Remote Neural Monitoring Awearness

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Remote Neural Monitoring

Satellite Harassment/Terrorism

Short video explaining and describing the reality of Remote Neural

Monitoring and how it is being illegally criminally used to harass,
violate and terrorize individuals simultaneously with what is known as
Organized Gang Stalking for years at a time.

The purpose of this video is to inform you and the public of the illegal
criminal use of (Remote Neural Monitoring) Satellite Technology that
is being used simultaneously with what is known as (organized
stalking) and harassment to harass and terrorize individuals for years
at a time.
The following information was gathered from several trusted sources
and victims of the illegal criminal use of remote neural monitoring.

Technological Harassment
Technological harassment refers to the use of technology to view,
track, monitor, and/or harass a person near or from a distance. The
technology may include audio, and/or video surveillance, GPS trackers
on vehicles, “Non-Lethal Weapons” (NLWs) Directed Energy Weapons
(DEWs) and satellites what is known as remote neural monitoring.
Short Description of Remote Neural Monitoring
Remote Neural Monitoring has the following capabilities. Tracking is
able to lock onto a human being and track that person around. Mind
reading is able to read that person’s mind and give response, answer,
or reply over TVs or radios, to what you say or think privately to
yourself, hit that person with directed energy and is able to tap into
all electronics, TVs, radios, police scanners, computers with voice
morphing synthetic voices, and is able to say things over TVs, radios,
and (Voice Morph) clone or copy individual’s voices then broadcast
those voices over police scanners and can imitate any actor’s voice or
any individual’s voice over the TV and respond to what you are
thinking or saying in that individual’s voice.

Capabilities of Remote Neural Monitoring

Thought, mind reading, reading of thoughts remotely. See as in a
camera, through the victim’s eyes, to see what the victim is seeing.
Hearing—ability to hear and pick up what the victim is hearing.
This is how illegal criminal human trafficking and racketeering
operations are being criminally run with this Remote Neural
Monitoring technology, to profit off of unaware unsuspecting victims.
Ability to speak to the individual being targeted through speech voice
morphing and interjections into TVs, stereos, radios, scanners, cellular
Speaking—Speech and speaking ability to speak to the victim through
the air or send voices or whispers around the target that can appear
to come from anywhere.
Directed Energy Assaults
From the remote neural monitoring satellite technology that may
come in the form of shocks, jolts, jars, jabs, pokes, taps, stings, burns.
Sleep deprivation done by directed energy assaults from this satellite

Computer to Brain Interface Control and Communication

Complex control of the brain such as implanting thoughts, retrieving
memories, implanting personalities.

Signs of Being Criminally Targeted with Remote Neural

Having your thoughts read remotely. Feeling as if you are being
watched. Having individuals engaged in organized stalking against
you, dropping hints, or conveying to you by actions that they can see
Being targeted with organized stalking while you are being targeted
with remote neural monitoring satellite technology. Organized
stalking usually involves electronic technological harassment of some
form that is going on at the same time either ground or satellite
Electronic disturbances within your home, which may include
thumping or popping noises on walls, TVs or appliances, light bulbs
and TVs flickering.
Electronic Harassment/V2K
Microwave hearing, also known as Voice to Skull V2K which also
includes being forced to listen to audio harassment or voices,
symptoms that mimic and appear to be mental illness, but is not
mental illness.
Persistent loud ringing in the ears, what is known as (Silent Sound)
fake tinnitus. This is common and frequently reported by targets and
victims of Organized Stalking.

Silent Sound
Hearing tones, or tone bursts, in the ears that may last anywhere
from 5 to 10 seconds, that may change in volume and pitch.
Transmission of specific commands into the subconscious mind.
Visual disturbances, visual hallucinations.

Injection of words, numbers, or information into the brain via
electromagnetic radiation or radio waves, or by the remote neural
monitoring satellite technology. Being touched, or tapped, or hit by
an invisible force, or having parts of your body suddenly moved.
Causing pain to any nerve of the body or to the body using directed
energy from remote neural monitoring satellite technology.
Remote Manipulation
Remote manipulation of human behavior, thoughts or actions.
Hearing voices or whispers that appear to come from different rooms
of your home, this is done by the remote neural monitoring.

Audio Harassment
Hearing voices or speech interjected into your TV, police scanner, or
car radio that responds to what you are thinking or saying privately to

Directed Conversations/Parroting
Strangers or family members engaged in organized stalking against
the victim, repeating, relaying or parroting back private things that
you thought, did, or said while alone, or in private, using directed
conversation. The individuals engaged in the organized stalking are
being given pieces and excerpts of the target and victim’s thought
process, to repeat or parrot back to the victim as constant harassment
or psychological warfare.

Psychological Warfare
The remote neural monitoring is being used simultaneously with
organized stalking to target, harass and terrorize individuals by using
the target and victim’s thoughts (Evoked Thought Potentials)
brainwaves to direct and coordinate Organized Stalking Criminal
Harassment activities against the target and victim.
Example, if the victim is thinking of white snowy weather, on a day
that it is not snowing, the Criminal or Criminal Organizers who have
been given illegal criminal access to the illegal thought reading logs,
by means of cell phone or computer logs, is intentionally coordinating
the organized stalking groups to flood the victim’s area with
coordinated white vehicles to psychologically harass and terrorize the
targeted victim. This psychological terroristic tactic is being done with
any color, shape, number, themes, symbolic actions, gestures, etc.

Remote Neural Monitoring Quotes

“I know from first-hand experience that remote neural monitoring is a
reality. I have witnessed the operational capabilities of this
technology and they were later verified by an acquaintance, along
with mind reading, one of the most bizarre uses of a satellite is to
physically assault someone. An electronic satellite beam, using far
less energy than needed to blast nuclear missiles in flight, can slap or
bludgeon someone on earth. A satellite beam can also be locked onto
a human target, with the victim being unable to evade the menace by
running around or driving around, and can cause harm through
application of pressure on, for example, one’s head.”
“Citizens are being illegally interrogated within their own homes,
without ever being charged with a crime, as their 4th Amendment
rights are completely denied them! In the United States alone,
thousands of people have already come forward to describe this
technology and how it is being used to both illegally spy on them,
while also manipulating their thoughts, as they are targeted for
nonconsensual human experimentation.
Famous neuro scientist warns that remote neural monitoring
equipment is far from being science fiction and can be used for control
of behavior and brainwashing.

Scientists Agree that Remote Neural Monitoring is a Danger

and a Health Hazard
As a direct result from the Remote Neural Monitoring Technology the
victim is being exposed to a harmful directed energy for years at a
time, which is a Health Hazard.
Quote: “Scientists agree that like leukemia and the cancerous risks
posed by mobile phones which also emit microwaves, Remote Neural
Monitoring can also pose similar threats to a subject’s overall health
as the heating effect of tissues with the speed of light is a known
effect of high powered microwave and electromagnetic pulse
There are several articles of information that have appeared on the
Internet regarding Remote Neural Monitoring being portrayed as a
crime fighting and detection tool. Remote Neural Monitoring was not
invented to detect criminal thought inside the mind. Nor does it have
any place, or serve any legit purpose, in law enforcement.
These articles appear to be an obvious attempt to legitimize and
condition readers and the public to accept Remote Neural Monitoring
as a legitimate law enforcement tool, which it is not, just as organized
stalking and harassment is not, and is completely the opposite, and is
being criminally used simultaneously with organized stalking to
violate, invade, harass and terrorize individuals for years at a time.
Polygraphs have served the purpose and are quite accurate in
determining if someone is telling the truth regarding criminal activity.
Also, if Remote Neural Programming was to be used for that purpose,
it would require a quite complicated warrant, despite the unlawful
illegal criminal manner that it is being used on individuals without
their consent and their permission, it is quite obvious that warrants
are not being obtained and that Remote Neural Monitoring is being
used to intentionally harass and terrorize individuals for years at a
time simultaneously with organized stalking and harassment.
Beware of individuals claiming that Remote Neural Monitoring is
being used for health purposes. This is a health scam and a fraud
being perpetrated by these syndicated criminal individuals that are
actively involved in Electronic Racketeering and Human Trafficking by
use of Remote Neural Monitoring. These individuals are illegally
criminally involved in the following: illegal electronic monitoring,
eavesdropping and relaying by remote neural monitoring health
frauds, racketeering, human trafficking, hacking, illegal criminal
tapping and eavesdropping of Internet and telephone
communications, criminal violations of privacy, psychological warfare,
stalking, harassment, slander, manipulation, deception. Do not
believe anything these individuals may tell, send or relay to you.

Remote Neural Monitoring

This video is just a small description of remote neural monitoring and
the capabilities, misuses and abuses and harmful health hazards
associated with the illegal criminal use of this technology.
The individuals illegally criminally using this remote neural monitoring
technology are claiming to be the United States Air Force operating
illegally and criminally out of Cincinnati, Ohio. If you have, or are
being targeted and harassed by the illegal criminal use of this
technology, we suggest that you start investigating and directing your
lawsuits to the United States Air Force and Boeing Aircraft operating
out of Cincinnati, Ohio.

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