January 7, 2018

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We are so glad you have joined us today! Our desire is that God TODAY - January 7th
would bless and direct our time together. Worship is an Worship Services: 8:30am and 10:45am
interactive, participatory experience and our prayer is that the Sunday School: 9:45am
service today would strengthen and encourage you on your Choir Practice: 4:45pm
Children’s Quizzing: 6:00pm
spiritual journey. Whether you are new to faith, just coming back Evening Worship: 6:00pm
to church, or a long-time follower of Jesus, we hope you find your
time with us engaging and meaningful. Wednesday, January 10th
Morning Bible Study: 11:00am
At 6:30pm:
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall
WH AT TO EXPE CT TOD AY Men’s Bible Study in the Men’s SS Room (McCormack Ctr.)
Women’s Bible Study in the Fireside Room (McCormack Ctr.)
Worship: a time to connect with God through song and prayer. Youth Ministries in the Sanctuary
We invite you to stand and sing with us as we praise God Children’s Ministries in the Children’s Chapel
through song, but adopt whatever posture of worship is best for
you. The song lyrics and scriptures are projected on screen so Sunday, January 14th
that you can follow along. A typical service lasts about 65 Worship Services: 8:30am and 10:45am
minutes. Sunday School: 9:45am
Choir Practice: 4:45pm
Offering: We give tithes and offerings as a part of worship in Children’s Quizzing: 6:00pm
obedience, celebration, and thanksgiving to the Lord. It’s also just Evening Worship: 6:00pm
our way of saying, “We love our church and we want to support
it!” If you are a guest, you are not expected or obligated to give.
Children: We have a fully-staffed Nursery for ages three and TODAY: January 7th
1st Service: Carley Rigsby, Samantha Boggs, DJ Boggs
below. Kids ages 4-12 will be dismissed during the service to the 2nd Service: Jessica Graham, Heather Brown, Dalton Brown
children’s chapel to be taught by Pastor Linda and her staff. Choir Practice: Marcia Rouse
Evening Service: Elizabeth Crace
Message: The teaching time seeks to communicate biblical truth
NEXT SUNDAY: January 14th
in compelling, relevant ways. All of our messages are available 1st Service: Emily, Aly & Ruth Champion, Tiffany Watson
as podcast on our website www.estillnaz.org or through iTunes. 2nd Service: Rachel Neal, Alicia Hodge, NEED 1 VOLUNTEER
Choir Practice: Marcia Rouse
Response: When God is speaking, we take time to respond. Evening Service: Ricky & Sharon Arnold
Many times this is after the message, but other times it may be in
the middle of the service. An invitation is never needed if you
want to pray at the altar. Listening and responding to God is one December 31, 2017 Estill Springs, TN 37330
of the most important things that we do in worship. Phone: 649-3867 Fax: 649-3410
Emails: [email protected]
Tithes & Offerings: [email protected]
Communion: We take time regularly to celebrate Communion Received: $6,035
and welcome all followers of Jesus Christ to participate in this act www.facebook.com/estillnaz
Missions: www.estillnaz.org
of worship and remembrance regardless of membership or Received: $191
denomination. WEF Paid: Office Hours:
$18,168.87 Monday - Thursday,
8:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Fiscal Year is 5/1/17 to 4/30/18 Friday, 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Jail Ministry Outreach Bowling League

Sunday, January 21st Starts Thursday, January 25th
Come and learn about our Jail Ministry. Hear how God is using our This is a 10 week commitment at a cost of $8 per week. Teams will
church to make a difference. Discover how you can be involved. consist of 3 individuals. Please contact Cathy Frame if you are
interested in joining.
Barfield Nazarene has found their church location at Occasions Event
Center in Murfreesboro. God is faithful!

Pre-Launch Services WOMEN MINISTRIES

Praise the Lord, we were blessed to pass out 200 Sunday evening, February 25th
bags for Christmas to the men and women at the Beth Moore Conference
Sunday evening, March 18th Saturday, September 15th
Franklin County Jail. Each bag contained socks,
soap, chips and a snack cake. The inmates were This is a one day event in Huntsville at the Von Braun Civic Center.
Barfield has scheduled two "pre-launch" services which will provide
very grateful and it had a huge impact on them. We have purchased 20 tickets on a first come first serve basis. Cost is
guests with an opportunity to visit the church location and get a general, $64 per ticket. You may contact Cathy Frame or the church office to
Note from Men’s C-Pod: overall feel for the kind of church Barfield is going to be. Everyone is purchase your ticket.
“We sincerely thank you for the Christmas presents that we received invited and encouraged to attend. Let's support our daughter church as
from the Estill Springs Nazarene Church. The gifts we received are they prepare to launch!
greatly appreciated. You all don’t realize how much it means to us that
you all would take the time out of your day to think about us this Holiday Launch Day (First Official Service)
Season.” Sunday Morning, April 15th
God Bless you Sincerely,
William, Jordan, Steve, Charles & Jesse

Letter from an inmate:

“Thank you so very much for the gift that sparks our minds to remember CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES
God’s greatest gift of all, His Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ. I have February 16th-19th
been incarcerated for 45 months. I came into jail on March 13, 2014 7th-12th Grade
with a bad drug addiction and a wife with a bad addiction. Jesus found Register online at: www.estillnaz.org/Student_Ministry
me and she is still in the addiction. I told her I couldn’t come home to For more details, join our Facebook group "Estillnaz Youth"
that life and she left me. I am being released to nothing on February 8,
2017 but I have Jesus. Please pray for me.” Pie Auction Fundraiser for this retreat will be on
Johnny January 28th at 6:00pm
Please continue to pray for those in jail and for us as we minister to
them. For many, this is the first time they hear about Jesus. MICAH 6:8 MINISTRY from Sandy Schefcik
Did you know… that effective January 1, 2018, the
new Tennessee law allows students at institutions of higher education
Kids, join us Wednesday nights at 6:30pm and Sunday mornings at to speak about, write about and discuss any topic so long as they do
8:30am and 10:45am during the month of January for a fun time not violate the First Amendment? The law also forbids these
together with games, puppets, videos and lots more. You will hear Bible institutions from disinviting speakers on the basis that their presence
truths that will stick with you the rest of your life. may be met with criticism or controversy.

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