1 - Fluid Properties
1 - Fluid Properties
1 - Fluid Properties
F.D. Mwale (PhD)
Department of Civil Engineering
There are three common states of matter: solids, liquids
and gasses.
Fluid mechanics is a subject that studies the behavior of
fluids (liquids + gasses)
A fluid is a substance that deforms continuously under
the application of shear stress.
In Civil Engineering, water is the prime subject of study.
Fluid mechanics is divided into two branches:
Fluid Statics (hydrostatics) - the study of fluids at rest
Fluid Dynamics – the study of fluids in motion
Fluid Properties
Irrespective of whether the fluid is at rest or in motion,
fluids have some basic properties.
Density (ρ)
The density of a fluid is its mass per unit volume.
units: kg/m3
typical values:
Specific weight (w)
Specific weight is the weight of fluid per unit volume.
w = ρg where g is the gravitational acceleration. Unit of
specific weight in N/m3
Fluid Properties (cont’d)
Specific volume (ν):
Specific volume of a fluid is the volume occupied by unit
mass of fluid.
ν =1/ρ
Specific volume has the unit of m3/kg.
Viscosity in liquids
An increase in temperature reduces viscosity
Fluid Properties (cont’d)
All fluids are compressible under the application of an
external force namely, the normal compressive force
The degree of compressibility
of a substance is
characterized by the bulk modules of elasticity (K).
K = Δ P/Δv/V = Δ P/Δρ/ρ where Δv, ΔP and Δρ are the
changes in volume , pressure and density respectively . V
and ρ are the initial volume and density respectively.
Values of K in liquids are very high as compared with those
of gases.
For most practical purposes, liquids are usually treated
as incompressible.
Differentiate between solids and fluids
Differentiate between gasses and liquids
Explain the cause of viscosity in fluids
Discuss the effect of temperature and pressure on
viscosity in fluids
Differenciate between ideal and real fluids