Alternative Magic Rules: Learning Spells New Spells and Implements

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theygain their first rank in the Arcana, Divine, or

Alternative Magic Rules Primal magic skill. Any time they cast that chosen
Learning Spells
Magic takes many forms and is difficult to master. New Spells and Implements
This alternative rule represents this by limiting a These alternative Magic Rules also introduce three
caster’s access to various types of Spells they can new spells; Divination, Enchantment, and Illusion.
cast to their overall Skill rank (Arcana, Divine, or Descriptions and effects tables for each can be
Primal). Using this rule, when a character first gains found on the following pages. There are also four
training in a Magic skill, they learn the Attack and new magical implements: Daggers, Rods, Tomes,
Utility spells, and their choice of one other spell. and Totems.
For each rank in Magic they gain, the character
gains an additional spell of their choice for a total of
seven spells known (including Attack and Utility) at
rank five.
For example, Alex’s character Cole has four
ranks in the Arcana skill. Cole knows the following
spells: Attack, Utility, Barrier, Curse, Enchantment,
and Illusion.

Prepared Spells
In some settings, Spellcasters are required to
prepare their spells. By preparing a spell, the caster
is able to reduce the overall difficulty of a spell at
the expense of some versatility.
To prepare a spell, the character must
concentrate for a half hour, either reading a
spellbook, praying to their deity, or communing
with spirits and the natural world. At the end of this
time, the character selects a number of spells to
prepare, adding one effect to the spell. When you
cast a spell and effect you have prepared, you may
choose to remove it from your prepared spell list to
reduce the difficulty by one to a minimum of one.
A character may prepare a number of spells
equal to their Arcana, Divine, or Primal skill plus
the relevant Characteristic. A character may prepare
the same spell and effects multiple times, each
granting them an additional use of that specific
combination. Maintaining the energy of a spell is
difficult, specifically those intended to harm a target
a character is limited in the number of attack spells
they may prepare. A character may only prepare a
number of Attack spells equal to half the total
number of spells they can prepare.

Signature Spells
Many spellcasters find themselves particularly
adept at casting a very specific spell. Using this
alternate rule, the player selects one spell and one
effect with a difficulty modifier of one when
Divination (which can be themself) and makes either a Divine
Concentration: No or Primal skill check. The default difficulty of the
Skills: Divine, Primal check is Average ( ). If the check is successful,
By communing with spirits of ancestors, the land, the target gains two to their next non-combat
nature, the dead, or a deity, Divine and Primal skill check made within one hour. A character may
spellcasters can cast spells to discover forgotten not be affected by more than one Divination spell at
lore, glimpse events yet to come, view people and the same time (so no stacking effects). Before
places far distant, or locate hidden objects. The making a Divination check, choose any number of
character selects one target they are engaged with additional effects listed on Table below.


Additional Target: The spell affects two additional targets within range of the spell. +
In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend a to affect one additional target
within range of the spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending a each time).
Clairvoyance: The target gains two that can be used on any single skill check +
they make within the next day. In addition, you may spend a to add to one
additional skill check the target makes (and may trigger this multiple times, spending
a each time).
Forewarn: One target within medium range increases their defense by s during the +
first round of the encounter. In addition, you may spend aaa to extend the
duration of this spell by one round.
Scrying: The spell creates a hazy image in the air in front of you showing a location +
or individual within one mile. Any creatures viewed in this way are aware they are
being viewed and by whom. In addition, you may spend
Locate: The target senses the direction or a creature or object within one mile. If the +
object is in motion, the target senses the direction it is moving. The spell can locate a
specific object or person if the target has seen it within short range once. In addition,
after casting the spell, you may spend aa to extend the range at which the target can
sense a creature or object to three miles.
Advanced Scrying: The spell creates a hazy image in the air in front of you showing +
a location or individual within ten miles. Any creatures viewed in this way are aware
they are being viewed, but not by who. In addition, you may spend aa to mitigate
this effect.
Commune: The spell contacts a deity or spirit. The spirit answers any three questions +
you ask it to the best of its ability. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend
aa to learn if one answer you received was true or not.
Enchantment engaged with the makes an Arcana or Primal check.
Concentration: Yes The default difficulty of the check is Average
Skills: Arcana, Primal ( ). If the check is successful, the caster caster
By practicing the art of Enchantment, Arcane and adds a equal to a to their next social skill check
Primal spellcasters lace their words with magic, against the target. Before making an Enchantment
allowing them to compel, terrify, and beguile their check, choose any number of additional effects
targets. A character selects one target they are listed on Table below.


Influence Emotions: The target is filled with an overwhelming amount of a specific +
emotion of the caster’s choice, such as anger, calm, disgust, fear, friendliness, or
peace. The caster learns the Strength or Flaw of the targeted character.
Additional Target: The spell affects one additional targets within range of the spell. +
In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend a to affect one additional target
within range of the spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending a each time).
Compulsion: The spell targets any one non-nemesis target, and if successful, it is +
forced to believe something untrue or assist the Spellcaster and their allies on a task
for one turn or five minutes. The target is aware of all its actions and will not perform
any action that might harm it or its direct allies. In addition, after casting the spell, you
may spend aa to increase the length of the effect by one additional turn or five more
Duration: The a bonus applies to the next two checks the caster makes. In addition, +
after casting the spell, you may spend a to apply the bonus to the third check the
caster makes (and may trigger this multiple times, spending a each time).
Modify Memory: The target completely forgets the last five minutes of its conscious +
existence. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend a to increase the length
of time forgotten by an additional five minutes, (and may trigger this multiple times,
spending a each time).
Strength: The caster adds s equal to s, and a equal to a to their social skill +
Dominate: The target obeys all commands given to it by the caster for one round or +
for five minutes. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend a to increase the
length of time forgotten by an additional five minutes, (and may trigger this multiple
times, spending a each time).
Illusion ( ). If the check is successful, the targets either
Concentration: Yes sees a single static image up to a size of silhouette
Skills: Arcana, Divine 2, hears a sound ranging from a whisper to a scream
Both Arcane and Divine spellcasters can influence emanating from close range, or smells something
the mind of a target, causing it to see, hear, or smell wafting from close range. Likewise, the spell can
something that is not there. Likewise, they can cause the target to be unable to see a small, static
cause the target to not see, hear, or smell something. object with silhouette 1 such as a chest, weapon,
The characters selects up to three targets in short door, or shelf. Before making an Illusion check,
range, then makes either an Arcana or Divine skill choose any number of additional effects listed on
check. The default difficulty of the Check is Easy Table below.


Additional Illusion: The spell creates an additional visual illusion. You may spend +
aa to create one additional visual illusion.
Additional Target: The spell affects three additional targets within range of the spell. +
In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend a to affect two additional targets
within range of the spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending a each time).
Conceal: Until the beginning of the user’s turn, the target cannot see or sense a +
chosen person or object of silhouette 1 or smaller. The chosen person or object must
remain stationary or the spell fails.
Increased Size: The spell creates an illusion up to silhouette 3 or conceals a static +
object up to silhouette 2.
Movement: The spell creates an illusion with basic movements and gestures, and can +
patrol in an area of up to short range. You may spend aa to increase the range the
illusion can move by one range band per aa.
Range: Increase the range of the spell (the distance from the character the illusion +
effect appears) by one range band. You may spend aa to extend the range band by
one (and may trigger this multiple times, spending aa each time).
Simultaneous Effect: The spell creates one additional sensory effect that appears in +
sync with the visual component of the illusion. You may spend aa to create one
additional visual or sensory effect.
Silence: The spell causes all sound within an area of 20 feet to be inaudible to any +
creature outside the area.
Disguise: The spell alters the target’s entire appearance, either physically or by +
adding/subtracting clothing, gear, personal effects, or other. You may spend aa to
alter how the target sounds or smells. Nothing this spell creates has a physical
component, so objects pass through it as normal, and any creature that touches it will
feel nothing.
Massive Size: The spell creates an illusion up to silhouette 4. +
Invisibility: The target is invisible and gains t on any Stealth checks it makes for as +
long as concentration is maintained. You may spend aa to render all sounds the
target makes inaudible.
NEW MAGIC IMPLEMENTS of a hand. These hefty books respond to the gentlest
touch, their pages flipping open to the exact
DAGGER incantation their wielders need in order to cast more
Enchanted daggers have one purpose; powerful spells.
allowing their wielder to harness the magical Magical tomes augment the user’s ability to
energies of blood. All magic traditions are rooted in add additional effects to their spells, though at the
blood sacrifice and all know the power that results expense of the overall damage the spell does. When
from such sacrifices. Enchanted daggers are the user casts a spell, they may count any additional
ornamental, often with precious metals or gems s they roll beyond those needed to hit as aaa
inlaid in their hilts, and cannot be used in normal required to activate any added effects.
combat, but they do make all spells cast through In addition, attack spells cast by the user
them deadly. increase their base damage by two.
When the user casts a spell using a dagger,
instead of suffering strain, they may instead suffer TOTEM
two wounds, adding s and aa to the final Magical totems of wood or bone are favored
result. by Shamans, Druids, and other Primal Spellcasters.
In addition, attack spell cast by the user These may be carved to resemble natural spirits,
increase their base damage by four. animals, or plants, or hung with beads, feathers,
bones teeth, and other natural materials.
RODS Totems augment the elemental powers
Both Arcane and Divine spellcasters wield Primal casters. When a character makes or obtains a
rods, though their individual traditions are divergent totem, you, the GM, determines one of the two
to say the least. Arcane casters who use rods often following effects. When the totem is used to cast the
skew towards the occult or destructive, while Primal Fury Augment spell, reduce the difficulty by
Divine casters that favor rods to punish the wicked one ( ). Alternatively, select either Fire, Ice,
or protect allies. Impact, or Lighting additional attack effect. The
Depending on the magical skill used, rods totem allows the user to reduce the number of a
augment a casters ability in different ways. When a needed to activate the selected effect by one a to a
character makes or finds a rod, you, the GM, minimum of one a.
determines one of the three following effects; In addition, attack spells cast by the user
adding the Blast effect does not increase the spell’s increase their base damage by three.
difficulty, or if the character has the Arcana skill,
they removes one ( ) from any Curse spell they
cast while a character with the Divine skill removes
one ( ) from any Barrier spell they cast. ITEM DAMAGE ENCUM PRICE RARITY
In addition, attack spell cast by the user Dagger +4 1 100 4
increase their base damage by three.
Rod +3 2 400 3
TOME Tome +2 4 800 5
Magical tomes provide Spellcasters with a Totem +3 1 400 3
variety of magical lore and information at the wave

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