Zen 2016

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Evaluation of Possible Associated Factors for Early Childhood Caries and Severe Early Childhood Caries

Evaluation of Possible Associated Factors for Early Childhood Caries

and Severe Early Childhood Caries: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional
Bugra Özen */AJP Van Strijp **/ Levent Özer ***/ Hulya Olmus ****/ Aysegul Genc *****/ Sevi
Burcak Cehreli ******

Objectives: The present study evaluated associated factors for developing early childhood caries (ECC) and
Severe-ECC (S-ECC) in a group of children aged 24-71 months. Potential positive effects of early dental visit
on formation of ECC is investigated as well. Study Design: This was a multicenter, cross-sectional study
conducted at three governmental and university pediatric dentistry clinics in 408 preschool children who
were randomly selected from a total of 4116 children. The questionnaires administered to the mothers by
interview and intraoral examination performed by calibrated pediatric dentists. The children were evaluated
in three groups according to their caries experience as who had caries free, ECC and S-ECC.

Results: The following factors were significantly associated with caries formation: 1.Prolonged (i.e., >18
months) breastfeeding in preterm babies (OR=2.4) 2.Prolonged breastfeeding in children who started tooth
brushing after 1.5 years of age (OR=3.7), 3. Sugar (p<0.001) and fruit-juice consumption (p<0.0001), and
4. Lack of periodic dental examination (p<0.05). Parental smoking habit does not significantly affect ECC
development. Nocturnal bottle feeding and nocturnal feeding also affected S-ECC formation significantly
(p=0.043 and p=0.005, respectively). Conclusions: There is a significant difference between the children
with caries and caries-free associated with the brushing initiation age started before or after 18 months. If a
child is under the risk of multiple caries factors, it is very difficult to evaluate which habits affect the caries
formation or increase the severity of the caries lesions.


arly childhood caries (ECC) is recognized as a serious public
health problem due to its high prevalence, impact on quality
of life, potential for increasing risk of caries in the permanent
*Bugra Özen Assistant Professor, Department Cariology Endodontology dentition and its role in general health1-3. ECC is defined as the pres-
Pedodontology, ACTA, University of Amsterdam and VU University
ence of one or more decayed (non cavitated or cavitated lesions),
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
**AJP Van Strijp Associate Professor, Department Cariology Endodon- extracted, or filled (dmft) primary tooth in a child 71 months of
tology Pedodontology, ACTA, University of Amsterdam and VU age or younger4-5. In children younger than 3 years-old, any sign
University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. of smooth surface caries indicates severe early childhood caries
***Levent Özer Professor, Department of Pedodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, (S-ECC)2. The ‘Significant Caries Index’ (SiC Index) is focusing
Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey.
attention on those individuals with the highest caries scores in each
****Hulya Olmus Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Faculty of
Science, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey. population. One third of the population with the highest caries score
*****Aysegul Genc Dentist, Pediatric Dentistry Clinics, Tepebasi Oral and is selected and the mean DMFT/dmft for this subgroup is calculated.
Dental Health Hospital, Turkish Ministry of Health, Ankara, Turkey. This value constitutes the SiC Index6.
******Sevi Burcak Cehreli, Professor, Department of Pedodontics, Faculty Dental caries is a transmissible infectious disease controlled
of Dentistry, Baskent University, Ankara, Turkey.
by both cariogenic microorganisms, behavioral, and sociological
factors5. Microbial risk markers for ECC include early coloniza-
Send all correspondence to Bugra Ozen,
tion and increased colony forming units (CFU) of Streptococcus
Department Cariology Endodontology Pedodontology and Lactobacillus species7. Other risk factors are the frequent
ACTA Amsterdam consumption of fermentable carbohydrates, particularly bottle-
Gustav Mahlerlaan 3004 feeding with sugar-containing liquids, breast-feeding on demand,
1081 LA Amsterdam, The Netherlands
falling asleep while breast-feeding, and nursing beyond the recom-
Phone: +31(0)20 59 80470
E-mail: [email protected] mended weaning age8. Genetic predisposition, environmental, and

118 The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry Volume 40, Number 2/2016
Evaluation of Possible Associated Factors for Early Childhood Caries and Severe Early Childhood Caries

socioeconomic factors, parental education and awareness, ethnicity, 2. Dental visit: Initial complaint, age of first dental visit,
marital status, and family size also affect formation of caries9-10. dental visit frequency
The best practices for preventing ECC include parental education, 3. Oral hygiene practices: Tooth brushing frequency, degree
avoiding MS transmission, and supervised brushing twice-daily of supervision, age of brushing initiation
with a fluoridated toothpaste designed for children4,11. Ideally, ECC
prevention should begin during the prenatal and perinatal periods 4. Feeding practices: Bottle use, breast-feeding on demand,
by informing the mother and primary caregiver12. Recent evidence prolonged nocturnal feeding (>18 months), prolonged
highlights that preventive interventions such as dental counseling breast-feeding (>18 months), water consumption following
and initiation oral hygiene habits before 1 year of age are critically breast- or bottle-feeding, weaning age, snack consumption
important due to the aggressive and virulent nature of ECC13. frequency (≤1 snack/day, ≥2 snacks/day), sugar consump-
Based on these observations, the present study aimed to inves- tion (low/moderate/high), fruit juice consumption (≤1 day,
tigate possible associated factors for ECC and S-ECC formation ≥2 day)
and potential positive effects of early dental visits in a group of 5. Fluoride and ferritin intake: Use of fluoride tablets or
children aged 24–71 months. Two null hypotheses were tested:(i) multivitamins containing fluoride and ferritin syrup.
dental visits at a young age helps to prevent development of ECC;
6. Birth: Preterm (before 37 completed weeks of gestation)
and (ii) some associated factors contribute to the increase in the
or term birth.
severity of dental caries once the demineralization process is
initiated. Statistical Analysis
The data were collected and analyzed with SPSS 21.0 software
MATERIALS AND METHOD (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL) using t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA),
This multicenter, cross-sectional study was conducted between
chi-square at p=0.05. A logistic regression model was utilized for
the years 2010 and 2013 at one government-based clinic and two
the multivariable assessment of factors related to ECC. The corre-
university-based pediatric dentistry departments. The study popu-
sponding odds ratios (OR) and their 95% confidence intervals (95%
lation consisted of 408 preschool children which were randomly
CI) were determined. Scheffe’s test was used to investigate differ-
selected from a total of 4116 children between 24-71 months of
ences between the dmft values, while Tukey’s multiple compar-
age. The sample size calculation was 217 subjects at 5% of type 1
ison was used to assess the relationship between dmft values and
error14. 140 children were selected for each center but 12 children
maternal education. Finally, a sensitivity analysis using dental caries
refused to open their mouth and they were excluded. The chil-
at 18 months of age was also utilized as the outcome variable.
dren were divided into 4 groups (24-35 months, 36-47 months,
48-59 months and 60-71 months) according to their age. The RESULTS
study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board Of the 408 children included, the gender distribution was 192
and informed consent was obtained. A questionnaire was used (47.1%) girls and 216 (52.9%) boys. The mean dmft of the children
to assess the child’s dietary and oral hygiene habits, ferritin and included was 8.0±5.1 and there was a significant difference between
fluoride intake, socioeconomic status, family educational level, different age groups with respect to mean dmft values (Table 1,
and the age at the first dental visit. The questionnaire was admin- Scheffe’s test, p<0.05). Only 8.1% (n=33) of the children were
istered to the mothers during dental examination. In each center, caries free. From the ECC group (n=375), 61% of children (n=229)
one pediatric dentist performed both the intraoral examination and had S-ECC. The SiC index was 14.
the interview. Calibrations were performed with the examiners and Evaluation of parental factors, feeding habits, and oral hygiene
the consistency of their evaluations was confirmed using a Kappa practices are presented in Table 1. Analysis of parental factors
statistic. Kappa for inter and intra-examiner reliability was 0.84 showed that neither family income, nor parental smoking signifi-
and 0.91 respectively. Intraoral examinations were performed at cantly affected the child’s oral health status (p>0.05) A low maternal
the dental chair using a dental mirror and probe or in a knee-to- education, with primary school being the highest educational level,
knee approach for the infants. Decayed, missing, and filled primary was significantly associated with early childhood caries (Tukey’s
teeth (dmft) were recorded based on the dental caries diagnostic test, p=0.007). As expected, the dmft values significantly decreased
criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO, 1997) but the with the increase in level of maternal education (Tukey’s multiple
authors followed the criteria of Drury et al.15 for the assessment comparison test, p=0.007).
of non-cavitated lesions. The dmf index is usually used to assess In total, 43.9% of children were examined based on initial
caries experience in primary dentition based on the WHO criteria complaint of pain, followed by caries (37.3%), and routine control
that only consider caries present on the dentine level (true cavi- (12%), except for the 24–35 month age group. In this group, 48%
tation). Secondary caries was considered decayed, and children of children were examined based on initial observation of caries by
suffering dental trauma or enamel hypoplasia were excluded. The the parents.
children were further evaluated in three groups according to their Analyses of dental visits and oral hygiene practices showed
caries experience as who were caries free or had ECC and S-ECC. that the age of initiating tooth brushing (Figure 1), was associated
Based on the questionnaire, risk factors were grouped into 6 with dental caries development. There was a significant difference
categories: between the dmft of children who started brushing before and after
1. Parental factors: Socioeconomic status, education, and 18 months of age (t-test, p=0.000). As for evaluation of the initial
smoking status complaint, this was the first dental visit for 252 (61.8%) of 408

The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry Volume 40, Number 2/2016 119
Evaluation of Possible Associated Factors for Early Childhood Caries and Severe Early Childhood Caries

Fig 1. Age of the children when toothbrushing was started. Table 1: Age, gender, parental factors, feeding habits,
and oral hygiene practices

n (%) p-value
Boys 216 (52.9%)
Girls 192 (47.1%)
Total 408

Age dmft
24-45 m 5.7 ±4.4 a 50 (12.2%)
36-47 m 7.6 ±5.5a,b 84 (20.6)
48-59 m 8.5± 5.3b,c 117 (28.7%)
69-71 m 8.5± 4.8b,c 157 (38.5%)
Total 8.0± 5.1 408

Education level of mother

29 (31.6%)*
Primary School p=0.007
52 (12.8%)
Middle School
142 (34.8%)
High School
85 (20.8%)

Duration of breastfeeding
167 (40.9%)
<12 months p=0.011
98 (24.0%)
12-17 months
43 (35.1%)*
children (mean age 3.9± 0.9 years), and the age of first dental visit >18 months
was not associated with caries occurrence (p>0.05), while regular The existence of nighttime
examinations significantly reduced the risk of caries formation bottle feeding
175 (42.9%)
No: p=0.048
(p<0.05). In the first time dental visit (n=252) group, with no history 233 (57.1%)
of dental examination, 91.3% of these children had dental caries. For
Snack intake
the group of children (n=156) who visited a dentist before, 80.8%
≤1 /day 212 (52%) p<0.05
of them had caries (p<0.05). Children performing unsupervised ≥2 /day 196 (48%)*
brushing had a higher risk of developing caries compared to those
receiving parental supervision, but this difference was not signif- Sugar intake (Intake of sugar
icant (OR=1.2). Finally, the dmft values of children that brushed containing foods or drinks)
Low (≤1 /day) 148 (36.3%) p<0.05
their teeth either regularly or irregularly were significantly lower
Moderate (=2 /day) 109 (26.7%)*
than those who never brushed (independent t-test; p=0.000). High (≥3 /day) 151 (37%)*
Analysis of preterm birth, fluoride intake and ferritin syrup
intake had no significant effect on initiation of ECC and S-ECC. Juice consumption
289 (70.8%)
≤1 /day p<0.05
Children who did not use fluoride tablets, had 1.4-fold higher risk 119 (29.2%)*
≥2 /day
(OR=1.413) of developing caries compared to those who used
Toothbrushing (times per
tablets (p=0.438). day) p<0.05
Breast-feeding on demand with a high frequency (when it was Once a day 198 (48.5%)
performed more than 8 times a day) was associated with ECC More than once a day 101 (24.8%)
(R2=0.775). Prolonged breast-feeding (>18 months) was correlated Not regularly 58 (14.2%)*
Never brushed before 51 (12.5%)*
with ECC development only in preterm babies (OR=2.4), and this
correlation was not observed in term babies but prolonged breast- Parental assistance for
feeding was also a risk factor for children who started tooth brushing children who brush their
after 1.5 years of age (OR=3.7). Overall, children weaned before 18 Yes 234 (65.5%)
months had a 2.6-fold lower risk of developing caries compared to 123 (34.5%)
children breast-fed beyond 18 months. not significant
Nocturnal bottle use and feeding during sleep did not signifi-
The dmft column values with same letters indicate no signif-
cantly affect caries formation (p=0.488 and 0.287, respectively) if icant differences (p>0.05) between groups. Each row
these habits were discontinued before 18 months of age. However, indicates significant parameters.
caries was significantly higher among children with nocturnal
feeding up to 18 months of age and over (p<0.05). In addition, water
consumption following bottle-feeding reduced caries formation risk
Besides, moderate and high sugar consumption were related to
caries formation (ANOVA; p<0.001) (Table 2). The dmft values
were significantly higher (Scheffe test; p<0.001) in children who
consume moderate to high sugar than low consumers. The snacks

120 The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry Volume 40, Number 2/2016
Evaluation of Possible Associated Factors for Early Childhood Caries and Severe Early Childhood Caries

≥ 2/day was also significantly associated with caries formation regular dental care. Also, delayed first visits were associated with
(p<0.0001). Among the children who had EEC and S-ECC, fruit increased risk of dental problems19. By contrast, the present results
juice consumption more than once daily affected S-ECC develop- indicated that the age at which the child is referred for the first dental
ment (independent sample t-test; p <0.0001). Also, in this group examination did not affect the initiation of ECC. This could be
nocturnal bottle-feeding (p =0.043) and nocturnal feeding (p explained by one of the limitations of the present study, which was
=0.005) significantly affected S-ECC formation (Table 2). the mean age of the first dental visit, being 3.9 years. This age makes
it difficult to demonstrate the true effect of dental examination on
DISCUSSION caries prevention based on the present data.
The possible associated factors with ECC were evaluated in this The present study is consistent with others20-22 that demonstrated
multicentered study with interview and intraoral examination using a relationship between parental education level and caries forma-
both WHO criteria and Durry’s criteria. WHO criteria only consider tion in children. The data show that as the maternal education level
caries present on the dentine level (true cavitation). Actually, this increased, the dmft value decreased significantly20-22. Higher caries
is a known limitation of the index and leads to underestimation of experience was observed in children who had parents with lower
the caries experience. Therefore, both criteria were used to ensure levels of education. These parents showed a weaker intention to
accuracy as much as possible in order to fulfill the objectives of the control their children’s intake of cariogenic snacks compared to
research16. more highly educated parents23.
In children, a tailored preventive strategy can be ideally devel- In the present study, parental smoking was not significantly
oped through determination of possible factors associated with correlated with ECC development. A recent systematic review
ECC. A recent study confirmed that caries occurrence at age 3 is revealed a strong relationship between second hand smoking and
indicative of vulnerability for further caries development17. Thus, ECC, whereas the association was generally weak with regard to
early initiation of oral hygiene practices is of utmost importance in caries development in permanent teeth24. This finding may signal
maintaining a caries-free dentition in both childhood and adulthood. that in the present study population a single parameter, such as
This finding is underlined by the present multicenter, cross-sec- parental smoking, may not be able to impact mean severe ECC dmft
tional study and may be best implemented with the help of medical values if other key etiologies are also present.
providers trained to counsel caregivers and to refer young children The present results do not establish an association between
to specialists or dental facilities where available18. According to the bottle use and nocturnal bottle-feeding and ECC occurrence before
present results, tooth brushing before 18 months had a significant 18 months of age, although an effect was seen on the development
effect on ECC prevention. Also, prolonged breast-feeding may be a of S-ECC. Nocturnal feeding was correlated with the occurrence
risk factor, especially in preterm babies and children commencing of ECC. Thus, nocturnal feeding or bottle-feeding itself is not
oral hygiene practices after 1.5 years of age. responsible for ECC formation, but may play an important role for
Further, it was observed that children who brushed their teeth S-ECC. These observations suggest that other factors may play a
either regularly or irregularly are less likely to develop caries role in ECC susceptibility25. Our results also showed that adminis-
compared to those who never brush their teeth. Early dental exam- tering a water-filled bottle following nocturnal bottle-feeding had
inations could provide dentists an opportunity to inform parents a positive effect on caries prevention. If the child is exposed to
about optimum oral health care and encourage parents to seek different caries risk factors, the clinician may not be able to directly

Table 2: Associated factors with Caries Free, ECC and S-ECC

Risk Factors Caries Free ECC S-ECC p-value

Prolonged breast feeding (for preterm birth) √ √ p<0.01

Nocturnal bottle feeding if this habit was discontinued before x x p=0.488

18 months
Nocturnal feeding if this habit was discontinued before 18 x x p=0.287
Nocturnal bottle feeding over 18 months √ √ p<0.05
Nocturnal feeding over 18 months √ √ p<0.05
Nocturnal bottle feeding (without time consideration) √ √ p<0.05
Nocturnal feeding (without time consideration) √ √ p<0.01

Moderate or high sugar consumption √ √ p<0.001

Fruit juice cons. more than once daily √ √ p<0.0001
Snacks ≥2/day √ √ p<0.0001
√: significant difference
X: no significant difference

The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry Volume 40, Number 2/2016 121
Evaluation of Possible Associated Factors for Early Childhood Caries and Severe Early Childhood Caries

isolate the important causative factors. In this present study, both CONCLUSION
mean dmft values and SiC Index were very high, so apparently As caries is a multifactorial disease, no single effect can be iden-
these children were exposed to many carries risk factors. This study tified in children with ECC. Some risk factors like nocturnal bottle
could not observe significant differences in carries development use and feeding may not be related to caries formation directly.
between the different feeding habits groups which were indicated However, these habits contribute to the increase in severity of dental
by other studies. Schroth et al 26pointed that breastfed children caries. Accordingly, all key factors should be examined carefully.
were less likely to have S-ECC. Some studies27,28 have also reported With adequate knowledge about the etiology of caries and a proper
that breastfeeding is not associated with the risk for caries, while caries risk evaluation, health care providers can play an important
others suggested that breastfeeding was a risk factor for ECC and/or role in caries eradication by guiding both parental and children
S-ECC3. Also, in this study, frequent breast-feeding on demand was behavior to provide optimum oral health.
correlated with ECC.
Hallett and O’Rourke20 declared that there was a significant
increase in ECC prevalence and severity associated with the habit
of giving a bottle to sleep at night. They20 also notified that chil-
dren that commenced tooth brushing earlier (age 12 months) had
significantly lower ECC experience compared to children that
commenced tooth brushing later (age 13 months). The results of
the present study confirmed these results that there was a signif-
icant difference between ECC and S-ECC groups who were
affected from nocturnal bottle feeding. Also, there was a signif-
icant difference between the caries free and the ECC group that
prolonged breastfeeding (>18 months) for children who started
tooth brushing after 1.5 years of age.
Children consuming sweets, juice and fast food daily are
more likely to have S-ECC21. In this study, moderate to high sugar
consumption and snacks (≥2/day) were related to caries formation
and fruit juice consumption at a frequency of more-than-once a day
was affected S-ECC. Another study confirmed that common, highly
cariogenic snack foods like cookies or cakes were consumed more
by children with white spot lesions and enamel cavitation29.
The present study has a few limitations. First, the primary care
givers’ and siblings oral health and caries status were not evaluated.
Second, in the present study the dietary habits examined which are
known as dietary components for their cariogenic effects but other
foods should have been investigated for their anticariogenic role,
such as milk, cheese, unrefined plant foods and wholegrain foods.16
Another limitation of this study is the inclusion of patients, most of
them attended the clinics because of pain and/or the observation of
caries by parents (43.9% and 37.3% respectively, totally 81.2%).
This might be the reason why the mean dmft and SiC index were
higher than other studies.3, 30 An interesting finding was that, 61.8%
of these children did not visit a dentist before and that most of the
children (81.2%) had faced some kind of severe sign of ECC such as
caries and pain. It is clear that the main challenge to combat child-
hood caries is to gain the attention of mothers and children before
problems arise.31
Cross-sectional studies are carried out at one time point, mostly
in the form of a survey and with descriptive purposes. These studies
are relatively quick and easy to perform with some major shortcom-
ings. It is possible to record exposure to many risk factors and to
assess more than one outcome in a cross sectional design. On the
other hand, data on each participant are recorded only once, which
makes it difficult to judge the temporal association between a risk
factor and an outcome. Therefore, not a causation but only an asso-
ciation can be interpreted from a cross sectional study. In addition,
associations identified may be difficult to interpret as herein 32.

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Evaluation of Possible Associated Factors for Early Childhood Caries and Severe Early Childhood Caries

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