May 6, 2018

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We are so glad you have joined us today! Our desire is that God TODAY - May 6th
would bless and direct our time together. Worship is an Worship Services: 8:30am and 10:50am
interactive, participatory experience and our prayer is that the Sunday School: 9:45am
service today would strengthen and encourage you on your Choir Practice: 4:45pm
Evening Worship: 6:00pm
spiritual journey. Whether you are new to faith, just coming back
to church, or a long-time follower of Jesus, we hope you find your Wednesday, May 9th
time with us engaging and meaningful. Morning Bible Study: 11:00am
Family Supper: 5:15pm to 6:15pm Menu: Hamburger & Hot Dogs
CARAVAN Ceremony: 6:30pm
All classes will meet in the sanctuary
Sunday, May 13th - Mother’s Day
Worship: a time to connect with God through song and prayer. Worship Services: 8:30am; 10:50am
We invite you to stand and sing with us as we praise God Sunday School: 9:45am
through song, but adopt whatever posture of worship is best for No Evening Service / Activities
you. The song lyrics and scriptures are projected on screen so
that you can follow along. A typical service lasts about 65
Offering: We give tithes and offerings as a part of worship in
obedience, celebration, and thanksgiving to the Lord. It’s also just
our way of saying, “We love our church and we want to support
it!” If you are a guest, you are not expected or obligated to give.
Children: We have a fully-staffed Nursery for ages three and TODAY: May 6th
1st Service: Carley Rigsby, Cindy Johnson, Gracie Johnson
below. Kids ages 4-12 will be dismissed during the service to the 2nd Service: Jessica Graham, Darlene Norell
children’s chapel to be taught by Pastor Linda and her staff. Choir Practice:
PM Service: Elizabeth Crace
Message: The teaching time seeks to communicate biblical truth
in compelling, relevant ways. All of our messages are available 1st Service: Emily Champion, Aly Champion, Ruth Champion, Tiffany Watson
as podcast on our website or through iTunes. 2nd Service: Rachel Neal, Alicia Hodge, William Hastings
No Choir Practice
Response: When God is speaking, we take time to respond. No PM Service
Many times this is after the message, but other times it may be in
the middle of the service. An invitation is never needed if you
want to pray at the altar. Listening and responding to God is one April 29th, 2018 Estill Springs, TN 37330
of the most important things that we do in worship. Phone: 649-3867 Fax: 649-3410
Emails: [email protected]
Tithes & Offerings: [email protected]
Communion: We take time regularly to celebrate Communion Received: $5,155.64
and welcome all followers of Jesus Christ to participate in this act
of worship and remembrance regardless of membership or Received: $98.05
denomination. WEF Paid: Office Hours: Sunday, May 6, 2018
$22,983.97 Monday - Thursday,
8:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Fiscal Year is 5/1/17 to 4/30/18 Friday, 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Choir Practice tonight at 4:45pm Wedding Shower for Mindi Reed

Sunday, May 20th at 6:00pm
She is registered at Kohl’s and Target
VERY IMPORTANT Nursery Volunteer Meeting
Today at 9:30am
All current and prospective nursery volunteers need to meet in the
sanctuary for a meeting concerning the nursery. Please be as prompt
as possible and we will try to keep it as brief as possible.
If you are a Sunday school teacher and can’t meet at that time, Pastor We have been given
Linda will meet with you immediately following Sunday school in the 5th the opportunity to
& 6th Grade Sunday school room. minister at Rock Creek
Elementary School in a
weekly after school
program one day and New Sunday School Class
one hour a week. We
June 11th - 15th For Grades 1-6
will be able to share
Starts Today
Applications are available for campers and counselors. All completed
and notarized forms need to be turned in by May 20th. Forms are
the gospel with children through Bible Stories, Songs, Games and at 9:45am
Crafts. In order to do this we need a team of people who are willing to
available in the foyer.
serve in this ministry. We will get organized and trained this summer
and begin the after school program in the Fall. We will be working with Open to everyone
Child Evangelism Fellowship. This is an organization that connects
schools with churches to help spread the gospel to boys and girls.
CARAVAN Ceremony Would you pray and consider how you might be able to serve? If you
Meeting in Pastor Matt’s Office
Wednesday, May 9th - 6:30pm would like more information or would like to consider this opportunity,
All classes/groups will be please contact Pastor Linda.
meeting in the sanctuary
SAVE THE DATE - Annual Ladies Retreat to Pigeon Forge
September 28th-30th: Cost is $135
Reserve your spot today. Many have made deposits. Half of the spots
have been reserved. This is a great time of fellowship and devotion for
all ladies.
Are You Graduating? With the launch of Barfield Church
We are compiling a list of all who are graduating from high school, of the Nazarene, we need your
college or vocational school this year. Please give the following help in the STEP UP phase.
information to the church office by NEXT SUNDAY, May 13th. MICAH 6:8 MINISTRY from Sandy Schefcik
There are several nursery slots that
Name, School, Degree, Future Plans need to be filled. Could you serve Did you know… every person has dignity and potential? But one in
You can email the office at [email protected] in this very important ministry of four American adults has a criminal record, which limits their access to
our church? Please contact Pastor education, jobs, housing, and other things they need to reach that
Graduate recognition will be on May 20th. potential. Join with Prison Fellowship in celebrating "Second Chance
Linda at 615-972-3527 or call the
Month" which was in April! Although April is past, we can still join with
So far we have received information from the following: church office at 931-649-3867.
Prison Fellowship to help these Americans. Together we can unlock
Megan Ayres and Holly Hayes. brighter futures for 65 million Americans who have repaid their debt to

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