor.
outlined in this article addresses these challenges, by using Alternatively, the set C might indicate a set of physically
mathematical tools that go beyond classical analysis, and meaningful initial conditions of the system. Second, we
leads to a stability theory that unifies and extends the theo- can consider the situation where the right-hand side of the
ries developed for continuous- and discrete-time systems. In differential equation is replaced by a set that may depend
particular, we give necessary and sufficient Lyapunov con- on x. For example, when the force applied to a particle var-
ditions for asymptotic stability in hybrid systems, show uni- ies with time in an unknown way in the interval 3 a, b 4 ,
formity and robustness of asymptotic stability, generalize we can model the derivative of the velocity as belonging
the invariance principle to the hybrid setting and combine it to 3 a, b 4 . Another reason for considering set-valued right-
with Barabasin-Krasovskii techniques, and show the utility hand sides is to account for the effect of perturbations,
of such results for hybrid control design. Despite their neces- such as measurement error in a feedback control system,
sarily more technical appearance, these results parallel what on a differential equation. Both situations lead to the dif-
ferential inclusion x [ F 1 x 2 , where F is a set-valued mapping.
students of nonlinear systems are familiar with.


The examples of hybrid control systems provided in this article only scratch
the surface of what is possible using hybrid feedback control.

Combining the two generalizations leads to constrained dif- replace the set-valued mappings and the corresponding
ferential inclusions x [ F 1 x 2 , x [ C.
inclusions in (1), (2) with equations and proceed confi-
A typical model of a discrete-time dynamical system dently. It is often the geometry of sets C and D that pro-
is the first-order equation x 1 5 g 1 x 2 , with x [ Rn. The duces the rich dynamical phenomena in a hybrid system
notation x 1 indicates that the next value of the state is rather than the multivaluedness of the mappings F and G.
given as a function of the current state x through the However, this article does justify, beyond the sake of gen-
value g 1 x 2 . As for differential equations, it is a natural erality, the use of differential inclusions and difference
extension to consider constrained difference equations inclusions.
and difference inclusions, which leads to the model We provide examples of hybrid models in the follow-
x 1 [ G 1 x 2 , x [ D, where G is a set-valued mapping and ing section. Subsequently, we make precise the meaning
D is a subset of Rn. of a solution to a hybrid dynamical system and describe
Since a model of a hybrid dynamical system requires a basic mathematical properties of the space of solutions.
description of the continuous-time dynamics, the discrete- Afterward, we present results on asymptotic stability in
time dynamics, and the regions on which these dynamics hybrid systems, with an emphasis on robustness. Initially,
apply, we include both a constrained differential inclusion we focus on Lyapunov functions as the primary stability
and a constrained difference inclusion in a general model analysis tool and show how Lyapunov functions are used
of a hybrid system in the form in hybrid control design. Finally, we present tools for sta-
bility analysis based on limited events in hybrid systems
x [ F ( x ) , x [ C, (1) and show how these tools are related to hybrid feedback
x 1 [ G ( x ) , x [ D. (2) control algorithms.
The main developments of the article are comple-
The model (1), (2) captures a wide variety of dynamic mented by several supporting discussions. “Hybrid
phenomena including systems with logic-based state Automata” and “Switching Systems” relate systems
components, which take values in a discrete set, as well in the form (1), (2) to hybrid automata and switching
as timers, counters, and other components. Examples systems, respectively. “Related Mathematical Frame-
in this article demonstrate how to cast hybrid automata works” presents other mathematical descriptions of
and switched systems, as well as sampled-data and net- systems where features of both continuous- and discrete-
worked control systems, into the form (1), (2). We refer time dynamical systems are present. “Existence, Unique-
to a hybrid system in the form (1), (2) as H. We call C ness, and other Well-Posedness Issues” discusses basic
the flow set, F the flow map, D the jump set, and G the properties of solutions to hybrid systems in the form
jump map. (1), (2). “Set Convergence” and “Robustness and Gen-
For many systems, the generality provided by the in- eralized Solutions” introduce mathematical tools from
clusions in (1), (2) is not needed. Thus, the reader may beyond classical analysis and motivate the assumptions
placed on the data of a hybrid sys-
tem H, as given by 1 C, F, D, G 2 . “Mo-
tivating Stability of Sets” and “Why
ν10 ν20 ‘Pre’-Asymptotic Stability?” explain
distinct features of the asymptotic
stability concept used in the article.
0 0 p 0
0 p∗
p1 2 “Converse Lyapunov Theorems” and
(a) (b) “Invariance” state and discuss main
tools used in the stability analysis.
“Zeno Solutions” describes a phe-
nomenon unique to hybrid dynamical
(c) systems. “Simulation in Matlab/
Simulink” presents an approach to
FIGURE 1 Collision between two particles. (a) Two particles are initialized to positions p01 simulation of hybrid systems. The
and p02 and with velocities v 01 and v 02 . (b) An impact between the particles occurs at the notation used throughout this article
position p* . (c) The direction of the motion of each particle is reversed after the impact. is defined in “List of Symbols.”


List of Symbols
Colliding Masses #
x The derivative, with respect to time, of the
Many engineering systems experience impacts [8], state of a hybrid system
[56]. Walking and jumping robots, juggling sys- x1 The state of a hybrid system after a jump
tems, billiards, and a bouncing ball are examples. R The set of real numbers
Continuous-time equations of motion describe the Rn The n -dimensional Euclidean space
behavior of these systems between impacts, whereas R$0 The set of nonnegative real numbers,
discrete dynamics approximate what happens during R $ 0 5 3 0, ` )
impacts. Z The set of all integers
Consider two particles that move toward each other, N The set of nonnegative integers, N 5
collide, and then move away from each other, as shown 5 0, 1, c 6
in Figure 1. Before and after the collision, the position and N$k 5 k, k 1 1, c 6 for a given k [ N
velocity of each particle are governed by Newton’s second [ The empty set
law. At impact, the velocity evolution is modeled by an S The closure of the set S
instantaneous change in the velocities but no change in con S The convex hull of the set S
the positions of the particles. con S The closure of the convex hull of a set S
The combined continuous and discrete behavior of S1 \ S2 The set of points in S1 that are not in S2
the particles can be modeled as a hybrid system with S1 3 S2 The set of ordered pairs ( s1 , s2 ) with
a differential equation governing the continuous dy- s1 [ S1 , s2 [ S2
namics, constraints describing where the continuous x^ The transpose of the vector x
dynamics apply, a difference equation governing the ( x, y ) Equivalent notation for the vector 3 x^y^ 4 T
discrete dynamics, and constraints describing where |x| The Euclidean norm of a vector x [ Rn
the discrete dynamics apply. The state is the vector B The closed unit ball, of appropriate dimension,
x 5 1 p, v 2 5 1 p1, p2, v1, v2 2 , where p1 and p2 denote the par- in the Euclidean norm
ticles’ positions and v1 and v2 denote the particles’ veloci- |x|S infy [ g |x 2 y| for a set S ( Rn and a point
ties. The state vector changes continuously if, as shown in x [ Rn
Figure 1, the first particle’s position is at or to the left of Sn The set 5 x [ Rn 1 1 : |x| 5 1 6
the second particle’s position. This condition is described f : Rm S Rn A function from Rm to Rn
by the flow set C J 5 1 p, v 2 : p1 # p2 6 . Assuming no fric- F : Rm S
S Rn A set-valued mapping from Rm to Rn
tion, the flow map obtained applying Newton’s second
law and using (1) is F 1 p, v 2 5 1 v1, 0, v2, 0 2 .
The rotation matrix

R1f2 5 c
cosf 2 sinf
An impact occurs when the positions of the particles
are identical and their velocities satisfy v1 $ v2. These con- sinf cosf
ditions define the jump set D J 5 1 p, v 2 : p1 5 p2, v1 $ v2 6 . F(S) h x [SF ( x ) for the set-valued mapping
Letting v11 and v21 indicate the velocities after an impact, F : Rm S S Rn and a set S ( Rm
we have the conservation of momentum equation TS ( h ) The tangent cone to the set S ( Rn at h [ S .
TS ( h ) is the set of all vectors w [ Rn for
m1v11 1 m2v21 5 m1v1 1 m2v2 (3)
which there exist h i [ S , ti . 0 , for all
i 5 1, 2, c such that h i S h , ti R 0 , and
and the energy dissipation equation ( h i 2 h ) /ti S w as i S `
K` The class of functions from R $ 0 to R $ 0 that
v11 2 v21 5 2 r 1 v1 2 v2 2 , (4) are continuous, zero at zero, strictly increas-
ing, and unbounded
where m1 and m2 are the masses of the particles and the LV ( m ) The m -level set of the function V : d om V S R ,
constant r [ 1 0, 1 2 is a restitution coefficient. Solving (3) which is the set of points 5 x [ d om V :
and (4) for v11 and v21 and using (2) yields the jump map V ( x ) 5 m6

G 1 p1, p2, v1, v2 2 5 1 p1, p2, v12m 2l 1 v12v2 2 , v2 1 m 1l 1 v12v2 2 2 ,

neuronal oscillators [32], and groups of heart muscle cells
where l 5 1 1 1 r 2 / 1 m1 1 m2 2 . [61]. Detailed treatments include [62] and [78]. The discussion
below is related to [10] and [55], where models of a collection
Impulsive Behavior in Biological Systems of nonlinear clocks with impulsive coupling are studied. A
Synchronization in groups of biological oscillators occurs in model of two linear clocks with impulsive coupling is used
swarms of fireflies [10], groups of crickets [88], ensembles of in [61] to analyze the synchronization of heart muscle cells.


Hybrid Automata

S ome models of hybrid systems explicitly partition the state of

a system into a continuous state j and a discrete state q, the
with the guard conditions and reset rules that govern transitions
between these modes.
latter describing the mode of the system. For example, the val-
ues of q may represent modes such as “working” and “idle.” In a We now show how a hybrid automaton can be modeled as a
temperature control system, q may stand for “on” or “off,” while j hybrid system in the form (1), (2). First, we reformulate a hybrid
may represent the temperature. By its nature, the discrete state automaton as a hybrid system with explicitly shown modes. For
can change only during a jump, while the continuous state of- each q [ Q , we take
ten changes only during flows but sometimes may jump as well.
These systems are called differential automata [82], hybrid au- Cq 5 Domain ( q ) , Dq 5 d Guard ( q, q r ) ,
(q, q r ) [Edges
tomata [S2], [51], or simply hybrid systems [S1], [9]. All of these
Fq ( j ) 5 f ( q, j ) , for all j [ Cq,
systems can be cast as a hybrid system of the form (1), (2).
Gq ( j ) 5 d ( Reset ( q, q r, j ) , q r ) , for all j [ Dq.
The data of a hybrid automaton are usually given by 5q r:j[Guard (q, q r )6

» a set of modes Q, which in most situations can be identi- When j is an element of two different guard sets Guard ( q, q r )
fied with a subset of the integers and Guard ( q, q s ) , Gq ( j ) is a set consisting of at least two
» a domain map Domain: Q S S Rn, which gives, for each points. Hence, Gq can be set valued. In fact, Gq is not neces-
q [ Q , the set Domain(q) in which the continuous state sarily a function even when every Reset ( q, q r, # ) is the identity
j evolves map. With Cq , Fq , Dq , and Gq defined above, we consider the
» a flow map f : Q 3 Rn S Rn , which describes, through hybrid system with state ( j, q ) [ Rn 3 R and representation
a differential equation, the continuous evolution of the
continuous state variable j j 5 Fq ( j ) , q [ Q, j [ Cq,
» a set of edges Edges ( Q 3 Q , which identifies the
pairs ( q, q r ) such that a transition from the mode q to
( j 1 , q 1 ) [ Gq ( j ) , q [ Q, j [ Dq.
the mode q r is possible
» a guard map Guard : Edges S S Rn, which identifies, for each Example S1: Reformulation of a Hybrid Automaton
edge q, q r [ Edges, the set Guard 1 q, q r 2 to which the
( ) Consider the hybrid automaton shown in figures S2 and S3,
continuous state j must belong so that a transition from q with the set of modes Q 5 5 1, 2 6 ; the domain map given by
to q r can occur
» a reset map Reset : Edges 3 Rn S Rn , which de- Domain ( 1 ) 5 R # 0 3 R, Domain ( 2 ) 5 5 0 6 3 R;
scribes, for each edge ( q, q r ) [ Edges, the value to
which the continuous state j [ Rn is set during a transi- the flow map, for all j [ R2 , given by
tion from mode q to mode q r. When the continuous state
variable j remains constant at a jump from q to q r, the f ( 1, j ) 5 ( 1, 1 ) , f ( 2, j ) 5 ( 0,21 ) ;
map Reset 1 q, q r, # 2 can be taken to be the identity.
Figure S1 depicts part of a state diagram for a hybrid automaton. the set of edges given by Edges 5 5 ( 1, 1 ) , ( 1, 2 ) , ( 2, 1 ) 6 ;
The continuous dynamics of two modes are shown, together the guard map given by

Guard ( 1, 1 ) 5 R $ 0 3 R # 0,
ξ ∈Guard(q, q′) ⇒ ξ+ ∈Reset(q, q′, ξ) Guard ( 1, 2 ) 5 R2$ 0,
Guard ( 2, 1 ) 5 5 0 6 3 R # 0;
q q′
. .
ξ = f (q, ξ ) and the reset map, for all j[ R2 , given
ξ = f (q′, ξ )
ξ ∈Domain(q) by
ξ ∈Domain(q′)

Reset ( 1, 1, j ) 5 ( 25, 0 ) ,
Reset ( 1, 2, j ) 5 j,
ξ+ ∈Reset(q′, q, ξ) ⇒
ξ ∈Guard(q′, q) Reset ( 2, 1, j ) 5 2j.

FIGURE S1 Two modes, q and q r, of a hybrid

# automaton. In mode q, the state j evolves
according to the differential equation j 5 f ( q, j ) in the set Domain 1 q 2 . A transition
The sets Guard (1, 1 ) and Guard (1, 2 )

from mode q to mode qr can occur when, in mode q, j is in the set Guard 1 q, q r 2 .
overlap, indicating that, in mode 1, a re-
During the transition, j changes to a value j 1 in Reset 1 q, q r, j 2 . Transitions from set of the state j to (25, 0 ) or a switch
mode q to other modes, not shown in the figure, are governed by similar rules. of the mode to 2 is possible from points


where j 1 $ 0 and j 2 5 0. Formulating this hybrid automa- 2
ton as a hybrid system with explicitly shown modes leads to ξ ∈R≥0 × R≤0 ⇒ ξ+ = (–5, 0) ξ ∈R≥0 ⇒ ξ+ = ξ
D1 5 Guard 11, 1 2 c Guard 11, 2 2 5 R $ 0 3 R and the set-valued
q =1 q =2
jump map G1 given by . .
ξ = (1, 1) ξ = (0, –1)
ξ ∈R≤0 × R ξ ∈{0} × R
(25, 0, 1), if j 1 $ 0, j 2 , 0,
G1 ( j ) 5 • (25, 0, 1) h ( j 1, j 2, 2) , if j 1 $ 0, j 2 5 0,
( j 1, j 2, 2) , ξ+ = 2ξ ⇐ ξ ∈{0} × R≤0
if j 1 $ 0, j 2 . 0.
■ FIGURE S2 Two modes of the hybrid automaton in Example
S1. In mode 1,# the state j evolves according to the differen-
To formulate a hybrid automaton in the form (1), (2), we tial equation j 5 ( 1, 1 ) in the set Domain ( 1 ) 5 R # 0 3 R.
define x 5 ( j, q ) [ Rn 1 1 and A transition from mode 1 to mode 2 occurs when j is in
the guard set Guard ( 1, 2 ) 5 R2$ 0 but not in the guard set
C 5 d (Cq 3 5 q 6) , F ( x ) 5 Fq ( j ) 3 5 0 6 for all x [ C, Guard (1, 1 ) 5 R $ 0 3 R # 0 . During the transition, j does not
q[Q change its value. Also in mode 1, a jump in j to the value ( 25, 0 )
occurs when j is in the guard set Guard ( 1, 1 ) 5 R $ 0 3 R # 0
D 5 d (Dq 3 5 q 6) , G ( x ) 5 Gq ( j ) for all x [ D. but not in the guard set Guard (1, 2 ) 5 R2$ 0 . When j belongs
to Guard (1, 2) and Guard (1, 1 ) , either the transition to mode
When the domains and guards are closed sets, the flow and 2 or the jump of j can occur. In mode# 2, the state j evolves
according to the differential equation j 5 ( 0, 21 ) in the set
Domain ( 2 ) 5 5 0 6 3 R . A transition from mode 2 to mode 1 can
jump sets C and D are also closed. Similarly, when the flow and
reset maps are continuous, the flow map F and the jump map G occur when j is in the guard set Guard ( 2, 1 ) 5 5 0 6 3 R # 0 . Dur-
satisfy the Basic Assumptions. ing the transition, j changes to the value 2j .

Example S1 Revisited: Solutions to a Hybrid Automaton

q =1 q = 2
Consider the hybrid system modeling the hybrid automaton of
x2 Domain(2) x2
Example S1. The initial condition j 5 ( 3, 3 ) , in mode q 5 1 , Guard(1, 2)
of the hybrid automaton corresponds to the initial condi-
tion (3, 3, 1) for the hybrid system. The maximal solution
to the hybrid system starting from (3, 3, 1), denoted xa , −5
has domain dom xa 5 1 0, 0 2 c 1 0, 1 2 and is given by x1 x1
xa ( 0, 0 ) 5 ( 3, 3, 1 ) , xa ( 0, 1 ) 5 ( 3, 3, 2 ) . The solution jumps
once, the jump takes xa outside of both the jump set and the flow
Guard(2, 1)
set, and thus cannot be extended. Domain(1) Guard(1, 1)
The hybrid system has multiple solutions from the initial
point ( 0, 0, 1 ) . One maximal solution starting from ( 0, 0, 1 ), FIGURE S3 Data for the hybrid automaton in Example S1.
denoted xb , is complete and never flows. This solution has Solid arrows indicate the direction of flow in Domain(1) and
dom xb 5 5 0 6 3 N and is given by xb ( 0, j ) 5 1.5 2 .5 ( 21 ) j . Domain ( 2 ) . Dashed arrows indicate jumps from Guard(1, 1)
and Guard(2, 1).
That is, the solution xb switches back and forth between mode
1 and mode 2 infinitely many times. Another solution starting
from ( 0, 0, 1 ) , denoted xc , has dom xc 5 1 0, 0 2 c 1 3 0, 5 4 , 12 c in several ways. One way is by concatenating xc with xb , that
1 3 5, 10 4 , 2 2 c 1 10, 3 2 and is given by is, by setting xc (t 1 10, j 1 3 ) 5 xb ( t, j ) for ( t, j ) [ dom xb . In
other words, xc can be extended by back and forth switches
( 0, 0, 1 ) , if t 5 0, j 5 0, between modes. The solution xc can be also extended to be
if t [ 3 0, 5 4 , j 5 1, periodic. We can consider xc ( t, j ) 5 (25 1 ( t 2 10 ) , t 2 10, 1)
xc ( t, j ) 5 µ
(25 1 t, t, 1 ) ,
for t [ 310, 15 4 , j 5 4 , xc ( t, j ) 5 ( 0, 5 2 ( t 2 15 ) , 2 ) for
( 0, 5 2 ( t 2 5 ) , 2 ) , if t [ 3 5, 10 4 , j 5 2,
t [ 315, 20 4 , s 5 5 , xc ( 20, 6 ) 5 ( 0, 0, 1 ) , and repeat.
( 0, 0, 1 ) , if t 5 10, j 5 3.

In the language of hybrid automata, this solution undergoes

a reset of the state without a switch of the mode, fl ows for [S1] M. S. Branicky, V. S. Borkar, and S. K. Mitter, “A unified frame-
fi ve units of time until it hits a guard, switches the mode with- work for hybrid control: Model and optimal control theory,” IEEE Trans.
out resetting the state, fl ows for another fi ve units of time until Automat. Contr., vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 31–45, 1998.
[S2] T. A. Henzinger, “The theory of hybrid automata,” in Proc. of
it hits another guard, and switches the mode without resetting the 11th Annu. Symp. Logic in Computer Science, IEEE CS Press, 1996,
the state. This solution is not maximal since it can be extended pp. 278–292.


Switching Systems

A switching system is a differential equation whose right-hand

side is chosen from a family of functions based on a switching j
signal [49], [S4]. For each switching signal, the switching system is
a time-varying differential equation. As in [S3], we study the prop-
erties of a switching system not under a particular switching signal
but rather under various classes of switching signals.
In the framework of hybrid systems, information about the 2
class of switching signals often can be embedded into the sys-
tem data by using timers and reset rules, which can be viewed 1
as an autonomous, that is, time-invariant hybrid subsystem. Re-
sults for switching systems, including converse Lyapunov theo-
0 t1 t2 t3 t
rems and invariance principles [25], can be then deduced from
results obtained for hybrid systems. (a)
A switched system can be written as

# 4
j 5 fq ( j ) , (S1)

where, for each q [ Q 5 5 1, 2, c, qmax 6 , fq : Rn S Rn is a
continuous function. A complete solution to the system (S1) con- 2
sists of a locally absolutely continuous function j : R $ 0 S Rn
and a function q : R $ 0 S Q that is piecewise constant, has a 1
finite number of discontinuities in each compact time interval,
and satisfies j ( t ) 5 fq (t) ( j ( t ) ) for almost all t [ R $ 0 . In what
follows, given a complete solution ( j, q ) to (S1), let I be the 0 t1 t2 t3 t
number of discontinuities of q, with the possibility of I 5 ` , and
let t0 5 0 and 5 ti 6 Ii 5 1 be the increasing sequence of times at

which q is discontinuous. For simplicity, we discuss complete FIGURE S4 Hybrid time domain for a solution under dwell-time
solutions only. switching and average dwell-time switching. (a) Hybrid time do-
A solution ( j, q ) to (S1) is a dwell-time solution with dwell main for a dwell-time solution with dwell-time constant tD larger
time tD . 0 if ti 1 1 2 ti $ tD for all i 5 1, 2, c, I 2 1 . That is, or equal than min 5 t2 2 t1, t3 2 t2, c 6 . (b) Hybrid time domain for
an average dwell-time solution for parameters ( d, N ) satisfying
switches are separated by at least an amount of time tD . Each
the average dwell-time condition in (S2). For example, parameters
dwell-time solution can be generated as part of a solution to the 1 d, N 2 5 1 4 /min 5 t1, t2 2 t1 6 , 2 2 and ( d, N ) 5 ( 4 /t2, 4 ) satisfy
hybrid system with state x 5 ( j, q, t ) [ Rn 1 2 given by (S2). The domain repeats periodically, as denoted by the blue dot.

Consider a group of fireflies, each of which has an is continuous, and flow set C 5 3 0, 1 4 n, where 3 0, 1 4 n
internal clock state. Suppose each firefly’s clock state indicates the set of points x in Rn for which each com-
increases monotonically until it reaches a positive thresh- ponent xi belongs to the interval 3 0, 1 4 . The function f
old, assumed to be the same for each firefly. When a governs the rate at which each clock state evolves in the
firefly’s clock reaches its threshold, the clock resets to interval 3 0, 1 4 .
zero and the firefly flashes, which causes the other fire- Since jumps in the state of the system are allowed when
flies’ clocks to jump closer to their thresholds. In this any one of the fireflies’ clocks reaches its threshold, the
way, the flash of one firefly affects the internal clocks of jump set is D 5 5 x [ C : maxi x i 5 1 6 . One way to model
the other fireflies. the impulsive changes in the clock states is through a
Figure 2 depicts the evolution of the internal clocks of rule that instantaneously advances a clock state by a fac-
two fireflies coupled through flashes. The time units are tor 1 1 e, where e . 0, when this action does not take the
normalized so that each firefly’s internal clock state takes clock state past its threshold. Otherwise, the clock state
values in the interval 3 0, 1 4 , and thus the threshold for flash- is reset to zero, just as if it had reached its threshold. The
ing is one for each firefly. corresponding jump map G does not satisfy the regularity
A hybrid model for a system of n fireflies, each with the condition (A3) of the Basic Assumptions imposed in the
same clock characteristics, has the state x 5 1 x 1, c, x n 2 , section “Basic Mathematical Properties.” The algorithm
flow map F 1 x 2 5 1 f 1 x 1 2 , c, f 1 x n 2 2 , where f : 3 0, 1 4 S R .0 for defining generalized solutions in “Robustness and


j 5 fq 1 j 2 erage dwell-time constraint with parameters ( d, N ) are captured
¶ 5: F 1 x 2 , x [ C J Rn 3 Q 3 3 0, 1 4 ,
q 5 0 by the hybrid system with state x 5 ( j, q, t ) [ Rn 1 2 given by
3 4
t [ 0, 1 /tD #
j 5 fq 1 j 2
0 ¶ 5: F 1 x 2 , x [ C J Rn 3 Q 3 3 0, N 4 ,
j 5 j #
q 1 [ Q ¶ 5: G 1 x 2 , x [ D J Rn 3 Q 3 5 1 6 .
q 5
t [ 3 0, d 4
t1 5 0
j1 5 j
Note that it takes at least an amount of time tD for the timer q 1 [ Q ¶ 5: G 1 x 2 , x [ D J Rn 3 Q 3 3 1, N 4 .
state t to increase from zero to one with velocity t [ 3 0, 1 /tD 4 .
t1 5 t 2 1
Therefore, t ensures that jumps of this hybrid system occur with
at least tD amount of time in between them. In fact, there is Figure S4 depicts a hybrid time domain for a dwell-time solution
a one-to-one correspondence between dwell-time solutions to and an average dwell-time solution to a switching system.
(S1) and solutions to the hybrid system initialized with t 5 1 for More elaborate families of solutions to switching systems
which t 5 1 when t [ 3 0, 1 ) and t 5 0 when t 5 1.
# #
can be modeled by means of hybrid systems. We briefly men-
A solution ( j, q ) to (S1) is an average dwell-time solution if the tion one such family. A solution ( x, q ) to (S1) is a persistent
number of switches in a compact interval is bounded by a number dwell-time solution with persistent dwell time tD . 0 and
that is proportional to the length of the interval, with proportionality period of persistence T . 0 if there are infinitely many inter-
constant d $ 0, plus a positive constant N [34]. In the framework vals of length at least tD on which no switches occur, and such
of hybrid systems, each average dwell-time solution has a hybrid intervals are separated by at most an amount of time T [S3]. A
time domain E such that, for each pair ( s, i ) and ( t, i ) belonging hybrid system that models such solutions involves two timers.
to E and satisfying with s # t and i # j , One timer ensures that periods with no switching last at least an
amount of time tD ; the other timer ensures that periods of arbi-
j 2 i # ( t 2 s ) d 1 N. (S2)
trary switching do not last more than an amount of time T. The
Dwell-time solutions are a special case, corresponding to hybrid system also involves a differential inclusion j [ F ( j ) ,
d 5 1 /tD and N 5 1. Every hybrid time domain that satisfies where F 1 j 2 J con h q [ Q fq 1 j 2 , to describe solutions to the
(S2) can be generated by the hybrid subsystem with compact switching system during periods of arbitrary switching.
flow and jump sets given by

t [ 3 0, d 4 , t [ 3 0, N 4 ,
t 5 t 2 1, t [ 3 1, N 4 .
[S3] J. P. Hespanha, “Uniform stability of switched linear systems: Ex-
(S4) tensions of LaSalle’s invariance principle,” IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr.,
vol. 49, pp. 470–482, 2004.
The time domain for each solution of this hybrid system satisfies the [S4] D. Liberzon and A. S. Morse, “Basic problems in stability and design of
constraint (S2). Furthermore, for every hybrid time domain E sat- switched systems,” IEEE Control Syst. Mag., vol. 19, pp. 59–70, 1999.
[S5] S. Mitra and D. Liberzon, “Stability of hybrid automata with average
isfying (S2) there exists a solution of (S3), (S4), starting at t 5 N ,
dwell time: An invariant approach,” in Proc. 43rd IEEE Conf. Decision
and defined on E [S5], [14]. In turn, switching systems under an av- and Control, Bahamas, Dec. 2004, pp. 1394–1399.

Generalized Solutions” motivates the modified jump map are equal [55]. Synchronization analysis for the case n 5 2
G 1 x 2 5 1 g 1 x 1 2 , c, g 1 x n 2 2 , where is given in Example 25.

1 1 1 e 2 xi, when 1 1 1 e 2 xi , 1, Explicit Zero-Crossing Detection

g 1 xi 2 5 • 0, when 1 1 1 e 2 xi . 1, Zero-crossing detection (ZCD) algorithms for sinusoidal
5 0, 1 6 , when 1 1 1 e 2 xi 5 1, signals are crucial for estimating phase and frequency as
well as power factor in electric circuits. ZCD algorithms
which does satisfies the regularity condition (A3). This employ a discrete state, which remembers the most recent
jump map advances the clock state xi by the factor 1 1 e sign of the signal and is updated when the signal crosses
when this action keeps xi below the threshold, and it resets zero, as indicated in Figure 3.
xi to zero when multiplying xi by 1 1 e produces a value We cast a simple ZCD algorithm for a sinusoidal signal
greater than the threshold value. Either resetting the clock in terms of a hybrid system. Let the sinusoid be generated
# #
state to zero or advancing the clock state by 1 1 e can occur as the output of the linear system j 1 5 vj 2 , j 2 5 2vj 1 ,
when 1 1 1 e 2 xi 5 1. y 5 j1, where v . 0, and let q denote a discrete state taking
A group of fireflies can exhibit almost global synchro- values in Q J 5 21, 1 6 corresponding to the sign of j1. The
nization, meaning that, from almost every initial condition, state of the hybrid system is x 5 1 j, q 2 , while the flow map
the state vector tends to the set where all of the clock states is F 1 x 2 5 1 vj 2, 2 vj 1, 0 2 .


x1 1

0 t




0 t

FIGURE 2 Trajectories of the internal clocks of two fireflies with im-

pulsive coupling. When either clock state x1 or x2 reaches the unit
threshold, both states experience a jump. When a state reaches
the threshold, it is reset to zero. At the same time, the other state is
increased by a factor 1 1 e if this increase does not push the state ξ1
past the threshold; otherwise, this state is also reset to zero.

As j1 changes sign, a zero-crossing event occurs. We

model the detection of this event as a toggling of the state q
through the rule q 1 5 2q. In a more elaborate model, either
a counter that keeps track of the number of zero-crossing
events can be incremented, or a timer state that monitors FIGURE 3 Detection of zero crossings of a sinusoidal sig-
the amount of time between zero-crossing events can be nal. signal j 1 is the output of the linear system
# The sinusoidal
reset. The state j does not change during jumps. The jump j 1 5 vj 2 , j 2 5 2vj 1 , where v . 0 . (a) The discrete state q is
map is thus G 1 x 2 5 1 j, 2q 2 . toggled at every zero crossing of the sinusoidal signal j 1 . (b) The
signal evolves in the j 5 ( j 1 , j 2 ) plane.
When q and j1 have the same sign, that is, qj1 $ 0,
flows are allowed. This behavior corresponds to the flow
set C 5 h q[Q 1 Cq 3 5 q 6 2 , where Cq J 5 j [ R2 : qj1 $ 0 6 . the discrete state q obtained for initial conditions with j1
In other words, the flow set C is the union of two sets. starting at one, j2 starting at zero, and q starting at one.
One set corresponds to points where q 5 1 and j1 $ 0,
while the other set corresponds to points where q 5 21 Sample-and-Hold Control Systems
and j1 # 0. In a typical sample-and-hold control scenario, a continu-
When j1 5 0 and the sign of q is opposite to the sign of the ous-time plant is controlled by a digital controller. The con-
derivative of j1, that is, qj2 # 0, the value of q is toggled. This troller samples the plant’s state, computes a control signal,
behavior corresponds to the jump set D 5 h q[Q 1 Dq 3 5 q 6 2 , and sets the plant’s control input to the computed value.
where Dq J 5 j [ R2 : j1 5 0, qj2 # 0 6 . Thus, the jump set The controller’s output remains constant between updates.
D is the union of two sets. One set corresponds to points Sample-and-hold devices perform analog-to-digital and
where q 5 1, j1 5 0, and j2 # 0, while the other set corre- digital-to-analog conversions.
sponds to points where q 5 21, j1 5 0, and j2 $ 0. As noted in [59], the closed-loop system resulting
Figure 4 shows the flow and jump sets of the hybrid from this control scheme can be modeled as a hybrid
system. The figure also depicts the sinusoidal signal j1 and system. Sampling, computation, and control updates in


sample-and-hold control are associ-
ated with jumps that occur when one q = −1 q=1
or more timers reach thresholds ξ2 ξ2
defining the update rates. When D −1
these operations are performed syn-
chronously, a single timer state and
threshold can be used to trigger their
execution. In this case, a sample-and- ξ (0, 0)
hold implementation of a control law
ξ1 ξ1
samples the state of the plant and up-
dates its input when a timer reaches
the threshold T . 0, which defines
the sampling period. During this up-
C −1 D1 C1
date, the timer is reset to zero.
For the static, state-feedback law
u 5 k 1 j 2 for the plant j 5 f 1 j, u 2 , a hy- “Explicit Zero-Crossing Detection.” The trajectory starts from the initial condition at
FIGURE 4 Flow and jump sets for each q [ Q and trajectory to the hybrid system in

brid model uses a memory state z to ( t, j ) 5 ( 0, 0 ) given by j 1 ( 0, 0 ) 5 1, j 2 ( 0, 0 ) 5 0, q ( 0, 0 ) 5 1 . The jumps occur

store the samples of u, as well as a timer on the j 2 axis and toggle q . Flows are permitted in the left-half plane for q 5 21 and in
state t to determine when each sample the right-half plane for q 5 1 .
is stored. The state of the resulting
closed-loop system, which is depicted in Figure 5, is taken A hybrid controller is defined by a flow set Cc ( Rn1m,
to be x 5 1 j, z, t 2 . flow map fc : Cc S Rn , jump set Dc ( Rn1m, and a possi-
During flow, which occurs until t reaches the thresh- bly set-valued jump map Gc : Rn1m S S R , together with
old T, the state of the plant evolves according to j 5 f 1 j, z 2 , a feedback law kc : Cc S Rr that specifies the control
the value of z is kept constant, and t grows at the constant signal u. Figure 6 illustrates this setup.
# #
rate of one. In other words, z 5 0 and t 5 1. This behavior During continuous-time evolution, which can occur
corresponds to the flow set C 5 Rn 3 Rm 3 3 0, T 4 , while the when the composite closed-loop state x 5 1 x p, x c 2 belongs
flow map is given by F 1 x 2 5 1 f 1 j, z 2 , 0, 1 2 for all x [ C. to the set Cc, the controller state satisfies xc 5 fc 1 x 2 and the
When the timer reaches the threshold T, the timer state control signal is generated as u 5 kc 1 x 2 . At jumps, which
t is reset to zero, the memory state z is updated to k 1 j 2 , are allowed when the closed-loop state belongs to Dc, the
but the plant state j does not change. This behavior corre- state of the controller is reset using the rule x c1 [ Gc 1 x 2 .
sponds to the jump set D J Rn 3 Rm 3 5 T 6 and the jump The closed-loop system is a hybrid system with state
map G 1 x 2 J 1 j, k 1 j 2 , 0 2 for all x [ D. x 5 1 x p, x c 2 , flow set C 5 Cc, jump set D 5 Dc, flow map

fp 1 xp, kc 1 x 2 2
F1x2 5 c
Hybrid Controllers for Nonlinear Systems
d for all x [ C,
fc 1 x 2
Hybrid dynamical systems can model a variety of closed-
loop feedback control systems. In some hybrid control appli-
cations the plant itself is hybrid. Examples include juggling and jump map
[70], [73] and robot walking control [63]. In other applica-
tions, the plant is a continuous-time system that is con-
trolled by an algorithm employing discrete-valued states. u=z Nonlinear ξ
This type of control appears in a broad class of industrial System
applications, where programmable logic controllers and
microcontrollers are employed for automation. In these ap-
plications, discrete states, as well as other variables in soft- D/A A/D
ware, are used to implement control logic that incorporates
decision-making capabilities into the control system.
Consider a plant described by the differential equation

x p 5 fp 1 x p, u 2 ,
FIGURE 5 Digital control of a continuous-time nonlinear system
where x p [ R , u [ R , and fp is continuous. A hybrid
n r with sample-and-hold devices performing the analog-to-digital
(A/D) and digital-to-analog (D/A) conversions. Samples of the
controller for this plant has state x c [ Rm , which can state j of the plant and updates of the control law k ( j ) com-
contain logic states, timers, counters, observer states, puted by the algorithm are taken after each amount of time T . The
and other continuous-valued and discrete-valued states. controller state z stores the values of k ( j ) .


The interaction of continuous- and discrete-time dynamics in a
hybrid system leads to rich dynamical behavior and phenomena not
encountered in purely continuous-time systems.

G1x2 5 c d
xp commercial hard disk drives use mode-switching control
for all x [ D.
Gc 1 x 2
[27], [81], [87], which combines a track-seeking controller
and a track-following controller. The track-seeking con-
One way hybrid controllers arise is through supervisory troller rapidly steers the magnetic head to a neighborhood
control. A supervisor oversees a collection of controllers and of the desired track, while the track-following controller
makes decisions about which controller to insert into the regulates position and velocity, precisely and robustly, to
closed-loop system based on the state of the plant and the enable read/write operations. Mode-switching control
controllers. The supervisor associates to each controller a uses the track-seeking controller to steer the magnetic
region of operation and a region where switching to other head’s state to a point where the track-following control-
controllers is possible. These regions are subsets of the state ler is applicable, and then switches the control input to
space. In the region where changes between controllers are the track-following controller. The control strategy re-
allowed, the supervisor specifies the controllers to which sults in a hybrid closed-loop system.
authority can be switched. In supervisory control, it is pos- Let p [ R be the position and v [ R the velocity of the
sible for the individual controllers to be hybrid controllers. magnetic head in the disk drive. The dynamics can be ap-
# #
Through this degree of flexibility, it is possible to generate hy- proximated by the double integrator system p 5 v, v 5 u
brid control algorithms through a hierarchy of supervisors. [27], [87].
The following example features a supervisor for two The hybrid controller for the magnetic head super-
state-feedback control laws. vises both the track-seeking control law u 5 k1 1 p, v, p* 2
and the track-following control law u 5 k2 1 p, v, p* 2 ,
Example 1: Dual-Mode Control for Disk Drives where p* is the desired position. We assume that the
Control of read/write heads in hard disk drives requires track-seeking control law globally asymptotically stabi-
precise positioning on and rapid transitioning between lizes the point 1 p*, 0 2 , while the track-following control
tracks on a disk drive. To meet these dual objectives, some law locally asymptotically stabilizes the point 1 p*, 0 2 .
Let C2 be a compact neighborhood of 1 p*, 0 2 that is con-
tained in the basin of attraction for 1 p*, 0 2 when using
u = Kc (xp, xc) xp the track-following control law, and let D1 be a com-
pact neighborhood of 1 p*, 0 2 such that solutions using
the track-following control law that start in D1 do not
Plant State: xp reach the boundary of C2. Also define C1 5 R2\D1 and
(Continuous State)
D2 5 R2\C2 . Figure 7 illustrates these sets.
Let the controller state q [ Q J 5 1, 2 6 denote the op-
Controller State: xc erating mode. The track-seeking mode corresponds to
(Such as Timers and q 5 1, while the track-following mode corresponds to
Discrete States) q 5 2. The mode-switching strategy uses the track-seek-
ing controller when 1 p, v 2 [ C1 and the track-following
controller when 1 p, v 2 [ C2. Figure 7 indicates the inter-
section of C1 and C2, where either controller can be used.
To prevent chattering between the two controllers in the
intersection of C1 and C2, the supervisor allows mode
switching when 1 p, v 2 [ Dq. In other words, a switch
FIGURE 6 Closed-loop system consisting of a continuous-time from the track-seeking mode to the track-following
nonlinear system and a hybrid controller. The nonlinear system mode can occur when 1 p, v 2 [ D1, while a switch from
has state xp , which is continuous, and input u . The hybrid control-
the track-following mode to the track-seeking mode can
occur when 1 p, v 2 [ D2.
ler has state xc , which has continuous state variables, such as
timer states, and discrete state variables, such as logic modes.
The control input u 5 kc ( xp, xc ) to the nonlinear system is a func- The hybrid controller executing this logic has the flow
tion of the plant state xp and the controller state xc . set Cc 5 h q[Q 1 Cq 3 5 q 6 2 , flow map fc 1 p, v, q 2 5 0, jump set


Dc J h q[Q 1 Dq 3 5 q 6 2 , and jump map Gc 1 p, v, q 2 5 3 2 q,
which toggles q in the set Q 5 5 1, 2 6 .
The idea behind this control construction applies to
arbitrary nonlinear control systems and state-feedback
laws [66]. ■
(p∗, 0) D2
Generalized Time Domains
Solutions to continuous-time dynamical systems are
para meterized by t [ R $0, whereas solutions to discrete-
time dynamical systems are parameterized by j [ N.
Parameterization by t [ R $0 is possible for a continu-
ous-time system even when solutions experience jumps,
as long as at most one jump occurs at each time t. For ex-
ample, parameterization by t [ R $0 is used for switched
systems [49] as well as for impulsive dynamical systems
FIGURE 7 Sets of the hybrid controller for dual-mode control of disk
[43], [30]. However, parameterization by t [ R $0 of dis- drives. The flow and jump sets for the track-seeking mode q 5 1
continuous solutions to a dynamical system may be an and the track-following mode q 5 2 are constructed from the sets
obstacle for establishing sequential compactness of the C1 , D1 and C2 , D2 , respectively. The set B is the basin of attraction
space of solutions. For example, sequential compactness for ( p*, 0 ) when the track-following controller is applied. In addi-
tion, this set contains the compact set D1 , from which solutions
may require us to admit a solution with two jumps at the
with the track-following controller do not reach the boundary of C2 ,
same time instant to represent the limit of a sequence a compact subset of B. This property is illustrated by the solid
of solutions for which the time between two consecu- black solution starting from D1 . The dashed black solution is the
tive jumps shrinks to zero. By considering a generalized result of applying the track-seeking controller, which steers solu-
time domain, we can overcome such obstacles and, fur- tions to the set D1 in finite time.
thermore, treat continuous- and discrete-time systems
in a unified framework.
A subset E of R $0 3 N is a hybrid time domain [23], [26] j
if it is the union of infinitely many intervals of the form
3 tj, tj11 4 3 5 j 6 , where 0 5 t0 # t1 # t2 # c , or of finitely E
many such intervals, with the last one possibly of the form 3
3 tj, tj11 4 3 5 j 6 , 3 tj, tj11 2 3 5 j 6 , or 3 tj, ` 2 3 5 j 6 . An example of
a hybrid time domain is shown in Figure 8.
A hybrid time domain is called a hybrid time set in
[17] and is equivalent to a generalized time domain [51]
defined as a sequence of intervals, some of which may 1
consist of one point. The idea of a hybrid time domain is
present in the concept of a solution given in [4], which ex-
plicitly includes a nondecreasing sequence of jump times 0 t1 = t2 t3 t4 t
in the solution description.
More general time domains are sometimes considered.
FIGURE 8 A hybrid time domain. The hybrid time domain, which is
For details, see [54], [18], or the discussion of time scales in denoted by E , is given by the union of 3 0, t1 4 3 5 0 6 , 3 t2 , t2 4 3 5 1 6 ,
“Related Mathematical Frameworks.” Some time domains 3 t2 , t3 4 3 5 2 6 , and 3 t3, t4 ) 3 5 3 6 .
make it possible to continue solutions past infinitely many
jumps. For an initial exposition of hybrid system and for
the analysis of many hybrid control algorithms, domains a hybrid system (1), (2) on Rn, the flow set C is a subset
with this feature are not necessary. of Rn, the flow map is a set-valued mapping F : Rn S S Rn ,
the jump set D is a subset of Rn, and the jump map is a
Solutions set-valued mapping G : Rn S S Rn. A set-valued mapping
A solution to a hybrid system is a function, defined on on Rn associates, to each x [ Rn, a set in Rn. A function
a hybrid time domain, that satisfies the dynamics and is a set-valued mapping whose values can be viewed as
constraints given by the data of the hybrid system. The sets that consist of one point.
data in (1), (2) has four components, which are the flow A hybrid arc is a function x : dom x S Rn , where
set, the flow map, the jump set, and the jump map. For dom x is a hybrid time domain and, for each


Related Mathematical Frameworks
the condition x ( t ) [ D for some set D. This situation requires
I nterest in hybrid systems grew rapidly in the 1990s with com-
puter scientists and control systems researchers coming to- some conditions on D and Ii to ensure that x ( ti ) 1 Ii ( x ( ti ) ) o D .
gether to organize several international workshops. See [S8] For simplicity, consider the case where Ii is the same map I for
and similar subsequent collections. Additional books dedicated each i. Then the corresponding hybrid system has the flow map
to hybrid systems include [86] and [S10]. The legacy of the co- f, the jump map x A x 1 I ( x ) , the jump set D, and the flow set
operative initiative with computer science is the successful con- C given by the complement of D.
ference “Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC),” Natural generalizations of impulsive differential equations
now a part of the larger “cyber-physical systems week,” which include impulsive differential inclusions, where either f or I may
includes real-time and embedded systems and information pro- be replaced by a set-valued mapping. For details, see [S6],
cessing in sensor networks. At the same time, many mathemat- [43], [S15], and [30].
ical frameworks related to hybrid systems have also appeared
in the literature. Some of those frameworks are discussed be- MEASURE-DRIVEN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS
low. Additional ideas appear in the concept of a discontinuous The classical differential equation x ( t ) 5 f ( x ( t ) ) can be re-
dynamical system, described in [S11] and [S12]. written as

IMPULSIVE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS dx ( t ) 5 f ( x ( t ) ) dt.

Impulsive differential equations consist of the classical differ-
ential equation x ( t ) 5 f ( x ( t ) ) , which applies at all times ex- Measure-driven differential equations are formulated as
cept the impulse times, and the equation Dx ( ti ) 5 Ii ( x ( ti ) ) ,
which describes the impulsive behavior at impulse times. dx ( t ) 5 f1 ( x ( t ) ) dt 1 f2 ( x ( t ) ) m ( dt ) ,
The impulse times are often fi xed a priori for each particular
solution and form an increasing sequence t1, t2, c . In oth- where f1 , f2 are functions and m is a nonnegative scalar or
er words, a solution with the state x ( ti ) before the ith jump vector-valued Borel measure. Solutions to measure-driven differ-
has the value x ( ti ) 1 Ii ( x ( ti ) ) after the jump. Solutions to ential equations are given by functions of bounded variation pa-
impulsive differential equations are piecewise differentiable rameterized by t and are not necessarily differentiable, absolutely
or piecewise absolutely continuous functions parameterized continuous, or even continuous. The discontinuous behavior is
by time t. These functions cannot model multiple jumps at a due to the presence of atoms in the measure m . In control situ-
single time instant. ations, the driving measure m , in particular, the atoms of m , can
An impulsive differential equation can be recast as a hybrid approximate time-dependent controls that take large values on
system in the case where the impulse times are determined by short intervals.

The hybrid arc x is a solution to the hybrid system

D H 5 1 C, F, D, G 2 if x 1 0, 0 2 [ C h D and the following con-
ditions are satisfied.

Flow Condition
For each j [ N such that Ij has nonempty interior,

x 1 t, j 2 [ F 1 x 1 t, j 2 2 for almost all t [ I j,


x 1 t, j 2 [ C for all t [ 3 min I j, sup I j 2 .

Jump Condition
FIGURE 9 Evolution of a solution to a hybrid system. Flows and jumps For each 1 t, j 2 [ dom x such that 1 t, j 1 1 2 [ dom x,
of the solution x are allowed only on the flow set C and from the jump
set D , respectively. The solid blue curves indicate flow. The dashed
red arcs indicate jumps. The solid curves must belong to the flow set x ( t, j 1 1 ) [ G ( x ( t, j ) ) ,
C . The dashed arcs must originate from the jump set D .
x ( t, j ) [ D.
fixed j, t A x 1 t, j 2 is a locally absolutely continuous func-
tion on the interval If the flow set C is closed and Ij has nonempty interior,
then the requirement x 1 t, j 2 [ C for all t [ 3 min Ij, sup Ij 2
I j 5 5 t : 1 t, j 2 [ dom x 6 . in the flow condition is equivalent to x 1 t, j 2 [ C for


Natural generalizations, needed to analyze mechanical x D ( t ) 5 f ( x ( t ) ) for every t [ T.
systems with friction or impacts [S13], include measure-
driven differential inclusions, where f1 , f2 are replaced by set-
valued mappings. Formulating a robust notion of a solution One advantage of the framework of dynamical systems on
to measure-driven differential inclusions is technically chal- time scales is the generality of the concept of a time scale. A
lenging [S9], [S14]. drawback, especially for control engineering purposes, is that
a time scale is chosen a priori, and all solutions to a system are
DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS ON TIME SCALES defined on the same time scale.
A framework for unifying the classical theories of differential
and difference equations is that of dynamical systems on time
scales [S7]. Given a time scale T, which is a nonempty closed [S6] D. D. Bainov and P. S. Simeonov, Systems with Impulse Ef-
subset of R, a generalized derivative of a function f : T S R fect: Stability, Theory, and Applications. Chichester, U.K.: Ellis
relative to T can be defined. This generalized derivative reduces Horwood, 1989.
[S7] M. Bohner and A. Peterson, Dynamic Equations on Time Scales.
to the standard derivative when T 5 R , and to the difference Cambridge, MA: Birkhaüser, 2001.
f ( n 1 1 ) 2 f ( n ) when evaluated at n and for T 5 N . As spe- [S8] R. L. Grossman, A. Nerode, A. P. Ravn, and H. Rischel, Eds. Hybrid
cial cases, classical differential and difference equations can be Systems. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1993.
[S9] G. Dal Maso and F. Rampazzo, “On systems of ordinary differen-
written as systems on time scales. Systems on time scales can tial equations with measures as controls,” Differ. Integr. Equ., vol. 4, pp.
also be used to model populations that experience a repeated 739–765, 1991.
pattern consisting of continuous evolution followed by a dor- [S10] A. S. Matveev and A. V. Savkin, Qualitative Theory of Hybrid
Dynamical Systems. Cambridge, MA: Birkhaüser, 2000.
mancy [S7, Ex. 1.39]. [S11] A. N. Michel, L. Wang, and B. Hu, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical
Consider a time scale T that is unbounded to the right, and, Systems: The Role of Stability Preserving Mappings. New York: Marcel
for t [ T , define s ( t ) 5 inf 5 s [ T : s . t 6 . The generalized Dekker, 2001.
[S12] A. N. Michel, L. Hou, and D. Liu, Stability of Dynamical Systems:
derivative of f : T S R at t [ T is the number f D ( t ) , if it Continuous, Discontinuous, and Discrete Systems. Cambridge, MA:
exists, such that, for each e . 0 and each s [ T sufficiently Birkhaüser, 2008.
close to t, [S13] J.-J. Moreau, “Unilateral contact and dry friction in finite freedom
dynamics,” in Non-smooth Mechanics and Applications, New York:

0 3 f ( s (t ) ) 2 f (s ) 4 2 f D (t ) 3 s (t ) 2 s 4 0 # e 0 s (t ) 2 s 0 .
Springer-Verlag, 1988, pp. 1–82.
[S14] G. N. Silva and R. B. Vinter, “Measure driven differential
i n c l u s i o n s ,” J. M at h. A n a l. A p p l i c at., vo l. 2 0 2 , n o. 3 , p p.
7 2 7–746, 1996.
The function f is differentiable if f D exists at every t [ T . A [ S15 ] T. Ya n g , I m p u l s ive C o n t ro l Th e o r y. B e r l i n : S p r i n g e r-
dynamical system on the time scale T has the form Verlag, 2001.

all t [ Ij and is also equivalent to x 1 t, j 2 [ C for

almost all t [ Ij.
The solution x to a hybrid system is nontrivial if dom x
contains at least one point different from 1 0, 0 2 ; maximal
if it cannot be extended, that is, the hybrid system has x (t, j)
no solution xr whose domain dom xr contains dom x as x (0, 0)
a proper subset and such that xr agrees with x on dom x;
and complete if dom x is unbounded. Every complete
solution is maximal. t 1 = t2 t3 t4
Figure 9 shows a solution to a hybrid system flowing,
1 t
as solutions to continuous-time systems do, at points
dom x
in the flow set C, and jumping, as solutions to discrete- 2
time systems do, from points in the jump set D. At
points where D overlaps with the interior of C, solutions 3
can either flow or jump. Thus, the jump set D enables
rather than forces jumps. To force jumps from D, the
flow set C can be replaced by either the set C \ D or the
set C \ D.
The parameterization of a solution x by 1 t, j 2 [ dom x
FIGURE 10 A solution to a hybrid system. The solution, which is
denoted by x, has initial condition x ( 0, 0 ), is given by a hybrid
means that x 1 t, j 2 represents the state of the hybrid arc, and has hybrid time domain dom x . The hybrid time domain E
system after t time units and j jumps. Figure 10 shows a in Figure 8 is equal to dom x .


solution to a hybrid system and illustrates the parameter- maximal solutions from points of the form 1 z, 0 2 with
ization by 1 t, j 2 . z [ 5 8, 4, 2, 1, 0 6 .
Every solution x to a hybrid system has a hybrid time The maximal solution starting from 1 8, 0 2 , denoted
domain dom x associated with it. However, for a given by xa, flows and never hits the jump set D. More
hybrid system, not every hybrid time domain is the domain precisely, dom x a 5 R $0 3 5 0 6 and x a (t, 0) = (8 2 t, t)
of a solution to this system. This phenomenon goes be- for t $ 0.
yond what can happen in unconstrained continuous-time The maximal solution starting from 1 4, 0 2 , denoted by
systems, where solutions may blow up in finite time, and, xb, hits the jump set at the point 1 2, 2 2 , jumps to 1 8, 0 2 ,
hence, may be defined on only a bounded subset of 3 0, ` 2 . and then flows without hitting the jump set D again.
For example, for a hybrid system in which two jumps More precisely, dom x b 5 3 0, 2 4 3 5 0 6 h 3 2, ` 2 3 5 1 6 and
cannot occur at the same time instant, a hybrid time do-
main that contains 1 t, j 2 , 1 t, j 1 1 2 , and 1 t, j 1 2 2 for some
1 4 2 t, t 2
xb 1 t, j 2 5 e
t [ R $0 , j [ N is not a domain of any solutions. Hence, for 0 # t # 2, j 5 0,
we do not pick a hybrid time domain and then look for a 18 2 1t 2 22, t 2 22 for 2 # t, j 5 1.
solution to a hybrid system on that time domain. Rather,
the domain must be generated along with the solution.
Example 2 shows how a hybrid system can have complete The maximal solution starting from 1 2, 0 2 , denoted by xc,
solutions with different domains. hits the jump set at 1 1, 1 2 , jumps to 1 2, 0 2 , and repeats
this behavior infinitely many times. More precisely,
dom xc 5 h 3 j, j 1 1 4 3 5 j 6 and
Example 2: Solutions to a Hybrid System j50
Consider the hybrid system in R2 given by
D 5 5 x [ R2 : x 1 # x 2 # 3 6 , C 5 R2 \ D, f 1 x 2 5 1 2 1, 1 2 for
x c 1 t, j 2 5 1 2 2 1 t 2 j 2 , t 2 j 2 for j 5 0, 1, 2, c, t [ 3 j, j 1 1 4 .
all x [ C, and g 1 x 2 5 1 2x21, 0 2 , as depicted in Figure 11.
Solutions flow in C with velocity 1 2 1, 1 2 and jump
from points x 5 1 x1, x2 2 [ D to 1 2x21, 0 2 . We consider The maximal solution starting from 1 1, 0 2 , denoted
by xd, jumps infinitely many times and converges to
the origin. More precisely, dom xd 5 h 3 tj, tj11 4 3 5 j 6 ,
x2 j21
where a0 5 1, aj 5 a 2j21 /2 for i 5 1, 2, . . . , tj 5 a i50ai/2

x d ( t, j ) 5 ( aj 2 ( t 2 tj ) , t 2 tj )
for j 5 0, 1, 2, c, t [ 3 tj, tj11 4 .

Finally, the maximal solution starting from 1 0, 0 2 , denoted
3 x1 by xe, never flows, has dom xe 5 5 0 6 3 N and is given by
xe 1 0, j 2 5 1 0, 0 2 for all j [ N.
The solutions xa, xb, xc, xd, and xe are complete. Note
that solutions xd and xe are complete even though dom xd
and dom xe do not contain points 1 t, j 2 with arbitrarily
large t. ■


FIGURE 11 Data for the hybrid system in Example 2. The
jump set D 5 5 x [ R 2 : x1 # x2 # 3 6 is the shaded re-
Basic questions about solutions to dynamical systems con-
cern existence, uniqueness, and dependence on initial con-
gion. The flow set C 5 R 2 \ D is the complement of the
jump set D. The flow map is f ( x ) 5 ( 21, 1 ) for all x [ C;
ditions and other parameters. Existence and uniqueness
hence solutions flow, when in C , with velocity ( 21, 1 ) . questions for hybrid systems are addressed in “Existence,
The jump map is g ( x ) 5 ( 2x 21 , 0 ), where x 5 1 x1, x 2 2 ; Uniqueness, and Other Well-Posedness Issues.” The depen-
hence solutions jump from points x [ D to ( 2x 21 , 0 ). A solution dence of solutions on initial conditions, and compactness of
that starts in C with x2 $ 3 or with x1 1 x 2 $ 6 flows and never the space of solutions to hybrid systems, are essential tools
jumps. Otherwise, a solution starting in C flows toward D , reaches
D on the line x1 5 x2 , and then jumps to a point on the nonnegative
for developing a stability theory for hybrid systems. These
x1 -axis. A solution that starts in D jumps to a point on the non- tools depend on the concept of graphical convergence of
negative x1 -axis. hybrid arcs.


The main results of this section are proven in [26]. D J 5 x : x 1 5 0, x 2 # 0 6 , g 1 x 2 J 2 rx for all x [ D,
Closely related work includes [17], regarding compact-
ness of the solution space, and [82], [9], and [12], regarding which is the bouncing ball system considered in Example
the dependence of solutions on initial conditions. S4 of “Existence, Uniqueness, and Other Well-Posedness
Issues.” We use g 5 1 and r 5 1/2 in the calculations of
Basic Assumptions this example.
The Basic Assumptions are the following three conditions Suppose that we abandon hybrid time domains and
on the data 1 C, F, D, G 2 of a hybrid system: view the trajectories of the bouncing ball system as piece-
A1) C and D are closed sets in Rn. wise continuous functions parameterized by t only. For
A2) F: Rn SS Rn is an outer semicontinuous set-valued example, given d [ 3 0, 1 2 , the velocity resulting from drop-
mapping, locally bounded on C, and such that F 1 x 2 ping the ball from height 1 1 d with initial velocity zero is
is nonempty and convex for each x [ C. given on the interval t [ 3 0, 2 4 by
A3) G: Rn SS Rn is an outer semicontinuous set-valued
mapping, locally bounded on D, and such that G 1 x 2 t [ 3 0, "2 1 1 1 d 2 2 ,
xd2 1 t 2 5 e
2 t,
is nonempty for each x [ D. 2 t 1 3" 1 1 1 d 2 /2, t [ 3 "2 1 1 1 d 2 , 2 4 .
A set-valued mapping F: Rn S S Rn is outer semicontinu-
ous if its graph 5 1 x, y 2 : x [ Rn, y [ F 1 x 2 6 ( R2n is closed. See Figure 14. The uniform, that is, L`, distance between the
In terms of set convergence (see “Set Convergence”), F is velocities of two balls, one dropped from height 1 and the
outer semicontinuous if and only if, for each x [ Rn and other from 1 1 d with d . 0, is given by
each sequence xi S x, the outer limit lim supi S ` F 1 x i 2 is
contained in F 1 x 2 . The mapping F is locally bounded on a set sup 0 x 02 1 t 2 2 x d2 1 t 2 0 5 3"2/2
t[ 30, 2 4
C if, for each compact set K ( C, F 1 K 2 is bounded. If F is
locally bounded and F 1 x 2 is closed for each x [ Rn, then and does not decrease to zero as d decreases to zero. In par-
F is outer semicontinuous if and only if, for each x and ticular, the velocity of a ball dropped from height 1 1 d does
e . 0, there exists d . 0 such that F 1 x 1 dB 2 ( F 1 x 2 1 eB. not converge uniformly, as d decreases to zero, to the veloc-
A continuous function f : C S Rn, where C is closed, can be ity of the ball dropped from height one. In other words, the
viewed as a set-valued mapping whose values on C consist velocity of the ball does not depend continuously on initial
of one point and are the empty set outside of C. Then, f is conditions, when uniform distance is used. On the intuitive
locally bounded on C and outer semicontinuous. level though, velocities and in fact the whole trajectories of
The Basic Assumptions combine what is typically as- balls dropped from nearby initial conditions appear close to
sumed, in continuous- and in discrete-time systems, to one another. ■
obtain the continuous- and discrete-time versions of the
results we state below for hybrid systems. “Robustness
and Generalized Solutions” provides further motivation
for introducing these assumptions.
Graphical Convergence and Sequential
Compactness of the Space of Solutions
Solutions to differential equations and inclusions are
continuous functions parameterized by t [ R $0, and,
thus, uniform distance and uniform convergence are f(x)
adequate tools for analyzing them. To analyze solutions
to hybrid systems, the more elaborate yet intuitive con- f(x) x2
cepts of graphical distance and graphical convergence
are needed. Before discussing these concepts, we briefly
FIGURE 12 Flow and jump sets for the bouncing ball system in
illustrate difficulties in using uniform distance for dis-
Example 3. The state x1, represented on the vertical axis, is the
continuous functions. height of the ball. The state x2, represented on the horizontal axis,
is the velocity of the ball. The flow set C is the closed upper half-
Example 3: Bouncing Ball and the Uniform plane. The flow map is shown at two points on the x2-axis. Flow
Distance Between Solutions is possible from the point where the flow map is directed into the
flow set but is not possible from the point where the flow map is
Consider the hybrid system with state x [ R2 and data
directed out of the flow set. At the latter point, the flow map and
the tangent cone to the flow set do not intersect, which makes
flow impossible. Since the jump set D contains the latter point, a
C J 5 x : x1 $ 0 6 , f1x2 J c d
for all x [ C, jump, that is, a bounce of the ball, is possible.


Existence, Uniqueness, and Other Well-Posedness Issues
dom x 5 1 0, 0 2 c 1 0, 1 2 . If there exists a nontrivial solution z
T he term “well-posed” for a mathematical problem usually im-
plies that a solution exists, is unique, and depends continu- to z [ F ( z ) , as described in the assumption of Proposition
ously on the data of the problem. For hybrid dynamical systems, S2, then x ( t, 0 ) 5 z ( t ) provides a nontrivial solution to H with
there are reasons to consider models that do not have solutions dom x 5 3 0, e 4 3 5 0 6 .
from some initial conditions, that do not have unique solutions, Viability theory for differential inclusions provides sufficient
and that exhibit only a semicontinuous dependence on the data conditions on F and C for flowing solutions to exist. One simple
of the problem. Issues related to semicontinuous dependence condition involves tangent cones to the set C at points near
on data are discussed in the main text. Here we discuss issues j. If C is closed, j [ C , and there exists a neighborhood U
related to existence and uniqueness. of j such that, for each h [ U d C , F ( h ) d TC ( h ) 2 [ ,
then there exist e . 0 and z : 3 0, e 4 S Rn such that z ( 0 ) 5 j ,
EXISTENCE OF SOLUTIONS AND BEHAVIOR z ( t ) [ F ( z ( t ) ) , and z ( t ) [ C for almost all t [ ( 0, e 4 . For
OF MAXIMAL SOLUTIONS details, see [S16, Prop. 3.4.2]. Figure S5 depicts a flow map F
At a point on the boundary of the flow set, if the flow map points and the tangent cone to a given set C at several points j [ C .
out of the flow set then the hybrid system can fail to have a non- Additional discussion about existence of solutions to hybrid
trivial solution, that is, a solution x such that dom x contains at systems appears in [S17] and [51].
least one point different from (0, 0). In the main text, we consider Existence of nontrivial solutions from each initial condition in
systems where existence of a nontrivial solution can fail at some C c D has bearing on the structure of maximal solutions.
points since this flexibility can be helpful in stability analysis. In-
deed, for system (15), there are points on the boundary of Ci that Theorem S3
do not admit a nontrivial solution. Nevertheless, the behavior of Suppose that H satisfies the Basic Assumptions and, for every
the nontrivial solutions to (15) are used to draw stability conclu- j [ C c D , there exists a nontrivial solution to H starting from
sions about mode-switching control for a disk drive system. For j . Let x be a maximal solution to H. Then exactly one of of the
a further discussion of the role of existence in stability analysis, following three cases holds:
see “Why ‘Pre’-Asymptotic Stability?” a) x is complete.
To establish the existence of solutions, the following theo- b) x blows up in finite (hybrid) time. In other words,
rem points out that the existence of nontrivial solutions from a J = max{j : there exists t such that (t, j) [ domx} and
point j [ C c D amounts to the existence of a discrete-time T 5 sup 5 t : ( t, J ) [ dom x 6 are both finite, the interval
nontrivial solution or a continuous-time nontrivial solution. 5 t : ( t, J ) [ dom x 6 has nonempty interior, is open to the
right so that ( T, J ) o dom x , and |x ( t, J ) | S ` when
Proposition S2 t S T.
Suppose that H satisfies the Basic Assumptions and that c) x eventually jumps out of C c D . In other words,
j [ Rn is such that either j [ D or there exists a nontrivial ( T, J ) [ dom x and x 1 T, J 2 o C c D , where T and J
solution z to z [ F ( z ) , that is, an absolutely continuous func- defined in (b) are finite.
tion z : 3 0, e 4 S Rn with e . 0 satisfying z ( t ) [ F ( z ( t ) ) for Note the lack of symmetry between continuous time and dis-
almost all t [ 3 0, e 4 , such that z ( 0 ) 5 j and z ( t ) [ C for all crete time in b) and c) above. Finite-time blowup of a solution
t [ ( 0, e 4 . Then there exists a nontrivial solution x to H, with to a hybrid system cannot result from jumping, while a solution
x ( 0, 0 ) 5 j . ending up outside C c D cannot result from flowing. Conse-
Indeed, if j [ D , then G ( j ) is nonempty and x ( 0, 0 ) 5 j , quently, no solutions can leave C c D when G 1 D 2 ( C c D .
x 0, 1 ) [ G ( j ) provides a nontrivial solution to H with
( Finite-time blowup is excluded when, for example, C is bounded

We now consider the concept of graphical conver- which the jump occurs depends on the initial height.
gence of hybrid arcs along with the related concept of In fact, for t # 2, the hybrid time domain is given by
distance, which focus not just on the values of the hy- 3 0, "2 1 1 1 d 2 4 3 5 0 6 h 3 "2 1 1 1 d 2 , 2 4 3 5 1 6 .
brid arcs but on their graphs. One benefit of this ap- The graph of a hybrid arc x is the set
proach is that different hybrid time domains can be
handled easily. Note that bouncing balls dropped from gph x 5 5 1 t, j, j 2 : 1 t, j 2 [ dom x, j 5 x 1 t, j 2 6 .
different initial heights lead to different hybrid time
domains of the hybrid arcs representing their heights The sequence 5 xi 6 i51
of hybrid arcs converges graphically
and velocities. For example, the hybrid time domain of if the sequence 5 gph xi 6 i51
of graphs converges in the
the trajectory of the bouncing ball dropped from height sense of set convergence; see “Set Convergence.” The
1 1 d, where d [ 3 0, 1 2 , depends on d since the time at graphical limit of a graphically convergent sequence


or there exists c [ R $ 0 such that, for each x [ C and each the differential equation corresponding the reverse-time evolu-
f [ F ( x ) , |f | # c ( |x| 1 1 ) . tion of a leaky bucket [S21, Example 4.2.1].
Nonuniqueness can occur in mathematical models that are
Example S4: Bouncing Ball and Existence of Solutions designed to generate all possible solutions that meet certain
Consider the hybrid system with state x [ R2 and data conditions. For example, all Lipschitz continuous functions with
Lipschitz constant equal to 1 are generated by the differential
inclusion x [ 3 2 1, 1 4 where x [ R.
C J 5 x : x1 $ 0 6 , f(x) J c d for all x [ C,
2g Additionally, consider a nonlinear control system x 5 f ( x, u ) ,
D J 5 x : x1 5 0, x2 # 0 6 , g ( x ) J 2 rx for all x [ D, where f is Lipschitz continuous and u 5 k ( x ) is a possibly
discontinuous feedback. The family of locally absolutely con-
where r [ 3 0, 1 ) is the restitution coefficient and g . 0 is the tinuous functions that arise as the limit of a sequence of solu-
gravity constant. This data models a ball bouncing on a floor. tions xi to xi 5 f ( xi, k ( xi 1 ei ) ) , xi ( 0 ) 5 x0 with ei measurable
The state x1 corresponds to height above the floor and x2 corre- and limi S `supt $ 0|ei ( t ) | 5 0 is equivalent to the family of solu-
sponds to vertical velocity. Figure 12 depicts the flow and jump tions to the differential inclusion x [ F ( x ) , x ( 0 ) 5 x0 where
sets as well as the flow map at two points. The Basic Assump- F ( x ) 5 d d. 0conf ( x, k ( x 1 dB ) ) [S20]. The signals ei can
tions are satisfied. To verify sufficient conditions for the existence be associated with arbitrarily small measurement noise in the
of nontrivial solutions from each point in C c D , it is enough to control system. A version of this result for hybrid systems is
show that f ( j ) [ TC ( j ) for each j [ C \ D . For all j [ C such
that j 1 . 0 , TC ( j ) 5 R2 . Consequently, for j [ C \ D with
j 1 . 0, f ( j ) [ TC ( j ) trivially holds. For all j [ C with j 1 5 0 ,
TC ( j ) 5 R $ 0 3 R , that is, the tangent cone is the right-half
F (ξ1)
plane. For j [ C \ D with j 1 5 0 we also have j 2 . 0 , and
consequently f ( j ) [ TC ( j ) holds. In summary, the assump-
tion of Proposition S2 holds for every point j [ C c D , and ξ3
nontrivial solutions to the hybrid system exist from each such
TC (ξ1) ξ1
point. Note though that f ( j ) o TC ( j ) for j [ C d D . F (ξ 3 )
Additional arguments are needed to show that all maximal so- F (ξ 2) TC (ξ 3)
lutions are complete. Since g 1 D 2 ( C c D , solutions do not jump
TC (ξ2)

out of C c D . Additional arguments, carried out when Example

S4 is revisited in the section “Asymptotic Stability,” show that all ξ2
solutions are bounded and, hence, they do not blow up in finite C
time. Consequently, all maximal solutions are complete.
Solutions to the bouncing ball model exhibit Zeno behavior, FIGURE S5 A flow map F and the tangent cone to a set C rep-
as discussed in “Zeno Solutions.” Simulations for the model are resented at several points j [ C . Directions in the flow map,
given in “Simulation in Matlab/Simulink.” ■ single-valued at j 1 , j 3 and set-valued at j 2 , are shown in red.
Tangent cones are represented in gray, sample directions in the
tangent cones are in black. At points in the interior of C, such
as j 1 , the tangent cone is the entire space. At j 1 and j 2 , the
In dynamical systems, nonunique solutions can arise. One intersection between the flow map and the tangent cone is non-
physically-motivated model that exhibits nonunique solutions is empty, whereas at j 3 this intersection is empty.

of hybrid arcs 5 xi 6 i51

, defined as the set-valued map- Theorem 4
ping whose graph is the limit of graphs of arcs xi , Let 5 xi 6 i51
be a sequence of solutions to a hybrid system
need not be a hybrid arc. However, if the graphically H meeting the Basic Assumptions. Suppose that the se-
convergent sequence is locally bounded and consists quence 5 xi 6 i51
is locally uniformly bounded in the sense
of solutions to a hybrid system that satisfies the Ba- that, for each t . 0, there exists a compact set Kt ( Rn
sic Assumptions, then the graphical limit is always a such that, for each i 5 1, 2, c and each 1 t, j 2 [ dom xi
hybrid arc, and in fact, a solution to the hybrid sys- with t 1 j # t, it follows that xi 1 t, j 2 [ Kt. Then the se-
tem. The following result, given in [69, Thm. 5.36] and quence 5 xi 6 i51
has a graphically convergent subsequence;
[26, Lem. 4.3], states the sequential compactness of moreover, if the sequence 5 xi 6 i51`
is graphically conver-
the space of solutions to a hybrid system that satisfies gent, then its graphical limit is a hybrid arc that is a solu-
the Basic Assumptions. tion to the hybrid system H.


discussed in “Robustness and Generalized Solutions.” The so- A similar situation arises when modeling switched systems un-
lutions to x [ F ( x ) , x ( 0 ) 5 x0 can be nonunique. For exam- der a restricted class of switching signals. In this case, the switched
ple, for a system with x [ R , u [ R , f ( x, u ) 5 u , k ( x ) 5 1 for system can be modeled by an autonomous hybrid system that pro-
x $ 0 , and k ( x ) 5 2 1 for x , 0 , we get F ( 0 ) 5 3 2 1, 1 4 , duces all of the possible solutions produced by switching signals
F ( x ) 5 1 for x . 0 , and F ( x ) 5 2 1 for x , 0 . Thus, for x0 5 0 , that belong to the class. In this setup, for each initial condition of
there are multiple solutions. One solution is x ( t ) 5 0 for all t $ 0 . the hybrid system, there are many solutions, each generated by a
Additional solutions are x ( t ) 5 0 for t [ 3 0, t 4 , x ( t ) 5 ( t 2 t ) particular switching signal. See “Switching Systems.”
for t . t $ 0 or x ( t ) 5 2 ( t 2 t ) for t . t $ 0 . Similarly, when addressing networked control systems, an
Nonunique solutions arise when developing a model for autonomous hybrid model is used that generates all solutions
switched systems that generates all solutions under arbitrary that can occur for a class of transmission time sequences. See
switching among a finite set of locally Lipschitz vector fields. Example 27.
This set of solutions is equivalent to the set of solutions to a Sufficient conditions for uniqueness can be invoked, if de-
differential inclusion where the set-valued right-hand side at a sired. Several sufficient conditions for uniqueness of solutions
point is equal to the union of the vector fields at that point. See to ordinary differential equations are given in the literature. The
[S18, Chapter 4]. For this differential inclusion, solutions are simplest condition is that the differential equation’s vector field
not unique. Each vector field produces a solution. Additional is locally Lipschitz continuous. Relaxed conditions also exist.
solutions are produced by following one vector field for some See [S19] for further discussion.
amount of time, switching to a different vector field for some The following result characterizes uniqueness of solutions
amount of time, and so on. to hybrid systems. Formally, uniqueness of solutions holds

The first conclusion of Theorem 4 is a property of set Given t $ 0 and e . 0, the hybrid arcs x and y are 1 t, e 2 -
convergence. The second conclusion is specific to the close if the following conditions are satisfied:
hybrid system setting. In summary, Theorem 4 states a) For each 1 t, j 2 [ dom x with t 1 j # t there exists
that, from each locally uniformly bounded sequence s [ R $0 such that 1 s, j 2 [ dom y, |t 2 s| , e, and

|x 1 t, j 2 2 y 1 s, j 2 | , e.
of solutions to a hybrid system that satisfies the Basic
Assumptions, we can extract a graphically convergent
subsequence whose graphical limit is a solution to the b) For each 1 t, j 2 [ dom y with t 1 j # t there exists
hybrid system. Consequences of Theorem 4 for asymp- s [ R $0 such that 1 s, j 2 [ dom x, |t 2 s| , e, and

|y 1 t, j 2 2 x 1 s, j 2 | , e.
totic stability in hybrid systems are discussed in the “As-
ymptotic Stability” section.
Graphical convergence of hybrid arcs to a hybrid arc The concept of 1 t, e 2 -closeness provides an equivalent
has an equivalent pointwise description. Consider a se- characterization of graphical convergence of hybrid arcs.
quence 5 xi 6 i51`
of hybrid arcs and a hybrid arc x. Then 5 xi 6 i51 `
Consider a locally uniformly bounded sequence of hybrid
converges graphically to x if and only if the following two arcs 5 xi 6 i51
and a hybrid arc x. Then the sequence 5 xi 6 i51

conditions hold: converges graphically to x if and only if, for every t $ 0

i) For every sequence of points 1 ti, j 2 [ dom xi such that and e . 0, there exists i0 such that, for all i . i0, the hybrid
the sequences 5 ti 6 i51 `
and 5 xi 1 ti, j 2 6 i51
are convergent, arcs xi and x are 1 t, e 2 -close.
it follows that 1 t, j 2 [ dom x, where t 5 limi S `ti and Equipped with the concept of 1 t, e 2 -closeness, we again
x 1 t, j 2 5 limi S ` xi 1 ti, j 2 . revisit Example 3.
ii) For every 1 t, j 2 [ dom x there exists a sequence
5 1 ti, j 2 6 i51
, where 1 ti, j 2 [ dom xi, such that Example 3 Revisited: Bouncing Ball and 1 t, e 2 -Closeness
t 5 limi S ` ti and x 1 t, j 2 5 limi S ` xi 1 ti, j 2 . Consider the bouncing ball model with g 5 1 and r 5 1/2.
Figure 13 depicts several solutions from a graphically Given d [ 3 0, 1 2 , the hybrid arc representing the velocity of
convergent sequence of solutions to the bouncing ball sys- the ball dropped from height 1 1 d with velocity zero, for
tem in Example 3. times t # 2, is given by

t [ 3 0, "2 1 1 1 d 2 4 , j 5 0,
x d2 1 t, j 2 5 e
Dependence of Solutions on Initial Conditions 2 t,
One of the consequences of Theorem 4 is the semicontinu- 2 t 1 3" 1 1 1 d 2 /2, t [ 3 "2 1 1 1 d 2 , 2 4 , j 5 1.
ous dependence of solutions to a hybrid system on initial
conditions. To state this result rigorously, in Theorem 5, Consider the hybrid arcs, x02 and xd2, where d [ 1 0, 1 2 .
we define a concept of distance between hybrid arcs that is These arcs are 1 t, e 2 -close, with any t $ 0 and
closely related to graphical convergence. e 5 3"2 1 "1 1 d 2 1 2 /2. To show this, it is sufficient to


for the hybrid system H if, for any two maximal solutions x1 j [ C d D , TC ( j ) d F ( j ) 5 [ , where TC ( j ) denotes the
and x2 to H, if x1 ( 0, 0 ) 5 x2 ( 0, 0 ) , then dom x1 5 dom x2 and tangent cone to C at j . This condition indicates that, roughly
x1 ( t, j ) 5 x2 ( t, j ) for all ( t, j ) [ dom x1 . speaking, the vector field given by F should point to the out-
side of C at points in C d D .
Proposition S5 The bouncing ball model in Example S4 satisfies the three
Uniqueness of solutions holds for a hybrid system with conditions of Proposition S5 and thus generates unique solu-
data (C, F, D, G) if and only if the following conditions hold: tions from all initial conditions.
1) For each initial point j [ C there exists a unique maxi-
mal solution to the differential inclusion z ( t ) [ F ( z ( t ) ) REFERENCES
satisfying z ( 0 ) 5 j and z ( t ) [ C . [S16] J.-P. Aubin, Viability Theory. Cambridge, MA: Birkhaüser, 1991.
2) For each initial point j [ D , G ( j ) is a singleton. [S17] J.-P. Aubin, J. Lygeros, M. Quincampoix, S. Sastry, and N. Seube,
“Impulse differential inclusions: A viability approach to hybrid systems,”
3) For each initial point j [ C d D , there are no nontrivial
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solutions to z ( t ) [ F ( z ( t ) ) satisfying z ( 0 ) 5 j and [S18] F. H. Clarke, Yu, S. Ledyaev, R. J. Stern, and P. R. Wolenski, Non-
z(t) [ C . smooth Analysis and Control Theory. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1998.
[S19] J. Cortes, “Discontinuous dynamical systems: A tutorial on solu-
The first condition is ensured when F is a locally Lipschitz tions, nonsmooth analysis, and stability,” Control Syst. Mag., vol. 28, no.
continuous function but can hold when F is set valued. In con- 3, pp. 36–73, 2008.
trast, set-valuedness of G at a point in D immediately leads [S20] O. Hàjek, “Discontinuous differential equations I,” J. Differ. Equ.,
vol. 32, pp. 149–170, 1979.
to non-unique solutions. Hence, the second condition cannot [S21] J. H. Hubbard and B. H. West, Differential Equations: A Dynamical
be weakened. The third condition is ensured when for each Systems Approach. New York: Springer, 1991.

consider t 5 3. Indeed, since we are considering arcs with is not a limit of any sequence of solutions from positive ini-
domains restricted to 1 t, j 2 such that t 1 j # 3, 1 3, e 2 -close- tial points. This simple setting already illustrates what outer
ness implies 1 t, e 2 -closeness for all t $ 0. semicontinuous dependence on initial conditions is, namely,
To verify condition a) of 1 t, e 2 -closeness, note that, for
each 1 t, 0 2 [ dom x02 with t # 3, we have 1 t, 0 2 [ dom xd2
and x02 1 t, 0 2 5 xd2 1 t, 0 2 . In practical terms, the velocities
of the balls are the same until the ball dropped from
the lower height bounces. For each 1 t, 1 2 [ dom x02 with
t # 2, that is, with t 1 1 # 3, there exists 1 s, 1 2 [ dom xd2
with |t 2 s| # "2 1 1 1 d 2 2 "2 and |x02 1 t, j 2 2 xd2 1 s, j 2 | # 10
3"2 1 "1 1 d 2 1 2 /2. In fact, for t # "2 1 1 1 d 2 , we can
take s 5 "2 1 1 1 d 2 , while, for the remaining t’s, we can

take s 5 t. Consequently, for each 1 t, j 2 [ dom x02 with

t 1 j # t 5 3 there exists s $ 0 such that 1 s, j 2 [ dom xd2,
|t 2 s| , e and |x 1 t, j 2 2 y 1 s, j 2 | , e, where e 5 3"2
1 "1 1 d 2 1 2 /2. A similar calculation can be carried out

for condition b) of 1 t, e 2 -closeness. 2

Thanks to the equivalent character ization of
graphical convergence in terms of 1 t, e 2 -closeness, the 0
1 t, 3"2 1 "1 1 d 2 1 2 /2 2 -closeness of x02 and xd2, for each 0 0
2 2
t $ 0, implies that xd2 converge graphically, as d S 0, to x02. ■
4 4
For the bouncing ball, whose maximal solution is unique t 6 6 j
for each initial condition, we can establish that the arc xd2 de- 8 8
pends continuously on d at zero, for an appropriately defined
concept of continuous dependence. In the absence of unique- FIGURE 13 The height x1 of solutions to the bouncing ball system in
ness of solutions, continuous dependence cannot be expected. Example 3. The height of three solutions with nonzero initial height
Continuous dependence fails in simpler settings, too. For the and velocity given by (10, 5), (5, 2), and (0.1, 0.5), are shown in
differential equation x 5 2"|x|, solutions 1 t 1 "d 2 2 from
# blue. The solution from (0, 0), denoted in black with marks, is a
initial points x 1 0 2 5 d . 0 converge uniformly on compact
solution that jumps and does not flow. Initial conditions closer to the
origin result in the blue graphs that more closely resemble the black
time intervals to t2, as d S 0. But from the initial point zero, graph. In other words, solutions with initial conditions close to (0, 0)
there also exists a solution, identically equal to zero, which are graphically close to the solution from (0, 0).


that each solution from the initial point d . 0 close to zero is various properties. We illustrate this fact with a property
close to some solution from zero. In the language of sequences, related to the lack of complete solutions that jump but do
the limit of a sequence of solutions from initial points close to not flow. The result below, and the phrase “uniformly
zero is a solution from zero, even though some other solutions non-Zeno,” are taken from [17]. See “Zeno Solutions” for
from zero are not limits of any solutions from nearby initial a further discussion of the Zeno phenomenon.
points. We stress here, again, that continuous dependence on
initial points is not needed to develop fundamental stability Proposition 6
theory results, such as converse Lyapunov theorems and in- Consider the hybrid system H satisfying the Basic Assump-
variance principles. tions, and a compact set K ( Rn that is forward invariant, in
In a hybrid system, even the domains of solutions with other words, such that all solutions x to H with x 1 0, 0 2 [ K
close initial points can differ significantly. An example satisfy x 1 t, j 2 [ K for all 1 t, j 2 [ dom x. Then, exactly one of
illustrating this phenomenon is the system on R with the following conditions is satisfied:
C 5 R $0, f 1 x 2 5 2x, D 5 1 2`, 0 4 , and g 1 x 2 5 x/2. For all a) There exists a complete solution x to H with
t . e . 0, the solution x 1 t, 0 2 5 0 for all t $ 0, from the x 1 0, 0 2 [ K and dom x 5 5 0 6 3 N.
initial point 0, is not 1 t, e 2 -close to any of the solutions b) The set of all solutions with initial points in K is uni-
y 1 0, j 2 5 2 d/2j, j 5 1, 2, c, independently of how small formly non-Zeno, that is, there exist T . 0 and J [ N
d . 0 is. Note, however, that the solutions y 1 0, j 2 5 2 d/2j, such that, for each solution x to H with x 1 0, 0 2 [ K,
j 5 1, 2, c converge to another solution from zero, namely each 1 t, j 2 , 1 tr, jr 2 [ dom x with |t 2 tr| # T satisfies
z 1 0, j 2 5 0, j 5 1, 2, c. |j 2 jr| # J.
The following result, proven in [26, Cor. 4.8], concerns For illustration purposes, we outline a proof. The
the outer semicontinuous dependence of solutions to hy- conditions a) and b) are mutually exclusive. Negating b)
brid systems on initial conditions. yields a sequence of solutions 5 xi 6 i51 `
, with xi 1 0, 0 2 [ K,
and, for each i 5 1, 2, c, 1 ti, ji 2 , 1 ti r, ji r 2 [ dom x i with
Theorem 5 |ti 2 ti r| # 1/i and |ji 2 ji r| . i. Without loss of gen-
Suppose that the hybrid system H meets the Basic Assump- erality, we can assume that ti # ti r and ji , ji r , for all
tions and j [ Rn is such that each maximal solution to H i 5 1, 2, c. Define a sequence of hybrid arcs yi by
from j is either complete or bounded. Then, for every t $ 0 yi 1 t, j 2 5 xi 1 t 1 ti, j 1 ji 2 , which implicitly defines dom yi to
and e . 0, there exists d . 0 such that, for each solution xd be the tail of dom xi. Forward invariance of K implies that,
to H with |xd 1 0, 0 2 2 j| # d, there exists a solution x to H for every i, yi 1 t, j 2 [ K for all 1 t, j 2 [ dom yi . Thus, the se-
with x 1 0, 0 2 5 j such that xd and x are 1 t, e 2 -close. quence 5 yi 6 i51 `
is locally uniformly bounded in the sense of
Theorem 4. Part a) of that theorem implies that there exists
Additional Consequences a graphically convergent subsequence of the sequence yi.
of Sequential Compactness Part b) implies that the graphical limit of the subsequence,
Sequential compactness of the space of solutions of a hy- denoted y, is a solution to H. Clearly, y 1 0, 0 2 [ K. It re-
brid system, stated in Theorem 4, results in uniformity of mains to conclude that y is complete and never flows. This
conclusion comes out from the fact that
the point 1 ti r 2 ti, ji r 2 ji 2 is an element of
dom yi, which says that yi jumps at least i
times in at most 1/i time units, and from
x2δ x2δ the definition of graphical convergence.
Similar, yet even simpler arguments,
are used in the following result to estab-
0 0 lish the compactness of reachable sets.
t t
1 Proposition 7 [26, Cor. 4.7]
Suppose that the hybrid system H satisfies
j x20
the Basic Assumptions. Consider a com-
pact set K such that every solution to H
(a) (b) starting in K is either complete or bound-
ed, and m . 0. Then, the reachable set
FIGURE 14 Components x02 , xd2 of solutions from “Example 3 Revisited,” representing
R #m 1 K 2 : 5 5 x 1 t, j 2 | x 1 0, 0 2 [ K,
the velocities of bouncing balls dropped from heights 1 and 1 1 d , respectively. (a)

1 t, j 2 [ dom x, t 1 j # m 6
Velocities parameterized by t. The velocities are not close in the uniform distance
since their difference, at times after the first ball bounces and before the second ball
bounces, is large. (b) Velocities on hybrid time domains. The shaded neighborhoods
of their graphs indicate that the velocities are graphically close. is compact.


This article is a tutorial on modeling the dynamics of hybrid
systems, on the elements of stability theory for hybrid systems,
and on the basics of hybrid control.

Outer semicontinuous dependence of solutions to a hy-

brid system on initial conditions, stated in Theorem 5, can
be generalized to allow state perturbations of the hybrid
pσ (x)
system. Given a hybrid system H with state x [ Rn, a con-
tinuous function s: Rn S R $0, and d $ 0, consider a hybrid
system Hds with the state x [ Rn and data

Cds J 5 x: 1 x 1 ds 1 x 2 B 2 d C 2 [ 6 , (8) S S
Fds 1 x 2 J con F 1 1 x 1 ds 1 x 2 B 2 d C 2 1 ds 1 x 2 B Spσ
for all x [ Cds, (9)
Dds J 5 x: 1 x 1 ds 1 x 2 B 2 d D 2 [ 6 , (10) FIGURE 15 Enlargement of a set S due to a state-dependent per-
Gds 1 x 2 J 5 v: v [ g 1 ds 1 g 2 B, g [ G 1 1 x 1 ds 1 x 2 B 2 d D 2 6 turbation of size ps . The perturbed set Sps contains all points x
for all x [ Dds. with Euclidean distance from the unperturbed set S no larger than
ps 1 x 2 .

Perturbations, of the system H, of this kind are used in

the analysis of robustness of asymptotic stability. Fig- rather than to an equilibrium point. Thus, we study as-
ure 15 illustrates the idea behind perturbations of the ymptotic stability of sets. The scope is limited to compact
sets C and D. sets for simplicity.
Roughly speaking, a compact set A is asymptotically stable
Theorem 8 [26, Corollary 5.5] if solutions that start close to A stay close to A, and complete
Suppose that the hybrid system H satisfies the Basic As- solutions that start close to A converge to A. We now make
sumptions and j [ Rn is such that each maximal solution to this concept precise. A compact set A is stable for H if for each
H from j is either complete or bounded. Let s : Rn S R $0 e . 0 there exists d . 0 such that |x 1 0, 0 2 |A # d implies
be a continuous function. Then, for every t $ 0 and e . 0, |x 1 t, j 2 |A # e for all solutions x to H and all 1 t, j 2 [ dom x.
there exists d . 0 such that, for each solution x d to Hds The notation |x|A 5 min 5 |x 2 y|: y [ A 6 indicates the
with |x d 1 0, 0 2 2 j| # d, there exists a solution x to H with distance of the vector x to the set A. If A is the origin then
x 1 0, 0 2 5 j such that x d and x are 1 t, e 2 -close. |x|A 5 |x|. A compact set A is pre-attractive if there exists a
neighborhood of A from which each solution is bounded and
ASYMPTOTIC STABILITY the complete solutions converge to A, that is, |x 1 t, j 2 |A S 0
This section addresses asymptotic stability in hybrid as t 1 j S `, where 1 t, j 2 [ dom x. The prefix “pre-” is used
dynamical systems, including basic definitions and equiva- since it is not a requirement that maximal solutions start-
lent characterizations of asymptotic stability. Examples are ing near A be complete. See “Why ‘Pre’-Asymptotic Stabil-
provided to illustrate the main concepts. Some of the defini- ity?” for additional reasons to consider asymptotic stability
tions and results have a formulation that is slightly differ- without insisting on completeness of solutions. A compact set
ent from classical stability theory for differential equations. A is pre-asymptotically stable if it is stable and pre-attractive.
This difference is mainly due to the fact that existence of For a pre-asymptotically stable compact set A ( Rn, its
solutions is a more subtle issue for hybrid systems than it is basin of pre-attraction is the set of points in Rn from which
for classical systems. See “Existence, Uniqueness, and Other each solution is bounded and the complete solutions
Well-Posedness Issues.” Otherwise, the stability theory re- converge to A. By definition, the basin of pre-attraction
sults that are available for hybrid systems typically parallel contains a neighborhood of A. In addition, each point in
the results that are available for classical systems. Rn\ 1 C h D 2 belongs to the basin of pre-attraction since no
solution starts at a point in Rn \ 1 C h D 2 . If the basin of
Definition and Examples pre-attraction is Rn then the set A is globally pre-asymptot-
As discussed in “Motivating Stability of Sets,” the solu- ically stable. We drop “pre” when all solutions starting in
tions of a dynamical system sometimes converge to a set the basin of pre-attraction are complete.


Set Convergence

T he concept of convergence of sets,

as well as many other elements of
set-valued analysis, are important ingre- 1 1
dients of modern analysis. For example,
i S
in optimization and optimal control, set
convergence helps in the study of how
sets of optimal solutions or optimal con-
trols, when these solutions or controls Si
are not unique, depend on parameters or
initial conditions. The brief exposition of
0 1 t 0 1 t
set convergence given below follows the
terminology and definitions of [69].
Let 5 Si 6 i`5 1 be a sequence of subsets
FIGURE S6 A sequence of sets Si converging to the reflected L-shaped set S . Equiva-
lently, the sequence of functions with graphs given by Si s converges graphically to a
of Rn . The outer limit of this sequence, set-valued mapping with graph given by S .
denoted lim supi S ` Si , is the set of all
accumulation points of sequences of points xi [ Si ; more pre- nonempty if and only if the sequence si is convergent, in
cisely, it is the set of all points x [ Rn or which there exists which case lim infi S ` Si 5 limi S ` Si 5 limi S ` si.
a sequence of points xk , k 5 1, 2, c , and a subsequence b) Let 5 ri 6 i`5 1 be a sequence of nonnegative numbers. For
5 Sik 6 k`5 1 of the sequence 5 Si 6 i`5 1 such that xk [ Sik and the sequence of closed balls of radius ri , Si 5 ri B , it fol-
xk S x as k S ` . The inner limit of this sequence, denoted lows that lim supi S ` Si 5 r B , where r is the upper limit
lim inti S ` Si , is the set of all points x [ Rn for which there exists of the sequence 5 ri 6 i`5 1 , and lim infi S ` Si 5 r B , where r
a sequence of points xi [ Si , i 5 1, 2, c , such that xi S x as is the lower limit of the sequence 5 ri 6 i`5 1 . When r 5 ` ,
i S 5 6 `
` . The limit of the sequence Si i 5 1 , denoted lim i S ` Si, r B corresponds to all of Rn .
exists if the inner and outer limits are equal, in which case c) Let Si 5 5 ( t, t / i ) : t [ R 6 , in other words, let Si be the
limi S ` Si 5 lim supi S ` Si 5 lim infi S ` Si . graph of the linear function t A t / i . Then the sequence
The outer and inner limit always exist, but these limits may 5 Si 6 i`5 1 is convergent, and the limit is the graph of the
be empty. Furthermore, the outer limit is nonempty when the function t A0 defined on R.
sequence Si does not escapes to infinity, in the sense that, for d) Let Si 5 5 ( t, ti ) : t [ 3 0, 1 46 , in other words, let Si be the
each r . 0 , there exists ir [ N such that, for all i . ir , the graph of the function t At i on 3 0, 1 4 . Then the sequence
intersection of Si with a ball of radius r is empty. Finally, the 5 Si 6 i`5 1 is convergent, and the limit S has the reflected
inner and outer limits—and thus the limit, if it exists—are closed, L shape, that is, S 5 1 3 0, 1 4 3 5 0 6 2 c 1 5 1 6 3 3 0, 1 4 2 .
independently of whether or not each of the Si s is closed. Figure S6 shows Si and S.
Some basic examples of set convergence are the following: Example c) suggests that a sequence 5 Si 6 i`5 1 of sets can
a) If each Si is a singleton, that is, Si 5 5 si 6 , where si [ Rn, converge to S even though the Hausdorff distance between Si
then the outer limit of the sequence 5 Si 6 i`5 1 is the set of and S is infinite for all i 5 1, 2, c . The Hausdorff distance
accumulation points of the sequence si ; the inner limit is can be used to characterize set convergence of bounded

Example 9: A Planar System sign of g 2 1 determines whether the norm of a solution

Consider the hybrid system with state x [ R2 and data increases or decreases during jumps. Figure 16 illustrates
different possibilities. If exp 1 ap/v 2 g , 1 then the norm of
C J 5 x: x 1 $ 0 6 , f1x2 J c
a v
dx for all x [ C, a solution decreases over one cycle from the positive x 2-axis
2v a and back again. In this case, each solution x that starts close
D J 5 x: x 1 5 0, x 2 # 0 6 , g 1 x 2 J 2 gx for all x [ D, to the origin remains close to the origin and tends toward
the origin as t 1 j S `, where 1 t, j 2 [ dom x. Thus, the ori-
where g . 0, v . 0, and a [ R. During flows, a solution gin is globally asymptotically stable. ■
rotates in the clockwise direction through the set C until
reaching the negative x 2-axis. The maximum amount of Example 1 Revisited: Dual-Mode
time spent in C before a jump occurs is p/v units of time. Control for Disk Drives
The sign of a determines whether the norm of a solution We start with a preliminary observation about a hybrid
increases or decreases during flows. At points on the nega- system that has no discrete-time dynamics and has the
tive x 2-axis, a solution jumps to the positive x 2-axis. The continuous-time dynamics


sequences of sets. More precisely, a
uniformly bounded sequence 5 Si 6 i`5 1 of
closed sets converges to a closed set S
if and only if the Hausdorff distance be-
tween S and Si converges to zero.
Examples c) and d) also illustrate
FIGURE S7 A solution to a differential equation approaching a periodic solution that
the concept of graphical convergence
covers a circle. The circle is the omega-limit of the solution. Tails of the solution con-
of functions or set-valued mappings. A verge, in the sense of set convergence, to the circle.
sequence 5 Fi 6 i`5 1 of set-valued map-
pings F : Rm S S R converges graphically to F : R S R if
n m S n
property implies that if |x ( t ) | does not diverge to infinity then
the sequence of graphs of Fi s, which are subsets of R m1n
, v 1 x 2 is nonempty. In fact, properties of set convergence imply
converges to the graph of F, in the sense of set con- that if x is bounded, then v 1 x 2 is nonempty and compact and x
vergence. In c), the sequence of functions t A t/i con- converges to v 1 x 2 . The convergence of x to v 1 x 2 follows from
verges graphically, and pointwise, to the function t A 0 . the following property [69, Thm. 4.10] of set convergence: given
In d), the sequence of functions t At i on 3 0, 1 4 converges a sequence of sets 5 Si 6 i51
and a closed set S , limi S ` Si 5 S if
graphically not to a function but to a set-valued mapping. and only if, for all e . 0 and r . 0, there exists i0 [ N such
More precisely, the graphical limit of functions t At i on 3 0, 1 4 that, for all i . i0 ,
is equal to zero for t [ 3 0, 1 2 and 3 0, 1 4 for t 5 1 , as can be
seen in Figure S6. Note that the sequence of functions t At i S d rB ( Si 1 eB, Si d rB ( S 1 eB. (S5)
on 3 0, 1 4 converges pointwise to the function that is equal to
zero for t [ 3 0, 1 2 and equal to one at t 5 1 ; however, this The second inclusion (S5), with r such that x 1 t 2 [ rB for all
convergence is not uniform on 0, 1 . 3 4 t [ R $0 , implies that x converges to v 1 x 2 . The characteriza-
A natural example of the outer limit of a sequence of sets tion of set convergence in (5) is behind the relationship between
is provided by omega limits of solutions to dynamical sys- graphical convergence of hybrid arcs and the concept of 1 t, e 2 -
tems. To illustrate omega limits in a continuous time setting, let closeness between hybrid arcs, as used in the “Basic Math-
x : R $0 S Rn be a function. Although x may be a solution to a ematical Properties” section.
differential equation, continuity properties of x are irrelevant for For references using set-valued analysis in dynamical sys-
the following discussion. The omega limit of x, denoted v 1 x 2 , tems, in particular, in differential inclusions, see [S22], [S16],
is the set of all points j [ Rn for which there exists a sequence and [S24]; for relevance to optimal control, see [S23].
5 ti 6 i51
with ti S ` such that x 1 ti 2 S j. Then
v 1 x 2 5 lim sup Si [S22] J.-P. Aubin and A. Cellina, Differential Inclusions. New York:
iS` Springer-Verlag, 1984.
[S23] F. H. Clarke, Optimization and Nonsmooth Analysis. Philadelphia:
where Si 5 5 x ( t ) : t $ i 6 . See Figure S7. Since the sequence SIAM, 1990.
[S24] G. V. Smirnov, Introduction to the Theory of Differential Inclusions,
Si is nonincreasing, the outer limit is in fact the limit. A property vol. 41, Graduate Studies in Mathematics. Providence, RI: American
of set limits, as noted above, implies that v 1 x 2 is closed. Another Mathematical Society, 2002.

p 5 v, v 5 k 1 p, v, p * 2 , 1 p, v 2 [ C.
# #
(12) According to the assumptions of Example 1 and the conclu-
sions drawn above about the system (12), for each i [ 5 1, 2 6
Assume that if C 5 R2 then the point 1 p *, 0 2 is locally asymp- the point 1 p *, 0 2 is globally pre-asymptotically stable for the
totically stable with basin of attraction B . Now let C ( B and system
notice that this choice eliminates each solution of (12) with
p 5 v, v 5 ki 1 p, v, p * 2 1 p, v 2 [ Ci.
# #
C 5 R2 that does not start in B . It follows, for the system (12) (15)
with C ( B , that the point 1 p *, 0 2 is globally pre-asymptoti-
cally stable. A generalization of this observation appears in Moreover, each solution of (15) with i 5 2 that starts in D1,
Theorem S10 of “Why ‘Pre’-Asymptotic Stability?” which contains a neighborhood of 1 p *, 0 2 and is contained
Now consider the hybrid system from Example 1, with in C2, does not reach the boundary of C2. Also, C1 5 R2\ D1
state x 5 1 p, v, q 2 satisfying and D2 5 R2\ C2 .
Global asymptotic stability of the point 1 p *, 0, 2 2 for the
p 5 v, v 5 kq 1 p, v, p * 2 , q 5 0, 1 p, v 2 [ Cq,
# # #
(13) system (13), (14) then follows from the global pre-asymptotic
p 1 5 p, v 1 5 v, q 1 5 3 2 q, 1 p, v 2 [ Dq. (14) stability of 1 p *, 0 2 for (15) with i [ 5 1, 2 6 together with the


Theorem 10 [26, Prop. 6.1]
x2 x2 For a hybrid system H satisfying the Ba-
sic Assumptions, if the compact set A is
x (0, 0) x (0, 0) forward invariant and uniformly pre-at-
tractive from a compact set containing a
neighborhood of A, then the set A is pre-
asymptotically stable.
x1 x1
Example 11: An Impulsive
Observer with Finite-Time Convergence
C C This example comes from [67], which ad-
D D dresses impulsive observers for linear sys-
tems. Consider a linear, continuous-time
(a) (b) system j 5 Fj 1 v, where j belongs to
a compact set K 1 ( Rn and v belongs to a
FIGURE 16 Flow and jump sets for the hybrid system in Example 9, with typical solu-
compact, convex set K 2 ( Rn. Let H [ Rr3n
tions to the system. Solutions flow clockwise in the right-half plane and jump when x1
is zero and x2 is nonpositive. In (a), the norm of the solution increases during flows and assume we have measurements of the
and decreases at jumps. In (b), the norm decreases during flows and increases at output vector Hj and the input vector v.
jumps. In both cases, the origin is globally asymptotically stable. The pair 1 H, F 2 is observable if j 5 Fj and
Hj 1 t 2 ; 0 imply j 1 t 2 ; 0. This prop-
fact that the maximum number of jumps a solution of the erty enables assigning the spectra of the matrix F 2 LH
system (13), (14) experiences is two. To see the latter prop- arbitrarily through the matrix L. In particular, a classical
erty, note that if there is more than one jump for a solution dynamical system with state j^ can be constructed so that
x of (13), (14) then one of the first two jumps must be from j 1 t 2 2 j^ 1 t 2 approaches zero as t S `. Such a dynamical sys-
q 5 1 to q 5 2. At this jump, we must have 1 p, v 2 [ D1 and, tem # is called an observer. A classical observer has the form
since p and v do not change during a jump, 1 p, v 2 [ D1 after j^ 5 1 F 2 LH 2 j^ 1 LHj 1 v, where L is chosen so that F 2 LH
the jump. Since a solution of (15) with i 5 2 that starts in D1 is Hurwitz, meaning that each eigenvalue of F 2 LH has
does not reach D2, the solution x of (13), (14) does not jump negative real part. This choice gives the observation error
equation e 5 1 F 2 LH 2 e, where e: 5 j 2 j^ . Since F 2 LH is
again after a jump from q 5 1 to q 5 2.
The principle behind this asymptotic stability result Hurwitz, the error e converges to zero exponentially.
is generalized in the section “Stability Analysis Through We consider a hybrid observer that reconstructs the
Limited Events.” ■ state j in finite time. The first thing to note is that the
observability of the pair 1 H, F 2 permits finding matri-
Example 2 Revisited: Asymptotic Stability ces L 1 and L 2 such that, for almost all d . 0, the matrix
Consider the hybrid system in Example 2. We study as- I 2 exp 1 1 F 2 L 2H 2 d 2 exp 1 2 1 F 2 L 1H 2 d 2 is invertible [67,
ymptotic stability of the origin. The origin is not globally Remark 1]. Define Fi J F 2 L iH and henceforth assume
asymptotically stable since the solution starting at 1 2, 0 2 that d . 0, L 1 and L 2 are such that I 2 exp 1 F2d 2 exp 1 2F1d 2
does not converge to the origin. On the other hand, the so- is invertible.
lution starting at 1 1, 0 2 satisfies |x 1 t, j 2 | # |x 1 0, 0 2 | for all Consider a hybrid system with state x 5 1 j, j^ 1, j^ 2, t 2 ,
1 t, j 2 [ dom x and lim |x 1 t, j 2 | 5 0. More generally, con- flow set C J K 1 3 Rn 3 Rn 3 3 0, d 4 , jump set
structing solutions as in Example 2, it follows that the origin D J K 1 3 Rn 3 Rn 3 5 d 6 , flow map
t1j S `

is asymptotically stable with basin of attraction given by

Fj 1 v
5 x [ C: x 2 , 3, x 1 1 x 2 [ 1 2 2, 2 2 6 h F1j^ 1 1 1 F 2 F1 2 j 1 v
F1x2 5 μ ≥ ^ ¥ : v [ K2 ∂ ,
5 x [ D: x 1 [ 1 2 1, 1 2 6 . ■ F2j 2 1 1 F 2 F2 2 j 1 v
A consequence of Theorem 4 appears in Theorem 10,
which states that pre-asymptotic stability of a compact set is and jump map
implied by forward invariance, as defined in Proposition 6,
together with uniform pre-attractivity. A compact set A is uni-
G1j^ 1 1 G2j^ 2
formly pre-attractive from a set K if for each e . 0 there exists G1x2 5 ≥ ^ ¥,
G1j 1 1 G2j^ 2
T . 0 such that x 1 0, 0 2 [ K, 1 t, j 2 [ dom x, and t 1 j $ T
imply |x 1 t, j 2 |A # e. The next section establishes the implica-
tion that is opposite to the one stated in Theorem 10. where


Many engineering systems experience impacts; walking
and jumping robots, juggling systems, billiards,
and a bouncing ball are examples.

3 G1 G2 4 J 1 I 2 exp 1 F2d 2 exp 1 2F1d 2 2 21 This theorem helps in developing some concepts used to
3 3 2 exp 1 F2d 2 exp 1 2F1d 2 I 4 . express the fact that pre-asymptotic stability is equivalent
to uniform pre-asymptotic stability on compact subsets of
the basin of pre-attraction. In that direction, the next result
This hybrid system contains # two different continuous-time states that excursions away from and convergence toward
observers, of the form j^i 5 1 F 2 L i H 2 j^i 1 L i Hj 1 v, the a pre-asymptotically stable compact set are uniform over
states of which make jumps every d seconds according to compact subsets of the basin of pre-attraction.
the rule specified by the jump map.
We show that the compact set A J 5 1 j, j^ 1, j^ 2 2 [ Theorem 13 [26, Prop. 6.3]
K1 3 Rn 3 Rn: j 5 j^ 1 5 j^ 2 6 3 3 0, d 4 is globally asymp- For a hybrid system H satisfying the Basic Assumptions, let
totically stable using Theorem 10. The set A is forward the compact set A be pre-asymptotically stable with basin of
invariant since G 1 A d D 2 ( A and, during flows, the pre-attraction BA. For each compact set K0 ( BA, the compact
errors ei J j 2 j^ i satisfy ei 5 Fiei. Moreover, the set set A is uniformly pre-attractive from K0, and there exists a
A is globally uniformly attractive. In particular, compact set K1 ( BA such that solutions starting in K0 satisfy
1 t, j 2 [ dom x and t $ 2d imply j $ 2 and x 1 t, j 2 [ A. x 1 t, j 2 [ K1 for all 1 t, j 2 [ dom x.
The condition on j follows from the nature of the data The properties established in Theorem 13, of uniform
of the hybrid system. The condition x 1 t, j 2 [ A follows overshoot and uniform convergence from compact sub-
from the fact that, when there exists w such that j, j^ 1 , sets of the basin of pre-attraction, can be expressed in
and j^ 2 satisfy terms of a single bound on solutions starting in the ba-
sin of pre-attraction. To that end, let A be compact and
j^ 1 5 j 1 exp 1 F1d 2 w, j^ 2 5 j 1 exp 1 F2d 2 w, let O be an open set containing A. A continuous func-
tion v : O S R $0 is called a proper indicator for A on O if
the jump map sends the state to A. The given relations v 1 x 2 5 0 if and only if x [ A, and also v 1 xi 2 tends to infin-
are satisfied after one jump followed by a flow interval of ity when xi tends to infinity or tends to the boundary of O.
length d. In this case, w is equal to the difference between Every open set O and compact set A ( O admit a proper
j and j^ 1 immediately after the jump. We conclude from indicator. Thus, using Theorem 12, for each pre-asymp-
Theorem 10 that the set A is globally asymptotically stable. totically stable set A there exists a proper indicator for A
Moreover, the analysis above shows that the convergence to on its basin of pre-attraction. The function v : Rn S R $0
A is in finite time t # 2d. ■ defined by v 1 x 2 J |x|A for all x [ Rn is a proper indi-
cator for A on Rn. For a general open set O, it is always
Equivalence with Uniform Asymptotic Stability possible to take v 1 x 2 5 |x|A for x sufficiently close to A.
In this section, we describe uniform pre-asymptotic sta- The concept of a proper indicator function first appears
bility on compact subsets of the basin of pre-attraction in conjunction with stability theory in [42]. A typical for-
and point out that this property is equivalent to pre- mula for a proper indicator is given in that work and in
asymptotic stability. The first step in stating this char- [39, (C.14)]. A sublevel set of a proper indicator on O is a
acterization is to make an observation about the compact subset of O.
basin of pre-attraction that extends classical results [42, A function b : R $0 3 R $0 S R $0 belongs to class-KL if
pp. 69–71] for differential and difference equations to the it is continuous; for each s $ 0, r A b ( r, s ) is nondecreas-
hybrid setting. This result, and all of the subsequent re- ing and zero at zero; and, for each r $ 0, s A b ( r, s ) is
sults in this section, depend on Theorem 4. nonincreasing and tends to zero when s tends to infinity.
Class-KL functions are featured prominently in [31] and
Theorem 12 [26, Prop. 6.4], [14, Thm. 3.14] have become familiar to the nonlinear systems and control
For a hybrid system H satisfying the Basic Assumptions, the community through their use in the input-to-state stability
basin of pre-attraction for a compact, pre-asymptotically property [76]. The next result is a generalization to hybrid
stable set A is an open, forward invariant set containing a systems of a result contained in [42] for continuous differ-
neighborhood of A. ential equations.


Robustness and Generalized Solutions

W hen designing control systems, engineers must ensure tions [S26], [S27], [S25]. The lack of robustness motivates
that the closed-loop behavior is robust to reasonable lev- generalized notions of solutions. For differential equations,
els of measurement noise, plant uncertainty, and environmental [S20] establishes the connection between the generalized
disturbances. notion of solution in [S26], expressed in terms of small state
For linear systems, eigenvalues of matrices change continu- perturbations, and the generalized notion of solution given in
ously with parameters, and asymptotic stability of an equilibrium [S28], expressed in terms of set-valued dynamics. The set-val-
point is an open-set condition on eigenvalues. It follows that suf- ued dynamics arise when a discontinuous right-hand side of a
ficiently small perturbations to the system matrices do not change differential, or difference, equation is converted into an inclu-
stability properties. Similarly, sufficiently small additive disturbanc- sion. The resulting system is the regularization of the original
es lead to small excursions from the equilibrium point. system, that is, it is a regularized system.
Classical results for ordinary differential and difference equa- The conversion of a differential, or difference, equation
tions with nonlinear but continuous right-hand sides establish that with a discontinuous right-hand side to an inclusion is done
small perturbations to the right-hand side result in small changes by considering a closure of the graph of the discontinuous
to the solutions on compact time intervals. This property is de- right-hand side and, in the differential equation case, by tak-
scribed for hybrid systems in theorems 5 and 8. If an equilibrium ing the convex hull of the values of the right-hand side. For
point or, more generally, a compact set is asymptotically stable an illustration, see Figure S8. The price paid for such a con-
for the nominal system, then these compact time intervals can be version is the introduction of additional solutions, some of
stitched together to establish that sufficiently small disturbances which may not behave well. However, these extra solutions
lead to small excursions from the asymptotically stable compact are meaningful since they arise from arbitrarily small state
set. This idea is behind the results in theorems 15 and 17. This perturbations that converge to zero asymptotically. More-
behavior is the essence of the total stability property described in over, asymptotic stability in the original, possibly discontinu-
[31, Sec. 56], and also contained in the local version of the input- ous, system is robust if and only if asymptotic stability holds
to-state stability property [76]. for the regularized system.
For differential equations and difference equations with a Anticipating that a similar result holds for hybrid systems
discontinuous right-hand side, asymptotic stability of a com- and desiring robustness in asymptotically stable hybrid sys-
pact set is not necessarily robust to arbitrary small perturba- tems, we consider the stability properties of regularized sys-
tems. Following the lead of discontinuous
continuous-time and discrete-time sys-
f (x) F1(x) tems, we convert discontinuous flow and
jump equations to inclusions. Interpreting
2 2 these inclusions as closure operations
on the discontinuous flow map and jump
1 1 map as Figure S8 indicates, we also take
the closures of the flow and jump sets.
As for continuous- and discrete-time sys-
0 tems, these operations may introduce
x x 0 x x
new solutions. However, the regularized
(a) (b)
hybrid system satisfies the Basic As-
sumptions, and therefore, the results of
2 the main text are applicable. In particular,
if the regularized system has an asymp-
totically stable compact set A, then A
is robustly asymptotically stable for the
regularized system, and consequently, A
is robustly asymptotically stable for the
0 x x original system.
Example S6: A Frictionless Ball
FIGURE S8 Regularization of a discontinuous function. (a) The function f : R S R has a and Two Rooms Separated by
discontinuity at x 5 x *. (b) The set-valued mapping F1 : R S S R is the mapping whose
graph is the closure of the graph of f . Therefore, F1 1 x* 2 is the set 5 1, 2 6 . (c) The set-
a Zero-Width Wall
valued mapping F2 : R S S R is the mapping obtained by taking the convex hull of the Consider a particle that moves, with no
values of the mapping in (b), at each x [ R. Therefore, F2 1 x* 2 is the interval 3 1, 2 4 . friction, in one of two rooms separated by


a thin wall. A hybrid system describing this situation has the Example S7: Asymptotic Stability
state variable x 5 1 j, q 2 [ R2 and data Without Robustness
Consider the hybrid system with data
C 5 ( 3 21, 1 4 \ 5 0 6 ) 3 5 21, 1 6 ,
F ( x ) 5 ( q, 0 ) for all x [ C, C 5 3 0, 1 4 , F ( x ) 5 2 x for all x [ C,
D 5 5 ( 21, 21 ) 6 h ( 5 0 6 3 5 21, 1 6 ) h 5 ( 1, 1 ) 6 , D 5 ( 1, 2 4 , G ( x ) 5 1 for all x [ D.
G ( x ) 5 ( j, 2q ) for all x [ D.
Solutions that start in 1 1, 2 4 jump to one and then, not being
That is, the particle, whose position is denoted by j and veloc- in the jump set D , flow according to the differential equation
ity by q , moves with speed one in the interval 3 21, 0 4 or 3 0, 1 4 ,
x 5 2 x toward the origin. The origin is thus globally asymp-
and experiences a reversal of the velocity when at any of the totically stable. But notice that when the jump map is replaced
boundary points: 21, 0, or 1. by G 1 x 2 5 1 1 e, where e . 0, the point x 5 1 1 e is an equilib-
Each of the sets 3 21, 0 4 3 5 21, 1 6 and 3 0, 1 4 3 5 21, 1 6 is rium. In this sense, the global asymptotic stability of the origin
forward invariant. (When the solution definition is modified so is not robust. This lack of robustness can be seen in the regu-
that multiple jumps at the same ordinary time instant are not al- larized system 1 C, F, D, G 2 , which exhibits a countable num-
lowed and the flow constraint is relaxed to x 1 t, j 2 [ C for all t in ber of solutions from the initial condition x 5 1. These solutions
the interior of Ij , each maximal solution is complete and its time remain at the value 1 for n jumps, where n is any nonnegative
domain is unbounded in the ordinary time direction.) However, integer, and then flow toward the origin. One additional solu-
this forward invariance behavior is not robust, even approxi- tion remains at one through an infinite number of jumps. This
mately, to an arbitrarily small inflation of the set C . In particular, behavior is depicted in Figure S9.
when C is changed to C 5 3 21, 1 4 3 5 21, 1 6 , there exist solu-
tions starting from x 5 1 1, 21 2 that reach x 5 1 21, 21 2 in two Example S8: Robust Asymptotic Stability
time units. Consider the hybrid system with state x 5 1 j, q 2 [ R2 , data
At least two ways can be used to induce the desired be-

C J 5 ( j, q ) [ R 3 52 1, 1 6 : 2jq $ 2 1 6 ,
havior while using closed flow and jump sets. One natural ap-
proach can be interpreted as thickening the wall between the
two rooms. In particular, letting e [ 1 0, 1 2 , the data F ( j, q ) J c
d for all ( j, q ) [ C,

C 5 ( 3 21, 1 4 \ ( 2e, e ) ) 3 5 21, 1 6 , D J 5 ( j, q ) [ R 3 5 2 1, 1 6 : 2jq , 2 1 6 ,

F ( x ) 5 ( q, 0 ) for all x [ C,
G 1 j, q 2 J c d for all 1 j, q 2 [ D.
D 5 5 ( 21, 21 ) 6 h 5 ( 2e, 1 ) 6 h 5 ( e, 21 ) 6 h 5 ( 1, 1 ) 6 ,
G ( x ) 5 ( j, 2q ) for all x [ D,

results in solutions, as defined in the main text, rendering each This system can be associated with a hybrid control algorithm
of the sets 3 21, 2e 4 3 5 21, 1 6 and 3 e, 1 4 3 5 21, 1 6 robustly for the continuous-time, linear system j 5 u , which uses an
forward invariant. internal state q [ 5 21, 1 6 and aims to globally asymptotically
When we insist on a wall of zero width, an extra state vari- stabilize the two point set A J 5 1 21, 21 2 , 1 1, 1 2 6 . This set
able should be added that gives the system information about is globally asymptotically stable since A is contained in C ,
how it arrived at the point 1 0, q 2 , whether from the room on the the flow stabilizes the point j 5 q , A is disjoint from D, the
left or the one on the right. For example, we can consider the quantity 2jq increases along flows when it has the value 2 1,
hybrid system with state 1 j, q, r 2 [ R3 with data and jumps from D are mapped to points in C . Note, however,
that the jump set D is not closed. Consider the effect of clos-
C 5 5 1 j, q, r 2 [ 3 21, 1 4 3 5 21, 1 6 3 5 21, 1 6 : jr $ 0 6 , ing D . For the hybrid system with data 1 C, F, D, G 2 , solutions
F x 2 5 1 q, 0, 0 2 for all x [ C,
1 starting from points where 2x1x2 5 21 are no longer unique.
D 5 5 1 21, 21, 21 2 6 h 5 1 1, 1, 1 2 6 From such points, flowing is possible, as is a single jump fol-
h 5 1 0, 1, 21 2 6 h 5 1 0, 21, 1 2 6 , lowed by flow. Nevertheless, the set A is still globally asymp-
G 1 x 2 5 1 j, 2q, r 2 for all x [ D. totically stable for 1 C, F, D, G 2 . Thus, the asymptotic stability
of A in the original system is robust. The lack of unique solu-
The hybrid system with this data is such that the set C is for- tions in the regularized system can be associated with the fact
ward invariant. In particular, since r is constant and belongs to that very different solutions arise when starting from 2jq 5 2 1
the set 5 21, 1 6 , the state j cannot change sign. ■ and considering arbitrarily small measurement noise on the
The next example is discussed in [14]. state j in the closed-loop control system. ■


We consider two notions of generalized solutions to hy-
brid systems. One notion uses a hybrid system with the data
C = [0, 1] D = (1, 2]
1 C, F, D, G 2 , which is obtained from the data 1 C, f, D, g 2 by
] ] ] x taking the closures of C and D and defining
−1 x x∈ 1 2

F ( x ) 5 t con f ( ( x 1 dB ) d C ) for all x [ C, (S6)

FIGURE S9 The effect of state perturbations in Example S7 show- d.0
ing that the global asymptotic stability of the origin is not robust.
The solution x starts in 1 2`, 1 2 and flows according to the differ- G ( x ) 5 t g ( ( x 1 dB ) d D ) for all x [ D. (S7)
# d.0
ential equation x 5 2x toward the origin. The solution xe starts at
xe 1 0, 0 2 5 1 and is obtained under the presence of a perturbation
e of size e. The perturbation is such that xe 1 t, j 2 1 e 1 t, j 2 [ D for
The mapping G defined in (S7) is the mapping whose graph is the
all 1 t, j 2 [ dom xe . Hence, as denoted with dotted line, the solu- closure of the graph of the function g . When the function f is locally
tion xe jumps from 1 to 1 infinitely many times, indicating that the bounded, the mapping F in (S6) is obtained by first considering
origin is not robustly asymptotically stable to small perturbations. the closure of the graph of f and then taking the pointwise convex
hull. Figure S8 illustrates these two constructions. An alternative
A mathematical description of the phenomenon displayed in interpretation of 1 C, F, D, G 2 is that it represents the smallest set
examples S6 and S7 is summarized as follows. Consider a hybrid of data that meets the Basic Assumptions and contains the data
system for which the data 1 C, f, D, g 2 do not meet all of the Basic 1 C, f, D, g 2 . The other notion of generalized solutions considers
Assumptions. That is, the flow set C is possibly not closed, the flow the effects of vanishing perturbations on the state. More precisely, it
map f : C S Rn is possibly not continuous, the jump set D is possibly considers the graphical limits of sequences of solutions generated
not closed, and the jump map g : D S Rn is possibly not continuous. with state perturbations, as the perturbation size decreases to zero.
Single-valued mappings f and g are considered here for simplicity; a The two notions of generalized solutions turn out to be equivalent,
more general result involving set-valued mappings is possible. as the following result states.

Theorem 14 [26, Thm. 6.5], [14, Prop. 7.3] and show that, when the perturbations are small enough,
For a hybrid system H satisfying the Basic Assumptions, the pre-asymptotic stability of A and the basin of pre-
if the compact set A is pre-asymptotically stable with attraction are preserved, as in Theorem 15. Typically,
basin of pre-attraction given by BA then, for each func- these state-dependent perturbations must decrease in size
tion v that is a proper indicator for A on BA, there exists as the state approaches the pre-asymptotically stable set
b [ KL such that each solution x starting in BA satisfies and also as the state approaches the boundary of the basin
v 1 x 1 t, j 2 2 # b 1 v 1 x 1 0, 0 2 2 , t 1 j 2 for all 1 t, j 2 [ dom x. of pre-attraction.
Theorem 14 contains the result in Theorem 13 that Another way to characterize robustness is to consider
excursions away from and convergence toward a pre- constant perturbation levels and show that these pertur-
asymptotically stable compact set are uniform over com- bations lead to “practical” pre-asymptotic stability from
pact subsets of the basin of pre-attraction. In other words, arbitrarily large subsets of the basin of attraction, as in
pre-asymptotic stability for compact sets is equivalent Theorem 17.
to uniform pre-asymptotic stability, which sometimes is In some cases the nominal system can tolerate state-
called KL-stability. Thus, when we provide sufficient con- dependent perturbations that grow without bound when
ditions for pre-asymptotic stability, we in fact give suffi- the state grows unbounded. These systems are closely re-
cient conditions for KL-stability. lated to hybrid systems having inputs and possessing the
When discussing global pre-asymptotic stability, where input-to-state stability (ISS) property [76]. ISS for hybrid dy-
BA 5 Rn, we can use v 1 x 2 5 |x|A. Thus, for global pre- namical systems is studied in [13].
asymptotic stability, the bound in Theorem 14 becomes For a given hybrid system H with data 1 C, F, D, G 2 and a
|x 1 t, j 2 |A # b 1 |x 1 0, 0 2 |A, t 1 j 2 for all 1 t, j 2 [ dom x. continuous function s : Rn S R $0 , we define the s-pertur-
When v 1 x 2 5 |x|A and b ( s, r ) 5 gs exp ( 2lr ) for some bation Hs of H through the data
positive real numbers g and l, the set A is globally pre-
exponentially stable. Cs J 5 x : ( x 1 s ( x ) B ) d C 2 [ 6 , (16)
Fs ( x ) J conF ( ( x1s ( x ) B ) d C ) 1 s ( x ) B
Robustness for all x [ Cs, (17)
Ds J 5 x : ( x 1 s ( x ) B ) d D 2 [ 6 ,
A feature of hybrid systems satisfying the Basic Assump-
tions is that pre-asymptotic stability is robust.
One way to characterize the robustness of pre-asymp- Gs 1 x 2 J 5 v : v [ g 1 s 1 g 2 B,
totic stability of a compact set A is to study the effect of g [ G1 1x 1 s1x2B2 x D2 6
state-dependent perturbations on the hybrid system data for all x [ Ds. (19)


Theorem S9 [S29, Thm. 3.1, Rem. 5.4] A result corresponding to Theorem S9 is given in [S25,
Suppose that the functions f, g : Rn S Rn are locally bounded Thm. 3.2] for hybrid systems for which the perturbations ei
on Rn . Let x : dom x S Rn be a hybrid arc such that dom x is enter the closed-loop system through feedback, and do not
compact. Then, the following statements are equivalent: affect all of the dynamics. This result considers equations
a) x is a solution to the hybrid system 1 C, F, D, G 2 ; xi 5 fr 1 xi, uc 2 , xi1 5 gr 1 xi, ud 2 in (b) above with state-feedback

b) there exist hybrid arcs xi and functions ei : dom xi S Rn, laws uc 5 kc 1 xi 1 ei 2 and ud 5 kd 1 xi 1 ei 2 , and poses stronger
i [ 5 1, 2, c 6 , such that limi S ` xi 1 0, 0 2 5 x 1 0, 0 2 , continuity assumptions on the functions fr and gr, but allows
the sequence 5 xi 6 i`5 1 converges graphically to x , the functions kc and kd to be discontinuous.
limi S ` sup1t, j2 [ dom xi |ei 1 t, j 2 | 5 0 , and, fo r eve r y
i [ 5 1, 2, c 6 the following hold:
– For each fixed j , t Aei 1 t, j 2 is measurable.
– For all j [ N such that Ii, j J 5 t : 1 t, j 2 [ dom xi 6 has
[S25] G. Grimm, M. J. Messina, S. E. Tuna, and A. R. Teel, “Examples
when nonlinear model predictive control is nonrobust,” Automatica, vol.
nonempty interior, 40, no. 10, pp. 1729–1738, Oct. 2004.
[S26] H. Hermes, “Discontinuous vector fields and feedback control,”

xi 1 t, j 2 5 f 1 xi 1 t, j 2 1 ei 1 t, j 2 2 for almost all t [ Ii, j,

in Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, J. K. Hale and J. P.
LaSalle, Eds. New York: Academic, 1967, pp. 155–165.

xi 1 t, j 2 1 ei 1 t, j 2 [ C for almost all t [ 3 minIi, j, supIi, j 2 .

[S27] C. M. Kellett and A. R. Teel, “Smooth Lyapunov functions and ro-
bustness of stability for differential inclusions,” Syst. Control Lett., vol.
52, pp. 395–405, 2004.
– For all 1 t, j 2 [ dom xi such that 1 t, j 1 1 2 [ dom xi , [S28] N. N. Krasovskii, Game-Theoretic Problems of Capture (in Rus-
sian). Moscow: Nauka, 1970.

xi 1 t, j 1 1 2 5 gi 1 xi 1 t, j 2 1 ei 1 t, j 2 2 ,
[S29] R. G. Sanfelice, R. Goebel, and A. R. Teel, “Generalized solutions

xi 1 t, j 2 1 ei 1 t, j 2 [ D.
to hybrid dynamical systems,” ESAIM: Control, Optim. Calculus Variat.,
vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 699–724, 2008.

These definitions match the definitions (8)–(11) with tinuous, there exists a continuous function s | such that
d 5 1. Figure 15 illustrates the idea behind perturbations of | 1 0, x 2 5 0 for all x [ Rn1m and, for all e [ Rn satisfying
the sets C and D. Note that C ( Cs, D ( Ds, F 1 x 2 ( Fs 1 x 2 for |e| # M and all x 5 1 xp, xc 2 [ Rn1m,
all x [ C and G 1 x 2 ( Gs 1 x 2 for all x [ D. Since the data of
Hs contain the data of H, the solutions of H are also solu- |fp 1 xp, kc 1 xp 1 e, xc 2 2 2 fp 1 xp 1 e, kc 1 xp 1 e, xc 2 2 |
tions to Hs. On the other hand, Hs typically exhibits solu- # s | ( M, x ) .
tions that are not solutions to H.
The extra solutions of Hs can be linked to solutions In this case, the hybrid control system (20)–(21) can be writ-
that arise due to parameter variations, measurement ten as
noise in control systems, and external disturbances. For
a link to solutions that arise from parameter variations, x 5 F ( x 1 d 1 ) 1 d 2, x 1 d1 [ C,
see Example 18. For the case of external disturbances x 1 [ G ( x 1 d1 ) , x 1 d1 [ D,
d that are bounded in norm by a value M . 0, observe
that the solutions of x 5 F 1 x 2 1 d are contained in the
where F and G are defined in (6) and (7), respectively,
set of solutions of x [ F 1 x 2 1 MB and, taking s 1 x 2 5 M | 1 M, x 2 . Therefore, the solutions of
|d1| # M, and |d2| # s
for all x, F 1 x 2 1 MB ( Fs 1 x 2 . The same link between ex- the hybrid control system (20)–(21) are contained in the solu-
ternal disturbances and system perturbations holds for tions of 1 Cs, Fs, Ds, Gs 2 where s ( x ) :5 max 5 M, s | ( M, x ) 6
x 1 5 G 1 x 2 1 d. for all x [ Rn1m.
Now consider the case of measurement noise in a hybrid The mappings Fs and Gs may be set valued at points
control system of the form discussed in the section “Hybrid x where s 1 x 2 . 0, even when F and G are single-valued
Controllers for Nonlinear Systems, ” given as mappings. Also, when x [ C d D and s 1 x 2 . 0, the point
x belongs to the interior of both Cs and Ds. Thus, at such
# points, the system Hs has solutions that initially flow and
xp 5 fp ( x p, kc ( x p 1 e, x c ) )
# r ( x p 1 e, x c ) [ C, (20) also solutions that initially jump.
xc 5 fc ( x p 1 e, x c )
For a hybrid system H having a compact set A that is pre-
x p1 5 x p asymptotically stable with basin of pre-attraction BA, Theo-
r ( x p 1 e, x c ) [ D, (21)
x c1 [ Gc ( x p 1 e, x c ) rem 15 below asserts the existence of a continuous function
s that is positive on BA\A so that, for the hybrid system Hs,
where e represents measurement noise, assumed to be the compact set A is pre-asymptotically stable with basin
bounded in norm by M . 0. When the function fp is con- of pre-attraction BA. In other words, pre-asymptotic stability


Motivating Stability of Sets

I ntuition built on the theory of linear systems conditions us to asymptotically stable. In particular, each solution to the hybrid
think of asymptotic stability as a property of an equilibrium system converges to the compact set A. This property cap-
point. However, it is also natural to consider the asymptotic tures the fact that the state j converges to zero.
stability of a set. Conceptually, set stability places many ap- As another example of set stability, consider a system switch-
parently different phenomena under one umbrella. Set stability ing among a family of asymptotically stable linear systems under

is needed for systems that include timers, counters, and other an average dwell-time constraint, as discussed in “Switching
discrete states that do not converge. In addition, set stability is Systems.” The corresponding hybrid system has the form
helpful for characterizing systems that exhibit complicated as- #
j 5 Fq j
C J Rn 3 Q 3 3 0, N 4 ,
ymptotic behavior. #

q 5 0
t [ 3 0, d 4
Asymptotic stability of a set is defined in the main text. #
Roughly speaking, a set is globally asymptotically stable if each
solution that starts close to the set remains close to the set, j1 5 j
each solution is bounded, and each solution with an unbounded q1 [ Q D J Rn 3 Q 3 3 1, N 4 ,
time domain converges to the set. t1 5 t 2 1
To illustrate set stability, we consider a linear, sampled-data
where Q ( R is compact and the eigenvalues of Fq have negative
control system. We group the plant state, hold state, and con-
real part for each q [ Q . When the average dwell-time param-
troller state into the state j [ Rn . Between sampling events,
eter d . 0 is small enough, the compact set 5 0 6 3 Q 3 3 0, N 4
the state j evolves according to a closed-loop, linear differen-
#. is asymptotically stable. In particular, the state j converges to
tial equation j 5 Fj for some matrix F . For each state com-
zero. The states q and t may or may not converge, depending
ponent that remains constant between sampling events, the
on the particular solution considered.
corresponding row of F is filled with zeros. At sampling events,
In some situations, hybrid systems admit complicated,
the state j is updated according to the equation j 1 5 Jj for
asymptotically stable compact sets that can be characterized
some matrix J . For each state component that does not change
through the concept of an V -limit set [S33]. V -limit sets are
at sampling events, the corresponding row of J is filled with
exploited for nonlinear control design, for example for nonlin-
zeros except for a one in the appropriate column. The interac-
#. ear output regulation [S30]. Results pertaining to V -limit sets
tion between the continuous evolution j 5 F j and the discrete
for hybrid systems are given in [S32] and [S31]. In [S32, Cor.
evolution j 1 5 J j is scheduled by a timer state t that evolves
# 3] and [S31, Thm. 1], conditions are given under which the V
according to t 5 1 between sampling events and is reset to zero
-limit set is an asymptotically stable compact set. In particular,
at sampling events. Sampling events occur whenever the timer
suppose there exist T . 0 and compact sets K0 and KT , with
state reaches the value T . 0, which denotes the sampling pe-
KT contained in the interior of K0 , such that each solution x
starting in K0 is bounded and, for all 1 t, j 2 [ dom x satisfying
riod of the system. Thus, the sampled-data control system can
be written as a hybrid system with state x 5 1 j, t 2 satisfying
t 1 j $ T , we have x 1 t, j 2 [ KT . Then, either the V -limit set
x [ C J Rn 3 3 0, T 4 ,
j 5 Fj from K0 is empty or it is the smallest compact, asymptotically
# f stable set contained in KT .
t 5 1
j 1 5 Jj
f x [ D J Rn 3 5 T 6 . REFERENCES
t1 5 0
[S30] C. I. Byrnes and A. Isidori, “Limit sets, zero dynamics, and inter-
nal models in the problem of nonlinear output regulation,” IEEE Trans.
The matrices F and J are designed so that j converges to Automat. Contr., vol. 48, no. 10, pp. 1712–1723, 2003.
zero. However, the timer state t does not converge. Letting [S31] C. Cai, R. Goebel, R. G. Sanfelice, and A. R. Teel, “Complex
t0 [ 3 0, T 4 denote the initial value of t, the solution satis- hybrid systems: Stability analysis for Omega limit sets,” in Proc. of the
26th Chinese Control Conf., Zhangjiajie, China, July 2007, pp. 766–769.
fies t ( t, j ) 5 t 2 ( jT 2 t0 ) for all positive integers j and all [S32] C. Cai, R. Goebel, R. G. Sanfelice, and A. R. Teel, “Hybrid sys-
t [ 3 jT 2 t0, ( j 1 1 ) T 2 t0 4 . Consequently, t revisits every point tems: Limit sets and zero dynamics with a view toward output regula-
in the interval 3 0, T 4 . For this reason, the hybrid system does tion,” in Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems, A. Astolfi
and L. Marconi, Eds. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2008, pp. 241–261.
not possess an asymptotically stable equilibrium point. On the
other hand, the compact set A J 5 0 6 3 3 0, T 4 is globally
[S33] J. K. Hale, L. T. Magalhães, and W. M. Oliva, Dynamics in Infinite
Dimensions, 2nd ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2002.

and the corresponding basin of pre-attraction are preserved Theorem 15 [14, Theorem 7.9]
under the perturbation s. This result provides a key step in For the hybrid system H satisfying the Basic Assumptions,
the proof of the existence of a smooth Lyapunov function for suppose that a compact set A ( Rn is pre-asymptotically
a hybrid system with a pre-asymptotically stable compact set. stable with basin of pre-attraction BA. Then there exists a
For more information, see “Converse Lyapunov Theorems.” continuous function s : Rn S R $0 satisfying s 1 x 2 . 0 for


Why “Pre”-Asymptotic Stability?
is contained in the system 1 C, F, D, G 2 if C( ( C , F( 1 x 2 ( F 1 x 2
I n engineered hybrid systems, it is reasonable to insist that
each maximal solution that starts sufficiently near an asymp- for all x [ C( , D( ( D and G( 1 x 2 ( G 1 x 2 for all x [ D( . Com-
totically stable set has an unbounded time domain. Recall that pleteness of solutions for 1 C, F, D, G 2 does not guarantee com-
a solution with an unbounded time domain is called a complete pleteness of solutions for 1 C(, F(, D(, G( 2 .
solution. However, a complete solution does not necessarily
have a time domain that is unbounded in the t direction; see Theorem S10
“Zeno Solutions” for more information on systems with complete Suppose that, for the hybrid system 1 C, F, D, G 2 , the compact
solutions having domains that are bounded in the t direction. set A is pre-asymptotically stable with basin of pre-attraction
The definition of global asymptotic stability used in the main BA . Then, for each hybrid system 1 C(, F(, D(, G( 2 that is con-
text, which we call global pre-asymptotic stability, does not stip- tained in 1 C, F, D, G 2 , the set A is pre-asymptotically stable
ulate completeness of each maximal solution. A compact set A with basin of pre-attraction containing BA . In particular, if there
is globally pre-asymptotically stable if each solution that starts exists a compact set K ( BA such that C( c D( ( K , then the set
close to A remains close to A, each solution is bounded, and A is globally pre-asymptotically stable for 1 C(, F(, D(, G( 2 .
each complete solution converges to A. Thus, solutions do not One particular application of Theorem S10 says that if the
need to be complete, but complete solutions must converge to hybrid system H has the compact set A pre-asymptotically
A. A set is globally asymptotically stable when it is globally pre- stable, then so does the hybrid system that uses only the contin-
asymptotically stable and all solutions are complete. uous-time data 1 C, F 2 and so does the hybrid system that uses
Completeness of solutions is not required in the pre-asymp- only the discrete-time data 1 D, G 2 . The converse of this asser-
totic stability definition as a matter of convenience. For example, tion holds only when the separate systems admit a common
since completeness does not need to be verified, sufficient con- Lyapunov function. See “Converse Lyapunov Theorems” for
ditions for pre-asymptotic stability are simpler than they would more details.
be otherwise. When completeness is important, it can be es- It is reasonable to question the utility of studying systems for
tablished by verifying pre-asymptotic stability together with local which no solutions are complete. One motivation comes from
existence of solutions. the results discussed in the section “Hybrid Feedback Control
Conceptually, pre-asymptotic stability offers advantages Based on Limited Events”, where it is established that pre-
over asymptotic stability. On the one hand, pre-asymptotic sta- asymptotic stability of a compact set for a system with events
bility is all that is needed for the existence of smooth Lyapunov inhibited implies pre-asymptotic stability of the compact set for
functions. See “Converse Lyapunov Theorems” for more details. the system with events allowed as long as events are not too
Pre-asymptotic stability also makes it easy to express local pre- frequent. In this statement, pre-asymptotic stability is useful
asymptotic stability in terms of global pre-asymptotic stability, as since the system with inhibited events may not exhibit complete
in the next theorem [14], by considering a reduced system that is solutions, whereas the system with events allowed may exhibit
contained in the original system. The system 1 C(, F(, D(, G( 2 complete solutions.

all x [ BA\A such that, for the hybrid system Hs, the com- from sensing that the state deviates from the state used to
pact set A is pre-asymptotically stable with basin of pre- compute the control value by an amount that is significant
attraction BA. enough to warrant a change in the input value. This amount
The idea in the next example is related to Lebesgue sam- is determined by a continuous function s1 : Rn S R $0 re-
pling presented in [3] and to the ideas in [80] used for con- lated to the function s in Theorem 15.
trol in the presence of communication or power constraints. The closed-loop system can be modeled as a hybrid sys-
The idea exploits the robustness described in Theorem 15, tem with the data
but for the special case of classical systems, to explain the
asymptotic stability induced by a particular hybrid control C J 5 x [ R2n : |x 1 2 x 2| # s1 ( x 1 ) 6 ,
F1x2 J c
f (x1, k(x2 ))
d for all x [ C,
Example 16: Control Through 0
Event-Based Hold Updates D J 5 x [ R2n :|x 1 2 x 2| $ s1 ( x 1 ) 6 ,
Consider the continuous-time, nonlinear control system
j 5 f ( j, u ) , 1 j, u 2 [ Rn 3 Rm, with the continuous state G1x2 J c
d for all x [ D,
feedback k : Rn S Rm that stabilizes a compact set A with x1
basin of attraction BA ( Rn. Suppose the feedback is imple-
mented by keeping the control value constant until an event where s1 is specified as follows. Let s : Rn S R $0 satisfy
triggers a change in the control value. The trigger comes the conditions of Theorem 15 for the (classical) system


Converse Lyapunov Theorems

D espite the Lyapunov-based sufficient conditions for pre- logic-based input-to-state stabilization with respect to matched
asymptotic stability given by Theorem 32 and [6, 19, 90], it disturbances. Converse Lyapunov theorems can also be used
is a mistake to conclude that Lyapunov functions do not exist for to establish various forms of robustness, including robustness
asymptotically stable hybrid systems. Early results on the exis- to small, persistent perturbations.
tence of Lyapunov functions for hybrid systems can be found in The converse theorems for hybrid systems given in [14] draw
[90]. More recently, [14] establishes that a hybrid system with a heavily from the literature on converse theorems for continuous-
pre-asymptotically stable compact set admits a smooth ( C ` ) time and discrete-time systems. We recount some of the major
Lyapunov function as long as the hybrid system satisfies the milestones in the development of converse Lyapunov theorems
Basic Assumptions. Converse theorems of this type are typical- for time-invariant, finite-dimensional dynamical systems having
ly established theoretically, constructing smooth Lyapunov func- compact, asymptotically stable sets.
tions from the system’s solutions, which are not usually available In his 1892 Ph.D. dissertation, in particular [S38, Section 20,
explicitly. Thus, converse theorems are of limited help in con- Theorem II], Lyapunov provides the first contribution to converse
structing Lyapunov functions. Nevertheless, converse theorems theorems, where he addresses asymptotically stable linear sys-
justify searching for Lyapunov functions that can be constructed tems. Generalizations of this result to nonlinear systems did not
without knowledge of the system’s trajectories. appear until the 1940s and 1950s. For example, the 1949 paper
Converse theorems also play a role in establishing stabili- [S39] provides a converse Lyapunov theorem for time-invariant,
zation results for nonlinear control systems. For example, early continuously differentiable systems having a locally asymptoti-
results [S40, Theorem 4] and [S34, Theorem 2.1] on backstep- cally stable equilibrium.
ping, that is, proving that smooth stabilizability is not destroyed Essentially all of the converse Lyapunov theorems until [42]
by adding an integrator, construct a stabilizing feedback by pertain only to dynamical systems with unique solutions. In con-
using the gradient of a Lyapunov function whose existence is trast, [42] establishes the first converse Lyapunov theorems for
guaranteed by a converse theorem. Also, the result in [76] show- differential equations with continuous right-hand side without as-
ing that smooth stabilization implies coprime factorization, that suming uniqueness of solutions. This extension is significant in
is, input-to-state stabilization with respect to disturbances that anticipation of hybrid systems where nonuniqueness of solutions
add to the control variable, exploits a converse Lyapunov theo- is not uncommon. The contribution of [42] to the development of
rem. Similar results apply for hybrid systems. For example, in converse theorems is immense; it appears to be the first work
[14] converse theorems are developed and used to show that that relies explicitly on robustness and advanced smoothing tech-
smooth stabilization with logic-based feedback implies smooth, niques to establish the existence of smooth Lyapunov functions.

j 5 F 1 j 2 J f 1 j, k 1 j 2 2 . Take s1 : Rn S R $0 to be continu-
does x2. It thus follows for the closed-loop system that the
ous, positive on BA\A, zero on A, such that s1 1 x1 2 # s 1 x1 2 set A 3 A is asymptotically stable with basin of attraction
for all x1 [ BA, and BA 3 Rn. ■
For problems where the size of the perturbations does
|f 1 x1, k 1 x2 2 2 2 f 1 x2, k 1 x2 2 2 | # s 1 x1 2 not become arbitrarily small as the state approaches the set
for all x1 [ BA, x2 [ x1 1 s1 1 x1 2 B. A or the boundary of the basin of pre-attraction, the follow-
ing theorem is relevant.
For all x [ C, it follows that
Theorem 17 [26, Theorem 6.6]
f ( x 1, k ( x 2 ) ) 5 f ( x 2, k ( x 2 ) ) 1 f ( x 1, k ( x 2 ) ) 2 f ( x 2, k ( x 2 ) ) For a hybrid system H satisfying the Basic Assump-
tions, suppose that a compact set A is pre-asymptotical-
F 1 x 1 1 s 1 x 1 2 B 2 1 s 1 x 1 2 B.
[ con | ly stable with basin of pre-attraction BA . In particular,
suppose that there exist b [ KL and a proper indica-
The jumps do not change x1. Thus, according to Theorem tor function v for A on BA such that, for all solutions
15, x1 stays close to A and converges to A whenever the starting in BA ,
solution has a hybrid time domain that is unbounded in
the t direction. For such solutions, x2 also stays close to v 1 x 1 t, j 2 2 # b 1 v 1 x 1 0, 0 2 2 , t 1 j 2 for all 1 t, j 2 [ dom x.
A and converges to A. For solutions with a hybrid time
domain bounded in the t direction, notice that when x [ D Then, for each e . 0 and compact set K ( BA, there exists
but x1 o A, it follows that G 1 x 2 o D. Thus, the only way d . 0 such that, with the function s defined as s 1 x 2 5 d for
that a solution can have a domain bounded in the t direc- all x [ Rn, each solution to the hybrid system Hs starting
tion is if x1 converges to A. Whenever x1 converges to A, so in K satisfies


The converse theorem of [S41] is noteworthy for its smoothing 8=V 1 x 2 , f 9 # 2 V 1 x 2 for all x [ C, f [ F 1 x 2 ,
V 1x2
V 1g2 # for all x [ D, g [ G 1 x 2 .
technique, which is adopted in more recent converse results. We
emphasize that continuously differentiable Lyapunov functions are 2
needed to establish robustness in a straightforward manner, yet
establishing the existence of continuously differentiable Lyapunov Extensions of this result to more general asymptotic stability
functions is challenging for systems with nonunique solutions. notions are given in [S35]. A version for local pre-asymptotic
Continuing down the path of systems with nonunique solutions, stability is given in [14], which also specializes Theorem S11
in the context of the input-to-state stability property, the work in [S37] to the case of hybrid systems with discrete states and gives a
establishes a converse Lyapunov theorem for locally Lipschitz dif- Lyapunov-based proof of robustness to various sources of per-
ferential inclusions, establishing smoothness of the Lyapunov func- turbations, including slowly varying parameters.
tion. This work is extended in [S36] to differential inclusions satisfy-
ing assumption (A2) of the Basic Assumptions with C 5 Rn. The
approach of [S36] again emphasizes the fundamental link between [S34] C. I. Byrnes and A. Isidori, “New results and examples in nonlinear
robustness and smoothness of the Lyapunov function. feedback stabilization,” Syst. Control Lett., vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 437–442, 1989.
The results in [14] draw heavily on earlier smoothing tech- [S35] C. Cai, A. R. Teel, and R. Goebel, “Smooth Lyapunov functions
for hybrid systems, Part I: Existence is equivalent to robustness,” IEEE
niques, especially the smoothing techniques of [S36] adapted Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 1264–1277, 2007.
to discrete-time inclusions, as in [S27]. Here we state a simple [S36] F. H. Clarke, Y. S. Ledyaev, and R. J. Stern, “Asymptotic stabil-
version of a converse Lyapunov theorem in [14]. ity and smooth Lyapunov functions,” J. Differ. Equ., vol. 149, no. 1, pp.
69–114, 1998.
[S37] Y. Lin, E. D. Sontag, and Y. Wang, “A smooth converse Lyapunov
Theorem S11 [14, Thm. 3.14] theorem for robust stability,” SIAM J. Control Optim., vol. 34, no. 1, pp.
For the hybrid system H 5 ( C, F, D, G ) satisfying the Basic 124–160, 1996.
Assumptions, if the compact set A is globally pre-asymptoti- [S38] A. M. Lyapunov, “The general problem of the stability of motion,” Math.
Soc. Kharkov, vol. 55, pp. 531–773, 1892 (Transl.: Int. J. Control, vol. 55,
cally stable, then there exist a C ` function V : Rn S R $0 and no. 3, pp. 531–772, 1992).
a1, a2 [ K` such that [S39] J. L. Massera, “On Liapounoff’s conditions of stability,” Ann. Math.,
vol. 50, pp. 705–721, 1949.
a1 1 |x|A 2 # V 1 x 2 # a2 1 |x|A 2 for all x [ Rn, [S40] J. Tsinias, “Sufficient Lyapunov-like conditions for stabilization,”
Math. Contr. Signals Syst., vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 343–357, 1989.
[S41] F. W. Wilson, “Smoothing derivatives of functions and applications,”
and Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 139, pp. 413–428, 1969.

v 1 x 1 t, j 2 2 # b 1 v 1 x 1 0, 0 2 2 , t 1 j 2 1 e for all 1 t, j 2 [ dom x. p is constant. The resulting hybrid closed-loop system

(22) with state x 5 1 j, p, h 2 has the data 1 C, F, D, G 2 , where
x [ F 1 x 2 implies p 5 0, x 1 [ G 1 x 2 implies p 1 5 p, and
# #
The property concluded in Theorem 17 is referred to as C h D ( Rn1 3 P 3 Rn3 . Moreover, suppose that the com-
either semiglobal, practical robustness to persistent pertur- pact set A ( Rn1 3 P 3 Rn3 is asymptotically stable. We now
bations or semiglobal, practical pre-asymptotic stability. consider what happens when p can vary, slowly during
“Semiglobal” refers to the fact that the bound (22) can be flows and with small changes during jumps. Such varia-
achieved from an arbitrary, compact subset of the basin of tions are captured within the modeling of perturbations
# . 0 since x [ Fs 1 x 2 implies
pre-attraction. “Practical” refers to the fact that the value of in (16)–(19) with s ( x ) ; s
# B and x 1 [ Gs 1 x 2 implies p 1 [ p 1 s
e in (22) can be made arbitrarily small. p[s # B. Hence,
We now discuss two applications of Theorem 17. An we conclude with the help of Theorem 17 that the pre-
additional application can be found in “Zeno Solutions,” asymptotic stability of the compact set A is semiglobally,
where temporal regularization is discussed. practically robust to small parameter variations. Similar
results for differential equations are pointed out in [40]
Example 18: Hybrid Control with Slowly using results from [37]. ■
Varying Parameters The following corollary of Theorem 17 is a reduction
Consider the parameterized nonlinear control system result that is related to results for continuous-and discrete-
j 5 F1 ( j, p, u ) , j [ Rn1, where, for now, p represents a time nonlinear systems in [38] and [28], respectively.
constant parameter taking values in a compact set P ( Rn2.
Consider also a dynamic, hybrid controller with state Corollary 19
h [ Rn3 perhaps consisting of timers, discrete states, and Consider a hybrid system H 5 1 C, F, D, G 2 satisfying the
continuous states, designed under the assumption that Basic Assumptions. If the compact set A1 is globally


pre-asymptotically stable for H and the compact continuously differentiable on an open set O satisfying
set A2 ( A1 is globally pre-asymptotically stable for C\ A ( O ( dom V, and iii)
H|A1 J 1 C d A1, F, D d A1, G d A1 2 , then A2 is globally
pre-asymptotically stable for H. lim V ( x ) 5 0.
5x S A, x[dom Vd (C h D)6
Corollary 19 follows from Theorem 17 since solutions that
start close to A2 start close to A1 and thus stay close to A1. Conditions i) and iii) hold when dom V contains A hC hD,
Thus the solutions of H are contained in a small perturbation V is continuous and nonnegative on its domain, and
of H|A1. Moreover, these perturbations vanish with time since V 1 z 2 5 0 for all x [ A. These conditions are typical of
A1 is assumed to be globally pre-asymptotically stable. Lyapunov-function candidates for discrete-time sys-
Corollary 19 can be applied to analyze cascaded systems tems. Condition ii) holds when V is continuously differ-
[75]. For example, consider the classical system with state entiable on an open set containing C\A , which is typical
x 5 1 x1, x2 2 and dynamics of Lyapunov-function candidates for continuous-time
systems. We impose continuous differentiability for
x 1 5 f1 ( x 1, x 2 ) simplicity, but it is possible to work with less regular
# r 5 F(x), (23)
x 2 5 f2 ( x 2 ) Lyapunov functions and their generalized derivatives.
When x 5 1 j, q 2 [ Rn 3 Q, where Q is a discrete set, it is
where the functions f1 and f2 are continuous, the origin of natural to define V only on Rn 3 Q. To satisfy condition
x2 5 f2 1 x2 2 is globally asymptotically stable, and the origin
ii), the definition of V can be extended to a neighborhood
of x1 5 f1 1 x1, 0 2 is globally asymptotically stable. For the of Rn 3 Q, with V 1 j, q 2 5 V 1 j, q0 2 for all q near q0 [ Q.
system We now state a hybrid Lyapunov theorem.

x 5 F 1 x 2 , x [ C 5 MB 3 MB, M . 0,
(24) Theorem 20
Consider the hybrid system H 5 1 C, F, D, G 2 satisfying the
it follows that the compact set A1 5 MB 3 5 0 6 is globally Basic Assumptions and the compact set A ( Rn satisfying
pre-asymptotically stable and that the system x 5 F 1 x 2 , G 1 A d D 2 ( A. If there exists a Lyapunov-function candi-
x [ C d A1 has the compact set A2 5 5 1 0, 0 2 6 globally pre- date V for 1 H, A 2 such that
asymptotically stable. We conclude from Corollary 19 that
the origin of the system (24) is globally pre-asymptotically 8=V 1 x 2 , f 9 , 0 for all x [ C\A, f [ F 1 x 2 ,
stable. This conclusion means that, for the original system V1g2 2 V1x2 , 0 for all x [ D\A, g [ G 1 x 2 \A,
(23), the origin is asymptotically stable. Moreover, since M
is arbitrary in (24), the basin of attraction for the origin for then the set A is pre-asymptotically stable and the basin
the system (23) contains the set of initial conditions from of pre-attraction contains every forward invariant, com-
which each solution of (23) is bounded. pact set.
A consequence of Theorem 20 is that the compact
STABILITY ANALYSIS USING LYAPUNOV FUNCTIONS set A is globally pre-asymptotically stable if C h D
Lyapunov functions are familiar to most control engineers. is compact or the sublevel sets of V|dom V d (C h D) are
These functions provide a way of establishing asymptotic compact. A sublevel set of V|dom V d (C h D) is the set
stability without having to construct the system’s solutions 5 x [ dom V d ( C h D ) : V ( x ) # c 6 , where c $ 0.
explicitly, a daunting task for almost anything other than a Theorem 20 encompasses classical Lyapunov theo-
linear system. Sufficient Lyapunov conditions for asymp- rems, both for continuous- and discrete-time systems. For
totic stability are well known for both continuous- and example, consider the case where F is a continuous func-
discrete-time systems. These conditions amount to finding tion, and suppose there exist a continuously differentiable,
a nonnegative-valued function that is strictly decreasing positive semidefinite function V and a compact neighbor-
along solutions. In the case of a smooth Lyapunov function hood C of the origin such that 8=V 1 x 2 , F 1 x 2 9 , 0 for all
x [ C\ 5 0 6 . According to Theorem 20, the origin of x 5 F 1 x 2 ,
for a continuous-time system, the decrease condition can be
verified from negative definiteness of the inner product of x [ C, is globally pre-asymptotically stable. Then, since C
the Lyapunov function’s gradient and the vector field that contains a neighborhood of the origin, it follows that the
origin is asymptotically stable for x 5 F 1 x 2 . This conclu-
generates solutions. The standard Lyapunov-based suffi-
cient conditions for asymptotic stability are covered in the sion parallels the conclusion of [39, Thm. 4.1]. Similarly, for
version below for hybrid dynamical systems; see also [72, the case where G is a continuous, single-valued mapping,
Cor. 7.7]. First, we give a definition. if G 1 0 2 5 0 and there exist a continuous, positive semidefi-
Given the hybrid system H with data 1 C, F, D, G 2 and nite function V and a compact neighborhood D of the ori-
the compact set A ( Rn, the function V : dom V S R is a gin such that V 1 G 1 x 2 2 , V 1 x 2 for all x [ D\ 5 0 6 , then the
Lyapunov-function candidate for 1 H, A 2 if i) V is continu- origin of x 1 5 G 1 x 2 is asymptotically stable.
ous and nonnegative on ( C h D ) \ A ( dom V , ii ) V is The following examples illustrate the use of Theorem 20.


Example 2 Revisited: Lyapunov Analysis It now follows from Theorem 20 that the origin is glob-
Consider the hybrid model in Example 2. Note that g 1 0 2 5 0. ally pre-asymptotically stable. Since the sublevel sets of
Now consider the piecewise quadratic Lyapunov-function V|dom V d (C h D) are compact, the origin is globally pre-
candidate asymptotically stable. It also can be shown that nontrivial
solutions exist from each point in C h D. See “Existence,
max 5 2x21, x22 6 ,
Uniqueness, and Other Well-Posedness Issues.” Therefore,
for all x1 $ 0, x2 $ 0,
max 5 x21, 2x22 6 ,
the origin is globally asymptotically stable. ■
V1x2 5 µ
for all x1 # 0, x2 # 0,
2x21 1 2x22, for all x1 $ 0, x2 # 0,
Example 9 Revisited: Lyapunov
x21 1 x22, for all x1 # 0, x2 $ 0,
Analysis of a Planar System
For the system in Example 9, assume exp 1 ap/v 2 g , 1.
where dom V 5 R2. The function V is continuous on its Let a* satisfy ec J a* 2 a . 0 and ed J 1 2 exp
domain, and the sublevel sets of V are compact. Define ( 2a*p/v ) g 2 . 0. Then consider the Lyapunov-function
C( 5 5 x [ C : x 2 # c 6 where c [ 1 0, 3 2 , and note that candidate V 1 x 2 J exp ( 2a* T ( x ) ) |x|2 , where T is a con-
x [ C(\ 5 0 6 implies that x1 $ x2. It follows that V is tinuously differentiable function on an open set containing
continuously differentiable on an open set containing C\ 1 0, 0 2 6 and, for all x [ C, is equal to the time required to
C(\ 5 0 6 . Then, through routine calculations, we obtain go from x to D. Equivalently, for x [ C, T 1 x 2 is equal to v 21
8=V 1 x 2 , f 1 x 2 9 , 0 for all C(\A. Next define D( 5 5 x [ D : times the angle of x in the counterclockwise direction with
|x1| # d 6 where d [ 1 0, "1/6 2 . Then, for x [ D(\ 5 0 6 the angle equal to zero on the negative x2 -axis and equal
such that g 1 x 2 2 0, we obtain V 1 g 1 x 2 2 # 2 1 2x21 2 2 # to p on the positive x2 -axis. The function V is continuous
6d2x21 , x21 # V 1 x 2 . These calculations and Theorem 20 and continuously differentiable on an open set containing
establish that the origin of the system 1 C(, f, D(, g 2 is C\ 5 1 0, 0 2 6 . Moreover, the sublevel sets of V|dom Vd 1ChD2 are
globally pre-asymptotically stable. Since there exists compact. The function T satisfies 8=T 1 x 2 , f 1 x 2 9 5 2 1 for all
a neighborhood K of the origin such that C d K ( C( x [ C\ 5 ( 0, 0 ) 6 . Also note that 8=|x|2, f 1 x 2 9 5 2a|x|2 for all
and D d K ( D(, the origin is pre-asymptotically sta- x [ C. It follows that
ble for the system 1 C, f, D, g 2 . Since C h D 5 R2 , non-
trivial solutions exist from each initial point in C h D, 8=V ( x ) , f ( x ) 9 5 22a* V ( x ) 1 2aV ( x )
5 2 2ecV 1 x 2 for all x [ C\ 5 1 0, 0 2 6 .
and consequently, bounded maximal solutions are com-
plete. Thus, the origin is asymptotically stable for the sys-
tem 1 C, f, D, g 2 . ■
In addition,
Example 3 Revisited: Lyapunov Analysis of
the Bouncing Ball System V ( g ( x ) ) 5 exp ( 2a*p/v ) g 2|x|2 # ( 1 2 ed ) |x|2
5 1 1 2 ed 2 V 1 x 2 for all x [ D.
For the hybrid bouncing ball model of Example 3, we estab-
lish global asymptotic stability of the origin using Theorem
20. First note that g 1 0 2 5 0. Now consider the Lyapunov-
function candidate It follows from Theorem 20 that the origin is globally as-
ymptotically stable. In fact, the origin is globally exponen-
tially stable since V 1 x 1 t, j 2 2 # exp 1 2 l 1 t 1 j 2 2 V 1 x 1 0, 0 2 2 ,
V 1 x 2 5 x2 1 k
1 2
Å2 2 where l 5 min 5 2ec, 2 ln 1 1 2 ed 2 6 , for all solutions x and all
x 1 gx1
1 t, j 2 [ dom x, and |x|2 # V 1 x 2 # exp 1 2a*p/v 2 |x|2 for
where k . "2 1 1 1 r 2 / 1 1 2 r 2 and dom V 5 5 x [ R2 : all x [ C h D. ■
( 1/2 ) x 22 1 gx 1 $ 0 6 . This choice for V is motivated by
the ideas in [45]. We obtain 8=V 1 x 2 , f 1 x 2 9 5 2 g , 0 for Example 21: A Bounded-Rate Hybrid System
all x [ C\ 5 0 6 and, since x [ D\ 5 0 6 implies x1 5 0 and This example is based on [36, Ex. 1]. Consider the hybrid
x2 2 0, it follows that system with data 1 C, F, D, G 2 , where D 5 5 0 6 , G 1 0 2 5 0,
C 5 R3$0, and

V 1 g 1 x 2 2 5 2 rx2 1 k
1 2 2
Å2 2
rx 100 2 90 1
F 5 con • f1 J £ 2 90 § , f2 J £ 100 § , f3 J £ 2 90 § ,
# ra1 1 1 2 90 100
2 90
b|x2| for all x [ D\ 5 0 6
, a211
"2 f4 J £ 50 § , f5 J £ 50 § s.
# V 1 x 2. 2 90 1


Consider the Lyapunov-function candidate V 1 x 2 5 x 1 1 Krasovskii theorem [5]. This result guarantees asymptotic
1.5x 2 1 x 3, for which the sublevel sets of V|dom Vd 1ChD2 stability when the Lyapunov function is not increasing
are compact. It is easy to verify, for each of the vectors along solutions and the only value of the Lyapunov func-
fi , i 5 1, c, 5, that 8=V 1 x 2 , fi 9 , 0. Then it is a simple tion that can be constant along solutions is a value of the
calculation to verify that 8=V ( x ) , f 9 , 0 for all f [ F. It Lyapunov function taken only on the set A. It is a special-
follows from Theorem 20 that the origin is globally pre- ization to asymptotic stability questions of the invariance
asymptotically stable. In fact, the “pre” can be dropped principle [46], [47]. The next result, which can be called
since, for each initial point in C h D, there exists a non- a hybrid Barbasin-Krasovskii-LaSalle theorem, is essentially
trivial solution, and consequently, all maximal solutions contained in [72, Thm. 7.6] and combines the idea of the
to the hybrid system are complete. Indeed, for each x 2 0 Barbasin-Krasovskii theorem with the invariance principle
on the boundary of C there exists f [ F along which for hybrid systems. For more information on the invariance
flow in C is possible. In fact, for each x 2 0 there exists principle, see “Invariance.”
i [ 5 1, c, 5 6 such that fi [ TC ( z ) for all z [ C near x. For m [ R and a function V : dom V S R let LV 1 m 2 J
See “Existence, Uniqueness, and Other Well-Posedness 5 x [ dom V : V 1 x 2 5 m 6 .
Issues” for details. Existence of nontrivial solutions also
holds when defining F to be the convex hull of the vec- Theorem 23
tors fi, i 5 1, 2, 3 , which corresponds to the system con- Consider a hybrid system H 5 1 C, F, D, G 2 satisfying
sidered in [36, Ex. 1], but it cannot be verified by using the Basic Assumptions and a compact set A ( Rn satisfy-
only the three generating vectors at the nonzero points ing G 1 D d A 2 ( A. If there exists a Lyapunov-function
1 0, 0, x3 2 and 1 x1, 0, 0 2 . ■ candidate V for 1 H, A 2 that is positive on ( C h D ) \A
The next example demonstrates that a Lyapunov func- and satisfies
tion can be zero at points outside of A.
8=V 1 x 2 , f 9 # 0 for all x [ C\A, f [ F 1 x 2 ,
Example 22: Lyapunov Function Can V 1 g 2 2 V 1 x 2 # 0 for all x [ D\A, g [ G 1 x 2 \A
Be Zero at Points Outside of A
Consider the hybrid system with state x [ R2 and data then the set A is stable. If furthermore there exists a com-
pact neighborhood K of A such that, for each m . 0, no
complete solution to H remains in LV 1 m 2 d K, then the set
f1x2 J c
x21 1 x22
C J R2$0, d for all x [ C, A is pre-asymptotically stable. In this case, the basin of pre-
2 x21 2 x22
D J 5 x [ R2$0 : x 2 5 0 6 , G1x2 J 0
attraction contains every compact set contained in K that is
for all x [ D. forward invariant.
A consequence of Theorem 23 is that A is globally pre-
We establish pre-asymptotic stability of A 5 5 0 6 . Consider asymptotically stable if K can be taken to be arbitrarily large
the function V : R2 S R defined as V 1 x 2 J x2, which is a and C h D is compact or the sublevel sets of V|dom V d 1C h D2
Lyapunov-function candidate for 1 H, A 2 . Note that V is are compact.
zero on D and satisfies Realizing the full potential of Theorem 23 hinges on
detecting whether H has complete solutions in LV 1 m 2 d K.
8=V 1 x 2 , f 1 x 2 9 5 2 x21 2 x22 , 0 for all x [ C\ A. This property can be assessed by focusing on a hybrid
system that is contained in the original hybrid system.
In addition, the set G 1 x 2 \A is empty. Thus, the origin For a vector v [ Rn, let v' J 5 w [ Rn : 8v, w9 5 0 6 . For each
is pre-asymptotically stable according to Theorem 20. m . 0, define
In fact, global pre-asymptotic stability follows from
the fact that the compact sets 5 x [ C h D : x1 1 x2 # c 6 ,
Fm 1 x 2 J F 1 x 2 d =V 1 x 2 ' for all x [ C d LV 1 m 2 , (25)
where c . 0, cover C h D , and each one is forward
Gm 1 x 2 J G 1 x 2 d LV 1 m 2 for all x [ D d LV 1 m 2 , (26)
invariant. ■
Cm J dom Fm, (27)
Dm J dom Gm d ( dom Fm h Gm ( dom Gm ) ) . (28)
Pre-asymptotically stable compact sets always admit Ruling out complete solutions to H that remain in LV 1 m 2 d K
Lyapunov functions. See “Converse Lyapunov Theo- is equivalent to ruling out complete solutions to the hybrid
rems.” Nevertheless, it can be challenging to construct a system Hm, K J 1 Cm d K, Fm, Dm d K, Gm d K 2 .
Lyapunov function even for systems that are not hybrid. Sometimes the absence of complete solutions to the
This fact inspires the development of relaxed, Lyapunov- system Hm, K can be verified by inspection. Otherwise, we
based conditions for asymptotic stability. Perhaps the may try to use an auxiliary function W, which does not
most well-known result in this direction is the Barbasin- need to be sign definite, to rule out complete solutions to


Hybrid dynamical systems can model a variety of
closed-loop feedback control systems.

Hm, K. When this auxiliary function is always decreas- We illustrate Theorem 23 with several examples.
ing along solutions to Hm, K, the system Hm, K cannot have
complete solutions since 1 Cm h Dm 2 d K is compact for Example 3 Revisited: Lyapunov Analysis with
each m . 0 and each compact set K. More generally, Prop- the Invariance Principle.
osition 24 below can be applied iteratively to reduce the Consider the hybrid model of a bouncing ball in Ex-
size of the flow and jump sets in an attempt to make them ample 3. We establish global asymptotic stability of
empty eventually, thereby ruling out complete solutions. the origin. Let A be the origin in R2. The condition
This result is another consequence of the general invari- g 1 D d A 2 ( A holds. Consider a Lyapunov-function
ance principle discussed in “Invariance.” candidate V : R2 S R given by V ( x ) 5 gx 1 1 ( 1/2 ) x 22 .
The sublevel sets of V|C h D are compact, and V satisfies
Proposition 24
Consider the hybrid system H J 1 C, F, D, G 2 satisfying the 8=V 1 x 2 , f 1 x 2 9 5 gx2 2 gx2 5 0 for all x [ C
Basic Assumptions, and assume that C h D is compact. Let
W be continuously differentiable on an open set containing and
C and continuous on D. Suppose
V 1 g 1 x 2 2 5 r2x22 , x22 5 V 1 x 2
1 1
for all x [ D\A.
8=W 1 x 2 , f 9 # 0 f [ F1x2,
2 2
for all x [ C,
W g2 2 W1x2 # 0
1 for all x [ D, g [ G 1 x 2 d 1 C h D 2 . The set Dm defined in (25)–(28) is empty for each m . 0
since dom Gm is empty for each m . 0. Thus, A is globally
For each n [ W 1 dom W d 1 C hD 2 2 , define asymptotically stable as long as there are no complete solu-
tions that flow only and keep V equal to a positive constant.
Fn 1 x 2 J F 1 x 2 d =W 1 x 2 ' for all x [ C d LW 1 n 2 , It may be possible to see by inspection that no solutions
Gn 1 x 2 J G 1 x 2 d LW 1 n 2 for all x [ D d LW 1 n 2 ,
of this type exist. Otherwise, consider using the idea in
Proposition 24 to rule out complete solutions to Hm, m . 0,
Cn J dom Fn,
that only flow.
Dn J dom Gn d ( dom Fn h Gn ( dom Gn ) ) . Next, applying Proposition 24 with C J 5 x [ R2 : x1 $ 0,
V ( x ) 5 m 6 , D given by the empty set, and W1 1 x 2 5 x2,
Then the hybrid system H has complete solutions if we obtain
and only if there exists n [ W ( dom W d ( C h D ) ) such
that the hybrid system Hn J 1 Cn, Fn, Dn, Gn 2 has complete 8=W1 1 x 2 , f 1 x 2 9 5 2 g , 0 for all x [ C.
Whenever 8=W ( x ) , f 9 , 0 for all x [ C, f [ F 1 x 2 , and The set Cn in Proposition 24 is empty for all n, and thus
W 1 g 2 2 W 1 x 2 , 0 for all x [ D, g [ G ( x ) d ( C h D ) , complete solutions that only flow are ruled out. It
it follows that Cn and Dn are empty and thus Hn has no follows from Theorem 23 that the set A is globally asymp-
complete solutions. Typically, Cn and Dn have fewer totically stable. ■
points than C and D, and so it may be easier to establish
that Hn has no complete solutions than to establish that H Example 25: Interacting Fireflies.
has no complete solutions. The combination of Theorem Consider the firefly model given earlier with two fireflies,
23 with a repeated application of Proposition 24 is the and suppose each flow map is equal to a constant f . 0.
idea behind Matrosov’s theorem for time-invariant hy- This choice results in a hybrid system H with x [ R2 and
brid systems, as presented in [74]. The original Matrosov the data
theorem, conceived for time-varying systems, appears
C J 3 0, 1 4 3 3 0, 1 4 , F 1 x 2 J c d for all x [ C,
in [53]. Matrosov theorems reach their full potency for f
time-varying systems, where invariance principles typi- f
cally do not hold. Refinements of Matrosov’s original D J 5 x [ C : max 5 x 1, x 2 6 5 1 6 ,
idea have appeared over the years. See [60] and [50] and
g 1 1 1 1 e 2 x1 2
the references therein. A version for time-varying hybrid G1x2 J c d for all x [ D,
systems appears in [52]. g 1 1 1 1 e 2 x2 2



T he invariance principle has played a fundamental role over Theorem S13 [72, Thm. 4.3]
the years as a tool for establishing asymptotic stability in Suppose that the hybrid system H 5 1 C, F, D, G 2 satisfies the
nonlinear control algorithms. Prime examples include the Jurd- Basic Assumptions. Let V : Rn S R be continuously differen-
jevic-Quinn approach to nonlinear control design [S45], [S47] tiable on an open set containing C , continuous on C c D , and
as well as general passivity-based control [S42], [S48]. satisfy
The invariance principle transcends stability analysis by
characterizing the nature of the sets to which a bounded so- uC ( x ) # 0 for all x [ C, where uC ( x ) J maxf[F(x) 8=V ( x ) , f9,
lution to a dynamical system converges. The basic invari- uD ( x ) # 0 for all x [ D, where uD ( x ) J maxg[G(x)V ( g ) 2V ( x ) .
ance principle for dynamical systems with unique solutions
is due to LaSalle [47], [S46]. It has been extended to sys- Then, there exists r [ R such that each complete and bounded
tems with possibly nonunique solutions, in particular, differ- solution x to H converges to the largest weakly invariant sub-
ential inclusions, as well as integral and differential versions set of the set
with nonsmooth functions [S49]. A version of the invariance
principle for hybrid systems with unique solutions and con- 5 z : V 1 z 2 5 r 6 d 1 uC21 1 0 2 h 1 uD21 1 0 2 d G 1 uD21 1 0 2 2 2 2 , (S8)
tinuous dependence on initial conditions appears in [51]. An
invariance principle for left-continuous dynamical systems where uC21 1 0 2 :5 5 z [ C : uC 1 z 2 5 0 6 and uD21 1 0 2 :5 5 z [ D :
having unique solutions and quasi-continuous dependence uD ( z ) 5 0 6 .
on initial conditions is given in [S43]. An invariance principle Further information on a particular complete and bounded
for switched systems is given in [S3] and [S44]. The results solution x may lead to more precise descriptions of the set
quoted below are from [72], which contains results analo- to which x converges. For example, if x is Zeno (see “Zeno
gous to those in [S49] but for hybrid dynamical systems. Solutions”) then both forward and backward weak invariance
of v 1 x 2 can be verified by a complete solution to H that never
Lemma S12 flows, and, moreover, we can limit our attention to weakly in-
Suppose that the hybrid system H satisfies the Basic Assump- variant subsets of
tions, and let x : dom x S Rn be a complete and bounded solu-
5 z [ D : uD 1 z 2 5 0 6 d G 1 5 z [ D : uD 1 z 2 5 0 6 2 .
tion to H. Then the omega-limit of x , that is, the set
On the other hand, if there exists t . 0 such that all jumps of x
v ( x ) 5 5 z [ Rn : there exists ( ti, ji ) [ dom x there exists are separated by at least an amount of time t, then we can limit
ti 1 ji S `, x ( ti, ji ) S z 6 , our attention to weakly invariant subsets of

5 z [ C : uC 1 z 2 5 0 6 .
is nonempty, compact, and weakly invariant in the sense that
the following conditions are satisfied: Example 14: Illustration of the Invariance Principle.
i) v 1 x 2 is weakly forward invariant, that is, for each z [ v 1 x 2 Consider the hybrid system in the plane with data
there exists a complete solution y to H such that
y 1 0, 0 2 5 z and y 1 t, j 2 [ v 1 x 2 for all 1 t, j 2 [ dom y . C J 5 x [ R2 : x2 $ 0 6 , F ( x ) J c
d for all x [ C,
ii) v 1 x 2 is weakly backward invariant, that is, for each x1
z [ v 1 x 2 and each m . 0, there exists a solution y to H D J 5 x [ R2 : x2 # 0 6 , G ( x ) J c
d for all x [ D.
such that y 1 t, j 2 [ v 1 x 2 for all 1 t, j 2 [ dom y and such that x1
y 1 tz, jz 2 5 z for some 1 tz, jz 2 [ dom y with tz 1 jz . m . Solutions flow in the counterclockwise direction when in
Furthermore, the distance from x 1 t, j 2 to v 1 x 2 decreases to the closed upper-half plane. From the closed lower-half
zero as t 1 j S ` , and, in fact, v 1 x 2 is the smallest closed set plane, which is where solutions are allowed to jump, solu-
with this property. tions undergo an instantaneous rotation of p/2 , also in

where e . 0, g 1 s 2 5 s when s , 1, g 1 s 2 5 0 when s . 1 and This function is continuously differentiable on the open set
g 1 s 2 5 5 0, 1 6 when s 5 1. X\A, where
Note that the compact set A J 5 x [ C : x1 5 x2 6 rep-
resents synchronized flashing. We establish asymptotic X J 5 x [ R2 : V ( x ) , ( 1 1 k ) /2 5 ( 1 1 e ) / ( 2 1 e ) 6
stability A and characterize the basin of attraction. 5 5 x [ R2 : |x 1 2 x 2| 2 ( 1 1 e ) / ( 2 1 e ) 6 .
Define k J e/ 1 2 1 e 2 and consider the Lyapunov-func-
tion candidate Let n* 5 1 1 1 e 2 / 1 2 1 e 2 , let n [ 1 0, n* 2 , Kn 5 5 x [ C h D:
V 1 x 2 # n 6, and define C( 5 C d Kn and D( 5 D d Kn. Since V
V ( x ) J min 5 |x 1 2 x 2|, 1 1 k 2 |x 1 2 x 2| 6 . is a function of only x1 2 x2 and F1 1 x 2 5 F2 1 x 2 , it follows that


the counterclockwise direction. We analyze the asymptotic
behavior of the complete solution x with x 1 0, 0 2 5 1 1, 0 2 . x2
A natural function V to consider is V 1 x 2 5 |x|2 . Then,
uC 1 x 2 5 0 for all x [ C and uD 1 x 2 5 0 for all x [ D . Since F
and G are single-valued maps, this property is enough to
conclude that V 1 x 1 t, j 2 2 5 V 1 x 1 0, 0 2 2 5 1 for all 1 t, j 2 [ dom x ,
and, in particular, that x is bounded. Now note that the set
of all z [ C such that uC 1 z 2 5 0 is the whole set C , similar-
ly, the set of all z [ D such that uD 1 z 2 5 0 is the whole set
D . Furthermore, the set G 1 uD21 1 0 2 2 5 G 1 5 z [ D : uD 1 z 2 5 0 6 2
is the closed right-half plane. Hence, Theorem S13 x1
implies that x converges to the largest weakly invariant
subset of

S 5 5 z [ R2 : |z| 5 1, z1 $ 0 or z2 $ 0 6 .

This subset turns out to be

Sinv 5 5 z [ R2 : |z| 5 1, z2 $ 0 6 h ( 0, 21 ) . FIGURE S10 A solution to the hybrid system in Example S14.
All solutions to this system flow in the counterclockwise di-
rection when in the closed upper-half plane. From the closed
As Figure S10 depicts, S inv is also exactly the range of the lower-half plane, all solutions jump and undergo a rotation by
periodic solution x and thus its omega-limit. Indeed, we have p/2, also in the counterclockwise direction. An application
x 1 t, j 2 5 1 cost, sint 2 for t [ 3 0, p 4 , x 1 p, 1 2 5 1 0, 21 2 , and of Theorem S13 indicates that all solutions converge to the
x 1 t, j 2 5 x 1 t 2 p, j 2 2 2 for t $ p, j $ 2. In particular, S inv is the set S inv 5 5 z [ R2 : |z| 5 1, z2 $ 0 6 c 1 0, 21 2 . This set co-
incides with the range of the solution that starts flowing from
x 1 0, 0 2 5 1 1, 0 2 .
smallest closed set to which x converges.
Note that asserting that the periodic solution x converges
to S inv is possible only by considering both weak forward and REFERENCES
backward invariance. Indeed, the largest weakly forward invari- [S42] C. I. Byrnes, A. Isidori, and J. C. Willems, “Passivity, feedback equiv-
alence, and the global stabilization of minimum phase nonlinear systems,”
ant subset of S is S itself. ■ IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. 36, no. 11, pp. 1217, 1228–1240, 1991.
In the conclusion of Theorem S13 we can equivalently con- [S43] V. Chellaboina, S. P. Bhat, and W. H. Haddad, “An invariance prin-
sider the largest weakly invariant subset of ciple for nonlinear hybrid and impulsive dynamical systems,” Nonlinear
Anal., vol. 53, pp. 527–550, 2003.
[S44] J. P. Hespanha, D. Liberzon, D. Angeli, and E. D. Sontag, “Nonlin-
5 z : V 1 z 2 5 r 6 d 1 uC21 1 0 2 huD21 1 0 2 2 . ear norm-observability notions and stability of switched systems,” IEEE
Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 154–168, 2005.
[S45] V. Jurdjevic and J. P. Quinn, “Controllability and stability,” J. Differ.
This set has a simpler description but is usually larger than the set Equ., vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 381–389, 1978.
used in Theorem S13. More extensive investigation using invariance [S46] J. P. LaSalle, The Stability of Dynamical Systems. Philadelphia,
properties is then needed to obtain the same set to which solutions PA: SIAM, 1976.

converge. If the term G 1 uD21 1 0 2 2 in (S8) were to be omitted when

[S47] K. K. Lee and A. Arapostathis, “Remarks on smooth feedback stabiliza-
tion of nonlinear systems,” Syst. Control Lett., vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 41–44, 1988.
applying Theorem S13 to the hybrid system in Example 14, then the [S48] R. Ortega, A. J. van der Schaft, I. Mareels, and B. Maschke, “Putting en-
set S would be larger. In particular, S would be the whole unit circle. ergy back in control,” IEEE Control Syst. Mag., vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 18–33, 2001.
[S49] E. P. Ryan, “An integral invariance principle for differential inclu-
Nevertheless, considering forward and backward weak invariance sions with applications in adaptive control,” SIAM J. Control Optim., vol.
leads to the same invariant subset S inv . 36, no. 3, pp. 960–980, 1998.

8=V 1 x 2 , F 1 x 2 9 5 0 for all x [ C(\A. When g 1 1 1 1 e 2 x2 2 5 0, it follows that V 1 G 1 x 2 2 5 0.

Now consider the case where g 1 1 1 1 e 2 x2 2 5 1 1 1 e 2 x2.
Now consider x [ D(. By symmetry, without loss of gen- There are two possibilities, namely, x2 , 1/ 1 2 1 e 2 and
erality we can consider x 5 1 1, x2 2 , where x2 [ 3 0, 1 4 \ x2 . 1/ 1 2 1 e 2 . In the first situation,
5 1/ 1 2 1 e 2 6 . We obtain
V 1 x 2 5 k 1 x2 . 1 1 1 e 2 x2 $ V 1 G 1 x 2 2 .

V 1 x 2 5 min 5 1 2 x2, k 1 x2 6 , In the second situation, V 1 x 2 5 1 2 x2 . 1 1 k 2 1 1 1 e 2 x2 $

V 1 G 1 x 2 2 5 min 5 g 1 1 1 1 e 2 x2 2 , 1 1 k 2 g 1 1 1 1 e 2 x2 2 6 . V 1 G 1 x 2 2 . It now follows from Theorem 23 that the set


A is globally pre-asymptotically stable for the system j, thereby modeling a sampled-data linear control system
1 C(, F, D(, G 2 . To see this fact, note that the calculations with sector-bounded nonlinearities.
above imply that the set dom Gm, and thus also Dm, used To establish asymptotic stability of the compact set
in (25)–(28) are empty for each m . 0. Furthermore, com- A J 5 x : j 5 0, t [ 3 0, T 46 , consider a Lyapunov-function
plete solutions that only flow are impossible. This fact can candidate of the form V 1 x 2 J j^P 1 t 2 j, where P : 3 0, T 4 S Pn
be seen by inspection or by applying Proposition 24 with and Pn denotes the set of symmetric, positive definite
W 1 x 2 5 2 x 1 2 x 2. matrices. The function P is chosen to satisfy
Since n [ 1 0, n* 2 used in the definitions of C( and D( is
arbitrary, and the sets Kn are compact and forward invari- =P ( t ) 5 2 A^P ( t ) 2 P ( t ) A 1 M 1
ant, the basin of attraction of A for the system 1 C, F, D, G 2 2 1 P 1 t 2 B 2 M 3 2 M 221 1 B ^P 1 t 2 2 M ^
3 2, (29)
contains X . In fact, solutions starting from the condition
|x1 2 x2| 5 1 1 1 e 2 / 1 2 1 e 2 do not converge to A. This be- where we assume that P 1 T 2 5 P^ 1 T 2 . 0 can be chosen to
havior can be seen by noting that V 1 G 1 x 2 2 5 V 1 x 2 when x1 5 1 guarantee that P 1 t 2 exists and is positive definite for all
and |x1 2 x2| 5 1 1 1 e 2 / 1 2 1 e 2 . It then follows that X is the t [ 3 0, T 4 . For more on this condition, see below. With this
basin of attraction for A for the system 1 C, F, D, G 2 . ■ choice for V, for all x [ C and f [ F 1 x 2 , we obtain
The final two illustrations of Theorem 23 address stabil-
ity analysis for general classes of systems where sampling 8=V 1 x 2 , f 9 5 2j ^P 1 t 2 Bw 1 j ^M 1j 2 j ^ 1 P 1 t 2 B 2 M 3 2
is involved. The first application pertains to classical sam- 3 M221 1 B^P 1 t 2 2 M^
3 2j

# 2j P 1 t 2 Bw 1 j M 1j 2 j ^ 1 P 1 t 2 B 2 M 3 2
pled-data systems. The second application covers nonlin- ^ ^

3 M221 1 B^P 1 t 2 2 M^
3 2j
ear networked control systems, which are becoming more
prevalent due to the ubiquity of computers and communi-
j ^ M M3 j
2 c d c ^1 d c d.
cation networks.
w M3 M2 w
Example 26: Absolute Stability for Sampled-Data Systems
In this example we study the absolute stability of periodic Completing squares leads to the conclusion that
jump linear systems, including sampled-data systems. Ab-
solute stability refers to asymptotic stability in the presence 8=V 1 x 2 , f 9 # 0 for all x [ C, f [ F 1 x 2 .
of arbitrary time-varying, sector-bounded nonlinearities
[39, Sec. 7.1]. It is possible to model sector-bounded nonlin- We now turn to the change in V during jumps. Asymp-
earities through a differential inclusion. totic stability of the set A follows from Theorem 23 when
Consider the class of hybrid systems with state x [ Rn11, there exists e . 0 such that
decomposed as x 5 1 j, t 2 , where j [ Rn, and data

1 j ^J ^ 1 w ^L^ 2 P 1 0 2 1 Jj 1 Lw 2 2 j ^P 1 T 2 j
C J 5 x : t [ 3 0, T 46 ,
j ^ N1 N3 j
Aj 1 Bw j ^ M1 M3 j 2c d c ^ d c d # 2 ej ^j.
F(x) J e c d , w: c d c ^ d c d # 0f
w N3 N2 w
1 w M3 M2 w
for all x [ C,
D J 5x : t 5 T6, To check this condition, we need to relate P 1 0 2 and P 1 T 2 .
The solution to the matrix differential equation (29) can be
Jj 1 Lw j ^ N1 N3 j
G(x) J e c d , w: c d c ^ d c d # 0f written explicitly by forming the Hamiltonian matrix
0 w N3 N2 w
for all x [ D, A 2 BM221M^ BM221B^
H5 c 3
^d ,
M1 2 M3M221M^3 1 3 2
2 A 2 BM221M^
where M1, M2, N1, and N2 are symmetric. We assume that
the eigenvalues of M1 and N1, which are real, are nonnega- forming the matrix exponential F 1 t 2 J exp 1 2 Ht 2 , parti-
tive; in other words, M1 and N1 are positive-semidefinite tioning F in the same way that H is partitioned, and verify-
matrices. The matrices M2 and N2 are positive definite, ing that, where P is defined,
meaning that their eigenvalues are positive. These condi-
tions guarantee that the Basic Assumptions hold. The state P 1 T 2 t 2 5 1 F 21 1 t 2 1 F 22 1 t 2 P 1 T 2 2 1 F 11 1 t 2 1 F 12 1 t 2 P 1 T 2 2 21.
t corresponds to a timer state that forces jumps every T sec-
onds. With w constrained to zero, the system is a simple When F 11 1 t 2 is invertible for all t [ 3 0, T 4 , the quantities
periodic jump linear system with flow equation j 5 Aj and 2F11 1 t 2 21F12 1 t 2 and F 21 1 t 2 F 11 1 t 2 21 are positive semidefi-
jump equation j 1 5 Jj. More generally, w is constrained to nite for all t [ 3 0, T 4 . Also, defining C J F 1 T 2 , X J P 1 T 2 ,
satisfy a quadratic constraint that is a function of the state and letting S be a matrix satisfying SS ^ 5 2C 11 21
C 12 ,


P ( t ) is defined and positive definite for all t [ 3 0, T 4 when C J 5 x 5 1 x1, x2, t 2 : t [ 3 0, T 46 ,
X 5 X ^ . 0 and S ^XS , I. These conditions on X and S are
f1 1 x1, x2 2
f x 5 £ 2 1 x1, x2 2 § for all x [ C,
1 2
guaranteed by what follows.
Using the fact that C is symplectic, that is, C ^VC 5 V, f
d , the value P 1 0 2 is related to X through
where V 5 c
0 I 1
2I 0
the formula D J 5 x 5 1 x 1, x 2, t 2 : t 5 T 6 ,
P 1 0 2 5 C 11
3 X 1 XS 1 I 2 S ^XS 2 21S ^X 4 C 11
2T 21
1 C 21C 11 . g 1 x 2 5 £ g2 1 x1, x2 2 § for all x [ D,
3 0, eT 4
Substituting for P 1 0 2 in (30) and using Schur complements,
it follows that asymptotic stability of the set A is guar- where e [ 3 0, 1 2 . The quantity x 1 denotes physical states
anteed when F 11 1 t 2 is invertible for all t [ 3 0, T 4 and the in the plants that are being controlled over the communi-
matrix inequality cation network. The quantity x 2 denotes states associated
with communication. For example, the state x 2 may de-
note mismatch between ideal control actions and control
J^ actions achieved by the network. Uncertainty and vari-
£ L^ § ( C 11
21 2^
XC 11 21
1 C 21C 11 )3J L 04 ability in the transmission times are captured by the
0 set-valued nature of the update rule for the timer state t,
X 1 N1 N3 J ^C 11
XS which can be updated to any value in the interval 3 0, eT 4 .
2£ ^
N3 N2 L C 11 XS § , 0
^ 21
(31) For simplicity, we consider the case where the desired
S ^XC 11
J S ^XC 11 2^
L 1 I 2 S ^XS 2 steady-state behavior corresponds to 1 x 1, x 2 2 5 1 0, 0 2 . In a
more general analysis, both x 1 and x 2 may contain states
that don’t tend to zero.
is satisfied for some X 5 X ^ . 0. ■ The function g2 addresses the communication protocol
used to update x 2 at transmission times. We are considering
Example 27: Networked Nonlinear Control Systems. time-invariant protocols here, since g2 does not depend on
A wide variety of interesting control problems are associated time. However, all of the ideas below extend to the time-
with networked control systems. Stability analysis for some varying, periodic case.
of these problems is similar to stability analysis for sampled- We assume there exist continuous functions f 1 and f 2
data systems. The primary differences are the following: that are zero at zero and positive otherwise, positive num-
» The length of time between updates can be unpre- bers e, k 11, k 12, k 21, k 22, and k 3, and continuously differen-
dictable, due to network variability. tiable functions V1, V2 that are zero at zero and positive
» The update rules are often time varying, typically otherwise, with compact sublevel sets, such that
periodic as when using a round-robin protocol, or

8=V1 1 x1 2 , f1 1 x1, x2 2 9 # 2 1 e 1 k11 2 f1 1 x1 2 2 1 k12f1 1 x1 2 f 1 x2 2 ,

nonlinear, as when using the “try-once-discard” pro-
tocol presented in [89]. These attributes arise from
communication constraints that limit how much of
the state can be updated at a given time. Protocols are 8=V2 1 x 2 2 , f2 1 x 1, x 2 2 9 # k 21f 1 x 1 2 f 1 x 2 2 1 k 22f 2 1 x 2 2 2, (33)
developed to make a choice about which component max 5 k 3f ( x 2 ) , l V2 ( g2 ( x 1, x 2 ) ) 6 # V2 ( x 2 ) .
2 22
of the state to update at the current time.
Time-varying update rules can be addressed in the
framework of sampled-data systems [20]. Uncertain and Possible choices for the functions f 1 and f 2 include the
variable update times also can be addressed in the frame- Euclidean norms of the arguments. Condition (32) in-
work of sampled-data systems when we are satisfied with cludes the assumption that the origin is globally asymp-
a common quadratic Lyapunov function for the various totically stable in the case of perfect communication,
discrete-time systems that emerge from the variable update that is, x 2 ; 0. Condition (34) includes the assumption
times. When we move to nonlinear dynamics and nonlin- that the communication protocol, which is determined
ear updates, it becomes more challenging to exploit exact by the function g2, makes x 2 5 0 asymptotically stable
knowledge of the functions that describe the evolution of when the protocol dynamics are disconnected from the
networked control system. In this situation, a reasonable continuous-time dynamics. Condition (33) is a coupling
approach is to analyze the closed-loop behavior using condition between (32) and (34) that bounds the growth
coarse information about the functions involved. of x 2 during flows.
Consider the networked control system with state Now consider the Lyapunov-function candidate
x 5 1 x 1, x 2, t 2 [ Rn1 3 Rn2 3 R and data V 1 x 2 J V1 1 x1 2 1 p 1 t 2 V2 1 x2 2 , where p : 3 0, T 4 S R .0 satisfies


p 1 T 2 t 2 5 1 f 21 1 t 2 1 f 22 1 t 2 p 1 T 2 2 1 f 11 1 t 2 1 f 12 1 t 2 p 1 T 2 2 21
=p 1 t 2 5 2 c k 22k 11p 1 t 2 1 1 k 12 1 p 1 t 2 k 21 2 2 d ,
1 1
k 3k 11 4 for all t [ 3 0, T 4 .

and we assume that p 1 T 2 . 0 can be chosen so that p is de-

fined on 3 0, T 4 . This choice is similar to the Lyapunov func- When f 11 1 t 2 . 0 for all t [ 3 0, T 4 , the quantities f 21 1 t 2
tion considered in [15]. We obtain and 2 f 12 1 t 2 are nonnegative for all t [ 3 0, T 4 . When,
in addition, p 1 T 2 . 0 and 2 p 1 T 2 f 12 1 T 2 /f 11 1 T 2 , 1, the
8=V 1 x 2 , f 1 x 2 9 # 2 1 k11 1 e 2 f1 1 x1 2 2 1 k12f1 1 x1 2 f2 1 x2 2 quantity p 1 t 2 is defined for all t [ 3 0, T 4 . Then, with the
definitions C J F 1 T 2 , s J " 2 c12 /c11 , r J "c21 /c11 ,
1 p 1 t 2 3 k 21f 1 1 x 1 2 f 2 1 x 2 2 1 k 22f 2 1 x 2 2 2 4
and q :5 p ( T ) , it follows that
c k 22k 11p 1 t 2 1 1 k 12 1 p 1 t 2 k 21 2 2 d
1 1
k 3k 11 4 p 1 0 2 5 r 2 1 3 q 1 1 1 2 s 2q 2 21s 2q 2 4 /c 211.
3 k 3f 2 1 x 2 2 2
f 1 1 x1 2 ^ In turn, the stability condition p 1 0 2 l2 , p 1 T 2 is guaranteed
5c d by the conditions that f 11 1 t 2 . 0 for all t [ 3 0, T 4 and
f 2 1 x2 2

2 1 k 11 1 e 2 1 k 1 p 1 t 2 k 21 2
1 q
2 12 f 1x 2 l2 ar 2 1 b 2q lsq/c11
≥ ¥ c 1 1 d
£ § , 0,
c 211
f 2 1 x2 2 0 , q.
1 k 1 p 1 t 2 k 21 2 1 k 1 p 1 t 2 k 21 2 2
1 1
2 lsq/c11 2 1 1 s 2q
2 12 4k 11 12

# 2 ef 1 1 x 1 2 2 # 0. These conditions on q are feasible for T sufficiently small

since l , 1, and r and s tend to zero and c11 tends to one as
We now turn to the change in V due to jumps. Since T tends to zero. ■
p 1 0 2 $ p 1 t 2 for all t [ 3 0, eT 4 , we also have
V 1 g 1 x 2 2 # V1 1 x 1 2 1 p 1 0 2 V2 1 g 1 x 1, x 2 2 2 In a control system, part of the data of the system is free to
# V1 1 x 1 2 1 p 1 0 2 l2V2 1 x 2 2 . be designed. Sensors are used to measure state variables,
and actuators are used to affect the system’s behavior, re-
When p 1 T 2 can be chosen so that p 1 0 2 l2 , p 1 T 2 , global sulting in a closed-loop dynamical system. When the de-
asymptotic stability of the set sign specifies regions in the state space where flowing and
jumping, respectively, are allowed, it yields hybrid feed-
A J 5 x: x1 5 0, x2 5 0, t [ 3 0, T 46 back control. In this case, the closed-loop system is a hybrid
dynamical system. Since a typical goal of feedback control
follows from Theorem 23. Indeed, points in the set dom Fm is asymptotic stability, construction of the hybrid control
used in (25) must have x 1 5 0, while points in the set dom Gm algorithm is guided by stability analysis tools for hybrid
used in (26) must have x 2 5 0, and thus points in the set dynamical systems. In this section, we use several exam-
Gm 1 dom Gm 2 must have x 2 5 0. In turn, points in the set ples to illustrate how Lyapunov-based analysis tools, espe-
Dm defined in (28) must have x 1 5 0, x 2 5 0, and V 1 x 2 5 m. cially the Barbasin-Krasovskii-LaSalle theorem, are used to
Since this is impossible for m . 0, Dm is empty for m . 0. derive hybrid feedback control laws. In the examples below,
Therefore, to rule out complete solutions for Hm we just need to the asymptotic stability induced by feedback is robust in
rule out solutions that only flow. These solutions are ruled out the sense of theorems 15 and 17. This robustness is achieved
by t 5 1 and the fact that Cm bounded in the t direction. by insisting on regularity of the data of the control laws
Now we must relate p 1 0 2 to p 1 T 2 . As in the sampled-data so that the resulting closed loop hybrid systems satisfy the
problem, the solution to the differential equation (35) can Basic Assumptions.
be written explicitly by forming the Hamiltonian matrix
Example 25 Revisited: Impulsive Clock
Synchronization Based on the Firefly Model
k22 k21k22 k221
2 2 The synchronicity analysis in Example 25 for a network
HJ ≥ ¥
2k3 k3k11 4k3k11
of fireflies can be thought of as a synchronization control
k212 k22 k21k22
2 1 problem where the impulsive control law ui 5 exi in the
4k3k11 2k3 k3k11 jump equation xi1 5 g 1 xi 1 ui 2 is chosen to make Theorem
23 applicable, establishing almost global synchronization.
and the corresponding matrix exponential F 1 t 2 5 exp 1 2Ht 2 , Global synchronization can be achieved for two fireflies
and verifying by redesigning ui. Indeed, letting k [ 1 0, 1 2 and picking


Some asymptotically controllable nonlinear control systems
cannot be robustly stabilized to a point using classical, time-invariant
state feedback ... hybrid feedback, and supervisory control in
particular, makes robust stabilization possible.

ui 5 0 when xi , 1 1 2 k 2 /2 and ui 5 2k when xi . 1 1 2 k 2 /2 expressed directly in terms of a Lyapunov analysis and thus
results in global synchronization. This property is estab- avoids lifting, is reminiscent of the approach to sampled-
lished using the same Lyapunov-function candidate used data control taken in [79] and [85].
in Example 25.
Example 28: Resetting Nonlinear Control
Example 26 Revisited: Sampled-Data This example is based on [11], [29], and [30]. Consider
Feedback Control Design the nonlinear control system j 5 f 1 j, u 2 , where j [ Rn
The design of a linear sampled-data feedback controller and f is continuous, together with the dynamic control-
ler h 5 f 1 h, j 2 , u 5 k 1 h, j 2 , where h [ Rm and f and
can be carried out based on the analysis in Example 26.
The matrix M in Example 26 is used to indicate a desired k are continuous. Let x 5 1 j, h 2 and, for each x [ Rn1m,
dissipation inequality for the closed-loop system or a de- define F 1 x 2 J 1 f 1 j, k 1 h, j 2 2 , f 1 h, j 2 2 . We refer to the
system x 5 F 1 x 2 as Hc . Let V be a Lyapunov-function
sired stability robustness margin, while the matrices L
and N are typically zero. In this case, using the defini- candidate for 1 Hc, 5 0 6 2 that is positive on Rn1m\ 5 0 6 and
tions of S and C given in Example 26, the matrix inequal- for which the sublevel sets of V are compact. Moreover,
ity (31) reduces to suppose
R1) The condition 8=V 1 x 2 , F 1 x 2 9 # 0 holds for all
J ^ 1 C 11 2 J2X x [ Rn1m.
21 2^ 21
1 C 21C 11 J ^C 11
c d , 0. (36)
XC 11 XS
^ We do not assume that the function V satisfies the con-
S XC 11 J 2 I 1 S ^XS
ditions of Theorem 23 for the system Hc. Instead, global
asymptotic stability of the origin is achieved by resetting
In turn, the matrix J decomposes as J 5 G 1 HUK, where the controller state h so that V decreases at jumps. To that
G, H, and K are fixed and U is a design parameter corre- end, suppose that
sponding to feedback gains. Then feasibility of the matrix R2) For each j [ Rn there exists h* [ Rm such that
inequality (36) in the parameters U and X 5 X^ . 0 can be V 1 j, h* 2 , V 1 j, h 2 for all h 2 h*.
identified with a synthesis problem for the discrete-time Since V is continuous and its sublevel sets are compact,
system the function jAh* 1 j 2 is continuous. Since V 1 x 2 is positive
when x 2 0, h* 1 0 2 5 0. As in [29] and [30], the hybrid con-
j 1 5 C 11 1 G 1 HUK 2 j 1 Sw, troller resets h to h* 1 j 2 when 1 j, h 2 belong to the jump set
y 5 Y 1 G 1 HUK 2 j, D. We suppose that
R3) The set D ( Rn1m is closed, intersects the set
where Y^Y 5 C 21C 11 21
. Recall that the matrix C 21C 1121
is 5 1 j, h 2 : h 5 h * 1 j 2 6 only at the origin, and, for each
guaranteed to be positive semidefinite as long as F11 1 t 2 c . 0, there does not exist a complete solution to
is invertible for all t [ 3 0, T 4 . The synthesis problem cor-
responds to picking the parameter U to ensure that the
x 5 F1x2 x [ 1 Rn1m\D 2 d LV 1 c 2 ,
,2-gain from the disturbance w to the output y is less than
one, as certified by the energy function V 1 j 2 5 j^Xj through
the condition V 1 x 1 2 2 V 1 x 2 # 2 e|j|2 2 |y|2 1 |w|2 for where LV 1 c 2 denotes the c-level set of V.
some e . 0. Under conditions R1), R2), and R3), it follows from Theorem
When the parameters G, H, and K correspond to state 23 with the Lyapunov-function candidate V that the hybrid
feedback or full-order output feedback, the above synthe- resetting controller
sis problem can be cast as a convex optimization problem
in the form of a linear matrix inequality [22]. Generaliza-
u 5 k ( h, j )
tions of this sampled-data control approach are developed # f ( j, h ) [ Rn1m \ D,
for multirate sampled-data systems in [44] based on time- h 5 f ( h, j )
varying lifting. The approach discussed above, which is h 1 5 h*(j) 1 j, h 2 [ D


Zeno Solutions

Z eno of Elea would have liked hybrid systems. According to start. When you reach that point, note where I am again. Keep do-
Aristotle [S59] with embellishment from Simplicius [S57] and ing this until you pass me (... if you ever do)!”
the authors of this article, Zeno was the ancient Greek philoso- To adhere to the Tortoise’s ground rules, Achilles needs a state
pher whose Tortoise bested the swift Achilles in a battle of wits variable r that keeps track of the Tortoise’s most recently observed
by appealing to hybrid systems theory. Here is our version of position. Specifically, each time Achilles reaches r, he must up-
the encounter, a modern paraphrase of Zeno’s paradox. date the value of r to be the Tortoise’s current position. Thus, we
Tortoise: Hey, Achilles, how about a race? have a hybrid system with the state x 5 1 a, t, r 2 and data
Achilles: Are you kidding me? I’ll trounce you!
C J 5 x [ R3 : a # r # t 6 , f ( x ) J £ 1 § for all x [ C,
Tortoise: Well, for sure, I need a head start...
Achilles: And how much of a head start would you like?
Tortoise: Doesn’t matter. Any will do.
D J 5 x [ R3 : a 5 r # t 6 , g ( x ) J £ t § for all x [ D.
Achilles: And why is that?
Tortoise: Because this will be a hybrid race. t
Achilles: What do you mean by that?
Tortoise: Well, Achilles, as you try to catch me, I want you to We call this system the Achilles. Achilles’ initial goal is to reach
keep track of where I have been. This will help you see that you the set A J 5 x [ R3 : a 5 r 5 t 6 , but he is observant enough to
are catching up to me. Note where I start. When you reach that see that he cannot reach this goal. Indeed, Achilles cannot reach
point, note where I am again. Keep doing this until you pass me! A by flowing, since then it would be possible to follow his flowing
Surely, your brain can handle this, can’t it Achilles? trajectory backward from a point in A to a point outside of A while
remaining in C . However, no solution of the equation x 5 2 f 1 x 2,
Achilles: So, the race is hybrid because, while my feet are
x [ C can start in A and leave A. In fact, satisfying x 5 2 f 1 x 2
running a race I can win, my mind is racing without end? You
know, I just felt a twinge in a tendon near my ankle. Do you think from any initial condition in A immediately would force t , r, that
we can postpone this race for a couple of millennia? is, the Tortoise is behind Achilles’ most recent observation of the
Achilles would overtake the Tortoise and win if the race de- Tortoise’s location, which is outside of C . Also, Achilles cannot
pended only on Achilles’ feet. However, the Tortoise’s ground reach A by jumping to it. Indeed, being in D but not in A means
rules require Achilles’ mind to be involved as well. The mental that a 5 r , t. The value of the state after a jump would satisfy
task that the Tortoise gives to Achilles prevents Achilles from a , r 5 t, which is neither in A nor D .
catching the Tortoise. Indeed, no matter how many steps of the It is no consolation for Achilles that the set A is glob-
mental assignment that Achilles completes, he will still trail the ally asymptotically stable for the Achilles system. This fact
Tortoise physically. can be established using the Lyapunov-function candidate
In modern terms, here is the hybrid model that the Tortoise V 1 x 2 J 2 1 x2 2 x1 2 1 x2 2 x3, which is zero on A, positive oth-
suggests. Let t [ R denote the position of the Tortoise, which is erwise, and such that the sublevel sets of V |dom V d 1C h D2 are
initialized to zero as a reference point. Let a [ R denote the posi- compact. The function V satisfies 8=V 1 x 2 , f 1 x 2 9 5 2 1 for all
tion of Achilles. Due to the Tortoise’s head start, a is initialized to x [ C , and V 1 g 1 x 2 2 # 1 2 / 3 2 V 1 x 2 for all x [ D .
a negative value. The speed of the Tortoise is normalized to one, Neither is it a consolation for Achilles that the ordinary time t
whereas the speed of Achilles, for sake of convenience, is taken to used to approach A is bounded, a property that can be established
be two. If this description were the complete model, Achilles would by integrating the derivative of V along flows of the solution to the
reach the Tortoise at a time proportional to the initial separation be- Achilles system. Figure S11 shows typical hybrid time domains for
tween the Tortoise and Achilles, and then Achilles would continue solutions to the Achilles system. The hybrid time domain in Fig-
past the Tortoise to victory. But this point is where the Tortoise gets ure S11(a) occurs for solutions starting in 1 C c D 2 \ A . The hybrid
clever. He gives Achilles the following instructions: “Note where I time domain in Figure S11(b) occurs for solutions starting in A.

globally asymptotically stabilizes the origin of the closed-loop D J 5 x 5 ( j, h ) : V2 ( x ) $ r ( V1 ( j ) ) , 8=V2 ( x ) , F ( x ) 9 # 0 6

system. Indeed, by construction, the Lyapunov-function can- (37)
didate V decreases at jumps that occur at points other than
the origin, does not increase during flows, and no complete,
flowing solution keeps V equal to a nonzero constant. for some continuous, nondecreasing function r : R $0 S R $0
Regarding condition R3), consider the case in which that is zero at zero and positive otherwise. The set D de-
V 1 x 2 5 V1 1 j 2 1 V2 1 x 2 , where V1 1 j 2 . 0 for j 2 0, V2 1 x 2 $ 0 fined by (37) enables resets when h has moved from h* 1 j 2
for all x [ Rn1m, and V2 1 x 2 5 0 if and only if x 5 1 j, h 2 sat- and V2 1 x 2 is not increasing along a solution. Since the set
isfies h 5 h* 1 j 2 . This case is presented in [29] and [30]. In D is closed and intersects the set 5 1 j, h 2 : h 5 h * 1 j 2 6 , it fol-
this situation, let lows that R3) reduces to the condition


In honor of Zeno and his Tortoise, sets A as in the Achil-
j les system or the bouncing ball are often called Zeno attrac-
tors. Researchers have investigated sufficient conditions [36],
[S50], [S51], and necessary conditions [45] for the existence of
6 Zeno equilibria and have also grappled with the question of how
5 to continue solutions past their “Zeno times.” See, for example,
4 [S52] and [18]. Some recent contributions to the characteriza-
tion of Zeno equilibria can be found in [S54] and [S55].
Stabilizing hybrid feedback can induce Zeno equilibria or, more
2 generally, solutions having a hybrid time domain bounded in the
1 ordinary time direction. Such solutions sometimes exist in reset
control systems [S53], [S58]. When asymptotically stable Zeno
0 t2 . . . tz t equilibria are induced by hybrid control, the equilibria can be made
non-Zeno by introducing temporal regularization into the control
(a) algorithm. This operation can be carried out while preserving as-
ymptotic stability in a practical sense. Results of this type, which
follow from the robustness results discussed in the main text, are
presented in [26]. Temporal regularization also appears in [S56].
The behavior of hybrid systems is rich and sometimes unexpect-
ed. Solutions with domains bounded in the ordinary time direction,
including Zeno solutions, are a fascinating example of this behavior.
[S50] A. D. Ames, A. Abate, and S. Sastry, “Sufficient conditions for the
2 existence of Zeno behavior,” in Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and Control
and European Control Conf., Seville, Spain, 2005, pp. 696–701.
1 [S51] A. D. Ames, A. Abate, and S. Sastry, “Sufficient conditions for
the existence of Zeno behavior in a class of nonlinear hybrid systems
via constant approximations,” in Proc. 46th IEEE Conf. Decision and
0 t Control, New Orleans, LA, Dec. 2007, pp. 4033–4038.
[S52] A. D. Ames, H. Zheng, R. D. Gregg, and S. Sastry, “Is there life
(b) after Zeno? Taking executions past the breaking (Zeno) point,” in Proc.
American Control Conf., Minneapolis, MN, 2006, pp. 2652–2657.
[S53] O. Beker, C. V. Hollot, and Y. Chait, “Fundamental properties of
FIGURE S11 Hybrid time domains associated to two solutions reset control systems,” Automatica, vol. 40, pp. 905–915, 2004.
of the Achilles system. (a) The hybrid time domain for a solu- [S54] R. Goebel and A. R. Teel, “Lyapunov characterization of Zeno
tion starting from the condition a , t and r [ 3 a, t 4 . The hybrid behavior in hybrid systems,” in Proc. 47th IEEE Conf. Decision and
time domain is unbounded in the j direction and bounded in Control, Cancun, Mexico, Dec. 2008, pp. 2752–2757.
[S55] R. Goebel and A. R. Teel, “Zeno behavior in homogeneous
the t direction by the Zeno time, which is denoted by tZ . Solu- hybrid systems,” in Proc. 47th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, Can-
tions with domains of this type are called Zeno solutions. (b) cun, Mexico, Dec. 2008, pp. 2758–2763.
The hybrid time domain for a solution starting from the condition [S56] K. H. Johansson, M. Egerstedt, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry, “On
a 5 r 5 t. Its domain dom x is a subset of 5 0 6 3 N. Solutions the regularization of Zeno hybrid automata,” Syst. Control Lett., vol.
38, no. 3, pp. 141–150, 1999.
with domains of this type are called discrete solutions. [S57] D. Konstan, Simplicius: On Aristotle’s Physics 6 (Transl.). Lon-
don: Duckworth, 1989.
The bouncing ball model discussed in the main text is a [S58] D. Nesic, L. Zaccarian, and A. R. Teel, “Stability properties of
reset systems,” Automatica, vol. 44, no. 8, pp. 2019–2026, 2008.
physically based model that exhibits similar behavior, as illus-
[S59] J. Sachs, Aristotle’s Physics: A Guided Study. New Brunswick,
trated in Figure S16. NJ: Rutgers Univ. Press, 1995.

R3’) For each c . 0 and c2 . 0, there are no complete solu- 5 x 5 1 j, h 2 :V2 1 x 2 $ r 1 V1 1 j 2 2 6 is forward invariant for
tions to the systems the system
x 5 F 1 x 2 , x [ 5 x5 1 j, h 2 [ LV 1 c 2 : V2 1 x 2 # r 1 V1 1 j 2 2 6
x 5 F1x2, x [ 5 x [ L V 1 c 2 : 8=V2 1 x 2 , F 1 x 2 9 $ 0 6 .

# Finally, note that when the set D satisfies R3), condition
x 5 F(x),
x [ 5 x 5 1 j, h 2 [ LV 1 c 2 d LV2 1 c2 2 : V2 1 x 2 $ r 1 V1 1 j 2 2 6 . R3) is also satisfied for any closed set that contains D and
does not intersect 5 1 j, h 2 : h 5 h * 1 j 2 6 except at the origin.
The fact that R3’) implies R3) follows from Propo- So, for example, jumps might be enabled when x belongs
sition 24 with W J 2V2 and the fact that the set to the set D defined in (37) and also when x belongs to


the set 5 x 5 1 j, h 2 : V2 1 x 2 $ V1 1 j 2 6 . This observation is where e [ 3 0, 1 2 , g4 5 1 corresponds to successful trans-
related to the thermodynamic stabilization technique mission and g4 5 0 corresponds to unsuccessful transmis-
described in [29] and [30]. ■ sion. If we associate events with unsuccessful transmission
then the event indicator is given by E 1 g, x 2 5 0 when g4 5 1
STABILITY ANALYSIS THROUGH LIMITED EVENTS and E 1 g, x 2 5 [ otherwise. Solutions that do not experi-
ence events behave like the networked control systems
Background and Definitions analyzed in Example 27. ■
The concepts of average dwell-time switching [34] and mul-
tiple Lyapunov functions [6], [19], which are applicable to Example 29: Mode Transitions as Events
switched systems, extend to hybrid systems. These results Consider a hybrid system with state x 5 1 j, q 2 [ Rn 3 R,
for switching systems are based on how frequently switches and data 1 C, F, D, G 2 , where C h D ( Rn 3 Q and Q is
occur or on the value of a Lyapunov function when switches a finite set. Suppose we want to identify jumps that
occur. A switch between systems can be generalized to the change the value of q as events. For x 5 1 j, q 2 [ D and
occurrence of an event in a hybrid system, where an event is 1 gj, gq 2 [ G 1 x 2 , we let E 1 g, x 2 5 0 if gq 5 q, and we let
a particular type of jump. For example, in a networked con- E 1 g, x 2 5 [ otherwise.
trol system, an event might correspond to a packet dropout, A refinement is to associate events with jumps that
which can be modeled as a jump that is different from a change the mode q only when the state is outside of a target
jump that corresponds to successful communication. For compact set A 3 Q. In this case, we let E 1 g, x 2 5 0 if gq 5 q
more details, see “Example 27 Revisited.” As another ex- or x 5 1 j, q 2 [ A 3 Q. Otherwise, we let E 1 g, x 2 5 [. ■
ample, in a multimodal sampled-data controller, a timer For a hybrid system H J 1 C, F, D, G 2 , the eventless hy-
state jump, which captures the sampled-data nature of the brid system H0 J 1 C, F, D0, G0 2 , with data contained in the
system, would typically not count as an event, whereas a data of H, is constructed by removing events from 1 G, D 2
jump corresponding to a change in the mode may corre- through the definitions
spond to an event. See Example 29.

G0 1 x 2 J G 1 x 2 d 5 v : E 1 v, x 2 5 5 0 6 6 for all x [ D,
We discuss below when pre-asymptotic stability of
D 0 J D d 5x : G0 ( x ) 2 [6.
a compact set for a hybrid system can be deduced from
pre-asymptotic stability of the set for the system with its (39)
events removed.
Events are defined by an event indicator, which is an The data of H0 satisfies the Basic Assumptions and the
outer semicontinuous set-valued mapping E : Rn 3 Rn S S solutions to H0 experience no events.
5 0 6 . An event is a pair 1 g, x 2 such that E 1 g, x 2 is empty. The
number of events experienced by a hybrid arc x is given Example 30: Jumps Out of C h D
by the cardinality of the set For a hybrid system H 5 1 C, F, D, G 2 , it is possible that
g o C h D for some x [ D and g [ G 1 x 2 . These jumps
5 j : for some t $ 0, 1 t, j 2 , 1 t, j 1 1 2 [ dom x, can be inhibited with an event indicator E satisfying
E 1 x 1 t, j 1 1 2 , x 1 t, j 2 2 5 [ 6 . E 1 g, x 2 5 0 if g [ C h D and E 1 g, x 2 5 [ otherwise. In this
case, the definition (38) gives G 0 ( x ) 5 G ( x ) d ( C h D )
Example 27 Revisited: Networked Control for each x [ D. Each solution of H experiences no more
Systems with Transmission Dropouts than one event, since a solution cannot be extended from
Consider a networked control system with the pos- a point g o C h D.
sibility of communication dropouts, modeled by the According to Theorem 31, the compact set A is globally
hybrid system with data C J Rn1 1n2 3 3 0, T 4 3 5 0, 1 6 , pre-asymptotically stable for the hybrid system 1 C, F, D, G 2
D J Rn1 1n2 3 5 T 6 3 5 0, 1 6 , whenever G 1 D d A 2 ( A, and A is globally pre-asymptot-
ically stable for the hybrid system 1 C, F, D0, G0 2 , where
F1 1 x1, x2 2 G 0 ( x ) 5 G ( x ) d ( C h D ) for each x [ D and D0 is the set
F2 1 x1, x2 2 of points x [ D for which G0 1 x 2 2 [. ■
F1x2 J ≥ ¥ for all x [ C, The stability properties of H0 5 1 C, F, D0, G0 2 , with D0
and G0 defined in (38)–(39), can be used to derive stabil-
ity properties for H 5 1 C, F, D, G 2 under a variety of condi-

x1 tions. Below, we consider the cases where 1) the solutions of

H experience a finite number of events or 2) there is a rela-
G(x) J μ ≥ ¥ : g4 [ 5 0, 1 6 ∂
g 4G 2 ( x 1, x 2 ) 1 ( 1 2 g 4 ) x 2
3 0, eT 4 tionship between the values of a Lyapunov function when
different events occur. Other results can be formulated that
involve an average dwell-time requirement on events, like
for all x [ D, for switched systems discussed in “Switching Systems” or


Pre-asymptotic stability for compact sets is equivalent to uniform
pre-asymptotic stability, which is sometimes called KL-stability.

that combine dwell-time conditions and Lyapunov condi- equations in [1], extend to hybrid systems. The stability con-
tions, as in [33]. ditions are expressed in terms of an event indicator E , the
eventless system with events inhibited, as in (38)–(39), and
Finite Number of Events a decomposition of the event indicator into a finite number
An approach used in adaptive supervisory control to estab- of event types.
lish convergence properties is to establish that the number
of switches experienced by a solution is finite [58]. A related Theorem 32
result for asymptotic stability in hybrid systems is given in For a hybrid system H 5 1 C, F, D, G 2 satisfying the Basic
the next theorem. Assumptions with an event indicator E , the compact set A
is globally pre-asymptotically stable if and only if the fol-
Theorem 31 lowing conditions are satisfied:
Suppose that the hybrid system H 5 1 C, F, D, G 2 with state 1) G ( D d A ) ( A,
x [ Rn satisfies the Basic Assumptions. Let the compact 2) A is globally pre-asymptotically stable for the system
set A ( Rn satisfy G 1 D d A 2 ( A, and assume that A is glob- without events H0 J 1 C, F, D0, G0 2 .
ally pre-asymptotically stable for the eventless hybrid system 3) There exist a function W : C h D S R $0, and class-
H0 5 1 C, F, D0, G0 2 , where D0 and G0 are defined in (38)–(39). K` functions a1, a2, a3, such that
Also suppose that, for the hybrid system H and each compact
set K ( Rn, there exists N . 0 such that each solution starting a1 1 |x|A 2 # W 1 x 2 # a2 1 |x|A 2 for all x [ C h D,
in K experiences no more than N events. Then the set A is W 1 g 2 # a3 1 W 1 x 2 2 for all x [ D, g [ G 1 x 2 .
globally pre-asymptotically stable for the system H.
Theorem 31 is behind the proof of asymptotic stability 4) There exists a positive integer , and outer semicontin-
for the mode-switching controller for the disk drive sys- uous mappings Ei : Rn 3 Rn S S 5 0 6 , i 5 1, c, ,, such
tem in Example 1. As shown for “Example 1 Revisited,” that, for each 1 v, x 2 satisfying E 1 v, x 2 5 [, there exists
the origin of the closed-loop system is pre-asymptotical- i [ 5 1, c, , 6 satisfying Ei 1 v, x 2 5 [, and there exists
ly stable when jumps are eliminated, and when jumps a continuous function a4 satisfying 0 , a4 1 s 2 , s for
are allowed the maximum number of jumps is two. all s . 0 and such that, for each i [ 5 1, c, , 6 and
An outline of the proof of Theorem 31 is as follows. each solution x,
W 1 x 1 t2, j2 2 2 # a4 1 W 1 x 1 t1, j1 2 2 2 ,
Boundedness of maximal solutions and global pre-
attractivity of A for H follow from the fact that the num-
ber of events is finite and that the maximal solutions of where 1 tk, jk 2 [ dom x, k [ 5 1, 2 6 , t2 1 j2 . t1 1 j1,
H0 are bounded and the complete ones converge to A . are the two smallest elements of dom x satisfying
Stability can be established by concatenating trajecto- Ei 1 x 1 tk, jk 2 , x 1 tk, jk 2 1 2 2 5 [.
ries of the system H0, which can include jumps but not Figure 17 indicates a possible evolution of W 1 x 1 t, j 2 2 .
events, with jumps from G that correspond to events, and Some jumps, such as the one from 1 t2, 1 2 to 1 t2, 2 2 , do not
repeating this process up to N times. In particular, let correspond to events. When a particular type of event
e 5: e0 . 0 be given. Since G 1 D d A 2 ( A and G is outer occurs twice, the value of W at the second occurrence is
semicontinuous and locally bounded, there exists d0 . 0 required to be strictly less than the value of W at the first
such that G 1 D d 1 A 1 d0B 2 2 ( A 1 e0B. Since A is stable occurrence of the event. In the figure, one type of event is in-
for H0, there exists e1 . 0 such that, for each solution dicated in blue while the other is indicated in red. Blue events
x1 to H0, |x 1 ( 0, 0 ) |A # e1 implies |x1 1 t, j 2 |A # d0 for all occur at 1 t1, 1 2 and 1 t4, 4 2 . Thus, the value of W 1 x 1 t4, 4 2 2 is
1 t, j 2 [ dom x1. Repeating this construction N times and required to be less than the value of W 1 x 1 t1, 1 2 2 .
letting ej generate ej11 for j [ 5 0, c, N 2 1 6 , it follows Consider Theorem 32 in the context of multiple Lyapunov
that |x1 1 0, 0 2 |A # eN implies |x1 1 t, j 2 |A # e0 5 e for all functions Vq, where q [ 5 1, c, , 6 , for a switching sys-
solutions x of HN and all 1 t, j 2 [ dom x. tem with state z. We take W 1 x 2 J Vq 1 z 2 , where x 5 1 z, q 2 .
Sometimes it is assumed that Vq does not increase during
Multiple Lyapunov Functions flows [6], although this property is not necessary [90], and
Stability results involving multiple Lyapunov functions [6], is not assumed in Theorem 32. For i [ 5 1, c, , 6 , we take
[19] for switched systems, as well as related results for dis- Ei 1 v, x 2 5 0 for switches that turn the state q into a value j 2 i,
continuous dynamical systems in [90] and for differential otherwise we take Ei 1 v, x 2 5 [. Then the third assumption


W 1 x 1 t, j 2 2 # a, 1 W 1 x 1 0, 0 2 2 2 .
W (x)
With the first assumption of the theorem,
we conclude that the set A is stable.
Pre-attractivity is established as fol-
lows. Complete solutions that experience
0 a finite number of events converge to A ac-
1 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t cording to the first assumption of Theorem
2 32. For complete solutions that experience
3 an infinite number of events, at least one
4 type of event Ei does not cease happening
and thus, using this i in the third assump-
t tion of Theorem 32, W 1 x 1 t, j 2 2 converges
to zero, that is, the solution converges
FIGURE 17 The evolution of a candidate function W for Theorem 32 along a trajectory to A. Thus, the set A is globally pre-
of a hybrid system. The blue and red dots indicate different types of events. The blue asymptotically stable.
dots, at ( t1 , 1 ) and ( t4 , 4 ) , denote points v [ G ( x ) at which E1 ( v, x ) 5 [, whereas
We refer the reader to [6] and [19] for
the red dots, at ( t3 , 3 ) and ( t5 , 5 ) , denote points v [ G ( x ) at which E2 ( v, x ) 5 [.
Some jumps, such as the one from ( t2 , 1 ) to ( t2 , 2 ) , do not correspond to events. examples that illustrate Theorem 32 in the
When a particular type of event occurs twice, the value of W at the second occurrence context of multiple Lyapunov functions.
must be less than the value of W at the first occurrence of the event. For example, the An illustration is also given at the end of
value of W ( x ( t4 , 4 ) ) must be less than the value of W ( x ( t1 , 1 ) ) . the next section.

of Theorem 32 asks that, when comparing W at an event HYBRID FEEDBACK CONTROL

where q changes to i to the value of W at the previous event BASED ON LIMITED EVENTS
where q changes to i, we see a decrease in W. The case of q In this section, we illustrate how stability analysis based on
belonging to a compact set can be handled in a similar way limited events motivates hybrid control algorithms for the
by generating a finite covering of the compact set, to generate nonlinear system (5). The control algorithms have a flow set
a finite number of event indicators Ei, and using extra conti- Cc, flow map fc, jump set Dc, jump map Gc, and feedback
nuity properties for the function ( z, q ) A Vq ( z ) to ensure a law kc, resulting in a closed-loop hybrid system with data
decrease when an event repeats. given in (6) and (7).
The necessity in Theorem 32 follows from the results
discussed in “Converse Lyapunov Theorems,” which Supervising a Family of Hybrid Controllers
show that W can always be taken to be smooth. See The literature contains an extensive list of papers on super-
also [90]. The sufficiency, which doesn’t use continuity visory control. For example, in the context of discrete-event
properties for W, follows using the same argument used systems see [68], in the setting of adaptive control see [57],
for multiple Lyapunov functions in [6]. We sketch the and for hybrid systems see [41].
idea here. We discuss the design of a supervisor for a family of hy-
For stability, note that due to the first two assumptions brid controllers H | , where q [ Q J 5 1, c, k 6 , each with
state h [ Rm and data 1 C q k q 2 . Classical control-
c, q
and Theorem 31, there exists a [ K` such that, for each so- | , |f , D| ,G
lution x and each 1 t, j 2 [ dom x such that only one event
q q q
lers correspond to the special case where C | 5 Rn1m, D | 5 [,
and Gq 1 x 2 5 [ for all x [ Rn1m.
q q
has occurred |
Following [83], a supervisor Hc of these hybrid con-
W 1 x 1 t, j 2 2 # a 1 W 1 x 1 0, 0 2 2 2 . trollers is specified by indicating closed sets Cq ( C | and
Dq ( Dq in which flowing and jumping, respectively, us-
Without loss of generality, we associate the first event with ing controller q is allowed, and a set Hq ( Rn1m, in which
the event indicator i 5 1, and we use condition 3) of Theorem switching from controller q to another controller is allowed.
32 to conclude that, for all event times 1 tk1, jk1 2 where event In addition to the sets Cq, Dq, and Hq, the supervisor speci-
i 5 1 occurs, that is, E1 ( x ( tk1, jk1 ) , x ( tk1, jk1 2 1 ) ) 5 [, we have fies a rule for how h and q change when the supervisor
W 1 x 1 tk1, jk1 2 2 # a 1 W 1 x 1 0, 0 2 2 2 . We associate the first event switches authority from controller q to a different control-
that is different from events with i 5 1 with event indicator ler. This rule is given through the set-valued mappings
i 5 2 and conclude that, for all event times 1 tk2, jk2 2 at which Jq : R n 3 R m SS Rm11, q [ Q. Without loss of generality, we
event i 5 2 occurs, that is, E2 ( x ( tk2, jk2 ) , x ( tk2, jk2 2 1 ) ) 5 [, take Jq 1 xp, h 2 5 [ for all 1 xp, h 2 o Hq. We also define fq and
we have W 1 x 1 tk2, jk2 2 2 # a2 1 W 1 x 1 0, 0 2 2 2 . Continuing in kq to be the restrictions of |f q and | k q to Cq, and we define Gq
this way, we conclude that, for each solution x and each to be the set-valued mapping that is equal to G | on D \ H
1 t, j 2 [ dom x
q q q
and is empty otherwise.


The hybrid supervisor Hc has state xc 5 1 h, q 2 , input Given the sets Cq, Dq, C q, and F q from the “Supervisor
x p [ Rn , and is defined by the data Assumption,” we define the sets Hq and mappings Jq in (40)
to be

d , Cc 5 h q[Q ( Cq 3 5 q 6 ) ,
fq ( x p, h )
fc ( x p, x c ) 5 c
0 H q 5 F q h U \ ( Cq h D q h F q ) (41)

G q ( x p, h )
G c ( x p, x c ) 5 c d d Jq ( x p , h ) , and in (42), shown at the bottom of the page. By construc-
tion, the mapping Jq is outer semicontinuous.
Dc 5 h q[Q ( ( Dq h Hq ) 3 5 q 6 ) , (40) For the closed-loop system, events are defined to be
jumps from D \ 1 A 3 Q 2 that change the value of q. In
and kc ( x p, x c ) 5 kq ( x p, h ) . other words, events are jumps that are due to Jq. Due to
The goal of the supervisor is to achieve global asymptotic the definition of the map Jq, if a solution experiences one
stability of the set A 3 Q, where A ( Rn1m is compact, while event then there is a time where the state ( x p, h, q ) satis-
satisfying Cc h Dc 5 U 3 Q, where U ( Rn1m is closed, and fies 1 x p, h 2 [ C q. Thereafter, due to the “Supervisor As-
to have that all maximal solutions starting in Cc h Dc are sumption,” until the state reaches the set A 3 Q, the index
complete. To guarantee that a supervisor can be constructed q jumps monotonically. Therefore, the number of events
to achieve the goal, as in [83] we assume the following. experienced by a solution will be bounded by k 1 1. More-
over, by the “Supervisor Assumption,” the corresponding
(Supervisor Assumption) eventless system has the set A 3 Q globally pre-asymptoti-
There exist closed sets Cq ( C | d U and D ( D | d U so cally stable. These observations lead to the following corol-
q q q
that the following conditions hold: lary of Theorem 31.
1) There exist closed sets C q ( Cq h Dq such that
h q[Q C q 5 U. Corollary 33
2) For each q [ Q, the interconnection of the plant (5) Under the “Supervisor Assumption” on the family of con-
and the controller Hc, q 5 1 Cq, fq, Dq, Gq, kq 2 , having trollers Hc, q, q [ Q, the closed-loop interconnection of the
closed-loop data given in (6), (7), is such that, using plant (5) and the hybrid supervisor Hc, with data given
the definition Fq J h 5i[Q, i.q6C i, the following condi- in (40)–(42), satisfies the Basic Assumptions and has the
tions are satisfied: compact set A 3 Q globally asymptotically stable.
a) The set A is globally pre-asymptotically stable. For the disk drive in Example 1 and for additional exam-
b) No solution starting in C q reaches ples reported below, the “Supervisor Assumption” holds
U \ ( Cq h Dq h F q ) \ A. and the supervisory control algorithm indicated in Corol-
c) Each maximal solution is either complete or ends lary 33 is used.
in F q h U \ ( Cq h Dq h F q ) . Some asymptotically controllable nonlinear control sys-
Condition 2c) is a type of local existence of solutions con- tems cannot be robustly stabilized to a point using classical,
dition. It is assumed to guarantee that a supervisor can be time-invariant state feedback. Examples include systems
constructed to achieve not only global pre-asymptotic sta- that fail Brockett’s necessary condition for time-invariant,
bility but also that all maximal solutions are complete. continuous stabilization [7], like the nonholonomic mobile
The combination of conditions 2b) and 2c) imply that robot, and other systems that satisfy Brockett’s condition,
solutions starting in C q are either complete or end in A or like the system known as Artstein’s circles [2]. The topologi-
Fq. This property enables building a hybrid supervisor cal obstruction to robust stabilization in Artstein’s circles is
to guarantee that each solution experiences no more than the same one encountered when trying to globally stabilize
k 1 1 events, where events are defined to be jumps in the a point on a circle and is related to the issues motivating
value of q when ( x p, h ) o A. the development of topological complexity in the context of
The sets involved in the “Supervisor Assumption” for motion planning in [21]. We now illustrate how hybrid feed-
the problem of stabilizing the inverted position of a pendu- back, and supervisory control in particular, makes robust
lum on a cart are depicted in Figure 20. stabilization possible.

5 xc 6
c d, ( x p , h ) [ U \ ( Cq h D q h F q ) ,
5 i [ Q : 1 x p, h 2 [ C i 6
Jq 1 x p, h 2 J e
5 xc 6
c d, ( x p , h ) [ H q \ ( U \ ( Cq h D q h F q ) ) .
5 i [ Q : i . q, 1 x p, h 2 [ C i 6


Simulation in Matlab/Simulink

N umerous software tools have been developed to simulate x2 = u(2);

dynamical systems, including Matlab/Simulink, Modelica % flow condition
[S61], Ptolemy [S63], Charon [S60], HYSDEL [S66], and HyVi- if (x1 >= 0)
sual [S62]. Hybrid systems H 5 1 C, f, D, g 2 can be simulated in out = 1;
Matlab/Simulink with an implementation such as the one shown else
in Figure S12. This implementation uses the reset capabilities out = 0;
of integrator blocks in Matlab/Simulink. end (S10)
Four basic blocks are used to input the data 1 C, f, D, g 2 of
the hybrid system H for simulation by means of Matlab func- The subsystems of the Integrator System, which are de-
tion blocks. The outputs of these blocks are connected to the picted in Figure S13, are used to compute the flows and jumps.
input of the Integrator System, which integrates the flow map These subsystems are the following.
and executes the jumps. The Integrator System generates The integrator block, labeled 1/s , is the main block of the
both the time variables t and j as well as the state trajectory Integrator System. Its configuration uses the following settings:
x . Additionally, the Integrator System provides the value of the external reset set to “level hold” (setting for Matlab/Simulink
state before a jump occurs, which is denoted as xr . The four R2007a and beyond; see [S65] for details about this setting for
blocks are defined as follows: previous Matlab/Simulink versions), initial condition source set
» The f block uses the user function f.m to compute the to “external” and show state port set to “checked.” Simulink’s
flow map. Its input is given by the state of the system x , zero-crossing detection algorithm for numerical computations is
and its output is the value of the flow map f . globally disabled.
» The C block executes the user function C.m, which codes The CT dynamics subsystem computes the flow map of the
the flow set C . Its input is given by xr . The output of this hybrid system as well as updates the parameters t and j dur-
block is set to one if xr belongs to the set C and is set ing flows. Its output is integrated by the integrator block. This
to zero otherwise. computation is accomplished by setting the dynamics of the
integrator block to be t 5 1, j 5 0, x 5 f 1 x 2 .
# #
» The g block executes the user function g.m, which con-
tains the jump map information.
Its input is xr , while its output is
the value of the jump map g . Its
output is passed through an IC
block to specify the initial condi- f t t
tion of the simulation. Flows
» The D block evaluates the jump
condition coded in the user function
D.m. Its input is given by xr , while Matlab j j
its output is set to one if xr belongs Jumps
to D, otherwise is set to zero. C
For example, to simulate the bouncing
ball system in Example 3 with gravity con- Matlab x0 g x x
stant g 5 9.8, the flow map f and the flow State
g IC
set C can be coded into the functions f.m
and C.m, respectively, as follows:
function out = f(u) D x′
% state
x1 = u(1); D
x2 = u(2); Integrator System
% flow map
x1dot = x2;
x2dot = –9.8; FIGURE S12 Matlab/Simulink implementation of a hybrid system H 5 1 C, f, D, g 2 .
out = [x1dot; x2dot]; (S9) From the output of the Matlab functions, the Integrator System takes the values of the
flow map f and jump map g as well as the indications of whether or not the state be-
longs to the flow set C and jump set D . The output of the Integrator System consists
of t , j , and x 1 t, j 2 at every simulation time step. The output xr , which corresponds to
function out = C(u)
% state the value of the state x before the jump instant, is used in the computations. The initial
x1 = u(1); condition for the simulation is specified by x0 in the IC block.


1 f 0
f x
CT Dynamics 1
2 C t
C Jump 1
s 2
4 D j
D 3
Jump Logic x
g ( x′) Update x0 Stop Simulation
Update Logic j Stop STOP
Stop Logic


FIGURE S13 Internal diagram of the Integrator System. The CT dynamics subsystem computes the flow of the hybrid system and
updates the parameter t . The Jump Logic subsystem triggers the jumps when the state x belongs to the jump set D . The Update
Logic subsystem updates the value of the simulation as well as the pair 1 t, j 2 at jumps. The Stop Simulation subsystem stops the
simulation when either the flow time is larger than or equal to the maximum flow time specified, the jump time is larger than or equal
to the maximum number of jumps specified, or the simulation is in neither C nor D .

The Jump Logic subsystem triggers the jumps. Its inputs,

which are the outputs of the blocks C and D, indicate whether
the simulation is in either the flow set or the jump set. With this
information, the Jump Logic subsystem generates the reset input
of the integrator block as follows: when the simulation belongs
only to the flow set, no reset is generated; when the simulation 1 AND 1
belongs only to the jump set, a reset is generated; and when the x Jump
simulation belongs to both sets, a reset is generated depending Operator
on the value of a flag, which is denoted as priority .
The Update Logic subsystem updates the value of the simulation <= 0
as well as the pair 1 t, j 2 at jumps. By using the state port of the inte- Compare
grator block, which reports the value of the state of the integrator at to Zero
the exact instant that the reset condition becomes true, the value of
the simulation is updated by g 1 xr 2 . The flow time t is kept constant
FIGURE S14 Alternative implementation in Matlab/Simulink of
the jump set for the bouncing ball system in Example 3, which
at jumps, and j is incremented by one. That is, at jumps the update is given by 5 x : x1 5 0, x2 # 0 6 . The “Hit Crossing” block detects
law is t 1 5 tr, j 1 5 jr 1 1, x 1 5 g 1 xr 2 . when the state component x1 crosses zero, while the “Compare
The Stop Logic subsystem stops the simulation under any of to Zero” block is employed to report when the state component
the following events: x2 satisfies the condition x2 # 0. When the outputs of the “Hit
Crossing” and “Compare to Zero” blocks are equal to one, a
» The flow time is larger than or equal to the maximum flow
jump is triggered.
time, which is specified by the parameter T .
» The jump time is larger than or equal to the maximum
number of jumps, which is specified by the parameter J . The following parameters are used in a simulation: initial con-
» The simulation is neither in C nor in D . dition for x , which is given by x0 ; simulation horizon for the flows
Under any of these events, the output of the logic operator and jumps, which are given by T and J , respectively; and flag
connected to the Stop logic becomes one and the simulation is priority for flows/jumps, where priority 5 1 indicates that jumps
stopped. have the highest priority (forced jumps) and priority 5 2 indicates


that flows have the highest priority (forced
flows). Matlab/Simulink documentation
recommends using numerical solvers with
0.8 variable step size for simulations of sys-
0.6 tems with discontinuities/jumps, such as

ode45, which is a one-step solver based

0.4 on an explicit Runge-Kutta (4, 5) formula.
0.2 This setting, which is the default, is recom-
mended as a first-try solver [S64].
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Additionally, this implementation of a
t [s] simulation of a hybrid system 1 C, f, D, g 2
1 permits replacing the Matlab functions
that define the data of the hybrid system
by a Simulink subsystem, and, hence, it
0.6 enables using general purposes blocks

in Simulink’s library. For instance, this

implementation permits the use of Simu-
0.2 link blocks to detect signal crossings of
0 a given threshold with the “Hit Crossing”
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 block, as illustrated for the bouncing ball
example below, and quantizing a signal
(a) with the “Quantizer” block.
6 To simulate the bouncing ball system
4 in Example 3 in Matlab/Simulink using
2 the implementation in Figure S12, we

0 employ the functions f.m and C.m de-

−2 fined in (S9) and (S10) for the flow map
and flow set, respectively. The jump
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 map and jump set are implemented
t [s]
with restitution coefficient r 5 0.8 in the
functions g.m and D.m, respectively, as
function out = g(u)

−2 % state
−4 x1 = u(1);
−6 x2 = u(2);
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
j % jump map
x1plus = –0.8*x1;
x2plus = –0.8*x2;
out = [x1plus; x2plus];
FIGURE S15 Simulation of the bouncing ball system in Matlab/Simulink for an initial condi-
tion with height x1 5 1 and vertical velocity x2 5 0. The maximum flow time is T = 10 s,
the maximum number of jumps is J 5 20, and the flag priority is set to one, which indi- function out = D(u)
cates that priority is given to the jump condition coded in D.m. (a) shows the height of % state
the ball, which is denoted by x1 , while (b) shows the velocity of the ball, which is denoted x1 = u(1);
by x2 , projected to the t axis and to the j axis of its hybrid time domain. The plots indicate
x2 = u(2);
that the solution jumps more frequently as the height of the ball approaches zero, which
occurs when the flow time approaches the Zeno time of the bouncing ball system. For the % jump condition
given initial condition and parameters, the Zeno time is given by tZ 5 4.066 s. if (x1 <= 0 && x2 <= 0)

Example 34: Robust Global Asymptotic tive angular velocity corresponds to counterclockwise
Stabilization of a Point on a Circle rotation. Moving on the unit circle constrains the ve-
Consider a plant with state j that is constrained to evolve locity vector to be perpendicular to the position vector,
on the unit circle with angular velocity u, where posi- as generated by rotating the position vector using the


out = 1; ball system are Zeno and that the Zeno time, which is given by
else tZ 5 sup 5 t : 1 t, j 2 [ dom x 6 , is given by
out = 0;
end x2 ( 0, 0 ) 1 "x2 ( 0, 0 ) 2 1 2gx1 ( 0, 0 )
tZ 5
Note that due to numerical integration error, the condition x1 5 0
may never be satisfied. Then, solutions obtained from simula- 2r"x2 ( 0, 0 ) 2 1 2gx1 ( 0, 0 )
1 .
tions can miss jumps as well as leave the set C c D , causing g(1 2 r)
a premature stop of the simula-
tion. To overcome these issues, For the initial conditions
instead of using the jump set in x1 1 0, 0 2 5 1, x2 1 0, 0 2 5 0 and
Example 4, which is given by the parameters g 5 9.8 m/s 2
5 x : x1 5 0, x2 # 0 6 , the jump
2 and r 5 0.8, the simulation
set D 5 5 x : x1 # 0, x2 # 0 6 is 4 yields tZ 5 4.066 s. The solu-
used. This jump set has no effect 6 tion obtained from the numeri-
on solutions starting from the set 8 cal simulation indicates that as
5 x : x1 $ 0 6 . Another alternative
j the flow time approaches tZ
is to replace the function D.m 14 , the height and velocity of the
by a Simulink subsystem imple- 16 ball as well as the time elapsed

menting the condition x1 5 0 in 18 between jumps approach zero.
the jump set 5 x : x1 5 0, x2 # 0 6 0 1 2 3 4
20 Finally, Figure S16 depicts the
with a Simulink block that is ca- t [s] hybrid arc and hybrid time do-
pable of detecting zero crossings main for the height component
FIGURE S16 Hybrid arc and hybrid time domain corre-
of x1 as shown in Figure S14. sponding to the height component of the simulation to the of the solution obtained from the
This implementation uses three bouncing ball system in Matlab/Simulink depicted in Fig- numerical simulation.
Simulink blocks, namely, a “Hit ure S15. The hybrid arc is shown in blue, while the hybrid The Matlab/Simulink files
Crossing” block, a “Compare to time domain is shown in red. for this implementation and the
Zero” block, and an “AND Logi- functions used for plotting solu-
cal Operator” block. The last block combines the outputs of the tions as well as several examples are available online [S65].
first two blocks. The “Hit Crossing” block is used to detect when
the state component x1 crosses zero. For this purpose, this block REFERENCES
is required to have enabled Simulink’s zero-crossing detection [S60] R. Alur, T. Dang, J. Esposito, Y. Hur, F. Ivancic, V. Kumar, I. Lee, P.
algorithm for numerical computations. Then, when x1 crosses Mishra, G. J. Pappas, and O. Sokolsky, “Hierarchical modeling and analy-
sis of embedded systems,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 91, pp. 11–28, 2003.
zero, this algorithm sets back the simulation step to a time instant [S61] H. Elmqvist, S. E. Mattsson, and M. Otter, “Modelica: The new
close enough to the time at which x1 is zero, recomputes the object-oriented modeling language,” in Proc. 12th European Simula-
state, and sets its output to one. The “Compare to Zero” block is tion Multiconf., Manchester, U.K., 1998.
[S62] E. A. Lee and H. Zheng, “Operational semantics for hybrid
used to report when the state component x2 satisfies the condi- systems,” in Proc. 8th Int. Workshop Hybrid Systems: Computation
tion x2 # 0 by setting its output to one. Then, when the outputs and Control, Zurich, Switzerland, 2005, pp. 25–53.
of the “Hit Crossing” and “Compare to Zero” blocks are equal to [S63] J. Liu and E. A. Lee, “A component-based approach to model-
ing and simu lating mixed-signal and hybrid systems,” ACM Trans.
one, which indicates that x1 5 0 and x2 # 0 are satisfied, a jump Model. Comput. Simul., vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 343–368, 2002.
is reported to the Integrator System. [S64] The MathWorks. (2008). Matlab Simulink R2008 HelpDesk
Figure S15 depicts the height and velocity of a solution to [Online]. Available: http://www.mathworks.com/access/helpdesk/
the bouncing ball system projected to the t axis and j axis of [S65] R. G. Sanfelice. (2008). Simulating hybrid systems in Matlab/
its hybrid time domain. The solution is generated from the initial Simulink [Online]. Available: http://www.u.arizona.edu/,sricardo/
1 2
condition 1, 0 with maximum flow time T = 10 s, maximum software.html
[S66] F. D. Torrisi and A. Bemporad, “HYSDEL—A tool for generating
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rotation matrix R 1 2p/2 2 . The constrained equations of For this system, global asymptotic stabilization of the
motion are point (1, 0) with a continuous state-feedback law is impos-
sible. Global asymptotic stabilization of this point by dis-
j 5 uR 12p/2 2 j j [ S 1. continuous feedback is possible, although the resulting


With the use of hybrid time domains and the notion of graphical convergence,
sequential compactness of the space of solutions and semicontinuous
dependence of solutions on initial conditions and perturbations can be
established under mild conditions.

global closed-loop behavior is not robust to arbitrarily 5 j [ S1 : j 1 # 22/3 6 and Jq 5 3 2 q. Then, using the defini-
small measurement noise. For an explanation, see “Ro- tion of a supervisory controller in (40), we get a hybrid con-
bustness and Generalized Solutions.” We now describe a troller with state x c 5 q, data Cc 5 ( C1 3 5 1 6 ) h ( C2 3 5 2 6 ) ,
hybrid controller that achieves robust, global asymptotic fc 5 0, Dc 5 ( H1 3 5 1 6 ) h ( H2 3 5 2 6 ) , Gc 5 3 2 q, and
stabilization of the point (1, 0). kc 1 j, q 2 5 j q. See Figure 18.
Consider a hybrid supervisor for classical control- According to Corollary 33, this controller renders the set
lers H | , q [ Q 5 5 1, 2 6 , that are static and are given by 5 1 1, 0 2 6 3 Q globally asymptotically stable. In fact, it can
k q 1 j 2 5 j q . The “Supervisor Assumption” is satisfied for be established that the point 1 1, 0, 2 2 is globally asymptoti-
A 5 1 1, 0 2 and U 5 S1 by taking D1 5 D2 5 [ and cally stable. ■

C 1 5 C1 J 5 j [ S1 : j 1 # 2 1/3 6 ,
Example 35: Mobile Robot Control
C2 J 5 j [ S1 : j 1 $ 2 2/3 6 ,
Consider a stabilization problem for the control system

C 2 J 5 j [ S1 : j 1 $ 2 1/3 6 . #
r 1 z, j 2 [ R2 3 S1,
z 5 jv
j 5 uR 1 2p/2 2 j
Following the prescription of the components of a hybrid
supervisor in (41) and (42), we get H1 5 C 2, H2 5 S1 \ C2 5 where z [ R2 corresponds to the position of a nonholo-
nomic vehicle, v [ R denotes its ve-
locity, which is treated as a control
q=1 q=2 variable, j [ S1 denotes the orientation
of the vehicle, and u [ R denotes angu-
ξ2 ξ2
lar velocity, which is the other control
variable. The plant state is x p 5 1 z, j 2 .
Cp Cp
As in Example 34, positive angular ve-
locity corresponds to rotation of j in the
counterclockwise direction. The control
(1, 0)
objective is to asymptotically stabilize
1 ξ1 2 1 ξ 1 the point x *p 5 1 0, j * 2 , where j * [ S1.
We start by picking v 5 2r ( z ^j ) ,
where r is a continuous function satis-
fying sr 1 s 2 . 0 for all s 2 0. A discon-
Ψ1 = C1 (0, –1) H2 tinuous or set-valued choice for r is also
Ψ2 = H1 C 2 possible. The condition sr 1 s 2 . 0 for all
s 2 0 ensures that, during flows, the size
FIGURE 18 Illustration of the hybrid controller, for robust global stabilization of the point of z decreases except when z ^j 5 0 at
11, 0 2 on a circle S1, in Example 34. The sets C1 , C 1 , H1 and C2 , C 2 , H2 are subsets which points z# 5 0.
of the circle, contained in the half-planes as indicated by the arrows. These sets define With the vehicle velocity specified,
the flow and jump sets in modes q 5 1 and q 5 2 , respectively. In mode q 5 1 , the
controller drives the state toward the point 10, 2 12 from every point in C1 , as indicated
what remains is a control system with
by the arrows, and the switch to mode q 5 2 happens when the state is in H1 . In mode a single input u. Following the ideas
1 2
q 5 2 , the controller drives the state toward the point 1, 0 from every point in C2 , as in Example 34, a hybrid feedback algo-
indicated by the arrows, and the switch to mode q 5 1 happens when the state is in H2 . rithm for u exists that drives j to a given
This controller results in robust asymptotic stability of 11, 0 2 on the circle. Note that the point on the unit circle. More generally,
solutions starting from j 1 5 21 / 3 , j 2 . 0 , q 5 1 are not unique. This initialization
results in one solution that jumps immediately to q 5 2 and then flows to 11, 0 2 and
a comparable hybrid algorithm can be
another solution that flows to j 1 5 21 / 3 , j 2 , 0 , q 5 1 before jumping. Similarly, the developed to track any continuously
solutions starting from j 1 5 2 2 / 3 , j 2 . 0 , q 5 2 are not unique. differentiable function, of the plant


state z and perhaps of extra controller variables,
that takes values on the unit circle. This task is z2 ξ ξ2
accomplished by adding to the point stabilization
algorithm an appropriate feedforward signal that
renders the desired angular profile invariant. z
Following ideas that are similar to those in [65], 1
we consider the supervision of two hybrid control- z1 ξ1
lers for the mobile robot system using a hybrid su-
pervisor Hc with data given in (40)–(42). − zz
| |
The first controller is efficient at bringing the
position of the robot close to the desired target
while the second controller works to simulta- z2 ξ2
neously regulate orientation and position. We ξ∗
give the two controllers a common state h [ Rm
and suppose h takes values in a compact set
V. The first hybrid controller drives j to 2z/|z|.
z1 ξ1
The data of the first controller satisfies

| hD
C | 5 ( R2 \ 5 0 6 ) 3 S1 3 V.
1 1
This specification avoids the singularity in 2z/|z|
at z 5 0. FIGURE 19 Position z 5 1 z1 , z2 2 and orientation j 5 1 j 1 , j 2 2 of the mo-
The second hybrid controller drives j to bile robot with hybrid controller in Example 35. (a) The position, orienta-
R 1 s 1 z 2 x1 2 j *, where s is a continuously differentia- tion, and ratio 2z / |z| with the first controller are shown on the z and j
ble function that is zero at zero and positive other- planes. The position z is in red, the orientation j is in blue, and 2z / |z|
is in black. The first controller drives z to a neighborhood of z 5 0 and
wise, and x1 is a state of the controller satisfying j to 2z /|z|. (b) The second controller drives the orientation to a cone
# centered at j * with aperture depending on z . Cones associated to two
x 5 vR 1 p/2 2 x, x [ S 1, points in a neighborhood of z 5 0 are depicted. The two points, indi-
cated by a square and a circle, along with the neighborhood around
where v . 0. This controller satisfies C | hD| 5 z 5 0 , indicated with dashed line, are depicted in the z plane, while
2 2
their associated cones are denoted on the j plane. As z approaches
R2 3 S1 3 V. This second controller is closely the origin, the aperture of the cone approaches zero.
related to time-varying stabilization algorithms that
have appeared previously in the literature. See, for
example, [64] and [71]. Example 36: Global Asymptotic Stabilization of
To satisfy the “Supervisor Assumption” for A 5 5 0 6 3 the Inverted Position for a Pendulum on a Cart
5 j* 6 3 V and U 5 R2 3 S1 3 V, we let 0 , e1 , e2 and take Consider the task of robustly, globally asymptotically sta-
bilizing the point x*p J 1 0, 1, 0 2 for the system with state
C1 J C| d 1 1R2 \ e B 2 3 S1 3 V 2 , x p 5 1 j, z 2 [ R3 and dynamics
1 1
D1 J D| d 1 1 R2 \ e B 2 3 S1 3 V 2 ,
zR 1 2p/2 2 j
1 1
C 1 J C1 h D1 5 1 R2 \ e1B 2 3 S1 3 V,
d 5: fp 1 xp, u 2
z j 1 1 j 2u
and xp [ S1 3 R.
CJ |C d 1 e B 3 S1 3 V 2 ,
2 2
D2 J D2 d 1 e2B 3 S1 3 V 2 ,
| This model corresponds to a pendulum on a cart. The model
includes an input transformation from force to acceleration
C2 J e1 B 3 S1 3 V.
of the cart, which is the control input u in the system above.
The components of the supervisor are then given by Moreover, the ratio of the gravitational constant to the pendu-
lum length has been normalized to one. The cart dynamics are
H1 5 C 2 5 e1B 3 S1 3 V, ignored to simplify the presentation; however, global asymp-
H2 5 1 R2 \ e2B 2 3 S1 3 V, totic stabilization of the full cart-pendulum system can be ad-
Jq 5 3 2 q. dressed with the same tools used below. The state j denotes
the angle of the pendulum. The point j 5 1 0, 1 2 corresponds
With these specifications, according to Corollary 33 the to the inverted position while j 5 1 0, 2 1 2 corresponds to the
hybrid controller (40)–(42) renders the set A 3 Q globally down position. The state z corresponds to the angular velocity,
asymptotically stable. ■ with positive velocity in the clockwise direction.


A feature of hybrid systems satisfying the Basic Assumptions
is that pre-asymptotic stability is robust.

We construct a hybrid feedback stabilizer that supervis- Next, we check that A is globally pre-asymptotically
stable for x p 5 fp 1 x p, kq 1 x p 2 2 , x p [ Cq for each q [ Q. This
es three classical controllers. The first controller steers the
state x p out of a neighborhood of the point 2x *p . The second property holds for q 5 3 since C3 is a subset of the basin of
attraction for x *p for the system x p 5 fp 1 x p, k3 1 x p 2 2 .
controller moves the system to a neighborhood of the point
x *p. The third controller locally asymptotically stabilizes the For q 5 1, we note that x p [ C1 implies that W 1 x p 2 # d.
point x *p. For an illustration of the data of these controllers, In particular, |z| # "2d , "2 and j 2 # d 2 1 , 0. We
see Figure 20. use the Lyapunov function V1 1 x p 2 J 2 1 z, which is posi-
The third controller, a local asymptotic stabilizer for x *p, tive on C1, and we obtain
is simple to synthesize. For example, the idea of partial
feedback linearization with “output” j 1 can be used since j 2
is positive and bounded away from zero in a neighbor- 8=V1 1 x p 2 , fp 1 x p, k1 1 x p 2 2 9 5 j 1 1 j 2k
hood of x *p. Let k3 : S1 3 R S R denote this local asymp- # "1 2 j 22 2 |j 2|k
totic stabilizer, let C3 be a compact neighborhood of the # "d 1 2 2 d 2 2 1 1 2 d 2 k
point x *p that is also a subset of the basin of attraction , 0
for x *p for the system x p 5 fp 1 x p, k3 1 x p 2 2 , x p [ S1 3 R, and
let C 3 be a compact neighborhood of the point x *p with
the property that solutions of x p 5 fp 1 x p, k3 1 x p 2 2 starting
for all x p [ Cq. It follows from Theorem 20 that A is glob-
ally pre-asymptotically stable for x p 5 fp 1 x p, k1 1 x p 2 2 , x p [ C1.
in C 3 do not reach the boundary of C3. Then, redefine C3
and C 3 by intersecting the original choices with S1 3 R. This conclusion is equivalent to saying that there are
The set C 3 is indicated in green in Figure 20(d) while the no complete solutions that remain in the green region in
set C3 is the union of the green and yellow regions in the Figure 20(a).
same figure. For q 5 2, we use the Lyapunov function V2 1 xp 2 J
For the second controller, let 0 , d , e , 1 and 1 1 1 W 1 xp 2 2 2 2 2, which is positive on C2. For all x p [ C2,
8=V2 1 xp 2 , fp 1 xp, k2 1 xp 2 2 9 5 21 zj2 2 2 1 W 1 xp 2 2 2 2 2 # 0.

W 1 xp 2 J
1 2
z 1 1 1 j 2, It follows from Theorem 23 that A is globally pre-
asymptotically stable for x p 5 fp 1 x p, k2 1 x p 2 2 , x p [ C2. This
C 2 J 5 1 j, z 2 [ S1 3 R : W 1 xp 2 $ e 6 \ C 3,
C2 J 5 1 j, z 2 [ S1 3 R : W 1 xp 2 $ d 6 \ C 3, is seen by noting that V2 1 x p 2 5 m $ 1 implies
k2 xp 2 J 2 zj2 1 W 1 xp 2 2 2 2 for all xp [ C2.
8=V2 1 x p 2 , fp 1 x p, k2 1 x p 2 2 9 5 2 1 zj 2 2 2 1 m 2 1 2 .

The set C 2 is indicated in green in Figure 20(b) or, alterna-

tively, in Figure 20(c). The set C2 is the union of the green For m . 1, nontrivial solutions evolving in the set where
and yellow regions in the same figures. 8=V2 1 x p 2 , fp 1 x p, k2 1 x p 2 2 9 5 0 must either be the constant so-
For the first controller, define C1 J 1 S1 3 R 2 \ 1 C 2 h C 3 2 , lution x p 1 t, j 2 5 x *p or the constant solution x p 1 t, j 2 5 2 x *p.
C 1 J C1, and k1 1 x p 2 J k for all x p [ C1, where Since neither x *p nor 2 x *p belong to C2, the constrained
k . "d 1 2 2 d 2 / 1 1 2 d 2 . The set C 1 is indicated in green in system admits no nontrivial solutions. When m 5 1,
Figure 20(a). solutions evolve in the set where W 1 x p 2 5 2. Belonging to
We now establish that the indicated Cq and C q satisfy this set and also to the set C2 implies that z is bounded
the “Supervisor Assumption” for A J 5 x *p 6 , Q J 5 1, 2, 3 6 , away from zero. Otherwise, the state would be near x *p,
and U J S1 3 R. We take C | 5 S1 3 R and D | 5 [ for which is not a part of C2. When z is bounded away from
zero, j must eventually approach the point 1 0, 1 2 . Then,
q q
each q [ Q. First, by construction, C q ( Cq for each q [ Q.
Also, because we are considering solutions satisfying the con-
dition W 1 x p 2 5 2, z must eventually approach zero as j
approaches 1 0, 1 2 . In other words, x p must eventually ap-
C 1 h C 2 h C 3 5 1 S1 3 R 2 \ 1 C 2 h C 3 2 h C 2 h C 3 proach x *p. Since x *p does not belong to C2, there are no
5 S1 3 R 5 U. complete solutions for the constrained system.


2 2
1.5 1.5
1 1
0.5 0.5
z 0 z 0
−0.5 −0.5
−1 −1
−1.5 −1.5
1 1
0.5 1 0.5 1
0 0.5 0 0.5
ξ2 −0.5 0 ξ2 −0.5
−0.5 ξ1 −0.5 ξ1
−1 −1 −1 −1
(a) (b)

2 2
1.5 1.5
1 1
0.5 0.5
z 0 z 0
−0.5 −0.5
−1 −1
−1.5 −1.5

−1 −1
−0.5 −1 −0.5 −1
0 −0.5 0 −0.5
ξ2 0.5 0 ξ2 0.5 0
0.5 ξ1 0.5 ξ1
1 1 1 1

(c) (d)

FIGURE 20 The sets used in the construction of the hybrid controller in Example 36 for q 5 1, q 5 2 , and q 5 3 are shown in (a),
(b), and (d), respectively. In (c), the sets for q 5 2 are depicted with perspective rotated by 180˚. The state x 5 1 j, z 2 evolves
on the cylinder S1 3 R ( R3 , while q [ 5 1, 2, 3 6 . The vertical position 1 j, z 2 5 1 1 0, 1 2 , 0 2 is indicated by a black x . The black
curve represents the set of points where W 1 x 2 J 0.5z2 1 1 1 j2 5 2. To meet the “Supervisor Assumption,” the sets Dq can be
taken to be empty. The sets F q : 5 h i . qC q are indicated in blue, the sets C q ( Cq are indicated in green, the sets Cq\C q are
indicated in yellow, and the sets 1 S1 3 R 2 \ 1 Cq h 1 h i . qC i 2 2 are indicated in red. The sets Hq constructed in the supervisory control
algorithm are the unions of the blue and red regions. The key properties are that, for each q [ 5 1, 2, 3 6 , the vertical position is
globally pre-asymptotically stable for the system xp 5 fp 1 xp, kq 1 xp 2 2 , xp [ Cq , and each solution starting in a green region does
not reach a red region. Taken together, these assumptions guarantee that solutions starting in a green region reach a blue
region, for q [ 5 1, 2 6 .

This deduction is equivalent to saying that there are no converge to the set where W 1 x p 2 5 2, which is indicated by
complete solutions that remain in the union of the green the black curve, and moving along this set leads to points
near x *p where the flow x p 5 fp 1 x p, k2 1 x p 2 2 cannot be contin-
and yellow regions in Figure 20(b) or, alternatively, Figure
20(c). This behavior is because trajectories in those regions ued in the union of the green and yellow regions.


Pre-asymptotically stable compact sets always
admit Lyapunov functions.

Next we verify that, for each q [ Q, each solution a collection of functions Vq and sets V q, V qr for each q [ Q,
of x p 5 fp 1 x p, kq 1 x p 2 2 , x p [ Cq is either complete or ends in
such that:
F q h 1 S1 3 R 2 \ Cq, where F q 5 h i[Q, i.qC i. This condition i) 5 V q 6 q[Q and 5 V qr 6 q[Q are families of nonempty open
follows immediately from the fact that the second condi- subsets of Rn such that
tion in Proposition 2 holds for each x p [ Cq \ 1 S1 3 R 2 \ Cq.
Thus, maximal solutions that are not complete must end Rn 5 d V q 5 d V qr,
in 1 S1 3 R 2 \ Cq. With respect to Figure 20, this conclu- q[Q q[Q

sion amounts to the statement that the only places in

green or yellow regions where flowing solutions cannot and, for each q [ Q, the unit outward normal vector
be continued are on the boundaries that touch red or to V q is continuous on 'V q \ 1 h i.q V ri h A 2 , and
blue regions.
Finally, we verify that, for each q [ Q, no solution start- V rq \ A ( V q.
ing in C q reaches 1 S1 3 R 2 \ 1 Cq h Fq 2 \ A. In other words,
in terms of Figure 20, no solution starting in a green region ii) For each q, Vq is a smooth function defined on an open
reaches a red region. For q 5 1, the red set is empty and set containing V q \ h i.q V ir \ A.
so there is nothing to check. For q 5 3, the property fol- iii) For each q [ Q there exist a continuous, positive
lows from the definition of C 3, which is taken sufficiently definite function aq : R $0 S R $0, class- K` func-
small to satisfy the condition. For q 5 2, this property fol- tions gq, gq, and a positive and continuous function
lows from the fact that 8=W 1 x p 2 , fp 1 x p, k2 1 x p 2 2 9 $ 0 for x p mq : R $0 S R .0 such that
such that d # W 1 x p 2 # 2 and the fact that x p [ C 2 implies a) For all j [ V q \ h i.q V ri,
W 1 x p 2 $ e . d.
gq 1 |j|A 2 # Vq 1 j 2 # gq 1 |j|A 2 .
This establishes that the “Supervisor Assumption” holds.
In turn, the hybrid supervisory control algorithm given in
(40)–(42), which is expressed explicitly in terms of Cq, C q,
and kq, robustly, globally asymptotically stabilizes the point b) For all j [ V q \ 1 h i.q V ir h A 2 , there exists
x *p for the pendulum on a cart. ■ uq, j [ U d mq 1 |j|A 2 B, U ( Rr, such that

8=Vq 1 j 2 , fp 1 j, uq, j 2 9 # 2aq 1 |j|A 2 .

Patchy control-Lyapunov functions (PCLFs) are defined in
[24] as an extension of the now classical concept of a control- c) For all j [ 'V q \ 1 h i.q V ir h A 2 , the uq, j of b) can
Lyapunov function (CLF) [77], [2]. A CLF for a given control be chosen such that
system is a smooth function whose value decreases along
the solutions to the system under an appropriate choice of 8nq 1 j 2 , fp 1 j, uq, j 2 9 # 2aq 1 |j|A 2 ,
controls. The existence of such a function guarantees, in
most cases, the existence of a robust stabilizing feedback where nq 1 j 2 is the unit outward normal vector to
[48]. Unfortunately, some nonlinear control systems do not V q at j.
admit a CLF. A stabilizing hybrid feedback can be constructed from
A PCLF for system (5) is, broadly speaking, an a PCLF under an additional assumption. Suppose that, for
object consisting of several local CLFs, the domains each j, v [ Rn, and c [ R, the set 5 u [ U : 8v, fp 1 j, u 2 9 # c 6
of which cover Rn and have certain weak invariance is convex, which always holds if U is a convex set and
properties. PCLFs exist for far broader classes of non- fp 1 j, u 2 is affine in u. For each q [ Q, let
linear systems than CLFs, especially when an infinite
number of patches (that is, of local CLFs) is allowed.
Cq 5 V q \ d V ri , C q 5 V qr \ d V ri , Dq 5 [.
Moreover, PCLFs lead to a robustly stabilizing hybrid i.q i.q
A smooth PCLF for the nonlinear system (5) with respect It can be shown, in part through arguments similar to those
to the compact set A ( Rn consists of a finite set Q ( Z and used when constructing a feedback from a CLF, that for each


q [ Q there exists a continuous mapping kq : Cq \ A S U 8=V 1 j 2 , L 1 k2 1 j 2 2 j9 5 1 2 j24 for all j [ S3,
such that, for all j [ Cq \ A,

8=Vq 1 j 2 , fp 1 j, k q 1 j 2 2 9 # 2aq 1 |j|A 2 /2,

it follows that the point j* is rendered locally asymptoti-
cally stable with basin of attraction containing every point
except 2j*.
which implies that the set A is globally pre-asymptoti- Next we study the effect of the feedback controls
cally stable for each controller q [ Q; moreover, for all u1 5 2j 2, u2 5 j1, u3 5 j4. Denote this feedback k1. Using
j [ 'Cq \ A h d i.qC i , D the Lyapunov-function candidate V 1 j 2 5 1 2 j3, it follows
that the point 1 0, 0, 1, 0 2 is rendered locally asymptotically

8nq 1 j 2 , fp 1 j, uq, j 2 9 # 2aq 1 |j|A 2 /2,

stable with basin of attraction containing every point ex-
cept 1 0, 0, 2 1, 0 2 .
Consider a hybrid supervisor of the classical control-
which implies that no maximal solution starting in C q lers H | , q [ Q 5 5 1, 2 6 , that are static and are given by
k q 1 j 2 5 kq 1 j 2 . The “Supervisor Assumption” is satisfied for
reaches |
A 5 5 j* 6 and U 5 S3 by taking D1 5 D2 5 [ and
Rn \ Cq h d C i \ A, D
C 1 5 C1 J 5 j [ S3 : j 4 # 2 1/3 6 ,

C2 J 5 j [ S3 : j 4 $ 2 2/3 6 ,
C 2 J 5 j [ S3 : j 4 $ 2 1/3 6 .
independently of how kq is extended from Cq \ A to Cq .
To preserve outer semicontinuity and local bounded-
ness, set kq 1 j 2 5 mq 1 0 2 B for j [ Cq d A . The “Supervisor
Assumption” holds. In particular, conditions 2a) and Following the prescription of the components of
2b) are addressed by the inequalities displayed above, a hybrid supervisor in (41) and (42), we get H1 5 C 2,
while 2c) holds since U 5 Rn . By taking kq 1 xp, xc 2 5 kq 1 xp 2 H2 5 S3 \ C2 5 5 j [ S3 : j 4 # 22/3 6 , and Jq 5 3 2 q. Then,
for each q [ Q, the feedbacks kq can be combined in using the definition of a supervisory controller in (40), we
a hybrid supervisor Hc with data given in (40). Al- get a hybrid controller with state xc 5 q, data Cc 5 1 C1 3 5 1 6 2
though kq are set-valued on A , the arguments used still h 1 C2 3 5 2 6 2 , fc 5 0, Dc 5 1 H1 3 5 1 6 2 h 1 H2 3 5 2 6 2 ,
apply. Furthermore, robustness results like Theorem Gc 5 3 2 q, and kc 1 j, q 2 5 kq 1 j 2 .
15 hold. According to Corollary 33, this controller renders the
set 5 j* 6 3 Q globally asymptotically stable. In fact, it can
Example 37: Global Asymptotic Stabilization be established that the point 1 j*, 2 2 is globally asymptoti-
of a Point on the Three-Sphere cally stable.
Consider the problem of globally asymptotically stabiliz- This example can also be interpreted in terms of the con-
ing the point j* J 1 0, 0, 0, 1 2 [ S3 J 5 x [ R4 : xTx 5 1 6 for cept of patchy control-Lyapunov functions. Indeed, it can
the system be verified that, with Q 5 5 1, 2 6 ,

## V1 1 j 2 5 1 2 j 3,
j 5 L1u2j
V 1 r 5 V 1 J S 3,
j [ S 3,
V2 1 j 2 5 1 2 j 4, V 2 r J 5 j [ S3 : j 4 $ 2 1/3 6 ,
V 2 J 5 j [ S3 : j 4 $ 2 2/3 6 ,
constitutes a patchy control-Lyapunov function. ■
0 u3 2u2 u1
Example 38: Nonholonomic Integrator
L1u2 5 ≥ ¥.
2u3 0 u1 u2
Consider the nonlinear control system
u2 2u1 0 u3
2u1 2u2 2u3 0 #
j1 5 u
s 5: fp 1 j, u 2
j2 5 u2
These equations can model the orientation kinematics of a #
j3 5 j 1u2 2 j 2u1
rigid body expressed in terms of unit quaternions. In this
case, j* corresponds to a desired orientation and the inputs known as the nonholonomic integrator. According to
ui correspond to angular velocities. Brockett’s necessary condition, the origin is not stabiliz-
First we study the effect of the feedback controls ui J 2j i, able by continuous, static-state feedback, nor it is robustly
i [ 5 1, 2, 3 6 . Denote this feedback k2. Using the Lyapunov- stabilizable by discontinuous, static state feedback. It is
function candidate V 1 j 2 5 1 2 j4, and noting that robustly stabilizable by time-varying feedback and by


hybrid feedback. See, for example, [35]. We construct which is continuous on V 2 \ A and approaches zero as j ap-
a robustly stabilizing hybrid feedback using the idea proaches A. We then have
of PCLFs.
Define r 1 j 2 J "j21 1 j22 and let the constants r . 1 8=V2 1 j 2 , fp 1 j, u2, j 2 9 5 2 j21 2 j22 2 4j23 for all j [ V 2 \ A
and e . 0 satisfy r 1 1 1 e 2 , 2. Let V1, V2 : R3 S R and
V 1r , V 1, V 2r , V 2 ( R3 be given by and, for all j [ 'V 2 \ A,

2j21 1 2j22 2 4|j3| r 1 j 2 2 1 |j3|

V1 1 j 2 J 1 1 1 e 2 "r|j 3| 2 j 1, V2 1 j 2 J j ^j,
1 8n2 1 j 2 , fp 1 j, u2, j 2 9 5 52 .
2 "4r 1 j 2 2 1 1 "4r 1 j 2 2 1 1
V 1 r J R 3, V 2 r J 5 r 1 j 2 2 . r|j 3| 6 ,
V 1 J R 3, V 2 J 5 r 1 j 2 2 . |j 3| 6 . These calculations verify that the given patches and func-
tions constitute a PCLF for the nonholonomic integrator
system. Then, to construct a hybrid feedback control algo-
We show that these choices correspond to a PCLF with respect rithm for this system following the presentation on PCLFs,
to A 5 5 0 6 for the nonholonomic integrator control system. we take C 1 5 C1 J R3 \ V 2r , C2 J V 2, C 2 5 V 2r , k1 1 j 2 5 u1, j
Observe that V 2r \ A ( V 2. Also, the unit outward normal for all j [ C1, k2 1 j 2 5 u2, j for all j [ C2 \ A and k2 1 0 2 5 0.
vector to V 2, given by Finally, the hybrid feedback stabilizer is defined using C q,
Cq, and kq, q [ 5 1, 2 6 . ■
1 22j1, 2 2j2, sgn 1 j3 2 2
"4r 1 j 2 2 1 1 LYAPUNOV FUNCTIONS
The final example uses many of the analysis tools that
is continuous on 'V 2 \ A since j3 2 0 in that set. For the same have been presented in this article. In particular, it uses
reason, V1 is smooth on an open set containing R3 \ V 2r \ A. Lyapunov functions, the invariance principle, results on
Next we bound V1 and V2, examine their directional de- stability with a finite number of events, and Theorem 32
rivatives, and determine whether it is possible to pick the based on the idea of multiple Lyapunov functions.
controls to make these functions decrease while also sat-
isfying the appropriate condition with respect to the unit Example 37 Revisited: Stabilization on the
outward normal vectors. Three-Sphere with Restricted Controls
Since, for each j [ R3 \ V 2r , we have "r|j3| $ r 1 j 2 $ j1, We again consider the problem of stabilizing the point
it follows that j* J 1 0, 0, 0, 1 2 [ S3 for the kinematic equations in Ex-
ample 37. This time, we restrict our attention to controls
0.5e 1 "r|j3| 1 r 1 j 2 2 # V1 1 j 2 # 1 1 1 e 2 1 "r|j3| 1 r 1 j 2 2 , in the set U J 5 u [ R3 : u3 5 u1u2 5 0, |u| # 1 6 . This
j [ R3 \ V 2r . problem can be associated with stabilizing a desired ori-
entation for an underactuated rigid body. For example,
This condition implies the existence of class- K` func- see [16]. We focus only on the local asymptotic stabi-
tions g1 and g1 such that g1 1 |j| 2 # V1 1 j 2 # g1 1 |j| 2 for lization problem. Following the ideas outlined in this
all j [ V 1 \ V 2r . Also, 0.5|j|2 # V2 1 j 2 # 0.5|j|2 for all article, this solution can be combined with other hybrid
j [ V2. controllers to achieve global asymptotic stabilization.
Now we consider possible control choices. Take The ideas used here are taken from [84], where global
u1, j 5 1 1, 0 2 for all j [ R3. Then, for all j [ R3 \ 1 V 2r hA 2 , asymptotic stabilization is achieved.

8=V1 1 j 2 , fp 1 j, u1, j 2 9 5 21 1 0.5 1 1 1 e 2 r

2 j2 Controller Specification
"r|j 3| We use a hybrid controller with state q [ Q 5 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 6 ,
# 21 1 0.5 1 1 1 e 2 r , 0. a timer state t [ 3 0, 1 4 , a state % [ 5 21, 1 6 , and a state w [
3 0, p/4 4 . The closed-loop system state is x J 1 j, q, t, %, w 2 [
Since there is no unit outward normal for V 1, this condition R8 , constrained to the set K J 5 j [ S3 : j4 $ e 6 3
is all that needs to be checked for q 5 1. Q 3 3 0, 1 4 3 5 21, 1 6 3 3 0, p/4 4 , where e [ 1 0, 1 2 . Our
For q 5 2, consider the control choice goal is to globally pre-asymptotically stabilize the set
A J 5 j* 6 3 Q 3 3 0, 1 4 3 5 21, 1 6 3 3 0, p/4 4 , resulting in
j 2j 3 local asymptotic stability of A when the constraint j4 $ e
2 j1 1 4
u2, j 5 ≥ ¥ for all j [ V 2 \ A is removed.
j 1j 3 Let si : N S 5 0, 1 6 satisfy si 1 i 2 5 1 and si 1 j 2 5 0 for j 2 i.
2 j2 2 4 2
For q [ 5 1, 2 6 , we use ui 5 2si 1 q 2 ji. For q [ 5 3, 4, 6 6 , we


Synchronization in groups of biological oscillators occurs in
swarms of fireflies, groups of crickets, ensembles of neuronal oscillators,
and groups of heart muscle cells.

use ui 5 %si 1 1 2 . For q 5 5, we use ui 5 %si 1 2 2 . For each q [ Q, 8=V 1 j 2 , L 1 k4 1 x 2 2 j9 # |j1| # "2"V 1 j 2 ,
the resulting feedback law is denoted u 5 kq 1 x 2 .
For q [ 5 1, 2 6 , we define Cq J 5 x [ K : j2q $ m 1 j232q 1 j23 2 6 , for all x [ C4 \ A it follows that
where m [ 1 0, 1/2 2 . For q [ 5 3, 6 6 , we define Cq J
5 x [ K : 2%j 1 $ 0 6 . We also define C5 J 5 x [ K : 2%j2 $ 0 6 8=W 1 x 2 , F4 1 x 2 9 #
2 1 , 0,
and C4 J 5 x [ K : t [ 3 0, min 5 "1 2 j4, w 6 46. For q [ Q, "2
we define Dq 5 K \ Cq. where F4 is the closed-loop flow map when q 5 4.
# # #
We pick the flow map so that q 5 % 5 w 5 0. In addition, To assess pre-asymptotic stability of the flow dynamics
on C3, C5 and C6 we use W 1 x 2 5 V 1 j 2 . We obtain
# #
t 5 1 for q 5 4 while t 5 0 for q 2 4.
We pick the jump map G so that x 1 [ G 1 x 2 gives the
following relationships: j 1 5 j; t 1 5 0; for q [ 5 3, 4, 5 6 , 8=V 1 j 2 , L 1 kq 1 x 2 2 j9 5 %jj # 0,
q 1 5 q 1 1; for q [ 5 1, 2, 6 6 , q 1 5 3 when j21 1 j22 , m^ j23,
where m^ . 2m/ 1 1 2 m 2 , q 1 [ I 1 j 2 when j21 1 j22 . m^ j23, where j 5 2 for q 5 5 and j 5 1 for q [ 5 3, 6 6 . This
where I 1 j 2 :5 5 i [ 5 1, 2 6 : j 2i 5 max 5 j 21, j 22 6 6 , and q 1 5 property establishes stability of A , and since j4 is
5 3 6 h I 1 j 2 when j21 1 j22 5 m^ j23. The possible mode transi- bounded away from zero, there are no complete flowing
tions are indicated in Figure 21. solutions on C3 , C5 or C6 , which implies that A is pre-
When q [ 5 1, 2, 5, 6 6 , % 1 [ 5 s [ 5 2 1, 1 6 : 2 sj 1 $ 0 6 , asymptotically stable.
when q 5 3, % 1 5 sgn 1 j2j3 2 for j2j3 2 0 and % 1 5 5 2 1, 1 6 To assess pre-asymptotic stability of the combined flow
for j2j3 5 0; when q 5 4, % 1 [ 5 s [ 5 2 1, 1 6 : sj 2 $ 0 6 , and jump dynamics Cq, Dq, q [ 5 1, 2 6 , we use the Lyapunov
When q 2 3, w 1 5 w; when q 5 3, w 1 5 0.5 cot 21 1 |j2 /j3| 2 function W 1 x 2 5 V 1 j 2 . We obtain
for j3 2 0, w 1 5 0 for j3 5 0 and j2 2 0, and w 1 [ 3 0, p/4 4

8=V 1 j 2 , L 1 kq 1 x 2 2 j9 5 2 j2q # 2 1 1 2 j24 2 , 0

for j2 5 j3 5 0. m
Verifying the Conditions of Theorem 32
for all x [ Cq \ A.
for the Closed-Loop System

Condition 1 In addition, V 1 j 2 does not change during jumps. So,

Since j 5 j, it follows from the definitions above that to establish pre-asymptotic stability of A we just
G 1 D d A 2 ( A. need to rule out complete solutions that jump only
and do not converge. This behavior is ruled out by the
Condition 2 fact that a jump to mode q [ 5 1, 2 6 from a point not in A
We associate events with transitions to modes q 5 3. Events means that j2q $ j232q . 0 and m^ j23 # j2q 1 j232q , which im-
are indicated by red arrows in Figure 21. To assess stability plies that
with these primary events inhibited, we define secondary
events, corresponding to transitions to modes q [ 5 4, 5, 6 6 .
m 1 j 232q 1 j 23 2 # m 1 j 232q 1 m^ 21 1 j 232q 1 j 2q 2 2
# m 1 1 1 2m^ 21 2 j 2q , j 2q.
With primary events inhibited, there are no more than three
secondary events. Therefore, according to Theorem 31, the
system with primary events inhibited has A pre-asymp-
totically stable if the flow dynamics on Cq, q [ 5 3, 4, 5, 6 6 In other words, a jump from D32q \ A lands at a point
has A pre-asymptotically stable, and switching back and not in Dq.
forth between between q 5 1 and q 5 2 results in A being These calculations establish condition 2) of Theorem 32.
pre-asymptotically stable.
To assess pre-asymptotic stability of the flow dynamics Conditions 3 and 4
on C4, we use the Lyapunov function W 1 x 2 5 r"V 1 j 2 2 t, We take W 1 x 2 5 1 2 j4 , which satisfies Condition 3 with
where V 1 j 2 5 1 2 j4 and r [ 1 1, "2 2 . For all x [ C4 \ A , a1 1 s 2 5 a2 1 s 2 5 2a3 1 s 2 5 2s for all s $ 0. Now we estab-
it follows that 1 r 2 1 2 "V 1 j 2 # W 1 x 2 # r"V 1 j 2 . Also, since lish Condition 4. We start from a hybrid time where a


The concepts of average dwell-time switching and multiple Lyapunov
functions, which are applicable to switched systems,
extend to hybrid systems.

jump to q 5 3 has just occurred. By the time a jump to 1 2 x4, 6 # r2 1 x4, 3 2 1 1 2 x4, 3 2 .
q 5 4 occurs, W 1 x 2 has not increased and we have j1 5 0
and j22 # m^ j23 . When q 5 4, W 1 x 2 increases, but we argue Finally, we establish |x3, 5| # r 1 x4, 3 2 |x3, 3|. Let tq,
that the sequence of modes q 5 4, q 5 5, q 5 6 results in a q [ 5 4, 5 6 , denote the time spent in mode q. Let %q,
decrease in W 1 x 2 . Since W 1 x 2 is also strictly decreasing q [ 5 4, 5 6 , denote the value of % in mode q. A routine calcu-
for q [ 5 1, 2 6 , this implies that when q 5 3 is revisited, lation involving the solution of a linear, two-dimensional
W 1 x 2 has decreased. The key to showing this proper- oscillator and using that x1, 3 5 x2, 5 5 0 gives
ty is to establish that, with xi, q denoting ji at the end
of mode q, there exists a continuous function r that is cos 1 %4t4 2 x3, 5 5 cos 1 %5t5 2 3 1 cos 1 %4t4 2 2 2 sin 1 %4t4 2 2 2 x3, 3
less than one except when its argument is one, so that 2 2cos 1 %4t4 2 sin 1 %4t4 2 x2, 3 4 .
|x3, 5| # r 1 x4, 3 2 |x3, 3|. Indeed, using that x1, 6 5 x2, 5 5 0
and x22, 6 1 x23, 6 5 x22, 5 1 x22, 6 , this gives Due to the construction of the jump map from mode q 5 3,
%4 5 sgn 1 x2, 3x3, 3 2 whenx2, 3x3, 3 2 0;otherwise%4 [ 521, 1 6 .
Then, due to the value of w in mode q 5 4, which lim-
1 2 x 24, 6 5 x 21, 6 1 x 22, 6 1 x 23, 6 its t4, it follows that the sign of sin 1 %4t4 2 x2, 3 is the same
5 x 22, 6 1 x 23, 6 as the sign of x3, 3. Using t4 # p/4 and %4 [ 5 2 1, 1 6 ,
5 x 22, 5 1 x 23, 5 it follows that
5 x 23, 5
# r 2 1 x4, 3 2 x 23, 3
cos 1 t4 2 2 2 sin 1 t4 2 2
# r 2 1 x4, 3 2 1 1 2 x 24, 3 2 .
cos 1 t4 2
|x3, 5| # |x3, 3|.

Since x4, 6 and x4, 3 are positive, this implies The function involving t4 on the right-hand side takes
values in the interval 3 0, 1 2 for all
t4 [ 1 0, p/4 4 . Now, by the definition of
C4 , k4 , and the fact that x1, 3 5 0, t4 can
be expressed as a continuous function
q=1 of x4, 3 that is zero when x4, 3 5 1 and is
positive otherwise. In turn, this estab-
lishes the bound |x3, 5| # r 1 x4, 3 2 |x3, 3|
q=3 q=4 q=5 q=6 for a continuous, nonnegative-valued
function r that is less than one except
when x4, 3 5 1. ■

Hybrid dynamical systems combine
flows and jumps. They can be modeled in
FIGURE 21 Possible mode transitions when stabilizing a point on the three-sphere by a compact form, and they cover a fasci-
hybrid feedback that uses only two angular velocities, one at a time. Normal opera-
tion corresponds to jumps between modes q 5 1 and q 5 2 . However, at times the
nating variety of dynamic phenomena.
sequence of modes 3 S 4 S 5 S 6 is required. The initiation of such a sequence is With the use of hybrid time domains
associated with an event in the hybrid system. Transitions associated with events are and the notion of graphical conver-
indicated by red arrows in the diagram. The quantity V 1 j 2 5 1 2 j 4 does not increase gence, sequential compactness of the
along solutions except when q 5 4 . When events are inhibited, so that the mode q 5 4 space of solutions and semicontinuous
is reached no more than once, the resulting hybrid system has the correct pre-as-
ymptotically stable set. With events included and V 1 j 2 considered at event times, the
dependence of solutions on initial con-
resulting values of V 1 j 2 constitute a strictly decreasing sequence. Thus, Theorem 32 ditions and perturbations can be estab-
can be used to establish pre-asymptotic stability for the hybrid system. lished under mild conditions.


Basic questions about solutions to dynamical systems concern existence,
uniqueness, and dependence on initial conditions and other parameters.

The properties of the space of solutions to a hybrid Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2001. He joined the Center
system have important consequences for stability theory. for Control, Dynamical Systems, and Computation at the
For example, these properties imply that asymptotic sta- University of California, Santa Barbara in 2002, where he
bility of a compact set is uniform and robust to pertur- received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in 2004 and 2007, re-
bations. The properties also facilitate extensions of the spectively. In 2007 and 2008, he held postdoctoral positions
classical invariance principle and converse Lyapunov at the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems at
theorems to the hybrid setting. The hybrid invariance the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and at the Centre
principle and Lyapunov functions lend themselves to Automatique et Systèmes at the École de Mines de Paris. In
natural sufficient conditions for asymptotic stability in a 2009, he joined the faculty of the Department of Aerospace
hybrid system. Additional stability analysis tools, relat- and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Arizona,
ed to identifying and limiting events in a hybrid system, where he is currently an assistant professor. His research
can also be developed. interests are in modeling, stability, robust control, and simu-
The stability analysis tools can be used to predict the be- lation of nonlinear, hybrid, and embedded systems with ap-
havior of hybrid systems and to design hybrid control algo- plications to robotics, aerospace, and biology.
rithms. The examples of hybrid control systems provided Andrew R. Teel ([email protected]) received the A.B.
in this article only scratch the surface of what is possible degree in engineering sciences from Dartmouth College
using hybrid feedback control. The framework and tools in 1987 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical en-
presented in this article may help in the process of discov- gineering from the University of California, Berkeley, in
ering new hybrid feedback control ideas. 1989 and 1992, respectively. After receiving the Ph.D., he
was a postdoctoral fellow at the École des Mines de Paris
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS in Fontainebleau, France. From 1992 to 1997 he was a fac-
Many of the developments reported in this article are a ulty member in the Electrical Engineering Department at
result of research supported by the Air Force Office of the University of Minnesota. In 1997, he joined the faculty
Scientific Research under grant number F9550-06-1-0134, of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
the National Science Foundation under grant numbers at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he
ECS-0622253 and CNS-0720842, and the Army Research is currently a professor. He has received NSF Research
Office. Initiation and CAREER Awards, the 1998 IEEE Leon K.
Kirchmayer Prize Paper Award, the 1998 George S. Axel-
AUTHOR INFORMATION by Outstanding Paper Award, and the SIAM Control and
Rafal Goebel received the M.Sc. degree in mathematics Systems Theory Prize in 1998. He was the recipient of
in 1994 from the University of Maria Curie Sklodowska the 1999 Donald P. Eckman Award and the 2001 O. Hugo
in Lublin, Poland, and the Ph.D. degree in mathematics Schuck Best Paper Award, both given by the American Au-
in 2000 from the University of Washington, Seattle. He tomatic Control Council. He is a Fellow of the IEEE. He
held a postdoctoral position at the Departments of Math- can be contacted at the University of California, Electrical
ematics at the University of British Columbia and Simon and Computer Engineering Department, Santa Barbara,
Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, 2000–2002; a CA 93106-9560 USA.
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Advancing the Field

W ith no other choice but to live one day at a time and to keep intellectually alive, Tsien contin-
ued to work and teach and await the next step, whatever it might be, whenever it might be.
He turned to other fields of research, such as the study of games and economic behavior. In 1954,
he published a textbook titled Engineering Cybernetics, a book on systems of communication and
control. It too would be well received.
Years later, Wallace Vander Velde, an MIT professor and renowned expert in cybernetics, would
describe the book as “remarkable” and “an extraordinary achievement in its time.” Wrote Vander
Velde of the book:
In 1954, a decent theory of feedback control for linear, time invariant systems existed and
servomechanism design was an established practice. But Tsien was looking ahead to more
complex control and guidance problems—notably the guidance of rocket-propelled vehi-
cles. This stimulated his interest in the systems with time-varying coefficients, time lag and
nonlinear behavior. All these topics are treated in this book.
But Tsien went further to deal with optimal control via the variational calculus, optimalizing
control and fault-tolerant control systems among other topics! He visualized a theory of guidance
and control which would be distinct from, and would support, the practice of these disciplines.
This has certainly come to be, and his pioneering effort may be thought of as a major foundation
stone of that effort which continues to this day.
—Thread of the Silkworm, by Iris Chang, BasicBooks, New York, 1994, pp. 175–176.


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