Getting Started

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Getting started with IDE68K

Creating a new file

Usually the first thing to do when you start writing a program, is to create a new file for the
program. In IDE68K you can create a new file with item New from the File menu, the key
combination Ctrl + N or the button.

Select Assembly program from the dialog box. A file with the temporary name
Newfile1.asm will be created, IDE68K will ask for a new name when a file with that name
is saved. Optionally, standard text from a template file can be inserted every time a new file
is created. The name of the template file can be specified with the Templates item from the
Options menu. There are two possibilities, one for a new Assembly file and another for a
new C file.

Opening an existing file

The easiest way however to learn IDE68K is to assemble and run a number of example
programs. These programs can be found in the directory C:\Ide68k\Examples.

The first program to assemble and run is Hello68k.asm. You can load it in the IDE68K edi-
tor by selecting command Open from the File menu, the key combination Ctrl + O or the

Open Hello68k (.asm) from the “Open File” dialog.

LF equ $0A ; ASCII code Line Feed

CR equ $0D ; ASCII code Carriage Return

org $400 ; start of program (>= $400)

lea text,A0 ; get address of text string in A0

trap #15
dc.w 7 ; system call 7 (print string)
trap #15
dc.w 0 ; system call 0 (exit program)

; string to print, string ends with NULL

text dc.b 'Hello IDE68K!',CR,LF,0

Figure 1. Hello68k.asm

It is possible that this program is not listed in the dialog. Most likely this is because the example programs
were installed in another disk and/or directory. Try to find the program in the other directory and make it the
default. Select item Directories from the Options menu to specify the correct default directory. Entries for
library and include directories may be specified as well. The library directories are searched for files speci-
fied by the Include instruction in Assembly programs, the Include directories by the #include statement in C
programs. Select Save options to make the changes permanent.

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Assemble the program by selecting command Build all from the Project menu, the F7 key
or the button.

A window will open to indicate that C:\Ide68k\Examples\Hello68k.asm is being assembled

and that there are no errors. Close this window by typing “Enter” or clicking the “OK” but-

Open the file Hello68k.lst in the editor to show the assembled instructions.

Run the program with the Command-line Simulator. Select item Simulator from the Run
menu, type the F9 key or click the button.

Make sure Hello68k.asm is in the top window of the Editor.

A black window of 25 lines high and 80 characters wide is displayed. This is the Com-
mand-line Simulator. It is expecting commands to be typed in.

Type H (+ Enter) to show a list of available commands.

If the simulator is started from within the IDE68K editor, the assembled program is already
loaded in memory. Run the program with the command G (+ Enter).

Try other commands like DR (Display Registers), DM 400 41F (Display Memory),
DA 400 41F (DisAssemble) and others.

Hello68k.asm makes use of a so-called System Call to print the string. In IDE68K a system
call is made by the TRAP #15 instruction followed by a 16-bit word to indicate the desired
function. There are about 20 different system calls in IDE68K. See the on-line Help system
for a full explanation of them.

Change the program slightly by typing a different string. Run the program directly in the
simulator (without assembling first). IDE68K will notice the program has changed and as-
semble it before running the simulator. The modification is only with the text in the editor-
window, it is not applied to the file itself. Use the Save command from the File menu, the
key-combination CTRL + S or the button to do so.

Introduce an error in the program, for instance by changing the “lea”-instruction to “leax”.
Notice the syntax-coloring parser will not recognize this instruction.

Try to assemble the program either by the “Build all” command or by directly running the
simulator. A window will appear telling Hello68k.asm is being assembled and an error is
found. Click on the “Errors” button to show what is causing the error. Double-clicking on
the error in the Errors-window will activate the editor and the line with the error is marked.
A description of the error is in the status bar at the bottom of the window. Correct the error
and immediately assemble the program again.

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Changing the “lea”-instruction to “lea.b” results in a Warning message. (A “lea”-instruction
as always long, the assembler knows that and ignores the .b). To correct, follow the same
procedure as for errors.

Context-sensitive help
One of the features of IDE68K is the availability of context-sensitive online help for a spe-
cific keyword of the program. These keywords include mnemonics and directives for the
Assembler and standard library functions for the C compiler.

To get online help information, move the caret for instance to the “lea” instruction in the
program. (The caret or “keyboard cursor” is the small vertical line indicating where a char-
acter entered on the keyboard is inserted in the text. You can move the caret with the
up/down and left/right arrow keys or synchronize the caret with the mouse cursor by click-
ing the left mousebutton.)

Typing the F1 function key on the keyboard opens a window showing essential information
for the “lea”-instruction.

Move the caret to the “org”-directive and type the F1 function key to get information for
this directive. Try other mnemonics and directives in the program.

More assembly programs.

Load Bounce.asm in the editor. This is a small assembly program which prints so-called
ANSI-escape strings to the terminal in order to control the position of the cursor.

The cursor is moved one position up and right or one position down and left from the cur-
rent position, the direction is changed every time the cursor is at the edge of the screen. The
result is that the cursor seems to “bounce” across the screen.

Try other programs from the Examples directory such as Histogram.asm, Tbi68k.asm and

Histogram.asm asks the user for a line of text and displays the number of times that a letter
is found in a histogram-like format. The letter E should have the highest frequency in stan-
dard English text.

Tbi68k.asm is a BASIC interpreter written entirely in assembly language. BASIC stands for
Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code It is a very simple programming lan-
guage to teach computer programming. It was Bill Gates himself who demonstrated that a
high-level language such as BASIC could be run on “shoebox” computers of the mid-
1970’s. That was the start of Microsoft…

Run Tbi68k.asm and after the BASIC prompt enter the program

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10 for i = 1 to 20
20 print i * i
30 next i
40 stop

Figure 2. A small BASIC program

Type the command LIST to show the program and RUN to run it. This will print the
squares of 1 to 20 on the screen. The BASIC program cannot be saved.

Encrypt.asm encrypts a given string (the plaintext) with a second string (the key). When the
encrypted string is processed with the same key, the result is the original plaintext. (Unfor-
tunately, when the encrypted text is processed with the plaintext, the result is the key itself).

The program makes use of so-called macro’s in assembly language. These are predefined
sequences of instructions that are inserted (expanded) in the program when the name of the
macro appears in the opcode field. Notice the way in which arguments are passed. A macro
is defined with formal parameters which are substituted with actual arguments when the
macro is expanded. This is similar to the way C handles #define macro arguments. See en-
crypt.lst for the result.

A command-line interface was used with MS-DOS computers and is still favored by many
system administrators on LINUX (UNIX) systems. It often is the native interface to many
small or embedded computer systems.

The Visual Simulator

The so-called Visual Simulator is a 68000 simulator with a Graphical User Interface. It uses
exactly the same simulator “engine” as the Command-line Simulator but instead of typing
commands like DR, registers are automatically displayed in the CPU window. It also shows
memory contents in the Memory window and the program text in the Program window.
The next instruction to be executed is highlighted. The Visual Simulator has more features
than the Command-line Simulator such as (virtual) peripherals, an interrupt system and a
memory protection mechanism.

Load Hello68k.asm again in the editor. Assemble it using the “Build All” command or run
the Visual Simulator directly by selecting Visual Simulator from the Run menu, typing
Ctrl + F9 or by clicking the button.

The program is shown in the Program window of the Visual Simulator and the line with the
“lea”-instruction is highlighted. The program counter will indicate 00000400, this is the
entrypoint of the program. Scroll through the Program window using the scrollbar on the
right-hand side or with the scrollwheel of the mouse if there is one. (Scrolling with the
scrollwheel is possible in Program-, Memory-, I/O - and Stack window. First click with the
left mousebutton on the window to direct the scrollwheel to the desired window).

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Run the program by selecting Run from the Execute menu (the Visual Simulator has its
own menu), type Ctrl + F5 or click the button.

The string “Hello IDE68K!” is displayed in the I/O window which is shown automatically
below the Program window. The divider can be moved to show more of the I/O window.

The I/O window is used to display or enter text. The same system calls are used as in the
Command-line Simulator. However text I/O is of less importance to the Visual Simulator.

Programs like Bounce.asm and Tbi68k.asm will run on the Visual Simulator but will poorly
display. This is because both programs were designed with a 80x25 text display in mind,
like the one of the Command-line Simulator.

Load the program Bsort.asm in the editor and run it with the Visual Simulator.

Bsort.asm is a simple sorting algorithm that sorts an array of numbers in ascending order by
comparing each entry with the next and exchanging both if the next entry is lower. (Bubble
sort). Its operation is most clearly demonstrated with the simulator in Single-step mode
(command Single-step from the Execute menu, function key F5 or click the button) or
in Auto-step mode (command Auto-step from the Execute menu, the key combination
Shift + F5 or the button)..

Using I/O devices.

Unlike other simulators, the Visual Simulator is equipped with virtual peripheral devices, in
fact special windows that can be controlled by the 68000 program. This feature makes pro-
gramming more realistic and attractive. The 68000 interacts with these devices exactly in
the same way as it would interact with real hardware devices. The 68000 architecture has
no special I/O instructions, but uses a part of memory which is assigned to the device. It is
possible to apply not only move instructions to the device but also add, subtract, multiply,
divide, clear, and, or, exclusive or, shift and rotate instructions and many others.

A peripheral device is activated by selecting the desired device in the Peripherals menu. It
is possible to change device-parameters (such as I/O address) for each device by selecting
Configure peripherals from the Peripherals menu. Reconfigure devices only when they
are not active. It is important that addresses used in the 68000 program correspond with the
device addresses.

Switches and LEDs.

Load the program Switches.asm in the editor and run it in the Visual Simulator. It is a very
simple program, in fact one instruction only which copies the state of the switches to the
LEDs. Click on one of the switches 0 – 7 and the corresponding LED will be turned on.

Change the program for instance to turn the LED off when the switch is turned on.

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SWITCH equ $E001 ; I/O address of switches
LEDS equ $E003 ; I/O address of LED display

org $400

repeat move.b SWITCH,LEDS ; read switch state and copy to LED

bra repeat ; repeat

Figure 3. Switches.asm

Slider and Bar display.

These devices simulate analog I/O to the simulator. Load Analog.asm in the editor and run
it in the Visual Simulator. The program reads the position of the slider (0 – 255) in D0 and
copies it to the bar display and the LED display.

Modify the program so that an alarm sounds if the value exceeds a certain predefined limit.
(see the section on the sound generator next)

LEDS equ $E003 ; I/O address of LED display

SLIDER equ $E005 ; I/O address of track bar
BAR equ $E007 ; I/O address of bar display

org $400

repeat move.b SLIDER,D0 ; read track bar position

move.b D0,LEDS ; write to LED display
move.b D0,BAR ; write to BAR display
bra repeat ; repeat

Figure 4. Analog.asm

Seven segment display

A seven segment display is a popular I/O device in embedded systems. It is used to display
value, status and time information and diagnostic messages. The Visual Simulator has a 4-
digit seven-segment display, each digit having its own I/O address. Individual bits control
the segments (bit 7 the decimal point to the right of the display).

Load the program Help.asm in the editor and run it in the Visual Simulator. It loads a bit-
pattern for HELP in the seven-segment display, waits a short period, then clears the display.
Functions like this are frequently used in embedded systems to signal an abnormal situa-

Try other messages, let them rotate through the display if they are longer than 4 characters.

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org $400

repeat move.b #%01110110,$E011 ; H bit pattern

move.b #%01111001,$E013 ; E
move.b #%00111000,$E015 ; L
move.b #%01110011,$E017 ; P
bsr delay ; short delay
clr.b $E011 ; clear display
clr.b $E013
clr.b $E015
clr.b $E017
bsr delay ; short delay
bra repeat ; repeat

delay move.l #$60000,D0 ; delay, depends on PC clock

loop subq.l #1,D0
bne loop ; loop 60000 times

Figure 5. Help.asm

The drawpad device is the most complicated I/O device in the Visual Simulator. It uses six
16-bit memory locations. It is a general pixel-oriented display of variable size. Size can be
set in the Configure Peripherals dialog from the Peripherals menu.

The first two words (or registers) specify a position in the display that is used as a reference
point for the next operation. The coordinates must be 16-bit numbers if the size of the
drawpad exceeds 256x256 pixels. The next word specifies the operation. There are codes
for moving the reference position, draw a line with various colors and widths, draw rectan-
gles (square and rounded) and ellipses (circles) of various sizes, border widths, border col-
ors and filling colors. Another operation is the drawing of text with various colors and

The next two words can be read by the 68000 to find the position of the mousecursor in the
display. For this, the mouse must be captured by clicking the left mousebutton in the draw-
pad display window. The mouse is released by clicking the left mousebutton with the Shift-
key pressed or typing the Esc key. The last word of the device (low byte) specifies interrupt
mask and IRQ level for mouse-interrupts. Interrupts may be generated for events like left-
or right button pressed or released. The upper byte indicates what event caused the inter-
rupt. It is usually processed by the mouse-interrupt handler (a 68000 function).

Load the program Drawlines.asm in the editor and run it in the Visual Simulator. A random
pattern of lines in different colors is drawn in the pad. Change the start values of the ran-
dom generator and observe that some combinations are “more random” than others.

Load the program Drawshapes.asm in the editor. Set the size of the drawpad device to
350x200 pixels or larger. Run the program. Text, lines and several simple figures are

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drawn on the drawpad. Notice how macro’s are used throughout the program to make it
more readable. The macro’s are defined in a separate file,

Load the program Mousedraw.asm in the editor. With the mouse assigned to the drawpad
(press left mousebutton first, cursor changes to cross-hair pattern), the user can draw on the
drawpad with the mouse when the left mousebutton is down. The drawpad is erased when
pressing the right mousebutton. Release the mouse by typing the Esc key or with the shift +
left mousebutton combination.

The program polls the mouse-event flags in an infinite loop for left button down or right
button down.

If the left button is pressed, the program enters an second loop which polls the mouse-event
flags for mouse-position changed or left button up. If the mouse has moved, the program
draws a line from the old position to the new position, the loop is terminated when the left
mouse button is released.

If the right button is pressed, the program enters another loop which polls the event flags
for right button up. When this event has occurred, the drawpad area is erased by clearing
the drawpad control word and the loop is terminated. The program returns to the first loop
polling the event flags for left or right mousebutton down.

Another mouse-related program, Mouseint.asm exercises mouse-interrupts. Flagbits are set

to request an interrupt on left-button down, right-button down and mouse-moved events.
The IRQ level is set to 2.

The program does not do much, the interrupt vector at 4*64 = 256 ($100) is initialized with
the address of the interrupt handler routine when the program is loaded and the interrupt
bits in the 68000 status register are set to 0 (all IRQ’s enabled). It then enters an infinite
loop waiting for interrupts.

After an interrupt, the program checks the event-flags to see what caused the interrupt and
prints a message accordingly.

Note: The mouse can only be released with the shift + left mousebutton combination, the
Esc key does not work because the keyboard is assigned to the I/O window.

Sound generator.
It is possible to use the Windows® sound system as output device for the 68000. The 68000
can generate several sounds on the PC speakers by writing a special code to an I/O location.
The actual sounds that are generated depend on the settings in the Configuration Menu of
Windows®. Its is also possible to play a .wav-file on the system.

Load program Quiz.asm in the editor and run it in the Visual Simulator. Try other .wav files
if the are available. The random value to guess its decimal value is taken from the low byte
of the system timer. This is a 32-bit memory location at location $E040 that is incremented

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at 10 millisecond intervals (100 times per second). The timer is started when the Visual
Simulator starts running.

Exceptions are generated by special events that require that normal program flow is inter-
rupted and code from another function, the exception handler, must be executed. Such in-
terrupts may be caused by internal events or by external events. One of the internal events
is division by zero.

Load the program Div2.asm in the editor. This is a simple program that asks for two (deci-
mal) numbers A and B, computes the result of A divided by B and displays the quotient in
the I/O window. Very simple, try several numbers e.g. A = 56, B = 3 or so.

However, if B = 0 the 68000 tries to divide by zero, this is not possible and a zero-divide
exception is generated. The default action of the Visual Simulator is to stop the program
and give an indication of the offending instruction. Actually the instruction following the
divide-instruction is highlighted because the PC already points to the next instruction when
the division by zero is detected.

Often in embedded systems a zero-divide condition is caused by some malfunction of an

input device. The default action, stop the program, is the last thing that we want to happen.
Rewrite the program to take over the zero-divide exception and direct it to another handler
that will signal the error but continues with the program, maybe with substitution of some
plausible value to replace the quotient.

An interrupt is an exception that is caused by some external event. Interrupts are usually
generated by I/O devices. Handling an interrupt can be simulated by the Visual Simulator
although in detail it differs slightly from the way the real 68000 processes an interrupt.

Interrupts usually have an Interrupt Request Level (IRQ) and an Exception vector assigned.
Interrupts are only processed if the IRQ level is higher than the permitted interrupt level in
the status register. The entrypoint for the interrupt handler is stored in low memory at loca-
tion (4 * vector number). The 68000 has 7 so-called autovector-interrupts each correspond-
ing to a certain IRQ level and well-defined interrupt vector. An autovector interrupt is gen-
erated by the Visual Simulator when the user clicks on one of the buttons of the toolbar

Load the program Interrupt.asm in the editor and run it in the Visual Simulator. Actually
the program does not do much, it sets the interrupt vectors to the corresponding handlers
and the permitted interrupt level to 4 (IRQ 5 - 7 are active). It then waits in an infinite loop
for interrupts. Try the I5, I6 and I7 buttons. Interrupt 6 and 7 generate a certain sound on
the PC sound system (if enabled in Windows®), interrupt 5 increments the LED display.

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INT5 equ $0074 level 5 autovector
INT6 equ $0078 level 6 autovector
INT7 equ $007C level 7 autovector
LEDS equ $E003 I/O address of LEDs
SOUND equ $E031 I/O address of sound device

org $400

move.l #int5proc,INT5 set interrupt vectors

move.l #int6proc,INT6
move.l #int7proc,INT7
clr.b LEDS turn LEDs off
move #$2400,SR accept IRQ 5 - 7
wait bra wait wait for interrupt

int5proc addq.b #1,LEDS inc led's


int6proc move.b #0,SOUND say "ping"


int7proc move.b #1,SOUND say "pong"


Figure 6. Interrupt.asm

There is another invisible interrupt which is always active when the Visual Simulator is in
RUN mode. This is the hardware timer interrupt which interrupts a program at a rate of 100
interrupts per second. The timer interrupt uses vector 16 (interrupt vector address $0040)
and IRQ level 7 (non maskable). The timer is not active in Single-step or Auto-step mode.

One of the applications of this interrupt is to run a real-time operating system such as ”Mic-
rium MicroC/OS-II The Real-Time Kernel” on the Visual Simulator. Today, multitasking
operating systems are used in many embedded systems.

Load program Timertest.asm in the editor and run it in the Visual Simulator. It is essentially
the same program as the previous one except that is has an additional handler for the timer.
This handler increments the bar display every 100 ms (± 10 ms) , the display bar grows
from minimum to maximum in about 256 * 100 = 25600 ms or about 25 seconds.

Supervisor mode and memory protection.

Load the program Add5.asm in the editor and run it with the Visual Simulator. It is a very
simple program, it adds five consecutive bytes and stores the result in the next location. Not
very spectacular.

The program is interesting for some other reason and that is not for what is does, but for
what is does not. First notice that the program runs in user-mode at memory location
$10000 and higher. A program that runs in user-mode cannot use supervisor instructions

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like STOP, RESET and others, therefore the normal way of ending a program with STOP
#$2700 does not work!

Also in IDE68K, memory page 0 ($0000 - $FFFF) is accessible only in supervisor mode.
Consequently this program cannot make use of 68000 peripherals (unless relocated) be-
cause they reside in page 0.

Supervisor instructions, using memory in page 0 or accessing I/O devices on that page will
result in a protection violation exception. Try it.

In terms op Operating System theory, page 0 and the I/O devices reside in a protected sub-
system. It is only through a subroutine in supervisor space (or ‘kernel’ space) that page 0
and peripherals can be accessed by user-mode programs. This subroutine or ‘driver’ must
be called through the TRAP mechanism1. A TRAP-instruction saves the current state and
sets the CPU in supervisor mode. The driver routine must be terminated with a RTE in-
struction to restore the state of the CPU.

Starting a child process

An advanced feature of the simulators in IDE68K is the possibility to load and run another
program just as it would be loaded and run with a command. The system call for this is
TRAP #15 / DC.W 19.

Load the program Kernel.asm and run it with the Command-line Simulator or the Visual
Simulator. When started, it first loads and runs the program Div2.asm. This program has
already been loaded and run in a previous example, now it is run in user mode with initial
stackpointer, status register and programcounter set by the parent.

Notice that the default handler for TRAP #15 system call has been subclassed with a spe-
cial routine in Kernel.asm. This routine checks the word following the TRAP #15 call, if
this is 0 the child process is terminated, all other values are passed to the default handler.
This permits the child process to terminate with the standard exit call and still use the other
system calls for printing etc.

C programming.
Understanding the inner workings of a computer and programming it in its native language
(assembly) is important, however nowadays most programs are written in a high-level lan-
guage such as C, C++ or Java. For embedded systems C remains the language of choice
partially because of the efficiency and speed of the compiled C programs.

Unfortunately most C compilers hide the relationship between the generated machine code
and the C program very well. Even if available, output from the C compiler is often in bi-
nary, hence not very well readable. Yet programmers need to have at least some under-

See Gary Nutt, Operating Systems, 3rd ed., chap. 3, Addison Wesley, 2003

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standing of what the code will look like, especially in embedded system environments
where programs interact very closely with hardware such as ROM, RAM and I/O devices.

Typical textbooks on C programming never touch this subject. IDE68K fills this gap by
providing a native C compiler for the 68000 family of microcomputers. Unlike most pro-
fessional compilers, CC68K outputs human readable assembly code with the original C
statements (optionally) inserted as comment. It is very instructive to take a look at the gen-
erated assembly code and see what a typical C statement becomes after compilation.

A C program, even after compilation to an Assembly program, is never directly executable.

For instance, one of the essentials that is missing is the ORG-directive telling the assembler
at what memory location the program must be loaded or execution started. A C program
needs at least a small start-up program written in Assembly that contains this statement.

Also C programs frequently use functions (such as printf, strcpy and others) that officially
are not part of the C language, but come from the standard library. Every C compiler is
provided with this library. Header files (such as stdio.h) are also provided to assure that the
functions used in the C program match the definitions in the library. This reduces the possi-
bility of programming errors considerably.

With a program of which different parts come from different files, a project must be de-
fined. A project is nothing more than a list of files that together form the program. The list
may consist of any number of Assembly, C and Library files. Files of another type are al-
lowed in a project definition but ignored when the project is processed. Properties for the
project may be specified. These are options that apply to all the assembler files in the pro-
ject (original assembly programs, generated assembly programs from the C compiler and
modules from the library). Other options may be set for the C compiler.

Files and options are stored in a file with the suffix .prj. These files are regular text files
and can be viewed with any standard editor (including the editor in IDE68K).

Like Assembly, programming IDE68K in C can best be illustrated by compiling and run-
ning a number of C programs from the Examples directory.

Traditionally, the first C program to compile and run is the program Hello.c. When exe-
cuted, it prints the string “Hello world!” on the screen. IDE68K is no exception.

To compile Hello.c you must open the project Hello.prj. Select command Open project
from the Project menu, type the F5 function key or click the button on the toolbar at
the top of the main window.

Open Hello.prj in the dialog box.

A dialog with a list of all the files in the project is now shown. Select file Hello.c, click on
“Open” to open the file in an edit window. Close the dialog by clicking the “OK” button.
Double-clicking on the file in the list opens the file too but immediately closes the project

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edit window.

The file Hello.c is now shown in the edit-window.

#include <stdio.h>

void main()
printf("Hello world!\n");

Figure 7. Hello.c

To open the project dialog again, select Edit project from the Project menu, type the F6
function key or click the button in the toolbar at the top of the main window.

Open the file Cstart.asm in another edit-window.

To compile the program select Build all from the Project menu, type the F7 function key
or click on the button in the toolbar.

A window is opened showing that C:\Ide68k\Examples\Hello.c is compiled, no errors are

found, C:\Ide68k\Lib\Cstart.asm, C:\Ide68k\Examples\Hello.asm and
C:\Ide68k\Lib\Std68k.lib are linked and C:\Ide68k\Examples\Hello.src is assembled.

If all is OK, no errors will be found. Warnings (if any) can be ignored at the moment.

C:\Ide68k\Examples\Hello.asm is the generated assembly file from Hello.c. Its contents can
be loaded in an edit-window for inspection.

C:\Ide68k\Examples\Hello.src is the aggregate assembly file for the project. It is rather long
and contains the modules cstart.asm, hello.asm and all the assembly modules for functions
used in hello.c (like printf() called _printf in assembly). This file can also be loaded in an
edit-window of IDE68K but is marked as read-only not because it is such an important file,
but because editing is useless, the next compilation will overwrite all changes. The aggre-
gate source file for a project is of little use for the programmer, but sometimes will appear
when the assembler finds an error.

Finally run the program in the Command-line Simulator and the Visual Simulator and ob-
serve the result.

Introduce an error in the C program, for instance add the statement i = 5; (without a decla-
ration for i). Compile the program with the “Build all” command or run it directly on one of
the simulators.

The error will be found by the C compiler and indicated in the C program. Correct the error

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and run the program again.

Introduce another error by changing the name of the printf-function to xxprintf. This func-
tion does not exist. Compile the project with the Build all command from the Project
menu, F7 key or toolbar-button. Notice that it is not the C compiler or the linker that detects
the error but the Assembler. Consequently the error will be indicated in Hello.src (“unde-
fined symbol”). The real error however is not here but in Hello.c. (Another hint is the warn-
ing message “Call of function ‘xxprintf’ with no prototype”).

Correct the error in Hello.c and run the program again.

Something that confuses many novice users is the fact that a project takes precedence over
a file in the edit-window. As long as a project (e.g. Hello.prj) is active, anytime a “Run”
command is executed, the program in the project will be run even if the file in the edit-
window is a valid assembly program. The main window title of IDE68K indicates the ac-
tive project (if any), the name of it follows the main title of “68000 IDE”.

To close a project select item Close project from the Project menu or type Ctrl + F5 on the
keyboard. No toolbar button is available for this command.

Try other programs like Colors.c. To compile and run, open project Colors.prj.

Colors.c is a small C program that is intended to be run on the Command-line Simulator. It

shows how to use ANSI escape sequences from C. ANSI escape sequences are special
strings that are not likely to be found in text and used to control color settings and cursor
movements in the Command-line Simulator. ANSI escape sequences were also used in MS-
DOS for this purpose. The Visual Simulator does not recognize these sequences.

Try Sieve.c. To compile and run, open project Sieve.prj. It is a C implementation of

Eratosthenes’ sieve to find prime numbers. You can run it on the Command-line Simulator
and the Visual Simulator. It will find 1230 primes between 1 and 10000. Sieve is a bench-
mark for speed-testing of computers, check the performance of the IDE68K simulators
against other processors.

Sieve.c is compiled with the “stack overflow detection” option on, but will run without er-
rors. See in the assembly code how stack-checking is implemented. Checking the stack can
be useful to detect nasty errors such as infinite recursive function calls etc. Note that stack-
checking is performed at run-time, not at compile-time.

Sieve.c has a large global array prime of 10000 bytes (flags set to 1 if the index is a prime).
Change the program to make this array local in the function main(). Compile and run
sieve.c as before and observe its behavior.

Using a large array like prime as local variable is not practical, but certainly not forbidden.
Stack overflow if fact means that the allocated amount of stack memory is exceeded. In
IDE68K, the amount of memory assigned to the stack is set in a variable in Cstart.asm

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called stklen. It is initially set to $1000 (or 4096). Change this value to permit enough
stack-storage for Sieve.c to run with the local array and stack overflow detection enabled.
Note that saving Cstart.asm with the new value will apply to all other C programs, this will
not be a problem however.

Although with the local array and larger stack-storage the program runs as expected, some
unexpected side-effects are introduced. To observe these effects, start the Visual Simulator
with both LEDs-device and Bar-device activated. When the program runs, some activity
may be observed with these devices although they are not used at all in the Sieve.c program.

The explanation is that the extended stack-area now overlaps with the memory region allo-
cated to the I/O devices. While this may not bother you for the actual program, there may
be circumstances where a larger stack-area or the ommision of stack-checking may result in
hard-to-find runtime errors in the program.

Try other programs like Limits.c and Vararg.c. Both will run well on the Command-line
Simulator and on the Visual Simulator.

Dhry.c is the internationally accepted Dhrystone benchmark program for compiler and
processor testing. The program can run in the Command-line Simulator or Visual Simula-
tor. Open project Dhry.prj to compile the program. Run Dhry on the simulator and compare
the result with the results listed for the computer systems listed in the program heading.

Programming I/O devices with C.

I/O devices in a 68000 system (and in the Visual Simulator) are memory mapped, this
means each register of a device corresponds to a memory location. This feature makes it
possible to access each I/O device directly from within a C program by using pointers.

Also, devices with several consecutive registers in memory can be interpreted as arrays
or structures. These are standard types in the C language. Using these types simplify pro-
gramming with I/O devices.

The first C program that will use I/O devices is Cswitches.c. To compile, open project
Cswitches.prj and run it with the Visual Simulator. Cswitches.c is a small program with the
same functionality as the assembly program Switches.asm.

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typedef unsigned char BYTE;

BYTE *switches = (BYTE *) 0xE001;

BYTE *leds = (BYTE *) 0xE003;

void main(void)
for (;;)
*leds = *switches;

Figure 8. Cswitches.c
Open both the compiler-generated program Cswitches.asm and the original assembly pro-
gram Switches.asm in an edit-window. It is illustrative to compare the differences between
both programs.

Also note when looking at Cswitches.prj, a very simple startup file called Cswitches.a68 is
used. This file contains only one instruction, the ORG directive. Also the library file is
missing from the project list. This is possible because the program never ends and uses no
functions from the standard library. Most programs use some form of text I/O or some li-
brary function like isdigit(), strlen() however and thus need the longer Cstart.asm file for
startup and a library file for linking.

Run the program in the Visual Simulator, like Switches.asm it simply copies the state of the
switches to the LED display.

A more complicated program is Timer.c. To compile and run, load project Timer.prj.

The program displays the time in seconds since the 68000 has been started. It takes this
information from the system timer, in reality a 32-bit memory location which is incre-
mented by the hardware timer in 100±10 msec intervals (10 times per second). To convert to
seconds this value must be divided by 10.

Interesting is the handling of the seven-segment display. In C, this device is an array of four
16-bit short integers, display[0] to display[3]. A recursive function is used to convert the
binary value from the timer to values for the 7-segment display and to generate the bit pat-
terns for the display. For this purpose, another array, bitpat[] is defined, initialized with the
appropriate bit pattern codes.

Note that the program only uses functions (U)LMUL and (U)LDIV from the library. These
are functions to multiply and divide integer numbers (32 bit). If Timer.c would be compiled
for the 68020, which has native 32 bit multiply and divide instructions, no library function
is linked and the library file could be deleted from the projectlist.

System calls directly from C.

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Another time-program is Daytime.c. To compile and run, load project Daytime.prj.

The program displays the time of day in the 7-segment display device. It takes this informa-
tion from a system call in the Visual Simulator (TRAP #15 / DC.W 9) which returns the
time in seconds since Jan 1, 1970, 00:00:00 hr UTC. The UNIX operating system uses the
same time reference.

Date and time can be derived from this by adding the time zone difference relative to UTC
first and then dividing it by proper constant values. (number of seconds per day, hour and
minute). Time-functions like ctime() and asctime() in the standard library are available for
most C compilers (unfortunately not for CC68K).

Interesting is the way TRAP #15 is called. Normally a small assembly-function would be
required but CC68K has built-in functions _trap() and _word().

These functions can be used instead of an assembly function. Using these functions is non-
portable by definition of course. Likewise pseudo-variables _D0 to _D7, _A0 to _A7 and
_FP0 to _FP7 are defined. Each variable corresponds directly to the 68000 registers with
that name (without underscore).

The same remark as to startup code and library usage as for the previous program applies
here too.

Using a direct TRAP-call from C can be used to rewrite the program Hello.c in a very di-
rect way. The program is called Hellodir.c. Load the project Hellodir.prj to compile and
run it.

void main(void)
_A0 = "Hello world!\r\n"; // A0 is pointer to string
_word(7); // system call PRTSTR

Figure 9. Hellodir.c

Hellodir.c first assigns a pointer to the string “Hello world!” to A0 and then calls
TRAP #15 function 7 (Print string).

When compiled, this program requires only 4 assembly instructions (except the startup
code which can be partly omitted too).

A program like Hellodir.c is highly non-portable of course.

Programming interrupts in C.
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The C compiler CC68K has a special keyword, interrupt, which, when used in a function
definition, indicates to the compiler that this function is not called from within the C pro-
gram but from an interrupt. This keyword applies only to programs for CC68K and is also
non-portable. Functions defined as interrupt handler cannot have arguments or return a
value. Local variables are permitted.

The difference between an interrupt function and a regular function is not so great, an inter-
rupt function always saves and restores D0, D1, A0 and A1 (and other registers if they are
used, like in a regular function) and returns with RTE (a regular function returns with

It is possible to call an interrupt function like a normal function. This may be useful for
testing. Calling an interrupt function directly fails if the program runs in user mode.

Load the project Cintrpt.prj and open the file Cintrpt.c. The program does not do much, it
sets the autovector to the interrupt function and then enters an infinite loop. The bar display
is slowly incremented to indicate the program is running.

void *int7vec = 0x007C; // int7 autovector

unsigned char *leds = 0xE003; // address of LED array
unsigned char *bar = 0xE007; // address of BAR display

interrupt void int7proc(void)

(*leds)++; // increment LEDs at interrupt

void delay(void)
int i = 0;

do {
} while (i < 30000); // loop to slow things down a bit

void main(void)
*int7vec = int7proc; // set INT7 autovector to int func
for (;;) {
(*bar)++; // increment BAR display

Figure 10. Cintrpt.c

The loop is interrupted when the user clicks the button, control is transferred to the
interrupt function where the LED display is incremented.

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Running the program in Auto-step mode gives a good indication of the change in program-
flow after an interrupt. (Delete or comment the call to delay() for this).

Putting it all together.

Load the project Drawpad.prj and open Drawpad.c. This is a C program that has every-
thing from calling an assembly program, accessing the Drawpad I/O device (through a
structure in this case) to processing interrupts in C.

The main program continuously tracks the mouse in the drawpad and displays the position
on the screen. For this, the mouse must be assigned to the 68000 by first clicking the left
mousebutton in the display area of the drawpad. The cursor changes to a crosshair-shaped
cursor. The mouse is now uniquely assigned to the 68000 and has lost all control over Win-
dows®. To release the mouse, click the left mousebutton with the Shift-key depressed or
type Esc on the keyboard.

The mouseposition is read from the drawpad structure and converted to ASCII using the
library function sprintf(). In the program, C functions are defined to draw text, lines, rec-
tangles and ellipses on the drawpad. Other shapes are possible but not used.

When any of the mousebuttons is pressed or released, an interrupt is generated. This inter-
rupt has IRQ 4 assigned and uses vector 64 by default.

Interrupts are enabled by setting the corresponding flags in the mouse-interrupt mask (a
field in the DRAWPAD structure) and setting the interrupt level in the statusregister to 3
(IRQ 4 – 7 are accepted).

The statusregister however is not accessible from C, therefore a small assembly program
must be included in the project. This program is called Drawpad.a68 and NOT Draw-
pad.asm because this is the output from the compiler and compilation would overwrite an
existing program with that name!

The assembly function is called _intlevel (called as intlevel() from C). It gets the new inter-
rupt level from the stack, writes it in the statusregister and returns the original interrupt
level. Note that only registers D0, D1 and A0 are used, these registers are free between
statements and need not to be saved (unlike other registers which may contain variables
when the option “use register variables” is in effect).

When the user presses or releases a mousebutton, an interrupt is generated and control is
transferred to the interrupt function buttonproc. This interrupt procedure checks the event
flags (a field in the DRAWPAD structure) to find out what caused the interrupt. If a
mousebutton is pressed, the function draws a small red circle for the left- and a small green
circle for the right mousebutton at a certain location in the drawpad display area. If it is
found that a mousebutton is released, a small blue circle (blue is background) is drawn at
the appropriate location. This effectively erases the red or green dot.

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Meanwhile the hardware timer interrupts the program at approx. 100 msecs intervals. This
interrupt has vector 16 assigned. The interrupt is non-maskable (IRQ 7).

A second interrupt function called progressproc is assigned to this interrupt. It draws a

small rectangle alternatively with cyan or blue as filling color. The horizontal size of the
rectangle is incremented at every interrupt and stored in a static variable. It creates a sort of
progress bar at the bottom of the screen. With a maximum length of 300 pixels it will take
about 2 x 300 x 100 msec = 60 sec for one cycle to complete. This time is not depending
upon processor speed (but varies with processor load and Windows activity).

Appendix: Creating a new project.

In IDE68K you can create a new project with item New project from the Project menu,
there is no key or toolbar button for this function

The first file to insert is Cstart.asm. Click on “Insert” to insert the file. Go up one level in
the directory structure and open directory Lib. The file Cstart (.asm) should be in the list.
Insert the file by double-clicking on the name (or select the file and click on “Open”).

Click again on “Insert” to insert another file, this is usually a C program file. Select “C pro-
grams” from the drop-down list “File types”. The filename should be in the list. (If not,
navigate to the directory where the file is stored). Insert the file by double-clicking on the

You can create a new file “on the fly” by typing the name of the file in the “Filename”
window. Click on “Open”, a dialog is now shown asking you to create a new file. Click
“Yes” to confirm.

Repeat this procedure if you want to insert more Assembly or C files in the project.

The last file to insert is the library file Std68k.lib. Go up one level in the directory structure
and open directory Lib. Select “Library files” from the drop-down list “File types”. The file
Std68k (.lib) should be in the list of files. Insert the file by double-clicking on the name.

To open a file in an edit-window, select the file you want to edit and click on “Open”.

Click on “OK” if all files have been inserted.

Double-clicking on a file opens the file immediately for editing and closes the project list

Finally, the “Save project as” dialog is shown, save the new project with a non-existing
name. The new project immediately becomes the active project.

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