Boldea 1999

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712 IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 14, No.

3, September 1999



[. S.A. NASAR. Life Fcllow, I E E E
The University Politechnica University of Kentucky
1900 Timisoara Lexington. Kentucky

,Abstract: Linear electric actuators and generators (LEAGs) are Over the years hundreds of papers, a few international
electromagnetic devices which develop directly short-travel progressive conferences and monographs [2-91 have dealt with the topic of
(or oscillatory) linear motion. Machine tool sliding tables, pen linear motors. After 1980, interest in linear motor
recorders, and free piston power machines are typical industrial transportation systems declined to some extent. In contrast,
applications for LEAGs. Their recent revival in applications in interest in low power controlled linear motors for short travel
compressors, pumps, electromagnetic valve actuators, active shock
applications (LEAGs) has increased dramatically. Use of high
absorbers, vibrators, etc. prompts this review, which presents main
LEAGs configurations. their principles of operations. comparative energy permanent magnets [ 101, advances in digital control, and
performance evaluation, motion control and existing as well as the fast acting solenoids are some of the main causes of this
potential applications. new upsurge. In the following we consider LEAGs in terms of
basic principles, configurations, performance evaluations,
I. A BRIEF HISTORY design, control and applications aspects.

The first linear electric motor was patented in USA more 11. LINEAR INDUCTION AND SYNCHRONOUS
than a century ago. The next important step was in 1937 by PM ACTUATORS
Kemper in Germany who proposed a magnetically levitated
linear motor propelled vehicle. In 1945, Electropult in the USA In principle for every rotary electric machine configuration
developed a few tonnes of thrust by a linear induction motor to a linear counter part may be imagined. The mental process of
assist the take-off of aircraft from aircraft carriers. A period of cutting and unrolling an induction motor to obtain a linear
10 years (1955-1965) of notable theoretical design and induction motor, flat or tubular, (Fig. 1) is by now classic. The
prototyping developments followed with important contributions same process may be imagined for flat and tubular linear
by Laithwaite and his colleagues in the LJK, especially in synchronous PM motors.
relation to linear induction motors [I]. The years 1970 through
I980 witnessed extraordinary efforts to develop full-scale 111. DC BRUSH LINEAR ACTUATORS
people movers propelled by linear induction or synchronous
motors with wheeled or magnetic (MAGLEV) suspension, The dc brush linear motor is still another alternative [6,1 I].
especially in Germany, Japan, USA, Canada, UK and Romania. The above three basic configurations have advantages and
Currently linear induction motor wheeled vehicle people movers disadvantages similar to their rotary counterparts. We should
are at work at large international airports such as Chicago, mention that a mechanical airgap of 0.5 to 1 mm is feasible for
Dallas, Fort-Worth, Atlanta, Toronto, Vancouver, Tokyo and travel lengths below a few meters and thus even the linear
Birmingham. Full-scale 400-500 km/h close to commercial induction actuator enjoys good performance especially with a
stage Maglevs are undergoing tests in Germany and Japan. cage secondary [12]. Still the linear synchronous PM actuator
They both use linear synchronous motor active guideway retains the advantages of higher thrust density and higher
propulsion with attraction and superconducting repulsive efficiency and thus lower loss per thrust density. The linear dc
magnetic suspension. brush motor is plagued by the brush wear, noise and EM1
though the speed is low (below 3 d s ) and thus the
PE-1405-EC-0-2-1998 A paper recommended and approved by the commutation process itself is less stringent. Control of linear
IEEE Electric Machinery Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering induction and linear synchronous PM actuators for thrust, speed,
Society for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion.
Manuscript submitted August 27, 1997; made available for printing and position is very similar to that for ac rotary motors. The
March 2, 1998. entire body of knowledge regarding vector control [ 131 with and
without motion sensors may be borrowed and used for linear
induction (LIA) and linear synchronous PM actuators (LSPMA).
Both sinusoidal and rectangular current control of LSPMA have
been proposed. For the linear dc brush actuators (LDCA)
various control strategies with dc-dc converters used for rotary
dc motors are used. LIAS and LSPMAs are used for
progressive linear motion of short travels (up to 2-3 m).

0885-8969/99/$10.00 0 1998 IEEE

I -A .........

w -

"Stator" or Slot- embedded
"Rotor" or
~* Motion ~ , , , , , , L n m L ) - 3

Fig. I Flat and tubular linear induction actuators.

In addition to these common linear electric actuators, quite is high as most of the reaction field travels through iron [15].
a few new configurations, for precision positioning shorter Stationary coils placed at travel ends may attenuate the reaction
travel, have also been developed. flux linkage thus reducing the machine inductance at the
expense of additional losses, weight and cost. The controller is,
IV. MOVING COIL PM ACTUATOR however, simple.

The moving coil PM linear actuator stems from the V. THE SAWYER MOTOR
loudspeaker principle. The thrust is exerted directly on the coil
conductors but the coil inertia (mass) is low and thus with Another celebrated linear electric actuator is the so-called
strong PMs, high accelerations are possible, despite a low thrust Sawyer motor. The Sawyer. motor is basically a two-phase
density. These actuators are suitable for low thrust applications pulse-PM linear actuator. Both phases work simultaneously
with travels up to 0.4-0.5 m. FEM studies show that the thrust with ac current through them. Open loop or closed loop control
varies with coil position at constant current owing to the PM may be used for positioning. Large inertia of the inductor
flux fringing at the travel ends. Also the machine inductance (mover) leads to limited acceleration. The marginal poles

produce less thrust and normal force than the central poles and ordcr of milliseconds occurs Magnctic saturation speeds up the
thus vibration and noise levels are rather high. Indcpendent tlux penetration in the plunger for the coil turn-on but it does
control of current in the four coils could solve the problem, but not influence notably the tlux decay at the coil turn-off. .A
at the price of two additional single phase invertors. resistor in series may be required to reduce the tlux decay time
In an effort to improve the performance of Sawyer motor. a to a few milliseconds.
new configuration has been proposed [16]. In this case, the Further on. mechanical. electromagnetic and even thermal
normal force at zero current is smaller as the PM tlux fringing models of the linear solenoid actuators are to be considered
is large. Also, PM flux concentration is feasible and thus simultaneously in order to obtain correct information on the
higher thrust density is available (up to 4 Nlcm2). For a three- plunger motion [20]. Design optimization of fast action
phase configuration a typical sinusoidal indirect current vector solenoids is another formidable task in view of the above
control system is used for positioning. Low power factor (0.4- interdependence of mechanical, electromagnetic and thermal
0.5) and good efficiency are characteristic of this configuration. aspects [20]. Whereas PM devices with double springs have
been introduced under the name of solenoids we will deal with
VI. LINEAR SOLENOID ACTUATORS such devices under the title of linear oscilloactuators Controlled
airgap solenoids used for controlled suspension for Maglevs
Impact excitation ac or dc linear solenoid actuators are best [6,9] or magnetic bearings [7] have also been proposed.
known as electromagnetics and their use spans over all this
century [17]. The potential application of linear solenoid VII. LINEAR OSCILLOACTUATORS AND
actuators to electromagnetic values [17, 181 of thermal engines GENERATORS (LOA&&)
has produced a new revival of this subject in the research and
development community as the required speed of response is so Linear oscilloactuators and generators (LOA&Gs) are
challenging (around 1-2 ms for 0.2-0.4 mm excursions in a characterized by sustained, rather short (less than 20-30 mm),
repetitive manner). linear-oscillatory motion of controlled frequency and amplitude.
A basic linear solenoid configuration for electromagnetic Most high performance LOA&Gs are characterized by: a
valve actuation is shown on Fig. 2. cylindrical structure; the use of high energy PMs; double action
mechanical springs at resonance conditions; and single coil
(phase) supplied at fvted controlled frequency.
Linear oscilloactuators and generators belong to one of the
following categories: moving coil stator-PM LOA&Gs; moving
PM LOA&Gs; and moving-iron stator-PM LOA&Gs. Moving-
coil stator-PM LOA&Gs with cylindrical (tubular) structure
have been used as vibrators for frequencies up to 2 ldIz and
thrusts up to a few hundred newtons for motion excursion less
than 10-15 mm. A low mover mass yields high frequency
oscillation conditions. For higher thrust at a lower frequency
some iron is attached to the coil on the mover and multipolar
PM structure is adopted [21].
Moving-PM LOA&Gs (Fig. 3) may have axial airgaps [22]
or radial airgaps [ 12, 23, 241. The mover weight is expected to
Coil be low. It has a thrust independent of motion. Care must be
exercised in maintaining the PM temperature within safe limits
to avoid demagnetization. The PM-iron mover is rugged but its
Valye mass is high so the frequency of oscillations is limited to a few
Hertz [24]. Finally, stator-PM LOA&& are shown in Fig. 4
[26,27]. As all structures are tubular-to make a better use of
Fig. 2 Tubular synchronous PM actuator.
copper-configurations in Fig. 4 are not easy to build with
The plunger is attracted downwards, when the coil is dc fed.
In contrast to the above situation, the configuration in Fig. 5
A retaining mechanical spring (not shown) brings the plunger
[26] uses conventional radial laminations and is easy to
backup after the coil is deenergized. Magnetic (variable)
manufacture while retaining good performance. At 125W, 60
saturation and eddy currents induced in the core bodies
Hz, i5 mm motion amplitude efficiencies above 0.83 at force
surrounding the coil and the plunger, make the design
densities of about I Nlcm’ have been demonstrated both in
methodology very complicated [ 191. Whereas magnetic
motoring and generating modes. The flux in the coil reverses
saturation is somewhat beneficial as it increases the magnetic
polarity to increase the copper usage needed so badly with
field penetration depth when the coil is dc energized, eddy
stator PMs. In place of mechanical springs, mechanical
currents produce a time delay in the flux build-up and thus in
flexures arc used to store energy at stroke ends and play the
the thrust production. Consequently, a motion delay in the
role of linear bearings. Free piston compressors for cooler

systcms ;ire primc applications for thesc tlux-revorsal stator-Pbf



Linear electric actuators and oscilloactuators haw already

found some applications and are fabricated in moderate numbers
for machine-tool sliding tables. pen recorders, textile sewing
machine, free piston pumps and compressors. They are built in
very large numbers as solenoids for a wide range of
applications from lifting iron to door-locks. Recently they have
been proposed for rope-less elevators, artificial hearts and for
electromagnetic valves in thermal engines. Extensive use of
high energy PMs has brought the thrust densities and energy
conversion ratios to market competitive levels. A similar
impact has been made by power electronics and digital
nonlinear control. Thus, vigorous research and industrial
developments in LEAGs are expected in the near future with an
ever wider range of applications.


,-Moving Plunger LEAGs are essentially three dimensional electromagnetic

devices with linear motion. Magnetic field distribution may be
only at times reduced to a two dimensional solution. Most of
the time it is 3D. Analytical preliminary design methodologies,
most in simplified forms are available in the literature [7, 12,
ac 11, 17, 181. Also, elaborate FEM analyses of field distri-
Coils butio-2D and lately 3D-have been performed recently in
relation to LEAGs. No commercial design software on LEAGs
is available to the best of our knowledge. Design optimization
attempt on LEAGs have been recently published [12] and they
use essentially analytical field (circuit) models with some FEM
checks for special (defined) information in the end. In contrast,
however, in [29] a direct FEM design optimization search is run
for a moving coil LEA, using Rosenbrock’s methods. For this
simple configuration notable improvements are obtained by
direct search 2D FEM optimization withln a reasonable amount
radially magnedzed of time. It seems that FEM method is to be used in the
magnet stator
analytical model design optimization only to provide some
information at some points while, in the second stage, a direct
search FEM optimization methodology is to be used for
reasonable computation time and good performance. A FEM
coil linker to analytical design optimization methodologies seems the
way to speed-up the FEM use by LEAGs designers.


This paper presents an overview of linear electric actuator

and generator topologies, applications performance and design
moving axis of motion methodologies. The industrial use of LEAGs is on the rise and
iron new interesting developments are expected in the near future.

Acknowledgment: The work reported her was, in part,

Fig. 4. Stator PM LOA&Gs. supported by NSF Grant No. ECS-9423298.

Stator laminator
\ __.-.__
Stator coil I ,

3 7 ’ -

’ lightweight

Fig. 5. A novel flux reversal linear alternator.


E.R. Laithwaite, Induction machines for specialpuposes, [l 11 A. Bas& Permanent magnet dc linear motors, Oxford
George Newnes, 1966. Univ. Press, 1996.

S. Yamamura, n e o v of linear induction motors, Wiley, [I21 I. Boldea and S.A. Nasar, Linear electric actuators and
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S. A. Nasar and I. Boldea, Linear motion electric [ 131 W. Leonhard, Control of electric drives, Springer Verlag,
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P.K. Budig, Drehstrom linear motoren, VEB Verlag, [14] I. Boldea and S.A. Nasar, Vector control of a x . drives,
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M. Polojadoff, Theory of linear induction machines, [15] H. Wakinava, et al., Simplified thrust limit equations 01
Clarendon Press Oxford, 1980. linear d.c. motor, IEEE Trans., vol. MAG-32, no. 5,
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I. Bofdea and S.A. Nasar, Linear motion electromagnetic
systems, Wiley, 1985. [I61 R.M. Karita, H. Nakagawa, and M. Maeda, High thrusi
density linear motor and its applications, Record O,
S.A. Nasar and I. Boldea, Linear electric motors, LDIA-95 Nagasaki, Japan, pp. 183-186.
Prentice-Hall, 1987.
[17] H.C. Roters, Electromagnetic devices, Wiley, 1941.
H. Yamada, Handbook of linear motors, Kogyo Chosakai
Publish. Co., Japan, 1986. [I81 M. Theobald, B. Lequesne, and R. Henry, Control 01
engine load via electromagnetic valve actuators, Recorc;
B.V. Jayawant, Electromagnetic levitation and suspension of SAE International, Detroit, Feb. 28-March 3, 1994.
techniques, Edward Arnold, 1981.
[ 191 B. Lequesne, Dynamic model of solenoids under impac
I. F. Eastham, Novel Synchronous machines: linear and excitation, including motion and eddy currents, IEEL
disk, Proc. IEE, vol. 137B, no. I , 1990, pp. 49-58. Trans., vol. MAG-26, no. 2, 1990.


J.P. Caridis, Fast acting electromagnetic actuators. Ph.D Ion Boldea (M’77, SM’8 I, F’96) received M . S . in electrical
Thesis. Pennsylvania State University, Dept. of engineering in 1967 and PhD in electrical machines in 1973,
Mechanical Eng.. 1982. from the University Politehnica of Timisoara. Timisoan.
Romania. He has been associated with the University
B. Lequesne, Permanent magnet linear motors, for short Politehnica of Timisoara since 1968 and is currently a Full
strokes, IEEE Trans. vol. IA-32, no. 1, 1996. Professor of Electrical Engineering. He served as an Associate
Dean of Electrical Engineering from 1982 to 197. He has also
B. Lequesne, Fast acting long stroke bistable solenoids repeatedly been a Visiting Professor at the University of
with moving PMs, IEEE Trans., vol. 1A-26, no. 3, 1990. Kentucky, Lexington, the University of Manchester Institute of
Science and Technology, Manchester, UK, and the University
R.E. Clark, et al., Design optimization of moving PM of Glasgow, UK, His scientific work is related to linear and
actuator for reciprocating electromechanicalsystem, IEEE rotary electrical machines and drives. He has authored 1I
Trans., vol. MAG-31, no. 6, 1995, pp. 3746-3748. monographs, published more than 50 papers, and is the holder
of 16 Romanian patents. He has also taught intensive courses
D. Ebihara, et al., Improvement on characteristics of and delivered special lectures in the US and Europe.
linear oscillatory actuator for artificial hearts, IEEE Prof. Boldea is a member of IEEE Industry Applications
Trans., vol. MAG-29, no. 6, 1993, pp. 3361-3363. Society (IAS) Electric Machines and Industrial Drives
Committees. He received the Romanian Academy Award for
0. Roubicek, Z. Pejsek, Oscillatory synchronous linear Technology in 1977. He is also Co-chairman of the Bi-annual
motor with permanent magnet excitation, Proc. of IEE, IAS-sponsored International Conference, “OPTIM“, held in
vol. 127B, no. 1, 1980, pp. 8-12. Brasov, Romania.

I. Boldea, et al., A linear reciprocating stator PM

machine, Record of IEEE-IAS, 1996, vol. 2. Syed A. Nasar (M’56, SM’69, F’85, LF’96) earned his Ph.D.
degree in electrical engineering from the University of
I. Boldea and S.A. Nasar, U.S. Patent No. 5,564,596. California, Berkeley. He is a professor of electrical engineering
at the University of Kentucky, Lexington; the author or
J. Gieras, Linear induction drives, OUP, 1994. coauthor of 32 books and over 100 journal papers; and the chief
editor of Electric Machines and Power Systems+
N. Takahashi, K. Muramatsu, T. Nakata, Optimal design international monthly publication. He has been involved in
of linear d.c. motor using FEM, Record of LDIA-95, teaching, research, and consulting in electrical engineering for
Nagasaki, Japan, pp. 331-334. over 30 years. He is a Fellow of the IEE (London), and a
member of Sigma Xi and Eta Kappa Nu.

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