The document summarizes five schools of magic: Darkness, Interference, Madness, Manipulation. Each school provides abilities that wizards can gain at levels 2, 6, 10, and 14 that enhance their magic in different ways, such as creating magical darkness, increasing spell ranges, inducing madness, or copying other spells.
The document summarizes five schools of magic: Darkness, Interference, Madness, Manipulation. Each school provides abilities that wizards can gain at levels 2, 6, 10, and 14 that enhance their magic in different ways, such as creating magical darkness, increasing spell ranges, inducing madness, or copying other spells.
The document summarizes five schools of magic: Darkness, Interference, Madness, Manipulation. Each school provides abilities that wizards can gain at levels 2, 6, 10, and 14 that enhance their magic in different ways, such as creating magical darkness, increasing spell ranges, inducing madness, or copying other spells.
The document summarizes five schools of magic: Darkness, Interference, Madness, Manipulation. Each school provides abilities that wizards can gain at levels 2, 6, 10, and 14 that enhance their magic in different ways, such as creating magical darkness, increasing spell ranges, inducing madness, or copying other spells.
"Davriel, Rouge Shadowmage" by Daarken, Wizard of the Coast
School of Darkness Arcane Cloak
As a member of the school of darkness you are adept at Starting at 6th level, on your turn when you move out of an calling the night to wreath the battlefield around you. These area of magical darkness that you have created, you become shadow mages slip between their pockets of cover, launching invisible until the end of your turn. unseen attacks from every angle. Unfading Darkness Obscured Escape Starting at 10th level, when you cast a spell that creates Starting at 2nd level when you choose this school, as an magical darkness you can choose not to concentrate on it, action you can create a sphere of darkness filling your space and instead cause it to last for the full duration. If you have a and become invisible for one minute. The area of darkness spell anchored outside you in this way, you cannot use this remains until the invisibility ends. If you attack, take damage, feature again until the first spell ends. You can ignore or cast a spell the invisibility immediately ends. Once you concentration in this way a number of times equal to your have used this ability you cannot do so again until you have proficiency bonus, and regain your uses of this ability when finished a short or long rest. you finish a long rest. Umbral Dash Shadow Leap Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, while you Beginning at 14th level, you gain the ability to freely jump are invisible, your speed increases by 10 feet and creatures between the areas of your shadow spells. While in an area of suffer disadvantage on perception checks made to hear or magical darkness you have created, you can teleport as a otherwise detect you. bonus action to any other unoccupied space within an area of magical darkness you have created. "wushi-2" by sun kai School of Interference Interference mages may not be the most apt at throwing offensive magic into the fray or holding their own in direct conflict but the ways in which they shape a fight are not to be underestimated. Reinforce the Weave When you select this school at 2nd level, spells you cast count as the highest level spell slot you know for the purposes of determining the DC for counterspell or dispel magic when either is cast against you. Expanding Influence Starting at 6th level, when you cast a wizard spell that affects an area and requires concentration but does not require you to roll damage dice, such as entangle or fog cloud, you can choose to increase the area of the spell by 5 feet on all sides every subsequent turn you maintain concentration as a free action. The area cannot increase to over double its initial size in any dimension, but other dimensions will continue to increase to their maximum if one side reaches double sooner. Enhance Defenses Beginning at 10th level, whenever you target a willing creature friendly to you with a wizard spell of 1st level or higher you can choose to give them temporary hitpoints equal to your intelligence modifier. Store Potentiality At 14th level, you gain the ability to place your magic within your allies and tether it down to them, as opposed to your own mind. When you cast a concentration spell targeting a single friendly creature, you can choose to not concentrate on it and have the target of the spell concentrate instead. The creature can attempt to break free of the effect on it's School of Madness turn by repeating the saving throw. On a success, the effect ends and you suffer psychic damage equal to your highest hit Even the tallest tales of mad mages can very well be founded die. On a failure, the creature suffers psychic damage equal to in truth. Power corrupts, and mages can be the worst their highest hit dice, which does not transfer to you. Psychic example of that concept. Sometimes this insanity goes far damage dealt to either creature with this ability cannot be enough to twist the wizard's magic as well. resisted or reduced. Once you have used this ability you cannot do so again until Corrupt the Mind you have finished a short or long rest. At 2nd level, you can imbue madness into the victims of your magic. When you hit a creature with a spell attack roll you can choose to befuddle their mind. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature suffers disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws, and concentration checks for one minute. During this time voices echo into the target's mind, and they gain vulnerability to psychic damage. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on themselves on a success. Once you have used this feature you cannot do so again until you have finished a short or long rest. Seed of Madness Beginning at 6th level, your magic stays on the mind like an arrow in a wound. When a creature rolls a natural one on a saving throw to resist one of your spells or when you roll a natural twenty on a spell attack roll the target's next turn is dictated as if they are under the effects of the confusion spell. Scoring a critical hit by means other than a natural twenty, such as on an unconscious creature, does not trigger this ability. Creeping Paranoia Starting at 10th level, you have learned to cause confusion to surge in the minds of anyone who threatens you. When a creature makes a melee attack against you, you can use your reaction to force them to make a wisdom saving throw against your Spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature must instead make the attack against another creature of your choice within their reach. Once you have used this reaction you cannot do so again until you have finished a short or long rest. Blossoming Insanity At 14th level, you can pull the mind of a creature into your own consciousness to assume full control over them. As an action you can force a creature you can see within 30 feet of you to make a charisma saving throw. On a failure, you assume full control of the creature's turns for up to one minute. The creature cannot speak or cast spells while you control it in this way, and both you and the creature gain the benefit of the other's senses as your minds pull together. During this time any damage either yourself or the creature suffer is dealt to the other creature as well in the form of psychic damage. Additionally, you suffer psychic damage equal to a roll of your highest hit die every consecutive turn that you control the creature. If you do not issue commands you do not suffer damage, and the creature does not act. "The Mad Preacher" by Bogdan-MRK Magic Sundering School of Manipulation Beginning at 10th level, you can add your proficiency bonus Mages within the arcane practice of manipulation have to any intelligence check you make in order to successfully trained to shift and redesign spells as they explode into being. cast Counterspell or Dispel Magic. These wizards are well-trained in various means of adjusting arcane effects upon the battlefield. Arcane Duplication Spell Amplification Starting at 14th level, as a reaction when you see a spell, of a level no more than one higher than the highest spell slot you Starting at 2nd level when you select this school, when a possess and being cast within 30 feet of you, you can attempt willing creature within 30 feet of you casts a spell of 8th level to copy it to use for yourself. If the creature casting the spell or lower you can use your reaction to expend a spell slot and is unwilling, make an ability check with your spellcasting increase the effect of the spell as if it was cast with a spell slot attack modifier against the Spell save DC of the creature of one level higher. who's spell you are attempting to duplicate. On a success, or automatically if the creature was willing, you can immediately Negating Pulse cast the replicated spell at the same level as if you yourself Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to dampen hostile had cast it. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so magic with your own incantations. As a reaction when you or again until you finish a long rest. an ally you can see within 30 feet of you is subjected to a saving throw against a spell or other magical effect you can choose to expend a spell slot. If you do so, you can select a number of creatures subjected to the same saving throw you can see within 30 feet of you up to a maximum of your intelligence modifier. The targets gain advantage on their saving throw.
"Seperatist Voidmage", by Jason Rainville,
Wizards of the Coast "Summoner" by Piotr Dura
School of Summons Malleable Summons
Mages within the school of summons are experts of calling Beginning at 10th level, you can reshape your summons by outerplanar forces to their presence. As a summoner you are pulling different energies in from their plane of origin. While more adept at controlling such entities, because why fight you are under the effects of a spell that gives you control over when you can force other creatures to do so in your place? an Aberrant, Bestial, Celestial, Construct, Elemental, Fey, Find Mount Fiendish, Shadow, or Undead Spirit, you can undergo a ritual over the course of one minute that allows you to transform Beginning when you choose this school at 2nd level you gain the spirit into another version of the stat block available when the ability to pull a steed of your choosing into creation. Over you first cast the spell. the course of a 10 minute ritual you can cast the spell Find This change adjusts all of the creature's stats. If the change Steed without expending a spell slot. Once you have cats it in would adjust the creature's hitpoint maximum its current hit this way you cannot do so again until you have finished a long points remain the same unless it would be greater than the rest. new maximum, in which case it is lowered to the new maximum. At Beck and Call Any summoned creature can only be retuned once. Starting at 6th level, the connections you establish with those Death Comes in Pairs you manipulate have ascended beyond that many other mages might forge. When you issue commands to creatures Starting at 14th level, the tears you carve in the multiverse you control that need to be verbal you can instead do so widen enough for you to summon more than one being to telepathically, the target hears and understands you clearly so your command. When you cast a spell subject to the effects of long as you are on the same plane of existence. Malleable Summons, you can choose to summon two creatures instead of one. The creatures do not need to be of the same variety and appear in two seperate places of your choice within range. The creatures act in an order of your choosing. Once you have used this feature you cannot do so again until you have finished a short or long rest. Spells Dampen Pitfall 1st-level abjuration 2th-level conjuration Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you see a Casting Time: 1 action creature within 60 feet of you casting a spell at a higher Range: 60 feet level than base level Components: V, S Range: 60 feet Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Components: S Classes: Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard Duration: Instantaneous You sink a 10-foot radius circle of ground 20 feet Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard downwards. The rock below the area slowly disappears, and You attempt to reduce the effect of an overcharged spell to any underground structures that this spell overlaps have their its original pattern. If the target is upcasting the spell by one walls temporarily removed. A creature standing in the area of level it is instead cast at its lowest level. If the target is the pit when it sinks takes no fall damage, unless they pass upcasting the spell by two levels or more you must make an into an open underground area and freefall, and descends ability check with your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 with it, but must make a dexterity saving throw against your + the levels by which the spell is upcast. On a success, the Spell save DC. On a failed save, a creature loses their footing spell is cast at its lowest level and on a failure the level is and falls prone. When this spell ends the ground raises once reduced by one. again and any destroyed ground is reformed. At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can automatically downcast a slot of 3rd level or higher, the depth of the pit increases by 10 spell if it is upcast by a number of levels no more than the feet for each slot level above 2nd. level of the spell slot you used to cast this spell without Unravel making a check. 1st-level abjuration Enrage Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when a creature 1st-level Transmutation you can see within 60 feet of you makes a concentration Casting Time: 1 action check Range: 30 feet Range: 60 feet Components: V, M, S (a piece of a walrus tusk engraved with Components: S runes of strength) Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard By using the opportune gap in your enemy's defenses to You put a spark of fury into one creature of your choice tear at the weave of their magic, you impose disadvantage on within rage. The target can, as a bonus action, move up to the concentration check made by the target. their speed towards a hostile creature they can see. They Shadow Pockets must end this movement closer to the target than where they 2nd-level evocation started. At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell Casting Time: 1 action slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target an additional Range: 30 feet creature for each slot level above 1st. Components: V, M (Two bat fangs and coal dust) Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Areas of magical darkness filling 5 foot by 5 foot spaces spring up at up to ten spaces of your choice within range. Adjacent pockets merge into one area. Creatures with darkvision cannot see through this darkness and non magical light can not illuminate it. If the areas of this spell overlap with an area of light created by a spell of 1st level or lower the spell that created that light is dispelled. Wall of Darkness 4th-level conjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: 120 feet Components: V, S, M (A bat's eye and a vial of pitch) Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard You conjure a wall of shadow on a solid surface within range. You can make the wall up to 60 feet long and 20 feet thick, or a ringed wall up to 20 feet in diameter and 20 feet tall. In any form the wall is an inch thick. If the wall cuts through a creature's space when it appears the creature is shoved to one side of the wall (your choice which side). The wall is completely opaque, even to creatures with darkvision, and non magical light cannot illuminate it's area. If the area of this spell overlaps with an area of light created by a spell of 3rd level or lower the spell that created that light is dispelled. From a side that you choose when the wall appears, nothing can physically pass through. The wall is immune to all damage. From the other side anything can move through the wall, but not back. A creature that ends its turn partially in the wall is pushed all the way through. Ruler of Madness 5th-level enchantment Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Choose a point within range. Every creature of your choice within a 10-foot radius sphere centered on that point must make a wisdom saving throw against your Spell save DC. On a failed save, a creature becomes charmed by you for the duration. While charmed in this way, a twisted crown of jagged iron appears on the creature's heads, and a madness glows in their eyes. The charmed targets must use their actions before moving on each of their turns to make a melee attack against a creature other than themselves that you mentally choose. The targets can attack the same or different targets. A target can act normally on its turn if you choose no creature or if none are within its reach. On your subsequent turns, you must use your action to maintain control over the targets, or the spell ends. A target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turn, ending the effect on itself on a success.