Transport Phenomena

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1. What is the importance of Transport Phenomena?

Ans: The continuum approach adopted in Transport Phenomena makes it of more immediate interest to
Engineering students. The Transport Phenomena places more importance on basic principles than on the
blind use of empiricism. Even though the subject matter is sufficiently basic cutting across the individual
topic lines, it ranks along with Thermodynamics, Mechanics and Electromagnetism as one of the key
Engineering Sciences.

2. Explain the analogous nature of the different divisions of Transport Phenomena.(NOV 2015)
Ans: All the three transfer operations, Momentum Transport, Energy Transport and Mass Transport
are governed by the rate law similar to the Electrical energy transmission:

Rate = Driving Force / Resistance;

The different terms in the above phenomena are as given in the table below

Phenomenon Rate Driving Force Resistance

Electrical Energy Current density Potential Difference Impedance

Momentum Transport Momentum Flux Velocity Gradient Viscous resistance

Energy Transport Heat Flux Temperature Difference [1/ Heat Transfer

Coefficient] or 1/ k

Mass Transfer Mass Flux Concentration 1 / Diffusivity


3. How do the viscosities of liquids and low density gases depend on temperature? [Dec 2012]
[Nov 2014]
The viscosity of gases at low density increases with increasing temperature, whereas the viscosity
of a liquid decreases with increasing temperature.
4. Compare Newton’s law of viscosity with fourier law of heat conduction? [Nov 2014]
S.No Types of transfer Heat Momentum
1 Driving Force Temperature difference Velocity difference
2 Flux equation Jh= -K (dT/dx) Jm =-µ(dVx/dy)
3 Phenomenological Thermal coefficient Dynamic Viscosity
4 Unit of Flux J/m2 s Kgm/s/m2 s
5 Governing law Fourier law of heat Newton’s law of viscosity
5. What is a pseudoplastic fluid and What is meant by Thixotrophic fluid? [Dec 2011]
Ans: For the pseudoplastic fluid steady state behavior of fluids can be expressed by a generalized form 
yx=-[dv x/dy ] where  may be expressed as a function of either [d v x/dy] or  yx. The flow regions in which

 decreases with increasing rate of shear stress - [d v x / dy ] the behavior is termed pseudoplastic. For
thixotropic fluid the shear stress- Velocity gradient equation for general type of fluid can be written as:
yx = - η (dvx / dy)

If η is constant then the fluid is deemed to be Newtonian Fluid and takes the terminology Viscosity . η
may be expressed as a function of either (dvx / dy) or yx . in regions where η decreases with the rate of
shear (- dvx / dy) the fluid is termed pseudoplastic and where η increases with the increasing rate which
of shear (- dvx / dy) the fluid is termed dilatant. Fluids that show a limited decrease in η with time under
suddenly applied constant stress are called Thixotrophic. And those fluids show an increase in with time
are called Rheopectic.

6. What is meant by No slip condition?(NOV 2015)

In fluid dynamics, the no-slip condition for viscous fluids states that at a solid boundary,
the fluid will have zero velocity relative to the boundary.The fluid velocity at all fluid–
solid boundaries is equal to that of the solid boundary.

7. What is difference between pseudoplastic and dilatant fluids?

Ans: The steady state behavior of most fluids can be expressed by a generalized form

 yx = -  [d v x / dy ] where  may be expressed as a function of either [d v x / dy ] or  yx. The flow regions

in which  decreases with increasing rate of shear stress - [d v x / dy ] the behavior is termed pseudoplastic
and the flow regions in which  increases with increasing rate of shear stress - [d v x / dy ] the behavior is
termed dilatant.

8. Define Newtonian Fluids.

Ans: A fluid which obeys Newton’s law of Viscosity is called Newtonian Fluid. The relationship between
shear stress and the velocity gradient is given by:  yx = - µ [d v x / dy ].

This shows that there is a linear relationship between shear stress and the velocity gradient

9. What is Bingham plastics? [Nov 2013]

Ans: The Bingham model is given by:  yx = - µ [d v x / dy ] + 0 if | yx | >  o and

[d v x / dy ] = 0 if | yx | <  o
A Substance that follows this above two parameter model is called Bingham Plastic which remains when
the shear stress is of smaller magnitude than the yield stress  o but flows some what like a Newtonian
fluid when the shear stress exceeds  o .

10. Define absolute Viscosity(DEC 2015)

Ans: According to Newton’s Law of Viscosity a plot of  yx versus - [d v x / dy ] for a given fluid should give
a straight line passing through the origin and the slope of this line is called the viscosity of the fluid at the
given temperature and pressure. Experiments have shown that  yx is indeed proportional to - [d v x / dy ]
for all gases and for homogeneous non-polymeric liquids. The proportionality constant ‘µ’ is called
absolute viscosity or dynamic viscosity of the fluid. All the industrially important materials that do not
obey the Newtons’ Law of viscosity are termed as non-Newtonian fluids.

11. Explain Newton’s law of viscosity. [Nov/Dec 2011][Nov 2013] [May/June 2012]
Ans: The relationship between shear stress and the velocity gradient is given by:
 yx = - µ [d v x / dy ].

This shows that there is a linear relationship between shear stress and the velocity gradient. This is called
the Newton’s law of viscosity. The proportionality factor µ is called the viscosity of the fluid and this law
obeying fluids are Newtonian.

12. Define non-Newtonian fluids.

Ans: According to Newton’s law of viscosity given by:  yx = - µ [d v x / dy ] , a plot of  yx shear stress
and the velocity gradient -(dv x /dy) for a given fluid should give a straight line through the origin. Those
fluids that do not follow this law are called non-Newtonian fluids. For these fluids, the steady state
behavior can be expressed by a generalized form:

 yx = -  [d v x / dy ] where  may be expressed as a function of either [d v x / dy ] or  yx.

13. What is meant by Thixotrophic and Rheopectic fluids?

Ans: The shear stress- Velocity gradient equation for general type of fluid can be written as:

yx = - η (dvx / dy)

If η is constant then the fluid is deemed to be Newtonian Fluid and takes the terminology Viscosity . η
may be expressed as a function of either (dvx / dy) or yx . in regions where η decreases with the rate of
shear (- dvx / dy) the fluid is termed pseudoplastic and where η increases with the increasing rate which of
shear (- dvx / dy) the fluid is termed dilatant. Fluids that show a limited decrease in η with time under
suddenly applied constant stress are called Thixotrophic. And those fluids show an increase in with time
are called Rheopectic.

14. List some models to characterize non-Newtonian fluids.

Ans: i] Bingham model, ii] Power law model {Oswald-de Waale model}; iii] Eyring model, iv] The Ellis
model, v] The Reiner-Philippoff model

15. What is substantial time derivative?[Dec 2011] [May 2012] [May 2013][DEC 2015]
Ans: Substantial time derivative can be very well illustrated with an example of a person getting into a
canoe and allows himself to float along the river and observe the fish concentration. Now the velocity of
the observer is the same as the velocity of the river v. When the change of fish concentration with time is
reported, the numbers would depend upon the local stream velocity. This derivative is a special kind of
total time derivative and is called the ‘substantial time derivative’ or sometimes more reasonably called
the ‘derivative following the motion’. It is related to the partial time derivative as follows:

Dc/dt = (c /t) + vx (c /x) + vy (c /y) + vz (c /z)

In which vx , vy , and vz are the components of the local fluid velocity v.

16. Explain Total time derivative. Give example[Dec 2011] [May 2012] [DEC 2015]
Ans. Instead of standing on the bridge and observing the fish concentration if the observer gets into a
speed boat and sped around the river , sometimes upstream and sometimes down stream and sometimes
across the current. Thus if one reports the change of fish concentration with respect to time , the numbers
reported should reflect the motion of the boat. This, called total time derivative is given by:

dc / dt = c /t + (c /x) (dx/dt) + (c /y) (dy/dt)+ (c /z) (dz/dt)

in which dx/dt, dy/dt and dz/dt are the velocity components of the boat.

17. What do you mean by reference frames?

Ans: Reference frames are said to be the approaches, in which the coordinates of the transport properties
are fixed in the fields by the observer, who is attempting the above said transport problem.

Broadly speaking, there are two ways to set up a transport problem: the Eulerian approach in which
the coordinates are fixed in the reference frame of the observer; and the Lagrangian approach, in which
the coordinates are fixed in the reference frame of the transported fluid

18. What is meant by slip flow regime and Knudsen flow regime?
Ans: In the derivation of Hagen Poiseuille equation we presume the fluid behaves as a continuum – this
assumption is valid except for very dilute gases or very narrow capillary tubes, in which the molecular
mean free path is comparable to the tube diameter [Slip flow regime] or much greater than the tube
diameter[ Knudsen flow or free molecular flow regime]

19. What is meant by Couette’s flow?[May 2013]

In fluid dynamics, Couette flow is the laminar flow of a viscous fluid in the space between two parallel
plates, one of which is moving relative to the other. The flow is driven by virtue of viscous drag force acting
on the fluid and the applied pressure gradient parallel to the plates

20. What is the velocity of fluid at the wall of a pipe?

The velocity of a fluid at the wall of a pipe is zero if the pipe is stationary and it will be equal to the velocity of
the pipe in case the pipe is moving. The is true under the hypothesis “there is no slip at the wall”

21. Write down shell momentum balance equation.[ May 2013][Nov/Dec 2014]
Ans: Shell momentum balance over a small imaginary three dimensional element fixed in the flowing fluid
space is given by:

[rate of momentum in]–[ rate of momentum out]+[sum of the forces acting on the element] = 0 Momentum
may enter or leave by convective as well as molecular transport

22. Write the general mass and momentum balance equations.

The general mass balance equation:

{Rate of mass in} – {rate of mass out} = {rate of mass accumulation}

The general momentum balance equation:

[rate of momentum in] – [ rate of momentum out] + [sum of the forces acting on the system] = { rate of
momentum accumulation}

23. Define compressible and incompressible fluids?

Ans: A compressible fluid is one fluid for which the density varies with temperature and pressure. All gases are
generally compressible fluids. An in compressible fluid is one that does not vary in volume with pressure with
temperature being constant. All liquids may be stated as examples of incompressible fluids.

24. State the equation of continuity

Ans: ( / t) = - [(vx )/x + (vY )/y + (vZ ) / z ] and in the vector notation

( / t) = - (.  v) and can also be written in terms of the substantial time derivative as:

(D /D t) = -  ( . v) where  is called the divergence given by [/x + /y +  / z]

25. What is hydraulic radius?

Ans: Hydraulic radius is given by ‘rh‘= flow area / wetted perimeter

In the case of a circular pipe it is given as ‘rh‘ = Cross sectional area of the pipe / Circumference of the pipe i.
e.(*D2/4)/(*D) = D/4; The equivalent diameter is given by De = 4 * (‘rh‘ ) = D (Diameter of the pipe). In the case
of a square duct of side ‘a’ the hydraulic radius ‘rh‘ = a2 / (4*a) = a / 4 and the Equivalent diameter De = a

26. What is Hagen-Poisceulle Equation and when is it used? (DEC 2015)

Ans: The volumetric flow rate ‘Q’ of a Newtonian fluid flowing thro’ a circular pipe is given by the equation

Q =  (P0 –PL) R4 / (8 L)

This famous result is known as Hagen-Poiseuille Law. This is applicable only when the fluid flowing under
Laminar Flow conditions.

27. What are the dimensionless numbers that characterize free convection?
Ans: Prandtl number Pr = [Cp µ / k] and

Grashoff number Gr = [L3 2 g T / µ2 ]

28. Differentiate between natural convection and forced convection. [May / June 2012]

Ans: Forced Convection Heat Transfer Free Convection Heat Transfer.

1. The flow patterns are determined primarily by some external 1. The flow patterns are
force determined by the buoyant effect
of the heated fluid

2. First the velocity profiles are determined and then these are 2. The velocity profiles and the
used to find the temperature profiles. temperature profiles are
intimately connected.

3. The Nusselts number is dependant on the Reynolds number 3. The Nusselts number is
and Prandtl number. dependant on the Grashoff
number and Prandtl number.
29. Explain equimolar counter diffusion with an example.
Ans. When two components are diffusing simultaneously one in one direction and the other in the opposite
direction, the diffusion process is called Equimolal diffusion. By equimolar counter diffusion we mean that the
total molar flux with respect to stationary coordinates is zero. For such diffusion in gases the net volumetric and
molar flows are zero. The equation for mass transfer reduces to:
 CA /  t = DAB 2 CA

30. State Fick’s second law of diffusion. [May 2013]

Fick's second law predicts how diffusion causes the concentration to change with time. It is a partial differential
equation which in one dimension reads:


 is the concentration in dimensions of [(amount of substance) length−3], example ;

is a function that depends on location and time
 is time [s]

 is the diffusion coefficient in dimensions of [length2 time−1], example

 is the position [length], example

31. State Fick’s law of diffusion. Or Define Fick’s law of diffusion [May/June 2012]
Ans. The viscosity  is defined as the proportionality factor between momentum flux and velocity gradient
(Newton’s law of viscosity), The thermal conductivity k is defined as the proportionality factor between heat flux
and temperature gradient( fourier’s law of heat conduction) Similarly we define mass diffusivity D AB =D BA in a
binary system in an analogous manner:

JA* = - c DAB  xA ; This is Fick’s First law of diffusion, written in terms of the molar diffusion flux JA*. This
equation states that species A diffuses (moves relative to the mixture) in the diretion of decreasing mole fraction
of A.

32. What are boundary conditions? [Nov/Dec 2014]

Ans: The differential equation resulting from the differential conservation balance describes what is happening
within the system. The “boundary conditions”, mathematically describe the physical phenomena occurring at
the boundaries of the system.
We know that the solutions to differential equations can be either “general”, or “particular”. A general solution
is said to be a “family of solutions”, and is accompanied by arbitrary constants (or constants of integration). The
values of the arbitrary constants are determined by the specification of the boundary conditions.
The number of arbitrary constants is dictated by the order of the differential equation, and therefore, the
number of specified boundary conditions must be equal to the order of the differential equation. As engineers
we typically deal with specific problems, and consequently, the boundary conditions are every bit as important
as modeling the physical system to obtain the applicable differential equation.
33. Contrast the radial dependence of shear stress for the laminar flow of a Newtonian liquid in a
tube and in an annulus. [May /June 2012]
The radial dependence of the sherar stress for the laminar flow of a Newtonian liquid in a tube is expressed as

The radial dependence of the sherar stress for the laminar flow of a Newtonian liquid in an annulus is
expressed as follows:

r = λ R is the point at which the velocity is maximum and the shear stress is zero.

34. What do you understand by “ diffusion controlled reaction”? [May/June 2012]

Ans: Consider a heterogeneous catalytic reaction A  B or A  A2. If the reaction is instantaneous, the entire
process will depend on the rate at which ‘A’ diffuses to the catalytic surface. Even though the reaction is
instantaneous the reaction can proceed only at the rate at which ‘A’ reaches to catalytic surface. This is called
Diffusion controlled process.
35. What are the common boundary condtions used for solving common Shell momentum balance
problems? [ Nov 2013]
Ans: When radius is equal to R; Velocity is equal to zero and when radius is equal to zero; shear stress is equal to
36. What is meant by Shell mass Balance? [Nov 2013]
Ans: This is the process of assuming a cylindrical differential shell in a flow system and making the balance of
mass in the differential volume to get differential equation.
{Rate of mass in} – {rate of mass out} = {rate of mass accumulation}

37. Define Nusselts number.

Ans: Nusselts number is basically a dimensionless temperature gradient averaged over the heat transfer
surface, Given by: h D / k where h is the heat transfer coefficient, D is the dimension of the tube and k
is the thermal conductivity of the fluid.
38. Define Prandtl number? [Nov/Dec 2014]
Ans:A simple semi empirical method of handling energy exchange in polyatomic gases was developed by
Euchen. His eqn. for thermal conductivity of a polyatomic gas at low density is

k = [Cp + (5/4)(R/M)] µ. This gives a simple method of estimating the Prandtl number Pr = C p µ / k a dimension
less quantity of importance in convective heat transfer..

39. Define Sherwood number.

Ans. Sherwood number: Sh = [kc D / Dv] where kc is the individual mass transfer coefficient, D is the linear
dimension and Dv is the volumetric diffusivity.

40. What is Brinkman number?

Ans: Brinkman number is given by Br = [µ V2 / k (Tb – T0)]

It is a measure of the extent to which viscous heating is important relative to the heat flow resulting from the
impressed temperature difference (Tb – T0). It is visualized as the ratio of heat production by viscous dissipation
and heat transport by conduction.

41. Write down shell momentum balance equation and shell heat balance equation.

42. State the boundary condition for solid fluid interface, gas liquid interface,liquid liquid

43. Draw the velocity profile and momentum flux distribution for flow through circular tube.

44. Define Partial time derivative

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